gone2soon-rip · 9 months
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BRIAN BARCZYK (1969-Died January 14th 2024,at 54.Pancreatic cancer).American reptile enthusiast, YouTuber, and founder of the Reptarium Reptile Zoo and Legasea Aquarium. He was also featured as a star on the TV series Venom Hunters by the Discovery Channel.Brian had the third largest collection of snakes in the world with over 30,000 snakes and assisted with venom milking. Through his various social media posted videos,and his tv appearances,he attracted on YouTube alone,around 5.25 million subscribers,and influenced many reptile enthusiasts worldwide..Following his cancer diagnosis in mid 2023,he continued blogging videos and messages until shortly before his death in January 2024.Brian Barczyk - Wikipedia
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frogposting · 5 months
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Panamanian Golden Frog
Atelopus zeteki
These guys are tiny. So small, in fact, that they’re born without eardrums. They use a form of sign language called semaphore to communicate with other frogs. This sign language involves waving hands and raising feet to greet each other, defend territory, or attract a mate. For example, male frogs will wave their arms to attract females, and females will wave back if they are interested.
Unfortunately, they’ve been extinct in the wild since 2007 due to the amphibian chytrid fungus but they’re being bred successfully in captivity.
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xtime4ames · 4 months
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marcy staying shorter cause shes stunting herself by staying inside all day and eating nothing but garbage (true)(real)
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mrghostrat · 7 months
bet u wish u were in the herpetologist doc
this is the only way i want to write AUs now
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One of the biggest challenges about writing a modern OFMD AU is you might be really tempted to send Stede to therapy. Especially if you're writing a fluffier piece, access to therapy and the Internet will help Stede realize he's a flaming homosexual and get on better footing with himself before he even meets Ed, allowing you to bypass many of their canon struggles as your Stede will be in a better position to actually use his words and communicate with his boyfriend.
However. It will also cause issues. And the biggest issue is that your Stede will now know Therapy Vocabulary and it will add an immediate +25% modifier to his Insufferable stat.
Ed will be crying and having a bad time and Stede will sit down with him, hold him close, kiss his sweet face, and then say "don't worry Ed. You're experiencing something us mental health experts call a Symptom 😔"
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kindred-spirit-93 · 2 months
how would a fandom treat you lol
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unrelated, but my 3 moods:
@wordsofwizdumb, @ghostkingdiangelo429 and open for all! >:D
shout out to dr. delicate touch, my bean and favourite ninja turtle:
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i too feel nothing XD
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black sails is better
...better than what? Snakes? If you don't like snakes and would instead prefer Black Sails content you might be on the wrong blog, my friend
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grison-in-space · 7 months
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this evening I was attempting to explain the reality of cattle dogs to my best buddy from grad school, who is in no way a dog person and has never met Matilda. he does however have two small children and a functioning television, so he is familiar with Bluey. The show is... so funny to me, because it's influencing the associations people have with cattle dogs in a very distinct direction, and I had just finished showing him Dogs in Elk today...
which is how I came to describe the Australian Cattle Dog thusly:
cattle dogs are like really intense field herpetologists. very energetic, very captivated by motion, fast thinkers and often pretty impulsive. steve irwin kind of dogs.
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scrollingfan · 5 months
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Yeah whatever man. I'm just drawing reptiles.
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The 2nd Character Design Tournament
Please remember to vote for characters solely based on their design, rather than which character you are more familiar with or like more!
Bash and Bella | Big City Greens
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“Team Rocket reference pog”
Nora | Nora the Herpetologist (Stardew Valley Mod)
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sugar-and-pearls · 5 months
Happy Mermay everybody !!!!
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May already - can't believe it. For this special month I bring ye a new au ~
Modern day au in Crownlands, a little bit out of King's Landing, lives our two main girly - Helaena and Megatte. Only in this for former is a selkie and the latter is a naiad. They live happily in the rural parts of the crownlands until Jace, a herpetologist student who enjoys fishing, catches Helaena in his net. 
Naturally, Megette’s only solution is to drown him.  Luckily for him, things sorted themselves out. 
I formally dub this au: Where the River met the Sea and the Herpetologist Student
And to bless it, I give ye Dearie-Ohs the song that inspired this au - Enjoy
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 2 years
Daily fish fact #323
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This fish belongs into the family Cetomimidae, which is also called flabby whalefish: they're among the deepest living fish out there, with some species living in depths of several kilometers! This particular species is named after the hair-like growth on its body. Not much else is known about it, as it lives very deep!
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bufomancer · 9 months
I have seen a worrying trend on reptile instagram of people putting “master herpetologist” in their bios to lend themselves credibility- to the point that I’ve seen advice posts that directly state things like “why I recommend xyz, as a master herpetologist”
This is a certificate course put on by the Amphibian Foundation. I have taken it twice, due to health issues causing me to drop out the first time. It is a very basic course overviewing what reptiles & amphibians are, focusing primarily on their biology. It is equivalent to a college 101 course. It does not discuss captive husbandry in any depth whatsoever.
The title of “certified master herpetologist” certainly SOUNDS impressive- it draws to mind a rigorous educational course and of course brings up the idea of a masters degree. Which is a totally different thing. The course is interesting, the Amphibian Foundation is a wonderful organization, I recommend it if it interests you! But passing it does not in any way make someone an expert on herps or mean that their husbandry recommendations are correct.
It is incredibly misleading if not purposely manipulative, to refer to oneself as a “master herpetologist” when discussing captive reptile husbandry recommendations.
Consider the reasoning and evidence behind the recommendations they are making in order to determine whether the information is reliable or not. Don’t be fooled by a flashy title that has no real bearing on whether the advice is accurate.
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That frog looks like a Fire-Bellied Toad to me, though it's a little hard to tell from just a picture of its back. If you get a glimpse of its belly, and it's red, then it's a Fire-Bellied Toad!
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Hi there, I don't know much about frogs but I think this is probably not fire bellied toad based on my location and what it looked like up close. Plus, @markscherz (tumblr's official Frog Guy™) has identified this fellow as Professor Emeritus Herbert C. Williams. Herbert the herpetologist is renowned for his studies on comfortable windowsills and a definitive ranking of the tastiest bugs.
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kazieka · 7 months
what if i didn't want to see frog butt cheeks
listen if you come into my house where we are celebrating the tiny ass cheeks of the world’s most underappreciated amphibians and you overturn our table of snacks and proclaim your hatred for very very very small booty cheeks then we are obligated to beat you to insensibility. with frog buttcheeks.
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benilos · 5 months
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im having fun
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