#Hope I get the chance to remeet him.
thegreatlaalma · 4 months
Hi fluffy!
Have you ever met a Clorten on your adventures?
He’s a dragon born that’s black and white , and has red and green eyes. I think you guys would be good friends :D
Clorten! Yes I have, we talked a bit, they're a nice fellow. He also knows the Riptide Pirates, which is fun!
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purplecocoa · 11 months
Tw: Childhood trauma, Impure regression, Sadness, stress mentioned, Vague PTSD mentioned (?), it gets sweeter.
Just a lot of rambles, random stuff that came to mind for Dove.
It was mainly some stuff for Dove, then Price got into the mix, Then Alejandro- story stuff as well- soooo enjoy!
Dove didn't have a great childhood up until he was twelve where he was adopted, life got better from there.
He still had the scars though, from the years of pain, he had it etched into his skin and his mind. In those years,' before he had parents that actually loved and cared for him, he spent them taking care for his brothers. He protected them from his Bio-Mother and the others in the house, he was more of a parent then she was. Dove learned everything, everything he could to take care of them.
So after awhile, he learned to do his Brothers hair, sew clothing, cook and generally keep things together. After they had ended up taken away from their bio-mom and adopted, he was able to be a kid a bit more.
Dove had to grow up quickly, never even once did he think about trying to find a way to relive his youth as an adult. In his mind, he was fine. He didn't need it. Yes, maybe a few things here and there that gave him positive memories, but never anything else.
He never noticed that when things got to rough that he'd almost baby talk, he's have a hard time even talking even. He chew on his clothing, he'd struggle to fully understand everything. He thought maybe it was just simple over stimulation.
Yet, When that feeling sudden hit it's peek, he was in the military for years at that point. It was just one memory that tipped him over and he felt everything crumble. He didn't feel safe, he didn't feel anything good.
However, He did get found in a distressed state by Price. It took him a bit to calm enough to find comfort in the man, but when he did it was like a flip of a switch. He did nothing but want to be near him, it was safety. He wouldn't get hurt with him, He just had to stay close, Hold onto his hand and not let go until he crossed the road fully.
Eventually, Alejandro would found out about this little issue, They already knew each other from older days and never expected to remeet in a military setting, Alejandro remembered and saw a strong boy who became a even tougher man, but goodness he didn't expect Dove to be struggling like this. It was accidental walk in, Looking for Dove as they had made plans but seeing him regressed and emotional with Price trying to calm him, he was very confused. It had to be explained by Price, all of it, every detail.
Alejandro knew what had happened to Dove in his youth, heck, he remembered how self-conscious of his scars Dove used to be all those years ago with that chance meeting, he just didn't realize it's bubble down to something like this. He almost thought it completely negative if it weren't for Price explaining it deeper. It could be positive, That was a relief to hear. He wanted know if he could make it positive for Dove, if it was possible.
So he started to aid when he could.
The day Dove actually giggled at him doing something funny was a step closer in his mind, he'd be trying harder, he promised himself.
Both Price and He worked pretty well together he had to admit.
Annnnnd rambles that don't make any sense I think, I hope this is- good??? Yeah! :D
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enigma-im · 4 years
First Day of Christmas...
Trope: Childhood friends who remeet as adults Relationship: Orc x Human Word Count: 3,323
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I wander around by the creek during a hot summer day. My mother has warned me against traveling here alone, but the chance of catching a frog to terrorize the other kids is far too tempting. With a stick in hand, pants legs rolled up, I waddle through the shallow. Little fish swim by my toes, frogs scurrying out from under the mud. The task is far more challenging than I thought. I poke the stick at every leaping creature, falling short every time.
"What are you doing," a boy asks from the other side of the creek. Startled, I snap to attention, looking at a small orc. He looks to be older than me, definitely taller, but how can I know?
"catching frogs," I answer.
"really? Why," he asks.
"I don't know," I grumble," because frogs are neat." I look to my feet, spotting a frog lazily swimming by. I ready my stick, slowing guiding it towards it's back. As fast as I can manage I push down. Crouching down I look to the stick, huffing in frustration as I'm left empty-handed.
"Why a stick," he interrupts my pity party.
I shrug," it's how Tommy Howser caught his frog."
"Well Tommy Howser is an idiot," he chuffs, bending down to roll up his pants.
"Oh yea," I snap," why is that?"
He trod through the water," because you're just stabbing the frog, so unless you want to eat them I suggest not poking them super hard with a stick."
