#Honda Anti Oxidant
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Astra Honda Motor Rilis Pelumas AHM Oil Terbaru 2017, Nih Daftar Harganya..
Astra Honda Motor Rilis Pelumas AHM Oil Terbaru 2017, Nih Daftar Harganya..
AHM Luncurkan Pelumas AHM Oil Terbaru AHM OIL SPX2 Matic info resmi dari pulau Jakarta – PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) meluncurkan AHM Oil terbaru yang mampu melindungi mesin motor lebih lama dan menghemat bahan bakar. Pelumas terbaru ini dapat semakin menunjang kinerja mesin sesuaidengan perkembangan teknologi sepeda motor Honda yang semakin canggih. AHM Oil terbaru dikembangkan dengan formula baru…
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#ahm oil#AHM Oil MPX 3#AHM Oil terbaru#AHM Oil Terbaru 2017#Fully Syntetic#harga AHM oil#Harga Oli#Harga Oli Mei 2017#Honda Anti Oxidant#Honda Cleansing Agent#Honda Smart Film#Honda Visco Improver#MPX#MPX-1#MPX-2#MPX-3#oli honda CBR150R#oli honda CBR250RR#oli honda vario 150#oli matic#oli motor#SPX-1#SPX-2
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AHM Luncurkan Pelumas Skutik Honda Makin Hemat dan Tepat

BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) meluncurkan AHM OIL tipe SPX2 dan MPX2 dengan kemasan terbaru berukuran 0,65L sesuai kebutuhan sepeda motor skutik Honda bermesin eSP 110cc generasi terbaru. Kehadiran kemasan baru ini semakin memudahkan konsumen dalam memilih pelumas yang lebih tepat untuk menghasilkan efesiensi bahan bakar, performa mesin maksimal, tahan lama dan mesin tahan terhadap termperatur tinggi. AHM OIL tipe SPX2 dan MPX2 dilengkapi Engine Protection Technology yang mampu menjaga mesin sepeda motor lebih awet sehingga biaya perawatan mesin sepeda motor yang lebih kompetitif. Pelumas dengan kemasan baru ini, hadir untuk sepeda motor skutik generasi terbaru yang diproduksi sejak 2021 seperti Honda BeAT, Honda Scoopy dan Honda Genio. General Manager Part Division AHM, Dheni Setiawan mengatakan kehadiran pelumas AHM OIL tipe SPX2 dan MPX2 dengan kemasan terbaru ini semakin melengkapi pilihan konsumen dalam merawat sepeda motor kesayangannya. AHM pun tetap menyediakan pelumas AHM OIL tipe SPX2 dan MPX2 dalam ukuran 0,8L untuk model skutik dan SPX1 dan MPX1 dalam ukuran 0,8L, 1L dan 1,2L untuk sepeda motor model sport dan cub Honda. “Pelumas SPX2 dan MPX2 berukuran 0,65L hadir untuk menjawab kebutuhkan konsumen sepeda motor Honda yang membutuhkan pelumas yang lebih hemat namun tetap berteknologi tinggi. Kami berharap produk perawatan sepeda motor ini dapat menjadi pilihan terbaik untuk konsumen dalam menjaga kinerja mesin dan tenaga mesin yang lebih optimal,” ujar Dheni. Engine Protection Technology dalam AHM OIL memberikan konsumen banyak keuntungan seperti Honda Cleansing Agent untuk menjaga kerbersihan di dalam mesin, Honda Anti-Oxidant yang berfungsi melindungi pelumas dari proses oksidasi sehingga lebih tahan lama, Honda Visco Improver yang menjamin kekentalan pelumas AHM OIL selalu dalam kondisi stabil dan optimal di setiap kondisi suhu, dan Honda Smart Film untuk meminimalisir gesekan antar komponen mesin. Pada varian pelumas SPX series, disematkan teknologi Fully Synthetic yang mengadopsi teknologi terbaru hydrocracked-isomerized, membuat pelumas varian ini lebih unggul dalam kualitas dan kemampuan melindungi mesin sepeda motor Honda. Dengan menggunakan teknologi hydrocrack, varian ini meminimalkan proses oksidasi di dalam mesin dan menjaga suhu mesin tetap dingin. Keseluruhan teknologi pada AHM OIL mendukung performa maksimal sehingga penggunaan bahan bakar semakin efisien. AHM OIL terbaru saat ini sudah bisa ditemukan di seluruh jaringan bengkel Astra Honda Authorized Service Station (AHASS), dealer resmi Honda, dan toko suku cadang Honda di seluruh Indonesia dengan harga Rp49.000, untuk AHM OIL MPX2 0,65L dan untuk SPX2 dengan kemasan 0,65L hadir dengan harga Rp60.000. Oil System Cleaner Selain meluncurkan kemasan pelumas 0,65L, AHM juga mulai memasarkan Oil System Cleaner untuk menjaga kebersihan jalur pelumas mesin sehingga perfoma kinerja sepeda motor Honda tetap dalam kondisi optimal. Oil System Cleaner dapat digunakan pada seluruh tipe sepeda motor Honda yang dipasarkan saat ini. Dalam menemani perawatan mesin yang lebih maksimal, Oil System Cleaner hadir dengan kandungan Powerful Cleansing Agent yang membantu mengurangi potensi timbunan endapan (oil sludge) di jalur pelumas yang menyebabkan keausan mesin prematur, overheat pada mesin sehingga konsumsi bahan bakar meningkat. Produk ini dihasilkan melalui riset panjang, tidak mengandung Solvent yang dapat berpotensi membuat karet (Seal) pada mesin berubah bentuk yang berpotensi menimbulkan kebocoran pelumas. Satu kemasan Oil System Cleaner dapat digunakan untuk sepeda motor dengan kapasitas pelumas mesin hingga 1,2 liter. Penggunaan dapat dilakukan sebelum penggantian pelumas mesin dengan menuangkan cairan Oil System Cleaner ke dalam lubang pengisian pelumas mesin. Selanjutnya, konsumen dapat menyalakan mesin dalam kondisi idle (stasioner) selama 10 menit, lalu buang cairan OIL System Cleaner beserta sisa oil lama yang telah digunakan melalui lubang pembuangan pelumas. Oil System Cleaner saat ini sudah bisa ditemukan di seluruh jaringan bengkel Astra Honda Authorized Service Station (AHASS), dealer resmi Honda, dan toko suku cadang Honda di seluruh Indonesia dengan harga Rp30.000.(bpn) Read the full article
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Rosemary Extract Market Factors, Opportunities to register a healthy growth rate Forecast 2021-2027
Rosemary Extract Market 2021-2027
A New Market Study, Titled “Rosemary Extract Market Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges” has been featured on fusionmarketresearch.
This global study of the Rosemary Extract market offers an overview of the existing market trends, drivers, restrictions, and metrics and also offers a viewpoint for important segments. The report also tracks product and services demand growth forecasts for the market. There is also to the study approach a detailed segmental review. A regional study of the global Rosemary Extract industry is also carried out in North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Near East & Africa. The report mentions growth parameters in the regional markets along with major players dominating the regional growth.
Request a Sample Report @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/sample_request/(COVID-19-Version)-Global-Rosemary-Extract-Market/12617
Rosemary extract is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that strengthens capillaries and protects against free radical damage (oxidation) to DNA.
The report offers detailed coverage of Rosemary Extract industry and main market trends with impact of coronavirus. The market research includes historical and forecast market data, demand, application details, price trends, and company shares of the leading Rosemary Extract by geography. The report splits the market size, by volume and value, on the basis of application type and geography.
First, this report covers the present status and the future prospects of the global Rosemary Extract market for 2015-2024. And in this report, we analyze global market from 5 geographies: Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia], Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland], North America[United States, Canada, Mexico], Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa], South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru].
At the same time, we classify Rosemary Extract according to the type, application by geography. More importantly, the report includes major countries market based on the type and application. Finally, the report provides detailed profile and data information analysis of leading Rosemary Extract company.
Key Companies Generac Briggs & Stratton Cummins Power Systems Honda Power Yamaha KOHLER Multiquip Techtronic Industries Eaton Wacker Neuson Honeywell Hyundai Power Champion Sawafuji Scott’s Pramac HGI Mi-T-M Winco Perkins
Market Segment as follows: By Region Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia] Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland] North America[United States, Canada, Mexico] Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa] South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]
Market by Type Diesel Gasoline Type Gas Type Others
Market by Application Lights Refrigerators and freezers Computers, tablets and cell phone chargers TVs Sump pumps Furnaces and air conditioners Home security systems
Ask Queries @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/enquiry.php/(COVID-19-Version)-Global-Rosemary-Extract-Market/12617
Table of Contents
Part 1 Market Overview 1.1 Market Definition 1.2 Market Development 1.2.1 Current Situation 1.2.2 Aspects of COVID-19 Impact 1.3 By Type Table Type of Rosemary Extract Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Share by Type in 2019 1.4 By Application Table Application of Rosemary Extract Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Share by Application in 2019 1.5 By Region Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Share by Region in 2019 Figure Asia Rosemary Extract Market Share by Region in 2019
Part 3 Global Market Status and Future Forecast 3.1 Global Market by Region Table Global Rosemary Extract Market by Region, 2015-2019 (Million USD) Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Share by Region in 2019 (Million USD) Table Global Rosemary Extract Market by Region, 2015-2019 (Volume) Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Share by Region in 2019 (Volume) Table Price List by Region, 2015-2019 3.2 Global Market by Company Table Global Rosemary Extract Market by Company, 2015-2019 (Million USD) Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Share by Company in 2019 (Million USD) Table Global Rosemary Extract Market by Company, 2015-2019 (Volume) Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Share by Company in 2019 (Volume) Table Price List by Company, 2015-2019 3.3 Global Market by Type Table Global Rosemary Extract Market by Type, 2015-2019 (Million USD) Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Share by Type in 2019 (Million USD) Table Global Rosemary Extract Market by Type, 2015-2019 (Volume) Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Share by Type in 2019 (Volume) Table Price List by Type, 2015-2019 3.4 Global Market by Application Table Global Rosemary Extract Market by Application, 2015-2019 (Million USD) Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Share by Application in 2019 (Million USD) Table Global Rosemary Extract Market by Application, 2015-2019 (Volume) Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Share by Application in 2019 (Volume) Table Price List by Application, 2015-2019 3.5 Global Market by Forecast Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Forecast, 2020-2025 (Million USD) Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Forecast, 2020-2025 (Volume)
Part 9 Market Features 9.1 Product Features 9.2 Price Features 9.3 Channel Features 9.4 Purchasing Features Part 10 Investment Opportunity 10.1 Regional Investment Opportunity 10.2 Industry Investment Opportunity
PART 11 Coronavirus Impact 11.1 Impact on Industry Upstream 11.2 Impact on Industry Downstream 11.3 Impact on Industry Channels 11.4 Impact on Industry Competition 11.5 Impact on Industry Obtain Employment Part 12 Conclusion
Fusion Market Research is one of the largest collections of market research reports from numerous publishers. We have a team of industry specialists providing unbiased insights on reports to best meet the requirements of our clients. We offer a comprehensive collection of competitive market research reports from a number of global leaders across industry segments.
PH : +(210) 775-2636
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Rosemary Extract Market Type, Application, Region And Forecast 2021-2027
Rosemary Extract Market 2021-2027
A New Market Study, Titled “Rosemary Extract Market Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges” has been featured on fusionmarketresearch.
This global study of the Rosemary Extract market offers an overview of the existing market trends, drivers, restrictions, and metrics and also offers a viewpoint for important segments. The report also tracks product and services demand growth forecasts for the market. There is also to the study approach a detailed segmental review. A regional study of the global Rosemary Extract industry is also carried out in North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Near East & Africa. The report mentions growth parameters in the regional markets along with major players dominating the regional growth.
Request a Sample Report @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/sample_request/(COVID-19-Version)-Global-Rosemary-Extract-Market/12617
Rosemary extract is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that strengthens capillaries and protects against free radical damage (oxidation) to DNA.
