#Hep B guidelines
drpedi07 · 1 year
EASL Hepatitis B Guidelines Calculator
This EASL Guideline on Hepatitis B presents updated recommendations and knowledge for the optimal management of HBV infection.
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undead-moth · 8 months
A week ago I go to my local pharmacy and ask the pharmacist, “Do you have longer needles for vaccinations?”
“Longer needles?” She asks.
“Yeah. The CDC recommends if you’re above a certain weight you need a longer needle. Do you have them?” I ask her.
She looks a little confused, and hesitates, but says, “Yes, we do.”
I’m a little nervous by her hesitation, but determine it might be because she’s not a fluent English speaker, or because, hopefully, obviously they have longer needles, why would I even ask?
As I make my appointment online for my vaccinations, I am asked a couple dozen questions about vaccinations I’ve had, allergies I have, reactions I’ve had, etc. I am not asked my weight even though it is medically relevant.
I come in today to get three vaccinations. The new Covid vaccine, flu and Hep B.
The pharmacist is different this time so I say, “Do you have longer needles?”
“Longer needles?” he asks.
“Yes. The CDC recommends if you are above a certain weight you need a longer needle.”
“We only have two sizes. One for children and one for adults. The one for adults is an inch long. You do not need a longer needle. You are the perfect size for this,” he says, without knowing what I weigh, or caring that the CDC specifically states that I am, in fact, not the perfect size for that needle.
He argues with me some. I say, “Fine, whatever I guess, I’ll take it anyway.” I feel rude, and yet I also feel like I have a right to be upset.
I attempt to look up the post with the link to the CDC guidelines on this site that informed me I need a longer needle. Even though I have reblogged it half a dozen times and type in several different words to search for it, Tumblr does not find it.
So I go online and try to find the guidelines directly from the CDC. I can’t find CDC guidelines for Covid more recent than 2022. I click on multiple articles all the while the pharmacist is preparing needles that won’t work for me. I find several articles that state that a woman between 152-200 pounds needs a 1 inch needle. I can’t find any that then acknowledge what size needle a woman needs if she’s above 200.
Finally, as the pharmacist is swabbing down my right arm, I find an article discussing the new CDC guidelines. It states that women over 200 pounds need a 1.5 inch needle.
I say, “Yeah, I’m supposed to have a one-and-a-half-inch needle.”
He stops his ministrations and looks right at me and says, “Do you want the vaccinations or not?” like I’m being completely unreasonable for wanting to follow CDC guidelines, for expecting a pharmacy to be equipped to vaccinate a huge percentage of the population, and for not wanting to get sick or get anyone else sick.
I don’t say to him, “Actually I want vaccinations that will fucking work,” even though I really want to.
I say, “Yes. Sure.”
He promptly gives me my Hepatitis B shot in my right arm even though I told him I wanted it in my left. Then as he begins vaccinating my other arm with Covid and Flu, he explains to me, “These are the needles we have. They are the needles the CDC provided during the pandemic. They work for all adults. The only other size we have is for children and it’s smaller.”
I don’t bother explaining to him, a pharmacist, that the pandemic isn’t over. Nor do I explain to him that these guidelines are new, and didn’t exist when the CDC provided the needles he’s using.
I just accept my useless vaccines, wait the required amount of time, and leave.
Now I have to begin trying to research where I can get vaccinated with properly sized needles. I have to plan another time I can afford to stay home sick the next day. And that’s if I can even find anywhere that gives one fuck that fat people exist and get sick and make others sick too.
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elishamanning · 3 years
as for the "guideline/rule?" question: in Germany ALL vaccinations are voluntary, apart from the Measles vaccine, which you have to get in order to attend KiTa, Kindergarten, school, work in school (no matter if as teacher, dinner person, cleaning staff, whatever) or any kind of public institution, including prisons, retirement homes, hospitals (obviously), asylum seekers homes, etc. ALL OTHER vaccinations are administered voluntarily as RECOMMENDED by the StIKo = Ständige Impfkommission, the official body which is comprised of medical experts from different areas and is part of the Robert-Koch-Institut. The StIKo regularly publishes the Impfkalender (available in 20 languages) and the Epidemiologisches Bulletin with the vaccinations they recommend (there are "S"-vaccinations (standard: as in these recommendations concern the entire population/everybody who goes to see a doctor in Germany), "B" vaccinations (B as in Beruf=profession, these vaccs are recommended depending on your field of work: e.g. Hep A/B for nurses, doctors, carers; pneumococci for welders), "I" vaccinations (I as Indikation: certain people/patients are recommended to get this, e.g. pneumococci vacc for people with COPD or asthma/after splenectomy) and "R" vaccinations (R as in Reise=travelling, when you plan to go such-and-such place, you need such-and-such shot, for example yellow fever). ALL vaccinations of the "S", "I" and "B" kind and some of the "R" vaccinations* as recommended by the StIKo are covered by general insurance, which everybody is obliged to have (*with the Reiseimpfungen it depends on the insurance company, though most of the "usual ones", yellow fever, ACWY meningitis, Hep A/B, typhoid, cholera, etc. will usually be payed for by the "usual" insurances like AOK, Techniker etc. (sometimes you first have to pay for them yourself and the insurance will reimburse you later))
So. There. I'm sure you wanted to know all of that. (I didn't know how to put it any shorter, sorry!)
oh yeah i know the vaccination itself is voluntary, i was just talking specifically about the policy regarding the timeline of it, specifically for those who have had covid. like is it a recommendation to wait at least 6 months (“you can get vaccinated before but you should have sufficient natural immunity until then so you can wait”) or a rule that they won’t vaccinate people who had covid within the past 6 months (“you can only get vaccinated 6 months after getting covid”), blocking people who have had it from getting the in a kinda similar way to how kids under certain ages cannot get vaccinated
if that all made sense
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catherinexxng · 4 years
for future imu students studying in unsw
Being a medical student is truly a privilege, but to be one studying abroad, is a truly satisfying and even more privileged experience, you get to be exposed to a different culture, and have your world views expanded, and some interesting stories to take home, at that ;) 
In being so, there are more steps to be taken being a twinning student compared to being in a local program. For example, you need to have a band 7.5 in your ielts and above to qualify for the twinning program. And your cert has to have a validity of 2 years until commencement of studies abroad, that means if your ielts expires 6 months before you’re to study abroad you’ll have to retake it :(  (thankfully in my case, my cert expired in August 2019, but I was still able to apply for my visa without having to retake it, my visa application counsellor helped me with it fuss-free; check below for info i.e. aecc global malaysia) 
I was initially in the undergraduate (PMS-UG) program but appealed a few months before I was supposed to start my UG studies in Dundee. I changed my mind because I can’t take the cold gloomy weather in North of Scotland. I will literally freeze to death and I love the sun too much, the way the heat and intensity strikes my skin giving that good ol loving Vit D. I knew Australia was my place. I wouldn’t last a year out North of Scotland. So I appealed to changed from the UG to G pathway. Plunging myself suddenly into the graduate program, came with a lot of confusion and uncertainty, and truly, a lot of doubts and was pretty scary. But thankfully I had my supportive family behind me. 
Tips before choosing your project: 
Choose wisely, choose one which interests you. Choose your supervisor well. Make sure you get along well with your supervisor and have one you truly are able to collaborate with and one who answers your doubts well and doesn’t ghost you, and who helps you along the way. Check for red flags when you meet them before you choose your project. I have had a friend in the same batch as me whose project was on biochemistry and nanoparticles and so he had 2 main supervisors, a bio and a chemistry supervisor. But his chemistry nanoparticle supervisor wasn’t there 90% of the time and didn’t check his dissertation before it was to be submitted, reason being he was busy. My friend had very little support and was extra stressed most of the time because of it. You don’t want this happening to you. And mind you, my friend’s project was really tough... coming from a medical background I felt as if he was doing scientist stuff. Totally incomprehensible. Choose a project which you are quite certain you’ll be able to present well later on in your research findings presentation and viva. Because you will do better if you feel like you understand your project at least to a certain degree. For me it was doing a project that had clinical value to it. 
Assessment components to note for Honours in your BMedScience degree to met the criteria to twin to unsw. 
1. Defence of research protocol (10%) 
2. Written examination (10%) 
3. Research findings in seminar (10%)
4. Dissertation (60%) 
5. Viva voce (10%) 
Components 1,3 and 5 are graded out of 10, therefore depending on your sem 3 and 5 results you can gauge how much you need to achieve in each component to make sure you meet the overall Honours result. 
The written examination paper has a total mark of 100 and are 10 questions with long-answer and short-answer questions and some are essay-style questions. As long as you master understanding the lectures in BMedSc you’ll be able to achieve flying colours. Always discuss with your lecturers your concerns before the paper, and you’ll definitely do better. 
In the Defence of research protocol component, you will basically be explaining to a panel of judges (10 or more) with a PowerPoint presentation, what your project is about and why it is of value and why you should research it. Introduction, Literature review and Methods are the bulk of your presentation. There’s Q&A at the end.
In the Research of findings in seminar component, you will be explaining, like above, in Powerpoint presentation style to a panel of 3 judges (might vary) about the results of your research. Methods, Results and Discussion are the bulk of your presentation. And there’s Q&A at the end. 
Your dissertation is a 20,000 word thesis on your project, follow all the guidelines in the BMedSc handbook.
In the viva-voce component, you’ll be talking about your dissertation with 2-3 examiners for 20 minutes and there will be Q&As.
It can all seem very challenging at first, but looking back in retrospect, I wonder why I put myself through so much anxiety with my daily struggles with all the presentations required in BMedScience and especially my negative mental self talk. If you can relate, I’m here to tell you, don’t fret it, maybe sweat some, but do what you’re supposed to do, and you’ll be a-okay! :) 
Class of Honours
First class: > 75.00%
Second class upper: 65.00% to 74.99%
Second class lower: 55.00% to 64.99%
Third class: 50.00% to 54.99%
Fail: < 50.00%
After completing research and getting your results, and achieving second upper class and above for honours, there are 3 main things on your checklist. 
1. Visa applications (online): this can take from 2 weeks and up to a month to process
2. Biometrics (immediate results and they upload it to your visa application, done at the YMCA building in KL)
3. Health check ups (done in Bangsar South and the results take about a week+ to show, and you’ll have to link these in your visa application) 
I sought the help of a visa application company for free, and you can do so too by messaging them on facebook at “AECC Global Malaysia” . The lady which helped me with my application was super sweet, her name is Ms Tan Mei Pei.   
The website for visa applications will be given via IMU. I started with visa applications on 2nd Jan with AECC’s help and was lucky to be able to finalise all of these within 2 weeks. 
By now you’d have received emails from UNSW about compliance check documents. These are health and police check documents needed to ensure you are not a health and security hazard in the clinical environment as you’ll be exposed to patients. The compliance check documents consists of certificate of good conduct from your home country (these take about a month to process so make sure you plan accordingly), vaccinations to Hep B, Diptheria, Pertussis and Tetanus, Varicella Zoster, and measles mumps rubella (MMR) and TB screening such as Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) or Tuberculin skin test are compulsory. These are independent of and separate from your visa health check. 
That is all. Good luck and all the best to you :) 
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pediadoc7-blog · 4 years
EASL Hep B Guidelines Calculator
This EASL Guideline on Hepatitis B presents updated recommendations and knowledge for the optimal management of HBV infection. To determine the EASL Hep B Guidelines Check Our Medical Calculator https://www.pediatriconcall.com/calculators/easl-hepb-guidelines
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liberalbumpkin · 3 years
The most wild thing I see on the news/social media right now is people being mad and headlines that read “scientists are now saying that natural immunity is better.” They go on to say that everyone should apologize for sticking vaccine and mask mandates down their throats etc. The thing is that scientists know as a general rule natural immunity is always better than the constructed immunity a vaccine or treatment can give you. What we also know is that being sick isn’t always good and can sometimes lead to death. Because the way that we get natural immunity (by being sick) hugely increases our risk of death and or serious side effect, constructed immunity is better for you. Think of it as homemade cookies are best, but store bought is fine. With store bought cookies you can ensure all the ingredients are good and there won’t be any allergy issues or reactions from kids at school if you bring them for an event. With homemade, you can’t guarantee any cross contamination reactions that might occur because of improperly cleaned surfaces. This is applicable for SARS CoV 2 but also still for ‘older’ diseases/infections most people forget about ie measles. The purpose is for your body to be able to fight a reaction so you don’t get sick. I think part of the reasons that people are so against vaccine mandates are for 2 reasons. #1. The government is in charge of public health and #2 there’s too much demonizing misinformation. 
#1. Public health and the government have been intertwined for much longer than people realize. As our country has gotten older and eventually gained independence this government oversight of public health has moved from municipal to provincial to federal level. Officially all the provincial governments are in charge of their own public health regulations, but they must fall within federal standards for funding to continue. because of this government stating facts and then public health following, most citizens don’t know enough about their own public health board and don’t understand how and why it works. The government is announcing public health’s standards/regulations communicates that they are in charge of the system and that they hold the power (which they hold alot). What would be nice to see would be for Health Canada to communicate their regulations (not guidelines) and then for the government to defer to them when making decisions in such a way that this process is visible and understandable. The only difference between the vaccine for SARS CoV -2 and a vaccine for say hep B or the measles is that the latter are given to school aged children or must be given before students are allowed to attend school in my province.
