keenexpressions · 2 years
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Howl's Moving Pimps
Lead Trainers : Alec Mariscal and Kelly Zhu
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keenexpressions · 2 years
Kacie Lui
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1. Name, Year, & Major
Kacie Lui, 2nd Year, Biology
2. If you were a luxury brand, what would it be and why?
If I was a luxury brand I would be Miu Miu because I like their color palette.
3. Who is your personal hero and why?
My personal hero is my brother because I can always depend on him.
4. How do you react after a conflict occurs, and why?
After a conflict occurs I would try to resolve it or work around it.
5. If you were granted 3 wishes, what would it be?
If I were granted 3 wishes I would wish for everyone to have good health, to speak to animals, and for photographic memory.
6. What would you Google about your life?
I would google what my net worth is and what my job is.
7. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
My favorite thing about myself is that I’m creative and I like to try new things.
8. What's your toxic trait?
My toxic trait is that I’m sensitive like I’m a light sleeper and I get hungry and tired easily.
9. Would you visit the future or past?
I would visit the past so I could relive being a child.
10. What are the biggest differences between you today/now and five years ago?
Five years ago I was thirteen and the biggest difference between me today and me five years ago is that I’m currently reaching the goals that I had when I was younger. I’d say I’m more happy with myself and where I am now since five years ago there was a lot of uncertainty. Within the past five years, I’ve moved out, got my drivers license, and I’ve become more independent since I don’t live at home anymore. Also five years ago I studied to make my parents happy, but now I study for myself and to fulfill my goals. If I were to give myself advice, I would tell myself my skincare routine so I could avoid my ugly phase and also tell myself to study more and explore more skills and hobbies, basically make more use of my time.
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keenexpressions · 2 years
Alec Mariscal
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1. Name, Year, & Major
Alec Diego Mariscal, 4th year, English Major w/ Education minor
2. If you were a luxury brand, what would it be and why?
If I was a luxury brand, I think I’d be Chanel or YSL. I personally like many of their products, especially their colognes.
3. Who is your personal hero and why?
The Kool Aid Man, you know how I’m always saying “Oh YAHHH”. That’s exactly where I got it from.
4. How do you react after a conflict occurs, and why?
It really depends on who the conflict is with. If it’s someone I don’t really know or care for, I’m probably not gonna care. If that’s not the case, I usually like to resolve things sooner than later. I think just being willing to talk and listen will always go a long way.
5. If you were granted 3 wishes, what would it be?
1. To be healthy forever. 
2. To be 2 inches taller. 
3. See Frank Ocean
6. What would you Google about your life?
I would wanna see how many steps I have taken to date.
7. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
I love my brain, I am always able to take myself to new places.
8. What's your toxic trait?
I make fun of people who wear glasses.
9. Would you visit the future or past?
I would go back to the 70’s and 80’s so I could have fun dancing.
10. What are the biggest differences between you today/now and five years ago? And what advice would you give to yourself from five years ago?
Five years ago I was 18; my entire life is completely different. Almost nothing about my life as an 18 year old has carried over five years later. A significant thing that has changed about me is my confidence. At 18, I definitely was not considering college as a real possibility yet. I was already working and I was partying a ton. I met a very fun group of college students at that time and they would take me out drinking and such. It was very fun, but it is easy to forget about everything around you when your life is moving very fast every weekend. At some point you get exhausted and hardly have energy for anything else. Hopefully you get tired of the constant cycle of recovery sooner than later. For me it was around 20 to 21. Slowly, and also because of COVID I started giving myself the chance to rest and to actually have energy throughout the week. Eventually the combination of a change in mentality and better habits got me through to Davis. Even when that had happened I still was lacking the confidence to really believe in my intellectual abilities. Something I lost as I went through a garbage high school. That newfound confidence has carried me to many new opportunities and accomplishments that I am much more proud of. More than confidence, I just see myself very differently, when I think back to what I was when I was 18, it does hurt to reimagine myself like that, but I guess that’s what growing is all about. If there was some piece of advice that I could give to myself at that time I would tell myself “Don’t give up, and ask for help”.