The report offers detailed coverage of Rosemary Extract industry and main market trends with impact of coronavirus. The market research includes historical and forecast market data, demand, application details, price trends, and company shares of the leading Rosemary Extract by geography. The report splits the market size, by volume and value, on the basis of application type and geography.
First, this report covers the present status and the future prospects of the global Rosemary Extract market for 2015-2024. And in this report, we analyze global market from 5 geographies: Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia], Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland], North America[United States, Canada, Mexico], Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa], South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru].
At the same time, we classify Rosemary Extract according to the type, application by geography. More importantly, the report includes major countries market based on the type and application. Finally, the report provides detailed profile and data information analysis of leading Rosemary Extract company.
Key Companies Generac Briggs & Stratton Cummins Power Systems Honda Power Yamaha KOHLER Multiquip Techtronic Industries Eaton Wacker Neuson Honeywell Hyundai Power Champion Sawafuji Scott’s Pramac HGI Mi-T-M Winco Perkins
Market Segment as follows: By Region Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia] Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland] North America[United States, Canada, Mexico] Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa] South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]
Market by Type Diesel Gasoline Type Gas Type Others
Market by Application Lights Refrigerators and freezers Computers, tablets and cell phone chargers TVs Sump pumps Furnaces and air conditioners Home security systems
Ask Queries @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/enquiry.php/(COVID-19-Version)-Global-Rosemary-Extract-Market/12617
Table of Contents
Part 1 Market Overview 1.1 Market Definition 1.2 Market Development 1.2.1 Current Situation 1.2.2 Aspects of COVID-19 Impact 1.3 By Type Table Type of Rosemary Extract Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Share by Type in 2019 1.4 By Application Table Application of Rosemary Extract Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Share by Application in 2019 1.5 By Region Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Share by Region in 2019 Figure Asia Rosemary Extract Market Share by Region in 2019
Part 3 Global Market Status and Future Forecast 3.1 Global Market by Region Table Global Rosemary Extract Market by Region, 2015-2019 (Million USD) Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Share by Region in 2019 (Million USD) Table Global Rosemary Extract Market by Region, 2015-2019 (Volume) Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Share by Region in 2019 (Volume) Table Price List by Region, 2015-2019 3.2 Global Market by Company Table Global Rosemary Extract Market by Company, 2015-2019 (Million USD) Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Share by Company in 2019 (Million USD) Table Global Rosemary Extract Market by Company, 2015-2019 (Volume) Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Share by Company in 2019 (Volume) Table Price List by Company, 2015-2019 3.3 Global Market by Type Table Global Rosemary Extract Market by Type, 2015-2019 (Million USD) Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Share by Type in 2019 (Million USD) Table Global Rosemary Extract Market by Type, 2015-2019 (Volume) Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Share by Type in 2019 (Volume) Table Price List by Type, 2015-2019 3.4 Global Market by Application Table Global Rosemary Extract Market by Application, 2015-2019 (Million USD) Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Share by Application in 2019 (Million USD) Table Global Rosemary Extract Market by Application, 2015-2019 (Volume) Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Share by Application in 2019 (Volume) Table Price List by Application, 2015-2019 3.5 Global Market by Forecast Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Forecast, 2020-2025 (Million USD) Figure Global Rosemary Extract Market Forecast, 2020-2025 (Volume)
Part 9 Market Features 9.1 Product Features 9.2 Price Features 9.3 Channel Features 9.4 Purchasing Features Part 10 Investment Opportunity 10.1 Regional Investment Opportunity 10.2 Industry Investment Opportunity
PART 11 Coronavirus Impact 11.1 Impact on Industry Upstream 11.2 Impact on Industry Downstream 11.3 Impact on Industry Channels 11.4 Impact on Industry Competition 11.5 Impact on Industry Obtain Employment Part 12 Conclusion
Fusion Market Research is one of the largest collections of market research reports from numerous publishers. We have a team of industry specialists providing unbiased insights on reports to best meet the requirements of our clients. We offer a comprehensive collection of competitive market research reports from a number of global leaders across industry segments.
PH : +(210) 775-2636
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Install Front License Plate Bracket Rivets

Your car deserves better.
Install License Plate Bracket
Installing Front License Plate Bracket
1953-1954 Front License Plate Bracket. Rivets are replaced with stainless steel nuts and bolts. Glass blue dots you can install in your lens. For that 'purple. Aootf Front License Plate Mounting Kit-Universal Front Plate Holder Adapter Bumper Bracket & Carbon Fiber Style License Plate Frame, Anti-Theft Screws and Wrench Kit,for Any Vehicle Or Trailer,Truck 4.4 out of 5 stars 55.
Whether you’re driving a used $10,000 Toyota or a new $90,000 Porsche, chances are your license plates are attached to your car with the hardware that came with it. In most cases that means cheap zinc-plated steel screws with minimal corrosion resistance, and even less eye-appeal.
This guide attempts to take the mystery out of buying license plate screws and installing front and rear license plates. It also briefly explores current trends in license plate brackets, plate “relocators,” and “tamper-resistant” fasteners.
Much of the information provided here comes from our experience with BMW automobiles, but the same general principles apply to any license plate hardware, for any automotive application.
License Plate Screw Types
BMW Rear License Plate Screw Comparison
Metric vs Standard (Imperial) Measure
From Wikipedia:
The metric system has been officially sanctioned for use in the United States since 1866, but it remains the only industrialized country that has not adopted the metric system as its official system of measurement. Many sources also cite Liberia and Burma as the only other countries not to have done so. Although the United Kingdom uses the metric system for most official purposes, the use of the imperial system of measure, particularly for use at home, is widespread and is permitted by the law.
So, unless you’re driving a car made in Liberia, Burma or the United States, you probably need metric fasteners. The exception might be some British cars which apparently use a mix of metric and standard (go figure).
Metric Machine Screw Specifications
What does “M5x0.8 x 12mm” mean?
M5 = Metric 5mm screw shaft diameter
0.8 = Thread pitch in millimeters (distance between threads)
12mm = Screw length (except for flat-head screws, measured from under the screw head)
You can also purchase metric self-tapping (sheet metal) screws. However, since we’re not usually driving this type of screw into a metal nut or threaded insert, the “metric” specification doesn’t mean much when it comes to sheet metal screws.
Is it a “bolt” or a “screw”?
This distinction is more accurately defined by how the fastener is used, not how it looks. If a machine screw requires a nut to secure two or more objects together, it’s typically called a bolt. If there’s no free nut, calling it a screw might make more sense. Self-tapping fasteners are almost always called “screws.”
Fastener Materials
Regular Steel
This low-strength general purpose metal is often plated with zinc to provide a minimum of rust resistance (see below).
Alloy Steel
Highly hardened and usually coated with black oxide and/or oil. Offers little corrosion resistance.
Zinc-Plated Steel
A low carbon steel for general use. Relatively inexpensive, with the zinc plating providing moderate corrosion resistance suitable for indoors or otherwise dry conditions. Color is either a blueish tint or yellow depending on the exact process.
Chrome and Nickel Plated Steel
Smooth and polished appearance. The plating offers moderate corrosion resistance.
Type 304 Stainless Steel (A2, 18/8)
Has very good corrosion resistance making it suitable for outdoor applications. More expensive than zinc plated steel.
Type 316 Stainless Steel (A4)
More corrosion resistant than 304 stainless steel. Withstands solvents and pitting caused by chloride, sulfur and harsh outdoor environments. Commonly referred to as “marine grade” stainless steel.
Brass and Bronze
Copper alloys with good corrosion resistance. An excellent conductor of electricity, it’s usually softer than steel and stainless steel. More expensive than steel, these materials are typically used for decorative applications.
Offers mild resistance to corrosion. It’s nonmagnetic and one-third the weight of steel.
Resists corrosion from salt water and stands up to more chemicals than stainless steel. Titanium is extremely strong, yet 40% lighter than steel.
Don’t bother. Plastic screws have a certain cosmetic appeal and won’t rust, but the heads break off with the slightest bit of tightening. Nylon is only marginally stronger. If you insist on non-metal screws, use glass-filled nylon, they’re the least evil of the plastic variety.
Fastener Types
There are dozens of screw head types that require all sorts of different drivers, both manual and powered. Aside from the basic slotted design, we’re going to focus on Phillips, Hex and Star screw head types.
Install License Plate Bracket
Crosshead (Phillips) vs Hex (Allen) vs Star (Torx)
As far as I know, no state is suffering from an epidemic of license plate or frame thefts, but some people insist on getting the most exotic “theft-proof” fasteners they can find. The general rules of common sense apply here: If bandits want your plate or frame badly enough, they’ll get it, so why make it any harder on yourself than you have to? If you’re that much into security, use plain steel screws and let them rust in place. Then nobody will get them off.
Think about it. If thieves are stealing your plates on impulse, they might have a Phillips or flathead screwdriver, or maybe a multi-tool handy. But they’re not any more likely to be carrying a size 3 Hex key than they are a T25 pin-in Torx key. And remember, different size screws require different size tools.
On the other hand, if they’re dedicated professional license plate thieves, they’ll have all the tools they need including spanner, polydrive and tri-wing drivers.
Personally, we like Hex head fasteners. They’re available in a wide variety of metric sizes, head designs and material grades. The interior hex head allows them to be much smaller than comparable Phillips screws, and they won’t get buggered up like the plain slot-head variety.
Plus, Hex screws are simple, elegant and real easy to find drivers (keys) for — Hex (Allen) wrenches are available just about everywhere. If you lose your pin-in T25 Torx bit, are you really going to remember if it was a Torx, Torx Plus, or Torx TR? Or if it had 6 lobes or only 5? Probably not.

Rear License Plate Hardware
Except for a few notable exceptions, such as the Chevrolet Corvette, most American car manufacturers use sheet metal screws and nylon snap-in nuts for both their front a rear license plates. Most European and Asian manufacturers use a metric machine screw with a threaded insert.
The license plate screws for the rear are usually different from the front, since there is frequently some sort of rear plate mounting bracket that is first attached to the car. The license plate is then attached to the bracket with machine screws.
Pay Attention to Screw Length
Always keep in mind that the length of screw required to attach the plate to the bracket depends on the total thickness of your complete license plate mount, which may include:
Screw covers with a base
Clear license plate cover (if legal)
License plate frame
License plate
Frame gasket
All of the above can easily add up to over 12mm (1/2″) or more. If your screws are too short, they won’t reach the threaded insert, or engage enough of the thread for a secure fit. If the screws are too long, you risk passing through the bracket and bottoming out against your car before the screws are tight.
Note the built-in foam pads that adhere to the back of the BMW rear plate bracket holes (see photo below). These are there to prevent marring of the body finish from overlong screws.
Common Rear License Plate Screw Sizes
Below are a few typical metric machine screw specifications for rear license plate fasteners. The shortest lengths are usually for a bare license plate, or plate with a thin metal frame with minimal depth.
Audi: M6x1.0 x 8-16mm
BMW: M5x0.8 x 8-16mm
Honda: M6x1.0 x 12-20mm
Mercedes-Benz: M6x1.0 x 8-16mm or M5x0.8 x 8-16mm
Porsche: M6x1.0 x 8-16mm
It’s been our experience that dealers aren’t particularly concerned about the quality or size of the fasteners used on license plates. In fact, most original equipment (OEM) or dealer supplied screws are zinc-plated steel and offer only minimal corrosion resistance.
Front License Plate Hardware
Front plates, in particular, can be a real challenge because you’re at the mercy of the individual who installs them. With most European cars, the front plates are optionally installed at the dealer. If they use a power driver and over-tighten the screws, you can actually end up with little “volcano holes” in your front bumper cover.
Since front plates are not required in every state and country, the options for mounting them vary widely. As noted above, the front plates on European cars are usually affixed at the dealership, but you can often ask that they not perform this task, thus saving your front bumper the indignity of unsightly screw holes.
