#Herbal Medicine for HIV
panaceayur · 1 year
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lalitrajsingh · 1 year
बेशर्म I Ipomoea_carnea I Meningitis_Hydrocephalus_Arthritis_Leucoderma_HIV_CVD_Convolvulaceae_diy
#बेशर्म #Ipomoea_carnea #Meningitis #Hydrocephalus #Arthritis #Leucoderma #HIV #CVD #Convolvulaceae #diy #remediate_pitta #चिंता #Blood_Pressure #रक्तचाप #Diabetes #मधुमेह #convolvulaceae #Neurodegenerative_problems #brain #free_radical_scavenger #wound_healer #inflammation #lipid_peroxidation #life_longivity #besharam #antifungal #alopecia_inducer #anxiety #healthylifestyle #healthylifestyle…
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iatrophilosophos · 2 months
Like yknow what just actually fuck everybody. I've been on this shit in so many forms for the past 24hrs ranging from actually tryina coordinate shit for someone who had a life-threatening-infection scare to the philosophical to the downright stupid and pointless.
The bar for engagement with medical theory needs to be so much fucking higher. I need yall incurious unserious motherfuckers to shut the fuck up about "What about the diabetics" when you have absolutely no concept of what the conditions of diabetic ppl who CURRENTLY do not have access to insulin are. Hell I want to fucking choke out everyone who pulls that shit but has never spared a thought in their live to HIV.
We're done. I'm so fucking done. I need nurses who ask for 201+ level engagement with medicine in radical spaces and then turn around and give webmd ass answers to shit outside! Their! Fucking! Scope! To actually just take a long walk off a short pier. I need people to stop pointing and laughing at dangerous scam shit that has more to do with the current form of western medicine than it ever had to do with any form of contemporary or historical herbalism.
People posture about how the stakes are so high and then turn that into justification for being incurious snide assholes who won't lift a finger to learn anything about the people or concepts they use as cudgels. Fuck that.
If you've ever said what about the diabetics or covid is the new aids or even made a fucking derisive joke abt <insert dumbass authoritarian proto/fringe-westernmedical movement here> as if it were in any way related to any populous medical movement of the past 10,000 fucking years without knowing anything abt the history of the thing ur fucking talking about: drink some mercury! It's good for your bones :)
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genericmedicina · 1 year
Generic Medicina is a Most trusted online Generic Medicine shop. That offers Generic medicines, Brand Medicines & Herbal medicine from Indian manufacturers. These medicines can be bought over the internet, in stores, and even by telephone. Generic Medicina is highly trusted, and its medicines are always of high quality.
We have a variety of medicines to help you feel better. Some of them are for conditions like Allergy medicine, Antibiotic, asthma, diabetes, weight loss,Men's Health Medicine, Erectile Dysfunction Medicines, Migraine Medicine, Cancer, HCG, HIV Medicine, Antiviral medicine, Gastro medicines and women's health and many more medication. We also have medicines for your eyes, headaches, and stomach problems.
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sarcastic-salem · 2 years
I’ve been looking through the boho/bohemian, cottage core, etc tags and I think I figured out the answer to my question about why boho has been redubbed goblin/cottage/cabin core.
It seems like bohemian culture which used to be identified by artistic eccentrics has been…..Not appropriated but taken over by rich, (white) vegans who are sometimes classist, racist, rightwing douchebags.
Cause, apparently, the trad wife movement is like huge in the cottage core community. Which doesn’t surprise me cause a lot of hearth/haus witches seem to be into cottage core stuff and we all know TERFs and rightwing assholes have been infiltrating witchy and Pagan safe spaces for years now. It seemed to escalate in 2018 which is only a few years after witchcraft and Paganism went mainstream, and was reduced to a fashion trend😒
But the reason why I think this is because a lot of things that were once associated with bohemian (and/or hippy) culture like herbalism, alternative medicine, recreational drugs, artsy shit, vintage and antiques, nature — are now associated with cottage/goblin/cabin core. Like in the 1960s the bohemian movement was kinda redefined by hippies — who were the OG hipsters — into free love and experimental drugs. And that fell out of style very quickly because of the spread of AIDS/HIV and people like Jim Jones and Charles Manson.
