#Highlander The Sorcerer
jasonsutekh · 10 months
Highlander 1 (1986), 2: The Quickening (1991), 3: The Sorcerer (1994), 4: Endgame (2000), 5: The Source (2007), and 6: The Search for Vengeance (2007)
An immortal highlander seeks to build a normal life with his love but is caught in the machinations of other immortals who wish to decapitate him to absorb his power.
Much of the back stories applied are fairly standard but still allow some character development which is significant when dealing with a character who hasn’t changed much for centuries. The lore is quite variable but still interesting and the basic structure always remains the same like the decapitation and need to kill other immortals.
An irritating feature of the films as a franchise is that the core story is rewritten and then retold with every single installment. So there are entire scenes that are essentially just recap with minor details changed. The series also contains a great deal of repetition since the basic narrative is always the same and it only has so much flexibility.
The two films in the franchise that stand out the most are the second and sixth ones because they incorporate science fiction spins into the story which at least keeps a story that’s already been done interesting. The 6th in particular is engaging because it’s an anime so the aesthetics are a big change but still welcome and effective, especially for the gore.
Some of the films are disappointing because the action is occasionally lax on a small budget, with brief glimpses given to what should be big battle scenes. Some fights are also rather underwhelming, especially when the set-up suggest it could be interesting, the most guilty of this is the anime one which implies a good fight will be coming up and then the protagonist kills his adversary of in one swing of his sword, barely seen on screen.
Highlander: 4/10 -It’s below average, but only just!-
Highlander 2: 4/10 -It’s below average, but only just!-
Highlander 3: 3/10 -This one’s bad but it’s got some good in it, just there-
Highlander 4:3/10 -This one’s bad but it’s got some good in it, just there-
Highlander 5: 3/10 -This one’s bad but it’s got some good in it, just there-
Highlander The Search for Vengeance: 3/10 -This one’s bad but it’s got some good in it, just there-
-The lead actor in the first film had voice coaching sessions to create an accent that was non-specifically foreign since the character has spent many years in many countries.
-The production of several of the films were hindered by injuries due to untrained actors attempting their own stunts.
-Early sub-titles for the 4th film included “The Immortals” and “The Search for Connor”.
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90smovies · 9 months
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movie--posters · 1 year
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It is almost five centuries ago, and the girl who will one day be a swordswoman is lying in the red-tinged mud. She can't get up—broken bone? severed tendon? She can't tell. She's yet to cultivate her palate for pain. Her enemy towers over her, a cataphract mailed in screaming steel and poisoned light. His warhammer falls, and it is death, forever death, death unconquered and unconquerable.
"No," says a part of her. She is not even seventeen years old. Her body is mangled and broken, wound piled upon wound piled upon wound. A dull kitchen knife is her only weapon, though she lost that in the mud the second her grip faltered. Her enemy is no thing of this earth. And yet—
"No. It is not death, forever death, death unconquered and unconquerable. It is only a hammer, falling. It is only 'an attack.'"
And the girl understood.
It is the better part of three centuries ago, as best the swordswoman can reckon, and she is beset on all sides by foes. They are not monsters—just mountain bandits, or highland rebels, as one cares to see it. But they outnumber her by dozens, and even an exceptional swordswoman might struggle against but two opponents of lesser skill.
From in front of her, beside her, behind her they advance, striking from every angle with spears and blades and axes. Others fill the air with arrows, sling stones, firepots. It would be effortless, to parry any single blow. It would be impossible, physically impossible, to defend against them all.
"No," says a part of her.
"You are not outnumbered. You do not face 'multiple' foes. It would be impossible to defend against every attack — but there is no 'every' attack. Only one."
"Oh," the swordswoman said. And it was, in fact, effortless.
It is eighty years ago, or thereabouts. A coiling spire of stony flesh and verdigrised copper throbs like a tumor on the horizon, coaxed from the earth by spell and sacrifice. It is the tower of a sorcerer-prince, and a birthing place of abominations.
Seven locks of rune-etched metal are opened with her single key. Wretched shapeling beasts, grown by sorcery in vitreous nodules, flee wailing from her, absconding before she even draws her blade. Demons sworn to thousand-year pacts of service find the binding provisions of their agreements unexpectedly severed.
These things dissatisfy the sorcerer-prince. He waxes wroth. He makes signs of power and chants incantations. With a flask of godling's blood, he draws the binding sigil inscribed upon the moon's dark face. With cold fire burning in his eyes, he speaks the secret name of Death. It is a king among curses, all-corrupting, all-consuming, and it falls from his lips upon the swordswoman.
"No," she says, and she turns it aside with her blade.
The sorcerer-prince's brow furrows. How did she even do that?
"Parried it."
"With my sword."
"See, like this."
"Well," the swordswoman finally says, "I figured that if I just...looked at it right, and thought about it, and construed your curse as a kind of attack...then I could block it."
That's not how it works at all!
"If you insist," says the swordswoman, shrugging, and decapitates him.
It is now. It is the end. Death couldn't take the swordswoman, not when she'd spent all her life cutting it up. At times, Death might sidle up to one of her friends, or peer down into a grandchild's crib, and she'd just give it a look. That's all it took, by then.
Heartache couldn't take her, either. Bad things happened to her, and they hurt, and she lived in that hurt, but if it was ever more than she could take...she'd just, move her sword in a way that's difficult to describe. And she'd keep going.
Kingdoms fell, and she kept going. Continents crumbled and sank into the sea. Her planet's star faded and froze. She started carrying a lantern. Universes were torn apart and scattered, until all that had been matter was redistributed in thermodynamic equilibrium. With one exception.
But now it is the end. There is no time left; time is already dead. The swordswoman has outlived reality, but there is simply no further she can go. This is not a thing that can be blocked. This is the absence of anything further to block.
"No," says the girl who will one day be a swordswoman. "This isn't the ending. And even if it was, it's not the ending that matters."
The swordswoman looks back at who she was, at the countless selves she's been between them. She looks forward, at the rapidly contracting point that remains of the future. She grasps the all of linear time in her mind, and sees that it is shaped like a spear.
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ironstrange1991 · 10 months
You're The Only Good Thing In My Life
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Pairing: Doctor!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: It's Stephen and Y/n's last night of vacation and she decides to claim him as hers before give him back to the world.
Word Count: 4,2k
Warnings: SMUT: unprotected p n v sex, oral with male and female receiving, creampie and cum eating. There is also a bit of jealousy implied.
A/N: This fic was inspired entirely by the song of the same name by the band Cigarretes After Sex. For total immersion I highly recommend listening to it. It's absurdly romantic, a bit sad (?), but very smuty. Hope you like it and have a nice reading.
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There were few things in the world that truly left you in awe. One of them was Stephen, of course. The Eifel Tower, the mountains of the Scottish Highlands and the beach at night.
You could stay all night watching the waves hitting the shore, the foam forming on the sand, the smell of the sea air. Of course, all this was very beautiful in daylight when the sea reflected the blue of the sky and the waters shone like liquid sapphire, but at night the sea was endless and mysterious. The blue turned into black crowned by layers of gray foam.
There was nothing more beautiful than that, unless there was a storm on the way. The night sky clear with storm clouds that brings lightning and the sound of thunder in the distance announcing the arrival of heavy rain. That was without a shadow of a doubt one of the most beautiful things you could imagine and it was also the scene in front of you as you sat on the steps in the backyard of the house that Stephen had rented for you to spend a few days on vacation.
After you fought with him because he wasn't paying attention to you, he surrendered and decided to redeem himself with the indecent proposal of taking you to the beach and obviously you accepted.
It was seven days where you barely left the house. That's when you got out of bed. Stephen made sure the house was stocked with everything you needed and even when you wanted something that wasn't there, he always made sure to get it for you within a minute. Of course, being a sorcerer and traveling through portals helped with the task.
But of course you couldn't complain. You had the man you loved by your side all the time and you didn't need to share him with Wong or those annoying spell books. You could spend the whole day curled up in bed or sprawled on the sofa, you could swim in the sea, make love whenever you wanted and as often as you wanted. There in that house you were sure you had experienced paradise and you never wanted to leave.
Yet there you were sitting on the stairs, your bare feet in the sand, listening to the sound of the waves and watching the storm brewing and the lightning cutting across the sky and your chest was heavy knowing that you would have to leave the next morning and return to the reality of your work, as well as sharing Stephen with all the tasks he needed to do for Wong, for the Avengers and for the world.
For a whole week Stephen was just yours and now you needed to give him back.
Of course he could see you were sad. You had been lively and talkative all week and particularly that night you were sitting there quietly alone. You wanted to shake that feeling away, but it wasn't exactly an easy thing. However, when you heard the sound of footsteps approaching and felt Stephen sitting on the step behind you and pulling you to lean against his chest, you sighed, letting yourself be comforted by the only person capable of comforting you.
You closed your eyes for a second, feeling him kiss the top of your head, but you remained silent.
"A storm is coming." He said in your ear, making a point of rubbing his goatee against the back of your neck and as expected, your entire body tingled and he let out a satisfied hum.
"This always works." He pointed out, running his hands through your hair and holding it in a ponytail and then brushing his chin against your skin again. You shivered at the sensation and let out a small chuckle.
"May I ask what you're thinking?" His voice sounded low.
"That I love the beach at night."
"And that I don't want to leave."
He held you in his arms and something in that hug made you feel that he shared with you that desire to stay there, just the two of you together, free from all routine worries.
"You know we can come back whenever we want." He promised.
"But you can never take a vacation. There's always something you need to do."
He stroke your hair gently and brought his nose closer breathing in your scent. He continued stroking your hair, but didn't say anything.
"What's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?" You asked, genuinely curious as you watched the night sea.
"You naked in my bed." He teased making you giggle.
"I'm serious, Stephen."
"What makes you think I'm not?"
You chuckled "Okay. Besides that."
He thought for a minute and then hummed to himself as if remembering something.
"The first time I went to Kamar Taj the Ancient One showed me things I had no idea could exist. I was terrified, but those images never left my mind."
"Were they beautiful?"
"Scary, but very beautiful."
You nodded thinking for a second. "I think this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." You pointed to the sea in front of you. "Like this."
"You mean it's not me?" He teased and you grabbed his hand that was firmly around your waist and brought it to your mouth and gave it a small kiss before leaning your face into his palm closing your eyes and confessing.
"You're the only good thing in my life."
He sighed, cupping your cheek and making you turn to look at him. When you did, his eyes were like fire, darkened by what you couldn't tell if it was desire, love, or a combination of the two.
"I promise I won't let work come between us again. I love you. I've never loved anyone but you and I never will."
"Hmm. That's lovely, but as much as I'd love to believe, you can't promise that, Stephen. You're Doctor Strange, the world needs you all the time."
He shook his head. "I don't care. You're the only one that really matters to me."
You smiled, knowing full well that things were more complicated than that, but you decided to let it that way even if just for the night.
You let yourself be pulled towards his lips, surrendering to his hungry kiss and as if the universe was conspiring with you, a thunder resounded louder than the others and the lights went out plunging you both into the gloom of the night lit only by the constant lightning.
Stephen chuckled on your lips and you felt your entire body tingle at the sound. That was the effect he had on you.
"We should go inside before it starts raining." He suggested nibbling your lip, but you shook your head getting up, hiking up your dress to straddle him, sitting back on his lap and wrapping your arms around his shoulders, kissing him again, much harder this time, while grinding yourself in him.
Stephen wrapped you in his arms, surrendering to the kiss with a hum.
"I want you to take me, Stephen. Make me yours."
He smirked glancing at you. "Here on these stairs? What if someone sees us?"
You hummed while giving small kisses on his neck and making his skin prickle.
"There's no one around and to be honest I don't care at all. I just want to be yours."
You lowered your lips to his bare chest, kissing and nibbling, sucking on the skin to mark him. Inhaling his delicious scent. Between your legs, you could feel him hardening. The delicate fabric of your panties and his shorts were the only thing stopping you.
Stephen lolled his head back, sighing, but his grip tightened on your waist. "Oh sweetheart" He moaned "You always get what you want from me, don't you?" He held your chin making you look at him.
"It must be because you think I'm adorable." You smiled proudly feeling his cock twitching beneath you. You were always surprised by how quickly you could get Stephen into that state.
"You have no idea." His lips searched for yours again and he started to move you harder on his lap. His kiss becoming more and more desperate as his desire increased, making him impatient.
"I need to be inside you." He asked between your lips.
You stood up, reluctant to separate from him for even a second. Stephen pulled down the shorts he was wearing and kicked them to the side. You pulled down your panties and let them fall and pool around your ankles, kicking them next to his shorts and Stephen grabbed your hand pulling you back closer to him.
