#House Of The Dragon Headcanons
jacesvelaryons · 3 months
Can you write something about Jacaerys velaryon x targaryen wife reader
Where she gives birth to a baby that looks like jace and it bothered alicent but they don't care? :3
Saving Face (Jacaerys Velaryon x Targtower!Reader)
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(a/n): i’m sorry this request took over a year but my, what a great idea! i hope you like it
word count: 3.0k
summary: with what was supposed to be a happy moment in the new chapter of your family with jacaerys, only wounds linger when your mother is unhappy with your child's appearance.
warnings: slight angst, family tensions, complicated family relationships, implied incest (the targaryen way), not alicent hightower friendly
request status: OPEN
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The joy of his newborn child is nearly eclipsed by the fear that his beloved would be called to face the same humiliation his mother endured upon his birth.
Even in distress, his beautiful wife still looked otherworldly silver hair spun in gold, and with her pale lavender eyes, he would not have that ginger sucker of joy to rob him from this life changing celebration. His relief that his beloved survived the precarious birth, worried about her lithe frame and the prostration it weighed on her during the pregnancy.
His little boy, his beloved son, a fragment of the other half of soul and his own. He is perfect, with his ten little toes and fingers, and he is all his.
Jacaerys is thankful his mother was in the birthing room with him and his wife, breaking protocol (as always) to be with the mother as she went into labour. Without her, he thinks he would’ve been hysterical and lost his mind without her guiding hand and comforting presence in seeing Y/N in distress.
“Where is my mother?” Y/N cradles the babe to her breast, as he suckled in his mother’s warmth and he feels his heart drop to his stomach as her face contorted in disappointment.
The child yearned for nourishment, and the midwives guided the young mother so she could feed the child with her milk.
The Dowager Queen remained unyielding even as her step-daughter arose as Queen, and she was still given some privileges even with her dispute with his mother. The marriage of Jacaerys and Y/N, her youngest daughter, was made as a desperate attempt to patch the two sides together and make peace as his mother sat on the Iron Throne.
Her mother attended the wedding, wearing a dark muted forest green that still appeared obsidian in certain angles, but the flame patterns could not be missed on her gown.
A mockery indeed as if she did not accept his mother’s ascendance to the throne and wanted her small rebellions in forms of cloth, he would not grant her the satisfaction of his reaction, for the sake of the realm and his wife, her daughter. It would be too scandalous to do so.
When his beloved was called abed, all pretense of dignity and calm collapsed underneath him. Whatever confident front he had broke apart as fear consumed him, sweat dripping from his forehead, hands shaking, heart beating wildly as he realized his wife was to cross the barrier between life and death to birth their child.
Seeing Y/N’s clean white robes stained the bed in scarlet as she quickens and the pain increases as the babe nears reminds him of the chills whenever he walks the path from the princess’ chambers to the queen’s, the same path forged in blood when his mother then Princess Rhaenyra, the crown princess and heir to the Throne, had to face the humiliation called upon by her stepmother, now Queen Dowager Alicent.
His blood boils when he sees the auburn former queen walk that path meekly nowadays on her way to see her daughter, as if it was all an act when she had pulled rank and caused so much suffering to his beloved mother. Jacaerys fears his wife, now the Princess of Dragonstone will have to walk those same halls, perform the same walk of shame and mummery with all the courtiers of the Keep to bear witness.
There is no possibility he will allow her to endure the same, he would bring fire and blood to all of Westeros shall she have to face that, yet it brings him relief when he reminds himself that woman is no longer Queen but his mother is, Queen of her own right and first of her name, and yet all the same, that woman is also his mother-in-law, mother to his darling. And grandmother to the child that shares his blood.
Jacaerys never left the side of his wife even when her birth continued onto the hour of the wolf, his hands intertwined with her own, assuring kisses on her temple and cheek and encouraging her when she would cry she wanted to relent. Across from him stood his mother, whose locks resembled her half sister and his wife, an experienced mother who has felt such joy and such sorrow too, with a maternal comfort gained with experience.
He would not allow a woman filled with hate to the brim in her heart to rob him of the joys of fatherhood and the relief of his wife safe and sound after such birth to their babe. Jace felt relief like no other when he began to see the dark haired head of the child crowning, and the guttural, final scream she exerted as the child exited her womb.
Jacaerys comforted and whispered assurances of gratitude and encouragement to his lady wife, that she be reminded how grateful he was of her efforts to grow their family, of her devotion and love for him, and fulfilling her duty with nothing but grace, peppering kisses all over her flushed face.
As he caressed the fine hair of his child much like own while he fed from his mother’s breast, his elated expression dropped as if in a chilling reminder when she asked for her mother. As despicable as that woman was, he could not deny her wishes if it brought her reprieve. Jace smiled and promised her that she would be coming and has been informed of the birth of her new grandchild.
When Y/N was beyond earshot, he approached the young midwife with a hardened gait, grinding through his teeth. “If the Dowager Queen wishes to see the prince, she will make her way here herself. She can walk, can she not?!"
While his wife was preoccupied and in isolation during the last few months of the pregnancy, Jace had made efforts to convince his mother to move the Lady Alicent to the second floor below the palace where the current royal family lived. “To remind her of what she’s done to us and may feel the pain we have endured.” He told Queen Rhaenyra, who was hesitant but accepted afterwards.
Jacaerys marched his way outside the ornate doors where his wife and their babe rested, raising his chin and standing with his chest puffed out, a cold indifferent expression, back straightened and fists clenched white as his wife’s mother made her way up the stairs with difficulty.
In the years since her queenship, the then young queen had begun to develop striking pain all over her body, especially down her spine and legs no matter what the maesters or foreign healers would advise. Jacaerys thought it was fitting for when he would make his mother walk up with him and his newborn siblings, bleeding across the hallways and staircases due to the green queen’s attempt to humiliate them.
Perhaps he is his mother’s son, as diplomatic, gracious, intelligent and cunning as he may be, grudges linger.
He could hear a pin drop as the auburn haired woman nearly stumbled down the final stairs and tripped over her gown, with a few septas rushing over to assist her but he showed no commiseration.
The doors swung open as Alicent limped towards her daughter’s bedside, slightly softening in consolation her daughter was safe in childbirth and the child was kicking like a goat.
“Praise the Mother, my girl.” She brushed her blood-smeared fingers over her silver hair shakily, whispering. He did not miss the glimpse of disappointment when she noticed the dark brown hair of the child, even when the boy had her pale lavender eyes.
Alicent cleared her throat, avoiding the gaze of those around her. “I see that the prince strongly resembles his father.”
Jacaerys’ eyes narrowed in suspicion, instinctively reaching towards the pommel of his Valyrian steel sword. “Is that supposed to be a problem, Dowager?” He stomped forward, hovering above his wife and child.
“Not at all, my prince. He is a handsome boy-”
Queen Rhaenyra noticed the tension beginning to develop and interrupted with a smile. “She means no ill, Jacaerys. Merely an observation.”
“An observation?! She wished to have us named as bastards to replace you as heir with one of her spawns and humiliate you.” He raised his voice, accusatory at his mother’s former adversary, and he could feel Lucerys next to him, pulling him away to calm him.
His wife Y/N, exhausted and delirious from the birth, began to grow pale and overwhelmed from the commotion around her, just as her babe broke out in tears and wailed. The Queen ordered everyone but Jacaerys to exit the room and give the family their space. The door shut with a thunderous thud.
Hours later, the midwives finished cleaning up the afterbirth, bathed and cleaned the lady and the child before they both fell asleep in new linen sheets and fed.
Jacaerys never left his young family’s side, despondent he had lost his cool, distressing his family during a vulnerable moment, turning what should have been a celebration into an altercation.
He cringed as he could only imagine what the murmurs and whispers about his behaviour and the events that followed with his wife’s mother would share about him. He had brought this upon himself and his family.
AS Y/N began waking from her first rest since the labours, he turned to her as soon as he could hear her rise from her sheets, reaching for her hands in his.
“I have failed you, wife. I should have protected you but I have only raised in anger over old wounds and created altercations when I should have.” Jacaerys felt his tears brim, cheeks red with ignominy and shame.
Her eyes fluttered awake, still weary from the long delivery but visibly more rested already. She shook her head in understanding with an enervated sigh.
“I understand your relationship with my mother has been tense, for what she had done to Her Grace and your family. But I can assure her she has changed, if she is not with me, she is on the knees at the Sept begging for forgiveness and giving alms-”
“She looked at our son the same way she used to look at me and my brothers as children, when she would use her tongue to call us bastards! I fear she will do the same to you and the boy. What good will alms do if she still wishes to see me and our son six feet under ground for the colour of our hair!?” Jacaerys exclaimed, lips quivering in fear as he felt tears brim in his eyes.
Y/N brought their son closer to her arms, only comforted by the sight of her child and her beloved.
“I will handle her, trust me. She thinks I do not pay attention to these things, but I do.” She reaches her free hand to his, unmoving to not wake the babe and squeezes his larger palms into her own.
Jacaerys sniffles, wiping his tears with his sleeve. “I do not wish to drive you apart from your mother, my love. I only worry about you and our family’s safety, and the throne. That you and our son may not suffer on my behalf.”
Their son had just begun to fall asleep in her arms, and she began bouncing him instinctively, quickly gaining the ropes of what it took to be a good mother. Jacaerys knew she would be nothing like her own mother, eagerly learning from his mother Queen Rhaenyra, speaking with other royal and noble mothers and even listening to wet nurses and nannies on how to rear children best.
“Are you sure you can handle this conversation? Would you like me outside or in the room with you?” He asks with uncertainty, not entirely confident with his wife even with her own mother.
The wife of the heir to the Iron Throne and Princess of Dragonstone nods fiercely. “You forget I am a dragon too. We do not bow to these snakes that suck from their prey.”
In the overmorrow on the first day of spring, Y/N had just put her son in his cradle, handcrafted in limestone and marble with seahorses and dragons, lined with sheets of silk with pearls and aquamarines, befitting the future King, and the scion of Houses Targaryen and Velaryon.
She hummed as she watched him sleep, having gone through feeding him herself to the surprise of the wet nurses she had followed through, unlike most royalty. She swore she would leave nursing and care to others if she had no other choice.
Underneath sat the hearth of the magenta and mauve swirled dragon egg surrounded by pieces of coal, emitting whirls of smoke that signified the life alive in those eggs. The egg was special as it was the first from her young ride, a nervous flighty thing who only managed to hatch when she found out she was expecting herself, rarely only having one dragon when most on Dragonstone laid many.
As she hums old Valyrian nursery hymns from the crypts of ancient Valyrian text retrieved from the tombs of the Keep’s libraries, she recognizes the steps of her mother without a glimpse.
In her jade hued robes, Lady Alicent was quaint yet undaunted to remind the court of her former standing as once the queen who ruled these halls. A black veil hid part of her auburn hair that turned to flames in certain lighting.
Her mother grimaces with a smile that does not reach her eyes, but relief is painted all over her being. “You are well, daughter? I presume so is the babe.”
Y/N curtly interrupts her. “The babe is your grandson, my child when I am your flesh and blood, mother. Most importantly, he is the future heir to the throne, second in line to my husband.”
Alicent frantically fidgets with her fingers, tugging at her old emerald rings in consternation.
“Of course, yes. His name, Aemon, is fitting for a future monarch.” She could hear the strain in her mother’s words, laced with lies. All her life she had learned those sealed with malice and deceit.
“You forget yourself, mother. My husband and my children are of the blood of the dragon, as do I. You do not understand the ways of the dragon, in your jealousy of wanting to unseat my sister and put Aegon on the throne. Your attempts to disgrace and dispossess my future husband and his brothers has brought the Stranger hanging over mine and my own son’s head!” Y/N chides in betrayal, voice tinged with disbelief her mother would do such a thing.
“I could not believe you, mother, that you still harbour such ill will after many years. My marriage with Jacaerys should have buried whatever disagreements you may have had with Queen Rhaenyra, but you value imbuing hate and division on this house more than choosing the peace and stability of this kingdom!”
“Your husband and your son are unbecoming of what Targaryen princes are supposed to look like-” The Dowager attempted to reason, but was impeded as her daughter held an imposing hand towards her.
“Unbecoming? Have you not glimpsed into a mirror? You are nothing of what a Targaryen queen should be, a mere second son’s daughter who brought nothing of value to the throne, and only sought discord to advance her family. Who replaced the Targaryen tapestries with ones of the Seven in hopes of bringing your radicalism to the rest of the kingdom!”
Guards barge in the doors of the babe’s nursery, their armour and swords clattering loudly in the quiet hall.
“What is the meaning of this?”
Y/N coldly turns away from her mother, even as she frowned the same way she would. “By order of the Princess of Dragonstone with the seal of approval of the Prince of Dragonstone and the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms,
I order your arrest for treason, and insubordination not only for your past grievances but your efforts to call my son a bastard. You will be stripped of your privileges of Queen Dowager, and turned into a septa who will serve the Seven for all her days.”
The former queen is astonished, struggling among the grips of the soldiers who surround her. “Daughter, you are mistaken, please do not do this to me. For all I have sacrificed for this realm and for your father, you must understand why I am the way I am.” She pleaded on her knees, hands clasped as she cried for mercy.
“No, you have served your ambitions and my late grandsire’s treacherous longing for power and the throne, that you would put the Hightower banners and replace Targaryen customs with the Seven and southern ways, that you would tear the kingdom apart for it. I have given you too many chances, forgiving you and turning the cheek in hopes you have accepted it and at least been happy for me, but I am a fool. I am not as forgiving as my father was to your digressions!”
Y/N paced slowly around her mother, sorrow on her face, but no regret or forgiveness.
“You are lucky I will not be putting you in a cell, because for better or for worse, you are still the mother who birthed me. But you would understand, there is nothing a mother would do to grant protection to her children.”
