#Herlock Sholmes x Reader
thesimpsbasement · 4 months
Request for Mod Betty! Can I ask for smau for Herlock, Kazuma, Barok, Ryuunosuke, Godot, Edgeworth, Klavier, Simon, and Phoenix being clingy to his gn s/o please?
Them reacting to you being clingy
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•characters:Herlock,Kazuma,Barok,Ryuunosuke,Godot,Edgeworth, Klavier,Simon,Phoenix
•tags/warning: fluff,crack
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frickingnerd · 4 months
dating herlock sholmes
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pairing: herlock sholmes x gn!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, established romantic relationship, public displays of affection (physical & verbal), extrovert!herlock
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herlock is such an extrovert, so if you're dating him, you can say goodbye to a quiet and calm lifestyle!
herlock is always dragging you around to his cases, wanting to have an outsider's perspective of things, but he truly just wants to be near you
over time, you'll grow almost as famous as sholmes himself, due to always being around him and being written into the adventures of herlock sholmes by iris
it's almost impossible to have any time alone with herlock, since people are flocking him in public and at home iris, susato and ryunosuke are always around
luckily for you, herlock has absolutely no problems with public displays of affection, so it's not like you'll never get to act like a couple
perhaps, he's even a bit too nonchalant about public displays of affection, as he doesn't care who's around when he compliments you or clings to you
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rekino2114 · 30 days
Confessing to fem. Herlock sholmes
A/n:One of the first characters I wanted to do a genderbent post about without being requested to was herlock sholmes cause he's one of my favorite characters ever. Credit to mi_zu_no on Twitter for the art, and sorry if it's cropped weird since originally it was of all of the main cast genderbent
I'll change herlock's name to Harley
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Being the great detective's partner was....an experience, while you certainly didn't expect her to be so...eccentric to say the least, you couldn't deny that those quirks of her didn't make her fun to be around. you also noticed that you two made a pretty great team when it came to solving cases. Overall living with her was a great experience, and maybe you had started seeing her in a way different than just a friend.
Little did you know that Harley had started seeing you in that way too but too scared to confess never acted out on her feelings, something that iris didn't fail to notice
"Harley, we need to talk"
"What is it, dear iris?"
"Do you like y/n....romantically?"
The detective fell down in surprise before quickly getting up
"Whatever makes you say that?"
"I mean, it's pretty obvious. You're always ranting about how amazing he is and how handsome he looks, to be honest I'm surprised he didn't notice"
"I see my detective skills must have rubbed off on you, my dear girl. You are indeed correct. He has taken my heart"
"Then why don't you just tell him?"
"And there lies the issue! you see telling him would be very risky, what If he doesn't feel the same, I couldn't look at him again if he rejected me"
"I'm sure he does too. Have you seen how he looks at you when you're together?"
"I actually didn't pay particular attention to where his eyes looked, probably because I was too lost in them ahahaha"
"......You're hopeless sometimes Harley"
"Why yes, hopelessly in love"
"Hey girls, what are you talking about?"
"Oh hi n/n, Harley here was saying-"
"Nothing you should take note of, my dear fellow. More importantly, I could sense my great detective's instinct tingle when you walked in here do you have something to tell me perhaps?"
"I see you're as observant as ever, indeed I came here to tell you-"
"Hush! I thought you'd learned by now, my good friend, that once the train of reasoning has started, it cannot be stopped. Now sit back for you will have the pleasure to witness Harley sholmes logic and reasoning spectacular"
"Don't we usually do this together?"
"Indeed but today you will be the victim of the great detective's deduction, so shall we start?"
Harley started to dance around you as usual
"First of all, we must notice you have quite the red complexion on your face, and I don't think it's something coincidental either. It's clearly something coming from deep in your body"
"Secondly, I see that on your face. Not only is a red hue but also some water dripping down your forehead, do you mind explaining why you're sweating on a London winter evening, my dear fellow?"
"Alright I guess I should tell you i-"
"There is no need for words, for I have already deduced everything...... you have come here to tell me you were sick and had a fever"
"I see you two are too stunned to speak"
"That's....one way to put it"
"*sighs* You're just as great as always, Harley, but you're wrong. I'm fine but I did want to tell you something"
"Go ahead then, I trust no one else but my great partner to correct me"
"Well, the reason why I was so red and sweaty was because I was very nervous it's not the first time I feel like this around you, but today especially I really needed to tell you why: .......Harley I think I love you
"Ah I see, that was my second id-.....WAIT WHAT DID YOU SAY?"