If you’re fortunate enough to live in a country or state that doesn’t require front plates, you can dispense with mounting them altogether. However, if you’ve already got holes in your front bumper, they can easily be made less objectionable by the use of “bumper plugs.” These are small round plastic inserts that fit snugly into the holes. They can be painted to match your car color, or you can custom order them from several online suppliers.
Front License Plate Brackets
Typically, the dealer will install some sort of plastic license plate holder with self-tapping (sheet metal) screws by drilling holes into your front bumper. Your license plate is then affixed to the plastic holder with more sheet metal screws.
Care must be taken to select a screw of the proper length, or you run the danger of scarring the bumper cover underneath (or actually puncturing the bumper cover). The correct hardware varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, and from model to model. Also, repeated removal of these screws will cause the plastic threads to deteriorate, requiring thicker screws for a secure fit.
Some U.S. manufacturers factory install the front plate brackets, not with removable screws, but with plastic rivets. If you’re careful, these rivets can be drilled out and replaced with plugs.
(Note: Even McLaren Automotive instructs their dealers to drill the front license plate holes directly into the front bumper. Ouch.)
BMW Front License Plate Bracket
As an example, I have a 2011 BMW 335i Coupe with the M Sport Package. I chose not to have the front plate installed (I live in California so had to sign a waiver assuming liability for the lack of a front plate). The dealer simply left the front bracket in the trunk when they delivered the car (no screws or instructions).
On this particular model, the plastic bracket has two tabs on the bottom that fit into two pre-existing slots on the underside of the bumper (see photo at right).
To install the front bracket:
Hold the bracket upright and, with your fingers, locate the two pre-existing slots on the underside of your bumper.
Insert the bracket tabs into the bumper slots and gently pull the bracket up, and hold it snug against the bumper. Be sure the tabs are fully inserted into the slots.
While holding the bracket in place, mark the bumper through the appropriate two holes.
Release the bracket and carefully drill the bumper cover.
Attach the bracket with suitable self-tapping screws.
Be careful.
You would then attach your license plate using the proper existing holes in the plastic bracket. But this gets tricky. On my M Sport bumper, the depth of the plate mounting holes is only 3/8″ before you hit the bumper. Yikes. If you’re not paying attention and use a 1″ sheet metal screw, you will bottom-out and damage your bumper.
So, as noted above, measure your total plate/frame mount thickness carefully and choose the proper length screws accordingly. Oh, and ALWAYS measure the depth of your bracket holes before you blindly attempt to screw on your plate.
Using Washers and Spacers
Proper synthetic washers between the screw head and plate (or frame) can help reduce rattling and prevent damage to paint and reflective license plate coatings.
Sizes are available for both machine screws and sheet metal screws. When using non-metal washers, be sure to choose a material like nylon, that can endure a reasonable temperature range.
Some rubber washers especially, are prone to rapid deterioration in hot and cold climates and can actually crumble and disintegrate within a couple of extreme seasons. Another nasty side effect of rubber washers is that over time they tend to discolor whatever they come in contact with. Nylon 6/6 washers are usually a good choice and come in a wide range of sizes, plus black or white color choice.
Don’t Over-Tighten License Plate Screws
Be careful not to over-tighten license plate screws. Especially the ones that attach the OEM plate bracket (if available) to the rear of your car. Doing so could cause the plastic nut inserts to pull out, necessitating a trip to the dealer for a fix.
Also, over-tightening the front bracket screws increases the risk of deforming your bumper cover or even stripping the holes (necessitating larger screws).
Screw Caps and Covers
License plate screw caps, covers and “hiders” come in a wide range of materials, designs, finishes and colors. They’re primarily intended to cover unattractive screw heads, so if you’re sporting some nice low-profile stainless socket head screws, you most likely won’t want to hide them with plastic caps.
European Screw Caps
Many European OEM factory “covers” are designed specifically for long narrow European style plates, and require special screws with unique head flanges that the covers snap over (see photo above right). Check your screw size and design before purchasing.
2-Piece Screw Caps
The most common license plate screw cover design is the 2-piece “snap-cap.” It consists of a cup-like base (washer), through which your screws are inserted. Once tightened, you simply snap the top cover (cap) in place over the base.
The tight fit between cap and base helps prevent corrosion and deter theft. Snap-caps are made from high-impact UV stabilized plastic and are suitable for extreme outdoor use (see photo below).
Hinged Screw Caps
Another popular design is the hinged caps which are commonly included with some high-end marque plates (see bottom-left photo below). In many cases, these hiders are actually necessary since many of these plates don’t have round screw holes; they’ve got rather large slots or square “holes”. The included covers would actually be required to hide the oversized holes (see photo below right).
What type and size screws do I need?
That depends on your car. As noted above, if it’s an American car, you’re probably looking for standard measure (not metric) hardware for both the front and rear plates.
Also, screws for American cars are typically self-threading (sheet metal) and are fastened to some sort of bracket or plastic anchor nut that snaps into the car body (sometimes called license plate nuts, license plate inserts, or push-in nuts). Keep in mind that the “metric” specification doesn’t mean much when it comes to sheet metal screws.
For imported cars, depending on your state’s front plate requirements, you may need a combination of both metric machine screws and self-threading screws. The former for the rear plate, and the latter for the front plate.
If you’re looking strictly for original equipment (OEM) replacement screws, the quickest way to identify them is to call the parts department of your car dealership. However, dealers are often reluctant to provide part numbers for fear the customer will buy someplace else.
If you’d rather not buy from a dealer, and don’t mind doing a bit of research, try one of the many online OEM parts suppliers. For example, the Real OEM BMW Parts Catalog is fairly easy to use and has a comprehensive database that generally returns accurate results with correct OEM part numbers (see photo below).
Find a thread checker.
If you’re looking for screws to replace the OEM screws, the you’ll have to look elsewhere. The most foolproof way to get replacement screws is to begin with an original equipment (OEM) part.
Take it to any hardware or building supply store (Ace, Lowe’s, OSH, Home Depot, etc) and get it sized using a “thread checker.” This is a collection of metric and standard bolts, nuts and screw holes mounted on a vertical board of some sort (see photo at right). If you can’t find a thread checker, ask a clerk.
If you don’t have an OEM screw to use as a guide and removing one of your existing screws isn’t practical, then finding the correct size may take a bit of investigative work. As noted above, you can try an online OEM parts supplier. Their part descriptions sometimes give enough detail to find a suitable replacement.
I’ve found online auto forums, Amazon and eBay to be helpful in this regard also, but be forewarned — The Internet is a swamp of misinformation and bad advice, so make sure you confirm any recommendations with alternate sources.
Stick with stainless steel.
Knowing the best fastener material is easy. Get stainless steel. Everything else is a waste of money and time. 316 stainless is preferable over 18-8, but not absolutely essential in most environments. Also, finding 316 stainless fasteners anywhere locally can be difficult.
Installing Front License Plate Bracket
Know your length.
As discussed earlier, determining the best screw length is mandatory. So, before buying anything, be sure to measure the thickness (depth) of your plate/frame configuration. And also note the distance between the back of your plate bracket (if there is one) and your car body/bumper.

Where can I buy license plate screws?
Now comes the legwork — Actually finding the screws that you need. You could easily spend your entire Saturday searching for the perfect 12mm stainless steel M5x0.8 button-head cap screws and wind up with $40 worth of junk (ask me how I know this).
The practical issue, of course, is that no hardware store or building supply could possibly carry every conceivable screw size; and then triple their inventory with metric and stainless steel varieties.
The photo above right illustrates this challenge. This fellow “wasn’t feeling” the stock license plate screws so he visited his local building supply emporium and bought the ones in the photo. He was so pleased with his purchase that he also installed them on his wife’s BMW. Unfortunately, those screws aren’t metric (they’re standard 10-32 machine screws) and they probably stripped the threaded inserts that they were forced into.
Another option is to try an online industrial supply company. The problem with this alternative is that, even if you found what you’re looking for, you may have to buy 200 screws to get the 8 you need. Not terribly efficient.
eBay and Amazon
Then of course, there’s eBay and Amazon. Both marketplaces have some great stuff, and both have a lot of junk. To weed through the crap, always look for the following information in the seller’s product description:
What are the screws made of? “Rust proof metal” is not helpful. Look for specifics like “18/8 stainless.”
What type of screws are they? Metric or standard? Machine or sheet metal?
What is the exact size of the screws? This is a frequent problem. “Should fit most European cars” is not a size. “A little bit longer than the factory screws” is not a size. You’re looking for descriptions like #12 x 3/4″ long sheet metal screws (standard) or M6x1.0 x 16mm long machine screws (metric).
What type of head/drive do the screws have? Phillips, Allen (Hex), Torx, whatever. And what size is the drive?
If it’s a non-standard drive (not flat or Phillips screwdriver) does the vendor include the proper tool?
Does the seller have an easy return policy in case the screws don’t fit.
“No Holes” Front License Plate Relocators
License plate “relocators” are primarily intended for folks who don’t want to drill holes into their front bumper. The most common alternate mounting style makes use of the existing front tow hook receptacle to attach a removable plate bracket. Other bracket designs allow you to drill holes underneath the bumper, or fasten the bracket to existing front grill-work.
Depending on how your vehicle is equipped, and the position of the relocated plate, keep a few things in mind:
Relocated plates can block needed airflow into the engine compartment.
Relocated plates can trigger proximity (parking) sensors in your front bumper, if your car is so equipped.
Relocated plates may be more susceptible to automatic carwash damage.
Relocated plates that use the tow hook receptacle can actually be easier to steal than conventionally mounted plates (just grab and twist).
License plate relocators are now available in dozens of designs, in a wide range of applications and prices. Some of the most popular suppliers are:
Bavarian Auto
Custom Performance Engineering (CPE)
Go Mini Go
Hide The Plate
Perrin Performance
Skene Design
Turner Motorsport
US Mill Works
Or, just do a Google search on “no holes license plate holder.”
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do I need a front license plate?
That depends on where you live. Currently 31 of the states in the U.S. require a front license plate. You should consult your specific state’s motor vehicle department for additional rules and regulations regarding plate display.
Q: What is rust?
Rust is another name for iron oxide, which occurs when iron or an alloy that contains iron, like steel, is exposed to oxygen and moisture for an extended period. Over time, the oxygen combines with the metal at an atomic level, forming a new compound called an “oxide” and weakening the bonds of the metal itself. Only iron or alloys that contain iron can rust, but other metals can corrode in similar ways.
If salt is present, for example in seawater, salt spray or salted winter roads, the iron tends to rust more quickly, as a result of electrochemical reactions. Given sufficient time, oxygen, and water, any iron mass will eventually convert entirely to rust and disintegrate. Surface rust is flaky and crumbly, and it provides no protection to the underlying iron.
Q: What is type 316 stainless steel?
By far the most common stainless steel is type 304, most often referred to as simply “18/8” for its composition of 18% chromium and 8% nickel. While most 300 series stainless steels share this 18/8 mix, slight differences in chemical composition between the different grades of the 300 series make certain types more resistant than others to particular types of corrosion.
The second most common 300 series stainless steel is the 316 grade. In type 316 stainless, the chromium content is lowered from 18% to 16%, and the nickel content is raised to 10%. In addition, 2% molybdenum is added to the mixture. This change in the alloy ratio increases the resistance to corrosion. Type 316 is often referred to as “marine grade” stainless because of its frequent use in marine construction.
Q: Do I really need marine grade license plate hardware?
That depends. If you live in a warm, dry climate where it rarely rains or snows, and they never salt the roads, probably not. However, if you live near the coast, or in areas with frequent snowfall it might be a good choice.
Also, the use of 316 stainless can help eliminate the pitting and spotting that can occur with lesser grades of stainless such as 304 (18/8). And, you’ll never be surprised by the inability to remove a license plate that’s permanently rusted to your car.
Q: How can I be sure that my hardware is stainless steel?