The princess dazed into the window, grasping onto the rails as she heard her mother being dragged out the halls and stripped of her royal ordinances. She could feel herself biting into her nails nervously after years of no longer doing so.
Jacaerys sauntered carefully, approaching his wife with comfort, rubbing her shoulders and bringing her into his arms, looking down at their son as he slept.
“Was I not too cruel, Jace?” She whimpered, weeping into his arms as she was devastated at whether treating her own kin in such a way was a fatal mistake.
He rests his chin on the top of her head before pressing kisses on her temple. “I understand why this troubles you, wife. As abominable and misguided she was, you still are her blood, her daughter.”
She glimpsed at her son, cooing at him as he quietly sleeps. “As a mother, I want to be nothing like her. My son will never be safe while she is around.”
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rhaenyra-storms · 3 months
Hi! Hello! So obsessed with Cregan too! Your fic with the direwolf pup was so precious, I loved it!
But, what about a lil something where Cregan steals kisses from his wife throughout the day whenever they see one another in the castle ?
thank you so much!! your idea is so adorable too and i loved writing it!
pairing: cregan stark x f!reader warnings: clingy cregan, just fluff, reader is shorter than cregan words: 1044
"M'lady, would you prefer beef or mutton for dinner tonight?"
A servant peeked into the room, the hint of a smile on his face. You had been stitching a few holes in your husband's pants, insisting to do it yourself. Cregan always managed to get them to tear open when he was out on a hunt. It was a small gesture from your side to fix them yourself.
"Beef would be nice. Thank you." You smiled back at the older servant before he bowed quickly and left you alone once more. However, you quickly realised that you were still supposed to send a raven to your mother. The pants could wait for a moment longer, so you placed them down on your bed before you headed out into the hallway.
The tall man at the end of the hallway, still with his back turned to you, would be recognised by you almost anywhere. Your husband was talking to one of the smith's new apprentices. Cregan was a kind lord to all his subjects and whenever he could, he loved to make a little conversation with them.
As soon as the young boy spotted you, he bowed briefly.
"Lady Stark."
Cregan turned around then, a smile already on his lips. He wasn't afraid to show his affection outside of your personal chambers, so his arm sneaked easily around your waist, pulling you in closer to himself.
He kept his attention on the boy though, giving him a polite nod. "It was nice talking to you. I am sure we'll talk again in the following weeks."
"Of course, my lord. It was my pleasure." He bowed once more before he hastened down the steps into the main hall, leaving you and your husband alone.
"Where were you going, my love?" Cregan asked curiously then, taking the time to grab your hips with both hands as you stood before him. You tilted your head up a little, looking at your tall husband. "Just wanted to send a raven to my mother. We haven't talked in a while and I wanted her to visit soon."
He smiled softly, giving you a nod. "You know she's always welcome here in Winterfell. I'd love to have her and your father around soon."
His right hand moved up to cup your chin gently, pulling your head a little closer to press a kiss against your lips. As always, you exchanged more than just one quick peck, leaning into your husband, hands planted on his strong chest.
A giggle escaped your lips when he turned you around, pressing your back against the stone wall behind you.
It took a few more moments until you were able to separate from each other.
"I could do this all day, darling. But I still need to work and-"
You stopped him as you placed a soft hand on his cheek. His skin was always warm and you could feel him leaning into your touch as he looked at you in the dim-lit hallway. Cregan's eyes would always be a beautiful sight to you.
"We're going to see each other for dinner and then we can have the whole evening to ourselves," you assured him, stealing one last kiss off his lips. He seemed satisfied enough with your response and made sure to press his lips against the back of your hand one more time before you parted ways.
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You weren't really sure how much of a coincidence it was when you were on your way back from the Maester later in the day and ran into your husband in the courtyard.
Wasn't he out hunting just an hour earlier?
It didn't matter to you though when he wrapped his hand around yours and pulled you to the side gently. His lips were on yours quicker than you could realise, a surprised laughter making its way out of your mouth.
Your hands flew up to grab his hair for a moment as his big hands rested on the small of your back.
A tension started to build in your stomach and you pressed your body more against your husband's, desperate to savour the moment as much as you could. He had probably been waiting for you somehow and you were glad that he did. Getting to kiss him throughout the day was the greatest pleasure you could imagine.
"Cregan," you laughed softly when he continued to plant a few kisses on your right cheek. "You know we're supposed to be going after our tasks?" His arms had wrapped tightly around your waist, his scent filling your nose. He smelled like the pines outside Winterfell, something you'd always recognise about him.
"I know, love. But you're making my day sweeter with this." His voice had turned a little rough as he whispered in your ear, shivers running down your spine as a response. Your hands slid under his cloak and you pressed yourself closer to your husband once more.
You met gazes again as you looked up, Cregan's eyes undeniably filled with adoration. How did you get so lucky?
"I love you, Cregan. And you're right, it's making my day sweeter too. As long as I can steal a kiss from you every now and then, being the Lady of Winterfell does not get boring at all," you whispered, pecking his lips again. Could you ever get enough of this? Could he ever get enough of this?
Some people might describe your husband as a very serious man. But whenever he smiled, you felt like there was nothing bad in the world that mattered. He smiled at you all the time and it made you feel like the most important part of his world.
"Every kiss the Lady of Winterfell can grant me is sacred to me," he whispered as he took your hand and brought it up to his mouth. His lips brushed over your knuckles gently, leaving a trail of warmth behind as he moved up to your wrist with his mouth.
He manoeuvred your hand to his cheek slowly, letting it rest there before he connected your lips once more.
All your days could go past like this for the rest of your life and you would be the happiest woman in the world.
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witchthewriter · 3 months
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐭'𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ female, Valyrian blood (dragon rider), and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
a/n: APPARENTLY THIS IS A GUY NAMED DAVOS BLACKWOOD. But he literally IS Bloody Ben. So he's staying Bloody Ben.
P.s. I'm ageing Benjicot up so he's around 24 or whatever age you want him to be that's over 18 <3
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
・It wasn't an arranged marriaged. No, not by any means.
・You had been sent by your Queen to remind the Houses of Westeros their pledge to her. And Rhaenyra had chosen you to go to the Blackwoods.
"I expect you will be welcomed warmly," her Grace said with a warm smile.
You bowed your head and returned the smile.
・You always felt safe around Rhaenyra, she was someone very close to you. Someone who you would fight to the death for.
・The first time Benji saw you, his heart stopped...which was a very fair reaction as you were atop your fearsome dragon, The Cannibal.
・You bonded with the wild dragon when you were 13 - it was the first day of your periods and you were sick and tired of being without a dragon.
・It was in your blood. And you were done waiting.
・Your first flight with Cannibal was difficult - although the blood magic seemed to be strong between the two of you.
・You were the exact person he was waiting for.
・So when your duty came to aid Queen Rhaenyra; she did asked for you to unite with a House through marriage
・That was heavy - a big duty that you did not think would need to happen, since you bonded with Cannibal. Wouldn't you be put on the front lines straight away? Her answer was no.
・But you knew the realities of war and faced your duty head on (you know Cannibal will always defend you)
・Your marriage was a significant one. All the Blackwoods were invited, and Rhaenyra was there to oversee the ceremony.
・However, having all of your family there would have been another Red Wedding, so only a few choice people from your side could be invited.
・Nonetheless, it was absolutely beautiful.
・Dragonfire lit the skies, chasing away the dark. Even Cannibal was having a good time. There were tributes made to him - sheep, cow, goats galore. You swore you saw him smiling.
・What you absolutely weren't expecting was Benji to INTERACT with Cannibal...
・He brought up a bull from the biggest hoard they had. Benji watched as the dragon practically gulped the animal down. However, he wasn't scared - he was impressed. And intrigued.
・You were absolutely moved by Benji's act. Truly. Because it showed his bravery. His daring. And of course his caring. You knew, you could feel the way Cannibal was feeling - and he trusted this Blackwood.
・So you decided to give him a wedding present. A fly.
・By doing so, you broke down every single one of Benji's walls and he knew you were the one for him. His wife. His firt and only one.
・After a tough day, and you both go to your chambers; he'll grab your arm and kiss your wrist. A physical way of saying "I'm so glad you're alive and mine."
・Learns High Valyrian for you. He wanted to surprise you with it. And surprise you he did.
・You call each other: Ñuha jorrāelagon (my love), Ñuha prūmia (my heart),
・ A very particular sentence that Benji says a lot is: Nyke pendagon nūmāzma ao everyday (I think about you everyday)
・Of course he knows you can protect yourself; but that doesn't stop him from defending you. You're his world now. You mean so much to him.
・No body thought this union would work as well as it had.
・So, Bloody Ben & The Rider of Cannibal became a formidabble pair that made men tremble wherever they went.
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Like Calls To Like
The Gomez & Morticia Adams
"Think they'll try us?" x "Fuck I hope so."
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Unbreakable Bond
Growth through Adversity
Bickering and Banter
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Please Please Please by Sabrina Carpenter
The Politics & The Life by Daniel Pemberton
O Verona by The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra
𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 🔞 No one under the age of 18 past this point, makes me feel weird if you read it.
・Gives you complete and utter respect both in and out of the bedroom.
・Has never and will never push you to do anything you don't want to do
・The first time you were together, it felt like your bodies were on fire. Meant to burn together. The words kept replaying over and over in your head as he touched you. A deep yearning overtook you and suddenly time stopped.
・His lips were warm, his hands cold but when he took off his clothes, you couldn't help but grin.
・There's such desire between you two that even your mount can sense it.
・Your sex life is very active - at least once a day. Maybe you're in your Honeymoon period, but you cannot keep your hands off one another when you're alone
・And when you're at feasts, Benji's hands find their way down your thigh, and slowing inching inbetween them.
"Really, here? Now?" You asked n a hushed tone, trying not to draw any attention to either of you.
"Yes. Here, now. Or we can go into the hallway and I will ravish you there. Upto you, wife."
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madame-fear · 8 months
Hi i was wondering if you could write an nsfw head cannon of jacaerys and his wife reader and what their intimate life is like, and like talk about stuff they do.
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˗ˏˋ ꒰ summary : request.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ genre : headcanons, smut + slight fluff. ˗ˏˋ ꒰ pairing : : jacaerys velaryon x wife!reader
WARNING.ᐟ THIS FIC CONTAINS ; p in v, unprotected sex, sex from behind, bootfucking, breast play, creampie, slight mentions of mirror sex, oral sex (both receiving), mentions of you riding him, praising, slight mentions of spanking.
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: ̗̀➛ Okay, so, for starters. Your intimate life naturally came after you were both officially married, and the bedding ceremony came. To respect your privacy, the two of you already had a chamber of your own to share, and you would be able to be as intimate as you wished.
: ̗̀➛ Initially, Jace would’ve been very soft and delicate with you. It’s in his gentleman nature to be careful, especially with the woman who was now his wife, and he so adored. Things would’ve gone slowly, but surely. And perhaps, there would’ve been a bit of foreplay and kisses before starting anything.
: ̗̀➛ Jace would press sweet, teasing pecks all across your cheek, going down to your jawline, focusing on giving your neck attention with his kisses — especially in a particular spot of your neck where Jace notices it makes you squirm and gasp —, and goes to your collarbone, savouring your skin with each peck.
: ̗̀➛ All the while, of course, Jace’s hands softly move behind your back, playing with the laces of your nightgown as he leisurely unties them, letting your gown become loose from your body, and fall from your shoulders. Being the gentleman he is, of course, Jacaerys would constantly ask you if you’re feeling comfortable with what he’s doing, if you want him to stop, or keep going; all with the most sweetest voice you’ve ever heard.
: ̗̀➛ His coffee eyes would look up at you admiringly, just like a fascinated puppy. You don’t want him to stop any sooner — if anything, the way he teased your skin by pressing soft kisses and caressing it leisurely with the tip of your fingers, merely got you all wet and needy for him. To which, you gave him the green light to keep going.
: ̗̀➛ And my god, you didn’t regret it. The second you approved for him to keep pleasing you, his hands rather desperately pulled down your gown, low enough to just expose your breasts. His mouth immediately took your hardened nipple in a delicate manner, using his tongue to tease it very lightly, and his teeth nibbled on your sensitive skin to leave some lovemarks, using his hands to pinch, twist, and rub your nipples.
: ̗̀➛ Pretty little hushed whimpers & moans would continuously escape from your lips as your eyes flutter shut, and you throw your head back; feeling your cunt grow wet and needy. Each sound that spurred from that beautiful mouth of yours, simply made Jace grow harder for you, with an overwhelming need to fuck you right there, and make you shout loudly his name for everyone to hear who you belong to.
: ̗̀➛ And so he did. By the time Jacaerys had already feasted a bit too much on your delicate skin and sweet breasts, his mouth abruptly pulled away from your tits after some minutes, making you gasp, and his firm yet gentle hand pushed you onto your back against the mattress, getting on tip of you, and fucking you fervently throughout the entire night, cumming in and out of your body several times.
: ̗̀➛ After such lovely bedding night, getting lovingly yet roughly fucked by the eldest son of Rhaenyra Targaryen, you would’ve gotten more and more used to explore your intimacy together - whether it’s privately, or... Even publicly, being a bit more bold.
: ̗̀➛ Jacaerys absolutely adores having you all submissive & needy, as much as it pains him to hold himself back from taking you right there all for him. So, whenever he’s either studying, reading in High Valyrian, or simply reading a book - he will absolutely have you sitting on the floor, whining and begging for him to take you.
: ̗̀➛ You look beautifully endearing just like that, and Jace will tease you by making you sit on top of his boot, and rubbing your needy moist cunt, bootfucking you. Continous desperate whines would escape from you, begging for him to fully take you - but not just yet. Jace prefers having you clinging to his leg, and seeing how you rub yourself with the tip of his boot.