The blonde woman fell in a comical way much like before, but got up quickly and looked at you with her usual smile and a slight blush on her face
"Pardon my yelling but that was a very surprising revelation you had there"
"Yeah, sorry if you don't feel the same but you're just so beautiful and smart not to meet incredibly fun to be around, you always put a smile on my face. I just needed to get that off my chest sorry"
"No need to apologize y/n for I think.....I may feel the same"
"Why yes, you're handsome, kind and can match my intelligence and.... admittedly hard to deal with personality, I would be a fool not to accept your confession"
"Oh, thanks so much, I suppose now I'm the great detective's partner in more ways than one"
"I couldn't have said better myself my dear now how about making our relationship official with a kiss"
She wrapped her arms around you and pulled you into a deep and passionate kiss
"That was great"
"I couldn't agree more"
"Oh, that was wonderful. I'm so happy for you two. I must start writing the manuscript for next month's issue, the readers are gonna love a romance plot"
"And this calls for celebration, I'll get my violin and play a sweet melody for our love"
"I'm sure it will be great I love you Harley"
"I love you too my dearest"
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randoimago · 1 year
Headcanons of what's like to date (Ace Attorney) Phoenix Wright, Klavier Gavin, Asogi Kazuma, and Herlock Sholmes please?
What It's Like To Date Them
Fandom: Ace Attorney
Character(s): Phoenix Wright, Klavier Gavin, Asogi Kazuma, and Herlock Sholmes
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): The amount of patience S/O will need when it comes to these men istg
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He almost always has a knowing smile on his face. Like he knows something you don't. It really doesn't help if you have anxiety or if you actually are hiding something from him because he just looks like he knows. And if you ask him about it, you just get a cheeky smile and a, "Whatever do you mean?"
Will drop everything to help you with whatever you need. Even if he thinks it's a bit silly, he won't say anything, just offers his help. Of course, if you say you can do it then he won't push.
He keeps to himself mostly, not really sharing his thoughts on things. But he does check up on you quite often, wanting to make sure you're alright. It's like he's noticing things that he doesn't want to say and instead giving you the opportunity to speak up.
Be prepared to constantly be interrupted with whatever you're doing because he needs attention. He really is like an overexcited puppy because look at what he just made! Look at this new case he got and how quickly he solved it!
Lots of sleeping alone at nights. Not because he doesn't want to lay next to you and cuddle, but because the man does NOT sleep. He's always pushing himself and working on something. Don't worry, he has strict "Okay if I take 10 minute to rest now then it gives me an extra 20 minutes for his thing--" That is if he even follows through with the resting.
There are times when you come home and he's in his depressed state. He's moping about something failing and you coming home does make him a bit better, but he really needs someone to listen to him and talk to. Even if you don't quite give him a solution, you can definitely give him ideas that help pull him out of it and suddenly he's back to being a happy puppy.
Music is constantly playing. Usually the same genre, but now and then he switches it up for inspiration or because you ask nicely. The volume of the music also changes if he's trying to work or if you think it's too loud/soft. But music is always playing.
Likewise, get used to hearing him practicing guitar. Sometimes he's just strumming a tune that got stuck in his head, sometimes he sees you and gives a teasing smile before going into some improv for a super cheesy love song, and sometimes he is tearing his hair out because he cannot figure out how to write a certain song and it's just angry grumbling.
Despite the fact that Klavier tries to seem rather easy-going, there are moments that only you get to see where he needs you to hold him and just be there for him. Between his brother, his band, and the fact that his mentor was killed, well he needs a shoulder to lean on when the thoughts get to be too much.
You can expect quite a few twisted jokes from him. He'll be reading the morning paper and give a hum about someone falling to their death before he retorts, "I would've survived that fall."
Speaking of that, you become a regular at the hospital. They learn your name, give you cheery smiles, and then point you in the direction of Phoenix's room because he is so bad at avoiding being hurt. He promises you that isn't trying to be a mummy with all his bandages, but it's just his luck.
Phoenix really wishes he can have his phone on silent, but with his job that's not possible. So when you two are out on a nice date or relaxing at home, there are many times when it's interrupted by someone needing an attorney. But most of the time the interruptions are from Maya or Athena or one of the people that has pretty much become family. He does his best to be nice with telling them he's busy, but more often than not you get pulled along to whatever shenanigans they've gotten themselves into.