Most 300 series stainless steel is not magnetic unless it has been “cold worked” (the strengthening of a metal by plastic deformation at room temperature). Obviously, it’s unlikely that your license plate screws have been cold worked, so they should not be magnetic. If you’ve safely ruled out aluminum (and exotic metals like titanium), and it’s not magnetic, it’s probably stainless steel.
Also, some stainless hardware is actually marked with a grade (A2, A4, etc) or other distinguishing mark, such as a tiny bump or indentation on the head. However, these methods are unreliable for 100% positive identification because they differ by manufacturer.
Q: How can I tell the difference between 304 (A2, 18/8) stainless steel and 316 (A4) “marine grade” stainless?
The 2% of molybdenum which is added to the basic 304 composition to turn it into 316, can only be reliably differentiated by chemical analysis or some similar technique. This addition is done to improve pitting resistance, important for stainlesses in wet corrosive environments which tends to result in crevice corrosion.
Q: What is Nylon 6/6?
Nylon is one of the most widely used engineering thermoplastics and offers an excellent combination of mechanical performance and cost. Of the many nylon grades available today, nylon 6/6 and nylon 6 are the most widely used. The properties of both types of nylon are very similar and can frequently be used interchangeably. Nylon 6/6 is frequently used when high mechanical strength, great rigidity, and good stability under heat are required.
Q: What does “OEM” mean?
The initials OEM mean Original Equipment Manufacturer. When referring to automotive parts, OEM designates a replacement part made by the manufacturer of the original part. It typically means that the part was made by a company that is a subcontractor to a vehicle manufacturer. It does NOT mean — and this is important — that the part was necessarily made by the vehicle manufacturer.
It is a common myth that only a vehicle dealership is “authorized” to sell OEM parts. Nonsense. Most, if not all, of the OEM parts you get from a dealership can also be purchased elsewhere for less money.
Many items at national auto parts retailers will have OEM prominently printed on the package, but followed by a qualifier such as “meets OEM standards.” These parts are not OEM — They are simply claiming to have been manufactured to the same specifications (whatever those are).
Also, when buying auto parts, remember that the label OEM does not necessarily make the part better; only “the same as” the original part that came with the car. Many aftermarket parts are actually better than the original part.
Additional Sources
Real OEM BMW Parts Catalog
Pro-Dec Products
Turner Motorsport
Wikipedia: Metric System / Stainless Steel / Nylon / Rust
Brought to you by 1AAuto.com, your source for quality replacement parts and the best service on the Internet. Hi, I'm Mike from 1A Auto. I hope this how-to video helps you out, and next time you need parts for your vehicle, think of 1AAuto.com. Thanks. In this video, we're going to show you how to either replace or install a license-plate bracket on this 2003 GMC Envoy XL. The first thing you want to do is remove what's left of your old license-plate bracket, if anything. You may have bolts or screws or something that fastens it. Whatever your fastener is, just remove it. In our case, it's clips where you pry out the center and they pull free. You can see that we had an original license-plate holder on there. The new one from 1A Auto is exactly the same. It's going to all mount the same. I'm just going to put the old one back on, but obviously, if yours has gotten torn off, you'll already have the holes here, and you may already have the fasteners. Ours was held on with this style clip. If you're going to have to hold it on with the clips again, you'll need to drill a hole that's just big enough for the clip to go through. Then as you push the clip in, it widens these legs out and holds. The other possibility you could do is just a course-thread bolt with a washer. In that case, you would want to drill a hole that's slightly smaller than the bolt, and then put it in. Then what you would do is put it on here and just basically place it wherever you might want it. You can go a little higher, go a little lower. The bottom poles do have to be on the bumper cover, though. You could just line those up just above, but put it where you want it height-wise. Try and make sure it's level, and then try to center it kind of using the GMC logo. What I would normally do is I'd drill one hole. I'd put a fastener into the hole and get it held pretty steadily. So you can imagine we've drilled one hole, put a fastener in, and then I'd make sure it's nice and level again. Then I'd drill the second hole, and again, put a fastener in. These things you've got to pull out far enough so the wings can squeeze together. Then just repeat the process for the two lower fasteners. We hope this video helps you out. Brought to you by www.1AAuto.com, your source for quality replacement parts and the best service on the Internet. Please feel free to call us toll-free, 888-844-3393. We're the company that's here for you on the Internet and in person.

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10 Universal Power Steering Fluid Recommendations For Your Car

Power steering feature is a development in automotive technology that is applied to today's cars. Universal Power Steering Fluid, The main function of the Power steering is to make it easier for drivers when driving your vehicle becomes easier because it will be lighter driving at low speeds, even in tight spaces though. As with other features, power steering also requires regular maintenance to function properly, one of which is to diligently fill or replace the fluid in the power steering itself so that the correct pressure needs to be transmitted to where it is needed. There are lots of power steering liquids to choose from and this time we recommend the 10 brands of olie or the best power steering fluid to use on your vehicle. Remember to always give the best for your car, because this can save expenses and avoid damage in the near future. Here we are not being promoted from a power steering fluid company but this is for the good of all of us, ok let's get on with the following 10 power steering fluid recommendations from gnewscar.com
Universal Power Steering Fluid
1. Original Honda Power Steering Fluid

Honda Fluid 08206-9002 Original Power Steering Fluid is specifically designed for Honda power steering systems. It is suitable for all Honda models and eliminates the risk of damage that may result from the use of power steering fluid from other manufacturers. The entire power steering system can be rinsed with only three bottles. Main characteristics: Genuine Honda Genuine Part Power steering fluid 12 oz bottle Specification: BrandHonda Modèle08206-9002 Weight12 ounces 2. Original Ford Automatic Transmission and Power Steering Fluid MERCON automatic transmission and power steering fluid is recommended for use in Ford, Mercury and Lincoln vehicles. The high quality automatic transmission fluid is a high viscosity index hydrotreated base oil that includes performance additives. The fluid offers oxidation resistance, low temperature fluidity and superb shifts at both high and low temperatures. MERCON also inhibits the formation of foam, mud and rubber, and offers protection against wear. Leak detection is facilitated by the red color of the fluid. Main characteristics: Transmission and power steering fluid Suitable for Ford, Mercury and Lincoln vehicles Hydrotreated base oil High viscosity index with performance additives A red color easily recognizable Specification: Branford ModèleXT-5-QM Weight1.95 pounds 3. Original Mercedes power steering oil The original Mercedes power steering fluid is ideal for completing or completely filling the power steering fluid of any Mercedes. It provides quiet, smooth steering while improving the longevity and performance of your Mercedes. The fluid controls, oxidation, wear and foam formation, while contributing to the cleanliness of the power steering system. The power steering fluid requires no modification and is ready to be installed from the bottle. Main characteristics: Power steering fluid Designed specifically for Mercedes vehicles Specification: BrandGenuine Mercedes Modèle4333075456 Weight1.9 pounds 4. CRP Automotive Hydraulic Fluid Pentosine CRP Automotive Pentosin Hydraulic Fluid is suitable for use in any weather, even in extreme conditions. The high performance synthetic fluid is specially designed for power steering and other automotive hydraulic systems. It can be used effectively to support level control, dampers, central locking systems and hydropneumatic suspensions. Main characteristics: Versatile hydraulic fluid High performance synthetic fluid Specification: BrandCRP Automotive Modèle1405116 Weight2 pounds 5. Prestone power steering fluid with anti-leak system

Prestone Stop Leak power steering fluid is a high quality oil that is enriched with additives that revitalize retracted, dried and hardened joints. The fluid helps the power steering system run smoothly and reduces fluid loss by preventing leakage of seals. The fluid also contains corrosion inhibitors that protect the metal components and anti-wear agents that protect the pump components. Main characteristics: Power steering fluid with leaking stop action Fortified with additives that revitalize seals Reduces fluid loss Includes corrosion inhibitors and anti-wear agents Specification: BrandPrestone ModèleAS263 Weight2 pounds 6. Original Nissan Electric Power Steering Fluid

The original Nissan Electric power steering fluid is specifically designed for Nissan cars but can be used with equal efficiency in most vehicles manufactured in the United States and elsewhere. The liquid prevents oxidation, corrosion, and wear while helping to stop shouting and improve the performance of your power steering system. The original Nissan fluid includes stabilizing additives and detergent to reduce wear on valves, bearings and supports. Fluid usage can also help prevent shrinkage and hardening of joints. Main characteristics: Nissan original electric power steering oil Designed for all Nissan models Suitable for most vehicles manufactured in the United States and non-US Prevents oxidation, corrosion and wear Includes stabilizing additives and detergent Specification: BrandNissan Modèle999MP-EPSF00P Weight1.9 pounds 7. MAX EZ Royal Purple power steering fluid

Royal Purple MAX EZ is an advanced power steering fluid designed to optimize the performance and life of your power steering unit. It features exclusive Synerlec additive technology and can be mixed with conventional power steering fluids without losing efficiency or damaging the vehicle. Main characteristics: Advanced power steering fluid Suitable for most vehicles Not foaming High temperature service capacity Corrosion / rust protection Synerlec exclusive additive technology Can be mixed with conventional power steering fluids Specification: BrandRoyal Purple ModèleROY01326 Weight13.6 ounces 8. Red Line Power Steering Fluid Red Line Power Steering Fluid provides protection against wear, resistance to thermal decomposition and against foaming and evaporation. The fluid also offers greater heat resistance and helps prevent fainting and overflows of high temperature steering. It is suitable for most vehicles and is compatible with petroleum and synthetic products. Main characteristics: Suitable for most vehicles Viscosity 50% higher at high temperature One-fifth of high temperature evaporation Compatible with petroleum and synthetic products Specification: BrandRed Line ModèleRED30404 Weight1.7 pounds 9. Lucas Oil Power Steering Fluid Lucas Power Steering Fluid is a universal power steering fluid that contains a soft seal that helps prevent small leaks. It reduces stiffness and friction in your power steering; improve your performance and driving pleasure. The fluid also conditions the O-rings and reduces wear on all the steering parts. In addition, it stops fading and lathering in high performance situations. Main characteristics: Universal power steering fluid Improve flexibility Reduces wear Includes conditioners Specification: BrandLucas Oil Modèle10008 Weight2.03 lbs 10. Lubegard Complete Synthetic Fluid Power Steering Lubegard Complete synthetic power steering fluid is suitable for all vehicles manufactured in North America, Europe and Asia. It reduces friction while protecting hoses and joints. It extends the life of your power steering system and protects against extremely low and high temperatures. Main characteristics: Complete Synthetic Power Steering Fluid Protection against extreme temperatures Universality Reduces friction and provides protection Specification: BrandLubegard Modèle23232 Weight1.76 ounces 10 Universal Power Steering Fluid Recommendations For Your Car, Published by Gnewscar.com I hope this can be taken into consideration in choosing the best for your vehicle. Read the full article
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Melatonin as Mitochondrial Medicine
The findings of this new study lend additional weight to the evidence that melatonin prevents age-associated disease through its impact on mitochondrial health.19
This should not be surprising, considering the highest concentrations of melatonin inside of cells is found in the mitochondria, which suggests an important natural role for its effects on energy production and cellular integrity.32
Indeed, melatonin is known for its ability to extend the lifespan of multiple species, from insects to mammals. This effect is accomplished through melatonin’s ability to protect mitochondria, promote longevity-associated proteins such as SIRT1, and reduce oxidative stress that can induce mitochondrial destruction.14-21
Specifically, melatonin can:
Prevent age-related mitochondrial dysfunction in brain cells, with the potential to slow or prevent neurodegenerative diseases,4,8-10
Prevent death of skeletal muscle cells through supporting mitochondrial energy production,5
Protect heart muscle cells following loss of blood flow (ischemia) during and after a heart attack,6
Improve mitochondrial function, and hence, energy utilization, in fat tissues of animal models of diabetes and obesity,11
Alleviate fatty liver disease by protecting liver mitochondria in similar animal models,12
Improve function of smooth muscle cells in intestines, which often slows down during aging as their energy supplies are threatened.2
With its newly-discovered ability to support the CNPase enzyme, and the resulting prevention of MPTP formation, melatonin helps preserve youthful function in every tissue in the body.