: ̗̀➛ Jace always knows exactly what you like, and what you need. And he keeps the perfect balance between roughness, and gentleness at the same time. Part of him loves treating you as if you were the petal of a rose, or made of glass - delicately and lovingly. And another part of him simply wants to fuck you like a whore, like you need and want to get fucked, rough and disgusting. This, however, doesn’t mean he will not respect the boundaries you’ve set for each other, and afterwards, he will always ask you if you’re okay, and feeling comfortable.
: ̗̀➛ Sex from behind happens often, and I dare to say it’s one of his favourite positions, after having you riding him. The feeling of you becoming weaker with every pound of cock buried deep inside your pussy, continously hitting your soft spot. Expect his hands to always firmly grip your waist violently in a possesively controlling manner... Or, perhaps, one of his hands gropping your breast while he plays with your stimulated nipples. That feels pretty good for both of you.
: ̗̀➛ And speaking about sex from behind! During this position, I can imagine he would like fucking you right in front of a mirror, making sure to change the speed in which he penetrates you just to see the different expressions in your beauteous features. His hand would hold your chin occasionally, forcing you to stare at yourself through the mirror being fucked by him, as he whispers just how much of a good girl you are, taking his cock so well and obediently.
: ̗̀➛ One of his many favourite things to do in bed, is having you go down on him, and him going down on you. The way your hand forms a fist around his throbbing cock, gently masturbating him as your lips press delicate smooches on his leaking tip, moving your mouth all the way down to his cock with small kisses until you decide to finally take him in your mouth makes him go absolutely feral for you.
: ̗̀➛ It would take Jacaerys all the efforts that he has to not grip harshly from your hair, pulling it back, and violently face fuck you until you’re deepthroating his shaft and maybe even gagging a bit. It hurts not doing so, but he prefers to treat you like the true future Queen you are. The way in which your tongue strokes his cock leisurely while you’re going down on him with your mouth provokes him to loudly groan, and chant your name under his breath. As expected, his semen spurs all over the inside of your mouth, your tongue, and the roof of your mouth.
: ̗̀➛ Or, if he’s feeling a bit too aroused, he will quickly pull out from your mouth at the feeling of his seed being released, and come all over your precious lips, chin, neck, and chest. The sight of his own cum dripping from your chin and neck, some sticky drops falling to your tits, is enough to make him feel proud of himself. You’re all his.
: ̗̀➛ And when Jace has to go down on you? Man, he for sure knows how to take your aching pussy. His hands would be harshly gripping your hips, as his plump lips press playful kisses all over your inner thighs, moving upwards until he meets with your wet core.
: ̗̀➛ There, he would sweetly place kisses all over your moist folds, working up until he meets your glistening clit. He would then carefully rub the rim of it, and slowly work his way in to meet your throbbing core. His tongue would flick against that sensitive spot, and then he would move his mouth back towards your entrance, where he would suckle at your slit, selfishly drinking from your dripping slick while he eagerly fingerfucks you.
: ̗̀➛ It’s just as if Jace knew exactly how you like to be treated; pampering each bit of your sensible core with such fervent adoration. Jace does it like nobody else does, and you can go down on him like nobody else as well. You’re the perfect match.
: ̗̀➛ The eldest Velaryon Prince would also absolutely adore having you riding him. Especially because you tease him by telling him that you’re finally learning on how to properly ride a true dragon... And because he likes the way your tits bounce when you’re on top of him. And, of course, the sight of the bruises Jace leaves on your hips after firmly holding you down on him is also a very pleasant one.
: ̗̀➛ Jace knows how to treat you when you’re such a good girl for him, so obedient — and he will be so gentle, loving, and adoring. But when you’re a bit feisty with him, thinking that you can misbehave around him, Jace will never doubt on having you laid all across his lap, harshly spanking your ass until your flesh is red and swollen, occasionally rubbing his palm across your aching cunt teasingly.
: ̗̀➛ And when you accept your punishment, his pulsating cock would fill you up so delightfully. Pounding violently in and out of you continously, making sure his cock hits deeply against your G spot just to have you shaking, whining, and whimpering under him. Seven Hells, the way you moan his name in that ruined state is so, so pretty. And Jacaerys would cum several times inside of you, to the point you would feel comfortingly and overwhelmingly warm, until his hot semen is oozing out of your abused pussy, dripping down your inner thighs.
: ̗̀➛ I think Jace would pretty much be up to anything. Want to be tied to the bed while he fucks you and you can’t do anything about it? Sure, he will do as you please. Want to be choked? Okay! Jace will be happy to oblige. Want to be tendered softly, and fucked with love and adoration as he praises you in between kisses? Say no more. Jacaerys absolutely adores you, and that’s an understatement.
: ̗̀➛ Your sex life will be pretty much open to anything, and of course, his only focus will be in making you feel satisfied, comfortable, and loved. Jace would never do anything to get hurt you or make you uncomfy. 💗
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elaratyrell · 3 months
Jacaerys Velaryon NSFW Alphabet
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*Divider from saradika-graphics*
Warnings: AFAB! Reader, smut under the cut {duh}, language, mentions of pregnancy, Jace's monster dick, breeding kink
A/N: Look at him. Look at how beautiful he is! Prince of Dragonstone ❤️
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
The king of aftercare, Jace will always prioritise your needs first in the bedroom, and that still applies to afterwards. You're feeling slightly sore? He'll immediately run you a warm bath himself with your favourite bath oils and massage your aching body. You're hungry or thirsty? He's already dressed and gone to the kitchens to fetch you a snack and a bottle of the finest Dornish red or Arbor gold. You just want to be held? He'll happily oblige. He'll hold you securely in his warm embrace, peppering kisses across your bare skin and softly singing to you in High Valyrian as you slowly fall asleep.
Modern! Jace will be pretty similar to his canon counterpart. He'll get you something to clean up with, run you a bath or shower and make sure you have everything you need to be comfortable.
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Jace is pretty much happy with everything about himself physically, but doesn't really think about himself like that. He would probably say his favourite body part is whatever his partner loves. Whether that be his hands, his mouth, his cock, whatever they love the most, he'll appreciate about himself the most.
As for his partner, he adores everything about you. If you asked him, he couldn't be able to name one thing. Your hips, your stomach, your thighs, your breasts, your cunt, your ass... he loves all of them. But he does adore your eyes. He loves gazing into them, how they well with emotion, how they cloud and glaze over in pleasure as he brings you to the edge again and again. Even outside of being intimate with you, he'll always be gazing into them, admiring how the light reflects in them, how your pupils dilate when you meet his gaze, how they flash with emotion. They're the physical part of you that shows who you are the most, and he loves that.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
I stand by my opinion that Jace has a bit of a breeding kink, and would love to cum inside of you. It's more intimate and the though of you two having a child drives him wild. But if you have a preference for where you'd rather him release, he'd be happy to comply.
Modern! Jace will always use protection if you're having penetrative sex unless you're actively trying for a baby or feel comfortable enough for him to release inside of you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He's the heir to the Iron Throne, the Prince of Dragonstone. He has definitely fantasized about fucking you on that throne, the pretty crowns adorning both of your heads sealing your rightful place as King and Queen of Westeros.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Hmmm... canon Jace would pretty much have zero experience, especially if you were betrothed when young (unless you count Aegon allegedly taking he and Aemond to a brothel when they were younger).
Modern! Jace will probably have some experience here and there if he dates you during college or afterwards, whether that be from hook-ups or a past relationship, but he hasn't slept around as much as Aegon has.
F = Favourite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary and he doesn't care if it's considered "vanilla", it's intimate, and he can have his gaze locked with yours all the while. He loves the way your bodies are pressed together, your legs hooked around his hips or even over his shoulders, lips connecting every few seconds as he thrusts into you. He also doesn't mind you sat in his lap, hips rolling against his. Any position where he can see your face. It's closer, more intimate and romantic where he can see you, kiss you, hold you closer.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I think Jace lies somewhere in the middle. He won't go out of his way to be funny or humorous when having sex, but he also wants you to be comfortable, and will happily smile and laugh and make a joke to make you seem at ease. He won't take it completely seriously though, he isn't like that.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Dark curls up there, dark curls down there. But he keeps everything relatively neat and trimmed. He wants to look his best for you, of course, and does take pride in his appearance due to his status.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Jace is a romantic. He will see it as an intimate act, even in the more casual and light hearted times you've had sex. It’s an expression of his love, especially if in a serious relationship or betrothal with you. He's not the type to just sleep around with people unless he truly feels some kind of connection with them, and the deeper the connection, the more intimate he considers it.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
As a last resort. If you're apart for a long period of time then he might need to blow of some steam, but he tries to wait it out for as long as possible until he can see you, since he knows that you can help him out better than his own hand ever could.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I feel like Jace wouldn't have as many kinks as other men in the hotd universe, but here are the ones that I feel he could potentially have:
Praise Kink: Nothing gets him going like you moaning about how good he's making you feel. He also loves singing your praises and feeling you hold him that little bit tighter. To be in this vulnerable intimate moment and hear you breathe out those three words makes his heart soar. Knowing he's making you feel this good makes him feel good, and makes that moment all the more special.
Hair Pulling: If you want this man to moan pull his hair. Feeling your fingers tangle in his curls, nails scraping across his scalp as you tug hard at his roots will drive him crazy. He fucking loves it.
Breeding Kink: The thought of you having a child together, having an heir to continue your family lines will definitely bring something out within him. Maybe not in the way someone like Aemond would. It's not the thought of continuing the Targaryen dynasty on, it's the thought of continuing your shared line, binding him to you and you to him forever. The idea of you wanting to have a child with him, regardless of... ahem, rumours, but because you love him, because you want him... draws out that possessive side of him.
Size Difference: I'm not talking about a physical height different here. I'm talking about the size of other things. I'm talking about when he's inside of you, and he sees the outline of his cock bulging your stomach. I'm talking about when he gently presses down on it and elicits a moan of his name from you. I'm talking about that.
Marking: It's that possessive side of him. It shows people you belong to him. Shows his uncles that you chose him, that you want to be with him, that he's the one who makes you feel good. I'm talking hickies, bruises and bites littering your neck, your chest, your thighs. Red nail lines raked down his back. And he'll happily let you leave one or two on him as well. It goes both ways.
L = Location (favourite places to do the do)
He'll mostly appreciate the privacy of your bed chambers or personal rooms where nobody can interrupt you, but if you rile him up enough, he may be tempted to sneak off somewhere discreet.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Tease him. He'll snap. His cheeks will flush, his jaw will clench, hands pinned by his sides and balled into fists. You will have such a hold over him, the effect you have, it drives him wild. And you might not even realise that you're doing it. An accidental brush of the hand will cause his whole body to stiffen until he realises it wasn't intended. A firm kiss to his neck will make his head tilt back and his hold on you to tighten.
Jealousy will also be a big motivation for him, on both sides. If you're feeling insecure, he'll show you that you have nothing to worry about, that he loves you and only you. If he's the one suffering a case of the green eyed monster, his more dominant, possessive side will come out. You're with him, not anyone else.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He will not hurt you, he will not degrade you, and he will not want anyone else to watch. Sex is a private thing between the two of you, and no one else.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He's a giving king. A selfless lover unless truly provoked, he'll happily spend hours between your legs just to hear your sweet moans and taste you as you come undone beneath him (or above him, he'd let you sit on his face).
Of course, he won't object to you wanting to give him pleasure, but if he had to chose, he'd chose you over him any day.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It depends. Eight or nine times out of ten, it'll be passionate. He'll take his time in making you feel pleasure, preparing you for him and making sure the experience is completely satisfying for the both of you. But if he's riled up, whether that be from jealousy, a fight of just general frustrations, then he may be more rough.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He prefers to take his time with you, but if he or you needs it that badly, or his duties are time consuming and have led to the two of you not spending time with each other as often, he will of course be down for a quickie.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Yes. If you want to try something new, he will give it a try unless he's genuinely uncomfortable with it, like if you wanted him to hurt you, he'd be very hesitant.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can last a few rounds for sure. Maybe even all night. For as long as you need him to keep going, he will. And if his cock can’t take any more, he has his hands and mouth to satiate your desires.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I don't think Jace would ever own toys, but would use them if you had any you wanted to use. However, they wouldn't be his first port of call. I don't think he'd feel the need for them, since he can give you such pleasure with only his body. He wouldn't be opposed to toys, but wouldn't see them as a compulsory need either.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Jace will only tease to a certain extent to prolong any intimate moment you have. He likes the reactions he can get out of you, and how it makes your release that much more intense.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
I feel like he'd moan, groan and grunt a lot. It wouldn't be overly loud, most of the time muffled in some way, but not quiet either. And he wouldn't hold any noise back either. Why shouldn't he let you know how good you're making him feel? He'll moan your name a lot, breathe out praises on how good you're making him feel. You may even be able to draw out a groan if he's got that much pent up frustration.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
I want to talk about Jace's dominance for a second. This man has a POSSESSIVE streak.
Yes, Jace is kind. He is selfless and loving and protective of those he loves. But he does have a temper. And he does feel possessive over you. It's not because he doesn't trust you, because he does, with his entire being, but his protective nature just goes to the next level with you. And when he gets jealous and that possessive side comes out, his rougher, more dominant side will emerge as well. The side that will pin you against the nearest wall, that will have your eyes rolling back into your head, his name being the only word you can speak, you can think of as he rips release after release from you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Do we really need to go over this? We know he's got a monster cock. It's long, it's girthy, it's huge.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Pretty high. He's pretty much always down if you are. It's not necessarily sex he's always after that makes his drive so high, it's you. You make him crazy. He could never get enough of you, hence why his drive sky rocketed after he started dating you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Not that quickly. He'll make sure you're okay first, make sure you have everything you need. He'll probably wait for you to fall asleep if you're both wanting to rest, just to ensure you don't need anything before allowing himself to succumb to his tiredness. If you need to be up, to attend to duties or events of the day, he'll probably go and shower or bathe (with you preferably) after making sure you're okay.
