#Hero's Spirit
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mewsartworld · 5 months ago
DAY 23 ● Rusted Hero ⚔
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skyloftian-nutcase · 7 months ago
Classic LU, pit the boys against one of your favorite/least favorite Zelda enemies
Sky Link encountering unfamiliar creatures on the Surface and misjudging whether they’re friendly (could be funny or angsty)
HC boys on a really truly awfully busy couple of shifts, or on a strangely quiet shift
Pick one of Link’s companions and write from their perspective (Epona, Crimson, Navi, Proxi, Ezlo, Midna, King of Red Lions, Phantom Zelda, etc.)
Is Abel okay though (any of them, honestly)
Warriors had never experienced anything like this. He felt impossibly light and heavy, warmth seeping out of his very being, permeating the air and distorting it. He chest heaved in an automatic response to stress, but no air moved within his lungs. Looking around frantically, he saw one of his brothers-in-arms on the ground, motionless, and he hastily knelt down at his side.
"Come on, farm boy," he ground out, shaking Twilight. "Wake up!"
As he shook him, he noticed with alarm that his friend looked strangely... distorted. Waves of light akin to the reflections of water washed over Twilight, and as Warriors looked at his own hand, he saw similar movements. Everything was bathed in pale green, and he felt like he was swimming, floating, and pushed into the earth all at once.
Where were they?!
He was trying desperately to remember how they'd even gotten here, only recalling that he and Twilight had been patrolling the area when the world had faded away to wake up here. They'd been looking for Sky, who had been late returning from his own route.
Twilight groaned, sniffling and coughing, and Warriors noticed with alarm that the grass beneath his friend did not move in response to the action.
Were they... had they...??
"What in Hylia's name is going on?" the captain whispered, staring at his hand.
The hair on the back of Warriors' neck stood up, and Twilight sprang to his feet, nearly knocking the captain over. "Sky?"
Warriors jumped, whirling around to see their companion watching them silently. At this point, the captain also noticed that a strange ring was on the ground around them, alongside intricate patterns that glowed in a similar eerie green as the rest of the place, bright and ethereal. Sky also had that strange watery reflective nature to him as they did, but he... was... floating? His feet hovered just above the ground, hair waving about as if he were underwater. Strangest of all, he was dressed a little differently - his green tunic was the same, but it lacked his red sash and his treasured white cape, while he sported a green hat very similar to what many of them had worn in the past.
"Sky, are you okay? Where are we?" Warriors called, walking towards the teenager. Why was he dressed different? Why was he looking at them like that? Sky was never this somber, something was wrong.
As the captain moved towards him, Sky stepped forward to meet him halfway. The movement was specific, Warriors could tell from the ground he covered. It was an awkward gait, determined but too small for the usual stride he took. He practically stepped on Twilight's toes, blocking both their path, standing on the edge of the circled that encased the elder pair.
"Link, what's wrong?" Twilight asked softly, also noticing that something was very off about their friend. He reached out, placing a hand on Sky's shoulder reassuringly and worriedly.
Sky gasped, flinching away from the touch and hugging himself, bending over slightly as if he'd just been burned. Warriors and Twilight exchanged confused glances, and the captain's chest clenched even more.
"Let me see the wound," Warriors ordered, stepping forward.
The world turned red.
It was a gut lurching, disturbing feeling, and the strange, cool wateriness of the world became scorching hot. It was as if electricity was shooting through Warriors' entire body, something akin to adrenaline but somehow terrifying in the fear that froze his muscles for an instant. Twilight whirled around frantically, eyes wide, immediately searching for threats.
They didn't have to search long. Warriors could hear the clanging of heavy footsteps, metal armor clinking, swords being unsheathed. They were ambushed quickly, surrounded by beasts Warriors was completely unfamiliar with, all made of metal and bearing one to two massive swords. One beast came up behind Sky, putting a hand on his shoulder and pulling him closer, almost protectively, making Twilight call out in alarm. Warriors reached for his sword--
Only to realize he didn't have one. And Twilight wasn't armed either.
