#Hound Grimm
sunnysunsins · 1 year
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Schneeblings group summon concept
For god's sake please, let Whitley summon Hound, it would be so based
Bonus, just grimm
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sracha · 1 year
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💀 My Hound piece for @rwbyprism ! 💀
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st-whalefall · 2 months
I’m taking a big ol’ swing with this one so everyone please keep your limbs inside the vehicle until we reach our destination (let me cook)
So, what happened here? For this to go from-
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Goofy ass grin <3
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Summer: “Trust me..”
To this-
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Raven: “The creatures of Grimm have a master named Salem. She can’t be stopped, she can’t be reasoned with, and she will not rest until humanity crumbles at her feet.”
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Raven: To Ruby with disdain, “You sound just like your mother.”
Let me lay some of my cards on the table. I’m in the “Summer is still alive” camp and I got thoughts on: if Summer is still alive, why has she not been in Yang and Ruby’s life?
Not even a peep? For 14 years?
Something BIG had to have happened to her to keep her away from them.
Now, a lot of folks will go straight to where Ruby jumped to: Summer got Grimm hound-ed by Salem
But I think that’s takes a lot of agency away from Summer and the building revelation of her character and the purpose she serves in the narrative.
If Summer has been grimmified, I posit it was by her own doing, by choice. And her choice alone.
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Qrow: “You’re special the same way your mom was…The creatures of Grimm were afraid of those silver eyed warriors.”
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Salem: “Do you feel it? Don’t fight it girl. It can sense your trepidation. You must make it dread you.”
How does Salem illustrate the melding of Cinders flesh with the Grimm arm and mastery over it?
In the few instances we get, how are silver eyes described in their effect on Grimm? Obliteration, yes. Resistance to their influence? Possibly (see Ruby & the apathy). But command over them? Let’s explore that.
We are working with a pretty small dataset here, so you’ll forgive me for mostly drawing from Cinder for this (separate post I think the hound is a reanimated corpse and so different from true living hybrids like Cinder (& hypothetically Summer)).
Grimm evolve and Grimm hybrids, like Cinder, adapt.
From vol4 to vol8, Cinder’s Grimm arm grows. It spreads. And she becomes more comfortable with it as time progresses.
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Cinders Grimm arm has become an integral part of her and, side note, I dislike theories that revolve her hypothetical redemption around her being purified of evil (Grimm) by silver eyes.
[But that’s just me, I want the monstrous to stay monstrous rather than erased or watered down for easy digestion. Let the monster stay a monster in its appearance and still be worthy of love, and so on and so forth.]
So, we come back to Summer Rose.
Summer confronted Salem, learned something earth shattering, destroyed Raven’s faith and trust in her, and did something that prevented her from returning to her daughters for more than a decade.
What did Summer do? Agency, we’re thinking strong choices here.
Choices that are radical but in line for a character with strong convictions, an alluded to pedestal she stands upon and all the complexes that comes with, perhaps a little self destructive, and a big heart. Big enough to sympathize with the devil and do something about it.
The thing that could be preventing Summer from returning home could be as simple as:
After she learned the truth about Oz’s shadow war, she joined Salem’s side, and won’t return until she’s seen it through to the end.
But I want to put some spice on there because what if:
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After learning whatever it was Salem told Summer, that turned her world upside down, Summer looked down into the pools of black and took the plunge
To understand Salem on a molecular level
To be Grimm as Salem is Grimm
To be a world changer
In the world of Remnant, that’s what the Grimm are. A force of destructive change, like hurricanes and wildfires, they shape the world through calamity. Disaster doesn’t feel any one way about you, it just is. It is devastating, but it doesn’t hate you. And it doesn’t love you either.
So, what would that make Summer?
How do you think that’s changed her, fundamentally?
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Bloody evolution indeed.
And that’s why she stayed away. Summer changed, and now she looks a little more on the outside how she feels on the inside. But to the rest of the world, she is something horrifying. Unspeakable.
She didn’t want to give her girls nightmares.
Yeah, Summer was the inspiration for the Hound, and Cinder’s Grimm arm. But not in the way Ruby thinks.
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howlingday · 10 months
Salem: YOU!
Jaune: ACK!
Salem: Do you like adventure?!
Salem: Activity?!
Salem: Plunder?!
Salem: Danger?!
Salem: Horror?!
Salem: Pain?! Suffering?! Disease?! DEATH?!
Salem: Angel food cake?
