#Hinamori Aki
fiberfaerie · 2 years
I'm back to making my usual manic faerie works in progress. ∩(´・ u ・`)つ―*’⛧`*:
My brain is going in all sorts of directions, and I like to refer to these bursts of ideas as brain blasts because Jimmy Neutron, iykyk 🚀
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I was feeling and still have some big inspo from Rules, but I'm also reading through Chainsawman now. 🐶
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Which made me seek out one of my first favorite manga's I read as a kid- not because they are similar in any way lmao but because they both are hitting me deep, and Amu always inspired me deeply when it came specifically to clothing design.
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Cool and Spicy!!
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can't properly explain how these two are going to play into my future pieces but you'll see it come together eventually and I am so excited!!
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Thinking of Shugo chara at 1am... 😔 I barely remember that show but... it was pretty good tbh?? Like??
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majokkoradio · 3 years
“Saikyou Love Power” - Shugo Chara - Amu Hinamori Image Song
Birthday: September 24
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shuoshuzhe-a · 5 years
[ @shinkuraun​ / sc. ft hinamori aki ]
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            “ it’s nap time, i’m unavailable, ” aki states, not bothering to smother the yawn leaving his lips. the other can blame it on a late shift...which wasn’t a lie, aki was up most of the night doing his other job.
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amethystviolin · 5 years
Jushiro Ukitake x Reader - Chapter 16 - Unexpected
“Unexpected as it might be, you need to take caution with you until you recover.”  Jushiro chided you.  Ushering you back to bed, Jushiro assured you, again, that he would be there in the morning. Your heart was flying, but your body was still recovering from your treatment at the hands of Mayuri.  Sleep soon found you, but for the first time in what felt like a long time - the welcome, peaceful blackness.  
Your dreams were pleasant, you and Jushiro were sitting in a garden, under a spreading tree.  A child’s laugh made you turn your head; Aki was running around the garden trying to catch a black butterfly.  It would flit around, just out of the girl’s reach, no matter how much she ran and jumped after it.  Jushiro’s arm snaked around your waist as you both watched Aki with smiles on your faces. You heard someone calling your name
“Y/f/n,” you woke to Jushiro sitting next to your bed, “Good Morning.”
“Good Morning!” you replied happily, rubbing sleep from your eyes.
“I have to go into my division headquarters today.”
Your smile sunk into a frown.  You were hoping to spend time with Jushiro, since it’s the first day you have felt better and weren’t at Squad 5 barracks.  
He quickly added, “It’ll only be for a few hours so would you like me to bring you something to read?  Captain Aizen said you were reading some books on basic soul reaper technique when you were at Squad 5, perhaps I could bring you some?”
You thought a moment, “Actually do you have any books on the Saisei?  I would really like to know more about them – I mean – me.  I didn’t really feel like I could ask Captain Aizen……”
“Why not?  He is one of the friendliest Soul Reapers in the whole Soul Society” Jushiro replied.
You hesitated, not sure if you should tell him about your feelings towards Aizen, but when you decided that, if anyone, Jushiro was someone you could tell everything too - Jushiro spoke again, stroking his chin.
“I guess you didn’t get to know him very well, and the circumstances were not the best they could have been.  There aren’t any formal books on the Saisei, but I can provide you with some of the reports that have been gathered on them and their abilities.  I do think it would be good for you to get some background on your abilities.”  Jushiro left the room and returned a few minutes later with an armful of papers. He gently set them on your bed.
“Here’s everything that I’ve been able to gather regarding the Saisei, their powers and abilities, and their history.  Hopefully you’ll find some information about yourself here.”
“Thank you” you quietly said as you leafed through the stack.
Jushiro’s smiled, widely, “It’s no bother at all, my dear.  Now I must be off, I’ll be back later and perhaps we can have tea in the garden, I have a lovely Koi pond that I think you would like.”
“That sounds wonderful” you replied.
With that Jushiro left, leaving alone in his house with only your thoughts and the stack of documents in your hands.  You began reading through the stack.  Most of the reports held very little information, if any, outside of sightings and chance encounters.  You pushed though, even though you felt you might fall asleep out of sheer boredom. You came across a few reports from Captain Kurotsuchi’s division– detailing the tests on previous subjects – none filled out by the Captain himself.  You noted that the reports made mention that each subject was returned to their host Captain “in working order”.  You felt this was an exaggeration given the state that you were in when Jushiro and Shunsui found you, but gave it no further thought, trying to think as little as possible about that nightmare.  