And since most human cells and tissues contain mitochondria, that translates to a vital protective effect of melatonin in all body organs and systems.
Loss of mitochondrial function is a fundamental contributor to aging in every cell, tissue, organ, and body system in humans.
A landmark study published in early 2017 has shown that melatonin supplementation supports youthful mitochondrial function by preventing the expression of an opening, or pore, or “hole” in mitochondrial membranes that would otherwise degrade their ability to generate energy.
This results in enhanced mitochondrial function, and a reduction in age-related diseases—and it goes a long way to explaining melatonin’s known longevity-promoting properties.
By supplementing with melatonin, we can preserve youthful energy supplies by providing protection for the body’s main energy source.
If you have any questions on the scientific content of this article, please call a Life Extension® Wellness Specialist at 1-866-864-3027.
Ganie SA, Dar TA, Bhat AH, et al. Melatonin: A Potential Anti-Oxidant Therapeutic Agent for Mitochondrial Dysfunctions and Related Disorders. Rejuvenation Res. 2016;19(1):21-40.
Martin-Cano FE, Camello-Almaraz C, Acuna-Castroviejo D, et al. Age-related changes in mitochondrial function of mouse colonic smooth muscle: beneficial effects of melatonin. J Pineal Res. 2014;56(2):163-74.
Paradies G, Paradies V, Ruggiero FM, et al. Protective role of melatonin in mitochondrial dysfunction and related disorders. Arch Toxicol. 2015;89(6):923-39.
Petrosillo G, Fattoretti P, Matera M, et al. Melatonin prevents age-related mitochondrial dysfunction in rat brain via cardiolipin protection. Rejuvenation Res. 2008;11(5):935-43.
Hibaoui Y, Roulet E, Ruegg UT. Melatonin prevents oxidative stress-mediated mitochondrial permeability transition and death in skeletal muscle cells. J Pineal Res. 2009;47(3):238-52.
Petrosillo G, Colantuono G, Moro N, t al. Melatonin protects against heart ischemia-reperfusion injury by inhibiting mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol.2009;297(4):H1487-93.
Petrosillo G, Moro N, Ruggiero FM, et al. Melatonin inhibits cardiolipin peroxidation in mitochondria and prevents the mitochondrial permeability transition and cytochrome c release. Free Radic Biol Med.2009;47(7):969-74.
Jou MJ. Melatonin preserves the transient mitochondrial permeability transition for protection during mitochondrial Ca(2+) stress in astrocyte. J Pineal Res. 2011;50(4):427-35.
Ozturk G, Akbulut KG, Guney S, et al. Age-related changes in the rat brain mitochondrial antioxidative enzyme ratios: modulation by melatonin. Exp Gerontol. 2012;47(9):706-11.
Cardinali DP, Pagano ES, Scacchi Bernasconi PA, et al. Melatonin and mitochondrial dysfunction in the central nervous system. Horm Behav. 2013;63(2):322-30.
Jimenez-Aranda A, Fernandez-Vazquez G, Mohammad ASM, et al. Melatonin improves mitochondrial function in inguinal white adipose tissue of Zucker diabetic fatty rats. J Pineal Res. 2014;57(1):103-9.
Agil A, El-Hammadi M, Jimenez-Aranda A, et al. Melatonin reduces hepatic mitochondrial dysfunction in diabetic obese rats. J Pineal Res. 2015;59(1):70-9.
Baburina Y, Odinokova I, Azarashvili T, et al. 2’,3’-Cyclic nucleotide 3’-phosphodiesterase as a messenger of protection of the mitochondrial function during melatonin treatment in aging. Biochim Biophys Acta.2017;1859(1):94-103.
Stacchiotti A, Favero G, Lavazza A, et al. Hepatic Macrosteatosis Is Partially Converted to Microsteatosis by Melatonin Supplementation in ob/ob Mice Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. PLoS One.2016;11(1):e0148115.
Jenwitheesuk A, Nopparat C, Mukda S, et al. Melatonin regulates aging and neurodegeneration through energy metabolism, epigenetics, autophagy and circadian rhythm pathways. Int J Mol Sci.2014;15(9):16848-84.
Teran R, Bonilla E, Medina-Leendertz S, et al. The life span of Drosophila melanogaster is affected by melatonin and thioctic acid. Invest Clin. 2012;53(3): 250-61.
Chang HM, Wu UI, Lan CT. Melatonin preserves longevity protein (sirtuin 1) expression in the hippocampus of total sleep-deprived rats. J Pineal Res. 2009;47(3):211-20.
Rodriguez MI, Escames G, Lopez LC, et al. Improved mitochondrial function and increased life span after chronic melatonin treatment in senescent prone mice. Exp Gerontol. 2008;43(8):749-56.
Anisimov VN, Popovich IG, Zabezhinski MA, et al. Melatonin as antioxidant, geroprotector and anticarcinogen. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2006;1757(5-6): 573-89.
Hevia D, Gonzalez-Menendez P, Quiros-Gonzalez I, et al. Melatonin uptake through glucose transporters: a new target for melatonin inhibition of cancer. J Pineal Res. 2015;58(2):234-50.
Magnanou E, Attia J, Fons R, et al. The timing of the shrew: continuous melatonin treatment maintains youthful rhythmic activity in aging Crocidura russula. PLoS One. 2009;4(6):e5904.
Jackson EK, Menshikova EV, Mi Z, et al. Renal 2’,3’-Cyclic Nucleotide 3’-Phosphodiesterase Is an Important Determinant of AKI Severity after Ischemia-Reperfusion. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2016;27(7):2069-81.
Baburina Y, Azarashvili T, Grachev D, et al. Mitochondrial 2’, 3’-cyclic nucleotide 3’-phosphodiesterase (CNP) interacts with mPTP modulators and functional complexes (I-V) coupled with release of apoptotic factors. Neurochem Int. 2015;90:46-55.
Krestinina O, Azarashvili T, Baburina Y, et al. In aging, the vulnerability of rat brain mitochondria is enhanced due to reduced level of 2’,3’-cyclic nucleotide-3’-phosphodiesterase (CNP) and subsequently increased permeability transition in brain mitochondria in old animals. Neurochem Int. 2015;80:41-50.
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Lemasters JJ, Nieminen AL, Qian T, et al. The mitochondrial permeability transition in cell death: a common mechanism in necrosis, apoptosis and autophagy. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1998;1366(1-2):177-96.
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Paradies G, Petrosillo G, Paradies V, et al. Melatonin, cardiolipin and mitochondrial bioenergetics in health and disease.J Pineal Res. 2010;48(4): 97-310.
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10+ Best Motorcycle Oil Wet Clutch: Reviews & Consumer Report
To maintain the good working state of your wet clutch, you need good oil sources. A good oil source helps reduce the heat and the friction inside the clutch, while slowing down the oxidation process that could make your clutch become rusty over time. In this article, Motoczysz will talk about the best motorcycle oil wet clutch, how to choose and review the best motorcycle oil for wet clutches and motorcycle engines.
The best motorcycle oil wet clutch reviews in 2021
If you are one of the experienced motorcycle riders or collectors, you would never be unfamiliar with the clutch. The clutch is a special mechanical device, that allows users or riders to temporarily disconnect or in other words, separate the motorcycle engine from the transmission system or the drivetrain. Therefore, the riders can easily and smoothly switch between gears without having to hit the break or stop the bike entirely.
Motorcycle clutches are primarily categorized into two types, dry clutches and wet clutches. An oil wet clutch allows the riders to switch gears even smoother than the base requirements by the clutch. Oil wet clutches are literally soaked into machine engine oil, which shows its advantages of cooling and lubricating the device, helping to expand the lifespan of the wet clutch as well as the transmission system and the drivetrain.
We will talk about the best motorcycle oil wet clutch, how to choose and review the best motorcycle oil for wet clutches and motorcycle engines.
1. Motul 105894 10w 30 Wet Clutch Trans Oil
The first product we would like to introduce today is the Motul 105894 10w30 Wet Clutch Trans Oil, which is initially made in France for motorcycles with the capability of universal fit, meaning that it can be used with almost all the types of wet clutches available. The volume of the package is 33.81 Fluid Ounces or 12 liters. Therefore, the ratio of price on the volume you get is roughly 0.45$ on a fluid ounce, which is a good ratio.
The package comes in the dimensions of 20.4 centimeters height x 11.6 centimeters large x 6.6 centimeters wide, or about 9 inches x 4.5 inches x 3 inches. The weight of the package is 2.028 pounds. The wet clutch oil comes from the well-known brand Motul with the viscosity of 10w – 30.
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10w – 30 viscosity
Motul brand
Good price on volume ratio
Universal fit
✘ The volume might be small to some people
2. Blud Racing Pro Elite Series RED Racing Oil
Blud Racing Pro Elite Series RED Racing Oil is the next item in our list of the best wet clutch oils. The description does not need to say much about this clutch because you can try for yourself. The brand Blud is a respected brand for ATV, UTV and motorcycle oils.
The engine oil is designed to maximize the performance with the exceeded horsepower rate torque rate. The oxidation process will be significantly slowed down with the oil for a longer engine life. Speaking of engines, it is primarily designed for 4 stroke engines, so it would be perfect for your motorcycles. It falls into the type of synthetic severe duty oils, so there is not much you have to worry about.
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Wide range of compatible models
15W – 50 viscosity
Quality Assurance
32 fluid ounces
✘ Only 4-stroke engine compatibility
3. Blud Racing Pro Series
Blud Racing Pro Series by the name suggests that the motorcycle clutch oil is made for high speed and cool riders. The racing part denotes that it works really well with speed and intense riding sessions. The motorcycle oil is compatible with a wide range of motorcycles, featuring the viscosity of 80W – 140.
The item is made to satisfy the GL – 5 standard for machine oils, and even exceeds these specifications. The thermal stability produced by the engine oil is outstanding compared to other counterparts on the market. It is specifically designed for wet clutch, 4-stroke engine and other transmission parts of the motorcycle.
Finally, the extended drain intervals make this motorcycle perfect for your high-end motorcycles. The product is also synthetic oil and branded Blud.
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Blud branded for racing – Pro series
80W – 140 viscosity
GL-5 specs
Extended drain intervals
For road and off-road vehicles
✘ The volume might be a little low
4. Maxima 349128 Premium 4 10W – 40 Motorcycle Engine Oil
Maxima 349128 Premium4 10W – 40 Motorcycle Engine Oil is the ultimate wet clutch oil for your motorcycle. This motorcycle oil features the viscosity of 10W – 40 and is sold in various forms and sizes. There are plenty of volumes for you to choose from, including one gallon at a time, one liter at a time, and 5 gallons at a time.
Each pack contains the liquid volume of 128 fluid ounces, which is 3.78 when it is converted into liters, for that the volume is enough for almost any rider out there. You can also choose the option of 2 packs or 3 packs or even 12 packs at a time for a reduced price. It claims to be the superior product for high stability and multi-grade motorcycles.
This oil is made out of petroleum base; therefore, it is categorized into the type of mineral engine motor oils. Extra anti-scuff additives are featured to cope with the situations when high loads and temperature peaks are achieved. This motorcycle oil is specially designed for wet clutches, 4-stroke (4-cycle) engines with integrated transmission.
Finally, it is certified to satisfy Turbo, JASO MA M/C 4T and API SG/CC specs. The rating online for this oil is also perfect.
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Good reviews
Lots of buying options for riders to choose from
Turbo, JASO – MA – M/C 4T and API SG/CC certifications
✘ Mineral type of product, which does not perform as well as synthetic motor oils
5. RAVENOL J1V1402 SAE 10W-40 4-Stroke
RAVENOL J1V1402 SAE 10W-40 4-Stroke another one of the best wet clutch oil we found. The Ravenol is designed to be semi-synthetic, which features a combination of synthetic oil and mineral oil, to make use of all the advantages of all.
