#Help i already have other art requests that i havent gotten to yet that i keep brushing aside
abnomi · 7 days
AUUUU i have got to draw Ralph Felix Vanellope and Calhoun so badly, but Turbo has taken over my mind, the foul parasite that he is. i wanna draw so many other characters too, but i dont wanna get too ahead of myself because hoooooh boy ive already made a billion different plans that i may or may not follow through with.
also...80s boyfriends...Oh my godness... ive been so focused on selfship stuff but i love love love the potential dynamics that can be explored with those two. goody two shoes nice guy tries to fix a strange unwashed corpse looking fellow who appears to constantly be on the verge of death and additionally suffers from a severe lack of stability in his self and identity, but nice guy is too nonconfrontational to truly make any progress, giving way for him to feel responsible for turbo's behavior and thus blaming himself for what happened. Okay
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milomeepit · 5 years
An Untitled Document (Roman Angst Oneshot)
Ship: Roceit, background Analogical TW: Depression, anxiety, past abuse mention, unhealthy habits, dysphoria mention, brief eating disorder, death mention, bad family past, brief past mention of violence Word Count: 2k AN: ... yep.
Roman groaned as he tapped his fingers against the keyboard of his laptop. The sunlight streaming in through the window left a blinding white glare on the upper half of the screen, but he didn’t quite care enough to be bothered getting up and closing the curtain. He instead angled it down, sinking lower into the wooden dining chair. His back would surely complain later, but a shower would probably fix any aches or pains from the awkward position.
He wondered if he should get up and walk around for a bit, stretch his legs and give himself a break from his (apparently fruitless) efforts to work. But, then again, it seemed wrong to give himself a break when he hadn’t really done anything.
He had eaten breakfast- if cold leftover pizza and too-strong coffee counted as breakfast- and fed his pets. He’d even played with the cats for a while, and that had left a fleeting smile on his face as he sat down at the dining table with another cup of coffee and a bottle of soda to sip at while he worked.
The last dregs of coffee sat untouched in the cup, now cold and cloudy, while the soda was half-gone already. His teeth felt rough and slimy, coated in the absurd amounts of sugar from the unhealthy drink. The document on screen hadn’t changed since he sat down an hour and a half ago, the cursor blinking and taunting him. Sure, he’d written and rewritten and deleted a few hundred words, but nothing he’d written seemed good enough.
Writing was supposed to be his passion, the thing he could still grab and hold close to his chest when things got rough. It was all he had left at this point. He couldn’t dance anymore, not with the weak knees he’d inherited from his mother, and his own growing ankle issues from several years of working on his feet for whole days with no breaks. He couldn’t remember the last time he performed a song or in a play, the foggy memories of hot stage lights and elaborate costumes and giggling, whispered conversations in dressing rooms now leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. Drawing and painting was an option, still, but they were never really his, not after the ridicule he’d received through highschool from one particularly sharp-tongued art teacher.
Roman’s stomach growled, and he grimaced, glancing at the clock. Only eleven o’clock. He couldn’t eat until one, at the very least. He couldn’t let himself slip into comfort eating again, not when he still had a generously padded belly, not when flab swung off the bottom of his arms, not when his back fat poked unattractively out of the bottom of his binder, not when-
He shook his head, as if to clear it like one of the Etch A Sketch boards his nephew loved. He was in a bad enough headspace right now without spiralling down into a dysphoric, self-body-hating hellscape.
He instead turned his attention back to his phone, which sat on the table between him and his laptop, and continued scrolling blankly through social media. Memes and posts and videos flashed past his eyes, some of them drawing a faint smirk or an amused huff. He sent a few to Dee. He was well aware that his fiance was at work, but some of them would hopefully give him a smile when he went on break later.
He set his phone down again and took an absentminded swig from the bottle of soda. He winced as it grated against his teeth, the sugar almost hurting his teeth as it swirled down his throat. He ran his tongue over his teeth, prodding at them gently. He hissed sharply as he got to the loose one at the bottom of his mouth. Adults probably weren’t meant to have loose teeth, he thought to himself. He probably needed to see a dentist. When he could afford it. If he could afford it.