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Tag List:
@watercolorskyy @jacesvelaryons @bucknastysbabe @snowprincesa1 @your-favorite-god @howyouloveyourdragon
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female-hysterics · 2 months
Let me try and explain my reasoning from this post a little bit. (Won't go into to much detail unless otherwise asked)
Warnings: Dub-con/Non-Con; Aegon is his own warning tbh
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Aegon, the little shit, would say and do anything to get underneath your dress. Anything. And he's arrogant enough to ignore your cries of outrage when you feel him slipping more and more inside you. Would blatantly ignore you, holding you down if he must, and tell you how much you both want it and that you feel too good to stop. That a King doesn't take orders. By then it's too late and he's buried to the hilt and grinning down at you with a charming smile
"There. That wasn't so bad, was it?"
Aemond on the other hand would whisper sweet nothing's in your ear that would actually be true, hold you even closer as you feel him ease deeper inside you as he gets lost in the feel of you, and gently shush you as you whimper and try to pull away. Of course he wouldn't like that and would tighten his grip on your hips. Would bury his face in the crook of your neck and whisper absolute filth until he's ball's deep and your helpless underneath him.
"There we go, pet. Feels much better like this"
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kolsmikaelson · 7 months
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NOTES — i’m sure this has been done but i personally haven’t read one for aemond so here we are :) this is completely canon aemond (as in non au aem) and if not it’s specified
WARNINGS — 18+ nsfw content, fem!reader, not proofread, mentions of canon typical incest
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
doesn’t really know what aftercare is but is so in love with you he’ll do anything you ask of him. whether it be run you a bath or just hold you for a while he doesn’t mind either way.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
idk if this counts as a body part exactly but his hair. aemond doesn’t love his appearance but his hair is something that he’s truly proud of and he loves it! but he loves your smile and your tits. he loves making sly little comments to see your smile and the feeling he gets when he sees a necklace he’d gifted you resting just above your cleavage is unexplainable
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
loves it when you cum all over his face. he’ll eat you out for hours on end just to have your cum smeared all over the lower half of his face
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
like the nasty mf he is, he’s fantasized of sharing you with someone else. whether that be aegon, jace or even daemon he just loves the idea taking you apart like that and knowing that at the end of the day you’re all his
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
not very experienced. after the, incident, with aegon when he was younger he vowed to save himself for whomever he married. he was happy to have his firsts (or most of) with you. it was worth the wait in his mind
F = Favorite position ( goes without saying)
whenever you’re riding him. he loves the easy access to your clit and your tits, groping and sucking on them any chance he gets
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
if we’re talking canon aemond, he’s very serious. he takes it as a way to show his love but also his dominance in a way. but if we’re talking modern!aemond, he’s mostly goofy. he just loves fucking you no matter what the circumstances are
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
not groomed well at all, he’s got a full on bush
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
it depends on the circumstances. if he were jealous, it’s all teeth clashing and hips snapping against yours but if it were your wedding night for instance, he’s slow and loving and sweet
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
never did it much, he didn’t see the appeal. he wasn’t usually attracted to any of the women he’d see around but once he met you it was like he couldn’t catch up on all those years that he’d missed before meeting you
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
choking is one of his big ones. and size kink is another
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
in the shadows in the hallways, he loves the thrill he gets knowing you could get caught. and he swears that you cum harder then rather than when you’re in your shared chambers
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
the sight of you wearing any jewelry he’s gifted you, or you using any gift he’s gotten you as well. you doing the little things for him, brushing his hair, braiding it at night, gently taking his eyepatch off
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
i don’t think theres much he wouldn’t try at least one time if you wanted to, but no piss kink. it grosses him out and he wants nothing to do with it
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
prefers giving! he gets plenty of pleasure just from pleasing you and if he does get a blowjob he’ll be happy but if not it doesn’t bother him too much
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
fast and rough, usually. but if you’re alone in your chambers for the night, he’ll take his sweet time tearing you apart
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
kind of obsessed with them, he loves fucking you in the hallways so it kind of has to be quick
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
decently into taking risks, just nothing that’ll hurt you too much or leave any lasting marks on your body
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he lasts a decent amount of time, but he’s hard and ready to go again quickly
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
canon aemond isn’t very into the idea of something else other than him giving you pleasure, that’s his job. but modern aemond? whew that’s a different story
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
aemond doesn’t really tease you too much, but he likes it when you tease him, although he’d never admit it
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
not too loud, he mostly grunts and groans. trying to keep it down so that he can hear your moans rather than his own
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
some days he prefers you taking charge and babying him, he feels such a weight taken off his shoulders knowing you’re there for him
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he’s hung, like it’s fucking huge
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
higher than you’d expected, but just above average
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he forces himself to stay awake until he hears your soft snores, he doesn’t like going to sleep knowing you’re still awake
© kolsmikaelson : please do not copy, repost, or modify any of my content.
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daenysx · 2 months
any drabbles or hcs about modern dad aemond? <3
thank you for requesting!! i know i'm a bit too optimistic on this but i wanna see aemond in a nice family as a happy dad in this universe!! i hope you enjoy <33333
modern!aemond as a dad headcanons
let's begin with aemond finding out about your pregnancy!!
he doesn't know what to say at first.
i mean maybe it's all been a nice fantasy of his possesiveness, seeing your belly swollen with his child, but once it becomes real, he's a both excited and terrified
excited because what do you mean he's gonna have a baby with the love of his life?? a baby with both of your features, maybe a girl with your eyes or a boy with his hair.
he keeps imagining what would your baby look like during your entire pregnancy
he's also terrified because he has no knowledge on how to raise a child
the best advice he could get from his parents is probably 'don't do anything we did'
alicent would tear up with the news of a baby by the way, it's kinda sweet
i'm not really mentioning viserys
(helaena targaryen putting dream catchers on the walls of baby's room)
(aegon suggesting baby names to annoy aemond)
okay, i'm getting distracted sorry
modern!aemond is the type of guy who tries to learn EVERYTHING about pregnancy
he keeps reading books on it and watching videos or documentaries
because the more he knows, the more he feels comfortable
he keeps talking to the baby with his hands on your belly
it's such a pretty sight
he tells the baby everything, he wants the baby to recognize his voice
you actually feel your baby calming down when aemond rubs your belly gently
he tears up the first time he feels a baby kick (he denies he cried)
he's always been a light sleeper but during the pregnancy he's even more cautious even in sleep (because what if something happens or what if you crave something?)
he sleeps with one hand on your belly
ohhh speaking of cravings
anything you want, you get
literally anything his baby wants
just name it
he's a bit insane about it actually (one time he forced aegon to get you a pineapple in the middle of the night)
now we can get to the part when the baby's born
he's holding your hand the entire time
he is actually freaking out himself (what if something happens to you?) but he knows he has to stay calm
forehead kisses to show you how good you're doing
i like imagining aemond as a girl dad
just imagine him holding a silver haired baby girl in his arms
i don't think i have to say he's crying when he held the baby for the first time
a targaryen name for the pretty girl (it was your idea), he tells you the options and asks for you to choose it
he tries to be as attentive as he can
but sometimes it's hard to deal with, he doesn't have many people to guide him about fatherhood, he's confused most of the time
you try to ease off his worries
at first he's worrying too much about the baby girl
but when everything has a routine, he relaxes a bit
he likes when the baby falls asleep to his voice (she has that in common with her mother)
he likes spotting the resemblances she has with him and you
learns how to give gentle kisses on the baby's chubby cheeks and her soft skin
he always wants you to sleep more, if someone has to be awake at night to look after the baby, it'll be him
reading books to the baby
he tries to be a good dad. he knows how important that is for a child. he just doesn't know how to be that all the time but he looks for new ways every time he feels like he fails
you assure him he's enough.
when your daughter is 3 years old, you find out about a new pregnancy
at first aemond was thinking it was impossible to love someone more than he loves his daughter
but with the news, his mind changes really quickly
another baby with you??
this time he thinks it'll be better for both of you, being more experienced in parenthood
the pregnancy is somehow familiar, aemond realizes he missed talking to his baby through your belly
he makes sure your daughter warms up to the idea of having a sibling
his relationships with his siblings are complicated, and mostly dramatic but his children can be different
you have a son this time
another silver haired baby, he also has aemond's eyes
aemond is the one who introduces his son to his daughter, his cheeks ache from smiling too much that day
he keeps taking care of you
now that he knows more about being a father, it's easier to arrange his routines for a baby and a toddler
mostly you take care of your son as aemond plays with your daughter
he teaches her how to braid hair and i stand by it.
attending the tea parties she has with her dolls
praising her for being so good with her brother
he is amazed by how clever she is
and then you say 'she's yours what were you expecting???'
now, i just wanna say aemond doesn't thinks himself as a perfect father (what is a perfect father?)
but he's most afraid of neglecting his children without meaning to
and putting pressure on them because of his family
i assume, having a relationship with you changed his opinion on many things, he had no idea of a healthy relationship before you
and it's not always rainbows and butterflies but you both learn how to be each other's other half.
it takes time and patience, but especially with the children it becomes easier
sorry if i'm being too optimistic but i just wanna imagine aemond as a happy dad
he also loves how good of a mom you're being to his kids (falling in love with you all over again haha)
he was actually worried about his prosthetic eye at the beginning, mostly thinking of how to explain little kids of losing his eye when he was just a bit older than them
but you help him find a way
everything is easier with you
he tries to be better.
he likes seeing his attitude in his daughter and seeing his eyes on his son
they are parts of him, too pure and too sweet
he'd never thought he'd have a happy family on day
he does anything in his power to keep the peace and happiness.
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blakeswritingimagines · 10 months
Kissing over their scars
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Aegon: The touch of your lips on his scars is one that gives him chills each time. It not only feels physically good to have your attention on those marks on his body but also emotionally. It makes him feel loved and desired, even with such imperfections.
Aemond: He appreciates that you are not repulsed by his scars. He is thankful for your acceptance and appreciates your desire to caress the area surrounding them. While he feels uncomfortable discussing the details of the injury itself, he is not opposed to the showing of affection to that specific part of his body.
Jacaerys: As Jacaerys felt the touch of his partner's lips upon his scars, the sensations stirred beneath his skin. The memories and pain that were once associated with those scars turned to comfort and warmth. He knew that you understood his past and accepted him for who he was. As you continued to kiss, he let go of the pain and embraced your love.
Lucerys: He would blush madly, feeling a rush of both happiness and embarrassment. His scars represent a dark, painful chapter of his life, and he wouldn't want anyone to know the full truth. But the feeling of someone close to him kissing them would be so sweet and intimate that he would find it hard to look away. He might even move around slightly to give you better access to his scars.
Rhaenyra: If you were to kiss her scars, she would likely react by being both surprised and touched. She may pull away at first out of surprise, but if she felt a deep connection with you, she would likely lean into your affection and allow you to continue. This would be a deeply intimate and meaningful moment for her, as it would show her that you are accepting and supportive of all parts of her and your relationship. She may also feel a sense of vulnerability in allowing someone else to see her scars, which could further strengthen your bond.
Daemon: As the warm caress of your lips lingered on each scar, he couldn't help but close his eyes and revel in the sensations. The comfort and connection of your touch were more potent than any pain or fear he had before. Time seemed to stand still as you slowly embraced him with an intimate kiss. He leaned into you, feeling a deep sense of vulnerability but also trust. Your mouth, warm and supple, teased a deep and primal desire within. His entire frame was awash with pleasure until you pulled back, and he opened his eyes slowly looking at you with a smile on his face.
Alicent: Her face reddens at the boldness of the action, the surprise and pleasure from the kiss combined. She moves slightly closer to you, wanting more contact and intimacy. She can feel her face heat up, and she closes her eyes for a moment when the kisses end, to savor the sensation for a little longer. She wants you to keep kissing them, wanting to keep feeling your soft lips on her scars. The sensation is so powerful that it makes her forget her previous shyness and pulls you closer.
Helena: As you kiss her scars, she'll close her eyes and allow herself to be vulnerable and feel the moment. The light caress of your lips awakens something deep within her soul. She longs for the intimacy of your connection. Her body reacts to the touch of your lips, and she knows you feel it, too. She opened her eyes slowly and met your gaze, your faces so close to each other that you could kiss. It is only a matter of time, she thinks to herself. She leans in and...
Harwin: The first time he was kissed on his scars, he felt a mixture of emotions. On one hand, he was happy to be loved and accepted for his flaws. But on the other hand, he felt very vulnerable and exposed. The kiss reminded him that even though he had overcome difficult times in his life, the scars were still visible, and it was still a part of his past. He was also reminded that someone else knew the pain he had endured and that someone else's lips could heal what once had cut deep and wounded him.
Cregan: Kisses on his scars bring a warm and intimate feeling, as if you doing it is showing your affection and appreciation for him and his past. Each scar marks a unique experience, and it brings him joy to know that you appreciate and value these experiences as much as he does. He is always reminded of your care and attention towards him whenever you kiss or touch his scars, and it brings him deep satisfaction to know that he is being loved and accepted despite the physical flaws and imperfections.
Criston: He is taken aback by the sudden contact, but slowly begins to relax once he realizes the care and love underlying the act. He may blush at the unexpected attention, and his heartbeat quickens out of anticipation. The sensation of your soft lips on his damaged flesh sends tingles throughout his body, and he'll find himself longing for more.
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why-what-no · 1 year
Being Rhaenyra’s Daughter Would Include
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Pairing: Rhaenyra Targaryen x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: None really
Notes: Writing all this is really making me wanna finally write a long form Alicent x Rhaenyra fic. I love them so much. And yes, Alicent Daughter Headcanons will be coming out next :)
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As the only daughter of the heir to the Iron Throne, you were adored by your mother and your brothers.
She was so glad to finally have a little girl. To create a close relationship like she had with her own mother. When you were born, she refused to let you leave her arms. Promising to be there for you no matter what
Growing up, you were treated like the princess you were. But although you were protected, your mother refused to treat you as some helpless girl. You would be taught the ways of ruling just like your brothers.
