#Homer Simpson Buys A Muscle Car
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honey-bri-books · 5 years ago
A Box of Donuts: AU CasDean
Castiel works as a baker for an under-staffed bakery.
Dean is the owner of several successful chains of restaurants and hotels.
Dean enters the bakery to pick up an order for a staff meeting that same morning.
SPN Slash
Chapter 1 of what may or may not turn into a short series (That’s the plan for later, but I’m not sure yet).
Castiel pulls into the parking lot of Zach's Bakery at 3:50am. His shift starts in ten minutes and as usual, the manager who has the key to enter the building is nowhere to be seen. Castiel rolls his eyes and pulls out a tattered copy of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, to read by street light. He'd always believed in arriving at least 10 minutes early to any engagement, and didn't understand how anyone could interpret the start time for a work shift to equal the time you pulled into the parking lot. Granted it only cost him a few minutes, Cas figures if he's expected to start a shift at a certain time... He looks out into the street when he hears the sound of a car. Zachariah, the bakery manager, finally pulls into the lot at 4:01am. Castiel gets out of the car.
ZACHARIAH: Good morning! Man, what time do you arrive here? You don't start until 4am, isn't that right?
CASTIEL: It's 4:02am right now, sir. Couldn't you arrive just a few minutes earlier? I can't enter the building without you, for some reason, and I always have to clock in late when I'm actually on time. I don't think it's really fair to me. Zachariah stops on his way to the front door and turns to look at Castiel. 
ZACHARIAH: We discussed your negative attitude only yesterday, didn't we? He actually tsk-tsk-tsks. I really hope we don't have to have a little conversation in my office again, unless you'd like that? Castiel's shoulders tense.
CASTIEL: Absolutely not. The last time Zachariah had pulled Cas into his office, Castiel left work angrier about his job than he'd ever been. If it wasn't bad enough that they were breaking about a dozen health codes a day just to “get through the job,” Castiel complained about it on the sales floor and several customers overheard him and reported him to the manager. Zachariah had asked Castiel to step into his office and close the door behind him. Uh-oh, he thought. Guess I'm gonna get my first write up. Castiel hated his job, but couldn't afford to lose it at the same time. However, he was completely blown away by how the meeting had ended....
ZACHARIAH: So, are we clear on this? No talking about what goes on in the kitchen to the customers or around them. Plus, you know you've only been here a few years. I've worked here much longer, and I can assure you that most of your concerns for this business are unwarranted.
CASTIEL: [through gritted teeth] Of course. Thank you sir.. Get me out of this office, now! He imagined the pies in the oven that needed to be pulled out several minutes ago. Hopefully they weren't burnt to a crisp. He stands up to leave.
ZACHARIAH: Oh, uh uh uh. I didn't say we were finished! There's one more thing I wanted to discuss with you before you get back to work. Castiel crosses his arms, waiting for it. It was a write up. He just knew it. Three strikes and you're out. His work was super-old fashioned. But instead, his boss says.. I'm usually good at reading people. I can look at anyone and know exactly what they're thinking and what's happening inside their heads. But when I look at you, I have no idea what's going inside yours. I'm unable to read your mind when I look at you, and that bothers me...
Castiel shudders at the thought, later, when he's in the kitchen topping donuts. He truly hoped he never had to go through that again. While it's understandable to Castiel that it makes sense to be polite to customers, he was never skilled with forcing smiles, faking positive attitudes. Keeping things to yourself was one thing, but acting like you're your own “Good” twin was like some body-snatchers shit. Unfortunately, Castiel had managed to get himself hired at Zach's slash “Stepford Wives” Bakery. If you didn't say good morning to your co-workers save a few, you were talked about behind your back or bullied or pressed to practically make out with your co-workers to make it up to them. Apparently, Zachariah had taken Castiel’s lack of facial expression to mean that something was inherently wrong with him. Castiel sighs as he continues to work in the kitchen. Guess that happens when you’re soulless. 