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yyxandere · 10 months
psst psst, i heard you wanted some ace attorney requests so mind if i chip in with my own idea for a oneshot you could so? (or any type of format you think is best, i don’t mind :) /gen)
how about a y/n that just cares for iris a lot and always dotes on her, kinda like a mother or sister figure to the girl and sholmes is just so fucking enamored with her that he kinda tries tricking her to stay behind and spend time with them some more, usually by using iris as an excuse. you can choose however you wish to end it or change up any of the details if you’d like, i’ve read some of your content and i like it a lot!! (i might even send in more requests if you don’t mind hehehe)
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☆ - Art Credits: NELL
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✧.* gender/pronouns ─ 'You' pronouns yet female titles
✩.* TRIGGER WARNINGS ─ Overbearingness, Manipulation, and Drugging, Guilt Tripping and SPOILERS FOR TGAA 2
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"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! You have to see this new discovery!"
Such eagerness could be heard at 221B Baker Street or the house of “The Great Detective” - Herlock Sholmes and Iris Wilson. May the days be cloudy or rainy nothing can ruin the mood the cheerfulness of the young assistant Iris whenever you're around. The giddiness she feels whenever you visit could always make you smile.
"(Y/n), please do taste this new tea that I brewed!"
"(Y/n) You have to come with me to the upcoming science festival! I already have three tickets, for all three of us!"
No matter how tired you are you can never deny her, especially not when she asks so earnestly and her eyes! Oh, her eyes whenever she pleads! They glow! She's the very embodiment of pure joy, happiness, and warmth, she could make anyone feel better no matter what kind of mood they were having, and you couldn't help but adore the way she talks.
Even if it's a simple thing such as drinking her new blend, you always manage to eat the pastries she made, but most of the time you help her make the sweet pastries, but in most cases both of you would be covered in flour yet not minding it for how you were both laughing. Iris brings a side of you, a very nice and warm feeling, like how a mother loves her child . . .
Herlock too was a nice individual to be with, even though quite an eccentric individual he was still a companion that you enjoy being with but it made you very much have less time for your own personal things, for example, Herlock dragging you from your friends to show off his new invention or basically dragging you to his crazy and wacky shenanigans the same could be said about Iris, she would also always invite you to where ever she is, may it be her inviting you to their house so you can help her bake or going where ever she and Herlock goes, it could be very overwhelming but who are you to say no to them?
Herlock knows what he is doing. The many times when he always picked up a case near your house or city just to get close to you, the times when he put laudanum a sleeping drug on one of Iris's teas whenever you were at their house so you could sleep there, don't worry about bothering them it's really fine! While you sleep in the guest bedroom Herlock likes to watch you sleep maybe it was the way your relaxed state made him feel giddy or the fact that he can touch you and kiss you while you sleep. That, or just because you look really cute when you sleep. It's definitely because of the latter reason.
Whenever Herlock sees you baking, cooking, or just spending time with Iris, he just can't help but imagine what would it feel like but him hugging you from behind as you give him kisses while you call him your beloved husband…
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"Dinner's ready Herlock!" You said as you took the freshly baked potato out of the oven while you did that Iris was preparing the table, putting the
cutleries neatly, she intentionally put your plate next to Herlock and hers, making sure that you would be in the middle. Herlock was already seated at the dining table, waiting for the two of you to arrive.
"Here you go! Hope you guys like enjoy it!" You said as you put down the bowl full of mashed potatoes that were still steaming. "Well then dig in!" you said as you sat in the middle, not knowing that you were unconsciously following their plan.
"My, this is incredibly good dear (Y/n), if you keep on cooking like this I might as well marry you, so I can taste this every day." Herlock said as he took another bite of the food, you then giggled "You're amusing Herlock." you said thinking what he said was some sort of flattery or joke, but Herlock was dead serious, he actually meant it and you felt a little flustered since you were caught off guard.
"(Y/n), there's a new festival tomorrow and I bought three tickets already, I was supposed to invite Mr, Van Zieks but he was busy, so was Gina and Mr, Kazuma, so you don't mind if you join us right? Just me you and Hurley!" Iris said cheerfully as she looked at you with such pleading eyes. If only you knew the exact plan she had.
"Ohh, Iris, I have plans tomorrow I have to help a friend of mine to do research about the new case he's trying to solve plus I have to be there to also babysit his daughter too…" You said dejectedly after you said that you noticed the immediate fade of the glimmer Iris had on her eyes and the smile she just had now vanished but was replaced with a dejected one, a sad smile that made you feel like you just ruined a dream of hers, you then noticed Herlock wiping his mouth with the napkin and taking out his pipe.
