#Hope lots of ppl like this cuz I'm really happy with it ^w^
digitalvoidheart · 2 years
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Lineless art of CC!Ccino and a new fact about witches in the au!
"Witches have to expel their magic periodically or the buildups may inflict damage on them and reduce the chance of staying immortal."
(would've added more flowers but I got tired and restless)
I'm really happy with how this piece turned out so that's why I added a bigger uglier watermark. Sorry. No want theft even if idk if my art is gold to other ppl XP
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OG Ccino from fluffytale belongs to black-nyanko
Cat's cradle au belongs to @help-im-a-gay-fish @yuriyuruandyuraart and me
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firstdivisiongirl · 6 months
ok i'll just drop some background info abt myself here :33
i'm aromantic + nonbinary, i am an entp 7w6 and i'm a pisces !! i like to draw, listen to music (either metal or just mainstream music i listen to whatever atp) and dance in my freetime !! :3
based on my personality ::
my friends tend to tell me that i'm the embodiment of the quote "dont judge a book by its' cover" cuz on the outside i act like a full on metalhead and really passive aggressive but at home i sleep next to a whole tower of plushies 💀🙏 and i collect stickers of silly little cats and otters (not my fault that they're so cute oml) i'm usually the clown of the group !! i tend to be hyperactive but my emotions change a lot- one second talking to me is like trying to get a toddler to pay attention to your teacher and the other is like trying not to get bitten by a rabid dog (my friend's words not mine). i tend to be a loud mouth srry . . . i do try to be quiet if necessary but if i get excited when talking i am a walking speaker . . . i get rlly excited if my favorite things are mentioned ?! like i would get rlly happy, smiley and would talk about it until i forget to breathe !! i like to consume horror media ?? idk if i can say that without sounding like an edgelord sobsob im sorry . . . i just love consuming those types of media (as a former kid w unsupervised access to the internet-) and i tend to ramble abt them along w other philosophical topics !! i like to discuss abt meaning of life, whether there are other universes, abt the capabilities of the human mind, etc. they're just so interesting!!! :] i guess im proud to say that my best trait is my humor 😋 maybe im overconfident abt this one cuz i just have pretty dumb sense of humor if im being honest frfr i tend to say things out of context . . . i like terrorizing my friends by saying the most outrageous things and overexaggerating them for the fun of it :333 though sometimes i kinda mean what i say
for my ideal partner ::
i'd say i would like someone who's fun to be around but at the same time they gotta be interesting for me to find them fun . . . like they gonna have smth to them that makes me wanna observe them like they're a lab rat being experimented on and being put under observation :33 ppl like that make me wanna see whats inside them and how they see the world around them !! i just love those kinds of ppl aaaaa ik im overdramatic for this one but like . . . i need someone who can handle me- as in my emotions and sometimes my way of loving . . . cuz if i did love someone, i would obsess over them and would dream of dying w them out of euphoria cuz being w my partner is the only thing that keeps me alive and human 😞 i wanna feel genuine happiness and pure bliss w my partner so thats why after that i think we should die together, that way we both know that finally we lived our life to the fullest (in my pov, 'the fullest' means you finally reach the climax of ur happiness/u live to the moment where you're the happiest you've ever been) (idk if that makes sense but that has always been my fantasy LAWD IM RAMBLING) need someone whos as crazy as i am :333 if he aint insane i dont want him fr i need to make him worse /j
i think thats all abt me :333 pls take ur time and make sure to put urself first btw !! aside from that, its ok if you ignore this one cuz at the end of the day its up to u <333 have a wonderful day/night mwah you're super cool
Hello! Of course you can have a matchup. Thank you for the kindness. I would like to warn you that I picked a somewhat controversial character. I hope you like it!
You Got...
Tetta Kisaki!!!
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If boy can handle the chaos the is Shuji Hanma, he can handle you!
You wanted crazy...
Would love to see you smile when you get super excited about something! His favorite thing is to see the person he loves happy.
He is really really smart. So you would have very intellectual and philosophical discussions.
Would love that you aren't all you seem. Because he is the same way. You two can be badasses when out, but totally different when it is just the two of you (and Hanma sometimes when he is being Hanma and not leaving you all alone.)
Movie date nights. He'd let you pick it. If you're happy, he's happy.
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destinyc1020 · 7 months
I think V prob does feel a type of way about her almost 10 yr relationship ending, they were together for so long. He is now the more "famous" one, so she sees him more on her screen, and who knows how they actually broke up. And he might feel a way about it too, he just smart enought to nt talk about it a lot lol. I always wonder if they wuld get back together cuz they genuinely seemed lik a couple that was best friends, bt i dmt think so.
V seems lik the type of person who seems extremly extroverted, mayb a more "look at me!" kinda person n i think Cole is the type of man to nt care/let things slide. I think she also values her personal live>>>> career. Austin seems to b at a point where he values his career a lot right now, since hes prob getting offered srcripts that he wants. He seems more introverted than Kaia (who i think is extroverted lik V, bt just isnt as "loud" as her, if that makes sense), imo, bt ppl just care about his career more than hers. Kaia is young, trying to b a actress n prob just happy to date a Oscar nominee tbh. They both are with partners who, imo, make sense given how they are rn (if they last with those partners is another story)
I think V prob does feel a type of way about her almost 10 yr relationship ending, they were together for so long. He is now the more "famous" one, so she sees him more on her screen, and who knows how they actually broke up. And he might feel a way about it too, he just smart enought to nt talk about it a lot lol.
Yea, that's definitely very true.
I always wonder if they wuld get back together cuz they genuinely seemed lik a couple that was best friends, bt i dmt think so.
You know what Anon?? Before V got married I was actually kinda just hoping that she and Austin would have reconciled just once more for old time's sake lol. Kind of like the same thing I wanted for Tomdaya. I just wanted to see if they could work things out again, under CURRENT circumstances and where they are in their lives right now.
I guess I'm just a hopeless romantic, and they seemed really close and in love w/each other at one time, so I just kinda wondered if they would have been able to work things out and reconcile.
