#Honestly it's probably a statement of how deeply lonely I'm
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duncanor · 6 months ago
One time I dreamed I had a wife and I needed to save her. So I went on a quest to do so. I knew nothing about my wife beyond the fact that I loved her.
When I ultimately failed, and woke up, I felt a devastating sentiment of loss. I missed my wife so badly I started to cry. She didn't exist, never even had a name nor a face but it didn't matter.
I often think about this experience. I don't know what to make of it but damn,
I miss my wife..
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papayatori · 5 months ago
This Side of Paradise/ Miya Osamu x Fem!Reader
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"How does it feel?" He asked me softly, a curious but seriously look in his eyes. I gave him a glance, one that was almost unreadable, but made perfect sense to me.
"Lonely." I answered honestly, a sad sparkle in my eye. He hummed in response. I lay my head down on the little table we had huddled into in the small coffee shop we usually loitered in, sighing deeply to myself. "I thought I'd feel better, but I really don't."
He nodded in response, giving me a look that I didn't see, one full of affection. "You know, you don't need another person to make you happy, y/n. Sometimes you just have to be lonely."
I looked up at him now, my gaze meeting his. I gave him a soft smile once again. Recently I had been trying to date again, and after one too many failed attempts at date nights and trying to start new, to get a feel for what I thought would work, I had slowly started to give up.
"You're probably right, Osamu.." I said, standing and stretching, ready to leave this place. He followed me, standing up and leading me out of the tiny spot we loved.
I walked beside him, my posture slouched slightly from the lack of motivation to move, but his presence made it slightly more bearable.
"Mine or yours?" He asked softly. I shook my head.
"If Atsu is home, we're going to mine." He laughed at my statement before shrugging.
"You know the answer to that." He chuckled. I groaned.
"Mine it is then."
He practically drug me into my own apartment, letting me drop down onto the couch with a saddened expression. I huffed.
"This sucks." I said, staring at the wall in front of me, this caused him to laugh.
"Yeah, it does." He smiled at me, but his voice had an undertone to it that I was too unstable to pick up on. "You know, being lonely isn't always a bad thing... that's what you've got me here for, yeah?" He said gently, squeezing my shoulder. I easily relaxed under his touch, as I always did, but this time it seemed a little different. I felt a small blush creep into my neck, that I'm sure didn't go unnoticed by him.
"As usual, you're right." I said softly, rolling my eyes. He chuckled.
"At least you're finally coming to terms with that."
We sat in silence for a while, his arm wrapping around my shoulders and pulling me into him while I wallowed in my own self pity. This was a usual occurrence between the two of us; however, once again, this time it felt oddly different, nicer than usual. Samu was warm, and it felt nice to be in his proximity, it felt nice to be held by another person, and I was telling myself that that was the only reason I was enjoying it so much.
I had my eyes closed, but I felt him moving around, pulling his phone out of his pocket. I was confused, but I didn't let it bother me until an earbud was being shoved into my ear. I looked up at him with a confused glare, one that he returned with a grin.
I gave up fighting it, and just listen to his music. I placed my hand on his stomach, tracing little patterns as I did. I felt his head drop down to mine, his grip around me tightening gently. A sigh escaped my lips, a content one.
"If you're lonely, darling you're glowing..."
I looked up at him, his song choice quite ironic. As if he didn't notice, his eyes closed slightly. giving me a moment to trace his features, and I once again found myself flushing.
"If you're lonely come be lonely with me."
I felt his lips on my forehead as the song came to a close, and with a tiny blush on my cheeks and a small smile, I leaned a little further into his side.
"Thanks Osamu." I whispered. He didn't give me a response, instead just rubbing small circles on my arm as the music continued playing softly.
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archival-material · 2 years ago
AU 1 - The Other Side
<S5 Spoiler Warning>
Now, I don't read a lot of 'fan-fictions' based off the series, and I probably should but I focus more on writing things out rather than reading it. This is unlikely to be a unique idea, but this would very much be my perspective on it.
Picture this-
That scene, the very end of season 5 where the audience is led to believe that Jon has been killed to sever the connection to the Eye so that the tower may crumble- so on and so forth. Is it specified where Martin stabbed? What if they are actually still alive out there, living out their lives in a 'normal' world without the Great Fears...
And Jonathan has no eyes.
I think this would be fun to write out as a scene, though I'm not focused enough to really write out fanfics for myself. But-
Martin, learning how to be perceived again. He can no longer hide away, he is no longer lonely. Jon, no longer connected to the Eye, no longer having the Web connected to him. Re-learning to live not only without the need for statements, without being able to just Know things, and also having to learn how to be without sight altogether.
Of course they disappear after. Granted, they're likely hurt from the fall of the tower, but they've been hurt before. And they find it as a chance to a new kind of freedom. Breaking away from it all, from their old lives that held primarily just the people who went looking for them after. Basira, Georgie and Melanie.
But no more Institute, no more Archives. They could break away entirely and carve themselves an entirely new life together.