"Well that's a bother, Iris was excited for the festival and wanted anyone to be with her but all rejected the offer, mh it's such a shame…" Herlock said as he closed his eyes and blew his pipe smoke to the ceiling "It's alright, she'll find other friends to hang out with."
You were about to reply to Herlock's comment but Iris beat you to it.
"No need Hurley, I won't go to the festival…" Now that's when you saw little tears pricking in the corner of her eyes, such a scene truly broke your heart, and before you could stop yourself, you reached over to Iris and grabbed her hands, which made Iris shocked by the sudden move.
"I'll go! I'll talk to them so I can go to the festival! So please don't give me that look, Iris…" You said in a softly stern voice. Iri's eyes immediately lit up and her smile came back again. "Really! you would go!" Iris said excitedly as you nodded which made Iris yell out a little yay and as Herlock smiled and put down his pipe. "You would not regret it (Y/n), I swear you wouldn't!" Iris said as she hugged you.
After dinner, Iris wanted to sleep early so she could prepare herself for the big day tomorrow so you decided to leave soon after but Iris wanted you to stay so you could read her a bedtime story, even if it was late and there's a high chance that there will be fewer cabs at this late hour but your heart ached seeing how disappointed she was by the turn of events earlier you didn't want her to be unhappy or feel bad and besides, she asked you nicely after all.
When Iris started to doze off, you carefully moved away from the book and stood up where Herlock was with his trusty pipe in his hand.
"It looks like your soothing voice really made Iris sleep, that's a kind of talent that I needed before when Iris was a baby." Herlock chuckled reminiscing about those memories, You giggled in reply, "Well then my dear lady, I should walk you home, at this late hour there are many thugs that are willing to prey on an unsuspecting woman like you." Herlock said as you both walked down the stairs, even though you were worried that you might bother Herlock but at the same time you do prioritize your safety too, "Oh, well, you are right."
Walking home was very relaxing, small conversation there while Herlock smoked his pipe but it was a very pleasant silence and when you reached your home you said goodbye and goodnight.
"Well then thank you for walking with me Herlock, sorry if it was a bother, well then see you tomorrow!" You said but before you could open your door, Herlock took your hand and kissed it, he then gave you a very seductive eye and hugged you.
"Well then, I'll be off, make sure that you actually keep your promise tomorrow, yes? You do not want to ruin Iris's smile do you?. . .'
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cleverri · 1 year
HERLOCK SHOLMES x READER | written by MOD clever
warnings; A few cuss words here and there but that's it-
romantic headcanons for Herlock Sholmes in a relationship…
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The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
Now, listen- This man seems charming. You know, being smooth and having the most out-there deductions. He seems like he has it all, especially with that intelligence of his. But listen here- His life is a chaotic mess. He lives a life of yes, a detective, but also a dad, and an annoyance /hj
Very quirky, very dramatic, can be very frustrating at times. Though because of how expressive he can be, and how he loves to jump into people's lives- (Much to the annoyance of most-) He's a very social person. He enjoys talking to others and figuring them out, it's practically a hobby for him at this point. Though there are his days- They're not many.
Not allowed in the kitchen. At all. Don't let him, you'll be making a huge mistake. Iris is the one making food- And though this does come off as strange- You soon learn as to why exactly only Iris is allowed near the kitchen. Speaking of Iris-
Sholmes is technically a dad. Whether anyone will admit to that or not. A total dilf? Absolutely- Okay, seriously though- It probably comes off as a shock that a very famous detective has been taking care of a child for the last ten years. Seeing how chaotic his own self seems to be. Honestly, I wouldn't be shocked if y'all found this attractive, an actual good parent!
He's very affectionate. In more ways than one. He loves being near you, knowing you're safe, and that you're close enough to grab in case of a dangerous situation. He loves seeing your face during a stressful situation because now he has someone to be happy around. He's just a very loving guy, okay? Accept his affection.
He enjoys someone who's rather affectionate too. Someone who's willing to just, stick with him and deal with his crazy life. Someone who will stick with him and Iris. He’ll admit someday, that he’s happy you’ve come into his life.
Will rant to you about any ideas or inventions that have been starting to brainstorm within his mind. He can’t keep these ideas to himself, he needs someone to get excited with, dammit! He’ll make exaggerated hand motions while doing so, it’s funny to watch sometimes-
Literally drags you along for adventures and cases he's working on. He's literally just like an excited puppy, he's so happy to have you around to give him ideas- Or simply to just show off these difficult cases that he's already solved.