But given how V has behaved, I don't see that ever being a possibility now lol. If she had kept it classy and cute and just not said anything about him or the breakup, I would have said YES for sure there was a chance (they were together for nearly 9 years lol). But now?? Naaah lol.... And of course, she's already married now anyway, so that's a done deal. 😅
V seems lik the type of person who seems extremly extroverted, mayb a more "look at me!" kinda person n i think Cole is the type of man to nt care/let things slide. I think she also values her personal live>>>> career.
So very true! YEa, V is very extroverted (probably why she and Austin got along so well for so long), and I think she tends to gravitate more towards guys who are more low-key, more introverted than her, and allow her to SHINE. She def seems to love being in control, given that she seems to like younger guys lol. 😅
Austin seems to b at a point where he values his career a lot right now, since hes prob getting offered srcripts that he wants. He seems more introverted than Kaia (who i think is extroverted lik V, bt just isnt as "loud" as her, if that makes sense), imo, bt ppl just care about his career more than hers.
Yea, Austin seems to be way more settled and WAY happier in his career now days. :) Kaia swears she's shy and introverted, so I don't think she's an extrovert Anon lol. 😅
Kaia is young, trying to b a actress n prob just happy to date a Oscar nominee tbh.
They both are with partners who, imo, make sense given how they are rn (if they last with those partners is another story)
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I want my match from jjk too pls pla plssss!!! I will love u 4 ever I swear! and I'll be rly happy pleasee take my request !🐁🐁🐁🫀
so I'm 19 old ,153 cm tall(don't laugh pls) I have dark brown simi curly hair abd dark briwn wide big eyes and a baby face + I'm brown (Ah I'm not a pick me I'm tryin to be presice ) ummm I'm so talkative and annoying I don't judge anyone cuz frankly Idgaf . I hate ppl I'm an extrover tho I like to spend time w my close friends+ I hate havibg big friebds group
I'm sarcastic,funny,kind but don't show it just act on it ( cuz I want too not that I'm too kind) not much of a Sympathetic ah and I love my truma! Make me funny yay!
I don't talk about my feelings and I can't cry I hate looking weak ( cuz I think I'm from the inside) but I get hurt easily
I hate asking for help I'd rather do it myself + I don't beed pol yet I want someone who will be by me whatever happend or I do . umm yeah my love lanhuage is phyisical touch abd tge ithers ( words of sth and quality time) and about reseaving I want phyisical touch mostly * ofc w the others( am I greedy? Will anyway)
I'm a virgo and my mbti is entp( pls don't cancel ppl w same mbti as me when u choose!) oh + ppl say I'm rly wierd and still shocked for at least couple of months after meeting me but wierd in an interesting way
sorry Ik it's a lor but pleasssee!🍓🍓🍓🍓🍉🍉🍉🍉👾👾👾👾👾 ag If it's more tgen obe can u say em all
(HEHEHE WOW YOU’RE REALLY EXCITED- Anyways I hope you enjoy this!!)
I match you with..
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Gojo Satoru
- You guys always have something to talk about. Conversations with you two never ever gets boring.
- He tries to convince you to get a bigger friend group but if you really hate it that much then he’ll respect that.
- He will be there with you through everything no matter what obstacles you have to go through, he may not be the greatest at using his words but he tries. He makes up for it by giving you lots and lots of physical affection.
- Whenever he sees you he likes to sneak up on you and scare you (then he’ll act like it’s the funniest thing ever)
- If you’re being sarcastic, he likes to jokingly mock you with the biggest smirk on his face.
- Tries to help you to express your feelings to him more because he doesn’t want you to suffer all alone.
- Let’s say if you somehow twisted your ankle or something he’ll be taking care of you. For example, carrying you places, getting you whatever food you want, etc.
- He loves your funny personality so much and it becomes an intense competition on who can be the funniest.
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napping-sapphic · 10 months
thank you a lot for the forehead kisses n the drawing too💙💙
Who knows maybe I'll send you one too
Too bad anons can't send pics😕
Should I send anyway n let you see who I am?
Never thought of it
Mostly cuz I'm afraid of judgemental ppl
But I love nice interactions like w you✨😊
Mmm really don't know, whatcha think?
Huh I didn’t know you couldn’t send pictures anonymously, quite rude of tumblr tbh😤
And you can do whatever makes you happy/whatever you feel comfortable with :) I definitely get being more comfortable on anon so I don’t particularly mind or have a preference on whether or not people choose to interact with me on or off of it, it’s all the same to me :) and it’s nice interacting with you too😊❤️
Hope your days are going smoothly❤️💫
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sungbeam · 5 months
my meimei, im trying my best to come up with the right words cs im more of a listener than a comforter 🥹 one thing i can tell you is the way my heart immediately sank the other day when you were going through a lot, and you were away for a while. the number of times I've constantly thought of the ways I could comfort you best, and if there's anything I could do to help ease your pain and suffering, be it online or irl. i know being on this platform is hard, and as writers sometimes we can't help but care about the interactions, notes, etc. i get that. but if you ever need to take a step back to let loose for a little, do just that. we all need a little break from here after all.
i'll never stop emphasizing this, but you're one of the reasons i started writing myself. i could never bear the thought of you leaving forever (though i know eventually one day all of us will move on with our lives yes), but def not so soon. i could go on and on all day about how creative you are, how your writings have made so many ppl pick up starting their own writing blog, and the way you're literally the sweetest human being ever. if not, i don't think you would've thought of making deoboyznet.
you helped revived deobiblr beam, and i can never thank you enough for giving me the space and such a comfortable place to meet other writers, make friends, and even improve on my writing. you're just so passionate about what you do, and you're just like a firefly that just guides the community (ok idk why my brain came up with firefly but i thought of it in a cute way 😭)
you mean a lot to me, beam. here's to more adventures and talks, and ofc eventually meeting each other irl someday. i'm always here for you, no matter what.