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keenexpressions · 2 years
Kelly Zhu
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1. Name, Year, & Major
Kelly Zhu, 4th Year, Psychology w/ Human Development minor
2. If you were a luxury brand, what would it be and why?
I would be gucci because gucci girls >:)) aka best line MUAHAHAH
3. Who is your personal hero and why?
My personal hero would be my older sister Grace bc she pushed me to do a lot of things in my life. She was like the tiger mom I needed in order to grow tbh. I don’t think I would have my personality now if it wasn’t for her. I don’t think I would’ve been as strong and independent without her hehe.
4. How do you react after a conflict occurs, and why?
When conflict occurs, I like to think about the pros and cons of taking action. Obviously I get a little frustrated after a conflict occurs so I like to punch my stuffed animals.
5. If you were granted 3 wishes, what would it be?
Marry Eren Jaeger, Marry Eren Jaeger, and M a r r y E r e n J a e g e r.
6. What would you Google about your life?
How to meet Eren Jaeger
7. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
I think I am a very approachable person (after the first impressions bc I heard I was intimidating lmao) and I like having conversations with people! I also like that I am pretty diligent and if I do something, I want it to be the best it can be. 
8. What's your toxic trait?
That I would choose Eren Jaeger over anyone. (jk but not jk)
9. Would you visit the future or past?
I’d like to visit the future bc I already lived the past lol
10. What are the biggest differences between you today/now and five years ago? And what advice would you give to yourself from five years ago?
The biggest difference between me today vs 5 years ago is how independent I’ve become. Also, my work ethic has changed drastically. I used to be very careless of things and I would definitely let my emotions get the best of me. I would laze around and just do things half-assed. But now, I feel like I’ve been touched by the world and have experienced so many things, I feel like I can do anything. I would also say that my communication and people skills are SO different from 5 years ago. I would not have the confidence to just go up to people and start a random conversation. But now I do that with ease and it has really helped me when expanding my network. I feel that I have a pretty strong network ever since I joined many clubs/orgs and have busied myself. My advice to myself from 5 years ago would be to never settle. I feel like things can always be better and that if I settled for sticking with my same routine everyday, I wouldn’t grow. I like myself more now than I did 5 years ago and that’s because I don’t take sh!t from people anymore. I don’t feel the need to rely on people as much as I did before and I can get things done by myself. However, I wouldn’t really wish to change much about myself 5 years ago because whatever happened during those years have led me to become who I am today!
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keenexpressions · 2 years
Dylan Teehankee
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1. Name, Year, & Major
Dylan Teehankee, 3rd Year, Computer Science
2. If you were a luxury brand, what would it be and why?
I don't know many luxury brands but probably Infiniti since my dad has an Infiniti car.
3. Who is your personal hero and why?
My personal hero is Abdul Bari for coming in clutch with the last minute computer science help.
4. How do you react after a conflict occurs, and why?
I would ask what happened first before making any decision or giving any advice, since that's better than trying to solve a problem before knowing the full story.
5. If you were granted 3 wishes, what would it be?
I would like to have infinite wishes, being able to do whatever I want without negative consequences, being able to have whatever I want without negative consequences.
6. What would you Google about your life?
I would look into my family history.
7. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
I like being able to breathe life into old hardware by repairing and upgrading them.
8. What's your toxic trait?
I take a long time to clean up after I cook.
9. Would you visit the future or past?
I would visit the future.
10. What are the biggest differences between you today/now and five years ago? And what advice would you give to yourself from five years ago?