She made sure to always let you know how much she loved you. How beautiful you were. How sure she was that you would grow up brave and powerful like the Targaryens before you.
Your wardrobe would be filled with the richest of fabrics, any colours that complimented you.
She had issues with the colour green. When you occasionally wore it, there was a jolt of grief that ran through her body at the thought of her childhood. Thinking about - if Alicent was still her friend - how much the brunette would dote on you like she did.
Rhaenyra was fiercely protective of you, terrified of the idea that her enemies would take you from her. She knew what a prize you would be for them, knew that they were aware she would do anything to get you back if you were ever taken hostage.
She’s visit your chambers and brush your hair whenever she had a worry about that, whispering a lullaby to you as she did. It was just as comforting to her as it was to you.
When Daemon returned to her, she made sure he treated you like his own. As much as she loved having you to herself, she knew you needed more in your life. As a child, she would have been happy if her daughter was raised by her and her dear friend. But now she depended on Daemon to protect you and your brothers with her.
Your grandfather Viserys adored you and although his appearance grew worse, you were never afraid of him. He spoiled you.
You didn’t know what to make of his wife, who stared at you with an unreadable expression whenever she had seen you. But there was a deep sadness in her face as she once told you “you have your mother’s eyes”
Your mother never left your side when you were visiting that part of your family. Your cousin Helaena would always smile softly whenever you were around. But Aemond never spoke much to you and you didn’t like the cold glitter in Aegon’s eyes.
You were more comfortable with only your parents and brothers, or your cousins in Driftmark who you adored playing with.
The people of Kings Landing liked you, their little princess. You were more tolerable to them than Rhaenyra had been, as you weren’t going to rule them. So they took your youthful loveliness at face value.
Rhaenyra told you stories about her loves, hoping that you would find someone who made you so happy one day. She hated to think about you one day leaving her and your siblings to create a family of your own, but she knew that she wanted you to be happy above all else
In a lot of ways, she saw you as a way to do what she wished her parents had done for her. To be the parent she always wished she had.
And she always succeeded, you couldn’t ask for a better parent.
Taglist: @icravethesmut
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grcnseer · 2 years
NSFW Visuals ➢ House of the Dragon
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synopsis :: various smutty scenarios & nsfw twitter links
includes: Aegon ii Targaryen, Aemond Targaryen, Jacaerys Velaryon, & Helaena Targaryen
warning(s): NO MINORS!!, smut, straight up porn, sinful really
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LINK :: when you’re too sore Aegon is willing to try other methods...
LINK :: there’s nothing he loves more than sucking on your tits
LINK :: aegon can be mean when he gets lost in his cups, but don’t worry, he’ll always make it up to you in the morning
LINK :: he’s notoriously lazy, why would sex be any different?
LINK :: do I even need to explain?
LINK :: he could watch you fucking yourself on his cock for hours
LINK :: loves breeding you, though it has nothing to do with continuing the Targaryen line, he couldn’t care less about that.
LINK :: just imagining a modern au where he sends this to your boyfriend aemond?
LINK :: he wouldn’t take your maidenhead, but that doesn’t mean he’ll leave you unsatisfied
LINK :: loves sliding between your thighs and watching you lose control
LINK :: aemond would prefer taking his time with you...
LINK :: all his training led up to the moment he could take his frustrations out on your throat
LINK :: no words really...
LINK :: aemond is extremely patient, especially after you’ve been acting out...
LINK :: he wouldn’t stop until he’s sure you’re full of him
LINK :: his absolutely favorite thing is to give you pleasure
LINK :: getting lost in each other wouldn’t be uncommon...
LINK :: you would always show him how grateful you were, giving him exactly what he deserves...
LINK :: completely loses himself in your cunt, he’s so obviously a pleasure dom oml
LINK :: sometimes he needs you to take control and milk him for all he’s worth
LINK :: taking out his frustrations on you after a long day...
LINK :: he always has to admire his work...
LINK :: you would both be hesitant at first...
LINK :: showing helaena the appreciation she deserves
LINK :: you could lose taking care of her perfect little cunny <3
LINK :: sometimes the princess just needs you to show her how much she means to you
LINK :: other times it’s desperate and you take complete control of her...
LINK :: honestly no explanation needed
LINK :: after dealing with her family you would do whatever it takes to make her feel special
LINK :: Jacaerys, Aegon, Aemond — Jace taking you from behind while Aegon chokes you on his cock. Aemond wouldn’t mind waiting his turn, he excels in patience.
LINK :: Aemond, Aegon  — Sibling jealousy can sometimes vanish when they’re sharing you. Aegon loves bouncing you on his brothers cock.
LINK :: Helaena, Aemond — There’s nothing Aemond loves more than watching his two favorite people get their pleasure from one another.
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jacesvelaryons · 1 month
The Reluctant Empress (Jacaerys Velaryon x Female!Reader)
Act II. Burgeoning
(19th Century Imperial Austria AU)
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summary: crown prince jacaerys gets to know his prospect betrothed and future bride whom he has been arranged with to marry, your sister helaena targaryen, but true to your wild spirit, you cannot help but wonder what awaits in the world behind gilded castles and royal splendour.
word count: 2.4k words
a/n: i'm so sorry this took an entire year before an update but it is finally here! i apologize as I had some health things to settle, and with brain fog and got more distracted by other fandoms but here we go! once again, please comment and share what you liked, what you'd want more for me and request and let me know as my inbox is always open <3 let me know if you want to be on the taglist or not getting tags!
series masterlist
previously: prologue | act i
requests OPEN
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“Men at some time are masters of their fates. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings.” ― William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar
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Seated between her mother and sister, Y/N eyes roamed around the dining hall in the palace that hosted the royal family and her covey. Changed into an emerald green gown, wearing the necklace and earrings her father gave her on the last name day before his passing, she paid no mind to the significance of the occasion and was just glad to be there, surrounded in the splendor of the castle walls.
She knew that it was Helaena’s time to shine, and she would not want to rob her of her light, of the opportunity that would change their fortunes and not have Alicent scrabbling and worrying over the last penny of their expenses.
Twirling her fork on the pesto noodles in front of her, Y/N remained silent and just patiently listened to all the conversation around her, between her mother and her childhood friend the Queen, who inquired about Helaena’s well being, her lifestyle and assessing on how she would adjust becoming the next consort upon wedding Jacaerys.
Dazed out in a world of her own, Y/N did not hear Jacaerys reverting his attention to her aptly, until her sister nudged her ankle with her shoe, repeating her name on his tongue like it was the sweetest honey, curiosity and amusement on his features.
“Lady Y/N, what do you do in your free time, my lady?”
Stammering like a cat bit her tongue, she cleared her throat as she gathered herself and make her look and sound presentable.
“I ride horses, my prince. I hunt and I have picked up the sword a few times.” Lady Y/N bluntly replied, already feeling the burning glare of your embarrassed mother. Queen Rhaenyra only watches in amusement, how her confidante could have a daughter who was nothing like her mother.
Jacaerys was intrigued, leaning forward to hear Y/N better and scooch closer over to Her. A curious smile on his handsome, chiseled face, his curly brown hair starting to grow out and neatly groomed behind his ears.
Plates and utensils remained untouched as Y/N and Jacaerys were engrossed in an engaging, animated conversation, passionate replies to uncontrollable laughter.
The older women present at the table watched with trepidation, Lady Alicent’s habits of digging into her fingernails returned while the silver-haired queen’s expression turned unreadable.
Helaena swallowed her wounded pride of being ignored and not found as an interesting companion, playing with her knife and fork, digging at the roast beef the same way her young daughter would.
As the servants gather the finished main course meals and replace them with fresh fruit and lemon cakes for dessert, Rhaenyra swiftly suggests for the elder Targaryen sister to read out some of the poetry her mother praised earlier.
“You must share with us your talent in verse and poetry, Lady Helaena.”
Relieved, the indigo hued girl stood up at the end of the table, grabbing her little booklet hidden in the pockets of her skirt. Flipping through its parchment pages, she settles to a recent entry close to the end of the worn out leather bound book, covered with an embroidered beetle.
To want is the most natural thing Inherent in the blood through our veins The very primal urge of our being Yet we will always want, and want With no end like a black hole What better to want what is not ours? To covet what the other possesses To take away what is given as easily as it was owned?
Her raspy voice echoed through the halls mellifluously in perfectly rehearsed High Valyrian. Yet you could not help a guilty perception weighing on you, blossoming at the pit of your stomach and you could not shake it off. You were doing nothing wrong, you told yourself, wanting to believe in it but it felt wrong.
Y/N’s fears arose to the surface when she could feel a burning stare on her face intensely, as if memorizing her very form and that she would disappear into nothing anytime. You were listening as intently as you could, yet when you turned, Jacaerys did not pay mind to a single word Helaena said as his focus was fixated on you.
No, no, no. Nothing was going as planned. Everything was going wrong. She praises whatever gods intervened when the heir’s brother Prince Lucerys gracefully diverted the topic into the new cuisines created by the cooks of the Keep with the freshest catches of seafood from Driftmark.
“Y/N, what do you think you were doing out there?! Do you think I do not notice your need to always be the centre of attention?” The shrill shrieking of her mother’s voice pierced through her ear drums, yet Y/N was unsurprised and used to such altercations with her mother.
Following the uneasy supper, the three ladies from Dalston Keep returned to their chambers to change midday in preparation for the tour around the gardens with the queen and her heir again after a few hours of respite.
Silently humiliated as they reconvened in private, the illusion of propriety that Lady Alicent carried in front of the queen and prince ripped away, unleashing a ferocity unrestrained like never before.
“I did nothing, mother. I was polite and engaged in a conversation when I was spoken to.”
“You did more than that, you foolish girl! It was about your sister. All of this was about her, not you! Is it so difficult for you to tone down your tendencies for once so we can go according to the arrangement? You put our fortunes up to be desolated. You are as careless as your father!” The sting of her final words hung in the air, salt over the open wound for such a loss. Y/N knew her mother did not love her father, who was older than her own father, and only did her duty to her ailing, troubled, aging husband.
“Mother, that is enough! Do not bring father into this.” Helaena countered exasperatedly, holding onto her sister by her shoulders in defense. “Y/N did nothing wrong. It was..it was me. I should have engaged with the prince more. She did me a favour.”
Y/N gasps in disbelief, astonished her beloved sister would keep taking her side when it was clear she was the wounded party.
“Do not worry about it, mother. I promise I will remain silent from now on. I want this to be Helaena’s night.” Y/N swears sincerely, wanting to defend Helaena and stay away from any trouble from now on.
Alicent does not fully believe her youngest, but nods solemnly as she seeks to move this behind them, returning to her dignified, contemplating gaze with her perfect posture and arms clasped at her waist.
Subsequently, a drove of maids and seamstresses poured in, as Alicent went to her solitary room while the sisters shared a larger room. Each stepped on the raised wooden platform. Taking lush gowns from the closet, they plucked out a rich emerald green gown with fitted sleeves for Helaena.
Meanwhile, a muted seafoam gown was placed on Y/N, as maids scuttered behind her to tighten the corset and laces. Y/N whimpered quietly in discomfort, never finding any gratification in restrictive court dress upheld by centuries of protocol and conduct. It barred her sense of freedom, clipped off her wings from flight and reminded her of a bird in a cage.
Heirloom pieces of emerald silver lined jewelry were given to Helaena, designed to accentuate her beauty and prepare her for her upcoming role and ascent into her duty. As the daylight trickled in through the lace curtains and open windows, she looked like a future queen. A role she was raised to be. Otherworldly and ethereal, while Y/N was grounded to the earth, locks like flames and soil.
Y/N beamed in delight for her older sister, squeezing her hands in reassurance. Helaena reciprocated not as enthusiastically, the nerves still getting to her as her palms were sweating and shaking.
“You have nothing to worry about, Hel. We would not get this far if he did not consider you his bride already.”
“Truly, do you really think so?”
“I do. Without a doubt. You already look the part. It is only the formality left we are waiting for at the ball.”
The elder genuinely chuckled this time in relief, her joy finally meeting her eyes from the comfort and encouragement of her sister.
“Now, all that is left is for you to step into your destiny.”
Manicured gardens flourished in the peak of spring, cicadas chirping from the branches of oak trees. Lilies and carnations in hues of apricot and blush, while the outlying paths were paved in blue hydrangeas and violet peonies.
Queen Rhaenyra adorned a lapis lazuli blue gown adorned in gold trimmings and sapphires sewn onto her bodice, matching the stone necklace of the color on her neck and matched her tiara, a reminder of her late mother and former queen.
She pleasantly strolled with a natural confidence, carrying herself with an ease afforded by one who has known privilege and power all her life. Guiding a tour around the Red Keep at the height of its social season, Rhaenyra proudly showed off her domains, and subtly if so, the lands that Helaena would take care of as its hostess after she marries Jacaerys and becomes his queen when the time comes.
Behind her was her eldest Crown Prince Jacaerys, always without a hair or trivet out of place, the picture of perfection that she had groomed since his birth. Dressed more casually in teal with the seahorse emblem on his chest, he honoured his late father Lord Laenor Velaryon, further dispelling any rumours or uncertainty around his paternity.
Although he did not directly resemble his father, he has begun to share features with his paternal grandmother Princess Rhaenys with her Baratheon colouring, and the shape of his nose and chin mirrored her father, who was another Prince of Dragonstone, Prince Aemon the Pale Prince. As rider of Vermax, it was undeniable he was the prince long awaited by the realm, whom millions of hopes and dreams were instilled in.
Standing beside him was Lady Helaena Targaryen, his expected betrothed in everything but formality. Raised with the intention of becoming a princess consort, she was demure, shy, obedient and trusting, exactly what the people of Westeros wanted of their model future queen. Proven in her success of childbearing, onlookers examined her critically on baited breath as they wanted to know who will bear the next generation of Targaryen rulers on the Iron Throne.