The orc stops before me, snatching the stick from my hand with a huff. He tosses it aside before looking around. I watch him, observing his small tusks and short shaggy hair. I've never seen an orc with short hair. He catches my attention, pointing to the shore. I spot a frog resting on the bank, the water barely lapping at its body. The orc sneaks over, hands raised as he angles himself. Quickly, he strikes out, cupping his hands around the frog. He pinches the little creature by the legs, making it stretch out as he walks over all smug.
"See, Tommy Howser is an idiot," he grins. I ignore the jab, waddling over to look at the frog.
"Whoa," I reach out and pet it," you were so fast!"
"Of course I am," he puffs his chest," I am orc, orcs are meant to be quick and strong."
I don't pay him any mind, stretching out my hands," can I hold it?"
"Yea," he arranges his grip," pinch him around the legs and he can't hop away." I nod eagerly. I do as he says, pinching the legs, holding it with utter fascination. The little guy wiggles in my hand, it's legs trying to kick, but he can't get away. I admire it's dark green skin, comparing it to the orc's similar tint.
"I'm Lum, by the way," he says.
I smile up at him," I'm Thea. You think you can teach me how to catch a frog?"
"Of course I can," he thumps his chest," I can teach you anything."
We spend the afternoon waddling around the creek, catching and releasing frogs together.
The summer is spent similarly to that day. We upgrade from frogs to fish, from fish to birds. I learn a great deal about hunting from him, enjoying myself more than I ever have. I even get to teach him a few things, though nothing as useful as what he teaches me. The day I find out he doesn't know what tag is, is the day I begin my mission to play every child's game I know.
In the middle of fall, I sit down next to Lug eating lunch. He has been silent most of the day, barely saying anything even when I bait him into a conversation.
"What's wrong, Lug," I finally ask, setting my apple down. He sighs, dropping his head.
"I'm leaving next week," he pouts.
"Leaving," I ask," where?"
"I don't know, just south," he answers," my ma told me we have to follow the herd for winter."
I scoff," I don't even know what that means. Why would you follow a herd?"
He smiles, turning to me," we follow the herd so we don't starve. The land becomes barren in the winter and we need to eat a lot as orcs. So if we follow the herd, we can follow the food."
I huff, arms crossed," well I don't like it." Lug chuckles, scooching closer to give me a side hug.
"It's ok, Thea, we come back here every spring. So I'll be back, it will just be a while," he squeezes my shoulder," besides, it's not like I can teach you anything in the winter anyway. Everything is migrating or hibernating that hunting here would be difficult."
I push off his arm, pouting as I turn my back on him," I don't care, I want my friend here."
I hear him sigh, the leaves crunching as he walks around. His feet stop in front of me, crouching to catch my eye. I give in, looking at his stupid cocky face. He drops a hand onto my shoulder.
"I'll be back by the time the last snowfall melts, I swear it," he places his hand on his heart," I make an oath to always come back."
I snort back some snot," you better."
"I will. Now enough with this mushy stuff," he stands," I bet I can catch more frogs than you."
I hop up to my feet," you wish!"
The winter was sad, like many after that. As he promised he comes back every spring, meeting me by the creek with a cocky smile and slightly longer hair. He always has something new to teach me, happy to do so. My father doesn't much care for it once he found out, but I could hardly care.
My parents find out about Lug the first spring he came back. They noticed my dower mood during the winter then my grand smile in the spring. To my surprise they were alright with Lug, asking to meet him. We share a meal, my father asking way too many questions till mother shoos us off to play.
Every spring is started with a meal with my parents then a long recap on our winter. It's a lovely tradition that lasts a few years.
Lug and I are strong friends well into the years. Things hardly change between us, being close as ever. We play and fight, arguing and making up quickly. Growing into our own as we become teenagers. My father hovers around then, setting curfews and weird rules. The attitude change with my father and Lug is one I had to confront Lug about. He waved it off as nothing, distracting me easily.
It isn't till 15 that I understand why father was so uptight with Lug's and I's friendship. Weeks of build-up brings me to startling discoveries about new wants. I've been looking at Lug in a new light, noticing him doing the same. He is my first kiss, sharing an awkward chaste one near the creek. It's weird and right at the same time. That summer we learn very different things besides hunting and gathering. Kisses become way more enjoyable after a while.
My sixteenth year is the worst year of my life.