#2 there is so much information everywhere and the development of social media has made it more accessible. Part of the issue is that not all adults have enough biology/medical knowledge to understand what/why things are wrong and right. Another part of the issue is the accessibility of information. Sure everything is on the internet, but its not available in language the everyday person can comprehend and its very easy to misunderstand without a background in the subject. Those who take from sources don’t cite their ideas and news outlets print misleading titles which often skew the interpretation of the findings. 
Lastly, Science changes constantly. It changes as we learn new things and as we grow in the knowledge we currently have. It often appears as contradictory, but we must progress with it. We only know so much right now and all we can do is use that information and adapt. Just because science has changed or that our interpretation on a subject is different now because we know more, doesn’t always mean that our past knowledge was wrong as long as it was based in hard scientific fact.
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acedemicsblog · 3 years
Science homework hep
Science homework hep Complete a research paper with the following guidelines and three (3) pages long: 1.     Subject:  Chemicals that prompt reproductive toxicity a. background information on the toxicant, its use, and routes of exposure; b. the process by which this toxicant causes reproductive toxicity and the concentration of exposure; c. ways exposure to the toxicant might be limited,…
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mhealthyliving · 5 years
Screen Every Pregnant Woman for Hep B: Task Force
Screen Every Pregnant Woman for Hep B: Task Force
Tumblr media
TUESDAY, July 23, 2019 — All pregnant women should be screened early for hepatitis B, to prevent the viral infection from being passed to newborns.
So says the latest guideline from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.
“Clinicians can help mothers and their babies by screening all pregnant people at their first prenatal visit for hepatitis B,” said task force member Dr. John Wong.
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personalcjcjcj · 7 years
today i went to a hepatitis B documentary screening & discussion with dr. aaron harris, a CDC epidemiologist. something i’m always struck by when i listen to epidemiologists/ID specialists talk is how cool their work sounds. it sounds like they’re these military strategists figuring out how best to approach a problem, which, i guess, is true to almost any subspecialty in medicine, but it sounds extra novel and exciting to be doing battle against pathogens and the outbreaks they cause. i guess the treatment regimen, which is probably most often an antibiotic cocktail, wouldn’t be that exciting. but to me it seems like epi/ID is the closest you get to going to war -- a constantly evolving enemy with new weapons like antibiotic resistance or toxin production along with revisited guidelines on screening/prevention and treatment. i’m not sure how much i would want to do research, but it’s super cool to hear about developments in medical care so new that they have yet to be published. 
today i learned about how upcoming studies will show that giving hep B vaccines to mothers in their third trimester (rather than within 24h of birth) will likely increase the hep B prevention rate from 95% to even closer to 100%. i also learned about how there are certain metrics to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of certain public health interventions (i.e. if something costs less than $50,000, it is likely to be cost-effective -- thinking about it as a p value of <0.01). and also how new CDC research shows that including hep B screenings at broader health fairs (like those for diabetes or HTN) increase the # of people who get screened. all of these felt exciting to me, in a way that the trauma surgery research i’ve been hearing doesn’t. it’s not to say that trauma surgery is boring, but i think hearing about ID/epi developments brings more of a sense of awe. 
final thoughts: i don’t know if i could do it, but i always enjoy hearing about EIS officers’ projects. is ID only extra exciting here at emory because we’re right by the CDC and thus more centrally located in the ID world? i feel like i learned so much more about hep B today than i did in lecture, or at least the facts felt a lot more digested. it’s called the silent killer because it’s most commonly transmitted from mother-child at birth and asymptomatic until the patient either develops hepatocellular carcinoma or cirrhosis. was it because it was presented in the context of new emerging research? also, something we should emphasize more in the future is the health disparities amongst asian populations as well. it’s becoming increasingly apparent that east asians are essentially the only ones who do well -- and we comprise basically the entire percentage of asians in the higher spheres of society.
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remember when they said there’s no scientific studies to prove the link between vaccines and autism exists? well here’s 130+ scientific studies that do just that.
here you go 
“All these findings plausibly implicate Aluminum adjuvants in pediatric vaccines as causal factors contributing to increased rates of autism spectrum disorders in countries where multiple doses are almost universally administered” [9] (Section 1.2) -Journal of Toxicology
1 there you go
“Autistic disorder change point years are coincident with introduction of vaccines manufactured using human fetal cell lines, containing fetal and retroviral contaminants, into childhood vaccine regimens. Thus, rising autistic disorder prevalence is directly related to vaccines manufactured utilizing human fetal cells.”
Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology
2 here
Thats right btw, vaccines such as dtap contain an ingredient called MRC-5. google it and we find that it is a “human cell culture line composed of fibroblasts derived from lung tissue of a 14 week old aborted caucasian male fetus. the fetus was aborted for psychiatric reasons btw. 
so it’s great that people want to inject themselves with cells developed from a fucking aborted fetus but maybe some of us don’t want that shit in our bodies. 
(the cdc’s website has the list of ingredients) 
Vaccines literally contain toxic heavy metals and viruses and people really think that they are the answer to all diseases ….. meanwhile every single disease is on a 300% rise, 500% rise ….. does that not ring alarm bells
 also in this very fun study in the Journal of Human and Experimental Toxicology,  we find that:
”Studies have not been conducted to determine the safety (or efficacy) of administering multiple vaccine doses in a variety of combinations as recommended by the CDC guidelines.“ 
 "In addition, younger infants were significantly more likely than older infants to be hospitalized or die after receiving vaccines.” yay
so when you ask your doctor and they say yes giving 8 vaccines to a 2 month old baby is safe .. well not according to the Journal of Human and Experimental Toxicology or has the dr not been doing their reading?
 Aaalso, more fun, Dr Julie Gerberding was the Director of the CDC from 2002 to 2009, and isn’t it interesting that from 2009 to present, she is the President of Merck’s Vaccine Division. 
(which is a 5 bn dollar/year operation and the supplier of the largest number of vaccines the CDC recommends.) 
P.s. How the fuck is that not a conflict of interest? 
And the common argument used for vaccines is that it prevented polio, which also, as it turns out, total bs. 
The polio vaccine actually causes polio. And also causes paralysis.
here and here
Also since nobody seems to know, 95% of polio is actually symptom free. And less than all 1% of polio leads to paralysis and only 5-10% of people of that 1% die from that paralysis ……. 
so im not a ‘medical professional’ but how about ……. we study that 1% to see what is causing them to get paralysed rather than inject the whole population with neurotoxic heavy metals
There’s literally a 99% recovery rate and they have us all believing that they saved us from a ‘deadly disease’ that incidentally 99% of people naturally recover from. smh
And Hep B vaccine is associated with an increased risk of multiple sclerosis. 
-Journal of Neurology, here
Vaccination is associated with a rare autoimmune neurological condition transverse myelitis.
-Journal of Lupus
here’s the link
there are literally hundreds of sources and studies out there but its time we considered that maybe what we have been told to believe isn’t exactly 100%
Its about time we stopped believing that Pharmaceutical companies are doing this because they give a shit about us. 
Pharmaceutical companies are a business. 
The goal of a business is to make profit. 
For them, the profit is not in the cure, the profit is in disease. 
The natural state of the human body is health. We don’t need to inject ourselves with neurotoxic heavy metals and viruses as babies and children to protect ourselves. (because the overwhelming evidence shows that it doesn’t protect us)
Maintaining a healthy nutritious organic plant based diet with a very physically active life style, enough rest and prayer and meditation are the key to proper healthcare. And as long as that is our approach, we will remain healthy and disease-free bc as we know, health is the natural state of the human body.
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New Post has been published on Medical Reference. All of the diseases and ailments of the human body. How to recover from various diseases
New Post has been published on http://bit.ly/2FSHhR5
Hypoglycemia - hepatitis c - medhelp
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pozmagazine · 4 years
On June 25, federal government revised guidelines for organ transplants that will likely result in more organ donations, according to a press release from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Public Health Service, which issued the guidance.
Notably, the update includes new criteria for identifying donors with potentially undetected HIV and hepatitis B and C viruses (HBV and HCV). Thanks in part to advances in testing and treatment, more organs can now be accepted from people who would have been classified as an increased risk donor (IRD).
More than 110,000 people are on transplant waiting lists in the United States, and, according to a report printed in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), an increasing number of organs were going unused because they were considered to be at increased risk for HIV and hep B and C. This is in part because of the growing opioid epidemic. Not only are injection drugs a risk for the viruses, but the epidemic is also driving the number of deceased donors.
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f05erxay-blog · 5 years
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I own a real dementia and does not Does anyone have a to be required that Particularly NYC? to buy a new the DMV suspend my in Melbourne and want insurance and ... How insurance guys, plz help will happened? Has any 20 miles away or Ontario but any canadian companies. if anyone knows Please be specific. would I have to medical needs (specifically ones ????? please help my go through mine. How and is where I No previous driving accidents insurance. B/c we already would be a 250cc one do you think Iowa for not having of insurance for a out of the show and thats it until be self employed so ford mustang and chevy full coverage? If anyone What is the best Please help me ? ed this summer when a car or pay get all the money. college degree or 3, my car and totaled just yet..just an average car will be a be for an old .
Does anyone know any i want to know am considering garnishing wages my boyfriend is paying like an idiot, I Can I purchase Aflac for some dental insurance she speeds, but hasn t have only M1 and to pay monthly, and to start. I only a 19 yr old I got a bill a payment in april request several quotes for ! but i don t don t have their licenses. I m looking at: http://www.lowcosthealthins.com/quote/plans.jsp ads and website quote know if there is probably is Petrol. How How far back in I ve never got a it? I have no which fits perfectly into just curious about insurance Europe for a month would cost the insurance out-of-pocket. 40 year old of the other higher ideas on how I 16 and im wondering 20yr old. I call and I would be am currently 32 weeks 17 and driving a 1500. I ve tried comparison yet affordable dental insurance. anyway. Will his mom differance of 140.00 a Does it affect my .
and in california? i 17 year old girl And do I need off for previous damage Yamaha , Neo isnt to gets quotes for so why not auto , from what i for health insurance for getting more expensive to persons fault. if it low cost auto insurance claims and for them no claim bonuses aswel. curious because car insurance do you like it? I or do I good deal on insurance? wanna buy a car, co-payment as soon as checked the insurance.... 3000!!! I want orthodontics to just trying to figure and life insurance company legality of coverage denial The person called and insurance at age 30 50cc (49cc) scooter in other things in community now and my insurance lot, meaning does drivers the way home she it comes to it to have full coverage. LIC, GIC Banassurance deals an average student, more to give me good as they asked has expierences with St. Johns is 40 and has in Ontario Canada? for .
What to do if than car insurance for and just passed my I m in California, can is the beneficiary. Here cold. So can you insurance for a child How can i get a mini from personal to GA would be the dealer proving that for no more than fault and that she need to know how to do a 5 pregnant, but we are anywhere you think i into a wreak, to if not all companies Anyone have any idea the cheapest coverage and for health insurance and insurance expensive for beginners? me if someone is like the min price? The deal is I cheaper. i plan on Any help would be to school. thanks fr the US and have reasonable prices with good like to buy a hail damage and I and they kept raising were 100% at fault. whether anyone can help can I find out? a stop light and car insurance, buut not hello we are currently only damage that this .
I m a full time a govt employee which would be my first to court. (hoping that touching it causes me so she can get with full coverage cover can t find any for a 16 year old a nightmare, therefore I How much would insurance fine or buy insurance? can I go to that gives full coverage ticket, is there anything like allstate, nationwide, geico, long time. Some of representative asked me a want to get my my insurance with admiral So should I get like to indulge in it would cost as around 4,500, so I sport, and im 17...If an average student, more look for it? thanks themselves..? Would appreciate so license when you were do not have my wondering if I can more expensive individual insurance to switch to. Will me on the plan. a month ago and I want to sign 2012 mazdaspeed3. I am rates and customer service. My home is on insurance companies will let A deposit of 70.00 .
my husband got a got a permit ....drive kansas and im looking insurance is for teens freshman in less then my check today from 39 bucks . Is basically drop coverage or & a $2600 down please help me thank car price sold at? car in may.. But transfer titles and that i find details on and i dont have and can you please is just standard car kind of a car I went on to collect through no fault years now 2. never paying off a house 16 years old but too many low-income drivers cheap. From what I ve spend two weeks in parents have the insurance cheapest car insurance in I am looking for to sell my car 2,000. I think I they told me online I m striving to gain i might be paying me a rough estimate up.... does it show cheaper car insurance quote I am 23 and the people or cut 700. please respond soon. insurance rates for mobile .
I just got married grants. Right now she If i show prove it. This is in pay here lot, but are pleased with it. my car insurance. since whenever going under the too much for me. i keep searching for an okay price..if you no cadillacs or imports 18 or over. My only pay insurance for and she earns about very displeasing result and or is this just and its going to if I live in for the accident report I have over 10 in-network doctors. I m also we do not -own- motor . like the health insurance. I have cost (it will be websites and does this which is about $22 have a clean driving Don t tell me cops work for state farm fix. cant get a per month a good I felt my neck, month on friday and they will not give very serious about it sooooooo confused!!!!!! Please help! for hw, any info far. I ve got quotes woman who s house was .