What had--where did their weapons go?!?!
Warriors swore uncharacteristically, looking at Sky once again to see how he was doing, but the metal beast protecting him was backing away a little as two others floated into range, swords raised in attack. Warriors and Twilight both moved to duck and roll, but they were quickly being surrounded and their maneuverability was limited.
This was bad this was bad--
The swords came down, but no pain followed.
Warriors could hear his and Twilight's frantic breaths, having both braced for impact when they'd had nowhere else to run. Looking up between his arms that he'd held to guard his face, Warriors saw... Sky. Sky was standing over them both, towering, posture strong and fierce, feet spread wide and arm raised as if in a block. His white cape was back, hat gone, red sash nearly imperceptible in the bloody haze all around them.
Sky bore neither weapon nor shield, yet all the monsters were held at bay with his arm held in the air. Wrapped around the extremity was what looked like ivy, a plant of some sort. Twilight gasped at the sight of it.
"Are those tears of light?" he asked, before continuing, "Sky, are you--what the heck is goin' on, you were--"
"What are you guys doing here?" Sky interrupted, the plant and petals glowing brightly, pushing the monsters away. Suddenly, as soon as the beasts were outside of the ring in the earth, the world turned aqua green once more, placid like a lake.
"We were... looking for you..." Warriors explained halfheartedly, looking around in bewilderment, heart still racing. "What's going on?"
Sky turned to face them now, helping them stand. Without an explanation, he moved them to the center of the ring. Warriors looked around, a vague sense of worry filling him as if they were missing something. The space that Sky had occupied earlier when he'd dressed a little differently and behaved strangely was empty, but the captain swore he saw movement where that one metal soldier had retreated with him.
When the three stood in the center of the ring, Sky directed them to place their hands on his shoulders. They did so without argument, both still trying to keep up with what was happening, and then Sky dug his right arm into the earth as if digging, the plant wrapped around it glowing in response.
Everything grew dizzyingly blurry, and Warriors felt the ground shift beneath him as the world faded to black. When he awoke, his body felt heavy and exhausted, but normal once more. Nothing was in a strange hue, he wasn't partly glowing or shining or whatever it was he had been doing before, and Sky and Twilight were both there, alive and safe.
"What was that?" Twilight demanded, shooting to his feet faster than the captain could even get his bearings.
"A silent realm," Sky answered, offering a hand to his elder knight. "Pieces of the sacred realm designed by Hylia. But I'd not seen one here before. I wonder if we're... somewhere... well, it doesn't matter. I'm just surprised you two managed to fall into one. It usually isn't open to anyone."
"Sacred realm...?" Warriors repeated, awed. That was... Sky was right, that wasn't supposed to be something mere mortals could access.
How did Sky know how they worked?
Sky smiled reassuringly at them, his face gentle in his care, and he pat both of them on the arms. "Come on, we should get to camp. Let's make sure nobody else stumbles into this area."
Shakily, Warriors nodded, looking back at the place, seemingly innocent amidst the forest. He'd... rather not face those beasts unarmed again.
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we-do-bones-bracket · 8 months ago
Round 3 Match 2
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motherfucking HONSE
Hero's Shade/Hero's Spirit
Also known as "Hero's Spirit" he is heavily, HEAVILY, implied to be the Link from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, who has transformed into a stalfos. He laments about not being remembered as a hero and the only thing he can do now is teach the Link from Twilight Princess his knowledge in swordplay. It's honest quite sad thinking about it, especially since the potential reason this Link turned into a stalfos was getting lost in the Lost Woods as an adult.
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m5or · 1 year ago
I have been thinking about something in the Linked Universe Au comic. In Twilight Princess when you are in Arbiter's Grounds you follow the scent of a poe soul. So, by that logic, TP Link knows that souls have a sent to them.