Absolutely LOVED dancing around with you. Just humming a little tune as he takes you by the hand and starts twirling you around- It's the cutest thing. I think it'd be funny if he knew how to waltz, as he doesn't seem like the person to know how to do that??? But he simply says it was for a silly little case he dived into.
Pretty much Golden Retriever energy. Just a big ball of energy, charisma, and goofiness. Also including how affectionate he is- He loves nuzzling into your neck, muttering how much he loves being around you. He loves holding you close, listening to your heartbeat.
His main love language is Gift Giving. He loves making you little trinkets to help out with everyday life, or just making you little things that you’d love to simply stare at. But his second love language is Physical Affection. As said before, he absolutely loves clinging onto you, like there’s nobody else in the world. Holding onto you as if you’d disappear any second.
“Herlock-!?” “My dear, you look absolutely ravishing tonight, do you know that?”
Lanky. Lanky, tall, stinky man- /JBut seriously, he’s not very good in the strength department, as much as he hates to admit to it. He’s focused more of his life into solving mysteries and using intelligence, he never really focused on getting stronger. 
Every single date always somehow gets into chaotic messes- Either it has something to do with Iris, or a sudden crime scene where Herlock must figure out what had happened- Of course, dragging you along for the ride.
We all know how chaotic his life is. Raising a child, having to solve Britain’s biggest mysteries- And now getting himself involved in a romantic relationship. But we all know he wouldn’t change it for the world. And I know y’all wouldn’t either.
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lunawritesaa · 2 years
Hey hey hey! Jewlery anon here, may I request Herlock Sholmes + hugs? Thank you and have an amazing day!^^
i hope you have an amazing day too, jewlery anon! <3
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-> herlock's hugs are absolutely amazing. there is no one better at giving a hug than him. it's almost mind blowing how warm and safe someone's arms can feel.
-> you don't even have to ask twice for a hug from him. sometimes you don't even have to ask at all. he's more than happy to dish out a hug to the love of his live whenever, no questions.
-> always rubs up and down your back while lightly squeezing you. it's so comforting you could fall asleep. honestly, he prides himself on giving hugs that can improve your mood in no time.
-> he feels the same way about your hugs, too! whenever he gets into one of his moods, he pretty much sulks until he can get a hug from you.
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sageteapost · 2 years
| Herlock Sholmes Masterlist |
❝So everyone...let us begin!❞
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[ ☁️ = Fluff/Comfort | ☔️ = Angst | 🖤 = Dark/Triggering | 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQ+ | 🍷= Spice | ❤️ = Romantic | 💫 = Platonic | 🌸 = Family | 🖋 = Non-Fandom ]
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"Who Ate the Bloody Cookies?!" Fic - ☁️💫/❤️
In Progress:
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Sick Herlock is More of a Menace than Normal
G/N reader, pre-established relationship, and Herlock being a menace for attention and affection while completely congested. Let's say the man came down with a cold, because he dashed out of 221b without his coat and hat, likely due to some realization, and needing to act on it, like the hyperactive child he is. When he came back, hours later, he was soaked to the skin, fluffy hair laid flat on his face. You can't help but snort at the man, as he wrings his hair out, grumbling something about your amusement.
The next day, when you woke to make breakfast for Herlock and Iris, he was still in bed. Odd. Normally, the man would wake up before you, to start his work, but today, he was still in bed with you, and...breathing out of his mouth. He was sick. When the man eventually woke, an hour after you woke, and while Iris was eating her breakfast, the great detective shuffled out of your room, in his bathrobe, looking miserable.
"Are you doing alright, darling? You look a little...unwell." You make a small jab at his state. Herlock huffed, sniffling as he sat down for breakfast, wrapping his hands around the mug of coffee you hand him, savoring the heat still coming from it.
"Don't you dare say 'I told you so'." His voice was low, and gravelly, due to being congested, but you cracked a smile, hiding it as you were doing the dishes.
"I wouldn't dream of it, Hurley." But having the man home for the day was more of an issue than you would think. Because instead of him being resigned to his workstation, he was plastered to your side, against your back, as close as he could get. While you were cleaning, he was shuffling right behind you, arms wrapped around your waist, head on your shoulder.
When you were ready to head out to do errands, the detective was splayed out on the couch, still in his fuzzy pink robe, lamenting how "I might die if you leave me, my dear," but you rolled your eyes, pulling your coat around your shoulders. "You will be fine, Hurley, I'll come home with ingredients for soup, and medicine for you."