I suppose this would be a bit more of an optimistic ending, a suggestion that not only did the majority vote take care of the Fears in sending them out of their world, but that both Martin and Jon survived the crumbling of the tower. Also, survived and didn't get taken with the Fears like a possible majority of prime Avatars would have.
It could open up either with their climbing out of the rubble and tending to each other, or maybe someone else helping them out. Getting back on their feet, getting the heck out of London. Travelling the world, or finding a nice place to just settle and never have to deal with horrible, awful, no-good things ever. Maybe even Annabelle planned for something like this, in hopes of things gone well. Watching Jon as often as she did, perhaps she guessed what route he would take on everything. And while he did want to prevent the spread of the fears, to keep them there- opposite of her offer and suggestion- she could've surmised that it would never really go his way, and I personally think she sort-of liked him to a degree that maybe she set up either a person to find them after, or a place for them to go to.
That all being said for the possible massive amounts of fluffy aftercare from the Fearpocalypse- Considering how deep others were into their fears, it would be interesting to determine who disappeared that day and who stuck around to re-learn how to live as a normal being.
Would the fears have left them with a trauma for the jobs they've done over time, or would they have been relatively alright?
I first honestly think of Oliver, who definitely died for The End. He was in command of his own domain, and while Inevitability was his thing- maybe his inevitability to die and all of that had been re-routed by becoming an End avatar. So he either would be gone for how deeply rooted (pun intended) he was into his fear, or maybe stripped of all of that he was left with a sense of loss and a worry for his own inevitable end that followed a more 'natural' route of things.
It would be interesting to determine who was 'too far gone' verses those who could reasonably survive the loss of their fear patron.
Ultimately, this 'Other Side' AU would be the other side of the Apocalypse. We've seen the whole beginning and lead up into it (or listened to, rather), but given that MA:2 is probably not going to be related to the main MA storyline, it feels pretty open to speculation and imagining what would go on.
It would also open things up to the chances of things coming back. But that's a whole 'nother can of worms we'll just have to open another time.
Here's one from the host, an AU brainworm.
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sirensmojo · 5 years ago
Hunted Species - Geralt x Reader x Yennefer
Summary: During the quest of a Dragon which could grant any wish, Geralt keeps an eye on Yennefer that keeps an eye on you that keep an eye on Geralt, which leads to unforeseen outcomes.
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Warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of sex & comedy II sassy!reader, witcher!reader, love triangle
Word count: 2,476
A/N: kind of rewriting episode 6.
When you heard about a hunt of an old dragon, you thought it was a great deal, a great purchase, or just a way to get away from here and discover uncharted territories. Even if you never allowed yourself in those areas for another witcher was already occupying the territory and to one witcher belonged one area, it was either ignoring precepts and instructions or living a life full of boredom and sorrow. You’d even heard a mage will be there, a so-called Yenefer and as if it wasn’t enough, the witcher will join the team, Geralt Of Rivia.
When you heard about a hunt of an old dragon, you thought it was a great deal, a great purchase, or just a way to get away from here and discover uncharted territories. Even if you never allowed yourself in those areas for another witcher was already occupying the territory and to one witcher belonged one area, it was either ignoring precepts and instructions or living a life full of boredom and sorrow. You’d even heard a mage will be there, a so-called Yenefer and as if it wasn’t enough, the witcher will join the team, Geralt Of Rivia.
You’ll probably look like a supernatural scout band.
At the moment, you’d preferred focusing on gathering your essentials and get mentally prepared for this new challenge. Although you hated to stay in one place and fulfilled the need to always be on road as soon as you could, neglecting the sedentary life, the kingdom became too small. You soon enough got fairly tired of it, this whole trip was the only exciting sparkle you could hang on in your life, not to be overly dramatic. 
On the J day, your bored self paced up and down the streets of the main city you’ve worked in, Chastisey. With such a name, no doubt why you were chastised. On your back was hanging a large hessian bag with some spare clothes and utensils for when you’d sleep in the forest. The thin material collided with the sheath of your huge sword at each of your heavy steps. No need to mention you couldn’t wait to drop foot in the other kingdom.
Two days and a half later, here you were, facing the Witcher Geralt Of Rivia. His eyes widened when hearing you too were a witcher. Not that you've waited for another reaction from him... or anyone. 
"Is that you the witcher of Chastisey who people talk about?" Asked Yennefer, suddenly interested in you for the first time since you got in here. Every head of the areas turn to you and the mage, as she gladly continued her tail "Your people say of you you're the fiercest of all, human and creatures put together, they seem to respect you very much," she giggles, her voice dripping in sarcasm. "Yeah, we share a strong bond," you nodded. 
