#Hello look I've never written them before! Hopefully this is okay!
banannabethchase · 2 months
thoughts on eddie/nick as a ship pairing? bc i think they’d work so well together just based on eddie’s reaction to seeing them come back on all access
Nothing Suits Me Like a Suit (Except for You) - also on AO3
Eddie wakes up to see Nick come into their hotel room after Dynamite on April 24th.
Title from Nothing Suits Me Like a Suit from How I Met Your Mother. It's pretty much always stuck in my head, and now it has proven useful!
Eddie yawns and wakes up to feel eyes on him. He hadn’t meant to nap, but all the bullshit that had gone down with the show must have knocked him out. He blinks awake. All he needs to see is the edges of purple in the corner of his vision to make the connection.
“Peacock, what do you want from me?” he mumbles pushing himself to sitting. “That suit’s fuckin’ stupid, by the way.”
“Nice to see you, too,” Nick says, and he makes himself comfortable on Eddie’s lap, like he’s supposed to be there.
He is, of course. But Eddie sort of hates that he is. “Get the fuck out,” Eddie says, shifting his hips to try and throw Nick off. But Nick just grins and grinds down, like it’s on purpose, like he’s loving it. “After that shit you pulled with Tony, I don’t want nothin’ to do with you.”
Nick sighs. Somehow even the facial hair, hideous as it is, looks good on him. “Is that really true?” he asks. He doesn’t even try to hide his smile.
“Yeah,” Eddie says. “It is. You’re being a bigger shit even than Matt lately. At least all he did was hold the boss.” He nods down to Nick’s thighs. “You really showed your ass out there.”
“Hey!” and, finally, Eddie’s getting something a little farther from the mask. “It was embarrassing.”
“Stop doing embarrassing shit and embarrassing shit will stop happening to you,” Eddie says, shrugging. “Now get your ass out of my lap unless you’re willing to be good.”
Nick rolls his eyes. “You don’t like it when I’m good.”
“I like you when you’re not being a prick,” Eddie says, pinching a part of Nick’s ass where the pants ripped. The boxers are nice quality but thin, and Nick squeaks. “Showed your ass,” Eddie murmurs. He pauses. “Get on my lap.”
“What?” Nick asks.
“You gonna be an asshole, you’re gonna get punished,” Eddie says. “Now. Across my lap.”
Nick eyes him, hesitant. “I’m in my clothes.”
“You got a big enough rip in those pants it won’t matter.”
Nick drapes himself across Eddie’s thighs, ass up and ready. Eddie takes the moment to eye what’s in front of him. Usually he’s got a little less annoyance running through his veins when he’s got a pretty man draped on top of him, but maybe Nick has earned it this time. Eddie paws at the hole in Nick’s pants, pulling at the seams so the thread pulls apart more.
“This is a weird tactic,” Nick grumbles. “Also, are you going to do anything?”
“Maybe,” Eddie says, pulling at the fabric a little harder. The seam fully separates into two distinct sides, leaving most of Nick’s underpantsed ass on display.
“This suit was so expensive,” Nick sighs. “I already have that first pair getting fixed, but I think you just effed this one up past the point of – oh.”
Eddie grins as Nick relaxes into the first gentle smack of his ass. He never goes too hard, even with a layer of underwear in between his hand and Nick’s skin, but the sound and the way Nick’s muscle moves under his hand doesn’t need much force to be good.
Nick stretches, popping his ass up. He hums.
“You’re not supposed to be enjoying this so much,” Eddie mutters, swatting again.
Nick shrugs off the suit jacket and puts it on the floor. He’s got on a comparatively boring shirt underneath. Eddie hopes he can rip that, too. “What, you gonna punish me better or something?”
“I could kick you out,” Eddie says, tapping his fingers on the spot where he knows Nick’s ass must already be smarting. “Haul you up and dump you in the hallway like the dishes from room service.”
“You wouldn’t,” Nick scoffs. “You haven’t even seen me shirtless.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Eddie says. He adds a little more behind this next hit, firm with a flat palm, and he finally gets Nick mewling. “There it is. Can’t be a little bitch when you’re trying not to fall off my lap, can you?” He slides his hand into the pants, trying to get to a little skin. He finds the waistband and pulls it down, grinning at the pink skin he can see. He lets it snap back and Nick sighs. “Much better. Sometimes, I like you more when you shut up.”
Nick whimpers again and ruts against Eddie’s thigh.
“Yeah, I saw that coming,” he sighs. “You think you deserve that tonight? Think you get to come after all you did?”
“I – no,” he says. “But maybe – maybe you get to make me come?” He glances over to Eddie, face red from being just the wrong side of horizontal. And likely from something else. “Maybe it’s not for me, right?”
“Don’t try the boo boo eyes,” Eddie says sharply. He smacks Nick’s ass again, and Nick’s eyes flutter closed. He doesn’t even remember to hide his smile. “You ain’t Matty and I ain’t Mox.”
“Don’t bring up my brother when I have a hardon,” Nick says.
“Don’t beat the shit out of the boss on live television.” Eddie grabs a handful of Nick’s ass, fingers gripping the fabric.
He waits for Nick to wonder, for him to know he’s being made to wait. “Um, hello?” Nick says. He grinds down again, trying to find friction against Eddie’s thigh through all the layers of fabric, but Eddie shifts his leg so Nick can’t get anywhere near where he wants to be.
“Yeah?” Eddie says. He makes sure to get a good handle on the fabric. “What?”
Nick glances over his shoulder. He doesn’t speak.
Eddie chuckles. “Yeah, I know.” He tears. The sound of fabric ripping as it exposes Nick’s ass should become his ringtone. Especially with the little sounds in the background from Nick.
“What are you planning on doing?” he whispers.
Eddie pulls a little harder so all of Nick’s ass is exposed and grins. There’s a good red mark, a vague shape of Eddie’s hand. “Fuck do you think?” He pulls back and hits right at the red spot. Gentler, this time, since there’s no fabric, but Nick moans either way.
“Please,” Nick whines. “Please, I’ll be good. Just – something.”
“Oh, you’ll be good?” Eddie asks. He pinches at Nick’s skin, grinning as Nick squirms. “Not sure you can be good, Nicky.”
Nick hums, finally getting an angle to thrust against Eddie’s thigh. “Please,” he says. “I’ll try.”
“I sure doubt that.” Eddie stands and lets Nick tumble to the floor. He falls, mouth open, and rolls to look up at Eddie. “I already said don’t try the boo boo eyes.”
“I’m not trying boo boo eyes!” Nick argues, but it’s clear even he knows he’s lying.
“Power hungry little bastard.” Eddie leans down and grabs a handful of Nick’s hair, yanking him to his feet. Nick’s smiling, eyes closed. He’s enjoying this too much. And Eddie’s letting him. “You know your real place, don’t you?”
Nick nods.
“Stand up,” Eddie says. “Hands on the bed.”
Nick springs to his feet without any difficulty, even with fabric falling all over the place. He obeys Eddie without argument.
“Wait,” Eddie says. “No touching. No moving. You hear me?”
Nick’s quiet enough that Eddie pauses.
“Oh, am I allowed to talk?” Nick asks. “You know, talking is moving.”
“Now you’re not,” Eddie snaps. “Shut the fuck up. All you can do right now is stand and breathe, you little shit.”
Eddie takes his time as he takes off his belt and grabs the lube. He knows Nick keeps extra in his bags, so he takes his time digging through the layers and layers of clothes, even when it’s clutched in his hand. He resorts to jostling the bag so it sounds like he’s still searching. He’s waiting for Nick to say something. Honestly, he’s waiting for Nick to beg.
“Eddie?” Nick says, and there it is. That quiet, almost pleading tone.
“I think I’m gonna be good now,” Nick says. It’s almost sad, how tiny his voice is. But, as everyone who watched tonight knows, he deserves it. “I’m getting cold.”
“Cold, huh?” Eddie asks. He zips the back shut and walks over. He gives a gentle pat to where Nick’s ass is exposed. “Can’t imagine why.”
Nick twitches under his hand. “More?” he asks.
“Yeah? What kind of more?” Eddie asks. He already knows, of course. Nick’s got his ass stuck out so far he can’t want anything else.
“In me,” he says. He drops his head down where his hands are clasped together. In any other setting, he could be praying. “I’m sorry. Whatever I have to do, just. Tell me.”
“Tell you, huh,” Eddie murmurs. He runs his finger shallowly between Nick’s cheeks, reminding him that Eddie is right here. “I want you to stop fucking around with the company. I want you to get your head out of your ass and be a decent boss.”
“Okay,” Nick murmurs. “Okay, I will.”
Eddie knows he doesn’t mean it. He’s going to walk out of here tomorrow morning after kissing Eddie, and he’s going to be just as horrible and just as miserable as soon as he gets back around Matt.
But it’s easy to pretend when Nick is whimpering and right in front of him and promising all these nice things.
“Good boy,” Eddie says, leaning over Nick’s back until he can turn his chin to kiss him. Nick whimpers against his lips, and Eddie is powerless. “Brace yourself.”
“I’m still dressed.”
“Not where it counts.” Eddie grins and swipes a slick finger between Nick’s cheeks. It’s not a yelp, exactly, that comes out of Nick, but it’s equally fun. “See? I don’t even need to get you naked. You’re all ready for me.”
“I am,” Nick says. “I – I want you in me, okay?”
“I can make that happen,” Eddie says, and he finds Nick’s hole easily and slides a finger in like he was made to be there. “Better?”
“Sort of,” Nick mumbles. He drops his head forward on his hands. “Not exactly what I meant.”
Eddie rolls his eyes and slowly moves his finger. “I know what you meant.”
Nick’s finally silent as Eddie gets him ready. He takes his time, knows Nick needs it, even if Nick would insist otherwise. If he’s wound up enough to start committing assault on live television, there’s no way they can take this fast. He’ll draw this out, finger by finger.
He’s heard stories from Mox about Matt. How it’s fast, how it’s rough, how sometimes it’s over right after it’s begun, because Matt is so eager for everything all the time right now. Nick’s got his moments, Eddie muses as the third finger stretches him and Nick sighs against the sheets, but speed is his game in the ring. Not in the bedroom.
“Yeah?” Eddie asks. He pushes away the fabric to get a better look at the way Nick finds space for him. “Ready?”
Nick mumbles something that sounds like, “Have been.”
Eddie sighs and shoves his pants down his hips. He kicks them off. With the way Nick gets sometimes, adding a way to fall over feels like a bad idea. “Alright, baby.”
Nick sighs and stretches his arms forward, catlike, as Eddie slides into him. It’s strange, to be balls deep in the guy when he’s still technically fully dressed, but feeling of the fabric under his fingers as he grips Nick’s waist has a certain appeal.
“You always feel so good, baby,” Eddie murmurs. He pulls back slowly.
“’M always good,” Nick replies.
“Like fuck you are,” Eddie laughs, moving a little more quickly. “This your way of asking for it harder or something?”
“Just stating facts,” Nick says. But the way he looks over his shoulder, the way he grins, says otherwise.
