robbialy · 2 years
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“THOSE GHOSTLY BASTARDS “ • Good lesson from • @pathnuggets Promonocytes in the peripheral blood. Promonocytes are considered blast equivalents. Promonocytes have irregular nuclear contours that have a delicately folded appearance. The chromatin is fine. Usually see small nucleoli and some small cytoplasmic granules. Typically express CD4, CD64, CD11b, CD14. Lack CD34 and CD117 frequently. #pathnuggets #pathologynuggets #pathology #pathologyeducation #heme #hematology #hemepath #hematopathology https://www.instagram.com/p/CkSXm0gDHwFT-GDSVJ8B2SYAc3T8j4q-RNgUe80/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pathologymcqs · 2 years
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UPDATE!! 2022 5th edition of Hematolymphoid tumors - Has defined CHIP and CCUS #chip #ccus #mds #dmhematopathology #inisshematopathology #pathologymcq #pathologists #hematology #hematologists #hematopathology #leukemias #leukemia #acuteleukemia #acutemyeloidleukemia #pathboards https://www.instagram.com/p/CouaWgxJ4to/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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irhabiya · 5 months
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diethrice · 5 months
i gave shan an obnoxious residency but i can't remember what
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writer-and-artist27 · 6 months
Tumblr Story: Reformed Bully
Note: For @dollya-robinprotector. Since you’re going through a rough patch, I thought some fluff would work in easing the stress.
Very light FGO/Passing Days-DOL crossover and all. Based heavily off this one ask and this comic that led me to meeting you, Dollya. :) Written as thanks for talking with me and bonding over the FGO gnomes.
Was listening to YOASOBI’s Idol when writing this. And Dr. Stone’s One Small Step.
Now if y’all excuse me, I need to sleep. More hematopathology work tomorrow.
By the time Vy had noticed the door show up in her room, she wasn’t surprised anymore. It even decided to appear once she had finished packing up the latest batch of magic peanut butter cookies for the Servants, but compared to the previous door, this one had—
“A silver handle…?” Unlike all of Chaldea’s sliding doors and the previous magic entrance that led to another Master’s world, this door looked almost ordinary, its white oak furnishings and matching pale silver doorknob making it look like it came out of a Home Depot. Even when compared to the white walls of her room in Novum Chaldea, the newest entryway looked… mundane. In spite of its faint glowing too.
Vy considered. Glancing down at her bags of cookies, one in particular stood out to Vy’s eye. It was a bit lopsided from including some of the bigger cookies of the batch, not to mention the rather crooked purple ribbon bow, but it was… it was apparently glowing the same faint yellow as the new door.
With one last look at the door, Vy felt herself smile wryly. “I guess… if this is glowing too… might as well try and take a chance as long as I’m not gone for too long, right? Just have to wear the right Mystic Code…”
“…Oh dear,” Vy said for herself when stepping through the magic door. What waited beyond it was a grassy hill, a single tree overlooking what looked like a farm, and a single man lying in the grass, asleep with—with actual tears in his eyes. It wasn’t a stretch to believe he was suffering from a nightmare in spite of the warm atmosphere around him, but add in the light thrashing and the sweat beading his forehead, Vy knew she couldn’t leave him be. 
The blond fringe of hair hiding one side of his face away from view was the last nail in the metaphorical coffin. If his hair was ginger-colored instead of blonde, then—
I want to help this person just like I help Robin. 
It was why Vy kept the one bag of cookies from Chaldea nestled close to the chest of her Decisive Battle uniform, slowly getting to her knees and reaching out with one gloved hand.
“Sir,” she whispered softly, patting his shoulder as gently as she could. Her ponytail could be pushed over her shoulder later. Right now, someone was suffering, and— “Sir, please wake up. You’re having a nightmare.”
“N-Ngh—” The man groaned, nearly slapping her hand if not for Vy moving it out of the way just in time. “Lya—! Lya, I’m s—!”
“Sir,” Vy spoke more firmly, worry leaking into her voice before she realized it as her fingers reached up to pinch at his cheek. Sitting down on her knees, she said, “It’s alright — it’s over. It’s time for you to come back to reality now.”
The blond man got up with a start once her pinching registered, blue eyes wide with shock and tears once his spine made an audible crack from sitting up so abruptly. Vy immediately took her hand back, schooling her panic as best as she could once he looked at her past the haze in his blue eyes. “Lya—!” he blinked. “You’re… you’re not Lya.” His brow furrowed almost immediately, a glare settling in his eyes as he took her in. “Who are you, where did you come from, and when did you get to this farm?”