They all start to laugh and give you sympathetic looks and smiles while he chuckles. "I bet you know what she's talking about, huh? What about you, Mr. Of Rivia?" You raised a brow. Yennefer muffles a laugh as your stare pierce Geralt's imagining shield. His head abruptly turns to you before dropping down as he grunts. "Yeah that's exactly what I'm talking about," you added out loud as if nobody was here. "A man only speaking by groans and curses, what a reputation," you finished as the murmurs stop. The previous looks of sympathy changed into worry as their eyes flickered between you and the other witcher. Yennefer squinted her eyes, what were you trying to do? She thought. "And you, a mage that gave everything to end up wanting everything back to have the only thing you could never have," you chuckle as you lift your cup to your lips. A giggle escaped your lips before you sip your mead. 
Now everyone was uncomfortable, Geralt looking at you, eyes narrowing as the mage in question looked at the fire in desperation. 
"Can I ask what was that?" He asks as you were laying with the horses. "She wanted to play, I just gave her a taste of her own medicine. Don't worry she's a big girl, she'll be alright," you bluntly let out without an ounce of bitterness. Geralt didn't know if he should laugh or be mad at you, so he reluctantly grunts remembering you made fun of that too. "That was a bit much, for the first words leaving your mouth since we meet," "First impression if everything Geralt, don't you live with humans?" You asked wincing as if he said the stupidest thing ever. He looked over at you, confused, but didn't add anything. "Are you not traveling with your boyfriend, Jaskier?" You ask out of nowhere, which made the man frowning even more, "boyfriend?" He raised a brow. "A man, singing praises of another man in order for him to be liked by other people, a boyfriend," you explained with ease. He choked on his drink as you glimpse of the smirk drawing at the corner of his lips. "So he not here?" You ask again, running out of patience. "No, he is" He let out as motioning his hand to Jaskier talking to some men. Geralt hassled to give you what you wanted, expecting you to leave him alone after that.
He was wrong.
Three days later, you were still stuck with him as if your life depends on it. He wasn't so sure how to react, if it was only on him he would ask you to back off but as Yennefer seemed to be occupied with her little pet accompanying her. What he didn't see happen were you to be with her anytime you weren't around him. Saying you were above being glad that you came here, even it if was to search for a Dragon that you didn't even believe existed, was an understatement. Indeed you found life with other non-humans more than satisfying and full of unforeseen development. Whereas it was the glares that Geralt throws to the man that seems glued to Yennefer or even the desperate stares he would throw at her, hoping she would come back. You found it even funnier that you could discuss the witcher's deeds with Yennefer when she felt lonely at night. Not that she will ever admit she felt lonely all the time. After the death of her escort, she kinda let herself be herself around you, even more seeing you were patient with her, but still being sassy at times, making her laugh.
"I could never catch those looks you're talking about Y/n," she shook her head. "Come on, don't act like that with me. I know you see it, more often than you'd like to say." Your brows raised as you filled your cup with more mead. "It doesn't matter anyway, not now." "Why not?" "Does anyone ever told you to stop getting into stranger's business?" She snapped. "You are no stranger, neither is Geralt," "Lies," she hassled to retort. 
"How?" She lifts her glimmering eyes to you, a glimpse of curiosity dancing behind her facade. "How can I lie Yennefer?" "I don't understand"  "It's you lying now," you titled your head, brows high looking her up and down. 
She suddenly got up and started to walk away, "Okay! How can you be that annoying but still speaking the truth!" She turned to you and closed her eyes a bit before coming near the fire again and sat beside you. "People lie, that's all they do," "So you surmised I could lie," "Don't you?" Her eyes find their way to yours, even if her head stayed down. You shook your head and for the first time, a smile curled your lips. "Humans lie, but even their kin still find a way to believe in each other anyway." You lowly let out. "I thought you were just making fun of me the whole time." "I was" You agreed. "That doesn't mean I don't see the truth lying behind you livid eyes and the walls you think you build up high," You sing, quite pride of the fact you managed to make it through her guards. "I don't like you," wrinkles appearing at each side of her eyes, looking at you. "Yeah? I don't either," you shrug.
"So you see my truth? If I follow your statement," she engaged the conversation back, ignoring your comment. You give her a steady look, as she swallowed. How uncomfortable you could make people around you was something you never understood, but that you gladly welcomed at this moment, as long as she'll be uncomfortable, she'll open up to you. That was all that mattered. "There was something between us for a time, but there's nothing left of it now," she throws a bough in the fire. You remained silent, looking at her movements. "What can lovers bring, I wonder. Besides silly pleasures, it seems anything life has to offer is deception." She exhaled deeply, shaking her head. "You're disappointed in me?" You suddenly demand, out of the blue. Her eyebrows joined before she stops moving, still gazing at the dancing flames. "It's not like I wait for anything from you," she nonchalantly shrugs. "Indeed," you nodded. And before her mind could even get the meaning of this, her body that understood turns to you, her lids fluttering. A second later, she frowned even more before glancing at the woods in confusion. "Yeah," you spoke. "I don't even know what I could expect from you," She openly speaks. "Nothing, honestly," you chuckled. She looked at you again and neared her face to yours. "I didn't mean tha--" You tried, as she kissed you. She pulled away before you could even close your eyes. "I let you in before I could even think about it," she murmurs for herself. Her lips came crashing onto yours once again.  As you were about to kiss her back, she pulled away once again, "Because I didn't wait for anything from you," she continued mumbling. 