11:11am. Roman spent a few seconds trying to think of a wish, but before his mind could grasp a solid thought, the clock ticked over, and the moment was gone. It was all rubbish, anyway. Wishes didn’t come true, and life was cruel to those who didn’t deserve it. Dee was one of the best people he’d ever met, and certainly his favourite, yet he was a ball of anxiety and guilt complexes. He deserved to feel confident about himself, to love his laugh and his soft tummy and his small stature that put him at the perfect height for cuddling, to love his loud way of speaking and his passion for those he cared about. Roman certainly loved them, more than words could say.
He was jolted from his thoughts by his phone buzzing with a message from Dee. He must have been on break already. Roman had yet to pin down the break times scattered throughout his shift, so he never knew exactly when his beloved would be online during the day.
snakememesaremadeofthese [11:16]: good morning darling <3 how did you sleep? cocoa_crowns [11:16]: hi, love <33 alright, how’s work going? snakememesaremadeofthese [11:16]: oh, you know, same old same old. It’s.. a day pft snakememesaremadeofthese [11:17]: what are you up to? cocoa_crowns [11:17]: nothing much really, just dishes and laundry
That was a complete lie, but Roman couldn’t quite face telling Dee he hadn’t touched the chores they discussed last night. He fully intended to do them before Dee got home, that was for certain! Just... not right now.
snakememesaremadeofthese [11:17]: so, are you working this weekend or? cocoa_crowns [11:17]: i havent gotten a shift request yet so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ snakememesaremadeofthese [11:17]: all good, that means we can stay home over my long weekend, do some cleaning and stuff.
Roman let out a soft whine. He’d honestly been hoping that he would get a job request for the weekend, between rough finances and missing his older brother. Logan seemed happy to let them stay at his and Virgil’s house over the weekend when Roman was working, though that was likely because Roman was working for Virgil.
At least Dee usually didn’t seem to mind hanging out at their place while Roman was working. He spent most of his time with Logan and Virgil’s three year old son, Patton. Patton, for his part, adored Dee as if he’d hung the moon and stars in the sky with his own hand. It was cute to see, even if a tiny part of Roman stung with jealousy over being replaced as Patton’s favourite. He genuinely did love seeing the two of them cuddled up on the couch together, playing with toys or watching TV or talking.
It made him excited for the idea of having children, in all honesty. Dee had made his desire to one day have kids clear pretty early on, and Roman had to say he agreed. For a long time, he hated the idea of having children- mostly because he didn’t want to be pregnant, the very idea of it set off his dysphoria like an alarm bell- but he didn’t mind the idea of raising a child with Dee.
Speaking of... he turned back to the computer, squinting at the bright white screen. It was meant to be a story about adoption and found families and unconditional love and hope, but... he just couldn’t get it to click. No matter what he wrote, the tone didn’t feel right for what he was trying to hit. It was just... Wrong, and he hated himself for it.
Writing was meant to be the one thing. His thing. But it just wouldn’t flow, no matter how hard he tried, or what tips and tricks he tested out, or how many breaks he took, or what projects he tried to work on. He loved these stories and characters with his whole heart, and he knew people would be interested in this story- after all, he’d gotten a great reception from the first installment in his planned series. He could talk about them for hours, gush about his plans and ideas and characters, but when it came to actually writing them?
Not a chance.
His heart ached. He felt like he was spinning in the same circles as he had been for months. New house, an (ex boyfriend) friend turned vaguely irritating housemate, new pets, a possible new job that would pay well but he was certain he would loathe- despite Dee’s company during breaks- all of these changes were throwing him off rhythm, and while he was sure that they were for the best, and long term, they would help him live a Happy Life, it was upsetting.
A small, shameful part of him wanted to go home. Not home back to the shared house he had been miserable in, despite only living there for a few short months, not home back to Logan and Virgil’s house, but back to the house he grew up in. It was filthy and toxic, and the people there weren’t much better, but it was familiar. It was regular. He knew how to navigate the treacherous landscape of rotting food left piled in the kitchen, of insults screamed over minute irritations, of the stench from medical issues improperly treated, of prescription medications abused and leaving the mother who was meant to protect him in a drug induced haze, of his father bellowing and throwing things and breaking precious objects and walls (and, in some terrifying cases, people), of the two middle brothers fighting and not understanding why it upset him so. He knew how to try and keep the peace, and how to cope when he failed, as was so often the case in that household. He knew who to talk to and who to avoid in that neighborhood, who to run to if he got in a fight, who to stand up against and who to back down from. The scars from knife wounds in his youth had taught him lessons more valuable than his rundown school ever had.