“I see,” Eddie says. He moves one had into Nick’s hair, tugging the ponytail until Nick’s using all that flexibility. “Think you can play around, huh?”
“Playing around is, like, half my job,” Nick says, following back when Eddie pulls almost all the way out. “Get – stop that.”
“Stop what?” Eddie asks.
“Stop teasing,” Nick says. “You’re being all – I don’t know. Whatever it is, I want it different.”
“Okay,” Eddie says. He grabs fabric on either side of where he’s inside of Nick and thrusts in as he rips the clothes apart. It effectively sates a previously unknown part of him, one that wants to prove Nick is his to everyone and make it front page news. “That kinda different?”
“This suit was so expensive,” Nick grumbles, but he whines when Eddie increases his pace. Eddie’s pretty sure he’s forgiven.
Nick is surprisingly quiet the whole time, mostly hums of encouragement, so Eddie is kept with his thoughts and the sounds of his skin slapping against Nick’s.
He groans, deep in his throat, when he feels Nick clench around him. “You wanna come, baby?”
“Want you to,” Nick murmurs. “I wanna feel it.”
Eddie moans, and he wishes he could keep his shit together around Nick a little better. “I will, baby,” he promises. “Any time you want.”
Nick chuckles. “Yeah?”
“Shut up,” Eddie says, laughing with Nick. “I try my best.”
“You do,” Nick murmurs. “Come on.” He tightens around Eddie’s dick. “Come on, I want you to.”
“I will, baby.” Eddie’s too old, way too old, to come on command anymore, but with a little focus he can get himself there. He pushes into Nick one more time with a gasp of Nick’s name, and he lets himself really feel Nick, lets himself enjoy the moment. He comes back to his body and hears something unexpected.
“Are you crying?” Eddie asks. He pulls out, gentle, and turns Nick around. “Babe, what the hell?”
“I want to come,” Nick begs. “But I know – I know I don’t –”
“You know you don’t what?” Eddie asks. He’s already going to Nick’s belt, throwing it to the floor.
“I know I don’t get to,” he whispers.
Eddie rolls his eyes. “Don’t be ridiculous, Nick. You can be as stupid and batshit in the ring as you want. I’m not gonna punish you for real about it. Not in here.” He drops to his knees. “Sit down, babe. I’ll take care of you.”
Eddie pulls what used to be Nick’s pants down his hips. “You really are miserable,” he says, eyeing Nick’s leaking cock. He slides his mouth around Nick, and he can tell, just from the way Nick wails, that this won’t last very long. Good for him, too, because his knees won’t handle this position for too long.
“Eddie,” he whispers, “Eddie, can I?”
Eddie pulls off and uses his hand, “Yeah, Nick. You can.”
He didn’t expect Nick to come on his face. He really didn’t. But Nick sobs out his name and comes, hot and wet, all over Eddie. At the very least, he hadn’t changed into his pajamas yet. He chuckles as he looks up at Nick, who looks like he’s fighting not to fall over back on the bed.
“That was new,” Eddie says. He pulls off his shirt and mops up his face. “You have fun?”
Nick mumbles and falls back on the bed. “Yeah.”
Eddie stands. “You alive?”
Nick’s eyes are closed, his entire body limp. “Probably.”
Eddie leans down and kisses Nick’s forehead. “Up you get, baby. Gotta get you cleaned up after all that.”
Nick sighs, dramatic as ever, but allows Eddie to help him to the shower. He frowns at the heap of material that once called itself suit pants. “Those pants are pretty effed, aren’t they?”
“Were when you ripped the hole in the ass,” Eddie says, patting Nick on the hip. “In the shower. We’ll worry about your pretty little outfit later.”
“But what if –”
Eddie pushes him into the shower. “Stop it. Shut that brain up and let yourself relax. We’ll handle all of it in the morning.”
“In the morning,” Nick echoes. And Eddie can see it in his eyes – he’s finally let the evening go, whatever that means.
Mini Playlist: Nothing Suits Me Like a Suit - Neil Patrick Harris Slow it Down - Kim Petras No Mercy - Austin Giorgio Use Me - PVRIS feat. 070 Shake
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writing-house-of-m · 1 year
It's Jeff
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Talks of experimenting on people/animals
Word count: 1485
Summary: You and Wanda bond with an unlikely new acquaintance
A/N: Hello! To keep my streak alive I have fulfilled this request. To be honest, this was a long time coming because I've been wanting to get an ongoing Jeff series going with Wanda and R. Consider this the first of many for this little group - if you have any ideas for any future parts please send them in! This isn't as good as I'd have liked it to be because this is probably the quickest I've written a fic. Regardless, I hope you like it and share any thoughts you have 🙂
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After getting back from a single person two day mission away you now find yourself in the medbay not knowing where else you should have gone.
A check-up was imminent, not for yourself, you were fine, it was for… something else.
Otherwise, normally, you would have gone straight to Wanda to show you were back and safe.
Wanda would understand why. Until you remember the nickname you have for her - 'Wanda the Worrier'.
You mentally shake your head. She'll be fine with this.
Totally fine…
Currently you are standing beside something you found in what seemed to be a research lab. It wasn't your intention to bring it- him home but the pout and sad eyes he gave you before passing out had you carrying the creature out with you before you knew it.
By now a total of three different types of doctor had looked at him, all as perplexed as the previous.
"I've never seen anything like it," Dr Cho concluded after a few minutes of looking him over, using her pen to push at the fin behind his head. She made her way into the room voluntarily when she overheard some rumors of something that could only be described as vicious with big teeth and claws.
"Jeff," you say, seemingly randomly getting Dr Cho to snap her head up at you quizzically.
"His name, I mean," you pause looking back at the still sleeping shark looking animal on the table. "It's Jeff." Dr Cho then squints her eyes wondering how you would know that. "That's what I've been calling him at least. There was a cage in the room I found him in with a code on it - J344."
Before Dr Cho can speak again, both of your attentions are pulled to the door as Wanda barges into the room, the worry on her face dissipating when she sees that you are okay.
As she makes her way to you, taking your face in her hands while she looks you over she expresses what is on her mind, "I thought you were just getting checked, why are you taking so long? You look fine."
Wordlessly, you look to your side for Wanda to follow your gaze, "I found this little guy."
Wanda gasps at the lump of what she thinks is an animal. She would have thought it was a dead shark if not for the steady rise and fall of his body and the limbs protruding his torso, "What is that?" Her accent peeks out from her sudden reaction.
"I saw something on a clipboard that said 'land-shark'. I guess that explains the legs and how he's able to breathe," you reply. You begin to wonder if he can breathe underwater too. Does he need to be kept in water?
Before anyone can question anything further, the landshark begins to stir. The sound of a whine coming from his direction.
He rolls onto his back, not knowing he has an audience, stretching. When he is done he rolls over so that he lands on his feet, your arm protectively goes around Wanda as you step forward while the other two in the room take a step back alarmed.
"Jeff?" You experiment.
You see his head tilt and hear a confused exclamation before he turns on his feet. When he sees three sets of unfamiliar eyes on him he stumbles two steps back landing on his butt with wide eyes, mouth agape in surprise.
When you see his frightened face you take a slow step forward with your hand out in front of you, speaking slowly, "It's okay, buddy. We're not going to hurt you."
Wanda is gripping onto your arm not wanting you to get closer but you whisper that it is okay before turning your head back to the animal.
Jeff's resolve softens when he realises it is you. The one he saw before he knocked out.
His head tilts again, mouth opening wide in a smile, his tongue falling out of the corner.
You furrow your eyebrows at the action, confused as to why he hasn't pounced or attacked anyone in the room. The closer you get, the more the ladies behind you tense, "I think he can understand us."
Finally, your hand lands on his head. You hear the sighs of relief from behind you. As you rub his smooth skin he vibrates excitedly. You scoff at the reaction, "Aww, you just want a friend, little buddy?" He replies by laying on his back so you can rub his belly making you chuckle. "He's cute."
Apprehensively, the other two occupants move closer to make their own assessments of the little shark wiggling around.
You prompt the witch and the doctor to try if they want to. They giggle too after they hear a long satisfied cry when they take over petting him.
Dr Cho stops after a little while saying she may know someone who specialises in animals and how they might be able to help. She leaves the room after fiddling with her phone to make a call.
When Wanda pulls her hand back, you notice the grin on her face. It grows into a smile when Jeff sits again with his tongue out panting, "You like him," you extend your words teasing her.
"Yes, he is very cute," Wanda smiles, glancing at you. She goes to pet his head this time, her thumb rubbing in circles as she coos at him, asking if he knows how cute he is.
Without Wanda meaning too, she gets a peek into Jeff's mind. Flashes of his history pass in her mind in quick succession.
In the next second you see Jeff frown looking upset. You are about to ask him what is wrong when you hear Wanda speak up from next to you, "Y/n…" she says, sadly with tears in her eyes.
When you see the red dissipate from her natural green you realise what happened. "What did you see?"
Wanda turns her head back to the shark, she moves her hand to scratch beneath his chin to cheer him up.
When she feels him begin to vibrate again she asks if he wants to explore the room, he nods his head and the two of you watch him as Wanda explains with a teary expression. "They experimented on him."
She goes on to talk about different tests and serums several doctors tried on him. All the poking and prodding he went through took Wanda back when she was a prisoner of theirs.
It took a long time to convince Wanda she was a prisoner, and not a volunteer, held by Hydra.
When Dr Cho returns you relay the information to her. She talks about how her contact is busy and they will not be able to come for a few weeks.
"The question remains; What do we do with him?" Dr Cho finishes.
The three of you turn to him, seeing him attack a stethoscope, his paws holding it in place as he chews on the rubber section in the middle.
"We have cages big enough somewhere in storage. I guess I could fish one out," Dr Cho thinks aloud.
"No!" Both you and Wanda say in unison, hearing a 'mrr?' from the side getting the attention of Jeff. When you smile at him he goes back to his previous activity.
You then look at each other and you speak first, "Are you okay with him staying in our room?" Wanda simply nods, eyes welling up again remembering what she saw.
After a bit more small talk with the doctor, you go through a plan of keeping him until at least next week. You confirm with Wanda you will introduce him to the rest of the team in the morning. Once that is all sorted you let Wanda call for Jeff, asking if he would like to see where he will stay for a while.
He nods his head happily then trots over to you.
There is a lot to learn about the little land shark like; what he can eat, if he needs to be regularly exposed to water, how he sleeps but you figure you will take it one step at a time.
While Wanda gets Jeff accustomed to the room you find some spare blankets to set up a corner for his bed.
But when night-time rolls around neither you or Wanda can turn Jeff away from your bed. Before the two of you can even confirm to him that it is okay for him to be settled between you, he is already asleep snoring away.
Looking up in Wanda's direction you see her already smiling at you. You scoff and easily smile back as your hands meet on top of Jeff, intertwining your fingers.
You figure you can remind him where his bed is another time.
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anonzentimes · 3 months
What is your opinion on servant/despair nagito?
AUGH! hello autism activating anon thank you from your ask!
