#Hermitcraft superhero au
smolsquarerunning · 6 months
Heya, @kitsuneisi!
I am far from finished at the moment, but have a fic I'm working on :D
Lmk if you see and/or read it!
Super hyped at the new-ish introduction you've given Tango!
I love the storyline you come up with, the team that runs this au is amazing and I love them all (/p) <3
Have a lovely day :D
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thathermitweirdo · 1 year
I am so very tempted to give Bdubs the hero name ‘Short Fuse’ just because I can and yes this is an insult on his height and temper
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cydanite · 1 year
Theatrics of Deception
(Ao3 Link) EDIT I almost forgot! Credit to @the-storyteller-and-her-soldiers for helping me proofread this one, thanks love!!! <3
‘This has gotta be the worst state I’ve woken up in in a long while’ Martyn thinks with begrudging sentience. There’s an unpleasant fog clouding his mind, discouraging him from opening his eyes. His eyes in turn thrum back aches of muted pain in agreement, threatening the start of a headache if he dares try taking a peep. The discomfort in his head is only superseded by whatever surface he’s decided to sleep on jutting uncomfortably into his back. Honestly, the whole situation reeks of some bad decision he’s made. Some all nighter he’d tried to pull to catch up on work, or a party he’d spent way too long at. Slowly, he persuades his eyes to open, and a dark unfamiliar room unfurls before him as his vision adjusts.
‘Well that’s one point towards the latter.’
He starts moving to get up, before noticing his hands are stuck, somehow. Weird… He runs through a few next steps: trying to clear the brain fog preventing him from remembering what he did last night, running his thumb along whatever’s catching his wrists, searching for some kind of give, and taking in the room he’s in. It’s dark, real dark, he can only really make out the edges of sparse furniture and the small LED glow of a couple appliances, as well as- oh jeez is that a person over there? There’s a figure a few meters in front of him, their form hard to make out by the minimal light, and they’re just… standing there.
The hair on the back of Martyn’s neck stands on end, the situation just sobering enough to jog his memory, reminding him that he was neither pulling an all nighter writing in his apartment nor partying hard enough to ruin him completely the next day over.
What he was doing last night… he was furthering his investigation on The Red King. 
“Your audience is awake, my liege!” A gleeful voice emits from the figure as the lights in the room all blare on at the same time, blinding Martyn for a moment. He can now fully make out the confines of the small room he’s contained in, its windowless walls and concrete floor, as well as the wooden chair he’s sitting in, hands and feet tied up. He can also make out the figure before him, one he’s seen plenty in photos but never in person. 
Sir Cadian is blanketed, near-entirely obscured by a thick carpet of moss, tiny blood-red flowers speckling its surface like stars, or blood splatter. It would make for a strange ensemble on its own if not for the shiny golden armaments it contrasted with. Gleaming against their lush backdrop close to a dozen golden watches, in a litany of sizes, orbit a long chain strung over his shoulder. Metal gauntlets, one larger than the other, catch the light at the sharp ends of pointed fingers. Most decorated of all is the golden helm he wears, a glittering visage of the sun where his eyes should be and the silver crescent of the moon covering his mouth with a faux-smile. He stands straight, before giving a deep bow and stepping dramatically to the side. And then, standing before him, is The Red King himself.
The Red King, a figure clouded in equal parts mystery and panache. A supervillain who first made his presence known six months back. He’s since enacted a variety of schemes that threatened the safety of the city, earning him a swift rise to infamy. To date, none of them have worked yet. He’s never even killed a person, directly or indirectly, as Martyn has pointed out in his writing. But thus far The Red King hasn’t needed to. His force of presence always spoke for itself and, regardless of what his actions might convey, the people feared him.
He’s dressed in a fine regalia decorated with fur trim and vicious, claw-like tears in equal adornment. A tarnished bloody crown rests between two pointed canine ears atop his head. Below, his eyes are obscured by a blood-red mask, the edges of which feather and bleed into his matching dark hair and massive cloak, trailing behind him like a stain as he slowly approaches Martyn. He’d also only seen him in photos before this moment, but aside from his nerves firing the main detail he registers now is just how The Red King towers in person. He finally stops a few feet away from him, his teeth gleaming like daggers as his mouth twists into a wicked smile.
“Martyn Littlewood.” His voice drips with an accent both archaic and modern. “Ye’re brazen to think we wouldn’t catch ye snooping.”
