#Hosie Stitchers AU
uncleasad · 1 month
Last night as I was going to bed, my traitorous brain decided I should entertain the idea of a Hosie Stitchers AU, so…
I ended up with two sets of character mappings, because like a number of different AUs, it feels like either Hope or Josie could play the “central” character here. My initial thoughts were with Josie as Kirsten, and I think I like that one the best, but I’ll post both.
Josie (Salvatore) is Kirsten Clark. Stefan is her just-deceased adoptive father, Ed Clark. Her biological parents, Dr Daniel Stinger and Jacqueline Stinger, are Alaric and Jo. Her older half-sister, Daniel’s elder daughter Ivy Brown, is Lizzie Parker.
On the Stitchers team, Hope (Marshall) is Cameron, naturally. I’ve got Maya as Camille (which makes Ethan her ne’er-do-well brother Theo). Maybe MG as Linus, particularly as he ends the series dating Ivy/Lizzie?
Maggie was friends with Ed and the Stingers (and also an assassin/undercover operative), so perhaps Caroline? Maybe Dorian for LA Detective Quincy Fisher (that’s the one I have the most doubts about)? And Damon as Maggie/Caroline’s boss, Leslie Turner?
A few of the minor characters: Cameron/Hope’s comic-book-store girlfriend Nina becomes Landon. Kirsten/Josie’s troublesome ex Liam is Finch. And (mostly because I love Allison Scagliotti and Anna Akana), Penelope as Amanda?
For the Hope-as-Kirsten version:
Hope (Marshall) as Kirsten, Jackson as Ed Clark, Klaus and Hayley as Daniel and Jacqueline, naturally. Marcel as Ivy (will have to rewrite some of the romantic plot there)?
Josie (Parker or Forbes) as Cameron. Maybe Lizzie as Camille? I’ve got MG as Linus again here, based on Cameron and Linus being buds, IIRC. For Maggie, perhaps Cami, Declan, or Caroline (again)?
I forgot to do Quincy and Leslie for this one…probably The Originals characters, but no one is really jumping out at me? Father Kieran as Leslie, maybe? Dunno.
For Camille’s troublesome brother Theo, I plucked Jed out of the air; he’s a minor character anyway. Kirsten’s ex Liam is Roman, Cameron’s early/middle-seasons girlfriend Nina is Penelope (who breaks up with him when after she learns the truth about what Cameron does!), and Jen as Amanda to round out the cast.
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