You straddled him and raised your arms for him to take off your dress. The damp wind of the stormy night made your skin prickle and your nipples harden. Stephen grabbed one of them and twisted the other with his fingers, making you whimper and grab a handful of his hair. Your hips moving back and forth making his cock poke into your folds and giving you both just a glimpse of relief.
When he got tired of playing with your nipples, his lips moved up your collarbone, his beard scratching your skin deliciously. He stopped at a point just below your ear and sucked hard on the skin, marking you and making you let out a little moan. He brought one of his hands between you, finally touching you where you needed him the most. His heavy sigh showing his satisfaction at finding you absurdly wet for him.
You pulled him back to your lips as he entered you with two fingers. He moved them in and out slowly, teasing you and making you moan against his lips, feeling the familiar electricity course through your body as the desire increased.
You whimpered still between his lips and he hummed in response knowing full well what you wanted because it was exactly what he wanted too. He grabbed his cock and gave it a couple of jerks and patted your thigh. You raised your hips enough so he could direct his cock at your entrance, but first he ran the tip through your folds, smearing it with your abundant slick and only then placed it exactly where you wanted it.
When you let yourself sink into his dick you felt the delicious stretch that you craved so much. Stephen stretched you so perfectly, his cock felt like it was made especially for you and you never got tired of that feeling and never stopped being amazed at how he made you feel. As if making love to Stephen was the only thing in the world you were sure you were made for.
Stephen groaned at the sensation, grabbing a handful of your hair and pulling you back to his lips, kissing you with the characteristic desperation of when he gave himself over to his own pleasure. You had barely moved and he was already pulsing inside you, begging for his release. You leaned on his shoulders and began to slowly move up and down, gyrating your hips sensually and surrendering to your own pleasure. Stephen wrapped one arm around your waist and grabbed your ass cheek, squeezing it so hard you knew he would leave purple fingerprints on your skin.
"Fuck yes" He moaned making your whole body tingle. "You feel so good, sweetheart. You always feel so fucking good."
You let out a low hum, hiding your face in the crook of his neck, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, your fingers tangling in his hair, pulling it lightly as the pleasure increased.
The thunder rumbled again and with it a fine rain began to fall, but you didn't care about it, in fact you received the cold drops with pleasure, as if they had some magical quality capable of making you even more eager for each other.
Stephen grabbed your ass cheeks with both hands and started helping you with the movements, thrusting up and moving you on top of him with more force and speed.
"Oh god, Stephen..." You moaned, lolling your head back and surrendering to the growing pleasure. Stephen took advantage of the fact that your breasts were on display for him and buried his face between them, nibbling and sucking on your skin. His groans and grunts getting louder and louder as he got closer to his release.
The rain intensified, washing you both with cold water and making you shiver and your hair stick to your back. Stephen's skin, however, was still as hot as before, he was always so warm, and the hot and cold sensation only added to your pleasure. Everything felt perfect, as if nature itself was blessing the love you were making. You closed your eyes, surrendering to the moment.
"Look at me, sweetheart." Stephen demanded. "I want to see when you cum on my cock. I know you're close. I can feel it."
You opened your eyes and bit your bottom lip. You loved knowing that Stephen had complete control over you. That he knew you so well to the point of recognizing each of the signs your body showed him.
"You're so fucking good, Stephen. Cock feels amazing." You praised feeling the knot tightening in your stomach.
Your movements became faster and equally clumsier, the sensuality giving way to the desperation of the search for the sweet release you craved so much. Stephen took complete control, moving you on top of him and thrusting up against your movements and you could both feel yourselves being dragged to the edge, and as the sensation grew dangerously close to unbearable, another sensation took hold of you with the same proportion, a love so great that it seemed like it would make your chest break in two. You doubted anyone could love someone more than you loved Stephen.
"Oh shit, sweetheart, I'm so close. Tell me you can feel it. Don't wanna finish before you."
You cupped his face between your hands, making him look at you and taking back control, putting more force on your hips and moving back and forth, letting the delicious contact of his pelvic bone and hair rubbing against your clit be the final trigger that would pull you into your ecstasy.
And without you needing to announce it, you came hard and the strong contraction of your walls squeezing his cock was enough to pull him along with you and when he finally got there he kissed you like never before, with a little desperation , but with a love so great that it didn't need to be verbalized, but he did it anyway, murmuring on your lips how much he loved you, how special you were, and how nothing in the world could take you away from him.
Your body was shaking on top of his and you didn't know if it was from the force of the orgasm, or the way you were feeling or simply because of the cold rain falling on you, but either way, Stephen wrapped you in his strong arms and carried you inside while outside the rain intensified.
The two of you ended up in the shower together, the hot water was welcomed by your cold skin and although you hated washing your hair at night, you didn't have much of a choice.
Stephen soaped himself quickly and took the lead, taking the opportunity to soap your back, being extra gentle while doing it and giving small kisses in the back of your neck.
"Do you think this will ever subside and we'll become a normal couple?" He asked surprising you. You turned to face him and let the hot water rinse the shampoo from your hair.
"And what would a normal couple be?" You asked, putting some shampoo in your hand and lathering his hair. You needed to stand on your tiptoes to reach his head and he could very well bend down, but instead he preferred to see you struggling because it was adorable. His words.
"You know, sex once a week, sometimes less. Good friends, but not so good lovers." He explained.
You'd be lying if you said you didn't ask yourself the same question sometimes, but you decided to be completely honest in your answer.
"I can't predict the future, but the way you made me feel out there..."
He waited for you to finish what you were saying, but you just pulled him forward, letting the water rinse his hair and dedicated yourself to applying conditioner to his hair and yours.
"What..." He insisted and you sighed cupping his cheek.
"I love you so much. Too much. Sometimes I feel this love crushing my chest or threatening to break it in two and it's a feeling so strong that I know I need to get it out of here and put it somewhere else otherwise I feel I'm going to explode. When we have sex it's like I'm putting my love in the right place. So, I don't see us having sex once a week because where would I put my love?"
You grimaced realizing the whole thing made much more sense in your head then when you said it out loud, but Stephen smiled.  "You're adorable indeed, you know that?" He said pulling you to his lips and kissing you softly.
"You know you can place your love on me whenever you want, don't you?" He teased and you slapped his shoulder.
"Shut up! You were the one who asked."
"And I liked the answer." He defended himself.
You pulled him to your lips, kissing him harder this time, letting the water rinse off what was left of the conditioner, wrapping your arms around his neck and jumping into his lap, wrapping your legs around his waist.
Stephen barely had time to turn off the shower and you were already grinding yourself in him. Maybe that was what made him so crazy about you, you were insatiable and he was the perfect match for you.
He threw you on the bed and filled the room with countless candles he conjured. He lit them with a complicated gesture of his fingers lighting up the room, and then crawled over to you with a beautiful smile on his lips that made your heart flutter.
"What do I do with you, Y/n? So much fire!"
He ran his lips over your breasts and your collarbone, moving them up your neck and stopping at your chin, leaving you with your mouth open, waiting for the kiss that he maliciously denied.
"Be my firefighter." You rasped and he giggled right in your ear, the baritone making your entire body tingle.
"No, I don't want to put out this fire." He said biting your earlobe and making you swallow thickly and squeeze your thighs together.
"Tell me you love me.” He asked, his eyes fixed on yours, his hands running down your body, his fingertips ghosting your skin.
"Yes, again and again and again." He traced your neck and collarbone with the tip of his tongue and moved up to your chin, biting it.
"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you so much..." He interrupted you with a hungry kiss and his hand finally reached where you needed him most. Your legs spread scandalously for him and he dipped his fingers in your folds.
"Look at this! So fucking wet for me again."
You closed your eyes, delighting in the touch of his slender fingers. They penetrated you and you began to move your hips against his hand much to his delight.
"I want your mouth." You asked through gritted teeth, desire barely letting you think straight. "Please."
He nibbled on your lower lip and increased the movements of his fingers.
"Want me to eat you, uh?"
You swallowed thickly, “…and I want you in my mouth too.”
He hissed, putting his tongue in your mouth and sucking yours hard. "...So fucking dirty, sweetheart."
But you knew he loved everything about you, you both loved each other in equal measure.
He rolled to the side and turned so you had access to his cock and turned you on your side, putting his head between your legs and diving into your folds. You moaned loudly, but you were eager to take his cock in your hand and put it in your mouth, delighting in the sensation of sucking and being sucked. You doubted that there was anything better in the world.
One of Stephen's many qualities was that he, unlike many men, had no problem getting dirty between a woman's legs. On the contrary, he took pleasure in it. When he gave you oral, it wasn't just his mouth he used, he used his nose, his chin, his goatee. Everything he could use to give you maximum pleasure and that night it wasn’t different.
He sucked your entrance, licked your wet folds, nudged his nose to your clit and sucked your juices, spitting them back out, making a mess. He loved it as much as you did and when he finally started sucking your clit and penetrating you with his fingers, you felt your body becoming weak.
It was how Stephen made you feel most of the time, weak compared to the strength of the love you felt for him.
You used to be outrageously loud when Stephen was eating you, but all your moans were muffled by his cock in your mouth.
You loved Stephen’s cock and he knew it, he was very proud of it. The way you constantly sucked him made him lose control of his actions and you loved watching him get lost in his own pleasure knowing that you were responsible for making him feel so good.
You started by sucking his head and then ran your tongue down his entire length, leaving it completely wet with your saliva, just the way you liked it. Your hands gently massaged his balls, eliciting a muffled moan from him while you flicked your tongue in his frenulum, licking and sucking the special spot and making him squirm with pleasure, but at no point did he stop eating you, on the contrary, his pleasure only made him more eager to give you more pleasure and the thing worked perfectly.
When you finally started to actually suck him, the two of you were close and the wet sounds you made were so arousing combined with the sound of the rain that seemed to get heavier and heavier outside.
You took him out of your mouth to breathe and gave him a couple of jerks before going back to sucking him and this time you went all the way down letting him go to the back of your throat.
Stephen stopped the suction on your clit with a pop and moaned loudly.
"Fuck sweetheart, swallow my cock... gonna make me cum." He rasped giving your ass cheek a hard slap and resuming his work with even more desire.
His words only served to push you forward and even though your eyes were watering, you continued sucking him and fucking him with your mouth, feeling him pulse and start to spill into your mouth as his mouth made you see stars.
You came together in each other's mouths and you both rolled to the side, lying on your backs, trying to regulate your breathing and recover.
"I think we outdid ourselves tonight." He said impressed and you both giggled until you stopped and felt silent.
"I don't want to go home." You confessed, sitting down. Stephen had his head resting in his hands, the position leaving his biceps visible. He seemed like a god to you. You doubted that a man could be more beautiful than your boyfriend.
"I don't want to share you with the world. I want you to be mine alone."
He sat up and caressed your cheek, tucking a strand of your wet hair behind your ear gently.
"I'm yours. No matter how hard I work or what I have to do, at the end of the day all I want most is to come back to you."
"But it's not like being here." You pouted and he smiled reassuringly.
"Then we'll come back here as often as you want. I can arrange that. Ask Wong to take over some things for me, pass some tasks on to other masters."
"You promise?" You asked hopefully.
"I promise." He smiled and then remained silent for a minute, when he spoke again there was a certain emotion in his voice.
"You said something out there that made me think."
He smiled "That I'm the only good thing in your life."
"You are."
He held your chin between his thumb and index finger. "You were the best thing that ever happened in my life, sweetheart."
He kissed you softly and continued "We were meant for each other, it just took us some time to find each other. But now that we're together, nothing will keep us apart. Definitely not my work."
You smiled "So you don't think we'll end up like those couples that only have sex once a week?" You teased making he chuckle.
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Reblog please! Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing ;)
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arighmaa-dataq · 4 months
Are you a fan of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV Online? Have you wanted to see what your favorite asmr boyfriends would look like in the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV Online? Then you've come to the right place! Decided to boot up the Dawntrail Benchmark and play with the character creator, and bring to you what I imagine the boys of Yuurivoice would look like in this game. Enjoy! Starting off with our favorite pastel punk boy, Alphonse as a bunny boy, probably as a monk or ninja. Can't get any of the job gear sets on here so just imagine something on him and everyone else.
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Next up I had to put in Seth, who your usual midlander. And it took me forever to find a hair that I thought would suit him and I'm still not sure if I got it right. As for class, either Gunbreaker, Warrior, or Paladin, but definitely some kind of tank.