Martyn tries to keep his face stoic, staring The Red King straight in the bloody imprint where his eyes probably are. It’s the one skill he swears gets him all his top stories. Fake it ‘till you make it, when you’re found out you’ll have at least learned something. Plus the alternative right now would probably involve him passing out right now. So he steels himself instead.
“I, uh. I didn’t think you’d mind is all. Plenty of articles have been written about you already.”
“Yes… and several of them yours.” The Red King waves his hand, and behind him Sir Cadian grabs a leaflet of papers from atop a wood desk standing next to the door.
“Ahem. ‘The Red King; New Villain Emerges in Metropolis Area.’ ‘Expert Analysis on The Red King; Motive, Methods, and Powers - Lycanthropy Confirmed?’ ‘Hostage Situation at Red King Lair; Soup Group Saves the Day!’ ‘Hotguy and Cuteguy - Assault at The Monolith; What We Know.’ ‘Top 10 Villainous Fits; Who Does Bad While Looking Good. The Red King - Number Four’.” Sir Cadian lowers the papers from his face. “Wow! This guy’s a bonafide freak!”
“Never writing sensational periodicals again. I stand by what I said there though.” Martyn states, yet his voice is merely a whisper through his teeth.
“The point remains.” The Red King bellows. “Ye’re… prolific in the field. To be honest, fer someone as knowledgeable as ye are, I'd have thought ye’d have thought up a plan to evade us. Luckily the good Sir doesn’t disappoint.”
Sir Cadian twirls one of many pocket watches by the chain. “Next time include me in the headline!”
Martyn scoffs. “Well I’m here now either way. Not sure what you would want with a simple reporter like me anyways, unless you need a ‘you’ expert for some reason.” He turns his head to face away from the King. The Red King smiles, giving a hearty chuckle, before beginning to circle the room, walking away from where Martyn is looking.
“I assure ye, I understand myself perfectly fine. Just as well as I understand your justified fear of me right now.” He’s made it halfway around the room now, standing behind Martyn. Just out of his field of vision. The back of his chair is thinly scraped by the sharp tips of clawed fingers. “Ye can stop worrying. Fer right now at least, my plans for ye aren’t malicious. I actually have a favor to ask.” He stops and folds his hands behind his back, standing in front of Martyn once again.
“ …Go on.”
“I have a message. A message I wish to tell to everyone in this wretched city. I want it to carry through the streets like wind, to stick to the mind of people like frost.” Martyn flinches back best he can as The Red King suddenly jolts forward, their faces now inches apart. “My message will be the front page headline tomorrow morning, Mr. Littlewood. Do I make myself clear?”
The Red King’s breath wisps across Martyn’s face as his smile grows, widening into a toothy maw full of impossibly long rows of canines. The dark jagged shadow of his hair bristles across broad shoulders. A sharp sound emanates from below, and Martyn can hear the wood of the chair he’s in crack and splinter where razor-sharp claws press into its arms. Right now, the face staring at him looks like the nightmare a kid has after being read a fairy tale not fit for their age, constrained only by the imagination of their fear.
Martyn takes a breath. Fake it ‘till you make it…
“Alright, but only if you do something for me.”
The Red King’s smile, his bravado, for only a moment, falters.
“You have no right to make requests at The Red King’s orders, you-” Sir Cadian begins to storm over from the sidelines before The Red King raises their hand to stop him, smile returned.
“Sir Cadian, ye forget the position we’re in allows us to entertain and, in turn, be entertained.” His hand lowers as his gaze locks onto Martyn’s once more. “Tell us now, what would you request? Your Majesty?” He ends, voice dripping with ichor.
“Allow me to interview you.”
A beat, and then the king rumbles in a roaring, deep-bellied laughter, Sir Cadian following in suit with a falsetto wheeze of glee. Martyn waits for the two to finish their raucous laughter before continuing.
“As you said previously, I am something of a resident expert on you. You’re one of the main topics of my articles. Being able to talk to you, in person no less, is like a dream come true for me. You want me to spread your message, let me ask a few questions and whatever answers you give I’ll spread those as well, reporter’s promise.”
The ghost of laughter still haunts The Red King’s mouth, its edges curled into a smile. His eyes, however, study Martyn with a deeper curiosity now, searching for any kind of trap in his offer. After a few seconds his smile fades into a more serious look.