The oil comes in the volume of 4 liters, which when converted into fluid ounces turns out to be a little more than 130 fluid ounces. The viscosity here is 10W – 40, made specifically for 4-stroke QUAD, ATV, UTV and motorcycles branded Yamaha, Suzuki and Honda.
The brand claims that this motorcycle oil would be the best choice for you in terms of engine protection, which is to keep your engine and transmission system safe during low and high temperatures and against the oxidation process from the environment and time.
Once again, it is compatible completely with wet clutch systems in all cases. You’ll see a definite upgrade in performance with this synthetic motorcycle oil due to the super high quality and low evaporation tendency, as well as the low oil consumption.
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High quality
4 liter and 1 liter packs are available
Compatible with lots of vehicles, for example, Yamaha, Suzuki and Honda
Keep your engine and transmission safe and smooth in all kinds of conditions
Dimensions: 20.68 in x 13.78 in x 7.35 in
Weight: 7.93 pounds
✘ The price is a little high
6. YamaLube All Purpose
YamaLube All Purpose is another yet one of the best motorcycle oils you can order online. The Yamalube is made out of petroleum, defining itself as mineral oil, for stability in wet clutch performance and the protection of the engine against overheating, rust, wear and tear. It, obviously, satisfies and even performs better than what’s required by the JASO MA requirements.
Originally, this motorcycle oil is made for 4-stroke engines and wet clutches; however, it can still be used with various types of vehicles. The viscosity measures a value of 10W – 40 and features a flash point of 224 degrees in Celsius. It comes with two sizes, which are 1 gallon at a time and two gallons at a time. The pack weighs 7.5 pounds and measures 7 in x 11 in x 4.5 in dimensions.
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Wide range of compatibility
Performance Blend for motorcycles and other devices
JASO MA requirements
Genuine Yamaha product
✘ Mineral motorcycle oil
✘ High price tag
7. Lucas Oil LUC10710 10W-40 Semi-Synthetic Motorcycle Oil
Lucas Oil LUC10710 10W-40 Semi-Synthetic Motorcycle Oil is yet another semi synthetic motorcycle oil for wet clutches and motorcycle engines. It comes as one gallon bottle at a time, weighs 13 pounds, which is almost double the weight of other competitors.
Branded Lucas Oil, this motorcycle oil is made specifically for ATV and motorcycles, and have received hundreds of 5 star ratings on Amazon. The viscosity measured to be 10W – 40 and the item dimensions are 1.34 in x 2.01 in x 3.7 in.
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It has very good ratings
Lucas semi synthetic oil
One gallon bottle
✘ Package weight might be higher than others
8. Kawasaki 4-Stroke Motorcycle Engine Oil
Coming from Japan, the hometown of famous motorcycle brands such as Honda, Yamaha, and Suzuki, Kawasaki 4-Stroke Motorcycle Engine Oil is manufactured based on the deep understanding of engines and what they need.
The motorcycle oil item comes as one gallon bottle, featuring the viscosity of 10W – 40, and is made for all kinds of vehicles including: all terrain vehicles, utility vehicles, street cruisers and many more. The flash point is a little lower at 190 degrees Celsius. This synthetic motorcycle oil claims to be able to prolong the lifespan of the engine, producing outstanding engine performance and engine protection.
For wet clutches, it helps increase the quality in the shifting process for even smoother transmission, and performance. It meets the standards of API SL, JASO MA, and JASO MA2 for engine oil. The package weighs 8.24 pounds and measures 10.8 in x 10.6 in x 5.2 in dimensions.
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Kawasaki brand
10W – 40 viscosity
A variety of vehicles supported
✘ The flash point is a little lower at 190 degrees in Celsius
9. Honda GN4 10W-30 Motorcycle Oil
The brand name is no stranger to anyone in the world, Honda. Honda has been around for decades, longer than anyone can remember its beginning. It is famous for the manufacturing of good motorcycles, both premium and affordable ones. Therefore, Honda GN4 10W-30 Motorcycle Oil features years and years of studying and knowledge of Honda in the field.
The viscosity of this motorcycle oil is 10W – 30, packed in forms of bottle with the volumes of one gallon each. It is specially designed for ATV, UTV and motorcycles; obviously, this is one of the best motorcycle oil for a wet clutch, especially for Honda branded vehicles and devices.
It works perfectly with the Pro Honda GN4 four stroke engine, featuring the best selected and highest quality motor oil out there. The upside of the motor oil is the shear resistance, viscosity stability and cleanliness. If you’re looking for the best oil for a wet clutch, this is for you.
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Honda respected brand
Authorized Honda dealer
High quality and compatibility with Honda vehicles
Shear resistance and viscosity stability
✘ Higher price on volume ratio
10. HONDA 08C35-A141L01 Honda Pro
HONDA 08C35-A141L01 Honda Pro is another product from Honda. Honda in its founding times, has set the standard for motorcycle oils in the world and it’s now still growing. This package comes with the volume of one gallon of 10W – 40 motor oil and flashing at the point of 200 degrees celsius.
The item has received over three thousands of good ratings on Amazon and the average is 4.9, which means more than 98% of customers who have bought this item said they were satisfied. The product is a genuine Honda product, sold by a genuine Honda authorized dealer. It weighs 7.5 pounds, features the dimensions of 7 in x 3 in x 11 in.
To conclude, there is nearly nothing you could blame on this motor oil item, and if you don’t believe me, take a look at the comment section by yourself.
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Honda most high-quality product
10W – 40 viscosity
200 degrees of flash point
98% of the ratings are five stars
4.9 overall rating, which is exceptional
✘ Nearly nothing to blame on this one.
Frequently Asked Questions
In this section, you will find out the answers for the most frequently asked questions about motorcycles, motorcycle oils, clutches, and all. Feel free to submit your questions to our sites to get it answered.
1. What are Synthetic oils and Mineral oils?
Synthetic oils denote the type of oil that is made entirely out of chemicals. This type of oil is less toxic than the other kind and has better features and performance; however, it is a little more expensive.
Mineral oil is made based on petroleum mined under the ground; therefore, it could feature more toxic substances, work slightly worse than the other, but is sold at lower prices.
2. What is Semi-Synthetic?
Semi-Synthetic is a combination of both kinds below to take advantage of both of them. Semi is not as good as fully synthetic oil, but it sells at better prices.
3. How can I maintain a good state of my motorcycle engine and clutch?
In order to avoid any kind of your clutch going bad, you need to regularly do your maintenance work and check for the signs, which are:
Ensure the correct level in the clutch lever
Regularly change the oil for the engine and the clutch or after and before a really long trip. Doing oil changes timely is the best thing for your engine.
Don’t try to open or take a part what is not initially made to be taken apart
Clean your bike regularly, which might help in preventing dust or water.
4. When should I know that my clutch is going bad?
You will know if your clutch is going bad or not if you have noticed one or more of these events happening:
Stuck in clutch transmission
Degradation in the smoothness of the clutch transition
Clutch lever is stuck
Gas mileage goes lower
Weird sound or noise coming off the clutch pad
If you have noticed one of these, you should check with a respected car or motorbike repair shop and fix it before going on your next trip.
Final Thoughts
We have introduced the best motorcycle oil for a wet clutch above. There was also the guide for choosing the best items online and some answers to the most frequently asked questions on our website. In conclusion, a wet clutch has lots of benefits that make your ride much more satisfying and the maintenance part much more fun. The oil helps reduce the heat, the friction, as well as the oxidation process happening inside the clutch. Therefore, this is our final picks for the best oil for a wet clutch:
The best motorcycle oil wet clutch: HONDA 08C35-A141L01 Honda Pro
The runner-up item: Honda GN4 10W-30 Motorcycle Oil
The highest average rated: YamaLube All Purpose
The budget choice: Lucas Oil LUC10710 10W-40 Semi-Synthetic Motorcycle Oil
And that wrapped up our article about clutch oils. Thank you for reading our guides to choosing the best motorcycle oil wet clutch. I hope that this guide is helpful to you when it comes to the maintenance session of your bike. Don’t forget to share with me your thoughts and comments on the best motorcycle oil wet clutch that we have introduced via the article.
from MotoCzysz https://ift.tt/3fIiraC via https://ift.tt/2QTgU7x
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TURBOSII DOT Approved H4 9003 HB2 LED Headlight Bulbs Conversion Kit
Features:H4 led headlight bulb, COB LED chips,6000LM (3000LM per bulb) 6500k per light for safety driving at night,Instant installation in 15-20 minutes,plug and play,all-in-one compact design.Waterproof level: IP67,Beam Angle:360 degree,Material: Aviation 6063 aluminum profile,Dual high beam and low beam.Lifespan is over 30,000 hrs.To get more news about 9003 led headlights, you can visit iengniek official website. ADVANTAGE:(1),Exquisite surface oxidation treatment.(2),Exceed the heat dissipation design.(3),Derived from European union E4 standard design.(4),Diversified installation with adjustable beam angle.(5),Improved safety,without stray light,there is no glaring light for opposite driver. Appilication: Honda,Honda Ridgeline,Hyundai Accent GLS,kia soul,nissan versa,accord,Arctic Cat proclimb snowmobile,BMW G450X,Chevy Aveo,Civic,CRV,Gmc Savana,HD Ultra Limited,Pathfinder,Pontiac Vibe,Prius,Saab,Skidoo Etec 800 MXZ,Skidoo Expedition Xtreme,Ski-Doo Rev,Skidoo snowmobile,tacoma,Toyota 4runner,Toyota FJ Cruiser,Toyota Highlander,Toyota Supra,Toyota Yaris,truck,Yamaha v star 1300 deluxe,Yamaha Venture, Yamaha Wolverine,Yamaha FZ09. NOTE:VW BMW Volvo Mini Cooper Benz series may have canbus issues,pay attention to buy.Amazon filter system may not be 100% accurate or up to date. If you are not sure which bulb size fit your vehicle, please contact with us.The bulbs don’t include CANBUS. WORRY-FREE WARRANTY: Includes a free 1 year warranty and lifetime support.Package Included: 2 X Led Headlight Bulb, 1 X Manuel and necessary accessories.if it has any questions after you order, please kindly contact us, we will solve it for you until you satisfy with it. Integrally molded power inductors, Above 30000 hours long life capacitors,Large-capacity ceramic capacitors, the United States IR power MOS. lighting at minus 45 degree is normal, The test is normal when lighting at 80 degrees for 90 consecutive days EMC standards: According to the International Organization for Standardization to develop ISO7637-2:2004 and GB/T21437-2008 standards,it adopts superior EMC. Anti-jamming circuit design which is no electronic interference and does not affect the original car radio and other electronic equipment.
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Designer Sunglasses - Learn About the Different Brands
There are now many different brands of designer sunglasses which have either evolved in their own right, such as Ray Ban or Oakley, or have been created as an accessory to the fashion house brands, such as Gucci and Versa etc. This article examines the backgrounds to these different designer brands, tracing back to their roots and finding out how they were first created and grew into the well-known high street fashion brands that we all desire to wear. Learn about Oakley, RayBan, Dole and Banana, Diesel, Gucci, Hugo Boss, Prada, Tommy Hilfiger, and Versa.
1. Oakley Sunglasses
Oakley is mostly known for their quality sunglasses and ski goggles, and was founded by Jim Janna rd in California,USA in 1975, where he developed motorbike hand grips, and then sold them at motocross events. He called them "The Oakley Grip", and were very different to any other grips riders had been using. In the 1980's he moved on to goggles and sunglasses, and is now a world leader in innovative design, creating new and exciting products.
UV and impact protection
Plutonium is used for all Oakley lenses. It is made of poly carbonate, making the lenses lightweight, offering superior comfort, clarity and protection against ultraviolet radiation and impact resistance. In fact, this impact resistant material blocks out 100% of all UVA, UVB and UVC radiation. The protection is formulated into the lens material, as opposed to a thin surface film that can become scratched, leaving dilated pupils exposed to ultraviolet leaks. Shielding has nothing to do with the darkness or color of the lens, so even clear non-tinted Oakley lenses will still provide full UV protection.
