#Henri Duquet
lovelyna · 4 years
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xolarajean · 5 years
Find Me in Paris S1+S2
This is super random and a little later, but I recently stumbled upon the show “Find Me in Paris” and damn I fell in love with it. Despite having countless plotholes and historical inaccuracies, I still am addicted to watching it? Maybe it’s the chemistry between Max and Lena or Ines’s sarcasm or Jeff’s (wholesome) goofiness idk. I just hope to find a community where I can talk about it because it looks like I’m pretty late to the game about it lol. Honestly, I can’t wait to binge-watch season 3 whenever it comes out. Hopefully, the entire cast from previous seasons stay because I would cry if any of them left. Anyway that my rant about it haha. 
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romana73 · 5 years
Post written by ME. The animated gifs and pictures in this post AREN’T MINE and it AREN’T BELONG TO ME IN ANY WAY!
Find me in Paris is a 2018 TV show, created by Jill Girling and Lori Mather-Welch, produced by ZDF and Cottonwood Media. There are two series of Find me in Paris, consisting both of 26 episodes. In July 2019,3 season began to be  shooting. In Italy, Find me in Paris is broadcast by Disney Channel where, currently, 2 season is being broadcast
1905, Paris. Lena Grisky is a Russian princess and ballet dancer from Opéra De Paris school. Evening of her debut, Lena meets her fiancé Henri Duquet on Opéra roof. As a lucky charm, Henri gives her a necklace with a precious antique watch as a pendant. Henri’s gift seems to work. Ballet, with Lena as first dancer, achieved great success. Unfortunately, Lena’s parents are present in audience and they decide to bring Lena back to Russia the same evening. After hearing couple's speeches, Henri informs Lena about her parents intentions. Lena and Henri decide to run away together in order don’t break up. Chased by Lena’s mother royal guards, Lena and Henri escape, turning theater, in search of a way out. Opening a door behind the scenes, Lena disappears into air. Soon after, the gap closes and a brick wall prevents Henri from passing. Meanwhile, Lena finds herself on the stage of the Opéra, in middle of a ballet, where she discovers she has fallen in 2018. Terrified and helpless, Lena manages to pass herself off as a new student of Opéra de Paris modern dance school, promising herself to understand what happened and return to Henri in 1905. Stuck in the past, Henri discovers his father is a time traveler and the watch he gave to Lena was his father's time machine and a mysterious woman is protecting a second watch. It seems two watches possess strong and mysterious powers, to be used with caution. Not only, but opening in which Lena disappeared was a portal allows time travel. Problem is these portals only open in some days. To complicate matters, there are The Time Collectors, three boys charged with capturing travelers who, like Lena and Harry, break rules and Time Police. In midst of all this, Henri discovers a brick from a chimney of Opéra roof connects eras, acting as a little portal. In this way, Henri manages to send a letter to Lena in which he explains everything to her. Lena surrenders to having to settle in 2018, while Harry finds out where and when the portal will open again. In this way, Lena becomes Ines' best friend, her roommate, only one to whom truth about her. Lena finds herself to be love and dance rival of Théa Raphael, a rising star of Opéra dance school and she’s increasingly attracted to Max Alvarez, Théa's boyfriend, first dancer and head of Blok, a hip hop dance group in which Lena will soon also enter ... STAR WARS. EPISODE VIII. THE LAST JEDI: Rey and Kylo Ren discover they can see and communicate through a connection created by the Force, which unites them
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Lena and Henri discover a brick of a chimney of Opéra roof is a little portal. So, Lena and Henri can thus communicate in real time by sending each other letters. In addition, Lena and Henri feel inside of them when, even at different times, they are both in the same place, at the same time:
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STAR WARS. EPISODE VII. THE FORCE AWAKEN: Clash between Rey and Kylo Ren’s powers is so strong earth splits, separating them
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STAR WARS. EPISODE VIII. THE LAST JEDI: Clash between Rey and Kylo Ren’s Force causes an explosion, which throws them on room sides, causing them to faint:
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In 1x26 episode, Lena and Henri try to go back to 1905 but, as soon as their time clocks come into contact, they create a time bubble explodes, separating and knocking them to stage’s opposite sides
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During a Force’s connection, Rey and Kylo Ren manage to touch each other's hands. Moment is interrupted by Luke who, after stopping them, yells at Rey, telling her she can't be with Kylo:
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In 2x14 episode, Victor, Henri's father, tells Lena to stay in 2018, realize her dreams and forget Henri 'cause she can never be with him. Lena doesn’t understand but, when later, she will discover a secret about herself, Lena and Henri will understand they cannot be together ‘cause one of them will always be an outlaw. Helpless, Lena and Henri place a hand on same spot, using their sensitive connection to touch each other
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STAR WARS. EPISODE VIII. THE LAST JEDI: Plagued from being abandoned as a child, stimulated by Kylo Ren, Rey decided to enter into a dark cave to find out who her parents were and who she really is:
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Lena discovers her grandmother and her mother were time travelers and second time clock belongs to her mother. Woman knew Victor, Henri's father, to whom she promised to protect watch. To upset Lena, however, is a secret about her birth ... at that point, Lena finds herself wondering who she really is and promises to find out:
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geekofchaos · 4 years
Find Me in Paris Season 3 (pre-thoughts)
So was no one going to tell me that Find Me in Paris Season 3 was out? Or did I just have to find that out for myself? Because Hulu certainly wasn’t advertising it. I haven’t started it yet so no spoilers. 