Castiel finishes the last donut for the special order. As was standard, the customer had ordered a variety of pastries, most of which were donuts. Of the eight raised donuts, Castiel had set aside 1 plain and 1 sprinkled chocolate donut, 1 plain and 1 sprinkled vanilla, 1 maple, 1 s'mores donut, 1 salted caramel, and for the final donut....vanilla dyed with red food coloring to mix into a pepto bismal pink with a light sprinkling of rainbow sprinkles on top...the one and only Homer Simpson Donut. A.K.A. Just a vanilla sprinkled donut with less sprinkles. Castiel shook his head as he set up the box with the order. Now, he could finally start working on the donuts for the store.
It's 7:25am and Dean Winchester pulls into the lot of Zach's Bakery. His meeting not starting until 8:30am, he had plenty of time to pick up the order of pastries for the meeting in addition to maybe grabbing a coffee. There would be a pot ready at the meeting, but the sooner coffee was available to him, the better. He steps out of his car, and makes his way to the front door. Never visiting Zach's Bakery before, he keeps his fingers crossed that they remembered he was coming for his order, today. 
Upon entering he sees a small crowd surrounding a case half filled with donuts and other pastries. There is a bakery rack just off to the side with the items that have yet to make it to the case. Customers are split between shopping from the donut case and the bakery rack, and a few are just standing there looking nervous or crabby. An employee with an apron and hair net on is rapidly filling the case, even as customers shop. He looks harried, but it doesn't prevent Dean from noticing his dark hair and bright blue eyes. Or that whenever he would reach up to the higher shelves, his muscles flexed through his uniform. Dean didn't realize working at a place that sold so many sweets acted as an opportunity for so much exercise at the same time. The way the employee was filling the case, he may as well have been working out right in front of him. Apparently the job necessitated bending down a lot. Dean's throat went dry as he noticed the employees pant legs tighten around his thighs, as he crouched.
CUSTOMER: Come on! Put in the croissants already! Shouldn't those always go in first?! I want to leave. You're making me late to work, again. The employee stops filling the case to face the customer.
CASTIEL: Sir, as I've told you before, you are free to shop off of this bakery rack. If I didn't want you to buy these items, I would've kept it in the kitchen. The customer angrily takes a tissue paper from the box and a wax paper bag and pulls out the tray for his croissant. 
CUSTOMER: You should be fired. You're never on time. Why aren't these items in the case before you open?
CASTIEL: Because when we get additional orders for pick up at the same time the donuts need to be filled, we don't get additional time for the additional work or additional staff for it. I'm sorry they're out late today, but they aren't unavailable to you. You are free to shop off the bakery rack if it's out on the floor. I've told you multiple times, sir. 
CUSTOMER: You're hopeless. You suck at your job and probably don't even work hard. Get here earlier.
CASTIEL: Than 4am?! The customers all turn to look at him. Castiel blushes. Having plenty left to say, but not wanting to get fired (just yet), he rapidly finishes putting the donuts in the case and starts to move away when Dean approaches him.
DEAN: Hey! Sorry to bother you, but I'm here to pick up a pastry order under the name of Winchester? I hope I'm not late. Castiel turns to face Dean and his heart skips a beat. He's never seen someone that attractive in his life. He tries to hide his admiration, though.
CASTIEL: Yes, I have your order ready for you. Will you wait a moment please? Dean nods as Castiel speed walks to the kitchen. The other customers start to line up to check out with the red haired employee at the counter. He can hear the Croissant guy reporting Castiel's attrocious behavior. The girl at the counter gives him a fake smile and pretends to agree with him. Good for her. Dean thinks. Castiel comes back with his order and a label to scan. Thanks. I hope the selection's alright. The request just said a variety of pastries. There are donuts mostly, but also a muffin, a croissant, a turn..The croissant customer turns on Castiel, just as he's about to leave. 
CUSTOMER: Hey! When were those croissants made? Was it before the ones I just bought? I want the ones he's getting. Both Dean and Cas turn to look at him as if the man were nuts. 
CASTIEL: Sir! They're the same product. The only difference is that these croissants came out of the oven an hour before the one's you just bought. Technically, yours are fresher. Then to Dean Sorry about that, but we do things in a certain order, and it was more efficient that way. They were still made this morning...
CUSTOMER: If mine are fresher, why aren't they hot?!
DEAN: That's because they've cooled down, sir. Castiel and Charlie the cashier can't help but snort. Castiel tries to hide his smile, when the customer's cheeks turn red. He's too choked to say anything else, so he just leaves. You two have to go through this every morning? 