“If ye know me as well as ye say, you know I value my secrecy. But you’ve put me in a fair mood, so~!” He sits on top of the wood desk, almost casually. “I’ll allow ye one question and one question only for me to answer as I see fit to. Understand?” 
Martyn nods, eyes fixated.
His smile widens. “Then shoot.”
“...How are you?”
When he looks at The Red King, he’s sitting in front of him, ears pressed against his head, eyes furrowed in a mixture of confusion and scorn, and one clawed hand curled against his lips in thought. And Martyn knows that, if only temporarily, he’s just killed The Red King’s act. The two stare at each other, waiting, the rising tension begging someone to make a move. Martyn doesn’t falter, and it’s The Red King who backs away first, standing up and turning his back to Martyn, arm’s crossed.
“How am I.” He taps his foot, mulling the words over in his mind like one would an object. “How am I.” He rolls his head around his shoulders. “How… am I.” The tapping stops.
“I… am growing impatient, Martyn. I have been for a long while now. The people of this city have forgotten the true meaning of fear. They’ve grown soft, placid. Emboldened.”
The Red King turns back to face Martyn with all the ferocity of a blizzard, the empty void of his eyes now glowing a cold white light as his claws grip his shoulders.
“When you tell those people: ‘Red Winter is Coming.’ When you tell them those words, Martyn. Then, and only then, will my patience be rewarded.”
The Red King turns away with a flourish of his cape, marching towards the door and yanking it open, Sir Cadian meekly following behind. The Red King turns his head, staring back at Martyn one last time.
“Don’t fail me.”
And the door slams shut with an echoing boom, rattling the few freestanding objects in the room. He’s alone now, and despite his heart racing at a mile-per-minute pace Martyn gives a quiet smirk to himself. He can’t help it.
He’s always been a damn good listener.
It’s dark out when Martyn wakes up from another overly oppressive sleep, slumped against a wall of some abandoned alleyway on the outer edges of the city. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he reaches into the messenger bag his captors had thankfully returned to him. It takes a couple of minutes for his phone to wake up from the total inactive state it was placed in, but eventually he can start returning a couple worried texts and figuring out where the closest station is to get home. And then he takes a deep breath, stands up, and taps his boss’ number. As it rings he braces for how hard he’ll have to fight to change tomorrow’s headlines so late.
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Is Grian like a villain main character in this?
Also, what powers do him and the other hermits have?
Grian is a villain! (And the protagonist lol) And I haven’t got all the hermits in there yet, but here are the ones so far: (copy pasting this from the planning thing lmao)
•Grian (Volare- flight in Latin) (Villain) (flight and bird control)
•Mumbo (Civilian) (No powers, part of the 10% of the population born with no powers) (Grian and Scar’s roommate)
•Jevin (Pituita- Slime in Latin) (Hero) (can shapeshift and stick people in place with slime) :]
•BDubs (Momentary) (Villain) (can freeze time)
•Gem (Chloro) (Villain) (plant control)
•Scar (Hotguy) (Hero) (he has no powers but he has a hell of a lot of gadgets and weapons) (Grian and Mumbo’s roommate)
•False (Titanium) (Hero) (metal bending)
•Xisuma (Civilian) (Works at the Hero Agency, secretly a villain informant) (doesn’t want direct involvement with villainy) (can control people’s emotions to a certain extent)
•Pearl (Sense) (Villain) (Can sense the emotions of others, also she can hypnotise people)
•Impulse (Drain) (Villain) (can drain the energy of others, as well as gaining bits of their power)
•Tango (Ignis) (Villain) (he’s fireproof and can control fire)
•Etho (Seize) (Hero) (he can temporarily take others’ powers) (it took so much self restraint not to name himself Snatch)
•Ren (Canis) (Hero) (dog hybrid with heightened senses :]) (he’s basically moral support ngl)
And that’s everyone as of right now! If anyone has any suggestions, lmk lol
Feel free to send asks, anyone :]
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otselotus · 6 months
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Hope it's readable!! it's not the usual type of comics I make so pls tell me what you think, do you like this au? is it stupid? do you want to see more? feedback is very appreciated :D /nf also yes - Grian is a villain/vigilante Mumbo - just a regular human (although he was adopted by the number 3 hero Docm77 and number 2 hero The Void when he was 9 (they're co-parenting) and Scar is number 1 hero at the moment
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fudgecake-charlie · 6 months
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"They think I’m the least dangerous person in this car, do they? Well, they’re about to learn very differently."
