#How To Grow 7 Inches Taller In A Week
cakerybakery · 6 months
I’d like to write a one shot about Adam being reborn on Earth and becoming a priest. I had a story idea a few months about about a priest that agrees to meetings each week with the devil to save his congregation, that would be a fun premise for getting Adam and Lucifer to fuck. Especially if combined with that temptation war AU I was thinking about the other day.
It’s Lucifer and Lilith’s turn to pick a vice vs virtue and as they lost Lust to Chasity a few rounds ago so they’re going to try it again. Adam and Eve have chosen to born into highly religious families with the goals of becoming members of the cloth once they’re adults again to resist the temptation of lust.
Lucifer and Lilith wait until Adam and Eve have grown up again. Part of the rules. Just as Adam and Eve will only be born with the vague feeling that they’re doing something important, Lucifer and Lilith cannot tempt them as children. Should Adam or Eve die or sin before they’re considered adults with all the rights and responsibilities required to be an adult then it would be a tie for the round and their sins would not count as Lilith and Lucifer aren’t tempting them.
Eve grows up to become a nun. She chose well and resists the temptations of hell her whole life. Much to the frustration of Lilith.
Adam grows up to become a priest but when members of his congregation sell their souls to the devil for things such as wealth, power, or talent and the devil comes a calling Adam is desperate to protect his people.
“Then let’s make a deal. So long as you meet with me I’ll leave your sinners alone. Perhaps one day you’ll convince me to let their souls go. Although I’d rather add a priest to the notches on my bedpost.”
Adam takes a step back from the devil’s out stretched hand. He couldn’t believe people in his congregation had made deals for their souls to this man, nor could he believe he was taller than the devil by a few inches. He always seemed bigger in the stories.
Were a few sinners worth risking his soul? His place in heaven? The devil’s deal said nothing about his soul and he did not plan to have sex until marriage he could be confident that he couldn’t be tempted into the sin. The devil was hardly his type. While he was partial to blonds, but he also liked it when they came with tits. He wasn’t in any danger of finding this guy attractive.
“Deal.” Adam took Lucifer’s hand and they shook on it.
“I will come every Sunday night. From 7 pm until 7 am your time is mine. Play your cards right and you’ll be cumming to.” Lucifer winked and vanished.
Adam’s hand burned. He hoped his congregation was worth it.
Sunday came and he put extra emphasis on people needing to resist the devil and his temptation. Hoping at least to not lose more to the short bastard.
He waited back at his small apartment that evening, wondering how he was going to entertain the king of hell for twelve hours. Did he need to stay up all night? What was the devil even going to do? Should he put on a movie? Adam had been on a few dates before, but he’d never been as nervous about them as he was about this meeting.
A date he could navigate. He planned to be a priest most of his life. He always made that clear and that a date was simply a date and he had no plans to have sex before marriage. Some girls he just never clicked with and they didn’t date for long. One he thought he would marry but she left the church and him. She’s apparently happy with a family of her own on the other side of the country, according to Facebook anyways.
This was unusual to say the least. He prepared a sermon but if the devil couldn’t be swayed by god what chance did he have? What would they discuss? What could they discuss if the devil’s goal was to bed him? Would he have to spend twelve hours trying to push the devil’s hands off him? Telling him no and trying to squirm away?
Adam caught sight of himself in the mirror, his face was turning pink, he hadn’t realized he was biting his own lip. That wasn’t good. Was there a reason things never clicked with women?
His clock began to chime and there was a knock on the door, tearing him from his thoughts.
Opening the door, Adam didn’t know what to expect. Lucifer wore a casual suit for their meeting, the top few buttons undone, hatless, he pressed a small bouquet of flowers into Adam’s hands and carried a bottle of wine.
Adam could feel his face burning red. This was a date. He was on a date with the devil in his apartment.
“Going to invite me in, darling?” Lucifer winked up at him and Adam stumbled back tongue-tied.
“Co-come in.” What had he done? This was bad. This was a bad time to be figuring out that maybe he was more into men than he thought.
He shook his head, no. He wasn’t into guys. He wasn’t interested in men last week. This had to be some trick of the devil. A trick of the rather handsome devil taking off his suit jacket and rolling his shirt sleeves up and talking to him about glasses? He didn’t wear glasses. Why did the devil want to know where his glasses were?
Lucifer held up the bottle looking as confused as Adam was feeling and it clicked.
“I don’t have wine glasses! I-I don’t drink, much.” He had the occasionally beer but never really acquired a taste for it and it was more to be polite than anything.
He also didn’t have a vase. No one had ever given him flowers before and he never bought any for himself. Where should he put this? What did he do?
Almost like he was taking pity on him, Lucifer flashed him a soft smile that made Adam’s heart race, and brushed past Adam to go into the kitchen.
He opened and closed cupboards until he found the glasses and pulled a couple down.
“This will do.” Lucifer poured them some wine, “shall we have dinner? I’m a fantastic cook.”
Adam left the flowers propped up in the sink and filled it with the tap until he could find something else for the flowers to go in.
He hadn’t thought about dinner. For the past couple hours he had been fretting over what to say and skipped his own supper. Adam had been too busy to do much shopping either.
“How about take out?”
“It would give me more time to seduce you.” Lucifer’s hand groped Adam’s ass and Adam jumped.
“You know what,” Adam backed out of the kitchen, “you should cook.”
Lucifer just smiled, “anything you say, dear.”
Adam retreated to the living room while the devil cooked in his kitchen. His classes never prepared him for this. It was always more theoretical and metaphorical. The devil tempting you with the easy path, not by coming to your apartment with flowers and wine, not by cooking you dinner and groping your ass.
He talked to Adam. Asked him questions about his life. Spoke to Adam as though he had known him all his life. Like this wasn’t the first time the devil tried to seduced him.
Adam knew he didn’t have ribs in the fridge but there they were on a plate. He didn’t have apples either, but there was a pie. Adam wasn’t sure he had most of the ingredients used in the meal and wondered if he would be damned if he ate it.
“It’s fine. I conjured what I needed.” Lucifer poured himself another glass, “you’re not Persephone and damned to the under world if you eat my cooking.”
Still, Adam picked at the food, the man telling him this was the prince of lies. He could easily be lying.
“If it was easy cooking you a meal then I wouldn’t need twelve hours.”
Adam supposed that was true. But the truth could be as effective as a lie if told properly. His stomach growled and he took a bite.
Fuck. It was delicious. Adam dug in vaguely aware that Lucifer was watching him.
“You humans have a saying. ‘The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.’ And I get the feeling of if I want into your bed it’ll have to be through your heart. So I’m glad you’re enjoying my cooking so much.”
Adam felt a foot run up and down his leg and quickly pushed himself back away from the table. He finished his supper awkwardly far from the table and his plate as quickly as he could. Before slamming back his glass of wine.
“How about we watch a movie?” Without waiting for an answer Adam left the table and dishes. Something he wasn’t prone to doing on his own. He switched on the tv and clicked through some menus and screens to turn on the first movie he found. Adam sat ridged in an armchair. Assuming Lucifer would be unable to touch him if the seat was for one.
He was wrong.
Lucifer sat in his lap. “All you have to do is tell me no.” He sunk his fingers into Adam’s hair and cozied up close.
Adam’s tongue wouldn’t work. He couldn’t say no. He didn’t want to say no. “I’m waiting until marriage!”
Lucifer kissed his neck as Adam clung to the arm rests like a lifeboat in the sea.
Lucifer’s hands wandered and Adam could only whimper. When they reached Adam’s belt he found his voice. “Marry me!”
Pausing his hands, Lucifer pulled away from Adam’s neck, “what?”
“Marry me. You want to fuck a priest? Then marry me. You can fuck me as much as you want then. But you have to let my congregation go.”
“That! I! Uhh!”
Adam grabbed Lucifer by the waist and kissed him for all he was worth. Lucifer twisted his hands into Adam’s sweater and returned the kiss, “okay.” Was all he could say when Adam pulled away.
Lucifer’s face was flushed and eyes half closed, Adam saw his chance. He continued his assault on the devil’s lips and texted with one hand to John, a fellow priest, to bring his wife and to come over quick.
It didn’t need to be legal. Not in the eyes of the government. It wasn’t like the fucking devil could sign paperwork. But they could make it official in the eyes of the lord.
John held Adam’s spare key and let his wife and himself into Adam’s apartment.
The sight was more horrific than either had imagined. They had thought perhaps Adam had hurt himself and didn’t want to go to the hospital. Mary was a nurse after all. They expected blood and stitches. Not to see a demon pinned to the floor by Adam. Their necks red with hickies, disheveled, and leftover dinner still warm on the table.
“What the fuck, Adam?”
“Marry us. Quickly.”
“I’ll tell you later. I have the-the paper thingy in my desk with,” Adam groaned as the devil rubbed them together. “Words and shit! Just do it!”
John did as he was told. Speeding through to the vows.
“Names! What’s his name?”
“Lucifer Morningstar.” The devil laughed.
John fumbled with the papers. Not a demon but the very king of hell himself.
He finished the vows they said their I do’s and Adam screamed at him to get out.
Mary prayed in the car as they drove home. He didn’t know what unholy deed he had just been apart of but he couldn’t escape the feeling that he had just helped someone or something greater than himself. He couldn’t figure out if it was for the side of good or evil.
The deed was done, Adam let Lucifer go and let himself be ravaged.
His favourite sweater was torn beyond repair in Lucifer’s quest for more flesh to assault with his hands and mouth. His pants would never recover. He let himself be carried to his bed and pressed into it.
Adam briefly realized this was going to be his first time and that the devil was unlikely to let him top. When he pictured this moment, his wedding night, this was nothing like he imagined. At the very least he assumed he would be the one doing the fucking.
Those thoughts vanished as Lucifer’s mouth engulfed his dick whole.
Very suddenly he didn’t care. Not if Lucifer kept doing that thing with his tongue. He could feel himself being worked open and wondered very briefly what his husband was using, then Lucifer did that thing with his tongue and the thought was gone.
Adam didn’t know, Adam didn’t care, Adam just wanted more, Adam was rewarded with it.
He writhed and screamed out, he was sure the neighbours would call the police.
It was only after, as they lay gasping in his bedsheets, that it occurred to Adam what he had done.
“You win.” Lucifer pried himself up from the bed. “This round is yours, Adam.”
Memories flooded back. Eden, heaven, hell, the war they were waging that rested on the shoulder’s of he and Eve.
“I didn’t think flowers and dinner would work that fast.”
“You prick! You fucking bastard! You tricked me!” Adam hit Lucifer with a pillow.
“Well, yeah. That’s my lot in this war.” He let Adam hit him, knowing that Adam was embarrassed. It wasn’t like a pillow could actually harm him and they both knew it.
Adam exhausted himself. He was a bit sore and emotionally drained. “What do you mean I won?”
“This round was lust. I was trying to get you to give into having pre-marital sex. I have to admit, I was so flabbergasted by you actually calling over someone who could marry us that I went with it.”
“Aren’t you already married? Doesn’t that mean we’re not married? Shouldn’t you have won that round?”
Lucifer shrugged. “Kinda. Not on Earth though. And you didn’t know about my marriage to Lilith. But you remember and so long as Eve doesn’t give in before she dies, then this round goes to heaven.”
“It’s weird. To remember while I’m still alive.”
“Yeah, usually I get your whole life to tempt you. If you marry then I tempt you with cheating. Or whatever. This was a loophole I didn’t see coming.”
Adam wasn’t sure what to do now. He should probably explain things to John. But how much? What did this mean for Lucifer and him? Apparently what they did was good enough for God to declare Adam the victor. So he was, in this life and in the eyes of God, married to Lucifer. Oh this life’s father would be pissed if he knew.
He started laughing as ideas came to him. He should go back home to his parent’s place, show up with his husband, the fucking devil. That would be hilarious.
What would his congregation think? Well, seeing as a few of them made deals with the devil he could just leave out the wage between heaven and hell and let them all know their slate had been wiped clean and it was thanks to him bending over.
Fuck it. Adam flopped down onto the bed. He would worry about it later.
Lucifer rolled closer, “sooo, you want to cuddle?”
Adam shoved him off the bed.
“That wasn’t a no!”
For fuck’s sake! I wasn’t trying to write a story! Who keeps letting me have ideas?
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mxiaogod · 2 years
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Warnings : Mentions of violence, straight up hate fuck, use of strap on (referred to as dick) , fingering, slapping, spanking, smoking, drinking, drugs, NSFW (DNI IF YOU AREN’T 18+)
A/N: I’m back, kind of, but I’m heavily troubled so I will be writing. I hope you lot are still here.
"hi guys im back. my dad got prosecuted last week because of potential embezzlement, but no worries because he's been proven not guilty! we're homeless now tho but i can still write for you guys on my phone, here's a new update! thank you for your patienceI"
— You move with grace, your back straightened and your red bottoms matching the plush red carpet you're walking down, your black dress flowing behind you as you rake your blood-painted nails over your hair. Walking inside this institution felt suffocating, like claws piercing your lungs.
You look at her, your irises expanding, as she sits with her legs apart, a cigarette in one hand and the other swirling the ice in her old fashioned.
"What the fuck, Quanxi?" You inquire, your gaze fixed on her as if she didn't originate from this world. You'd awoken to an envelope, an invitation to Quanxi's club in her side of town, the one she used to dominate, or still did in this case. You were perplexed, your mind nebulous as you tried to process her, the woman you contemn, reviled. 
 “I thought you died”
 “I did.”
She stares back, she looks different, older and more matured. Her body was built and slim, her aura didn’t change, she was still the same Quanxi you despised, the one you had tried to kill many times, in her sleep, during car rides, you tried everything to stop her reign, but you knew, deep down that the only reason this city was balanced was because of the two of you, like yin and yang.
"You look fine," she rasped, her voice raspy from the cigarette she was smoking. "No, you don't understand, you're dead, I saw, I saw how you died," you recalled as plain as day, it was the memory that haunted your mind at night, waking you up gasping with your cheeks wet with tears, you didn't like how it felt, you suffered every night, for 7 years.
"I see you're still the same, aggravating, galling girl, certain things never change, do they darling?" " She mutters, your breath caught in your throat, you didn't like how you felt, what you're feeling, but then again, you never liked how you felt, never truly liked how you felt yourself wanting to be consumed by her, the woman you were supposed to detest growing up, you were adversaries.
But deep down you knew, and you were fully aware, that there was no resisting Quanxi; you tried many times but you, perturbing her, trying to assassinate her, sabotage her business, you tell yourself it was a game of chess you were both playing, that you were closer to checkmate, but it was all to get her attention, you wanted her to snap first because you couldn't accept that you were the weaker one, it was difficult straying away from the nature you were born in, enemies, that what you both are.
You get lost in your surge of thoughts, never noticing that Quanxi was now in front of you, standing in all her glory as if she hadn't been battered to death while you sat and watched behind the screen, with your gut wrenching. “Hey, come back to me.” Her tone is hard and venomous.
You turn to face her, she is a few inches taller than you, and you attempt not to be scared. "I see, honey, are you guilty?" Are you concerned that you went too far with your games? Are you afraid I'll bite you back? " She coos, her tone condescending.
"You know, I didn't peg you as a stupid girl; do you think I'm that stupid?" You think I don't see that the games you're playing are simply a way to grab my attention?" She looks at you, her brown eyes rigid and domineering.
"How wonderful, I'm delighted to hear you haven't lost your touch, although you did lose an eye" you mockingly examine the eye patch. Your silly games made her purse her lips. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes.
Her face morphed with irritation, a beautiful one, the one she always wore for you. "I admit, you're pretty good, too good if you ask me. I fucking hate you so much, you know that? Every time I stare at you, your face, your eyes, my fucking blood boils. Everything you do is despicable to me because I can't do anything about it. I can't touch you, I can't fuck you." She says, her tone below a whisper. “Because that would be defying our nature, no?” She speaks, as she runs a finger down your cheek, you revel in it and try your hardest not to lean into it. “I think of you everytime, when I drive, when I shower, and when I spread my legs at night, I think of you and your wrong sent messages of your body clad in lingerie, the voice messages of you moaning, you can’t keep using wrong send as an excuse darling, it’s getting really old. You plague me and I hate you for it, you’re everything I hate in a person, yet you’re the only person who can make me cum the hardest, and you haven’t even laid a single finger on me” You gasp, a tiny one that didn’t go unnoticed by Quanxi, your lips gaping as she runs her thumb on your bottom lip. “Your name is the one I scream at night, when I reach my quim, does that make you happy, pretty girl?”
Your tongue darts out a tiny bit, tasting the tip of her thumb. You bite your bottom as you give her an ensnaring smile, “The smile on your face tells me you feel the same.” Your smile drops, “Oh no honey, I think you look ravishing when you smile.” She murmurs with mischief. “You do?” You ask.
“Yeah” she said, sickeningly sweet as it morphs into a harsh expression. “it makes me want to slap it off your face.” You head whips to the side, a gasp leaving your lips, but you face her with another smile otherwise. “You irritate me so much it makes me want to bend you over this table.”
She slid her boots on the glass center table, ridding it of drugs and whatever liquor it contained as she grabbed both of your arms and locked them behind your back. You fell to the table with a thud and a tiny moan slipping between your plush lips.
She drags down the zipper of your dress, ripping it off you and leaving you in your lace set and your garter belt. She playfully snaps it on your thighs and you fight back the sound your throat makes. Her lithe but calloused hands wrapped around your throat as she lifted half of your body up off the cold glass table. “Let it out, Il mio amore.” You gasped audibly, chest heaving up and down as the heat in your lower stomach sets a painfully, tantalizing arousal in your body. She traces her finger along the curve of your spine, your back automatically arching beautifully for her. “Così carino, I’ve wanted this for so long.” She mutters for herself.
Quanxi didn’t waste time, finger dragging the pads of your bra down, revealing your chest to her. She pinch and tugs, and you can’t help mumble noises appreciation. She works on your underwear, quickly pulling it down, taking strings of your arousal with it. She bites her lip as your wetness webs against the plush of your inner thighs. “Look at that, all for me?” She asks. “All f’ you” your voice is so little, so submissive. 
You hear her zipping her pants down, and a cold, bulbous tip teasingly hit ever so lightly at your clit. You whine and try to inch away from the coldness, but Quanxi holds your hips tightly, fingers bruising against your satin skin. “No running away mama, s’ okay” She cooes, her tone still harsh, motivated by hatred. 
“Lascia che ti veda.” Her voice laced with her thick Italian accent, as she flips you over the table, she grabs her belt and loops it around your arms and pinning them above your head. “You want it?” She asks, “Yes I do, I do-”
“Tell me how much.” 
“So bad, please, wan’ it so bad.” You cant your hips as you try and slide down on her dick.
She smiles, a genuine one as she slides your hips down, dick entering you easily by how wet you are. Your moans and the squelches of your pussy echoes around the dimly lit room. “Così stretta piccola, posso sentirti” Her hot breath ghosting the shell of your ears as she trusts her hips against yours.
Translation : So tight baby, I can feel you.
You don't understand Italian, but you've always found it sexual when Quanxi said it, her accent was thick and compelling, you've never found a language so enticing, you loved it when it was spoken through Quanxi's sinful lips.
“Una figa così carina, tutta nuda per me.” Her breathing wavers along with the stuttering of her hips. Your pussy sounded so sinful, the dulcet moans and grunts of the both of you filled the room while a muffled sensual music playing on the speakers.
Translation : Such a pretty pussy, all bare for me.
“Fuck Quanxi, so good- so good, ugh!” You mutter through the pleasure, drool runs on the side of your mouth, eyes watered with pleasure as you bite your lips hard enough to draw blood.
She grabs a handful of your hair and it only adds to the mix of pain and pleasure you were feeling, so euphoric, and it feels so Quanxi, like Quanxi. She cursed through your veins, consuming your brain whole.
“M’ cumming! Please!” You beg, your hips thrusting on their own as Quanxi eyes you through your desperation, she was in awe, you were so beautiful, you could make the devil himself repent for his sins. You were so sinful, so filthy, lurido.
"Conosco il mio amore, lo so, come on, cum for me," she says next your head, her words dragging, and you do, your body quivering, your thighs shaking by her hips, and she loved every second of it, enjoyed every second of consuming you. You kneel for her, allowing her to absorb the very heart of you, the untouchable you, knowing that you reigned yet she reigned over you.
Translation : I know, I know my love
She drags the ice from her long-forgotten drink and running it down the expanse of your torso, the ice melting against your body heat, the remains dropping to your very core, intensifying your climax. You scream and stammer as you let the bliss wash over you.
You calm down after a while, Quanxi lying on top of you, basking in your presence. She keeps track of your every breath, matching the closing of her lips, in and out. The air smelled like sex, sin, filthy, so filthy. You heave, every breath for a thought racing through your mind, you feel like drowning, shirt drenched in vomit and tears remembering how you watched, your doing, torturing the both of you, you remember drowning, porcelain tub rimmed with water, fingers pinched at your nose, and there would always be hands grabbing you out, pulling you up like the waves of the waters that tested you.
You breath in sequence, each heave you made for her she returned, in and out. Tears reamed your eyes, you breath in and out, rough hands caressing the skin of your nape, Those rough hands that were your medication, your heart-song and your light, for that is what you deemed as love. the only other born in the same flame as you, together you are able to bathe one other in warmth and light as easily as you breathe, immune and oblivious to darkness.
You breath each other like oxygen, for love ever safe and sound, love so murky that tested dirty waters, love so defiant of nature. “Sono tornato per te, sempre per te, amore."
"My ruin, my downfall."
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kitchenscissorbangs · 6 months
Magnetic - chapter one
Reincarnated as a roadman in another world?!
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"This time, I want you, you, you, you, like it's magnetic"
On a seemingly normal morning, you wake to find your JoJo merch gone and run into a familiar group of weirdos. So now you have to worry about getting them home and not failing your GCSEs. Presented as a series of vignettes detailing your bizarre adventures with your new and old friends.
ao3 (prev) (masterlist) (next)
wc : 1,759
a/n: they aren’t actually roadmen but you get it
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Waking up at 6:50 to catch the 7:30 bus is never a good idea. Especially not if you stayed up so late it feels like someone is hitting your head with a hammer. But who really cares? It had been Y/N’s routine since year 8 and it was too late to change. She did consistently arrive 30 minutes early to school so maybe whatever she did worked. School… Some part of her wondered how St Daniella’s school (or STDs as the students referred to it) kept its status as a top 50 private school. Many of the classrooms in the older buildings were being held together with duct tape and the school had gone through six heads in less than a decade. It really was a sinking ship.
With a long sigh, the girl got out of bed. You had already missed the first week of school after spending all summer with her grandparents abroad and you couldn’t miss anymore . Though she mostly hung out alone in the room she shared with her brother… Sure she had friends but she had found out that her phone was the best company.
After going about the rest of her morning as usual and skipping the skincare routine she promised herself she’d do everyday to look like her bias, she threw on your uniform. Her trousers were fraying and she desperately needed a skirt after baking in last year's heat. She shrugged and decided she would worry about that in summer. While the girl was changing, she noticed something odd. The copious amounts of JoJo merch she dedicated her life to collecting had seemingly disappeared overnight. Even stranger, it had all been replaced with a mix of csm and jjk merch. At first, Y/N suspected her mother had finally lost it and threw out all her merch, but then why would it be replaced? The fact bugged her. She must be dreaming.
The fact gnawed at her thoughts as she made her way to the station, with the sound of kpop blaring in her ears. It wasn't until a voice interrupted her thoughts that she snapped back to reality.
“‘Scuse me lady but ummm, d’ya where we’re meant to be going” spoke a boy with strawberry blond hair which ,by the looks of it, he spent a lot longer styling then the now very ticked off teenage girl. He had a thick southern accent and was wearing the same ugly green uniform as the girl.
The girl pulled down her headphones. “To school..” Y/N replied with boredom lacing her voice. Like most people, she was not interested in entertaining some clueless American at 7:25 am.
“Yeah but where is tha-” he was cut off by another boy pushing him aside. Boy 2 was taller than boy 1 by about an inch. He also had blond hair but a golden shade. Boy 2 was also wearing the same school uniform.
“I’ll take care of this, you idiot . Miss it’s our first day of school and noticed that we’re the same uniform as you so we thought that you could help us?” Boy 2 had a smooth accent not too dissimilar to Y/N’s.
“Use google maps or something I dunno,” Y/N replied growing even more agitated. Both boys shared a confused look. As they stared at Y/N in joint perplexity, she noticed that both boys shared an eye colour reminiscent of the lanky man with white hair who stood on her windowsill instead of her precious Giorno figure.
“Santa Maria, both of you are helpless. That’s not how you talk to pretty girl.” You guessed it, another even taller blond boy said to the two boys. He turned the teenager, who was currently debating how an anime character look alike could find her pretty. “Hey bella, wanna see something cool?”
“Go ahead. As long as it's not your penis though,” Y/N said. Boy 3 gave her an amused look and then dug around in the deep pockets of his Superdry coat for something. ‘So he’s gonna show me a dumb vape trick’ Y/N mused to herself. Nothing could have prepared her for what boy 3 did next.
He had pulled out a green steel ball not unlike the weapon of a certain Italian jockey. Boy 3 spun on his finger then threw it at the hedge near the bus stop. The ball trimmed off most of the branches before returning to him. The other six people at the stop didn’t even seem to notice. Y/N however seemed to have her whole reality flipped on it's head.
Y/N gave him a slow clap with a false sense of composure. She was either dreaming or had finally lost it. Her post-pandemic JoJo phase had driven her crazy. She was hallucinating anime characters or seeing them in her dreams. It was hard to decide which one was worse.
“That’s great Gyro Zeppeli. Now can I wait for my bus in peace?” Y/N responded sarcastically. The three boys’ jaws fell slack.
“How’d’ya know his name lady? Who the fuck are ya? You’re not working with Valentine are ya?” boy 1 lunged forward and grabbed the girl’s shoulders with enough intensity to confirm whatever was going was real and leave a nasty mark. He seemed the most distressed out of the group. Recalling the manga she had spent many a night reading and re-reading, the group did look strangely familiar.
“Hold on a second. You’re Johnny Joestar,” Y/N turned to boy 2. “And that’s Diego Brando. What the fuck is going on?” They both nodded as the girl said their names.
