#Homes for Sale Evergreen Colorado
Homes for Sale in Circle K Ranch Evergreen, CO
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If you’re looking to sell your home in Circle K Ranch reach out to our realtor for advise on sprucing up the yard for better curb appeal to attract more buyers.
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The Rock House of Evergreen, Colorado was going to be demolished, but someone came forward to buy it and a sale is pending. Only cash was accepted and buyers had until 7pm on July 18 to make an offer. They took the highest bid, which was undisclosed, but they were asking $250K. 
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The home, built in 1935, is a fixer upper and not only does it have some rock walls.
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It has actual gigantic rocks inside. 
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Look at the size of these formations. 
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From the kitchen, a huge rock is visible.
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Notice how they installed the carpet around the rock.
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This is a step-down sun room with stairs that go up to the main bd. and bath.
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The floors definitely need replacing.
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There goes another rock that has its own mirror. 
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This bath has to be repaired.
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The home gets a lot of sun and is surrounded by a deck.
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One of the 2 bds. and baths.
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The home sits on more than an acre of forest land. Water and elec. has been turned off and the meters removed, b/c it was prepared for demo. Even the septic tank was filled in, but the owner will provide a sewer line that the buyer will have to pay to hook it up. 
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denverhousehunting · 7 years
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2 bed/1 bath     800 sqft     built 1919
Evergreen, CO
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Finding Colorado Land for sale
Colorado is one of the delightful places to stay and live in the whole of USA. Tucked away in the Pacific Northwest and away from all the hustle and bustle of the big cities and stunning landscape, the area offers home seekers a great reason to reside in this part of Western USA.
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Geographically situated on Burrard Inlet, this modestly populated small city has been regarded as ‘city of arts' as the enchanting views of the Eagle and Coast mountain ranges from the finely designed Land and land offer something which does not happen often. Indeed, it is an evergreen city and home buyers do not require another reason to move on with their pursuit for a dwelling space. By and large, the task of finding Colorado Land for sale is not very difficult. There is something for almost every type of buyer, be it a working professional, young couples, a big or small family, and so on. The only thing that needs to be concentrated on is finding a reliable source for all the condo listings from where on the preferred type or style of properties can be further researched.To obtain additional details on Colorado Land For Sale kindly go to https://rockymtnprop.com/. 
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It is also important to hire the services of a real estate agent, which is available in wide numbers in and around Colorado. The greatest benefit of using the help of an agent is because they are most probably the most knowledgeable and experts in the realm of condo business in Colorado. They can easily list down different properties for the buyers to consider so that the options can be quickly narrowed down. Hence, finding Colorado Land for sale is never a tough process with the agents. In conclusion, buying the ideal condo or settlement in Colorado is never a tough job when buyers follow the right procedure.
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Homes for Sale in Evergreen Co
Evergreen Colorado has good neighborhood so you really will be able to enjoy yourself in there and not have to worry about any crimes and the like and feel safer there too. Get more interesting details about evergreen co on this site.
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realladyjaguar · 6 years
Hexanna Christmas Challenge: An Unexpected Visitor
It was Christmas Eve. Roxanna had spent a lot of time getting the Christmas decorations just right. The 300 year old cottage she now shared with Henrik had been theirs for just over six months, and their first Christmas in the new property promised to be very special. 
They had spent the morning roaming the countryside, carefully choosing foliage for indoor decorations. Holly, ivy, several types of evergreen. Roxanna had always enjoyed floristry. It was a form of relaxation away from the hubbub of Holby. Thanks to her nimble surgeon’s fingers, as well as a flair for design, she was rather good at it. 
Henrik sat at the their large oak kitchen table, watching her spread out the leaves and gradually fashion them into a wreath for the front door and a display for the dining table. They had reached home just in time. Now the rain was drumming on the window. Henrik leaned down to sling another chunk of wood on the burner.
“Careful!” Roxanna’s warning came too late. The low beam connected solidly with the top of Henrik’s head. 
“Not again. That beam’s been there for 300 hundred years, you know.” She helped him into a chair.
“Yes, but I haven’t,” he groaned, feeling the sore spot. She examined it, feeling the growing lump. Luckily his curls would hide the evidence. She kissed the spot, feeling him lean against her. 
“I’ll learn,” he said, sighing happily. His long arms wound around her waist. He nuzzled her in a way that told her he wasn’t interested in being in the kitchen any more. 
“Hey, behave yourself.” She made him look up at her. His gaze was gentle and adoring but his glasses had steamed up.