Decided to redraw a moment from On the Getaway Mile by Odaigahara on AO3/ @droidofmay !
This may have taken a ridiculous amount of hours condensed into a few days and I went through it drawing cars and car interiors, but this was an absolute blast to do :D I hope I've done the fic sort of justice.
Process shots and long comparison rambles under the cut!
Welcome to my secret lair!!
I spent roughly... 18 hours working on this, the majority during this week and over the past three days, so I need to share my toils with people <3
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Character/car references and page thumbnails! Featuring an incorrect scene placement and bad camera position. I reread the scene and placed it properly in the actual page. I hate drawing cars!! I was actually the most worried about panel placement when I started this— I was a guy who only did non narrative/illustrative panel pages and layout-less comics, but it wasn't that bad with a script! I could separate beats into panels, note which panels should be emphasised/larger, and assembled that into a page.
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If you compare the fic with this comic, you can see how much dialogue I edited and moments I cut out. I couldn't fit it all on without having to draw even more pages, I wish I could though! Poor Mumbo only gets one line here. I'm so sorry my darling man <3 I also gave him a slight cyborg design because his implants are really important for his character and I needed some way to visually show that, even if it's not canon/mentioned.
The colouring method for this was really fun! It's similar to my aggie rainbow painting method but with less steps, hence narrow value range. It looks pretty and gets the vibe across well though.
Rapid fire points!
I was planning to do 3 different fic comics! Not anymore!!!
This is absolutely for the hotguy comic zine applications. <3 "Can I try rizzing you up // PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE" /ref
I drew page 2 first, then 3, then 1. I think you can tell!
Mumbo is sitting on the wrong side and should have his seatbelt on. He's also not carrying the stolen laptop as described.
It's explicitly noted that Mumbo cannot scan Grian like he can with Scar. Whoops!
Transmissions from the Foundation are via Mumbo and Scar's implants, but I couldn't think of a good way to portray that.
Despite guns and weapons being mentioned, I somehow didn't get the opportunity to draw a single one.
I love hand lettering. I also hate it! I will continue to do it.
Here are the no colour pages as a thank you for scrolling <3
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ladyevol · 14 days
I want to throw a hotguy AU out there where everyone thinks that he has no superpowers and is essentially just a guy with a bow, but in reality he does have the most nightmarish power ever: whenever he dies, he comes back to life, however, no one but him has any memory of it- except Grian who, due to his watcher heritage, will occasionally have glimpses of Scar's deaths but believes those to be just nightmares.
Whenever Scar does die, he just wakes up next to a hole (the boatem hole) where his first death took place. He also found Jellie near the hole and brought her home so she may or may not be an eldritch horror.
At first, Scar hated his powers as he had to suffer over and over again while everyone else acted like nothing had happened. Eventually, though, he realized the potential of it all and began acting as Hotguy.
I think that Scar works as an architect in his day to day life and him and Cub are roommates and part of the same complex with the other hermits, all of which have killed Scar before at least once one way or another eventhough not all of them have a secret identity.
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cryyon · 1 year
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Pearl’s sheet is a bit more messy but I think if I tried to make a really nice ref sheet for her I’d perish after making so many for the other three so!! sketchy it is!! also a lil bit of info on the Architects villain group is that, unlike irl, pearl is the founder, mumbo is co founder. They formed the group together a little bit after mumbo/inventor was classified as a villain, pearl/lune was the one to offer mumbo the proposition. Grian joins last and its just them three, I don’t have plans on scar joining but maybe that will change. I would’ve done a proper lil comic bit but im rewriting the bits of planning i have... ALSO Rendog’s hero name is Sirius!! Theres a bit of lore between him, grian/poultry man and mumbo/inventor but that might change a bit? Because its very easy to make Ren the corrupt/bad guy imo bc of his whole king arc in season 9 of hermitcraft. Also a little pic of grian, mumbo and scar cuddling. Probably well after they find out each other’s identities n stuff. Another small note about them is that they’re incredibly loyal to each other.
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khoirkid · 1 month
Hot guy
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Another @amethystfairy1 AU fan art 😅
it’s ok guys, every time I do art, I read a fic.
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berrysquared · 2 years
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Hotguy!Scar and Cuteguy!Grian intro sheets for a Superhero au I’ve been brainrotting over recently
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obliqueblade · 26 days
Hello everyone 💛
As many of you are aware today should have been Technoblades 25th Birthday. His dad asked us for our way of remembering him on this day.