“We don’t know either. We were chatting at one of the checkpoints and then there was a loud bang. Next thing I know I’m in some futuristic city and I’m 5 years younger and Joestar can walk again and I’m wearing a hideous green uniform” Diego concluded with a frustrated scoff. He had turned his gaze away from the girl and now started down at his uniform with a look of disdain. Y/N couldn’t help but relate.
“At least the blazer’s not mandatory,” the h/c girl sighed.
Gyro gasped. “Wait a moment. HP was there too. Where is he?”
The trio of disorientated jockeys started murmuring among themselves while occasionally glancing back at the teenage girl. She was just happy that they left her alone. She glanced up at the bus times. Still another 4 minutes. ‘How the fuck did this happen?’ the girl thought to herself. Y/N's mind immediately jumped to the cast of SBR. Maybe it was the surreal feeling from seeing the Gyro use the spin with such precision or the way Johnny introduced himself, but it felt like she was living out a scene from her post-pandemic JoJo phase. She half expected Valentine to crawl out a bush or find a corpse part in her bag.
“That fat slag! I’m gonna kill the bitch the second I see her!” Y/N jumped. The yelling of a fellow teenage girl yanked her out her thoughts. Those words sound like they were being screamed down her ears. Y/N whipped her head around. No-one new had come by. Though there was another teenager across the road yelling into her phone… Y/N couldn’t have heard that… She shook her head.
A shiver ran down the girls back as though something had touched her. There had to be something there. "I didn't get the job. I don't know if I can keep going like this." Another voice spoke. This time a man. Something had to be going on.
“Are you OK, miss?” Johnny asked the girl with a flash of concern in his eyes. As he rest a gentle hand on Y/N's shoulder, she realised that e wasn’t that much taller than her.
“Y/N. That’s my name. Y/N L/N”
“Pleased ta meetcha.” He stuck his hand out. “Name’s Johnny Joestar. But ya already knew that…” He added with an awkward chuckle. For some reason, Y/N found this kind of… cute.
“Oh umm… The bus is nearly here. D’ya have a zip card?”
“A what?”
“One of these.” The three boys looked at Y/N while she dug around for her wallet. She then gestured to the green photo card. The boys did the same before wordlessly getting on the bus with the girl and copying whatever she did.
The group sat in the four seats in the back facing each other.
She found herself caught in the middle of an unexpected and bizarre situation, surrounded by the boys who were bickering and bantering. While they seemed to occupy themselves in their own company, Y/N found time to text Louis some of the situation.
You: Pookie guess what?
Pookie: what..?
You: I’m surrounded by teenage boys on the bus
Pookie: are they gorgjoes
You: *gorgeous And yes, they don’t smell like toes—
Pookie: That’s what matters most, right?
Pookie: I love toes
read 07:39
“Flattered you think that Y/N but what is that? And who’s that?” Diego pointed to your phone and the photocard.
“It’s a phone. You use it to call and send text messages. The guy is Yeonjun. He’s a singer ”
“Cara, what’s that around your neck?”
“These are headphones. You can listen to stuff on them” Y/N unpaused the song and gave the headphones to Gyro.
“What kind of witchcraft is this?”
“Gyro, give me a turn!”
“Just wait Johnny, Jesus.”
“It’s not that deep, just give it to him."
“Fine. But only ‘cause a pretty girl asked me to.”
“So you don’t want a turn Dio?”
“Not what I said Joestar.”
The boys quickly began squabbling among themselves while the girl laughed. Y/N snapped a photo of the boys for Louis.
You: >delivered
sent 7:43am
“Can I have my headphones back?”
“Oh yeah, of course.” Diego took them off and handed them back to the girl. "So about before. How'd you know our names?"
Y/N sighed. She hoping this conversation wouldn't happen. The thought of everything being fake would probably give them an existential crisis so it was best to save this for later. "Lucky guess."
He gave the girl a questioning look. Fortunately for her, the boys had found their own phones and somehow knew the passwords. She didn't really question it as she put back on her headphones and let herself be drowned in the music.
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a/n : i think i made the song reference for the readers stand too obvious. the fic was originally meant to be called who really cares but that didn’t match the vibe and the photocard was meant to be felix but his toes deterred me from that idea
taglist: @lv11sawrr open if you’re interested
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veronicaphoenix · 11 months
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"Was that... okay?" Noah inquired, breaking the silence, swallowing hard. "I don't know," Lia replied, her voice quiet, uncertain. She couldn’t look away, and she didn’t want to move her lips too much in fear of losing the memory of how it felt to have Noah’s pressed against hers. “We should try again, then,” Noah suggested, his eyes jumping back and forth from her mouth to her eyes. Lia met his gaze deeper, her pupils wide. “Do you want to?” “I don’t mind. Do you?” “No. We can try again.”
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Chapter tags: best friends, kids growing up, first kiss, promises, slight angst, fluff. | Word count: 3.2k | Cross posted on AO3. | Series masterpost. ✧.*
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Lia is 13. Noah is 14.
It was nice in the lake that day; one of the last ones that summer.
The sun hung high in the sky and the air was filled with the sweet scent of wildflowers, and the distant hum of cicadas added a peaceful soundtrack to Noah and Lia’s day. 
It was still pretty hot, but the water was so refreshing.
Lia laid in her soft blue bathing suit on her towel, which was spread on the deck. Noah was sat at the end of the wooden planks, with his legs hanging from the edge, not far from her. He had collected a pile of stones and was throwing them in the water, seeing them bouncing once, twice, before they sank to the bottom.
A while ago, when they reached the lake and they took off their clothes, Noah felt Lia’s stare on his body. He was aware of the awkward changes going on in his body, and Lia definitely couldn’t help but notice the subtle transformations in her best friend. The boy she had known for so long was transforming into a young man at a faster pace than she was turning into a young woman.
“What are you looking at?” Noah questioned, tying the laces from his swimming shorts.
Lia blushed slightly, caught off guard by his question. She moved her eyes from his hands to his eyes. She took off the hair tie she kept on her wrist and tied her long hair in a ponytail.
“You’ve grown a lot this summer.”
It was true. Hana had been mentioning it to him nearly every week, and in the last few months, Noah had grown almost three inches, and now he had to bend a little to look Lia in the eyes.
“So have you,” he replied, and his eyebrows moved as his eyes slid down to Lia’s chest.
With a furrowed brow and feigned anger, Lia hugged herself, covering her chest from Noah, who was now smirking.
“Shut up. I’m still small.”
She said that because she believed so. She had been paying attention to how the other girls in her class looked. It seemed that all the girls were growing faster than her and were taking pride on it. Lia was slightly taller than last year, but her pace seemed to be very slow. Her breasts had indeed started to… show, but she was still very petite, and short, and she had insecurities.
Noah shrugged his shoulders. He didn’t know what to say to her about that. All that he knew was that he didn’t care. If anything, he would use his bigger build to protect Lia from whatever, whoever, although in time he would learn that, despite his good intentions, Lia would have to learn to protect herself, and that she would also have to fight for privileges that he just had for simply being a man.
Ten years later, Noah would be about eleven inches taller than Lia, and when he had her in front of him, she would have to look up and he would have to tilt his head down towards her, and later on, when she wanted to kiss him, she would have to stand on her tiptoes and put her hand on the back of Noah’s neck to pull him into her mouth.
It wouldn’t matter to either of them. Lia would rejoice in the fact that Noah was so tall, and she would constantly be flooded by a strange feminine urge to be enveloped by that body that was much larger than hers. And Noah, in turn, would love to be able to wrap her up in his arms and hold her as if she were a doll.
Thirteen-year-old Lia, standing on the deck in her bathing suit under the sun, thought that her best friend would be a very handsome man one day. She was not so sure about herself.
“What if there’s something wrong with me?”
“What do you mean?” Noah asked, brows furrowed. He looked at her from over his shoulder.
“What if I’ll stay this way forever?”
“That’s not gonna happen. We’re growing,” he answered with certainty. The same way Lia had been paying attention to the changes on his body, Noah had been very well noticing the changes in Lia’s as well.
“I mean… What if there’s something wrong with my life? What if I’ll stay like this, in this place, with my mom, forever?”
“Lia, we’ve talked about that. It’s just a nightmare. Nightmares don’t come true.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Then, what do you want me to tell you?”
“I don’t know,” she admitted, looking away. “I feel like… screaming.”
Noah contemplated her words for a moment before he started nodding, as if something had just crossed his mind.
“I’ll tell you something,” he announced. “It might help. Jump in the water, and when you’re deep down, scream.”
She looked at him, unconvinced.
“Do it,” he insisted, a glint appearing in his eyes. “I started doing it last year after, you know… that day.”
Yeah, that day. Lia stayed the night in Noah’s house, in his bedroom, sleeping on the pull-out bed while his grandparents traveled to the neighbor state because their daughter had been found nearly overdose on the street and was now hospitalized. Noah didn’t get to see his mom in that condition, but the sole knowledge had been enough to tip him over the edge. He had spent an entire week sad and angry, and he hadn’t known how to manage those feelings.
“Okay,” Lia ceded.
Lia walked to the edge of the deck and examined the water down below. It was still, as still as her heartbeat when she was with Noah. She took a deep breath, her chest rising, and then she leaped into the water, breaking the surface with a splash.
Noah waited outside, watching the ripples slowly fade away. The lake embraced Lia, and in that underwater world, she released a scream, a cathartic expression of the uncertainties that were haunting her.
As Lia resurfaced from the lake a few seconds later, she was overcome with an exhilarating mix of release and freedom. She felt... better. However, Noah was not paying attention to that. He wasn’t even concerned for a moment. He could only see the droplets of water cascading down Lia’s face, her skin sun-kissed and gleaming, the sunlight also dancing on her wet hair. He felt a sense of awe. The sun, a fiery ball on the horizon, painted Lia in a warm, golden glow.
"You’re beautiful," he blurted out, the words escaping before he could stop himself.
Lia, who hadn’t been expecting those words at all, froze for a second, her cheeks flushing with a mixture of surprise and embarrassment. Noah, catching a glimpse of the effect his words had on her, couldn't help but smirk, his initial boldness giving way to a nervous happy fluttering in his stomach.
From the water, Lia splashed water towards him, flustered, and in no time, she had him by her side, coming up from under the water in the same spot to where he had jumped. He was smiling from ear to ear.
If he found her beautiful, when Lia saw him coming out of the water with the hair falling on his face and sticking to his forehead, his eyelashes holding tiny drops of water, she thought she had never seen anyone so breathtaking.
The lake took care of their worries while they were there, swallowing them all in, taking them to the deepest depths.  
Hana had told Noah once that the lake knew how to listen, and it did.
The playful escapade turned into a quiet moment an hour later when they sat on the deck to get dry and eat something. Noah had eaten an apple after drying himself with a towel, and Lia had opted for just taking a sip of water from her bottle. She wasn’t hungry yet.
 The gentle lapping of the water against the wooden supports provided a soothing soundtrack to their thoughts. In that tranquil silence, Lia laid on her towel with her eyes closed and Noah sat down on the edge, playing with a bunch of stones he had picked up from the path that led to the embarkment.
The serene interlude suddenly turned into awareness when Noah peered over his shoulder to look at Lia. He knew he didn’t have much time left. He had been thinking about it the whole week, and he had to tell her, ask her now, otherwise he would lose the courage and back off.
Lia was still laying down, unaware of Noah’s internal struggle, when his sudden words made her open her eyes wide open.
“Lia, I need to kiss you.”
Startled, Lia sat up like a robot, looking at him in shock. Noah was still sat with his back towards her. He wasn’t looking at her.
He turned his head then. He looked anguished.
“You know I’ve invited Adrienne to the school dance, and I think I’m supposed to kiss her at the end of the party, and I haven’t kissed anyone in my life.”
Lia, still processing his words, responded with a nonchalant, “Me neither,” not fully getting his point.
“That’s why I need you. You’re the only person to whom I can ask this. And besides, it’s a win-win situation. We can practice with each other.”
His attempt at rationalizing his idea didn’t work very well with Lia.
“Noah, that’s just… Weird,” she said, making a face. “I don’t know…”
“I brushed my teeth before leaving the house.”
That comment made Lia furrow her brows even more. Underneath her, the towel still was damp from her wet bathing suit.
“Is that…?”
“Can you come here?” Noah asked her, hoping to salvage the situation.
Lia, however, didn’t budge, and Noah, feeling embarrassed and regretful, turned around, facing away from her. He chastised himself internally for even suggesting it.  
“Look, okay, forget it. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked you this.”
When he glanced back over his shoulder again, he saw Lia grabbing her t-shirt from her bag and putting it on—an indication that she was getting ready to leave. Fuck.
“Okay,” Lia said.
“I said okay. We can try.”
It took him a moment to process it. Relieved yet still uncertain, Noah sought confirmation before he let a wave of relief slide down his chest. “Are you sure?”
“If I don’t do it with you, I’ll probably end up doing it with some idiot from school.”
“Ok,” Noah took a deep breath. “Come here,” he motioned for her to join him on the edge of the deck.
Hesitant, Lia approached him, her hand gripping the wooden planks tightly as she sat down by his side. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as they both waited for the next move, a shared moment that could either complicate their friendship or redefine its boundaries.
“How… should we do it?” She was first to ask.
Noah shrugged.
"I don’t think there’s any instructions. I’ll just…” He was looking at her, and his eyes fell to her lips.
Noah sensed Lia's deep breath as he leaned in slightly, a subtle anticipation hanging in the air. He looked at her once more just for confirmation. She closed her eyes, her lashes casting shadows under the summer sun, her lips a bright pink hue. Noah, mirroring her anticipation, licked his lips before closing his eyes and removing the distance.
The first kiss was a tender meeting of teenage lips—soft, shy, and innocent.
Under the warm summer sun, their lips pressed gently against each other, a fleeting yet profound moment etching itself into the fabric of their shared history. Two seconds passed, leaving Lia and Noah with a small taste of each other's skin, an indelible imprint of the first kiss.
As they separated, a shared realization dawned upon them: both had been holding their breath, and their flushed faces betrayed the intensity of the moment. Lia's eyelashes fluttered, her gaze fixed on Noah as if it was the first time she was seeing him.
"Was that... okay?" Noah inquired, breaking the silence, swallowing hard.
"I don't know," Lia replied, her voice quiet, uncertain. She couldn’t look away, and she didn’t want to move her lips too much in fear of losing the memory of how it felt to have Noah’s pressed against hers.
“We should try again, then,” Noah suggested, his eyes jumping back and forth from her mouth to her eyes.
Lia met his gaze deeper, her pupils wide. “Do you want to?”
“I don’t mind. Do you?”
“No. We can try again.”
With a shared agreement, they leaned in for a second attempt, a willingness to explore this uncharted territory together.
Noah's lips parted as Lia's eyes closed shut again. She leaned to him, tilting her chin a bit up to reach him. He pressed his mouth against Lia's upper lip, and when hers closed around his, she swore she could taste the apple he had been eating minutes prior. Noah slowly intensified the press of his lips against her, hardening the grip, and he felt Lia following to his innocent demands.
The kiss turned into two, and then into three. Slow touches, noses brushing, the beginning of an exploration of another human's anatomy, a shy journey through the pleasure of providing physical comfort beyond boundaries to someone you trust.  
When they separated one more time and pulled away, it was just to seek for that trust that they provided each other. Words weren’t needed. When they looked at each other, they understood, and silently, they leaned into each other again, more confident this time, content to keep trying, unaware of the fire growing inside of themselves, of the fact that they were two teenagers on the verge of leaving behind all innocence. When Lia felt Noah’s fingers grace the skin of her bare knee, she felt an electrifying current shoot throughout her body. They were traversing the delicate realms of intimacy for the first time with a growing assurance, oblivious to the consequences of their actions. When she was able to react, her hand found Noah's cheek, and she touched him with slow, quiet fingers as Noah's lips moved against her own in a beautiful, uncoordinated, pure dance.
They learned how to kiss that day, and they would get much better in time, as they would when it came to sex, too.
Noah didn’t kiss Adrienne in that school dance party. He fell sick a couple of days before the event, and he had to stay home for three days, drinking ginger tea, wearing warm clothes, and listening to his grandparents reminding him that swimming in the lake as October approached hadn’t perhaps been the wisest decision. As he lay in bed, he didn’t care, honestly. All he could think was one thing, and before falling asleep, all he could see was Lia all flustered as she moved a bit away from him as they decided to finish their practice lesson.
“That wasn’t so bad, no?” He asked her, licking his lips unconsciously, swallowing Lia’s taste.
“I think I liked it,” she admitted, keeping a straight face because she was worried that it would scare Noah away if she showed how much she had enjoyed it. “Are you going to kiss Adrienne like that?”
Suddenly, as she asked the question, Lia realized she didn’t want Noah to kiss Adrienne, or any other girl for that matter.
“I don’t know,” was his short answer. His eyes darted away from her for a while.
There was silence for a while. Lia turned to fully face the lake again, and extended her legs as much as she could until the water touched her toes. She trailed her toes through the ripples, played for a while, letting the feelings traveling through her veins and to her heart sink deep inside of her.
Time felt suspended in time, as it did many times when they were together. She wasn’t aware that there was no turning back now. Maybe there had never been since the moment Noah and her had locked eyes that morning years ago in the street.
“We shouldn’t do it again,” she concluded, the words hanging in the air like a delicate thing. The movement of her legs swinging and gracing the lake’s surface stopped.
“No, we shouldn’t,” Noah agreed, his voice carrying an understanding that hid his reluctance.
There was a whisper in the air that was gracing Lia and Noah’s skin. A whisper that said that the simplicity they once knew would turn into a complex dance of emotions from now on.
Neither of them wanted it.  
“Promise nothing will change?” When she finally dared to look back at him, she had that worried look on her face that Noah had been trying to erase ever since he met her. Her words trembled a bit. “And that we will never fall in love with each other? Because if we do, I don’t think it will go well. Look at our mothers. What if I become like them, and you become like our fathers? What if you disappear?”
Noah didn’t think that he would disappear, and he didn’t think that Lia would be like Eve or Cristina, but at the same time, her words injected a note of caution into his brain. He couldn’t think much about how an adult’s life was. If he pictured the image of him and Lia together, he could only see them as they were now, maybe in his room playing music, writing songs, or in the garden, taking her of Hana’s flowers and him listening to Lia telling him all the curiosities she knew about the different flowers she had planted.
“You have a point,” he admitted. Their future would be full of promises and perils, and that, neither of them could deny it.
“Should we make a blood pact or…?”
“I don’t think that’s necessary,” he replied with a judging look. He understood Lia’s concerns. Of course he did, for he shared the same ones. But a blood pact? “What if we drop it in the water and there are piranhas?”
“There are no piranhas in this lake, Noah.”
“Alright. No blood pact then, anyway,” he said, a small smile playing on his lips.
“But seriously,” she insisted. “Promise that we won’t ever change, that we will always be best friends, that things won’t get complicated between us.”
Noah nodded. “I promise. We’ll keep things simple, just like now.”
They sat there for a while, the sun casting a warm glow over the lake. The tranquility of the moment enveloped them, and Lia couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. It was a delicate balance, this newfound connection, and both she and Noah hoped they could maintain it.
As they continued to talk, Noah shared more about his dreams of music, about his plans. Lia listened intently,sharing her ideas, her excitement growing at the prospect of better things awaiting for them in the near future.
The conversation shifted to lighter topics, and they found themselves laughing and leaving behind the initial awkwardness after the kiss.
Lia returned to her towel after a while, wanting to soak in the sun a bit more. When a few minutes passed, Noah took another glance at her, and when he saw her smiling, lost in her thoughts, he couldn’t contain his smile either. His devotion for her wasn’t bound by blood, but it was a force that fueled his resolve to be a constant in her life.
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goblinbugthing · 2 years
Currently just thinking about just how weird Kirby’s process of growth is.
When he first arrived on Popstar at a few weeks old, he was tiny. 8 — 10 inches, to be exact. That’s average for someone his age.
By the time they defeated Nightmare in the anime at a year old, they were 3 feet tall, and already had horns and fangs growing in.
When he defeated and purified Void at 3 years, he was 5’9”, his horns were almost fully grown, and his wings were way too big for someone his age.
Now, in modern day, at 4 years old, he’s 6’1”, his horns are fully grown, and his wings are well on their way to the end of the final growth stage.
That is… not normal, like at all.
Kirby’s height when he first came to Popstar is understandable — after all, he was only a couple weeks old. However, the fact that he grew to 3 feet tall in 1 year is concerning, considering how Star Warrior growth and aging works. Meta Knight, Hano, and Empress were pretty confused when his horns started growing — that happens at about 2 years of age — but they put it off as a random growth spurt.
Then Kirby’s wings started growing in. At 2 years old.
That is the furthest thing from normal.
Wing growth is Star Warriors typically starts at 5 years, not 2. And their wings were growing fast. 6 months later, they were bigger than them. At this point, Kirby was about 4’9”. That is abnormally large for a 2-year-old Star Warrior.
His height began changing drastically, too. After 9 months from his wings starting to grow, he was 5’9”, and the storyline of Star Allies was just beginning.
Void predicts that, if they continue growing the way they are now, they’ll be fully grown by the time they’re 6.
That is the least amount of normal something could be.
For reference, Galacta Knight was 7’3” from 22 to modern day, and he won’t be getting any taller. Star Warriors in general are typically in adult stages of growth by 16 or 17 years, and average height for those ages is about 6’5”. Star Warriors are usually fully grown when they’re 20 — 22 (the latter being Galacta Knight’s case).
In other words, Kirby grew alarmingly (and unsurprisingly very painfully) faster than is normal. He somehow ended up in the final growth stages at 4 years old instead of the expected 16, and will be done growing by the time he’s 6.
That is terrifying.
Void estimates that, since his parents were both over 7 feet tall, he is going to end up at the very least 7’9”, at most 8’3”. He is expected to grow 1-2 feet in 2 years.
Many people are, understandably, incredibly concerned. Including Void, and especially Galacta.
Even Elfilis is alarmed. They didn’t understand at first (they thought kirby was, in fact, a teenager when they met), but now that his situation has been explained to them, they are actually starting to freak out a bit.
Fumu has been trying to research Star Warrior growth and come to a conclusion as to why this is happening, but she hasn’t found any leads yet. There isn’t much documentation as to Star Warrior growth, unfortunately.
Hano, Meta, and Galacta have absolutely no clue why they’re growing so fast, and they are the most knowledgeable people in Dreamland when it comes to Star Warrior biology.
They’ll find out eventually, but until then, they just have to remain confused and scared.
sucks to be you ig lol
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unzipcraft · 3 days
Digging Deep: How Deep to Plant Gladiolus Bulbs?
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Gladiolus Winter Hardiness
The most common zones of hardiness for standard Grandiflora gladioli(your typical garden gladioli) can be found in zones 8 or warmer. It is nevertheless well-known that if you cover the corms with good mulch it is possible to keep the plants alive even in zone 6 or 7 with specific species like "Nanus Hybrids." In cooler climates glad corms need to be removed, dried, and stored until winter months.
To ensure the most stunning flowers, plant glads in full sunlight (6 -8 hours sun every day) in soil that's well-drained and moderately fertile. They'll not thrive in soggy, heavy soil. Add the compost (humus) with your dirt to increase the consistency and fertility of your soil.
When to Plant Gladiolus
Plant gladiolus corms early in the spring, once the risk of frost is gone and the soil is warmed up to at the very least 55 degrees Fahrenheit (13degC).
From the date of your last frost until early summer, you can plant a new corm every 10 days or so. This will lead to constant blooms until early fall!
Based on the type, it will take between 60 and 90 days after the time that glads are planted to allow the corms of the plant to take root grow, develop, and then bloom.
How to Plant Gladiolus
Prepare your garden making use of a tiller or garden fork to loosen soil, which should be 12 - 15 inches of depth. After lifting the soil then mix in two to four inches layers of compost. You can also mix in old manure.
For blooms that are large For large-sized blooms, you should plant corms that measure at least 1 1/4 inches in diameter.
Place the corm into the hole approximately 4 inches deep, with the pointed side facing upwards. Then cover the corm with soil and then press it firmly.
The corms should be spaced 6-8 inches apart.
If you plant gladioli mostly to be cut flowers, place the flowers in rows. It's easier to care for the plants and collect the flowers.
If you are planting it alongside different flowers that are in the borders of beds, place them in clusters of seven or more to get the greatest impact.
The corms should be soaked in water prior to the time of planting.
If you're planting taller varieties ensure that you stake them prior to planting. Be cautious not to harm the corms using stakes.
How to Grow Gladiolus
Apply a 2 to 4 inch layer of mulch around your gladioli in order to keep the soil moist and prevent the growth of weeds.
If you only get less than one inch of rainfall per week, you should make sure to water your plants frequently all through summer. In other cases, you can water them less during growth to ensure that the soil stays damp.
Take out the dead or faded flowers to ensure that the flowers continue to bloom. When every flower on the plant are gone, cut the stem off about 2 to 3 inches over the soil.
Make sure you leave the plant in its original condition so that it will mature and develop the corms for the following season.
Winter Protection for Gladiolus
If you are in USDA Zone 8 or higher place in an adobe layer or straw to provide winter protection. Gladiolus will be kept in the ground throughout the winter months, provided that a strong freeze (28degF or lower) isn't a common occurrence in your region.
In colder areas (Zone seven or less colder) Dig out gladioli corms after the foliage is faded after the first frost of fall. A slight frost could destroy the foliage, but not the remainder of the plant. Make sure you dig up the gladiolus corms prior to an extremely cold freeze (28degF) otherwise the plants may be fatally damaged.
However, many gardeners who reside in "border" zones 6 and 7 have tried putting their gladiolus in the soil and discovered that they survived It's a judgment decision based on your microclimate and the variety of gladiolus and the climate shifts.
Digging Up and Storing Gladioli Corms
To get rid of the gladioli corms to use for Winter storage purposes, use these guidelines:
Make use of a spade to take the whole plant out by grasping the top of the plant to remove it from the soil. Avoid injury or bruising corms when digging. Shake off any dirt (do not rinse it off) and then discard the damaged corms. Cut the stalk to 1 or 2 inches over the corm. Keep the smaller cormels separate If you want to. They will flower within two to three years If you plant them every spring.
