#Hollywood salt
coqxettee · 8 months
POV: You’re a frequent guest at Saltburn
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I watched the film this morning and immediately knew I had to create a mood board, based on what it would be like if you was a frequent visitor at the Saltburn manor and friends with Oliver and Felix ✨🍷🌙🦌💫
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1920legends · 1 year
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My Angel flung out of space…
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collinnmckinley · 2 years
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p-redux · 1 year
Abbie was not with S during Oscar week 2015. Abbie went to OL premiere in NYC in March. That might be why there’s no picture.
I got this Anon last week, but hadn't had time to answer it. I had to go find old screencaps. Here we go! Anon, you're WRONG on all of it.
I know this with 100 % certainty because in 2015, I had a LOT of sources.
Here's what happened...
In February of 2015, Sam's then girlfriend, Abbie Salt posted a picture of herself from the balcony of her hotel room in Los Angeles. The London Hotel West Hollywood. We no longer have the picture because Abbie scrubbed her Instagram of all traces of when she was dating Sam due to so may Extreme Shipper trolls harassing her. But this is my recollection of what the pic looked like. The picture was of Abbie on a hotel room balcony, with her back to the camera, a bit of a side profile, so it was clear it was her, looking out over Los Angeles. The person taking the picture was much taller than Abbie, given the angle of the picture. I knew it was the London Hotel West Hollywood because it was very distinctive balconies with black rod iron, with a certain design.
Then around the same dates, 'lo and behold, Mr. Sam Heughan posts on his Facebook a picture FROM The London Hotel West Hollywood! I've been to that hotel for a few wedding receptions, so I know THAT view. But, below, on the right, is proof of the view from that side of the building, facing West, as well as the distinctive balcony with black rod iron. 👇
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So, why was Sam in L.A. in February of 2015? Well, it was Oscars time, and the week before the Oscars, the night before, and the night of, there are LOTS of industry parties. Celebs who may not even be nominated or attending the Academy Awards ceremony still go to the parties to see and be seen. Here's the date of the Oscars in 2015. 👇
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On February 21, 2015, the night before the Oscars, a fan got a pic with Sam. Here is the pic. I whited out the fan so she doesn't get harassed. She is the one that CONFIRMED to me that the pic was taken outside The London Hotel West Hollywood AND that Sam was with a very pretty petite brunette with an English accent aka Abbie Salt. The fan told me that Abbie was super nice and even offered to take their pic. I can't remember if this pic is the one Abbie took or if this is a selfie before Abbie offered to take the pic. But, regardless, this fan CONFIRMED Sam was with Abbie in L.A. and she also said they were going into the hotel together. If I recall correctly, Sam told her they were running late or they had missed the British Party at the hotel. 👇
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The pic the fan took with Sam was at night time and the British party was from 4:00-7:00 PM, so it totally could be that Sam and Abbie missed it. But, again, that fan info gave 100% PROOF that Sam was with Abbie in L.A. on Oscars weekend and they were staying at The London Hotel West Hollywood.
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Fast forward to the Outlander mid-season premiere in New York, which was held on April 1, 2015, not in March, Anon. 👇
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Well, guess who, posted pics of Central Park in New York, at the same time? Yep, Ms. Abbie Salt. Again, all those pics are gone. But she definitely posted she was in New York. Here's someone Tweeting me on my old Twitter account CONFIRMING said information. 👇
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Soooo, we all assumed Abbie would show up to the Outlander premiere after party. But, nope, Sam kept their relationship under wraps and Abbie WAS NOT at the premiere or after party. Cait DID take her then boyfriend, Tony McGill to BOTH the premiere and after party, as I've posted eyewitness account and pics in the past. As for Abbie, she WAS in New York waiting for Sam to be done with Outlander stuff so they could go on vacation together. Where did they go, you ask?