The wrapped around, raked-back design of Oakley eye wear provides further protection by blocking UV from the periphery. The lens materials and frame geometries of Oakley sunglasses provide unsurpassed protection against high-velocity and high-mass impact.
Iridium lens coatings
This is a uniform filtering layer that optimizes contrast and minimizes glare, created by super-heated metallic oxides being fused to the lens at a molecular level, permanently bonding to the lens. Tuned to transmit from 9 to 92% of available light, the coatings are specifically formulated for optimal balance between reflection, transmission and absorption.
Every single pair of Oakley polarized sunglasses achieves 99.9% efficiency in blocking polarized light waves. Harsh glare is caused by light waves bouncing off flat surfaces and water, and can be up to 10 times as bright as ambient light. With Oakley polarized lenses you'll definitely keep the sun from impeding your vision.
Oakley's polarization technology surpasses industry standards for clarity, performance and durability. Common techniques of incorporating polarization films into lenses by lamination (using adhesive to sandwich the film between lens layers) and drop forming (sandwiching then heating and pressing over contoured forms) can cause haziness and optical distortion. Oakley uses an injection-molding process to infuse the lens material around the filter. This liquid fusion creates bonding at a molecular level, allowing the filter to achieve the highest possible level of performance.
Hydrophobic (repels water)
The hydrophobic lenses repel water, oil perspiration and dust. Liquids simply bead off the lens surface without streaking, and any liquids that do not slide off the lens by gravity can be more easily wiped away than with other makes of sunglasses, making cleaning your lenses a breeze.
Oleo phobic (repels oils)
The oleo phobic characteristics end the frustration experienced with oils, fingerprints and other smudges on conventional eye wear. These marks on your Oakley sunglasses will easily wipe away without residue, eliminating leftover haze and reducing the effort required to clean the lenses.
The anti-static properties mean that dust, dirt and other particles are not drawn to the lens via static electricity. Dirt and dust degrade optical clarity, prompt more frequent cleaning and increase the likelihood of scratching.
3-Point fit
Oakley sunglasses are engineered to maintain a comfortable, secure fit. The company's patented "Three-Point Fit" ensures that each frame makes contact only at the bridge of the nose and behind the temples. This retains optics in perfect alignment and eliminates the discomfort of ordinary frames that hook the ears and mount with unbalanced pressure points. Some ear stems are sheathed in "unobtainable", an Oakley innovation that actually increases grip with perspiration.
This is the name of Oakley's hydrophobic (water-attracting) synthetic rubber that increases grip when wet, usually applied to the contact points of the sunglasses (nose and sides of the head). A very similar material was used in Oakley's first product, the "Oakley grips", used on motorcycle hand grips (mentioned earlier).
Frame composition
Engineering breakthroughs in structural materials allow Oakley to produce lightweight, high performance eye wear frames that maintain superior comfort and protection. The polymers used in "O Matter" frames (a nylon composite) are formulated for high durability, as well as controlled flexibility for improved safety during impact. To produce the ultra-strong, ultra-lightweight chassis of Oakley wire frames, five metallic compounds (including titanium) are fused into a single C-5 alloy. Both frame materials maintain resistance to ultraviolet radiation, humidity, thermal shock and chemical exposure.
X Metal
Oakley "X Metal" is a titanium alloy, and is the only 3-D sculpted, hypoallergenic, all-metal frame on earth. Its phenomenal strength-to-weight ratio maximizes comfort and durability. To maintain precise optical geometries, production pieces are analysed under real-time X-ray scanning and undergo five-axis machining in computerized systems that maintain 0.0005" tolerance.
2. Ray-Ban Sunglasses
Ray-Ban was founded in 1937 as a manufacturer of quality sunglasses. Ray-Ban introduced the two most imitated sunglasses in the world, the "Aviator" (issued free to the United States air force pilots) and the "Wayfarer".
It all started in 1920 when lieutenant John Accredited returned from a balloon flight, complaining that the bright sun had permanently damaged his eyes. He asked Busch & Lome to develop a pair of sunglasses that would not only provide the necessary protection, but also look good. A few years later, in 1937, Busch & Lome produced the "Anti-Glare", consisting of a lightweight gold-plated metal frame and green-tinted mineral glass lenses, which filtered out the ultraviolet rays. Pilots in the United States air force were issued these "Aviator" sunglasses free of charge. The aviator style soon became famous when, during World War 2, General Douglas MacArthur landed on the beaches in the Philippines. Photographers recorded the moment, and their pictures showed him wearing these aviator sunglasses - which then soon became popular all over America.
Ray-Bans have been used in various Hollywood films, starting with "Breakfast at Tiffany's" in 1961, starring Audrey Hepburn as Holly Go lightly. The "Blues Brothers", starring Dan Akron and John Belushi showed them famously wearing their "Wayfarer" style Ray-Bans. We mustn't forget, of course, Tom Cruise in the 1983 film "Risky Business". In 2006, the Honda Formula One Racing team members all wore the Ray-Ban 4075 model during the racing season.
Ray-Ban is now owned by the Quixotically group, and their headquarters are in Italy. Ray-Ban sunglasses continue to be very popular with a large range of exciting styles.
3. Dole and Banana Sunglasses
Dole and Bandanna is a high-end fashion house, founded by Italian designers Dominic Dole from Palermo, Sicily, and Stefan Bandanna from Milan, Italy. Dole and Bandanna are very popular among the Hollywood stars, designing clothes for Kylie Monologue, Madonna and many others. Although the two men separated in 2005, the business remains unchanged and both Dole and Bandanna continue to design together. They endeavor to create the best designs, rather than being concerned with starting trends, and just glancing through their collection you can see for yourself that the designs are absolutely stunning.
4. Diesel Sunglasses
The Diesel brand has been around since 1978, manufacturing jeans and casual clothing, along with accessories,including Diesel sunglasses. Diesel products can be purchased from around 10,000 shops and boutiques all over the world.
The Diesel company was founded by Reno Ross in 1978. He and his design team always wanted to lead their own path in fashion, being slightly different from the norm, and so Diesel has become a fashion leader, rather than a fashion follower. Their manufacturing methods and quality control guarantees an outstanding quality product, with an individual style that is refreshingly different from the usual trends. So, if you want to have that certain look of individuality and style, then Diesel sunglasses are well worth considering.
5. Gucci Sunglasses
Gucci is perhaps one of the worlds most prestigious and famous fashion brands. It was founded by Gucci Gucci in Florence, Italy in 1921. Gucci is the biggest selling Italian brand in the world and has about 425 stores around the world. They also hold the world record for the most expensive pair of jeans ever made - an amazing US $3,134, in Milan in 1998!
In 1938 Gucci expanded, and opened a boutique in Rome. Gucci Gucci himself designed many of the company's most notable products, such as the bamboo-handled handbag in 1947, which is still manufactured today. Four of his sons helped in running the company and leading it forwards, and after their father's death in 1953, Aldo Gucci was instrumental in opening the company's first boutiques in London, Paris and New York.
Like many companies, the Gucci company has had its ups and downs over the years through family quarrels and poor business decisions, but despite this, Gucci remains one of the premier luxury goods brands in the world. Have a look at a few Gucci sunglasses and you will soon see that the designs embody that sense of luxury and extravagance. So, if you want to get noticed, there's nothing quite like a pair of "Gucci's" to give you that sense of feeling special and sophisticated. You'll always be glad you invested in a pair of Gucci sunglasses!
6. Hugo Boss Sunglasses
Hugo Boss is a well known fashion brand extending worldwide, with a chain of shops in over 100 countries and an annual turnover of half a billion dollars.
Hugo Boss founded his clothing company in Germany, in 1923 near Stuttgart, where he is still based today. Despite bankruptcy in 1930, due to the difficult economic climate in Germany at that time, he set up a new business in 1931, and supplied the uniforms of the SS guards. Hugo Boss died in 1948, but his business carried on, and began making suits. In the late 50's, 60's and 70's fashion began to really take off, and Hugo Boss suits soon became known for their fashionable quality.
Like many other fashion names, the company has diversified into fragrances and also, of course, the stunning Hugo Boss sunglasses. When others around you notice you're wearing Hugo Boss sunglasses, they won't fail to be impressed.
7. Prada Sunglasses
Prada was created in 1913 by Mario Prada in Milan, Italy. He designed handbags, shoes, suitcases etc, and the brand now signifies luxury and style. Murcia Prada, Mario's granddaughter, took over the company in 1978, and moved the Prada label forwards, designing a new look handbag - simple and sleek - and now Prada stands for elegant clean lines with luxurious fabrics and materials.
Accessories, such as Prada sunglasses, are also extremely high quality, again showing those elegant clean lines with attention to detail that give Prada sunglasses their subtle style and classy image. The Prada brand is renowned worldwide, and the distinct Prada triangular logo is instantly recognizable. As soon as you put on a pair of Prada sunglasses you soon realize you own something special.
8. Tommy Hilfiger Sunglasses
Tommy Hilfiger comes from a large family in New York state, America. While still at school, he started his career making jeans, in 1969. With no formal training, he started designing clothes that were different from the usual styles. He moved to New York city in 1979 to further his fashion career, and brought out his first collection in 1985. He has since won numerous awards, not only for designing clothes and accessories, but also for his work in helping young American teenagers, encouraging them to improve in their education, and promoting their physical well-being (through playing sports, etc).
Tommy Hilfiger sunglasses have a special style all of their own, with a distinguished trendy look that is refreshingly different - sure to get you noticed as someone with taste and an eye for style. In a word - stunning!
9. Versa Sunglasses
Giannini Versa was born in Reggie DI Cabral, Italy. His mother was a dressmaker, so Giannini began to learn about clothing at an early age, helping his mother find precious stones and gold braid which could be embroidered onto the dresses. He studied architecture, and then moved to Milan when he was 25 to work in fashion design. He the 1970's he started to become noticed through his fashionable knitwear, and he was asked to design some leather and suede collections. A few years later, he presented his first signature collection for ladies wear in Milan, closely followed by a menswear collection. Over the next years, his reputation soon grew to become one of the great icons of the fashion industry.
Unfortunately in 1997, as he was coming home from his usual morning walk along Ocean Drive where he lived in Miami, Florida, Giannini Versa was shot and killed outside his ocean-front house. He was murdered by a man called Andrew Cancun, who committed suicide shortly afterwards using the same handgun that had been used on Versa. Giannini Versa was buried in Lake Como, Italy.
Versa remains one of the most talented and https://giftinger.com/product-category/accessories/sunglasses/ of the 20th century, and the Versa brand is one of the worlds leading international fashion houses. The collection of Versa sunglasses shows his flare for design with elegant, sophisticated styles, carried on by Giannini's sister, Donatello Versa, the new head of design of the Versa fashion house.
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New Zurich ZR-PRO Professional OBD-II Scan Tool Available at Harbor Freight Tools
In 1976, Chrysler ushered in the computer engine management system era with their Electronic Lean Burn 400 4-bbl. This early computerized spark-advance control system was developed to make the engine more efficient and provide cleaner exhaust emissions. The system consisted of the carburetor, the spark-control computer, eight external sensors, and a gaggle of vacuum hoses. This system was able to meet hydrocarbon, carbon-monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen levels without the use of a catalytic converter for the 1976 model year (MY). However, with each passing year, increasingly tighter emissions laws were passed, and as a result, each manufacturer developed their own onboard diagnostic systems to control and monitor its engines to meet the standards.
For the 1996 MY, the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) established a standardized control system for all manufacturers called Onboard Diagnostics II (OBD-II). OBD-II required a standard diagnostic link connector (DLC), located under the driver side of dash, with a specific pin out; one pin in the DLC provided power to the scan tool. Additional requirements were standardized diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) and a detailed list of available communication protocols. All OBD-II standards are applicable only to emissions-related functions of the vehicle, which include the engine, transmission, and driveline components. On the other hand, computer-controlled systems such as body controls, supplemental restraint systems, antilock brakes, and vehicle lighting don’t fall under the authority of OBD-II. These standards are manufacturer-specific parameters.