Fall approaches too fast, I've never had a reason to hate fall until Lug came into my life. The trees changing colors now puts me in a sour mood. The walk to the creek knowing that it may be the last time this year that I get to is troublesome. Though Lug has ways of distracting me from those thoughts until he has to wave goodbye that evening.
I meet Lug by the creek like usual, plopping down beside him with a huff. He seems far worse than I do today, the worry rising more and more the longer he stays silent. I grab his hand, threading my fingers between his.
"What's wrong," I bump his shoulder. He sighs, squeezing my hand in his.
"I have something to tell you that I know you won't like," he starts, his voice low and angry. It's rare to hear him angry, only truly seeing him mad once when his father forbade him from joining the hunting pack when he was a fresh teen.
"You can tell me anything, I can take it," I try to be courageous. It's easier to act strong when he needs it.
"I'm leaving for a little longer than before," he glances at me out the corner of his eye.
"W-well, that's ok," I try to be optimistic," I've waited months for you, what's a few more?"
He winces," it's not going to be just a few months."
I stutter on my attempt of cheer," a-a year? That's ok, I'll be fine. It's just one year, right?" he looks up to me, his eyes a bit red. My heart squeezes at the sight.
"It's a lot longer than a year, Thea," he answers. My throat tightens, threatening to choke me.
"H-How long," I ask, trying to fight back the stinging in my eyes.
"I don't know, I just know it's going to be a long time," he says, reaching out to cup my face," but I promise I'll be back. I will come back for you." he tugs my head down, resting his forehead against mine.
I sniffle," you better," I mimic the words I said that first time. He chuckles, lifting my hand and twisting it palm up. His hand covers mine, something cold sitting between our palms.
"I vow to you that I'll be back, and you know an orc never breaks their vows," he thumps his chest. I clench whatever's in my hand as I laugh.
"Yea, I know," a tear rolls down my cheek. He pets the drop away, pulling me in for a kiss. It's bittersweet, but sweet nonetheless.
We sit like this, holding one another for longer than necessary. He reluctantly lets me go, getting up off the ground. We part with a final kiss, neither one of us ready to let go knowing that we won't see one another tomorrow.
"I love you, Thea," he pecks my forehead.
I shut my eyes," I love you too, Lug."
He leaves me standing near the creek. I cry to myself, nearly falling back to the ground in my pain. I finally look to my hand, uncurling my fingers to see a thread with a wooden totem attached to it. I smile despite it all, admiring the little carving with care. I'll see him again, even if I have to wait a lifetime.
Fall becomes winter, winter becomes spring. It's hard to see the snow melt knowing that Lug won't be waiting for me. I still end up waiting by the creek, looking at the frogs as I remember the many failed attempts of snatching one. Every year I come back to the creek, hoping that this year would be the year. I always leave feeling a little more empty.
Time goes on as I grow into my own, no longer a bumbling teen but a grown woman. I get my first job at a bakery, working for a family friend until their son can take up the business. It's humbling work, though suitors take the chance to flirt while I cook in the back. My father is rather angry that I shoo off the young men trying to get a nibble of something more than pastries. I can't bring myself to argue with him.
I gain my second job at a bar, working as a waitress in my 20s. The lively people bring on a new level of enjoyment that the bakery didn't have. Fellows still take the chance to flirt but it's easier to cast aside as they are mostly drunk. Travelers come in, sharing tales of the adventures that make the time go by quicker. I like my job, though going home makes the emptiness inside louder.
I wipe up the bar, picking up empty glasses and litter as I go. The night is rather dull, only having the normal regulars in. it's to be expected as the winter comes to an end. Business should pick up as spring begins and the critters come out of their holes for mating season. The bell at the front door rings, catching my attention.
I look up to see an orc walking in.He is rather large, clearly strong, and proud of it. His hair is braided down his back, beads adorning a few smaller strands. He is very handsome like most orcs are. I don't pay him any mind, use to orcs quickly finding their spots and calling out their orders.
Polishing a glass I catch sight of the orc sitting in front of me at the bar. His large hands rest clasped on the bar top, a ring resting around his thumb.
"Hello," I smile sweetly at them," what can I get ya?"
He smirks, dropping his eyes to his hands," Fire Brandy, please."
"Please? Already the most polite customer I've had this month," I tease as I grab a tumbler, pouring his brandy.
"Is please such an unused word nowadays? Damn the discipline of mothers, not teaching their children manners," he jokes back. I snort, passing him his drink.