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kobb4ni2 · 1 year
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@yyxandere SPEAKING: Sneak peak of what I'm doing right now! ALOT OF MY REQUEST WILL BE ON HOLD RIGHT NOW, because I've been planning this slowburn book for 1 year now, I'm also so dedicated that I even started reading the ORIGINAL Sherlock Holmes book AAA 😭😭‼️‼️
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thesimpsbasement · 5 months
Request for Mod Betty! Can I ask for smau for Herlock, Kazuma, Barok, Ryuunosuke, Godot, Edgeworth, Klavier, Simon, and Phoenix react to gn s/o asking him if he wanted to try a new restaurant when he's free & they're going to treat him please?
Asking them to go to a new restaurant with you
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•characters:Herlock,Kazuma,Barok,Ryuunosuke,Godot,Edgeworth,Klavier,Simon,Phoenix •warnings/tags: fluff,crack,established relationship
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frickingnerd · 8 months
herlock sholmes with a shy s/o
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pairing: herlock sholmes x gn!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, established romantic relationship, extrovert!herlock x introvert!reader, supportive boyfriend!herlock
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herlock is far from being shy himself, so the two of you are polar opposites!
herlock doesn't quite understand why you would be nervous to talk to new people or why you don't just say or do whatever you want, just like he does!
you'll often be forced out of your comfort zone by him, as he drags you around london, taking you to places you've never been to before – and likely never wanted to be at!
since you're dating him, you get introduced to all the hundreds of people he knows! after all, it would be rude if he didn't introduce, would it?
even when you're at his place, it's never just the two of you!
iris, ryunosuke or susato are always around, but it's only a matter of time until you warm up to them and grow comfortable around them
the three of them are much more understanding about your shyness and sometimes have to scold sholmes when he'd being a bit too much
but it's not like dating herlock only has negative aspects!
he's an extrovert through and through and whenever you're too shy to say or do something, herlock is there to take your place and help you out!
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whoreologium · 18 days
Code: Baby ~ Sholmes
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When Herlock Sholmes hears the news of his spouse’s pregnancy, his immediate reaction is a blend of surprise and measured joy. His normally analytical mind, adept at unraveling the most complex of mysteries, is momentarily disoriented by the revelation. For once, he’s faced with a situation that defies logical analysis and predictability.
His sharp, observant eyes soften as he processes the information, a rare and genuine smile flickering across his face. “Well now,” he murmurs softly, almost as if speaking to himself, “this is certainly... unexpected.” There’s a brief moment of silence, as if he’s waiting for the gravity of the situation to fully sink in. His usual composure is momentarily replaced by a trace of nervous energy, revealing a side of him that is rarely seen.
As the initial shock gives way to reality, Sholmes’s excitement begins to build. His mind, always sharp and calculating, immediately shifts to considerations of safety and preparation. He dives into action, meticulously planning and ensuring that every precaution is taken. He might become somewhat obsessive about finding the best doctors and creating a perfect environment, his logical mind working overtime to manage his apprehension.
Despite his penchant for rational thought, there’s an undeniable moment of tenderness when he places a hand on her stomach and feels the faintest sign of life. His usually steady demeanor falters slightly, revealing a deep well of emotion. “It seems,” he says with a soft chuckle, his voice betraying a hint of awe, “that the greatest mystery of all is the one I find myself most eager to explore.”
His love for her, though always present, deepens with this new chapter. While his analytical nature might lead him to overthink and prepare excessively, it is clear that he will be a devoted and caring partner. The anticipation of fatherhood becomes a new mystery he is eager to embrace, and though he may approach it with his characteristic intensity, his affection and dedication shine through, making him an endearing and slightly eccentric future father.
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randoimago · 11 months
Day 23 - Opposites Attract
Fandom: Ace Attorney
Character(s): Herlock Sholmes
Type of Request: 31 Days of Oc-Trope-R
Note(s): Herlock is such an interesting character to write for. I really do love Capcom's version of this Sherlock Holmes.
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In his mind, there was absolutely no reason why he should be so attached to you. You both met during one of his cases. You were actually a suspect that he was convinced played a larger part in a murder (which Ryunosuke thankfully shut him down on). You're calm and collected while he's all over the damn place, trying to put the pieces together to a single-colored puzzle.