“I am.” He sounded innocent, but she knew better. Since their relationship had become physical, he had surprised her with his passion and prowess. Now he was hungry for her again, burying his nose between her breasts, his hands squeezing her buttocks. She shifted to perch on his knee and they shared a kiss, one that grew in intensity the longer it continued.
As they were contemplating abandoning the kitchen, the back door burst open. 
“Oh for God’s sake, put her down, Henrik.”
They looked towards the drenched figure, shaking a bedraggled umbrella.
Immediately, Henrik was on his feet. “Ms. Naylor, what a pleasant surprise.”
“No it isn’t. My car’s broken down. I’ve walked two miles to get here and my shoes are ruined. If my mood gets any worse, there will be fatalities.”
Roxanna rushed to put the kettle on the Aga. “Get her a towel, Henrik. She’s soaked.”
“I’m fine.” Jac left a trail of water as she plumped down at the kitchen table. She took the towel that Henrik passed to her, stopping first to look at the embroidered R & H in one corner. She rolled her eyes. “Really?”
“It’s called domestic bliss, Ms. Naylor. I recommend it.” Henrik said jovially.
“Ugh, no thanks. Can I borrow your phone? Mine’s run out of charge.”
“Not terribly efficient of you,” Henrik grumbled. 
“Thank you, Mr. Hanssen.” Jac’s voice was acid. “Believe it or not, I am human.” She took the phone from Roxanna.
“Do you have to get back to Emma?” Roxanna put a mug of tea in front of her and looked concerned. 
“She’s with Johnny in Colorado. Ski-ing. Not back until the day after Boxing Day.” Another eye-roll.
“Oh!” Roxanna’s gaze slid to Henrik, and his heart sank. He knew what was coming next. 
“Well, I’m sure you’ll be grateful for the peace and quiet,” he said, before Roxanna could speak. “I never minded it when I was on my own.”
Roxanna’s eyes widened. “She can’t be alone all over Christmas! Jac can stay here with us. We’d love it, wouldn’t we, Henrik?” The last three words were said pointedly, coupled with a stern look.
“Well, of course we would. It’s just too bad we don’t have enough food in. It’s too late to get any now.” Even as he said it, Henrik knew his excuse was lame and futile.
“Oh, there’s plenty,” Roxanna countered, scowling at him. “We’d love to have you here, Jac.”
Henrik glowered back at her. “Perhaps Ms. Naylor has other plans.”
Jac was smiling, enjoying their exchange. “Oh no, not this year. I’ll gladly accept your offer, Roxanna. That’s very kind of you.” She grinned savagely at Henrik. “I can’t wait.”
“What on earth possessed you?” Henrik asked as soon as Jac had left with the breakdown truck to retrieve her car. “I was looking forward to a peaceful Christmas with just you and a roaring fire and now we’re playing host to that hellcat.”
Roxanna folded her arms and glared at him. “That’s hardly charitable, Henrik. If you’d prefer to change your shifts and work tomorrow...”
“I am not going to change my shifts!” Henrik exploded. He headed towards the stairs, Roxanna winced as he hit his head on the beam again. “Bloody hell!” He stomped up the stairs. She heard the bedroom door slam. 
Roxanna continued with her foliage decorations, but the joy had gone. She could not help shedding a tear as she teased the leaves into elegant Christmas displays and put them on the mantelpiece, the table and the windowsill. The wreath hung on the front door. It all looked and smelled welcoming and beautiful, but with the atmosphere between her and Henrik at an all-time low, her heart was heavy. 
An hour after he had disappeared upstairs, he went out. She heard him go whilst she as in the bathroom, and just in time saw his Volvo disappearing up the driveway. Then she did cry, curled up on the bed, hugging a pillow. Furious with herself for being so weak, yet unable to shake the feeling that Henrik had only moved to the cottage to please her, all her insecurities over the past few months came to a head. 
It was dark when she finally went downstairs to fix some supper. He still wasn’t back and she wasn’t hungry. She turned on the welcoming porch light and poured herself a glass of wine before running a warm bath. Even though she sat in it until the water was cold, he still didn’t return. In the end, she went to bed, after having wrapped the present she had bought for him. She wasn’t going to ring him. He had overreacted and needed to apologise. Storming out on her on Christmas Eve was simply unacceptable. 