hi jie hope u don't mind me posting this cuz ik u said u were shy 😭 but it didn't feel right to leave this in my inbox skfndjfn i just wanted to say that im really lucky to have a person in my life like u who's always looking out for me and caring abt how i am 😭 im sorry for all the worrying i put u thru but truly, im so thankful for u 🫂 ik sometimes i go radio silent, more often nowadays, but i hope u never take it personally.
also, thank u for the validation :')))) i feel like it's easy to doubt the impact someone has on other people, but im very happy to hear that my impact has been so positive on u and other people,,, i feel like at certain times it's so easy for me to fill w self doubt and it gets annoying for me and certainly others too 😭
but i hope u know that i appreciate ur kindness and patience w me all the time, and i love u very much jiejie 🫂💖
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baekhvuns · 11 months
Ok good news my mum said it fine to take a drop year like finally dude 😭😭 but the bad news is the job i told you about....i couldn't get it...cuz the aunt tht told me out didn't tell us how urgent it was like they needed an answer then and there if it was a yes or no, but of course emy parents took a lot of time to decide and when they called her she was like "oh now the slot is unavailable" 😭
Anyways whenever I'll get a job I will, but ykw I'm worried about now, a function is taking place in my house and well...I'm happy cuz I get to dress up BUT IK MY RELATIVES ARE GOING TO EAT ME UP WITH QUESTIONS AND IF I TELL THEM IM TAKING A YEAR OFF IMMA HV TO DEAL WITH THOSE JUDGY LOOKS 😭😭 I get what mum meant...but, I'll Def won't pay mind to it, but at this point, I'm preparing for that stupid test and honestly...I'm see no opportunities for like graphic designing and stuff as of now...or any other course I'd like to opt for but...I won't give up, I'll look for them and in the meantime I'm focusing on my language learning...yeah, but for some reason I've been really happy...idk but yeah 😭
AND WE'RE GOING TO THE WEDDING ON 14 JANUARY YAYYYY!!! CELEBRATIONS!! And before tht too I'm wearing suit to the function I told you about and it's not a new one it's my grandmothers...I'm HAPPY 😭
Ok so i HAD to talk abt this to you, so I've been tutoring my cousin, she's in 9th grade and yeah we've been having fun, but sometimes she...SHE HAS A SUPERIORITY COMPLEX OK? And well ok it shouldn't bother me but the way she says it ticks me off like the other day we were talking about this whole ethnic and traditional clothes thing and she legit said "well, you know traditional clothing doesn't suit you, you can't manage it" or something like "when you speak Punjabi you look really funny, even my mum said you don't know how to speak it"
Anyways, NAURRR you're so right PPL my age debuting is like 😭 LIKE WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING IN MY LIFE? WHY ARE WE STILL HERE? JUST TO SUFFER?
Omg yes, that actress is like a softer version of hema Malini THE EYELINER I WAS DED 😭 u r so right, the Indian fan base is so FRUSTRATING bcz they collectively make up a Karen fanbase really I'm not even kidding, like an actress gains weight they all go crazy, or they say oh she's had plastic surgery and stuff...It's so annoying honestly man
As a person who has no experience with lehnga I think I get what you're tryna say, the poofy lehengas the ones you gotta pick up and then move. Omg i just remembered something, the other day me and my mum were just talking about something and somehow we somehow started talking about relationships and my mum, my typical brown mum, was like "you better not have a bf, focus on your studies, when the time is right, you'll find someone, and blah blah" and i looked at her straight and the yes and I said "do you honestly believe i have the confidence TO FIND MYSELF A BF?" And she started laughing like 😭😭 I was like what? And she said you're right 😭😭😭
see for graphic designing, u can always start a etsy business where u sell prints (made in canva) and or templates, some of my friends do that as well as i so it does generate and make u practice ur skills! ofc focus on ur test, hope u pass w good grades 💓💓
WE WIN EITHER WAY???? we need pics (will priv the ask if u do send!) and details and everything
“how can u tell me my culture doesn’t suit me??” LMFAOOO PLS THIS EXACTLY FVWJDHWKHDKW like what’s the competition in speaking punjabi like 😭😭😭😭 see my mom raised me like “if they don’t like what u wear and point at it they’re just jealous they don’t do it better” SO U GET MY POINT JCJCJ
her eyeliner and looks were god tier, truly what an era of women and beauty 😩 omfg im so tired of the “she’s pregnant” bc she’s wearing LOSE CLOTHES OR HWS HER HAND ON HER STOMACH LIKE????? aunties ????? shaming aish for weight gain and then u click their pfp it’s “shalini nath, jai ma durga💖” ????? FAM????
i wore it once never again, the poof in it like gets stuck in between ur legs so there’s like poof stuck in ur thighs and u have to walk like a penguin truly the most frustrating night of my life and it was at a reception too 😭
LMFAOOOO NO CAUSE HRJWHDKW SAME LIKE THEY RLY THINK SAYING THAT WILL DO SOMETHING TO WHEN IT NEVER DOES like im amazed u have this thought that i have a lot of bf’s but miss girl that iz le not true <3
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mosviqu · 1 year
i didn't even have the motivation to check out the last song from them ngl💔💔very sad about them but maybe i will like it after watching music shows lmao i wont give up (fully) on the 03liners💔 WAITTTT TRUE HOW DID I FORGET ABOUT INTAK WHAT THE HECK I WAS SO HAPPY ABOUT HIM (and same i saw that they are having a cb and i was like:o i forgot about u guys:o) AN AMAZING CREW!!!! also would selfishly add enhypen sunoo he is a lovely 03 liner as well🥹 (idk know mcnd☹️☹️ i heard like 2-3 of their songs but i never checked them out☹️ BUT IM HAPPY THERE IS AN 03 LINER IN THERE!!!)