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Now for our versatile flower boy, who of course HAD to be a viera too. Like I dunno what y'all were expecting. And he makes a cute one at that! For class, I'd say it's obvious he'd be a magic user. If I could give him Y'shtola's Sorcerer job I would, but for this I think a white mage suits him well!
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Next up is our Big Red Lucien, who I had to get a little creative with. For him it was either gonna be a Roegadyn or a Highlander. And fun fact, even at min height Roes are still much taller than our demon boy, and while the highlander would be closer to his actual height it just didn't really feel like our devilish himbo, so I went with Roe, and gave him some dark skin and yellow face paint to try and connect to his horn pattern. He'd be rockin as either a Warrior or Dark Knight.
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Next is Auron as an elf boy, and much like with Big Red, even at minimum height it's much taller than he is irl. Had to futz a bit again with the hair but I think he'd rock the elsa braid really well. I also see him very much kinning Estinien, which should make @jackieeleanor very happy. Aside from the obvious Dragoon, could also see him as a mechanist or bard.
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And now for Faust, who ABSOLUTELY go as a catgirl. And a fabulous one at that. Like you can't tell me he doesn't stream FFXIV every so often and rock the Keeper look like the diva he is. Would have a whole backstory for his WoL and everything. And he would very much be a very tired and annoyed Astrologian.
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Last but certainly not least, we have our favorite rat Charlie, who even here is a silly little guy. The most pathetically adorable lalafell you've ever seen, and very much bullied by everyone else in the party. Will likely die a LOT, and have to be carried by his Casper through dungeons. He's a little monk trying his best.
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lumi-klovstad-games · 4 months
Saorlaith Clannmorna, The Lost Primarch of the Eleventh Legion and Warrior Queen of the Black Eagles
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In the annals of Imperial History, there stand heroes greater than any other. These are the Primarchs, the Sons of the Emperor of Mankind, the patriarchs of the Twenty Legions of the Adeptus Astartes who united a frayed and divided galaxy in a long ago age when people still looked to the stars with hope... and the events of the Horus Heresy had not yet doomed the galaxy to darkness, suffering, and despair. But of these, only Eighteen are remembered: The Nine who Turned Traitor, and The Nine Who Remained, steadfast and loyal. Here then is a tale, a tale of the Eleventh Primarch, lost to history and imperial records. It is the tale of Saorlaith Clannmorna, Queen and Matriarch of the Black Eagles Legion.
Saorlaith was always an outlier. As the sole deliberate attempt by the Emperor to craft a female Primarch, it is unclear what he’d hoped to achieve, or what role Saorlaith would have been intended to serve in had events played out their planned course.
Such plans, clearly, were not to be.
Scattered like her brothers by the furious winds of Chaos, Saorlaith was deposited by chance or destiny upon a misty and mountainous world. It was a primitive world not unlike the forgotten highlands of the ancient British Isles of Holy Terra, green with moss and heather, black with stone, and grey with numerous lakes that stretched like battle scars across its face. These endless highlands were called Dún na Badb, a name which carried beneath it the world’s dark and violent history.
Saorlaith was found by a local woman, Morna. Enigmatic and feared, Morna was a Queen of a great and remote land, as well as a respected and wise priestess of the Old Deer God and The Horned Huntress. Morna had powerful sorcerous gifts, and used her fell gifts to ferret out secrets from her rivals, deliver sickness and bad luck to her enemies, or heal her friends, and her wrath was swift and fatal if crossed, with powerful armies that crushed her opposition. Yet the imposing woman genuinely loved Saorlaith, and doted on her as a daughter. She inculcated in the young Primarch the ways of blood and sorcery, and the thrill of battle. Saorlaith grew up with many visitors paying homage to her mother or seeking her advice, but few for long term company, leading to a brilliant yet aloof and suspicious young woman who found difficulty connecting with others, especially as few if any ever sought to truly gain her friendship rather than attempt to leverage her position and title in some way. She was always "the Princess" or "the Heirress", and never simply "Saorlaith" to most. Despite her loneliness, or indeed perhaps because of it, she quickly learned the ways of a Warrior Princess, bonding well with her instructors, from whom she knew and understood the social equation and status quo. Never did they seek to use her connections, or use her to worm their way into her mother's favor; they were invested in her advancement and survival, and she was invested in the skills they had to teach her. Progressing quickly, eventually supplanted her mother at the head of her kingdom's vast armies by the age of 16, though Morna remained a close advisor to her daughter long even after she eventually abdicated the throne in Saorlaith’s favor. 
It is said that the day before Saorlaith assumed the throne, she heeded her mother's wisdom and traveled alone into the misty crags and moors to seek the blessing of the old gods and their court. She traveled unarmed and undressed, wearing just a simple and undecorated gown, a mark of humility before the great powers whose favors she hoped to win.
During her wandering, Saorlaith came across a great and vast lake she had not seen before. Taking a moment to rest, she was engaged by a mysterious man and woman. The man was dressed in furs and moss, and his hat was rimmed with the teeth of mighty predators and crested with antlers from a mighty deer. The woman was clad in leather and hides, and a hauberk of green mail. Saorlaith spoke for some time with the travelers, who claimed to be acquainted with Morna. Upon learning that Saorlaith was Morna's daughter and heir, the two became delighted, and engaged the young princess all day and night with conversation and games of riddles and clever wit. As morning came, the travelers thanked Saorlaith for her hospitality, and the woman waded into the waters, and drew from them a mighty shimmering spear, Géar-Anail, the White Breath, bestowing it upon the princess as a coronation gift fit only for the true heir of Queen Morna. As the travelers passed back into the mist, Saorlaith could not help but feel as though perhaps she'd known them when she was very young. Taking her prize back to her home, she was crowned by her mother, and took her place as Queen of her mountain realm and commander of her army.
Saorlaith became known as “The Unbreakable”, as her campaigns claimed triumph after triumph, and though her skills as a strategist and tactician were certainly fitting for her labors when required, her victories came more from her wild and savage charges, overwhelming her enemies in a stampede of relentless violence in simple pursuit of glory and the win, pure battle and conquest for its own sake. Saorlaith was a warrior at heart. A capable queen, yes, but her heart ever longed for greater battlefields beyond. She ached for new battles, new foes, and greater glories. It was not in her restless nature to simply sit on what she had already accomplished, for she knew in her bones that it would be in that way that her victory itself would be the one to finally defeat her.
Having conquered her own world, Saorlaith grew despondent that such incredible success would be the end of her. There were no further gains to make, no great foes to keep herself sharp against. While Saorlaith reconstructed her newly unified planet into a mighty and glittering kingdom where the druidic sorcerous ways of her ancestors ran like blood through the lowest levels, upholding everything, she began to fear that her greatest triumphs might be behind her. All that lay before her had been conquered and reshaped. The occasional rebellion offered no challenge, no real chance to prove what else she might do.
One day, the magic whispered to Saorlaith that a stranger from afar would soon arrive, though her attempts to scry specifics went maddeningly unanswered. Whoever this stranger was, her blood raced at the thought of it. Some great warrior, perhaps? Some mighty challenge to overcome? Perhaps the Old Stag God had finally answered her prayers.
The day the Emperor came to Dún na Badb, Saorlaith was beside herself with anticipation, warmly welcoming the stranger and treating him to the finest hospitality of her people. She could tell at once that glory rode in this man’s wake, and that it was his destiny to show Saorlaith hers. She told him she would follow where he led, but formality required him to defeat her in the holy Carnfēth, the War Judgement – a sacred battle rite to determine leadership. As Queen, she would be shamed if she knelt before another warrior who had not defeated her in battle. Either the Emperor would defeat her in single combat without sorcery, or be denied his Primarch. The duel was the stuff of legend, and it is said to have lasted for nine days. Saorlaith was not the type to show quarter, and nor was the Emperor willing to relinquish his Eleventh to this backwater world. From the lowest valley to the highest peak, the two clashed, neither showing the slightest hint of false judgment or failed skill. Eventually, however, Saorlaith began to worry that the battle might have no end. Perhaps they were equally skilled, and the battle might last forever… neither fit to command or to be commanded, neither able to cow the other. In this moment, the battle was decided, for Saorlaith, distracted for the slightest measure, lost her footing and fell upon the sword she had given the Emperor. Yet Saorlaith was delighted – in having lost, she found renewed purpose. She had not finished her list of glories, and this loss symbolized that for her. The Emperor promised her an army unlike anything she had ever seen, and he promised her not simply a planet to conquer, but a galaxy in which to seek her glory. Saorlaith would never have refused such an offer.
During the ritual ceremony in which Saorlaith returned governorship of Dún na Badb to the Queen Mother Morna, the Emperor visibly recoiled, startled, in the Queen Mother’s presence as she caught his eye. It is not known why. The two leaders spoke no more with each other than the ceremony demanded, and the Emperor uncharacteristically left with barely-disguised haste, as though being in Morna’s mere presence was either panic or pain-inducing.
Returning to Holy Terra with the Eleventh Primarch, the Emperor was pleased to see her eagerness to take up the Great Crusade, and even more pleased to see that she had healed from her battle wound quickly. He judged, correctly, that she would indeed be a force to be reckoned with once paired with warriors who matched her skills and ferocity.
The Eleventh Legion, the Storm Sovereigns, was indeed a fine army as promised, but the largely Terran recruits disgusted Saorlaith. Clean-shaven Astarte warriors and standardized livery made them all look identical to the Mountain Queen, and she immediately set about instilling her way and her image among her new army, just as she’d done at Dún na Badb. Her warriors would decorate their bronze-colored armor with personalized and intricate highland knotwork emblematic of her home world. Their hair and beards would be encouraged to grow wild, often being elaborately braided or otherwise decorated with feathers and beads. Before battle, they performed ritual war chants, songs, and dances, and decorated their flesh with blue paint. This was no mere physical affectation, but a vow to become as beasts who knew no retreat or surrender. The act of painting focused the Astarte’s resolve, steeling them for the blood and carnage to come. Further, like her brother Primarchs, she began to draw new recruits for the legion from her homeworld, filling its ranks with boisterous and passionate, but highly skilled, barbarian highland warriors she knew the measure of and trusted more than the "outsiders" she'd been saddled with. These warriors now had the technology and the means to follow their Queen to the cosmos, and to elevate their kind of warfare to a scale and level they had never previously dreamed possible, and the newly forged “Black Eagles” legion took wing to the stars, taking their appetites for blood and battle with them, ready to find glory and conquest wherever they landed.
The Black Eagles were much changed by Saorlaith’s leadership – she brought with her not just the battle traditions of her people, but also their sorcery. Those who she considered the most capable and trustworthy of her “Sons” were inducted into secret rites and taught a kind of magic that exposed weakness in the enemy, by revealing secrets or bringing flaws to the surface where they could do the most damage, in a way that simply appeared to be a horrific “run of bad luck” when it could be least afforded. The mystic chants of the highland marines’ sorcery and eerie bellowing of their animalistic war horns presaged doom to a thousand worlds that dared defy the Legion and the Great Crusade as their imminent assault would batter and break an enemy that was never as ready to face them as they might have believed or hoped.
Despite Saorlaith’s incredible battlefield successes, she found few friends among her Brothers. Angron was too much of a brute in her eyes; she was all for testing her mettle in battle and achieving glory, but Angron was simply about slaughter, like a rabid war dog Saorlaith would have happily put down herself had she been allowed to. Mortarion was perhaps her first real rival among the Primarchs, detesting her and her legion for their Druidic Craft, while Lorgar Aurelian saw in their rites and traditions the mark of heresy. Fulgrim she dismissed as a preening peacock too concerned with glamor to find true glory, Alpharius as a fool and a tryhard leader too clever for his own good by half, wasting his and the Imperium’s time on his overly complex schemes instead of simply winning when a simple win presented itself, and Pertuabo and Ferrus Manus confounded her with their hatred for weakness rather than their love of strength. Roboute Guilliman, Horus Lupercal, and Rogal Dorn all but outright hated her for her unwillingness to yield to their strategies and authority. Even Vulkan’s legendary patience and compassion met its limits with Saorlaith, who was far too independent to listen to his counsel. And in Sanguinius… Saorlaith saw something worrying. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but in Sanguinius she saw a lurking darkness that terrified her, and she avoided Sanguinius to no end. She made an effort to befriend fellow outsider Konrad Kurze, but his growing instability brought their friendship to an early end. Corvus Corax’s secrecy and tendency to favor subtler means, as well as his favoring of loyalty and obedience, grated on Saorlaith’s nerves. Jaghatai Khan rubbed her the wrong way, simply by being too much like her for them to have ever gotten along. While she didn’t dislike Magnus the Red, she felt his focus was too much on the mysterious and the ethereal, and the way he regarded her almost as a puzzle box to solve unnerved her. Ironically, Lion El Jonson, who had an upbringing relatively similar to hers, and in many ways might have been considered the other side of her coin, and therefore might have understood her better than any of the other Primarchs, held her in disdain for her “Barbarian ways” even if she secretly admired his results and composure. It was Leman Russ who was perhaps the most kindred of spirits, a true brother to her when all others grated, drifted, or avoided her. The Eagle and the Wolf, the Celt and the Viking, the Queen and the Chieftain, frequently fought alongside each other and for a time, they shared a close friendship, and the Black Eagles and Space Wolves accomplished great things together, but like all good things, this too was doomed to come to an end. Finally, Ailani, Saorlaith’s lone sister, and Primarch of the Imperial Hospitallers, never gave up hope on the wild warrior queen. Despite their frequent disagreements as Ailani’s peaceful healing ways clashed wildly with Saorlaith’s violent lust for conquest, Ailani was always there to listen to Saorlaith’s grievances and frustrations, and while they never saw eye to eye, the two sisters grew close as the Crusade went on.