Henrik knew Roxanna was upset with him. He had behaved churlishly after all. He had gone to the shops to find something to make it up to her, but really he knew the only way he could do that was to be a charming host to Jac bloody Naylor, who would no doubt find fault with everything and walk away, having ruined their Christmas without so much as a thank you.  
It was as he was walking, he saw the shoe shop. In the window were Doc Martins in several colours, including red ones. As he looked thoughtfully at them, he remembered the last time he tried to give Roxanna something meaningful. She had burst into tears and run away, not the reaction he had been expecting or longed for. 
This time it would be different. He went into the shop. After some deliberation, he chose a patent red pair and had them wrapped. The shop assistant looked pleased as they obviously hadn’t been expecting any more sales that night. Henrik carried them away, feeling pleased. 
But he had one more present to get. He didn’t suppose Jac would have any others to open that year, if she was even bothered about it.
She was bothered. He knew her well enough for that. He roamed around the shops but nothing seemed obvious. In the end he called Essie, who gave him an excellent idea. 
At the garden centre, he saw what he was looking for, a rose entitled Heart Of Gold. As he was walking to the checkout, a horrible thought struck him. 
He was giving another woman a rose. How would that make Roxanna feel?
“Oh dear,” he said out loud, hovering in the middle of the store. 
It was too late, they were closing. He had run out of time. 
On the way home he stopped at an off-licence and bought a bottle of Talisker to cheer himself up. He couldn’t see this Christmas to be anything other than an unmitigated disaster. 
The cottage was in darkness when he arrived home, but the porch light was on and Roxanna’s car was still in its space. As he went inside the house, his mobile rang. 
It was Jac. 
“You’ll be pleased to know I have to decline your offer of lunch tomorrow,” she said. 
“Oh! What a shame.” He tried to keep the relief from his voice. 
“Sacha’s just told me we’re going to a spa hotel to get drunk in a hot tub. It’s an offer I can’t refuse.”
“Definitely not.” Henrik allowed himself a little air punch and a silent “yes!”
“Yes, Ms. Naylor?”
“I can see you. I’ve been looking at the inside of your ear for the past two minutes. My present to you is some advice. Acquaint yourself with how your phone works.”
He looked at the screen in horror. She gave him a little smile and a playful one-fingered salute, then disappeared. 
But the fact she wouldn’t be joining them after all outweighed any embarrassment. All Henrik had to do was apologise to Roxanna. He just hoped she would forgive him. 
Especially now she had an extra present.
She felt the bed dip as he climbed in, and the coolness of his body as he slipped his arm around her waist, gently moving her closer towards him. His lips pressed to her ear. 
“I’m sorry, Roxanna.” The way he whispered her name made her melt every time. She sleepily turned and pulled him into her arms, warming him up. 
“Jac is going away with Sacha tonight. It was his gift to her,” he explained.
“You’re delighted with that, I’m sure,” she said.
“Yes, but my behaviour was inexcusable tonight. I’m sorry I left you on Christmas Eve. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“No, you shouldn’t.” She kissed his cheek. “But this time, you’re forgiven.”
Christmas Day, and they finally rose after making love in the early morning light. They had all day to fix a leisurely lunch and enjoy their first Christmas in Rose Cottage. Over a champagne breakfast, Henrik presented Roxanna with her two presents. 
When she saw the boots, she began to cry. 
Oh no, not again, Henrik thought, but then she flung her arms around him, and he knew it was the best present he could have given to her. 
“And one more,” he said, pushing the bag with the rose inside it towards her. 
She frowned. “That’s odd. This is your present.” She gave him a bag from the same store. Together, they opened their presents. And began to laugh. 
They had each given the other roses. Where Henrik had chosen Heart Of Gold (okay, so it had been originally for Jac, but Roxanna would never know that) Roxanna had chosen a rose called Cariad.
“It means darling or sweetheart, but I expect you already know that,” she said playfully. 
He pulled her onto his lap and whispered “Roxanna, cariad,” in her ear. She shuddered with delight at the soft caress of words against her skin. She pressed her lips to his, feeling him respond. 
“Wait a moment.” He carefully placed the roses on the floor in the utility area where it was cool, and came back. Without a word he guided her to the kitchen table and gently pushed her back on it. 
“Henrik, wait.” She hastily moved her carefully constructed decoration out of the way. His kisses became hungry as he spread her out on the table. Her silk dressing gown fell apart as her legs wrapped around his waist. When he entered her she held him close, fighting tenderness with fierce arousal, her hands in his hair, his lips on her neck. 
Lunch would definitely be late.