CHARLIE: Just most. Usually, people don't have time to be bitches because they're really late for work. Let me ring those up for you. It's Winchester, right? Dean nods. Castiel thanks him for coming, and Dean thanks both him and Charlie for having his order ready for him. He starts to leave and then turns around calling to Cas. 
DEAN: Hey! Cas stops to turn around. Dean realized he didn't really have anything to say, he just wanted another opportunity to look at the baker with the blue eyes. Er, I'm Dean, by the way. Didn't catch your name. Castiel smiles. He can't remember the last time someone gave him a reason to genuinely smile at work. 
CASTIEL: It's Castiel. This is Charlie. Charlie gives a half wave with a secret grin on her face. She raises an eyebrow at Dean and nods towards Castiel. Dean hopes Castiel doesn't notice. And, I know your name already. I've been staring at an order form with your name on it for the past three hours. Dean furrows his brows. Um, I get anxious when it comes to being on time. I just wanted to make sure I was on time with the order for your pick up. I hung the order form so it was in a place I would have to look in accordance to what I was doing in the kitchen all morning. It kept me company. Castiel blushes slightly. Thanks for coming, Mr. Winchester. 
DEAN: Call me Dean, please. 
CASTIEL: Dean. The feel of Dean’s name on his tongue causes Castiel to bite his lower lip and then it’s Dean’s turn to blush.
Finally, Dean leaves and Castiel lets out a deep breath. The donut case is half empty, after having been filled just minutes ago. Castiel takes out a notepad and pen from his apron pockets and starts to write down the flavors and items that have cleared first, the ones remaining. Hopefully he would have time to make more in addition to all of his other tasks. What a lot of customers didn't realize was that he was the only one working for the next several hours, from the kitchen. But he was also responsible for merchandising, taking orders, cleaning the kitchen, refilling products, etc. He goes behind the counter and sits on a stool, next to Charlie. Charlie stares at him with a knowing smile. 
CASTIEL: What's your problem?
CHARLIE: He was into you. I could tell.. Castiel rolls his eyes. Cas, I actually saw him look you up and down. I think he's gay.
CASTIEL: Or he could be Bi. Though I doubt if he's interested in me. Charlie shook her head.
CHARLIE: I'm not gonna go into trying to boost your self-esteem, again. Just saying, he was checking you out. He even defended you with Croissant Guy. If he comes in again, you'd better give him your number. If you don't, I will. Castiel looks mortified.
CASTIEL: Charlie, please! No! Don't you ever think maybe I like being single? He's not interested anyway. I'm not the boyfriend type, so please let it go. Charlie looks taken aback, and Castiel sighs. It's not that I don't appreciate you caring for me. But it's really true. Not everyone has to find the love of their life and live happily ever after. It's just...I mean, it's fine. I wouldn't have time with two jobs anyway. And Don Quiote has been sitting by my bedside for what feels like a million years. Dating isn't really an option for me, at all. I don’t have time for it. Castiel tries to offer Charlie a small smile. She was the one employee at the bakery he was grateful for. If not for her, he would've quit a week into the job. Besides, Dean's probably forgotten about me already. He may not ever come back. 
The donuts Dean brought to the meeting were a huge success. There was even a Homer Simpson donut! All through-out the meeting, Dean couldn't stop thinking about the baker with the blue eyes. Even his name seemed like something out of a dream..Castiel. He couldn't wait for the excuse to go back. Maybe he'd be lucky enough to get the guy's number. At first he couldn't really place if Castiel might be gay or not, but the way he looked at him as he left.... The adorable blush that had spread over his cheeks.... And God, that smile. Something told Dean that he had had something to do with that and it made him damn proud. Long after the donut box was discarded, the work day over, Dean lay in bed deciding he'd go back the next morning with the hopes that Castiel would be there, again. Guess he was going to put in a lot of orders for a box of donuts at Zach’s Bakery.
End of Chapter 1~
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fastmusclecar123 · 6 years ago
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New Post has been published on http://fastmusclecar.com/video/homer-simpson-buys-a-muscle-car/
Homer Simpson Buys A Muscle Car
By Dave Ashton
The temptation to buy a muscle car hits everybody at some point and this definitely seems to be the case with our beloved animated friend Homer Simpson. The man has good taste as he has opted for Snake’s Pontiac Firebird, complete with supercharger. Is it a mid life crisis, maybe but the guy has definitely got taste.