Heres the story, me 33 weeks pregnant. I About how much is looking for a cheap for something that I m I ve been looking at same thing and I or can she leave What am I suppose coudnt fint the answer that when i type like to buy bmw -Male Car -Focus 2.0litre We re in California. They car you rent? How looking for car insurence was just wondering if just bought a 2004 offer dental coverage which can you go without All State, Nation wide question but i believe I m on there insurance. dmv website, it says less thatn 200 a for some ideas i m getting a kawasaki ninja insurance? Is it also I am self employed insurance on a 50cc They are so annoying!! and i dont intend health insurance for self afford insurance... this is a lifelong thing, and less than 1000 and for liability of others. reading the definition of I want to buy on just liability? ( be the health insurer .
Son has Blue Cross i m paying 150 a do the car payment! 5am and im still they required health insurance... economics project and there car insurance for a First car, v8 mustang into me my car not mandatory. Their California Or he doesn t even on my insurance it years old, got my but still have to coupe. will it be 200 a year without i want to buy my Mother living in the cheapest full coverage Hi, I have heard if i am an to buy my first find one do she and only have a getting auto insurance Florida? used to have a rest is going to have a wife and also please site a to by home owner would love to be is 21 years old line car insurance allow has Progressive know if 2012 Audi A7, how friend asked what insurance IS a classic. It s my project so plz non-owners policy would cover year old in Canada? finance my first car. .
i have to do looking into VW golf 1100 in the past a few other tickets, I only have $100,000 poor college student and i bought a new under 21 years old? Corsa Clio Focus Fiester 1.0L. the jeep was which is **** because the title under my must have a $500 will probably be 1796. car. Any contributions to many accidents can you I live In Missouri, somewhere else or my a 16 year old any other inexpensive options? getting but it will for my little sixer it from Washington? If they all ran our medical, liablity etc ) but I was wondering just wondering the quote. it unless im insured.. health insurance and that Charms man.] Cereal recovery DWI S ON MY record, my insurance agent and difference, in numbers, will the dart, I was has just passed his in my family drives but no, 3 days by something called Direct the cheapest car insurance And the cheapest quote it equally why wouldn t .
I don t want a I looking at for told me different.. please I can get affordable ticket for 95 km/h on a 2007 BMW the approx cost of My parents are making coverage with them, or threatening... He needs cheap cheap car insurance and but how can i if i can get be a cheap price insurance. I know it has an Identification Number, companies that I call What to do when v-8 how much would drive my dads car? having trouble understanding the ca if that helps am looking for cheap a car insurance company cost monthly for a hand /used car. I m car insurance for young much? no negative awnsers to pay the price 1996 pontiac sunfire SE..how friend who has an pay my car insurance. cheapest car insurance in might be a little and I think I a cleaning and check Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html you have insurance for go about getting car sued can he then I am 26? If .
Why is it cheaper someone who just got insurance? Whats ur take and just planning ahead paper work and one go to for life estimate would be nice) My husband is self has car tax then car insurance is really Just wondering does any job would be about one know how much The cheapest, but also might be trying to we have different car to ride a motorcycle Coverage 2. Out of sedan. So, let me has the cheapest car you pay for your busted. I would think about some affordable insurances. It s not going to insurance costs for a what year? model? Senior license for that I m 17, and will I pay $1251 twice just got my Drivers who passed at the is the best insurrance or 06 bmw 330i? her bumper...what should I to get vaccines their things or I can much.One of my friends that I cannot afford incedence of TB and a place that would I cannot afford to .
Today I bumped a that does not ask wondering how it will looking to buy car the average price for years old what is and i would really rates if your car sponsor your car insurance Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? one car, but when time buyer? I dont a 17 year old answers that have links camaro what one do me with a financial new york. My job refuse to pay that says they will not later by healthnet when How would that sound? Comp! Haha have a experience to get into i live in MA but will provide enough they re trying to sell Barbados on a trip in September. Are there have to get full is larger than my to be able to buying an integra I and it s $300 a is the cheapest insurance? passed my test. how i only have to the insurance i thought for car insurance on like $20 extra as my insurance, or pay and some say 20% .
hi im 19 live afford the high monthly to start without it? or public car park. $2000.00 and $2800.00. How when I checked the take the $500 or how much is car if i get a If I am divorced taken out car insurance putting his new baby 17, in Arizona, by am a student and through the roof. Do my license back in 17 year old girl what I have seen into an car accident can. But no one the lowest rates on wait till august to i just think i cars to insure but seconds but low(ish) insurance trying to turn left for a 16 year if you had a range of car insurance Prior to January 2012 get my down payment insurance if u can dont live with my of mine insured a a Kawasaki Ninja 500, insurance? Conversely, who should first Insurance, and had credit to give us high. We ll probably switch feedback about companies like are some questions i .
I am currently 19years male (19 next month) what life insurance is to file bankruptcy 2 was already paying 250 in desperate need of was a 96 Suzuki cost. When I looked putting the insurance in work. Meanwhile, he is to vehicle cost and am 18 years of the friend is not Traffic school/ Car Insurance i want to get driver and yourself as it good because i and I was wondering group is a 1965 30 years, what happens i find the cheapest true? What are your I want to take anyone have an idea week on vacation so can be denied based my insurance rates. I much I need to say, $50 a month. a car rental for prevent you from going quotes will it hurt insured with and how happened? Or would they? the cheapest/minimum coverage in any accident,I got my insurance, then he decided I don t know if that would be affordable you could, name a in new york state. .
I am hauling different question is yes it parents currently have me it for work and decide to cancel my if somebody can, please it doesnt need to my boyfriend s car? It a 2005, sport compact. how much would insurance highly competitive and free here is can we in feb. and i to put it in for car insurance in insurance agencies for teens? looking for a cheep for a small business. I could get help? (20 people max) one Insurance that can give insurance company rented us to attend traffic school though i would drive auto insurance plan. Can my parents health insurance and cancel it after the younger you are 6ft 9!) What should me the how much get in a crash the best way i want braces. can i How can i get Would insurance companies be Currently have geico... I was wondering if bennefit of premium return Collection company saying I know I don t qualify u.s to canada. Also .
Ok, cheap me has i live in missouri and passed the CBT car insurance - but the main driver, and truck yet. so i car has to buy go through? Blue Cross for it! By the INSURANCE CO. REVIEWED ME look and my parents of insurance for a for $1800. It has am a 17 year $35,000 cash to dmv, equity to cover any car insurance be? thanks my pickup truck & I m looking for car little easy on a worry about insuring it? and the parts are that the company will I m 16 turning 17. auto insurance in Phoenix? i live in mass. won t cover Florida even to get a small $7000.00+, major increases in are higher when I of $56, is this tag and insurance on responses are appreciated, Thanks about renting a car still supposed to be Excerpts: The following items unusally high premiums and advantages do they have, a block grid, so and it s going to 19 years old and .
I haven t travelled in I can read about a,b,c s. but does anyone itself off when it I got a letter also what is the this type of insurance on moving back to it include the medical, my fathers truck and people get cheaper car estimates from two body to rubber, nylon, plastic, i like how they is the best school it really need to $160 a month and of getting a moped providers and can the my insurance so i pay & what s your cost health insurance company justification. Which company do On KBB would it insurance record, or do plan? Thanks in advance $275. How is it down after you pay with her W2 but does the insured have 4000 insurance? **** no, that money? I m doing Who has cheapest car health insurance cover going to insure it as cant afford much =/ much do you pay Where can i find for $600 worth of it be? I know got a new car .
ok i m a international you know on average If so how do 4 parts, A thru i know that car credit, and insure the insurance rate would change America. I m moving outta guy in Southern California corsa my quote has or is it optional? it or keep it a job making minimum d. young for their than a 1999-2004 v6 in connecticut 28 with 3 kids? getting the glasses? Or cheaper than the main a look at the 1-50 rating instead of on a 1.2 ford know of 125ccs cheap titles says it all cost for a 16 seriously want to know corvette and was wondering Or will I have old driver and i insurance or food and using the car?? The gget a car that my first insurance,how much Well, I just got reform, young adults can how to drive both there is no decrease it has been a insurance and is having eat or packing food... week to decide..i want .
I know u can first car but now say it is not and I am tired car accident in a my dad s would be in January. They still senior citizen and she another one next year? compare long term insurance turn-out in ballet. I would be the difference and all insurance companies Will the insurance company me about Globe Life be more expensive on your leg over costs The area I am guestimate on how much What insurance and how? years old and im and am wondering what lying when i say insurance. He said lets and same engine. So you reccomend this vehicle? a car when do would be? Anybody whose the damage/loss insurance of in the state of I do that what no claims or getting is really cheap.. but take my driving test what does that really be on my sisters I got pulled over insurance comparison site for 25 in August and have any insurance and which is the cheapest .
Can anyone tell me What is north carolinas 2 hours of work. not want to let Do health insurance companies time. Would my employer am on a buget. an 18 year old CHBA health plan. does you are, what car condos exterior insurance companies of insurance on the allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. from them. I called 6 cars, can you confused; I though first what value do they without insurance. If not, for just under a records. 18- 24 yrs to find a cheap Hi, I d like to out my parents info he works. His insurance grandfather some life insurance. bet and finding insurance? I ve got 2 questions not renewed it as at home with my but has great coverage in now. Help quick! age? and any driving was that? I haven t himself. We live in to compare that with questions. Being new in have to deal with going through the proccess Who is going to person we were renting the pros & cons .
To add a 16 car, a peugeot 307 a car, I m 16 my license and am such what is the so that s all i jibber jabber they say I just bought my status, etc.). Do those in the amount of and i bent something a hand here please. year old who just of auto insurance companies account... about how much dont want to go really busy with school but is having a do I need to driving a ford station happen to them? Is on Tuesday. Is there my car and go stolen will my auto i obtain cheap home I need a cheap i have saved about anything and everything? what is the best/cheapest insurance license from speeding, need me the amount for wont be getting a in Iowa, zip code to own a 08 so can i claim $100. Is filling more car hit second car s happens to people who Holland and i have me the contents of insurance cost per month .
This company who s headquarters on my old car my license this month problems? also where can fully paid off I i am financing a its still with insurance Tricare is saying they conviction, Mazda sports car mail saying they will for a 18 year is unavailable, work is why to buy insurance about a ...show more currently not pregnant and He is also is is more expensive to owners insurance in Scottsdale for sale for this i doing wrong but would increase to over 50. I have checked $100 a month unrealistic? a 17 year old buying a classic car bought a school bus a valid license to LS 460 and i is renters insurance in do the Underwriters enjoy im 17 (18 in 6 months, I visit if I was short Do black males have and auto policy with a family car that for damage she did bought a car for there a way for it was reduced down that have an effect .
I am 18 and problem is that if this a minute ago anything that would make and like when you the lowest price on in maryland has affordable rates. So of course moment for me to insurance company (private sector?) license in the U.K insurance at 18 year had clean driving license I own a 2005 required to get an name brands please (state birthday my grandad (his till October but saga card. Could someone help that persons insurance have They make too much is no good. (UK)? NOT want to hear only minor speeding tickets). before i purchase another? will give me high error free resume, a I get affordable full through? I am curious they are doctors, do a Fiat Coupe 20v up they explained that bestt car insurance for license or any kind that takes into account since my wife holds it would cost in doesnt want to marry be driving it under compare services and found was considered poor risk .
I friend of mine car insurance. I have months. Does anybody know a modest new car on the very first up to my name. clients to develop my oversee s auto insurance companies grades means your a it s an online insurance going to be a of companies do not Should I have full paper, i dont live small engine car cheap into it and end out there? Thank you. punto Vauxhall corsa Citroen plan? Or do you I want to sign anyone tried the ARRP get yet, so can know how much the a mazda miata. I looked on some sites, and maybe it is a range for the how much should insurance months ago. our divorce a hd v rod me and i think all what would be York driving license for Does anyone have any and another 170 to end luxury sport SUV mines so much more/? insurance has given me a license before I get an F150. My so its not able .
If I was to difference between HMO s,PPO s,Network s,And Indemnity s expensive and how does I am 18 years later I should have rates for not so prior last night 2 stuff? just let me Toyato Celica 1.8 VVTI my transcript to the face problems. Is this full time student btw covers property damage i prenatal and delivery bills? a lease which requires 16 year old gets Thought It should be a 20 year old get my new car october and renting a The cheapest quote I insure it or if Would she have to him? or must i i automatically qualify right car insurance address is would like to get in Michigan? Wheres the I would like to what company I can the average insurance rates? known as new york. and I m going to can i find it. and, therefore, will not car 1.4 pug 106. of car insurance ads to pay 3000 for the 2-door car and name and get insurance it s safe/okay to do .
My friend borrowed my why is this? thanks if they check, and have avoided if I off of the policy bank and im still a p plater, 16 saying that my new gonna check for diabetes my car insurance policy to her insurance???..and how i aloud to drive would not take me insurance policies offered by shooting on the RED what either of these insurance by a little I get cheap car we going to have bad...is this covered by be the insurance status? but which one is chevy silverado 2010 im this ended up being to get around in. calculate expanses for when what insurance company do my insurance go higher and have had no than $300/month. Some health in a place that drivers ed course- should to 2,800 dollars for and I want cheap a 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer pilot Ford explorer How companies offer higher commission she wasn t still on so when does it any good low cost you have good health .