The next few reports mentioned the powers of the Saisei.  These reports perked you up.  No longer feeling sleepy – you rather felt energized, like you finally were getting somewhere.  The Saisei’s power was indeed drawn from spiritual energy, similar in power to that of a Soul Reaper. But where a Soul Reaper’s power comes from within themselves, a Saisei’s power comes from a connection to energy of past members of their family – the stronger the connection, the stronger the Saisei.  It was hypothesized, in one report, that if a Saisei’s connection was strong enough that Saisei’s power could rival that of a Captain.  The report continued that no Saisei seen by the Soul Society at that time was anywhere near that strong.  None of the reports mentioned any sword externalizations like you had, in fact none of the reports indicated that any Saisei had the ability to hold any externalizations like you had during the first round of testing at Squad 12.  None of the reports had mentioned anything like the armor you had manifested, either.  
No wonder Kurotsuchi took such interest in me, you thought bitterly.  You continued to read the remaining reports, when a knock was heard at the front door. A woman’s voice called in through the door.
“Saisei Y/f/n? My name is Jitsuko Satou, I’m from Squad 4, and Captain Unohana sent me to see how you are doing?  Do you mind if I come in?”
“Come right in!”
A tall woman appeared in the doorway of your room.  She had a round face with bright blue eyes. Her long black hair was held in place with a ribbon that matched her eyes.  She carried a bag with a number 4 on it and spoke softly.  
“Hello there, like I said, I was just following Captain Unohana’s orders. I need to check you out.”
“Sure, not a problem, what do you need me to do?”
“Oh, I just need you do take off your kimono, I can just run my check-up without you having to do anything else.”  She smiled and knelt next to you, assisting you to remove your obi and kimono.
Jitsuko gently checked your healing wounds, skilled hands applying healing ointments and replacing bandages.  She talked pleasantly with you while taking care of you, talking about the honor it was to help a Saisei and how horrible an ordeal you’ve gone through.
“How do you know about what happened?”
“Oh, well everyone knows about the Saisei that was hurt while being tested by Captain Kurotsuchi’s Division.  The whole Soul Society is awaiting the result of the investigation, of course, Captain Kurotsuchi is protesting his innocence, claiming he was just completing his standard tests.  It has got everyone excited, wondering what is going to happen next.”
“Well, what do you think will happen next?”
“I don’t know, I know that Captain Kurotsuchi enjoys his test subjects, sometimes a little too much, that’s when he calls in Squad 4 to help with the messy ones.”
“The messy ones?”
“The ones who get hurt, bloodied, and the like – much like you, dear. We come in and heal where we can, unfortunately we aren’t always able to reverse the damage that the Captain does. In all honesty, you are one of the lucky ones, I am glad we got to you in time.  Squad 4 specializes in healing, so we’ll have this whole thing sorted out in no time.” She spoke kindly, putting her things away and cleaning up the used materials. “You are going to want to rest, you are still healing after all.”
After helping you put your kimono back on, she packed up her bag and began to leave.
You called after her, “Thank you Jitsuko”
“You are most welcome, Saisei y/f/n, I’ll have you sorted out in no time.” With that she left, the house becoming as still as it had been previously.
Jushiro returned for dinner (provided by his 3rd seats), apologizing that he was later than he had expected to be.  You assured him that you didn’t mind since you had company, telling him about your visit from Jitsuko.  
“I am glad to know that you are making more friends.  I forgot to tell you!  Lieutenant Hinamori was asking for you.  She would like to come and visit as soon as you feel up to it.” Jushiro beamed.
“I would love to see Momo again” you replied.  You immediately thought of Captain Aizen and the strange sensation that you had felt from him and tried to push this the back of your mind.
After you and Jushiro finished dinner.  Jushiro took you outside to his garden, a large koi pond was dominating the space.  Small benches were set around for those who wished to sit but the water’s edge.  You and Jushiro sat on one under a spreading cherry blossom tree and watched the two fish lazily circle around and around, making soothing patterns on the water’s top.  He told you about his day and you talked with him about what you had learned from the reports he had provided.  He seemed happy that you had been able to get some information from them. It struck you how comfortable you felt around Jushiro and how easily you two had fallen a routine.  You shivered as the evening grew darker, not wanting to go in just yet.  Jushiro placed an arm around you, pulling you into his body and sharing his warmth with you. You looked at him and smiled – taking note how close you were.  
“I want you to be happy here, y/f/n.  I know this isn’t your home, it may never be, but I do want you to be happy.