Servant I think honestly is pretty well written and doesn't erase any of Nagito's character which I really love. Also he's in like the most bdsm outfit??? ever??? HUH?? it's kind of hilarious tbh.
Mostly, I really enjoy that as a Despair Nagito's beliefs aren't just erased. He's willing to do even more for hope than before, becoming despair himself, whereas before he seemed to have a limit he wouldn't cross. Which is honestly saying something since he thinks murder can be valid in the name of hope beforehand anyways.
I also like the funny detail that he's a servant with a chain on his neck at all times, but no one is really pulling the strings? Like, he's a "servant," to the warriors of hope but truly he has control over the situation. He chooses to stay there, if he truly desired to he could have left. His chain is there, he has the appearance of a servant, but no one is tugging on it, he's the one truly in control. Hopefully that makes sense lmao!!
I also thought that him seeing Komaru being a normal girl and knowing Makoto had hidden hope as a talent thinking she might have hope as well is pretty well written! It definitely makes sense why he'd think that.
Also, as weird as it is I actually really like how he looks as servant. The artwork for his sprites and the fanart I've seen is really awesome honestly!!
I used to think that he was just in Ultra Despair Girls for fan service, which probably a bit, but I do actually really enjoy how they use his role as a contributing antagonist properly. It's mostly expanding upon the idea of him as a Despair that we see in Chapter 0 of Danganronpa 2 with his love and hate obsession with Junko. He wants to be more involved than ever before and has no limit for how far he'll go, he actively will create the despair needed himself for hope to thrive. And that's so cool!!! It's basically pulling him and his beliefs their utmost extreme to explain how someone like him could become a despair, and the best part is that it makes sense! You can understand it given his character. He hates despair, so the only way he'd ever be okay with becoming despair is if it was in the name of hope, and that's exactly what they do!
I also think it's SO funny that out of all of the despairs, he's the most harmless out of them. Like, Sonia burned her own country to the GROUND, Teruteru ate his OWN MOTHER, but Nagito? He was just a servant to some weird terrorist kids, and ultimately was the main contributing factor to hope winning in the end. He brought Komaru so there could be a fair fight with Hope and Despair after all!
I think Mocaca's character after Ultra Despair Girls was kind of treated badly lmao, like, I feel like there was a lot of missed potential but they just threw her to the side because they never planned to do anything with her. However the Idea Nagito's ramblings just made her sick of the world is HILARIOUS though. Kind of Ironic that he saved her in hopes to be a successor to Junko for more hope to win in the end when his contributions led her to becoming nothing.
Also pretty Ironic that he KNEW what Izuru was going to do, and he wanted to see Junko again. But he never did, he died before he got to see what him as a Despair wanted to see. By his own hands nonetheless!!
Nagito as a Despair is really fucking weird with his outfit and all, but I actually really do love him. I really love the outfit, the approach they take to the only way he could become a despair with his beliefs, and his role in the story.
The brainwashing plot is a little clumsy, but I do enjoy that the way they treat brainwashing in the Danganronpa franchise is that the despair video manipulates your emotions. It doesn't overwrite anything, it just adds a desire to cause despair or excuses causing despair more. I think it's a little more realistic than just a whole bunch of teenagers being talked into becoming terrorists anyway.
servant you are iconic mwa <3
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nextinline-if · 1 year
Hello Vi ☺️
Has anyone asked about the fake-out make-out scenario yet? I hope you have an amazing day 💛
Hi Anon! ☺️
I let your ask sit for a longgggg while, sorry anon. <3 forgive me pls.
I'm going to do Constantine today and do a different one tomorrow, etc! I'll just reblog and add :)
warning: kissing, touching, etc! (I think these are obvious but!)
uhm okay so I've never written one of these, idk if I did okay or if this wasn't 100% matching the scenario, hopefully I didn't break any rules? lol okay bye
Constantine (MC initiates)
You glance back over your shoulder, meeting Constantine's eyes as you force your feet to move. He shakes his head. "Don't stop running," he replies roughly.
You never excepted a visit to the capital to turn into a coup attempt. How did they know you were going to be here? It's only been four months since your brother abdicated and this was an unannounced outing.
You force the thoughts away and turn the corner, your footsteps pounding against the cobblestone. Up ahead, the doors to a brothel are open. You can hear the sounds of pleasure and poetry. You urge your feet forward and make for the entrance. "Follow me," you shout without looking.
Constantine's brows furrow but he does as you command. He'd follow you into a fire - a brothel isn't so different, is it?
You grab his hand as soon as he crosses the threshold, weaving you both around sweaty bodies full of intoxication and anticipation.
Once in the corner, you face each other, neither able to speak as you attempt to catch your breath. You start taking off his armor. "What are you doing?" He looks nervous as his eyes glance around, but he doesn't move to stop you.
You laugh softly, drawing his piercing blue gaze back to your face. "Your armor isn't exactly inconspicuous."
He nods. "You think they'll check in here?"
"You trust me, right?" You throw the last piece of armor behind the settee as heavy footsteps hammer their way toward the brothel.
"Of course," he says, swallowing hard.
"Good," you reply, pushing him into a seat. His eyes widen and he opens his mouth but you climb on top of him as the rebels stream through the door. There's no time to think so you crash your lips against his.
Your heart hammers in your ears. If they find you, at least you can say you went out with the feeling of his lips on yours. With the comfort of his hand in your hair, pulling you closer. Not that you care about any of that. But everyone should die in peace, right?
If this wasn't life or death, you'd almost believe he wants this. You'd almost believe you want this.
Focus, you tell yourself. Focus on the environment, not his rough lips gently caressing yours.
You can hear the lyre again and the sounds of lovers returning to their activities so you pull away. Your lungs needed air regardless. Constantine stares at you for a moment and you stare back.
"Uhm, thank you," you blurt out.
He tilts his head, "Thank...you?"
Your eyes widen and you move away, turning away to grab his armor. "For trusting me. I'm sorry for...that. I needed to get them off our trail." You take a breath, steeling your face before turning around to hand him his armor.
He takes it quickly, his face giving nothing away. "It was a brilliant plan, Your Highness."
Neither of you speaks until you reach the castle to alert the others of your escape.
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Hello Twilie! I wanted to make a suggestion but as I was scrolling through your ,will write and will not write, sections I realized that there was no mention of wether your okay with people asking for poly relation ships or not.
If you are okay with it, can I request a guide-like fem!Reader with Legend and Ravio? It’s romantic and reader is a huge book nerd (she owns a book or potions shop???? IDK)
If you aren’t ok with it than you can ignore this ask.
Thank you for taking the time to read through this ask, Remember to drink water and rest well today.
Hi 👋 😃 also I am perfectly okay with writing poly relationships (I am poly myself actually) so I was super excited when I seen this request 😄, also I have updated my Info Post (you can find it here) to include more stuff(like poly relationships for example) so it will hopefully be more helpful to people anyways thanks for the ask, i tried to the best of my ability to follow your request as much as possible, also I've never written anything with Ravio before so he maybe a teeny tiny bit out of character, but I hope you enjoy it
Warnings: does fluff count?, cuteness, writer attempting at something cute and romantic, poly relationship, fem reader, reader is a good witch/sorceress who owns a store, reader calls Legend link, not proofread(I've been trying to get in contact with my friend who proofreads things for me but I wasn't able to)
Summary: you run a shop in the town close to the house you share with Legend and Ravio, selling everything from books to herbs to potions you name it you probably have it, and on this particular day your two favorite customers stop by to do some shopping
You looked out the window of your shop while leaning on the counter as you watched people walk by if you were being honest with yourself today was kind of a slow day you haven't had very many customers today outside of maybe the occasional old lady or gentleman needing something for their aches and pains as well as the occasional mother coming in because her child or baby had a stomach ache or needed something to help them sleep better at night honestly if it wasn't for those you probably wouldn't have had any business at all today.
You we're about to leave the counter to tidy up and organize the shelves of your little shop when as you turned your head away from the window out of the corner of your eye you caught a glimpse of something purple with something blue next to it and smiled, you turned around and went back to your spot leaning against the counter.As the door to your shop opened with a jingle because of the bell hanging above the top of the door and your two favorite customers (*cough* boyfriends *cough*) in all of Hyrule walked in Ravio was his usual happy chatty self chattering away at Legend who had his arms crossed and was looking at Ravio as if he could will the purple clad male to stop talking just by staring at him Ravio as usual ignored the look Legend was giving him and continued talking, while Legend's usual sullen mood had changed to one of slight amusement.
"Alright Ravio calm down" Legend said as he entered the shop completely, "aye aye Mr. Hero" Ravio replied with a mock salute
You giggle at Ravio's antics before you smile and wave as you greet the two "hello Legend, Ravio, how are you both doing today?"
"Fine, a little tired from all the training I've been doing lately but I suppose it's only normal after all the excitement and all" Legend replies with a slight smile Ravio nods his bunny hood bobbing with the action "yep Mr. Hero has been working really hard" He says with a wink and a tilt of his head towards you
Before he runs off to gather the herbs he needs to make his oil, leaving Legend at the counter with you
Legend rolls his eyes as Ravio runs around the shop gathering herb after herb, he shakes his head and then turns back to you
"He's been like this all day" you laugh and smile "that's Ravio for ya, so Link i can see what Ravio came for but what about you what do need"
"I need some healing potions and maybe a new book since I've finished reading the last one already"
"I see, well let me go get the potions for you and i'll be right back, okay?"
Legend nods in response as you head towards the back to get the healing potions that Legend needs as he goes to look for a new book. You quickly grab the healing potions and start heading back to the counter when you hear Ravio's voice calling to you.
"Yeah Ravio?."
"Me and Mr. Hero have something to ask you when you get done!"
You feel your ears perk up "Me? What do you want to ask me?"
"Ah ah ah ____, you have to wait tell you get done, we're customers right now and Mr. Hero is waiting at the counter" Ravio says with a giggle
You sigh and roll your eyes, sometimes you swear that he does things like this on purpose "fine, just tell me after you have everything you need"
"You got it ____!" Ravio calls out as he goes back to running around and grabbing herbs, you get back to the counter where Legend is waiting. You place the healing potions on the counter and lean against it with a sigh as Legend sets a book down next to the potions "that all you getting this time Link?" Legend nods "yeah, I'm going to wait for Ravio to get done before i buy everything" you smile at Legend "that's fine!, probably be easier that way anyways you both get done with your shopping at the same time, and I get to find out what you both wanted to talk to me about" you say the last part of your sentence while leaning closer towards Legend "hmm" he replies as Ravio comes running to the counter and places all of the herbs that he grabbed down onto the counter
"Alright so Link's things are first, so eight healing potions at 28 Rupees a pace plus the book is 48 Rupees, let's 100 Rupees yeah?" You say as you hold out your hand for payment but Legend frowns "That's not right it should be 266 Rupees not 100"
"normally it would be but you get the special boyfriend discount" you reply and giggle as Legend's face turns a little pink with a blush as he hands you the Rupees you requested, "what about me? Do i get the special boyfriend discount?" Ravio asks while pushing the herbs forward, you giggle again "yes Ravio you get the discount to, which means your normal 100 Rupees purchase is now 30 Rupees"
"Thank you so much ____!" Ravio says as he hands you the Rupees, you take them and put them away with the rest before walking around the counter so it was no longer separating you from your boyfriends
"So what is it you to wanted to tell me, i mean Ravio did say i would find out when i was done and i am done now" you ask Legend "so are you going to tell me?"