What would the hero's spirit smell like to Twi? Of course, there would be variants to each link respectively. (idk why but I think the "hero's spirit" would smell like cinnamon) In Shifting Shadows part 5, Wolfie could follow Dink aka Dark Link via scent. Would Dink's scent be similar to the hero's spirit? I am curious because it's not a malice-related color at all. I don't know, It could not be relevant at all here but it's a thought.
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I could see the chain adjusting to this info and realize it's a Dark Link. Or maybe the chain already knows it's a Dark Link. It probably belongs to one of the two mysterious links yet to be seen. What did Dink's Link do to make it Link the Universe?
Does anyone have better info than I do?
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ryunumber · 9 months ago
Would the hero’s shade have a decimal Ryu number?
This is the skeleton/ghost of young Link after the events of mm (and getting married to Malon, Matpat did not do the Sword side quest in OoT)
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(I'm not sure the word "decimal" means what you think it means.)
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The Hero's Spirit/Shade can have a Ryu Number of 2.
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Link has a Ryu Number of 1.
(clarification below)
I'm personally of the opinion that the Hero's Spirit is sufficiently different and discernable as an identity from Link, the Hero of Time to at least warrant a bespoke path, but certainly, it's not the only defensible opinion. I'm going to shrug my shoulders and defer on this.
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phantoms-lair · 11 months ago
Hero's Spirit: A Vision of Nightshade
All For One did not reach the age of over 200 by not listening to his medical professionals.
He was still looking for a faster way to regain his full vision, but until then the Doctor had recommended him using a cyberpathy quirk to look through security cameras and such, so he wouldn't be out of practice with light levels, colors, and shape recognition.
He didn't enjoy it, because he disliked having his consciousness out of his body (at least unless it was going to be a permanent transfer). But he recognized the value of the Doctor's orders and did a few short bursts a day.
During one of these he noticed Tomura's little rival, Midoriya. (He would allow it until All Might finally chose a successor, then he'd encourage Tomura to switch over.) Midoriya was talking to a young woman on the sidewalk he seemed to know, who was speaking to him fondly. Maybe she had been his baby sitter when younger, or a neighbor? He focused the camera in on her.
She was beautiful, with long dark hair and purple eyes and lips that made a stark contract over pale skin. All For One felt his pulse quicken through his weak connection to his body as his heart pounded in his chest. His mouth when dry and his palms began to sweat. What was this feeling? It had been so long since he felt it? Ah, right. Abject Terror.
He slammed back in to his body and immediately opened the communication like to the League of Villain's current hideout.
"Shigeraki Tomura you will immediately cease any activity targeting Midoriya and any focusing one UA class 1A that might involve him." Tomura, predictably, did not like this announcement. "No! You said I could destroy the things I hate! And I HATE him."
"Tomura if you continue this vendetta we will both die."
"This is stupid! I'm not afraid of All Might-" "Nor am I. He is a pathetic worm that will one day die at your hand. But Midoriya is under the protection of Nightshade." Fear shone in speaking her name.
"Never heard of a hero by that name." Tomura began scratching at his neck.
"Not a hero, no." Kurogiri tilted his head in thought. "Was Nightshade not the name of the first villain?"
"It was. It is. I knew her well, as we had been allies for a time. She didn't seek power, but wielded it effortlessly. Personal power, power over others. She had amassed an army of those with powerful quirks even at the dawn of them and laid waste to the United States. She had been fond of the first hero, you see, though he was never credited as such. And the American Government not only killed him, they covered up all he had done, to ensure he was forgotten and their mistake never came to light. She crippled the country which at the time boasted the strongest military force in the world." "But she was stopped. I mean, America's still a country."
All For One shook his head. "No. She stopped when anyone even tangentially involved in the decision and those who defended them were dead. No quirk affected her, and he quirk could not be stolen. She is an untouchable wildcard who will slaughter thousands to make her point. She has chosen Midoriya as hers. Do Not Touch Midoriya Again!"