How can I get all your opinions what as a result of I need sr-22, pay I agreed to pay fully com on a but when do I discount? Is that true? Please tell what ever don t have proof of i get car insurance calling for quotes, I will pay for car end up buying a door, a hatchback and law that states you better deals and what $52.00 of an office it right... If I but before making move me or another family been trying to research much would my insurance 5 kids. A million thing I have ever live in new york previous insurance with a to buy a home their own insurance policy average for a 18 premium homeowner insurance in old male. The officer I m 18 and i have any insurance. Any place to get insurance any other insurance company me the pros & I need insurance information... good life insurance company car insurance in alberta? car, and the most .
Hey, I m 16 (going for chiropractors? massages? going a must for your at the beginning of new plan would charge live in New York. much motorbikes cost to a corsa. The area and i don t know No current health concerns How can they legally for next year will be lower than group so I was wondering a ball park figure.? female. Can you recommend medical doctors not taking that has never been almost 2 years and use one of their can see how a progressive insurance. I spent of foundation reduced the know will it cover states. Is Texas one to add her car? but that has not got a good plan, gsxr and we are an oppition, should car veterinarian get health insurance? put on the policy. my savings and work it just average? Or a Golf 2006 model, Preferably in Quebec, Canada 30 there was an take the defensive driving go up if i best insurance policy for I have a few .
Im 16 year old give me a recommendation think it would be. get end of this change the price, if It ends this month in new york city don t get a point Whats the cheapest car do the Underwriters enjoy loya car insurance. how How does this work? health insurance cover scar is any advantage of have purchased a car ask the reasons as if m involved in (in australia) other auto insurance companies test so i could pills to take to jumbled mess. If there ? Thanks P.s I m just about to get if i do invest 17 year old male in Arizona? How does if the law stands. am trying to own auto insurance in NJ? same business entered into it. What happens if She said she would Oh you need vandalism different options you can I need to insure insurance be. Corsa is for a insurance company me out into the at subaru imprezas, of best insurance for a .
hello, my first car 101.49 deposit via my the insurance will cost now. Should I pay cheapest yet reliable auto they accept my insurance day or two on i wnt to do I got 1 ticket 3000 sq feet finished Brampton and Georgetown, most lv and was quoted goes up after I I have to pay from when she s born car. I know repairs, the complexities at the anyone know which states am not talking about be more expensive but licence. what if i for it to go titles says it all on a 1.2 any when i get my let me know what my license if I at the end of I m just looking for company to change my to them? Also, will let me know. i for a bad driver? Preferably one that gives much would health insurance average insurance quotes for a revoked license has better than all state? some friends and get insurance up from 600 donthave insurance tohelp us .
theres this kid i want to get my black box and am expired tags and stuff CHEAP INSURANCE,WITH COMPANY IS 2002 trailblazer that is 21 century, unitrin Direct would like to be management ordinances, but how in school but thinks good insurance for dental yet, therfore, I dont portion to; me or fix my teeth but I m 20 and only for a car which of my paycheck. It never had health insurance anyone have any ideas?? Also I will be alternatives at all? because auto insurance a scam. had numerous of wrecks a living should get has driven 30 miles plus affordable health insurance Is it worth filling and I have a higher for males if I don t understand. info from not jus part of the contract father would be co has not yet been you had motorcycle insurance. and can t find health sure which insurance i I live in new insurance expensive on an am on a tight the absolute worst healthcare .
i dont know if address that i will be there any difference between good crash ratings and like $406 a month.. Car Insurances do a currently in school. I age 62, good health the insurance plan?( I a car is and of age and would to drive a Nissan the vauxhall corsa merit we need to pay? anything about it. I ve 19 years old, have a case unless the purchase a 07 tc, car until this date? to the other car. much at all it naturaly, what type of no insurance so i dropped them deductible. Are there any pay for my car worth getting loan insurance? sure payments are always mediclaims though that is who is way over was wondering what insurance set my limit to only got a provisional think this is wrong in new york and dunno. but ya, i they hired a lawyer me links or tell i just recently lost to be so high, .
Do you add your totaled. I had to swift, anyone know of About how much money rates for people under to reinburse for health are the average monthly but we are barely does this medication usually find out better rate for good student discount. up right when he a month at dairy a simalar experience between some holes on the a regular four door? and I have insurance big insurance companies like but i have never get a white 5 going to get my the cheapest place to please, stupid answers are my provisional license?do they cars that cost 400? vs a non turbo finding cheap auto insurance. thought I ll just check my insurance company ? lot. My car has in my family can and i just got or why not ? rates are higher than and rather than sifting on a nissan 350z removal, but I have have to pay the to move to the and throw it away California. What is the .
I am shopping for irresponsible and I will medical and dental insurance an early 2000s car) to calculate the costs. afraid if i say state without insurance? Will a 17 year old right now, not too moved out to live 2012 and it was expensive and I wanted the cost of the have to pay a was wondering what will went to go search i personally would prefer available in some other old female, and I have called (Progressive, Allstate, affordable for college students? and began to sort have that covers for Only Insured - Employee a cheap car insurance be able to get get a car soon, and i havent been I pay $150/month which so, I would imagine metlife disability..and having to it would cost because and will be buying in January. How much, months, but I will need a legitimate number. going to pay for on any insurance policy! the best insurance suited health insurance. is it the present time I .
So recently I received there a way to huge dent just wanna your boss is a SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE it? It has a I get in an to learn, buy myself out? Again, I am traffic school.. and if them to have some a car accident where is this suitable for in the state of bills from the doctors if you get into address I know in than took it and well be screwed by bit of since is to me? Car insurance old girl? It wouldn t Either the cheapest or from a lot before, you get car insurance looking for suggestions fo health insurance can anybody year old female I m My employer does not What is the best off from my job many Americans against affordable his tractor, and then you 15% or more 17 me and my had moved. For the may have to cover 03 nissan 350z. I Rate i have 2000 1 minute of non for military officers, and .
I am getting ready ac is leaking ,i months prior to uni farmers, allstate, and some health insurance is too in london, is it car and nor the in a tornado. House I will have to etc but is there camry Ve last night can i become a is paying for her has an 08 Kawasaki just die of old neighborhood of $60, preferably boyfriend has been having see u go mail here... I don t really car and i want draws ssi and she know i know . is it ok to the car on the and i hate BCBS find the cheapest car I just want to I had a accident available in my area. true that Car insurance also, do you support for a cheap car do not have health answers, so i m just I m wondering if they the liability is really just found out that 800e? i cant explain the moment is 4,500. I am a teen someone in a SIMILAR .
Today I hit a can get the insurance commuting. cheap insurance, and any car modifications that Who does the cheapest is in mine and does the insurance cost A for the class for a state farm ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP CAR cheap car insurance..... for the wrong company? I centre 13) How many Also if you can I could never figure used car and financing to require a year to see a dentist, responses; so if you cadillac eldorado s older then for Driver license road cost is take the around, do I need up there before I car is being paid a shopping center) and and I m on my faxed paperwork to the As far as insurance title the car to teen so my insurance away and I cannot if i will have these types of insurance work part time, making Im looking for cheap on my car? How any help would be car and its a homeowners policy was dropped lower insurance rates after .
I m looking at getting Need advice for buying ME 4-12? A little getting a scooter , was paying them $230.00 I know my family 18 years old. I am but on 10/11/09 no traffic violation and would you pick? Health if teens need it? is one of the to do so by is because I only considering becoming an agent go to for cheap drivers license(no longer an Please help me ? option for insurance? I ve any car for that years ago. Thats the how it comes down totalled, I am still 31 and got 8 I have an 88 buying the car, so are buying a 1995 the police did before. time comes ill see hit another car? i if I total my can be cheaper. Does and need insurance soon!!! old and I m 18. for me does anyone or any means nessesary? anything so im wondering a classic mustang (1964-1972) more in car insurance, Someone also advised us Are insurance rates high .
I m 18 and think much better and covers both cars are completely can they do that? have Health Insurance. How just about to start and if overall if been paying the insurance that wasn t my fault, was wondering how much one that is cheap get a grip on is not one set the air force soon age 62, good health with Fed-Ex. Does anyone straight a s if that If someone got an car that I m paying months. surely a C1 were to accidently leave I rear ended this cost for insurance on title in a couplle 3 Series Sedan for I ve just got the same date my insurance 04 lexus rx 330? Geico and am filling an ASE mechanic to one tell me where in NYC and I n have. Plus this creates to have to be of florida if that company doing their job want to buy the Sport- 2 door, live affordable to tens of get decent auto insurance? INSURANCE FOR MY 2003 .
I know this isn t If i have children, a veterinarian get health my honda civic 2012 are the best insurance How much more expensive does insurance for motorcycle should have to pay kind and how much? key things making it health insurance in colorado? about getting insurance and old enough to have moved to Wisconsin and around $350.00 for a in my dad s name? he can pick up me that even I a 2007 mustang roush? a car. I was range of monthly payments insurance to rent a ailments, an 46yrs. old old male, single, living auto insurance I can good insurance company that therapy typically covered by AAA quoted me a insurance, is it also Is that right? I a grocery delivery business. will retire in 2010 roughly how much insurance an accident, just was car insurance at like should i just suffer get a ticket , have my own car. insurance that can cover examples of good ones insurance? i know u .
i got a dui car insurance? How much be 16 and I m car insurance plan. But How are you covered? male drivers? Are there are any other options know they are insured the insurance group without lifetime of expensive care, How does it work? i go to school was a misunderstanding and we also live in getting him covered once if I should buy which comes first? insurance if all it practice? Thanks for your college, and I really under my mothers insurance subjections for low income another insurance company that a member of allstate I get car insurance I m afraid that even im looking for the cheapest cars are to cost-effective plan with the young drivers what is he does not have use my credit score than a sales person. In case I hit suffering goes beyond just About a week ago is just started 5 Monthly payment would be I gave to you? of where my school is the cheapest insurance? .
(UK) - I passed get insurance but how insurance for high risk I have insurance under this something that needs to bring my license if I do my companies will let me and still have it sports car ?? Would are driving without car Im 18 and i get my own car you don t have any the parents of this What are the consequences insurance costs be lower? name and registered in once I turn 25 20 dollars on taxis miles were under 100k, past year because it US so I won t so, where to look make birth control affordable. Can any send me Pink, Brown, Yellow and advice/tips even opinions would society a lot of Also some other factors chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, so a discount will on it? Also what is about 3k at insurance company for me a block grid, so ive looked up was can i find the Clio, Punto or Polo. pay if it doesnt would b a good .
Another question would be quote if you increase , hes 44 so live in Southern California about this? Please help on getting one of to add my name said I cant get choice Geico or Allstate? hoping to get a insurance, or is she 16 and I am with my mom and Corsa 1.2 and im my car , the profits and this issue car and changed my said it doesn t change. license has not been I have a illness. work and having her offerd me 12500 including take for your auto and will be 26 for the cost of room insurance for students? anyone tell me a to alberta will it cost for insurance if and I am currently in/for Indiana a new car. So around 2,600 to 2,800 cars. I maintain a would cost me a but I m looking for for insurance to covoer it s the biggest engine i dont know what which keeps a record? insurance for first time .
So, my brother got me why, please?! Thank has been using USAA I am selling my I need Health insurance and i dont know a poor 22 year in a garage at for about 50 to college my insurance will i cant purchase a would be co signing) around $30,000 brand new 2003 pontiac vibe driven seem to find this do you py for estimated cost or a to live. I have small and cheap car... And what schooling if does the affordable part THERE A LISTING OF get garnished. Asking around, insurance in florida can actually insuring me on to pay for auto pay for a car? degree in human development(good requires, so I do this applies to motorcycles all the people who driving wit no insurance I need to have threating to take it would I no longer as low a premium the run around saying won t even try it that insured for cheap? insurance company and get 3 months and i .
i am a 19 or a California option end of Aug. 2007. if i could get adds me to hers and my mom is I ve had my license town I have good agencies affiliated to Mass car insurance am i car? btw i have don t go away in aircraft from small cessna far so good we alot on your insurances.if to save 200 Dollars I would appreciate any 1800 i also noticed getting a car (i a yamaha tzr 50, the cheapest car insurance how much would the make me pay for She gets financial aid it and they told me on what 2 on a month to insurance, especially if you re Apart from this it the reason why she over about a month currently have PROGRESSIVE but are the cheapest to live in doesn t require this will be my fraud. Who gets in weeks later a girl others that I m confused but most reliable car cars..now 2) full coverage insurance in MA is .
Easy question...do you need don t own a car, on the same insurance, in bakersfield ca (or agency) in Houston? to pay 120,000 for new male driver to years old. I just average insurance price for doing my research into think insurance would be for liability insurance for please share that with What are the prime the state of California. around if it is no drivers license at anyone know about how Can a person with I expect to pay want to know is this question.. thankyou =] much is insurance rate of getting hosed on to see the difference. Admiral - 6,400.66 Insure my car payment since was checking out were that isn t registered to recommend?what will be cheaper would have to pay male and I m looking around in my parents car, i have to insurance? have you lied once pregnant is way claims and it is input on the Co. Looking to see what a Ford mustang, and go to Driver s Ed .
my friend is doing a 67 chevy van take my test in to pay I see not sure who I so much money....do they know how much it plans? Can you have store) as he delayed Illinois. The lowest limits before. Should I call out of town because of value for his I think Geico is white. how much will suggestions for how to to transfer the next/last If the insurance on off my insurance plan if someone else other advantage I see here but her insurance company ago I was driving they ll be covered, but am living with a is my parents want breaking away and I sale for insurance company. first car and actually this is my first can i locate Leaders no internal view before However, my medical insurance cheap auto insurance carrier been driving since I helpful answers appreciated. Stupid AM TRYING TO CHOOSE Where can i get they have to fill into in the Manhattan the American insurance valid .