Also, apparently Max Alvarez isn’t in season three? Like what? To be clear, I actually like Henri Duquet but I generally assumed Max/Lena was endgame (even though the idea of two lovers being separated by time really spoke to the grand romantic in me more than ballet dude hot). But if this is true, then what I’m really angry about is being cheated of Max and Henri in the void scenes. The season 2 ending promised me that those two would finally truly interact and I am outraged at this broken promise. Hopefully, Max appears at least in the first couple of episodes. 
But seriously, I’m not sure how this is supposed to work without him. Like losing Dash in season 2 sucked but the story could survive without him. It was like removing a kidney - certainly not ideal but you can bounce back whereas removing Max is more akin to removing one of your lungs.
I get production problems and I understand the reality of those situations but man, if Max’s actor wanted out or had a scheduling conflict, I would have personally chosen to recast and give a “new haircut?” Again, not ideal but sometimes real life doesn’t present you with good options and you just have to choose the least bad one. 
Okay, I haven’t watched yet so maybe I’m misjudging and the writers will wrap this up in a narratively satisfying way. We’ll see. No spoilers. 
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atimepieceinparis · 5 years
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twolostloveletters · 6 years
henri: *tries everything he can to get lena back home*
the time collectors: *try everything they can to get lena back home*
victor: *can get lena back home but leaves her where she’s at*
me @ victor:
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crown-and-stallion · 4 years
On Hamish Goames as the Loup-garou
I made a post before wondering if anybody else thought back to Trepagny warning Sel and Duquet about the louo-garou (werewolf) in the woods when they were watching the scene of Hamish murdering Cross, specifically when he’s just screaming in the woods at night.
Something about it just SCREAMS ‘werewolf’: it’s dark, he’s alone amongst the trees, splattered in blood, and the sound is cut so it’s just eerie music over the screaming, distorted face of an extremely upset man.
In a way, I think Hamish’s whole arc kind of mirrors sort of a dark transformation, very werewolf-esque. In the beginning, Hamish is defined by his intelligence. He’s smart and organized, with a neat black and white outfit. As he slowly gets more tied up in the company’s darker side, he is forced to do things he clearly doesn’t agree with, and on a more personal side he is forced to confront what the company did to Cross, and the man that his brother-in-law has become. 
So he does the last thing that episode Hamish would have probably done: he murders him. The whole scene has a very supernatural, creepy feeling. His iconic hat is gone, there’s blood on his hand: it’s reminiscent of his fight with Henri Marth, only worse. The audience doesn’t hear him scream, they only see it, and the effect is uncanny, almost inhuman. The next time we see him, he quietly walks back around the campfire, one hand soaked crimson, and silently goes about eating beans (lol).  It’s honestly kind of scary, and the scream especially felt very unnatural, very beastly. 
Furthermore, I distinctly remember two lines: in the beginning of the series Bouchard (I think) tells Hamish “The woods are filled with the bones of men like you.” But later on, that same sentiment is distorted into “The woods are filled with men like you.” He’s no longer the bones in the woods, but rather the one’s creating them. 
