#Hopelessly Devoted 「Haru」
caffernnn · 1 month
do you have ships (Across fandoms) that are similar in nature? or have you shipped a dynamic because they have kind of the same flavor as your other otp from another fandom?
I think in the same way that there’s a throughline your could draw between a lot of the characters I favor, there are notable similarities between the ships i get attached to. There’s an aspect of it that comes from attachment to certain tropes or whatever (sun/moon, cat/dog, childhood friends etc etc), but a big part of it is like… compelling themes to explore? If that makes sense??
For example, one of the character types I find myself drawn to is one that is seen as more reserved, perhaps monotone, read as aloof and unfeeling on their face, BUT people who are allowed to get close and actually see them (best friend, rival, the audience in certain moments) get to see the emotions and passions and care residing within them. When I’m given a character like that, that might struggle with untangling and understanding their own thoughts/feelings for xyz reason (trauma, tism, etc etc), I’m compelled to pair them with a counterpart that either 1) can read them like a book, or 2) sticks around and shows interest/care even if they don’t know what’s up with them.
Idk, I think it’d be hard to condense all of them down too concisely, but there are def some patterns in there. “People-pleasing earnest-yet-repressed person who understands/accepts emotions until they’re their own” + “person who would act on their emotions/desires if they could just figure out how to name them.” “Hopelessly hopeful” + “hopeless enough.” Some flavor of devotion that lends itself to potential tragedy, usually in that “don’t go where I can’t follow” or “the world wants you but won’t save you — let me take care of you” way. I’m drawn to stories about love built from someone connecting with you enough to make your world bloom; I’m drawn to exploration of the coinflip grief attached to that type of love that makes people desperate. Homura Akemi, Lan Wangji, Takina Inoue, Rei Suwa — you get the vibe.
Love my Haru and Haru-adjacent pals. Love the Makoto and Makoto-adjacent pals. Not all of my ships are clones of my otp, but looking at what I enjoy from each of the pairings starts to show why I keep coming back to 💚them💙 overall. I enjoy other pairings, other dynamics, but like… they’re my home port.
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angelxtwins · 3 years
"Hey there!" Haru's greeting is bright, yet not too abrasive. It's just enough to get the customer's attention. "Can I help you find anything? An instrument you have any questions about?"
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obscuredeliights · 3 years
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sen mitsuji & he/him / cis male ‷ watch out , takaharu mochizuki has crash-landed into roswell !! they look thirty-two years old and celebrate their birthday on february fourteenth. they are from adelaide, south australia, reside in moonbeam gardens, and are currently working as owner and general manager of cosmic candy. one thing you should know about them is that he has a degree in philosophy and asian and middle eastern studies from duke university.‷
content warning: cheating/infidelity; divorce; drug use/addiction
Full name: Takaharu Mochizuki (in western order; Mochizuki is his surname) → Kanji: 望月 貴陽 (Mochizuki Takaharu)  望 (mochi) meaning "wish, desire" and 月 (tsuki) meaning "moon;” together meaning “full moon” 貴 (taka) meaning “precious” and 陽 (haru) meaning “sun”
Nicknames: Taka; Taki; Tako; Haru....he calls people by nicknames all the time so it’s only fair to do it to him too; but the easiest, go-to one is Taka
Gender & pronouns: cis male, he/him
Romantic/sexual orientation: homoromantic, homosexual
DOB: 14 February 1990
Place of birth: Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Relationship status: single but crushing
Occupation: owner and general manager of Cosmic Candy; drummer of Fish Brains; philanthropist; model
Education: Bachelor’s degree, philosophy and Asian and Middle Eastern studies (double major), Duke University, Durham, NC
Languages: English; Japanese; French; some Okinawan; some Mandarin; some Arabic; some Korean; a little Hindi
Length of time in Roswell: 4ish years
Pets: Koki (male, Maltese); Nana (female, pug); Miyu (female, pug)
Being born on Valentine's Day is unfortunate irony for someone who ends up not really understanding love in any form. Taka's parents' relationship started out fine—Kenta, a successful anesthetist originally from Japan, and Beth, general legal counsel at a prominent multi-million corporation—got along great initially, though there always seemed to be a bit of an imbalance. Kenta was wholeheartedly devoted to his wife, almost to a comical degree; it was a bit of a joke among both their workplaces, how Kenta was hopelessly obsessed with Beth, who from the outside sometimes barely gave him the time of day. By the time Taka was ten, however, everything had come to light, pieces falling into place, and a marriage torn apart. It was difficult to believe that Kenta was unaware of his wife's serial infidelity; it was very likely that he had looked the other way because he didn't want to tear his perfect little family apart. Beth's excuse was that she just wasn't cut out for married life. Then why lie?