This time, you pulled her arms towards you, before your mouth encountered hers in a blissful kiss. She kissed you back, with as much haste and appetite as you, lips moving together in a moment that failed to pass. You finally let go, out of breath, your eyes snapped open to her. "I didn't put you in a case," she continued her thinking. You rolled your eyes and came to her lips again to definitely shut her up, your hand dawdled on her thigh as your free one find refuge on her cheek.
The next morning, you woke up all naked in a bed and a tent that had nothing to do with yours. After you moved away your hand that was initially shielding you from the rays of the sun, you catch sight features you knew you previously touched and kneaded feverishly. "Yen?" "oh you're finally up, then get changed and out of my space," she hissed between gritted teeth as placing her fur on her shoulders. "Oh come on!" You deeply huffed as you dropped your head back on the pillow.
No need to mention you spend the rest of the day together, even though she made some teasing remarks here and there to annoy you. You knew that game and were heartily playing it with her.
"I don't think it is necessary," "Ask Y/n about what's necessary," she giggled thinking about the nasty things you did earlier, while eating like she didn't say a thing. The group exchanged some stares before glancing at you then the mage as wrinkles appeared at the corner of your eyes, in anticipation of Geralt's reaction. He swallowed whatever was in his mouth and clenched his jaw throwing the rest of the meat on the ground. Jaskier looked at him in frustration. 
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foxymoxynoona · 3 years ago
Hi hi, soo I can’t recall all you wrote but I did agree with a lot of them. I want to explain the first part of my previous ask. Later on, I’ll address my statements on trauma, Sasha and the points you made which were actually brilliant especially with the chemical imbalance. Her eating habits are definitely compounding her issues. Baby girl needs nutrients too lol. She honestly has too many stressors and she’s used to using sex as a crutch, which isn’t healthy.
Moving on, you write strong female characters who are dealing with some kind of trauma/injustice in most of your longer OC’s. Usually in the beginning they’re still going through the trauma and then in comes this guy who is basically Prince Charming and they need for some reason(Amended, Little Bean) or who they want to be Prince Charming but is a bit opposite from that (Meadow, lowlander, Sugar fairy). The catch though, no matter the character or how deeply infatuated they become with JK or etc, they always end up saving themselves in the end. So, in the beginning they may be lacking, and while you can easily make JK the guy that fixes them, leads them (because they’re fragile) or tells them all they need to hear and basically have no real conflict, you do the exact opposite.
In the end, when they’re happily ever aftering, you realise they’re actually choosing to be with him. They dont need him anymore, they just want him. Like a change in dynamic, where they become the princess charmings and Jk is now who longs for their affection. In many ways JK is more of a catalyst for your OCs to find themselves and heal. Except in lowlander where he was a part of the trauma and she left, but she chose to come back.
That’s what I meant by similar. There’s the back drop of trauma, then the meet cute, then catalyst or conflict to seek healing, then there’s the recovery. Then living happily ever after.
Apologies for any typos. Also, if I’m wrong then please let me know, these are just observations I made, soo I may be over analyzing. I didn’t finish Indigo soo I didn’t include it, but female Insert had past trauma and JK was a catalyst too I think plus conflict.
Either way, its beautiful writing and I’m definitely not complaining 🦊
OHHH yes! This is so flattering and yes, that is definitely a recurring theme I write often, a combination of a few different ideas:
- You are your own Prince Charming and don't need anyone else to save you because you can save yourself
- A woman does not need a man to save her
- A woman can exist as a man's equal in a relationship, doing just as much of the saving/leading/guiding/strength as he does
- It's not fair to expect someone else to save you because they are real people with their own needs and struggles too, not some superhero of your stoy
- Romance is not the end all-be all of any woman's story, even if finding a partner does play a part in their story of self actualization
- Love is choosing your partner over and over, not simply accepting what feels inevitable (even in circumstances where I'm writing soul mate/forced circumstances/etc. stories)
I do follow that plot pattern a lot, it's true, the meeting > conflict > healing > true recovery. I do think a lot of adult relationships is reconciling your past so you can move onto a future but when I noticed how repetitive that was on my stories for the past year, I've made a point of avoiding that for the next ones. Prince Jin, Demon Hunter JK, and Nurse Tae didn't have that traumatic background, and Lone Blue Egg is different. I actually write way more background-trauma-free stories but it seems the ones I have really gotten emotionally invested in enough to post in the last year are the ones where characters are recovering from difficult things, mirroring probably some of my own IRL struggles the last 5+ years.
And yes x 1000 that Sasha needs food. We'll learn so much more about her before the end of the book so things like that will have even more context.
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whitewolfofwinterfell · 5 years ago
You know you're getting more asks from me since I'm obsessed with the eloquence and insight of your answers ;) A Stelena one: what do you see as their commonalities and their main (and hopefully complementary) differences? What are your five or so favorite Stelena scenes of the series? And other than wishing they had stayed together and were endgame, what's one thing you'd have wanted to see more of or less of from their relationship?!
