#Homestuck x Reader
myhedcanonicfables · 6 months
Tavros, Gamzee, Karkat x injured! reader
Tavros :
«hHEY YOU'RE NOT OKAY, AREN'T YOU?» Tavros just looks down at you, examining your condition if, for example, you fell or something.
This guy is really worried about the situation. He tries his best to help, with his inept support or first aid.
Even if it is something very insignificant, he wants to show politeness, show his kindness. If he could make a good impression on you, he would be able to raise his self-esteem and your's friendship.
Tavros will probably chatter about how it's nothing and such injuries (in comparison) can dont sooo hurting or take soo long, in the way like comforting....
He will talk you about his experience with wounds and bruises
Gamzee :
«WhOa! MaMmA, iT's HuRt?» He takes you by the hand, lifts you up and helps you shake off or serves as a support if necessary.
He's more likely just to make sure everything is fine cuz there are still cases when a friend needs to help. So i mean he's just not exaggerating the tragedy.
But if it's really something scary, then he will certainly sympathetically help, although with his carelessness and ineptitude he may not do things perfectly.
In fact, he doesn't really care about it as a result, as long as you're okay.
Karkat :
« HEY! BE CAREFUL!» Like the Gamzee, he lifts you up and serves as a support.
Swears if it's something serious. «YOU'RE GOING TO DIE AT THIS RATE». But if it's nothing and you complain to him too often, he also swears that you're a crybaby
After that, Karkat can laugh at you or vice versa in risk place he hold your hand for safety, occasionally reminding you of your lack of care.
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l4zyb0n35 · 5 months
I always feel like that bitch whenever a fanfic writer i follow and get inspo from likes my post. It’s like winning an Emmy.
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yandere--stuck · 3 months
Yandere!Brain Ghost Dirk...
Imagine him being able to manipulate your thoughts. Why think of anything else but him? Why would you ever want to talk to anyone else when you can talk with him - someone who knows you better than literally anyone else. No one knows you like he does. No one cares about what you care about more than him. No one else understands you the way he can. Nobody else is worth it. Wouldn't it just be nice to talk to him, and only him, forever?
Can you imagine if he were able to manipulate your brain chemistry? Conditioning you to associate him with happiness, he floods you with dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin whenever you speak or think of him. And if you dare ignore him or try to spend time with anyone else, he's not afraid to mess with your head. You may suddenly find yourself unable to feel much of anything, or maybe too much - spiraling into panic attacks and unable to calm yourself. You only find relief when you come crawling back to Brain Ghost Dirk. Well, metaphorically speaking.
Dirk being so powerful in his control over your mind that he's able to control your body. You're trapped inside your own body, silently screaming to be let go and for Dirk to stop, all while he ignores your words and showers you in praise. He loves feeling your skin on your hands, feeling you through your own body. He can increase the sensitivity if you'd like. He knows exactly what you like best, after all. Nobody knows you as well as him.
And really, if you didn't want it, wouldn't you have been able to stop him by now. After all, he was only in your head.
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abandonedafterimage · 6 months
I can feel my Homestuck interest coming back soooo
You guys should send me Strider requests, or just homestuck requests in general. the striders are my fave tho (yes, also Bro)
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Its been a while so some of my homestuck knowledge has left my brain, so what some things are called have probably left my brain. but thats not gonna stop me.
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somberauthor · 4 months
could we get some uhhhhh- strider x reader cuddling headcanons? (dave and dirk separately).
gonna finally actually get to work chat... thank you all for waiting for me to do these, and I'm really sorry to those i kept waiting. I love y'all and I hope you enjoy the food!
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it really depends on the day which spoon he is. If he had a hard or rough day, you should count on him just... laying on you, clinging to you like a koala on a tree. But if he had a good or overall a day without you, rough or not he'll have you just lay on top of him.
He like to feel the pressure on your body resting on his. the weight gives him comfort, and the fact he knows its YOU? god just slap the title of happiest man on earth on his ass.