They went from New York to Miami first. To members only, Miami Soho Beach House. How do we know WHERE they were? A Miami source, who had connections, CONFIRMED Sam and Abbie stayed there for a few days. Here are some Tweets from back in the day. And also, Sam later confirming he'd been to Miami. 👇
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After spending a couple of days in Miami, Sam and Abbie flew to Barbados for a longer vacation and some sun, sea, and relaxation. This was the height of Extreme Shipper bullshit and bullying. They tried to convince their minions that the trip to Barbados was a friends trip, and that Sam had "tagged along last minute" with Abbie because someone else had bailed out. WRONG AGAIN. A convo Sam had on Facebook with a friend surfaced that PROVED that Sam and Abbie planned their April 2015 Barbados trip months ahead of time, at least since February 2015. 👇
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So, after we got CONFIRMATION that Sam and Abbie had been in New York together, in Miami together, we wondered where they were heading to next. Weeeelll, Abbie posted from Barbados (again those pics are gone). But here's a Tweet from people Tweeting me on my old Twitter account, CONFIRMING this info. 👇
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I was then told by a source that, of course, Sam was with her. Extreme Shippers frothed and harassed, and bullied Abbie and anyone talking about Sam being with Abbie in Barbados, including me. They made my life HELL. Well, 'lo and behold (I love saying that hahaha), Sam's driver, Davie posted Sam had brought him back a bottle of rum....FROM BARBADOS. Extreme Shippers heads exploded and they harassed Davie, to the point that he deleted his pic of the rum bottle. But here's a fan tweeting both Sam and Davie about it. And, more importantly, here is SAM HIMSELF CONFIRMING HE WAS IN BARBADOS. Extreme Shippers lost their damn minds when that happened and fandom pandemonium ensued.
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So, that's all, folks, fandom history lesson is over...for now. 👩‍🏫😘
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chatonnoir · 2 years
Adrienette stans wanna gaslight Ladynoir stans who don’t like this plot point and act like Ladynoir was always meant to be platonic from the start and Adrienette was obviously always meant to be the side that would start dating .... No.
My dudes there is a reason Ladynoir has always been more popular than Adrienette among the online fandom. There is a reason the bulk of the fancontent when the show first came out focused on romantic Ladynoir. Hell there is a reason Zag chose for their expensive piece of ship merch to be a $300+ Ladynoir statue. They’re even using romantic Ladynoir scenes to advertise their movie now. Stormy Weather, the pilot episode, the episode meant to introduce us to and sell the show to us and networks, was 99% Ladynoir. Every “Valentine’s” episode (Dark Cupid/Glaciator) has been heavily Ladynoir-centric. Chat Blanc, despite starting with Ladrien followed by an Adrienette dating montage, was heavily Ladynoir centric. “Our love did this to the world" came through Ladynoir. We were shown Ladybug getting upset any time Chat Noir seemed to show interest in another girl. We were given “maybe if Adrien didn’t exist, I’d feel differently about Chat Noir...” in s1. We were given Ladybug explicitly dodging Chat Noir’s question of if things would be different between them if her “other boy” wasn’t a factor. We were given “maybe if I show Ladybug my true self, she’ll fall in love with me,” followed by that very thing happening. We were given a second coup de foudre in Strike Back. The first kiss in this show happened through Ladynoir. The first kiss they were both conscious of happened through Ladynoir in Jubilation. We were shown Ladybug blushing after Chat Noir kissed her cheek in Glaciator. We were shown Ladybug progressively learning that Chat Noir is more sensitive than she thought and not the kind of guy she thought he was and growing closer to and more fond of him over the course of the series -- the plot of like every good romance worth reading (Pride and Prejudice anyone??).
Everyone picked up on the romantic vibes and the depth of their relationship over the past 7 years and now y’all wanna pretend we were hallucinating all along just because your fav side is canon and y’all don’t want to acknowledge the fact that cutting out Ladybug’s feelings for Chat Noir after 4 seasons of development and literally /3 episodes/ of actual visible feelings is an insane choice because it gets in the way of said side being canon. We all picked up on the fact that Chat Blanc and Ephemeral both told us explicitly that Adrienette can’t safely be together as civilians because Gabriel can and will use it to his advantage even without knowing their identities and now y’all want to pretend we’re the ones who weren’t paying attention when even the show was telling us that Adrienette is the side that can’t happen. Apparently the payoff of the 7-year-buildup of Ladybug realizing her romantic feelings for Chat Noir was ... three whole episodes. Followed by her ditching him entirely. Y’all are okay with completely ignoring the insane choice of having Marinette and Adrien not at all worried about abandoning their partners and spitting on “I’ll never abandon you” and every time they’ve ever said “you and me against the entire world” because all you see is weee cute Adrienette scenes <3333.
