tophergraham · 7 years
The text of a letter I sent to Hillary Clinton not long after the 2016 Presidential Election. I was reminded of it today when I saw a newspaper headline ridiculing the fact that the BBC has cast a woman in the role of Dr Who. 
Our race, should it be fortunate enough not to destroy itself, has a long way to go.
Dear Secretary Clinton:
I have never lost a presidential election to a racist demagogue, so I shan’t insult you by saying that I know how you must feel, because I cannot possibly imagine the depths of your despair at this difficult time. History will record that 65,853,516 people wanted you to be the President of the United States and I hope that brings you a measure of comfort, however small.
I am just a small business owner from Scotland, but I have been a liberal, progressive - you might say big-hearted person - for all of my life. It is you and your husband I have to thank for that. When President Clinton was elected, I was 7 years of age. I remember so clearly that November morning - I woke up to find my parents watching the news, and they were delighted that he had prevailed. I couldn’t understand why they were so happy or what it was all about. They explained - in the manner one would to a child - that President-elect Clinton meant a chance for social and economic progress for “normal people like us, but in America. And it means an America everyone in the world might look up to. It’s a historic day, Christopher.” I have vague memories of watching his inauguration on the news the following January.
As I got older, I started researching global political history while following current affairs. I have actively campaigned here at home, and I was privileged to work for most of my 20s promoting renewable energy to the public, government and parliament. I was very pleased when renewables and the low carbon economy were mentioned several times during your recent campaign because it is still a matter very close to my heart and is going to be a key issue for all of humanity in the coming years.
I want you to know that your entire career as well as your campaign has been an inspiration to people all over the world. I have not always agreed with all your views, but I have always been impressed by your determination to help families and young people. For a brief time I considered joining the UK’s Foreign & Commonwealth Office because I was so inspired by your work and masterful command of foreign policy as Secretary of State. I was also very impressed by your working with a previous rival to serve your country. Your contribution to the Obama Administration was exceptional and your expertise and hard work was, in my view, critical to restoring America’s tarnished reputation globally.
I don’t have the words to describe how angry I was at the vitriol directed towards you during the campaign, and I am fearful about what lies ahead not only for America, but for the world. A person who threatens to jail political opponents is not fit to hold that job In particular, I am worried about the LGBT community. It has been in the news that two suicide hotlines were inundated with calls after the result was announced. I am filled with an anxiety I have never known before.
On Tuesday, I stayed up all night to watch the results and since then I have done little but console devastated friends - Americans who live in Scotland as well as Scots and Europeans and Australians and Malaysians - who feel that you were robbed of a victory you had earned, and ultimately, one that would have eased global tension and worry. Even more galling is the fact that more Americans voted for you to be president than your opponent yet he has prevailed. “It’s like a loved one has died” a Californian friend said to me today. I am more convinced than ever it is time for electoral reform in the United States.
Another thing that impressed me was your poise and grace during your concession speech. I know that if the roles had been reversed, your opponent would have been utterly incapable of putting such a dignified end to the campaign.
During your campaign kickoff you said “I’ve spent my life fighting for children, families and our country, and I’m not stopping now.” I realise that you fully expected to win the presidency, but it is my sincere hope that you continue to fight for normal, everyday people and families in some way. The world needs more Hillary Clintons.
I will be seeing my goddaughter tomorrow, who is the same age today as I was when your husband was elected. She will want me to explain why there isn’t “a girl President” like I said there would be. I don’t have any answer she will find satisfactory. However, you can be certain that I will be telling her that one day, a woman will be President of The United States and when that election victory is announced, it will be thanks to your extraordinary hard work and the road you have paved over the last few decades.