The biggest difference between me today and me five years ago is how often I hang out with other people. Back then, I would often only hang out with friends during the school day, but would not be interested as much in hanging out with others after the school day is over. However, I would always be interested in spending time with friends. Similarly to now, my friends and I would often meet up to hang out at a restaurant. However, I feel like I have more time since I the amount of time I spend physically in school is marginally less than the time I have spent each day taking high school classes, even though much of that time has to be spent studying in order to do well on the weekly quizzes and biweekly projects. As a result, I feel like I have more time hanging out with all my friends now in college. I feel like my time management has either gotten worse than five years ago, or there are a lot more things going on in my life than whatever was going on five years ago. For example, five years ago I was still living with my parents and didn't have to worry about paying for rent and utilities. Also, when I was in high school, I also didn't join nearly as many clubs or other extracurriculars back then, but after transferring to UC Davis, I wanted to make the most out of the university, so I ended up joining everything I found interesting, such as this fraternity.
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keenexpressions · 2 years
Fiona Ly
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1. Name, Year, & Major
Fiona Ly, 2nd Year, Biological Sciences
2. If you were a luxury brand, what would it be and why?
If I were a luxury brand I would be Canada Goose since they specialize in Winter apparel. This fits me since I am cold 24/7, yet winter is still my favorite season.
3. Who is your personal hero and why?
I don’t really have a personal hero.
4. How do you react after a conflict occurs, and why?
After a conflict occurs, I would try to remain calm and rational since you can’t solve anything if you’re not.
5. If you were granted 3 wishes, what would it be?
If I were granted 3 wishes, it would be for me and everyone around me to be healthy, to be rich, and to have 20/20 vision.
6. What would you Google about your life?
I would Google my achievements and hope there’s something there.
7. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
My favorite thing about myself is my humor even when other people don’t get it. :)
8. What's your toxic trait?
My toxic trait is that I tend to procrastinate a lot.
9. Would you visit the future or the past?
I would visit my future to see where I end up so I know what to expect.
10. What are the biggest differences between you today/now and five years ago? And what advice would you give to yourself from five years ago? 
The biggest difference between me today and five years ago is that I am much better at socializing. In the past, I was really shy and spent most of my time staying home and didn’t really chat or hang out with friends. Sometimes, I could go days without saying a single word. I was basically a hermit. However, when I entered high school, I decided that I wanted to change. I pushed my fear aside and tried to actively reach out to people and join a lot of extracurriculars, which ended up helping me get out of my bubble. Slowly but surely, I got better at socializing with people and although I’m still pretty shy, it’s comparatively a lot better. Looking back at how far I’ve come, I can say that I’m proud of the change I made. The advice I would give myself from five years ago is to “just do it”, aka the Nike slogan. I would tell myself to put myself out there and try new things outside of my comfort zone instead of doing the same things over and over again.
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keenexpressions · 2 years
Irene Kim
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1. Name, Year, & Major
Irene Kim, 2nd Year, Design w/ Tech Management minor
2. If you were a luxury brand, what would it be and why?
If I was a luxury brand I would be Burberry because I like berries.
3. Who is your personal hero and why?
If I had to choose a personal hero it would be my sister because she gives me honest advice and is someone that I have always valued.
4. How do you react after a conflict occurs, and why?
If a conflict occurs the first thing I do is take time to think about it to myself.
5. If you were granted 3 wishes, what would it be?
If I were granted three wishes, they would be to be able to teleport, for everyone I love to be happy, and that I would never be asked this hard question again.
6. What would you Google about your life?
I would Google everything about my life.
7. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
My favorite thing about myself is my laugh.
8. What's your toxic trait?
My toxic trait is my sleep schedule.
9. Would you visit the future or past?
I would visit the past. Specifically the time when I was five.
10. What are the biggest differences between you today/now and five years ago? And what advice would you give to yourself from five years ago?
I would say that the biggest difference between myself now and five years ago is my eyesight; sadly it has gotten way worse. That mainly, but also that I have gotten better at acknowledging what I like and what I dislike. This includes anything from food to hobbies to actions. Within the five years I have also come to the realization that it is much easier to cook than I thought (specifically spaghetti). Five years ago sautéing ingredients would be my least favorite thing but now I enjoy it and cooking in general. Advice I would give to myself from five years ago would be to keep trying new things and build a consistent sleep routine starting now. :)
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