He didn’t realise that he was crying until a fat tear plopped onto the dining table, narrowly missing his phone screen. He hated that he missed it. He hated that he missed his father, despite swearing off contact with him after coming away from their last conversation with a black eye. He hated that both he and Logan were deliberately keeping their mother at arm’s length, trying to save themselves from the pain of her likely-approaching death. He hated that his other brothers were good people, people he loved, and he couldn’t even go near them anymore out of fear for their parents.
Roman glanced at the clock blinking in the lower corner of his computer screen. An hour and a half had passed since Dee had messaged him, and he hadn’t moved from his slouched position at the dining table. He probably had roughly three hours to do everything else he needed to do before Dee got home. That should be plenty of time. Should be.
He noticed numbly that he hadn’t yet changed out of his pyjamas, just thrown on the cat hoodie he’d bought at a convention a few years ago to show it to the kittens and see if they would cuddle up in the large pocket on the front. He probably needed to shower, as well. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d bathed.
... Well, that wasn’t entirely accurate. He knew he’d had a bath at least semi-recently, because he remembered using one of the bath bombs that he and Dee had gotten at the pharmacy near Logan’s house the other weekend.
He twisted a finger into his hair, pulling his fringe down over his eyes to inspect it. It didn’t feel too greasy, and it looked fine. He was probably fine. Though he should at least wash his face, to deal with his blotchy cheeks and red eyes, if nothing else. Maybe slap on some makeup and go for a walk in the pleasant weather outside. Take the dog with him, wander around town a bit.
As he stared out the window at Dee’s dog, who was sprinting wildly up and down her tether, probably chasing some bug or lizard, he felt his heart sink. He knew he wasn’t going to do any of that. Pipe dreams for someone with far more energy and functionality than he possessed lately.
So, instead, trying his best to ignore the looming sense of dread he felt, and the anxiety he could feel building over Dee’s return and subsequent disappointment over his lack of productivity, he turned his still tear-blurred gaze back to the too-bright screen of the laptop, readied his fingers over the keyboard, and attempted once again to write.
Depression, anxiety, past abuse mention, unhealthy habits, dysphoria mention, brief eating disorder, death mention, bad family past, brief past mention of violence
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shesawriter39049 · 6 years
“Art Of Misbehaving” Taehyung (Smut)
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Smut with a lil plot..if you squint and do 2 shots before hand… 2.5k..a mini sumthin sumthin
...A quickie if you will....
-I wrote this 2 nights ago..played with it again today..but Ive had a lot of wine soooo lol
“Taehyung” Your tone left no room for speculation, clearly indicating it was a warning, not even bothering to slightly turn around and make eye contact with him. Keeping your focus on organizing the current mess that sat in front of you yet his hand continued the grasp it held on your ass,. Actually this time around digging his nails into the thin fabric of your cotton dress, giving your cheek a nice firm squeez. Pressing his hips flesh against your ass, clearly unphased by your current lack of interest  “Yes?” it was actually comical how nonchalant  his response was..as if he had no idea why you were referring to him in this manner. Reaching down to grab his wrist, swiftly tugging him behind you so his back was now pressed against the edge of desk currently spread out with everything you needed to get the boys ready tonight. Purposely ignoring the slight growl that left his throat, as you postionied your body between his legs. Eyes flickering over to make sure the door was closed, it was only a matter of seconds before those sinful fingers of his were digging into your waist “How many times...will I have to tell you to behave this week Kim Taehyung?” Brow arched slightly at the question, as you cocked your head to the side, locking your eyes with his which were shameless fucking you as we speak. “Mmm, I don’t know you do know English isn't my first language right?” A hint of playfulness danced along his voice, which was sitting undeniably husky... a sly smirk moved up his face, as he watched your reaction. You couldn't help but snort at his response shaking your head slightly, trying to hide the smile that was tugging on your lips “What the fuck has gotten into you lately?” Gazing back at you doe eyed as if he had no idea what you were referring to, rolling your eyes at his current state of “confusion” even though you knew damn well he was well aware of what you were referring to.  “Don’t act brand new Tae, for one you've been getting a little too handsy lately ..especially around the boys..” Letting your fingers trickle down his chest, purposely toying with him at this point, tilting your head slightly lips brushing against his as you spoke. Pulling away every time he’d try to lean in closer “And more importantly, you've been walking around stage, the past two nights doing the absolute most. Tongue out every two seconds, grinding and body rolling to song that don't require either of the two….like...I swear you grabbed your dick during fake love last night...so again I ask, what the fucks gotten into you?” The look of smugness on his face was priceless, no shame in your words not even disagreeing..one hand leaving your waist to palm your ass as he slowly slid his tongue along his pouty bottom lip. “Maybe the question should be...what havent I gotten into recently….” Ahhh so that’s what this was about...the two of you occasionally hooked up..with the lifestyle you both lived to was impossible to date. Obviously way harder for him, so every once in awhile..the two of you..”Helped each other out” . But it wasn't a regular occurance and it’s been a good oh I don't know 2 months since you've touched him.