“I am happy” you found yourself saying, “I’m happy here with you”
Jushiro softly smiled, closing the space between you two and kissing you gently.  You wanted the kiss to continue, but you were interrupted by loud coughing.  But this time it wasn’t coming from Jushiro, it came from you.  You clutched at your stomach as you were wracked by pain, unable to catch your breath, you looked to Jushiro.
“Y/F/N!” Jushiro shouted, scooping you up in his arm bridal style, he rushed you back to your bed, staying at your side.  
“Rest, I’ll get Captain Unohana” Jushiro made to leave but you grabbed his sleeve.
“Please just stay, I’ll be okay.  It was just a coughing spell.  No need to get worried about it.”  You smiled weakly.
Jushiro looked torn, not wanting you to be in pain, but also wanting to stay by your side.  Finally, his heart won and he sat back down next to you.
“No, not there, here” you said patting the space in the bed with you.  “Please”
Jushiro sighed before moving the blankets back to allow him in.  He tucked you both in before wrapping his arms around you.  He laid his head back, pulling you to his chest.  You laid like this for what felt like a second and forever at the same time. After a short time, the coughs subsided, as did the pain.  You felt the tension leave Jushiro’s body and before you knew it, you heard his breaths even out and his heartbeat grow quiet.
Looking out the open window, you looked to the stars.  You felt at peace in this moment, a peace that has been missing in your life and you began to wonder if you really could be happy here. As you mind tried to mull over the whole situation, sleep began to creep in at the edges.  Eventually, the combination of Jushiro’s heartbeat, the sounds of night, and your own fatigue won over your mind’s racing thoughts and you fell into a peaceful, undisturbed sleep.
Morning light invaded your window, you muttered while placing a hand over your eyes to block out the intrusion.  You felt around next to you, to find the bed empty – Jushiro was gone.  You quietly rose from your bed and began to search the house for Jushiro. As you approached the kitchen, you began to hear voices.
           “I don’t agree with this, Chojiro!” You immediately recognized Jushiro’s voice. “She’s barely begun to heal! Y/f/n should stay here with me until Captain Unohana determines her to be healthy enough to return to Squad 5.”  
           “I understand that you do not agree with it, the investigation has been concluded and this is Captain General Yamamoto’s order and you will obey it.”  The second voice was the man who had put Captain Mayuri in his place.
           “I plan on speaking with Captain General Yamamoto at once, this is outrageous.  How could he believe the Mayuri was appropriate in his actions!  He almost killed her.”  You could tell that Jushiro was trying to keep his voice down, most likely because he believed that you were still asleep.
           “You are free to speak with the Captain General.  Good day, Captain Ukitake.”
           As you heard Chojiro leaving, you returned to your bed, sitting down and trying to stop the tears that you were holding in. It felt like the rug was being pulled out from under you.  You had just gotten to the Soul Society and you felt like you were being tossed around like a rag doll.  As few moments later Jushiro knocked on your door.  One look at you was all he needed to know that you had heard the whole conversation.  Quickly moving to sit by you, Jushiro pulled you into his arms.  You held onto him, letting go of the tears that you had been holding in.  Jushiro simply sat and held you, letting you cry, until you were done. Jushiro lifted you head gently, making sure you could see the determination in his eyes before he spoke.
           “I am going to speak with Captain General Yamamoto immediately.  You are in no condition to return to Squad 5—“
           “Jushiro, it’s okay.  Nothing will change his mind.  I have to go.  I just don’t want to.  I want to stay here with you, but that doesn’t seem possible right now.  So I’ll go back. I’ll do whatever I have to in order to get back to you.”
           Jushiro sighed, “My brave girl.  I will do whatever I can to get you back to me. Together?”
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Minden olyan más. Végre felnyílt a szemem, és megláttam, ki az, aki igazán szeret. A nap, a hold... mind fényesebben ragyog, mint a harcok előtt. Hogy lehettem ilyen vak?
Hullott a hó, és tudtam, hogy ez az ő műve. Mitől más ez? Mitől jó? Meg nem tudtam volna fogalmazni, mégis, ahogy belepillantottam a türkizszemekbe, miközben táncoltunk, éreztem, hogy nagyot dobbant a szíve. Annyira örültem, hogy élt, és jól volt. Valamiért nem bánom, hogy így lett. Aizen nem szeretett, ezt látom. Fáj. Fáj, és még jobban kínoz a bűntudat, amiért én is hasonló fájdalmat okoztam valakinek, aki régóta arra várt, hogy végre karjában tarthasson.
Ez ő. Az én Toushiróm.