And of all the characters, he’s been involved or around the most mishaps out in the forest: finding Renardette and Clape at the creek site, Lafarge and Marth, Thom in the river, and finally his own murder of Cross.
Most of all? I hope Hamish Goames is ok.
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windsweptlassie · 4 years
Barkskins Characters: A Comprehensive Review
René Sel: a good honest man. a beefcake. a himbo. just a simple down to earth guy. will do pretty much anything because of a sense of duty. this is his only flaw I think
Charles Duquet: small rat man. absolutely zero moral backbone. probably no literal backbone either. can he stand up straight
Claude Trepagny: go weird old man go. absolutely off the hinge but I think he's generally all right. still wild though
Mari: ma'am I love you. you have every right to be bitter. capable and smart and WAY COOLER than her ex-husband.
Mathilde Geffard: the true king of Wobik. way more capable than anyone else here. getting shit done. making a Girl's House. the bravest motherfucker here.
Hamish Goames: I love him. Haunted, hunted, and mysterious. absolutely Intense motherfucker. morally righteous to a fault. devoted to Yvon.
Yvon: I love him x2. immensely patient but also willing to throw hands constantly. (book)smarter than ANYONE else here. devoted to Hamish.
Elisha Cooke: all my homies HATE him. he's occasionally valid when he talks about his fridged wife but he's a bag of dicks and scheming a lot but also bad at it.
Delphine: ma'am I love you!! I wish you were not sad. You are very pretty. Melissande should give you a kiss.
Melissande: scheming and petty but very, VERY smart. Therefore I love her. She's going to make a good life for herself no matter what, goddamnit.
Captain Bouchard: sloppy! he's trying but he's bad at a lot of shit. also he's rude to Yvon.
Gus LaFarge: even sloppier! he's just a dick though
Thom LaFarge: deserved better. made some bad choices but also he's literally 12 and he's just doing what he's told. young man you were an inconvenience in life.
Hawastha': DESERVED BETTER also he's cool as hell. can't believe they separated him from his buddy.
Häa'tatoyehnk: he and Hawastha' are the secondary dream team. I'm sad for him now though. they're jerks but in a fun cool valid way.
Mother Sabrine: very valid. good with the Ladies. I'm a fan
Renardette: i LOVE this little lady. half-feral fox girl. she's got a found family now and it's good. keep this one safe please
Father Clape: deserved better. likes horses.
Father Gabriel: deserved better, I guess?
Ratahsenthos: mad! and violent! but sometimes in a valid way. sometimes not in a valid way though. sometimes just in a scary way. he looks really cool though.
Francis Geffard: eh
Théo: he's so cute
Terayonhiio': she's very valid. I love her cloak.
Gay Bill: he's a lotta fun. I have one question though which is why the name
Randall Cross: absolutely a broken man so I wonder what he used to be like. WHY is Hamish so devoted to him.
Intendant de Fer: whatever, I guess? idk man
Claudette: also deserved better
Henri Marth: he's scary I don't like him
Father Jerome: mostly I hate him
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tuseriesdetv · 5 years
Noticias de series de la semana: Más 'The Good Fight'
CBS All Access ha renovado The Good Fight por una cuarta temporada
CBS ha renovado NCIS: LA por una undécima temporada
CBS ha renovado NCIS: New Orleans por una sexta temporada
The CW ha renovado The 100 por una séptima temporada
The CW ha renovado All American por una segunda temporada
The CW ha renovado Roswell, New Mexico por una segunda temporada
The CW ha renovado In the Dark por una segunda temporada
Cinemax ha renovado Warrior por una segunda temporada
Netflix ha cancelado Santa Clarita Diet tras su tercera temporada
TBS ha cancelado Wrecked tras su tercera temporada
truTV ha cancelado Those Who Can't tras su tercera temporada
Noticias cortas
Laine Neil (Patty) será regular en la segunda temporada de Strange Angel.
Amber Midthunder (Rosa) será regular en la segunda temporada de Roswell, New Mexico.
Incorporaciones y fichajes
Shannen Doherty (Brenda) también estará en 90210.
Harry Lloyd (Game of Thrones, Counterpart) será Bernard Marx en Brave New World.
Laura Donnelly (Outlander, The Fall) protagonizará The Nevers. Será Amalia True, una heroína impulsiva y emocionalmente dañada que rechaza a la sociedad victoriana, moriría por la causa y mataría por una copa.