Hound: (Eats cake)
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anthurak · 5 months
So I thought I’d do a writeup on my current theory(s) about what state Summer might be in. Shoutout to @mikey-polo420 and @tumblingxelian for the ask and discussion that got me working on this one.
Simply put, after everything we’re seen over the last three volumes, we can now safely assume that Summer is NOT in fact dead, and is actually being held captive or is under the control or even employ of Salem, as well as being some kind of Grimm Hybrid. Specifically, that she is the ‘Patient Zero’ of Salem’s Grimm Hybrid project. As Ruby deduced after seeing what the Hound truly was; “When she met mom, she learned she could do something new…”
So what could this all actually mean? Is Summer stuffed in a stasis tube somewhere, or is she operating as one of Salem’s agents? And in case of the latter, is she simply being puppetted like the Hound was, brainwashed, or even serving Salem willingly as some people have started suggesting? What is even the state of Summer’s hybridization compared to what we’ve seen with the Hound or Cinder's own hybridizing?
Well for one, if Summer IS operating in the field as one of Salem’s agents, then I imagine our best bet is that she’s been overseeing the search for the Crown of Choice at the ruins of Beacon. As some have already posited, Summer could have been the one Salem was talking to in Volume 4 about searching for the vault under Beacon.
As to what state Summer herself might be in and the nature of her hybridization, my theory is that Summer is essentially a ‘Perfected Hybrid’. Rather than the desiccated corpse shoved into a grimm-suit that the Hound/TR was or the incomplete jumble of implants and prosthetics that we see in Cinder, I imagine that Summer at first glance is going to be the mythical ‘Humanoid Grimm’ that many people have been theorizing we might see sooner or later. As in, minimal animalist features and covered in a full-body ‘suit’ of grimm-material that looks just as much like armor or an exosuit as standard grimm ‘hide’.
Basically, think Darth Vader by way of grimm-hybridization. Complete with face-obscuring helmet that can be removed or knocked off for a big dramatic reveal.* As to what Summer might actually look like under all the hybrid armor? Well, I have a hunch she’ll look all too similar to Salem herself.
Because I have a feeling that the way Salem ‘learned that she could do something new…’ was when Summer fell or was thrown into one of the Darkness Pools. As in, precisely what happened to Salem HERSELF. Perhaps it was by accident while fighting Salem, or perhaps Salem was feeling dramatic and wanted to execute a defeated Summer in some poetic fashion.
However it happened, even Salem was surprised when Summer DIDN’T die and instead crawled out of the pool just like she did all those eons ago. Thus, a now EXTREMELY curious Salem subdued Summer and began the experiments.
THIS is what I imagine to be the start and goal of Salem’s Grimm Hybrid Program and what she’s been working on these past near-twenty years: Trying to research and replicate what happened to Summer.
The thing is, while Summer is effectively a perfect hybrid that Salem has been able to outfit with all kinds of grimm components, for whatever reason Salem just hasn’t been able to replicate what happened to Summer with other Silver Eyed Warriors that she’s captured. Hence where the other hybrids like the Hound/TR and even Cinder come in.
They’re all developments, extrapolations or off-shoots of Salem’s experimentations with Grimm Hybridization that all started with Summer. The Hound is essentially a very rough ‘beta-test’, ‘experiment’ as Salem calls it. Possibly the first hybrid she’s managed to get into a functional state.** Meanwhile Cinder likely in part represents Salem experimenting with more gradual hybridization as well as seeing how well the hybrids work as vessels for the Maiden Powers. As in, I would not be surprised at all if Salem actually has a few hybrids set up as ‘backup vessels’ for the Fall Maiden powers in the event that Cinder bites it.
So that just leaves to question of Summer’s mental state, ie; why is she working under Salem? Is she simply a puppet? A brainwashed slave? Or even a willing follower?
Personally, I think it’s a mix of the latter two options, though mostly brainwashing. For one, Summer simply being a mindless puppet rather diminishes the impact of her working for Salem. Conversely, I think it’s hard to imagine Summer being some fully loyal and willing servant of Salem like Cinder, Tyrian or the others, if for nothing else than it’s kinda hard to square that kind of loyalty with Summer also spending years being subjected to horrific tests and experiments for Salem’s hybrid program.
I think our most likely scenario is one wherein Summer has been completely and utterly BROKEN psychologically. Via a combination of her plan to defeat Salem utterly failing, the pain and horrors of both being turned into a Grimm Hybrid and Salem’s subsequent tests and experiments, along with Salem providing a hearty dose of ‘Would you like to hear all the things Oz was lying to you about all this time? Somehow it’s actually MORE than everything.’ Not to mention likely being told whatever Salem’s REAL goals are (ie; Oz is COMPLETELY wrong about Salem’s goal being a suicidal cosmic temper tantrum).