Like I said I and many others did not watch this show for a generic school romance we watched this show for a Love Square with identity shenanigans because that’s what was being sold to us yet apparently it was never about the "falling in love twice” and the parallels between the two relationships and two loves even though that’s what the past 4 seasons told us it was because it was actually just “adrienette with some obstacles” all along and oBvIoUsLy it was always just meant to be about romantic Adrienette!!!1!!1 I did not watch 7 years worth of romantic development on the Ladynoir side just for Adrienette stans to decide to tell me that I was actually hallucinating that whole time and that Ladynoir was always meant to be platonic
#ml spoilers#ml transmission#ml fandom salt#y'all must be watching the english dub if y'all think ladynoir is exclusively platonic that's the only explanation#thanks for the confirmation that we have indeed been watching completely different shows though lol#and why do y'all think ladynoir being The Best Friends side somehow means they're not also romantic?#congratulations you've bought in to hollywood's idea of what romantic love is#and have failed to realize that best friendship is not removed from romance and is in fact the CORE of a real loving relationship#also a bizarre take when the SHOW ITSELF literally just showed you romantic ladynoir over the past several episodes tf#this is just like when months ago i said how much i didn't like the concept of pre-reveal a/drienette#and then someone of course decided to vaguepost saying 'ackshually pre-reveal adrienette was obviously always more likely#and marinette is more set in her ways regarding chat noir and wouldn't be in to the idea of dating him pre-reveal etc etc'#and i said no actually ladybug is already on the cusp of realizing her feelings for chat noir and would be even more inclined to date him#bc of how comfortable she is with him and how much more developed they are and dating =/= revealing identities#and then the beginning of the season proved me right about this#but not before i was driven insane by the revelation that a lot of y'all apparently don't care about the 'falling in love twice' and the#parallel relationships and thought marinette and adrien getting together without the show ever having ladybug fall for chat noir would've#somehow been a satisfying outcome 💀 we are literally not watching the same show
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schlock-luster-video · 5 months
On May 7, 1954, Salt of the Earth debuted to a very limited release in the United States.
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Here's some new Juan Chacon art!
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247liveculture · 1 year
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August 3rd, 1971, Deidra Muriel Roper, known professionally as DJ Spinderella was born!
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mydailyvintagephotos · 7 months
Keene Curtis 🌹🕊️
On his Birthday 🎂
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theodoradove · 1 year
something something the true glory days of the garden of allah and the chateau marmont were when they kind of sucked as residences
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butmakeitgayblog · 2 years
hi dear!! sorry if this comes up as random but do you happen to have/know any link to a masterpost/thread on what happened with alycia/jason back then when lexa was killed off? i know the whole “she had to film FTWD” is bs and everything but i’m looking for a post or something with actual content, proofs, evidences and stuff about the whole thing. also, is that in any way correlated to bob and what came out a few years ago? like i saw a tweet from Isaiah that was suspicious (“lexa didn’t have to die, ask eliza and jason why i’m off the show” or something) but as far as i know he never spilled any more tea? are the who things connected to why alycia left the 100? thank you sm and again sorry if it’s random and if you have probably answered a million times about the topic but it’s all new to me. of course if there’s some tag of yours that i can check for more contest just please lemme know 💝💝
A masterlist post? No not that I'm aware of. When i have time I can try and track shit down and people are encouraged to comment here if they think of stuff but it's been forever and mostly it was just piecing things and comments and timelines together and using our brains to figure out that excuse was bullshit lol (nvm the fact that even if it were true, they didn't have to kill her, much less the way they did. But that's another rant)
For me tho the biggest hammer came down from Alycia herself when she said she'd been willing to work on both shows but "it just didn't work out that way" AND this Q&A interview question at 29:43 minute mark. She auditioned for ftwd after filming season 2, meaning Jason hadn't signed her on and had no intention of signing her on, in fact iirc (I could be misremembering) by the timeline I think she may have already knew she was getting killed on the loo or at least knew she wasn't gonna be a regular and thus was why she went looking for another show. Also the fact that Fear and the loo filmed during different times of the year so there wasn't really a big scheduling conflict either. So. I mean it's just logical 2+2 stuff when you look at it.
As for Isaiah, I mean. Consider the source. I'm not saying he doesn't know actual bts tea and there's probably a fuckton because that whole cast and production was A Mess, but I still take a MAGA bro's word with a grain of salt especially since he never backed it up.
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bibliobibuli-reads · 1 year
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florallychaotic · 1 year
I'm gonna be brutally honest, while talented like any other actresses in their fields, Anya Taylor Joy, Mia Goth, and Florence Pugh don't really do it for me. Like they're talented yes, but not like....above average for Hollywood talented. They're interesting looking women that were in films that struck a cord in a specific online women film watching space....like they're talented but I feel like....overated a bit. And I've liked films they've all been in. I just don't think they're the game changers so many people online think they are. They're just the current it girls. Which is totally fine and if you adore them that's great! Wish that could be me. Idk I'm waiting for Goth and Pugh to really impress me (yes I saw Pearl and Midsommar) and I'm waiting for Joy to impress me as much as she did in The VVitch and Split.
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alltimesupdate · 2 years
The Empress Season 2 Release Date: Cast, Plot And More
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schlock-luster-video · 5 months
Remembering Salt of the Earth star Rosaura Revueltas on the anniversary of her death.
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R.I.P. (1910 - 1996)
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theaskew · 4 months
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