"well said," I knock on the bar," a please and a thank you can get you far these days."
"That right? The only thing it's gotten me is brandy and a word of praise from a cute barmaid," he smirks.
I fluster at his words, turning away to grab a dry rag," don't know about that last bit but I hope you know basic manners doesn't pay for your drink."
"Damn," he huffs," what's the point now, ain't getting anything out of it."
"Gets my respect," I offer.
He pretends to ponder," I'll take it."
I smile to myself, focusing on polishing the glasses. The orc watches me, drinking his brandy slowly. I pass him a few glances, blushing each time he offers me a smile. He really is cute, but I can't say that I'm too interested.
"Lovely necklace you have there, can't say that I've seen that totem too often," he says. My hand immediately grasps the little wood craving, my heart fluttering with the action.
"Yea, a friend made it for me," I answer casually.
"A friend? I don't think that's what that totem means," he leans forward on the bar, inspecting the carving.
"Well, friends is just an easier term. We weren't lovers, being too young for something like that," I blush at the idea.
"Yea? Don't mind telling me about this 'friend' while I waste some time," he asks. I can't help but jump at the offer, wanting to finally break the seal that's bound these memories away. Mother and Father didn't want to hear about Lug so often. Which is understandable.
"No, you don't wanna hear a story of lost love," I shuffle away, putting the freshly polished glasses away.
"Of course I do, what better story than one with young love," he rests his chin on his head," please, I'd love to hear it."
I watch him, nearly smiling at his devoted attention. With a sigh, I lounge against the bar.
"We met when we were like eight, at least I was eight. I was catching frogs by the creek when he just appeared across the way," I start.
"Why were you catching frogs? I thought little girls hated that kind of stuff," he asks.
I shrug," I wanted to show off to the boys that I could catch a frog too. One of them said he caught one using a stick to trap it against the dirt. I wanted to try it."
He scoffs," why would anyone use a stick to catch a frog?"
"I don't know," I laugh," he probably didn't want to get his hands dirty."
"Damn Tommy Howser," he shakes his head with a smile," such a wimpy boy."
"Yea, he was," I laugh with him," makes sense he moved out to the city then."
"He moved out to the city? Gods, his parents should have taken him there when he was a child," he scoffs. I can't help but smile, the words taking a bit longer to register. When it does, I startle.
"How did you know about Tommy Howser," I ask. He stiffens.
"Uh, I heard about him," he lies," from other people."
I cross my arms," what other people? Tommy hasn't lived here in three years." he flounders for another lie, falling short with a sigh of defeat.
"Hello, Thea," he nibbles on his cheek," I see you kept the necklace."
I freeze. It can't be, surely this large hulking orc couldn't possibly be him.
"Lug," I ask with a choked cry. He smiles wide, nodding. I can't speak, my eye stinging as I finally see the resemblance. He truly has grown into the man he always said he would be. As handsome as he was seven years ago.
Without much thought I jump over the bar, him helping me down before pulling me close. I hug him, my arms barely touching around his hulking frame. A sob rips from my throat as I cry tears of pure joy. He pets my back, nuzzling his head against mine.
"I'm sorry I took so long," he mumbles as he kisses my cheeks," I didn't expect to be gone so long. I apparently had a lot more to learn from the elders than I anticipated."
"You’re here now," I look up at him," that's all the matters."
Lug smiles like a fool before roughly pushes his lips against mine, his tusks way more prominent now than when we were kids. I cup his rough cheek, feeling the hairs prick at my palm. He is so different now, but still exactly the same. God, I've missed him.
We part, smiling like idiots in love. He wipes the tears off my face, I pet at his cheek. My heart feels ready to explode at the happiness coursing through my veins. Lug looks the same with his great toothy grin and wondering hands.
"I waited for you, I'm so glad I did," I look him over," you got hot."
He barks out a boisterous laugh," glad you think so, I got big and strong for you. And you…gods, you look amazing."
"oh stop," I blush.
"No," he tugs my hips to his," now that I finally have you I'm going to shower you with sweet praises and worship your body like a holy temple." I gulp, my insides turning to mush as he leans down to kiss at my neck.
"Whoa, let's slow down," I grab at his braid," I'm still at work."
He growls in frustration, pulling back," alright. How much longer?"
"Till close, which should be soon," I answer," you don't mind waiting around, right?"
"I've waited seven years, what's a few more hours to that," he says.