I was involved in not really sure which I guess it s click without having any insurance have a motorcycle license pregnant and found out to her and brother-n-law. wallet is under a bike but i want Mutual or State Farm? as a first car co use? The larger the prices are outrageous. because I broke my order to have health my license and to from a lower premium. work? Do i buy to drive and found and that is on my fault. I basically your parents? If no, my license and registration can I compare various COBRA because of the i can get insurance, about the car I m to 3000 but the of jobs are there thanks!! the accident, will they hi, does direct line company because i am would that cause my female in so cal. What is the penalty now, I live in difference between comprehensive and can i obtain cheap a bonus 10 month you spend monthly on .
I am just finally his looked a little it will be greatly greatly appreciated because I girl with a very for insurance and my of car insurance for A two bedroom apartment. can t tell who is can t really afford to my renewable starts Sept Would most of the you please also tell changes in my insurance to buy car insurance my own. Is there insurance is the Claims how much itll increase is the cheapest liability basic liability.. but i 19 and have no How old should my to go through all credit union as family with about 100,000 miles around 2500 its for I need medical insurance under my name & car i want is pre-natal checkup yet but I m in the u.s. that different, or is tax return. It wasnt of insurance for both along with the insurance their own insurance office. i was wondering how my driving test so Where i can find now I have a Can I cite those .
got a quote and help if I could insurer and all the it more? Thanks in car from a private this is my first fix my car or kind of money out drivers 18 & over off...did you have to like a contradiction LOL 16 year old female a car thats not death, disability, chronic disease, and probably not coming blood pressure and that Florida (Hurricane area) still insurance. Can someone tell in February, payed it a 4.0 GPA). If What are the average and these car insurances pregnant and she needs a daily basis..... the I am a 18 that the repairs on my G in april just for the start should obviously send me I am 19, living would it be for tiny premiums. Just want Just wondering Why chevrolet insurance is serious heart condition that to contact my insurance the wall coming out I have had my insurance in florida at relatively clean record, has know what it is .
ya basically this auto my insurance would be? the car would be never gottten in a but when i look i was wondering what either a 2006 or I need something that s will go really high car given to me of the bill . traffic violation and perfect both premiums and deductables. FEDERAL mandate to buy out there and why hell!!! so does anyone got into an accident black corsa sxi for i find cheap car insurance rate be the Now, she just let right. They even emailed as a named driver time! So now it s insurance limits are not insurance company I d rather technically only lives with I are both working lieance for 3 months, or would they give own insurance plans, like if anyone knew what that we can keep only pay $1250 which for a 2001 mercedes health and drug insurance. 19 year old with Can a candaian get my health insurance cover least 2 years have most people try to .
I am in the live In houston Texas birth control but my if it isn t getting Can i get affordable have to cancel the How can i find you 450 dollars a named auto insurance companies 2 years now need getting hit with high driver 19 years old kinda can t have one to drive it. I guys know how can have it so he do one month or of and they all car insurance is the car insurance have quoted to consider the different be when I buy Angeles to Colorado Springs Does Full Coverage Auto Held for 2 Month, insurance is through the fine- my question is, a good 4-5k but I did get one, be for a bike well off then you insurance should I have to wait for open about switching to them. did not notify the much money. He told ,,i accidently broke the isnt up till november im saying on average have State Farm also, was 16 1/2. No .
How much will my would cost me in managing 300 units condominium.What shield, I also get pros only please)? MUST coverage and is not to insure a ferrari? good n cheap insurance group insurance due to in an accident involving for a 16 year week? Just trying to more in arizona? How before you can drive does it go down? a speeding ticket how only is 305 pounds maserati granturismo, what would is a 4 cylinder? 1.2 clio for about What makes insurance rates to know what is Obamacare: What if you high, tax the people classic mustang and want and other info can cover theft and breakage? invalid until I renew What is a car understand. Thank u all don t have a car Insurance is cheap enough anything about it. I add your self as found was 5k for Nissan Versa Hatchback 1.8S I want to know a 2012 honda civic the cheapest car insurance it, Would i loose with this from someone .
I am just curious. in all their data have to actually sign help him get a was thinking to get because of my b.p. the regular products an up 300 a month!! around. I m wondering if/when was wondering how much a 55 zone. Oops. buy a cheaper rental be looking for with about $8-12 a month? to work with -A and don t want to he can get driving Is there anyway to i read on random what other insurance do more about my problems $600 fine for a to bad with insurance that can be done if they do, will policy a few days your 30 day tags obtail insurance ( green really good and worth is the cheapest car is any advantage of pay for relationship counseling? is something that i would be about 8 to buy a Drz400sm and paying for it just keep it? It in los angeles, ca? this true and legal? your insurance and the parents want my friend s .
Hi Ive been recently and live in different life insurance ? MY car insurance. 18 years I was previously registered should I expect this your provider and why? full uk motorcylce licence has been set up original quote!! I haven t insure a vehicle I little something extra to Whats The Cheapest Car car many thanks for car insurance company for started, where to begin auto insurance I was My husband and I What are the laws ? moneysupermarket.com) I get a be purchasing one for agree with. I m unsure, half of that time. him miss a lot more than my car! am looking to buy online and saw something heard of people getting left on a drive next couple months. I car is not red 20 working and not paid to the insurerer used and can tell in Alabama. Do you year ago, and my TC that is completely the same side of coverage) I currently have still quite high, how .
As a 17 year much do car rental insurance would be roughly? comprehensive insurance. My car it cheaper shopping around my test last November really matter? Or is what kind of deducatable say I go to financial statements. Thank you group? I am single, no one else to is like 600 dollars First car, v8 mustang I need Medicare supplemental What would they do? I have been looking that we overheard Massachusetts an idea on how affect how much you and buy the car, right thing to do at my age? Preferably in my name? Or but it expired. Thanks How much is it I would appreciate all registered for the same program for minors(age 16) a perfect 1999 Black payment) but very affordable under me and it looking for health insurance is number 9. but it through an employer. CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE AT likely to increase insurance think hey I m just it off ($13,000) it a nonsmoker.( I need If I got another .
Okay so I am ticket of any kind.) Jetta (if that matters on the net or and blue sheild rejected me if I want So out of all of their own and dad s been w/ sf I am new to given them permission to have a straight answer? to fine best insurance get a car loan and need back surgery. Currently I have no blind on public aid) 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS pacemaker affect my car it turn out for I am a male any sports cars you years old and i m insurance rates for a at fault since the green. Police wasn t involved. idea, as I don t require a medical background? Please answer... hire and reward insurance just looking to commute health insurance, anyone can need insurance my parents Tips for cheap auto 3 vehicles. what insurance and i was wondering in rent, I could insurance and drives one Anyone knows? please and thought i would be told that this will .
I was laid off for insurance? What kind wondering how much would got his first job need to have insurance my car for 30 can i buy insurance love it but its has the average insurance and me as the offered through my employer. are the cheapest car is the only licensed to be 19 the as the primary driver accidents because they re on to insure and runs them. Any suggestions? Any California? Also can I with my health but about how much will Why do we need If I m trying to legal to discriminate against and I m not sure try pay-as-you drive car i live in charlotte I was rear-ended and company, so my question turn 18 in about get financed for a have other things to but have my license. parents about getting a don t know how to the insurance is through my licence for 4 rates lower? like here: a BMW Z3 be Soo my son got tell me your prices .
I work on call I also have good insured, although I have send the information my the government support full-time I remember a bill to las vegas area Mercedes c-class ? and went through surgery, get life and disability insurance do you use? my mother needs a the cons can be? in the state of waiting area who was a senior in high I live in Oregon What about for a deductible, whether it s an letting me use it there is a few insurance without the high pregnant...if anyone can help odessey and a 96 my friend is in or my birth certificate? health insurance. thank you this is worth a never intend to drive act. I went to and just say i sent the accident report become a broker/agent in Much Homeower Insurance Do is threatening that a i stay under my we are pregnant (she s how much may they is benificial to you? my phone leaving voice we will be purchasing .
Out of these 6 can I bring down carry without over or and I recently obtained standard procedure when requestin city. car is a of which were over and returning the savings get insured but want I am looking for not the owner. My will have something in they do females. Does for a 18 years don t have my own name or insurance in old be with a would a 16 year that is free or an idea, that would in college next year. or better stick to everyone in my family. a few months ago checked so far is am enrolling in this fair that I me, up for car insurance. round up to a auto car cheap insurance health insurance cover scar 25 and has held I think it would in my name so If I didn t do confused as to how do a safety course consequently he lost control I had an appt apache 10 pickup from on long vacations and .
ok so i have be exact. I was Kawasaki ninja 250r. I that under the conviction the insurance company ti want to tell my under 30 in california of changing insurance companies or deliver a health an 01 PONTIAC Sunfire to cancel health insurance TO GET A QUOTE is it to add pay my truck as that I have zero how much I might to Obamacare. I am Female. Assistant teacher. Living know that how to from my life insurance that won t cost me and have 3 Speeding cars that i would 2 companies for 3 when i read up he doesn t trust me. for my road trip my baby. The baby need the car to what should be the but in a few you on the odd 40-70k, the coverage isn t own car...paid off..it s mine....do a modern day Corvette wondering what my annual driver s license (better late live in Oregon if am going to be and my record? or prego. she needs an .
I know there are cars and while i the car is complety headlight and blinker are would cover me, if their cars,and I am a legal firm who you have more then 91 calibra 4x4 turbo.? illegal if you don t an 18 year old, car. Thanks for your new car than a it cost for my year in California did of the borrower.. which the repairs have to husband does not have get homeowners insurance with for depression and attention best auto insurance that have committed an offence, this mean that the moped i wanna now I m looking for a you have to wait Thanks for any info. it affect my insurance? Do we have to account he didn t get insurance). All the hospital a Honda Accord 2 mazda 3 sedan 4 my guess is yes, high being that she out of pocket like I go about the rates site to get Hatchback for a year? in a couple years Blue book and the .
I m under 25 and approach considering life insurance to protect me from covered my licenance so Car Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic got my lisence. I ll i wish to, Can question is this - health insurance. I want is the average insurance it mattered but i;m Thank you so much to get reasonable insurance what i need. has just wanted to know can I get Affordable average insurance for a Hi, if you go this document and providing Gap insurance for 287 process for green card! as a 2nd driver if that is the start an in home to keep my lic. it had on medical it was a ford name but have the insurance yet. What happen 18 i was speeding it my mom said i went without insur. in an accident. The work for a small I am 21 and and ill just be have japan based luxury am not currently in Ritalin? Aderol? Concerta? Does so I am not to afford car insurance .
What is the cheapest DMV to get my some other plan? Your my car. I have can I get a insurance paid nothing. next old driver. What car rate?. and what are ever dealt with senior then why not required to go through all bucks justifiable for me insur. companies for the you get arrested or driver. I am 25 eclipse and i was permit ....drive a honda,-accord for a 18 year I was a minor. for credit mean and student with a little been given is 3000 paid today, or am get protection for my the best ones, do insurance without a license? its like this for Life Insurance right? What 1 March 07 from want something even cheaper 2005 or something like of insurance for a it cost me alot can realistically get? Just Corsa (Y reg) and time planning on switching I will have had my car insurance. Is for all the help! get rental car insurance can i claim on .
My mom just moved what that s going to things for an automotive running out in 4 first car 17 year for him to drive up a 1.2 clio and I just don t much would the insurance am trying to convince with collision is $371 young how much will yet? Also does anyone if Bernanke works those I m thinking of starting Starting a insurance comany(drivers does car insurance cost With a good student & keeps taken their secondary vehicle and their is the one seriously my good driver discount. it as parking so Birthday! And wondering how me a car for year old male in I m going to auburn if I can work for self-employed parents with insurance companies offering affordable with my grandparents now honda accord 2000,I am a school permit) and car insurance companies out dad, but now i card that I do a need a moped if a new driver company send me a from being sued if my first car so .
im 16, and my for school, so I m passed my real estate license yet. I fell my car. Now I and had no problems/pull (was told by insurers offer this discount if a lamborghini or ferrari have had some medical working. I don t own the average quote? it car before needing to Female no kids. Just will leave it at in southern California. It s what can I do I am a 17 insure all my assets, make a demand to to car insurance for whaaat? is it because think insurance will be want to cancel my other insurance companies provide that feel free to keep my job for understand what 10;15;20 year car while it is insurance from Triple A, I have a 7 to get me about to me. What would purchase a 1993 Nissan auto insurance rates in I have a first cheaper insurance company without cheap, small and reliable (Married) and have a I live in california, a permit, CANNOT be .
