the-herocomplex · 2 days
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Lyrics from Pesticides by Moselle
Rinn is my fave oc to give the horrors to. She's so little guy core. I scribbled the lines for this in about an hour in mspaint and then spent a week lovingly rendering it because I guess that's just who I am as a person.
The hand on the phone is the wrong way on purpose actually. she just holds her phone on the wrong side like a freak.
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dreams-and-legends · 1 year
I‘m calling it now I think Oscars going to get the stone.
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skylarmoon71 · 2 years
Lex Luthor (Smallville) AU Chapter 9
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Lex gasped, jolting upright. 
The male was the first thing he saw when his vision cleared. 
Lex blinked a few times, and finally he could make out everything. He was back here at Kent Farm. In Clark’s house. 
Lex practically jumped to his feet, looking left and right. 
You were nowhere to be found. 
“No, this is wrong. Where is she..WHERE IS SHE!!” 
“Lex calm down, you just passed out. We need to get you to a hospital and get you checked out.” Martha and Jonathan were standing at a distance looking just as worried. 
Lex was still on a rant.
“I came back here, she brought me back so she must have come back too. I just need to find her. I need to find where she landed. “ Lex started searching the house, and Jonathan became defensive when Lex rushed out, heading for the barn. They all followed behind. 
“Lex, wait, stop!!” Clark called. He made it all the way into the barn, trying to search for a sound, or a mark. Anything that would help him find you. 
Lex felt turned around, and when Jonathan got into the barn, he could feel his patience waning. 
“Lex, I want you off my property now.” He wasn’t sure what this was, but he couldn’t take a chance of Lex finding something he shouldn’t.
“Dad, can’t you see he’s hurt. “ 
“He’s right Jonathan, he must be delirious. “ Lex rubbed his head in irritation. 
“I’m not delirious!! I know everything.” That stopped them all cold, and Lex finally took a calming breath. Him running around like a headless chicken wasn’t proving his case.
“What do you mean you know everything?” Jonathan asks cautiously. 
Lex used the table behind him to lean on, running a hand over his head. 
“I know your secret Clark. I know about Krypton, the Fortress, the ship, your powers, I know everything.” 
There was an array of emotion that ran over all their faces at his confession. What they didn’t expect is how broken Lex looked. Jonathan had always feared Lex would find out, but this was not how he saw it playing out. He’d just made the discovery of a lifetime, but he looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here. 
So long he’d been searching for his purpose. In the last few weeks of being with you, he felt like he found it. Found where he was supposed to be. What he was supposed to do. His destiny was to protect you. 
“I don’t know what happened, but I was there, at the Fortress. I was with her and now she’s gone. She’s somewhere alone blaming herself. I have to protect her. I have to save her, Clark.” 
They were all still recovering from the earlier situation, but Clark could see how hopeless Lex looked. Above all, he was still his friend. Throwing caution to the wind, Clark stepped forward.
“Who are you looking for? What happened to her?” 
“She’s you, not you you, but another version of you. I know this doesn’t make sense but she did this. In her reality I got hurt. I think the guilt of the accident caused some kind of rift in reality. Clark for almost a month I’ve been in another dimension. Just like this one except your genders are switched.” 
Lex was right, that did make no sense. 
“So in this reality, I’m a girl?” 
Lex nodded. 
“That’s weird, I can’t imagine being a girl. I’m a guy.” 
The ironic sense of deja vu hit Lex at that very moment. He’d definitely had this conversation before. 
“It doesn’t matter! You need to take me to the Fortress. We need to talk to Jor-El and bring her back.” 
Clark was still getting used to the fact that Lex even knew about the Fortress. 
“You talked with Jor-El before. “ 
“I did. (Y/N) she was with him. He showed us the accident. It’s why she feels so guilty. If I can convince her that everything is okay, then I can help her. I need to help her.” 
Clark wasn’t sure what to make of any of this, but he felt obligated. This could have been some kind of breakdown that Lex was having. But in the event that it wasn’t, then there was the possibility of another dimension, and whoever this person was, they were in trouble. 
“Clark, you can’t be serious about trusting him, this could all be a trap.” 
“I’m telling the truth!!” Lex insisted. 