"I suppose so" Legend says "we were wondering if you could close up the shop early and come home, maybe we could sit under the tree behind the house and read or just relax"
"Sure!, I can close up shop and go home early, it's no problem!" You say smiling as you run of to tidy up just a little extra bit before closing up the shop
"That's Great!" Ravio says as he begins to gather all of the herbs that he bought off of the counter and walks outside with Legend as you lock the door to your shop "so let's get going then, you ready to go home ____?" You run over to Legend and Ravio who are waiting just a little ways away from the door to your shop as you step between them and grab Legends hand in your left and Ravio's in your right "yes I'm ready the shops all locked up!" You say as you begin to walk away from the shop, leading the two of them along the road. You and your boyfriends follow the road from the store all the way out of town and to the house where you live, you all chatted and laughed during the walk as you enjoyed each others company and it was nice to have the time to do so, especially with Legend prone to running off and going on adventures where you and Ravio might not see or hear from him for months at a time, so the time that the three of you did spend together was a nice break from what has become routine.
When you arrive at the house you live in, you all go around to the back where you find the tree that Legend wanted to relax under. Only for you to gasp in surprise at the picnic that Ravio and Legend had set up under the tree before going and getting you. "What do you think of it?" Legend asks as he watches you, he's now sitting down on the picnic blanket and props his feet up on a small rock that juts out from the tree
"Do you like our surprise ____?" Ravio asks as he guides you over to sit down between him and Legend
"Of course I like it, it's lovely!" you reply as you lean back against Ravio and Legend moves to lie down with his head in your lap, "You two made this for me?"
"We wanted to surprise you with something nice" Legend says while stroking his thumb across the back of your hand and looking up at you. "Yeah!, we love you ____!" Ravio says as he leans forward slightly and places a kiss on your cheek
"I love you both too!" you say smiling as you lean forward and give Legend a quick peck on the lips then you turn and do the same to Ravio before leaning back against Ravio again and resting your hand on Legend's chest "This is nice, being able to relax here with the two of you, it makes me feel really happy" you say while looking up at the clouds as Legend reads his new book out loud for you and Ravio "we love being able to relax with you to ____!, right Mr. Hero?" Ravio says while running his hand through your hair
"Yeah, it makes a nice change from running around looking for monsters" Legend says while continuing to read his book.
You stay under the tree for a good hour just enjoying the moment and listening to Legend as he reads to you and Ravio, Legend will occasionally stop reading to elaborate or explain a part that might be confusing. This isn't something he has to do very often but it's still nice that he takes time to do so and you both appreciate it.
As you listen to Legend read and Ravio ask him the occasional question you feel your eyes start to closeyou lean back and just enjoy the company of your boyfriends, as you drift off to sleep. Eventually Legend finishes his book and closes it so he can put it down. he looks up and smiles at the sight of you and Ravio leaning on each other as you sleepHe sits his book off to the side as he sets up to lean on your other shoulder and join you and Ravio's napping in the backyard with the tree to watch over the three of you
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londonfoginacup · 10 months
7, 8 and a wildcard of your choice for those anxious asks (haha) - PLS AND THANK YOUUUUU! Okay my computer just put that into all caps but you know what? I'mma let it stand. If those don't spark joy or you've already done them, just swap them out for whatever you want!! xox
7. How many ideas for fics do you have right now?
If writing were my full time job and I was able to do it all day every day, I think I could still not get written every fic that's in my brain right now
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What project(s) are you currently working on?
I'm plotting out my advent fic for Christmas, plus a smaller Christmas oneshot, plus I'm doing a sequel to my Halloween fic from... either last year or the year before? for Halloween this year. Whichever one the toothpick fic was. And I'm writing wordplay today, and I've been revisiting a fic I wanted to write for Big Bang a few years ago to see if I could maybe write it for BB this year, oh and I signed up for Soulmates but I don't have any actual plans yet, so hopefully that one comes to me soon. So... those are my immediate fic plans.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post
Rarely, if ever, would deserters make it across the border without being caught, and that’s when they were brought to Louis. They always come eager to give up any and all information about their country, they’re not afraid of where they’ve been brought. They think they’re survivors. The warriors, on the other hand, would cross boldly, day or night. They believe that they are doing their country a boon, fighting off the slowly encroaching south. They have no fear. This one's not either of those. He's clearly trying so hard to keep himself still but it's doing nothing for him. His breath is coming out in little huffs through his nose and there's a good chance the underside of that blindfold is wet with tears. When Louis walks forward, his steps echoing around the small room, the boy does everything he can to shrink in on himself, make himself appear smaller. With his gangly frame, all he really manages is to look like a twisted spider. This isn't one for me to break, Louis thinks. This looks like one I'll have to put back together. He is who he needs to be. To the rescued he is a kind face and a gentle reassurance. To the warriors, he is who they fear. He doesn't know who he has to be to this boy, though. He hasn't gotten one like this before. He leans down so that his lips are directly next to the ear of the quivering boy. "Hello, Love," he says. It isn't his gentle voice. It's a voice meant to send a warning; if you are not who you say you are, I will find out. "Nod if you want me to rip the duct tape off, shake your head if you want me to pull it slowly." His voice drips condescension, just as he means it to. The boy freezes when Louis starts to talk, probably another wave of adrenaline giving him a few moments of control. He's still for a moment and Louis waits patiently until the boy tentatively jerks his head back and forth. Warriors always take the faster option. They want a swift death, don't think they'll survive to see sunrise so might as well end it before something worse comes. That's how they're trained. This boy isn't a warrior.
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bi-bats · 10 months
i am equally bored, so here’s a couple for the ask game, do however many you like ofc!
know yourself, don’t fall into my arms, and i know my brother (feral about this one)
omg hello hello!! Thanks for the ask, hopefully this spares you a few moments of boredom 💚 Here are my favorite things about all of those bc I have no self control
Know Yourself:
probably the way that Jay forces Jason and Tim to re-examine not only each other, but themselves? Like, of course Jay was going to make Jason take a closer look at himself. Of course Jay was going to make Tim take a closer look at Jason. But I really like the way that Jason also re-evaluates his idea of Tim and Tim also takes a closer look at who he is. also, the way Jason and Tim are slowly, slowly breaking down each other's walls and getting closer, the way it's messy and not easy but they keep trying to do it anyways because they both just need each other so badly, even if they don't want to admit it yet. I love making them messy and totally unable to resist each other 💖 and making them in denial about their feelings in totally different ways is also so much fun 😂
Don't Fall Into My Arms:
look, I just love giving them a good argument born from the fear that they're going to lose each other. I love when Tim gets a chance to cry, and I love that seeing him cry totally snaps Jason out of being angry because he realizes that Tim isn't just mad, he's afraid. But my favorite thing probably has to be that Jason just sort of traps himself into admitting that he considered them to be dating, and then he doubles down on it. He's like, "You know what? Yeah. We're dating. I love you." and as much as I love when Jason runs from the things he's afraid of and refuses to talk about things, I really enjoyed that in this, the thing he was the most afraid of was losing Tim, and instead of running he let himself be vulnerable.
I Know What My Brother Is:
oh, bestie. I am ALSO feral about this one. I am currently at 34k words on it and I'm just trying to resist the urge to upload all of it because I'm doing something I've never done before, which is just let myself write without worrying too much about the exact details of the plot, so I want the padding of the extra chapters just in case I get stuck. This is a chokehold fic, like. I can't write ANYTHING else right now because every time I try to think about writing I just get stuck on this one. Okay, my favorite thing about it. I'm really, really loving writing in Damian's headspace. There's something about writing from his perspective that activates literal poetry in me, and I'm really loving it. I feel like when I write Tim, he tends to be very deadpan and guarded, and Jason is always pretty honest and casual in his own head, but Damian? Damian is so dramatic and conflicted and sad and angry. I love making his anger this calm thing that he just lives with, because he's always lived with it. He's falling apart and writing him so deeply unwell is making some of my favorite lines I've ever written fall out of me. Also, every time I think that I've made him as deeply unwell as I could possibly make him, I find a new way to make him worse 😂 Don't worry, you'll see 💖
Hope this saved you from boredom for a while!!
🌸 Send me the name of one of my fics and I’ll tell you my favorite thing about it!! 💕🌸
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shadowqueen402 · 2 years
The Man Next Door (Part 10)
The tenth part of the series! Hope you enjoy!
Plot: While the police are searching for answers to Lance's whereabouts, Emma and Leo come across a clue that could help them find him. The friends then decide to work together in order to bring Lance back home.
(At Emma's neighborhood)
The next morning was rather quiet. Aside from the police still searching Lance's house, that is. Emma could only get ready for another day of school while still struggling to accept what's happening.
It was true that Lance gave her uneasy vibes, at first. But after learning so much of his history, those feelings of uneasiness faded. Lance didn't deserve this at all. He most likely wanted to live a peaceful life in her neighborhood. Just like Emma did.
But someone had taken Lance, ruining his chance to do so.
The maids in her mansion were rather quiet. They were obviously shaken up from the incident that happened last night. It was now all over the news on television as the news reporter was advising people to be on the lookout for any leads on Lance's disappearance, stay in well-lit areas, and to avoid being out after sundown.
"I do hope that Lance is okay," Sophía said as she styled Emma's hair. "He was a really nice man. I loved having him here."
"Me too," Emma said. "After school, I wanted to talk to you all. It's something you all deserve to know. About Lance."
Sophía nodded. "I see," She said. "Hopefully, it will help the police. They are coming by in the evening to talk to all of us."
Emma nodded just as a knock on the doors was heard. Grace walked over and opened them to reveal Leo standing there, hand grasping his school bag.
"Hi," Leo said. "I'm here to pick up Emma for school. Is she ready?"
"She is now," Sophía replied, handing Emma to Leo. "Now, you two stay close to each other. Have a good day at school." The two teens nodded and turned around to leave for school.
"So, how are you holding Emma?" Leo asked. "To hear that Lance is missing… I can't even describe how shocked I am…"
"Me too…" Emma said. "Between you and me, I'm going to tell my maids about what I've discovered when it came to Lance and his family. They believe it will help the police."
"The police do deserve to know," Leo replied. His eyes caught something small and white laying in one of the bushes of Lance's house. "Huh? What's this?" He walked over and picked up the white object, which turned out to be a slip of paper. Written on it was an address that Leo had never seen before.
"What did you find, Leo?" Emma asked, walking over to it.
"This was left in the bushes of Lance's house." Leo looked at the paper. "There's an address that I've never heard of before. Have you seen this?"
"Not that I know of," Emma said, shaking her head. "Let's give this to Eis before we head to school. He may be able to figure out where this address leads to. And better yet, it could give the police an idea as to where they can look for more clues."