IT IS IMPORTANT BUT IM STILL NOT SURE IF ITS 100% TRUE😭 i love keeho so much like that was the point where i was like yeah u are going to be my fav from here!! seeing the screenshots of it still makes me laugh so much
i can imagine that😭 my sister was in the exact same situation as u💀
IT WAS!!!! dino is lovely and i would love to see u being his body guard ngl🤣 I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY THEY DIDNT DO IT💔💔just such a big heartbreak💔💔ALSO TALKING ABOUT TREASURE DID U HEAR THE SNIPPET HE POSTED OF A SONG??? it sounds very great imo
I CAN SO RELATE TO THAT!!! english is so hard without english classes i never realized that till now💔 i only talk in english with my sister but it's a mess i even just struggle to put together sentences now😭 writing my replies takes so much brain cells from me so i always just pray that u will get what i'm trying to say even if it's not correct lmao🥸 RECORDING VLOGS IS SO MUCH FUN!! i did it for a while and it was so amazing so i recommend it only sent them to my bestie but it was actually so funny😭 THE BRITISH PEOPLE GOT US REAL HARD💔
(AHHH THANK U SO MUCH;-; I APPRECIATE IT!!! HANBIN!!! I HOPE U WILL HAVE MORE MOMENTS OVER HIM LMAO HE IS VERY GREAT😌 although be careful with asking me about zbone members cuz idk three of them;-; but working on it🤞 and u can tag me or message me ofc i dont mind🥹💕) (liebestraum anon🥳💕)
LITERALLYYYY i saw a tiktok where it compared all the other dances where its a member x woman (ten or baek) and it said "so this is okay, but this isnt?" showing enha and the comments were like "we are the problem" LMAO so at least they are self-aware.
no because i was really disappointed too >:(( but the title track still slaps i said what i said. watched them perform it too and they have cute bubbly vibes i am heartbroken for the lack of interest from my side. NO BC WHEN I STARTED BIASING INTAK AND REALISED HE WAS A 03 LINER I HAD A MENTAL BREAKDOWN. ((still am a jiung girlie at heart tho). i am really excited for their cb tho it sounds amazing!!! HOW DID I FORGET ABOUT SUNOO WHAT THE FUCK AAAAAAAAAA IM SO SORRY he's my fav 03 liner. ((there are actually 2 03 liners in mcnd but i forgot the other one LMAO i honestly cant remember their names anymore but i had a very short mcnd phase lol. all i know is that i'd die for minjae thats all)
i would honestly be a good bodyguard bc i have a lot of rage in me. like i could fully fight someone if i was mad enough LMAOO. everything for dino baby <3 I DID SEE THE SNIPPET I LOST MY SHIT LOWKEY HIGHKEY I AM SO EXCITED AAAAAAA
i mean english isnt really hard for me if we are talking abt writing and stuff but speaking out loud is more difficult if you don't regularly do it >:( dont worry we are on the same wavelength i always know what u mean w your replies AHAH sometimes i speak in eng w my roommate bc she is an english major (she only picked the major bc of me and then i ended up doing psychology so i owe her this bc her english isnt as good as mine) I USED TO RECORD VLOGS W MY BROTHER but we never posted them thank god. i'm still down to do it honestly its so fun LMAO
hanbin.......i looked up his name on tiktok once and now my fyp is filled with him and im so in love he's so cute and adorable and sweet like i saw clips of ppl giving him letters and how much he loves getting them and even asked if anyone has letters for him please zb1 fans give him letters!!!!!! no bc i only know ricky, hanbin, zhang hao and matthew :,) but the more i see them on my fyp the more i am convinced to stan once they debut like i legit debated on watching boys planet yesterday bc i lowkey like survival shows but when i found out the eps are 2 hours long i decided to just....not...do that...
also a small update on the tbz recs i did some progress and i really liked diamond life and survive the night :p i have like 11 songs left from the ones u recommended LMAO but yeah i loved those two
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rrxnjun · 2 years
tbh i love when people tell me their fav artists/music cuz i feel like i just learn a lot about them or like get to know what they are like. and also i just love it when people say/throw in something that i wouldn't expect them to say it's just so fun!!! AND YES TOTALLY AGREE WITH IR TAKE UR MUSIC SHOULD MAKE U HAPPY!!! ahh i love jack manifold he is actually one of the coolest and funniest people out there his streams are just🤌 (okay cool might be a reach but.. /j)
idk my friend says she just skips a lot of parts from episodes with the ones she doesn't like but even if i like or obsess over a show i just can't get my self to finish it (me with the owl house rn;-;) so that method (?) just doesn't help me out😭😭 yeahhh i looked up what it was actually about after i sent the ask cuz i was curious and i didn't really remember hearing about the movie and then i kinda regretted the way i phrased my question🥲but i'm glad it wasn't that bad of a movie!! IM SO HAPPY U KNOW THEM!!! TRUE R5 STAN ISTG😌😌 red velvet is just such a great song i was so obsessed with ittttt but their music just slaps in general
ooo dammnnn slovak drama:oo but i might look up a translation for the song then cuz now im curious:o (and also thank u still for telling me about this song i vibed so hard to it while writing my essays) i feel like slovak arists like them have to be outthere somewhere they might just not be that well know or something but if there actually isn't at all i hope there will be soon!!!!!