Their chaperons trailed behind them, Lady Alicent arm in arm with Lady Y/N, in the same shade of muted green, but her mother had visible symbols of the Faith of the Seven from her necklace, her dark headdress and veil, and on the cuffs on her wrist and belt. Y/N distractedly took in her sights, studying every nook and cranny of the storied palace with eagerness and pursuit.
“This garden still follows the design plan created by Queen Rhaenys the Conqueror herself, yet it was only finished years after her passing in Dorne.”
The queen continued the tour of the keep, while she discreetly eavesdropped on the conversation between her heir and his expected betrothed. The two were engaging pleasantly yet amiably on the surface level, their dialogue not reaching too far. Unaware of a figure parting at the fork and heading another direction.
When she is assured she’s clear and no one can find her, Y/N Targaryen smirks victoriously as she heads straight and turns left towards the barn, near the dragonpit, where the horses and grazing animals were located.
On nimble footsteps, through the mud and manure, she makes a run for it as two stableboys turn the corner and miss her, as they forgot to close the stables and she sneaks in.
As the afternoon light trickles in, Y/N looks around curiously, before her attention is caught by this white mare, with its freshly brushed mane and shining horsehair, an anomaly among ebony and hickory. Not wanting to startle the majestic creature, she prances until she’s in front of the horse, hushing and cooing at them as she latches onto the reins.
She holds the mane by her reins, tugging gently as she walks through the barn and the empty backwaters of the ancient castle. It is quiet, with most servants resting for their annual nap and their morning duties finished, so Y/N is able to ride the stallion undiscovered.
The lingering scent of the manure and greenery turns into salty waters of aegean and spruce and the earthy, musty petrichor from the rain on the fir and cedar trees earlier in the morning.
A hint of the cool breeze tingles through her skin, a dress and not proper riding gear in its leathers and furs, but she brushes it off, as King’s Landing in the spring at this time of the year has turned warm and the rain from earlier is long gone.
She rides as far as her companion will allow, until the peripheral view of the Red Keep grows distant from over her shoulder. Y/N stops at the fork of the road before it joins the greater Kingsroad, diverting by the forest with towering trees and fallen logs. Sitting by the foot of a trunk, Y/N pauses for some stillness, her back pressing against the hard trunk as she closes her eyes, before grabbing an apple and vial of water to share with her stallion.
As she and the mare finish the fruit, she stands up to brush off any leaf and dirt on the back of her skirt, about to mount once again before she hears echoes of confrontation growing closer. Y/N has barely begun to leave the forest and return to the artery before she is surrounded by hooded, disheveled men with smug expressions.
Unable to avoid contact, she politely acknowledges them and pulls her cape over her flaming locks before she is stopped from moving in either direction. “Good morrow, sirs.”
She yelps as she’s grabbed by her wrists by the men, struggling to stay on her saddle as the mare turns skittish. “Not so fast, my lady. We need something from ya, and you gotta pay up for our silence. Comes with a price.” The men smirk, distant galloping approaching them.
Y/N yelps as she is knocked off her horse, hitting her head against the rock and all turns into darkness around her. She hears a distant echo of another mount heading her way, furious yelling and clattering swords. Her head throbs, feeling the blood dripping down her nape, as her eyes flutter closed.
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witchthewriter · 2 months
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐥𝐲𝐬 𝐑𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬' 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ female, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
a/n: reader is a Rivers like Alys aka ... a bastard, however, you are not related...Also this is completely and utterly platonic!
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
Chaotic Neutral
Scorpio Sun, Aries Moon, Sagittarius Rising
・Always being around her - I mean literally accompanying her everywhere. She doesn't mind. You even watch her do some witchy things but you HAVE to be quiet... you've learnt your lesson...
・You're the only person she has allowed to be close to her. No one else is Alys' friend. Only you.
・Matching her energy 1000%
・Everyone thinking you're sisters, or related, even if you don't look like each other
・She NEVER lets anyone hurt you. Overly protective of you. Has and will hiss at people who say rude things to your face. Has, and will give them terrible nightmares... maybe an upset stomach ... would definitely kill for you (probably has but wouldn't tell you about it)
・Sometimes feeling a bit lost because Alys has such an important role in everyone's lives
・You help her find specific ingredients for her potions and spells
・If she's an owl then you're a cat or maybe a crow. There aren't many people who can get close to you...
・You can't lie, you do like shiny things. Or just collecting random things; like nice rocks, shells, you love animals and once you were forbidden from bringing in strays - so Alys helped you sneak in a cat
・Whenever the cat meowed, Alys would pretend it was her (everyone thinks you two are slightly crazy, so they never questioned it)
・Even the dead mice that was found around the castle (came in handy for spells tbh)
・Having sleepovers ... but it's basically just you falling asleep in her bed while she's up until morning
・Although Alys knows everything about you; she has always had a mysterious air about her. You know she has secrets, and you detect that she may not be entirely human ... but you trust her with your life
・And you should, because many times she has saved yours without you knowing in the slightest
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Two Damaged Individuals Who Attach Themselves To Each other
 Platonic Soulmates
Scary Dog Privilege
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Intertwined Destinies
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Zanka by DakhaBrakha
Me and the Devil by Soap&Skin
Living Dead Girl by Rob Zombie
223 notes · View notes
madame-fear · 1 year
You can write headcanons about Lucerys, Jacaerys, Aemond and Aegon when is pregnant wife gets hurt (maybe she falls or bumps into something or someone)
— pairing : aegon targaryen ii x pregnant!reader, aemond targaryen x pregnant!reader, jacaerys velaryon x pregnant!reader, lucerys velaryon x pregnant!reader.
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Aegon Targaryen II :
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: ̗̀➛ Aegon would just go hysterical when he finds out you got harmed while being pregnant with his child.
: ̗̀➛ You might be the first woman he ever truly loved. The one that comforted him in every occassion, that truly understands him, supports him - and now, you are with his child. It would be too much for him if anything was to ever happen to you, or your child.
: ̗̀➛ If anyone was the cause of your injuries, being a bit hysterical, he would be absolutely ruthless. Without hesitating, he would probably just smash the persons head either against a wall, or against a table, just like he did with Lucerys when he returned to King’s Landing and they all fought.
: ̗̀➛ ^^ And saying he would only get this phsyically aggresive with the person is truly an understatement. Just expect him to make the persons life a living hell, and then he would go to you like a worried little puppy.
: ̗̀➛ Aegon could have just overreacted a little bit, as you turned out to be okay, but he can’t just act careless when something happens to you. Sweet boy would just praise you a bit too much, rambling about how worried he was. Please just hold this pathetic man in your arms and tell him you are, and will always be okay.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Aemond Targaryen :
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: ̗̀➛ This boy is a bit more reserved when it comes to showing his emotions. I think Aemond would just keep a straight, stern expression even if he’s panicking on the inside.
: ̗̀➛ First things first. When he meets the maester and you in your chamber because you are getting your health checked, Aemond would surely speak to the maester first and hear what he has to say about your accident.
: ̗̀➛ You did get a bit harmed, some bruises, but nothing too serious that could potentially harm you or the child. So, you could definitely notice him release a deep huff of relief, and his body would become a bit less 'stiff'.
: ̗̀➛ Afterwards, when you finally get to be alone together, Aemond would just tell you to be more careful. Not because he thinks you’re clumsy, or because he’s scolding you - but rather, because he can’t bear the thought of losing the possibility of forming a family with you, the love of his life. Aem just cares too much, and has his own ways of showing his love.
: ̗̀➛ Either way, he will just stay by your side, comforting you for the little fright you got. Tons of kisses and smooches, plus sweet whispers of how good of a mother you will be.
: ̗̀➛ However, if someone bumped, or even worse, pushed you, fear not. Vhagar will take good care of it, without you having to even find out what happened, or worrying about anything. Do expect to have him as your little private stalker, following you around or keeping an eye on you everywhere just to make sure you will always be okay, without you knowing.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Jacaerys Velaryon :
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: ̗̀➛ Jace will bomb you with questions as soon as he hears you got hurt while being pregnant. Concerned questions that... Overwhelm you a bit. Unlike Aemond, none of the two Velaryon boys would bother in hiding their worry over your health.
: ̗̀➛ Questions like: are you okay? What happened? Did you fall with something? Did someone bump into you? Are you feeling dizzy? Has a maester seen you already? What did the maester say? Is the babe alright?
: ̗̀➛ He just asks too much, to the point you can barely respond to his questions properly. But, you understand. Much like Aemond, ever since he found out you were to be parents together, he became even more overprotective of you than usual.
: ̗̀➛ Jace would immediatly take hold of your hands and sit by your side while you await for the maester to arrive, and he will attentively listen to you answering his questions.
: ̗̀➛ Of course, the babe was alright and so were you. Luckily there was no harm made. Either way, if someone bumped into you instead of you falling, Jace needs to know who it was just in case that person did it on purpose.
: ̗̀➛ ^ gods, his face would literally twitch in anger at the thought of it.
: ̗̀➛ And if someone did bump into you on purpose? Jace wouldnt be reluctant in finding them, and getting physical. But of course, after spending time by your side with a relieved, content expression on his face.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Lucerys Velaryon :
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: ̗̀➛ The second Luke is informed that you hurt yourself, sweet boy would immediatly drop whatever thing he is doing just to rush to stay by your side, holding your hand and filling your face with concerned kisses.
: ̗̀➛ The idea of being the father to your children is something he can’t get enough of; so knowing you either fell/bumped into someone just leaves him at the verge of a panic attack.
: ̗̀➛ Will ask you a thousand of times if you’re okay, how are you feeling, and will also make sure to bring the best maesters to check on your and the child’s wellbeing.
: ̗̀➛ Of course, nothing bad happened. It was just a clumsy little moment, and both you and the babe are doing more than excellent. Literally, it was just a little spook.
: ̗̀➛ Either way, Lucerys will insist on staying by your side and just showering you and your precious little baby with his endless love.
: ̗̀➛ Basically, you’re his top priority. No matter what the situation was, Luke will always make sure to check on both of your wellbeing first, before having a talk about being more careful around you with whomever bumped into you (if, for example, you bumped into someone).
: ̗̀➛ Little love dragon would be EXTREMELY concerned the moment he finds out you got hurt, but oh, his face will turn into a relieved and joyful one when both of his treasures are alright. Maybe will also turn a bit more overprotective than he already is. As long as you are alright, he would pay no mind to the rest of the world. Luke would just rather stay with you, and your child. 💜💙
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♡ taglist : ♡
@damatheirin @jacesvelaryons @jjamieberry @anemicroyalcore @countsmoon @tickle-euphoria @beeebo234 @manuholland6 @capellaadara @kyuupidwrites @tchatso @dopepersonacloudllama @phantasyy @tasty-nutella @mstxdes @valeriecash @cookielovesbook-akie @zzz000eee @bellarkeselection @feliuuuksks @visenyacore @hannaroktj @hopelesswritergall @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @dragon430
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Hi! I saw that your requests are open, if it's ok and within your rules, I can ask, Aemond being obsessed with his half sister (daughter of Aemma and Viserys), who defended him after the Driftmark incident, along with Alicent
Aemond Targaryen being obsessed with his half-sister would include:
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A/N: I feel horned to wright you ask, my dear anon! I'm deeply sorry, I think maybe run a little out the topic, but nevertheless, I hope you enjoy it! Also, PLEASE, READ THE WARNINGS!
SUMMARY: the journey of Aemond Targaryen, trying to have a taste of the forbidden fruit: his own half sister.
WR: f!reader, reader has long hair, violence, murderer, fire, mentions of groping, non-con groping, Aemond being Aemond. Once again, PLEASE, READ THE WARNINGS!
WORDS: +4.2k
Being the second daughter of Viserys and Aemma meant getting the utmost care and affection from your dear father, the king.
Also meaning being completely despised by your older sister’s ex best friend, Alicent, now Queen of the seven kingdoms.
Alicent done everything to make sure her kids hated the blacks as much as she did, poisoning their minds with paranoias and conspiracy thoughts; however, none of this seemed to change the mind of her second son, Aemond.
Being considerably older than him, you, Rhaenyra’s younger sister, were the prince’s object of affection, much to his mother distaste.
You’ve always thought how cute your half-little-brother clung to you at every royal event or sought your presence at the Red Keep.
Since he was just a kid, you couldn’t help but indulge on his clingy tendencies.
Without fail, Aemond always ran to your comfort when he was feeling too overwhelmed by Aegon’s bullying, burying his face on the space between your shoulder and neck.
You would calmly soothe him down, rubbing his back and lightly rocking him side to side.
However, time proved to be harsh, making you face a cruel dilemma.
It was night at Driftmark, everyone were supposed to be sleeping, yet, the shouts put everyone on their feet, looking for the commotion.
You slammed the doors open, facing little Aemond being stitched up by the maester.
You gasped, horrified, running to his side, but you were violently shoved by Alicent, who were throwing daggers with her fiercely gaze.
“You, stay away from my son!” you wobbled a few steps back. Aemond seeing this, got up from his chair, yelling at his own mother, but unfortunately got even more hurt in the processes by the pinching of the needle.
“Sweetheart, calm down, I’m here—“ “Don’t touch me!” Aemond shout out, slapping his mother’s hand away from him.
Viserys, trying to keep the situation under control, asked to Alicent to let you pass, which she complied with resistance.
Seeing her son immediately hugging your waist while rubbing his cheek on the fabric of your nightgown, made her bitter. This was supposed to be her job, giving comfort to her son on this difficult situation; not her rival’s sister.
After all the commotion and Rhaenyra being stabbed by Alicent, you were tasked to stay with Aemond on the nursery, again, by the prince’s begging and to his mother distaste. One more time, Alicent felt rejected by her own son.
