#Holmes and Watson playing with the duke like cats with a mouse
amypihcs · 11 months
And today my favourite scene!! Well, let's see what our dear victorian husbands are up to.
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Nu! Poor Holmes, a sprain! Well, at least there's an inn nearby! Better to ask for a carriage or... or a bike?
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MAN! Watson must be FUMING. Beware, Mr Hayes. That kind-looking, distinguished doctor can ABSOLUTELY end you.
That is not courteous of you, man!
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Also i'm sure Watson is confused and already suspecting something... What are you planning Holmes?
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In LIVERPOOL, you say? Ah, sure. Oh, well, the horses will do. Now first some dinner.
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Watson, is that a little dart to Holmes? The one on the ankle. And the one on eating. As if someone hadn't thought to the lunch! Well, at least you're eating something now... Holmes? What? GOT IT??
Aaaand here the explanation!
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And some bit of theatre before, OF COURSE
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IS all of this necessary? What's your conclusion DEAR BEETLE?
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You mean they used cow-shaped horses- AND IT'S LIKE THIS! A little of snaking around... And there they are! (i could've done well without the classism too)
Well, landlord catches them and they decide to 'walk to the hall'
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Also Holmes' been picking up his irregulars' slang. Bet Watson finds that adorable, lol
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Holmes threw them both on the ground and! the secretary! the super suspicious guy!
And if the walk of the morning hadn't been enough, now a pretty run...
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They're having a lot of exercise today. Well, let's see a bit closer what happens.
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(Is Holmes holding Watson's hand again?) Well, regardless he just climbed on his shoulders. Watson just held on very well. Bet he didn't feel much weight. Very strong Watson in this story!
Back to the school... and Holmes isn't speaking
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Ah, back you are from talking to the headmaster, dear, come to bed! Holmes proceeds to kiss Watson, hug him and promise him that the following day all will be okay. Then they lie down <3
Following day, Holmes maybe made his Watson some spoilers and they are at the duke's!
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And Holmes' playing with the duke like a cat with a mouse
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And both Holmes and Watson are having fun in it!
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Thin hand mention, there! Perfect, daily Holmes' hand appreciation satisfied. And Holmes why do you have the Pound sign in your eyes? Oh no, Watson, he's thinking to the children and to your future cottage.
Look, the duke is startled!
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And this is a proper coup de théatre. And Watson leaves us with a cliffhanger again, but we can't grudge him for that!
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