YEAH IM SO SAD ABOUT IT☹️but i think it might be better cuz i just have too much school work rn to just go on a trip☹️☹️☹️ PRETTY BUILDINGS ARE THE BEST THERE IS SO MANY OF THEM IN BUDAPEST AND I TAKE A PIC RVERYTIME I SEE A PRETTY ONE ITS THE BEST EVER ITS NOT A WEIRD OBSESSION!!!! and i really hope i will be able to visit the city another time☹️☹️☹️
it won't really be easier until like the end of june so i just hope i survive;-; but thank u though 💞💓💕 and i hope u have a nice and lovely day as well!!!🥳💖💘
(also i saw that tell me who u ship me with post and i just want to say like many other people did that u and haechan would just be very powerful🫢🫢hoping for ur baekhyun concert date with him🫡) (liebestraum anon💕💓)
EXACTLY!!! music taste says so much about a person. and wild unexpected music tastes are so fun like i have a friend that listened to exclusively heavy metal but then played lucifer by shinee on aux and i was like um....what in the- also jack manifold is so dear to me i dont watch his streams but his existence in other ppls videos is always so comedic i love him
WHY WOULD U SKIP PARTS IN EPISODES WHATS EVEN THE POINT OF WATCHING THEN??? thats the same as forcing yourself to watching something 😭😭 if i hate something i just stop bc life is too short yknow what i mean. AND ITS OK u dont have to know abt it djdjdj but i get your concern 😶
AAA if u really want the translation i can translate for u 🥳 i think i looked up the translation for a friend before and wasnt pleased w it bc it didnt really fit the energy so im just gonna do it myself to give the lyrics justice AHAHA if youre interested ofc! glad it helped w essays 😌😌 i physically cant listen to music when writing essays bc then i cant focus so i applaud you HAHA and you are right there must be artists like that here but idk them:((( im gonna try looking for some to appreciate my home country more
I WANNA GO TO BUDAPEST I WAS TALKING ABT THIS W MY FRIEND THE OTHER DAY WHEN WE WERE MAKING PLANS FOR THE SUMMER‼‼ i said i wanna take a train there and just look around and shit she didnt seem convinced but im gonna do it anyway so feel free to be my tour guide we should meet up actually
awh i hope june comes fast for u!! i am chilling rn ((even tho i have 6 essays to write until the end of april) but then i have exams may-jun so i get the stress😩😩 im rooting for u mwah!!
IM SCREAMING. CRYNG. EVERYONE SHOULD STOP TELLING ME THEY SHIP ME W HYUCK BECAUSE I SIMPLY CANNOY DEAL. me @ hyuck: baekhyun concert date when?? or we can just make out in your room and listen to the bambi album instead i dont mind either-
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capnhanbers · 2 years
was rereading JoaT for the 38383 time and holy cow i just read the most recent chapter and Holy Cow. Holy Beef. Holy Mcnuggets dunked in bbq sauce, if you will.
i just wanna say before i dive in that that i, alone w a lot of other readers im Sure, see myself in naya, like. not just physically but in the way she handles her trauma and how it still shows in the way she interacts with the outside world. i guess its the reason this fic has become soo much more than just a haha silly undertale x reader fic? its just so much more to me and i can't thank you enough for writing this beautiful story and continuing to make those SICK ass comics and bringing it all to life and just making these beloved characters so fleshed out in your own way!?!?!? what u have is GOD given my dude
and yeah that last chapter was just so good. it was so good. i remember first reading this fic back when undertale fics were still active n stuff and the big R word was never really mentioned in terms of what happened to naya and seeing it written, said in the open, fleshed out and in front of rachel?! that was probably the coolest character development ive ever seen in terms of ppl with trauma because you NEVER contextualize it. ever. not with words or definitions or anything. to the victim its something that happened and something that sucked but still happened. seeing naya actually speak it and confirm that what she went through WAS indeed that made me have to put my phone down (yes i was reading on my phone like a neanderthal) and just. i rushed to ur acc to tell u that ure doing something good. it may not be groundbreaking or revolutionary on a worldwide scale, but i think its worth knowing that youvr brought someone to tears with your writing :) i seriously hope you feel proud of yourself for this amazing character you've made who so many can resonate with. i had more to sau but this is getting embarrassingly long and i feel like im droning and bejng repetitive jsfjjdfj BUT YEAH!
ok........i always, like, just,,,, i sometimes hesitate getting too mushy with my own shit cuz cmoon it's fanfic i shouldn't take it so serious but....man? this? is exactly what I'm going for, and reading this made me tear up
i KNOW a bunch of ppl see themselves in naya and i want anyone who does to read this growth and indulge in it and. like... this is something that happened to her. she's saying it out loud. but it doesn't disqualify her from being a force of fucking nature.
I JUST TH-THANK U thank you for dropping by to send this I'm so happy you liked it I'm so happy you're reading, all the best 🦅🦅🦅
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shoezuki · 3 years
(twitter bullshit ahead) So the reason why ranboo was uncharacteristically quiet in today's stream was because he was taking his final. The amount of tweets I saw that were getting excited over ranboo being quiet "because he didnt want to stream or talk to techno" were too much and it came across as brainless. I understand ranboo has the spine of a grass blade, and he cares too much about his twitter fanbase specifically, but I'm happy he made tweet, (even if it isnt that deep of a tweet) so no false info would spread about why he was quiet.
I used to watch ranboo all the time because I thought he was a cool dude and an awesome streamer, but seeing him care too much about what his fans think of him (sometimes dude cares more about his public image than dream istg) and seeing him avoid talking/interacting with his "problematic" friends makes me just not interested to watch him anymore if all he cares about is the opinions of the worst side of twitter. At the bare minimum, at least he still has a close public friendship with phil
oh yea i feel you tbh like. yea i feel you. i honestly like. dont watch ranboo so much anymore either n i Still Like him a lot but most of all i feel bad for him
hes like. his fans have very heavily forced him into this sort of White Knight persona with him being Perfect and like that shit interpreting anything he does as 'proof' he hates those Nasty Bigoted ccs like techno. truly hes treated like a puppet by them n they jus bend him however he likes
i WOULD love for him to just. tell them off bluntly. but he really DOES care so fuckin much bout how hes perceived kinda like dream is in a similar regard. probably jus w how Huge he blew up so quickly. and its So obvious he has such insane anxiety w that like i recall that stream he had 'addressing' those jokes of him dressing like a lesbian and like. shit dude it was hard to listen to like he was So Fucked up by this non issue
to me it feels like he walks on eggshells. by makin a tweet to explain hes Just Tired he Obviously sees the ppl 'theorizing' that he fuckin hates techno n like. he Sees That Shit. but doesnt want to flat out be like 'stop that techno's my friend' so he says other things in the same efforts. n like part of me would LOVE him to jus flatout be like Technos my Homie. but also he shouldnt Have To.
altho like i HOPE we get more a them together in streams. n im expectin such considerin techno got Lore Plans now n dear god i Want the ranboo n tehcno duo together more. both cuz Good and maybe to stick it to those fuckers.