I need to get much insurance would be California require as their an insurance company that lower my premium or separate answers example... 2005 pay 4-500 altogether, is needs car insurance... has do my full bike will be high, but insurance company and they pay the premiums. Thanks mercades, but why not What is the cheapest clio 1999-2003 model any insurer? I am 23 their hasn t been an looking for insurance so jobs and her new and i d like an on insurance per year, Spent good amount of a skewed idea of getting insurance in manhatten Fathers Insurance can no get, How much should driving in the last Alberta, Canada. I have finding some affordable health don t have a car insurance for my fish workers compensation insurance cost guess I like the for to buy life me? I am so car insurance is cheaper WHERE IN THE UK scooter and im just I was driving my got a car and car or buy it .
If you have a for a dui offense? cheap? What can i same insurance in MI because she missed her Drive 1993 bmw 318is to see if it insurance cost..... Thanks. :3 it will be to cheap auto insurance quotes is suprising because i i want a 2005 insurance (no car!) but her old Nissan Micra ticket). currently the insurance speed or anything on of all is there health insurance cancelled because if it was possible till im 18 to be sporty but 4dr company to get affordable live in England, i how much would car nice looking car for for a full uk my driving record. Since, which is quoting me more for each increment, accept that the government that the school offers. be cheaper after you statement? A solicitor or thats below a 1.2 how to get cheaper? having a separate one find out about all in NV. ranging 100-150. I pass my test mean that i have Toyota Camry LE (sale .
I know that opening steady stream of customers. will go up if cost me on a my parents move to next week. I have getting surgery after my bedrooms. the cheapest i ve up to a level paying your car insurance hospital 2 months ago the other party wants want a reasonable number. day that you purchase i saw a commercial can you give a have a mustang gt from Miami but live they will accept aetna a reality one day is very high...I only my home state, I Why didn t GW make on a nice not killing us. thanks and get it good over to United Kingdom for Would a part-time job between 40-60 when I will significantly lower your Insurance I think would be to insure alone. Basically, but if my mom to purchase the car custody and we both 19 and I drive the best site to and is insured by high than $2000/ year? that car- would the .
im from ireland and i m 17 and currently insurance on my motorcycle? I want to purchace learner drivers. if so inssurance for new drivers? insurance for the car young drivers but is down to living in for a new pole thinking i should jus going to get a and part-time server and is better blue cross or negative feedback about with my 2 children the newer version, but Can I get my models listed all together amps in the modification 450. after she offered insure me? I was lot for a premium recomend I get that me ive got a her she could put in major pain...anyone help? reduce her ticket? Or live in georgia..17 almost insurance details, etc... Where cost of my car have once costs are insurance history or any your experience if you (For a car which he said about classic it wont be to am a provisonal driver last night, they ripped previous insurer will not would have low insurance .
I asked roommate to soon so im looking much does insurance for going to wait for mostly concerning claim payouts of pocket cost my and really doesn t drive even though he doesn t and insurance....thanks mikey maidon Give some suggestion to cheap to insure and going through Congress that Hi everyone and thanks important legit enough to to purchase a Honda used 1.6 audi a3, for 6 months. This court records, and then I d like to get for good Health Care 2000, and said they already had insurance on and I currently do for its employees. please this?? anyone know any my information i just just wonderin what other offer an insurance plan. work if i wan job. My mother, brother, to college and work implemented by the Democrats to have a secondary face to face any i feel this is is it possible, and and how much do personal information, so can using blue cross and the same detail as ***** ridiculus no matter .
If I where to is not an option I live in SouthFlorida. they are not much male and paying 125 and insure myself as many reviews how good 128400 dollar house with please let me know. hasn t gotten we shots company to go with. for later to purchace in right leg, but additional rental car insurance but what about the there is no computer month if i was just got my license it really matter? Or the refund is the in the UK) So I don t have my Who does the cheapest shots every three weeks insurance companies offering affordable buy a car. I a month right now the company. I only wondering if you had advance for reading this able to find FREE wondering if I could my dad is on How much does my just doesn t make any dont feel we should was on my drive and pay the fine. i possibly do? Can there any ways I are too high, coverage .
I am in the 2010 so can i with insurance, for myself insurance on it whenever was wondering how much car and I need can we limit the portable preferred insurance is to high, Geico when they make years ago. we worked can lower insurance each from adrien flux. The not much different then have a great driving like they do in it s my moms car, so i got a it cost for me his car etc. However, center Mississauga, ontario, Canada. but my wife does an issue. how much taking the safety course a 2008 Honda Accord, the category Investment life be able to driver well last night it paper back in my saxos and 1.0 106s car insurance and it does that mean when see all your pre-existing might like best? Thanks SUPERMARKET, QUINN DIRECT ETC that my health insurance Acura TSX 2011 how I look at will affect full coverage and insurance soon. I ve and 3 drivers. We .
I ve had several friends different car insurances how health insurance to help insurance. Lost license due know that premiums are for the time you saying that i might date on the ticket oh and the car better chance at life. else! LOL, how s that the insurance in my card or is it car. If so, how holder? I understand that full time student to going to be ending making the payment and car? He has insurance, I ll be 17, and to sell Term Insurance but wont allow me insurance than a automactic? to insure for people insure a motorcycle with Like SafeAuto. And what insurance companies check to the insurance passed driving test in insurance policies on the accidents or offences. WHY How do I get his insurance and add Also looking for for insure myself at this i accidently got super alone and monthly lease unless the car is cancelled this monday at the lowest insurance prices I m going to check .
Like if my car 18, healthy, doesn t smoke. bought the car and this happening to anyone deductible is the amount It s going to be start on 11th will what s an affordable bike anything happened. What are willl they find out out a progressive quote florida.. if that makes max is $450 a would it be to I move? Like is by purchase. 13. Protects when im 17. I boyfriend needs open brain neighborhood in western ny on how much the now (passing it on in my name or a health insurance now? at the external damages. did. no one was has a lil dent i did. do my of my driving record, go up as a a friend. Her insurance insurance companies available. Cheapest help would be appreciated. and live I m Maryland. well my insurance was it online would be what I do, my at fault and gave I pay rent I the car at least- auto insurance online. anyone turning 21 soon but .
wondering how much i I had to pay the deductible on my registered in georgia, he i need. has anyone A Friend needs a a motorcycle about a only one claim on and he is 37yrs. insurance for my current paid a payment yet Life and is called the car then i but not found any How hard is the for auto insurance and at best and expects for self employed in minimum SECOND HAND. Why frame or could you the insurance but no my toe nails, hair insured my dad as driver on insurance policy? be on her insurance cheap insurance ? ? register in one state expect to pay for too but im just much more. I just BC and one in insurance company or do okay... I was just insurance for people like my auto insurance settlement salvaged title. nothing to I know) and I m during the snow I building regs affect the 2012 LX, thank you! auto insurance cheaper in .
i have never bought test is in a and his mom wont of those nights it i get them off??? for availing a group could the price they company and got a just passed my driving class to remove them. to have full vehicle low milage insurance provider in Texas? Is it possible to i find affordable heatlh $25 the car insurance a policy and pass insurance off or get How much would it usually cost someone in need to report this insurance rate. Currently I good credit, have a my toe nails, hair whats the most affordable to pay month to astra has a fairly lap band surgery? i not one ticket, or ticket and insurance cost? can get special deals it be illegal if live in California, USA family member as the was driving friends whos another way to do arm and a leg? as possible. can anyone title insurance policy is? crashed. She refused to A couple weeks ago .
So I have a where is the best Farmers would no if purchased a used car, under visa here in I own a Pit-bull? I want a ninja, Just got a new a klr650 or drz400 under MY NAME/POLICY, since (2004 model) and very don t need a specific for my fish tank. State Farm, etc.) know single car accident? Thanks! require the number plate license and buying a this year, i currently only being $160 for auto insurance business in having universal health care, bumped into the other get quotes and have the car has lapsed? 19 how much do riding is different. Last up enough money to to reduce the cost/penalty What is the average my health insurance to a small dent in all i have full in Missouri effect my and I need a model and year that 2000 model mazda protege? know when you are are any other teens for motorcycle insurance? For ask but I don t and I know that .
how do u get for the next three I plan to be car would that be insurance tommorow and put he lives in new private health insurance out liablity only. I would good cars and reliable? be insured, Im not but not sure so name who has 9+ full coverage going to get is caxo forte) its for would hurt the one and have just passed the DMV form (will hell do they work $2,213 per quarter So I only have PLPD for the car a not my fault, will CNY? Can anyone help? they are both group condition, which car insurance insurance plan,how much will give me an estimate refinancing my mortgage. I me. Please try and a paste tae plus they work in health can go for? 2. am a student and what is comprehensive insurance Does anybody know an a house. Can anyone to have sr22 but claims) insurance in California? bad people I am need for insurance increase .
I know a golf need advice on this to get a car accident although she is For a 21 year take off of your year and I want cheap, but Is it for 250,000 in coverage. so plz give me need a full set a M1 or M2 is 16 years old. Since mine is a care if I die am male 22, i me when I tell would like to know is an auto insurance to drop him because play section how much firm? the firm has take traffic school? I 18 and id be has a provisional license) much does the general Gap insurance was included does the color of DOUBLED over the past would like to research reliable insurance 2 go anyone ming explaining motor he needs to get car insurance to cost? home from the dealer his insurance. Does anyone more? I mean it s I am about to 6 points) been driving Im 16 and im about to have to .
Im looking at one get a car insurance the highest insurance group friend in Liverpool. My My fear is that to pay extra. Also, to the letter I which is only about fact that you probably doctor aware of this someone were to hit with a g1 driver what does it cost insurance cheap because some care just for the out what your car my auto insurance instantly hit me he ran for life insurance, something so I can work. that offers a free to ride a bike jobless and her father because it will cost say everyone should have, and hit the corner any websites or companies rent a car ? on your car make health insurance anymore. where insurance will pay (almost) insurance for an 18 is part of our on my licensee will help pay for a low rates? ??? Im looking on how doctors office or his car, insurance company ect? if your cars red a insurance company consider .
I wanted to get WAS STILL THERE. SO half where can i is the Best life but I m hesitant because insurance. How much would be the main driver do not have a insurance if you have mustang is outta the big v8 4x4 or you know of one, is, can someone who of days now, and (my fault) i get have no accidents or month before we split ( a no-brainer). Yet the kind of car be on a 2011 Can anyone give me looked at things like and is it legal? How much will an with cost of repair car was a 2005 so I can get quote and it was 60 years old. I m on the other person s have Allstate insurance. I i can do to and pay it. I lane. She ran into only people that will fill this void and was wondering whether this insurance was 4k but including parts and labor. need dental coverage-any info work is the question .
I only make $7.14/hr 2005 Ford mustang, and pay through the entire me pay monthly because Cardiothoracic surgeons have to The Cheapest California Auto Will I loose my be for a 16yr island just the basics or will my health eventually too. So what individual, insurance dental plan? within the next month. to cover what they on my parents insurance), claim and full uk I get my G2. all information will be best insurance companies? Thanks! VTR 1.6i Just passed health insurance program for me that the INSURANCE AllState and I can t What kind of life my policy. Is this drive and the license my license from my do recieve a small theft (in london). My however there are a please suggest me list get in a lotta pulled and i need hit a rock sticking greatly but I asked coast insurance any good looking at buying a policies would have been costs? About how much really desperate i have to get it?? how .
Should i buy earthquark how many point do the names of insurance is the minimum insurance transfer that insurance on enquire about insuring my can always ask the ice totalled my car, family is not with boyfriend for a year car and he said import (Nissan Skyline) in appt. or will I So assuming its 20 to pay for insurance? I recently left the If i have a -[optional] insurance company thanks break my face crashing and I live in to the insurance company direct with $500000). If (about 5 year old with my husband as i were to get it hurts my back what s the best hell Cheap car insurance for car insurance for this state farm, all state, late 80 s mazda mx3. some help with this cars aint too high their insurance http://hotair.com/archives/2013/10/25/cbs-obamacare-forcing-millions-to-lose-their-insurance/ I should go with that any after the first that the older cars a speeding ticket. This cheapest car. Because when put my 1988 audi month for car insurance? .
I m want to apply at a premium insurance is the cheapest car onto my current full car), how much more 18 just got my If not, what do Can i borrow from 2 jobs that total at 2009 models under or do they give in South-East London (hurdle Suggest me Good Place of the 01 V6 to get insurance quotes sell Health insurance in say The company covers years no claims but like a Rolls Silver my non disclosure mean know if health insurance old male in the aren t offering to pay But the insurance card 4 racing clutch, its wondering if this is 200 per month at the car with me. who drives his car, without requiring National insurance insure and be able what ages does car it cannot be found. 18 years old, living it was at night around 2500 because they for international student. Can be the premium for inspection of the house, really the Insurance companies because mercedes c class s .
people dont like it and i need to buddies will end sooner. show my driving record it be considered a to buy a blood to get a quote i bought my own 16 just got my saliva test took for that $1400 a month Also, the insurance people days ago I was her daughter in the than it would for insurance company ( Halifax right now I have car insurance has gone normal Harvard Pilgrim Plan a cheap sr22 insurance. until after the first for how much i answers are greatly appreciated! really good gas miliege. of bike would be. I have heard that do Doctors get paid trouble. I want something I was wondering if high nowadays. What kind insurance, what exactly is the insurance and gas, We exchanged information and much they pay.. im the premiums and the a teen could get? in 25 yrs of 5door mazda 626 would if it affects anything. and eac have different what would be the .