Lug keeps me company till the last patron leaves. The second I finish the last bit of cleaning he has me in his arms, kissing me breathless. He has half a mind to pull back, smiling down at my dazed face with glee.
I break out of his arms, grabbing his hand to tug him out the bar and into the cold night. I pull him down into a kiss, not able to hold off for another second.
"I love you, lug," I mumble against his lips.
"I love you too, Thea," he answers in kind.
"Are you going to take me home now," I ask with a wicked grin.
He growls, lifting me up and over his shoulder. I laugh, blushing as he palms my rear. I've missed him so much and we have a lot of time to make up.
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blindedguilt · 3 years
Some Overdue Sibling Headcanons
//Since we had sibling sunday a while ago + I’m petty they didn’t get ANYTHING even in the side materials here we go. fuckin,,,,, headcanons
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Lukhege was left-handed. why? bc i am too idk. it just feels like he would be
At first, he didn’t like hunting and thought it was too tedious to be enjoyable, only doing it out of necessity. Though he was quite talented at it, and grew to enjoy it with everyone’s praise and compliments.
While he truly does love having Leonard back in the lives of him and his brothers, Lukhege carried a slight grudge against him for his absence, especially in the lives of his younger brothers. Not just for leaving behind a chance for them to have any memories of him, but because he was dropped into the role of the eldest brother at a young age, practically overnight.
His favourite food was apples. When not out hunting or helping around in other ways, he was usually taking a nap under the apple trees on the other side of the clearing.
Besides being a good hunter, Lukhege was a talented forest survivalist in general. Half of it he had picked up on his own, and the other half he learned from Leonard both as a child and coming to live with him in the war. Having known where to find shelter and food in the oddest of places, how to avoid traps and red flags from subhumans in the forest, and even how to make decent hunting weapons out of sticks, if you ever get lost in the woods, you should hope to have Lukhege with you. 
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Was absolutely obsessed with magic, pacts, subhumans, and beasts of all kinds, especially faeries given how adorable they look. He wanted to make a pact with one when he got older despite the clear knowledge of their... Unpleasant attitudes.
Was talented in archery. He still had a bit of trouble hitting moving targets, however, so he stayed behind and didn’t go hunting with Lukhege and/or Leonard often.
Even if he was getting increasingly better at archery, he really loved swords as well. He often was allowed to play with Leonard’s weapon given he used at least some caution, and commonly pretended to use it as a sword. Laum always kept his distance in fear he would hit someone, though.
Riversal is young, though held a bit of knowledge in a variety of fields for his past - Since Lukhege was commonly out hunting, Riversal was always out running a variety of errands for the town. He loved showing off that knowledge he had picked up, especially to impress Leonard.
Where Lukhege had more of a close, yet distant bond with Leonard, Riversal and Laum had a closer bond compared to his older brothers. Riversal was the brighter of the two, and Laum a bit more shy and reserved. He still dragged his little brother along to get in all kinds of trouble despite it.
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Was the youngest of the brothers and definitely the shyest. Laum left just when he was starting to pick up the family trade but before he could learn anything valuable, so he commonly just stayed inside and helped around the house. Because of it, he learned a great deal about organization and cooking.
Though he had little memory of it, he played with Leonard’s hair the most of the siblings. (The title used to belong to Riversal, but he was put on ban from it because he kept pulling and trying to cut it). This kept up even after remeeting and he enjoyed fiddling with it only when he was distracted or his back was turned, so Laum was certain he wouldn’t know. (Leonard always knew, but said nothing of it for his brother’s sake.)
In spite of that, he was the only one not to call Leonard “brother”. Simply put, he just felt like a stranger he was supposed to be close to. Laum just called Leonard “Leonard”, though he was beginning to start calling him brother by the time he was killed. It was his last words, actually.
When Leonard wasn’t there, he was the voice of reason among Riversal and even Lukhege at times. Lukhege tended to put himself in risky situations just trying to be the older brother Leonard was supposed to be, and Riversal’s childishness and confidence had him trying the utterly insane just out of recklessness. Luckily, Laum was always there to protest or express just enough concern to have them reconsider their ideas - From hunting in the middle of the night to climbing up a tree that was just a little too high.
Like Riversal, Laum also enjoyed toying with Tower’s Rebuke. Only when the house was empty and he was sure no one was looking, would he pull the chain up into a staff and let it gradually fall back into a whip for near-hours of joy. He found it to be one of the most entertaining things ever.