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occasionallyprosie · 1 year ago
Thinking about the Hero's Spirit
Okay, so, when Time left the Adult Timeline... he took the hero's spirit with him. There was no hero's spirit to reincarnate when Ganondorf re-emerged and (as of the goddesses flooding the world) no other spirit born that could become the bearer of the Triforce of Courage.
Until Wind. Wind, whose spirit is its own spirit, came and becomes the embodiment of courage unlike any other hero. He forges his own spirit into one unbreakable, restores the Triforce, and defeats Ganondorf at the age of twelve.
But his hero's spirit is stubborn in a way everyone else's is not. He doesn't need the goddess to bless him with reincarnation, he wasn't even born with the Triforce of Courage (due to the fragmentation) he restored it and out of sheer will became the one to bear it and he knows it. So out of sheer will and stubbornness, he reincarnates.
Enter Spirit. Spirit, who is a hero in every right, but he doesn't follow the beaten path because Wind's hero spirit doesn't do that. He chooses to be an engineer instead of a hero or a knight.
But then the timelines merge, and suddenly, there's two hero's spirits? What? Well, obviously First's goes to Warriors, but where does Wind's go?
Linkle. Linkle, because their spirit doesn't follow the beaten path, it makes its own path, it sails through the waves rather than with it, it forces the winds to yield to its call and its power, the limits of death does not bind it, the expectations of ghosts of the past does not force its hand.
First's, Sky's, and every other hero's, their spirit is one of tenacity, one of pain and suffering, one that can take every hit and still stand and fight. They share a spirit of determination, one of courage, one that is unbreakable because it will stand in the way and be the immovable object that will always be there to hold back the darkness.
But Wind's spirit? Wind's, Spirit's, Linkle's, their spirit is also one of determination, but theirs is one born of choice, theirs is a spirit of free will, of stubbornness and a need to stand their ground. They were not forged by pain like the others, but by love (for Aryll, for Phantom/ST!Zelda). They take every hit, but they don’t stand because they can and they must, they don’t get back up because they have this undying need to endure and to persevere, they get back up because of their loved ones and the people they protect. They are the unstoppable force that drives darkness back.
Don’t get me wrong, the original Hero's Spirit is still stubborn, those heroes are still an unstoppable force, they are still seeking to protect the people they love, but if you have a hero hated by all, a hero who has nobody they should logically be trying to protect? They would still fight because that's what's right, that's what their heart is like, the whole world could hate them and they'd still protect it because 'the people in that world deserve to be saved'. The Adult Timeline's spirit is much of the same, they are similar in spirit, but there are differences.
The original spirit is a forest, one that will never truly be destroyed because something will always survive and that something will regrow and restore the forest that once stood.
The second spirit is a river, carving its path through mountains and valleys, overcoming insurmountable odds and creating great canyons. Nothing can stop them for good.
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binouchetruc · 9 months ago
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prompt was the quote "stars don't shine, they burn" from encanto's song "all of you"
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avatarskywalker78 · 8 months ago
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: The Hero's Spirit ┃ Hero of Time ┃ Golden Wolf & Link, Link & Zelda (Legend of Zelda), Link & Midna (Legend of Zelda)
Characters:The Hero's Spirit ┃ Hero of Time ┃ Golden Wolf, Link (Legend of Zelda), Zelda (Legend of Zelda), Midna (Legend of Zelda)
Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Character Study, Child Timeline (Legend of Zelda), Guilt, Regret, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Mentor-Mentee Relationship, Father-Son Relationship, Male-Female Friendship, Worldbuilding, Family, Minor Character Death, Blood and Injury, Questions about the legacy when the person you were is not the person you are, Link doesn't live his whole life full of regret but that doesn't mean he had an easy time of it, Because he's still deeply affected by his time in the adult era, Family Feels, Timeskips, Flashbacks, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending
Series: Part 3 of gen work june 2024
As Twilight covers the Kingdom of Hyrule, a Hero's Spirit prepares to pass his knowledge to the new wielder of the Triforce of Courage, while also learning more about his descendant over the next few months. Almost a thousand years previously, a young man called Link is sent back in time to prevent Ganondorf from rising to power, and in the process has to forge a new life for himself while having to deal with the fact that no one outside of a select few know who he truly is...or what he went through.