However, the fate of the Eleventh Legion was sealed, and they would not see the Horus Heresy play out. With her growing frustrations with her brothers gnawing at her, Saorlaith had become more headstrong and reckless than ever, and Leman Russ began to see her as a liability. Further, Russ began to question her loyalty, as, ever the soul of tact, Saorlaith bitterly complained of the Emperor's crackdowns on the Druidic Craft of her people and their worship of the Old Stag God. In her mind, this was not what she had signed up. She had been promised glory for her and her people, not this... colonialist cultural censorship that threatened to eradicate keystones of her culture and heritage. As the Emperor began to make increasing strides towards banishing religion and sorcery from the Imperium, Saorlaith chafed more and more, becoming bitter and paranoid towards her brothers. She knew they disliked and even mistrusted her, and some like Mortarion and Alpharius were already claiming they could handle her campaigns more effectively than she could. Saorlaith deigned to let them try.
As Saorlaith and the Black Eagles outright began to refuse orders in pursuit of chasing their own glory independently, Leman's already waning patience wore out, and he brought his case to the Emperor, who advised the Sixth Primarch to “chastise” his sister and her legion. Unfortunately, by this time, Ailani had already begun conspiring with her sister to leave the Imperium entirely with their respective legions and peoples, with a dream to establishing their own free realm in the wilds of space, far apart from an Imperium both had gradually become increasingly disillusioned with. The gentle Ailani's blood boiled at the Emperor's treatment of her; she had never particularly willingly agreed to his Crusade, and for hundreds of years he had taken her home world hostage to ensure her continued compliance. Seeing in her so-perfectly opposite sister such incredible similarity, the two had plotted to desert. Let the Emperor have his Grand Vision. In some back corner of the universe, the two sisters would have theirs: a place where they and their people could live free from the Emperor's tyranny. Saorlaith began pulling her veteran warriors from the lines and assembling a small but elite force meant to safeguard and evacuate Dún na Badb. These were marines recruited from the planet, who had ties and roots and loyalties there. Her Terran recruited marine veterans remained on the front lines, mentoring the youngest and least experienced Marines to allay suspicion that her dedication to the cause might be lacking until she had already left. Let those wayward sons of hers know nothing of her plot, that way they might be kept safe, or as safe as possible, from the consequences of her decisions. Perhaps there would even be room for reconciliation in the future, should the winds of destiny blow in that direction.
However, upon returning home to Dún na Badb to evacuate it, Saorlaith was shocked and angered to find the Space Wolves already assembled there, with Leman Russ at the head of his force to deal with Saorlaith in person. Her heart sank, and her anger soared, as she assumed Leman Russ had already discovered her plot to desert. In fact, he had not, and he had simply been hoping to resolve what to him was a disciplinary matter that had far exceeded an allowable scale. Two clashing sets of intentions and views of reality among leaders neither of which being particularly known for diplomatic restraint is seldom a pleasant matter, and it was not long before an unforgivable mistake was made. Who fired first is both unknown and unimportant, but it was held that the battle was titanic; indeed, it was the most ferocious either the Sixth or the Eleventh legions had ever partaken in, for no Space Marine had ever faced a threat quite like another Space Marine. Yet for all the battle’s horror, it was ultimately mere prelude to the nightmares of the Horus Heresy to come. It is generally held that the Space Wolves emerged victorious. To her own shock, Saorlaith lost a second time, this time to Leman Russ, who gravely wounded her in single combat, though he was either unwilling or unable to complete the kill. Arriving in the Primarch's greatest moment of need was Medrawt, the feared First Captain of the Black Eagles, and her mightiest and most favored champion. Medrawt was a peerless warrior in the legion, long rumored to be the Primarch's biological son. Whatever the case he was among the first to be recruited to the Legion at Dún na Badb, and it was also at Dún na Badb that evidence suggests Medrawt proved his mettle and did the impossible by managing to distract and hold off Leman Russ long enough to facilitate Saorlaith's retreat from the battlefield, and then retreat in turn. Despite her escape with Medrawt and a host of survivors, her legion’s numbers were significantly culled in the battle. Three out of five Black Eagles who took part in the battle perished, crippling the Legion, and the novice Black Eagles and Terran veterans carrying the Legion's part of the Great Crusade elsewhere in the galaxy with no knowledge of the betrayal were no safer, being swiftly turned on by their supposed allies and eradicated without ever receiving an explanation why.
While Leman Russ and his legion purged Dún na Badb, he was puzzled to find Morna, the Queen Mother, completely absent. Reporting his findings to the Emperor, the Emperor showed a rare and fleeting moment of genuine fear upon hearing that the Old Crone Queen had vanished. But, this soon vanished, as, coupled with his rage at Ailani’s much more successful rebellion and rout of the World Eaters, in part due to the survivors of the battle of Dún na Badb arriving to assist in the evacuation of Ailani’s homeworld of Takiko, the Emperor turned his formidable psychic prowess to burning the errant women from history, along with their traitorous sons. The two had dared defy him. They had made a mockery of his power and authority. Their rebellion and flight from the Imperium threatened to undermine all he hoped to build by showing that ways other than Imperial Unity might be viable. It could not stand. It would not. Even Leman Russ, who personally fought his sister at the climax of the battle, forgot her in an instant. The records were purged. The monuments were destroyed. The Second and Eleventh Legions’ victories were “assigned” to other legions. All evidence of them was destroyed, except for the hole they left behind.
It is no wonder that the Eleventh Legion and their Primarch failed to aid Terra during the Horus Heresy. Of course, they had fled so far it would be ages, thousands of years, even, before they learned of the Heresy. Saorlaith’s feelings on the matter are unknown, but most assuredly complicated as she weeps for her lost people and quintimated sons.
Among those who are able to intuit the existence of the old Second and Eleventh Legions, and their Primarchs, doubtless a sense of wonder must set in.
What must have happened, that nobody can remember their names, their faces, or their deeds? Could it have been even worse than the Horus Heresy? Obviously it must have been, for the Traitor Primarch’s names are still remembered and the Second and Eleventh have been totally buried and forgotten.
Do these Primarchs live still? Do they regret their rebellion and treason? And perhaps… might they one day return? Surely if Guilliman and Jonson have returned in the Imperium’s darkest hours… all things must be possible. What redemption might lie ahead for Saorlaith Clannmorna of Dún na Badb, the Weeping Eleventh?
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tansyuduri · 2 months
Merlin Loregasm Rewatch S1E12
Hi Everyone! Welcome to my rewatch of Merlin focusing on the lore. I am a giant nerd so pretty excited about this. We're on TO KILL THE KING
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Gwen: its beautiful!
Tom: Well you are a beautiful girl Gwen, you deserve beautiful things
Gwen: but How I mean, It must have been expensive, Tom: Oh Very OK SO in the medieval world Tyrian Purple dye was INSANLY expensive in this time period. It was made from a rare mollusk found in the Mediterranean. And was possibley THE MOST expensive thing. Which is why the color was so heavily associated with royalty. In the Merlin World Purple dye is not rare (I mean if nothing else convinces you The episode Lamia in season 4 proves it beyond a doubt.)
So its a good thing Tyrian purple was not the ONLY kind of purple dye
While of these other dyes were often more reddish, faded quickly, only worked on certain more rare fabrics ETC they did exist.
What about mixing red and blue dyes? well it was hard due to each requiring special techniques but it was possible. See the most comon red and blue would have been madder and Woad but if you overdye these two together you get a REALLY muddy purple. One of the sources that worked well and did not require mixing dyes was from the Scottish highlands. Ireland and Scotland were known to have purple dye so Camalot could have it via trade. Also nowadays natural purple dye is much easier due to plants from the new world and more advanced dying processes! We've already discussed how the Merlin world DOES have things from the Americas so that in another way purple could be less rare. If they had more advanced dying processes due to being able to use things OTHER than stale urine to set the dye it could be even more common! So what about this scene seeming to hint that purple is rare and expensive? Gwen could only have a dress like this due to her father being somehow rich? Well I don't think it was the purple that made the dress expensive. I think its the silver buttons. While people do have gold coins in the Goblin episode they do seem rare So I'm guessing the buttons on this dress are pure silver
Is it entirely possible they just did not put thought into this? Yes. Am I going to overanalyze and draw conclusions anyway? ALSO yes.
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Oh Hello Magic Stone that is about to turn Lead to gold! We'll get back to you later. (*Cough* Philosopher's stone *cough*)
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Merlin wakes up feeling the powerful magic of this stone before the man even starts casting a spell. This implies that the stone is powerful enough on it's own to wake Merlin up.
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Merlin: somthing woke me
Gaius: What
Merlin: I don't know. A feeling,
Gaius: What kind of feeling?
Merlin: Powerful magic, Here in Camalot. Its intersting to me what wakes Merlin and what doesn't. Magical voices can do it a lot. So its actually possibly a good thing he never lived with the druids he might have been sleep-deprived. Because we know it doesn't only happen when theya re talking to him from an incident with Mordred. Also Magical artifacts, but not all magical artifacts. (Hell Sigan's heart doesnt even do it) The stone is just that powerful that it was like WAKE UP BITCH I'M HERE to Merlin.
Also it didn't do it until it was about to be used which I find intersting. It implies it was not just whenever it was in range, and as we saw before it was not when magic was activly running through it. So does it have a sort of conciousness? Does it decide? Am I overthinking this? Very likly (Welcome to my loregasms we overthink EVERYTHING HERE)
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Arthur: Tauren, the leader of a band of renegade sorcerers, sworn to bring down the king.
Notice how Arthur says "A band" not "The band." There is more than one of these bands (as we see in later episodes.) Thats good news for fanfic writers! It also makes me wonder if there are spells to cover tracks because evern after 20 years Uther doesnt seem to have hunted down even nearly all oppisition. Also its mentioned that Arther recognised him. This and the "sworn to bring down the king" kind of implies there were previous encounters Arthur had with this man. Even if someone betrayed them once and THAT'S how Arthur knows they're sworn to bring down the king (Which, fair possibility!) He still knows this sorcerer on sight. He tangled with this man before and survived it, (Tauren also survived this mysterious previous encounter) So I kinda wonder if Trauren is not actually that powerful of a magic user. Especially since he did not include magic in his latter assasination attempt. I wonder how he got the stone? ALSO Tauren's name means bull or laural in latin! I find this cool because names tend to be welsh/celtic or really common English in Merlin if they're not from the legends. (another notible expetion being Gaius whos name means "to rejoice") I wonder if that is his real name or a nickname he chose to go by. Remember that Romans only left Britain about a hundred years ago from what we know of the Merlin timeline. It's possible Tauren's family claims decent from a Roman family!
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Gaius: his forge Merlin, Its the finest in the kingdom. Perydacyl screams in my "Gwen's family is upper lower class (closest thing to middle class) Theory from previous entires in this series.
Though I gotta add more here, the fact that a forge in the lower city is the best in the kingdom, It's not just Tom's skill level is really strange. It implies a lot. Because while we know Tom is as skilled as a royal smith if not more and likley does a lot of smithing for knights and their expensive orders, HAVING THE BEST FORGE is odd for someone who is not wealthy enough to buy silver buttons normally! See most smiths either inherited the forge or refined it over time. Even if we assume that JUST his forge is the best not the rest of his smithy WHY THE HELL DID UTHER NOT MATCH IT IN THE CASTLE SMITHIES? (And no it can't be Toms was somehow left over by the Romans, the Romans were worse at forging) Tom (or someone) must have known some tricks at Forge Construction and engineering others did not, And Uther was too proud to admit that a commoner's forge in the lower city was EVER better than the one in the castle. (Camalot forged steel is known to be the finest as is mentioned in season 4 so perhaps he did not have much to worry about.)