Well, I’m always up for answering asks, so thank you for sending them in! 
To answer your first question about Stefan and Elena’s similarities, they share a lot which bring them together. They’re both incredibly emotional people; they’re sensitive and feel things deeply. This is why they both struggled to adjust as vampires, because the heightened emotions they felt overwhelmed them. In fact, as vampires they were very similar in regards to their loss of control when feeding, the depression, the ruthlessness when they had no humanity and keeping trophies from their victims. They’re particularly attuned to the emotions of others and this is the foundation for their compassion. Whilst Damon’s instinct was to kill Caroline when she first turned because she was an “inconvinience”, Stefan and Elena never once considered that and devoted themselves to helping her. Similarly, despite Damon’s actions (particularly in the early seasons), neither of them ever gave up on him and were able to sympathise with him even when he did something unforgivable. 
Their sensitivity also leads them to have another commonality: writing in journals. This is all part of the way they express themselves and process their thoughts and emotions in a healthy way. But the journals are about more than this; they’re a manifestation of the loneliness they feel. In season 1, Elena feels incredibly isolated following the deaths of her parents. Likewise, Stefan feels lonely as a vampire who is unable to connect with humans but doesn’t fit in the supernatural world either due to him not feeding on humans. So in addition to them both being emotional people, the emotions they experienced were very similar. This is what brought them together in season 1, because they had a spiritual connection and understanding that stemmed from them both feeling alone and like they don’t belong. 
Stefan and Elena also have the same moral compass and operate on the same wave length. Their priority is always to care for those around them and to act on compassion and forgiveness. They repeatedly show forgiveness and mercy to those that wrong them and their calling to help people was why Stefan wanted to be a doctor and why Elena actually became a doctor. They also share the same philosphy in regards to how they live their lives. Despite there being constant drama in Mystic Falls and danger lurking right around the corner they both believe in the importance of living in the moment and appreciating what they have in the present. 
Intellectually, they were also on the same level which we saw hints of from their exchange of books, the way they expressed themselves in their journals and interest in medicine. They also wanted the same from their life - to be human, to have a family, to be doctors. Their visions for their ideal future perfectly aligned and so in this way they also understood each other. 
As for their differences, their main one is that Elena is much more extroverted than Stefan. She’s more sociable and likes to go out and party, dance and have fun. In comparison, Stefan is much more introverted and although he’s able to socialise without any problems, he’s far from being a social butterfly. Of course, in this respect they compliment each other because Elena is able to bring Stefan out of his shell and enable him to be himself in a safe environment.
I would also say that Stefan is a darker character than Elena. Elena is certainly not a saint and she struggles to adjust to being a vampire but Stefan struggles with his darker impulses a lot more than Elena does. Whilst Elena is able to get control over her urges and impulses by the end of season 4, for Stefan it’s an ongoing struggle. I really put that down to the fact that Stefan is so much older than Elena and has endured hurt and had experiences that are so deeply embedded in him and that impact everything he thinks and feels as well as how he behaves. Even in this way though, they compliment each other because Elena is Stefan’s anchor, the tether to his humanity and what keeps him grounded. Whenever he loses control or is struggling to keep a handle on things, she’s there to act as his voice of reason and to remind him of who he truly is. 
Choosing just 5 favourite scenes is impossibly difficult because I love so many but some of my favourites are: 
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I just love the angst in this scene. How Elena is going to let him leave but then catches the door just before it closes because she can’t watch him leave without saying what needs to be said. I love what she says to him and how she challenges the way in which he’s shut her and everybody out. This is Elena knowing Stefan better than anyone; seeing through the facade and knowing that no matter how indifferent he acts or how hard he pushes her away underneath it all he still cares and he still feels just as deeply as she does. I love how at first Stefan tells her to stop because he can’t handle facing up to these emotions but how he breaks down and admits how much he hates himself for the way in which he hurt her. I love the way physical touch is used; how she uses her hands to encourage him to meet her eyes but he resists because he’s too ashamed to look at her. And I love the final line “If I let myself care all I feel is pain”, because it needs to be said and now Elena can finally understand why he has been behaving the way he has. 
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I love everything about this scene. Not only do they both look gorgeous, but it’s so sweet, tender, romantic, sentimental, reminiscent and pure. It’s two people that have a complex history, that have been through hell and ripped apart, coming back together and falling in love all over again. You can sense how nervous and giddy they are and how taken they are by each other. There’s a clear spark and for tonight they can forget about all of the crap they’ve been through and enjoy being together. They compliment each other, Stefan gives her a token of his love and they have a little bit of banter with the whole “Some guy I dated said it once or twice” and don’t even get me started at the way they look at each other in this scene. Definition of heart eyes.