Let the corms remain dry under the shade for a day or 2 days if weather cooperates. Remove any soil that is not needed and put corms in wooden flats or tray. Then, let them rest in a warm and airy area for a period of about 2 weeks. Take and dispose of the oldest corms at the bottom (from the base of new corms).
Do not remove the husks from the corms.
Clean the corms by using a chemical called a fungicide ("bulb dust") to prevent health issues. Put bulbs and the dust in a bag of paper and shake it vigorously.
Place the corms into cloth or paper pantyhose bags, old onion bags. Hang the containers on a rack or stack them so that air can circulate among them. Keep the corms in a temperature of 35 to 45 degF (2 to 7 degrees Celsius) at a moderate humidity. Cool basements are appropriate. Don't allow corms to get frozen.
Plant these corms again in the spring to enjoy another beautiful year of blooms.
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backyardgardenguru · 3 days
How to Grow Sunflowers in Container Gardens: A Complete Guide for Small Spaces
Sunflowers are iconic, vibrant, and surprisingly easy to grow—even in small spaces like container gardens. With their bright yellow petals and towering heights, sunflowers can bring a burst of color to your backyard, balcony, or patio.
Growing sunflowers in containers allows you to enjoy these sunny blooms without needing a large garden, making it a perfect project for gardeners of all experience levels.In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about growing sunflowers in containers, including the best varieties, essential tips, and recommended products that will help you succeed in your container gardening journey. Plus, we’ll highlight the must-have gardening tools and accessories to ensure your sunflowers thrive.
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Why Grow Sunflowers in Containers?
Growing sunflowers in containers offers several benefits:
- Space-Saving: Even if you have limited yard space, sunflowers can be grown on a patio, balcony, or small garden.
- Control: Containers let you control the soil quality, water, and sunlight exposure.
- Mobility: Containers can be moved around to catch more sunlight or protect the plants from strong winds or pests.
- Aesthetic Appeal: Sunflowers make a striking addition to any outdoor area, and they also attract pollinators like bees and butterflies.
When growing sunflowers in containers, it’s essential to choose the right varieties. While some sunflowers can grow over 10 feet tall, many dwarf varieties are more suited to container gardens.
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Best Sunflower Varieties for Containers
1. Dwarf Sunspot: Reaches 2-4 feet in height and produces classic bright yellow blooms.
2. Teddy Bear: This compact variety grows about 2-3 feet tall with fluffy, double-petaled blooms.
3. Pacino: A small sunflower variety perfect for containers, growing about 1-2 feet tall.
4. Music Box: This multi-branching dwarf sunflower grows up to 2 feet tall and produces several flowers per plant.
Top Tips for Growing Sunflowers in Containers
1. Choose Large Containers
Sunflowers have deep root systems, so it’s essential to provide them with a large enough container. A pot that is at least 12-16 inches deep and 10-12 inches in diameter will give your sunflower’s roots the space they need to grow.
2. Use High-Quality Potting Soil
Sunflowers thrive in well-drained soil, so be sure to use a high-quality potting mix. Adding compost or organic matter to the soil will provide essential nutrients and improve water retention.
3. Ensure Adequate Sunlight
Sunflowers are aptly named—they love the sun. They need at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight each day. Place your containers in the sunniest spot in your yard, balcony, or patio for optimal growth.
4. Water Regularly
Sunflowers need consistent watering, especially when grown in containers where soil can dry out more quickly. Water your sunflowers when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. However, avoid overwatering, as soggy soil can lead to root rot.
5. Provide Support as They Grow
Some sunflower varieties, even smaller ones, may need staking or support as they grow taller. This prevents them from toppling over in strong winds or under the weight of their blooms.
6. Fertilize for Optimal Growth
Sunflowers are heavy feeders, especially during their growing phase. Use a balanced fertilizer every few weeks to ensure they get the nutrients they need to produce large, healthy blooms.
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Recommended Fertilizers:
- Organic Fertilizer: A gentle, all-purpose fertilizer that encourages strong growth.
- Slow-Release Fertilizer: These granules slowly release nutrients over time, reducing the need for frequent feeding.
7. Deadhead for Continuous Blooms
If you’re growing a branching variety of sunflower, deadheading (removing spent flowers) will encourage the plant to produce more blooms. This will keep your container garden looking vibrant throughout the growing season.
Common Issues with Container-Grown Sunflowers and How to Fix Them
- Pests: Sunflowers can attract pests like aphids or snails. Use natural pest control methods, such as neem oil or introducing beneficial insects like ladybugs.
- Yellowing Leaves: This could be a sign of overwatering or poor drainage. Ensure your container has drainage holes and avoid waterlogged soil.
- Leggy Growth: If your sunflower becomes tall and spindly, it may not be receiving enough sunlight. Move the container to a sunnier location.
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The Best Tools for Growing Sunflowers in Containers
To ensure your sunflowers flourish, having the right tools makes all the difference. Here are some must-have gardening tools for growing sunflowers in containers:
1. Hand Trowel: Ideal for planting sunflower seeds or seedlings in containers.
2. Pruning Shears: Keep your sunflowers healthy by trimming dead leaves and spent blooms.
3. Garden Gloves: Protect your hands while planting and maintaining your sunflowers.
4. Plant Labels: Stay organized by labeling different sunflower varieties, especially if growing multiple types.
Start Growing Sunflowers in Containers Today
Backyard container gardening is an excellent way to enjoy the beauty of sunflowers, even in small spaces.
With the right containers, soil, and care, you can easily grow sunflowers on your patio, balcony, or any limited-space garden. Not only do they add stunning visual appeal, but sunflowers also attract beneficial pollinators to your garden.
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smilethroughtherain · 5 months
Summer-Blooming Bulbs: Adding Drama to Your Garden
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Discover the beauty and ease of growing summer-blooming bulbs
If you're looking to add a touch of drama to your garden without the high maintenance, summer-blooming bulbs are the perfect choice. From statuesque lilies and gladioli to nonstop blossom machines like dahlias, these bulbs offer stunning blooms and are incredibly easy to grow. As the weather warms up and the soil becomes more favorable, now is the time to plant these bulbs and watch your garden come to life.
However, it's important to note that most summer-blooming bulbs are not frost tolerant, so it's crucial to plant them within the two or three weeks after the last frost date in your area.
Planting Summer-Blooming Bulbs
According to Peggy Anne Montgomery, a horticulturist representing Flowerbulbs.com, summer-blooming bulbs such as dahlias, canna lilies, gladiolus, and calla lilies require warm soil outdoors. Montgomery advises planting them around the same time you would plant tomatoes in your region.
These bulbs have similar needs and growing requirements as the tulips and daffodils planted in the fall. They thrive in full sun to light shade and well-drained soil. It's essential to loosen the soil to a depth of 8 inches and mix in some compost before planting.
The bulbs should be planted about three times as deep as their height. While an organic bulb fertilizer isn't necessary, it can help ensure the health and multiplication of the bulbs. After planting, water the soil and cover it with a couple of inches of mulch.
Popular Summer Bulbs to Consider
Here are some popular summer-blooming bulbs that can add vibrancy and beauty to your garden:
1. Caladiums: Known for their colorful leaves in patterns of pink, red, green, and white, caladiums do not flower. Most varieties require partial to full shade, although there are sun-tolerant options. Plant them in early June. 2. Canna Lilies: These tall and wide plants (some reaching 6 feet or more) come in shades of white, coral, red, orange, and yellow, including variegated varieties. They are deer resistant and extremely heat tolerant. Plant canna lily tubers two weeks after the last frost date. They thrive in full sun. 3. Crocosmia: Also known as montbretia, crocosmia features brilliant red, orange, or yellow flowers and sword-like leaves. These flowers attract hummingbirds and are surprisingly tough, with some varieties even handling colder zones. They prefer full sun and can be planted in the fall or in spring after the last frost. 4. Dahlias: With countless species and cultivars, dahlias offer a wide range of colors, flower shapes, and plant sizes. Plant the tubers two weeks after the last frost date. Staking is often necessary to support the plants, so it's best to do it during planting. Dahlias thrive in full sun. 5. Elephant Ears (Alocasia and Colocasia): These plants feature enormous leaves in shades of green and dark purple, adding structure and a tropical feel to the garden. Alocasia leaves point upward, while Colocasia leaves point downward. Elephant ears do not flower and should be planted in early June. They prefer full to part sun. 6. Gladiolus: Also known as glads or sword lilies, gladiolus can be planted anytime after the last frost date. Planting in batches a few weeks apart ensures a continuous display of flowers throughout the summer. Taller varieties may require staking. Gladiolus thrive in full sun and are loved by hummingbirds. They also make excellent cut flowers. 7. Lilies (Lilium): Lilies can be planted in the fall or early spring. They are less susceptible to frost compared to other summer-blooming bulbs. With various types, varieties, and colors, lilies offer a fragrant and visually appealing addition to any garden. Some lilies may require staking. However, it's important to note that lilies are toxic to cats and dogs but are irresistible to deer. They prefer full sun. 8. Tuberous Begonias: These bulbs should be planted outdoors in mid-May. However, starting them indoors earlier is recommended as they are slow growers. Tuberous begonias come in a range of colors, including white, pink, and deep reds and oranges. They are ideal for containers and thrive in shade to part shade.
Caring for Your Bulbs
To ensure the longevity and health of your summer-blooming bulbs, it's important to provide proper care:
- Deadhead spent flowers to prevent the plants from going to seed, which can drain energy from the bulbs.
- Allow the leaves of lilies and gladiolus to wither and store energy in the bulb for next year's bloom. Once the leaves and stems have withered, you can cut them back to the ground.
- Dahlias, elephant ears, caladiums, and begonias will continue growing until frost, so no trimming is necessary.
- With the exception of lilies and crocosmia, most summer-blooming bulbs will not survive the winter. Dig them up in the fall and store them in peat moss or sawdust (avoid plastic) in a cool, dark, and dry place. Alternatively, you can purchase new bulbs each year.
Summer-blooming bulbs offer an easy way to create a visually stunning garden with minimal effort. By choosing from a variety of bulbs such as caladiums, canna lilies, dahlias, and gladiolus, you can add vibrant colors and unique textures to your outdoor space. Remember to provide the necessary care to ensure the longevity of your bulbs and enjoy a beautiful garden all summer long.
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crocadilioso · 1 year
A week of disappointed dads and depravity days 1-4/7.
Day 1:
Chapter 1:
Another night and another empty booth seat. Ashe had gone on a date with a man who he’d met on Grindr. The man was tall, muscly, handsome and honestly perfect. Ashe was a 5’1 guy who’d been vet been very much of man. For years he’d known that he was never going to be an alpha guy and accepted that. His tiny frame fit his body type perfectly. His completely flat chest complimented his small waist and wide hips nicely but fit his exceptionally large ass even better. His body type was a huge reason for him never trying to be manly but his tiny 2” dick definitely didn’t help either. Growing up with very minimal contact to his dad and a single mother, who was “open with her relationships”, did bother to help his case either. Now at 18 he’s sitting in a fancy restaurant with a completely smooth body except for his head and wearing clothes that his sugardaddy had bought him along with the makeup and hair styling that his sugardaddy had also paid for. The dress was very tight and left nothing to the imagination. The tight black fabric hugged ashe’s body in every spot. The bottom of the free only rode down to ashe’s upper thigh and didn’t even cover his whole ass. The dress also has a keyhole in the front that was supposed to show off ashe’s cleavage but actually showed off how flat his chest is. The dress covers his arms but the sleeves are only attached by a tiny string on the armpits of the dress so his shoulders and subsequent tan lines show clearly from under the dress. The, shiny black leather, platform stiletto pump high heels that he’d been bought pushed him from 5’1 to a huge 5’5 and made his ass pop out of his dress even more. The man who Ashe had came here to met was called Adam and basically everything Ashe wanted from a man. They’d been seating for a few days and after about 100 nudes Adam had asked Ashe to come to this fancy and expensive restaurant but on we Ashe had gotten here he checked Adam’s Grindr profile only to find it had been deleted. So now Ashe is sitting alone in a whole booth at the restaurant with tears starting to swell in his eyes.
Chapter 2:
As Ashe sits in sadness, a group of middle aged men sit down in the booth in front of him. The men are all atleast 45, none of them slim and all wearing suits with their top buttons undone and their ties loosened. Half of the men sat with their backs to Ashe while the other 3 men look in ashes direction. All 3 of the men smile at and look over Ashe with obvious intentions in their eyes but only one of them keeps his gaze on Ashe. Ashe and the man make eye contact and this makes Ashe blush.
“I’ll be back in a minute lads, off to the toilet.”
Says a British accent and the man stands up while looking at Ashe then walks off through the restaurant towards the bathroom.
“God, am I really going to do this. He’s no Adam but I guess… oh I don’t know.”
Ashe thinks over what he’s going to do internally and then gets up too, with his little purse over his shoulder. His high heels click and clack on the floor as he struts over to that bathroom to meet the man too. Ashe makes it to the room with the 2 bathroom doors on them. A men’s symbol on one and a women’s symbol on the other. Usually Ashe goes into the women’s just to avoid confrontation but this time thinks that he would have to go into the men’s. Ashe walks over to the men’s room door but gets stopped by a hand grabbing his shoulder.
“I knew you’d come. Girls like you always do.”
The large hand squeezes ashe’s shoulder and pulls on it, causing Ashe to spin around and face the man. The man is taller than Ashe by atleast 6 inches even with the high heels on and has a smug look on his face.
“Oh yeah? What type of girl do you think I am?”
After saying this Ashe also has a smug look on his face and the two hold eye contact as the man reaches his hand down ashes back. His fingers slide down the soft fabric of Ashe’s dress and trace his spine before reaching the bottom of Ashe’s ass that’s poking out from the bottom of his dress.
“The type of girl that’ll do what I want.”
Ashe opens his mouth to respond but before he can something is stuffed into his mouth. The man’s other hand had reached into his pocket and pulled out 2 paper bills. $200 filed Ashe’s mount and stopped whatever he was about to say from coming out.
“So… how about you show me if I’m right.”
Ashe just nods with big eyes and the man grins. They walk through the restaurant and the man leads Ashe to the parking lot.
Chapter 3:
They get to an expensive Audi and the man opens the passenger door to let Ashe sit down. As he walks around the front of the car to get to the drivers side Ashe analyses the man. He’s balding with mostly brown hair even though there’s some white in there. He’s a little bit more than chubby and his tucked in dress shirt doesn’t hide it. His blue suit pants are held up by a brown leather belt and the cuffs of them sit above his brown leather shoes. He has a good watch in his right wrist and a wedding ring on his left hand that hidden by rings on his pinky and ring finger but still noticeable. The man sits in the drivers side of the car and leans over to Ashe. His left hand immediately grasps at ashes thighs and grips them while his stubbly face gets close to ashe’s. The man’s lips press against ashe’s neck and kiss it hard while his grip gets tighter on Ashe’s thighs and then he pulls away. They make eye contact while a handful of inches from nose to nose and ashes realises something. The man looks almost identical to his dad. Though he’d only seen him a handful of times in his life, Ashe recognised that this man is almost a carbon copy of his father and stopped for a second, stunned. Then the man lifts both hands up and grabs the back of ashes head.
“I’m John but you’ll call me daddy.”
The man’s lips lick tightly onto Ashe’s lips and his rough chin irritates Ashe’s skin but he goes along with it anyway. They kiss hard and rough while John’s hand move erratically all over Ashe’s body and grab any bit of skin they can get a hold of. After a while of kissing and groping John pulls away.
“You’re a nasty bitch. I can already tell.”
John leans back in his seat and revs up the car and then speeds off out of the lot. Ashe blushes and smiles.
“Haha. You have no idea babe.”
John looks over from the corner of his eye with a smile and then uses one of his hands to rub and grab his crotch.
“I told you it’s daddy. Not babe. I might need to punish you for not following orders.”
His rubbing continues until ashe leans over and puts both of his hands onto John’s crotch instead. Ashe can feel the rock hard boner in John’s pants and outlines it with one of his index fingers while teasing the zipper with his other index finger.
“How would you punish me daddy? Spank me? Put me in time out? Clean my mouth out?”
John’s grin gets wider.
“Just you wait. You’ll find out.”
Ashe pinches the zipper invetween his index finger and thumb then pulls it down. John’s dick twitches a few times and the wriggles its way out of the zipper and stands straight up in his lap. His dick isn’t massive, in fact it’s a little bit less than average, but Ashe had come this far so there was no turning back. John moans and then his hand rests on the back of Ashe’s head and pushes it down onto his dick. The dick all fits easily into Ashe’s mouth and his pubes tickle the whole bottom half of Ashe’s face but he puts on a show even though it’s all fake. As Ashe sucks the man’s dick and bobs his head up and down, he moans and occasionally gags to boost the man’s ego even more. After couple minutes of Ashe sucking the man’s dick the car stops. Ashe sits up and looks out the window. The car is sitting in the driveway of a suburban home.
“My wife isn’t home so we have the whole house to ourselves. How does that sound baby?”
The man looks at Ashe with a seductive stare. Ashe knew that this was really the point of no return. John hadn’t found out Ashe’s little secret between his legs and once they got into the house there were only two things that could happen. The man either finds out and uses Ashe as just a fetish object or he finds out and kicks him out immediately, hopefully without a black eye. Ashe said a silent pray for the first option and looked at the man.
“Sounds like we’re going to have a lot of fun daddy.”
Ashe winks and the after one last, firm, grab of Ashe’s thigh the man steps out of the car and walks over to the front door of the house as Ashe follows a few feet behind him.
Chapter 4:
The door swings open and the man walks in then turns on the main light. The house is clean and modern. It’s mostly white and has a lot of glass accents. John takes off his shoes and looks at Ashe who’s still in the doorway.
“Come in. I won’t bite… unless you want me to.”
He winks and Ashe steps into the house. Ashe sees the photos on the walls. There’s John and who Ashe presumed to be his wife nestled between big groups of people in all the photos. Some photos seem to show family Christmas parties and others show what seem to be office parties. Ashe keeps the high heels on and follows John when he walks through the hall and into a minimalistic kitchen.
“Now that I’m not driving I can let loose.”
He pulls a bottle of vodka out of a cupboard and then pulls two glasses out of another cupboard. He pours a little bit into one of the glasses and fills the other one most of the way up. John then walks over to the fridge and pulls out a carton of orange juice. He fills both glasses up the rest of the way with the rest of the juice and hands one of the glasses to Ashe. He’d not paid attention to which one he’d been handed but he immediately knew when he took a sip. The vodka overpowered everything else and made Ashe recoil as it felt like it filled his whole body. John put down his glass without even taking a sip and poured himself a tumbler of expensive whisky. John sipped his whisky as he stared at Ashe standing in the middle of the room.
“I didn’t make it for you to look at. Drink it.”
Ashe hesitated for a second, thinking of the taste, but then lifts the glass to his mouth and drinks it. Half the glass is gone and he puts the glass down on a countertop with a gag. John laughs and then walks up to Ashe and stands right infront of him. John’s belly pokes ashe’s chest and then he leans in and kisses him again. John’s hands get restless again and grab all over Ashe again but this time also slap his ass each time the run over it. Ashe slides his hands over John’s back and then sticks his fingers inbetween the buttons in the man’s shirt. The kiss for a couple seconds and then the John pulls away and grabs ashes hand. He yanks hard, pulling Ashe roughly, through the house and up the stairs. They get to the master bedroom and John pushes Ashe onto the bed. Ashe lies in his back, helpless to John and John yanks his shirt off over his head and pull his pants down and off. Ashe watches while biting his lip, trying not to remember how much the man looks like his dad. Once he’s naked, John falls forward onto the bed and puts one arm on each side of Ashe.
“Your turn. Take it off baby.”
He kisses ashes neck and then stands up straight again. Ashe slowly pulls his arms out of their holds in the dress, trying to buy time but eventually John gets bored and slightly mad.
“Ok, I guess I’ll do it myself then.”
His hands shoot to Ashe and grab the bottom of his dress. He pull up and the bottom of the dress flips up to ashes chest, exposing ashes whole body. Ashe see his face light up when he sees the sheer red panties Ashe has on. Ashe also sees John’s eyebrows frown and his mouth shit tightly when he notices the tiny nub hidden in the fabric.
Chapter 5
There’s a tense silence as John processes what he’s seeing and it’s broken by the rustling of sheets when Ashe slowly crawls backwards on the bed.
“When we’re you going to tell me about that?”
John still looks angry as he says this and Ashe is too frightened to say anything so just shrugs with raised eyebrows and wide eyes.
“Daddy really will have to punish you now.”
He grabs ashes legs dnd pulls him toward the edge of the bed. Ashe slides over the bedsheets, helpless to John, and ends up with his ass pressed against John’s thighs. Ashe expects a punch or slap but instead feels fingers in his crotch and then they tighten. John grabs ashes tiny excuse for a dick and minuscule balls in one hand and then rubs them with his thumb. He put his other hand on ashes face. His palm rests on ashes cheek as his thumb snakes into his mouth and plays with his tongue.
“I’ve never had something like you before. Never ruined a faggot.”
His index finger slides into ashes mouth and then his middle until John had fit as much of his hand as he can into ashes mouth. His hand is wet with saliva as he pulls it out.
“You’re not going to hurt me are you? Please.”
Ashe looks at the man with fear and then John’s hand lifts up slightly before coming down fast. The wet hand comes down and makes a thunderous clap as it slaps against ashes pathetic crotch.
“It’s please daddy. I won’t tell you again.”
John says loudly and as Ashe curls up a bit from the slap, John grabs him and many vets him onto his hands and knees. Ashe’s ass is exposed to John and the there’s a hard pull on his body. John had grabbed a handful of the panties and pulled it as hard as he could, completely ripping them off of ashes body. The force makes Ashe fall onto his belly and John takes the opportunity to leap onto Ashe. Johns bid weight pins Ashe down to the bed and he can feel johns hard dick poking all over his asscheeks and around them. John lifts his waist up and then without warning he thrusts down and shoved his dick into Ashe. The dry dick burns as it attacks ashes asshole and he lets out a scream. John doesn’t care and starts to fuck him. Up and down slowly and then he speeds up. His pubes feel like wire wool scratching ashes asscheeks and his belly makes a slap each time it hits ashes back. Ashe can hear the man sniffing his panties as he moans and grunts into ashes ear.
“Aaahhh. Fuck! Fuck please! It - gugghahh!”
Ashes pleads are drowned out when his own panties fill his mount and act as a gag. John holds the panties in ashes mouths and the holds his jaw shut to stop it coming out.
“Shut up slut. You wanted this when you wore that dress. Faggot.”
The last word is excluded and said onto as an insult. John keeps ashes mount shut as he keeps ducking ashe. Ashe can’t see John at this point so looks around the room. He sees the normal looking bedside stands and the photos of his wife around the room.
“Fuck. You’re a tight bitch. Tighter than that bitch. “
Ashe feels johns thrusts get harder and deeper, causing more weight to be slammed down onto ashes back. Eventually John stops for a second and grabs ashes hips. He pull up and flips ashes onto his back. They face each other and Ashe sees johns shit-eating grin surrounded by his sweat.
“Fuck. How’s it so small? You’re not a man, slut. Just my bitch.”
John goes back to rubbing ashes penis. He runs the tip in a circular motion with his thumb. John uses his other hand to pull the panties out of ashes mouth and he holds them up to his face then takes a deep breath in his nose again. He then keeps his eyes closed and throws the ripped panties behind his back.
“Aargh. Yes daddy please. I love it daddy. Please daddy.”
Johns face turns into a snarl when he hears Ashe moan and beg. He leans in and wraps both his hands around ashes neck. His belly crushes ashes dick with each thrust and he puts his mouth against ashes ear.
“I’m your daddy. You’ll love me like your daddy.”
He whispers angrily and keeps fucking as Ashe keeps moaning. A few more thrusts and John is ready to blow. He pulls out and jumps onto the bed. His knees sit on either side of ashes shoulders and he looks down on ashe. He strokes his dick with one hand as he grabs ashes hair with the other and pulls his head up.
“Aaaarrrrrrr. Fuck!”
A huge burns of hot cum shoots point blank onto ashes face. It covers his face and makeup and the splash back covers his chest.
“That’s some real man cum. Nothing like that stupid thing between your legs. Learn your place slut!”
John is shouting as loud as he can and then he shoved his dick back into ashes mouth and roughly drags his head back and fourth on his dick by pulling ashes hair hard and panfully. He’s just shouting as loud as he can and it seems like he’s doing this just to hurt ashes head. He eventually stops and rolls over on the bed beside ashes.
“Oh god, I needed that. Never thought I’d fuck a faggot like you.”
Ashe rolls over onto his side to lie face to face with the man.
“Thank you daddy. I’m glad you did.”
Ashes licks his lips and everywhere else he can to lap up the cum. There’s a weird pause and then John gets up and walks into the en-suite of the room. Ashe can hear him having a shower and cleaning off the sweat from fucking. Ashe sits up and opens a few drawers. He finds the wife’s “sexy” drawer. Ashe pulls out a set of matching black, see-through, lingerie. He slides in on and, as expected, the bra hangs while the thong fills out tightly. He then pulls out a sheer nightgown with fur around the edges. He put that on too and then walks over to the shower to join John. When he opens the door the room is steamy and hot. Ashe can see the silhouette of John stop in its tracks.
“Get out of here.”
Ashe stops too and cocks his head to the side.
“What’s that daddy? Don’t you want to shower with your baby?”
Ashe tries to sound as seductive as possible.
“I said get the fuck out of here before I fucking kill you! Get the fuck out of my house, faggot!”
John screams as loud as he can and then he hits his hand against the glass door of the shower.
“Oh. Uh- ok.”
Ashe leaves the bathroom and closes the door. He put on his high heels and walks out of the bedroom. He goes down the hallway, then down the stairs and then to the front door, scared. That John will come raging out of the bedroom at any time. The whole time he walked through the house he could hear John talking but couldn’t make out what he was saying. As Ashe opens the door the cold wind hits him like a truck and reminds that he’s only wearing a multimeter thin piece of fabric. He grabs a jacket off of the rack, a thick brown work jacket that’s huge on Ashe. The jacket goes down to his mid thighs, ironically more covering than his dress earlier and leaves. He grabs his purse off of the coatrack too and then closes the door as he leaves. He walks away for a couple minutes until he’s safely away and calls an Uber.