Typical, Vy thought. Outwardly, she did her best to smile placatingly, shrugging her shoulders. “Good morning to you too, good sir. I’m Vy — consider me a passerby who came through a magic door and saw someone crying in their sleep and therefore couldn’t leave them alone,” she said, pointing at her own eyes past her glasses to gesture to her newly awake companion. The “magic door” part of her statement wasn’t a complete lie, but it was enough to wipe some of the apprehension off of his face. “I’ve had experience with waking up with tears in my eyes, see.”
“…Oh.” And as soon as he said it, the man raised one calloused hand to wipe at his face, the tattooed wristband on his knuckles shining a darker shade of black with the droplets sticking to his skin with the motion. “…Did I look that much like shit?”
“Not as bad as someone who’s had the life literally burned out of them, no.” Vy said immediately, the image of the many victims of Camelot Gawain's Excalibur Galatine coming to the forefront of her mind before she pushed the thought away. That sight was just plain disgusting. “It could’ve been worse.” 
Now the man was looking at her with a completely new face. “Burned?”
She smiled and offered the bag of cookies in her arms to him instead. “Yep. I’ve seen worse than someone crying in their sleep, so you have nothing to worry about,” she answered in regards to his unspoken question, shaking her head. “Enough of debating the ‘worse’ in looks. Would you like some cookies? I have a bag right here for you.”
“…Cookies?” The man wasn’t staring daggers at her at least, but he still looked wary. “You made them?”
“With just peanut butter, eggs, and sugar, yes. They’re supposed to be ‘magic.’” Vy felt herself smile a bit wider once she could see the curiosity start to dawn on the man’s face. She offered the bag to him again, lopsided purple ribbon bow and all. “Don’t worry, I didn’t poison them and I taste-tested them beforehand. It just looked like you needed something sweet to work off the nightmare, sir.”
The man glanced at her, then at the bag in her hands, and back at her. “You… You don’t even know me,” he slowly choked out, a large drop of a tear forming in the corner of his visible eye as the blue of his iris widened to reflect her image. “You only just… you only just stumble on me, and you just—” 
Vy wasn’t sure whether to smile or just wait. She decided to opt for both while adding in an extra shrug of her shoulders. 
“I…” The man choked again, shaking his head while scrubbing at his face with his hand again. The tattoos — he had more on his other hand and even his neck — all of them looking like shackles to match his voice coming out vulnerable and raw-sounding once he said, “I hurt the woman I love. I hurt more than just her. I-I’m still scared I could hurt the family she gave me. So then, why would you—”
“What’s wrong,” Vy said quietly to cut off the self-deprecating rant, “with wanting to help someone, then?”
The man fell silent, the tear in his eye slowly growing big enough to streak his cheek as it then fell to the grass between them.
With a bit of mustered courage — from Mash, from Artoria, from Achilles, from Robin — Vy smiled a bit wider as she reached over with her left hand — glove, lotus-shaped Command Seals and all — to wipe at the man’s exposed cheek. “Hurt is just gonna happen, sir. That’s just how life is,” she said in a softer voice, ignoring the wetness starting to spread out against the fingertips of her glove as she rubbed his cheekbone as gently as she could. As Da Vinci might’ve done in her place, as the Eternal Genius. As Dr. Roman might’ve done in her place, as a medical professional — as a living human from King Solomon’s remains. “And even if I don’t know what happened to hurt you so much, what matters now is how you move forward in the face of all of it. And if you’re waking up like this, crying and worrying about how to treat the person you love even after you hurt her, I’d like to think you’re walking in the right direction.”
The man half-snorted, half-sniffled, but he didn’t slap her hand away. Instead, he weakly leaned into her palm, his other hand coming up to weakly grasp at the bag of cookies sitting between them. “…Huh.” A weak laugh leaves his lips, blue eyes teary still as he closed them for a shaky inhale of breath. “Guess I’m more fucked up than I thought, listening to a stranger and taking fucking peanut butter cookies from them.”
“I’m not a stranger when I previously said my name, sir, not to mention I offered the cookies in the first place,” Vy said plainly, but she still smiled at him. It was the least she could do. “And really — we’re all struggling in life. Might as well start somewhere. So.” She pushed the cookies into his shaking palm, forcing as much cheer into her voice as possible. “My name is Vy. What is yours, sir?”