All of which have combined to give us Summer as a psychologically broken shell of a woman who ‘believes’ in what Salem in trying to do, only in the sense that this is what Salem has groomed her into.
In effect, Summer now represents both an extreme version of what Cinder has/will become AND the dark, twisted final result of where Ruby’s self-destructive hero-complex will lead.
*Bonus points if all present are shocked… except for our heroines, particularly Ruby who’s been dreading yet expecting this since Volume 8.
**I think it’s worth noting that we have no idea just how long Salem had the Hound on standby before Volume 8. It’s clear that Salem was using retrieving Oscar and the Lamp as a ‘test-run’ for the Hound, and there really isn’t a time in the show prior to the attack on Atlas that Salem had an opportunity to run this kind of test.
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missingvtf · 11 months
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Some rqs on instagram
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strqyr · 1 year
oh. lol.
"i just don't get how the story is both real... and not." -> summer reflection happens here. -> "it all happened, just not the way alyx said when she wrote it." -> "so, what? she just lied?" -> "you have... no idea..."
they're not even being subtle about it.
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skullybonez · 1 year
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Hell hound
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madman479r · 11 months
Jaune has the Grimm Hound AU.
Atop the wrecked tower of Beacon Academy, Pyrrha Nikos, the undefeated champion, lay on her hands and knees, bested by the mysterious woman in red, the instigator of all this chaos, the thief of the Fall Maiden powers.
And her soon to be killer.
Pyrrha glared up at Cinder, she wouldn't beg nor show fear, one last act of defiance. "Do you believe in destiny?" She questioned.
Cinder gave Pyrrha the same look. "Yes." She simply responded and conjured a ebony glass bow, arrow pulled back, ready to be released.
Until a loud commotion made Cinder pause. Knowing Nikos was in no state to fight, Cinder took her eyes off of Pyrrha and looked to the source of the noise, it was coming from the ruined elevator.
It was a loud banging and clanging noise, as if something was climbing up the shaft.
Only seconds later and her question was answered by the elevator doors being forced open as a large black figure burst forward.
It was a Grimm, but unlike anything Cindet had ever seen, even during her time in the Grimmlands.
It was mostly black but not covered in fur or scales, but a tar like substance, similar to Grimm liquid, the only bone armour it possessed was around its 'face', mostly the short yet wide snout, with its serrated teeth overlapping its jaw.
The Grimm lacked eyes but has canine ears and quill-like spines on its back.
It also stood at an intimidating 8'7", having to crouch slightly while it exited the elevator shaft before unfolding at its full height, its arms reached down to its shins, nearly touching the floor with its white claws.
The Grimm growled threateningly at Cinder as the False Maiden focused on the new type of Grimm. "Behave, creature. You will obey me. She commands you to." Cinder narrowed her eyes at the Grimm, fire emanating from them in a show of dominance.
She expected the Grimm to step back in submission at her show of power.
What she didn't expect was what happened next.
"Oh, shit!" It said... the Grimm said! It spoke!
And then it started to change, becoming smaller as the black substance retreated into something and from the mass came a face Cinder wasn't too familiar with.
But one Pyrrha knew all too well. "Jaune?!" She cried out in fear and confusion. Fear for her partner's life and confusion as to what the hell he was doing with the strange Grimm!
Jaune looked at Cinder with wide eyes and whispered to himself. "Whoa. Where you going? What are you doing?"
What neither Cinder or Pyrrha heard was the voice that replied to Jaune. "This is much worse than I thought. That is a Maiden"
"A Maiden?" Jaune echoed.
"We should leave. Immediately!" The Grimm suggested. "Pyrrha will get over it! Besides, you need to make more friends, anyway. So let's go."
As this was going on, Cinder looked at the weakest student from Beacon like he has lost his mind. Seeing as he was talking to himself, she felt she was justified in thinking that.
"Congratulations to the Maiden for beating Pyrrha and pulling this off. We are leaving." The Grimm forced Jaune to smile, wave and point to the exit.
"Excuse me?" Jaune looked at Cinder, who had spoken. "If you're done being a clown, I was in the middle of-"
"I'll be right with you. All right?" Jaune interrupted her and started talking to himself again, missing her insulted expression. "You need to come out right now. Because I am feeling super, SUPER vulnerable out here."
