#Hey kid
jdragsky · 2 years
it's really rare to find ttrpgs that are explicitly about trans people, and i'm really grateful Yazeba's Bed & Breakfast has so so many ways in which transness shows up, both big and small
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hotbabelien · 4 months
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victory dance after rainy day games.
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jellytamalies · 9 months
(second) First Impressions
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Jim unexpectedly bumps into a familier face and spock gets to contimplate if he actually terrifies cadets That Much
Enterprise is safe to fly another day. All thanks to Captain James T. Kirk's sacrifice. He's made peace with his death, even though it breaks his heart one final time to see the hurt in Spock's eyes. Still, the last thing he gets to see is the face of one of his dearest friends... until his eyes snap back open. Not in a hospital. In a shuttle as it lands at the Academy. “Once you exit the shuttle you are free to return to your dorms. Those of you who are new, you’ll follow me to registration and physicals,” a vaguely familiar-looking officer says, and Jim’s heart stops in his chest. Surprising, considering it shouldn’t be beating at all.
(scene taken from chapter 2)
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I made another one
pt 1/?
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emoweeb-the-simp · 8 months
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i have two sides
(right image is my first time using halftones so pls dont be rude </3)
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woyms · 1 year
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Hey Kiddd!!
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God, 'Wizard' is still such a gotdamn funny episode.
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songuserbox · 2 years
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for anon
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ribstongrowback · 1 year
Yaaaassss 😩😩😩I love your angry anarchist noises !!
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sbnkalny · 1 year
Hey kid, you did it! let's head back to Astera!
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cornsword · 1 year
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“….by the authorities.”
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you know he would have been one of Those kids
inspired by this pic:
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jdragsky · 2 years
Meet Hey Kid!
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HI THIS IS HEY KID! They're a small demon child who was left on the front door of Yazeba's Bed & Breakfast and everyone is pretty sure they're the harbinger of the apocalypse but they don't really care about any of that they just want to play now!!
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In Yazeba's Bed & Breakfast, Hey Kid is an active, exciting, and often disastrous character, who gets up to all sorts of wicked mischief. At their best, they can Make a new friend! or Run somewhere and get there really fast! while at their worst they might Mistrust a grown-up who is trying to help or Have an enormous, explosive meltdown. Their journey is all about growing up and figuring out who they really are by exploring their stats — Funny, Creative, Deep, Cool, and Mature.
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(this is the second part in my series on the residents of Yazeba's Bed & Breakfast, you can read the rest of them here when i post them. Yazeba's Bed & Breakfast is an upcoming tabletop RPG i've helped create, and you can learn more about it here. Header art by Aster Santiago, portrait by Val Wise, other art By Alxndra Cook and Ashanti Fortson)
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falkorsfictions · 3 months
In the winding corridors of time's unforgiving tapestry,
I am entangled in the tendrils of fleeting memories,
Each a fragile thread that weaves through the fabric of my past.
Echoes of laughter and whispers, once vibrant and alive,
Now echo softly, haunting like shadows in the mist,
Their faint presence casting a melancholic haze over forgotten dreams.
Lost within these corridors of nostalgia,
I am drawn to moments now faded and distant,
Glimpses of a reality worn thin and blurred,
A mosaic of experiences that defined who I once was.
In the silent emptiness where echoes linger,
I clutch desperately at fragments of an old life,
Longing for the solace that memory's embrace once brought.
Yet the echoes fade, slipping through trembling fingers,
Leaving behind a hollow ache, a void that cannot be filled.
In the mournful quietude of remembrance,
I confront the inevitability of loss and change,
Where time's relentless passage erodes even the most cherished memories,
Leaving me adrift in a sea of longing and sorrow,
Yearning for the warmth of moments forever lost to the relentless march of time.
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The real reason Michael has a British accent in FNAF…
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woyms · 1 year
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Drew a scene that happened in my solo playthrough of Yazeba’s!
Yazeba’s helping Kid build a pillow fort! <33
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confused-book-noises · 11 months
I know probably a total of 2 people will see this but im holding out hope that one of them can help.
I really want to find one of those things (probably tumblr post honestly) that is so Gen z, there’s no way anyone else would understand a word. Like one I found one time that was like “an ao3 fic mpreg au”etc etc
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