They were both murderous cult leaders fyi. Ever hear the saying, “Keep drinking the Kool-Aid?” Its because of Jim Jones. He had this huge commune in S. America, I think, and ordered his followers to drink some kind of sacred Kool-Aid that, unbeknownst to his followers, was laced with cyanide and all kinds of other poisonous shit. Lots of people died.
If anyone is interested in Charles Manson, I recommend reading the true crime novel Helter Skelter by Vincent Bugliosi.
Anyway, prior to the 1960s bohemian peeps were……Eccentric artists — people like Hans Christian Anderson or Leonardo da Vinci or Mary Shelley. Sometimes they were rich people. Sometimes they were straight up starving artists. Or they were just reclusive shut ins or even witches like Alister Crowley — who you should really not emulate. They collected antiques and made art and music and wrote books.
But pretty much anyone could identify or be labeled as bohemian.
Like, obviously, there was a racist aspect to it unfortunately but that started to change as culture and the arts evolved and more people realized that it was not okay to be a racist, anti-LGBT asshole. That’s how we got people like Jimmy Hendrix and Betty Davis — basically, bohemian was the grassroots of counter culture.
I could be completely wrong about that, but that’s just how I understand it.
And, personally, I feel that the term should be reclaimed by the weirdos. Just sayin’🤷🏻
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medicineplanet · 1 month
Medicine Planet: Your Comprehensive Online Health Partner
Medicine Planet offers a user-friendly online platform that caters to all your health needs. We simplify healthcare by providing easy access to allopathic medicines, vitamins, nutritional supplements, and other health products, all delivered directly to your door.
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As a respected distributor, exporter, supplier, and trader, Medicine Planet Pvt Ltd excels in delivering a broad range of medicines and surgical equipment.
We also specialize in cold chain pharmaceutical distribution services, ensuring the safe and precise handling of temperature-sensitive medical products. Whether for national or international clients, we maintain the highest standards in managing, packaging, and delivering these essential goods.
Explore our diverse product range, including oncology, general pharma, nephrology, global brands, sexual wellness, Ayurveda/herbal products, vaccines, and HIV/antiviral treatments, all designed to meet your specific health needs with reliability and care.
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snehagoogle · 2 months
Sir Louis Pasteur
Sir Louis Pasteur used organisms like microbes to make rabies vaccine
Do you know friends, nowadays many difficult diseases are treated by extracting venom from snakes and scorpions
By the way, medicines are actually organic
What medicines can be made other than organic materials
What drugs are made from natural resources?
DDC | Free Full-Text | Plant-Derived Natural Products: A ...
Additional plant-derived natural products of medical significance that were earlier acquired from herbal origins but are currently manufactured economically mainly via synthesis include atropine, cocaine, ephedrine, colchicine, caffeine, digitoxin, morphine, quinine, scopolamine, theobromine, and Taxol.
Herbal versus Synthetic Medicines
https://www.news-medical.net › health › Herbal-versus-...
23 Aug 2021 
Herbal medicine has been with us since the dawn of human civilization and yet we know far less about its effects than we do about conventional synthetic medicines. In the Western world particularly, we’ve come to rely on synthetic drugs and yet many still turn to natural medicines when looking for healing solutions. This article looks at the benefits and the problems of both kinds of medicine. Here we consider why we need to know more about herbal medicines than we do.
Herbal and synthetic medicines together?
Care needs to be taken where synthetic and herbal medicines are taken at the same time and it is generally advisable not to do this. It is also advisable not to take herbal medicine during pregnancy.
Researchers have found that commonly used herbal medicines such as St. John’s wort, ginseng, and Gingko Biloba could have harmful interactions with conventional medicines. These include:
diluting effects
increasing the potency
dangerous side effects
Patients have been found to suffer serious consequences when taking herbals alongside drugs such as antidepressants and medicines for HIV, epilepsy, and heart disease. Although herbal medicines are natural products, they can still produce potentially potent biological effects on the body which can also, unfortunately, be deleterious ones.