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Best Real Estate Companies Evergreen and the Denver Foothills licensed Realtor in Florida
 Real Estate Agent Evergreen, CO – and the Denver Foothills licensed Realtor in Florida too!
Real Estate Agent Danny Skelly – Licensed in Colorado and Florida
I am a real estate companies  located in Evergreen, CO that covers east down to Denver and west to the mountains. Let a professional handle your real estate needs so you can focus on your life. Buyers need to get real time property alerts so they can get notice of a listing the moment it hits the market. There are plenty of homes for sale in the Denver Foothills, Denver Mountains and Denver Area. Please contact me if I can assist in any way with your home search. I hope you give the chance to earn your trust and your business.
Danny Skelly started out as a small business owner at a young age. Starting and running small companies throughout his 20s. He bought his first company at the age of 33. It was a motel in the Outer Banks of NC. He expanded the business by adding a fishing charter business that was docked at the motel docks. He sold that business and moved to Southwest Florida. There he purchased a struggling printshop. He added digital printing, graphic design and web marketing and design. Most of his clients were real estate companies and companies that were attached to the real estate business. He sold that in 2008 after the real estate market crash. He moved to Taos, NM and opened a kids playcenter and restaurant. He sold that soon after opening it and moved to Evergreen, CO. There he got his associate broker’s license and worked for Keller Williams Foothills in Evergreen, CO. After many years he decided to get his employing broker license and open his own real estate company.
Contributor at OH Real Estate News
The Denver Foothills are the mountain communities just outside Denver Metro. In the foothills, you get true mountain living. You often get a large yard, horse facilities, and fantastic views just outside the city. Most of the foothills are between 30 and 50 minutes to Downtown Denver. So if you would like to be close to the city (for convenience) then the foothills are for you! Especially if you enjoy hiking and outdoor activities like camping and mountain biking. Danny Skelly is your best choice for a Realtor. Dan is the broker/owner of Orson Hill Realty, a real estate company based in Evergreen, CO that services the front range, foothills and Denver. Member of the Evergreen Chamber of Commerce
Real Estate Agent and Homes for sale
If you need a real estate agent in Evergreen, CO or Homes for sale Golden, CO, the Denver Foothills or Denver metro to help you find Evergreen Colorado real estate, I want to help! I am a real estate broker and owner at Orson Hill Realty in Evergreen.
There are some great homes for sale in Evergreen and the surrounding areas. I strive to make it easy for my clients (buyers or seller) to conduct Denver property searches. I am the Denver Foothills as well as the Denver Realtor in our office, I work from Evergreen to Denver and everywhere in between. I will do everything in my power to help you find the right home or sell your current property. I believe that your Denver property search should be enjoyable rather than stressful. I am a different kind of broker!
Are you looking for Dan Skelly’s Florida Realtor Services?
Selling Your Home
Although we have been seeing homes sell fast and sellers getting good offers and sometimes multiple offers, you still need an agent that can market your listing. You still need a real estate agent that can get your listing in front of as many buyers as they can in a short amount of time. Orson Hill Realty can do this. We specialize in marketing your home to the right market in a marketing blast in the first 2 weeks your home is listed. That is the most important time for listings. Get as many people through your home the first couple of weeks while your home is still fresh. After about 30 days your listing becomes “stale”. Our goal is to get your home under contract in the first 30 days to give you a better chance of selling closer to your list price and in the first 30 days.
It is still important, in a seller’s market to hire a real estate agent or realtors that continues to list your home as if it were a balanced market. You still want as much market exposure for your listing as you can achieve. The reason for this, as the best real estate agents know, is that you want more people through the door to get more offers and drive the price up. You really do need a real estate agent that can market your home in any market condition. That is what I do. I make a specialized marketing plan just for your home. Using my proprietary syndication methods.
Buying Your Home
Many people, if they are buying or selling their home, think they can take this challenge on themselves. Very few people actually do this successfully. Not all real estate agents are realtors. My job all day long is to research and be active in the real estate market. My other job is to know the real contracts. I also need to be up to date on easements, title, wells, septic systems and every other aspect of your real estate transaction. I also spend a great deal of time on this real estate site as well as hundreds of others that give me a great deal of marker data. Some you actually need to be a licensed real estate broker to access. In other words let a professional handle your real estate needs so you can focus on your life. so thank you for visiting my real estate site. Please contact me if I can assist in any way with your home search. I hope you give the chance to earn your trust and your business. When you are buying a home in a busy real estate market like we have seen the last few years, you should be concerned with how technically advanced your Realtor is. buyers need to get real time property alerts so they can get notice of a listing the moment it hits the market. When we are seeing homes sell the same day they hit the market, being alerted immediately is really key to making sure you get that dream home. There are plenty of homes for sale in the Denver Foothills, Denver Mountains and Denver Area.