"Sounds good to me," Leo said. The two teens started to make their way to the fire station before they could head to school for another long day.
(Later, at Leo's house)
After school ended, Leo gathered the others to meet him at his place. He even invited Bruce, who he had checked up on since that day, over. The older man had heard about what had happened to Lance.
Now, everyone was chilling at Leo's house. "Leo, you said that you and Emma found something?" Cal asked.
"Yeah, it was a slip of paper that has an address on it," Leo explained. "I handed it to Eis this morning so he can figure out where it leads to. Said he'd give me a call after he got answers."
"You think this will help figure out where Lance is?" Mei asked.
"Well, there will be only one way to know for sure," Balan said. "For now, we must wait for Eis to call back."
As if on cue, Leo's phone rang. He answered it and put his phone on speaker. "Hello?"
"Hey, Leo," Eis's voice said. "It's me, Eis. I have good news. And I will tell the police this soon. But I managed to figure out not only where the address leads to, but also who wrote the address."
"Where does the address lead to?" Leo asked.
"It leads to a house in Rose Lane, which is where Christmas Rose Park is," Eis explained. "I know someone that works there. He may be able to help you. His name is Attilio Caccini."
"So who wrote the address?" Sana asked.
"The handwriting belongs to none other than Johnathan Foster." Eis sounded unsurprised at this. "What's weird is that the house is vacant. Absolutely nobody is living in it."
"Okay. Thanks, Eis," Leo said. He then hung up.
"So, we have to get to Rose Lane," Kaylo said. "Then, we question Attilio and ask him if he's seen anything. The police will most likely look through that house for clues."
"It's settled, darlings!" Lucy said. "Let's work together and help save Lance!"
"I agree," Bruce said.
"So do we!" Rebecca and Trisha Jane said together.
Kaylo belongs to: @kayssweetdreams
Rebecca belongs to: @thehyperrequiem
Trisha Jane belongs to: @lovelyteng
Mei Hualing belongs to @sundove88
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mcu-romanoff · 2 years
Sitting on the Floor Babygirl? pt. 1
Link to pt.2 Sitting on the Floor Babygirl? pt. 2
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!Reader x Wanda Maximoff
Summary: You get locked out of your dorm room and your neighbors offer you a place to chill and study. Your neighbors just happen to be the two women who you are crushing on.
Warnings: Fluff, flirting??
A/N: Hello!! I haven't written in a while but I had this idea for a Natasha x reader x Wanda fic that I really wanted to write! Shout out to @wandamaximoffbae for letting me bounce ideas off of and for giving me a couple too! There will be another part to the story, not sure when I'll post it but hopefully soon! Also, I've never written a threesome story before so if anything doesn't work let me know! Also, this was very fun to write! Hope you enjoy!
"Well fuck," you muttered under your breath. You frantically searched your backpack for the key to your dorm room.
"Come on, come on," You muttered again as your unzipped all the little pockets in your bag. Crap, you realized you must have left it on your desk when you cleaned out your bag before leaving for your mid-morning class. Luckily it was your only class until 5:30 in the evening. You had been hoping to study for a test in said 5:30 class.
You pulled your phone out of your back pocket and looked up the number for your school's campus security. Putting the ringing phone to your ear, you leaned your body against the door.
"Hello, campus security. How may I help you?" A woman's voice asked.
"Yes, hello," you started. "I've left my key in my dorm. Would someone be able to let me in, please?"
"I'm very sorry, but campus security is currently dealing with an issue, and we can't spare anyone. It will be about two hours before we can send someone over."
You rubbed your head with your free hand. This was just great. "Yes, that's okay. I can manage until then," you said.
"Great, let me just have your name, residence hall, and room number, please, and I'll send someone as soon as I can."
Once you gave the woman all the required info, you hung up the call. You groaned. You needed to start studying. You could go to the library, but that was way across campus, and it was always crowded, and you could never concentrate there. Sliding down so that you were sitting on the floor in front of your bedroom door, you opened your bag and pulled out your notebook. Here, on the floor, was as good a place as any.
You had barely started to read through your notes when you heard voices coming down the hall.
Oh crap, you would recognize those beautiful voices anywhere. Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff, your neighbors to the left and right of you. Both had roommates, Wanda with Carol Danvers and Natasha with Maria Hill. All four of them were a year older than you. You had met them on move-in day. They had already been there when you started bringing your things into your room. Which you were lucky to have gotten a single as a sophomore. They had introduced themselves when you had been dragging your large bag full of clothes down the hall. All four were absolutely stunning and friendly as well. They had helped you carry the bag to your room.
Maria and Carol were often busy with sports, so you saw Wanda and Natasha the most. They always stopped and chatted with you when passing in the halls. Once, they had been doing laundry when you had brought your basket of clothes into the laundry room. They would just talk about mundane things with you. They always asked how your classes were or just how you were doing in general. You had to admit that you had a tiny, okay, slightly large crush on both of them.
They were just so beautiful. Wanda with her long brunette hair that sometimes seemed to have a tint of red. And those green eyes that always felt like they were reading my mind. Her clothes always hugged her body just right, and she seemed to just have an effortless way of walking around the campus.
Natasha with her shoulder-length brilliant red hair and those piercing green eyes that always seemed to find mine. Almost every time you saw her, she was wearing muscle tees that showed off her practically bulging arm muscles just perfectly.
Natasha's voice carried through the hallway. You could hear them getting closer. You quickly turned your face down to pretend to read your notes.
"Yeah, and then Yelena starts talking about someone she met named Kate. And I was like, who is this, Kate pers," but she stopped mid sentences when she saw you sitting on the ground, face buried in your notebook.
"Well, hello, darling," Natasha said, grinning down at you.
You slowly glanced up to see your two gorgeous neighbors looking down at you.
"Hi," you said, closing your notebook.
"What are you doing on the floor in front of your room, sweets?" Wanda asked, looking at you with slight concern.
"Oh, umm, well," you stuttered, and Wanda crouched down, so she was eye level with you.
"Yes, darling?" Wanda said as she reached over and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"I forgot my key. Campus security cant let me in for another two hours. And I have a test later." You said.
"So you just decided to sit on the floor to study?" Natasha asked, her eyebrows raising slightly.
You shrugged, "Library is too far."
Natasha and Wanda looked at each other as Wanda stood up from her place, crouching in front of me.
They seemed to be communicating secretly with each other. You didn't know what they would say. As well as you had gotten to know them both over the past couple of months, they had known each other a lot longer. You could never tell if they were a couple or not. They were very affectionate and touchy, but that's how they were with you, and they clearly weren't dating you. Sometimes you would see them walking around campus together quietly talking with each other, and they just made quite the picture together.
"Y/n, you there?" You were broken out of your thoughts by Natasha's voice.
"I'm sorry," you apologized. "What did you say?"
"Nat was asking you if you wanted to come to her room to study," Wanda said. She held out her hand to help you stand up.
You took Wanda's hand, which was smooth, and her signature black nail polish was painted on her nails. You stood up, and Wanda didn't let your hand go. Her thumb was rubbing your knuckles, distracting you from being able to answer Nat's question.
Nat slightly nudged Wanda, and she dropped your hand.
"Oh, right," you said with a small giggle. "Yeah, I'd love to."
Wanda clapped her hands together, and Natashas face broke out into a wide grin.
"Great!" Natasha said as you shoved your notebook into your backpack. "Wanda was going to hang in my room anyway. Maria's at practice, and Carol and her girlfriend are currently in her and Wanda's room."
Natasha took your hand and led you to her door, with Wanda following closely behind. Once she unlocked it, you stepped inside, and Natasha slid next to you.
"You can sit on the bed if you want," she spoke into your ear. You shivered, and your face turned bright red. Everything out of her mouth just sounded like liquid sex.
"Oh, come on Natty," Wanda said as she flopped on the bed. Her eyes found yours. "Sit wherever you're comfortable, sweets."
You looked around the room. Natasha's side of the room was minimalist but still homey. Pictures of her friends on polaroids were strung on a single wire on the wall. Wanda was currently taking up residence on Natasha's bed, and other than Maria's side of the room, the only other place was at Natasha's desk or the floor. You didn't want Natasha to have to sit on the floor of her own room, so you sat with your back against the bed, facing the desk.
Settling in, you took out your notebook and flashcards.
"You sitting on the floor, babygirl?" Natasha asked, looking at you with an adoring grin on her face.
You flushed, nodding your head.
"Course she is," Wanda said, sitting up and reaching down to twist a strand of your hair. "Cause she is just the sweetest."
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softxsuki · 2 years
Hi Han! I would like to request a platonic!aizawa x daughter!reader for your 400 follower event, please! My idea uses prompts 23, 61 and 70. The reader is still about 4 years old and was adopted by Aizawa as a baby. In the scenario, she had a nightmare (wich happens a lot for no reason), then she goes to Aizawa's bedroom to be comforted and ends up sleeping there. In the morning, she doesn't want him to get up and he finds it cute. (settles before Deku's class got in UA) Thanks!
Dad!Aizawa Comforting Daughter!Reader Who Had A Nightmare
23: “Don’t ever change”
61: “Had another nightmare”
70: “Nope, I’m not letting you go”
400 Follower Event Rules & Masterlist (Requests for this event are now CLOSED)
Pairing: Dad!Aizawa x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: none
Genre: Fluff
Post-Type: Drabble
Word Count: 890
Summary: In which you're Aizawa's 4 year old daughter who has a nightmare. You go into his room looking for comfort and end up sleeping in his room until the morning where you don't want him to leave.
[A/N: Hello anon! Thank you for the request! This was actually really interesting. I've never written in the POV of a four year old before. It was pretty tricky trying to set up that mentality of a child, but hopefully I did okay NJFEKA. SORRY IF IT'S CRINGE. This was my last event request! I can't believe I finished them ahhhh. Thank you to everyone that participated. There will definitely be more events like this in the future. Happy New Years! Stay safe everyone <3]
Note: I only write Dad!Aizawa x Reader for Aizawa or anything platonic
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“Daddy,” you whisper in fear to Aizawa who was already fast asleep.
You had been awoken from a horrible nightmare, and being only four years old, you were terrified to remain in your room alone for any longer.
Tears threaten to spill as you were scared that he’d be upset with you for waking him up once again because of another nightmare. You had frequent nightmares that would have you waking up in tears, making you run straight to Aizawa, your father. This one was the third that week.
“Daddy, wake up” you whimper again, the darkness of his room looming over you intimidatingly.
You send little pokes into his arm, hoping that would do that trick at waking him up, and finally, he stirs in his sleep.
“Hmm? What?” he finally awakes and groggily looks over at you in confusion.
He sits up straight as soon as he sees your wobbling lips and teary eyes.
“What’s wrong, sweet cheeks?” he coos, scooping you up onto the bed with him, into his arms, “Had another nightmare?”
You nod and rub your eyes from exhaustion, wiping some of your tears in the process, “Yeah, and it was really scary daddy.”