But people often turn to these natural medicines as they believe they’re free from undesirable effects. Though the perception is incorrect, on balance herbal medicines are still actually much safer than synthetic drugs. Around 100,000 people die every year due to the toxic effects of synthetic drugs whereas hospitalizations and deaths caused by herbal medicines are difficult to find.
Herbal medicines are made from biological resources
Are synthetic medicines not made from biological resources?
Well, this earth was composed of biological resources 4 billion years ago
At that time, LUCA organisms did not even perform breathing
I think the earth itself is a biological material
Well friends, I have written about medicine by adopting a lot of different perspectives
You decide whether tomorrow's world will find this article necessary or not
Till then, please allow me to start writing about our next program React
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सर लुई पाश्चर माइक्रोब जैसे जीव इस्तेमाल किया था रेबीज वैक्सीन बनाने के लिए
आपको पता है दोस्तों आजकल सांप बिच्छु की विष निकालकर कई कठिन से कठिन रोग का इलाज होता है
वैसे दवाई असल में जैविक ही है
जैव सामग्री अलावा क्या दवा बनाया जा सकता है
प्राकृतिक संसाधनों से कौन सी दवाएँ बनाई जाती हैं?
डीडीसी | मुफ़्त पूर्ण-पाठ | पौधों से प्राप्त प्राकृतिक उत्पाद: एक ...
चिकित्सा महत्व के अतिरिक्त पौधों से प्राप्त प्राकृतिक उत्पाद जो पहले हर्बल मूल से प्राप्त किए गए थे, लेकिन वर्तमान में मुख्य रूप से संश्लेषण के माध्यम से आर्थिक रूप से निर्मित किए जाते हैं, उनमें एट्रोपिन, कोकेन, इफ़ेड्रिन, कोल्सीसिन, कैफीन, डिजिटॉक्सिन, मॉर्फिन, क्विनिन, स्कोपोलामाइन, थियोब्रोमाइन और टैक्सोल शामिल हैं।
हर्बल बनाम सिंथेटिक दवाएँ
https://www.news-medical.net › स्वास्थ्य › हर्बल-बनाम-...
23 अगस्त 2021
मानव सभ्यता की शुरुआत से ही हर्बल दवा हमारे साथ रही है और फिर भी हम इसके प्रभावों के बारे में पारंपरिक सिंथेटिक दवाओं की तुलना में बहुत कम जानते हैं। विशेष रूप से पश्चिमी दुनिया में, हम सिंथेटिक दवाओं पर निर्भर हो गए हैं और फिर भी कई लोग उपचार के समाधान की तलाश में प्राकृतिक दवाओं की ओर रुख करते हैं। यह लेख दोनों प्रकार की दवाओं के लाभों और समस्याओं को देखता है। यहाँ हम इस बात पर विचार करते हैं कि हमें हर्बल दवाओं के बारे में जितना जानना चाहिए, उससे कहीं ज़्यादा क्यों जानना चाहिए।
हर्बल और सिंथेटिक दवाएँ एक साथ?