Humming out in response as you leaned in..pressing your body flesh against his..brining your hand up to take a grip on his electric blue locks you recently dyed for him. Yanking his head back slightly, causing a another growl to waver up his throat..bringing your lips over to the side of his neck “Oh, so that’s what this is about? Baby boy hasn’t gotten his dick wet in a while so he’s decided to act up? Is that the game were playing?” Letting your tongue curve along the edge of his jaw..making your way over to his ear..kissing your way down to his neck. “Fuck..” fell from his lips with almost a hint of neediess as you started suckikng on the base of his neck..I guess you’d need to get him in the makeup chair first tonight. “What? Is there something you want?” Pulling back from him...your gaze almost innocent as you batted your full set of lashes up in his direction. Bringing his opposite hand down to slide under your dress..guiding him to feel how wet you already were..letting him know you missed him as much as he did you. Purposely letting a slight moan leave yours lips as you started to rock against his hand..” Fuck, baby your killing me right now…come onnnnnn” he was almost whining at this point which was somethat rare but not really..with you..he'd let you take control more often than he probably would with anyone else. There wasn't any point in trying to put up a front, it was more than obvious you were just as horny as he was, you two just had to make it quick. There was maybe a good 30 minutes before the body would need to start getting ready for the show “Make sure the doors locked and then go sit on the couch…” Voice dropping down to nothing more as a whisper..as you teased his bottom lip with your tongue, before patting his thigh indicating you were ready for him to move. Sinking his bottom lip between his teeth, as he slowly slid his hand from under your dress. Making sure to let his middle finger take a nice slow drag up your clit through your panties on his way out. Eyes undressing you slowly as he started walking backwards towards the door, the outline of his dick seemed as though it was radiating through his jeans. There mideswell be a spotlight on it at this point, you studied his fingers as they danced up his length slowly before turning around to do what you originally asked. A smug smirk  laid along his lips as he watched how captivated you were by him, almost able to feel your eyes burning through his back as he headed to the door . Thank God  it was already locked, walking over to take a seat on the couch, posture laxed,legs spread,  as he ran his fingers messly through his hair. Palming his length your his jeans as he watched you sway in his direction, neither one of you daring to break eye.