Cinder spared a look at Pyrrha who looked equally confused.
"I will let you eat her!" Jaune shouted in desperation, gaining Cinder's attention again.
"Promise?" The Grimm asked.
"I promise!" Jaune assured.
"Oh yeah!" And Jaune felt the familiar sensation of the Grimm taking over him, enveloping his body like a protective coat.
Once more, the Grimm stood tall, body posed and ready for a fight as it charged at Cinder.
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dinodogs · 7 months
Needed to draw some simple stuff while I slowly ease back into drawing so heres some beafts!!!
sorry its kinda lazy I mostly wanted to draw something simple so grimm and juniper it was! (+ somewhat, zwei, and the cat)
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we-do-bones-bracket · 2 months
Round 2 Match 18
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Nina Zenik (spoilers)
Spoilers for Crooked Kingdom and everything post Netflix SaB! Due to taking an incredibly dangerous drug, her powers over life turn into powers over death. She uses bones akin to telepathic throwing knives and can raise the dead.
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lizarr7 · 1 year
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Aaaand, some *more* of my Hound girl.
This is a picture I've been working on for a long time. Ver different style than I'm used to, and also a lot more involved, so it was a bit tricky to get figured out. Overall though, I'm pretty happy with it.
Also want to mention, my character doesn't actually have a leash bolted to her neck in her story, that's not canon XD It's just symbolism. As is literally everything in this picture.
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
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The Runaway Bunny by Margaret Wise Brown
“Shucks,” said the bunny, “I might just as well stay where I am and be your little bunny.”
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janeelyakiri · 1 year
And now... it's time for~
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Again we're ignoring how bad i am at math-- In this tournament, we have two groups of three right off the bat! Who shall win? Who shall lose??
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howlingday · 4 months
Kali Belladonna
Paladin: (Turns, Caught on ribbon)
Blake: (Yanks)
Kali: (Blows up battery)
Paladin: (Shuts down)
Blake: (Panting) Wow, Mom! Nice aim!
Kali: (Giggles) You, too~.
Yang: Whoa... That was crazy!
Ruby: I like your style, Mrs. B!
Weiss: Were you surprised by your wife's ferocity, Mr. Belladonna?
Ghira: ...No.
Raven Branwen
Raven: Hm? What do you want?
Weiss: Raven... We have some bad news...
Blake: (Holds out Yang's arm)
Raven: ...
Raven: (Narrows eyes)
Far away...
Cinder: Will you hurry up already?
Salem: ...Here she comes~.
Cinder: (Sees portal open)
Raven: (Steps through, Eyes blazing)
Cinder: Oh, good, you're already-
Raven: (Knocks Cinder into the wall)
Cinder: If I'm going to fight a Maiden, then I'll just have to be a-
Raven: (Slams into Cinder) WHERE IS SHE?
Mama Nikos
Adrian: (Caged, Whimpering)
Mama Nikos: (Standing in front of Adrian) I'm taking this child home, and YOU will not bother either of us again!
Bandit: What? Hell no! I paid good lien for-
Mama Nikos: I'm not asking, mister, and I'm not afraid to get huntresses involved, either! You have been skulking around Argus for too long and have trespassed on private property!
Bandit: Hell no! With this kid, I can end this war! (Pulls out knife) I'll be a hero!
Mama Nikos: Yeah... (Pulls out sandal) A lot of villains say that. (WHACK!)
Willow Schnee
Willow: (Steps in front of Whitley) Get away from him, you BITCH!
Whitley: Mother!
Hound: (Roars)
Willow: (Roars louder) YEAH! I'm not afraid of you! This mama is running on high fructose corn syrup and adrenaline! And I'm not going anywhere...
Hound: (Snorts)
Willow: (Snorts)
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anthurak · 5 months
I think Grimm Summer should sound like Dominus Ghaul from Destiny 2 when she has the helmet on, make her enemies mistake her for a man.
Yeah, I can definitely imagine them doing that.
Though at the same time, I think it could be just as likely that Grimm Summer simply says nothing at all until the big reveal.
Or heck, maybe they don't even mask Summer's voice that much at all. After all, the only people you would need to be disguising the voice from are already primed to guess who Grimm Summer really is.
As in, thanks to Volume 8, both we the audience AND Ruby, her team and likely Raven and Qrow, will likely IMMEDIATELY be guessing that a mysterious very humanoid grimm-hybrid working closely with Salem could be Summer, regardless of what its voice sounds like. So why try to hide it that much at that point?
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