It just doesn't make sense as you're sitting in a chair across from him, staying quiet and listening as he rambles and tells you about some case or whatever Iris had invented recently. His hands are moving as he speaks, emphasizing his words with his gestures. And then when you speak, you have your thoughts together and concise. You're not waving your limbs wildly while telling a story. It doesn't make sense.
And maybe that's why he is so attached to you. You're just a puzzle that he can't solve. That he doesn't know if he wants to solve. A missing piece that he can't quite fit in anywhere. Herlock brought that analogy up to Iris before, only to get back something like, "Don't compare someone you have a crush on to a puzzle."
It felt a bit absurd to him. Being told that the way he feels this way is because he has a crush on you. Because that's not quite right. A crush is just a small thing that can be fleeting or can blossom into more overtime. What he feels for you isn't a crush because it's in full bloom, he just hasn't identified what sort of flower it has become.
Herlock has thought about bringing these analogies to your attention, but he doubts you'll understand them. Don't get him wrong, you're smart in your own way. Your logic just isn't the same as his. He is a master detective and you're... well you're very aesthetically pleasing to him.
Honestly, it is a bit frustrating. His emotions are in turmoil because he wants to figure out this thing when it comes to you. You both have met multiple times - him being the one to ask you to meet - because he hoped the more time he'd spend with you, the faster he'd understand. Yes, Herlock understands that feelings are involved. That he is fond of you, but you both are nothing alike so how is that possible?
"Not everything needs an answer," you had said to him once when he was venting his frustrations. Your answer just added to his frustration because yes it does. He's a detective. He believes in science. Everything has an answer and those that don't mean that it hasn't been found yet. "You're going to get gray hairs and wrinkles if you keep worrying yourself so much," you added teasingly and Herlock was ready to pull his hair out with how much he enjoyed your teasing.
But maybe... Maybe you're right. Maybe he should stop worrying so much about why he likes you and worry more about how to show you how he feels. Romantic feelings aren't something that he excels at and so he already feels another complication coming up. But with another complication, that just means more time to spend with you and figure it out together. And he quite likes the idea of that.
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yyxandere · 10 months
I like to imagine how far Herlock Sholmes would go for his darling bcs this man is a himbo that has so many secrets to hide from everyone even darling
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Herlock as a detective knows how secrets are sometimes needed, Herlock himself has way too many secrets may it be his own or others, secrets that one slip can put a target on his back, that's why he acts like a himbo or rather clueless most of the time.
He also uses that himbo personality of his to trick his darling that he doesn't know what they're talking about, making his darling dismiss his unhealthy behavior.
I also think that it would take ALOT of work to even find a secret about Herlock but before you could even take a step to find any dirty secrets of his, Herlock already stops you. You were supposed to meet someone who knows even a single clue about a secret of his? Well once you open the door after numerous times of knocking you'll see Herlock smoking is pipe while he looks at you with a cunning eye.
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aashipping · 5 months
Bad Cramps
This writer is in period amd she's in feral mind state, no beta read so get the fuck off if you don't like this post.
Barok x short chubby reader cause I say so. She has a nickname called Pumpkin.
Platonic Herlock/Reader if you aware that part.
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Today's another trial day, the councils are the Reaper of Bailey and the great attorney from East country.
But your body decides to stab your back today.
Curling up in your bed, you don't want to move, don't want to do anything. But you want to hear those familiar voices of your friends.
The waves of sting feeling inside your lower belly and back and everywhere just triggered your unreasonable angry.
Suddenly, you got a new plan.
"Hello, this is Herlock Sholmes." The man said while you can hear the sounds around him.
"Herlock, are you in the Bailey now?"
"You sounds like you're weak or something, Miss Pumpkin. Do you need some help? And yes, I am going to see Mr. Reaper and Mr.Naruhodo's trial today."
You bite down your lip and take a deep breath so that you wouldn't yell at Herlock.
"Wonderful. Can you remain this open so I can listen too? I can't go there but I still want to listen to it. Please Herlock, O the great detective!"
Herlock doesn't say anything, but you can imagine he's raising his eyebrows with a confused and amused face right now.
"As you wish, my lady, but can I get the reason for why you can't come along? And I don't see Heather either."
You clear your throat, "She's with me since I kind of in sick. My back and belly hurt and I am bleeding regularly."
"You what?!"
"Don't be an idiots Herlock, the regular bleeding within women!"
You roll your eyes and turn to the other side.
"Alright, wish you feel better soon, Miss Pumpkin."
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Hearing Barok's voice always brings you peace.