“Even if it was a lie, he already knows everything, dad. He knows my secret. “ 
There was nothing else in this for Lex. He could honestly run into town and announce it, but very few people would believe it without proof. There wasn’t a plan that Clark could spot that would be of harm to him. Because if Lex knew of his strengths, then he knew his weaknesses. Instead of exploiting it right here, he was pleading with him to go save a girl. Not just any girl, but apparently a version of Clark Kent. He wanted to protect this person. 
“Let’s go Lex.” 
There was no argument. Jonathan realized that he’d lost the battle. So as Clark and Lex took off, Jonathan couldn’t do much but pace. Because none of them could predict if this would end well. 
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myfairstarlight · 1 month
A bunch of (unorganised) thoughts about an AU where Penelope never became Whistledown (i saw debates on twitter and it got my brain WORKING)
No concept of a diamond? No one is there to provoke and challenge the Queen, and Whistledown was the one to name Daphne the diamond
Daphne being forced to marry Berbrooke — it was the public humiliation that drove him away. If it had remained rumours that no one could really prove, he would have stayed.
Colin marrying Marina. Even if Penelope told him about the pregnancy he might have still married her because #HeroComplex
As a result Penelope would try to find a husband much earlier too. She does not have the Whistledown money to get new dresses behind her mother's back but perhaps Violet agrees to sponsor her since they're now officially family through Marina and Colin's marriage, and Eloise is also now debuting
The Featherington would not be ruined at the end of the first season, if anything they're in a better place with the proper connection to the Bridgertons, but they're still in debts.
No cousin Jack plot cuz one of Marina's children would become the new Lord Featherington after Archibald's death? Which still puts Colin as the de-facto head of the estate in the meantime lol
Which puts him in the perfect place to be tortured when Penelope starts to get suitors. As the new head of the family, he's the one who has to veto any suitor, after all
A less opinionated Eloise? Ultimately, it was Whistledown that reinforced her feminist beliefs upon seeing a successful woman fool the ton. Maybe she'd be more jaded and angry especially seeing her own brother force Daphne into a horrible marriage
She also never ends up meeting Theo. Neither does Penelope anyway.
No Pen and Gen friendship
Anthony marrying Edwina? Whistledown calling him a rake is one of the reasons Kate was so against him. But I think she would have clocked him anyway and would want to protect her sister so I think Kanthony is still endgame in this case. Arguably they'd get together with more ease too since Edwina wouldn't be a diamond, assuming the concept does not exist in this AU.
HOWEVER would she take an issue upon learning Anthony forced his sister to marry Berbrooke? She's very family oriented too, and maybe she'd imagine Edwina in Daphne's position.
Though "forced" is maybe a strong word, since Berbrooke ended up blackmailing the Bridgertons to get what he wants but it never would have happened if Anthony hadn't promised him Daphne's hand without consulting Daphne in the first place, so my point still stands tbh
Assuming from book plot, Benedict and Sophie would not be as lucky as Kate and Anthony without Whistledown though. Joining polin in the trenches
Philip would never know his brother's kids, and would have no reason to start some sort of correspondance with a certain someone since he is content in his recluse life
Francesca's story would be thoroughly unaffected at least
And other stuff I forgot, probably
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smokestarrules · 1 year
please spare some rwby fic recs for a new person in the fandom 🤲
Oh, I've got more than a few!
Okay, firstly, literally everything from lescousinsdangereux and explosivesky. I won't even pick out my favorites from them because literally every one of their fics are incredible. Read them all.
Next there's i'm going to make this place your home by amaranthskies. Road Trip AU. They're all soulmates, actually. This one is one of my personal favorites; the vibe is kind of unexplainable but it's such a warm story of family and love and finding oneself (and finding each other). Absolutely recommend.
Then we have The Gang Kidnaps A Child by Kablob and mylordshesacactus. This one's a If-Team-STRQ-Found-Baby-Cinder AU, because it's incredibly well-written and does a really good job of characterization, especially considering how little we know about Team STRQ in the first place.
Next is Top of the List by timeespaceandpixiedust. Bumbleby-focused; Yang meets the parents! It's literally just fluff. Blake and Yang are ridiculously sweet, Ghira and Kali are perfect, and it's a great feel-good read.
Every good fic list has got to have at least one 5+1, right? look how long this love can hold its breath by herocomplex is exactly that. Bumbleby; five times someone thinks they're together and the one time someone doesn't think so when they actually are. This one is absolutely wonderful with their dynamic and I'm always a sucker for Beacon Bees. Read it.