Taka had always been a spoiled kid, never wanting for anything in the world thanks to his extremely wealthy parents. Their only condition ever was for him to do well in school, which was always a breeze for the naturally intelligent boy. And as long as he kept that up, Kenta and Beth would continue attempting to buy their son's happiness. This kicked into high gear when divorce proceedings began, both parents trying to buy loyalty from—and thus custody of—their son. In the end, Kenta gained majority custody of Taka, as the man had always shown a little more sincerity in his intentions; while Beth would get the boy during his breaks from school.
With "comfortable" being an understatement for his upbringing, Taka always had many luxuries at his disposal. He was able to start any hobby he showed interest in; he took a particular liking to surfing, but also skateboarding, and playing the drums. He was able to take lessons for all of those, as well as clarinet lessons so he could play for school. Even as a child, he had a bit of a haughty demeanor: picky, a little grumpy, vocal about his distaste for anything. His attitude didn't make him many friends for a while.
When Taka was fifteen, his father broke some big news to him: Kenta had met a woman on the internet, and he was planning on moving to the United States to be with her. And he wanted his son to come with him, though ultimately it was the boy's own choice. Taka was ambivalent initially, but upon hearing that the locale was Malibu, he agreed to move hemispheres with his dad. As a high schooler, being from Australia, having a thick accent, surfing and skateboarding and playing the drums, being good-looking, and being wealthy and a bit stuck-up all made him an instant success, making the adjustment easy as he was welcomed with open arms. His sassy and sarcastic attitude was more appreciated, and suddenly he was popular and magnetic. Taka was always busy doing something with somebody, yet still maintaining high grades in school. And Kenta and Beth both continued bankrolling their only child to make sure he was happy (and to make him love them more).
Nearing the end of high school, like usual it was time for teenagers to decide what they wanted to do with the rest of their lives. Taka didn't have any plans, nothing ever really stuck to him, but he still applied to many top universities, gaining acceptance from all. His parents really wanted him to go to college for something, they didn't particularly care what for. He ended up at Duke University—consistently rated among the top ten universities in the United States—and eventually studying a double major: philosophy, and Asian and Middle Eastern studies. He had no idea what he was going to do with either of those things but he did it anyway; his father was proud of Taka continuing to honor their Japanese ancestry, and both parents were satisfied enough with the intellectual nature of philosophy, even if they too couldn't think of any uses for it.
Being wealthy, attractive, and magnetic meant that Taka's popularity continued throughout his university years. He could spend most of his weekend partying and miss a couple Monday classes and still end up with high marks. Being a popular party boy landed him with an unfortunate little cocaine habit. He suffered in silence—he had never been very good at expressing himself beyond trivial matters, and the people he surrounded himself with either didn't notice or didn't care. There was an attempt at quitting during his final semesters of college, but the coke was too useful for getting through lectures and papers and exams. He managed to graduate with high honors and distinction; and then spent a summer detoxing, alone in Myrtle Beach, all his friends from Durham having forgotten about him.