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architectnews · 2 years
Bear Mountain House, Colorado
Bear Mountain House, Colorado Real Estate, Aerosmith’s Property, Architecture Images
Bear Mountain House in Colorado
May 26, 2022
Aerosmith’s Bear Mountain House
Aerosmith’s Bear Mountain House in Colorado is now for sale, priced at $4.99 million!
Location: Colorado, USA
Photography: Courtesy of Compass
Source: TopTenRealEstateDeals.com
“Livin’ On The Edge” In Style! Aerosmith had not seen this house when they wrote the song “Livin’ on the Edge” in the 1970s since it was built in 2000, but if they had, it would have taken their inspiration to whole new levels. Unique in its design and definitely unique in its location, it would have won more than a Grammy or Viewers’ Choice award.
Built in and through a lofty outcropping of rock on Bear Mountain outside of Evergreen, Colorado, the views of neighboring snow-capped mountains and the valley keep eyes glued to the glass walls surrounding the house. It is now for sale, priced at $4.99 million.
Measuring in at 8,398 square feet of living space, the house has eight bedrooms and nine baths on two levels, plus a two-bedroom guest quarters over the garage with private terrace. The primary suite is on the main floor and has a double-sided fireplace, private deck and walk-in closets.
There is a large cook’s kitchen outfitted to cater parties or intimate family meals with an island and breakfast bar. The kitchen is surrounded with glass walls that open to a dining deck with additional breakfast dining indoors. While cooking, one could conceivably watch a lizard sunbathing on a boulder inches away through the glass wall.
The living and dining rooms are built around boulders that appear inside with more boulders seen through glass exterior walls, showing off nature’s many art forms.
While the upper floor holds the beauty, the lower floor holds the fun. There is a home theater, a gym, a game room with bar, and a sunroom with a sunken hot tub and a steam shower – all with stunning views. There is a garage on either side of the house.
Located just outside of the Denver suburbs, Evergreen has a rather large collection of authors, sports figures and musicians. Willie Nelson owned a 44-acre farm there, screenwriter Berkley Breathed, Olympic gold medal figure skater Scott Hamilton and U.S. Senator Gary Hart live there as did the notorious John Hinckley, Jr.
Lee Merreot is the listing agent for the property. She is with Compass, located in North Evergreen, Colorado.
Photos: Courtesy of Compass
Source: www.compass.com
Bear Mountain House, Colorado images / information received 260522
Colorado Buildings
Colorado Architecture – selection of contemporary architectural designs:
Colorado Buildings
Owl Creek Residence, Snowmass Architects: Skylab photo : Jeremy Bittermann New Residence in Snowmass
CoorsTek Center at the Colorado School of Mines Architects: Bohlin Cywinski Jackson with Anderson Mason Dale Architects photo : Nic Lehoux CoorsTek Center at the Colorado School of Mines
New Aspen Art Museum Building Design: Shigeru Ban Architects photo by Aspen Art Museum New Aspen Art Museum Building
US Air Force Academy CCLD, Colorado Springs Design: Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM) picture © SOM US Air Force Academy CCLD
La Muna, Aspen Oppenheim Architecture + Design photograph from FTI Aspen House
Colorado Plateau House
Denver Airport Building
Solaris Residences
American Architect
American Houses
Website: Colorado USA
Arizona Buildings
Kansas Buildings
Nebraska Buildings
New Mexico Buildings
Oklahoma Buildings
Website: Snowmass Village Colorado
Comments / photos for the Bear Mountain House, Colorado Architecture page welcome
Website: Colorado, USA
The post Bear Mountain House, Colorado appeared first on e-architect.
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sebastianguthery · 6 years
As Opioids Claim Thousands of Lives, This Alternative is Thriving
An unlikely place deep in the remote jungles of Borneo is flourishing, thanks to the nearly insatiable demand for an alternative to opioid-based pharmaceuticals and their potentially deadly effects. The opioid epidemic, considered a public health crisis, has resulted in the loss of lives of thousands of Americans, and the numbers of intentional and accidental overdose deaths attributed to opioids continue to climb.