Her only wish were to let Ser Cole stay with you at her son’s bed, fearing that Rhaenyra, who were sleeping at the nursery as well, attempted against the prince’s life.
Now at the ward, with a damp cloth, you cleaned the caked blood on Aemond’s hair. Brushing your fingers through his locks, you said “Some day, you will have the most beautiful silver hair of the kingdom.”
“Do you like… my hair?” the now one eyed prince asked, thanking the gods the lights weren’t strong enough to show his flaming cheeks.
You laughed, delighted by his cuteness “Of course I like, silly! Unfortunately, you’ll have to take a lot of baths to wash away the reddish stains.”
Aemond took a mental note to never cut his hair ever again.
“May I ask you something?”
With a gentle smile, you agreed “Of course!”
“Why did you defend me? Why didn’t you defended your nephews?”
You took a moment to pick the most appropriated words “Even though I’m very disappointed at your words, I would never wish any harm to come for any of you.”
Sensing the drop of your mood, the prince asked what happened. Sighing, you explained “Me and my sister will leave the Red Keep, Aemond.”
The little prince’s life turned upside down. Widening his only eye, he begged for an explanation, trying to cover his wobbly voice.
“Me and my sister talked and we decided that Red Keep is no longer safe for us.” “What do you mean?! I have Vaghar! The biggest dragon in the seven kingdoms! I can protect you!” he fisted your arms, as if you were going to vanish in front of him.
You lightly chuckled, petting his cheek “I appreciate your efforts, my brave prince, but our family is in the verge of a war. Leaving and letting things calm down is the best decision for now.”
“But…I don’t want you to leave! Take me with you, if needed, but please, don’t leave me alone!” now full crying, he caged you on his frail embrace, sobbing uncontrollably.
Returning his hug, you brought him to your lap, taking extra care to not touch his fresh wound “My little prince, you know I can’t bring you with me, your mother would kill me. It do hurt me to separate from you, but you must understand that there’s no other way. Besides, there’s nothing stoping me from visiting you or sending you ravens!”
Aemond stoped crying, now just enjoying your warm embrace as long as he could “But it won’t be the same…” “I know, my love, but it’s just a provisional measure. I’ll reunite with you sooner or later.” You said finally, kissing him gently on the top of his head.
The next morning, everyone prepared for your sudden departure. Rhaenyra informed you it would be better if you leaved as soon as possible, which Aemond strongly disagreed.
Out of the castle, your dragons waited for you, already equipped with everyone of your belongings. Turning to say good bye to your favorite prince, you and Aemond shared a hug; obviously with everything monitored by Alicent.
Seeing you flying away shattered his heart in a billion pieces. It felt like he couldn’t breath, as if a hole opened up on his chest. He felt lonely. Never wanting to feel this way ever again, Aemond promised that the next time he saw you, he wouldn’t let you go.
The years passed. Every single day, religiously, Aemond wrote you a letter, informing you of everything he did or planned to do in the day.
You happily read all of his letters, glad to know that the young boy was not as depressed as you thought he would be due to your departure.
So, as fast as you could, you wrote him back as eager as him, alway commenting something he told on his own letters, just so he knew you read and payed attention to every single word he draw on the paper.
But, after a few months, Aemond stopped receiving your letters. It came to a point where he would spend all day pestering the servants interrogating the whereabouts of your letters.
Completing a whole month of no news about you, Aemond snapped. He destroyed his bed chambers, breaking the furniture, slashing the curtains and ripping his book off the shelves.
Ser Cole and Harold were sent to contain the enraged prince, who kept screaming and kicking, while the Queen tried to reason with her son.
When the prince stopped slashing around and started to cry, Alicent cocooned him on her lap, “She promised” he murmured between sobs “she promised she’d never leave me…”
Years passed. Daemon and Rhaenyra, now husband and wife, travelled to King’s Landing to defend Jacaerys and Lucerys right to the iron and driftwood throne. Not passing this opportunity, you flied along with them to the Red Keep.
It’s been a long time since you received a letter from your favorite little-half-brother. You were a little hurt at the beginning, but then you started to be a little reasonable: maybe he was busy with Vaghar or his training. So, you opted to send Alicent letters asking for permission to visit her son. Unfortunately, you never got a response.
After the coldly reception of Alicent and Otto, you accompanied your two nephews to the training grounds.
Immediately, you spotted a man with wide shoulders and a beautifully long silver hair cascading his broad back. He was sparring against Ser Cole, your sister’s late knight.
Making Criston surrender, applauses erupted from the grounds. “Well done, my Prince.” congratulated the knight, still panting “You’ll be winning tourneys in no time.”
“I don’t give a shit about tourneys” he dismissed Criston’s flattery “Nephews, have you come to train?”
Aemond turned to Lucerys and Jacaerys, but he was caught by surprise when his eye landed on you.
Ethereal as ever, your now longer hair was braided expertly on a beautiful bun, assenting your features. The heart of the one eyed prince beat uncontrollably inside his chest.
Sensing his eyes upon you, you greeted him “My prince, it’s been a while.”
Aemond, not knowing how to carry with the conversation, agreed “Yes, it’s been, my dear half-sister.”
Seeing the interaction between the royal family, the crowd started to dissipate. Jacaerys e Lucerys left the training grounds as well, glad that the prince’s attention was not on them anymore.
Now all alone, you approached the eye-patched prince “Can we talk?” not taking no as an answer, you locked your hands on his arm, making Aemond get stiff.
So many years has passed, but you still caused him the same effect. Silently, the prince enjoyed the innocent contact, loving the felling of your torso rubbing against his toned arm.
“Long ago, you stopped sending me letters. Why?” you asked, bluntly.
“You never answered them, so I stopped writing.”
Stopping in your tracks, looking straight into his eye “The few that I received, I answered them right away. But suddenly, you stopped writing. Why?”
Scoffing, the prince replied “As I said before, my dear half-sister, you stopped writing, so did I.”
“I never stopped trying to reach you out, Aemond. I even sent your mother a raven, but she said you did not want to see me. So I ask again, my dear prince, why did you put me on arms length?”
Immediately, something clicked inside the Targaryen’s prince head. Obviously it was the doings of his own mother; she never liked you in the first place. But Aemond thought that, at least, after the incident at Driftmark, Alicent would warm up to you, but apparently, he thought wrong.
His blood started to boil. How dare his mother try to stay in the way between you two? His nostrils flared up; he locked his jaw tightly, gritting his teeth.
Feeling your soft hand, now smaller than his, interlocking your fingers pulled him away from his enraged state “Aemond, what—“ “I’m really sorry about this misunderstanding.” he apologized, engaging a hug.
Got by surprise, you hesitantly put your hands on his back, slowly giving into his embrace.
Aemond finally felt at peace. Feeling your hands around him and how his toned arms circled your waist, almost made him forget of his rage against his mother, almost. Sniffing your scent for the last time, the prince left you, promising to talk and explain everything to you after he was done with his business.
Dropping his reassuring smile, the prince stormed into the keep, going straight to his mother’s bed chambers.
Not even greeting Ser Cole, Aemond locked the doors as soon as he passed through them, only listening to the knight’s knocking.
Hearing all the commotion, Alicent beelined to her living room, facing her second son “Aemond? What are you doing here? You can’t enter my bed chambers like that, what if—“ “Spear me from your lecture, mother.”
Feeling shocked by her son’s harsh words, she continued “And this is how you speak to your mother? Your queen?”
Aemond smirked, mockingly. Suddenly, the young man caught his mother by her throat, lightly lifting her from the floor, letting her balance herself on her tiptoes “Don’t pull the ‘your Queen’ card right now, mother. If you haven’t noticed, my patience is running thin.”
Alicent fisted her son’s wrist, trying to sooth his grip. Seeing that he not even bulged, she cried out “Aemond, plea—“ “As I said before, my patience is ending. I’ll give you one chance, and believe me when I say few got this benefit: did you barred my half-sister’s letters?”
The queen’s eyes winded, but she stayed silent, probably paralyzed by fear. Seeing her state, Aemond did not needed a verbal answer: just looking at her gave away her guiltiness.
He let her break free, making Alicent instantly tear to the ground, coughing and gasping for air, uncontrollably.
Aemond’s jaw was tightly shut. Feeling betrayed by his own mother, he started to rant “You knew how important she was to me, and still, you deprived me of seeing her and did not even let me get news from her! You left me in the dark, and you saw how it was killing me, but even so, you did nothing!”
The prince’s voice escalated along with his rage, which was increasing with time. Feeling the need to take his anger on something, he threw the coffe table against the wall, making the Queen gasp in horror.
“Aemond,” she tried to reason with her son “I did this only to protect you! I thrust her as much as you do, but you must understand that the circumstances—“ “Don’t you dare lie to me again!” he slammed his hands on another table “Admit you were jealous of her, of her proximity to me. You always despised her, there’s no need to lie!”
Rilling up as well, Alicent exploded “Of course I always hated her! She’s Rhaenyra’s sister, Aemond! She would do anything to help her kin! To stole your brother’s throne!” with tear cascading her cheeks, she continued, approaching her son “And of course I was jealous, Aemond! You’re my son! Mine! But you never ran up to me when you were sad, hurt or happy! It was always her! Even at Driftmark, when her own nephew stabbed your eye, you ran up to her! You didn’t even let me accompany you at the nursery! And—“
Sobs interrupted her speech. But now that she started to talk, she was not going to back off “Do you think she genuinely loves you, Aemond? Like I do?”
The prince looked at her with warning eye “Watch your tongue.”
Feeling bold, Alicent continued, not listening to her son’s threat, facing him fearlessly “Don’t you ever thought that, maybe, she just treated you well to do this? Put you against me? Your own mother? Don’t you ever thought that she’s as cruel, manipulative and a whore as much as her—“ “Don’t you dare talk about her like that!”
Aemond pounced on her mother, now fully strangling her. His knuckles were white with his bruising grip, eye completely fogged by hatred. His nostrils was flaring up, teeth gritting madly.
With the little oxygen that lasted on her lungs, Alicent was able to call out to Ser Criston Cole, who immediately opened the doors, running to save the Queen.
Along with the knight were Otto Hightower, who coincidentally were passing by his daughter’s corridor.
“What in the seven hells happened here?” the hand lord exasperated, demanding an answer.
“We had a heated discussion, father” Alicent explained with her voice sore due to her son’s strangulation.
Sensing he wouldn’t get no more details about the incident, Otto coughed, as if putting an end to the matter “I was going to remind you of tonight’s dinner, which begins on a few minutes. Our king decided to attend it, so I was going to ask my Queen to ask her children to be on their best behavior.” Otto gave Aemond a meaningful look.
“I don’t care what this discussion was about. What matters is that this behavior can’t happen again during the dinner. Are we clear?” Alicent silently nodded, while Aemond stayed motionless by his grandfather speech.
Later, the whole house Targaryen sat at the fancy dining room. An uncomfortable silence dominated the group, tension so thick it could be cut by a knife.
King Viserys, as usual, tried to reason with his family that was bound to break in two, yet only he denied to see the truth “With that being said,” the sick king, with the help of his loyal wife, stayed up “me and my dear second daughter discussed and agreed that, in the name of peace, she shall be betrothed to her half-brother, Aegon Targaryen.”
Aemond’s heart stopped beating. The whole time, his infuriated gaze was directed to his mother, who would avert her own with all of her might; but now, he gazed incredulously to his father. He didn’t even notice when he stood up from his chair, flying to his mother’s throat.
Caos broke loose in the room. The king was immediately withdrawn from the scene, leaving Daemon alongside the others guards to separate the infuriated prince from the Queen.
On the other side of the chamber, you saw how animalisticly your dear little half-brother acted. He was no longer that sweet boy that easily cried with his older brother’s bullying: now he was a man, and a very dangerous one.
You cried hopelessly: how things take a turn like that? You thought that agreeing to the betrothal, you could finally reunite your family, but instead, here you are, seeing who was once your favorite person in the world trying to kill his own mother.
Even though Aemond were the best swordsman on the realm, he were not able to defeat Daemon and all of the Keep’s guards. “Lead the Prince to the dungeon. Tomorrow morning we will discuss with the small council what shall be decided of the prince’s future.” as Otto commanded, the guards escorted Aemond, who was now unconscious.
You offered yourself to accompany Alicent to the nursery to check upon her bruised throat. As expected, Ser Cole went along, only a few feet away from you.
“I’m so sorry with what happened, my Queen.” you morned, while helping Alicent walk through the hallway “I know prince Aemond since he was just a little kid. I would never expect such a horrifying act from him. It seems like I don’t even know him anymore.”
Moaning in pain, Alicent commented “I think both of us never truly knew him.”
Getting to the nursery, seeing the state of their Queen, the maids promptly took and laid her on a bed reserved to the royal family.
Staying by her side, she started to softly cry “I never should have tried to stay between you two, you know?”
Trying to stop her crying, you gently brushed her messed hair out of her face “Shhh… I must confess I don’t know what you are talking about, my Queen, but you shouldn’t be blaming yourself for what happened.”
Giving you a saddened smile, Queen Alicent continued to apologize “I appreciate your kind words, my dear, but I do have a portion of guilt on Aemond’s behavior.”
Gulping, you finally asked “If I may ask you: what could you have done to make him have such a reaction, my Queen?”
Seeing your confused eyes and caring acts, she confessed “I barred all of your letters to prince Aemond, and I also lied about him not wanting to see you.” your heart clenched, but still continued to sooth her hair down.
“And why would you do that? What would you gain from it?”
Alicent nipped her lips “I was afraid and jealous. My paranoia took over me. I was convinced that you were only being nice with my son just to destroy my family. Also, I’ve always envied how close you two were. Aemond never loved me like he loves you.”
“Nonsense, my Queen. Aemond always told me how he wished to make you proud. That’s why he’s so dedicated.” you brushed her off, with a little giggle.