He never tells you when he had a rough day, you are able to simply just assume. He doesn't lay fully on you, but an arm and occasionally a leg will be on you. but if you reciprocate with playing with his hair???? oh boy, all of his body weight is going on you (he's laying on you... in a non-sexual manner)
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He's a little more solid than his brother, being primarily a big spoon.
He feels much more comfortable holding you, because then he can just look down and see he's not physically alone anymore. He finally has someone.
Similar to his bro, he feels comfort from your weight on top of him. it reminds him you exist and you just simply existing in his life makes him feel about.. 89% more safe.
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Y'all actually put a loving on my calder headcanons.... I feel honored you guys like them that much golly...
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celestialatlantis · 1 month
Sick Headcanons : would they be good at taking care of a sick, human s/o ?
Characters : Sollux, Gamzee Content warnings ? : This is a sickfic so there's that, but not much, no mentions of vomit either.
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Beginning of the end (wow, dramatic)
Day one: you'd start feeling off, this headache with a weight coming and going, your throat would feel a bit dryer than it should. Half a day of ignoring the warnings, a coughing fit hits you like a truck and Instantly you'd be hit with dread as you realised, shit, it's a cold; you don't even know where the hell you're supposed to get medicine now. Deciding to leave early, you were thankful that no one pried or probed you for answers. Then you had locked yourself up in your room, trying to logic out whether any of your teammates could get you the meds you used to buy. Unsure of how to bring that up, you decide to call it quits for the night. Feeling sluggish by the time you went to sleep. Waking up, you felt like rock-bottom personified. Fuck.
Gamzee Makara
Some would expect him to not notice as fast as he would.
"Nah little mama, something was defo bothering your cute thinkpan and this motherfucker would have to be blind to miss it .Honk"
But no he has a vibe-based radar and depending on how far your relationship has progressed it only becomes more attuned, somehow.
(Of course it did, he's red for you. This isn't a joke for him. it's a startling shift of demeanor to the untrained eye whenever his attentiveness shows, but it really shouldn't be.)
Has no clue how humans work. Still he'll ask you first and if you don't know then fuck. He's gonna have to ask Karkat if his human buddies know anything.
Either way, he'll bring a blanket and make a pile so that he can sleep near you in-case you need anything. He doesn't wanna leave you alone when you're sick, it has to feel extra lonely.
..at least he thinks it would be. Thinks. That's all.
He'll keep you company and bring you food, water, if you need Meds he'll try to look it up and see what he can do.
He's surprised when he remembers a few tricks he taught himself, from the times when he got sick while goatdad was away.
Will set a cold wet cloth on your forehead and switches it out when you fall asleep.
If you feel gloomy when sick, or if you just want him to, he'll do whatever he can to make you laugh.
Ask him to jump-scare someone by crawling in the vents and you'll see he's already five steps ahead of you. You can't help almost heckling a laugh for the second time when he gets back through the vents and you see he brought a Jason mask with him to scare the poor soul for your entertainment.
if you chose peace this time, he still has some tricks! He will make you laugh until you feel better, and you trust that based on experience.
He's strangely smooth as he walks around, not stumbling as much, although he seems to be acting like usual on the day when you wake up feeling well.
...you never did see it, but he couldn't let himself stay high while you were sick, it didn't feel right.
It really didn't feel right. He doesn't think it'll be remotely okay ever again, now that he knows you can get sick like this, - but it's okay. Now he can look out for you, like how you do for him.
Sollux Captor
Well shit, there's a chance that he finds out a bit later than Gamzee simply because he makes himself busy.
He'd notice you not replying to his pestering though, so off his chair and out his roo-..respiteblock he goes.
God, he'd inwardly cringe a little when entering your human room because he can sense the sick in the air somehow.
Asks the humans upfront how to take care of a sick person, which is noted to be unusual by Rose but she promises not to pry.
Sollux also stays in your room, brings a husktop, makes a makeshift pile to sleep on and just monitors you until you're feeling better.
Occasionally he'll leave, but mostly to get food, water, so on so forth.
Lets be honest, locking himself in a room and not leaving is not something out of the norm for Sollux. it's not difficult for him to stay.