Because of the rise in opioid deaths, alternatives to the harmful effects are being sought by caregivers and patients alike. Kratom, a controversial plant product that represents a safe opioid alternative to its fans, can be found growing in countries across southeast Asia. In the Indonesian Borneo jungles, a region known as Kapuas Hulu is booming. Kratom is a local commodity, and exports from this kratom-producing region have brought newfound affluence to the residents of the region.
Kratom Cultivation in Indonesian Borneo
Kratom is the colloquial name for an evergreen tree called Mitragyna speciosa. It is a member of the coffee family. It contains several psychoactive compounds, particularly mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. In the regions where kratom is grown, the plant has been used as part of traditional medicine for centuries. Traditionally, the leaves were chewed to relieve pain. The plant’s leaves are also dried and ground, then made into a tea, and, depending on the amount ingested, may have either stimulant effects or analgesic effects not unlike those of opioids. Today, kratom is used by its adherents as a means of combatting chronic pain, treating opioid withdrawal symptoms, and for recreational purposes.
Borneo’s jungle terrain belies a booming economy. It is estimated that over 60,000 people are employed by kratom-related businesses, and many of those employees are enjoying surprising wealth, enabling them to drive new vehicles or to build additions onto their homes. This surge in economic growth comes at a time when Borneo’s other commodities, such as palm tree oi, rubber, and gold are at an all-time decline. Farmers have successfully made the transition to kratom cultivation, and for now, the market is expected to strengthen. However, there may be problems on the horizon.
FDA Crackdown on Kratom
Indonesia is a major exporter of kratom but bans local consumption. Other kratom-producing countries, like Thailand and Malaysia, have also banned the distribution of the plant and its components. The United States is attempting to follow suit.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has proposed a complete ban on the importation, distribution, and sale of kratom. Failing to secure such a ban, the agency has issued numerous warning alerts and seized products coming into American ports.
Several U.S. states have banned the substance from possession and sale, including the states of Wisconsin, Indiana, Alabama, and Arkansas. The cities of Denver, Colorado and San Diego, California, have also banned kratom. Sebastian Guthery, a noted entrepreneur and kratom activist, knows that these attempted bans are nothing more than the FDA’s ignorance about the potential health benefits kratom can provide to individuals in the United States and beyond.
Already, sales of bulk kratom products has dropped as a result of increased FDA scrutiny. Pontianak, the kratom industry hub of Indonesian Borneo, exporters sold over 400 tons of kratom products per month. Monthly volume has been reduced to about 100 tons per month, due in large part to a salmonella scare in kratom exports that reached American shores. The KTA and similar industry organizations will continue to educate the public on the potential benefits of kratom and will fight against further FDA bans on the importation and sale of this potentially lifesaving herbal product.
from Sebastian Guthery https://ift.tt/2ICVlhO
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Homes in The Timbers Evergreen, CO
Families who live in The Timbers can head down the road to enjoy summer concerts at Boogie at the Barn.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
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by Crooked Bear Creek Organic Herbs
The genus Salvia contains a staggering range of species suitable for every garden use under the sun—and in the shade. But for cooking, none can rival common garden sage (Salvia officinalis) and its cultivars. Sage has long been valued for its contributions to the cook’s palette of flavors. Its robust piney aroma and earthy flavor complement many ingredients. Sage is also an attractive garden plant, particularly in its fancy-leaved forms. Plus, it prospers under a wide range of conditions and adds striking bold texture to mixed plantings.
Growing Info For Sage
• Light: Full sun • Height: 18 to 24 inches • Width: 24 to 36 inches • Bloom time: Late spring, although valued most for its evergreen foliage. • Soil: Well-drained, tolerant of a wide range of soil types.
What’s the Difference Between Types of Sage?
S. officinalis vary widely in the size and shape of its leaves. Sharp-eyed herbalists have spotted numerous selections with unusual leaves, taken cuttings and propagated the resulting plants so that we can all enjoy them. ‘Berggarten’ is a vigorous clone with large, broad leaves and a strong flavor. It’s probably the most productive variety for home herb gardens. ‘Curly’ was selected by Alice Doyle of Log House Plants in Cottage Grove, Oregon, from a wild population in Crete. It’s wrinkled and puckered leaves give the plant a highly textured appearance. ‘Holt’s Mammoth’ has large leaves, although they’re often not as large as those of ‘Berggarten’. Dwarf forms of S. officinalis circulate under a variety of names, including ‘Compacta’, ‘Dwarf’, ‘Minima’, ‘Nana’ and ‘Robert Grim’. In general, these plants will reach 8 to 12 inches in height and width, making them significantly smaller than the species. Use them in containers or in-ground plantings where space is tight. Strains chosen for heavy production and good performance under greenhouse conditions are sometimes available, but these are usually of little interest to home gardeners.