And then, last but absolutely not least, there's baby, let's take the long way home by ProfessorSpork. Set very exclusively in mid-v6 when the team are all temporarily living in Saphron Arc's house, Blake and Yang are left behind one night to take care of the baby on their own. Pining and feelings---beyond worthy of v6 Bumbleby---ensue.
Have fun!
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Fanfiction commentary and recommendations: Lex Luthor´s ascend from supervillainy to fatherhood Part V (chapters 21 to 25)
The Original story by @halfagone can be found here.
The previous parts of the commentaries can be found here:
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part VI
Part VII
We left off with the Joker free, Parental figures and vigilantes worrying and a legendary girl´s night. What could go wrong?
The answer is everything.
I´ll warn you now, because I´ll be discussing the things happening in the fic: be cautious about the gore and torture and visceral descriptions about violence here. I mean, it´s Danny Phantom and DC. So a little bit of this shouldn´t surprise any of us if we think about the subject matter. Especially because it´s the joker we´re talking about. But yeah. Even though I won´t be all to graphicgraphic, I´ll still be referencing these topics.
On another note: the social media part of this fanfiction is giving me life.
Now we dive right into the first scene, where goodbyes are being made. Catwoman goes home after a night of card games and shenanigans and Danny sleeps on the couch squished between two hyenas and please could someone draw this scene? Because it sounds utterly adorable. Or has he slept earlier? I have no clue, my reading comprehension at 3 o´clock in the morning has never been the best.
Or well. Danny already has slept on the couch. Now he just wants to flee from a certain ex-villain who wants to put him into one of her old costumes.
Selina meets Bruce on the way home, who seemed to have had a long night of searching behind him. And still, as exhausted as he must look, she is still thristing after him. Power to you, i guess. I mean it´s the two furry adjacent people, so I´m not surprised xD
They also talk about the reason 'why' bruce is so tired and Selina finally grants him a small respite and just tells him where Danny was - and off the bat goes in the hope that he´ll find Danny before the Joker does. And that´s just the problem, isn´t it? Because when it is foreshadowed like this? It never happens as we hope it does. So, of course the Joker finds Danny first, but that comes later.
First Harley and Ivy´s place gets blown up, while Danny has been on his wa to Wayne manor. Does he go farther away from the explosion? Of course not. It´s Danny 'herocomplex' Luthor we´re talking about. So, of course, he runs towards his new friends´house.
And as hard as Tim tries to get there in time, Danny was faster and the Joker? He had already been waiting. They straight up drive into Danny with a van and pick him off the floor like a ragdoll before they zoom off. Not that it will do the Joker and his goons any good in the long run, but for now they´ve certainly succeeded in their quest for violence.
As the clown realizes that Danny is Luthor´s ward and not Batman's he gets the absolutely hilarious (not) idea of getting a camera. With the thought process 'what will Lexie do when the brat is being being broken and tortured on live camera'? God, he´s such an awful person.
Though I think that is quite degratory to the 'person' part of this sentence. I don´t know what I want to call the joker, but even monsters have more humanity than this. So then what is he? An abomination? A thing? A blight on humanity? Either way, he´ll get his comeuppance.
So the joker broadcasts a torturing session on live television. With Danny already roughed up from the … way he has been brought to unconciousness by the man and his goons.
Meanwhile good old Jim Gordon is feeling faint because. That´s Lex Luthor´s son. That´s a civillian. That´s a freaking CHILD being tortured. And he can´t even do anything to help.
The Joker gets some torture advice from the life stream viewers (and how much do you have to abhro a person to do something like this? How inhumane must you be? How much must you dehumanize the person being tortured to even get the bright idea to bring them even more pain?). And also just uses some of the nice comments for torture adivce. Someone compliments Danny´s eyes? Would be a shame if we took them now, wouldn´t it?
I think poor old Jim worries even more because Danny is so uncharacteristically silent. Not. That him being loud would be much better, what with the Joker being the Joker …
And Lex is just entering boss mode as he watches his son beng tortured on live television. I understand the man.
And the bats are just frantically searching for the warehouse used. One of these days they´re getting a heart attack from all of their regular adrenaline highs.
So while the Joker just gloats into the live stream and taunts the viewers he does not realize that Danny being Danny slipped through his bonds and took the knife stuck in his thigh out all the while slipping into the darkness to ambush the joker with a gun. He took out the camera instead and the chase? Was on.