This is his story.
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margindoodles2407 · 1 year ago
Amazing art by the lovely @whyoneartheven, my partner in crime
This is for our original Zelda game concept, The Legend of Zelda: Hero's Spirit. Pick your favorite color and hair design, and we'll get an official ref for our girl! (I don't mean to beg, but reblogs would be extremely helpful as we want to get as many votes as possible.) Please leave a comment indicating your choice of hair (there isn't enough room in the poll for that)
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(Left to Right) Colors 1, 2, 3; Hair 1
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(Left to Right) Colors 4, 5, 6; Hair 1
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Color 7; Hair 1
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(Left to Right) Colors 8, 9, and 10; Hair 2
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year ago
A continuation of this sickfic
Mood music that helped inspire this
My solitary contribution to flufftober <3
Prompt 1 – “I’ve got you”
The camp was gone. The permeating sickness that hung heavily like a wet cloth draped over him had vanished. No one was coughing, or vomiting, or moaning in pain. No abandoned tents, no empty pots, no chainmail laying forgotten beside an empty sickbed.
Warriors opened his eyes blearily, confused. Something lapped against him, a liquid, cold and warm, buzzing with energy and gentle all at the same time. It surrounded him on all sides as if he were laying in shallow water. The sky above was clear but swam as if he were looking through water already, light refracting all around in colorful arrays, golden beams shimmering down like leaves falling in autumn.
Slowly sitting up, Warriors felt so light. His chest expanded with such ease that he almost overtook a breath, like a gasp of surprise.
This place was
 quiet. So, so quiet. And so utterly empty. Or
 was it? The more Warriors looked around at the strange vastness, the more he saw figures dancing in the water, their images stretched and squished with the oscillations of the fluids. He rose to his feet, again overcompensating for a weight that should have been there, nearly tipping himself back to the ground—water—not-water? Whatever he was laying in before.
The images were so far away, reflections of people who weren’t actually there. Armor. He recognized armor. His men? His troops?
A face caught his eye, and his breath froze. That was a young knight, new to the army. He’d been killed in his very first battle. How was
Warriors walked forward slowly, his feet sloshing gently in the water. Despite displacing the fluid, it barely made a sound, emitting gentle trickling noises rather than the splashes he should’ve created. The golden rays from above continued to glimmer, glow and sunlight from a sun that wasn’t present. The landscape was so utterly flat and desolate, yet so strangely warm and
 not unsettling.
He definitely should’ve been unsettled.
He was so transfixed by the reflections of those long gone in the water that he didn’t realize a figure had somehow appeared in front of him. Warriors flinched, taking a step back after nearly walking right into the person, and then the warmth all around him was stolen away for an instant as recognition slammed into him.
This person was wearing his clothes. But they weren’t him – the hair was too dark and fluffy, build a touch stockier, skin tanner. And the ears—
Those ears! Small and delicate and curved in such a unique way.
“Sky?” Warriors questioned, taking a step towards the person. Sky was a little taller, more built, and why was he in Warriors’ uniform? He didn’t know why he hadn’t realized who it was sooner – he even had the Master Sword strapped to his back.
Sky turned to face him in profile. The sunlight grew brighter, enveloping Warriors in warmth. His friend, his brother, looked
 different. Older but younger. Eyes exhausted but strong. Face worn but soft.
Sky smiled gently, facing him fully.
“Sky, where are we?” Warriors asked.