Numerous forms have been selected for coloured foliage. ‘Icterina’ has strong golden-green variegation surrounding a cucumber-green splash. It’s hearty and vigorous in growth. ‘Purpurascens’ (‘Purpurea’) is another strong grower, this time with dark leaves that have a dusky sheen of purple, green and indigo. ‘Rainbow’ is a variegated version of ‘Purpurascens’. Its purple leaves have splotches of cream and rose. ‘Tricolour’ is the more common multicoloured form, with splashes of lilac, cream and green. It’s slow-growing and resents crowding, wet and cold.
Besides these varieties with unusual leaf colours, clones with more typical variegation of white, cream or pale green have recently become available. ‘La Crema’ is a variegated sport from ‘Berggarten’. Its leaves have a thick cream border. It’s vigorous and showy, making it an excellent choice for planting in the ground or in containers. ‘Variegated Woodcote’ has light green leaves with a darker splotch in the centre. ‘White Edge’ has an attractive pattern of cream splashes on typical soft green leaves.
‘Berggarten’, ‘Icterina’ and ‘Purpurascens’ are the easiest to find of the fancy-leaved sages. Look for them at your favourite local nursery. The other forms are rarer—check herb society sales and online herb specialists.
Garden Design with Sage
Salvia officinalis is admirably ornamental in its typical grey-green form. It can be trained into sculpted mounds for a controlled appearance or left to sprawl in irregular clumps. The leaves have a lightly pebbled surface, which makes them look fuzzy. This soft texture combined with a muted flower colour (pastel shades of blue and lilac-pink) gives the plants a soft appearance. Garden visitors will want to stroke them. If they do, they’ll be pleased with the plants’ robust fragrance.
Varieties with unusual leaf sizes, shapes and colours have even more garden potential. ‘Berggarten’ and ‘Mammoth’, with their broader leaves, have a blockier presence and make a great foil to frilly-leaved companions. The leaves of ‘Curly’ have wavy edges that lend a strong texture, making it stand out in mixed plantings. It has the character to make an excellent solo pot specimen. The dwarf forms’ tighter growth habit makes them well-suited to plantings in which forms must be strongly defined, such as parterres and knot gardens.
The coloured-leaf selections have a strong visual impact. Gold and green ‘Icterina’ complements strong blues—it would make an excellent companion for bush delphiniums. The purple-washed leaves of ‘Purpurascens’ are sensational with soft yellows. Try it with Oenothera ‘Shimmer’, a new evening primrose from Colorado with lemon-coloured flowers and silvery leaves. ‘La Crema’ and ‘White Edge’ would look lovely as an edging around cream-coloured roses. Their strong aroma might also help repel insects.
S. officinalis and its selections are useful in containers. Make sure they don’t stay wet, or they’ll rot. Good air circulation is essential, as well—they dislike being crowded. ‘Icterina’ and ‘Purpurascens’ are often used in mixed edible containers. They look good through both cold and warm seasons. ‘Tricolor’ looks especially fine when grown as a specimen in a terracotta pot—growing solo ensures that it won’t be overwhelmed by over-vigorous companions.
A Cook’s Guide to Sage
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Unlike the green sawdust, Aunt Mabel used to sprinkle over her turkey, there’s more to sage’s flavor profile than dusty and musty. Fresh sage is deep, robust and earthy. To balance these base notes, fresh sage also has a lively zing that you won’t find in any powder.
This lively—almost lemony—flavor component is most obvious in spring, while the leaves are still very young. Strengthen this taste by combining sage with mint. You can also keep sage from becoming drab by combining it with lemon. As summer approaches and sage’s flavor becomes more robust, try combining it with a multitude of different herbs. Its earthiness adds depth to herbal blends. Autumn cooking is highly supportive of sage. Its haunting aroma can perfume rich meats and carb-rich dishes. Use it to flavor slow-braised pork or starchy cubes of roasted squash.
Sage can easily become overwhelming, so start with a small amount and slowly increase the quantity to taste. The leaves can be rough and chewy, particularly later in the year, so mince them finely. If you want the flavor of sage without its presence in the final result, add sprigs of it to whatever you’re cooking and remove them before serving.