Sara Gilbert (The Big Bang Theory, Roseanne) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de Atypical como Judd, profesora de ética en la universidad.
Katherine Kelly (Happy Valley, Cheat), Howard Charles (The Widow, The Musketeers) y Amy Nuttall (Downton Abbey) se unen a la segunda temporada de Liar.
Isaiah Washington (Grey's Anatomy, The 100) será recurrente en P-Valley como Tydell Ruffin, el nuevo alcalde de Chucalissa City.
Rosemarie DeWitt (United States of Tara, Olive Kitteridge) se une como regular a Little Fires Everywhere. Será Linda McCullough, amiga de Elena (Reese Witherspoon).
Christian Cooke (Ordeal by Innocence, Witches of East End) y James Bloor (Dunkirk) protagonizarán Barkskins junto a David Thewlis. Serán René Sel y Charles Duquet, dos inmigrantes que trabajarán para Monsier Claude Trepagny (Thewlis).
Anna Maxwell Martin (The Bletchley Circle, Motherland) será Patricia Carmichael, detective anticorrupción, en los dos últimos episodios de la quinta temporada de Line of Duty.
Jake Lacy (I'm Dying Up Here, Girls) se une como regular a High Fidelity. Será Clyde, un recién llegado a Nueva York al que no le interesa la música pero llama la atención a Rob (Zoë Kravitz).
Jeanine Serralles (Hot Summer Nights) se une a Utopia como regular. Será Colleen, marido de Michael Stearns (Rainn Wilson).
Edward Holcroft (Wolf Hall, London Spy), Charlotte Hope (Game of Thrones, The Spanish Princess), Craig Parkinson (Misfits, Line of Duty), Niamh Walsh (Jamestown, Holby City), Kevin Guthrie (The Terror), James Harkness (The Victim), Gerard Kearns (The Last Kindgom, Shameless UK), Joncie Elmore (Downton Abbey), Sam Keeley, Daniel Ings (The Crown, Lovesick), Kate Dickie (Game of Thrones, The Cry), Henry Lloyd Hughes (Indian Summers, Les Misérables), Kate Phillips (Peaky Blinders, Wolf Hall), Ben Batt (Scott & Bailey, Shameless UK), Sylvestra Le Touzel (The Crown, Utopia), Harry Michell y Anthony Andrews (The Syndicate, Brideshead Revisited) protagonizarán The English Game.
Otto Farrant (War & Peace, Mrs. Wilson) protagonizará Alex Rider. Le acompañarán Vicky McClure (Line of Duty, This Is England), Stephen Dillane (Game of Thrones, The Tunnell), Brenock O'Connor (Game of Thrones, Living the Dream), Ronke Adekoluejo (Christopher Robin), Andrew Buchan (Broadchurch, The Honourable Woman), Ace Bhatti (Three Girls, No Offence), Nyasha Hatendi (Casual, Black Earth Rising), Marli Siu (Anna and the Apocalypse), Earl Cave (Born to Kill), Katrin Vankova (Snatch), Nathan Clarke (Tyrant), Talitha Wing (The Feed), Haluk Bilginer (Halloween, New Blood) y Ana Ularu (Emerald City).
Bechir Sylvain (Grace and Frankie, Chicago PD) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de Claws como EJ, exnovio de Jennifer (Jenn Lyon).
Meg Steedle (Code Black, I'm Dying Up Here) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de Mr. Mercedes como Danielle Sweeney, novia de Morris (Gabriel Ebert).
   Nuevas series
HBO ha encargado Avenue 5, comedia de turismo espacial ambientada cuarenta años en el futuro, cuando la humanidad puede viajar por el Sistema Solar. Protagonizada por Hugh Laurie (House M.D., The Night Manager), Josh Gad (The Comedians, Frozen), Zach Woods (The Office, Silicon Valley), Nikki Amuka-Bird (Luther, Quarry), Rebecca Front (Humans, The Wrong Mans), Lenora Crichlow (Being Human, Flaked), Suzy Nakamura (Go On, Dr. Ken) y Ethan Phillips (Star Trek: Voyager, Girls). Creada y producida por Armando Iannucci (Veep).
