thornstocutyouwith · 5 years
At her question of how she had never seen him around before all Tristan could do was shrug. How on earth was he supposed to know how she had missed him all this time. Or how seemingly most everyone else had missed him. Perhaps it was because he was human that most had just avoided him. Not wanting to start some inter-dimensional incident. Leaning forward he rest his head in his had, bringing his elbow to the desk as he watched her. “Perhaps you supernaturals should open your eyes a little more wider, from now on.” Raising an eyebrow he gives a sly smirk before looking away as Shay spoke again “ Yeah. A Wallflower, I guess I could be called that. Or Irrelevant.” As she apologized for Sean’s behavior he nodded “ Well it’s not the worst thing to ever happen to anyone, sniffing them is really weird. But, he could have been doing much worse…”
Watching the objects fly across the room or whichever way Darius had damn well pleased them to fly Tristan had let out a breath. When Shay excused herself all he could do was nod and turn to look forward as he waited for class, and the year, to finally begin. He would also say he was being sufficiently entertained as always. Because with magically gifted students, there was always some sort of chaos going around. And he felt very much at home among chaos. Drumming his fingers he looked over to Shay who was acting very adult for being a girl in high school. Drumming the fingers on his right hand he watched the scene between Shay and Darius unfolding. Asher had been watching as well, that was after he took a few minutes to unwrap some war heads and pelt them at Sean for a couple of minutes before looking over as Shay was being shouted out “ Aww, is this the beginning of a budding relationship between you and Shay, Darius? That’s so sweet!  You want to her to be more girly. Aww. You cutie.” His teeth baring slightly he smirked a moment later before looking over and throwing another warhead he had licked, at Sean’s forehead.
“ You’re are such a fucking loser Sean! Sit your scrawny dweeb ass down and stop scaring the shit out of the new kids. Hey! New kid, sorry about that squid faced fucking loser. He’s a drunk who spends most his time jerking off to pictures of Carrot Cake and groping his fucking ear. Don’t mind him. He’s harmless.” Asher threw another spit covered warhead at Sean then “Aren’t you, fucking freak.” Looking at Sean, Seti could only frown at the others reaction “ Well I wasn’t meaning forever. But if that is what you prefer.” He shrugged not really caring about Sean’s pouting. There wasn’t much he could do about it, Sean had ultimately brought it on himself and he was just going to have to figure out how to repair the damage at a later date “ When they said young fairies were finally going to be allowed to attend a human world school, they never told us we would be disrespected by being sniffed. I should have paid more attention in Supernatural Beings class…” Seti murmured as he went back to adjusting items for school on his desk, waiting patiently for the teacher to show up.
Watching as Darius went flying Asher laughed a little before looking over at Alexander as he entered the classroom and gave Darius a detention “ REJECTION! You can’t give him detention!  Shay shoved him! This is defamation, or something…” The fuck did he know, he wasn’t a fucking lawyer. Slamming a hand on his desk Asher stood up “ If you give that child a detention I’ll have you detained!”  Giggling then Asher sat back down and waved a hand at Shay “ At least give her one too, fair is fair! Shay started it anyway, she smacked him, and attempted to murdered Darius Shelters. As his lawyer I demand you give my client the chance to defend himself against his assaulter. He should shove her back.”
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