It’s possibly a 1968 model, 400 Ram Air with those two hood scoops and even a convertible for the full pose factor (with license plate GR8 68) but this is clarified when he hit Moe’s for a thorough evaluation – six barrel Holley carb, check. Edelbrock intakes, check. Meyerhoff lifters, hmmm, if they existed. However, like any vintage car, beware of previous owners as they can resurface and become just a bit jealous of their past car’s new owners. After a major fight and the car destroying a house, a bit of polish will get out most of the scratches, but probably Homer is more suited to something a little more sedate. Then again, he would look pretty cool charging around in a Hellcat, pardon the pun.
This snippet comes from episode 9, season 9 if you want to watch the full thing.
More Muscle Cars For Sale – http://fastmusclecar.com/muscle-car-for-sale/
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fastmusclecar123 · 6 years ago
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New Post has been published on http://fastmusclecar.com/video/homer-simpson-buys-a-muscle-car/
Homer Simpson Buys A Muscle Car
By Dave Ashton
The temptation to buy a muscle car hits everybody at some point and this definitely seems to be the case with our beloved animated friend Homer Simpson. The man has good taste as he has opted for Snake’s Pontiac Firebird, complete with supercharger. Is it a mid life crisis, maybe but the guy has definitely got taste.
It’s possibly a 1968 model, 400 Ram Air with those two hood scoops and even a convertible for the full pose factor (with license plate GR8 68) but this is clarified when he hit Moe’s for a thorough evaluation – six barrel Holley carb, check. Edelbrock intakes, check. Meyerhoff lifters, hmmm, if they existed. However, like any vintage car, beware of previous owners as they can resurface and become just a bit jealous of their past car’s new owners. After a major fight and the car destroying a house, a bit of polish will get out most of the scratches, but probably Homer is more suited to something a little more sedate. Then again, he would look pretty cool charging around in a Hellcat, pardon the pun.
This snippet comes from episode 9, season 9 if you want to watch the full thing.
More Muscle Cars For Sale – http://fastmusclecar.com/muscle-car-for-sale/
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fastmusclecar123 · 6 years ago
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New Post has been published on http://fastmusclecar.com/video/homer-simpson-buys-a-muscle-car/
Homer Simpson Buys A Muscle Car
By Dave Ashton
The temptation to buy a muscle car hits everybody at some point and this definitely seems to be the case with our beloved animated friend Homer Simpson. The man has good taste as he has opted for Snake’s Pontiac Firebird, complete with supercharger. Is it a mid life crisis, maybe but the guy has definitely got taste.
It’s possibly a 1968 model, 400 Ram Air with those two hood scoops and even a convertible for the full pose factor (with license plate GR8 68) but this is clarified when he hit Moe’s for a thorough evaluation – six barrel Holley carb, check. Edelbrock intakes, check. Meyerhoff lifters, hmmm, if they existed. However, like any vintage car, beware of previous owners as they can resurface and become just a bit jealous of their past car’s new owners. After a major fight and the car destroying a house, a bit of polish will get out most of the scratches, but probably Homer is more suited to something a little more sedate. Then again, he would look pretty cool charging around in a Hellcat, pardon the pun.
This snippet comes from episode 9, season 9 if you want to watch the full thing.
More Muscle Cars For Sale – http://fastmusclecar.com/muscle-car-for-sale/
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fastmusclecar123 · 6 years ago
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New Post has been published on http://fastmusclecar.com/video/homer-simpson-buys-a-muscle-car/
Homer Simpson Buys A Muscle Car
By Dave Ashton
The temptation to buy a muscle car hits everybody at some point and this definitely seems to be the case with our beloved animated friend Homer Simpson. The man has good taste as he has opted for Snake’s Pontiac Firebird, complete with supercharger. Is it a mid life crisis, maybe but the guy has definitely got taste.
It’s possibly a 1968 model, 400 Ram Air with those two hood scoops and even a convertible for the full pose factor (with license plate GR8 68) but this is clarified when he hit Moe’s for a thorough evaluation – six barrel Holley carb, check. Edelbrock intakes, check. Meyerhoff lifters, hmmm, if they existed. However, like any vintage car, beware of previous owners as they can resurface and become just a bit jealous of their past car’s new owners. After a major fight and the car destroying a house, a bit of polish will get out most of the scratches, but probably Homer is more suited to something a little more sedate. Then again, he would look pretty cool charging around in a Hellcat, pardon the pun.