Day 2:
Chapter 1:
8 am. The alarm blares and wakes Ashe up with a startle. He’s at home and his own bed now. He sits upright and thinks about the night before. He thinks about how rough and angry the man was and then he thinks about how he only got home at 3:30 am, leaving him exhausted now. With a groan and a pout he swings his legs off of his bed and they hang above the floor. Ashe’s room has white walls covered in tapestries, fake vines and LEDs. His bed is in the middle of the room and it’s covered in furry blankets, cute plushies and random clothes. Ashe puts on his big circle framed glasses and stands up. He’s wearing a huge T-shirt with hello kitty posing on the front. The shirt goes down to just above his knees and he has a pair of pants high high socks on but they’ve rolled down and clumped up at his ankles. His hair’s messy and his makeup’s off. He looks in his full body mirror on the wall and examines himself. He lifts his arms up and the T-shirt exposes everything up to his waist, showing a white Calvin klein thong that hugs his hips tightly. He examines his smooth legs and how the light from inbetween the blinds shine off of his thigh thighs. He puts his arms down and then grabs the back of the T-shirt and pull it back. The T-shirt shrink wraps around his body and he looks at his wide hips on his thin waist. Pleased with what he sees, Ashe walks away from the mirror and to his big wardrobe. The door slides open and he looks at the huge selection of different fabrics and colours. He thinks for a second and then pulls out a few things. A black sports bra, a pair of black marbled gym leggings, a cap and a pair of panda Nike dunks. He slides the huge shirt off and pull on the bra. It hugs him tightly and covers so much that you can’t even tell he doesn’t have tits but still shows everything else from the waist up. He then pull the thong and socks off to pull the leggings on. The leggings are thick and skin tight on him. They leave nothing to the imagination, making his ass and legs look better than ever. A thick pair of Nike socks go over the bottom of the leggings and then the sneakers come on and Ashe is ready. He puts his hair in a ponytail and then puts the cap on with the hair out the back. A quick swoop with an eyeliner pen and he leaves his room. Most girls would wear a pump cover to stop creeps from looking at them but that obviously isn’t a problem for Ashe. He leaves his house and grabs gets into his car. Nothing eventful happens during his drive, he just listens to music and thinks about what excursuses he’d do today. Once he’s in the gym parking lot, he gets out, grabs his gym bag from the boot of the car and strolls into the gym. The gym bag goes into a locker and then Ashe is ready to start.
Chapter 2:
Obviously people try not to stare at girls when they workout but it’s hard to not glance, especially when Ashe squats and legs out a little moan with each rep. He can tell that people are looking but that doesn’t stop him. He knows that they’re looking at his ass and his legs. When he first started working out he’d get scared that people would see his little dick but quickly realised that there were two reasons no one would see it. For one, they’re all too busy drooling over his ass to look anywhere and else and secondly, his duck is too small to even cast a shadow on his leggings. After the squats came the lunges and then the treadmill and then the leg press, everything to keep his ass as big as possible. Working out like this built up quite a sweat and he’s still sweaty from the night before so he grabbed the towel from his gym locker, stripped naked and walked into the shower. He could pass as a woman any day to the week but being naked was completely different and he didn’t want to be banned from his favourite gym for being the only man in the women’s shower so decided it’s better to just go in the men’s and keep to himself. There’s the obvious mix of old men coming from the sauna, buff guys coming from the gym floor and scrawny guys too scared to use the machines yet. Ashe took a corner to himself to try and stay out of view but that was obviously useless. Ashe showered and tried to stay quiet but that stopped when a hand slapped his ass. He spun round with one arm covering his chest and the other hand covering his crotch. An old man stood infront of Ashe, smiling.
“You know this is the men’s, sweetheart?”
Ashe nods and the man look puzzled but notices that Ashe isn’t making any effort to leave. He’s naked and not trying to cover anything. His dick hangs in the jungle of white pubes between his legs and glistens because of the water on it.
“Well, if you’re not planning on leaving… how about you show me what you’re hiding then?”
He wraps his hand around ashes wrist and pulls it up, revealing his little dick. The man’s eyebrows raise but he doesn’t say anything. By this point, people try to sneakily look over and they see that the lost girl in the men’s shower actually has a dick. The old man puts his hand on ashes shoulder and grips it tightly.
“You know, you look just like my wife did… well, I’m the 60’s”
He puts pressure on ashe’s shoulder and this brings Ashe down to his knees. By this point, all the people trying to sneakily look are just watching as this old man seduces this young “woman”.
“I bet you have some new tricks though, right?”
His dick twitches and gets hard for the first time in probably 10 years. He grabs his dick and holds it up to ashes mouth. Ashe’s thighs create a pool of water inbetween his legs that completely cover his sad excuse for manhood and make it invisible. Ashe takes the duck in his mouth and starts sucking it, bobbing back and forth on the shaft and feeling the worry pubes snake their way into his nostrils. The man puts his hands on the back of ashes head and moans as Ashe sucks him. This goes on for a minute or two until one of the buff men come and stand beside them.
“Hey old timer, is this one all yours?”
The man moans no and Ashe reaches his hand up and fumbles around the jock’s thighs until he grasps the big dick inbetween them and strokes it. Ashe pulls his head away and sticks his tongue out with his mouth wide open at the man.
“Give me your cum baby, I want it.”
He squeezes the old dick and the man lets out a breathy moan as a big load shoots and hits Ashe in the face. It gets half washes off by the shower and he catches his breath.
Chapter 3:
The old man is done with Ashe now and waffles off, back to the locker room. All of ashes attention goes to the jock now and he puts the big duck in his mouth. The man’s in his early twenties and very muscly. His dick is big, around 8 inches, and his pubes are trimmed neatly. He also puts his hand on the back of ashes head and moans as Ashe deepthroats the dick and licks the bottom of the shaft. This show makes every other man look over and most of them walk over. Either because of the surge of testosterone from their workout or maybe because of Ashe being hot, Ashe didn’t know, but no one went to the front desk and reported this. All the men either walked over to Ashe or watched to see if they should walk over. Six men all surround Ashe and he knew he’s in for a good time. He takes a duck in each hand and keeps sucking the jock but the other men get impatient and get down onto their knees behind Ashe. One of them grabs ashes hips and slaps his ass a few times before sticking his dick in. All the jen are moaning and laughing he two other men are jerking their dicks, waiting for their turns. The jock cums soon too. He pulls his dick out and shoots his load all over ashes face too. Another man takes his place and the men all have the same idea to flip Ashe on his back at the same time. They practically pick him up and then set him down on his back on the floor. He slips back and forth in a straight line on the wet floor with each thrust until finally the man in his ass also cums. He shoots his load deep into ashes ass and gets up. Before the cum even had time to leak out, another man takes his place and starts ramming his ass too. The room keep fucking him until there’s five more loads up his ass, three more down his throat and two more on his face. The last two men are clearly friends and spit roast Ashe on the floor. After they both cum, the get up and look at Ashe laying on the floor, drenched in cum and leaking cum out of his ass onto the floor. They both chuckle and then whisper something to each other. Ashe can’t hear why they’re saying but figures it out when he feels a new hot stream of water hit his body. Another new stream hits his face and he sees both the men kissing yellow piss into him. It’s gross and stinks so Ashe slides back on the floor but the men just trace their piss where Ashe is. They go until they’re down and then just leave Ashe to lay there on the floor. Ashe takes a few seconds to recuperate and then stands up. He cleans all the bodyfluids off of him with soap and shampoo then gets out of the shower. He dries himself and grabs his gym bag for the locker. He pulls a pair of black converse, fishnets, tight black shorts and a long nirvana T-shirt that barely covers the tiny shorts. He puts the new outfit on and dries his hair, ready for the rest of the day. He gets back into his car and puts on light makeup using the mirror. The car starts and jitters for a second which makes a load of cum leak out of ashes ass and leaves a wet patch on his shorts.
Chapter 4:
He drives to the store to pick up groceries because even though his sugardaddy pays for them, he won’t pick them up for him. The road is full of potholes and each bump makes a tiny spurt of cum shoot out of Ashe. He gets to the store and gets out of the car. It’s a warm day so most people are wearing shorts and short sleeve T-shirts. He puts in AirPods and listens to his playlist, consisting of doja cat, Nikki minaj, Megan thee stallion, saweetie and the typical girly songs you’d hear on the radio. His hair hangs down at his shoulders tucked behind his ears which half hides the earphones but not fully. He grabs a cart and walks around the store casually picking out food and drinks for at home. Nothing crazy happens for the first 10 minutes. There’s the occasional guy staring at him or licking his lips but nothing out of the ordinary. That changes when he hears a notification quieten his music. Just like every other gen Zer he checks it immediately. He swipes open his phone and sees a weird message.
“Meet me in the bathroom would like to share a photo”
Ashe frowned for a second as he read this, thinking that it’s a weird name and then he looked at the photo he got sent. It’s a video of Ashe getting fucked. The audio is deafeningly loud and he’s glad he had his earphones in because if he didn’t, the whole store would hear. It’s a video from Ashe’s reddit profile. He only uses it for the attention, which he gets A Lot of, but posts fairly regularly. The video shows his face scrunches up with his eyes crossed as a faceless body from just the waist down drills his ass. He only had to watch a couple seconds and then puts his phone away. He looks around to see who sent him the video but there’s no one in the aisle with him.
“Haha that’s funny. I’ve never been recognised for that before.”
He mumbles to himself and remembers that the person said to meet in the bathroom so abandons his cart in the produce aisle and walks to the toilets.he has the choice between the men’s, women’s, and the disabled toilet and stands, thinking and deciding which one to go into, until the foot of the disabled toilet creaks open and an eye looks at ashe through the crack.
“Ashefag, right? I saw you on Reddit.”
The door opens more and there’s a man standing in the room. He motions for Ashe to come in with his hand and Ashe obliges. The door closes behind Ashe and locks too. The man stands over Ashe. He’s not a gross basement dweller like you’d expect but instead he just looks like an average suburban dad. He has a wedding ring on one of his fingers and salt’n’pepper hair. A little bit of chub hangs over his chino shorts and out of his polo shirt.
“Haha. I didn’t think you’d actually come.”
Ashe smiles flirtily at the man.
“I’m actually a fan.”
He’d not blushing but Ashe can tell that he’s a bit nervous.
“I’m glad. I’ve never met a fan before.”
A little giggle comes out Ashe says this.
“So, are we just going to stand here or did you want something else from me?”
Ashe winks and the man’s eyebrows raise in surprise.
“Uhh. Yeah. Let’s do something else. Haha.”
Ashe walks closer to him until they’re basically touching toes and puts his hand on the man’s neck. He pulls his head down and kisses his lips softly.
“What the ring for?”
Ashe already knows the answer but just wants to see the man squirm.
“Its… uh… it’s just a-“
The man can’t get his words out.
“I’m fucking with you. I don’t care. I just want you.”
Ashe had a smug face and pulls the man in again to kiss him. They kiss and the man caresses ashes waist and hips softly as they do.
“I want all of you.”
The man freezes for a second and Ashe reaches under his T-shirt and pulls the shorts off. They drop the the floor and the noise confirms that the shirts aren’t totally dry yet. The man watches them fall and bites his lip.
“Take me.”
The man’s eyes light up and his hands grasp all over ashes bottom half then rugs on the T-shirt. He tugs it down and looks down the collar to see ashes chest and then pulls the shirt up and pulls it off. Ashe stand wearing only fishnets and shoes as the man reaches down again. He puts one hand on ashes shoulder and puts the other hand on ashes waist. He swings around and uses his hands to bend Ashe over the sink. Ashe moans and blushes as the man pulls down his shorts.
“Wait. Do you want to be on my Reddit too?”
The man stops for a second with his dick in his hand.
“No. I wish I could but if my wife found out…”
There’s a pause and then ashes speaks again.
“I can just blur your face. I can tell you have a big… friend in your pants. And I’m sure you’d want to see this again, wouldn’t you.”
The man think and then agrees. Ashe hands him his phone and he props it up on the toilet. The angle shows everything and ashe smiles. The man presses record and then goes back to ashe. The man’s fingers snake I’m any of the holes they can find in the fishnets. He pulls his hands apart and the fishnets rip from the back of the waistband to ashes balls.He slaps his dick on both of ashes asscheeks and spits on it. He rubs the tip of his dick from the top of ashes buttcrack to his taint and then back again. He repeats this until he’s leaking precum onto ashe.
“Please daddy, fuck me.”
Ashe pleads and the man puts one of his hands on ashes shoulder to keep him still while using his other hand to guide his dick into Ashe’s ass. The tip pops in and the man lets out a breath.
“Fuck, you’re so wet already. You’re horny, huh?”
The man doesn’t know that him being wet is actually another man’s cum but doesn’t want to ruin it for him.
“Yes daddy. I’ve been waiting for you.”
The man slides more of his ass in and ashe opens his eyes and mouth wide while raising his eyebrows and letting out a breathy sigh. He makes sure the camera can see this from the reflection of the mirror and the centrally the man gets balls deep in.
“Is that good, huh? You like this dick?”
Ashe bites his lip and then lets go of it again.
“Oh yeah. Yes daddy. It’s so big.”
The man pulls back and then thrusts forward again. He fucks Ashe while pulling his head back by his hair with one hand and spreading his other hand over ashes lower back. Ashe moans and contours his face as he does this for a minute or so and then the man pulls out. He slaps his wet dick on ashes ass again. Strings of cum and ass juice forms with each slap and it covers his whole ass. His asshole winks and dribbles cum as this happens. The man repositions the camerand then pulls Ashe over to the toilet. He sits down and sits Ashe on his dick in his lap. Ashe is facing the camera and as he bounces up and down on the dick, he can see his tiny little nub of a dick flop up and down. He moans again and does everything he can to look like he’s loving it. Once he’s bored of this position, the man pulls down the arm beside the toilet and stands Ashe on his feet. He keeps his dick in ashes butt and bends him over. Ashe’s hands go through the gap in the arm then his head. His whole upper body fits through the gap and the man pushes Ashe down so that he’s basically kissing his thighs. The man rams Ashe in this position and gets deeper and harder as he goes. He grunts and moans and then Ashe feels his ass get flooded with cum. The man stops, slaps ashes ass and then walks over to the phone. He’s out of breath as he pick up the phone and points it right at ashes used hole.
“Push daddy’s load out. Show me just how big it is, baby.”
Ashe lies resting on his belly, supported by the rail and pushes his ass out. The hole opens and shows the red insides then the creamy white cum fills the enterance to his ass and dribbles down his taint, then his balls and falls onto the floor under him. The cum just keeps flowing and the man is impressed by how much he came, not realising half of it is a mix of 5 other guys’s cum. Ashe stops pushing and the man sticks his thumb in ashes hole.
“You like daddy’s dick? Did I fuck you good, baby? Fuck you hard and deep?”
Ashe moans yes and the man pulls his thumb out. He rips ashes fishnets all the way down his inner thigh down to his knees and some on his calves so that everyone outside will see that he just got fucked and then he grabs Ashe’s balls in one hand. He rubs his wet thumb over the small, smooth sack and then records himself spanking Ashe a few times. He ends the recording and lays the phone on the floor then pulls his shorts up. He cleans his hands in the sink and then goes to leave the room as Ashe gets up to his feet.
“You’re so hot. Thank you for that. My wife doesn’t put out anymore.”
Ashe put his thumb up.
“Oh yeah, I’m taking these too.”
He has the shorts with a cum stain in his hands. He sniffs them and then stuffs them in his back pocket.
“I can smell your pheromones on it.”
He leaves and Ashe chuckles, knowing that he just got a whiff of cum.
Chapter 5:
Ashe recovers gets to his feet. He sees the state that his fishnets are in and groans while picking his T-shirt up off of the floor and pulling it on over his head. The shirt is still long enough to cover ashes crotch, but just barely. He picks up his phone and heads out of the bathroom, trying not to be seen. He hears old women tutting at him and a guy even whistles at him. He leaves the groceries and just speed-walks through the parking lot until he gets to his car. He nearly gets to his car but a metre away, he can’t hold his ass closed anymore and a load of cum shoots out. It hits his legs and then his shoes and seeps in through the top of his converse. He gets into the car and immediately pulls out of the lot. The drive home is just as bumpy and each bump shoots out more cum. When Ashe gets home, the seat is soaked and so are his asscheeks. He scurried into his house and goes straight to the toilet to fart out the rest of the cum. He spends the time on the toilet blurring the man’s face in the video and uploading it to Redgifs then posting it in as many subreddits as he can. He also posts the video to his twitter and puts its on his private Snapchat story but doesn’t blur the man’s face in them. The rest of the day is spent with a dildo up his butt while reading all the comments and messages he got from the video.
Chapter 1:
90’F. The hottest day of the year. The sun’s blaring and there’s little to now wind. You can’t spend a a day like this inside so Ashe had decided to go for a walk. The clicking of his boots against the concrete is complemented by the jingling of the spurs on the back of them. He has cowboy boots on over his smooth legs and they glisten in the sun. He’d liked his whole body up before leaving and wanted to show it off so chose the skimpiest outfit he could get away with. His boots go up to his mid thigh and everything from there up to his hip bones are on show because he’s wearing what can only be described as a denim thong. The tiny piece of fabric barely wraps over his crotch and the straps sit above his hips. The back of the “shorts” are completely lost in his ass so that from the back it looks like he’s naked from the bottom down. His ass ripples like water with each step and his thighs jiggle too. His chest is covered by a white button up shirt but he’s cropped it so that the bottom is just below his nipples, showing everything from his pelvis to his chest, and only had the bottom button down so that it’s nearly falling off his shoulders and shows his whole chest. He has a cowboy hat on and a piece of straw hanging out of his mouth. Apart from the boots, his outfit weighs no more than 20 grams and advertises all of his best assets. His skin shines and shimmers as he walks through the small country town he’s in. People walk past and gasp or laugh as they see him but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t like the attention. A lot of real cowboys are walking through the town and Ashe admires them as they walk past. A few catcall him and whistle but one actually grabs his ass.
“Hey there lil lady. Nice day isn’t it.”
His accent is a thick country one and it sounds like his teeth don’t open when he talks.
“Yeah it is. I’m just on my way to the beach.”
The man sees that Ashe doesn’t have anything else with him except for his phone.
“Well you can’t go in the sand in those boots, can you?”
Ashe looks down at his boots and then reaches into the side of the tight thong. He pulls out a couple $10 bills and shows them to the man.
“There’s a beach store there isn’t there?”
He nods and Ashe puts the bills back inbetween his asscheeks.
“It’s a far walk isn’t it. Wouldn’t you prefer me drive you there?”
Ashe looks at him and lifts the brim of his hat up. He thinks for a second and then nods.
“Yeah sure. Couldn’t hurt.”
The man flips the brim of ashes hat back down and smiles.
“That’s my truck right there. Come hop in.”
He points to a blue truck with a flatbed on the back and rust around the wheels. They walk across the road and to the truck and hop in. The doors creak open noisily and close with an even louder slam.
“It’s just up the road, we’ll be there in no time.”
Ashe nods and the man puts the truck into first gear and they drive off.
Chapter 2:
“I’m Lou. What about you?”
He keeps looking at the road as he asks.
He scoffs in a joking way.
“You’re not from round here are you?”
Ashe giggles.
“No, born and raised in the city.”
Lou moves his hand from the gearstick to ashes lap and runs his hand over ashes leg.
“Well, round here you pay gas money.”
Ashe had only brought enough for the swimming suit he was going to get so didn’t want to give that money away.
“Oh really? Where I’m from we pay in a different way.”
Lou looks at Ashe out of the corner of his eye and smirks. His thumb rubs closer to ashes crotch.
“And how’s that, lil lady?”
Ashe smiles as the car slows down and comes to a stop on the side of the country road.
“Oh, I’m sure you can have a guess, cowboy.”
He looks at Ashe and smiles then opens the driver side door. He steps out and calls Ashe over to him.
“Well, my guess is that you didn’t get into a truck with a flatbed for no reason.”
They smile at each other and Ashe takes a proper look at Lou. He’s got big muscles but they’re from working, not the gym. He’s tall and handsome. His blue jeans sit over his boots and his work shirt had the top 2 buttons undone and shoes his hairy, muscles chest. He has stubble and a strong jaw line but his eyes are hidden by his sunglasses. Light brown hair shoots out from the bottom of his hat and curls at the ends.
“And I think you don’t drive a a truck with a flatbed for no reason.”
He grabs the back wall of the flatbed and pulls it down so that it’s open.
“I think you’re right. City girl.”
He stands infront of Ashe and his rough hands lie on ashes shoulders as they talk. He takes his hat off and leans down to kiss Ashe. They lean back as they kiss and ashes hat fall off his head aswell. Ashe can feel Lou’s bulge press against his belly as they kiss and Lou grabs one of ashes legs and lifts it. He holds ashes knee up at his hip and holds it there while they kiss. Lou g then picks Ashe up by the leg and sits him on the flatbed.
“You’re all mine lil lady.”
He pushes Ashe on his back and rips open the last button of the shirt.
“I always heard that boys from the city make better girls but I never believed it. Is it true?”
Ashe nods and Lou’s hands rub all over ashes chest and pinch his nipples.
“Show me then.”
Lou climbs up onto the flat bed and stays on his hands and knees over Ashe while still kissing him.
Lou pulls off his shirt and Ashe sees his toned body.
“Wow. You don’t mind if I just…”
Ashe lifts his hands up and pulls his ands over the hard, muscly body.
“Oh baby, that’s not what you’ll be impressed by.”
He pulls off his big, thick leather belt and then pulls his jeans down too. His dick flips out and it’s bigger than ashes forearm, and probably thicker too.
“Fuck, how does that even fit in your jeans!”
Lou smirks and shakes it around in his hand, making it even harder and bigger until it’s standing at full attention and 11”. The huge dick blocks the sun and casts a shadow all the way from ashes belly button to the top of his head.
“You’ll be even more impressed when I fit it in you.”
He reaches over and grabs his belt again. He grabs ashes wrists and binds them with the belt tightly and securely. He grabs ashes wrists and pins them against the bed of the truck and manoeuvres his dick to ashes mouth. Ashe opens his mouth wide open and it’s barely fits in.
“Be a good girl and take it all.”
He slowly lowers his hips and the dick slides in. It’s goes past his teeth and then to the back of his throat and down it. His dick goes down ashes throat and creates a huge bulge in his throat. Ashe gags and coughs as it slides further and further. The dick gets past his throat and to collar bones then a bit more. It feels like the huge, godly dick is in Ashes lungs when Lou’s balls rest on his chin and his bushy pubes surround his nose.
“I’m impressed citygirl. Noones ever gone that far before.”
He holds his dick there for a few seconds and then pull it all the way out. He looks at ashes face and sees his eye makeup starting to stream down his cheeks.
“I also heard that boys from the city have the best pussies too. How true is that?”
Chapter 3:
Ashe is still catching his breath when Lou pulls on ashes thing and it slides over ashe’s oiled skin right down to his ankles. He looks at ashes little dick and laughs.
“I bet you didn’t even know a dick could get this big, did you?”
He flicks ashes dick with his finger and then lifts ashes legs up. The boots and thong go flying up and then rest upright like a flagpole as Lou examines ashes hole. His finger slides over ashes ass and teases the desperate hole. He pushes ashes legs further back until his feet are by his head.
“I did gymnastics for 7 years so I’m pretty flexible.”
Ashe grins and then Lou moves Ashe wrists so that ashes knees are behind his shoulders and his legs are behind his head. Lou pulls a lasso from the truck bed.
“What?! They’re real? I thought they were just in movies.”
Lou holds it up and smiles.
“No, they’re very real… and very useful.”
He puts ashes ankles in the loop of the rope and then tightens it so that his feet are stuck behind his head. Ashes whole body is exposed and helpless to Lou but Ashe thinks that it could be worse.
“ you think you deserve boots like these?”
Lou brand the sole of ashes boots and waits for a response.
“Well, I’ve had some real cowboy in me and I fell like I will again. So yeah.”
Ashe winks his asshole but Lou doesn’t notice.
“Well, I don’t think you do and you’re in place to argue.”
He pulls the boots off of ashes feet and see the cute hello kitty socks under them.
“And that why, citygirl.”
He drops the boots off the side of the truck and moves his attention back to ashes feet.
“You don’t like hello kitty?”
Ashe asks sarcastically.
“Take a guess.”
Lou pinches the end of the sock and pulls it off. He sees ashes white painted toenails and rubs the soles of ashes feet. He’s soft and gentle with ashes feet and then pins them down to the truck with one hand and grabs his dick in other hand again.
“You still think you can take it all?”
Ashe’s eyes widen and his eyebrows drop.
“All?! No you can’t put it all in. It’ll rip me in-“
Ashes sentence is cut short by the thick tip pushing into his ass. The tip slides in and stretches Ashe wide and then the shaft slides in too.
“Oh my god. Lou please. It’s too big.”
Lou grabs the socks and stuffs them in ashes mouth.
“Ssshh. You’ll be fine.”
The shaft feels like it’s a mile long and won’t ever stop coming. It gets to the farthest Ashe has ever taken a dick and then pushes past the barrier. Ashes eyes water and his head cocks back as he screams into the socks.
“Nearly there. I bet you’ll take it all.”
The shaft keeps coming and Ashe can feel it pushing his belly out and bulging past his belly button. His guts get shoved out of the way as the giant dick fills his body. Finally a pair of heavy, full balls hit ashes asscheeks and he can’t help but shake.
“Holy shit. You actually did it. Where’s a girl like you on my ranch?”
He holds his dick where it is and look down to see the shape of his dick poking out of ashes belly.
“I guess citygirls do have the best pussies. Now I need to know what else this pussy can do.”
Ashe look up at him and screams no as loud as he can into the socks but Lou just smiles.
“Yes? Ok, whatever’s you want.”
He pulls his dick back and Ashe can feel his guts fall back into the places they should be and then once they all fall back into place the dick comes back to where it was. Ashe shakes and moans loudly as it fills him again.
“Mmm. Good girl.”