With ODB-II ramping up, Chrysler introduced the 1995 Neon in January of 1994. Several established tool companies adapted to the new OBD-II market while many new manufacturers joined the aftermarket scan tool arena to compete with the factory scan tools. Some aftermarket scan tools were acceptable, but many were nothing more than code readers, which provided limited access to data. Recently, we had the opportunity to evaluate a new challenger in the scan tool market. Harbor Freight Tools has introduced their first full-function scan tool, which will work with all manufacturers’ products, the Zurich ZR-PRO.
The Zurich ZR-PRO scan tool is a professional-level OBD-II scan tool that can read active and pending DTCs and clear the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL). The ZR-PRO can view Inspection and Maintenance monitors, view and log real-time performance data in numerical or graphic form, and query all 10 Global OBD-II modes. The software of the ZR-PRO runs on an Android-based operating system that can be updated via the internet. The ZR-PRO has built-in internet diagnostic help menus, sensor information, and it’s capable of testing individual sensors. The Zurich doesn’t require multiple keys to be swapped to communicate with different manufacturer vehicles as some scan tools do. It uses a Bluetooth Vehicle Connection Interface (VCI) wireless communication to connect with all vehicles (including European models). With all these benefits, it’d be expected that the Zurich ZR-PRO comes with a large price tag, which isn’t correct. The ZR-PRO can be purchased for a MSRP of $1,499 (sales flyers have listed the Zurich as low as $1,299), and that’s substantially less than the comparable professional scan tools from the large tool companies.
When the Zurich arrived, we opened the sturdy plastic carry case, which housed the Zurich, to reveal the tablet with stylus, an OBD-II cable, an AC power adapter, a USB cable, and the VCI. Additionally, an activation code, a quick-start guide, and an owner’s manual were included. Before using the Zurich, the quick-start guide suggested charging the tablet. Once charged, the Zurich was powered on, and the Wi-Fi setup was completed by following the start guide. The tablet required an ID and password, so we provided each, and the serial number and activation code were input to activate the Zurich tablet. At this point, the Zurich was updated with the latest software via an internet connection, and all of the vehicle model updates were completed (this took less than 30 minutes, but your times may vary).
When it came time to use the Zurich, we turned it on, and it booted to an Android desktop. We had options, which included using a camera, reviewing the apps loaded, making changes to the setup, surfing the net, and operating the scan tool by selecting the Zurich icon. A click on the Zurich icon brought us a vehicle selection page. Before we selected our 2006 Dodge Charger, we walked over to the Charger and located the OBD-II connector. We slipped the OBD-II cable into the DLC under the dash, and we connected the VCI to the OBD-II cable. With the ignition key turned to the on position, the VCI LEDs started blinking. Back at the Zurich scan tool (about 30 feet away), we selected the Dodge icon, and the Zurich performed an Auto Read (the Zurich reads the vehicle information, which included the VIN and the vehicle options). If the VIN data couldn’t be read (we didn’t experience this on any vehicles), the VIN data can be manually input. The 16-pin socket option was selected on the Zurich, and at this point, we were communicating with the Charger’s Powertrain Control Module (PCM) as well as all of the other computer modules functioning on the Charger.
The ZR-PRO provided us with the following options: Health Check, System Scan, or System Selection. The Health Check will check every module on the vehicle, which could be beneficial if you’re interested in all the systems of the vehicle. The System Scan and System Selection will provide individual system or sub-system tests, which will allow the technician to pinpoint the DTC. We selected the System Selection icon, and then we viewed the PCM for the 10 OBD-II Global modes.
Most scan tools, including the ZR-PRO, read emissions-related diagnostic trouble codes, which is called Mode $03. The dollar sign is used because it relates a value, and in this case, the numbers following the “$” sign are hexadecimal (base-16), not a common integer (base-10). Like so many scan tools, the Zurich also provided freeze-frame data and live parameter identification (PID) data, Mode $02 and Mode $01 respectively. We could clear codes, read freeze-frame data, reset the monitors, and clear the MIL, known as Mode $04. We could view the continuous monitor, mode $07 “pending codes.” A pending code is set when the first of two “bad trips” occurs. When a second bad trip arises, a Mode $03 code will be set. The Zurich performed bidirectional control of onboard systems within the emissions systems, known as Mode $08. The Zurich handled Mode $09 requests for vehicle information, and Mode $0A (10) could be viewed on any 2012-and-newer models. Mode 10 is a stored DTC that remains in computer memory even after Mode $04 code clearing. Mode 10 would store the code until the OBD-II monitor testing is performed and completed (passes).
This leads to Mode $06, which provides Test Identification (TID) of the system monitor that is involved. A component identification (CID) indicates which component is being tested and the test value. With each component a pass/fail will specify if the component test value is within its predetermined limits. With Mode $06, a technician can detect developing problems before a DTC is set. The Mode $06 data can be used to verify whether a DTC was set due to a major failure or if a system test barely failed. Mode $06 can be used to verify a repair actually corrected the source of the DTC without having to wait for the OBD-II self-tests to run.
With Mode $06, there are no standards, so the technician is subjected to the data provided to the scan tool by the manufacturer. Often part or all of the text is hexadecimal without any easy way to decode the information. The Zurich provided excellent, easily read data in Mode $06. All the data was written in English with only a minor amount of hexadecimal verbiage. Mode $06 as well as the other modes were well supported by the Zurich. One last mode that could be monitored with the Zurich was Mode $05, which was used for years before the introduction of controller area network (CAN). Our Charger had CAN, so the Mode $05 wasn’t available, but the Zurich read a pre-CAN Neon’s Mode $05 without difficulty.
Beyond the data for the emissions components, the Zurich supported the body control module (BCM), transmission control module (TCM), anti-lock brakes (ABS), supplemental restraint system (SRS), and supported a slew of additional control modules. Each manufacturer provided differing amounts of PID data, but whatever was supplied, the Zurich was able to decipher and provide to the user.
To give the ZR-PRO an unbiased test, we had a group of second-year Pennsylvania College of Technology (Penn College) automotive students use the scan tool and provide their feedback. Penn College has the Mopar CAP, Ford ASSET, Honda PACT, and general automotive programs. For the students’ labs, Penn College provides access to the factory scan tools and a selection of the higher-dollar scan tools from the large tool manufacturers. The students were given a quick overview of the Zurich, and then they were turned loose on the various vehicles in the labs.
The students’ remarks about the Zurich ZR-PRO were positive. Most commented that the ZR-PRO was easy to setup, and the VCI and OBD-II cable plugged in to the DLC and communicated with the tablet without any problems. Many found the scan tool simple to navigate without any need for additional instruction. The students expressed that the Zurich was very quick when going from screen to screen. They found having internet connectivity on the scan tool a huge benefit. It allowed them to look up DTC definitions and diagnostic procedures without having to login on another computer. With the Zurich, the students were able to read DTCs, review freeze-frame data, and view live-stream data, and once the vehicle was repaired, they could clear the codes and verify the repair. After the students became familiar with the ZR-PRO, it was the scan tool the students requested when one was needed.
Is the Zurich scan tool for a technician or enthusiast? If a professional scan tool housed in a rugged handheld tablet is able to perform with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi communications and has the capability to probe all 10 Global OBD-II Modes as well as additional manufacturer PIDS, the Zurich may be the scan tool needed. The ZR-PRO enters the scan tool market with a price that’s two, three, and, in the case of some scan tools, four times less expensive, yet provides the same or more features than those more expensive tools. If there’s an interest in the Zurich line of scan tools, check them out on Harbor Freight Tool’s website, drop by your local store, and watch your mail for their Super Coupons sales to pick up an affordable professional scan tool.
The Zurich ZR-PRO arrived with everything we needed to communicate with every 1996-and-newer OBD-II vehicle. The Zurich software on the tablet functions on an Android operating system. The ZR-PRO has a pair of stylists, an OBD-II cable, an AC power adapter, a USB cable, and the vehicle communication interface (VCI).
The ZR-PRO included an activation code, a quick-start guide, and an owner’s manual. The quick-start guide provided detailed instructions on how to setup the Zurich, which included charging, activation, Wi-Fi setup, and software updates.
After all the software updates, the Zurich booted to the start page. There were icons that provided us access to a camera, several apps, the internet, and the Zurich scan tool software. At the bottom of the screen are four buttons. The sideways triangle button returns to the previous screen. The circle returns to home. The square allows the review of all the apps currently open. The square with the landscape provides a screenshot that’s stored in memory and can be emailed or printed. This photo, as well as many others, were screen captures from the Zurich that we emailed to our personal email address and then saved on our PC’s hard drive.
The VCI and OBD-II cable were attached to the OBD-II diagnostic link connector (DLC) under the vehicle’s dash. Since the introduction of OBD-II in 1996, the DLC is a standardized 16-pin connector, and the VCI will connect with any manufacturer’s DLC.
The ZR-PRO’s VCI communicates via Bluetooth technology. We were able to communicate with the vehicle’s PCM and other modules from a distance approaching 100 feet. The Zurich doesn’t require plug-in keys or chips to work with each manufacturer, and because it’s Bluetooth, we could access DTCs, observe freeze-frame and live-stream data, and clear codes from the comfort of our chair in the office.
With the VCI connected to our 2006 Charger’s DLC, we selected the diagnostic icon and then the Dodge icon to communicate with the Charger. The vehicle identification number (VIN) scan button allowed the Zurich to retrieve data about the Charger from the Charger’s onboard modules. If the VIN scan hadn’t communicated, the VIN could be manually inputted.
After choosing the System Selection, we were provided with pages of modules we could monitor. The Zurich communicates with each module, and once a specific module was selected, additional options were provided.
We selected the PCM page, and this page allowed us to review data occurring with the PCM. We could check DTCs, read freeze-frame data, check out the live-stream data, activate output devices, clear codes, and access the 10 Global OBD-II modes.
The Module Information page provided us with an interesting bit of news. The replacement PCM in our Charger had previously been in another Charger, and at some point, it had been flashed to our Charger’s VIN, so a VIN conflict (and DTC) wouldn’t occur.
While we could look at the live-stream data in the numerical form, we elected to view the data in a graph form. We observed the short-term fuel trim and the upstream O2 sensor, which appear to be operating correctly and opposite of each other. The long-term fuel trim is within the factory parameters, but it’s adding more fuel (17 percent) than we usually see.
The live-stream data we acquired was recorded, and we put together the Pre-Repair Report Information page that we’ll match with the Post-Repair Report Information page (data after the repair) to share with the customer on how we repaired their vehicle.
We used the Zurich to observe the OBD-II monitors. This screen can be used to ensure that OBD-II was able to run all its tests and verify that the tests passed. The Charger had all the monitors in the completed status.
The Zurich provided a nice screen with all 10 of the Global OBD-II modes. The Mode $06 (hexadecimal) doesn’t have any specifications as to what the manufacturers must provide, and it’s usually difficult to decipher, but the Zurich made the Mode $06 data much easier to read and provided usable information for helping with the repair procedures.
If there was ever a problem with the Zurich, such as you believed there should be a module that the ZR-PRO didn’t recognize, a screen prompt asked for information about the concern. This information was passed on (via email) to the Zurich support staff, so they could check into the concern and make software updates as necessary.
Before connecting to a vehicle, it’s a good idea to ensure the latest software updates are loaded onto the Zurich. We checked the update screen, and whenever an update was required, we updated every vehicle manufacturer at the same time.
The Zurich had internet connectivity. This allowed the user the opportunity to check the diagnostic websites to repair the automobile or surf the net to visit their favorite website. The Zurich provided a professional level scan tool that was tested on six Chrysler products and a handful of other manufacturer vehicles, and it operated flawlessly on every vehicle.
The post New Zurich ZR-PRO Professional OBD-II Scan Tool Available at Harbor Freight Tools appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
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