That was the thing. Being rich, and being fun; rarely anybody had ever looked past these superficial parts of Taka. He was always a lonely soul. And after coming out of the haze of detox, he heightened his senses towards anyone who might have just been using him for money, cutting them off quickly. He was generous—is generous, but it's because the only way he's ever known how to show someone he cares is through money. Thanks, Mummy and Daddy. He spent some more time in Myrtle Beach, working menial jobs, allowing himself to blend in for a while and see more of actual life. He'd never been ignorant of his station in life, but having firsthand experiences of the world beneath him opened his eyes more.
Never having had a real direction in life, Taka eventually decided to pack up and move to Roswell, of all places, because it seemed kind of fun. His parents never really questioned him, just continuing to support him unwaveringly. He worked a few different jobs, mostly retail, and then eventually landed at Cosmic Candy, where he worked himself up the ranks despite maybe being intellectually overqualified for the place. Not accepting bullshit and being a good problem-solver ended up with him eventually being chosen by the owner to become the new general manager of the store. And a little more than a year ago, the now-previous owner notified Taka that they intended upon selling the store but offered it to him first. He accepted without needing to think about it too much. He has high standards for employment, but also treats his employees well, making Cosmic a little bit of a coveted place to work at among retail workers, with a generous starting wage, reasonable scheduling, and well thought out guidelines on things such as time off. In the time he's worked there, Taka has also started stocking new, interesting things, including gourmet candies and imports.
During the time he's been in Roswell, Taka joined the band Fish Brains as their drummer. In spite of his prickly, often grumpy exterior, he does care a lot about the other band members, though he doesn't verbalize it of course. He's the sugar daddy, always prepared to buy new equipment for the others, and actually just finished having a room in his house be soundproofed for them to practice in; he's also something of a reluctant den mother to them, being the oldest, being bossy, and letting them hang around as much as they want without question.
Though to most he may come off as cold and bitter and heartless, those that know Taka well enough are aware that there's some softness inside of him—he just clearly doesn't know how to express it. Any words of sincere affection towards him are treated with mock disgust, to hide how flustered he really gets since he doesn't know how to take a real compliment. He still comes off as haughty and snobbish, but it's mostly because he doesn't keep many close friends, being extremely wary of anyone who might want to use him and abuse his generosity. Those he does keep close aren't given many words of appreciation, but they will know that they're liked and wanted just by Taka's actions, even if there are still many jokes to be made about his seemingly cold, frozen soul. He's known for being a bit of a serial dater, because he does crave love and validation, but he isn't totally sure what he wants in a partner.
wanted/suggested plots/connections
The squad—Taka doesn't have a lot of close friends but his little squad would be a special handful that he lets close to him. Preferably 27+
Regular customers at the store
Loyal fans—Fish Brains isn't big or anything but local bands still have their supporters
...or loyal fans—your muse is just showing up to shows for Taka
Tinder/Grindr matches and dates—Taka is picky so most of the time these go nowhere, but there are bound to be a lot because he can’t stay off dating apps for long. Preferably 28+
Unrequited crush—Taka doesn’t notice your muse, or they aren’t his type
Romantic interest—Taka hasn't really had a serious relationship before since he's so picky, as well as bad at expressing himself and allegedly "allergic to feelings." a romantic ship might break him a little but in a fun way. he wants to be wanted for him, not just his money or looks, and he's instantly suspicious of any man who tries to get close to him. Preferably 28+
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colacat53 · 3 years
Things that were definitely said during the Phantom Thief road trip (with sprites!)
"Ryuji, Futaba can you two please stop singing Krusty Krab Pizza it is getting old"
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"That didn't mean to start singing the other versions of it"
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"If you guys repeat 99 bottles I'm going to come back there"
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"Ann can you please stop singing Jenny you've sung it so many times I'm starting to remember the lyrics"
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"Can you guys please stop singing Hopelessly Devoted I'm trying to talk to my sister"(inspired by this tiktok audio https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdLss9Es/
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"Yusuke why did you bring your lobsters?"