My very best wishes and fondest regards to you, Madam Secretary, and your family,
Christopher Graham
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stillwithhernothim · 8 years
Agree, AGREE, #AGREE !! We aren't even out of power if we use our voices and #resist !! WE THE PEOPLE #Repost @true.45 ・・・ VOX "More Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than for Donald Trump. More Americans voted for Democratic Senate candidates than for Republican Senate candidates. So why aren’t Democrats acting like it? Why aren’t they trying to force Republicans, the media, and the emergent Trump White House to act like it? the will of the voters still matters, or at least it should. Thus far, Democrats have slipped comfortably into the position of minority party. They aren’t demanding that Trump put forward compromise candidates for key posts. They aren’t laying out a proactive agenda that would serve as their basis for negotiations with Trump and the Republicans. And they aren’t, in their public messaging, emphasizing that most voters opposed Trump’s agenda, and that both Democrats and Republicans need to take that seriously Democrats have confused the reality of being out of power with the idea of being in the minority. This lets the Trump administration and the Republican Party confuse the reality of being in power with the idea of having a mandate for their agenda. As grim as the situation is for Democrats — and it is grim — it’s not going to take long for Republicans to recognize their peril. They’ve lost the popular vote in six of the past seven elections. Their president-elect is less popular than any incoming president in the history of polling. It’s the out-of-power party that tends to gain in midterm elections. To ignore the election results and act like the strongest possible version of Trump’s agenda was endorsed by most voters re-historicizes Trump. It makes the election into something it wasn’t, and gives Trump license to govern in a way he shouldn’t." ____________________________________________________ #hillary #hillaryclinton #valintinesday #notmypresident #trumpprotest #hillaryforamerica #hillaryforpresident #womenforhillary #likeforlike #imstillwithher #imwithher #nastywoman #nevertrump #protest #wearestillhere #crookedtrump  #LGBTQ #standbyyou #strongertogether #madampresident #vox #womensmarchonwashington #womensmarch #resist
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alittleseawave · 3 years
What is digital citizenship? Hashtag public, political engagement and activism
Digital citizenship term is used to feature how a citizen applies digital technologies and social media to participate with society and politics on any level. Current ongoing media ecosystem has shifted the way citizens engage with politics and social issues, making it become such a thing in the 21st century!
With the growth of platformisation, contemporary era has registered changes in political engagement and digital citizenship. Citizens are able to contribute to political activities, such as voting, activism or discussing the debateable topics, online, instead of involving in political events in person. However, its advantage is much more than just bringing a more convenient platform. Vromen (2017, p. 4) argues that how social media impacts on politics has been being more widespread and important than the internet itself. Social media is viewed as the fastest source of news to follow up without editorial media. As a two-way communication platform, social media allows both politicians and citizens to expose their opinions and thoughts. Politicians and citizens are also able to easily find the information since mutual concerns are themed up by the assist of hashtag.
For example, in 2015, Hillary Clinton informed people about presidential candidacy decision by a Tweet on her personal account ‘I’m running for president. Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that cham-pion. – H’ (Enli 2017, p. 53). Within the election campaign, a cluster of hashtags were used to keep her supporters following up, namely #hillary2016, #hillaryforamerica, ect… It is less challenging for politicians to listen and estimate the public’s attitudes toward their election campaign.
The advantage of digital citizenship is also shown in the most debatable topic raised in 2020, #blacklivematter movement in America. The movement is about mistreatment of black people from a white police. The topic has gotten the contribution of people regardless races, location, religion. People around the world has had chances of showing their opinions and contributing to reduce racism. 
Since social media is such an open space to chuck in thoughts, ideas with emotions, it might be unhealthy sometimes. Especially, political topics are always being sensitive to touch on. Different group of people share different opinions toward an objective, negative effects is inevitable created online. According to Bogle 2016 citizens are likely to experiences some unexpected sprinkling of expletives, sexism and abuse. In conclusion, featuring as 2-way communication space, social media has brought advantages in maximising communication quality, allowing citizens to spread their thoughts to build a better community. The value brought by digital community are undeniable, however, some drawback included. Citizens is recommended to be smart while having political engagement online to reduce negative effects.
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·      Vronmen, A 2017, Digital Citizenship and Political Engagement the Challenge from Online Campaigning and Advocacy Organisations, Palgrave Macmillan, London.
·      Enli, G 2017, 'Twitter as arena for the authentic outsider: exploring the social media campaigns of Trump and Clinton in 2016 US presidential election’, European Journal of Communication, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp 50-61.
·      Bogle, A 2016, #auspol: The Twitter Australia can’t live without, Mashable, viewed 28 April 2021, <https://mashable.com/2016/03/21/twitter-australia-auspol/#4tvfXtsZUEqV>.