Positioning yourself in between his legs..the sight alone already had his cock twitching, taking a moment to massage your hands up his thighs, purposely taking your time. Occasionally letting  your fingers brush over the bulge pressing through the fabric of his jeans which I’m sure felt more than uncomfortable at this point. “Baby, please stop teasing me…” Eyes fluttering down in your direction, the base in his voices echoed off the walls, there was something extremely sexy about how almost submissive he was currently. I guess that was enough to get you to ease up...a little, finally reaching over to slid his jeans down his thighs, letting them rest at his ankles. Fuck, he was already so damn hard, you swore you could almost feel him stretching his way through your walls as you continued palming him through the thin fabric of his Calvins. A slight moan leaving your lips as you felt the heat continuing to pool between your thighs.“Baby stop! Im so fucking hard right now I need you, I need to be in you, it’s been too fucking long..” Massaging the back of your neck, tightening his grip slightly gesturing for you to straddle his lap,  yanking your head away from him slightly ignoring his request much to his dismay. Slipping his cock through the zip within his underwear. Letting your eyes lock with his as you kissed your way up his length suctioning your lips around him, pressing your tongue flat against the tip, before sliding your way down to the base. Not stopping until you reached his balls..you could feel how hard he was pulsing beneath you, simultaneously making your walls ache at the same time. “You're sure asking for a lot considering the fact that you havent listened to a damn thing a said all week.”  Slowly licking up your palm before moving over to fondle his balls, as you wrapped your lips around the tip, sucking it into your mouth,moaning out against his length as he started to slowly fuck your throat “Maybe- fuck..” Needing a moment to get his shit together once you started relaxing your throat allowing him to slide in even deeper. Noticing the sudden pitch change in his voice as he spoke “Maybe, I was just doing it to get your attention, you know you fucking loved every second of it. Isint that apart of why your pussys so wet baby?” Continuously massaging the back of your neck, moaning out against your touch, as you took him in a little deeper this time. Almost purposely taking him to the point of making yourself gag, the way he was  moaning above you let you know he was already puddy in your hands. Releasing him from your lips with a “Pop” swirling the pre-cum around his tip as you spoke  “I do, but I also love when you listen to me, and I guess you forgot how to do that..” Moving up to straddle his lap, slipping your panties to the side..positioning yourself right against the tip.  “I’ve had to tell you far, too many times to behave Mr. Kim...you know how much I hate repeating myself” Your tone was low, sultry , as you took him in your hand..teasing yourself by rocking his length up and down you folds coating him in your juices…”God I love how thick your cock is …” Purring out against his bottom lip as he looked down at you through heavy lids, hands finding their place on your hips..”Na uh..hands off until I say otherwise...since you wanna act up..were doing this my way this time..” -”Baby-”  Silencing his protest the moment he felt you slowly slide your way down ..taking him past the head before purposely  clenching around his length. “Oh my go-” Eyes immediately squeezing shut once he felt how tight you are, how warm you are, fuck how wet you are…. physically able to hear the sound of your juices sliding against his cock.  Bouncing slightly, each time taking him in a little further, yet you still didn't let him bottom out.
Bringing one hand up to his jaw..stroking it with your thumb “Look at me…” This time around..even though you were trying to play it cool, you were the one that needed a moment to adjust. Not even able to control how hard you were pulsing around him, or how intense the feeling became of him molding himself into your walls. “Fuck, Tae,” Reclining your neck slightly as you sucked your own fingers into your mouth bringing them down to circle your clit so you could take him fully.. Instantly connecting his ips to the sensitive patch right beneath your ear..kissing his way down your neck ” Fuck, that’s it baby, let me in ,let me alll the way in . God you feel so good so fucking warm,what the fuck are you tryin to do to me goddamn.” Leaning forward to slide your tongue into his mouth trying to muffelt the cries that were leaving your body once you finally sat flesh against him. Your walls were pulsing painfully hard, not realizing how needy you were until you found yourself involuntarily milking every inch of his cock as you sat stationary on his lap. Kissing him deep, almost somewhat sloppy, just needing something to distract yourself long enough to regain some of your self control, while your moans got lost along each others tongues . Thighs already trembling from how thick and full he felt but you goal here was to ruin him..so that’s what you were going to do. Slowly starting to bounce up and down his length, shifting your weight to the back of your hips..almost perking your ass up as you bounced. Allowing yourself to slide out almost completely before slamming your pelvis into his. You could tell how hard he was struggling, his moans were almost over shadowing yours as you were now purposely squeezing your walls around him every time you slide back down. “Baby fuck, you need to slow- fuck..your gonna make me come...oh my god” He almost sounded as though he was in a slight panic as he breath waivered, moving one had up to take a grip on the hair that was falling in his face. It took everything in him to not touch you, and slow down rhythm with the way you were riding him there's no way in fuck he’d last much longer. At this point he completely had to break away from the kiss almost as if he couldn't breathe as his head rolling back on his shoulder digging his teeth into his lip so hard he almost drew blood trying to muffle himself.