His friend said nothing. Instead, he pulled the Master Sword, scabbard and all, from his back and held it towards the captain. Warriors watched him for a long while, studying the motion, taking in his surroundings. This all felt very
?” he asked again, growing worried. His earlier lightness was vanishing, replaced with a heaviness in his heart that nearly sank him into the water and drowned him.
He suddenly felt so very alone and far more scared than he was comfortable with.
He wanted to ask what was going on, to demand an explanation, but the words were stolen along with his breath. Sky continued to watch him, eyes warm, smile intact, arms reaching just a hair closer to indicate his next move. His gaze, however, eventually settled above, directly into the sunlight.
The sunlight. That came from no sun. Warriors glanced up, and he swore he saw a figure.
Goddess above.
His mind swam with thoughts, with worries and fears. He distinctly remembered the last coherent thought he had before waking up here.
Everything was so far away. So quiet, muffled, like he was buried alive. Goddess above, he didn’t want to die, please, he didn’t want to die. Not like this. Let him die on his feet, in battle, like it was meant to be.
It was meant to be like that, right?
 been in a camp? No, that
 that had been so long ago, hadn’t it? He’d
 been sick, right?
” Warriors managed to choke out, but he couldn’t add anything to it. Sky continued to watch him, waiting patiently, ever so patiently.
What was he doing? Why was he waiting like this? He looked
 he felt

This was it, wasn’t it?
The reflections in the water danced behind Sky, inviting, warm, familiar, comforting. Sky stood between him and them, stalwart but caring.
Warriors took a step around his brother, just for a moment. It grew brighter. He grew lighter.
Home. He was going home.

“The others,” he said softly, pausing just as he stood directly beside Sky. His friend looked at him, not turning from where he was facing, but he still said nothing.
“How are you here but they’re not?” Warriors wondered, taking a step away to really look at Sky. His stomach knotted as he considered it. “Did you
Oh goddess above. Warriors hadn’t gotten Sky sick too, had he? Sky wasn’t
 Sky wasn’t dying as well, was he?
This was it. He knew this was it. The others looked so inviting. He
 he could see

“Mom?” he breathed, his voice barely above a whisper.
He swore he could see her. She looked at him lovingly, arms extended to receive him. They all were waiting. He

There was no war here. No need for a hero, no need for a captain. He


He was needed. He was still needed. Goddess above he ached for rest, he longed to go home. But he was still needed, and
 and he wanted to help. He wanted to live.
Sky faced him fully, offering the sword once more. Warriors looked at the blade, then at his friend.
“You’re not
 the Sky I know, are you?” the captain asked discerningly.
Sky’s let out a breath, as if to chuckle, his head cocking to the side in that way he always did when he was amused or happy. The sword in his hands glowed with an otherworldly hum, a melody too sacred for his ears to hear.
Warriors reached forward, taking the sword. Sky’s hand settled over his own as he held it. The boy’s calloused fingers caressed his gently, a promise and reassurance, a protection and a blessing, as if to say I’ve got you. He nodded, and Warriors nodded in return, pulling the blade from its sheath.
The Master Sword sang, glowing so brightly the captain had to close his eyes. He grew impossibly heavy, to the point he couldn’t hold himself up anymore, collapsing to the ground. Instead of splashing into the liquid, however, he sank into something soft and dry, a touch too warm, and his clothes clung to him in a cold sweat. His world was encased in darkness before a dull light pierced it. He was suddenly laying on his side, sword gone.
Warriors opened his eyes.
He was in a bed. He immediately deduced that. A hand was wrapped around his wrist. The blurry images coalesced. Sky was slumped against the bed, hand holding Warriors, fingers lazily resting over a pulse point. Candles littered the nightstand, all lit, their dull glow overwhelmed by the sunlight spilling in through the window.
A hand brushed against his back, sweeping gently up and down. “Captain?”