“It’s okay now, daddy will protect you. Nothing can hurt you when you’re with daddy,” he rubs reassuring circles into your back as you lean your head on his chest, gripping onto his shirt with your tiny hands.
“Mhm, really. Daddy scares all the nightmares away, so they can’t get you here.”
“Okay,” you cling onto him tighter, “Then I stay here with you.”
“That’s fine sweetheart, you can stay here with daddy. You can sleep next to me. Okay?” He begins to move you off of him so he can lie you down on the pillow next to his, but your surprisingly strong grip on him tightens.
“Can you hold my hand?”
“Of course, now let’s get to sleep. Daddy is tired and you look tired too.”
“Yeah I’m tired. Goodnight daddy.”
You lay your head onto the pillow as Aizawa arranges a few pillows behind you to stop you from rolling off the bed, and places a gentle kiss to the top of your head, “Goodnight baby.”
You were sound asleep in no time, gentle breaths leaving your nose as your hand lays in his own. Aizawa gazes at you with a small smile, happy to have a wonderful daughter like you in his life. Although you were adopted, he loved you as if you were his own flesh and blood.
He slowly falls asleep facing you, dreaming of wonderful moments between you both.
The next morning, you’re up first and look over at Aizawa with a wide smile.
“Yay! No nightmares!” You cheer, startling Aizawa awake from the sudden noise.
“Good morning daddy!” you screech in glee, throwing yourself at him in the biggest hug possible, “I had no nightmare!”
He grunts at the sudden pressure of you throwing yourself at him, not yet fully awake, but glad to see your smiling face first thing in the morning.
“That’s great Princess. I told you, you wouldn’t have nightmares with me.”
“I'll sleep with daddy again later,” you say matter-a-factly, seeming to have found your solution to your frequent nightmares.
Aizawa sighs, knowing his habit of letting you leave your room and sleep in his bed half-way through the night was a bad idea, but he couldn’t resist your glassy eyes or your pout whenever you came to him in fear after one of your nightmares. How could he send you back to your own room when you were terrified?
“Big girls sleep in their own beds, Y/N,” he explains.
“I’m a big girl!” you scream, jumping up and down on his bed.
He had no idea where you got this type of energy from, but he was content in seeing you enjoy yourself.
“Then you can sleep in your own bed tonight, okay?”
You think it over for a few seconds.
“Okay daddy,” you agree with a nod of your head.
“Great, then let’s get up and get ready for the day,” he says, moving to get out of bed, but you jump onto him to stop him.
“No! No leaving!”
“Y/N…C’mon we have a busy day. I have to get to work soon, so let go.”
“Nope, I’m not letting you go,” you pout, holding onto him tighter.
He sighs but turns around and picks you up into his arms, tickling you endlessly as your laughter fills the room. He finds your stubbornness adorable, warming his heart that was usually ice-cold in the mornings–something his students could agree with.
“Ahhh okay, stop! Stop- daddy it tickles!”
He finally stops his tickle attack and smiles lovingly at you, “Y/N, don’t ever change.”
“Don’t change my clothes? Yayy, okay! We can stay home and play,” you cheer again, jumping from his arms and running around his room.
“No, you need to change your clothes and get ready for daycare. I-” he stops talking and just watches you jump around excitedly, “You know what, never-mind.”
He’s running after you in a second, trying to get you dressed for the day, but you run away squealing in delight, glad that your father was playing with you first thing in the morning.
You’d definitely be stopping by his room again whenever you had another nightmare.
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Posted: 12/31/2021 (happy last day of 2021 <3)
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krastbannert · 2 years
Hello. It's me. Comfy. I'm here to ruin your life.
Would you pretty plz do a prompt for the Bingo thing. Would you, so pretty please, do the (1) College with Zukka.
I'll come back for more ships that I want
Comfy, sweetheart, you ruin my life in the best way possible.
As a matter of fact, yes, I can do Zukka. Apparently. I've never written Zukka before and I really haven't written a lot of stuff from Sokka's POV, so...hopefully it was at least somewhat okay.
Written in honor of @avatar-pride-month day 1, for the prompt "First Kiss". @terracyte this one is for you, too - I know you're quite as actively into ATLA as you used to be, but I know you like Zukka.
Modern AU Bingo I1 - College
“Sokka? Hey, idiot, wake up!”
Sokka slowly raises his head, blinking against the light.
“Huh?” he mumbles, rubbing a hand over his eyes.” ‘hat time i’it?”
“Uh…like…midnight,” Zuko says. Sokka groans, leans back in his chair. Damn - he must have fallen asleep. Not the first time he’s done that while studying.
(Why did engineering have to be so damn hard? It was just stupid - there was no reason his professors needed to do this.)
“Fuck this, I’m switching majors,” Sokka grumbles, reaching for his pencil.
Zuko chuckles, exhausted but somehow still warm - it makes his stomach flip, like it always does.” Bit late for that. Besides, you’d miss me.”
“Hah, miss you? In your dreams, grumpy,” Sokka laughs. He barely manages to hide the blush on his face as he closes one of the textbooks in front of him. The truth is yeah, he would miss Zuko. A lot. (Damn that man. Damn him, and damn his stupid crush.)
“We should get out of here,” Zuko suddenly says.” We need a break from studying for this damn final.”
Sokka raises an eyebrow. He’s right, they did need a break - but Zuko? Suggesting a break? Now that was strange.” And…go where?”
Zuko smirks, his smile tugging at the corner of his scar..
(Oh. Oh no.
It’s that smirk. The one that says,’ I have a terrible idea and you’re going to hate me for it at first.’ 
It’s the one that, for all his organization skills and his brains, for all his instincts that screamed to have plans, he never could resist that smirk.)
It’s all a blur but somehow they end up on the roof of the library, laying against each other as they stare up at the stars. Something, he thinks, seems to slide into place because this just feels right. He can’t pinpoint and that annoys him because there’s always an explanation for things - that was what science was for - but he feels it.
“Crazy to think you’re learning how to get people up there,” Zuko whispers in the gloom.
Sokka shrugs.” Not that complicated, really. Mix hydrogen and oxygen together in a tube, ignite them, and boom. Rocket.”
Zuko snorts.” You make it sound so simple.”
“It is! I don’t know what you find so complicated about it!”
“I don’t think it’s that complicated,” he whispers after a long moment.” I just like listening to you explain it.”
“...oh,” Sokka murmurs, glancing over at his friend. (Friend. Because that’s all they were. Just friends. Nevermind the late nights and the falling asleep back to back and stealing each other’s food and…a hundred other things besides.
Is it wrong for him to want more? No, it’s not, he knows that, he’s just being stupid. But how was he even supposed to start? He couldn’t even get himself to just go out and say he liked him.)
“You just get…really, really excited about it,” Zuko says, and almost as an afterthought, so quiet Sokka is barely able to hear it over the hum of the night, adds,” And you’re cute when you get excited.”
Cute. Zuko thought…he was cute? That…that was news. Very, very gratifying news. Sokka can’t help but roll over to look at Zuko, and sure there’s a pipe digging into his side and it’s cold enough that his breath is fogging up in the evening air and the breeze is cutting through his thin jacket, but in this second…there’s nowhere he’d rather be.
He acts, for once, on complete impulse.
He’ll try to remember, later, what makes him do it. Whether it’s the stars that seem to be in Zuko’s eyes, the way his little smirk tugs at the corners of his lips, or just pent-up frustration after a year of this damn crush, Sokka doesn’t know. And really, he doesn’t think he ever will. But what he does know is that one moment, he’s staring at Zuko, at his eyes, his hair, his scar, his lips, and wondering how a person can look that damn good, and the next, he’s kissing him.
(Cinnamon. He tastes like cinnamon. Probably his damn fire flakes.)
Sokka has to pull back a moment later because fuck fuck fuck his lips are burning. He gags, wipes at his lips and tongue.
“What the fuck have you been eating, man?” Sokka says.” Your lips are like a spirits-damned volcano!”
There’s a long, very long moment where Sokka wonders if he’s just a horrible mistake, if he’s just ruined everything, before Zuko starts laughing. Laughing, the bastard.“ You sat next to me the entire evening! You’re the one who kissed me when you knew I’d been eating fire flakes all night, you idiot.”
Sokka huffs.” You’re lucky I like you, dumbass.”
“I think we’re both lucky,” Zuko says, tugging him close. He leans up, lips puckered, and Sokka narrowly manages to shove his face to the side.
“Oh, no! Go wash your mouth first! I’m not kissing you when you’ve been eating your spicy Fire Nation nonsense.”
Zuko rolls his eyes.” You’re such a wimp, Sokka.”
“And you need to eat less spicy food. Food is supposed to taste good, not just burn the taste away!”
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luisjuanmilton · 3 years
Hello, Ana, I hope you're doing okay. I saw your latest posts and you got some pretty rude anons in your ask box. I'm just writing this to add my 2 cents to what's happening since Silverstone because, as much as I don't agree with a couple of things you say, I think people are completely missing the point about some of your statements and are sending unjustifiable hate towards you (as I recall, an anon was sending asks about you to another blog asking if they were on your side and that's just peak stupidity). So, I'm watching F1 since the 2001 season (yes, I'm above 40) and when Alonso became the WDC in 2005 it was the best season ever for me. Men are not my thing, so I've never felt particularly fond of any of them on a personal level, social media wasn't a thing, I'm also working on STEM, so the technical aspect of the sport always fascinated me. I'm saying all of this because when Alonso won he broke a streak of victories held by Michael from and from a sports perspective, that was awesome. Dominance in the sport is boring. I never had anything against Lewis, he's undoubtedly the GOAT and I actively supported him in 2014 (Vettel's dominance had to end) and even 2015. But since Nico retired and Lewis' dominance became unparalleled (because as much as he has the same 7 WDCs as Michael, Lewis is a much better driver, and Michael played dirty, so Lewis had way more to achieve), and I was wondering when someone would come to stop that (maybe Vettel again?) (+)
Guys this is the first part of a very long three part ask I received which continues in full after the read more, and I want to ask everyone to read it because it’s incredibly well put and well written and it’s so important. I really think it perfectly explains the situation at hand and that’s why I’m going as far as to use Max’s tag, but if you’re a Max fan who doesn’t want to read it this is your cue to not click on the read more - even if I would advise for you to read the whole thing.
(+) The thing is, with the events that happened off track I can no longer wish for such a fiercely fought championship, and the reason why is that I don't trust RedBull and Max's work ethics anymore.
A championship should be decided ON TRACK, not with lawsuits and discourses full of vitriolic racist-toned hatred. It's a fact: RedBull as a scuderia did an amazing job this year, that car is insanely fast, Max himself is absurdly talented, but at this point can we really separate things to the point of sweeping racism under the rug and focus on the championship as if nothing is happening?
I always listen to the mantra "you can't separate the artist from their work" so how can we do it? How can we look at RedBull objectively and still feel happy for their results at the cost of Lewis Hamilton's wellbeing?
I see lots of people messaging you saying you're equating cheering for Max with being racist and no, not everyone cheering for Max is racist, but AT THIS POINT, could you guys cheering for Max ignore how permissive he is?