As you started to actually grind your hips into his, keeping a deep wave like motion making sure to rock your clit against his pelvis every time. You could tell you were literally dripping down onto his balls, you were so wet. And for good reason his cock could hit every spot perfectly filling you to the brim every time, brining your hand over to cradle the back of his neck. Using it as a achor so you could recline slightly giving yourself a little more freedom to ride him the way you wanted. The way you needed…”God Tae, I forgot how good you feel, fuck, your sooo fucking hard baby you wanna cum don’t you? You wanna fill my pussy up, so I can walk around all night with your cum dripping out of me” Reaching for his hand, brining it down to your ass letting him know he could finally touch you like he’s been dying too. Adjusting his posture slightly so he could  snake his tongue into your mouth, using grip on your waist to his advantage..slowing your rhythm slightly “You know I won’t cum until you do, but If you want me to last you gotta ease up baby, fuck…” everything was slurred against your tongue but you got the message loud and clear, grabbing his hand from your waist pressing it against your clit. “Well how about you put these fingers to good use and-”
He didn't even give you time to complete the full phrase before he was working you with his fingers. A cry hiccuped from your chest causing everything you were trying to say to get trapped in your lungs as your thighs started to shake throwing your rhythm out of whack. Bringing his opposite hand down to your waist, starting to guide your movements once he could feel how close you were and the lack of control you currently had. If were being real here he was technically in control the entire time, the power he held over your body was almost scary. The minute his fingers touched you, you melted  into his touch, every nerve in your body felt like it was on fire. Your release suddenly  dangling right in front of your face. “Oh my god Tae..”  But instead of easing up he was actually grinding you down into him harder..deeper, while still managing to work your clit. Head dropping into the crook of his neck, as you clawed at his chest, not even able to fight the sudden switch in power. “Since I've been misbehaving all week I mideswell  continue and finish this my way, come on..come for me baby..”  The pace he maintained , while grinding his hips up into you, in combination to his fingers edging your clit you didn't last more than maybe three thrust before you found yourself falling apart onto of him. “Tae baby I’m -”  Choking out a silent cry as your teeth dug into his chest, walls continuously milking him from base to tip. “Fuck, that’s it baby, I’m almost there, gonna fill your pretty pussy up with my cum just like you wanted. Keep going, keep cumming for me, ride this out with me baby. “  Removing his hand from your clit, laying one around your waist while the other cradled your neck. Allowing him to thrust up; into you even harder this time, actually bouncing you against his lap, slamming you down with so much force you swore you could feel his dick in your damn lungs. “Fuck-fuckf-fuck” dropping his head into the crook of your neck as he spilled out into you. Your entired body shuddering as his orgasim ripped straight through him and ricocheted onto you.
You could feel him laying light buffly kisses all along your shoulder, as you both just laid there panting heavily as your bodies came down. “Hey Y/n?” Humming out in response because that’s all you could muster up at the moment “Just so ya know I’m still probably going to the the most tonight...I might even throw a body roll or two into Apanman…not gonna lie” Raising your head from his chest slowly, narrowing your eyes in his direction once he said that.  “B I’m glad to know all I have to do is act up and you'll fuck me…” Shooting you his world renowned boxing grin as he palmed your ass “I swear to god Kim Taehyung if I even see, a hint of a body roll during a song..about a superhero.. you and your hand better get well fucking acquainted.”
I’ll probably toy with this again later but for now...here she is! Lol hopefully you guys liked it
Love you as always,
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sugakookielix · 4 years
Hi!! I was hoping for a ship!
I use she/her pronouns.
I am an art student-although at some point would like to go into the medical field. I always wished I had stuck to an instrument (played a lot when I was younger) my ADHD brain now has me bouncing, trying to learn as many as possible! Currently teaching myself piano! I love road trips-especially the ones where you purposefully get lost in the desert somewhere. And when I get into the zone of working out (which isn’t often-but does happen occasionally) my preference for sport is surfing or rollerskating!