जब सिंथेटिक और हर्बल दवाएँ एक साथ ली जाती हैं, तो सावधानी बरतने की ज़रूरत होती है और आमतौर पर ऐसा न करने की सलाह दी जाती है। गर्भावस्था के दौरान हर्बल दवा न लेने की भी सलाह दी जाती है।
शोधकर्ताओं ने पाया है कि सेंट जॉन्स वोर्ट, जिनसेंग और जिन्को बिलोबा जैसी आम तौर पर इस्तेमाल की जाने वाली हर्बल दवाएँ पारंपरिक दवाओं के साथ हानिकारक हो सकती हैं। इनमें शामिल हैं:
पतला प्रभाव
शक्ति में वृद्धि
खतरनाक दुष्प्रभाव
एंटीडिप्रेसेंट और एचआईवी, मिर्गी और हृदय रोग की दवाओं जैसी दवाओं के साथ हर्बल लेने पर मरीजों को गंभीर परिणाम भुगतने पड़ते हैं। हालाँकि हर्बल दवाएँ प्राकृतिक उत्पाद हैं, फिर भी वे शरीर पर संभावित रूप से शक्तिशाली जैविक प्रभाव पैदा कर सकती हैं जो दुर्भाग्य से हानिकारक भी हो सकते हैं।
लेकिन लोग अक्सर इन प्राकृतिक दवाओं की ओर रुख करते हैं क्योंकि उन्हें लगता है कि वे अवांछनीय प्रभावों से मुक्त हैं। हालाँकि यह धारणा गलत है, लेकिन संतुलन पर हर्बल दवाएँ वास्तव में सिंथेटिक दवाओं की तुलना में बहुत अधिक सुरक्षित हैं। सिंथेटिक दवाओं के विषाक्त प्रभाव के कारण हर साल लगभग 1,00,000 लोग मर जाते हैं, जबकि हर्बल दवाओं के कारण अस्पताल में भर्ती होने और मृत्यु के मामले मिलना मुश्किल है।
हर्बल मेडिसिन जैविक संसाधनों से बने होते है 
क्या सिंथेटिक दवाएँ जैविक संसाधनों से बने नहीं होते है
खैर 4 अरब साल पहले से ही यह पृथ्वी जैविक संसाधनों को रचना की थी
उस समय तो LUCA जीव श्वसण कृया तक नहीं करते थे
मुझे तो लगता है पृथ्वी खुद ही एक जैव उपादान है
खैर दोस्तों में मेडिसिन के विषय में काफी भिन्नता अवलंबन करके लिखा हूँ
कल की जमाना इस लेख को जरूरत समझे या नहीं यह आप सोचिए
तब तक मुझें आज्ञा दीजिए मैं हमारा अगला कारिक्रम रिएक्ट के बारे में लिखना शुरू करूं
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theyogshala46 · 5 months
The Yogshala Clinic the top Ayurvedic treatment Centre in Delhi
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Are you worried about your health issue? Need an additional Ayurvedic treatment? Thus, The Yogshala Clinic is 𝐓𝐨𝐩 𝐀𝐲𝐮𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐂𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐡𝐢. For the best treatment for any health issue, including acidity, HIV, joint pain, stomach pain, piles, gastritis, diabetes, hair loss, and panchakarma therapy, visit this clinic.
Known as the "science of life," Ayurveda is a traditional Indian subcontinental medicine. Panchakarma, medication or herbal therapy support, rejuvenation treatment, and Ayurvedic diet or biological process treatment are the four main types of Ayurvedic treatment. The most important and beneficial medical procedure to support the natural healing of these basic types is known as "Panchakarma." 𝐏𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐚 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 are usually administered in a natural environment under the supervision of skilled Ayurvedic practitioners.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐀𝐲𝐮𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝𝐚 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐬
The Yogshala clinic specializes in treating a wide range of medical conditions with tried-and-true Ayurvedic principles. The following conditions, which range from everyday problems to chronic diseases, have been successfully treated:
Digestive disorders: Ayurveda focuses on dietary changes, herbal remedies, and lifestyle adjustments to provide holistic solutions for digestive problems such as acidity, indigestion, and irritable bowel syndrome. 
Skin Disorders: In an attempt to promote radiant skin from the inside out, Ayurveda treats skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and acne. 
Joint Pain and Arthritis: The Yogshala Clinic offers individualized treatments for joint pain and arthritis, boosting mobility and quality of life with herbal massage, dietary guidance, and mild exercise.
Ayurvedic remedies for well-being?
The core treatment of Ayurveda, panchakarma, is a thorough cleansing and revitalizing procedure that returns the body to its optimal state of balance and vitality. There are five main therapeutic techniques involved: 
Vomiting (Vamana Therapy): To get rid of extra mucus and toxins from the stomach and upper respiratory tract, induced vomiting is used. Purgation therapy, or vivechana, is the use of medication to clear the liver and intestines of waste materials, bile, and toxins.