Lets you whine if you're an insufferable patient type of person, he can feel a bit irritable but he just can't let himself get angry at you while you're sick.
The thought of snapping at you while you're steaming like a stove-top makes him feel like a jerk, and he has a heart in his ribs somewhere even when he acts difficult about it.
This type of vulnerability is new from you, and he won't make you regret not pushing him away.
He'll bring you a controller to play games together if you feel well enough to play. Would let you backseat him while he plays if you can't but still want to do something together.
He'll pester others for your entertainment too, or if you have human friends who could send over something for you he'll ask them for it too. Comfort soup that you can't make here? Consider it done, your friend will bring it in a few hours.
(he doesn't wanna risk fucking up the recipe and give you food poisoning.)
You get to choose the background music when he's doing coding, still, ask for his attention and you will receive it.
He might honestly fix a few things wrong in your room that you didn't know about if he gets bored while you're asleep. Mild things.
Also replaces some of your old chargers with newer and less beat-up ones.
He might even purr (read: buzz) if you pull his heart strings (not that difficult) and say it'll help you sleep, especially if you have a difficulty falling asleep when sick.
All in all, he learns pretty fast. Not that you should tell him that right after you recover, it'd give him an industrial sized ego.
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dopecat420 · 2 months
NSFW equius x reader :3
Thanks in advance <333
Hell yeah, thanks for being my first request. I'll be having fun with this.
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-- Equius Zahhak x Reader NSFW Hcs --
This man in general is a freak. I mean, have you seen him in the webcomic???
And when I say he's a freak, he's A FREAK.
He's all for leashes if you're a highblood, it just gets him feeling way more inferior and it turns him on.
If both of you are kismesises, there'd be a ton of hatefucking. One argument with you could get him hot and bothered.
As a top, he'd probably LOVE the mating position. He just loves being close to you and whispering praises in your ear.
Would start off as gentle, but once he gets that you can handle him, he'd go harder on you.
Oh, he loves being choked. Top or not.
Whimpers a lot during it, along with sweating. I mean, he's pretty much infatuated with you, don't blame him.
If he's top, he would definitely try his best to not hurt you.
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sludgewolf · 1 year
Their Love Language pt1
Characters: Aradia Megido, Tavros Nitram, Sollux Captor, Karkat Vantas, Nepeta Leijon
Disclaimer: do not copy, repost, take or feed to AI or NFTs anything I post
Aradia Megido
Quality time/ gift giving
Basically a crow, she's always bringing little somethings that reminded her of you
enjoys just existing by your side, you can each be doing whatever while in the same room that she's happy
Tavros Nitram
Words of affirmation
He's a nervous baby that needs reassurance so his lusus is always comforting him
Now being with you he ends up mimicking that and is always telling you how much he loves you or how good you're at certain things or whatever he feels like telling you
Sollux Captor
Acts of service/ Gift giving/ Cursing at each other
Now, Sol is shit at communication, so shit that instead of telling you he loves you he just calls you a motherfucker or a little bitch
never using your name, instead calling you nicknames or affectionately using a curse that, at this point, you just accepted as being another nickname
But mostly he shows his love through giving you random games he made or fixing your computer
He may not be physically be your side but Sollux is always up to playing games together
Karkat Vantas
Tough love/ Quality time/ Yelling
He's one of the most carrying trolls you've ever met, but he can't express his love in a non aggressive and shouty way
But Karkat does care, a lot actually, he just expresses it by yelling at you to be more careful or for you to sleep a normal time or even for you to not forget eating
The time you spend together at his hive he's always making you something to eat, covering you with the fluffiest blankets he owns and showing you the cheesiest and shittiest romcoms he has
Nepeta Leijon
Physical touch / Quality time
Cuddle bug and she's not sorry
Nep craves deep conversations in the dead of night, it's when she feels like she can truly connect with you
Also outfit sharing, she loves to see you in her clothes and wearing her sign
it's just a way for her to make sure you're warm and protected from the elements and other trolls
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chemical-underreaction · 11 months
dirk <3< reader dirk <3< reader dirk <3< reader PLEASE
sure thing!! <3 sorry if this wasn't exactly what you wanted, but i had a lot of fun writing this!!