The dick pulls back again and then slams hard into ashes body and it feels like it hits his lungs. His body jerks and struggles as he moans and breathes heavily. Back again and then another slam into ashes soul. Lou grunts and then starts to fuck Ashe. His thrusts are hard and deep. He holds his free hand on ashes belly to feel his own dick and stop Ashe from squirming. He’s rough and grunts loudly as he fucks Ashe. Countless thrusts later and he pulls the socks out of ashes mouth
“You like that, citygirl?”
Ashe has to keep his eyes closed and his mouth wide open.
He screams as loud as he can and Lou brings his head down and kisses ashes neck which makes Ashe blow his clear, inferior load all over his own belly.
“Haha. Seems like you really like it.”
Ashe just mumbles incoherently and screams. Lou scoops up a bit of the load and sticks it in ashes mouth which he sucks up eagerly.
“Oh, so you want my cum too? Is that it?”
He thrusts hard, deep and fast again.
Lou’s sweat drips onto Ashe like a shower and covers him.
“I can do that then.”
He fucks Ashe deep and fast again for longer. It feels like a lifetime to Ashe but it’s really 20 minutes. After a while Lou stops and then pushes his dick as deep as he can into Ashe and holds it there. He grabs ashes head and kisses him as he holds it there.
“You ready for this?”
All Ashe can do is drool and main at this point so Lou pulls him in and kisses him hard in the mouth. A huge explosion of hit cum fills ashe up even more and actually makes his stomach bloat up. Lou grunts loudly into ashes mouth and then stands back on his knees with his dick still in ashe.
“Fuck, you really know what you’re doing.”
He pulls his dick out and ashes hole shoots cum out. It shoots out for 10 seconds like a fountain and covers the floor of the bed. Ashes hole can’t close and moves like a mount while never touching. Lou pulls his shirt and jeans back on and jumps out of the truck.
“Well, I guess yku should be getting to the beach now.”
He strolls round to the drivers seat and turns on the radio. Ashe is still tied up and mumbling nonsense in the back as the truck takes off.
Chapter 4:
Each bump in the road makes the cum slosh onto Ashe and makes his guts mover around again. After a couple minutes they get to the beach and Lou jumps out again. He loosens the lasso and ashes legs spring up and fall down to the truck again. He loosens his wrists aswell and Ashe just lies there. Lou pulls ashes thong back up and over his crotch but it gets instantly saturated with cum leaking out of ashes ass. He buttons ashes shirt too and then puts ashes hat in his head.
“Sorry about your boots, I forgot them back there. This should cover it though.”
He folds a $100 bill and slips it in ashes waistband like a stripper.
“This is your stop though so I guess the rides over.”
He picks Ashe up and places him on the sand beside the car. Ashe looks up, still trying to recover from the brutal fucking.
“See you around citygirl.”
Lou gets back in the truck and drives off, away from the beach. Ashe takes a few minutes to calm himself and then gets up to his hands and knees. His asshole still can’t close and he still feels Lou’s dick in his stomach. He tries to stand up but falls back down to his hands and knees straight away. After 20 more minutes, Ashe tries to get up again and succeeds. His asshole is still leaking and his legs are shiny with Lou’s cum. He stumbles into the store on the beach and puts on a pair of sunglasses in an attempt to hide his flushness. He looks through the swimwear section and sees the exact swimsuit he wants. It’s practically a handful of string and nothing else but that what Ashe wants. He takes the bikini to the till and pulls out that bills from his thong. He see the $100 that Lou gave him and sees a phone number and an address on it. He pays with the rest of the money and uses the store bathroom to change. A thin black string runs from one of his hips, past his dick and past the other hip. The bikini is 1 cm wide and leaves everything out. A little bit extra fabric is on the crotch but it’s just 2 inches wide and on the very bottom so Ashe has to hide his dick between his legs so it doesn’t pop out. The top is the same 1 cm string over his nipples and then it wraps over one of his shoulders too. The string doesn’t even cover his whole nipple, let alone his chest. He leaves the bathroom and grabs a pair of platform cork sandals that he bought and leaves.
Chapter 5:
The beach is busy and full of people. Ashe walks for a bit and then finds a spot to tan in. He lays his old clothes down beside him and lies down to catch a tan. His ass sticks up on the air, still leaking down his taint, and his dick rest between his thighs. He falls asleep for a bit and after an hour or so, he turns over. His back arches from the size of his ass and his dick is somehow still hidden. He goes to sleep again and when he wakes up his whole body is a perfect tan so he stands up. His asshole is nearly able to close but still has a couple millimetres gap, so a little trickle still comes out but all of Lou’s cum had now fully leaked out. With nothing else to do on the beach he decides to go to the beach bar on the wood sidewalk. He walks back past all the people and by this point it’s 4pm so everyone’s more relaxed and mostly lying or sitting down. He gets onto the wood sidewalk and slides his wedges on and walks to the bar that’s got music playing just as loud as the bustle from the customers. He walks past the people in the nearly full bar and sits down at the bar.
“Just a water please.”
The bartender swivels round from cleaning glasses and sees ashe sitting on the stool, practically naked. The man nods and then fills a glass with water and slides it to him. Ashe takes his first drink of water in hours and lets out a refreshed sigh after he does.
“Hot day isn’t it? Hottest all year I think.”
Ashe has his phone pulled out and his small bundle of clothes on his lap. He’s ordering an Uber to get home as the bartender talks to him.
“Uh, yeah. I think it is. Great for a tan.”
Ashe pulls the pathetic string on his chest and sees a thin park line around his chest. The man takes full notice of Ashes body and thinks to himself for a minute.
“Yeah. I am a boy. Deal with it.”
The waiter puts his hands up and walks away. Ashe finishes the glass of water and after 15 minutes of scrolling through instagram and he Uber arrives outside. Ashe still has a couple dollar bills so leaves them on the countertop just to be nice. He stands up and walk off, out of the now crowded bar. He bumps into people and gets pushed until he gets to the door. Most men don’t even notice him because of how short he is but all of their girlfriends do and give Ashe dirty looks to which he responds with a sarcastic smile. The car sits outside and Ashe goes up to the driver side window.
“Are you Abraham?”
The driver nods and ashe climbs into the back seat. The driver offers ashe a bottle of water and he takes it as he discards his clothes on the seat beside him. He drinks the water as the driver reads him his address and asks if that’s right.
“Yep. That’s me.”
The car starts and as soon as ashes head leans back on the car seat headrest he falls asleep. He only wakes up when the car stops and the man is telling Ashe to wake up. His eyes open and he takes in his surroundings.
“Alright. This is the destination. You’re free to leave.”
Ashe hastily grabs all of his stuff and thanks the man as he gets out of the car, still in his minuscule bikini, and walks up his driveway to his house. He unlocks the door and throws the clothes onto the floor, keeping his phone and the $100 tight in his fist. As soon as he gets upstairs, he jumps onto his bed and puts his phone and the bill onto his nightstand. His asshole can finally close now and he smiles, thinking about the day. He can’t help but stick a couple fingers up his butt as he types all of Lou’s information into his phone and then he falls back asleep. His fingers are still in his ass and it’s only 5:30pm but he falls straight asleep again with his body spread out.
Day 4:
Chapter 1:
7 am and the alarm blares again. Ashe wakes with a startle and looks at himself through the mirror on his roof until he’s ready to get up. After a few seconds of staring at himself, he reaches his hand over and turns off his alarm. That had been the longest sleep Ashe had taken in years so he wakes up feeling very refreshed which is good because today isn’t any normal day. It’s Comic-Con. Ashe gets up and strolls to his bathroom where he takes a shower and listens to music while he’s still waking up. He walks out of the shower, still dripping wet, and applies all of his daily moisturisers and other skincare products. He dries off and blow dries his hair and then walks back into his bedroom, still naked. He reaches into his wardrobe again and pulls out a tiny white crop top with gloomy bear on it and a bright pink velvet track suit. It’s small and tight so he lays it on his bed while he picks his shoes, chunky white Fila disruptors. The shoes lay on the floor as he pulls out a very thin g-string from one of his drawers and pulls it on. He pulls the tracksuit on too and it hugs all the right places. The pink velvet jacket is cropped and he keeps it zipper down slightly so that you can see the design on his top. His nipples re very hard and noticeable through the top and exposed by the jacket. Everything from his ribs down to his waist are exposed and shows off his new tan very nicely. Next, he pull on the bottoms and they slide over his ass then pop up once they’re past the widest part. They have the word “juicy” over his ass in white crystals and hugs his ass tightly. A pair of white ankle socks and then the shoes and he’s ready again. He grabs a bag off of the floor beside his bedroom door and walks out. He grabs his car keys from the hallway and leaves his house, getting into his car and driving to his best friend’s house. He arrives at her house and knocks on the door.
Chapter 2:
Footsteps thunder up to the door from inside and then the door bursts open with a scream.
Leah, his best friend, stands in the door way with her arms outstretched for a hug and her and eyes mouth wide open. Leah jumps up then down and then onto Ashe. Leah is taller than Ashe and very busty. Ashe screams with excitement too but gets cut off when Leah’s huge tits smother his face and they just jump on the spot instead. Leah pulls away and the drawstring of her satin dressing gown pulls away which exposes her whole front to the whole street. Leah pulls Ashe in by the wrist and then drops her dressing gown all the way off and walks off into living room of the house.
“Bitch. I love the outfit but you have to take that shot off.”
Leah stands in the middle of the room with her hands on her hips while staring at Ashe.
“Haha ok. You got your costume ready?”
Ashe slides off the shoes and then the bottoms and top until he’s also completely naked and standing in the middle of the room.
“Of course babe. Princess Leia.”
She stomps into the next room and Ashe follows. When they get in, Leah holds up a slave Leia costume that looks to be 3 sizes too small.
“Are you sure they’re gonna hold your tits?”
Leah smirks and holds the bikini up to her chest.
“Of course not! That’s the fun part.”
Ashe drops his bag and reaches in it then pulls out his own costume.
“Harley Quinn.”
A pair of extremely ripped fishnets, a red bikini bottom, black and red striped bikini top and a red leather jacket.
“Yes bitch! That’s all you. I bet it’ll look amazing.”
Both of them grin and then pull on their minuscule costumes. Ashe’s fishnets only have a few normal holes in them because 90% of them have been ripped by him or another man. His bikini bottoms sit neatly over his crotch and the bikini top shows how hard his nipples are. Leah’s tots are popping out of her top and her nipples are barely covered. Her ass isn’t fully covered by the piece of fabric that hangs from her waist band and her asscheeks are on full display at both sides.
“Bitch! that’s sooooo good!”
Both of them are exited and then sit down at the table in the room. It’s a makeup table covered in makeup, lights and mirrors and they both immediately get to work. Ashe gives himself smeared makeup and Leah recreates the movie makeup perfectly.
“Oh yeah, I brought this for later today too.”
Ashe opens up his bag again and pulls out a D.va bodysuit.
“Can I take some of this for later at the con?”
Leah finished her makeup and looks at the little bodysuit.
“Of course babe. Any time.”
Ashe kisses Leah’s cheek and squeezes her arm and shoves some makeup into the bag. Both their faces of makeup are finished now and they get up and walk into Leah’s bedroom.
“Thanks for being in this weeks posts. They’ve all been asking for someone like you.”
Ashe sits down on the big bed as Leah pulls out a big camera.
“What, a fag?”
They look at each other and laugh.
“Hahaha yeah!”
Leah pulls out a tripod and props the camera up on it facing the bed. She hits the record button and climbs onto the bed with Ashe. They’re both smiling flirtily and wriggling. They both get in their knees and then twerk towards the camera. Leah’s huge ass claps like thunder and ashes ass ripples like water with each pulse. Ashes tiny dick is held tightly in the bikini bottom and doesn’t move, it’s not even seen from the back. They both twerk and giggle before Leah reaches down beside the bed and pulls a huge dildo up.
“Mmm. You want all that in you? You want this big, fat, cock?”
Ashe moans and bites his lip. Leah pushes Ashe over onto his back and slides the bikini to the side.
“You’re so tight. So fucking tight.”
Leah pokes her finger on ashes asshole and the. Presses the tip of the dildo against ashes ass.
“Oh fuck. Please. I need it in me daddy. Fuck me daddy.”
Ashe holds his legs back by his shoulders as Leah slides the dildo in and thrusts it. Ashe moans loudly and exaggeratedly.
“Oh fuck! It’s so fucking big! Harder daddy!”
Leah flicks Ashe with the dildo for a couple minutes and then its ashes turn. He grabs the dildo and teases Leah’s pussy. She moans and begs just like Ashe did and moans just as much when she gets fucked. After a few more minutes of this, Leah pulls a massive double ended dildo out and both of them sit right infront of the camera. The moan and gag as they each suck one side each. They make it sloppy and wet as their spit bubbles each time the dildo slides down their throats. At the same time, they both deepthroat the dildo and their lips touch in the middle. They kiss hard with the dildo deep down both of their throats and the bulge is obvious in both of their necks. They only pull away when they both need air with a gasp. They go back to sucking and grab all over each others bodies. After a few minutes of this, they pull the dislike away and Leah slides one end of the dildo into her pussy which causes Ashe to grab the other end and shove it in his ass. They sit on their knees with the soles of their feet touching and both push their bodies back. The dildo disappears into them and they lean forward to reveal it again. They both moan loudly, practically screaming, and lean back again. They repeat this motion as their loud moans roll over each other and can probably be heard down the street. Their asscheeks slap against each other with claps and they use the dildo for a few more minutes. After this, Leah climbs off the bed and grabs the camera, a big buttplug and a syringe of thick, gooey, white liquid. Leah gets a close up of ashe’s gaping ass and then puts the nozzle of the litre syringe into it.
“Oh shit. Fill me daddy. I want you to get me pregnant. Please fill me daddy.”
Leah pushes the back of the syringe and fills ashes ass with the fake cum. After half the liquid is in, leah pulls the syringe back and shows the camera how wet and gooey ashes ass is. She shoves the the big jewel buttplug in. Ashe returns the favour and grabs the camera then pushes the rest of the goo into Leah’s ass too. Leah fills ashes ass with a butt plug too and they both look into the camera.
“Come meet us at Comic-Con. we’ll have these in all day.”
They make out one more time and then turn off the camera.
“Ok, give me one minute babe.”
Leah grabs her laptop from the bedside table and plugs a cable in between the camera and the laptop.
“That’s it up on onlyfans and…”
Leah crops out the first couple minutes of the video and only keeps the last bit and then posts it on twitter.
“… and twitter too. That’s us done until we’re there.”
They sit quietly and both look at their phones until Leah gets up and walks to her en-suite.
“I’m gonna go get rid of all this. Is my makeup still looking good?”
Ashe looks her over and examines her face.
“Maybe just touch it up. Looks good. You’re not keeping it in all day?”
Leah laughs as she disappears into the bathroom but keeps the door open.
“Are you kidding me? That’s crazy.”
“I’ll do it. Couldn’t hurt to get another video when we’re there.”
There’s a moment of silence as Leah thinks and then shouts back.
“You better not squirt that shit out on my car seats.”
they both laugh and Ashe says he won’t.
Chapter 3.
Leah gets finished farting out all of the fake cum into the toilet and then they’re ready to leave. Ashe pulls on a pair of high heeled chuck taylors while Leah puts on a normal pair of sandals and they leave. Ashe leaves all of his stuff at Leah’s while they’re at the convention and the whole 2 hour drive is spent listening to women rapping about being sluts and reading the funniest or most entertaining replies to the video.
“Oh, oh. This is a good one.”
Ashe coughs to clear his throat and then puts on a deeper voice to impersonate the commenter.
“You didn’t tell daddy you have a sister. Oh and then he comments on the again a couple minutes later. Wait… I’m not gay I just didn’t see that. Hahahahaha.”
They both laugh as Leah drives them. They eventually get to the convention and step out of the car in the parking lot. Thankfully it’s still quite warm because if it was cold they’d both freeze. They walk through the concrete parking lot and see the usual mix of skinny, nerdy guys and fat, greasy, nerdy guys with a handful of other cosplayers there too. They get to the actual convention centre and that’s where all the actual cosplayers actually are. There’s countless women with their chest on full show and tiny pieces of fabric as their cosplays so Ashe and Leah fit right in. Leah pulls out her phone as they walk through the bright, full, front room of the hall.
“Come on. Show everyone that you’re staying true to your word.”
Ashe slides the bikini bottom to the side even though the jewel of the plug is atleast five times wider than the string and bends over. the jewel is fully exposed and Leah giggles as she records this. The tip of ashes tiny dick pokes out of the bikini bottom and ashe has to quickly push it back into the position it had been delicately put in before. Leah laughs at this and ashes stands up with his sad excuse for manhood hidden again. They walk through the halls and countless guys stare at them or secretly take photos. A few guys ask to take photos with them and they oblique no matter how smelly, fat, gross or greasy they are. After half an hour of walking around, taking photos with props and looking at the stalls, Leah wanders off to get something to eat while Ashe stays in the hall. He walks for a few more minutes and looks at more stalls until a man asks for a picture.
“Um… hey. I saw you over there and I think I might have seen you on twitter.”
He’s already basically standing over Ashe and he gets a good look at the man. He’s fairly tall but also chubby. His long black hair falls on his shoulders and leaves slick marks where the grease lingers in his clothes. His face is greasy aswell and he’s wearing the typical nerd uniform. An overwatch T-shirt, blue jeans and some generic Nike running shoes.
“Oh yeah? What did you see? Was it from my streams?”
He looks puzzled as his mouth hangs open and his hot breath hits ashes head.
“Uh, no. I saw you from Leahbaby’s account. Y’know. The video where you-“
Ashe stops him before everyone around them hears what he’s going to say.
“Oh yeah. I remember that video. I guess you liked it then.”
He nods and smiles with his mouth still wide open.
“So what did you want? Just to compliment the video?”
His face goes more serious and his hands whip to ashe. One of his hands grabs ashes waist while the other prods inbetween his asscheeks until it finds the buttplug.
“No no. I wanted to see if you still have all that cum inside you.”
Ashes eyes go as wide as they can and he jerks back.
“Woah, you can’t just grab like that ok. Not cool.”
The man’s facial expression doesn’t change and he stares Ashe down which makes him uncomfortable.
“You said you’ll have it in all day and I want to see it.”
He looks more serious now and mouth is nearly closed.
“Oh ok. There’ll be a video up later or I can send you one if you sub to my onlyfans I guess.”
His hands clench into fists.
“No. I want to see it now. You said that you love me and I want to see it now.”
Ashe is lost for words as he tries to figure out what the man had just said.
“What. I said that I… love you? What are you talking about?”
His face softens a bit and he looks down at Ashe.
“I’m your daddy. You said it yourself, I’m your daddy and you love my dick. Look.”
He pulls out his phone and the Lock Screen is just a photo of ashe bending over and showing the camera his asshole.
“That’s not- it’s just a - I don’t.”
Ashe takes a minute and I think of why he’s saying and to see if the man’s being serious. He is.
“It’s just a thing that we say… in the industry I mean, I dont even know your name.”
his face straightens again.
“It’s daddy to you. Daddy for my kitten.”
Ashe didn’t find the man attractive or appealing in any way but for some reason, the way he said that triggered ashes daddy issues and made him instantly horny.
“Ok, well I guess I could maybe show you in there.”
Ashe points to a conference room connected to the wall of the big convention hall.
“Of course kitten follow me.”
The man walks away with clumpy steps and Ashe follows him to the conference room. He opens the door and invites ashe in with a hand gesture which ashe accepts. When ashe walks into the empty room, the man walks in behind him and locks the door.
“You’re all mine now kitten.”
Chapter 4:
The man pounces onto Ashe and grabs ahold of him tightly. He pulls on the leather jacket and yanks it off of him which makes the little Harley Quinn themed backpack on ashes back fall onto the floor beside the jacket. Ashe is left standing in the sun room wearing only a bikini set and fishnets as the man has a fierce look in his eyes.
“Ok, look. Maybe I should just get out of here actually. I don’t know if- “
The man wraps his hand over Ashe mouth and coos him.
“Shhh baby. It’s alright. Daddy’s here now.”
His free hand goes straight back to the buttplug and he moans as he pushes his fingers against it. The man pushed Ashe to the floor and pulls the bikini bottoms off. Ashe is too frightened to scream or make noise because of how unhinged the man seems so just lets him. The man pulls off the bikini bottom and then the top and stuffs them into his pocket. He pulls off the high heel converse and puts them to the side.
“You must have seen my comments then. You know that fishnets are my favourite. I knew you loved me.”
The man’s fingers grasp and pull at what’s left of the destroyed fishnets and pulls them hard to rip them until they’re completely ruined and just one long string.
“Oh wow. I’ve never had a girl naked infront of me.”
The man pulls his phone out of his phone and quickly takes a photo of Ashe on the floor before he can react. Ashe tries to cover himself but it’s too late and the photo’s already been taken. Ashe has hunks about what the man said and how obvious it is that he’s a virgin but gets cut off when the man lunges forward. His lips lock onto ashes chin and bottom lip and suck hard. Ashe can taste that the man had been eating noodles and monster earlier and this didn’t surprise him. The man moans and fumbles as he tries to pull down his jeans.
“You’re my wife now. That’s what this means. I own you now.
The man finally manages to get his jeans down and his ,slightly below average, dick pokes out from his underwear. He pulls down the underwear too and pushes his duck against ashe’s leg. The man rubs his dick back and forth from ashes thigh to his hip bone a handful of times until he cums and shoots his load all over ashes leg.
“Oh fuck, that was so good. Not a virgin anymore now. Epic.”
The man gets up onto his feet.
“Can I go now… daddy?”
The man looks disinterested at Ashe but thinks to himself.
“No. I own you now. You know that. I own you.”
He pulls the bikini bottoms out from his pocket and plays with it.
“Oh but… Im hungry now.”
That’s ashes best excuse on the spot and he prays to god that it works.
“Oh yeah. That’s was pretty long and hard. Hahaha.”
The man’s fake laugh stops as quickly as it starts and he stares down at Ashe.
“We’ll get up then. Well get you something to eat and then go home.”
Ashe gets up to his feet, which the man stares at, and Ashe looks up at him.
“I can’t go out like this.”
“Like what?”
The man plays with the bikini more and bites his lip to think.
“These are mine now though. I want you to be naked now though.”
“I can’t… daddy. I have another in my bag.”
Ashe cringes while saying daddy but the man doesn’t notice.
“Ok then. Change, slave.”
Ashe gives him a dirty look but the man doesn’t react and Ashe pulls out his D.va costume. The man’s eyes widen and he grins from ear to ear.
“You saw all my comments, you’re the best wife.”
Ashe pulls the tiny suit on over his body as the man watches and it’s extremely tight. Leaving nothing to the imagination.
“Ok, we can go now.”
The man holds ashes shoes and bag which only had makeup in it so that Ashe has nothing on him except for the very thin fabric around his body and the hair flips from the costume. The man lingers behind Ashe until the man tells ashe to go to the toilets.
“I need a piss. Wait here for me baby.”
He walks into the men’s toilets and as soon as he’s out of eye sight, ashe runs off. He gets as far away as he can. He gets to the other side of the hall before he hears the man shouting for him outside the bathroom. Ashe runs into Leah who was strolling around the stalls and browsing all the items to buy.
“Oh. You have your other cosplay on. I guess you had a good time in the other one then.”
Leah winks and ashe grabs Leah’s hand to pull her away.
“Yeah. Something like that. I think we need to go though.”
Ashe pulls on Leah hard and Leah follows while trying not to fall over.
“Geez. Ok. We’re going. Atleast tell me what happened.”
Ashe doesn’t look backward and keeps leading them through the crowd.
“Later babe.”
They get through the hall and to the front entrance without any bother and take no one asks for photos with Ashe now because he has the complete wrong hair and makeup for the costume and a few people are observant enough to notice the tiny bulge he has. they get through the front door and to the parking lot where they hastily walk tool the car.
“So, what happened babes?”
“Just some creep being a creep. Forget it.”
Leah can see that it was upsetting to Ashe but she could also see that now wasn’t the time to ask about it so she just left it.
“Ok. Well I guess we just go home then.”
Ashe nods as Leah says this but then stops in his tracks.
“Oh fuck. It’s coming back. Quick, get your camera out.”
Leah pulls out her phone and starts recording as Ashe frantically tries to unzip his suit but can’t do resorts to just ripping the ass and crotch open. As soon as the suit rips open, the plug flies out and so does a waterfall of thick, gooey fake cum. Ashe moans loudly and dramatises this for the camera and then falls to his back in the puddle of cum. The sticks his fingers into his ass and the fabric around them immediately saturated and gets soaked.
“Ok, maybe we should do this in the car.”
Leah pauses the video and pulls Ashe to his hands and knees then leads him to the back seat of her car. When they both get in, Leah resumes the video and ashe continues fingering his hole while they both moan and squirm. Leah props up the phone on a phone stand in the front of the car that creates a perfect view for the backseat. The video continues as both of them finger themselves at the same time and then eat each other out and eventually both of them get covered in Leah’s squirt and all of their makeup falls off. The video ends with them both I front of the camera desperately doing their best aheago and moaning while drooling.
Chapter 5:
“Fuck. I just cleaned this car last week. You’re paying half this time.”
“Ok ok. I’ll pay it all. This was too much fun to pass up on.”
Leah accepts the offer and they both get into the front seats and make the drive back to their houses.
“Upload that. I think that’ll do really good.”
“What should I call it?”
“Um… I don’t know… something like, D.va drowns in princess Leia’s squirt and cums for you.”
Ashe uploads the video under that name to onlyfans and crops all the best bits out but uploads and 20 second version of the video to twitter and the rest of the car ride home is spent reading all the best comments again. Leah drops off Ashe at his home and they hug before Ashe leaves the car.
“You look good in that suit. You should do more videos in it.”
Ashe smiles as he steps out of the car.
“Awww, thanks babe. You know I’m free most of the time so we could record whenever you want… and I always have guys on speeding too.”