It doesn't matter it's his crashing glass sound, his insults to the jurors, witness or the defence lawyer. You don't mind those harsh words right now.
His deep, rich and smooth voice is what you need at this moment.
You craved for his comfort words.
You craved for his warm touch or even hugs.
Of course, you know this is all your mind and fragil state tricking you. But you don't want to be reasonable for now.
You are bleeding, what would hurt more about dreaming?
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To Noruhodo Ryunosuke, it's not his first time to see Lord van Zieks be annoyed and impatience.
But it's his first time to see that prosecutor be that gloomy and aggressive.
So far, Lord van Zieks broke 7 glasses and 2 bottles of wine, and one leg slam in the first three hours.
His death glares are cold enough to freeze the witness and defendant on the spot. Even Asogi and the judge could feel his stormy mood.
"I see Miss Heather isn't come today, does she feel sick or something, Lord van Zieks?"
The prosecutor cross his arms, his eyes are closed. Then he open them with a neutral face.
"Pray forgiveness for the discourtesy of unfocused in this trial, my Lord. I do be bothered by the reason she can't be here. But the true reason got me so impatient with, is the nonsense of my learned friiend."
Everyone could see your unusual aggressive, Lord van Zieks. And how could this be my fault......
"Be careful, Naruhodo. The enemy is awake now, time to bring it to a new possibility and find the truth." Asogi peeks at his lawyer friend and warned him.
"Oh, ugh, right! Thanks, Asogi."
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In the break of twenty minutes, Mr.Sholmes sneak into the lounge.
"It's a bad weather today, don't you think, Mr. Naruhodo?" The detective says and smokes his pipe.
"If you mean the prosecutor, then yes it's worse than usual." Naruhodo slumps and has cold sweats.
"Heather isn't here, could that means that Miss Pumpkin is kind of in trouble or something such?" Asogi puts his fingers under his jaws.
"She's uncomfortable today, feels sick. So I let her my ears." Mr.Sholmes snaps his finger and takes out his phone device.
"We're adjourned for twenty minutes now so you can say hi to the boys, Miss Pumpkin."
Naruhodo and Susato cheers in excitement.
"Miss Pumpkin! Are you alright? Mr.Sholmes said......"
"Yeah I heard him, just a normal problem, don't worry about it. And you're doing so well so far, guys."
"But Lord van Zieks is so scary today, he's even scarier to Naruhodo-sama! I thought we'll be hung up or something when this trial has its end."
"Don't - Don't say that, Susato-san!"
"He's in that bad mood? Why? The witnesses or the jurors step on the death line or something?"
"I think the answer is more simpler, Miss Pumpkin." Asogi shakes his head.
"He's in the bad mood cycle like a black cat he is? Is that what you're saying about?"
"True but no."
"You confuse me."
When the baliff announced they need to move, you called Naruhodo's name.
"Naruhodo, I think the cake is a lie, you need to review your judicial records."
"The cake? Oh ugh I will, thanks Miss Pumpkin."
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"Mr. Disanst, you said that you were going to a bakery, can you tell us why you were going to there?"
"Oh uhm... You know, my wife has a sweet tooth and she craves the sweet when she's in mood or having a bad pain monthly. So I buy her cake when she doesn't feel good."
Some audience in aww and compliant him.
Yet, Naruhodo found that there's no cake on the table in the photo.
And there's a butter knife on the cabinet, with a cup of tea.
"But it's weird, there's no cake in the photo, a butter knife and a cup of tea with a strong drug in it are set behind the door, right on the cabinet. Can you tell me why and who put them there?"
"Who knows? Maybe my wife? And I didn't eat cake with my wife you see. I was in the living room."
Naruhodo slams the table.
"Objection! I am afraid the cake is a lie, Mr.Disanst."
"You didn't in the living room, you were in the bedroom. You drugged your wife to put her into sleep, and you took this chance to strangle Miss Cassandra to death before you stabbed the butter knife into her chest and left your unconscious wife with the body."
"You-You have no evidence! This are all your imagination! Why would I kill Cassandra?"
"It's the letter and the cake, Mr.Disanst. You cheated on your wife with Miss Cassandra. She baked the cake and you poured the drug in the tea. You two were planning to kill your wife, but you accidentally found her secret, her betrayal with a backup plan to blackmail you. So you killed her, set your own wife up, so you could keep playing the victim role."
The case is dismissed, and Lord van Zieks seems to lost in his thoughts.
After the trial, he rushes to a famous bakery nearby the Court.
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