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Gaius: Tauren's Expariment bears all the hallmarks of Alchemy
Merlin: But Alchemy is impossible isnt it?
Gaius: To change the very nature of one thing to another has defeated all who have tried, but if you use magic
Merlin: Do you think that's what woke me?
HERE WE GO. Alchemy was HUGE in the medieval and Renaissance time period. Though it was generally introduced in the 1100s before that it was mostly only found in the east.
However since it started in Greceo-roman Egypt and the fall of the roman empire is what caused it to move mostly to the Islamic world. (or china and idea though their kinds of alchemy are different.)
Its very possible residual knowledge could have existed in the Merlin world after the Romans ditched the place. I find it interesting that its known to be folly because the idea of making gold from lead or serching for immortality (More on this when we talk more about the stone) was only viewed as ridiculous starting in the 1700s when there were efforts to separate is practices from more valid chemistry. (by 1740 it was largly viewed as the work of charlatans)
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Merlin was trying to sleep when Morgana picks up the Stone and he hears it in his mind again. MERLIN IS NOT HAPPY. LET HIM SLEEP! But again it doesnt need to be activly doing magic to be like HEY I'M HERE.
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Time to talk about being a Ward and what that means for Morgana
In medieval times Wards were children of a vassel (Noble) raised by the vassel's lord or another vassel This is pulling in me talking about ranks of nobility If a land was big enough like a kingdom, the king did not manage all the land instead he had vassel lords under him (And in some cases those lords had more minor lords under them.) But Medieval times were violent! So what happens when a lord/vassel dies before their heir is of the age of majority? The Child is named a ward. Now, Nobles tended to really like having wards, Why? Well chances are if you raised the child right the child would grow up to really like you and be extra loyal to you. Also as the guardian, it would be up to you to arrange a good marriage for your ward and you could do it in a way that benefitted you politically. Hell perhaps even to your own family! A guardian would also control a ward's lands. So lets look at Morgana being a ward!
We also don't know if Gorlois had an estate outside of Camalot that is Morgana's (Hes certainly buried outside camalot, but I did not see any castles nearby so really it could go either way.) If he did have lands outside of camalot and Morgana is past the age of majority its likley Morgana chose to stay in Camalot. (because she would own those lands.) Having lands seems possably unlikely if Morgana is of age because she could go to those lands and get away from Uther when she satared showing magic. I say possably because she could have just not wanted to go.
But Morgana is not called a former ward, Shes called 'His ward'
So I think we actually have a possible answer to the "who is older Morgana or Arthur" question. Because we know Arthur is past the age of majority after season 1 but unless what ward means is very different in Camalot, being a ward means Morgana has not yet reached that age. Assuming that age is 21 in season one (As it seems to be) It means Morgana is 4+ years younger than that. Accounting for her being a ward even in season 3. Of course, ward could mean something different in the merlin world and that would throw this all out the window. Or they could have just kept refering to her as ward past when she inherited whatever her father left her!
But why did I bring this up here? Because I'm sorry throwing a future noble in the dungeons with no real reason is just a stupid thing to do on Uthers part if he wants to keep them loyal. I mean its politicaly stupid. Uther problubly did have to rule though fear because he keeps doing stupid things to nobles. Even if this can be excused as him correcting his ward. This is not the first time we see it.
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Arthur can say this to Gwen because what he is doing here is telling her she no logner has to pay her fudual lords. (The Pendragons) Who actualy own all the land in the city and keep of Camalot. It might seem like a paltry gesture but is actually a pretty big deal. Because this kinda thing was NOT usually done.
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Merlin: the Mage stone?
Gaius: wonder of the ancients, lost for a thousand years or more
Merlin: what does it do?
Gaius: theoreticly it could gvie the bearer the power of transformation
Merlin: gold? The power of Alchemy
HERE WE GO. Okay what the shows calls the mage stone is almost certainly based on the Philosophers stone. It was the main physical goal of alchemy and could turn base metals to gold and grant imortality. The importality bit doesnt seem to apply in the Merlin world. The ealiest known writen mention of it somes from around 300CE so fits with the thousand years or more (200 years off from a thousand)
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And its waking up Merlin again while held in Morgana's gloved hand. Apparently gloves don't stop it from sencing magic.
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Tauren: Bribery is Rife At Camalot. I will use the corruption at the heart of his kingdom. And such abundance of gold will buy me into the kings chambers -- even to the king himself.
Okay so This is the only time we hear about this. SO I wonder if Morgana confroted it and fixed it when she got back on Uther's side. Otherwise I feel like she would have used it against him when SHE turned against him. If Merlin overhears all this I know he would have made sure it was not the case for Arthur.
A funny thought occured to me. Does this have anything to do with Camalot guards being so bad? Like you can buy a post in the guard or somthing? Or they are regularly bribed just not to do their jobs well? The court officials WE KNOW OF are not bribeable. So I assume he wanted to bribe his servants and guards to look the other way as an assasin came. Or to bribe the king's tasters and let him get poisioned. but "rife" really makes it sounds like courrption is all over and we NEVER SEE IT and it never gets brought up again. So I totally think its the guards. Its totally the guards. We now know why they are so horrible. hahaha!
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Uther: that was a terrible day. Your father was a great freind. I had no part in his death
Morgana: You sent him into battle, You promised him reinforments and them gave him none. You sent him to his death.
Uther: That is not true. It was never my intention,
Morgana: but it happened! So was this like one of those very hard calls comanders somtimes have to make or just Uther being an ass as usual? Was this before or after Vivianne (Morgana's mom) died. Because if it was before I am giving Uther some serious side eye, even subconciously he could have done it because he wanted the lady he hooked up with while her hubby was gone.
(It might be relivent to mention here that in the original legend Uther activly battled with and killed Garlois because he wanted Ygraine. Then after killing him has Merlin tranform him to look like Garlois and went and had sex with Ygraine and this is how Arthur is conceived.)
Obviously the show is VASTLY diferant but I do wonder if they carried the Uther causes Garlois's death because he had the hots for his wife bit.
If thats the case I expect Morgana did not become Uthers ward until after Vivianne died. (So 10 years old) But Vivianne is barly ever mentioned, not even by Morgana. I always wondered if she died in childbirth with Morgana or when she was really young. I'll keep my eyes peeled for more on this.
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Merlin: Do you think Uther's a good king?
GaiusL sorry?"
Merlin: Uther-- do you think hee's good for the kingdom?
Gaius: Yes. Yes I do. In the Light of Recent events you might find that hard to belive.
Merlin: Hard? no. Impossible, Deffinatly
Gaius: Merlin
Merlin: Everyone hates him
Gaius: it is not Uther job to be liked. It is Uther's job to prtect the kingdom. Most of his Methods are right. Sometimes he may go too far.
Merlin: really you mean like executing anyone who so much as passes a sorcer on the street.
Gaius: yes, Despite Uther's failings, he has brought peace and prosparity to this kingdom
The interting thing is jugling by the vigil held for Uther when he was dying this is a generaly held view. We even see Uther working to make peace in more than one episode. Now I hate Uther. And I happen to think hes a much more compelling villian and creater of genocide because he is humanized in the show. Real people who start genicides are not always mustache twirling villians. They will care about things or people. And that deserves to be shown because if we forget that we will get complacent.
Anyway I do wonder how Uther's views on magic are seen by everyday people. We have hints that they don't like magic but never anything definative. I also wonder at the Dialuges that seem to suggest there was misuse of magic beyond just Ygraines death around the time Uther banned it. And the hints at how this effected Gaius. Again to be clear I am all for magic returning. But I think when Gwen does it she might face certain backlash. And possably not just from nobles. (Totally not somthing I plan to write about cough.)
Merlin's coment of everyone hates him (Uther) also needs to be looked at because it means the people Merlin knows the opinion of DO hate Uther (Well besides Arthur.) How many people has he spoken to? Has he spoken to many of the everyday people of the kingdom? Has he overheard knights? I REALLY WANT TO KNOW.
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Okay So Goirlois was TOTLLY with Uther when he was conquoring the kingdom. Also I'll mention this again when we get to the episodes in question but, From Uther telling Morgouse she has no claim to the throne (And other things) I AM TOTALLY calling my earlier theory as the truth now. Uther gained the throne of Camalot during a sucession crisis.
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Morgana became Uther's ward likley when she was 10. Also Uther says she frought him from the begining. I wonder if this was her grief exploding out or what she fought him about? Was it always about killing people? Was she a childhood trouble maker? Did she not want to be the kind of Lady Uther expected her to be? I think the last was at least part of it, because we know she and Arthur used to go at each other with swords and that Morgana knows how to use a sword very well which we do not see in most noblewoman. I wonder if Uther curbed that when she became his ward or as she entered her teenage years.
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+1 to the Merlin deaths. I find it intersting that the stone is strong enough to absorb a sidhe blast and then just reflect it! WHO MADE THIS THING IN THE MERLIN WORLD?
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Merlin stays down for 28 seconds. as opposed to the 46 in Poisoned Chalice. In Gates of Avalon we dunno how long he was down.
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I just realized Merlin wakes to see them hugging but likley doesnt know Morgana stabbed the atacker. At this point he may think the atacker just failed because of Uther and Morgana is playing along. He does find out very quickly after this however because he and Gaius talk about how Gaius heard about the attemted assasination and Morgana saving him.
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sunnyrealist · 8 months
🌶️ Chapter 29: Surprises in Store 🌶️
The Sun, the Moon, and All Our Stars
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Summary and Details…
Art: This chapter's illustration was created by @giselsann-opencommissions. The full picture (NSFW) is under the cut. MDNI!
Chapter Background and Summary: Sebastian and Kate have been seeing each other sporadically over the course of the workweek. In this chapter, Kate has her final day of the school year at the Hogwarts library - it's officially summer! It's also the first day of Sebastian's weeklong vacation from work. Sebastian has something truly exciting planned for the evening, and the next chapter will start their camping trip into the Scottish Highlands.
Pairing: Aged-up, post-Azkaban Sebastian Sallow x Kate Mayflower (my OC)
Content warnings: In general, this story is rated 18+, so MNDI! This chapter features girl-on-top sex and talk of commitments and intentions.
The full chapter is available below the cut; it can also be found on AO3 (link is posted below). Please leave some feedback. A comment, like, or Kudos would be quite motivational!
Chapter 29: Surprises in Store
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A weight was lifted from Kate’s shoulders the moment she stepped out of Hogwarts into the courtyard on Friday, feeling the warmth of the evening sun. All tension disappeared. She felt as though she could really, truly breathe again. The air had never smelled so fresh, so sweet, so full of promise.
Summer. Finally, finally summer.
The library had been practically dead that day, save for a few students sprinting into the library to return their books at the absolute last minute before making their way to the train station. Kate’s last pupil interaction of the term had been with a first-year Ravenclaw - a young boy with desperate eyes, begging to take home a pile of books (“Or even just one, if I can’t take them all!”). Kate was just about to give in, when Agnes swooped in and put a cruel end to the plea, snatching his books. He trudged out with tears in his eyes. Kate tried not to dwell on it for too long, but she knew that may have been that boy’s final, lasting memory of the 1898-1899 school year. Upset, she decided to tidy up another area of the library to avoid Agnes for a while. Merlin knew there were plenty of messes.
Time spent cleaning gave her a wonderful idea - to grab some books for Sebastian for the summer that she could store at her cottage. Of course, she wasn’t entirely sure what he had already read, but she nabbed several books in different genres - Flesh-Eating Trees of the World, Confronting the Faceless, Gateway to the Far Stars, The Flap of the Cape, Fifteenth-Century Fiends, Sonnets of the Sorcerer, Most Macabre Monstrosities, The Noble Sport of Warlocks, and Blood Brothers: My Life Amongst the Vampires. During her break, she took them out to the Owlery and had four owls take the books to her home. They would be waiting for her retrieval.
Now, officially walking past the Hogwarts boundary, Kate audibly lets out an exhale. Since the weather is so pleasant, she decides against apparating the entire way home. With only a few clouds in the sapphire sky, the rays of sunshine on her face, the sound of birds chirping, she has nothing but happy thoughts in her mind. 
She’ll get to see Sebastian again tonight. 
Kate’s heart feels as though it physically blooms when she pictures his smiling face, hearing his laughter, imagining his hand on her arm and his lips on her cheek. And not only will she see him tonight, but tomorrow, and probably every single night for the entire week, since his work holiday begins today as well.