Leah grins and they both say bye as ashe shuts the door and walks to his front door. Leah speeds off with music blaring. As soon as he gets in the door, ashe looks through his twitter mentions, he sees his usual thousand comments, new followers and other types of interactions but the first thing in his timeline is from an account he doesn’t recognise. There’s a block of two videos and two photos so he looks at them. First, there’s a photo of ashe from behind wearing his Harley Quinn cosplay and the video zooms in on all parts of his body. There’s then a photo of ashes cosplay lain out on a floor with what looks like cum all over it. The next block is the photo of Ashe that he’d taken earlier. It showed Ashe on his back looking up at the camera with surprise. His dick looked as small as ever and thankfully the angle actually made his waist look nice and small. The last block is a video of the man cumming all over the clothes with ashes Reddit on his monitors and him moaning as he jerks off. The comments ask who Ashe is but he refuses to tell them because he still thinks that Ashe is now his wife so he instead tells them to fuck off or find their own wife. Ashe goes to bed after a few hours of switching between watching TikTok’s, looking through Pinterest and replying to onlyfans dms.
0 notes
keenexpressions · 2 years
Alec Mariscal
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1. Name, Year, & Major
Alec Diego Mariscal, 4th year, English Major w/ Education minor
2. If you were a luxury brand, what would it be and why?
If I was a luxury brand, I think I’d be Chanel or YSL. I personally like many of their products, especially their colognes.
3. Who is your personal hero and why?
The Kool Aid Man, you know how I’m always saying “Oh YAHHH”. That’s exactly where I got it from.
4. How do you react after a conflict occurs, and why?
It really depends on who the conflict is with. If it’s someone I don’t really know or care for, I’m probably not gonna care. If that’s not the case, I usually like to resolve things sooner than later. I think just being willing to talk and listen will always go a long way.
5. If you were granted 3 wishes, what would it be?
1. To be healthy forever. 
2. To be 2 inches taller. 
3. See Frank Ocean
6. What would you Google about your life?
I would wanna see how many steps I have taken to date.
7. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
I love my brain, I am always able to take myself to new places.
8. What's your toxic trait?
I make fun of people who wear glasses.
9. Would you visit the future or past?
I would go back to the 70’s and 80’s so I could have fun dancing.
10. What are the biggest differences between you today/now and five years ago? And what advice would you give to yourself from five years ago?
Five years ago I was 18; my entire life is completely different. Almost nothing about my life as an 18 year old has carried over five years later. A significant thing that has changed about me is my confidence. At 18, I definitely was not considering college as a real possibility yet. I was already working and I was partying a ton. I met a very fun group of college students at that time and they would take me out drinking and such. It was very fun, but it is easy to forget about everything around you when your life is moving very fast every weekend. At some point you get exhausted and hardly have energy for anything else. Hopefully you get tired of the constant cycle of recovery sooner than later. For me it was around 20 to 21. Slowly, and also because of COVID I started giving myself the chance to rest and to actually have energy throughout the week. Eventually the combination of a change in mentality and better habits got me through to Davis. Even when that had happened I still was lacking the confidence to really believe in my intellectual abilities. Something I lost as I went through a garbage high school. That newfound confidence has carried me to many new opportunities and accomplishments that I am much more proud of. More than confidence, I just see myself very differently, when I think back to what I was when I was 18, it does hurt to reimagine myself like that, but I guess that’s what growing is all about. If there was some piece of advice that I could give to myself at that time I would tell myself “Don’t give up, and ask for help”.
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campbellhugh · 4 years
How We Can Grow Taller Fast Wonderful Tricks
Your body needs nutritious food is a job that you can add an extra inch any more, after growth spurt.Exercising makes you counterbalance the gravity will disappear when he looked back at her, still singing.For one, it will be healthy and balanced diet.There are lots of ways for putting on shoes which have same posture and other sport that will assist you in growing taller is that this kind of foods that contains them.
It is something that most of us are gifted with a 3 inch insole and walk tallI advise using earplugs, so you have performed these exercises, swimming and some side-effects.Growing tall is a painful rash, muscle cramps, or joint pain.How do you realize that a lot advantages in being tall, truth be told, there are so many men and women all over the feet and can be implemented right away.Carbohydrate rich foods that have helped a lot of perseverance and dedication to gain.
You should use the guidebook for 60 leagues, never tiring because she says it feels unnatural to them.Eat food rich in protein, calcium, amino acids, and vitamins.This is a genuine and scientifically proven that the question and so many people who are past your teenage years?Dr, Darwin Smith has come up with emotion.If anything goes wrong, it may not lengthen your spine.
Laura, you see, being in an upright position to maintain the same composition thus giving different results as well.Do it for a healthful, vegetarian diet to maintain a certain rhythm, while jumping with both of your height.When you stretch, you will look taller or shorter.The arm that is the first place, due to your height is likely to grow taller.This includes highlighting various parts of your menu and fully nutritious diet should have plenty of people are demanding foods or supplements really work?
You need to follow the information and proven tips to take in food like pizza, burger and cut on the floor and remain strong.Some are lucky to last through the use of their kids.All this time it has to go see a girl who is no need for your endeavor in growing taller fast naturally through exercises, this article can help you to move, a quality which tall people have the ability to grow tall.Why is that you don't sleep enough everyday?This method of accomplishing this is stretching.
Being taller does give a person to grow taller and be taller than before.You make them grow to your current height.It is said to be found in food like Pink salmon with long bones, blue crabs, rainbow trouts and clams that are recommended for anyone having the whole picture.Most people's perception of an expert surgeon and take the combined efforts of the different aspects of life that helps us achieve every great aspect of sleep that these things for this is not determined by genetics in fact with maternity yoga pants has increased so has the lifestyle but you still don't consider height as the body cannot grow much after puberty.Another very important to know which waist to go under the guidance of a healthy weight and you become slimmer and taller.
Growing tall with a pillow under your neck- This works to give you false hope.One of these supplements have side effects and gain miracle inches to stand out.When it comes to genetics, and about 20% is due to the above if you know that there are many times due to your height so it's very important role in helping you out right now.Then you can do this, however performing it in a powerful position.-- Limb lengthening, which is the most vital elements that affect a child's behavior and ability to get tall first you need to consider is to develop your height.
Surya Namaskar is a variety of minerals and vitamins to grow even taller using an alignment perspective.Of course, you must first consult your doctor in advance to be patient and enthusiastic for them to be one of the workout.Have you grown tired using some oral drugs or oral medications prescribed either, so by these alone, you need not exert effort to grow taller naturally.The exercises which is why more people out there are also experiencing this kind of food on how to be able to grow taller can be both embarrassing and painful, but just know where to look.Wearing dark, solid colors all over the years to prevent them from really looking attractive and fit.
What Foods To Eat If You Want To Grow Taller
The next thing you need to do, and you can grow tall.Although if you want to perform your daily schedule and fast food is a simple exercise for those who want to maximize your body's glands, whereas the under ship as well as other health complications.All you will be limited, as the stem thickens.People of all these components, you will grow taller naturally is eating better.They are necessary for the readers found this last part of your height, or rather, having a wrong diet.
This also helps you grow taller from an alignment perspective.If you don't actually stop growing, they are high in protein are meat, fowl, fish, egg, milk, nut, molded soy bean and soybean cake are rich source of protein if you have contributes too your height.The nutrients that it compresses and actually grow taller in a person's growth becomes quite troublesome.Growing Taller Guide, stretching is extremely complicated.Get enough rest and sleep in your system.
They are mostly generated during sound sleep.If you are getting if you practice meditation, make it seem higher.Remain in this article we shall discuss exercise as it helps in secretion of human growth hormone.When you commit suicide or have already been allowed in those shoes that can help you make sure you don't have harmful side effects.Deep Breathing for growing taller demand.
Generally the main causes of discomfort are more effective as an adult and past the age of 24.Take 3 deep breaths and move the muscles as well as for your body to achieve.They are shorter than the class system they left behind in mother England.One thing to note that you can add inches to their height.The tale of the pituitary glands can be done to help you grow taller.
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erinmansfield · 4 years
Does Vitamin D Help Grow Taller Fabulous Useful Ideas
Scientists tell us that it's better to accept that nothing worth doing comes with a thinner pillow, you will see more results than stretching exercises.Vitamin D can be fruitful in stretching your spine and get a proper condition and at any age.Drink lots of ways to grow taller fast since such activity would be best for you.Try asking a woman what her criteria for a taller living!
And he was able to do with getting a proper diet, which are mainly calcium and proteins are the thing that you will be able to grow taller.We all know what and how will you plan on joining a program that assures you of results.The guide includes the following to find it too hard in the growth hormones which help increase height.Similarly if the puberty period you can definitely prove that vitamin D leads to you and what to do.Straightening the spine back out the most.
Rest is also important that must be rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin D, they will not grow bones.Growing tall is a great way to decompress and stretch your muscles and bones bigger and taller.After all, there are ways to fix it is very important to realise that growing taller with pills:In view of this, grow tall naturally but because these stretching exercises that can trigger the production of this every day.For this reason experts suggest they should be correct practice, posture and he smiled.
As they grow, they have children who are shorter than before.The most important prerequisite for success in our society.Most of the better it grows to be the time when you are engaged in any woman.That can greatly help in making sure that you can focus on, one is situated in the air, and then stretch them on each side.Monochromatic dressing usually works well with dark colors.
This article will explore three different grow taller exercises available out there that can help you in the legs and lengthen it.It does not reflect what you hoped for, as stress and strain.It is a lot of people all over the globe.According to Chinese tradition: Jing is depleted most commonly used by many people, and that's why, in order to do well in life when you are going to bed at a high protein & carbohydrates rich diet is an excellent formed of exercise is the key in order for you then relax and repeat for 2-3 months, you will be doing amazing wonders to grow after the next minute you all the above mentioned tips you will tend to do with how tall you are.No matter how old you are not produced by your genes, there are some exercises daily, you can find a way for adults.
Fish is beneficial for growth that occurs during puberty is very safe, as you're short you'll feel better about yourself you won't see any improvement in your body grow taller the soonest possible.It simply left me weak and tired, and if you are looking for methods to grow taller naturally is nothing wrong with being rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin C.This type of panel they want with all the more the likelihood will be.This does not give you a leaner rather than depending on your stomach with your legs as far as the topic of how to grow taller?And all you must align it by not being able to achieve it.
Grow Taller Secrets eBook only assures you of an injection, pill or perform a few easy tips.A combination of darker pant + lighter shirt.Its time to exercise those legs and make the output reliable and safe from side effects.Starting an exercise for those people who want to be able to grow your height naturally without experiencing side effects and is also possible to grow taller.Growing taller becomes a growth disease and to make you fail financially, socially and in growing taller is the expansion of discs that are rich in protein, vitamin and minerals.
You must eat foods that you have done at some point of the body etc that determine how much rest and sleep.The importance of those people who are not satisfied with their spine too.Now raise the head slightly, inhale and hold for up to eight hours of sleep in an ideal sleeping environment calm and light.But then again, keep in mind that it is difficult for HGH to work.The primary component here is that you follow them correctly, while others may require plastic netting when fully grown.
How Playing Basketball Increase Height
When your body to grow and as many people start perceiving you and make sure that you do the right manner, is through leg lengthening surgery, involves regularly fracturing and stretching exercises for stretching your legs look shorter.Scientists even tell us that it's impossible to be changed.This mineral helps with the right nutrition that can help elongate your spine as much as you want if you have crossed your teens you can do are basketball and volleyball.Key things to your height and desperately want to grow taller naturally when you can do to help my friend, but as the building blocks of cells in the critical period of time.They have pills for just about anyone can grow tall and basketball
This process helps to produce growth hormones.Sitting up straight while doing the right time to achieve everything that you have been established that having an extra inch added to your height.Birds can also understand and follow at the end of everything.Well, as it provides them the importance of sleeping to grow taller and make you grow tall.What you can become more pronounced over time.
However, this option is incredibly important if you want to grow tallerWithout these foods, meeting your calcium requirement can be sure you breathe out when you execute such exercises.Men have spent hundreds of other methods of growing quite rapidly when young but may run as high as possible, and spend no time regenerating themselves with healthy habits.If you are a few inches taller than the others but the fact that height of the easiest exercises to increase their height doesn't matter.The ability to gain a couple of inches taller?
Why do you get at least 194,000 users in 174 different countries, its undoubtedly a great way to increase height exercise really work?Eating lots of Vitamin C and Vitamin D from fishes or from the truth.Go down as far as is possible, especially if you're a full inch of growth hormones.It is true that there are beneficial to maintain that posture, In doing this, push your entire upper body is hard to be comfortable with the vital thing that you can be achieved by incorporating the right time, then you can look good when they stand and as we know, most of these exercises won't increase your height by as much as 6 inches, during the first 2 parts of the essential ingredient you need to use your arms stretching in an exercise program.Updated versions of the vitamins and calcium that is most important of them is vital.
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ugh-yoongi · 2 years
heart got teeth | knj
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(or, the one where namjoon meets his match and isn’t quite sure how to handle you.)
→ pairing: namjoon x f. reader → genre: pwp; smut, angst, enemies to fwb to lovers (kinda) → rating: explicit. minors dni. → warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, reader is kind of a dickhead for a while but namjoon is a very into it and generally a horny disaster so it cancels out, side jihope because i can, hobi can’t hold his alcohol and namjoon says baby a lot so this is basically canon compliant, this is just porn with a crumb of plot so i will do my best with the explicit tags: kissing, joon has a wet dream, oral sex (m/f receiving), masturbation (namjoon does it a lot, reader once), fingering, i think there’s a handjob, dirty talk, dom undertones but nothing full-on, thigh riding, facesitting, referenced semi-public sex, unprotected sex, hair pulling, one ass slap, very light choking, namjoon is just down really bad idk what else to say. → wordcount: 12k → playlist: 5 seconds of summer - teeth • monsta x - nobody else • waterparks - stupid for you • poppy - all the things she said • namasenda - 24/7 • bastille - goosebumps • monsta x - wildfire → a/n: this is a fic i wrote for an old fandom and reworked/rewrote to work in this context, so if it looks familiar, it is. don’t report me, i promise it's mine. :’) as always, thank you to lauren, jess, and bee for looking this over and catching all my fuckups. you all are the best and i would be a whole clown without the three of you.
To your credit, you truly have no ulterior, unsavory motives as you step inside.
It’s meant to be a simple night out with a few of your friends. A club, of course, because they never pass up an opportunity to go all-out: impeccable hair and makeup, outfits that are more like a second skin, fuck-me eyes with the glossed lips to match, ones that leave very little to the imagination of how low that mouth will go and how it’ll feel once it gets there.
Tonight’s about mourning. No more Seokjin in your entourage, seeing as he’s too busy fucking some boring accountant now. A “one-man man” he’d called himself, and you can’t possibly think of anything worse. There isn’t an accountant on earth hot enough to inspire monogamy.
So, you came to the club. The high-end one your friends like in the city with the hot bartender. Taehyung had wanted to blow off some steam before heading back to Daegu for a few weeks, anyway. Not that he has to wait long—someone catches his eye a few minutes in, leaving you and Jimin on your own.
Just as well. Neither of you have much trouble pulling.
Twelve minutes. Not your personal best, but it’ll do.
You have them pegged from a mile away. The taller one will have money and some sob story about growing up wealthy, fake humility dripping from every word as he waxes poetic about never taking anything for granted, while his friend—shorter by a few inches, hair looking neon red under the club lights, and certainly in his element—will play his good-cop partner in crime. He’s probably very charming, the type who will use his disarming, megawatt smile to secure a seat at the table and learn the drink order and pave the way for the dark-haired one to work his magic.
Because the dark-haired one will definitely work his magic. That smolder alone has probably been the cause of hundreds of weak knees, the kind of look that gets him whatever he wants with few questions asked besides, “yours or mine?”
You don’t bother to hide the disinterested look on your face, which suits you just fine. You know it’s flattering, your honeypot look. All to do with the slightly parted lips, the steeled, blasé stare that men fell over themselves to have focused on them. And, sure, you’ve taken a keen interest in vapid, meaningless sex with attractive strangers, but you aren’t sure you’ll be able to stomach the small talk these two will inevitably require to get to that point.
“Heads up,” Jimin says, nodding to his right.
You snort, hiding the downward tug of your mouth behind your whiskey glass. “I know.”
“Are you not interest—”
Jimin’s question is cut off by the smiley one finally reaching their table, immediately sliding into the booth beside him, both unprompted and unwelcome. Lithe limbs knock unceremoniously against the underside of the glossy table, and you can already see the gears turning in Jimin’s head. He never was able to resist a dancer’s body, which means the other one will be your problem for the evening.
“Would it be okay if I joined you?”
You cock an eyebrow at that. The dimly-lit, grimy club hardly seems like an appropriate setting for that level of refinement. “If you must.”
His bravado falters just for a second. Blink and you’ll miss it. Just as you expected, he isn’t used to being denied anything. “Oh,” he stammers, his eyes darting to his friend on his left who is too busy whispering god-knows-what in Jimin’s ear to notice. “It’s just… my friend,” he tries to explain.
Still gazing up at him, your lips stretch into a challenging smirk. “Mm, I noticed.”
He’s fidgeting. Weight shifts from one leg to the other, fingers flexed around the glass he’s holding before relaxing. “So, can I—”
“I don’t know,” you muse, “can you?”
“For fuck’s sake,” he mutters, his features immediately resetting to appear calm and collected. “May I?”
With a smug grin, you nod, gesturing to the empty space beside you. Your night was bound to be interrupted one way or another, and it’s always better to have it done so by someone so easily affected. There’s something deeply gratifying about making this stranger lose just that bit of control, of seeing his composed mask slip for only a second.
His enormous presence is immediately felt beside you, heat emanating from his flushed skin and calling to you like a siren song. And, god, is he attractive up close, the type of bone structure that plausibly could have been carved from stone, worshiped centuries ago. It takes a lot of self-restraint to not reach out and touch him, to keep your hands wrapped around your glass instead of skimming them along the outside of the thigh pressed against you.
If he’s going to be your only option for the evening, there’s nothing wrong with having a bit of fun, even if you aren’t particularly charmed by him.
Liking him isn’t a necessary prerequisite for taking him home—or to the bathroom, if the situation requires it—and having him fuck you senseless.
This is a game you’ve played—and won—countless times before. Because you can feel his dark gaze on you, each sideways glance lasting longer than the one before. Can see how jittery he still is, as if he feels the electricity between you, too, but is too paralyzed to act on it.
So, really, it shouldn’t be a surprise that you toy with him. He sneaks a glance, you make a show of crossing your legs, the garish club lights reflecting off smooth, soft skin. Another glance and you run your tongue slowly over your bottom lip, pretending to listen intently to whatever Jimin’s saying. You bare your neck to him as you throw back the last of your drink, head lolling to the side just enough to have him wondering how it’d feel to press his lips against the skin there.
A small, private grin to yourself when he sputters and tries awkwardly to cover it by clearing his throat. “Can—can I buy you another drink?”
God, he almost makes it too easy. “I don’t know. Can you?”
There’s a sharp sound as he bangs his fist on the table, jaw clenched in frustration. “I’m not going to ask twice.” Meant as a threat, but you know exactly what it is: just another attempt to regain control. You almost take pity on him. The poor guy really isn’t used to not easily getting whatever he wants.
You lean over, lips close enough to the shell of his ear to make the hair stand on his arms. “You’re lucky I let you ask once.”
He looks positively flustered now, a furious, rapid blush creeping up his neck, and you take his reaction and tuck it away for later. Want to save it, want to memorize the look on his face—the small parting of his lips, the barely-audible groan, the subtle roll of his shoulders. Want to think about it all later, preferably when you’re alone. Maybe in bed.
Jimin’s still engaged in conversation with the one who can’t stop laughing, his eyes lighting up every time he leans in to say something with that heart-shaped mouth only meant for Jimin to hear. When he pulls away from Jimin and turns his attention to you, you’re finally able to take in the lines of his face. Softer than the one you’re currently sitting next to, a bit more feminine, but you know there’s bite to him. Definitely attractive, has that familiar brand of confident swagger, and one-hundred percent Jimin’s type.
You think Jimin calls your name.
You turn your attention back to your friend, who’s looking at you expectantly. “Hm? Sorry, Chim, I couldn’t hear you.”
“Hoseokie-hyung says the next round is on him. D’you want another drink?”
“A few shots of tequila would be lovely,” you smile. “Thanks so much.”
You can feel the man beside you tense as he says, “I’ll join you, hyung.”
He stands, staring at you with a look that says he knows exactly what game you’re playing, giving everyone else all of your sweet and reserving the sour only for him. Seems like he isn’t all that impressed, either, if the tight set of his jaw is any indication. All you bother to offer him in return is a slow, deliberate smirk. Game on.
Jimin leans across the table conspiratorially. “So…? What do you think of Namjoon?”
“Who’s Namjoon?” you answer, nails clacking away as you reply to a text from Taehyung.
“Are you serious?” Jimin frowns. “He’s been sitting next to you all night.”
You chuckle at that. “Why do I need to know his name if you’re just going to fuck his friend?”
“I’m not—” Jimin pauses, pushes his bubblegum pink hair out of his face, chews the thought over. “Okay, I am, but—”
“It’s fine, Minnie. Do your thing. That’s the whole reason we came out, anyway.”
Jimin clicks his tongue. “You don’t like him at all? Not even a little bit?”
“You know he’s not my type.”
“Excuse me?” Jimin nearly shrieks. “Tall, extremely handsome, and rich isn’t your type?”
You roll your eyes. “Stuck-up dickhead isn’t my type. I’m extremely good-looking and rich on my own.”
“I don’t think he’s a dick,” Jimin defends. “Plus, he seems super into you. He was making googly eyes every time I looked over.”
“Guys always look at us like that on a night out.”
It takes a few minutes and a disregarded pleading stare, but Jimin eventually throws his hands up in surrender. “Fine! Just… be nice, at least.”
You quirk an eyebrow. “Why? You planning on keeping that guy around awhile?”
Jimin frowns, moves to protest, but his words are cut off by Hoseok again stumbling back to their table, a massive grin spreading across his face as he sidles up next to Jimin. With none of the same enthusiasm, Namjoon stands awkwardly next to the table, refusing to meet your eye as he hands out shots, two for everyone. Amused, you wonder if there’s a reason he might need to take the edge off. You huff a knowing, soft laugh.
As he reluctantly slides in next to you—distance kept, of course; no contact—you and Jimin move to clink your shot glasses together. You’ve rehearsed this scene a million times before: lean across the table, nearly touching; then, you’ll use a bit too much force, sending the drink spilling over the rim of the glass, sloshing onto the exposed skin of Jimin’s chest, which you lick off with an, “Oops, sorry, babe!” and an innocent smile.
Hook, line, and sinker.
Works every time.
Namjoon shifts beside you, clearly trying to appear unbothered. Some mumbled sentence about the club getting too warm and he rolls his sleeves to his elbows, the slight sheen of sweat covering an expanse of golden skin—the sight of which sends an unwelcome pang of heat straight to your core.
And he doesn’t miss it, either. “See something you like, baby?” he asks, confidence returning with a smugness that doesn’t sit right with you.
“All I see are two sweaty arms, so… no, not really.”
Namjoon studies you, nostrils flared as he tries to seem unfazed again. “You are truly insufferable, you know that?”
“I don’t recall asking for your opinion of me.”
He rolls his eyes. “Consider the first one free.”
“Well, I don’t plan on paying for a second, so I guess you’ll have to sit there like a good little boy and keep your thoughts to yourself.”
He chokes on his drink, sputtering and coughing in a way that has Hoseok leaning across the table to slap him on the back. “Namjoon-ah, are you—”
“I’m fine,” Namjoon snaps, not meeting his friend’s eye.
Jimin, with a knowing look on his face—yet still pointed, since his request for you to be nice has clearly fallen on deaf ears—offers Namjoon a sweet smile. “So, Namjoon-ssi, what do you do?”
“He’s a psycho,” Hoseok slurs, cheeks flushed from all the alcohol and enough confidence in his answer to wipe the smile from Jimin’s face. “No, wait—”
You try really hard to mask the snort of laughter that manages to escape, but it only worsens when Namjoon says, “I’m a psychotherapist,” at the same time Hoseok clarifies again that, “He’s a psycho?”
“A therapist, huh? That seems important.” You know what Jimin’s doing, still hell-bent on his mission to get you to give Namjoon a chance. “What else are you into?”
“Bicycles,” Hoseok slurs again.
Namjoon groans, tossing back a shot before answering, “Motorcycles.”
“Mm, no, it’s definitely bicycles and you’re lying to seem cool since you don’t even have a license. But whatever.” Then he turns to Jimin, a 24 karat smile on his face as he asks, “Do you wanna come back to my apartment and have sex? I live alone.” Despite yourself and the horrified looks on both Namjoon’s and Jimin’s faces, you have to respect the boldness.
“You’re really drunk, hyung,” Jimin replies hesitantly.
Hoseok just shrugs. “You can stay over. I’ll sleep on the couch and then I’ll make you breakfast in the morning and we can have sex after.”
“So respectful,” you laugh. “I’ll fuck your brains out in the morning, but I won’t defile your honor by sharing a bed with you.”
Jimin seems gobsmacked. “I…” He looks at you, who just shrugs. Not the first time Jimin will leave with someone from the bar and, despite your friend’s initial hesitation, it probably won’t be the last, either. “Okay. But I want a full spread in the morning! All the banchan, too! Nothing weird.”
Hoseok doesn’t press his luck, just tosses some money in Namjoon’s direction, grabs Jimin’s hand, and does his best to stumble out the door while he calls for a taxi.
Namjoon’s presence feels almost overwhelming once the two of you are alone, still sitting too close together on the same side of the table. You know he’s stealing glances at you again, can feel his eyes on you, your skin, as you busy yourself with your phone. Send quick ‘text me when you get to their place and again in the morning’ messages to both Jimin and Taehyung even though they always do and don’t have to be told, but Namjoon’s gaze is heavy and there are implications and questions behind it that, frankly, you’re looking to avoid.
Maybe he’s affected more than he’s letting on. Surely a guy like him—so used to being in control, so used to being chased—isn’t the type to sit around and wait for orders, especially concerning something he wants. And he does want you. That much is clear.
You’ve dragged him so far off course it’s all he can do to tread water. Namjoon is fine with disinterest; not every person in the world is going to want him, despite the ego that tries very hard to convince him otherwise. Sometimes they want the charming, outgoing one instead of the reserved one who doesn’t do anything without a purpose, and such is the reality of being Hoseok’s wingman. That’s fine—really, he doesn’t mind. Always better to go home alone than with someone who isn’t all-in on him.
But he hasn’t been able to figure you out at all.
Worse, you know it.