The smile he gives her in that moment makes her think, Robin, again. Even with the ear piercings and the tattoos, his face looks bright for the first time ever in the sunlight peeking past the tree hanging over them and the farm sitting far away. “…Whitney. It’s… it’s Whitney.”
“Well then!” Vy hummed, making sure to pat his wet cheek a few more times for good measure before lowering her left hand to take his in a squeeze. “It’s nice to meet you, Whitney! Hurt and all! I have some time on my hands being a passerby, so why don’t we chat for a bit? Hopefully get the tears out of you too!” 
Because when barely anyone outside of Mash and the Servants — Robin especially — reached out when she woke up crying, the least Vy could do was make sure no one else could have a repeat experience.
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nanogene · 11 months
NanoGene’s Cutting-Edge Kidney Biopsy and Hematopathology Services
NanoGene Diagnostics, with its unwavering commitment to excellence, introduces groundbreaking services in kidney biopsy and hematopathology, addressing the intricate diagnostic needs of patients and medical practitioners in the United Arab Emirates. Visit this link for more details: https://nanogene.com/.
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proceduralpassion · 2 years
Despite this heme block kicking my ass, I love it??? Could def see myself in hematopathology..
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dpathucgconforences · 4 months
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Call for Delegate                 Speak Up, Stand Out, Become a Delegate!  at the CME/CPD accredited 12th World Digital                                              & AI UCGCongress from December 17-19, 2024, Dubai, UAE & Virtual.
Register here: https://digitalpathology.ucgconferences.com/registration/ WhatsApp us: https://wa.me/442033222718?text= #ClinicalBiochemistry #ChemicalPathology #Hematopathology #Histopathology #DHAGeneralMedicine #DHARegisteredpathologist #Hospitalstaff
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Pathways of Understanding: Unraveling the Mysteries of Pathology
In the intricate tapestry of healthcare, pathology serves as a cornerstone, unraveling the mysteries of disease and guiding clinicians toward accurate diagnoses and effective treatments. From examining tissue samples under the microscope to unraveling the genetic underpinnings of disease, pathologists play a pivotal role in advancing medical science and improving patient outcomes. In this blog, we embark on a journey to explore the pathways of understanding in pathology, delving into its significance, methodologies, and transformative impact on healthcare.
The Significance of Pathology
Pathology, derived from the Greek words "pathos" (disease) and "logos" (study), is the branch of medicine concerned with the study of disease processes and their effects on the body. Pathologists are medical doctors who specialize in diagnosing diseases by examining tissues, cells, and bodily fluids under the microscope. Their findings provide critical insights into the nature of diseases, guiding clinicians in determining appropriate treatments and prognoses.
Publish your papers in our journals. Kindly submit your research work to the Global Journal Of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, which provides a great way to expose your research work to the world. Kindly submit your research work here: https://ucjournals.com/global-journal-of-pathology-laboratory-medicine/ WhatsApp Us: +447723493307
Pathology encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including surgical pathology, cytopathology, hematopathology, microbiology, and molecular pathology. Each discipline focuses on different aspects of disease diagnosis and management, from identifying cancerous tumors to detecting infectious agents and genetic mutations.
Methodologies in Pathology
Pathologists employ a variety of methodologies to analyze tissue samples and make accurate diagnoses. These methodologies include:
Histopathology: Histopathology involves the microscopic examination of tissue specimens to identify abnormal cellular changes indicative of disease. Using specialized stains and techniques, pathologists can distinguish between different cell types, assess tissue architecture, and detect pathological features such as inflammation, necrosis, and malignancy.
Cytopathology: Cytopathology involves the examination of cells obtained from various body sites, such as the cervix, lungs, and thyroid gland, to screen for cancer and other abnormalities. Techniques such as Pap smears and fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsies are commonly used in cytopathology to detect cancerous or precancerous changes in cellular morphology.
Publish your papers in our journals. Kindly submit your research work to the Global Journal Of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, which provides a great way to expose your research work to the world. Kindly submit your research work here: https://ucjournals.com/global-journal-of-pathology-laboratory-medicine/ WhatsApp Us: +447723493307
Molecular Pathology: Molecular pathology focuses on the genetic and molecular alterations underlying disease processes. By analyzing DNA, RNA, and protein biomarkers, molecular pathologists can diagnose genetic disorders, predict treatment responses, and guide targeted therapy decisions in conditions such as cancer and infectious diseases.
Microbiology: Microbiology involves the identification and characterization of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites, that cause infectious diseases. Pathologists use culture, staining, and molecular techniques to isolate and identify pathogens from clinical specimens, aiding in the diagnosis and treatment of infections.