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trixabke · 2 years
Hi! Saw your matchups open and I was wondering if I could get a romantic matchup for HQ? I'm a 5'8-ish girl with Southeast Asian features though I would sometimes be mistaken as East Asian at certain angles. I have long, straight black hair but has like this natural wave at the bottom and dark brown eyes that look closer to black. A bit chubby, but I've been losing weight mostly for health reasons but it does affect what my body looks like (I've been successful thus far!!!). I wear glasses and usually have an alt sense of style, dark makeup, heavy eyeliner, almost all black clothing (ocassional white, navy, maroon, but mostly black). My pronouns are she/they and I'm bisexual male-leaning. I'm an INTP enneagram 5w6 tritype 539, my zodiac sign is Pisces, and my hobbies mostly fall on the artistic side of the scale like drawing, writing, some arts and crafts, but I also like maths (aiming to be an architect bc it's a combo of art and maths) and research (research includes personality types if you can't tell from me giving my mbti up to tritype). I prefer reading to watching because I get bored when I watch movies (I fell asleep during End Game, it was an accident). I'm a social introvert and I'm only talkative or loud when I'm comfortable in a situation, but my social battery drains fast. Most people say I'm cold and scarily professional the first time they meet me, not to mention unreadable (my facial expressions are,,, not too readable, they usually listen to the tone of my voice for clues), but people closest to me say I'm the chillest, most laid-back person with a funny sense of humour that can talk their ear off. I've only ever gotten angry twice in my life and people prefer to avoid pushing me that far bc they said I'm scary when I'm actually angry and not just irritated or annoyed, but they also avoid getting me irritated or annoyed bc they also say my glare is scary. An addition bc I think this may help, people probably don't know if I don't like them because I don't make aggressively snappy comments towards them or hint at it, I simply ignore their whole existence and move on. My ideal type would definitely be someone who at least has the same level of maturity as me or even more and a capable leader (I've always been one of the oldest people in my friend groups and I'm the oldest sibling so I had to lead and be in charge a lot, I don't like being in charge, I'm more of an advisor or right-hand man type of person), I would prefer someone who isn't too boisterous or obnoxious bc people like that drains my energy too much. I most definitely steer myself away from immature and childish people because it forces me into a role I don't want. Maybe someone loyal and understanding would be an ideal as well because well, those two are the bare minimum if I have to be honest. Last but not least in this long ass ask, my love language is mostly quality time with a mix of physical touch (I usually don't like being touched or touching other than people who I see in a romantic and intimate light). Wowhee this is longer than my to-do list for the next five years, hope this much information helps!! Be aware that I'm fasting and have only slept like 4 and a half hrs beforehand. Thank you in advance if you answer my ask! No pressure to get it done quickly. Stay hydrated and healthy!! (This is also one of the first times I'm sending an ask without anon on and I'm kinda,,, nervous lol).
HIII, this was like so sweet :) also, if ur cool w it, u should tell me more abt the tritype thing cuz when I googled it, it seemed really cool. I love the long asks; they literally bring a smile to my face, and I'm so happy u interacted dw u did perfect! NGL, I love ppl w glasses, so u have a soft spot in my heart now <3
(also, the how u guys met part is so long I'm sorry)
(romantic) I match you with...
you guys probably met at a party..like just:
ok so one of your friends probably had a rough day and really wanted to go to this party, and even though u were tired, u wanted to make them happy and caved
they promised to stay away from super huge crowds as a way of thanking you
bokuto happened to convince akaashi to go to that same party
akaashi doesn't really like parties much, but he goes to mediate boktuo
He probably is trying to find bokuto a bathroom (bless the poor man) and like walks into a room of you and your friend + a couple other ppl and is like, YOOO??
because to others, you might blend in, but in his eyes, you stand out
and as the door opens, your eyes move from the conversation to him like staring into the depths of his soul, and he is half scared but also like can't take his eyes off of you because he just thinks ur so perfect
is interrupted when bokuto comes up and jumps on akaashi and announces he did indeed find a place to piss!!
akaashi just leaves, but his mind keeps wandering back to u
then, like god was listening, he sees you sitting down listening to your friends talk and is like admiring you because you look so pretty listening to ur friends talk
ur friend prob notices u getting a little overwhelmed and lets u go back home and thanks u for spending time with them
BUT before you leave, bokuto asks your friend for their number
ok ik, this doesn't make sense, but like: bokuto is not very observant, BUT when his best friend looks, so content watching u (not in a creepy way istg), he knows what he has to do
texts ur friend later and sends akaashi's number to them and tells them to send it to you
ALTHOUGH- I see this as the night akaashi met you, like, something you don't remember but something he always will
u planned to meet up after a little bit, and one day, he just said he liked you, then u just didn't respond because what?? and then u text him a couple days later saying u like him back, and it becomes official (bokuto is really proud of himself for this and tells akaashi he owes him for being so great)
Akaashi has had to deal with bokuto a lot, but I think he enjoys being able to take care of people (don't get me wrong, he loves to be praised and have compliments, he may seem calm, but on the inside, it couldn't be more different)
he understands that u need someone to be there for you instead of you being there for everybody else
he also notices everything, the signs when your social battery is running low, when you start to feel stressed and back away, or after you have just had to be emotional or in a vulnerable situation and just need to be alone
he can tell anything just by the way you blink, no matter how expressive or unexpressive you are
he likes to think very logically as well and knows the right balance of emotion to bring in, especially with you, and when he makes a mistake, he learns from it
sorry from him really does mean sorry, and he will make an effort not to do that same thing again
he also really loves that you enjoy math, him being more of a literature person
it's like a really subtle thing, but in his head, the contrast is so cool [idk if u know what this is, but it's called the olive theory (if you don't, it should be on youtube; just search up like the olive theory from how I met your mother, there is a TikTok sound that has it w like music and I think that one matches the best) but I feel like to him it's that kind of energy, like something that doesn't mean a lot to others, but it's really special to him]
(plz ignore that I just wrote a whole fucking essay on that bullet; I just felt very strongly abt that)
also does really simple little acts for you
like washing your glasses when he gets up in the morning, but always washing them with hot water, so they feel nice and warm when you put them on
if he's at the store and remembers that your toothpaste was running low, he will buy you some
the dates would be pretty chill, probably just the 2 of you somewhere private
like, sitting outside and he's reading while you draw until it gets dark and then stargazing together
if he hears you talking about something a lot, he will probably try and plan it or buy it and surprise you
there is a baseline of maturity in your relationship you both really respect
just a comfortable, safe, and understanding relationship of you both trying to better yourself for each other!