Basti (enema therapy): Giving out medicated enemas to clear the rectum and colon, get rid of toxins that have accumulated, and balance the doshas. 
Nasya (nasal administration): The application of medicinal oils or herbal preparations through the nasal passages to improve mental clarity and respiratory function, as well as to cleanse and revitalize the head and neck region.
Best Ayurvedic Doctor in Delhi
An accomplished Ayurvedic doctor in Delhi with decades of experience and a strong dedication to patient care is available at the Yogshala Clinic. He is the top Ayurvedic physician in Delhi for the following reasons:
Expertise: The Yogshsla Clinic can accurately diagnose complex conditions and create individualized treatment plans for the best results thanks to his extensive knowledge of Ayurveda and his clinical expertise.
Creative Solutions: The Yogshsla Clinic stays up to date on the most recent developments in Ayurvedic medicine. He combines conventional wisdom with contemporary research to provide creative solutions that address his patients' changing medical needs.
Patient-centered approach: The Yogshsla Clinic informs his patients about Ayurveda and helps them make long-lasting lifestyle changes that foster wellness outside of the clinic, all with an emphasis on empowerment and education.
The Yogshala Clinic is a symbol of the Best Ayurvedic Treatment in Kalkaji, Delhi , offering individualized attention, all-encompassing solutions, and sympathetic direction toward well-being. Embrace Ayurveda, Embrace Health: This is where your path to vitality starts.
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pillsblue · 5 months
Revitalize Your Love Life with Fildena 100mg: The Key to Lasting Pleasure
What is Fildena 100mg Tablets used for?
Fildena 100mg Tablets is prescribed for the treatment of Erectile dysfunction. It is also indicated for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). This medication relaxes muscles in the penis and increases blood flow in it, thereby helping men to achieve and maintain an erection. Fildena does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. This medicine may also be used to treat other conditions as determined by your doctor.
What are the side effects of Fildena 100mg Tablets?
Like other medicines, Fildena 100mg Tablets can cause some side effects. If they do occur, the side effects of Fildena are most likely to be minor and temporary. However, some may be serious and may require the individual to inform the doctor or visit the nearest hospital immediately.
It is pertinent to note that side effects of Fildena cannot be anticipated. If any side effects of Fildena develop or change in intensity, the doctor should be informed as soon as possible.
Fildena can cause side effects such as back pain, upset stomach, stuffy nose, headache, blurred vision, and flushing in your face, neck, or chest. This is not a complete list of all side effects. Do concur with your doctor and follow his directions completely when you are taking Fildena.
What is the recommended dosage of Fildena?
The dosage of Fildena prescribed to each patient will vary. Always follow your physician’s instructions and/or the directions on the prescription drug label
What if you overdose on Fildena?
Any medication taken in excess can have serious consequences. If you suspect an overdose of Fildena, seek medical attention immediately.
What other drugs could interact with Fildena 100mg Tablets?
It may be noted that drugs other than those listed above may also interact with Fildena.
Usually drug interactions occur when it is taken with another drug or with food. Before you take a medication for a particular ailment, you should inform the health expert about intake of any other medications including non-prescription medications, over-the-counter medicines that may increase the effect of Fildena, and dietary supplements like vitamins, minerals and herbal, so that the doctor can warn you of any possible drug interactions.
Fildena can interact with heart or blood pressure medications, antidepressants, antibiotics, antifungal medications, and HIV/AIDS medicines.
Do let your doctor know if you smoke, consume alcohol or caffeinated drinks, or use illegal drugs as these may interfere with the action of your medication. Make sure to inform your doctor of any medical conditions you may have, or any family history of medical problems. Do not start or stop using any medicine without consulting your doctor.
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panaceayur · 1 year
Herbal Medicine for AIDS: Exploring the Pursuit of an HIV Permanent Cure in India
As researchers continue to make strides in this field, it is essential to remain cautiously optimistic. Collaborative efforts, widespread awareness, and sustained funding are crucial to accelerate the development of herbal medicine for AIDS.