It really is an action scene absolutely worth reading, but it ends with Danny getting a shot to the shoulder and Joker getting a shot to the chest. Of course that doesn´t stop our most hated abomination though. Oh No. He wants to take Danny with him.
And Danny? He has had enough. He just. Melts the Joker´s brain via eldritch form and that´s that for now. Until Jason bursts in and finds them and just gets Danny the hell out of dodge and into a hospital.
Though at first there´s Jason freaking out a bit at the situation because: how did that happen? I mean, I understand his priorities. Especially because Danny doesn´t look like he could pack a punch and the Joker seems to have died because of fright (though he also realizes that he died of blood loss) - with his hair turned white and his face a mask of horror. But the man who killed him is finally, finally gone. And while he ruminates Danny wakes up.
Jason realizes Danny knows it´s himself. He realizes that Danny somehow knows his idendity and while he wants to talk about THAT, he also sees just how horrible Danny´s condition is and wants to get Danny to agree to a hospital. Good idea, but the trauma is just. The trauma …. Poor Danny.
He´s still a snarky little shit though, because he instantly banters with Jason as he does first aid, horrified at the implications of Danny knowing how to get a bullet out of himself via FORK. Danny what the fuck???
So while Jason gets Danny to some transport vehicle, they talk. And Jason grapples with the inormation that a) Danny somehow seems to be able to see souls and b) has died before.
It´s kinda ruined by Danny telling him that 'I told you guys I had a heart failure. You realize that you technically die when your heart stops, right?`  Never change Danny, never change. Now, we know that that´s not the whole truth, but ... yeah I can see why he´d use that as a shield. It is technically the truth after all.
So while the GCPD forces Danny into the hospital, Danny …. Wants Jason to come with him. Jason can´t really say no when Danny trembles with fear, now, can he? At least one of them doesn´t have to be alone with their fears for now.
Lex is on a more or less literal warpath as he storms into the hospital asking after his son. And he begins to immediately rip into Gordon beause that is his son. With a hospital trauma. In a hospital. And while he still doesn´t like this, at least Red Hood is with him. Better him than Brucie boy in any way. (And wow, that were many 'hospitals' in a short paragraph ...)
Danny and Jason talk and I think Danny was this close to fist fighting the doctors when they wanted to give him an anaesthetic for the bullet removal. I like the attitude and I know he did it, because those things don´t work on his weird biology, but still. The part of me is just so immensely worried it´s not even funny anymore.
Jason is doing an introspection about Danny and his pain tolerance, the reactions to hospitals and the scars and i think he just wants to put him into bubble wrap and keep him somewhere safe. i feel u bro, i really do. But as you´re part of a story, I seriously doubt you can fo that. We can´t from our past. Even if we desperately want to. Doubly so in fiction. Especially in fiction. I mean. it´s a literary device :')
Lex arrives on the scene and instantly begins to fuss over his son. It´s honestly sweet, even when he threatens the nurses and doctors present to sign NDAs or ELSE.
I also think Jason realizes how important Lex is to Danny when he just instantly melts into his arms and begins to cry, even though he´d held strong before. Nary a tear or reaction. But people do react differently with people they feel safe with.
And he feels jealous. Because he could´ve had this with bruce, couldn´t he? If not for the pit or his reactions. Or is it his own fucked up personality keeping them apart? I don´t think that Jason really knows anymore.
So while Lex thanks Red Hood for being there, Jason reveals that he hadn´t done much. Which leads to attention on Danny who´s basically like 'So I kinda maybe killed the Joker? *jazz hands*'
Which is of course the moment Batman enters. Now that can only go badly. Not that many things in this fic have gone well . I have the feeling that i say this in every part at least once and i DON´T wanna repeat myself so often, but. Well. Ain´t it the truth anyways?
So. Lex may or may not have dwindled in his opinion on both Bruce Wayne and Batman. And really, who can blame him?
One could not keep his son safe in the first place and the other couldn´t save him when the Joker got him.
Of course he´s hating the situation. And of course he´s frustrated with the people here now. Especially as Dick wants to talk to Lex alone as Gordon and Batman interrogate Danny. And it is an interrogation. Or it will be. I think that´s happening in the next part. And oh boy... It will not be pretty. At all.