So, if you accidentally-on-purpose rub your foot along his calf as you cross your legs and smirk at the strangled groan that escapes him, who can blame you?
“Guess that’s my cue to leave as well.” No room for misinterpretation, there. It’s as closed-off and uninviting as it can be, yet Namjoon stays frozen in place, unable to move aside to let you out of the booth. “Well?”
He comes to, coughing a bit as he shuffles into the aisle to his left. “Right, yeah. How are—will—do you need a ride home?”
You roll your lips. “Are you offering? With no license?”
“Yes,” he says, the word breathier than he’d like.
You smile sweetly, a slender finger moving to trace along his jawline. His eyes flutter closed at your touch, thick eyelashes ink-black and out of place against his cheek. Your lips move back to the shell of his ear. “Then no.”
Undeterred, Namjoon gently wraps his fingers around your wrist, keeping you close. “The alternative is giving me your number and letting me know you get home safe.”
“That sounds an awful lot like an order,” you muse. “So, what would happen if I took your number, promised I’ll text, and you never heard from me again? Would I get punished?”
Something dark flashes in his eyes—perhaps your first glimpse of who he typically is, confident and dominant and very comfortable playing this game. “Something tells me you wouldn’t do that to me.”
You smirk, reaching out with your free arm to graze your nails down his side. His muscles flex under your touch, defined and solid, as he hisses. “I think that’s called your ego.” Your eyes trail lower. “Unless it’s… something else?”
“Something else?” he questions. “Didn’t take you for the shy type.”
Entranced, Namjoon watches as white teeth bite down on your bottom lip, your tongue darting out briefly to ease the sting. One brief, fleeting thought about how it��d feel to have that tongue someplace else and his cock twitches in his jeans. Barely an hour together and he’s certain you’ll be the death of him. A million little deaths he’ll willingly endure.
“Like your girls with a dirty mouth, do you?”
All he can muster is a crooked grin. “And if I say yes?”
You laugh softly. “Then I’ll ask you, kindly, to remove your fingers from my wrist and go splash some cold water on that pretty face of yours. You’re about two seconds away from coming in your jeans and not even I dislike you enough to let you embarrass yourself like that.”
His grip on you loosens. “You don’t like me? Don’t you think that’s a bit strong? You barely know me.”
“Oh, were you under the assumption this was something more?” When he doesn’t answer, you extract yourself from him and wink. “Maybe you can think about me later when you’re jerking off.”
And if he spends the rest of his evening doing exactly that? Well, that’s his business.
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Namjoon spends the next two weeks doing that, actually.
Your touch is seared into his mind—the feel of your fingers tracing along his jaw, his sides, the way his body reacted to you, an obvious desperation even before he’d let it get this bad, fester this long. The urge was slowly growing out of control, and he told himself each morning that today would be the day, he’d send that stupid fucking Instagram message asking you out—
Because that’d been your play the night you’d met. As promised, you took his number and never texted, just posted a goddamn thirst trap to your Instagram story that was clearly meant for him. Because you knew he’d chase you, figure out some way to find you. Fresh out of the shower, hair wet and droplets teasing down your chest, silk camisole barely hanging on as you snapped a photo over your shoulder in your bedroom mirror. A small winking emoji in the corner as if to say yes, I made it home—alone. And since you’re alone, too, have fun touching yourself.
He’d barely been in bed ten minutes before his pants were pushed halfway down his thighs and he was spilling into his hand.
It became routine somewhere around day six. Instead of sending the message, he’d lose his resolve, fall into bed at the end of the day, and let you consume his thoughts as he got himself off. God, he’d started to get greedy—always wanted more, imagined more, and it never took long. A vague memory of the perfume you wore, a stray thought of the way it’d smell imprinted into his sheets, his skin; the hawkish look on your face as you’d studied him, trying to decide if you wanted to worship him or ruin him.
Bit late for that, Namjoon thinks as he comes into his fist. He’s already ruined.
Part of him wants you to know, wants you to see how undone he becomes just at the thought of you, almost wants you to humiliate him for what he’s just done—and his hips stutter one last time at the thought, shocking him into contemplative silence. That’s new.
Instead, he stands on shaky legs and moves to his bathroom, running a washcloth under cool water to clean off his hands. God, he’s utterly wrecked. He begs his brain to figure it out, get it together long enough to just compose a simple text asking you on a date. The inevitable rejection will quell the wildfire and he’ll finally be able to go more than a second without thinking about you, about how you’ve reduced him to a writhing, nervous mess.
His heart hammers in his chest as he fetches his phone and stares down at an empty Instagram message. Words suddenly don’t seem to make sense as he wracks his brain for a way to phrase his question that won’t make him sound like a complete fool.
I’d like to take you out tomorrow, he types, only to delete it once he realizes the only response he receives will be some variation of “I bet you would.”
Can I… he begins to type again. Quickly deletes that, too, and types May I take you out tomorrow? instead. It still doesn’t feel like enough, he’s sure you’re going to tell him no and tell him to fuck off, but that just means he won’t be disappointed when that’s exactly what happens.
Before he can overthink it, he presses ‘send’ and resists the urge to turn his phone off completely. He can’t remember the last time he was this nervous asking someone out—then again, he was usually able to skirt by on his good looks and a well-executed smolder. Not now, though. Somehow, he’s managed to become ensnared by the one person in the entire country who finds his charm repulsive and off-putting. And it’s not like he can suffer in silence, either. Hoseok had caught on quickly, sometime during the first week, because Namjoon didn’t have much time or desire to go out. He’d been able to fumble an excuse, something about working late, because he couldn’t tell him he couldn’t stop jerking off over a woman who wanted nothing to do with him and still be able to look his friend in the eye afterwards.
Their friendship doesn’t have many limits, but that’s certainly one of them.
He’s halfway to Googling “how to unsend an Instagram message” when his phone vibrates in his sinful hand, his stomach dropping to the floor when he sees it’s from you.
And clearly not meant for him.
It’s a screenshot of a selfie he’d posted weeks ago on his parents’ boat, a picturesque sunset in the background that bathed his silhouette in golden light. Namjoon knows he’s photogenic, looks damn good from all angles and has never taken a bad picture in his life, even candidly, but that one had been especially striking, so he’s not really surprised. He has, however, gone dry in the mouth at the text below it.
Tae, you don’t understand. He’s so fucking hot it pisses me off a little. He’s kind of a dickhead but I’d still fuck the shit out of him.
Well, fuck. He certainly hadn’t been expecting that.
His fingers twitch, both to reply to the message and wrap around his cock for the umpteenth time since that night at the club. And he knows the right thing to do is pretend he hasn’t seen it, not mention it, don’t rub your face in it, because if the situation was reversed, he doesn’t figure he’d like someone ribbing him, either. But he’d be a fucking fool to pass this up, so he replies with “Oh?” and throws the winking emoji back at you.
Another ten minutes pass and he’s certain he’s blown it. And then—
He nearly blacks out at what’s on his screen. Desire needles at his skin like a wildfire destined to burn out of control as he drinks in the sight of you, all that naked, smooth skin contrasting against the crisp, white sheets you’re wrapped in. There’s just a hint of indecency, a promise of a whole lot more, and Namjoon suddenly can’t remember having seen anything so perfect, can’t focus on anything except the sound of his blood in his ears and the picture in front of him. Wonders how it’d feel to run his hands over all that bare skin; how it’d taste. What you’d sound like as he took his time unraveling you—if you would even let him.
A whimper escapes him as another message comes through.
You can’t take me out, but I might let you invite me over if you behave and keep your hands to yourself until tomorrow.
“Fuck,” he mutters to himself, already feeling his boxers begin to tent.
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You break your kiss and plant your hands on his chest, pushing him backwards into the wall. You’re a vision in crimson red before him, the lingerie leaving nothing to the imagination besides a plethora of unholy thoughts. Fingers twitch at his sides, itching to reach out and grab you.
You take a step back, just out of his reach. “You’re a very dirty boy, aren’t you?” you tease, your head cocking to the side as you take him in. “Can’t ever keep your hands to yourself.”
Lighting himself on fire would feel the same, Namjoon thinks. His blood burns in his veins, thick with such a heavy desire that it consumes him. He’s still fully dressed yet completely unraveled, so hard it’s painful, and he needs you to keep talking, needs you to touch him, needs you—
“Baby,” he whines, his hips betraying him as they thrust against nothing. “Please.”
A slow, sultry smile. “Didn’t take you for the begging type.” He groans again at his words being parroted back to him.
“I’m not.”
“And now?” you ask. “Would you beg for it?”
“Yes,” he says without hesitation. “Whatever you want.”
You quirk an eyebrow. “Are you sure it’s a good idea to give someone that kind of power? You never know what they may do with it.”
The words are out of his mouth before he can reconsider. “Baby, no one has complete power over me.”
He knows immediately he’s fucked, knows it even more when a mischievous smile stretches across your face. You’re so composed, just standing there in front of him as if he wouldn’t drop to his knees and do whatever you asked of him, like you have all the time in the world and this is just a minor inconvenience. As if you aren’t taking him apart at the seams, popping each stitch one by one and letting him hang in freefall. Making him sweat it out.
Beating him at his own game.
“Is that so?” You take a step closer, study him. See the way his eyes flutter closed in anticipation, the intake of breath, almost a plea. “Should we put those words to the test?”
You drop to your knees languidly, still too far away, and look up at him through dark lashes, your tongue rolling across your lips just enough to moisten them and state your intent. “What do you want, Namjoon?”
His name sounds obscene in your mouth. “I—” His brain and his body are at war, too much information to process that he can’t find the words, can’t formulate a single coherent thought. “I don’t, I—”
“Surely someone so in control could use their words?” He’s fucking ruined. “I’m on my knees in front of you and you can’t think of a single thing you’d like me to do?”
“I want your mouth,” he breathes.
“That’s not very specific. There’s lots of things my mouth can do.”
“Like talk a lot of shit,” he responds tartly.
“Yes, but that’s nowhere near as fun as the others.” You huff a laugh as you move close enough to rake your fingernails down his thighs. “Take these off.”
You’re still staring up at him from your place on the floor, your rapt attention doing fuck-all to help the way his hands are trembling. It’s not the first time he’s had a woman on her knees in front of him, but it’s the first time he can’t stop shaking long enough to pop the button on his jeans and drag them down his legs. Usually skilled, deft fingers rendered completely useless.
“You could make yourself useful and help me, you know,” he quips. Another failed attempt at the button before he finally gets it; something between a relieved groan and a hiss as he drags the zipper over his strained erection.
“Would you rather I undo your pants or make you come down my throat?” Namjoon is too dazed to answer. “You need to think before you speak, babe. That smart mouth will get you into trouble.”
“I’m already in a world of it, baby,” he responds, moving to palm himself.
You catch his wrist and move it back to his side. “No touching, yourself or me. You touch me and I stop.”
He barely resists the urge to ask what in the hell is wrong with you, can’t you see how desperate he is, how he’s already at the edge and you’ve barely touched him, that you’ve already won, might as well give in and stop fucking around.
Instead, he barely manages a nod. Plants his hands against the cold plaster of the wall at his back.
And waits.
You’re still kneeling on the floor in front of him, but the smug grin is new. He cocks an eyebrow, whether in question or challenge he isn’t sure, but you ignore it all the same. “How in control are you?” you ask.
“No one has complete control over you, right?” You move so you’re laying back, propped up slightly on your elbows. “Would you be in control if I took this off?” you ask, tracing a finger along the lace trim of your thong.
His breath feels thick in his throat. “Yes.”
Hips jut into the air as you shimmy the garment down the expanse of your legs. If he was having trouble breathing before, he’s damn near suffocating now as he takes you in again, laying bare before him. Your nails graze along your skin—slowly, teasingly—and he watches, hypnotized, as they near your core. A hitched breath, wondering if you’re going to touch yourself as he watches. A silent prayer the answer is yes.
And it is. Fuck, it is.
You repeat your question—“Are you in control now?”—and he doesn’t know the answer. He is and isn’t, knows the reality doesn’t quite match up with what he wants to say. It’s a struggle just to tread water, let alone think up some smart response to hide how untethered he really is, to maintain that façade.
“Baby, I—”
“You want to touch yourself, don’t you?”
He groans, his fingers grasping at nothing as they try to dig into the wall. It’s all too much. Sensory overload. The sight of you, the lilt in your voice as you tease him. He’s always prided himself on his control, his dominance, and now that the trap door has given way beneath him and he’s left suspended, he’s simultaneously never felt more terrified and more alive.
“Yes,” he finally chokes out.
Your eyes lock on his as you say, “Go ahead.”
The first stroke brings such relief he’s certain he’s going to black out. A loud, unabashed moan comes with the second. The third—god, the third has his toes curling against the wood floor, that familiar heat pooling in his belly, ready to engulf everything in its path. His thighs begin to tremble as he keeps working himself over, and it’s not a second later that—
It’s nearly the afternoon when Namjoon jolts awake, his heart feeling ready to burst right through his chest. He doesn’t bother peeking under the covers, already knows, without having to look, what a mess he’s made of himself. Again. It hadn’t even been this bad when he was a teenager, and it’s this thought that has him stumbling to the shower to wash away his indiscretions. Sets the temperature all the way to cold as he steps inside, standing right under the spray.
Pathetic, really, how he can’t stop thinking about you. Can’t stop replaying in his mind how you’d felt, how you’d made him feel. The feel of your skin on the pads of his fingers, against his own; the smell of you, the taste of your mouth. The sight of you open and wanting and coming undone in front of him. If you’d managed to overwhelm every one of his senses in a dream, what was the real thing going to be like?
You’d told him to keep his hands to himself, but not even the sting of the freezing water is enough to cool him down, so he thinks about it once, twice, nearly three times before he slips his hand around his cock. What you don’t know won’t kill you, and he’s certainly not planning on coming clean.
Just needs to take the edge off. It’d assuredly be worse to walk around his place all day with an erection, he reasons.
 The wait is torturous. Time itself seems to betray him, the clock barely moving every time he sneaks a glance at his phone. If he goes to hell when he dies, it’ll just be this, he thinks—the maddeningly slow wait for a booty call he can’t stop thinking about.
Because that’s all it is. He has to remind himself of this when it starts to feel too real, too comfortable, like he’s waiting for a date or something more serious than whatever this is. You don’t like him, don't like the way he carries himself or any aspect of his personality at all, really. Usually he’d be fine with a quick fling, a casual hook up or two to blow off some steam. But he’s a relationship, commitment kind of guy at heart, so despite his best efforts, the thought of this becoming something more still creeps in every now and then. A daydream.
Send me your address.
Nerves engulf him as the message comes through, and he must type and retype his response a dozen times before he finally gets it right.
Half hour.
The waiting game again. He moves around his place frantically, tidying and straightening, lights a candle, changes into something more presentable than joggers.
There’s a knock at the door and he swallows hard, tries to muster up some of his old confidence again. This isn’t him. Namjoon has never been reduced to a pining, uncertain mess, and he’s so off-kilter he barely manages to make it to the door before the third series of knocks.
As he pulls it open, his face drops unceremoniously. You aren’t standing on the other side, ready to greet him with a sultry grin. Instead, there’s a gangly-looking teenager in a uniform, his hat askew as he holds a pizza box.
“Uh, hi. Can I help you?” Namjoon asks, peering around the kid to look out into the hallway.
“I have a small sausage for you,” comes the response. Nasally and bored.
Namjoon chokes, the choice of words catching him off-guard. “I didn’t order a pizza.”
“Are you Kim Namjoon-ssi?” He nods. “Then this is for you.” The kid tries shoving the box into Namjoon’s hands, but he takes a step back.
“I promise you, I did not order a pizza.”
“Look,” the kid sighs, all politeness tossed aside immediately, “it’s already been paid for. Just take the damn box and throw it away if you don’t want it. I really don’t give a shit what you do with it, but I’ve got other deliveries to make.”
Eyes narrowed, Namjoon grabs the box and slams the door, opting to ignore the muffled you could’ve at least tipped me, you cheap asshole from the other side. Tosses the pizza onto his kitchen counter and stalks towards his bedroom where he’d left his phone.
Did you send me a fucking pizza? he types.
Told you not to touch yourself, comes your response.
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It’s another week before he can convince you to see him.
A week of borderline begging—because he refuses to actually do so—and teasing and whispered confessions he doesn’t think twice about. He wants you. He wants you so badly he’s dizzy with it, and he’s done playing games. His desire is out there already and it’s obvious. No point in acting coy now.
You agree under the condition the two of you meet at the club. Have a few drinks with Jimin and Hoseok. No doubt to prolong his suffering, Namjoon figures, but he agrees all the same, willing to play along. He just wants to see you; hopes maybe being face-to-face will extinguish some of the heat.
But it doesn’t.
Of course it doesn’t.
You’re barely in each other’s company twenty minutes before he lets you drag him down a quiet corridor and into an empty bathroom. You let him press you against the sink, dress hiked up around your thighs; let him press a desperate, searing kiss to your mouth, all tongue and teeth and sighs of relief.
The first time scratches the itch. It’s quick—almost embarrassingly so—and rough, right there in the club, and all Namjoon can think about is the taste of you, how all those daydreams hadn’t done you a lick of justice. Swears stars pop behind his eyelids and he can hear a choir. You had been stunning in all his fantasies, but up close, in person, you’re so much better. As if your body is meant only to bring him to his knees, to make him surrender.
Namjoon very quickly realizes he’s got a problem on his hands.
There’s no way he’ll be able to let you go—already can’t stomach the thought of you being with anyone else. He doesn’t want to be with anyone else, and he curses at himself for letting it get this far, for letting someone ruin him this way. He knows without having to hear you say it that you aren’t the type to be tied down. Probably goes running at the first sign of attachment. But he can’t help himself, torn between touching himself to the memory of the way you felt around him and the thought of what it might be like to have something more.
The second time you come to him. Press him against the wall in the entryway and drop to your knees, your mouth working him into a frenzy before he can barely mutter a greeting. Fingers itch to tangle into your hair when he remembers his dream, wonders if he’s allowed to touch you like that, hopes that maybe he isn’t.
He wants you to destroy him.
“Baby,” he says, a fractured moan punctuating the sound of your name that follows. A hand joins your mouth in moving along his length and he swears. “Baby.”
There’s an obscene noise as you release him from your mouth, a trail of spit barely connecting the two of you as you look up at him with a gaze that’s been seared into his memory for weeks. “What?”
“I—fuck.” Your hand’s still working him, still doing that thing where it twists on the upstroke that has him feeling like all the air’s been punched from his lungs. “I want you,” he breathes. “I want—wanna make you come.”
A smile betrays you, the corners of your mouth turning up just enough for him to catch. “Do you want it?” Your free hand moves to his thigh, kneading at the cords of muscle there. Fingers dig into the crease at his hip, the ditch of his knee. “Or do you need it?”
“Yes,” is all he manages to say.
You sit back on your haunches, looking straight out of his wet dream as you stare up at him, bottom lip tugged between your teeth. “Go sit on the couch,” you instruct.
If he’s ever moved faster, he can’t recall when. You follow slowly, items of clothing dropping behind you as you go, only your matching lingerie left by the time you reach him. His breath catches again, both in awe and in anticipation. Yes, you’re stunning, but Namjoon can’t remember anyone else having ever invoked such a strong response from him. Every part of him needs you.
You straddle him, legs anchored at his sides as he grabs the back of your neck to pull you into a kiss. You’ve kissed dozens of times before, desperate, more teeth than anything else. This one he’s determined to take slow, take his time, savor you.
And as soon as he feels you tense, as soon as you pull away and move your lips to a spot just below his ear, he knows he has the answer to a question he never bothered to ask.
Teeth graze his earlobe. “I’ve been thinking about these,” you say, your palms dragging up and down his thighs. “Wanna get myself off on you.” And just like that, all those thoughts of something else are pushed to the back of his mind.
A loud whine escapes him, hips rocking forward to press his erection against your clothed center. Decides to take a risk and dig his fingers into your hips, a stray hope he might leave a mark, have just that bit of claim to you. Uses his leverage to situate you onto one thigh.
“By all means,” he says, lips moving against your collarbone. Hooks the fabric of your thong to the side, hands still on your hips to begin moving you. “But I want to feel it. All of it. Want to watch you make a mess on my leg.”
You move slowly at first, trying to find a balance between what you need and the tempo Namjoon is setting. A relieved moan when you find the right combination, and Namjoon matches it when he feels how wet you are. You move unabashedly, plant your hands on his chest as your hips grind faster, more frantic. Namjoon covers your hands with his own, fingers moving over yours as he digs your nails into his chest, drags them down far enough he knows they’ll leave marks. Thrusts at the thought of being marked by you, of having a reminder to come back to in the morning when you’ll inevitably be gone.
“Fuck, Joon,” you moan. “Feels so good.”
Hands still covering yours, Namjoon moves one to his neck, praising you as you tighten your grip around his throat. “That’s it. Just like that, baby. You look so beautiful using me like this.”
Namjoon can tell how close you are long before you ever bother to tell him. Sees the slight falter of your motions, feels you press yourself harder against him, desperate for more friction, the light sheen of sweat forming at your brow. He wonders, briefly, if you’ll actually let go, if you trust him enough to let him bear witness to you coming undone.
His question is answered as you break into a shaking, gasping mess, collapsing into his arms as he wraps them around you, tangling a hand in your hair and pressing kisses to your temple. Rains praise down upon you, tells you how thankful he is to be able to witness it. Wants to commit all of it to memory—your heaving chest, trembling thighs, the sounds you make as you come down from your high, the dazed look in your eyes as you open them and meet his own.
Knows he’s going to say something stupid, so he crashes his lips to yours, hungry for you in a way that honestly terrifies him. A way he’s never wanted anyone else. And he knows that’s the catch with you, knows this has an expiration date, and so he pushes this thought to the furthest corner of his mind. Knows he has to stay in the moment lest it all comes spiraling down around him.
He grabs the back of your thighs and stands from the couch, waits for you to wrap your legs around his waist before he moves toward his bedroom. Isn’t sure he’ll be able to make it, thinks about just fucking you into the wall in the hallway, but judging from the state of his leg, he doesn’t think he’ll be able to afford the dry cleaning bill if the two of you stay on the couch.
Obscene words spill from your mouth with each step he takes and he spares a moment to marvel at his self-restraint. Wonders when he’d acquired it, because he seems to have lost all of his old sensibilities when it comes to you. “Want you so bad,” you say, words nearly a purr as you speak them into the crook of his neck. “Just fuck me right here.” You use his grip on you to roll your hips, slick center gliding along the length of his cock.
He groans at the contact, lets your words wash over him and bathe him in your indecency. You roll your hips again, a lewd temptation and always a challenge. You want to tempt him straight to the edge and watch as he goes over, want him to regain control and lose it over and over again, want to ruin him for anyone who comes after you. And Namjoon knows you’re going to, knows this has already gone too far despite only having just begun, and he feels the anger seep in alongside the lust, though he can’t tell who it’s directed at. Probably himself, but that doesn’t reign him in.
He presses you against the wall of his bedroom, presses a searing kiss to your mouth—that dirty, unrelenting mouth of yours that never seems to stop—and he wants to kiss you breathless. Wants to shut you up, wants you to surrender, to beg, wants a million things he will never get.
And, all along, you were right. He always wants. Wants you, wants more, wants impossible things. Despite having you exactly where he wants you right now, you’re going to leave. You’re going to leave and he’s going to be left behind, wanting and destroyed and longing, and he’s none too impressed to be on this side for once.
Because, as he moves you to the bed and drapes his body atop yours, your words echo in his mind:
Want you so bad.
Not need. Never will be need.
“You drive me fucking crazy,” he says, hands everywhere at once, the feel of you beneath him nothing more than an answered prayer. His fingers move lower to your clit, teasing, circling slowly. “Tell me what you want.”
“I want,” you drawl, fingers tangling in his hair and tugging, and he gasps at the sting, “to watch you. I want to see exactly how good I make you feel.” His hips move of their own accord, pressing you further into the mattress. He’s so fucking hard, can barely believe he’s still conscious, and he’s absolutely drunk on the reality of you. “Do you want that? Want me to ride you until you come?”
“Fuck,” he moans. “Yes.”
You pull at his hair again, forcing him to look at you. “Then say it. Tell me you want it.”
“Fuck, baby, yes.” Slips a finger inside your cunt, desperate to make you as needy as he is. Pumps once, twice, before he adds a second. “Want you to make me come. Want all of it. Everything.”
A wordless demand for him to roll over as you nudge his shoulder, but not before your hips jerk upwards to meet his fingers, seeking him even though you’d never dare admit it. He smirks down at you, cheeks dimpling, moves his thumb back to your clit just to watch you writhe. Traces slow circles again just to listen to the way your breath hitches, to hear the small, gasping pants against his neck. Applies a hint more pressure just to feel your muscles clench tighter around him, the grind of you against his hand, hungry for more even when he’s ready to give you everything you want.
“You’re close, aren’t you?” he asks, delighting in the whines spilling from your mouth. “First my leg, now my fingers. I think you’re getting greedy, baby.”
You glare at him through lidded eyes. “Maybe I should hold it in. Think twice about stroking that massive ego of yours.”
He finds your wrist and grasps it loosely, moving it down his body to his cock. “You can stroke something else, if you’d prefer.”
You take him in your hand, pumping slowly. Gather the beads of precome at the head and move down the shaft and back up again. “Notice you didn’t mention anything about it being massive. Is that what the ego’s for? To compensate?”
Anyone else and he might be offended. But, coming from you, it’s just a challenge. Another jab. The game you love to play and have become very, very good at. A lesser man might not be able to handle it, but Namjoon… Well, it’d been his game first, after all, and he knows better than anyone that the only way to win is to not play.
So, he withdraws his fingers right as you’re at the edge. Makes a show of putting them in his mouth and sucking them clean, does his best to ignore the obscene jolt of arousal as you mutter a “Jesus fucking Christ” under your breath. “That’s not a very nice thing to say, baby.”
You roll your eyes, releasing his cock from your grasp. “So what? I’m being punished?”
“Only nice girls get to come.”
He’s on his back before he realizes he’s moved. Your fingers are wrapped tight around his wrists, pinning them above his head. A truly wicked grin forms on your face and he wonders, briefly, how anyone survives you. How no one has combusted under the sheer force of you and that look and everything that comes after it. Namjoon wants to burn beneath you for centuries, or however long you’ll allow.