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lalitrajsingh · 1 year
कामिनी I Duranta_erecta I cancer_Antimicrobial_HIV_Skin_problems_Organic_Cultivation_Urinogenital
#कामिनी #Duranta_erecta #cancer #Antimicrobial #HIV #Skin_problems #Organic_Cultivation #Urinogenital #verbenaceae #reallife #application #highereducation #advance #liver #Kidneys #remediation #psoriasis #inflammation #freeskins #Lumbago #DIY #Immunity#ytviralvideos #happy #immunomodulator #cutting #Indole_butyric_acid #arthritis #health #nature #life #drlalit #menorrhagia #dysmenorrhoea…
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gautamayurveda2 · 6 months
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are a serious global health issue, caused by different germs spread mainly through sexual contact and skin-to-skin touch. Some STDs, like chlamydia and gonorrhea, can be treated with antibiotics, while others such as HIV and herpes don't have a cure but can be managed with medicines. Sexologists, who specialize in human sexuality, are important in educating, testing, and supporting people with STDs. Ayurvedic Sexologist Doctor in India offer alternative treatments like herbal remedies, along with mainstream medical care. Prevention is key, involving safe sex practices, regular condom use, vaccination, and getting tested for STDs. Early diagnosis and treatment are vital for preventing complications.
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bhagwatiayurved · 8 months
HIV Treatment Clinic in Uttar Pradesh
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Are you suffering from HIV? Are you able to get HIV medication? You will soon receive the most effective care available. Bhagwati Ayurveda provides superior care that is also holistic. HIV has multiple origins; however, it can also be treated simultaneously. Don't wait to take advantage of Bhagwati Ayurveda, one of the most highly certified businesses in the world. If you stick to your medication schedule, HIV therapy can be successful. Read this blog and obtain full information about the treatment of HIV at HIV Treatment Clinic in Bihar.
HIV Treatment Clinic in Uttar Pradesh What is HIV?
HIV, short for human immunodeficiency virus, is a virus that weakens the immune system. Keeping your immune system strong will protect your body from infection. This may cause the AIDS virus.
No effective treatment for this illness exists at present. There is no effective treatment, and your life is in danger. With treatment at HIV Treatment Clinic in Uttar Pradesh, HIV can be managed. The treatment has the potential to grant you a long, secure, and healthy life. This virus will severely compromise your immune system by eliminating your body's natural defences against illness.
Sweating, fever, weakness, joint pain, muscle aches, sore throat, and weight loss are all possible early-onset HIV symptoms. Medical attention is recommended if the bacteria or virus has spread throughout your body. Later signs include double vision, dry cough, high temperature that lasts for 10 days, difficulty breathing, loose stools, and sudden weight loss.
Ayurvedic Treatment for HIV/AIDS
To better manage the disease's bodily manifestations, people living with HIV/AIDS should fortify their coping mechanisms. And the strategies to counter it need to be improved as well.
Researchers have claimed that the AIDS virus can be completely eradicated using Geranium, also known as Kashaymul Vanaspati in Ayurvedic medicine.
Scientists speculated that the geranium's root contains components that fortify human cells against HIV-1 infection. Not only this, it also works to enhance your immune system.
This herb is just one of many used in Ayurveda to boost the immune system of a person with a damaged immune system.
HIV/AIDS Treatment
Bhagwati Ayurveda, HIV Treatment Clinic in Uttar Pradesh offers Ayurvedic medicines for HIV treatment, which eliminate the virus and promote the growth of Cd4 cells. It also prevents the infection from spreading and stops it if it does.
Treatment is based on test results; patients must undertake the Standard Testing Procedure at regular 90-day intervals after the medication is started to track progress and adjust their care accordingly. The time the medicines are effective is based on the changes in the body, namely how quickly the viral load drops and how much the CD4 count rises.
CONSTOP has found the following additional symptoms as possible side effects of this HIV ayurvedic medicine:
Reduced hunger leads to weight loss.