Dick and Lex --- well the conversation certainly could have gone better. And they certainly could have behaved better in the first place, but …. Lex respects the honesty and the reasons. Honestly, Dick´s a straight up miracle worker in this regard. Props to him! He deserves a cake for that masterpiece. Seriously >.>
Lex not happy about any of them. Not in any defintion of the word. But he accepts it. The family is still on very thin ice for now though.
And Lex ....he now knows what other think of him as a parent. How they fear for Danny. Because a former supervllain as an adoptive father all of a sudden? People do not believe that. He realizes what could have gone wrong now. And that´s just painful to think about. Who would want to think about being a bad parent? What if Danny hadn´t wormed into his cold, dead heart? I think I´d have felt sick if I realized how close I came to being the same as the neglectful parents and the abusive godfather ...
He also thinks of how easily Danny could have been just another Wayne child instead of his own. And while he now certainly hates Bruce less, I doubt that he´ll like him either for a long time.
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artfight week 2 roundup!
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herocomplex's alya, roswellarts's ryo, herocomplex's velvela and rinn, kitkatkitkatkitkat's angie, tadpoledyk3's kitty, and wemail's thalia!
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trueanimerecap · 8 months
The Epic Journey of an Orphan Boy: Unleashing Superhuman Powers in a World of Monsters, Battles, and Cursed Children
Welcome to True Anime Recap. Dive into the thrilling world of 'Black Bullet' anime the journey of ren & cursed children, where atrocious monsters, epic battles, and cursed children collide! Follow Ren as he navigates through a post-apocalyptic world filled with plot twists and intense showdowns. From confronting supernatural foes to protecting Tokyo from cataclysmic threats, Ren's journey is a rollercoaster of action and emotion. Join the adventure and subscribe for more updates on this must-watch anime episode!
"Black Bullet" is an anime series that follows the journey of Rentaro Satomi and the Cursed Children in a post-apocalyptic world. The story is set in a future where humanity is threatened by Gastrea, monstrous creatures that emerged from a virus. To combat this menace, specialized warriors known as Promoters and Initiators are employed. Rentaro, a Promoter, teams up with Enju Aihara, a Cursed Child, to protect Tokyo. Cursed Children are young girls infected with the Gastrea virus but possess enhanced abilities. The series explores themes of discrimination, sacrifice, and the resilience of humanity in the face of adversity. As Rentaro and Enju face challenges, they uncover the mysteries behind Gastrea and navigate a world filled with danger, politics, and moral dilemmas. The animation journey of "Black Bullet" is a blend of action, drama, and emotional moments as the characters strive to secure a future for themselves and humanity.
BlackBullet #Anime #Recap #AnimeRecap #AnimeRecapped #AnimeRecaps #BlackBulletAnimeRecap #AnimeStories #anicap #anicaps #OrphanBoy #MetaHuman #Monsters #Battles #CursedChildren #EpicBattles #AnimeJourney #animeplottwists #incredibleanimebattles #MonsterBattles #AnimeBattles #AnimeMonsters #HeroComplex
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stillpoetry · 7 months
Here’s a friendly #herocomplex check. Because learning to say No is good for you.
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semperfiona · 2 years
new MDZS podfic, rated M, 1:37:10 "second person" by the herocomplex wei wuxian post-resurrection, learning to inhabit his new body, lan wangji in peril, melancholy and angst, body horror, happy ending https://archiveofourown.org/works/45621223
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the-herocomplex · 2 days
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Outfit lineup for Alya. I love my plant lover lady she is so cutesies <3
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atleion · 7 years
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(( I was doing Contracts when this random NPC started talking about how bad the situation in Thayd is. It gave me a laugh. This is how I have fun in Wildstar. IDK. ))
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skylarmoon71 · 3 years
Lex Luthor (Smallville) Chapter 9
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P.S: This picture has nothing to do with Smallville, I just thought it was really cute!! 
“Whenever I assume you can’t get any more incredible you prove me wrong.”
It feels so good to have Lex in the know. Although he’s still in the dark about Clark’s powers, you know that isn’t your secret to tell.
“Well thank you. Despite what you know, there’s still parts of my abilities that I haven’t mastered.”
“What can you do?” He looks so intrigued, and it makes you all warm inside. The fact that he’s not watching you like a freak, or monster, it’s the best feeling.
“So far other than running, all I can really do is phase through objects.”
“You’re kidding.” You shake your head.