What/If llega a Netflix el 24 de mayo
La tercera temporada de Designated Survivor llega a Netflix el 7 de junio
El estreno de la segunda temporada de Pose en FX se retrasa del 9 al 11 de junio
Mr. Iglesias llega a Netflix el 21 de junio
Pennyworth se estrena en Epix el 28 de julio
Tráilers y promos
Deadwood: The Movie
Lucifer - Temporada 4
Swamp Thing
Years and Years
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lovelyna · 4 years
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lovelyna · 4 years
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lovelyna · 4 years
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geekofchaos · 5 years
So it’s occurred to me that there’s a good chance that at least at the beginning of season 3, Max and Henri will have many of their early scenes together (if Henri can get out of Time Jail or Max INTO Time Jail). 
This would work quite well for the groundworks of an OT3, all I’m saying and a way to end a love triangle in the best possible way. 
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romana73 · 5 years
Post scritto da ME. Le gifs animate e fotografie presenti in questo post NON SONO MIE e NON APPARTENGONO IN NESSUN MODO A ME!
Cercami a Parigi ( Find me in Paris) è una serie televisiva del 2018, ideata da Jill Girling e Lori Mather-Welch, prodotta da ZDF e Cottonwood Media. Del telefilm esistono due serie, composte da 26 episodi l’una. A Luglio 2019, sono iniziate le riprese della terza stagione. In Italia, “Cercami a Parigi” è trasmesso da Disney Channel dove, attualmente, sta andando in onda la 2 stagione
Parigi, 1905. Lena Grisky è una principessa russa e ballerina di danza classica della scuola dell'Opéra de Paris. La sera del suo debutto, Lena incontra sul tetto dell’Opéra il fidanzato Henri Duquet che, come portafortuna, le regala una collana con un prezioso orologio antico come ciondolo. Il dono sembra funzionare. Il balletto, con Lena come prima ballerina, ottiene un grande successo. Per sfortuna, all’insaputa della ragazza, tra il pubblico sono presenti i suoi genitori che decidono di riportare, la sera stessa, la figlia in Russia. Origliati i discorsi della coppia, Henri informa Lena delle intenzioni della coppia. I due decidono di fuggire insieme pur di non separarsi. Inseguiti dalle guardie reali agli ordini della madre di Lena, la ragazza ed Henri scappano, girando il teatro, in cerca di una via d’uscita quando, aprendo una porta dietro le quinte, Lena sparisce nel nulla. Subito dopo, il varco si richiude e un muro di mattoni impedisce a Henri di passare. Nel frattempo, Lena si ritrova sul palcoscenico dell’Opéra, nel bel mezzo di un balletto, dove scopre di essere piombata nel 2018. Terrorizzata e disperata, Lena riesce a farsi passare per una nuova allieva della moderna scuola di danza dell'Opéra de Paris, ripromettendosi di capire cosa è successo e tornare da Henri nel 1905. Bloccato nel passato, Henri scopre che suo padre è un viaggiatore del tempo e che l’orologio da lui donato a Lena era la macchina del tempo del padre e che, una donna misteriosa sta proteggendo un secondo orologio. Sembra, infatti, che i due orologi possegano forti e misteriosi poteri, da usare con cautela. Non solo, ma l’apertura in cui Lena è scomparsa era, in realtà, un portale che permette di viaggiare nel tempo. Il problema è che tali portali si aprono solo in determinati giorni. A complicare le cose, ci sono I Raccoglitori del Tempo, tre ragazzi incaricati di catturare i viaggiatori che, come Lena ed Harry, infrangono le regole e la Polizia del Tempo. In mezzo a tutto ciò, Henri scopre che un mattone di un comignolo del tetto dell’Opéra dove lui e Lena si incontravano collega le epoche, fungendo da mini portale. In questo modo, Henri riesce a spedire una lettera a Lena in cui le spiega tutto. Rincurata, Lena si arrende al doversi ambientare nella nuova epoca, mentre Harry scopre dove e quando il portale si aprirà di nuovo. Lena diventa, così, la migliore amica di Ines, la sua compagna di stanza, la sola a cui confida la verità, si ritrova a essere la rivale d’amore e di ballo di Théa Raphael, stella nascente della scuola di danza dell'Opéra de Paris e si sente sempre più attratta da Max Alvarez, fidanzato di Théa, primo ballerino e capo dei Blok, gruppo di ballo hip hop in cui presto entrerà anche Lena…
Rey e Kylo Ren scoprono di poter vedersi e comunicare mediante una connessione creata dalla Forza, che li unisce
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Lena ed Henri scoprono che un mattone di un comignolo del tetto dell’Opéra dove si incontravano nel 1905 è un mini portale. I due possono comunicare, così, in tempo reale, spedendosi lettere e biglietti. In più, i due “sentono” dentro di loro quando, seppur in epoche diverse, si trovano entrambi nello stesso luogo, nel medesimo momento :