Long-lasting fever
Atopic dermatitis with hives
Conclusion Bhagwati Ayurved is a highly known professional and the best HIV Treatment Clinic in Bihar. It has proved successful in the past in finding treatments for a variety of illnesses, such as diabetes and arthritis. Herbal and natural ingredients are used in manufacturing, making these medicines risk-free.
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pharmazon · 1 year
Empowering Women's Health: A Comprehensive Guide to Female Healthcare in the UK
Women's health is an integral part of overall well-being, and it deserves focused attention and care. In the United Kingdom, women have access to a wide range of healthcare services, products, and resources to support their unique health needs. From women's health products to the best supplements, female healthcare medicines, and genitourinary medicine, this blog will explore the key aspects of female healthcare in the UK.
Women's Health Products
The market for women's health products in the UK has expanded significantly in recent years, offering a variety of solutions to address various health concerns. These products encompass a range of items, including menstrual hygiene products, contraceptives, and menopause management aids.
Menstrual Hygiene Products:
From tampons to sanitary pads and menstrual cups, the UK offers a plethora of options to help women manage their periods comfortably and hygienically. Many brands prioritize sustainability and environmental consciousness, offering reusable and eco-friendly alternatives.
Access to contraception is a crucial aspect of women's health. In the UK, women have access to a range of contraceptive options, including birth control pills, patches, injections, intrauterine devices (IUDs), and implants, providing choices that suit individual preferences and needs.
Menopause Management:
As women transition through menopause, they often encounter various physical and emotional changes. In the UK, there are numerous products available to manage symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and bone health. These include hormone replacement therapy (HRT), herbal supplements, and lifestyle modifications.
Best Supplements for Women
Supplements play a vital role in supporting women's health by providing essential nutrients that may be lacking in their diets. Some of the best supplements for women in the UK include:
Folic Acid:
Especially important for women of childbearing age, folic acid helps prevent neural tube defects in newborns. Many women take folic acid supplements before and during pregnancy.
Calcium and Vitamin D:
These nutrients are essential for bone health and can help prevent osteoporosis, a condition more common in women.
Iron supplements are often recommended for women with iron-deficiency anemia, a common condition, especially during menstruation and pregnancy.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
These are beneficial for heart health and may help reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases.
A well-rounded multivitamin can help cover nutritional gaps in the diet, ensuring women receive the vitamins and minerals they need.
Female Healthcare Medicines
In the UK, women have access to a wide range of prescription and over-the-counter medicines to address various health conditions. It's essential for women to consult with healthcare professionals before starting any new medications. Some common categories of female healthcare medicines include:
Hormone Therapy:
Hormone therapy may be prescribed to manage conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, and menopausal symptoms.
Pain Relief:
Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen and paracetamol can help manage menstrual cramps and other types of pain.
In cases of genitourinary infections, antibiotics are prescribed to treat conditions like urinary tract infections (UTIs).
Genitourinary Medicine
Genitourinary medicine, often referred to as sexual health or reproductive health, is a specialized field that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In the UK, individuals can access genitourinary medicine clinics and services that provide:
STI Testing:
Confidential testing for a range of STIs, including chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV, and syphilis.
Prompt treatment and counseling for individuals diagnosed with STIs.
Contraceptive Services:
Advice and access to various contraceptive methods to prevent unwanted pregnancies and protect against STIs.
Women's health is a multifaceted and evolving field in the United Kingdom. The availability of women's health products, supplements, medicines, and genitourinary medicine services empowers women to take control of their health and well-being. To make informed decisions about their health, women should consult healthcare professionals who can provide personalized guidance and recommendations tailored to their specific needs. With the right resources and support, women in the UK can lead healthy and fulfilling lives at every stage.
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melonglobalcare · 1 year
Scope Of Third Party Manufacturing In Mumbai
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Melon Globalcare are prominent exporters, wholesalers, and traders of Anti-Cancer and HIV Medicines. These products are acclaimed because of their accurate composition, excellent purity, easy to use, and longer shelf life. At the core of Melon Globalcare, we have a team of hardworking, passionate and professional workers. Our teams add extra efforts and courage to deliver excellent solution in work. They are self-motivated to set a new benchmark and to achieve perfection in their work. We can fulfil the need of bulk orders as we have a strong support of our vendors.