Transformative Impact on Healthcare
The contributions of pathology to healthcare are far-reaching and profound. By providing accurate diagnoses, prognostic information, and predictive biomarkers, pathologists empower clinicians to deliver personalized and evidence-based care to patients. Pathology also plays a crucial role in disease surveillance, outbreak investigation, and public health monitoring, helping to identify emerging threats and implement timely interventions.
Moreover, advances in pathology have led to the development of targeted therapies and precision medicine approaches that revolutionize the treatment of diseases such as cancer. By identifying specific molecular alterations driving disease progression, pathologists can guide clinicians in selecting the most effective therapies for individual patients, leading to improved outcomes and reduced side effects.
Challenges and Opportunities
Despite its critical importance, pathology faces challenges that must be addressed to optimize its impact on healthcare. These challenges include workforce shortages, limited access to pathology services in underserved areas, and the need for ongoing education and training to keep pace with rapidly evolving technologies and methodologies.
However, with these challenges come opportunities for innovation and collaboration. The integration of artificial intelligence, digital pathology, and telepathology holds promise for enhancing diagnostic accuracy, efficiency, and accessibility. By leveraging these technologies and fostering interdisciplinary partnerships, pathologists can continue to drive advancements in healthcare and improve patient outcomes.
Publish your papers in our journals. Kindly submit your research work to the Global Journal Of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, which provides a great way to expose your research work to the world. Kindly submit your research work here: https://ucjournals.com/global-journal-of-pathology-laboratory-medicine/ WhatsApp Us: +447723493307
Pathology serves as a guiding light in the labyrinth of healthcare, illuminating the pathways of understanding and leading clinicians toward effective diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases. From the microscope to the molecular level, pathologists unravel the mysteries of disease, providing insights that shape medical practice and transform patient care. As we continue to explore the frontiers of pathology, let us embrace curiosity, innovation, and collaboration. By working together to overcome challenges, harness emerging technologies, and advance scientific knowledge, we can unlock new insights into disease processes, improve diagnostic accuracy, and ultimately, enhance the health and well-being of individuals and communities worldwide.
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soupiyamashuu · 8 months
shin hr alt.
Basic Information
Their name is Shin Kuroki. (黒木心)
Hero Name: Yamai-ko (literally: disease child) [病子]
Agender/Genderqueer (they/them)
They were born in Kitajima, Tokushima, Japan on December 27.
Speaks Japanese, intermediate English, and intermediate Korean.
blood type: B
Power Set
Blood Manipulation + Blood Weaponry; disease manipulation
Able to freely manipulate blood and illness in other people, though often chooses to focus solely on using blood weaponry tactics to avoid hurting other people.
Blood weaponry is similar to what power csm can do, though Shin’s abilities are typically limited to only ~blood swords~ or like. blood grenades. By drawing blood from any source (themself, another person, animals) they can form weapons. The larger the amount of blood, the more deadly the weapon. Weapons can be made from multiple sources to gain more power; this comes in handy during large scale fights.
Likes & Dislikes
Likes: the pursuit of knowledge, archaeology, and minecraft
Dislikes: intentionally injuring other people, meat of any kind (due to it reminding them of their powers tbh), and sitting around/being inactive for too long
Hobbies: working out, researching stuff on wikipedia
Fave/Least Fave Animals: mosquitoes // gerbils
Fave/Least Fave Colors: orange // crimson
Fears: ???
Their parents were both in the medical field as researchers. Shin often came to work with them and learned a lot about pathology and general medical research and treatments. They decided to pursue the medical path as well, researching blood diseases and general illnesses.
They have no siblings and to be honest, they were an “accident” that their parents decided to keep. :shrug: They do have a fairly large extended family, though a majority of their extended family lives in a much more rural area of Tokushima and is heavily involved with the agriculture industry.
orange-brown (?), medium length hair. Sometimes they’ll put it up in a cute little ponytail
Their eyes are kind of like a caramel-color.. they have glasses :)
5 ft 9
Toned … athletic …
Asian; has tan skin from being outside frequently
casually, they dress with a style like freaking gonzo from the muppets
Hero Outfit: black trenchcoat, black Combat Clothes … usually accentuates this with a gas mask, combat boots, and gloves.
Shin is Very curious and inquisitive because they were a STEM major and spent all of school relying on the scientific method for everything… They tend to look at everything logically and analytically. This can make for either a very boring chat or a very intriguing chat…
They’re absolutely dreadful when it comes to telling jokes in both Japanese and English. Most people just end up confused, trying to figure out if what they said was supposed to be a joke or what..