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ritware1850 · 8 years
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#Repost @true.45 ・・・ Trump may not have to look far to begin his “major investigation” into so-called #voterfraud because his top White House adviser, Steve Bannon, is reportedly registered to vote in two different states. In a tweet on Wednesday, Trump defended his assertion that 3 to 5 million “illegal” voters caused him to lose the popular vote. 🌟BULLSHIT 🌟 An investigation by the paper found that Bannon registered to vote in New York last year even though he was already on the rolls in Florida. Bannon lists his New York apartment as his current voting address. But he also claims the home of Andy Badolato as his address for voting in Florida. The Guardian notes that records show Bannon cast his vote in New York and not Florida, meaning that no crime was committed. Being registered to vote in two locations is not in itself illegal. ____________________________________________________ #hillary #hillaryclinton #womensmarch #notmypresident #trumpprotest #hillaryforamerica #womenforhillary #likeforlike #imstillwithher #obama #imwithher #michelleobama #nastywoman #presidentobama #nevertrump #protest #wearestillhere #crookedtrump  #LGBTQ #standbyyou #strongertogether #potus #icon #womensmarchonwashington #womensmarch #pussygrabber #YaaasHillary #votehillary  @hillaryclinton @timkaine @barackobama @obamawhitehouse
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sronson · 8 years
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#strongertogether #stillwithher #Repost @sillyconservatives ・・・ Exactly! On election day, the American People told her that her work was not needed. So stop asking "where's Hillary?" America got what it voted for. And it wasn't her. ----------------------- #dumptrump #stoptrump #nevertrump #fucktrump #hillaryclinton #donaldtrump #hillaryforpresident #obama #hillyeah #hillyes #imwithher #notpresidential #notmypresident #stoprepublicans #hillaryforusa #hillaryforamerica🇺🇸 #istandwithhillary #jfk #imwithhillaryclinton #imwithhillary #hillaryclintonforpresident #hillaryclintonforusa #hillaryclintonforamerica #strongertogether #clintonkaine #clintonkaine2016!!!!
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sodiumbro · 8 years
Love trumps hate. Always.
There's only three words I'd tell Donald Trump now: Love trumps hate. We need to govern with acceptance and inclusion, not hatred and bigotry. This is not the America I know, this will not be the America my family will know. Even though we're not ready to support a Trump administration, we're willing to work with him to make sure America will still be the greatest nation in history. But remember, love trumps hate. Bigotry and hatred has no place in America, nor it ever will have place in America. But right now, the nation needs to heal, and we can't do it alone.
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tophergraham · 8 years
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Found this today going through my memory box today. I totally forgot that my friend Jon sent me at the start of #hillaryforamerica 😢 #election2016
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stillwithhernothim · 7 years
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#Repost @love.disco.style ・・・ USA...HRC...USA...HRC...USA...HRC... #whathappened #hillaryrodhamclinton #hillaryclinton #zerofuckshillary #zerofucksgiven #zerofucks #slay #preach #tellitlikeitis #ohnoshedidnt #truth #hillaryforamerica #strongertogether #onwardtogether #hillary2020 #hillaryclinton2020 #runhillaryrun #yougotthis
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jblock49 · 8 years
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i might knock on your door later #hillaryforamerica (at Bristol Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania)
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itsjacquieo · 8 years
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Please & Thank You. #daylightsavings #hillaryforamerica #hillaryclinton #imwithher #nevertrump #dontboovote #vote #election2016 #🇺🇸
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stillwithhernothim · 8 years
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Hear Hear!! Come on media! Come on Public! Let's ignore this trash corrupt lying dirty scheming sea cow! We've had our fun but it's time to realize... NO MORE DISHONEST SEWER RAT BARBIE!! #boycottkellyanne #boycottsewerratbarbie #boycottkellyannconway #boycottconway #Repost @true.45 ・・・ Kellyanne Conway is becoming the woman we really love to hate. She is everywhere, and whenever she is interviewed, we rarely get the truth…we get “alternative facts”. Today, GQ reported that New York University journalism professor Jay Rosen has suggested simply not interviewing Conway anymore. During a recent podcast appearance, he said this: "The logic is, this is a representative of the president. This is somebody who can speak for the Trump administration. But if we find that what Kellyanne Conway says is routinely or easily contradicted by Donald Trump, then that [rationale for interviewing her] disappears. Another reason to interview Kellyanne Conway is, our viewers want to understand how the Trump world thinks. But if the end result of an interview with her is more confusion about what the Trump world thinks, then that rationale evaporates … No, it’s not just lying or spin or somebody who is skilled in the political arts of putting the best case on things or not answering a question, which is a pretty basic method of doing politics. It’s that when you are done listening to Kellyanne Conway, you probably understand less. That’s a problem."........😨Amen ____________________________________________________ #hillary #hillaryclinton #womensmarch  #notmypresident #trumpprotest #hillaryforamerica #hillaryforpresident #womenforhillary #likeforlike #imstillwithher  #donaldtrump  #imwithher #alternativefacts #nastywoman  #corruptaf #nevertrump #protest #wearestillhere #crookedtrump  #LGBTQ #kellyanneconway #strongertogether #madampresident #pussygrabsback  #womensmarchonwashington #womensmarch #pussygrabber #YaaasHillary
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