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"Futaba I thought this was settled last year leave his lobsters alone"
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*when Haru was driving*
"Holy shit Sprinkles(her hamster that died when she was a kid) is that you?"
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"Okay it is too quiet back there what are you guys doing"
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offbeatcappuccino · 4 years
Extraordinary You Review
Extraordinary You (2019)
Starring: Kim Hye Yoon, Rowoon, Lee Jae-wook
Streaming Platform : Vik
Channel : MBC
Extraordinary You is a YA drama that centers around the life of Eun Dan Ho ( Kim Hye Yoon), an eighteen year old girl with a terminal illness. She is raised by her father, an affluent businessman and attends the prestigious Seulli High School. She’s also spent the last ten years of her life hopelessly in love with her fiancé, Baek Young. However, Baek Young absolutely despises her and has only agreed to be engaged to her because his father wants to establish business connections with her father. One day, strange things start to happen to Eun Dan Oh. She starts to hear strange sounds . Whenever she hears the sound, time appears to fly by and before she knows it, weeks pass in a matter of seconds. To make matters worse, there are moments where she’s forced to say and do things even if she really does not want to do them. Soon, with the help of the school’s Dry Squid Fairy(the guy working in the cafeteria), she realizes that she’s a character in a cheesy high school romance manhwa ( Korean comic book).To her dismay, Eun Dan Oh finds out that she’s a mere extra, who simply serves as a plot device to bring her two classmates (the main characters ) together. Determined to change her setup as a tragic character, Dan Oh works with another mysterious extra (who she names Haru (day in Korean) because she believes that he holds the key to changing her fate. The central question, will Dan Oh and Haru succeed in changing the manhwa and what will happen to their lives because of  their actions forms the crux of the show’s plot.
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Satire: This show has so much fun poking at the ridiculousness of the tropes that are often found in other series that center around high school romance ( Boys Over Flowers, Heirs, etc.). Its so funny to watch Dan Oh’s mind voice as she criticizes everything her classmates do and even sometimes the things that she has to do because of the poor writing skills of the invisible author. They make fun of everything from the rich guy-poor girl romance (Heirs) to the posse of girls that surround the rich guy. Even Dan Oh points out many times how ridiculous it is that she’s only eighteen years, but for some reason, the author wants her to marry Baek Young. Dan Oh is a hilariously perceptive teenager and seeing her mimic and mock the other characters is an absolute treat to watch.
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Baek Young: Baek Young is one of the most complex and controversial characters on this show . However, he’s also the character that grows the most. Baek Young is absolutely horrible to Dan Oh. He constantly berates her and publicly embarrass her in front of the whole school. There were so many times in the show, where I was probably screaming at him. However, he’s also the most troubled as he not only deals with an abusive father, but is also haunted by the trauma and grief of seeing his mother die in front of him. It's absolutely heartbreaking to find out that like Dan Oh, his “set up” isn’t who he truly is. In reality, he’s spent the last ten years of his life in love with Dan Oh and that he simply had to hate her because the writer wrote his character like that. In fact, the one thing Baek Young was absolutely sure about was that Dan-Oh was the only person that ever loved him. When it seems like he and Dan Oh can have the fairy tale ending that she’s always wanted , its devastating to see him painfully and reluctantly come to terms with the fact that such an ending would be a lie because the real “Dan-Oh” never loved him and any of the memories  they ever shared together was her acting out a part. 
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Themes: For a show about a bunch of lovestruck teenagers, this show gets pretty deep. The comic book set up and an invisible writer in many ways serve as a microcosm of the real world. The show challenges us to grapple with our own conceptions regarding fate and reality. Do we truly have the ability to take control over our lives or are we simply living a life that’s been handed down and written for us by others? Is the “writer” in our own life, societal expectations that have conditioned us to act a certain way even if that way truly oppresses us? Are we, like Baek Young, viewing our lives through rose tinted glasses and failing to accept reality? Do we deceive ourselves in our relationships with others simply because we crave the sense of stability? 