Tips for Growing Sage
Salvia officinalis is an easygoing plant with few demands. But, if you want it to thrive, give it what it needs. At least six hours of full sun per day are essential. Soil should be well-drained, but not constantly dry. Avoid over-rich soil, or you’ll have lush growth at the expense of flavor. That’s it.
Typical green-leaved S. officinalis is winter-hardy in Zones 5 to 9. The coloured-leaf forms are weaker. Plant them high and dry for best results. Even under the best of conditions, they’re not reliably winter-hardy in areas north of Zone 7. Treat them as annuals and be happily surprised if they return for an encore performance. Don’t mulch them with anything moist and composty—they’ll rot. Also, make sure that they’re not crowded—most (particularly ‘Tricolour’) need impeccable air circulation and resent being jostled by their neighbours.
Sage is evergreen in most of its hardiness range, although its leaves will be damaged by extended periods of extreme cold. Wait until hard frosts pass in spring before trimming your sage. Most salvias—including S. officinalis—can be severely damaged by late frosts if they’re cut back early and start into growth while it’s still cold.
Once the weather warms in spring, sages will put forth a new crop of leaves. These will have the best flavor of the entire year. Their flavor intensifies until flowering starts, usually in late spring. After flowering, sage’s leaves toughen. To stimulate new growth, cut the plant back by one-third. Fertilise lightly with organic fertiliser, such as fish emulsion, after pruning.
Sage can be grown from seed, but the easiest way to increase your stock is by taking cuttings. Cuttings are the only way to maintain specific clones (you won’t get variegated seedlings from seeds taken from a variegated plant). Since sage plants often become woody and start to die out in spots as they age, it’s a good idea to take cuttings and start new plants every two or three years—especially because young plants are more vigorous and produce better yields than older plants.
Taking cuttings is as simple as it sounds: cut off a three-inch shoot of S. officinalis, strip off the lower leaves; stick the cutting into the sterile growing medium; keep moist and warm for the next few weeks, and wait for roots and new growth to appear. Once your plants have rooted, prepare them for life outdoors by leaving them in a cold frame or sheltered porch for a few days to moderate the temperature change between inside and out. Then look forward to cooking with your beautiful sage.
Culinary Sage Varieties
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Sage Varieties: Pasta with Cream, Ham, Mushrooms, and Sage
Serves 2 to 4
• 2 tablespoons butter • 1/2 sweet onion (preferably Vidalia), chopped • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1 cup mushrooms, sliced • 1/2 cup ham, cut into 1/2-inch cubes • 1/2 cup heavy cream • 2 tablespoons fresh sage leaves, chopped • 4 cups cooked pasta, preferably farfalle • 1/2 cup fresh Parmesan, grated • Coarse salt and black pepper
1. In a deep pot, melt butter. Once melted, add the onions. Soften over medium-low heat for five minutes, or until lightly brown and soft.
2. Add garlic and mushrooms. Cook for a few more minutes, until softened. Stir in ham and cream. Cook until warmed through.
3. Add the pasta and sage. Cook a few more minutes, or until the sauce has thickened slightly. Stir in Parmesan. Salt and pepper to taste and serve immediately.
Sage Varieties: Salmon with Lemon and Sage
Serves 4
• Large salmon fillet, skin-on • Extra-virgin olive oil • Coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper • 2 small lemons • Handful fresh sage
1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Grease a large roasting pan. Lay salmon in the pan, skin side up.
2. Drizzle with olive oil, then season heavily with salt and pepper. Slice lemons into thin rounds and tear sage leaves off their stems. Scatter lemon rounds and sage leaves over salmon.
3. Roast 20 to 25 minutes, until salmon, is opaque throughout, and serve.
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jasonheart1 · 6 years
Colo. Dream Homes: $36M ranch near Kremmling
KREMMLING, Colo. – Want to own your Western-style saloon? This Colorado Dream Home comes with one.
Elk Island Ranch, located on more than 6,300 acres near Kremmling, is listed for sale by Hall and Hall for $36 million.
The main building on the 6,300-acre property, dubbed The Lodge, features five bedrooms and 12 bathrooms spread out over about 16,000 square feet.
Then there’s the 7,900-square-foot Nevada House Saloon with a custom bar, full kitchen, dance floor and gaming tables.
Other buildings on the property include a ski chalet and a shop/storage building.
Click or tap the image below to see more photos of the home:
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For more information on the property, log on to hallhall.com.
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