This snippet comes from episode 9, season 9 if you want to watch the full thing.
More Muscle Cars For Sale – http://fastmusclecar.com/muscle-car-for-sale/
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fastmusclecar123 · 6 years ago
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New Post has been published on http://fastmusclecar.com/video/homer-simpson-buys-a-muscle-car/
Homer Simpson Buys A Muscle Car
By Dave Ashton
The temptation to buy a muscle car hits everybody at some point and this definitely seems to be the case with our beloved animated friend Homer Simpson. The man has good taste as he has opted for Snake’s Pontiac Firebird, complete with supercharger. Is it a mid life crisis, maybe but the guy has definitely got taste.
It’s possibly a 1968 model, 400 Ram Air with those two hood scoops and even a convertible for the full pose factor (with license plate GR8 68) but this is clarified when he hit Moe’s for a thorough evaluation – six barrel Holley carb, check. Edelbrock intakes, check. Meyerhoff lifters, hmmm, if they existed. However, like any vintage car, beware of previous owners as they can resurface and become just a bit jealous of their past car’s new owners. After a major fight and the car destroying a house, a bit of polish will get out most of the scratches, but probably Homer is more suited to something a little more sedate. Then again, he would look pretty cool charging around in a Hellcat, pardon the pun.
This snippet comes from episode 9, season 9 if you want to watch the full thing.
More Muscle Cars For Sale – http://fastmusclecar.com/muscle-car-for-sale/
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fastmusclecar123 · 6 years ago
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New Post has been published on http://fastmusclecar.com/video/homer-simpson-buys-a-muscle-car/
Homer Simpson Buys A Muscle Car
By Dave Ashton
The temptation to buy a muscle car hits everybody at some point and this definitely seems to be the case with our beloved animated friend Homer Simpson. The man has good taste as he has opted for Snake’s Pontiac Firebird, complete with supercharger. Is it a mid life crisis, maybe but the guy has definitely got taste.
It’s possibly a 1968 model, 400 Ram Air with those two hood scoops and even a convertible for the full pose factor (with license plate GR8 68) but this is clarified when he hit Moe’s for a thorough evaluation – six barrel Holley carb, check. Edelbrock intakes, check. Meyerhoff lifters, hmmm, if they existed. However, like any vintage car, beware of previous owners as they can resurface and become just a bit jealous of their past car’s new owners. After a major fight and the car destroying a house, a bit of polish will get out most of the scratches, but probably Homer is more suited to something a little more sedate. Then again, he would look pretty cool charging around in a Hellcat, pardon the pun.
This snippet comes from episode 9, season 9 if you want to watch the full thing.
More Muscle Cars For Sale – http://fastmusclecar.com/muscle-car-for-sale/
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fastmusclecar123 · 6 years ago
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New Post has been published on http://fastmusclecar.com/video/homer-simpson-buys-a-muscle-car/
Homer Simpson Buys A Muscle Car
By Dave Ashton
The temptation to buy a muscle car hits everybody at some point and this definitely seems to be the case with our beloved animated friend Homer Simpson. The man has good taste as he has opted for Snake’s Pontiac Firebird, complete with supercharger. Is it a mid life crisis, maybe but the guy has definitely got taste.
It’s possibly a 1968 model, 400 Ram Air with those two hood scoops and even a convertible for the full pose factor (with license plate GR8 68) but this is clarified when he hit Moe’s for a thorough evaluation – six barrel Holley carb, check. Edelbrock intakes, check. Meyerhoff lifters, hmmm, if they existed. However, like any vintage car, beware of previous owners as they can resurface and become just a bit jealous of their past car’s new owners. After a major fight and the car destroying a house, a bit of polish will get out most of the scratches, but probably Homer is more suited to something a little more sedate. Then again, he would look pretty cool charging around in a Hellcat, pardon the pun.
This snippet comes from episode 9, season 9 if you want to watch the full thing.
More Muscle Cars For Sale – http://fastmusclecar.com/muscle-car-for-sale/
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