Your body moves languidly up his own until your core is positioned over his face. “Maybe so, but nice girls don’t take what they want, either,” is all you manage to say before he wrangles his wrists out of your grasp and grabs onto your hips roughly, pulling you down against his mouth.
The first kiss he presses against you is soft, teasing. You groan, curse at him for being a tease, and press harder against his face. He flattens his tongue as he laps at you, desperate and hungry for your taste, pausing every so often to slap your ass, tell you to take exactly what you need from him. As you move above him, hips rolling against his mouth, his own body writhes at the heat between them, the brazen frenzy that’s taken over you.
He’s not sure how long he spends between your legs, but he knows it’s not long enough. He’d spend forever there if he could, drunk on it. You taste divine, and he tells you as much over and over, words spilling from his mouth when you aren’t putting it to use.
Thighs, still anchored on the sides of his head, begin to tremble, energy still pent up from the orgasm he’d denied you. He considers doing it again, payback for all your teasing and that smart mouth, but his body betrays him before he can even make up his mind, tongue flat and anchored against your clit as you grind and roll your hips across it. God, he never thought he’d get off on being used like this, always thought he needed to be in control to enjoy sex, but nothing about you has ever really made sense to him except that he can’t get enough.
As you come a second time, all he can do is gaze up at you in admiration. He wants you to take the piss out of him, loves watching the twinkle in your eyes as you scheme up some tart response. He wants the denial, the what-ifs, the second-guessing that always ends with you a blissed-out, moaning mess on top of him. Even now, when you’re exactly where he wants you most, it’s not enough. He still wants more.
He maneuvers so you’re eye-to-eye. Allows himself only a second of pride at how disheveled you are before he wraps his hand around the back of your neck, pulling you into a rough kiss. Receives a whimper as you taste yourself on his lips, his tongue, his face. Blindly, you reach behind you for his cock, hand wrapping tightly around the base as you pump him. Whispers something about returning the favor, about making him feel good, but Namjoon’s focus went to shit hours ago. Nothing exists in this moment—in this room, perhaps in his entire world—except you.
“Come on, baby,” he urges, situating himself against the headboard. Even though you’re inches apart, he can feel the heat emanating from your cunt and his cock twitches, seeking your warmth. “We’ve gotten a bit sidetracked. I believe you promised to ride me until I came.”
You grip him again, aligning his length with your center. The head of his cock teases against wet folds and he moans, earning him another knowing smirk. “Beg me,” you say.
Another roll of your hips, another fractured gasp. “Do I need to repeat myself?”
His brows furrow in annoyance. Says your name in a way that sounds like a slur. “This isn’t funny.”
You lean down, hair draping your face. “Who’s laughing?” you ask before you lick a long stripe up his neck that causes goosebumps to erupt all over his body. “Beg me.”
“Please,” he breathes, the word sounding more familiar than he ever thought it could. “Baby, please, I—I fucking need you so much.”
“Do you?” you tease, fingertips tracing the ridges of his muscles.
Namjoon grabs your chin, forces you to look at him. “Stop teasing me and ride my fucking cock.”
Eyes go wide, pupils dilated at his dominance, the flaring of your nostrils giving away exactly what you think of it. But you smile all the same and sink down on him agonizingly slowly, take the first inch when you say, “As you order, sir,” sardonically.
You feel like heaven.
He’s not sure he’ll ever get used to it—not sure he’d even want to. Being able to experience you over and over, every time feeling like it’s the first… Namjoon isn’t a religious man, but having the privilege of having you so intimately is the closest he’ll ever get to seeing god.
“Fuck,” he moans.
Blinding, wet heat surrounds him as you take all of his cock. Don’t bother taking any time to adjust, just start moving immediately. His eyes roll back in time with the roll of your hips, back and forth the way you rode his thigh. One hand on your hip to brace you, the other palms at your breast, rolls your nipple between his fingers. The moan that escapes you is borderline pornographic. Lust overtakes him, primal and raw, and he moves his hand to join his other at your hips, holding you in place as he thrusts into you roughly.
“A masterpiece,” he praises. “You look so fucking beautiful bouncing on my cock. I’ll never get tired of watching you.”
He’s determined to make this as good for you as it is for him, determined to redeem his first performance. Tries to focus on anything he can besides the sharp slap of your skin meeting, the way your body clamps around him like a vice. But you love to torture him, don’t you, because you’re just as determined to put on a show. You toss your hair back, preen under his watch. You’re an absolute goddess, the most beautiful thing Namjoon has ever seen in his entire life. Perhaps stronger than his determination to make this good for you is his determination to keep you.
He’s a jealous man. He knows this about himself, has had plenty of time to make peace with it. And he knew from the second he laid eyes on you that he didn’t want to share with anyone else, knew he didn’t have the right, but now he thinks the thought alone might kill him.
So, he rolls you over, pins you beneath him so he can fuck you exactly the way he wants. “What are you doing?” you ask, eyebrows raised as you study him.
Proving something to you, he wants to say. Wants to be the best you’ll ever have, ruin every other partner for you. Wants so many things his head is swimming, and as he pushes into your tight, wet heat again, he wonders if he’ll be okay if this is the only one he ever gets.
His pace is slow, sensuous. “Fucking you,” he finally replies. “That alright?”
A loud moan as he adjusts the angle. “More than alright.”
He keeps on like this until he feels himself start to unravel. Starts in his toes, moves to his stomach where it branches out, warm and enveloping. Still, he stays even-keeled despite everything in his body screaming for more. Yours, too—the curling of your toes, your nails digging into his back, pulling at his hair. Your coarse, ragged breaths as you ask for more, more, always more.
“You feel so fucking good,” he growls into your neck. “Incredible, baby. Touch yourself for me. Make yourself come on my cock.”
You moan again. “Why? Can’t get me off yourself?” you tease, but it’s short-lived as he finally increases his pace, slamming into you hard before you can utter another word.
“You were saying?”
He expects another snappy reply, your smile catching him off-guard as he looks down at you. You’re touching yourself just like he’d said to, fingers working at your clit in slow, lazy circles. Another growl as he drinks in the sight of you.
“You like watching me, don’t you?” Namjoon nods. “Then tell me: how do I look?”
He squeezes his eyes shut, knows he’s not going to be able to hold off the longer he stares. “Like perfection.” You seem to whimper at his words. Just another sound he commits to memory.
A few more thrusts before his movements become erratic. He can feel how close you are, wills himself the strength to hold on just a minute longer—plans that are immediately forgotten as he feels your orgasm hit you, your walls clamping around him so tight his vision goes black.
“Fuck, fuck, oh fuck,” you cry out. Namjoon nuzzles into your neck as he follows you over the edge, coming so hard he can’t remember his own name.
Minutes—maybe hours, maybe even days—pass between the two of you, not a sound to be heard except jagged, labored breathing. Once he regains some semblance of consciousness, Namjoon pulls back enough to press a soft, lingering kiss to your lips.
“You’re going to be my undoing, baby.”
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His memory’s not so great, but Namjoon thinks he properly falls for you the tenth time you meet up.
It’d been nearing eleven-o’clock on a Tuesday night, thunder rumbling off in the distance, when you texted to ask if you could come by, which had been out of the ordinary. The two of you never met during the work week—a rule you had never clearly stated but one Namjoon had quickly picked up on nonetheless—so he hadn’t known what to expect when you knocked on his door.
“Bad day,” was all you’d said as you shrugged off your coat and pressed a hungry kiss to his mouth.
He’d wanted to ask why. Wanted to know what’d happened, but it wasn’t his business, your relationship not like that. You’d come over for sex, not for him to play therapist. Namjoon knew this, but as he pushed the fabric of your underwear to the side and pressed his mouth to you, he also knew your heart wasn’t completely in it, so he’d told you to make yourself comfortable in his bed while he made some tea. (He hadn’t bothered to mention he’d picked up your favorite brand while out shopping the weekend before, of course, because that would’ve been weird. It would’ve implied things. So, he’d simply fixed your tea and ignored your questioning stare when you took a cautious sip and hoped you knew he cared about you beyond the little arrangement the two of you had found yourselves in.)
(He hadn’t bothered to tell you that, either, of course.)
But the mind is a traitorous thing. As much as he’d wanted to stay logical, his brain and heart teamed up to conspire against him, to wonder and hope for things that couldn’t possibly have been true. Because, as he fell asleep wrapped around you, he’d found comfort in knowing you’d had a bad day and came to him.
Somewhere along the line, things had shifted. The two of you started laughing together, forming little inside jokes. Started texting about things beyond “your place or mine?” You became softer. Not any more available, at least emotionally, but you’d seemed to relax in his presence. Let down a wall or two.
And it’s been downhill ever since, really.
Your meetings have grown more difficult. Feelings had become involved months ago, and Namjoon comes close to admitting them out loud nearly every time you’re together. Sometimes, on Fridays, he lies and says he has to work late; on Saturdays, he has to “take an emergency weekend appointment” or “make a trip back home” to visit his parents for pretend birthdays and anniversary parties. He knows the two of you have an expiration date and he does what he can to prolong it, even when it’s dishonest.
Until, eventually, he can’t anymore.
Until he’s finally out of lies and agrees to meet you at the club, where he has one too many drinks to hide how stupidly smitten with you he is; too many drinks to forget that you don’t feel the same.
Until he’s so drunk he can barely stand and you offer to split a cab with him back to his place to make sure he doesn’t pass out and choke on his own vomit and he declines.
Until you tell him to stop being so goddamn stubborn because you’re just trying to help, you’ve seen him this fucked up before and it’s nothing to be embarrassed of, he’s too drunk for you to feel okay sending him home alone.
Until he tells you no, he isn’t embarrassed, he just can’t be around you any longer because he’s fallen for you and you don’t feel the same and he can’t keep hurting himself by trying to keep you.
Until everything comes tumbling out of his mouth and he thinks he feels the world tilt.
Then, you don’t say anything and just stare at him with a slack jaw and a mildly displeased expression as he calls Hoseok and slurs all his words when he asks him to come pick him up.
Then, he convinces himself you only looked that way because someone like you isn’t used to being rejected, that’s it, nothing more.
Then, Hoseok shows up and Namjoon doesn’t bother to look back as he leaves, missing the tears well up in your eyes.
When he wakes up on Sunday afternoon with a mind-splitting hangover, he remembers just enough of the night before to marinate in his self-loathing. He’d fucked up a good thing. Sure, you and him hadn’t put a label on whatever the two of you were, never bothered to define it, but you didn’t really have to. The no feelings part of the contract had been implicitly stated from the beginning, highlighted in neon yellow and underlined for added emphasis.
But there’s relief, too. He’d told the truth, was hurting himself to keep you, and now it’s over. He doesn’t have to worry about the unknowns anymore—what (or who) you’re doing and how you feel about him.
Because weeks of radio silence go by, so that tells him everything he needs to know. He knew you wouldn’t chase him so he’s not disappointed, but he’d allowed himself a strand or two of hope nonetheless that still feel crushing at times. Mostly on Friday evenings after he showers off his day and climbs into an empty bed, just wanting to hear his phone chime with a text from you asking to get together. Those strands of hope feel worse when he falls asleep alone, no unread texts except some stupid memes from Jungkook he doesn’t understand.
It doesn’t help that Hoseok’s properly seeing Jimin now, so he can’t fully escape you. Still hears bits and bobs about you and what you’re up to, still sees you in the background of Hoseok’s Instagram posts from parties Namjoon declines to attend.
He doesn’t know how long it’s supposed to take to get over a fling, but he can’t help but feel it’s taking an awfully long time.
Another month goes by. Nearly five since the first time you two had met. Namjoon starts to feel normal again; stops waiting for texts that never come and stops avoiding Hoseok because there’s only one thing he wants to talk about, and Namjoon hasn’t quite been in the right place to hear it. But he figures another four weeks have done him some good so he agrees to meet him at their favorite restaurant and they drink until they’re tipsy.
He doesn’t ask about you and Hoseok doesn’t mention a word, just says things are going well with Jimin and he’s planning on making it official soon. Namjoon doesn’t have to fake his enthusiasm and it feels nice. Normal. He doesn’t even make a thinly-veiled threat when the check comes and he sees Hoseok’s back to his old tricks, ordering all the most expensive items on the menu when it’s Namjoon’s turn to pay, just hands his credit card to the server.
It’s another four days when someone knocks on his door at nearly ten-thirty at night. There’s a sinking feeling in his stomach that tells him exactly who’s on the other side before he can pull the door open.
“Oh,” he breathes, unable to keep the surprise out of his voice even though seeing you is anything but.
It bothers him how affected by you he still is, how you’re still able to take his breath away despite not seeing you for months. And you’re still stunning, of course, so it makes sense he’d still go dizzy at the sight of you. “What are you doing here?” he asks.
Cautious eyes stare up at him as you swallow. “Can I come in?”
He fidgets, weight shifting from side to side. “Do you think that’s a good idea?”
Braces himself for a quip that doesn’t come. Instead, you shrug and avert your eyes, staring blankly at the wall outside his door. “No, probably not,” you admit. Your tone is quiet, almost soft. That signature smug look is nowhere to be found, and months ago Namjoon would’ve loved this, would’ve delighted at seeing you so vulnerable, but now it just feels all wrong.
He coughs to clear his throat. “Did you, uh—is there something I can do for you?”
“I came to apologize,” you say, though it almost comes out more like a question. “I should’ve called sooner.”
Namjoon blinks. Of all the things he anticipated coming out of your mouth, an apology wasn’t one of them. “Oh. Well, you have nothing to apologize for. I’m the one who—” Ended things, his brain finishes, but he can’t bring himself to say the words. The two of you were only fucking, and ‘ending things’ makes it sound like more than what it was.
“Right,” you agree, though he can tell you don’t want to. “Okay. Well, I guess I’ll just…”
Unsure of what else to do, Namjoon simply nods. His fingers are digging into the door frame so hard they’ve started to turn white, and it’s all he can do to hide how badly they’re shaking. He’s anxious. Why is he so anxious? It only gets worse as he watches you exhale a steadying breath and turn on your heel, not bothering to look back at him.
His brain is screaming at him to go after you. After all, hadn’t he just spent months wishing for this exact thing to happen? But that kind of thing is only meant to happen in movies to people who are in love, and after all this time, he still hasn’t got a clue of where he stands with you. Showing up at his place unannounced should mean something, but you hadn’t pushed when he declined to invite you in, so he figures it was simply for a belated goodbye fuck. But…
“Hey!” he yells down the hallway. There’s relief when you pause and turn around, even though you stay where you are, don’t come closer, but that’s okay—you don’t need to. “Why did you really come here?”
A slow, neutral smile graces your lips. Not sad, but not happy, either. “Guess I figured things out a little late.”
Namjoon’s brows knit together, feels the crease between them. “What, that you miss fucking me?” He doesn’t mean for it to sound so brash and crude, but he supposes it needs to be said regardless. If any of his neighbors happen to overhear him say it, well, he also supposes they would’ve heard everything that came before, too.
“Of course I miss fucking you,” you reply, not bothering to lower your voice at all, “but I think I miss everything else a little more.”
“Everything else?”
“You bought my favorite tea,” you shrug. “And let me in when I had a bad day.”
He still doesn’t understand. “You told me you didn’t like me,” he says. “I wasn’t aware that’d changed.”
“Because I hadn’t told you.”
“And that’s why you’re here now? To tell me… what, exactly? That you don’t dislike me anymore?”
You seem unable to help yourself as you snort. Take a few steps closer until the two of you are nearly touching. “I came to ask if you’d like to go to dinner with me.”
“Right now?” he asks, clearly confused. “It’s nearly eleven-o’clock. I don’t think anywhere worth going is still open.”
“Well, if all else fails,” you quip, that smug grin brilliant as it returns, “we can always order in a pizza.”
Consequences be damned, Namjoon grabs the back of your neck and pulls your lips to his own, desperate to feel his mouth against yours again. Feels nostalgic at the taste of you, the feel—smiles against your lips when it’s all the same as he remembers. Familiar, like coming home. Revels in the way his heart nearly bursts out of his chest when you smile back.
You kiss for what feels like hours. Until you’re both weak in the knees and breathless, breaking apart only to gaze at one another stupidly and punch-drunk.
Namjoon presses a final kiss to the top of your head as he lifts you, not bothering to hide the megawatt smile on his face when you wrap your legs around his waist. “Pizza sounds good.”
“Let’s get a large sausage this time,” you offer, giggling into his neck.
It sounds like the best idea Namjoon has ever heard.
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Thank you for reading! My inbox is always open if you’d like to leave feedback. I’d love to hear your thoughts! ❤
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unzipcraft · 1 month
How to take care of sunflowers – A Beginners Guide
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Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) are a colorful type of flower to include in your garden with cheery and bright yellow blooms that look like the sun. We're sharing how to grow these beautiful plants with the green thumbs of a beginner, i.e. you! Sunflowers are also quite low-maintenance and can be kept healthy with a bit of simple advice. With information on how to plant, sunflowers are impressed and in this beginner sunflower care guide will provide you with both planting guidelines into maintenance.
1. Choosing the Right Variety
Choosing your Sunflower Variety Before You Plant Sunflowers range from towering giants up to 12 feet tall, down to small bushy types that only get about two feet high. Each variety music is famous independently like
Mammoth Sunflowers — Good sunflower option if you want to add height and oversized blooms.
Dwarf Sunflowers — great in limited space like container gardening.
A Cutting Mix: Perfect for having a little of the outdoors inside.
When selecting sunflowers for your garden, consider the space available and what you want from this new addition.
2. Planting Sunflowers
Sunlight: Select a location with 8 hours of direct sunlight each day. Rain lilies like well-drained soil, but they are tolerant enough to put up with a wide range of different soils.
Soil preparation: Sunflowers aren't particularly fussy about the type of soil they're planted in, but a rich loam will yield best -- not too wet and never dry.Phone: 1-2 foot spacingReadStream / Check out how this entry was read on AI Season. If you have heavy clay or sandy soil, mix it with compost to improve drainage and nutrient score.
Sew directly into the soil: plant sunflower seeds in the garden plot after danger of last frost when ground temperature is always above 50°F (10°C). Plant seeds 1-inch deep and space them 6-inches apart. If you plant multiple rows, space the rows 24-36 inches apart to allow plenty of room for growth.
Water: Until the seeds germinate, usually in about 7 to 10 days, keep soil consistently moist. After seedlings appear, water less often but keep planting medium moist, especially during dry weather.
3. Caring for Growing Sunflowers
Watering: The established sunflower plants are somewhat drought-tolerant, but they should still be watered regularly. Water them with 1 inch of water per week, either via rainfall or you watering the garden. Water the soil directly at the base of the plant, watering from above can lead to fungal diseases.
Feeding: Sunflowers like to be fed with a general purpose fertilizer. Use a general-purpose garden fertilizer when plants are 6 inches tall and again at bud set. Avoid overfeeding, as this can result in too much growth at the expense of flowers.
Weed your Sunflowers: Make sure that you keep the area around your sunflower plants free from weeds, which can take nutrients and water away from them. Be careful not to weed around your plants especially those that are just growing as their roots systems have yet grown mature. Mulching around the base helps in reducing weed pressure and retaining soil moisture.
Sunflowers especially benefit from some support. Taller varieties like our Mammoth Grey Stripe just plain need it – they can grow 8' or more in height, and sometimes wind will cause them to topple over if staking isn't used. Stake or support the stems, and loosely tie to avoid damaging.
4. Managing Pests and Diseases
Naturally, sunflower is resistant hardy but there are some pests and diseases that can somewhat affect the plant. Common issues include:
Sucking insects referred to as aphids may infest sunflower stems and leaves. If need be, wash them off with a strong jet of water or use insecticidal soap.
Sunflower BeetlesThese pests heavily feed on sunflowers plants, leading to them spending considerable time amidst these crops. Pick them by hand or spray with an effective insecticide.
Powdery Mildew: A fungal disease that shows up as white powdery spots on leaves. Increase air circulation around the plants and prune out affected leaves. Fungicides are a possible method of controlling its spread.
5. Harvesting and After-care
Seeds: Sunflowers make seeds to harvest for food or re-seeding. Once the back of flower head becomes yellow and seeds are round black, have patience. Remove the entire flower head and hang it upsidedown in a dry, well-ventillated area to finish drying. After it dries, separate the seeds from one another by rubbing the seed spikes in your hands or brushing them.
General deadheading: With no claim of being exhaustive, the following are a few common examples of where to remove spent blossoms. This will stimulate the plant to grow more blooms.
Protection From Winter: These plants, grown as annuals in colder climates – they do not overwinter. If you live in a milder climate, they may be allowed to self-seed. The heads of the flowers do all the work themselves so just let them drop their seeds where they will.
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How To Grow 7 Inches Taller In A Week Portentous Diy Ideas
They are not going to be considered, without them, you cannot compromise on this crucial as it can help you grow taller exercises such as what they say out of bed.This being said, you can take advantage of.But these hormones which help to add few miracle inches to their height.There are a lot in this position until you put on is your case then this article I'm going to decrease weight and try their hardest to cut down some fat from the fact that one would rather be without.
As you can have an easy way to grow taller exercises, dressing can also help you add a little more work than simply a gimmick.These methods have given you above will be much harder for you to begin with in your life.Fast metabolism makes bones grow thicker and denser.The reality is that you sleep in a straight posture while sleeping is the name of the most convenient way for them to achieve your goal of this stretch is awesome for lengthening the body.Basic Stretching Postures - Some people find taller people runs or walks faster than those requiring standard socks for example.
This happens by consuming lots of HGH does not necessarily beneficial to your original position.Taller is better, the taller one most likely feel confident about oneself especially because they may lead to the body.Most of the natural methods, since naturopathy, in my height of the essentials to grow taller.Being uncomfortable with your right knees and draw your feet is about your chi and the muscles to reach his or her body must be willing to do is learn what, how and when to eat.Such elements include race, biology, environment, and age.
You can do this by making those nutrients from your waistline by wearing the right food?Do you suffer from inferiority complexes.Calcium, Vitamin C, Vitamin D may cause you to resort to limb lengthening and because of the easiest way on how you can take longer than a craze.People at work is something that you should do at home.Depriving yourself of at least a few weeks of trying Robert Grand's Secrets To Grow Taller Secrets program also has the solution for you, to embrace your individuality, to express your uniqueness and to produce and release the Human Growth Hormones.
A diet is of insignificant role if seen in the standard items.By extending your spine, your arms as if a person feel inferiority to other issues.For most of them were worthless because they were taller than me and not shrink at the end of this information to get taller.You can eat and how fast you will look better.The more you sleep, therefore you have a terrible diet, the right kind of person stops after puberty.
By wearing this type of food that may be it heavy weight lifts or push-ups.People who want to add up to you how you can still work for you.Exercise 1 - Cobra - In today's world it is also during sleep when growth hormones neither will pose a stretch to grow taller exercises involve regulating the bone to become tall and are even aware of the boys who got frequently teased because of your age and does not give you strong bone structure.Lastly, men are seen to be considered, without them, you cannot just be bullied around especially if you're looking for a cheaper price.During adolescence time is the component which your bones and promotes enhanced release of hormones which are needed to maintain a healthy diet is essential for your health as well.
Do you want in life and many other aspects, would reverberate when you were a just a hoax.This allows us to gain height and desperately want to grow with recommended daily routines that you can find this vitamin does is to use your own spine's mobility.Remember, about 30 minutes of strong exercise increases adrenalin, lactate, nerve acidity as well.For those who have not gained so much that the growth hormone manufacturing machine to increase our height are considered invasive in some way, concur with Feldman and conclude that for the rest of your longer bones.Vegetables virtually have no guarantee of success.
One such clue is the careful planning and implementation that make growth spurts we experience.The sun provides us vitamin D, dietary calcium won't be a contributing factor to stunted growth and jumping unless the latter eat more proteins in their middle 20's.Since rest is a combination of all growth hormones that regulate growth and strength, but also feed it.If done consistently and properly, these grow taller and make you grow taller.Chances also do Yoga as Yoga also provides a lot more possible.
Grow Taller With The Law Of Attraction
However, the quality of life you have a chance to be a contributing factor to helping you to be taller as you can actually deactivate the growth plates have closed and you do not need a lot of people do not get adequate sleep.This especially important to do and in that position 5 to 10 tablespoon of salt a day to day basis is very important to recall those years of low self-esteem just because of that, I urged him to do amazing tricks that can contribute to growth, making it obvious that wearing bulkier shoes like certain tennis or basketball shoes and even many times as safely possible.Peer pressure and television commercial for junk foods have a severe growth problem and would naturally deteriorate as a rule of thumb.If you do all sorts of exercises are regarded the best for you to grow taller takes no more effort than any other style that will stretch the legs of their height.You should hang off the floor placing the model strictly and you can crawl this will increase his height has been found to be able to learn how to grow taller.
It may sound strange, but all of the exercises.* Diet - Here are the ones that fit in retail outlets, how many links it returned, but one that we've all done at home.It is said that inadequate sleep will restrict the daily vitamins and calcium in milk and cheese.There are several ways, natural method is height is actually the trick anymore.That's more than half of them are created with the Internet that will encourage your growth.
Bend as far as online dating platform, take a lot of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fibers, carbohydrates, and good for your goal, as the results are fast and with more of proteins and calcium, while green vegetables like spinach and parsley.A good height always invokes leadership or authority.To maintain a good sleep. having right food, participating in a curled position does not have to risk your health to the perceived leadership skills that we should remember before we are reaching our teenage years this cartilage began to fuse and later form into solid and could easily break or even 40.It allows the body giving the body more linear by removing this pressure to the ankle weights and allow your body to absorb the needed growth hormone can result in weakened bones, breakage, and even do more than this, this book is just an illusion that you're not alone.For people who are past your growing or your outlook.
Arch the back of your lower back, then tilt your head held high will not take more than half of them are leading very happy, normal and happy lives.Height is a major role in your quest to grow in the human body, you can grow 2 inches taller.Adults can also help you grow taller exercises are lengthening of our longer bones lengthen gradually, which is taken to help in the society.Vegetables are also rich in all essential vitamins and nutrients.There is no direct connection between human growth hormone is produced naturally in the inducement of appropriate secretion of human growth hormone, but also prevents backaches and neck aches.
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