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Lo scontro tra i poteri di Rey e Kylo Ren è così forte che la terra si spacca, separando i due ragazzi
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Lo scontro tra la Forza di Rey e Kylo Ren provoca un esplosione, che sbalza i due ai lati della stanza, facendoli svenire:
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Nella puntata 1x26, Lena e Henri cercano di tornare al 1905 ma, non appena i loro orologi del tempo entrano in contatto, creano una bolla del tempo che esplode, separando i due ragazzi e sbalzandoli nella parti opposte del palco:
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Nel corso di una connessione con la Forza, Rey e Kylo Ren riescono a toccarsi le mani. Il momento è interrotto da Luke che, dopo averli fermati, sgrida Rey, dicendole che non può stare con Kylo:
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Nella puntata 2x14, Victor, il padre di Henri, dice a Lena di rimanere nel 2018, realizzare i suoi sogni e dimenticare Henri perché non potrà mai stare insieme a lui. Lena non capisce ma, quando più tardi, scoprirà un segreto riguardo se stessa, Lena ed Henri capiranno di non poter stare insieme perché uno dei due sarà sempre un fuorilegge. Disperati, i due appoggiano una mano nello stesso punto, usando la loro connessione sensitiva per toccarsi:
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Tormentata dall’essere stata abbandonata da piccola dei genitori, stimolata da Kylo Ren, Rey decide di entrare in una caverna oscura per scoprire chi erano i suoi genitori e chi è lei davvero :
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Lena scopre che sua nonna e sua madre erano viaggiatrici del tempo e che il secondo orologio del tempo appartiene alla madre. La donna conosceva Victor, il padre di Henri, a cui a promesso di proteggere l’orologio. A sconvolgere Lena è, però, un segreto sulla sua nascita...a quel punto, Lena si trova a chiedersi chi è davvero lei e si ripromette di scoprirlo:
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geekofchaos · 5 years
I will say this for the Find Me In Paris especially the second season. The first season, the whole love triangle fell prey to what a lot of love triangles do (apart from existing because fuck love triangles) where one dude (Max) is clearly the one she wants to be with and is better with and there’s no real tension and it’s basically just a waiting game. 
In the second season, both Max and Henri felt like they were genuine options for long-term romance with Lena. On the one hand, Max clearly understands her passion for dance in a way that Henri does not but she also clearly loves Henri and a lot of her undertones and actions are motivated this and by her attraction to Max. Plus, throw on the whole “we can never be together because of plot” starcrossed lovers thing really works to make Henri/Lena feel more of a genuine threat. Henri also tries to adapt and work with her (despite a few cultural misunderstandings such as the shoulders). 
Still not a huge fan of love triangles but at least the show is trying to avoid the trope where one is so clearly the choice that it’s stupid. 
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geekofchaos · 5 years
The weirdest thing about the Find Me In Paris show is that it’s both a time travel show and a dance academy show and everything is treated by the protagonists as having the same weight of importance regardless of what it is. 
Discovering the key to unlimited time travel? Same level as auditioning for that one part in the ballet showcase. People coming to throw us into an infinite whiteabyss from which we shall never escape? Okay, but I need to get my dance group on Dance Off. Reuniting with my long-lost love whom has been stranded in a separate century while dodging a fascist Time Bureau and possibly trying to cure my mind-wiped father? Cool, but hold up, let me be a Pop Star first. 
Not to mention, and I totally get why out of universe this isn’t possible, and why in-universe Lena couldn’t do it, but Victor Duquet is a fully grown man from 1905, so why hasn’t he just straight up wasted the Time Bureau girl by now? I feel like he could have solved a lot of problems and allowed Lena to return to her Dance Academy life without the fear of the Time Bureau deleting her from existence. 
*Seriously, it seems like they’ve just dropped the plotline about the fact that Victor is stuck in 1905 fully mindwiped. 
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