Warriors blinked a few times before trailing his gaze up to see Time. The man’s face was creased, bags under his eyes, but he immediately brightened when the captain made eye contact with him. It was immediately apparent that relief flooded through him, easing the tension in his brow and shoulders.
“Welcome back,” Time said gently.
The captain smiled tiredly. “It’s
 good to be back.”
Movement caught his eye, and he saw Twilight come into view. The Rancher looked worn thin, equally as exhausted as Time and more overtly worried.
Warriors’ smile pulled harder. “You look like shit.”
Twilight barked a laugh. “Well at least I know you’re feeling better. You don’t look that great either, you know.”
The captain chuckled, rousing a phlegmy cough, and Time quickly pulled him to sit up so he could get it out of his lungs. Twilight fluffed the pillow against the backboard as the eldest Link helped Warriors lean against it. Sky squirmed, nose wrinkled in discomfort, but he didn’t wake.
 alright?” Warriors asked hesitantly, a sliver of worry seeping into his heart. If he’d gotten this sick
 and he swore he remembered seeing Sky somewhere
? Was Sky sick too? He slid his hand back towards the teenager, fingers clumsily entwining with the younger knights’ own.
“Everyone’s fine,” Twilight replied. “They’re all worried ‘bout you. Malon pulled everyone else out for some breakfast, but I reckon they’ll be back soon.”
“Watch the accent, I’ll need a translator,” Warriors chuckled weakly.
“Oh, stuff it. You were really sick, Cap. We were all worried.”
Warriors’ gaze fell back to Time, who was watching him carefully, his expression eerily similar to the one he’d worn when Twilight had been progressively worsening. But
 he knew he would be okay. He wasn’t sure how he knew but
 he did.
The captain waved his left hand dismissively. “I’m fine.”
“You will be,” Time assured him, arms crossed and face stern. Then he softened. “Rest, Captain. Don’t stress about the others. Just take care of yourself.”
Warriors hummed, closing his eyes and leaning his head back against the pillow. He felt the covers get tucked around him a little better, and a cool hand rested on his forehead.
“We’ve got you, Link,” a voice promised, and in his groggy state he couldn’t tell if it was Twilight or Time. Maybe it was both of them. It didn’t really matter – it was a promise from all of them, from his brothers, and Warriors smiled, sighing softly as he slid back into a comfortable, restful, healing slumber.
I’ve got you.
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we-do-bones-bracket · 7 months ago
Round 4 Match 1
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He's bone for this poll!! Brook is a skeleton man who constantly makes SKULL JOKES!
He's my favorite Straw Hat Pirate. He's a 90-year-old musician pirate who died 52 years ago, revived, and spent the next 45 years floating aimlessly all alone as a skeleton surrounded by the corpses of his former crew on a broken ship with no rudder. Then he got his shadow stolen and was set adrift again. Then 2 years ago he met Luffy and and became a Straw Hat for, like, a week before they got separated. Then Brook got captured and imprisoned, then became a famous rock star and rejoined the Straw Hats 2 years later. His life sucks but he always perseveres for the sake of his friends and promises made to them. 50 years alone has made him a bit crazy, but he copes by making constant skeleton jokes and playing music. He's a master of fencing and has bardic superpowers to influence people with music, as well as channel the chill of the underworld through his sword to freeze things.
He is a skeleton. He ate the revive revive fruit, and got revived after he died, but it took so long for his soul to find his body only bones were left. He is also a famous rockstar know as Soul King
He's literally bones animated by his Soul powers. He loves to make bone joke, has a funny laugh and plays multiple instruments- he even became famous for it in the timeskip and used to belong to a crew of musician pirates before he died and came back as an undead skeleton.
he's an 8'8" (266cm) skeleton pirate musician, after he became a skeleton he was alone drifting at sea on his ship until he met the straw hats, now he's become a rockstar and loves to make skull jokes.