Repetition: The repetitive nature of the plot is such a big minus to the show and weakens the overall plot. Towards the end of the show, it was obvious that the creators are running out of ideas. The last few episodes honestly feel like a blur with Baek Young repeating the same lines over and over again like a broken record. You start to wonder if the show writers like the manhwa writer struggle to write good dialogues and have simply resorted to reusing the same scenes. Even the romantic fluff gets nauseating towards the end simply because its over done and it does nothing to move the plot forward cause its does nothing but reinforce the fact that the two leads like each other.
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Dan-Oh Losing Out to Haru and Baek Young Rivalry: There was something really empowering about Dan Oh trying to break stereotypes and wanting to take control over her own destiny. However, the show is especially disappointing when Dan-Oh’s character simply fades in comparison to the two main male characters, Haru and Baek Young. The show creators for some reason decide that they’re gonna devote the last third of the show to Baek Young and Haru absolutely hating each other simply because they love the same woman. Dan Oh quickly becomes reduced to an object and the show really  becomes more about two guys trying to one up each other about who really has the power to change Dan Oh’s life, when the only person who really should be trying to change her life and create her own story is Dan Oh. 
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Ending: The ending of this simply does not make any sense. There were clear technical rules about how the world works and was established by the writers in the plot. So, it absolutely does not make sense how the ending was possible with these technical limitations put in place by the show creators. Also, I would have wanted the ending scene to be longer or even extended into an epilogue.
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red-elric · 5 years
who is the softest and sappiest sohma boy in your opinion?
wowieee thats a toughie! its a defining character trait of all sohma boys to be soft and sappy lmao. top contenders, i think, would be kyo, haru, momiji, hatori, and kureno for sure.
haru i think is out, because while he is super sweet, his vibe is more intentionally flirtatious than overwhelmed by soft emotion, in my opinion. he doesnt exactly scream “would do anything for his wife(/boyfriend lmao)” like some of these others do; his brand is more edgy cause hes goth.
momijis out too, because my personal interpretation of momiji is that, despite his cutesy charms, hes really harboring deep frustration and irritation with his situation and certain members of his family. he loves very deeply, but hes not really the type to deliver cheesy, romantic lines like the next couple guys.
kureno, i know, some people might not care to hear about, but weve been soft about kureno/uo (kurenuo) on the discord lately so! kureno is the kinda guy whos just hopelessly devoted to his wife. he believes she can do anything wholeheartedly, and he respects her and everything she does. HOWEVER, because this is about the sohma boys, thats just a minimum requirement to be considered as being sappy and soft. hatori and kyo pass these standards with ease.
hatori is a big soft doofus! he fell in love wholeheartedly not once, but twice, and never once considered doing anything but right to them. hes the type to write love poetry about his wife, and to cry in the shower about being an awful, disgusting man for like. wanting to kiss them lmao. hes very very very good about being soft and sappy, but unfortunately, i have to give the title of sappiest, softest sohma boy to.....
kyo! this boy is absolutely RIDICULOUS in love. he drinks respect women juice every day and thinks fuck boy yuki is a monster for thinking about women lasciviously. kyo sohma writes sonnets every time tohru breathes, and would rather die than make her even the slightest bit sad or uncomfortable. he can barely stand to be around her without bursting into a speech about how much he loves her, he cries at their wedding (and every other wedding they attend--hes a soft boy), and hes a total sucker for their kids.
honorable mentions--because every sohma boy is sappy as hell!
-shigure “head pats” sohma, dedicated to accidentally adopting all the kids that run in and out of his house, been in love with the same girl since her birth, cant imagine life without her anymore
-ayame sohma, the king who found someone who shared his interests, attitude, and general life policy, and had the brains to not tell akito about her, like all the other sohma dumbasses
-yuki “fuck boy” sohma, who is a strong believer in respecting women by pleasuring them, and is very soft for his mom! his love language is taking the piss out of his partner and then ruthlessly defending them the moment someone else tries to.