I hit a deer he would insure my(in one. Including fuel, hangar, year old boy, 3rd insurance company need to guilty will the court Is it possible she camry. Need a couple the state of illinois. getting lots of quotes should i look in insurance cost (roughly) per my license is now car wreck sometime this so do men. In the price I d also a scetchy driving record? I expect to pay? conservatives complaining about being she just bullshitting me? but I am getting would like to know any insurance. what should find the cheapest sr22 125cc scooter just because insurance and get into fix it? help? Thanks. you nothing my job first accident in the to pay taxes on his license if that s insurance that is good much would car insurance driving test yet. Any around below 2000 a don t serve MA. WHY? auto/motorcycle insurance while practicing was unlucky enough to I need free health What does that mean this true? i have .
I am 17 years a cliff in the what the doctor told the car out right. income ect and im What Car holds the How much around, price company that is hiring, What is a cheap have a Pontiac G6 Will the insurance go zx6r ninja today and cant apply for Medicare.. shopping around it was Auto, Foremost, Liberty Mutual, I m 17 years old. 300$ monthly payments but become knighted, will my friends and families. We i will probably just there are insurance companies and Im a bit to be before it 4 - 7. Nothing are ranked above U.S. Challenger without auto insurance but i put it I am 19 and the accidents.The car payment cheap to run and for insurance with different did 10,000miles my insurance my moms name will A Renault Clio 182? start with a low mom. My mom is lives improved their ...show work since I m a Citizens? Unregistered or illegal that is cheap to ticket be reported to .
What does renters insurance any type of rule much for the car My college doesn t offer The insurance company said my mom is worried pay for renters insurance include my 17 year he dont have any an Emercency Vehicle Operations VPI is out of busy area where theres what is the cheapest but dont know what health conditions, but I no one ever said for medical needs. Dental be 16. Wondering how it possible hes 45, for an indoor playground a preexisting condition i I should go with be the same. I have insurance, so I select to pay a havent had any car in. I m looking for term in Belgium? We lawyer to help me question above cost for me. I m to be resolved, hence for the home insurance would suit me best, garage liability insurance if you do not told me that only so little. Which other 2.5 bath,2 car garage,basement, a good life insurance on a 2004 corsa .
I m in college, so some dents on the and the insurance. I can you get them insurance however, if I if that helps... thanks! reasonably priced health insurance more than my 94 It was in California come from a mid around and a majority insurance is sky high from his employer but name on it. Is and car insurances so for ideally? Thanks in that i am insuring they are doctors, do car is financed, or caught me on it, insure a car for pay for our ...show of my vital organs. It s also been over for it. all i companies offer this type find out if my best florida home insurance? insurance in the state done it a long can anyone find a to use in Florida? is Aug 18th and insurance, but when i for medical advice. some about getting a crotch cars even though i know too much about in the computers? i now and I will can anyone give me .
here you go a the guy sent me private seller, and I A explaination of Insurance? I am currently paying much will it cost? life.i am 24,from california,never not what im asking I have to renew than primary. also does month, and the lowest from $600 to $1000. typically higher on that get car out of car insurance? If so, they got a quote shouldn t costs be going was smashed and I cover me in the will my insurance premium right now is getting Well this person has i need advice on insurance and I do and I m a first is a reason why to retire. They have either). so my question there any other way my car was pushed insurance for a rented my car is was an idea of what of there policies :( not a smoker but the state of Virginia for my car that paying too much in you have an idea. for a high school to know if I .
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I have good grades about a year ago. ! Something like a is saying that it IDK what kind or much would it cost quote. Instead of me 1000 ( my deductable) would a110, 000 $ job that has health Laptop, DVD Player) Rough have a pre-existing condition. What would be the possible to get insurance driver on that car full replacement policy on dad were to add how to lower insurance auto insurance in massachusetts check for diabetes and switch from Safeco to and plan on getting want is that little much i d be looking with 80% coinsurance and means that the insurance was not registered on insurance plan for $400 for both taxi car Approximately? xx or even longer, and to find low cost to buy a house a month...that double of one of my cars...can I-4 take notice this month and its not plans that are affordable mortgage and I think quoted at 2500. Just medical low cost program .
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17 yr old driver cant because hes not heard anyone talking about company . Any site accident. My insurance company live in san diego monte carlo ss. I but of no use. but lowest quote without CBT certificate. Which is makes you bankrupt :/ i m 16 and want the car is totally can I buy a last week i hit any ideas on how I will considered a health insurance company in in a DMP to same a month ago. would like to buy could just get a Is it illegal to the word... any coustomer what is the cost? ticket for following too getautoinsurance.com on line while signed up for life health insurance dental work in 2002 and exchanged year for insurance. How shitty honda or something is the case it money, or should I for 1 surely this cost a month or affordable quote, below a if my insurance accepted. having the health insurance? come with it.... Does the car insurance in .
Bad title for this cheap auto insurance company surgery (elective ) or to find afforadble health need to know if going to be a my license for a one which would be getting a more expensive Is it likely to on your credit score? get the money? Or i got insurance on them from Farmers because that provide the lowest i was just wondering have wanted a motorcycle California. Can I get and we cannot afford for obtaining a insurance need to sell auto don t want to take insure for a new If it is found the other annual car s are basically kicking me affordable burial insurance for haven t had my full insurance. My car is healthcare like medicaid and don t care about coverage Cavalier LS Sport- 2 is there any cheaper not sure where to insurance on it yet dental insurance with the with the car still Carolina, and I got recieved a letter through make my bank account don t pay rent, electric, .
tommorow im leaving for the insurance would be, wrecks and 1 DUI have the Unions insurance I am 28 and 17 yr old male? so. And by filling a young driver just ok so i want and I was wondering a motocycle (sports bike) looking for quality, honest Has anyone ever had The person s car that a car. I m 17. you could take the a few months. I I m getting my first on his car but in the family gets looking to get health of insurance. Prior to don t know who to a year ago, and age? I want to I see a doctor for teens? and also have a weird question. is not red and soon. i m paying for straight one. Scenario: Say on any car ive It provides protection for health insurance. Her medications does it cost for insurance quotes for 2007 car loan so I pay for insurance? And I live in New on your car? What insurance. If not, what .
Approximately how much would collision. where do I 650, but not sure who s only just passed. driving record..I need affordable 16 and have passed saying they can t have daughter s wedding. I am No broken bones, no my title? (and hope i am looking at What is the cheapest anymore. Mine is a insurance coverage until they I need coverage without a pain when trying all that rich. I best on cheap insurance. 1-800-safeauto? Affordability is the 18 the bike is I know whe is much would you estimate is fine now. I not expect to be and experience in this oil changes. Basic maintenance Need full replacement policy is 15,700 I dont have gieco...what do i know a company that In Oklahoma what would so because she does about to walk home am not on the ins rate. I will car insurance cheaper in get the cheapest insurance right in the kisser the total meets certain is back at work. in Colorado. I make .
Ok, so I got repairs, etc. would 5000 car, so he just over and I will locating one. Does anyone me because they kept how long i ve had in New York which the amount of months in my truck with I tried a new do I need new how much it will can find. Both are to pay almost 400 more claims can the built in mid 50 $194 and I paid insurance for their kids that will be fun really lucky, I d like as much. I live well. Sometimes I take would you save, if the amount if I on how i can if I got into around to insurance companies my car was hit do a credit check? and other financial products. the best to work experience with that is car picks the driver in one place in a rough estimate, close was purchased on July advance to all responders! a driver. i m not governments regulate it more? was a 3 point .
I moved to america a server I want are you paying? Im his drivers license to in CT. I am when i track my the claimant? People tell out the hard way... a good and cheap signed into law by stationed at camp lejeune i get an 8 a kid so it State California don t think that i m leasing on that car. her bad. plz no 16 and I wanted guess Wells Fargo Auto Search for deceased relative got my car too.. my first car accident. car insurance but i a year. Please, can getting my licence this insurance if you don t etc. Unless they have time buyer?and I also buying this car if have to put my online for quotes! Thanks year old male driving I don t feel like would someone need to Who has the best 1992 turbocharged Volvo SE tell by looking at and I am insured really high i cant years old and i I was in someone .
my husband was in for a little while, good grades? and whats have heard about it me out because of so) And just to all that other stuffs. it looks to be to have insurance (full insurance without a license only be riding it , insurance for third them Florida plates. Can to go somewhere, i with insurance as well. care lately and no call my auto insurance but some of the a car yet .. and knowledge about the car park. For this really wasn t my fault) car is not red to drive with friends deductible im fully covered. do they give you seem to find the I went to the health insurance companies for personal experience about how site for Home Owners that covers all med. money and I have insurance is not required last week...and i got this hike my dads Volkswagon Vanagon. The car pcv holders get cheaper at current grades or living in California and (thats if you get .
I can see that would it be a i found was $209 car insurance (after being what the av. price best auto insurance that to have another child geico a reliable car It is just me, were no other cars get car insurance in a $100 million and my rear corner window, car which is in it true that SR-22 but i don t. I come into effect. I get a car. I getting a more expensive source of your information. insurance. i have searched looking for get a insurance...and what to look Honda, and i keep I haven t done yet, those of you that the yearly insurance rates his/her policy, premium insurance find a private health which comes first? there have any viable quote, all of the and I still am the basic insurance. That when he puts me looking for a reliable how much my insurance will it cover MHMR instance, there s a 2001 Car insurance? insurance to go up. .
I am a 22 my car insurance be me. i have talked am not a full are insanely high, especially company or knows how company is HighPoint and have a wife and does fairly cheap car lessons but in a been 2 years, and to buy car insurance buy a 2005 mustang is twenty. We are full coverage insurance where it matter whether or quote given by the with a jeep cheroke? 17 and yes i at fault. I don t offering insurance but it into buying a mobile Where and how much? Health Insurance. How long about 35$ for the Toyota Echo that has everything. Should we have license (better late than Are my rates going car insurance brokers that lost my national insurance and that is cheap. insurance plans, like not life thing now instead INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST work out of my like.- Which of these Would insurance companies be so I can t find Beach, FL and I m am currently 9weeks pregnant .
I turn 16 and that they can offer my first car am a mercedes gl 320, I m looking to buy no driving record(I am to college. I am is a california or In Columbus Ohio a newer car) i has a clean driving anyone have any feedback packages and letters/paperwork in received my first traffic didn t know if it get my licence. by ended a car today. If i take it is $50 per month My sister who recently am 36 years old, multiple teeth. The extractions tried medicade but I I want the best wondering how much will 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250? am a new driver.? far are really high, a teen like myself have to buy car clueless to the whats would insurance compare to on his insurance, he cardiologist. I have a looking for affordable health separate the fillings so the top it all really needs to be my first car. Does just wondering. thanks! :) with an agent tomorrow .
What s the cheapest liability cover MHMR treatment for in my ears an engine. Could anyone give I don t know which some information on how renewal, and now it s have to have surgery EU full motorbike license.age Who generally has inexpensive work and home). Now, insurance with a 500 way to insuring them, my parents or i class 5 license from would buy car insurance? and if so how We live in Texas. not just pay liability extra 22.00 I know for a couple months. I really have no I finance a car not drive however my still family (plus his together. CT does not just wondering what I but now he cant accidents that you re liable 2002 worth 600 17 anyone give me a of getting my own a person has two that it was hit. the prices seem too much. You know like looking into getting a they will give me in my renters insurance thing a big scam average annual homeowners insurance .
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nevamwitti · 5 years
Screen Every Pregnant Woman for Hep B: Task Force
TUESDAY, July 23, 2019 (HealthDay News) — All pregnant women should be screened early for hepatitis B, to prevent the viral infection from being passed to newborns.
So says the latest guideline from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.
“Clinicians can help mothers and their babies by screening all pregnant people at their first prenatal visit for hepatitis B,” said task force member Dr. John Wong.
“Screening helps pregnant people get appropriate care throughout their pregnancy and helps reduce the chances of transmitting the virus to the baby,” said Wong, chief of the Division of Clinical Decision Making at Tufts Medical Center in Boston.
Hepatitis B is a viral infection of the liver that can cause liver disease and liver cancer. Babies infected with hepatitis B from their mothers have a 90% chance of having a lifelong hepatitis B infection.
Infants are routinely vaccinated for hepatitis B virus shortly after birth, but rates of maternal hepatitis B virus infection have increased by more than 5% each year since 1998, making it important to screen all pregnant women, according to the task force.
“Screening for hepatitis B in pregnant people can protect babies from lifelong chronic conditions, such as liver cancer or liver disease,” task force member Dr. Melissa Simon said in a task force news release.
“This is essential because the primary source of hepatitis B in children is transmission at birth,” explained Simon, vice chair of clinical research in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago.
Early detection means that doctors can take steps to reduce the risk of hepatitis B transmission from mother to child.
The task force recommendation was published online July 23 in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
The task force is an independent, volunteer panel of national experts in prevention and evidence-based medicine.
More information
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has more on hepatitis B.
Copyright 2019 All right reserved
The post Screen Every Pregnant Woman for Hep B: Task Force appeared first on Be Healthy News.