A calm breeze lifts a few wisps of her blonde hair momentarily, and as she passes a patch of daffodils, they begin to honk, and she laughs in response. No matter how many times it happens, she always giggles. They’re some of her favorite flowers. She attempts to smooth out the hairs that escaped her updo to no avail, and she eventually gives up, not caring enough to try harder. She checks that the little yellow flowers in her hairstyle are at least still in place, and after confirming, that is enough to satisfy her.
Her camping trip with Sebastian begins tomorrow morning. She is fully prepared, having spent the entire Thursday evening cooking and baking. Kate had argued with Sebastian to let her contribute to their vacation in some way and finally got him to agree to let her take care of meals and snacks and beverages. Thank Merlin she had learned all those tricks for preserving food from the house elves in the Hogwarts kitchen years ago, or it may have been far more challenging. 
Packing was not the easiest task, either. Sebastian had advised her to not be fooled into thinking the temperature would reflect the summer season, as they were trekking into the cold mountains of the Scottish Highlands. Sweaters, jackets, sturdy boots, and scarves were a must, as were trousers, which Kate was not opposed to but normally would not choose unless it was truly the most practical choice. Her only “skirts” packed were pantaloons - trousers made to look like skirts. A couple of long nightgowns were also thrown into her bag, just in case, though Kate couldn’t imagine wearing them to bed unless it truly was freezing. Sebastian would keep her warm, and most likely, he would take the nightgown off, anyway… She smiled to herself, her cheeks turning a little pink.
Good gods, the sex. Based on how her friends would talk, she knew she had lucked into something - someone - rare. A man who would put her pleasure first and only then think about himself. With Sebastian’s lack of relationship experience, it was truly wild that he knew exactly what to do and when. Kate’s heart had never felt so open, so trusting, that it was not at all daunting to explore and discover what she actually liked in bed. Being tasted, the thrill of being tied up, her hair being pulled, the explosion of climaxing more than once - all things she had never thought to try or thought she’d be able to try… and yet she and Sebastian had hardly been in an official relationship for a week! What surprises would be in store on their trip?
If it wasn’t a camping trip, Kate would have packed a fancy set of lingerie for each night and made her own surprises for Sebastian. She smirks to herself at the thought.
Thinking of her chestnut-haired lover, she realizes he never confirmed when he might be finished with work that night. Could he already be at her home? She had promised a dinner, and yet, after all of the work she had done in the kitchen last night, cooking could not have sounded less enticing. She sighed. Maybe she’d see what Sirona had on the menu and take food home…
A half hour later, Kate strolls out of the Three Broomsticks with a smile and two large cloth bags filled with containers of fish and chips, along with two glass bottles of butterbeer. She immediately places a warming charm on the bags. Then, worried she would arrive home later than Sebastian, finally decides to apparate the rest of the way to her cottage. 
With a crack, Kate lands right into her living room.
“Sebastian?” she calls out. 
There is no answer. 
She shrugs and begins to move towards the kitchen to deposit the food when she suddenly stops dead in her tracks and practically drops the bags. Her eyes go wide, and her mouth falls open.
Where once there was an empty wall, it is empty no longer. 
There stands the green upright piano Kate had pointed out to Sebastian just last weekend, adorned with a huge white bundle of ribbons to mark it as a gift. 
Kate had envisioned it so many times - how it would look, how its color and white painted flowers would perfectly match the walls and decor in the living room, how much joy it would bring - but now that it is here, the reality is far beyond her imagination. 
As though she is almost afraid it might disappear - or that it isn’t actually there, she steps forward gingerly and lightly presses a finger to a key, which instantly produces a beautiful, rich sound. She gasps. It is real, and it’s actually in her home. She runs her hand gently over the top of the piano, gazing upon it with admiration. 
When her fingertips touch the corner of an envelope, her eyes narrow in surprise, as she had not noticed it before. She opens it carefully to find a handwritten note inside, which almost immediately causes her to cry. 
My darling Kate,
I saw this caught your eye and could not resist buying it for you.
If my intentions for you have not already been clear, let me be frank. I can’t wait to listen to you play for the rest of our lives.
Two hours later, Sebastian still hasn’t come home.
Kate has been pacing back and forth, from the kitchen to the end of the hallway to the living room and back again, for about 15 minutes now, thinking about how she will greet him after receiving such an expensive and meaningful gift. 
Finally, she sighs and decides to give up her aimless wandering. She’s been waiting eagerly for so long she hasn’t even really played the piano yet - just a few notes here and there.
Kate strolls to the empty room - the one that will one day become a study - to look for sheet music. Crouching down, she blows dust off of the top of a wooden chest, then opens it. Inside are all of her personal books, including two books with piano sheet music by Frederic Chopin and Claude Debussy. Clutching them to her chest, she hurries back to the piano.
For the very first time, she pulls out the bench and sits. Opening her Chopin book, she selects “Prelude in E Minor” and places it on the stand. Adjusting her position, she readies her foot over the pedal and straightens her back and shoulders. Then, she begins to play. 
One song after another, Kate’s soul begins to lift higher and higher. She smiles as she plays, even though she is making countless mistakes. They can be fixed later, with practice. 
When she is partway through the Raindrop Prelude, she hears the door open and close.
Standing up, Kate quickly runs and throws her arms around Sebastian, embracing him tightly. “I love you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
Sebastian drops his large, dragon-hide bag and returns the hug eagerly, kissing the top of her head. “I love you, my sun. You deserve it. You deserve the world. And I’ll bring it all to you if I can.”
“I can’t believe you did that,” Kate murmurs, looking up at him with tears in her eyes. “It was so expensive, Sebastian. How did you-”
He cuts her off. “Please don’t worry about it. I came upon some money, and had to use most of my savings, but it was worth it. You are worth it.” Tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear, he cups her cheek as he gazes into her eyes. “I am serious about you, Kate. You’re my dream now - my future. I…” He begins, hesitating for a moment, then summons his courage. “Please accept the gift as a commitment. I want to court you with the intention of marriage. I am very serious about this, my sun.”
A shiver of excitement runs down Kate’s spine and settles in her belly. “As am I, my moon. I mean it. Someday… I believe we will be married. And this will be our home.”
Sebastian’s smile is wide as he picks Kate up and swings her around. When he carefully puts her back down, they kiss in a way they never have before - with intent, with trust, with pure joy. When Kate pulls away to take a breath, his lips chase hers, unwilling to part. With every step backward, he moves forward until her arse meets the piano bench. He crouches down, scooping her up and carrying her carefully to the bedroom, as if she is a princess to his knight.
Back on her feet once more, Kate kisses Sebastian passionately as his hands move over her clothed body. A needy moan escapes her as his hands find her breasts, cupping and squeezing eagerly. Her own hands graze up and down his torso. She begins to unbutton his tan vest, and he follows her cue, unbuttoning her white blouse. Slowly - so, so, so slowly, they undress each other until nothing remains but a pile of clothes on the floor.
“I’ll never get tired of you,” Sebastian whispers, transfixed by her naked form. “Never. Not in a year, not in a decade, not when we’re old.” He kisses her, ghosting his hand over her stomach. “Not after I put a ring on your finger, not when you swell with our children… or anytime after. I’ll always want you. Always.”
Kate inhales sharply at the mention of children - their children.
“You’ll always be my sun princess,” he whispers, kissing down her neck. “And I’ll worship you accordingly.” Moving down her collarbone, he places a kiss on each breast. “Gods, I love you. You know these are perfect, yeah? I’ve never seen such gorgeous tits. All of you is perfect, absolutely bloody gorgeous. You look like an angel.”
“Oh, Merlin!” Kate cries out as Sebastian’s lips encircle her nipple, sucking sharply. 
One of her hands fists itself in his hair, while the other glides down his toned, solid abdomen, through his pubic hair, until it reaches his thick cock. Her fingers lightly trace over his length, then cup his balls. Still flicking his tongue over her breast, a moan escapes him when she finally grasps his arousal. He switches to her other nipple, latching on and sucking hard, when she whimpers.
“Merlin, the noises you make,” Sebastian begins as he briefly takes in air. “They drive me wild, Kate.”
He groans as she begins to pump his dick steadily, his tip leaking precum. Her fingers become coated in it, and then her hold tightens as her hand moves back and forth more quickly. His lips make their way back up to hers, and their kissing is hungry and frenzied. Sebastian deepens it, his tongue sliding over her lower lip before dancing with hers. His knee presses between her legs, urging them to open, and then his fingers reach her cunt. 
“Gods, you’re so wet,” he whispers breathlessly.
He teases Kate’s clit relentlessly until she is trembling, then pushes his fingers into her entrance as she cries out. 
“Bash,” she whines. “Bash…”
Mimicking lovemaking, he fucks her with his fingers, in and out, in and out, until she’s whimpering and begging. 
“Bash, please… Please… I want you…” 
Sebastian kisses her lips tenderly, slowly pulling his slick fingers out. Panting, he chokes out, “How… How do you want me?”
Kate turns them around and maneuvers him backwards towards the bed. “I want to ride you,” she whispers in response.
His eyebrows raise as he pulls away from her, getting on the bed and laying down flat with a huge grin on his face. “I love you.”
She follows him onto the bed, positioning her legs around his hips. She leans down to kiss him, smiling with adoration. “I love you, too.”
There is a brief moment in which nothing happens. They gaze into each other’s eyes, hearts racing.
“I want to be close to you,” she murmurs, placing her hands under his back. 
Understanding her meaning, he sits up, pulling her body flush against his. She adjusts her position as she feels his tip poking against her center. 
“Sebastian,” she breathes out as she begins to lower herself onto him, her hands on his shoulders. “I love you.”
He groans as she begins to envelope him in her warmth, wrapping his arms around her. “I love you, my Kate, my- my future…” he trails off.
When Sebastian is completely sheathed within her, she takes a moment to adjust to the intrusion. Both of them breathe heavily, overwhelmed by the feeling. Her fingers weave into his thick hair, while her other hand glides over his shoulder to explore his back, covered with the scars of his past. Feeling more comfortable with them than she ever was before, she gingerly ghosts her fingers back and forth.
“They don’t hurt,” he murmurs, to assuage her. “You don’t have to be so careful.”
Growing more confident, she presses her fingers harder against his marred skin, then leans in, their lips almost touching. Their heavy breathing is the only sound filling the air until she closes the small distance and captures his lips in a deep, tender kiss.
When they pull apart, Kate begins to move atop him. Both of them are flushed, panting hard, as she brings her hips up and down, over and over again. She places her other hand upon his shoulder for more leverage, crying out as the pleasure increases. He is so deep inside of her now that she can’t help but shriek every time her hips fall back upon him. He’s moaning, too, breathing out her name and other unintelligible words of praise.
Sebastian begins to thrust up into her when she brings her hips down, finding a rhythm that has them both whimpering as they chase after their impending orgasms. Kate’s breasts bounce with each stroke, and strands of her hair start to escape her updo and fall into her face. Her cheeks are bright pink, her lips swollen. Both of them, but especially Sebastian, are beginning to perspire, bodies shining with sweat. Wet smacking sounds fill the room.
“I- oh- Seb!” Kate whines, each syllable punctuated by her movements. “I’m- I’m not going to- to last…”
Sebastian lets out a heavy exhale. “That’s it… come on, darling… let it out…” He bites his lip, breathing through his nose.
All at once, fireworks appear behind her eyelids, engulfed by a bright white light as she falls into sweet oblivion. Sebastian continues to thrust into her, grunting as her walls close in all around him, pushing him over the edge as well. He groans loudly as he pushes hard as he can, his seed exploding into her depths.
Kate and Sebastian continue to lazily rock against each other through it until they both come down from their respective highs. He kisses down her neck and back up again until their lips meet once more. Ever so gently, he pushes her down onto the bed, pressing his lips to hers over and over again, even though they’re both out of breath. She groans when he carefully pulls out of her, feeling the loss immediately.
“My love,” he whispers, peppering kisses all over her face. “My one and only.”
“Sebastian…” she whispers back, running her hands over his scarred back. “My love…”
“I’ll get a towel and some water,” he rasps, moving to get up from the bed. 
“No, wait - not yet,” she begs, placing a hand on his arm. “Stay with me for a minute.”
Sebastian rolls over onto her side. He holds her close and combs his hands through her hair. Kate gazes up at him in wonder.
“Someday, I’ll kiss every single one of your freckles,” she whispers breathily.
“I know you will,” he replies. “I know.”
The rest of the evening goes fast. 
Dinner is absolutely wolfed down.