Design Lore
hrrmmmm shin dorohedoro for the namesake… or not, i just chose it because it seemed fitting too. this guy (gender-neutral) came to me in a vision like the others from series eight.
the kanji for their name has no special meaning, it’s literally just black + tree and also heart.
Shin, Haruka, Mikiko, and Rin all represent an interpretation of the four horsemen of the apocalypse – shin = “pestilence” (though, sometimes its debated whether or not pestilence is a real one AKLDSGHKDG IDK wikipedia is so inconclusive.. i like the plague interpretation better tho so im keeping it) – the four of them are known by the Japanese name “Yohane no Mokushiroku no Yonkishi” (literal translation of the four horsemen)
i was going to use the jpn hero name “kokushibyou-ko” (plague child) but yamai-ko seemed more vague i guess .. eh
shin primarily studied “Hematopathology”, or pathology (disease studies) with a focus on blood diseases. because of their power set, they were able to grasp concepts much quicker and graduated at an accelerated rate.
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pathologymcqs · 2 years
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Can you answer this question? # hematology #lymphomas #hematologists #hematopathology #histology #basichistology #lymphnode #lymphoma #bcell #bcelllymphoma #bcells #pathology #pathologists #pathologymcq #pathologymcqs #histopathology #pathologyresidents #pathologystudent #pathologyriddle #pathologyquiz #pathologynotes #medschoolpathology #medschool #usmle #boards #pathboards #dmhematopathology #INISSPATHOLOGY #inisshematopathology #frcpath1 #frcpath #usmlestep https://www.instagram.com/p/Com5tf5p6bv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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instantebookmart · 1 year
Neoplastic Diseases of the Blood 6th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-3319642628 [PDF eBook eTextbook]   Publisher: Springer; 6th ed. 2018 edition (April 12, 2018) Language: English 1359 pages ISBN-10: 3319642626 ISBN-13: 978-3319642628   The new edition of this textbook integrates the history, epidemiology, pathology, pathophysiology, therapeutics, and supportive care of modern neoplastic hematopathology. Now in its sixth edition, this classic and invaluable text brings together a team of internationally renowned experts and offers in-depth coverage of the complex interface between diagnosis and therapy. The textbook is divided into five major sections, with the first four covering the spectrum of hematologic neoplasia, including chronic leukemias and related disorders, acute leukemias, myeloma and related disorders, and lymphomas, and the fifth section covering a variety of topics in supportive care. Chapters are presented in an accessible and easy-to-read layout, providing updates on the tremendous progress made in the last decade in the understanding of the nature of hematologic malignancies and their treatment. Neoplastic Diseases of the Blood, Sixth Edition is an authoritative and indispensable resource for students, trainees, and clinicians, sure to distinguish itself as the definitive reference on this subject. Peter H. Wiernik, MD, Doctor HC Cancer Research Foundation, Chappaqua, NY, USA Janice P. Dutcher, MD Cancer Research Foundation, Chappaqua, NY, USA Morie A. Gertz, MD Mayo Clinic, Department of Hematology, Rochester, MN, USA What makes us different? • Instant Download • Always Competitive Pricing • 100% Privacy • FREE Sample Available • 24-7 LIVE Customer Support
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irhabiya · 5 months
the hematopathology lab was actually so fun it's so crazy seeing the cell morphology of different pathologies
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Seven Hills Hospital: Home to the Best Pathology Doctors in Visakhapatnam
Accurate prognosis is the cornerstone of effective medical remedy, and pathology plays a critical position in it. Pathology medical doctors are specialized physicians who have a look at diseases, study tissue samples, and interpret check results to assist in figuring out various fitness situations. In Visakhapatnam (Vizag), Seven Hills Hospital sticks out as a main healthcare group recognised for its group of the first-rate pathology doctors. In this blog, we will discover the significance of pathology, the expertise offered via the medical doctors at Seven Hills Hospital, and why they are taken into consideration the satisfactory within the discipline.
The Importance of Pathology in Healthcare
Pathology is an important branch of scientific technological know-how that specializes in the look at of diseases, their causes, mechanisms, and results at the frame. Pathology doctors, additionally known as pathologists, are accountable for analyzing patient samples consisting of blood, tissue, urine, and different bodily fluids. They analyze these samples the use of diverse laboratory techniques to provide accurate diagnoses and collaborate with different healthcare specialists to plan powerful remedy plans.