Personality wise, I think people would describe me as loyal, sometimes too much. I put in a lot of effort to make sure my friends are comfortable and taken care of (often at my own expense) but am definitely wary in the beginning of who I give that attention too. I have lots of kids in my family, so I do love kids, but don’t really know if I want them myself. I do believe being surrounded by so many kids also gave me a lot of patience, however. I have very few friends, but all ones that I am incredibly close with, and that is a priority for me. Finding a few great ones, rather than a bunch of crap ones! (And ironically all that live far away. I am a magnet for long distance friendships-which gets lonely at times) I have never been into the party scene. My social anxiety, would NEVER. I’d so much more prefer making a yummy (carb filled) dinner, having a beer, and snuggling on my couch with my dogs, watching a movie. I’m a BIG sleeper, I tend to have really vivid dreams, so I always really enjoy going into that space. And truthfully, on days where there is nothing expected of me, will only go out to take my dogs to pee! I’m definitely a homebody!
I saw others mentioning their looks, so I will go for it as well! I’m average build. Definitely curvier, and slightly heavier than I would like to be, but numerically, considered average. I am 5’2 (so pretty short) with blonde curly hair, freckles, and (depending on if I go out) pale to medium skin tone.
My bias is Yoongi. (If you didn’t guess at this point 😂)
And I guess a fun fact about me would be that I am adopted, and raised in a single parent household!
Requested by @ellierebekah227 Honestly, this was a bit of a tie between Tae and Yoongi, so I went with the member I thought of first! I hope you like it! Gifs are not mine.
Who I ship you with:
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TaeTae has his moments where he can be energetic and outgoing, but also where he can be quiet and laid back. So if you weren’t feeling up to anything overly hyper, he could definitely adapt. He is also definitely okay with just staying home and cuddling up with you and the dogs, though he may try to take you out once and a while to hopefully break you out of your shell. Nothing too major of course, just like taking the dogs to the park or going out for a nice dinner. While he is a member that would like to have kids in the future, he wouldn’t push you if they weren’t something you wanted. The fact that you are patient and like kids is already enough to have him falling for you. He is a very family oriented person, so small things like that would mean the world to him. Play dates between your dogs and Yeontan while the two of you relax are very common and your go to date. He also definitely enjoys hearing about the dreams you have if you are willing to share, as he finds them interesting and you both have something to bond over. 
His favorite things about you: That you like children, hearing about your dreams, that you are learning different instruments. 
First date: Due to your anxiety, the two of you would agree on a simple movie night. Making dinner and then spending the night snuggled up on the couch. 
Mini Scenario:
While you had originally told Taehyung to come over later in the evening, giving him enough time to freshen up from practice and you a chance to make dinner. It seemed he had other ideas, given he showed up at your door step a good three hours before he was supposed to. He had said something about practice being let out early which you may or may not have actually believed as you let him inside, still recovering from the shock of his appearance. It was only when he bent down to pet your dog that you finally reacted to the idol in your living room. 
“Not that I don’t love surprises,” you said softly, “but you could have given me a bit of a warning so I could straighten up a bit and start dinner.” 
“That ruins the fun of the surprise though!” Taehyung argued, never once taking his attention away from the animal in front of him. Standing up after a minute, he smiled his famous boxy smile at you, “Besides, everything looks fine and now we have even more time to spend together!” You supposed that you couldn’t really argue with that fact now could you? 
“I guess I will go get started on dinner then,” you said after an awkward moment of silence. 
“Perfect!” Tae exclaimed, “I’ll help!” There was a part of you that wanted to argue against it, since he was the guest and it would be a bit odd to have him running around your kitchen. However, it would be a lot faster with the both of you, and he looked so excited about it as well, so how could you say no? 
“Alright fine,” you agreed, albeit a bit hesitantly, “come on! Let’s go then. The sooner we finish dinner, the sooner we can eat and start watching movies.” You began making your way to the kitchen before pausing again, “Do you even know what we are going to watch?” Taehyung, who was not far behind you, nodded eagerly. 
“I have a few different ideas depending on what your preference is! Though if there is anything specific you want to watch we can do that as well!” You couldn’t help but laugh a bit as you nodded, of course he had everything planned out. 
Quick note (for the requester, this has nothing to do with you btw! Just want to make this note real quick instead of writing another update.) If you have submitted a ship request and havent gotten it yet, please know I am working on them just very slowly. My family and I are going through a bit of a hard time at the moment and I have been offline (Quick update can be found here) I am slowly getting back to writing and will be finishing my current requests. But all requests are CLOSED for the time being. If you submit a request now it will probably be ignored as I am so far behind and need to catch up before taking new requests. Thank you for understanding!
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