He has so much power inside that team, he could make Horner and Marko stop their nonsense, he could've issued a statement condemning the racism thrown at the fan, he could, as a public person, take responsibility in his hands and stop that shit. But he's silent. His IG post? Adrenaline.
But now, 48hs later there's really an excuse for his silence? Guys, as much as he's angry, it's not like people are calling Lewis only a bad driver, they are offending his race, their posting monkey emojis to his social media.
In Max's shoes, would you see your rival going through that and remain silent as if your pain due to your crash and missing the race could somehow be equivalent to RACISM? I'm not demanding you all to stop liking Max per se or trying to say he's a bad driver, this is not the point AT ALL.
I was there during the Schumacher era and, believe me, Michael wasn't an angel on track. Formula One always sparkled heated debate, but I've never seen anything like this before. Lewis is silent since Sunday, a couple of drivers are either issuing personal statements or a standardized GPDA text, and Max is still silent.
And in my view, regardless of how I feel about him as a driver, as a human being, he's failing miserably. This championship shouldn't be more important than standing for Lewis against the racists coming for him.
So instead of complaining people are calling you racist for supporting Max, ask yourself for how long you can put his behavior off track behind in a serious matter like this. Instead of asking Ana or any other fan to be better in their statements, go to Max's page and demand him to say something.
You're all aiming at the wrong target. RedBull has black employees, could any of you imagine how they must feel as well? How do black fans feel?  As for the championship, I hope Lewis gains a huge advantage soon as Horner and Marko will clearly try everything to have him banned until Abu Dhabi.
Let's move our desire to have a competitive championship to 2022 when, hopefully, Ferrari will give Charles a decent car. Nothing, guys, nothing can be more important right now than a black man - black fans, black employees - wellbeing and mental health. We're crossing a line we shouldn't have and people need to be accountable for their actions.
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sopebubbles · 3 years
THE PACT: PART 19 | ksj×yn
<< fucking weirdo >>
This post contains smut. Under 18 DO NOT INTERACT or I will absolutely lose my shit.
Warnings: oral (fem receiving), sex
Word count: 4.9k
A/n: I didn't intend for this to be so long but hopefully it's fluffy and cute with a little dash of smut. Also, Jin's a talker, I don't make the rules. Let me know what you think :)
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It's been two weeks since you agreed to give Jin a try. He wanted a chance for you to see him as a romantic partner, and however skeptical the pair of you may have been about being able to push aside twelve years of friendship in order to let romance flourish, it had actually been surprisingly easy. The feelings you'd developed for him years ago but had pushed down with fear and insecurity quickly rose to the surface after your first date and continued to grow every day since.
Now you hear the jangle of his keys in the door since you’d told him to let himself in--too afraid of something going wrong in the kitchen and proving him right after all these years. All these years. In the time you’d known Jin, he had easily become the most important person to you. He was the person you called when you needed help, the first you told good news--if it didn’t have to do with guys, which honestly was something you should have examined a little more closely--the first person you thought of telling funny stories to. Min Yoongi had been your first love, and up until your breakup you had genuinely believed he was the person you were supposed to spend your life with, but in the last two weeks you’d been thinking, and not for the first time, that maybe the best thing about Yoongi was that he’d introduced you to Kim Seokjin.
Jin sets his keys on your counter and takes a dramatic sniff of the air filling your small studio apartment. “Smells like it’s going okay so far. Nothing burned,” he notes. He comes to wrap his arms around you as you stand in front of the stove. 
“Yah! Get yourself a glass of wine and stay out of my way,” you order, gesturing over your shoulder to the bottle you had opened. 
“I just want to say hello,” he whines, but you can hear the tease in his voice, and you aren’t having any of it. 
“You’re trying to distract me so you can blame me later. Go sit down.” He laughs and presses a kiss to your temple before he complies with a smile. Maybe you should be surprised by how casual his intimacy is, making you feel somehow comfortable and giddy at the same time, but you love it. You ask him about his day and he tells you about what went on at the restaurant while you try your best to listen and multitask, determined not to screw up a single part of your meal. The whole time you’re moving around the kitchen Jin’s eyes follow you with an amused expectation up until the moment you’re serving him.
Jin gathers the black noodles you’ve placed in front of him with his chopsticks, wearing a curious smirk on his face. He’s going to politely eat the dinner you have lovingly made for him, but he’s fully prepared to tease you about it. Giving you a dramatically cautious look, he raises the noodles to his mouth and wraps his lips around them. You watch as his eyes widen and he greedily sucks more noodles in his mouth, chewing and swallowing while he stares at the food in front of him until he goes cross-eyed. He stuffs another bunch of slippery noodles into his mouth with a loud moan before he sets his chopsticks down and wipes his mouth with a napkin and then lets his hands rest on the table, giving you a look of shock.
"How come your Jajangmyeon tastes just like mine?" he asks.
"Because it's your recipe," you answer, as if that were obvious.
"But how? I've never even written it down and I've never taught you."
You level your gaze on him. "Jinnie, you've been making me your Jajangmyeon for a decade. I'm way more observant than you realize. Plus I've practiced it a lot so I can have it without having to ask you." You shrug and his lips push into a pout. "What?"
"I think yours might be better than mine," he mumbles.
You shake your head with a laugh. "No, silly. Everything just tastes better when someone else makes it for you." You give him a sweet smile and a moment later he returns one. His features fill with absolute joy and you wonder why because it can't be that good. 
"What is it?" You press, and Jin reaches out to take your hand. He stares at it for a moment, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles, but his expression doesn't change.
"When I first asked you to try dating me, I was really nervous. I worried about a lot of things. One of them was that after all this time, dating might be boring since we've known each other so long. We've been there for every important moment of each other's lives basically since we've been adults. We know so much about each other, I didn't think there was going to be anything to learn, the way you do in a new relationship. And I guess I'm just really happy that there are still things I'm learning about you." Jin's eyes search yours, the smile still pressed on his lips, and he wonders what other secrets about you are left to uncover. You can't help but marr his sweet sincerity with an eye roll.
"The only reason you don't know this about me is because you've consistently denied my culinary abilities for the last decade! Aish, Jinnie! You really think my mother, who wanted me to get married at 18, sent me out into the world without the ability to cook? You think I've been out here starving without the meals you prepared for me? I'm an excellent cook and you've been holding me back!" Your rant increases in volume and pitch in a way not coincidentally like one of his own, and he can't contain his windshield wiper laugh.
“Fine, let’s see what else you’ve got,” he challenges, reaching for a piece of marinated chicken. 
Jin is incredibly complimentary of your whole meal, and you choose to believe his words especially when they’re laced with teasing. 
After you both finish eating, you get up to do the dishes, and when Jin offers to help you tell him to go to the couch and find a movie for you to watch instead. He chooses a romantic comedy, one you’ve both seen before--more his guilty pleasure than yours, but you’re not complaining. When the movie begins, you watch innocently enough, sitting close to him so that your legs are touching, but that's about it. You try hard to focus on the first ten minutes or so of the movie and not what you’ve actually been thinking about for the last couple of days. At some point, without you realizing it at first, Jin’s hand finds its way to your thigh, not quite high enough to cause a scandal, but hardly innocent in nature. As his warm palm creeps an inch higher on your leg you turn your face to him immediately. 
“So, you know how I’m an impatient bitch?” you blurt out, causing his eyes to widen for a half a second before they crinkle with a smile. 
“You mean how you never wait for the pizza to cool when it comes out of the oven and you burn your mouth every time?” He grins at you in amusement. 
“YES!” you exclaim in return, turning your body to face him. “Exactly like that! I want to burn my mouth on telling you my feelings for you, even though I’m sure it’s much too early.”
Jin shakes his head and his smile only widens. “I cannot believe I’m in love with such a fucking weirdo.” His nonchalant confession earns him a very firm smack on his shoulder--almost more violent than playful--which he’s rubbing. “What the hell was that for!”
“I was going to confess, but you beat me to it, you jerk!” you pout loudly. 
“You have a very strange way of confessing. At least mine was sweet,” he mumbles, still clutching his wounded shoulder. 
“You were not sweet. You called me a weirdo.” You push your lips out into an exaggerated expression. 
“I called you a fucking weirdo, and I stand by it.” He drops his hand from his shoulder, no longer interested in pretending it hurt more than it did, so that he can swipe his thumb across your bottom lip to smooth it back into place. “Now are you going to confess or not?”
“Can I be serious for a second?”
“Can you?” he retorts and receives a sharp jab to the ribs with your index finger, making him jump before he takes your offending hand in his and holds it. “Okay, yes.” Jin twists his shoulders to look at you straight on and waits patiently for what you have to say. 
You take a deep breath to steady yourself before you begin. “Jinnie, when I was with Yoongi, I was convinced he was it for me. It wasn’t just all the things I loved about him, but I honestly thought he treated me so well, and that no one would treat me that way. When it ended, it just shattered me. I thought I wouldn’t be worthy of that kind of love. But when I came to you, and you made the pact with me, even though I honestly never took it seriously...in that moment our whole friendship up to that point went through my mind, and I realized that even though you didn’t love me like he did, you were really the person who had treated me best in my whole life. It didn’t fix everything. I know it still took me a long time to get over Yoongi, but I knew I had to keep you. I knew I needed you in my life for the rest of my life. As those feelings for Yoongi faded, the ones I had for you grew. Then we were separated right after college, and I told myself when I started to realize that I loved you that there was no way you loved me like that. Not when you were so handsome and funny, and girls had always been after you. I was sure that everything you’d said about the pact was just to make me feel better, to make me feel less hopeless, and I tried to push down my feelings for you.”
Jin opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, but you pushed your fingers gently against his lips to stop him. “Afterwards, as the years went on, I dated people and you dated people, and I wrecked basically every relationship I had. My feelings for you were always there under the surface, but I told myself I couldn’t act on them because I would ruin it, and you were the one person in my life I truly needed, so I couldn’t lose you. Kim Seokjin, I can’t lose you. I love you so much. I love your horribly stupid puns, and the cute way you laugh at your own jokes. I love that you know I can take care of myself but you help me anyway. I love how you go along with any random idea I have and you pull me into yours. I love it when we argue, and how I’m the only person you’ll ever admit you’re wrong to...even if it takes months. Jinnie, I’m in love with you,” you conclude. You’ve been so busy trying to get all of your words out you haven't noticed the way his lips curled into a smile against your fingers before you let them fall or the way his eyes have come alive with that familiar joy. 
“Are you done now?” he asks, and you shrug. Jin takes both your hands to press a kiss to each before releasing them in favor of grabbing onto your hips and pulling you into his lap. “Ynie, I’ve been in love with you longer than I can remember. I don’t know when it happened, but I know it was long before you got engaged. I made the pact with you because I wasn't sure that I was the guy for you or that you would want me, but I knew that if you ever needed me I would be there. I'm sorry for wasting so much time over the years. I wonder if Joon was right, and we could've been together sooner if I'd just been honest with you about how I felt, but I was scared, too. Last year I decided to stop dating and wait for you. I'll always wait for you."