Why Choose Seven Hills Hospital Pathology Doctors?
1. Highly Qualified and Experienced Professionals: Seven Hills Hospital boasts a group of especially qualified and skilled pathology doctors. These doctors have undergone rigorous education and feature sizeable expertise of their respective areas of pathology, making them talented in diagnosing even the maximum complex medical conditions.
2. State-of-the-Art Diagnostic Facilities: Seven Hills Hospital is equipped with brand new diagnostic laboratories that utilize superior era to behavior a wide variety of tests with precision and accuracy. From ordinary blood checks to specialized molecular diagnostics, the health center's centers are designed to supply dependable effects directly.
3. Comprehensive Range of Pathological Services: The pathology branch at Seven Hills Hospital offers a comprehensive range of offerings, covering diverse specialties along with medical pathology, anatomical pathology, cytopathology, hematopathology, microbiology, and greater. This large spectrum of services guarantees that patients acquire complete and correct diagnoses.
4. Timely and Efficient Reporting: Pathology performs an essential position in well-timed analysis and remedy making plans. The pathology docs at Seven Hills Hospital recognize the significance of brief and correct reporting. They try to provide take a look at effects directly, allowing different healthcare professionals to make knowledgeable selections and provoke appropriate remedies at once.
5. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Pathology doctors at Seven Hills Hospital actively have interaction in interdisciplinary collaboration with other scientific experts. This collaborative method ensures that patients benefit from a nicely-rounded, multi-disciplinary evaluation of their fitness conditions.
6. Patient-Centered Care: Seven Hills Hospital places affected person care and comfort at the vanguard. The pathology doctors prioritize clean verbal exchange with sufferers, explaining the diagnostic process and addressing any worries or queries. This affected person-targeted method fosters a positive and reassuring enjoy for patients during their diagnostic adventure.
7. Commitment to Quality: Seven Hills Hospital maintains the very best requirements of excellent and safety in its pathology offerings. The medical institution often participates in outside first-rate warranty programs and adheres to stringent internal fine control measures to make certain accurate and dependable test effects.
When it comes to healthcare, accurate prognosis is of utmost importance, and pathology medical doctors play a pivotal position in reaching this goal. At Seven Hills Hospital in Visakhapatnam, patients can relaxation confident that they may be receiving the high-quality pathology offerings available. With a group of fairly skilled and skilled pathology medical doctors, modern-day diagnostic centers, and a patient-targeted method, Best hospital in Visakhapatnam is still a relied on name in healthcare, delivering tremendous diagnostic accuracy and helping better affected person effects.
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Neoplastic Diseases of the Blood 6th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-3319642628 [PDF eBook eTextbook]   Publisher: Springer; 6th ed. 2018 edition (April 12, 2018) Language: English 1359 pages ISBN-10: 3319642626 ISBN-13: 978-3319642628   The new edition of this textbook integrates the history, epidemiology, pathology, pathophysiology, therapeutics, and supportive care of modern neoplastic hematopathology. Now in its sixth edition, this classic and invaluable text brings together a team of internationally renowned experts and offers in-depth coverage of the complex interface between diagnosis and therapy. The textbook is divided into five major sections, with the first four covering the spectrum of hematologic neoplasia, including chronic leukemias and related disorders, acute leukemias, myeloma and related disorders, and lymphomas, and the fifth section covering a variety of topics in supportive care. Chapters are presented in an accessible and easy-to-read layout, providing updates on the tremendous progress made in the last decade in the understanding of the nature of hematologic malignancies and their treatment. Neoplastic Diseases of the Blood, Sixth Edition is an authoritative and indispensable resource for students, trainees, and clinicians, sure to distinguish itself as the definitive reference on this subject. Peter H. Wiernik, MD, Doctor HC Cancer Research Foundation, Chappaqua, NY, USA Janice P. Dutcher, MD Cancer Research Foundation, Chappaqua, NY, USA Morie A. Gertz, MD Mayo Clinic, Department of Hematology, Rochester, MN, USA What makes us different? • Instant Download • Always Competitive Pricing • 100% Privacy • FREE Sample Available • 24-7 LIVE Customer Support
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nanogene · 8 months
Surgical Pathology and Hematopathology by NanoGene
At NanoGene, our passion for pathology shines through in the wide array of specialized services we offer. Central to our expertise is surgical pathology, where our skilled team takes great care in examining surgical specimens. This meticulous work is vital for accurate diagnosis and forms the foundation of effective treatment plans. Official website: https://nanogene.com/.
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