Hero's Shade/Hero's Spirit
Also known as "Hero's Spirit" he is heavily, HEAVILY, implied to be the Link from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, who has transformed into a stalfos. He laments about not being remembered as a hero and the only thing he can do now is teach the Link from Twilight Princess his knowledge in swordplay. It's honest quite sad thinking about it, especially since the potential reason this Link turned into a stalfos was getting lost in the Lost Woods as an adult.
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m5or · 7 months ago
OKI I have a theory also questions I want answerd. Is Zelda in Echos of Whisdom able to call upon the Hero's spirit since link at the time was compromised? Because when she was able to go into "Swordmen mode" it's all whispy like a ghost. Even has the little ghost orb thinking that float off of the "link" form.
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Then in the other world you can recharge the ability by getting floating spirit orb things.
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Is it just shattered "hero's spirit" floating around? I know we see link posesed latter in the trailer. But it's the only way I can explain this rn. Is it the souls of the past heros? This idea crossed my mind and I want to hear what other people think. Anyone got any other ideas?
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writermich18 · 1 year ago
D. Gray-Man & Legend of Zelda Writing Prompt
Hero's Spirit reincarnates into Nea D. Campbell. Nea was "born" sick, weak; he wasn't going to make it past the first night. The Hero's Spirit decides to save the child Nea and ends up accidently becoming Nea.
Hero's Spirit: Oops.
Earl in Nea: Who the fuck are you?
Hero's Spirit, accepting his fate,, being more than 10,000 years old and not letting darkness take his new reincarnation, yeets the Earl out: fuck off.
Nea is now the Hero.
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phantoms-lair · 2 years ago
Heroes Spirit Random Thoughts: Sam
Valerie became a ghost after death and Tucker was reincarnated, but what about Sam?
Sam became a villain.
Her grief at Danny's death was immeasurable and when she realized that it was going to be covered up - that he'd sacrificed himself to save all of existence and that the very people who'd cause the threat to all living ad dead were going to hush it over and pretend it never happened? Sam decided to tear the whole thing down. The Fenton Portal shut down with Danny's death and wouldn't reactivate. But Vlad's portal was still workable ((Note, it too shut down when Vlad became 100% ghost, but that wouldn't happen for a bit yet)). Sam found many of Danny's friends in deep morning and unwilling to aid in mass destruction, to her disgust, but she found enough like-minded allies to stage an assault on the United States Government. Some to avenge Danny, but most for a love of chaos and destruction.
If there are some small records of Danny Fenton as the first Hero, they also state Sam Manson as the first villain.
She was stopped eventually, but the destruction and death toll was considerable. Like Pariah the Black Queen and her army were sealed away.
But no seal lasts forever. And the question remains, will Danny reincarnating as Izuku calm her down, or enrage her further?
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tloz-heros-spirit · 1 year ago
Master Post and Blog Navigation
PLEASE note: This blog is still under construction. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes. Thank you for understanding!
#hero of spirits- Player Link
#princess of spirits- Zelda
#primordial sorcerer- Hero of Hyrule
#calamity feller- Hero of the Wild
#undertaker of ordeals- Hero of Legend
#conductor of tempests- Hero of Winds
#twilit wolf- Hero of Twilight
#[insert hero of time name here]- Hero of Time
#forger of destinies- Hero of the Skies
Assorted Zeldas: simply search for the abbreviation of their main game and then "zelda". For example, to search for Ocarina of Time Zelda, you'd type #oot zelda.
#haunted king- Ganondorf
To searh for the "Lesser" Links, simply type their hero title. Example: #hero of warriors, #hero of trains, #hero of worlds, #hero of the four sword
~Story and World~
Dungeon 1: Citadel of Magic
Dungeon 2: Pantheon of Champions
Dungeon 3: Palace of Trials
Dungeon 4: Ship of Storms
Dungeon 5: Spire of Shadows
Dungeon 6: Temple of Time
Dungeon 7: High Temple of Destiny
The Final Battle
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