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alright, let's be clear. dirk strider does *not* hate many things. he dislikes things, of course. he dislikes a lot of things.
but hate? hating things is too emotionally vulnerable for his tastes.
oh, but you?
he can make some exceptions for you.
you are a special, particular kind of pain in his ass.
there's two very different reasons why (i think) dirk would hate someone.
either they, as a person are in entirely direct conflict with him and get on his nerves in a major way - or, they're way too similar to him, and dirk does not like getting a mirror to his own behavior.
so more than likely, you'd fit into one of those two categories. i don't know you, though.
but regardless of what it is, you probably wouldn't have known for a while.
he didn't treat you.. differently? per say?
he was cold and cryptic and strange to everyone.
but with you, it seemed different. everyone told you it was just in your head. that dirk didn't have a problem with you, he was just like that.
but it was not.
dirk took so much pleasure in confusing you, getting one over on you. playing his little mind games.
granted, he is just kind of like that, but it's different. it was a lot more targeted, pointed - it wasn't purely in jest.
but, more importantly, it wasn't onesided.
you were not just a passive actor in this, oh no.
whatever you did, it was equally targeted to get on his nerves as much as possible.
there came a point where both of you, just for the sake of your fucked up little game, knew more about each other than even your mutual best friends did.
you'd torment each other with things, but you'd never bring anyone else into it or tell anyone things only the two of you knew. there was something of a code of honor. a trust fall system.
despite how much you disliked each other, you'd never actually do tangible harm to each other.
you just engaged in a prolonged battle of psychological warfare over your chat client.
eventually, it gets.. bizarrely flirtatious. not in a traditional way, no, but in a way that was still undeniably flirting.
you still hated him. he still hated you.
it continued regardless.
you two never.. officially got into a pitch relationship.
you're both human, after all. how would you know?
however, eventually, you were informed that your relationship with dirk sounded a whole hell of a lot like blackrom.
so, of course, you approach him about it.
neither of you know *enough* about quadrants to really call it.
but all the trolls have just been assuming it anyways, so you just shrug. by now, it's calling it what it is.
you and dirk have the mutual respect necessary for blackrom. and the mutual attraction.
needless to say, you have the "hate" aspect down.
alright, miscellaneous hc time.
he'll offer to teach you how to swordfight. he might only have done it so he could rock your shit, but he'll always patch you up after. and that little smile he gives when you first managed to get him back was pretty genuine.
just enjoys teaching you how to do his stuff in general. he'll tease you about sucking at it, but he'll actually be happy when you make progress. curse his tiny soft spot.
shows up in your house/wherever you live at random. also likes sneaking up on you whenever he sees you. the more you hate it, the more he'll do it.
he'll claim that you're more attracted to him than he is you - but that's a total lie. he's a little pathetic sometimes.
gets very flustered when you're better at him than something. anything. literally anything at all. why, exactly.. good luck getting that out of him.
actually gets genuinely upset if he goes too far with you in any way. it'll mess with him a lot, and he'll apologize profusely.
he cares about you, despite how annoying you are. despite how much he hates you, despite all of it. he cares about you a lot. and, in his own weird way, loves you.
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nightfang22 · 3 months
Not me re-entering my Homestuck™️ era.Look forward to some new Homestuck content from me soon.😂
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myhedcanonicfables · 5 months
Confessing Gamzee, Karkat and Eridan
please, i wait your requests!
He worries less than many people. At least because his religion helps him.
«HeY i hAvE oNe IsSuE»
If you refuse him, Gamzee will be upset, of course, but he will not sad you for long.
Probably, it's just nice for him to admire the good features of a person and be his friend.
And if you agree, he will eventually take on subconscious responsibility. He may be a relaxed person, but he gives priority values to close people.
Karkat :
He is definitely heistates. «SURELY. IT WOULD BE A SHAME! IS IT WORTH IT?»