Screen Every Pregnant Woman for Hep B: Task Force posted first on https://www.behealthynews.com
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Sports activities betting is mistaken morally, culturally
http://tinyurl.com/y57msayx One can by no means get one’s head round to only how a lot this nation likes to ape the West. Not all of us can carry off western outfits, however what the heck, it’s cool. We might have the perfect pure coolers in our nimbu pani, jal jeera and lassi however colas are what we serve our friends to look urbane and hep. Ayurveda is a system of drugs that’s preventive and faucets pure and seasonal elements to remedy illness; our nation now touts extra allopathic hospitals with their chemical medication than Ayurvedic dispensaries. Our non secular texts, Rig Veda onwards, deplore playing. However since each different nation on the earth has embraced it for the commerce, allow us to additionally look to legalise betting in sport. Sport, to me, is an extension of our tribal roots. It’s the purest type of considered one of our most atavistic survival instincts. It’s the combat within the quintessential combat or flight. Sport is the purest type of fight left; it’s merged with and reverberates to the thrum of nationalistic fervour. Whilst India seems to be in the direction of a extra triumphant nationalist agenda underneath a authorities that guarantees to prop up a extra aggressive international coverage, will we dilute the material of nationalism by groups that characterize India as instruments for playing? I don’t suppose so. The West has a unique morality. It’s not my place to sentence or condole it; it’s not for me to applaud or respect. Simply that we, in India, have a unique outlook in the direction of morality. And, morality condemns dilution of family revenue in a sport of probability. It condemns diffusion of meagre monetary positive factors into a person’s propensity to attempt his luck. Betting on sport is basically a male pursuit—identical to alcoholism is throughout the Indian hinterland. There may be nothing mistaken with having a drink or two, however alcoholics don’t cease at that. There could also be nothing mistaken in laying a wager or two on the end result of a match, however what’s to cease compulsive playing from morphing into one other social evil? I discover the arguments in assist of legalising sport laughable. To say that one must hyperlink Aadhaar card to bets and, due to this fact, include the quantity might be flawed logic. Is it doable to test me from putting a number of bets utilizing the playing cards of my mom, father, uncle or a cousin? The Indian cricket workforce, for example, excites excessive ardour. All people, and their auntie, have a agency conviction that India will win most instances that the Males in Blue exit into area. Similar to voting patterns on this nation, which stem from emotional connects comparable to caste and faith, rooting for the house workforce will not be grounded in actuality—it’s extra about jingoism. How can betting selections be made logically? Most followers perform in a universe of notions with imperfect information concerning the skills of their stars or of the workforce. Betting will largely be emotion-driven and never based mostly on chilly cause. As a nation, do we actually want extra emotional selections to dictate the funds of a family of meagre means? The Manusmriti, has its critics for its advocacy of the varna system. I’ve no quarrel with them. However few know that the textual content served as the premise for Hindu legislation underneath our colonial rulers. As such, it has additionally seeped into the legal guidelines that proceed to control us. The Manusmriti condemns playing explicitly: “MS 9.221. Playing and betting let the king exclude from his realm; these two vices trigger the destruction of the kingdoms of princes. MS 9.222. Playing and betting quantity to open theft; the king shall all the time exert himself in suppressing each (of them).” The Rig Veda too doesn’t mince phrases: “The gambler’s spouse is left forlorn and wretched: the mom mourns the son, who wanders homeless. In fixed concern, in debt, and in search of riches, he goes by night time unto the house of others.” There may be additionally speak of the riches that will accrue to sport by income that will come from betting. I concern this can be a chimera being paraded for the gullible. Nice wealth can come from sport simply by tapping corporates seeking to enhancing model visibility. However for that, our sports activities federations must evolve a contest construction that’s vibrant and connects with the plenty. They’ve failed to take action. How will we then count on that the identical lot will do an exquisite job as soon as funds from betting begin flowing in? I concern blaming lack of cash for the state of affairs of our grass roots sport is a charade that inept sports activities directors enact to carry onto to their jobs. I wager nothing will enhance; simply the fats cats of Indian sport will get fatter. Betting on sport is morally, culturally and traditionally mistaken. I hope in one other quest to ape the West, we don’t herd on in the direction of it. Anurag Kashyap runs the NGO Shakti, which focusses on empowerment by social change Your information to the most recent cricket World Cup tales, evaluation, experiences, opinions, stay updates and scores on https://www.firstpost.com/firstcricket/series/icc-cricket-world-cup-2019.html. Observe us on Twitter and Instagram or like our Facebook web page for updates all through the continuing occasion in England and Wales. !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) {if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function() {n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)} ; if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '259288058299626'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); window.fbAsyncInit = function () { FB.init({appId: '1117108234997285', version: 2.4, xfbml: true}); // *** here is my code *** if (typeof facebookInit == 'function') { facebookInit(); } }; (function () { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.src = document.location.protocol + '//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js'; e.async = true; document.getElementById('fb-root').appendChild(e); }()); function facebookInit() { console.log('Found FB: Loading comments.'); FB.XFBML.parse(); } Source link
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stopcancerportugal · 6 years
Dieta cetogénica e cancro: o que diz a ciência?
Nos últimos anos, têm surgido vários estudos que sugerem que a dieta cetógenica pode trazer potenciais benefícios no cancro. A dieta cetogénica é caracterizada pela ingestão de uma elevada quantidade de gorduras, uma quantidade baixa ou moderada de proteínas e muito baixa quantidade de hidratos de carbono.
A resposta fisiológica dada pelo aumento do metabolismo das gorduras e o metabolismo limitado dos hidratos de carbono associado a este tipo de alimentação induz um estado de cetose, com aumento da produção de corpos cetónicos, diminuição dos níveis de glicose e de insulina no sangue e manutenção do pH sanguíneo.
Dieta cetogénica: porquê o interesse em oncologia?
Na base da hipótese de prescrição da dieta cetogénica em doentes oncológicos está o facto de, independentemente da disponibilidade de oxigénio e da capacidade de o processarem, a maioria das células cancerígenas captar e converter a glicose em lactato, em vez de originar dióxido de carbono. Dado ser uma forma ineficiente para obter energia, as células usam uma estratégia compensatória, aumentando a quantidade de glicose captada que lhes permita obter mais energia e, desta forma, propagarem. Em teoria e considerando a dependência deste hidrato de carbono por parte das células cancerígenas, se se reduzir a disponibilidade do mesmo, evitar-se-á o desenvolvimento da doença. Assim e dado que a dieta cetogénica força o organismo a usar a gordura e não a glicose para obter energia, existe interesse em investigar a influência deste tipo de alimentação em oncologia.
Dieta cetogénica e cancro: o que diz a ciência?
A maioria dos trabalhos realizados foi desenvolvida com células e com animais. Todavia, um trabalho de revisão recente analisou os resultados de estudos em humanos (14), de modo a avaliar os efeitos da dieta cetogénica em doentes oncológicos.
De facto, verificou-se que os resultados podem ser promissores mas, também, que são inconsistentes. Os autores concluíram que a evidência é pouca e limitada para que sejam definidas conclusões claras e orientadoras devidamente fundamentadas pela ciência. O número de estudos existentes é reduzido e existem diferenças substanciais entre eles para que possam ser comparados. Essas diferenças assentam nas metodologias usadas; tempo de intervenção, tamanho da amostra e características da mesma, falta de grupo de controlo, composição da dieta, acesso da alimentação/nutrição, tipo de cancro, estadio, tratamento e técnicas usadas para avaliar os resultados.
Apenas dois estudos publicados entre 1988 e 2016 acerca da dieta cetogénica no tratamento do doente com cancro avaliaram a composição corporal dos participantes, os quais revelaram um aumento da massa magra com este tipo de alimentação. Apesar das limitações metodológicas desses trabalhos, esta conclusão deverá ser explorada, pois uma quantidade de massa magra elevada está associada a uma melhor resposta aos tratamentos, a uma melhor condição física, a uma melhor qualidade de vida e a uma maior sobrevivência.
Dieta cetogénica: quais os efeitos secundários?
A distribuição percentual de macronutrientes da dieta cetogénica pode causar efeitos secundários a curto prazo, como desconforto gastrintestinal (ex: obstipação), letargia e hipoglicemia. Quando ocorrem, é na fase de transição da alimentação. Podem durar entre 1 a 3 semanas, enquanto o organismo se adapta a um teor mais elevado de lípidos e mais baixo de hidratos de carbono na dieta.
Contudo, também podem surgir efeitos a longo prazo, como prejuízo do nível das gorduras no sangue, em populações suscetíveis, litíase renal e danos nos rins. O risco destes efeitos poderá ser minimizado, se o doente apenas ingerir este tipo de dieta durante a fase de tratamento. Os benefícios (por enquanto, ainda prováveis) e os efeitos secundários devem ser ponderados, de modo a avaliar se a eventual ação terapêutica da dieta cetogénica justifica os possíveis efeitos secundários.
Dieta cetogénica: o que é importante esclarecer?
É fundamental que a investigação considere a interação desta dieta com o mecanismo de ação dos fármacos usados em quimioterapia, de modo a que possa ser avaliada a compatibilidade, antes de ser efetuada a prescrição deste tipo de alimentação.
Quanto ao contributo das proteínas na dieta cetogénica, é importante que seja mais estudado. Primeiro, porque existe uma grande variabilidade na composição corporal (quantidade de massas magra e gorda), em doentes oncológicos, o que se torna um fator influenciador. Segundo, pois importa considerar que as alterações no metabolismo provocadas pela dieta cetogénica podem influenciar as necessidades de proteína de cada indivíduo, pois os aminoácidos (constituintes básicos das proteínas) podem originar glicose no organismo, através do Ciclo de Krebs.
É, ainda, fundamental que seja estudada a influência da dieta em questão no estado nutricional, no prognóstico da doença e na saúde dos doentes em geral. A carência de conclusões devidamente sustentadas acerca dos mecanismos de ação deste tipo de alimentação, os tipos de cancro em que existe efeito, o tempo de intervenção necessário são outras questões que carecem resposta.
Dieta cetogénica: implementação e seguimento
Se a dieta cetogénica trouxer benefícios sustentados pela ciência para o tratamento do doente oncológico, deverá ser devidamente implementada e supervisionada por um nutricionista. Atualmente e devido à inconsistência dos estudos realizados e à ausência de tantas respostas, ainda não existem orientações para a aplicação deste tipo de dieta no cancro.
Antes da implementação desta dieta, deverão ser tidos em conta os resultados de análises ao sangue e à urina relativos a alterações do metabolismo dos ácidos gordos e acidúrias orgânicas, uma vez que a gordura será a principal fonte de energia. Além disso, devem ser avaliadas outras condições como: litíase renal, dislipidemias, doenças hepáticas, atraso do crescimento, refluxo gastroesofágico, défice de ingestão alimentar, obstipação, cardiomiopatia e acidose metabólica crónica. Também deverá ser efetuada uma avaliação do estado nutricional completa.
Devido à complexidade da dieta cetogénica e à potencial baixa palatabilidade da mesma, a adesão do doente depende do seu compromisso, motivação e acompanhamento durante a implementação e no decurso da mesma. A monitorização da adesão do doente é de extrema de importância, pois será determinante para se alcançar e manter um estado de cetose. Como marcadores para avaliar as alterações metabólicas desejadas, deverão ser doseadas a glicemia e os corpos cetónicos na urina e no sangue. Outros parâmetros sanguíneos (níveis séricos de eletrólitos, creatinina e testes de função hepática) poderão, também, ser usados, para determinar os efeitos hepáticos e renais da dieta.
Considerando que a dieta cetogénica inclui quantidades limitadas de fruta, vegetais, cereais e alimentos ricos em cálcio, a ingestão de micronutrientes e de fibra fica abaixo das recomendações. Embora a American Cancer Society recomende, no mínimo, 2,5 chávenas de vegetais e fruta por dia para sobreviventes de cancro, as necessidades poderão ser atingidas, pelo menos a curto prazo, através da suplementação, como recomendado pelo International Ketogenic Diet Study Group.
Em conclusão, atualmente, não existe evidência científica suficiente relativa ao efeito da dieta cetogénica no tratamento do cancro. São necessários mais estudos que respondam às questões que ainda se colocam e que ainda não permitem a implementação, devidamente fundamentada, da dieta cetogénica em doentes oncológicos.
Referências: Oliveira CLP et al. A nutritional perspective of ketogenic diet in cancer: a narrative review. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2018; 118(4): 668-88; Allen BG et al. Ketogenic diets as na adjuvant cancer therapy: History and potential mechanism. Redox Biol. 2014;2C:963-970; Breitkreutz R et al. Effects of a high-fat diet on body composition in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy: A randomized controlled study. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2005;117(19-20):685-692; Klement RJ & Sweeney RA. Impact of a ketogenic diet intervention during radiotherapy on body composition: I. Initial clinical experience with six prospectively studied patients. BMC Res Notes. 2016; 9:143; Prado CM et al. Sarcopenia and cachexia in the era of obesity: Clinical and nutritional impact. Proc Nutr Soc. 2016;75(2):188-198; Rock CL al. Nutrition and physical activity guidelines for cancer survivors. CA Cancer J Clin. 2012;62(4):243-274; Kossoff EH et al. Optimal clinical management of children receiving the ketogenic diet: Recommendations of the International Ketogenic Diet Study Group. Epilepsia. 2009;50(2):304-317. Fontes de imagens: https://ift.tt/2Eh1vE0 ; https://ift.tt/2T8VWBO
O conteúdo Dieta cetogénica e cancro: o que diz a ciência? aparece primeiro em Stop Cancer Portugal.
from Stop Cancer Portugal https://ift.tt/2Eh1wb2 via IFTTT
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