I discovered Techno’s channel back in 2019, and for the experiences I got to have as apart of the community I can never be more thankful for. Techno was and always will be an inspiration.
I’ve talked about this is certain places before, but I was diagnosed with a form of Lung Cancer a few weeks before Techno released his first video about his diagnosis. I was worried, but I was also comforted because while I was undergoing Chemo, surgeries, and drug trials; the person I looked up to the most was undergoing the same thing.
Realistically, I thought Techno would outlive me.
When the news broke, I was devastated, and I largely gave up on trying to get better. I cannot put into words just how badly it affected me, and then a few short weeks later I lost another friend to leukemia.
But, I survived this time too. I realized that when I died, all the memories I got to make as a part of this amazing fan base would disappear- and I didn’t want that.
However, I knew it wouldn’t last forever. For those of you who have seen my tumblr, my health has been steadily declining the past few months.
I don’t want it to come to a surprise when I don’t live through this summer.
I’m not upset by this, in fact, I’m amazed I’ve gotten nearly four years after being diagnosed. I’m grateful to everyone for being apart of my memories.
I’m grateful for this community- for remembering Techno.
I’m grateful to Technodad for making sure his son’s memory is used for good, despite the grief it brings him.
I’ve recommended to my mom and dad his videos and posts about how he’s been getting through his grief, and I hope that when the time comes it can help them as much as it’s helped me.
I’m not saddened to go. I’ve had a good run.
Happy Birthday Alex.
For my Tumblr peeps, don’t worry about the story. I’ve written how each chapter shall go, and while I most likely won’t be the one writing it after this coming chapter it will be in the hands of someone I trust. While the words won’t be mine, I know they’ll follow the way I wanted the story to go.
I’m not sure if it will be me updating again, and when it might be if so.
Thank you guys so much for all your support with this fic. I cannot express how much it means to me that there are people out there who have enjoyed it.
Take care 💛
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gladburden · 2 months
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i’m posting about my hero au so much i should probably make a specific tag for it huh.
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thathermitweirdo · 1 year
The world wasn’t what it used to be.
Or maybe it had always been like this.
That’s what they all have in common, is it not? Suffering. And while everyone has suffered, not everyone handles it in the best manner.
Many have faced the agony and pain at the hands of this unjust world. Some have been subjected to the pain that others inflicted upon them. And while most are able to press forward, to move on as the dust begins to clear, others are incapable. Some are too broken. Too damaged from the burdens they had to face. And at some point, the weight of it all can become unbearable.
I suppose that is where this story takes place. With the broken. Those who were never given the chance at a healthy life. Some are able to use their past to inspire, to strive to do better and help those who suffered like them. Still, there are others who still harbor that pain. That resentment. That anger. And they wish to strike back at the world that hurt them so long ago.
Yes, this entire opening paragraph is just an excuse so I can put the Hermits through the worst experience imaginable and give them horribly angsty backstories
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cydanite · 1 year
Cyd's Superhero AU
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A Hermitcraft/Empires/Life Series Superhero AU covering a wide cast of characters. Currently being written by myself and @biterflies!
The concept for this au is being built by the two of us as well as through the suggestions of others. If you have a concept or idea, or even a story you want to tell in this world, please do share!
tags: "cyd's superhero au" - general au tag "theatrics of deception" - renchanting-centric fic tag
Ao3 Collection:
Google Docs Notes (Spoilers Abound!):
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I am bored so please ask me vague questions about an AU I’m planning and I will answer vaguely
It’s a Hermitcraft superhero AU with Grian as the protagonist and it will be called *insert drumroll*
‘Grian Gotts’ Guide To Villainy (and not dying)’
(You can thank my friend Vinnie for the name Grian Gotts, based off of Griangotts, the bank from S8)
(Vinnie if you’re seeing this, you’re a genius)
(This AU is inspired by TommyInnit’s Clinic For Supervillains btw *looks fondly at my DSMP phase*)
I need to vaguely talk about this AU please send asks /nf
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tiniestetho · 2 months
I may or may have not drawn another nya fic guys.
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Based on the ICONIC Smalletho Superhero AU by the @insomnya777 themselves 🫶
(I highly recommend reading here)
I will probably make an Etho version later and post it tmrw if I finish it (and or actually do it.)
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