Yours is so long, oml anyway. I really hope u liked this. I had a lot of fun writing this so ty for sending a rec, and if u see any spelling errors, no, u didn't :)
do not steal my work and claim it as your own
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secretsappyabode · 2 years
Howdy Tiff I adore you so much thank you for your sweet words on my Ozymandias art ;----;✨🧡!!! It's still so stupid hot here so I'm really living in my fantasies with that art piece 😂
I wanted to ask, what season would you assign yourself, Ford, and Stan based on y'all's personalities alone? Please walk me through your reasonings 👀!!!!
Also! I can help you about the readmore situation! I didn't know how either till someone else told me; you just type :readmore: and then immediately, without making a space, hit enter/that arrow key (whatever you have to make a new line) so
:readmore:(immediately make a new line)
I hope that helps and I'm looking forward to reading your answer to my other ask! Happy travels✨🧡
Clover @tex-treasures
now I can get to work on that ask 😈
now for THIS one, heeheehoohoo this shall be a fun challenge
honestly?? it’s hard to pin point cuz we all go thru a lot of growth and change. but the closest I’m gonna get to accuracy is this:
ford is winter, stan is autumn and im spring
now, my reasons are mainly just “ ✨✨the vibes ✨✨” but I’ve got a couple of solid thoughts (i think)
ford and stan are more colder seasons mostly due to their pasts and attitudes in life. ford held a lot of bitterness and was pretty adverse to letting people into his life, (apart from stan, fiddleford and bill were his only friends.) one cld argue that ford shld be autumn cuz he’s focussed on changing the world for the greater good, but while his intentions were good, what he wrought was quite the opposite (because of bills manipulation)
THUS he blamed himself and drew into himself SO MUCH that he shut most ppl out to fix what he had done, and he suffered 30 years of crazy inter dimensional adventures. u cld say his life was pretty “cold” and “isolating”…..much like winter can be. BUT!!! there’s always time to sit near smth warm and get all cozy, and that alludes to him finally reuniting w his family and defeating bill, going on to live a happy life.
now STAN is autumn cuz that season reflects the “change” from warmer weather to cooler weather. this can symbolise Stan’s change in life when he got kicked out. from being a kid looking towards a happy childhood dream, to being a kid out in the harsh world with a broken heart and an impossible mission.
this also alludes back to the twins being both colder seasons, but autumn is next to warmer weather in the season roster. this can relate to how Stan is secretly a softie and his want/need to be loved by people, and that he’s one heartfelt convo away from opening up even just a little bit. meanwhile ford is a bit harder to crack. a bit colder.
now I’m spring, mostly because of the attitude i aim to deliver. spring is sometimes associated with “happier” things and often gets that praise for ending winter. the days get longer, flowers bloom, it snows and rains less, and warmer weather arrives. it cheers ppl up, and that’s smth my s/i likes to do. it’s a value of hers.
bad things may happen but i try to keep the optimism up, cuz someone’s gotta, right? and spring is all abt change too, but from cooler weather to warmer weather. This alludes to stan and I having a lot more similarities, two sides of the same coin sort of thing, while ford and I can be opposites in certain aspects of our personalities.
but our connection is still very strong and true, because the transition between winter and spring is ESSENTIAL in the rebirth of nature. and our opposites don’t clash, they blend!! like the seasons! speaking of rebirth, it basically means the cycle of life begins anew, giving things another chance. and that’s what my s/i believes in!!! and that’s what she encourages stan and ford to do with themselves and each other!! because there’s never a deadline to reconcile and forgive!! there’s always another chance, a new cycle, a new life!!! and that new chapter in their lives where they sail on their boat together, that’s their endgame!!! fresh and new!!
ALSO ford is blue, stan is red and I’m purple and THOSE COLOURS CAN RELATE TO OUR SEASONS!!!!
whew that was fun. ty sm again for the ask and for the help clover!! i appreciate u so much!!! 🥺🥺
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shyampyari · 3 years
Hey!! I have this best friend whom i met in ninth, and our relationship is smn that makes me so happy. We were best friends throughout ninth, and people kept shipping us. Like a lot. We didn't mind tho we were just vibing, we even started play flirting to mess w the ppl who shipped us. THEN in tenth we both ended up liking each other, but it never went anywhere cuz we both wanted to focus on studies bcuz boards. We don't like each other like that anymore but if she someday asked me to marry her i would say yes and i know that she feels the same about me.
She has a boyfriend whom she loves now and I'm SO genuinely happy for her and i hope that it works out fr her. Just seeing her so happy makes me jgkwifiwoftn really happy bcuz of certain things that happened last year and just. She's my best friend. I would die for her, but i also keep on living bcuz she's in my life. We're each other's ride or die for life. We agree that we're platonic soulmates, and that even though aren't romantically into each other we would still stick together forever thru thick n thin.
Sorry this got long but honestly i could write pages about our friendship.