Mumbai is the capital of Maharashtra and the global pharmaceutical leader and the world’s largest generic medicines producer. A medicine manufacturing company in Mumbai is committed to improving the quality of health solutions worldwide. Over 80 percent of pharma manufacturers companies delivering the world’s largest medicine producer to 200+ million people every day. They provide healthcare research-based solutions and increasing access to quality health solutions globally. They are one of the best market leaders in the pharmaceutical industry worldwide.
3. Quality assurance & lab testing.
4. Introduce new and innovative product.
There are a lot of benefits of contract manufacturing services in Mumbai as they are using HIFI-technology in the production of medicines and they research to maintain the quality of products and improve the effectiveness of the pharma products which are hygiene, safe and affordable in price.
1. Hi-tech machinery and devices for improving pharma products.
2. High quality based product packaging with good designs.
1. Agio Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Agio Pharmaceuticals limited company was established in 1991 provides third party pharma manufacturers in Mumbai. The company understanding the strategic & operationa l needs of customers along with planning for each country to give them support in the areas of ethical & OTC medicines, herbal formulations, and veterinary products. Their products manufactured by who GMP approved. They understand the requirement of the customers by offering safe and hygiene product quality every time they give third party manufacturing services to deliver good quality to our esteemed customers.
They will provide healthcare solutions with the maintenance of the highest ethical standards through our passion for excellence and unwavering commitment.
2. Ishita Pharma
Ishita pharma has more than 17 years of product quality experience, they are distributing and exporting pharmaceutical products in a broad manner. They have an extensive range of generic pharmaceutical products, human vaccines & pharmaceutical products oncology (anti-cancer) products, and surgical care products. Our products are known for their hygiene, safe and effective with fewer side effects. They believe in customer satisfaction to provide the best quality of pharmaceutical products at a very affordable price. They are manufacturers, warehousing, distribution, and sales. They have successfully served clients spread across in the market of Caribbean, African, Latin American, Southeast Asia, and Middle East countries.
3. Influx Healthcare
Influx healthcare started in 2003 in Mumbai. It is one of the fastest-growing third party pharma manufacturers in Mumbai. It is certified by GMP and ISO 22000 with well-equipped devices, quality control department, and competent manpower. They have a pan India based clients and a wide range of presence in 4 continents. Their main business involves third party manufacturing, marketing, contract manufacturing, and supplements. They have a wide distributor of networks.
4. Biobaxy Technologies
Biobaxy technologies India provides third party pharma manufacturers in Mumbai which is established in many parts of the globe deals with multiple branches, retail, wholesale and outlets. The company involves in manufacturing & exporting of a high-quality range of herbal, food and pharma products, it is a trusted healthcare industry which is 100% export-oriented iso-9001-2008 GMP & FSSAI approved. Biobaxy technologies are authorized by the FDA in India which is having the retail/wholesale sector. They have a large number of clients in different locations worldwide. They have a team of experts who are formulated in the range of cosmetic and pharma products by providing high-quality services to their customers. 
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The Silent Threat: Kidney Disease in the HIV Community
In India, the HIV community faces a silent yet potent threat – kidney disease. While conventional treatments play a vital role, exploring Ayurveda offers a promising path. Ayurvedic remedies harness the power of herbs to tackle kidney ailments, promoting holistic healing.
Ayurvedic treatment emphasizes restoring balance within the body and mind, addressing the root cause of kidney problems. These time-honored therapies provide natural and gentle solutions, ensuring minimal side effects.
From potent herbal concoctions to personalized diets, Ayurveda tailors treatments to individual needs. Home remedies like turmeric, punarnava, and gokshura are embraced for their kidney-nourishing properties.
By embracing Ayurveda, the HIV community can discover an empowering approach to kidney health, unlocking a harmonious coexistence between modern medicine and traditional wisdom.
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