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This scene encompasses everything I love about Stefan and Elena. Elena is about to die, but she’s so selfless and loves Stefan so much that she wants to give him hope that they could find a way to save her without her having to complete the transition. They can’t even see each other, but the power of their words is what makes this scene. Elena loves Stefan so much that she died making her way back to him and right here she’s telling him that she doesn’t regret that because she loves him so much and it will always be the best choice she’s ever made. You really can’t get more true love than that.
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There are three words of dialogue in this scene “Elena, hey” and “Hi”, yet this scene is so bloody powerful. The sheer relief in Elena’s face and the way she throws herself into Stefan’s arms, how he holds her close and breathes her in, the way they cup each others faces and gaze at each other so adoringly. You can see in that one look that they are each others light, they actually glow. Their kiss is passionate and filled with emotion, the way they collapse onto the bed and the perspective shifts so that we’re looking in through the window at this private moment as Elena constantly pulls Stefan closer and they kiss more fiercely. I honestly love this entire scene and will never get tired of it.
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Once again, this scene is one of those that encompasses everything I love about Stefan and Elena. They’re a team and they’re united. Elena knows better than anyone the struggles Stefan has with his bloodlust and she also knows that he needs his strength now more than ever. And she trusts him and is devoted to him so much that she willingly offers him her blood. Blood sharing, as we all know, is intimate and personal and it binds them together in an extremely profound way. Her simple statement, “It’s you and me, Stefan. Always” is the perfect dialogue for this specific moment because it’s the two of them becoming one. After Stefan has feed from her, the way Elena looks at his vampire face and how she leans in to kiss him, completely accepting and showing him how much she loves him. It gives me all the feels. 
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This is one of the most underrated Stelena scenes and I love it so much. After everything they go through in season 3 this is a completely honest and unfiltered conversation where they finally say all of the things they’ve been wanting and needing to say. I just love that dialogue “I never stopped loving you”, “I know that. I know you didn’t, even though I did everything possible to push you away”. It’s so honest and it’s so simple but effective. And I think it’s so powerful that Stefan is so attuned to Elena and so sure of their love that he doesn’t even doubt that she loves him. He knows that she loves him and he never stopped, but he admits that he also knows he has done so much wrong and that he probably isn’t deserving of that love. I also love that he isn’t afraid to confront her about Damon and acknowledge her feelings for him. He could easily ignore it, but he doesn’t, he faces up to it but he reassures Elena that regardless of how he feels he loves her and he will always love her. It’s such a powerful and understated scene. It reaffirms how much they love each other despite everything they’ve been through and it’s not over the top or in your face, it’s real. 
I could choose so many more, but since that’s 6, I’ll leave it there. 
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fruit-cupz · 6 years ago
Could i get somd cute gavin x mc where shes taking care of him when hes sick (i feel like gavin is the type of person to say I'm not sick as they cough up a lung)
LOL honestly I feel like he is too. I wrote this while I was in the car omf But I did my best :’) As always, thanks for the request! 
Gavin x MC Sick Days
Word Count: 1,430
Rating: Floof- and I love a shirtless Gavin
The evening sun beated down heavily as Yuna leisurely walked to Gavin’s apartment. The pair had made plans to attend a concert for a famous pianist whom she had been gushing over the past week. As a previous piano player herself, Yuna grew up deeply admiring the woman always striving to play with as much musicality and passion as the protege did.
Despite her excitement however, she couldn’t help but feel something was off. Gavin hadn’t been responding to her texts the entire day with the exception of one curt good morning message. It was very unlike him.
Finally reaching his place, Yuna lightly knocked and stood waiting for a response. She fidgeted with the strap of her bag when there was no reply and began to wonder if he had forgotten their plans. Feeling slightly impatient, she knocked again, this time more harshly than the first. “Gavin, it’s me Yuna.”
The sound of a muffled groan elicited from within the apartment, and heavy footsteps grew louder as they approached the door.
Yuna gasped when the door swung open to reveal a haggard looking Gavin, cheeks flushed with a sheen of sweat over his forehead. His breaths came out uneven while he leaned against the door frame in an effort to stay upright.
“Gavin!” Rushing forward, Yuna quickly wrapped an arm around his waist to support him the other coming up to rest against his shoulder. Shutting the door behind them with her foot, she struggled to lead him back to his room. His body felt entirely too warm, and she grimaced feeling how he was practically drenched in sweat.
When they reached his bed, Gavin ungraciously fell forward with another groan. Yuna frantically rushed into his kitchen, filled a bowl with water and ice, then grabbed a clean kitchen towel before reentering his room.
Sitting beside him on his bed, she dunked the towel into the bowl and rung out the excess water. Her brows knitted together in worry as she dabbed his forehead softly with the cloth. He sighed at the comfort the coolness brought. Seeing Gavin like this when he was normally so composed left Yuna feeling unsettled.
“Yuna.” He panted. “Is it already time for the concert? I’m ready to go.”
She smiled sheepishly and brushed aside his bangs touched that he still wanted to attend despite his condition. “Gavin, you’re sick. We can’t go anymore.”
His eyes shot open, and Yuna was startled when he pushed himself up. “What do you mean I’m sick? It’s really just a slight headache.” Following his valiant proclamation, a wave of dizziness rushed over him, and he crouched over, head cradled in his hands.