I have very few relationships that mean as much to me as this one
omg im
platonic relationships>>>>>>> anything ever
This is not THE song but gave me soft vibes so pls <3
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idolshineitai · 3 years
(left a comment instead like an idiot so i'm re-asking sjjdjsjs) anyway who's ur fav in proseka
NO YOURE DEFINITELY NOT AN IDIOT i wouldve answered there but i saw this first ^w^ <3 OK!!!!! WEEELL!!!!!! i have many favs for different reasons i guess >:? ! It all kinda depends but here we go
i relate to: ena and minori!!!!!!!! i hc enanan as having bpd and i Really really understand her struggle w seeing her bandmates as her Besties and then her worsties you know. everyones out to get her and if they act in a way that hurts her its Obviously on purpose, everything relates to her feelings, and they all hate her and think shes not good enough secretly. whatever whatever. shes pretty self-absorbed at times but i get it. i understand. shes me. MINORIII!!!!!!! IS CUTE its such a. silly dream but i think being an idol in a band is 🥺🥺 SOO ……that makes me happy, and i . Understand her thinking she has bad terrible luck that follows her wherever she goes and then finding hope thru haruka and getting to work with her and 😭😭 IDK IDK …… 25ji is my first fav but mmj… also wxs……. WXS I LOVE SM CUZ I LOVE THEME PARKS N I LUV HOW ….Just…..bright n good n sunny wxs is <3 ALSO MINORIS OTTER SHIRT LOOKS A LOT LIKE MY OTTER SHIRT !!
i am Crushing on: MOSTLY SHIHO (a little bit kanade. A little) i’ve posted abt this before but aauuu……the fact that shes like…..quiet but in a literal not shy way. shes firm but never unkind . But also shes like the cutest most precious thing with such goofy adorable habits and i want to hug her and take her to theme parks forever and steal her hoodies ..she doesnt like clingy ppl SOB (idk for sure but i would Consider myself clingy lol) but w the way shizuku treats her i understand (I LUV SHIZUKU!!!!!!! i can just see how that would b like…smothering bothersome esp bc im. autistic)
i love them Just bc: AIRIIIIIII!!!!!!! AIRI MY LOVE <3 SHES SO GOOD i love that shes good at cooking and taking care of kids shes Such a big sister 💖💖💖💖💕💕💘 and a really good friend it seems.. like she can be blunt and stubborn but it PALES in comparison to her kindness and willingness and enthusiasm helping her friends and she’s just so nice and lovely and i would also like to hug her tbh tbh <3 Yay. Also to a lesser extent emu!! she is ADORABLE PRECIOUS i really admire her and wish i could be as bright and fun and cute and spontaneous.. really want to be like her
i could definitely be pegging some of them wrong as i havent been into this franchise for sm time yet, but! i really adore all of them nonetheless ^_^ ALSO THE OUTFITS/STYLES IN THIS GAME JUST LIK THE DEFAULT ONES THEY ALWAYS WEAR? R SO GOOD. It makes me happy that the characters i relate to also share a rlly similar style to my ideal it’s like Ah >:3 validation
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amjustagirl · 3 years
HI NIKKI JIE omg its been ages since ive dropped in how are you!! eep i read ch 8 of when the sun loves the moon DAYS ago and ive been meaning to drop in to scream about it but got caught up with squid game (i want to scream the ending made my heart pain T^T) then with school :")
i dont even have words to describe how much i loved it aaaaa bokuto fighting to stay on her team, her finally bringing him to meet her mum, everything theyve been through together gdkjfkkdsk it was such a rollercoaster honestly having not one but tWO major angst plot points 😭 but i absolutely loved the ending soso much; their wedding (eAting at a yakiniku place with their teammates and friends pls thats the dream sia🥺) and omg that sneak peak at their life with kousuke kouichi AND kouji fjskdjksjs helpp that was soo freaking adorable and i think this thing with showing where they are many years down the road is not really something youve done before in your prev longfics ? (not including all your outtakes ofc) but you did it here and aaa i was squealing so hard it was so sweet 😭 fjskfjs hELP im so excited to see what outtakes youll have for them next time (kouichi and sachiko mayhaps 👀 HAHA) AND THEM SWITCHING IMAGERIES AT THE END HAD ME SCREAMING PLS 🥺 help not the way you revealed mizuki's name early cuz someone thought she was called tsukki HAHAHAHAH nikki jie you damn funny 🤣
eep i saw you have a prequel kuroo fic and osamu fic coming up 👀👀 CANT WAIT
oHOH and i think you mentioned before that you figured out which uni i go to, just from all my kendo references??? HAHAHAH RLY AH i dont keep up with other schools kendo so i have no idea whats the diff LOL (i thought the reading/midterms week schedule would have been more obvious cuz i think the rest diff from us LMAO) ok la but tbh i think most ppl go to one of the three main unis so i dont think its that hard to figure out HAHAHA
oh also i saw you made mr nikki start watching haikyuu?? hOWS THAT GOING HAHA help ive been rewatching it alot recently and my mum keeps asking me 'isnt that the volleyball one you finished watching already??' HAHAHH
hope you have a good week ahead nikki jie 💓 ~ann :>
Hello Ann meimei!
Squid game truly hurt me to the core (I just get attached to the characters and its just game over for my heart). I hope school isn't too hiong for you haha and I figured it out quickly enough bcos it's my alma mater after all!
And thank you again again again for your love for when the sun loves the moon! Every notif fr you truly makes my day and I'm glad you loved the unadulterated fluff I poured in! They're lovely and sweet tgt, and I guess subconsciously after all the angst I put them through, I really wanted to make sure you guys know that they're both truly happy, with their chaotic trio of little sons and their huge group of friends. They relocate back to Tokyo after bo's retirement (sakusa too), so kuroo, bo and sakusas kids end up playing together a lot! Esp sachiko and kousuke...and aiko and kouichi, if I recall whose kids I'm talking abt!
Pls lor I was horrified at the thought of ppl thinking mizuki shares the same name as tsukki LOL and I feel like tsukki wld flip (like omi) if he ended up related to bo.
And yes! I do intend to write more fics, the kuroo prequel is a monster and no where near done, the osamu one is on the back burner but still there! Have patience with me 😊
Hehe yesssss I'm having such a blast rewatching hq w Mr nikki! He was shocked when I told him he reminds me a little of kuroo (the snarky science nerd bit) but he doesn't know I think he reminds me of osamu either, cos hes still at season 2 only! He's v entertained by tanaka and noya cos he used to be in a team sport in sch, so it reminds him of his friends and their antics (where they just share one brain cell!)
I hope you have a good week too Ann meimei ♥️
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