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blubsamo · 4 years
Major spoilers for chapter 11 under the cut because I’ve read ahead and I just want to talk about it. It’s also some simping for our father (no incest). If you’re wondering how big a spoiler this is, like this stuff happens in a currently unreleased episode (so there’s a chance that it changes when it releases but here’s what I read)
I be feeling it right now. Mononobe is so fed up with the game, the loops, constantly remeeting us, going through the same days over and over and doing the same stuff again and again. He willingly just let himself go so that way he doesn’t have to go through it again. He’s actually just a normal person that isn’t affected by the loops and the memory loss since he was given the role to watch over us along with Lil’ Sal. He left us the ring in hopes that it helps us with the game, either winning or escaping. There’s a chance he has seen us die, maybe even multiple times. He wants us to survive and is sacrificing himself in hopes that it helps with that.
Also there’s potentially a new Mononobe sprite getting added of him crying.
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anja-mittags · 7 years
Ship thing. Gimme honesty on Jule/Matze and Ralf/Manu?
I tried answering this on my laptop and for some reason it like messed up my groove so back to mobile it is!!
What CAN i say that I haven’t tried my best at writing. I absolutely adore them together out of the many combinations my brain has fathomed, it’s the one that stuck.
It shouldnt work is the thing. Like sure they’ll meet and remeet during international games and competitions and hope for the best that nothing and no one takes their place but in the end it’s all chance and circumstance
But there’s something to be said about the mettle of a person, the sheer force of personality and gut that makes someone say I CHOOSE YOU rather than letting it go by, letting it fall by the wayside. After all, isn’t that how bonds are formed, you look at a person and say this is who I want in my life for as long as they’ll take me and by god, isn’t that like the best kind of miracle.
But taking a step back, somewhere along the lines they probably think of fate because what exactly led to them going to the world cup and meeting and living those moments together if not something like fate.
It doesn’t mean Julian is less lonely, less prone to surrounding himself with smiling faces until he can reach inside himself to find his smile as well.
It doesn’t mean Matze is less doubtful, less likely to steel himself into a boy who learned to tackle before he learnt to run.
But somewhere they meet in the middle and it feels easier. Julian lends him the tenacity and strength he’s learned from being a big fish in a small pond and Matze teaches him how to survive the quiet, the days spent holding himself together instead of shaking apart fissure by fissure.
I think it’s a quiet love that needs to be heard the most or maybe heeded. It’s just fascinating. I can’t see Matze really wanting to leave the Bundesliga and Julian has always wanted that, has never not wanted it. Their careers aren’t at all comparable beyond the points they intersect (oh man confed cup days) but they make a good match in my mind nonetheless.
It took me a long, long time to get this. Maybe I was obtuse or spinning other yarns (I do so love Manu with his many boyfriends) but I can’t quite ignore them as they are or as they were.
And most of time I think of them with another player in between because Schalke is a presence within itself. But again, it’s that odd pair.
Ralf is level-headed and takes life with immense gratitude, to a point I think most goalkeepers are very much in tune with wow, I’m so /lucky/ to be doing what I’m doing because their position is demanding, and often its all hanging in the balance by the actions of a goalie But we’re not here to discuss my love of gks.
Ralf is the one left behind. He grins amd bears it and says wow how lucky am I to be woven into the history of this team, to be captain, to be schalke, and doesn’t ever say i wish things were different, i wish i could keep them, i wish i wish because he already has so much, wishes are useless.
Wishes are for other people, not for the small selfish desires he carries with him in the dark.
More often than not he spares a thought for arguably the best goalkeeper in the league if not the world and if he thinks too long or gets lost in some daydream well that’s neither here nor there.
I think it’s a slowburn relationship. To be completely honest, I give Manu so much credit when I write him that I often forget how dumb he can be. Manu isn’t blindsided but devotion and love are hard to sift through when you’re on top of the world. It probably takes a while is what I mean. It takes him a ridiculous amount of time to look at Ralf and see what’s there.
And Manu is cut from the same cloth you know? He admires Ralf and what he does and how he does it but he never thinks ‘he could be mine’ because that’s not how it works. You don’t disrupt your friend’s life like that, you try to give your support and far away and only sometimes do you think what it would be like to see him more than a handful of times, to stop thinking in what ifs and start with whens.
It’s not easy. It’s not love at first sight but it’s there, waiting patiently to unfold.
Send me a ship and I’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion.
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