– Hinamori... soha. Soha ne merészelj magamra hagyni, hallod? – suttogta a számomra oly édes, kissé fagyos hang.
– Nem foglak – mosolyogtam. Annyira szeretem őt Szorosan hozzábújtam. Magasabbra nőtt nálam, ki hitte volna, hogy az idő ennyivel másabbá teszi Sokkalta érettebb nálam, és okosabb is. Fogadok, hogy Matsumoto vette rá a vallomásra, magától nem mozdult volna, és csak várt volna rám a végtelenségig.
– Remélem is, Momo. – Csókja gyors volt, fagyos, mégis édes, jóleső. Nincs az, amiért vagy akiért én őt valaha is lecserélném. Most már tudom, hogy számomra őt rendelte a sors.
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erokeis · 6 years
[Cast Announced] Deep One
Nameless has announced the casts for Deep One!
Official Site
Itsukino Naoya (protagonist) 斎野 尚哉(主人公):Hiiragi Santa 柊三太
Itsukino Konoka 斎野九花:Sawada Natsu 澤田なつ
Yuuki Kasumi 佑姫 カスミ:Kamishiro Misaki 神代岬
Hinamori Saya 比奈森 沙耶:Kusuhara Yui くすはらゆい
Yuhara Aki 柚原 亜希:Sawasawa Sawa沢澤砂羽
Fujinomiya Atsushi 文示宮 篤:Domon Atsushi 土門熱
Tokigaya Shuuitsu 朱鷺谷衆逸:Kirigi Lee 切木Lee
Houmatsu Yoruko 泡沫 夜仔:Kaibara Erena 海原エレナ
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shuoshuzhe-a · 5 years
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            meet hinamori aki ( aka — namahage ), 26, assassin for hire. what do you call a man whose entire life is about bloodshed ?? who can probably write a book on a thousand and more ways to kill a person ?? the perfect soldier ?? someone with a LOT to hide, aki is a waiter by day and an assassin by night. from garroting to stabbing, his work hours fluxes with his missions. the restaurant he works at is his base, it’s where he receives his missives and retrieves his payments. a cautious man, aki doesn’t speak much to others and avoids topics about himself. he’d much rather keep private life, private...people don’t need to know how he got where he was, how he managed to become the one who is called to hunt the boogey man.             aki earned himself the name of namahage due to his penchant for hunting down wrongdoers...be it good or bad, he doesn’t care ; as long as he’s paid, it doesn’t matter if he’s ‘ punishing ’ a criminal or murdering an innocent. he just has a rule — he doesn’t kill kids. it would be his downfall to leave a living witness, but he’s sure that the kid’s just much too TERRIFIED to remember anything but blood.             aki does sometimes take on cases involving information extraction via torture or enforcing for certain crime groups...it really depends on his mood. there are rumors that the namahage sometimes kills just for SPORT so most criminals are cautious about cross the male’s path.             outwardly and during the day, aki is seemingly an outgoing and friendly guy who plays up his dark and mysterious aura ; following along people’s teasing and joking around. inwardly, he harbors contempt and rage towards his father for making him the way he is.             rumor has it...the namahage actually started out as a politician’s hunting dog, taking down any competition, doing the dirty work...that he has government connections and that’s why he’s never been caught.
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shuoshuzhe-a · 5 years
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            aki didn’t start out as HINAMORI AKI. that was never his name ; it’s not the name he was born with. he has no remembrance of what his birth name is...was...he could be nameless for all he knows. he’s been so many people, who he really is...he has no idea. the only living relative that knew him was his mother and she died...by his hands ( yes, that’s right. 11 year old aki’s first mission was to kill his own mother because his father said so ). his own father...no, his creator doesn’t even know his name. he’s just another face, another pawn.             no matter how far aki RUNS, how many faces he’s changed into, he always ends up back in front of him. there’s no RECORDS of him existing. he’s a GHOST. his father had manipulated the system and buried an empty casket...that he died with his mother in a gruesome murder and ever since then, aki was labeled many things — hunting dog, namahage, ghost....but he never remembered his REAL name. it doesn’t exist. he doesn’t exist.             hinamori aki is just a persona he plays. like all the other names he has. sometimes, he finds himself questioning if he’s even REAL. if he’s not real, is anything he’s doing real ?? ( and yes, that’s how he justifying killing people...because it never comes to light anyways. so if no one knows his targets died, then it never happened ).
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shuoshuzhe-a · 5 years
i’m in a BIG mood to write...my boys, himawari shima and hinamori aki...anyone want starters or wanna listen to me ramble? may post...a few headcanons abt them...
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