“Gavin, you have a fever! Just take it easy.” Yuna gently guided him back down on the bed and picked the towel up once more.
“But the concert…” He trailed off.
“Please, just let me take care of you.” She pleaded while taking hold of his hand.
His bleary eyes stared at her, stubborn and defiant, but he said nothing after that.
She smiled triumphantly.
“Did you take medicine and eat?” She asked while running the wet cloth along his arms.
He closed his eyes enjoying the feeling. “Yeah, probably an hour before you arrived.”
Yuna breathed out a relieved sigh and made a mental note to make soup for him later. Knowing Gavin though, he probably didn’t have the necessary ingredients to make it; let alone anything other than take out and milk in his fridge.
She silently continued her ministrations before eyeing his sweaty v-neck.
“You should change your shirt. You’ll feel more comfortable.” Yuna suggested.
He felt the bed shift and opened his eyes to see her rummaging around the top drawer of his dresser.
“Middle drawer on the right.”
She mumbled a thank you and picked out the first shirt she came in contact with before returning to his side. Removing the rag from his forehead, she helped him sit up. He grunted adjusting to the change of position.
He feebly clutched at the hem of his shirt and sluggishly tugged it upwards. Yuna felt her cheeks catch on fire as she caught herself staring at his exposed skin. His muscles flexed while he struggled to pull off his form fitting v-neck.
Noticing this, Yuna weakly aided him in removing his already partially removed shirt. Her heart thumped loudly, and she feared that maybe he could hear it.
“I imagined you doing this but in a completely different situation.” Gavin murmured feeling slightly bold under the spell of his fever.
Yuna awkwardly tugged his shirt over his head unsure of how to respond to his daring statement. Silence once again settled between them.  
Sitting now completely bare chested, Gavin sighed at the coolness of the air around him and leaned his head backwards on the headboard of his bed. Yuna stood and deposited his shirt into his laundry basket then picked up the kitchen towel to submerge it in the ice water.
Clearing her throat, she nervously twisted the rag in her hands. “Um, can you sit up again? I’m just going to wipe down your back and chest really quick.”
Gavin said nothing as he followed her request. He observed her with half lidded eyes. She furrowed her brows in determination desperately trying to remain focused at the task at hand rather than the hard planes of his back, the broadness of his shoulders, and the definition of his muscles…
She pursed her lips and shook her head. She felt guilty for having those types of thoughts while he was this sick, feeling as though she had taken advantage of him in some way. Gavin chuckled, easily recognizing the confliction in her eyes.
“Don’t laugh, I’m trying my best not to be embarrassed!” Yuna chided feeling flustered that she was the only one affected by the contact. She slightly pulled away from him, but he grabbed the wrist of her free hand and placed it over his chest.
She gasped at the sudden contact. “G-Gavin?”
Yuna attempted to pull away, but he held her in place and flattened her palm against his bare chest. Her eyes widened when she felt the frantic beating of his heart.
“You’re not the only one.”
She wasn’t sure if the flush on his cheeks was completely due to his fever. They sat silently staring at one another, neither daring to make a move.
Before she could reply, Gavin’s brows scrunched in pain, and he lifted a hand to press against his head. Yuna blinked out of her daze and quickly pulled away, her cheeks stained with what she thought was a permanent blush.
“I’m going to get you some water. Hold on.” She retreated to his kitchen for a brief moment grateful for a bit a space between them.
When she returned, she found that he was tugging his clean shirt over his head. She felt slightly ashamed that a small part of her was admittedly disappointed.
Walking over, she held the water out to him which he took with a grateful thank you and drank greedily, finishing the entire cup. Taking the glass from him, Gavin lowered himself back onto the bed.
“You should sleep, I’m sure you’re really tired.” Yuna sat beside Gavin and ran her fingers through his hair. She was relieved to see how he seemed slightly more comfortable.
After a moment, he turned to look at her with a serious expression. “Yuna, I’m really sorry we had to miss the concert. I know how much you wanted to go.”
Caught off guard by his apology, her eyes softened as she gazed at him. She took hold of his hand and told him honestly, “Your health means way more to me than some concert, and anyways, I’m glad that I was able to be here for you. You’re always the one helping me, so this is the least I could do.”
Gavin’s lips tugged up into a tired grin. Drowsiness seemed to be winning the battle against him, his eyes fluttering shut with relief. “I’m really thankful… I don’t remember the last time someone took care of me while I was sick.” His voice grew softer, and his breathing evened out signaling that he had fallen asleep.
Yuna’s heart clenched at his confession. Her chest ached at the thought of how lonely he must have been this entire time living alone. She leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to his temple.
“Gavin, I love you.” Yuna whispered.
She silently promised that she would be there for him in the future too.