There is little time to enjoy the new piano, as packing and ensuring the household chores are done before their days-long trip take precedence. Leaving her garden untended would be a huge mistake, and clearly the sheets need to be laundered once more.
When Kate finishes up in the garden, she remembers about the books she picked up for Sebastian and wanders to the back of the house, where owls always deliver mail. Sure enough, the books are all waiting there. She gathers them in her arms - no easy feat for most, but Kate is a librarian and knows how to balance a large stack just right.
“I have something for you, Sebastian!” she calls out when she comes back into the cottage.
Sebastian, who had offered to make up the bed with a set of fresh sheets, bounds into the room, eyes wide when he sees the books.
“I thought you might like some books to read over the summer. I may have stolen them from the Hogwarts library,” she explains with a smile and wink. “I hope they are to your liking - I just took some from all different genres.”
Sebastian takes the pile from her and deposits them on the coffee table, examining the titles. “This is great. Thank you - thank you so much. I’m going to tear through these. They all sound interesting. Thank you.” He pulls her into an enthusiastic hug. 
Pulling away, Kate wipes perspiration from her brow from working in the garden. “Whew. I’m going to be very tired tonight.” 
“It will be good to sleep well. You’ll need your energy in the morning,” Sebastian tells her. “It would be best if we apparate by 8 am to the starting point.” He wanders over to the piano, running his hand over it. “I know we don’t have a lot of time, but could you at least play one song for me tonight?”
“Of course,” Kate replied. “I can play a song. I’ll do a short one.”
She sits down at the bench and selects sheet music for Chopin’s “Prelude Number Seven,” then glances up at Sebastian, standing behind her. “I haven’t practiced for a long time, Seb. I will probably make mistakes.” She blushes, already embarrassed. 
“I don’t care,” he gently responded, touching her shoulder. 
Kate begins to play, missing a few notes here and there but generally doing pretty well by her own standards. When she finishes, Sebastian claps softly. “Bravo!”
Kate laughs, standing up and curtsying. “Perhaps I could teach you a few simple tunes this summer, if you’d like.”
Sebastian smiles. “Sure. I’d like that a lot. Do you mind if I sit down and try it out by myself right now anyway?”
When she shakes her head, he immediately sits, closing the book of Chopin pieces, handing it to Kate. He seems to have watched her closely, mirroring how she straightened her posture and prepared her hands over the keys. Kate grins as he presses a few of the keys.
“That is a C,” she whispers in his ear. “And that note - it’s a G.”
Sebastian turns his body around and gives Kate a cheeky smile. She chuffs in response.
“Let me just try something else quick,” he murmurs and positions his hands over the keys once more.
What happens next shocks Kate. She never saw it coming.
Sebastian begins to play the opening notes of Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata.” 
Her jaw drops.
She waits for him to stop and admit that he only knows the beginning, but he doesn’t. He keeps going, not missing any notes - playing it perfectly, with feeling. He plays louder and softer precisely when he should. 
For minutes, she simply stares, dumbfounded, as he continues. There was no such spell to give someone the ability to play a song perfectly - not that she knew, anyway…
When the song finishes, Kate whispers, “Sebastian…” She doesn’t even know how else to respond.
He turns around and nonchalantly says, “Surprise.”
“What…? How…?” she fumbles.
“I know I could have told you before, but I wanted to surprise you. My mother taught me from a young age and made me memorize everything. She considered it important for Anne and me to be able to read music and to play an instrument. ‘Music is a language, too,’ she would always say. ‘Just as important as Latin and Greek.’” He paused. “Anne quit a few years in, but I never did. I used to go to the music room at Hogwarts all the time… it helped me remember my mum and calmed me down when I was upset,” he explained softly. “It truly is a wonder we never ran into each other, Kate… Your story of how you played music reminded me so much of mine.” He turned around to face her. “And when you pointed out this piano, I knew it was the perfect gift to seal my commitment to you…” He took her hand. “We can play for each other… and teach our own children when the time comes.” He blushes deeply.
She breaks out in gooseflesh, trying to regain her composure. She smiles. “You’ll have to teach them, Seb. You’re far better than me. I’m almost embarrassed now that I’ve heard you play. Your skills put mine to shame.”
“No, no - we’ll do it together,” he replies kindly. “They’ll have so much to learn from their beautiful, talented, and kind mother.”
Kate lets out a little chuckle. Talking about children… already… is it too soon? She wrestles with the idea in her head. I know it, though… he’ll be their father. I know it.
Sebastian rises from the bench and holds her tightly to his chest, his arms around her. Practically reading her mind, he says, “If it’s too uncomfortable, we won’t talk about children yet. I just… Ever since I met you, I just want to be with you, to spend my days with you, and all that entails. I want to have children with you someday, and I wanted you to know. That’s all.”
Kate melts into his warmth. “It’s okay, Sebastian. It’s fine. I’m just… getting used to it is all.” She pauses. “Just a few months ago, I was discussing with my mother how I was slowly becoming an old maid, and tonight, I’m talking about having children with the love of my life.” She kisses his chest. “I guess life is full of surprises, isn’t it?”
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coffeeandmagicaltales · 11 months
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Welcome to my fics about prof Aesop Sharp! 💚🐍
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Series of stories dedicated to prof. Aesop Sharp and my ADULT MC Morana Dimm. Their fates tied by a coincidence, a slowly maturing relationship, joys and sadness.
The defender of Hogwarts, a fifth-year student, Morana (≈19), doesn't feel the taste of victory, but the pain of responsabilities tied to the ancient magic. After Professor Fig's death, prof. Sharp was supposed to take on the role of her mentor. Not because he wanted to, but because others had refused... Why?
Links to all parts below ❤️
ACT 1 💚 Part 1 Prof. Aesop Sharp's protégée (fluff) 💚 Part 2 Tea with an Auror (fluff) 💚 Part 3 Aesop's ruminations (fluff) 💚 Part 4 Ineffable Friends I (fluff) 💚 Part 5 Ineffable Friends II (fluff) 💚 Part 6 Scars & secrets I (ANGST, animal cruelty) 💚 Part 7 Scars & secrets II (angst, nudity) 💚 Part 8 Summer (fluff) 💚 Part 9 A potion called 'butterbeer' (fluff) 💚 Part 10 A stranger in Vienna (fluff) 💚 Part 11 Tears of Childhood Past I (angst, 18+, mentioned sex) 💚 Part 12 Tears of Childhood Past II (angst) 💚 Part 13 Sorcerer's apprientice I (fluff) 💚 Part 14 Animagus (fluff)
ACT 2 💚 Part 15 Aristotle Sharp (angst) 💚 Part 16 Dancing with Fear (angst) 💚 Part 17 Failed date (angst, BLOOD, VIOLENCE, sexual tention) 💚 Part 18 Saying Goodbye (angst)
ACT 3 💚 Part 19 Ineffable lovers (angst) 💚 Part 20 Ineffable lovers II (angst) 💚 Part 21 The Secret of Aesop Sharp (angst) 💚 Part 22 The Auror And the Devil (angst) 💚 Part 23 Return (fluff, hints of angst) 💚 Part 24 The Dream (angst, smut, nudity 18+) 💚 Part 25 Magic Theory 💚 Part 26 Darkness Falls 💚 Part 26 Conclusion: Sharps
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Rilla and Aesop Sharp first met when Aesop was just beginning his career. Later their fates crossed second time while Sharp was a 30-year old, talented, ambitious, Auror obedient to the Ministry of Magic... and Rilla was accused of murdering her husband.
💙 Prologue kinda EXCERPT
Part 1 in progress
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•Stand alone•
Those stories can be read without any particular order- mostly funny, cozy fluff.
💚 Part 1 The Aelf on the shelf (fluff)
That last day before Christmas, potion master Aesop Sharp becomes the victim of a very tricky potion brewed by Garreth Weasley and... Becomes as small as an elf. Will this Christmas be merry for him this year?
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💚 Part 2 Count sheep, professor (fluff) in progress
Will there be ONE normal lesson with Garreth? The year had just begun and Mrs Weasley turned the whole class to flock of sheep. Professor Sharp has to find each and every student. It won't be easy. The flock is scattered, happily eating grass across Highlands.
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intothestacks · 6 months
Questions I have about the Harry Potter books and their universe
Did Hermione’s parents not think it was strange that their 12-year-old suddenly stopped writing or answering their letters one day? I mean, she was petrified for a good long while...
Are muggle parents unable to visit Hogwarts? If so, it’s a wonder any of them let their kid go to some undisclosed location in the Scottish highlands where they would not have access to their child if the need arose.
What’s the most amount of wands Olivander had to go through before he found someone the right one?
What are the parameters he uses to decide which wand to get a customer to try? Why does he need their arm measurement (especially for children yet to go through their growth spurt)?
Would ballpoint pens work at Hogwarts? I mean, they’re a muggle technology, so they shouldn’t, right?
How will the wizarding world stay hidden in the age of cellphones and cameras?
Did house elves ever gain their freedom?
Whatever happened to Winkie after the Battle for Hogwarts?
What were the other Sorting Hat songs we didn’t get to see? What were its songs like during the time of the Founders?
Did Dudley change his ways from being a bully because of his experiences in Deathly Hallows?
Is the curse over the DADA position ever broken? 
How do professional sports teams ensure no players have taken Felix Felicis before playing a game?
If it’s so easy to hatch a basilisk why don’t people do it more often? I mean, we humans eat spoonfuls of cinnamon and tide pods -- you bet your butt we’d be dumb enough to try to hatch a basilisk.
What happens to the blind dragon Hermione freed?
How will MACUSA keep Trump from doing what he does best and blabbing about the wizarding world to muggles?
Where did Fawkes go when he left Hogwarts?
If there are only 3 wizarding schools in Europe then where do you go if you don’t speak Bulgarian, English, or French?
Do kids whose parents have to move for work have to stay in the same school or do they transfer over?
If sorcerers can live so much longer than muggles doesn’t that mean they’re a different species (kind of like the X-Men)?
If you died while pregnant and decided to stay on Earth would your ghost be pregnant too? Does the baby get to decide whether to stay or go?
What will happen to ghosts when the sun goes supernova? will they just float in space?
Why don’t we ever hear of animal ghosts, like ghost cats or owls or something?
Is there Hogwarts school merchandising? I feel like there should be a little shop on campus somewhere.
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90smovies · 1 year
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ognimdo2002 · 1 year
Paolumu (Ectoleucycloteres coralphagius) – Balloon Float
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Paolumu (Ectoleucycloteres coralphagius) is the one of the fictional species of mammalian like saurischian wyvern introduced in Monster Hunter World. They are exclusive to the New World.
These are one of Kushala Daora's students on steroids due to breathes wind. Paolumu has a wyvern-esque posture with opal shaped wingtips, four tipped wing for their speed and adjust of eject the kinetic energy, zygodactyl feet under uncategorized as a result of convergent evolution, bat eared features, bucky incisors, white fluffy fur, dark magenta scales and scutes, pink skin face, and even inflated neck from the special helium sac on their neck.
Paolumu's neck was inflated into a balloon like momentum, it continues float for being the ground untouched. Their breath was a wind, like Kushala Daora, but weaker.
Paolumu is a curious, yet docile large wyvern as a forager of coral eggs in Coral Highlands.
Not to say that in the human history, written by some journals leaving from Joseon dynasty to Colombian wars. Prior to the opening of Hermosa Fisura or Beautiful Fissure in Spanish, this place was home of air breathing coral reefs that mimicking from underwater, but on land. Due to the symbiotes from Marvel Studios, the symbiotes accidentally introduced the ecosystem caused by Sorcerers before Stephen Strange, or known as Doctor Strange.
Many of Street Fighter and Resident Evil characters traveling to Colombia or South Korea for investigate the air breathing coral reefs. The Paolumu, Shamos, Raphinos, Girros, Radobaan, Legiana, and Odogaron lived in this special habitat into the magical land.
Paolumu – © Capcom, Marvel Studios
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blackhardtt · 10 days
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Birth and Early Life:
Name: Roderick Blackthorn
Date of Birth: December 14, 1997 (27 present time)
Place of Birth: Roderick was born in a secluded estate in the remote highlands of Scotland, Europe. The Blackthorn family had long been stationed there, isolating themselves from the larger sorcerer communities in Europe. Their estate was protected by powerful wards and shadow barriers, which kept them hidden from non-sorcerers and rival jujutsu clans.
The Blackthorn family, with its deep ties to shadow manipulation, had been living in secrecy for centuries. Despite their isolation, they remained aware of the global jujutsu society and maintained distant connections with powerful sorcerer families across Europe. However, the Blackthorn clan preferred to stay hidden, using their control over shadows to shield themselves from prying eyes.