Karkat also definitely does not like himself and expects this from the reader, even if he has always been treated well.
But okay. In the end, for him will be easier to move on. Therefore, it is solved after not too long.
If you refuse him, then this is what he was preparing for. Therefore, with prepared sadness, he continues to strive for common friendship. But also, he can refuse future friendship too.
But how surprised and happily Karkat will become if you agree.
Now you are a couple, so it's time to experience his accumulated experience gained in movies.
If we are talking about a human, then he will need to step over his pride even more and for longer than with a lowblood troll.
He is unlikely to idealize his love in ordinary circumstances. But he understands his feelings quickly enough
Eridan hesitates a lot in front of whoever it is in this deal. He's afraid of shame.
And he'll get angry if you refuse. Of course, he will be very upset, and he will certainly be much more detached.
But maybe he won't show much joy if you agree, he still will treat you much better. Very.. protectively.
But whoever you are in the troll hierarchy, Eridan will be proud of his partner.
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The people require marvus SMUT 🗣️
Same ❤️. Doing AMAB reader for this one because there's not enough of that.
🎉Marvus x Reader🎉
Nsft Below Cut!
Marvus digs his fingers into the sheets, arching his back as much as possible, even though he's practically face-down ass-up already. He's tired, he's stressed, and he needs you.
Your hands run down his back as you press yourself against his ass. He grinds on you, huffing impatiently as you run your fingers through his hair.
You don't want to play around too much, wind him back up again. You push into him, and the way his nook clenches around you, cold as ice against your hot, warm-blooded body, makes you moan before you even get halfway in. Marvus sighs happily, some of the tension leaving his shoulders as you bottom out.
He's always told you how much he loves your warmth. He sleeps right next to you, usually, clinging to you like you're his own personal heating pad, and you can only imagine how it feels to Marvus, who throws his head back in a moan when you pull out and thrust back in, and, Christ, he looks like a top-tier pornstar from this angle.
Human dicks were, pretty obviously, not made for troll's nooks to take. They're not as soft as bulges, and they don't bend like the tentacles that trolls have. But they have an advantage there, too. You can rub up against every little ridge and soft spot and bundle of nerves that makes Marvus melt under you in the sheets.
His hair, slightly sticky with Faygo, cascades down over his shoulders. His body has a light sheen of sweat over it, making him look like he's glowing in the low light of the room. His face paint is fucked. Fucked beyond recognition. Smudged all over the pillow he has his face hidden in and, somehow, smeared down his chest in some spots. Your lips meet the back of Marvus' shoulder, and you mumble in his ear about how pretty he is. He lets out a broken moan and begs for you to speed up. Of course, you oblige.
Marvus does this pretty often. He'll come back to his hive from wherever the hell—a concert, church, maybe just a night out if it was particularly rough on him—and he'll ask you for this. It's one of the easiest ways to calm him down, and that's what you focus on as you caress his body, grope around, rub his grubscars, and fucking plow the tension out of him.
He's close. You can see it in his scrunched-up eyebrows and his shut-tight eyes, how his fingers twitch deeper into the fabric of the pillow he's gripping for dear life. And you can feel it while you thrust into him, with the way his nook is trying to suck you in and never let you go.
You stroke his bulge, giving it some much-needed affection as Marvus lets out a broken moan. You've learned a few things about him, in the while you've known him. One that really matters right about now is that he thinks that it is the hottest, kinkiest thing fucking ever to cum inside him. It's not something trolls do often, or ever, really. He was ecstatic when you asked for the first time if you should pull out or not, and he appreciates that your mess isn't hard to clean up at all when compared to the fucking flood that trolls leave behind.
And so, when he whispers for you to grab the bucket by the concupiscent platform, you speed up your thrusts. He comes just as you move the bucket beneath his bulge, ass still high in the air. You know how oversensitive he gets after he comes, but you also know he will get whiny as fuck if you pull out before you do, too. So you speed up, get rougher, chase that peak like a hunting dog chasing a rabbit, and Marvus lets out the most beautiful noises you've ever heard from him.