-hiro sohma, the soft soft boy who has found the person he wants to love and cherish for the rest of his life and intends to do right by her. hes a little awkward, but hes got the spirit, and one day hell be a wonderful prince for kisa.
all the sohmas are sweethearts, of course; i love these boys with all my heart! thanks for the ask, anon!
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majalahforbes-blog · 6 years
Olivia Newton-John Kembali Didiagnosa Mengidap Kanker
Forbes - Penyanyi asal Australia Olivia Newton-John kini tengah berjuang melawan kanker. Olivia yang tenar berkat film 'Grease' (1978) ini mendapat vonis kanker untuk ketiga kali dalam hidupnya. Dalam sebuah wawancara, Newton-John berkata dokter menemukan tumor pada dasar tulang belakangnya. Vonis ini membuat ia harus menjalani terapi medis lewat radiasi dan terapi herbal dengan penggunaan minyak ganja. "Saya masih mengobatinya, dan saya sedang mengobatinya secara alami dan berjalan dengan sangat baik," kata dia dikutip dari AFP. Sebelumnya, Newton-John pernah divonis menderita kanker payudara pada 1992 tetapi ia mampu melawannya. Sedangkan vonis kedua berupa kanker pada pundak di 2013.  Olivia masih menjalani pengobatan dengan radiasi, juga terapi natural dengan menggunakan minyak kanabis atau ganja. California melegalkan penanaman ganja dalam jumlah tertentu untuk keperluan pengobatan.  "Dia (sang suami, John Easterling) membuatkan campurannya. Sulit diungkapkan, ini membantu saya," kata penyanyi 69 tahun ini. Newton-John merasa beruntung tinggal di wilayah yang melegalkan ganja dan memiliki suami yang telaten merawatnya. Ia pun berharap Australia bakal mengadopsi aturan serupa. "Mimpi saya bahwa di Australia segera, ini akan tersedia untuk semua pasien kanker dan orang melalui kanker yang menyebabkan rasa sakit," kata dia.  Di Australia, pengobatan dengan ganja merupakan sesuatu yang legal asal dengan resep dari dokter. Namun tak semua wilayah memiliki aturan yang sama terkait ini.  Sementara itu, pelantun 'Hopelessly Devoted to You' ini dikabarkan sempat mengalami hilang harapan. Namun dia tetapi berpikir positif. "Ada banyak hal. Saya manusia. Sehingga jika saya membiarkan diri saya pergi ke sana, saya dapat dengan mudah menciptakan bahwa, kamu tahu, ketakutan besar," ucapnya. Read the full article
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angelxtwins · 3 years
Permanent starter call for Haruki Hisakawa! Just drop a like and specify who you want it for if you're a multi, or hop in my DMs if you wanna plot!
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angelxtwins · 3 years
gladiolus : describe a moment from your muse’s life that they will never forget . for muse of choice
( I'll answer this last one for Haru!
Now I could very easily put in any traumatic event in his life, buuuut I think instead I'll talk about the day that he got his cat, Cabbage!
Well, there was a few weeks leading up to this where he would follow Haru home from school (he was 13 at the time), but there was one final day where he just couldn't resist anymore, and he finally went and asked Blake, and... She just couldn't say no. Naming him was definitely all Haru though, he got so excited he just said the first thing that came to mind and they just went with it. )
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angelxtwins · 3 years
Listening Now: Haru
"𝘠𝘦𝘢𝘩, 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥'𝘴 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘶𝘱 𝐵𝓊𝓉 𝐼'𝓂 𝒻𝒶𝓁𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓇𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝒷𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝒾𝓃 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝒷𝑒𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓋𝑒 𝔇𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔦𝔫 ℓιgнт, ℓιgнт, ℓιgнтѕ."
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