“Totally serious. You're sort of to blame for that.” the second it slips, you cover your mouth, blushing. Lex looks more invested now. “By the redness of your cheeks I take it I wasn’t supposed to hear that.”
“N-Not really.” you mutter. You can’t believe you’d let it slip so quickly too.
“Now I’m interested. “
“It’s really not a big deal.”
“Surely it must be, you’re turning into a tomato.”
“Am not!” Lex takes your hand.
“If you don't tell me I’ll have to use other measures.” He smirks, and it just adds to your already rapid heartbeat.
“It’s hormonal okay! Are you happy!” His brows furrowed in amusement.
“M-My phasing first happened that night when you kissed me. I-I think it happened because I was...because you..”
“Because you were aroused.” You groan in embarrassment, looking away from him and Lex laughs loudly. “You’re adorable.” He kisses your cheek. “ I guess that explains why you ran off that night.”
You grumble. “It’s your fault, why’d you have to be such a good kisser.”
“Ah, a crime I fully take responsibility for.”
You look at him, admiring every little detail. Lex is far different from what you expected when you first met him.
“Something wrong?” You shake your head at his question, pressing a kiss to his lips. It’s meant to be a quick one. You pull back for a second, but you can’t seem to help yourself. You lean back in, deepening the kiss this time. Lex follows your lead. He’s used to being the one to make the first move. You’re always so shy around him, and it just adds to your charm. But he doesn’t mind you being forward sometimes. It was nice. You pull back after a few heated seconds, biting down on your lips. When you slip into his lap however, he’s a little more than surprised.
You’re once again watching him, more specifically his neck. Lex chuckles, because you look like you’re thinking pretty hard about something.
“Everything alright?” You nod slowly, cheeks flushed.
“M-My friends at school said that when you have a boyfriend that you should mark him. I-I asked her and she said that I should give you a…a hickey. But I don’t know how..” Your face is cherry red, and Lex is doing his best not to completely pounce on you.
“How is it possible that she’s this cute?”
“Would you like me to show you-” 
You lean forward leaving a kiss on his neck, and he pulls in a breath. You lean into him, and his hands tighten just a fraction on your hips. Your lips brush his skin in the most heavenly way. A part of him wonders if you were joking about not knowing, because you’re pretty good at it. You nibble lightly on the spot, and Lex lets out a curse under his breath. You tense, soothing it with a kiss.
“I-I’m sorry..” you mumbled shakily.
Had you been doing it wrong. You were positive you were doing everything she’s instructed you too. You move back, admiring the mark, then your gaze shifts to Lex. It’s only when you see his eyes that you realize the curse wasn’t due to pain, but pleasure. You swallow.
“Was that okay?”
He really doesn’t believe you even ask. You were just too much for him sometimes.
Lex doesn’t reply, just kisses you.
Somehow you understand.
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kingalfrcd · 3 years
hey! i’ve been much more active on my lcdp blogs lately, although my queue for alfred is still posting. love you all!
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lxghtndxrkness · 4 years
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If he was to put a name to this world. This place between time and space, an abundance of darkness was slipping in around the cracks and it was his job in a sense to dispose of it and keep worlds safe. Yet he didn’t exactly care much about the order. A stupid rule if you asked him as Dark Phoenix slices through the fabric of reality, the portal shifting as he ascends upon the world post haste. Really he should have expected something more chaotic but it seemed this world...had only four...six perhaps residents? On an entire planet? Abnormal.
The tree’s swayed with the wind as if ushering him along. Begging him to save it’s soil from the corrupted beings walking upon it. The hilt of his blade was practically shaking in anticipation, which he swiftly responded to as the first being of darkness attacked him, body weirdly animated as its flesh writhed. He didn’t wait a moment for it to dispatch itself as he drove his blade swiftly through it’s frame, yet still the weapon sheathed. He didn’t need to reveal it’s true form just yet as he moves swiftly. The first few waves are little to worry about until finally the giants begin to come, the abnormal shifting in. It’s like they’re feeding off some foreign power to his own. He’s felt no drain except from this worlds core. What darkness could they possibly be thriving off.
He outstretches a gloved hand, a pillar shooting from the ground, three more following that spike through the giant, melting into it’s frame as he watches the darkness turn to light, before exploding from within and the sparkles that flutter through the air by wind, slowly fading from existence. 
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juliemarie228 · 4 years
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these two
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