You come into his nook, balls-deep and sweaty as fuck, giving just a few more thrusts into Marvus that make him let out a few more little whines as you ride out your orgasam.
The bucket is moved aside, and you and Marvus sit in comfortable silence in eachother's arms. The tension in him has melted away, replaced with the sleepy afterglow of good sex, and when you notice that, you like to think you did what he asked of you pretty damn well.
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yandere--stuck · 4 months
Fun fact: Most of this was written 2 years ago!
"I hate you," You sneered, feeling your nose crinkle as you glared up at the troll.
Her psionics hadn't put you to sleep, not like the last few times, but had forced you to your hands and knees in exhaustion. She'd been practicing, apparently, wanting to hone her abilities to control the minds of humans just as she did lowbloods. Part of you was terrified at the thought, but another was far too tired to even care.
If she learned how to control your mind, at least you would no longer be aware of the horrible situation you were in. But, for now, you still were, and you could at least get back at her in some small form.
It seemed this time you had twisted the knife exactly where it hurt.
"What?" Her voice was soft, tinged with pain
The look on her face… It should have vindicated you. But, it only left a heavy, dark feeling in your stomach. The furrowing of her eyebrows, the look of sadness and hurt in her slit eyes, the soft downturn of her lips, even the way her form tensed up at your words… For a moment, only a moment, you forget everything she's done to you.
You forget the kidnapping, the forced sleeping spells, the lies, the insults, how she would hold you over the pit where her lusus resided, threatening to let you fall in. For just a breath, you were able to see the small intricacies of Vriska Serket, a glimpse at the more vulnerable side of the Troll.
And then that moment ended.
You yelped as a hand yanked at your hair, claws twisting into your locks and digging harshly into your scalp. Your head was yanked to and fro, your scalp aching and burning with each tug. You could hear Vriska's grunts of effort and rage. You didn't dare look up, afraid of your captor's ire - and that she might snap your neck if you so much as turned the wrong way. 
She moved her arm as if to toss you away, forcing you to rear back, only to swing her arm toward herself, pulling you back toward her on your hands and knees. Your tears dripped to the floor as you cried in silent pain. Your mouth opened wide in a silent scream.
“Now, what do we say?” Vriska asked through grit teeth.
Your throat squeezed tight. You knew the words she wanted to hear, but your body wouldn't let you make a sound. All you could do was stare up at her, eyes bleary and stinging with tears.
“I said speak!” Vriska spat. 
One of her legs suddenly kicked out, impacting your arms and sending you scrambling to the ground. You gasped out in pain as Vriska held you up by your hair. Your scalp screamed in pain.
“I'm sorry!” You blurted out in a sob. “I didn't mean it, I'm sorry!”
The troll simply stared down at you for a moment. You could feel it - the judgment, the scrutiny. Your breathing was shaky, taken through long, heaving breaths as you fought through the pain, trying desperately to keep still long enough for her to make a decision. Maybe if you did it right, she'd stop punishing you. Maybe if you stopped fighting back, none of this would happen. Maybe you should just give up trying to escape entirely. 
It seemed like she was going to hold you there forever. That is, until Vriska unceremoniously dropped you to the ground. You laid there, halfway into the fetal position as you massaged your poor scalp, hoping to ease the pain.
You jumped as Vriska knelt beside ypu, but she quickly corralled you into her arms, shushing you as she did.
“You apologized, it's okay,” Vriska flashed you a sharp grin. “I don't have to be the bad guy anymore.”
You didn't respond, merely sniffling and trying to avert your gaze.
One of her hands rubbed at your back, while the other captured the side of your face and turned you to face her again. The look she gave you was almost... Tender. Loving. She smiled at you with the brightness of the Alternian sun - bright and filled with warmth, but deadly all the same. Well, so you've heard.
"You know I love you, right?" She asked.
Taking a breath, you nodded. You didn't fully believe her, of course, but an affectionate and calm Vriska was better than a Vriska with a grudge. And you definitely didn't want to make her upset all over again. So, you smiled as she embraced you fully. You tried to relax into her arms as she began to rock you back and forth.