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angelicfluffs · 5 years ago
𝙻𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝙼𝚎 𝙻𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚕𝚢 : 𝙹𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝙶𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚔𝚢
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↳ 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 : 973 (without lyrics)
↳ 𝘴𝘺𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴 : you realise that jack isn’t providing the love you are giving and bring a end to whatever you both have
↳ 𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦 : angsty but the songs message is this !! Enjoy :)
↳ 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮𝘦 : nasa
Dangerous love
You're no good for me, darling
Yeah, you turn me away
Like I'm begging for a dollar
Danger, oh, how you hold me
I get a chill inside
And nothing frightens me, baby, oh
Jacks perception to the world was very much big in partying and socialising with lower ranked internet celebrities. Rightfully so, he worked hard and was known all over the woeld for his duo with Jack Johnson. The constant drinking, smoking and nights out made me feel uneasy and make me feel like I wasn’t satisfying him in some way. This usually didn’t hit jack due to his state of mind being encapsulated in that lifestyle.
I was a little apprehensive to say a word to jack especially when intoxicated due to his sober thoughts pouring out and leaving the two of us feeling polar opposite if we were to have it dry in the morning. His friends were sometimes egging jack on and ok, fine but sometimes they would make jacks thoughts manipulated and think of different things like cheating and toxic stuff like that.
I thought to myself that I might as well tell jack how I’m feeling or this feeling will eat me up inside and end our relationship paired along with his lifestyle and barely visible giving in the relationship. I usually followed my heart but this was blindly seen as my heart was covered in my admiration for jack but for once my brain made me aware of the toxicity I was in.
Is it love when so easily said goodbye?
Is it love when we've given up before we tried?
Is it love when you stole my peace of mind?
Is it love when you cry, and cry and cry?
I woke up and there was jack laying trying to quickly recover from the drinks from the night before. I retrieve my robe and enter the kitchen where the island was and the seats to go along. Entering my daily dose of internet, I spot several candids of jack from last night with several girls and being blatantly drunk out of his face.
The hour or two passes and jack enters the room with his hand rubbing his eye along with his sentence “Mornin baby” in a gravelly voice. I smile at him as the picture made me sick as he retrieve a piece of fruit and sits alongside me. He asks “what you lookin at? Trying to tilt his head to be face front to my phone. I look at him aggressively and state “I need to talk with you jack”. We both readjust our seating and I start “you need to seriously have a reboot jack cause honestly, the constant going out, with girls and drinking has to stop or this thing we have, is coming to a end”.
His eyes widen at my previous statement as I continue “there’s literal evident jack of you with girls and I’m tired of it. I’m tired of feeling not good enough for you, of not feeling pretty enough and it’s seriously just fucking me in the head”. He takes a moment and replies “baby, you know I love you but sometimes it’s just for the cameras or my friends, why would I cheat on you? With a strong stare into my eyes.
So when you walk out that door
Don't you come back no more
My heart has had enough of the give and take
And as much as I want you to stay
I start “you know what jack, I can’t even trust you and to be honest, I’m sick of your lies and I’m done with you, I’m done with this thing we have whatever it’s called and I want you out my apartment by tonight or else”. He seems shocked and tries to apologise in some way “baby, you know I love you”. I make a disgusted face and reply “I don’t think you ever loved me jack, I’m in your little pawn and I’m done”.
His face was frowned as I continue “you know, I was better than this. I stooped to your level and that in itself is emabarassing.”. He walks into to fetch his clothes from the previous night and bundle himself together. I analyse my last comment and I was right, the fact that I put my heart in his hands was terrible and dangerous for myself. I was almost forcing myself to like or love him now and that just points at the direction of a end.
The hour passes and jack seems almost complete for his exit and he says “you know, I really am sorry y/n. I didn’t mean to hurt you, I do really love you”. My face was frozen still with the same expression of little effect of the current climate we were in. The face he made was sad but he added “y/n, I know you probably hate me right now and I get that but please, think about this”. He starts to walk towards the door and he looks back, almost to remember the environment.
You're a dangerous love
Baby, you're no good for me, darling
'Cause if you're gonna love me and leave me hanging here
Then I'd rather you leave, leave me lonely
Even though it hurts
Dangerous love, baby
He shortly leaves and I sit down and sigh deeply, letting myself stop the charge that was our relationship. He hadn’t noticed the damage he had caused but that’s for me to acknowledge and repair, although it’s his fault. His words of “think about it” really irked me. I had already thought about it, I’m done. No more acting like everything’s perfect and dandy when really my tears leave my eyes the majority of nights.
The night grew deeper as I had called my mum and said “me and jack are over”. He takes a moment and there’s silence until she says “oh honey, I’m sorry. I’ll come over Tommorow, how about that, a girls day”. I sniffle and reply “thanks mum, I love you”. She responds “love you honey. You have a good nights rest, ok?”. We later on end the phone call and I end up heading to my bed.
As my head rests on the pillow, I go back at the beginning and see the transformation of jack and it was scary. The character development of him was major and I scared myself thinking that I stood by that, whatever it was. The fact that I had the courage to end the thing breaking my heart made me proud of myself that I stood up to it and no fear had anywhere to conquer me now.
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