“Well, it can also be true, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried his best just to impress you, my dear. My son’s crush on you didn’t go unnoticed by me back in the days.” she too giggled, remembering how flustered the boy got when others brought you up. Obviously, back than she disapproved vehemently, but seeing how caring you are, Alicent couldn’t blame his son for falling for you.
“You are so gentle and caring, I don’t blame my son for falling for you.” she looked straight into your eyes “I’m sorry for making things come to this point. If I never have felt insecure and suspicious of you, things would may be different.” she sobbed once again, feeling regret consuming her soul.
“Don’t blame yourself, my Queen. You did what you thought was right to protect your son.” you embraced her, like you used to embrace Aemond. Feeling her tears stain your dress, you let Alicent pour her heart out.
Calming a little, she sat up, encasing your hands between hers “Now that I know your genuine feelings, I must apologize for misjudging you. Yet, now that I know my son’s true colors, I’m afraid I’ve put you in danger my dear. I don’t want my son to rot on a cell, but my heart wouldn’t bear to bring you anymore harm.”
Your reassuring smile faltered. If Aemond was able to hurt his own mother, you feared what he could do to you. But even so, a part of you still believed he would never touch you.
Cupping your cheeks, Alicent continued “Now, listen to me, dear. It’s clear that Aemond is completely obsessed with you, and he won’t stop until he gets what he wants. We must take this opportunity, and send you as far as we can!”
You looked perplexed at her “Wait, but what about my betrothal? And my family? You?! What makes you so confident that Aemond won’t go after you for answers?”
Grunting in frustration, Alicent still insisted “We and the council will figure something out. Please, let me help you scape, as a form of apologizing for all the caos I brought to you.”
With the Queen’s begging, you couldn’t help but agree with her plan. Unfortunately, your conspiracy plans was cut short due to the shouts coming outside the nursery.
Smelling the scent of smoke, you looked terrified at the Queen who ordered “Fast, we must reach the outside!”
Throwing her arm o your shoulders, you and Queen Alicent stumbled through the flaming hallways, crumbling with the fire.
Finally reaching the gardens, you could breath properly, coughing out the smoke off of your lungs. Once again, your feelings of security was throw out the window when you heard a loud roar.
Immediately, Vaghar stomped on the Keep’s wreckages, spitting fire at the only way out of the garden.
“Shit.” Alicent cussed, trying to stand up doing to the impact of Vaghar’s landing “We are cornered!”
Feeling despair pumping on your veins, you tried to run anywhere, getting the Queen’s wrist.
However, sensing her stillness, you turned back, facing Alicent being impaled by Aemond’s sword.
Letting out a gasp of horror, you let go of her wrist, trying to run away, but you stumbled, falling to the floor.
Retrieving his sword and cleaning it, Aemond tuck it on his belt again, now approaching you warily. “There’s no need to be afraid. Now no one can stop us from staying together.”
“You killed her…” you stated, still in shock, while gazing at her dead body a few feets away from you.
Cooing at you, like you used to do to him when he was still a child, he tuck a strand of hair that stubbornly stayed on you face “I had to, or else, they wouldn’t let us be together. Now we are free to do as we please; we could even marry.”
“…marry?” you repeated his words, dumbfounded “but, I’m already betrothed to your brother, and I never saw you in—“ “Shhh… there’s no need to worry your pretty little head about this right now, okay? That drunkard is no longer of our concern, I already took care of him.”
Still petting your hair, you scrambled with your words “I-But… I don’t want to marry you! You were my little brother, remember? I could never see you in that way!”
Aemond let out a joyous laugh, too excited to finally have you all to himself to be angry at your denial “Don’t worry, darling; you’ll have enough time to you recognize me as a man, and in the future, as your husband.”
You didn’t react when the prince’s lips crashed hungrily at yours. In your catatonic state, you could only think about how your life came to this moment, being fervidly groped by the man you once adored. Your family was dead. Now, you were all alone with your little half-brother, who claimed you as his. Realizing your future, you could only cry silently.
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female-hysterics · 2 months
May I please request 9 and 36 from your kink prompt list for Aemond Targaryen please 🥺
Got a little carried away here 😅
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You never minded the aftereffects of childbirth, always filled with love with what you brought into the world, and then there were some days, like today, where your breasts left you in agony.
Your baby had been refusing to nurse the entire day, they were more focused on eating some sort of soft mushy fruit instead that Helaena brought them, and you were at your wits end when you searched for your husband and found Aemond alone in the expansive Red Keep library tucked away in the back for privacy. It looked like he had been there for a while, a empty glass of wine at his elbow with numerous candles nearly burnt to the bottom, and he had a stern look on his scarred face. His pale hair was in his usual neat style, leather patch still over his eye, and his remaining pale blue eye was riveted on the heavy book in front of him.
An idea popped in your head, sudden and surprising, and your breath caught in your throat.
There was a night a few weeks ago where your breasts were sore just like today, your baby had been more focused on trying to chew on you with their surprisingly strong gums as opposed to actually nursing, and Aemond had quietly walked in on you trying to ease the pain. You had your dress pulled down until it was bunched around your waist, leaving your chest bare, and you were pressing a warm wet cloth to your breasts.
 It was a little messy for sure, but it was the only relief you could get at that moment.
The warm cloth felt nice, soothing your chafed nipples while coaxing milk to flow, but you were still wincing with every gentle prod of your fingers. Once you did all you could, you mopped up your chest carefully, and that’s when he made his presence known.
“Next time, you should come to me for help,” he had murmured, making you jump in surprise as you whipped your head around, and you went breathless at the sheer hunger in his eyes when you looked at him.
His eye was glued to your breasts, his tongue flicking over an incisor as he stared at you heatedly and unabashedly, and you flushed at his words. You knew he wasn’t talking about helping with the washcloths, but you quickly pushed aside the thought of what he was really suggesting as your heart nearly skipped a beat, and you just decided to play it safe and naïve for your own sanity.
“Even a small breeze is painful, my Prince. This is pretty much all I can do,” you said, pulling up your dress gingerly, and his gaze met yours with an intensity that threw you off guard, “next time…come find me,” he continued in the same soft tone and you didn’t know how to respond without sounding foolish, so you just kept quiet.
Now, here he was, and you were nearly in tears.
Aemond Targaryen had no sense of shame in the bedroom, you had slowly learned over the course of your marriage, but you were still hesitant to approach him with your idea. It was considered odd, what you were debating, but the idea itself had warmth pooling low in your stomach. He never made you uncomfortable, taking time to listen to you, and he was always happy whenever she shyly approached him with something you wanted to try.
He always made you feel safe and loved and, after all, he did order you to find him.
You thought back to the heated way he had looked at you that night, the hunger in his gaze, thought about the few times where he seemed to watch you nurse a little more intently than usual, and came to a decision. You squared your shoulders, held your head up high, and swept into the room.
“Hello there, my love,” he said softly, nodding at you in greeting once he spotted you,  before closing his book to give you his undivided attention, and you stalked up to him with determination.
You walked up to him, pushing at his chair until he scooted the chair away from the table, and he said nothing but raised a thin eyebrow. Once he had slid back enough, Aemond still regarding you quietly but now with curiosity written all over his face, you took a deep breath to steady your nerves.
You hoisted yourself up and crawled onto his lap, ignoring his sharp gaze, and was instead completely focused on the horrible ache in your chest. His hands automatically came up to hold your waist, confusion clear on his face as you remained quiet, and he frowned at you in bewilderment while you settled into a more comfortable position on his lap.
He didn’t say anything, though, seemingly content with waiting on you to explain.
Your fingers trembled as you hastily worked at the straps of your dress, almost tearing the fabric, and you nearly cried in pain at the constriction of the cloth against your sore breasts. Tears stung the back of your eyes and you just ended up ripping the straps to pull down your dress. His eye immediately dropped down to your chest, before growing dark and heavy lidded as you shoved the material down to your waist, and he made a noise somewhere between a growl and a purr as his hands squeezed your hips.
“Oh, my dear pet…you must be in pain,” he murmured, low voice nothing but a pleasing rumble, and you couldn’t focus clearly on anything but the intense cramping sensations radiating from your chest. Not even caring if they were walked in on.
“Hurts…please,” you gritted out, settling against his warm body more fully, and you glanced down at your chest with a grimace.
Your breasts were so swollen and heavy, so full that milk wasn’t even beading at your nipples like they usually would, and even just looking at them had you squeezing your eyes shut in pain.
“You’re just so beautiful…and such a good little wife to come to me for help,” Aemond eventually purred, broad hands tightening on your hips once more, before reaching up to smooth over your ribs.
His skin was hot against yours as he then smoothed his palms over your arms, making you gasp and shiver, and he sat up straighter in his seat. He gingerly repositioned you, untangling your dress from your legs so they spread easier over his lap, and you shifted more comfortably over him. His long fingers brushed the swell of your breast, his eye darting up at you when you gasped wetly at the corresponding throb of pain, and you looked at him helplessly.
“I got you, pet,” he said softly, comfortingly, and you felt the knot in your stomach ease at his words.
You felt a little better knowing that he was completely okay with what they were doing.
He braced one arm around your waist, the other hand cupping your breast gingerly, and he flicked his tongue over your puffy nipple before drawing it into his mouth. He gave an experimental suck and groaned deep in his chest at the sudden rush of milk.
You hissed at the first contact of his mouth on your skin, something you always did since he always ran so warm, and you fought the fleeting urge to jerk away. His body heat was higher than the average person, probably something to do with him being a Targaryen dragon rider, and his mouth was searing against your horribly sensitive and aching nipples. Then, however, you tangled your fingers into his soft hair to drag him closer and nearly sobbed as he began to suckle in earnest. You grabbed one of his large hands and pressed it against your ignored breast, his warm palm making you whimper even as it slightly soothed the ache, and you kneaded his hand against yourself. They both moaned as milk dribbled over their intertwined fingers, yours out of relief and his out of pleasure, and you lowered your hand to weakly hold on to his wrist as he continued his massage. Relief swept over you, the cramping sensations blissfully fading with each squeeze of his fingers and each determined suck of his mouth, and you didn’t even realize you were rocking your hips until you felt his hand move back to your hip to push you more fully against him.
He was hard underneath you.
Aemond switched breasts, the hand on your waist moving back to knead your breast and pinch and roll your wet nipple with his slender fingers, and his hot tongue laved over your other breast. He lapped up the milk that had spilled out, licking over your swollen nipple with a small growl, before he latched on and sucked hard.
You threw her head back, pushing your chest against him, and your sudden orgasm was quick and surprising.
You shuddered and bucked over him, grinding your hips against his frantically to draw out your pleasure, and you cried out his name breathlessly. Once your orgasm faded into a warm pleasant hum, you slowly rolled your head forward, and your eyes met the piercing gaze of your husband. He was staring up at you with his pale skin flushed pink, that intense hungry heat was back in his eye, and you saw his tongue dart out to drag over your sensitive peak once more. You squeezed your eyes shut, letting your head fall back, and your hips began rocking against his once more.
Then, he pulled away, and you could’ve cried at the loss. You quickly realized his hands had dipped under your dress and was fumbling between their bodies, and you almost did cry when you felt him slowly sink into your wet heat. You immediately began rolling your hips, taking him deeper on each downstroke, and his thick girth filled you to the brim perfectly. He hit something deep inside you, easing that horrible empty ache while simultaneously making your pelvis twinge slightly in discomfort, but you didn’t care. You kept that angle, grinding and rolling your hips until you were sobbing, and Aemond pulled you against his chest to pepper small wet kisses over your throat. You focused your eyes on him, meeting his gaze as you continued to move, and he was looking at you with such molten heat that you felt scorched all the way down to your very marrow. You leaned forward, bracing one arm over his broad shoulders, and cupped your still aching breast.
You lifted up until your wet puffy nipple brushed his lips, trailing over his lower lip in an erotically obscene image, his hot breath ghosting over the sensitive flesh made her clench down on him tightly, and he cursed darkly before he latched on with enough vigor to make your second orgasm rip through you.
You wailed in pleasure loud enough to have one of his hands slip over your mouth to quiet you.
You bared down on him on the next downstroke, making his hips jerk up into you roughly and so deeply, and you clawed at him as your body shook and trembled with pleasure that rushed through you and stole the very breath from your lungs. When your orgasm finally subsided, leaving you gasping and writhing, you slumped over him completely boneless. He was still cupping your breasts, massaging lightly, while his hot tongue lapped at your nipples lazily. It wasn’t quite teasing, but the feel of his tongue rasping over your sensitive skin had you whimpering softly and your hips jerking against his once more.
“You did so well, my love,” he purred, sounding utterly delighted and content, and his gaze flicked to you while he nibbled ever so gently on your breast before switching to the other.
You began shifting your hips almost as if you couldn’t help yourself, the sight of him licking at you just as erotic as feeling him still hard and thick buried inside you to the hilt, and his blue eye sparkled. Maybe it was your insatiable body, maybe it was because you could see the heated adoration in his gaze, but you couldn’t stop chasing that familiar coil of pleasure tightening in your pelvis as he continued his ministrations. Your nipples were aching, sore and tender from being sucked on for so long and so enthusiastically, and he traced the puffy ridges with the tip of his tongue.
“Should…should we stop?” you asked hoarsely, rocking your hips slightly faster as your eyes lingered on him drawing your nipple in his mouth and suckling before releasing with a soft ‘pop’.
“Do you want me to stop? I’m here to help, my lovely pet, and I am very interested in seeing how long you can hold out…how much pleasure do you think you can pull from that pretty little cunt of yours before you’re too exhausted to even beg me to make you come?” he asked, never once stopping his kneading or licking, and your hips rolled almost frantically at his words.
He smiled sharply, something wicked and full of dark promise, and you whined high in your throat at the way he studied you from under his lashes.
“Oh, no, love…I don’t think that you’re quite done yet. I know that I am far from done with you.”
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