Maybe if you shut your eyes, you could pretend that this was what your relationship - if you could even call it that - really was. You being comforted by your loving alien girlfriend and living together in her home while definitely not having been kidnapped. And maybe it'd be for the best if you tried actually believing it.
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vikkirosko · 7 months
could you do gamzee x rage player! reader? maybe reader is a bard too, like him, lol
♑️ Gamzee Makara x Reader headcanons Rage player 🎪
Your relationship with Gamzee was something that was unclear to some of your friends. For a long time, you didn't trust him, until you finally became convinced that he could be allowed into the circle of people you trusted. One of the conditions of your communication was that he would not lie to you. You were pathologically intolerant of lying, and Gamzee really wasn't lying to you. He might not have told you the whole truth, but he wasn't lying
Some of your thoughts were similar. You were drawn to the truth, you wanted to change what you considered unacceptable, and Gamzee respected your views, although they did not always coincide with his. You were constantly searching for the truth and several times he offered you to relax with one of his pies, but you refused, preferring to stay with a sober mind
Gamzee enjoyed watching how you, usually impulsive, kept yourself in check while talking to those who annoyed you. In a sense, you were a strategist, knowing at what moments it was necessary to remain silent. Gamzee often told you that these were the real miracles, to which you grinned and told him that if he liked to call it that, then you didn't mind
Despite the outward serenity, Gamzee saw perfectly well that you were holding back your anger. He understood that at some point your rage, like water released from a dam, would spill out with renewed vigor, and he was waiting for this moment. He wanted to see how it would happen and what the consequences would be, even if he suffered from it himself. He was willing to take the risk, especially if it had to do with you
Your friends knew that you needed to learn to trust others, but why you chose Gamzee was unclear. However, he didn't mind. He was glad that you appeared in his life. You were somewhat similar, and Gamzee felt comfortable around you. Perhaps together you can find the truth that you were both looking for
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somberauthor · 11 months
Could you write some sleepover headcanons for the beta kids(homestuck) please?
I kinda based these off of me and my friends, so I hope its not too out of character!!
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Obviously in charge of the movies (much to everyones dismay).
He occasionally brings snacks too. (Snacks meaning full sized cakes that his father made.)
He is the one who usually stays quiet when discussing sleeping positions. He doesn't argue, or make it sexual when sleeping next to someone. He may make it awkward, but not sexual at all.
He'd wake up at the same time as rose would, so before anyone else.
Her house is usually where they go for sleepovers, but if her mom is having an exceptionally rough night she'll make an excuse.
She has Kanaya make the pajamas, because everyone agreed it would be nice to have matching pajamas when they have sleep overs.
If there is an extra mattress, she'll insist she take it. She enjoys sleeping on separate beds, because she takes over the entire bed.
As stated with John, she and him wake up first. She usually goes to make food for everyone while John stays and wishes the two left good morning when they wake up.
She is usually the one who asked everyone if they wanna hang out. And she helps keep conversations going while John starts them.
She sleeps wildly, but doesnt know it. She can and will sleep on top of someone. (She also enjoys cuddling with whoever is nearest to her) ((in a non-romantic way of course)
She also brings stuff so they can have some activities to do. (Like beads, yarn, coloring books, and so on)
She wakes up last, and sleeps like a log. So once she's out she's out
He's the one who gets the nitty gritty information. Like when they should arrive, when they'll leave, what they'll be doing, and all that jazz
He sleeps like a log. Not like he sleeps deeply, no, he sleeps without moving. He's scared everyone because of how still he is when sleeping.
He's the one with stories to tell when everyone wakes up, because his dreams can be fucking WILD.
He is pretty easy to wake up, so he wakes up at the sound and smell of Rose cooking.
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Also, to everyone being so kind in my ask box thank you!! I teared up reading some of the compliments you guys gave me!
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abandonedafterimage · 10 months
i can feel my homestuck phase coming back, would you guys be interested in me opening requests and writing some x readers again?
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