Roderick was born into this legacy of secrecy, and from a young age, he exhibited a remarkable connection to shadows. His cursed energy was unusually potent, and his family trained him in the Blackthorn techniques. His parents, though proud of his abilities, were deeply concerned about the growing tensions between their clan and the European jujutsu community.
The Turning Point Against the Blackthorn Family:
Rising Tensions in Europe (1980s - 1990s): Throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, the Blackthorn family faced increasing scrutiny from other sorcerer families in Europe. The Blackthorn clan’s mastery of shadows made them both powerful and feared. Their ability to erase enemies from existence using shadow techniques led to rumors that the family was developing forbidden jujutsu techniques capable of destroying entire clans.The Blackthorns’ growing power, combined with their isolationist approach, made them a target of suspicion. Other European sorcerer families began to see the Blackthorns as a threat to the delicate balance of power. They believed the Blackthorn clan might try to seize control, leading to tensions that eventually reached the global jujutsu community, including Japan.
Conflict with European Sorcerer Families (Mid-1990s): By the mid-1990s, the situation had become dire. A prominent sorcerer family in Europe accused the Blackthorns of using forbidden shadow techniques to eliminate rival sorcerers. This accusation, while never proven, sparked conflict within the European sorcerer community. Fearing retaliation and the exposure of their darkest techniques, the Blackthorns withdrew further into secrecy, refusing to cooperate with any investigations.This only fueled the rumors, with whispers that the Blackthorn family was practicing techniques that could destabilize the entire sorcerer society. Their refusal to engage with the larger community was seen as an admission of guilt, and soon the jujutsu society in Japan became involved.
The Blackthorn Family’s Move to Japan (1998): In 1998, a year after Roderick’s birth, the Blackthorn family made the difficult decision to leave Europe and relocate to Japan. They hoped to escape the increasing hostility of the European sorcerer families and seek refuge in a region where shadow manipulation was less known. The family settled in a remote area near Kyoto, Japan, attempting to assimilate into the Japanese jujutsu community while hiding their powerful shadow techniques. However, their presence in Japan did not go unnoticed. Jujutsu High was aware of the Blackthorns’ arrival and began to monitor their activities closely, especially after rumors of forbidden techniques had followed them from Europe.
The Erasure of the Blackthorn Family (Late 1990s): In late 1998, the tides fully turned against the Blackthorn family when a disastrous event occurred involving the use of shadow techniques. Roderick’s father, the clan’s head, was involved in a confrontation with members of Jujutsu High, who had come to investigate the family’s rumored use of forbidden jujutsu. The confrontation escalated into a battle, during which Roderick’s father unleashed a portion of the forbidden Eclipse of Oblivion technique. The use of this technique led to the deaths of several prominent jujutsu sorcerers, which in turn prompted immediate retaliation from Jujutsu High. The Blackthorn family was branded as a rogue clan, dangerous and uncontrollable. In response, the jujutsu higher-ups ordered the erasure of the Blackthorn family from history, marking them as a threat to the balance of cursed energy.A coalition of sorcerers was sent to eliminate the Blackthorns. In the ensuing battle, many family members were killed or imprisoned, while a few managed to escape into the shadows. Roderick, still a child, was taken by his mother into hiding, leaving behind the remains of their once-powerful family.
Life in Hiding:
1998-2017 (Growing Up in Japan): After the erasure of the Blackthorn family, Roderick and his mother lived in hiding in Japan. Constantly moving from place to place, they avoided detection by using the very shadows that had once made them powerful. His mother, one of the last surviving members of the Blackthorn clan, taught Roderick how to control his cursed energy and perfect the shadow techniques that had defined their lineage. Throughout his childhood, Roderick struggled with his identity. He knew he came from a powerful but doomed lineage, and the weight of his family’s destruction weighed heavily on him. His mother instilled in him the importance of secrecy, warning him that the sorcerer society would hunt him down if they ever discovered who he was.
Turning Point (2017 – Present): At the age of 20, after the death of his mother, Roderick was left alone in Japan. Now an adult, he began to explore his family’s history, uncovering the truth about the Blackthorn family’s downfall and the forbidden techniques they had once mastered. As he pieced together the fragments of his family���s legacy, Roderick fully embraced his cursed energy, vowing to reclaim his family’s name and uncover the truth behind their erasure. Since then, Roderick has walked a dangerous path, acting as a rogue sorcerer in Japan. He uses his shadow techniques as both a weapon and a shield, surviving in the underworld of the jujutsu society while seeking vengeance against those who wronged his family.
The Blackthorn family was originally based in Europe but moved to Japan in 1998 after tensions in the European sorcerer community escalated.
Roderick’s father’s use of the forbidden Eclipse of Oblivion technique during a conflict with Jujutsu High led to the family's downfall.
After their move to Japan, the Blackthorn family attempted to remain hidden, but their forbidden shadow techniques eventually led to their erasure by the jujutsu society.
Roderick and his mother went into hiding, living on the fringes of society in Japan, where Roderick grew up learning to control his cursed energy and shadow techniques.
Roderick works as a rouge mercenary, doing jobs other sororcers wouldn't even consider doing.
Currently, he is a Grade 1, but he could level up to a special grade if it weren't for the consistent internal conflict he harbors. Doubts and traumas plague him, pulling him back from growing stronger.
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lesbolordo · 1 year
Viktoria the girlboss werewolf. (Character profile)
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Viktoria is a pureblood Lycanthrope sorcerer who roams around the forbidden forest and the highlands. She used to have a pack after leaving Hogwarts in her 3d year, in 1870, but they died in circomstances still unknown. The night they all died she lost her eyesight in her left eye and two fingers. She stopped attending Hogwarts after three years in because of too much difficulties keeping up, due to a cruel lack of education before entering Hogwarts. Viktoria decided to stop her education at 13 years old to instead focus fully on her pack and the life she wanted to live.
Now 33 years old (1890) she continues to hunt and live as a werewolf mostly. She is not hostile to humans and doesn't care about blood purity. Her name and accent suggest that she comes from a slavic country, probably Russia, but she does not remember anything about her childhood and has no one to tell her about it. She doesn't care, and lives mostly in the present, living the instant.
She lives off of requests from Hogsmeades or hamlet's wizzards and witches, or by engaging in sexual activities with them mostly to satisfy her sexual needs rather than her financial ones. Viktoria is a regular at the Hog's head inn, and is well known in Hogsmeade to be a friendly lycanthrope who does work for good prices.
Viktoria -as a pureblood lycan- learned very easily and early to control her shapeshifting abilities. Still, on full moons she avoids staying in an area with many people in case she loses control. She can use magic and has a wand but never does since she doesn't know many spells or charms. She instead uses her body strenght and her werewolf form.
Viktoria is a scary looking, tall person. Due to her scars and aura, as well as maybe her fangs, people tend to avoid her. She does not care and is fully aware of her appearance. She made sure to build herself a good enough reputation to avoid having many wizzards and witches trying to hunt her down. Despite her unwelcoming appearance, Viktoria is a most frequentable person.
She could be qualified of a "goof-ball", and a litteral dog person. She often is happy with what she has and doesn't ask for more, and if you are lucky enough she will even share with you. She is a person full of humor, although some might find it awkward, and she can be of great help in many situation.
Although not the smartest, Viktoria -other than her difficulties with both reading and writing (due to dyslexia mostly)- is good enough at realizing when a situation requires her full attention, and a plan. She is one to go head first into problems but only if she is sure to leave alive (not unscrapped) or if it would only cause her problems, not others. If a situation is too dangerous, she knows when to back off or ask for help.
She has little respect for higher authorities and just authorities. She doesn't have friends, as well as family, and spends her time roaming around doing dog things.
Surprisingly enough, she loves cats as well as water. Viktoria's favorite charm is the Aguamenti one. Her smile is clumsy due to her fangs, and it often scare away people. She avoids smiling ever since she scared away a little boy who tried to befriend her one day. Her favorite hobby is to play with a toy that an unknown witch enchanted one day to make it both indestructible and squeaky. It is her favorite toy, although she has plenty and will most likely share if you ask nicely. It seems that the number 3 is her lucky number.
Below, Viktoria's student ID, although she is not a student anymore, that she insisted on filling herself.
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We apologize for the mistakes... She tried her best.
Below, a complete sheet filled by myself, correctly, and with little drawings made by Viktoria.
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Viktoria is a 193 CMs tall sorcerer, although most people tend to "mistake" her for a man. She does not mind, and is genderfluid as well as into whatever there is alive and consenting under the sun. She doesn't really care about her human body, given she is a werewolf most of the time. Her hair is black and short, either cut by a kind volunteer if she is lucky, or poorly cut by herself when she isn't. She learned to try to have her hair cut on the third of march each year to be guaranteed a good haircut.
She has black eyes although her left one was rendered blind and grey-white due to the injury on her face. She has many scars all over her, some are from hunting and others from the night she lost her pack. She also lost two of her left hand's fingers. Just like any other lycanthrope, she fears silver and is almost immortal. She "stopped" aging at 30, although she just ages very slowly.
It may be a surprise for those who do not know her, but it is evident for those who do, she was a Gryffindor. The Sorting Hat didn't even hesitate. She almost lived for her pack, who she considered her only family and the most important people to her.
Viktoria spends her heats with another lycan, the same every heat. Either that Lycan is very good at hiding pregnancies, or they use contraceptions. Either way Viktoria doesn't mind. She refuses parenthood.
To put it simply, her hygiene is quite questionnable. She rarely washes herself, her teeth had to learn to be strong on their own, and she probably smells like a dirty dog most of the time. Viktoria avoids to stay near humans for these reasons, knowing that she does not fit into their norms (which she doesn't mind.)
She has good natural muscles from her genes and running around as a werewolf, equally distributed in her body.
You may fascinate Viktoria by offering her a piece of raw meat or her squeaky toy, and it is highly recommended to do so if you have angered her.
Her clothes are a bunch of rich people's clothes that she has stolen from them either on their dead bodies or without them knowing. She has had them for quite some time now, but refuses to wear something else because "it gives her some classy look". These clothes probably smell as foul as her, although she washes them often.
It is highly unrecommended to watch her as she turns back into a human, as she will be naked. Do something good for once in your life and look away, give her the privacy she doesn't care about.
She cannot stay still for more than 3 seconds. Or else she will go wild.
She often gets the zoomies. In the afternoon, she likes to play with her toys or chase a ball before napping in the sun.
No comment about her missing fingers please. She misses them. Remind her to cut her nails before she ever happens to finger you. Please. It's for your own good.
You may guess that Viktoria likes you if her remaining pupil dilates and if she cannot stop smelling you.
Yes, she can smell your periods. Don't piss her off or she will out you.
Her favorite weather is rain, as it will leave puddles on the ground in which she will jump and play in. Make sure to clean her well after or remind her to do so.
Do not ask her to shave. It is useless, she likes her hair, and it is soft.
She can and will bark at you just to win an argument.
Do not own chickens or diricawls if you want to welcome Viktoria into your humble house. On the other hand DO own a few cats. They will keep her calm and still for more than 3 minutes.
She eats flowers. Don't ask me, ask her. She says it's because "it looks so good and pretty" but each time she pukes after, and it's been 9 times and she still hasn't learned her lesson and please tell her to stop.
Viktoria is afraid of birds. She kills any bird that she encounters. Now you understand why you should not own chickens or Diricawls.
She may look harmless and stupid, but don't think that she won't rip you to shreds if she needs to.
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Below, the characters who inspired her making (don't tell her she is the product of someone's imagination or she will commit arson and felonies.)
Maki Zen'in from Jujutsu Kaisen
Sevika from Arcane
Decker and Sobieski from Love Death and Robots (12/01)
Abby Anderson from The Last Of Us
Viktor from Arcane
Sonnie from Love Death and Robots (04/01)
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Author's note : My first official OC lmao. She was so much fun to make, I love her. Drawing her is so natural somehow. I don't even know what I'm gonna do with her (if you have any idea pls share lmao) but she's there and I love her. Feel free to ask anything about her or interact with her.
I'm a sucker for the tall scary but actually soft and goofy trope.
Thanks for reading. I love gay people.
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doodleimprovement · 1 year
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Warden Gaeric - Master Sorcerer of the Pearl Clan - Warden to the Noble Familiar, Lord Avalugg
Master of ice and strength-enhancing spells. Tough but fair in personality, and lo-ves to spend his spare time working out. He teaches Akari a spell that helps her climb in the highlands easier (and scale the legacy, if she wanted… she doesn’t)
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