You raise your hands to cup his cheeks and look tenderly into his eyes. "I'm sorry for making you wait so long. For not noticing earlier how you were the one all along. For not trusting us."
Jin shook his head gently, a small smile pulling his lips. "It's okay. We've been here all along. We haven't missed that much. I'm just sorry I couldn't stop you from feeling lonely."
A broader smile spreads across your face and you bring yourself closer to him, whispering, "there is one thing we missed," before pressing your lips to his.
"I knew there was only one reason you invited me over," he grumbles against your mouth, but his hands snake around your waist all the same. He breathes you in deeply as he pulls your body tighter against his. "I knew you would try to seduce me."
Your lips trail kisses along his jaw over to his ear where you can whisper, "is it working?" He breathes a shaking yes when you begin to nibble on his ear. 
Jin's hands roam from your waist over the curve of your hips down to your thighs so he can slip them under the hem of your dress. He gropes your ass hungrily, giving you firm squeezes that pull your body closer to his while his mouth attaches to your neck and begins to suck gently. One of his large hands continues the journey down between your legs to find your clothed core, and his probing fingers can tell even through your panties how warm and wet you are for him. A low moan escapes his throat as he presses firm strokes over the area, and he pulls back to see the pleasure that's already giving you splashed across your face. 
"Are you finally going to let me taste you tonight?" he hums with a smile, knowing he won't take no for an answer. 
"Finally?" You cock your head cutely at him.
"I've always wondered what you taste like, but in the past you've never let me. "
A smile grows wide across your face with the knowledge that this is something he's thought about. That he's thought about you at all is enough to set you on fire, but the obsession burning in his eyes at this particular act has you melting. 
"From now on, you can have whatever part of me you want," you tell him slowly, but almost as soon as the words are out of your mouth he has you on your back on the couch, legs spread apart by his two hands on your thighs. His rough palms rub over your smooth skin, warming your soft inner thighs with a look of satisfaction. His right hand finds the cloth of your panties once again and he rubs his thumb over your swelling core, the heat pooling more and more within you with each small stroke, your hips involuntarily writhing just a bit. Briefly, he admires the way a wet spot has begun to form on the fabric. Then he hums and slowly turns his eyes up to your face. 
"Why did you never let me though?" You raise your eyebrows at him, surprised by his question and just a bit by his fixation on the topic. "It's just, you were always kind of adamant about not letting me, and if there's a reason I want to know." There's no room for doubting the sincerity of his words, bordering on a plea, yet his ministrations haven't slowed or paused.
"Honestly?" You hesitate, even though you know there's no excuse for anything less.
You sigh lightly, but only for yourself. "It's just that...I'm not the most sensitive. Sometimes it can take a long time. Not everyone is...patient enough. And I guess when it comes to a drunk hook up, I didn't want to waste the time."
"Wait." For the first time, his hand pauses momentarily while his gaze over your face hardens. "You're telling me you let guys get away with not pleasuring you?" He almost sounds mad. 
"I get pleasure! I just...don't come often. Or I…" you trail off, not wanting to finish your thought, but he's already guessed the conclusion. Somewhere in the back of his mind he wonders who had made themselves worthy of you. Had Yoongi been patient? Had Hoseok? But he brushes off these unimportant questions in favor of focusing on you. An arrogant smirk replaces the hardened expression he wore before as he moves both hands to grip the edge of your underwear where it hugs the back of your hips.
"I'm a very patient man, Yn. And I have all night. I'm not going to stop until you come." He pulls the garment off your ankles and discards it careless across the room. "And don't you dare try to fake it with me. I'll know, and I'll punish you for it." He gives you a little wink before pushing your thighs apart once more and lowers his head down to your core. 
"Jinnie, you really-"
"Shh. You know how much I like to eat, and I'm about to make a feast of you. Just lay back and enjoy yourself," he insists. You don't try to hide your smile. You move back a little to rest your back against the throw pillows at the end of the couch, giving you the chance to see Jin's face between your legs. "I'm going to take my time. Really, Yn, I don't care if it takes all night. Don't worry, just let it happen." Your body relaxes, releasing the tension you always unconsciously build up anytime this conversation comes up. You hadn't noticed how it had started to build minutes ago when he first introduced the topic, but it's apparent as soon as you let it go, finding yourself entirely calmed by his assurances like no one has ever been able to make you feel before. 
Jin drags his fingertips down your thigh to your core, just barely touching your outer lips, sending tingles through your stomach. His touches are slow and deliberate, his earlier urgency to taste you seemingly forgotten, but each moment has you silently begging for more, unable to voice your need for him in any form other than whimpers. He licks his lips at the sight of the essence that has already started to drip from you. 
"You look fucking perfect, you know that? Do you taste as delicious as you look?"
"I don't know," you giggle, fully enjoying how talkative he is during sex. If he was ever like this before you either don't remember or you thought it was just the alcohol, but in any case he's now ready to let you know everything he thinks about you, and that alone feels incredible. "Why don't you find out?"
"Oh, I intend to, sweetheart," he promises, but still he doesn't dive in. Instead he swipes up the drip of arousal that caught his eye and spreads it up and over your folds, running his finger over your opening without dipping in to cover your clit as well, the first direct contact making you jolt just a little . He thinks maybe you're more sensitive than you think, or maybe he's just done a good job of winding you up. Finally, he brings his finger to his mouth, spreading you across his lips before placing the tip to his tongue to test you. "Fucking delicious, jagiya. Even better than I imagined," he raves, and you can't help moaning at his words, craving his touch again. He obliges, now probing one finger into your and enjoying the way you sigh when he enters you. Before long he makes it two and then he's lowering his mouth to meet your bud, enveloping you in his plush lips and sucking gently. 
Jin is anything but inexperienced. Though it's true he's spent many years waiting and hoping he could someday call you his, he hasn't always been waiting alone. Jin's been with his fair share of women as you have been with men, maybe more, maybe not. No one's counting. But he's got his own bag of tricks and skills and he's not afraid of using each and every one of them to find out what makes you tick. He takes his time to press all your buttons, listens to your suggestions and the subtle feedback you're not even aware you're giving him. Slowly but surely, and in fact in less time than you had anticipated, Jin gets you right where he wants you, a quivering, panting mess pulsing beautifully around his long fingers, which are still moving slowly in and out of you as you ride out your high. He lifts himself to hover over you with a proud smile across his face. 
"You were so good, jagiya. Did I do a good job?" he asks, as if he didn't already have the answer from your body.
"Mhm." You nod, tired and dazed. "You were amazing, love."
"A new pet name? Must have been good." His smile widens if that's possible. "Maybe I'll go again." He eyes drop longingly to where his hand is still connected with you. 
"No," you whine.
"I want you, Jinnie," you admit, surprised by how needy your tired voice sounds. 
"Hmm. Okay, but only if you make me a promise." You merely nod your head. "Promise me you'll never feel bad about feeling good again. Always let me take care of you." He looks into your eyes as he says it, appreciating how you try to focus on his words through your haze.
"I promise," you agree softly, earning a kiss on your nose. 
"Great. Let's go to your bed." He finally removes his digits from you and licks them clean while he extends his other hand to help you off the couch. The fabric of your dress sliding over the sensitive skin of your bare ass and thighs makes you shiver as he leads you over to your own bed. He stops at the edge and turns to pull your dress over your head slowly, and then he pushes you gently onto the bed, kissing you on the lips while he removes your bra. At the same time you're gripping the hem of his t-shirt and pulling it over his head, breaking your kiss. You take a moment to take in his appearance. It's not a six pack but his stomach is flatter than it should be by all rights, but you know he spends a few mornings every week in the gym with Jeongguk. You slide your hands over the warm skin of his tummy across his hips, raising goosebumps on his skin while he watches you curiously. You shift onto your knees on the bed so you can be eye level with him. His eyes are so full of admiration and love you almost miss the lust and hunger for your touch, but your hands are already moving to his waistband, pulling him closer until his thighs touch the mattress before you're undoing his pants and pushing them down. He pulls his feet out of them, never taking his eyes off yours. Without even bothering to look, too entranced by his deep brown eyes, you reach out your hand to wrap your fingers around his hardening member. Jin grabs the back of your neck and pulls you into another, more passionate kiss, unable to tolerate the distance between you a moment longer. He carefully pushes you back onto the bed, leaning over you to trail kisses over your chin and down your throat on the way to your chest. 
"Every part of you is so beautiful, jagi," he coos over you as he takes a breast in each hand. He attaches his mouth to the left one and swirls his tongue around your peaked nipple before sucking on it harshly. The sensation has you arching your back as it sends pleasure straight to your core, aching for him. He releases you with a pop only to do the same to the other one and then pepper kisses all over your chest. His hands drift down your sides until one comes to rest on your hip, the other coming down to pump his now hard cock. "Condom?" He asks the word with a sense of urgency and you know he's just as ready as you are.
"In the drawer, if you want." You point a lazy finger toward your night stand where you keep a box for any visitors. You're usually pretty strict about using them, always have in your previous encounters with Jin, but the desire to have him closer than ever hastens you to add, "but I'm on the pill...you know, if you don't want." Your voice is quiet as you search his eyes, wondering which option he'll choose. Jin seems to pause for a moment, completely still, before he crashes his lips against yours once again. The hand on your hip snakes around your back and pulls you up until your butt is against his thighs. He rubs the head of his cock over your entrance a few times to coat himself in the juice that has replenished itself since you moved to the bed. He pulls his face back for a moment to see the desire in your eyes and the smile on your face, all the confirmation he needs to proceed and push into you while he moves his mouth to kiss under your ear. 
"Fuck, jagi, you feel so good," he praises you as he slides slowly between your velvet walls. You wrap your legs around his hips to pull him closer as he buries himself inside of you, enveloping him in your warmth in every possible way. He's never felt so at home with another person, and that same emotion begins to fill your chest just before he moves. Jin keeps things slow and sensual, enjoying every stroke and feeling every part of you all while he whispers sweet words in your ear. He makes love to you in every sense possible, making you feel more safe and cared for than you could've imagined. You can't think of the last time anyone made you feel remotely this good, but you're not surprised. You're with Jin, and he has always known how to make you feel good, to make you so happy. 
"To be honest with you, this is the part I've thought about the most," Jin murmurs in your ear. You've been lying quietly together for several minutes with his chest pressed to your back, his hand tracing lightly over the skin of your arm while his head rests against yours. You only hum an inquisitive response as you listen to the rain outside the window. "Holding you like this, knowing you're mine. It's what I've wanted most," he admits before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you tighter. "I'm glad I waited."
"I'm glad we made that pact all those years ago, or you might not have had a reason to," you smile tiredly. 
Suddenly, Jin is releasing you and before you can complain he's off the bed. He's over at your dresser, opening the jewelry box that sits on top and a moment later he's wrapping himself around you again. When his right arm snakes around you and he takes your left hand in his you see what he'd gone for. Gently, he slides the green twist tie ring he made so many years ago onto your ring finger.  
"I'll always keep my promises to you, Yn. I'll always be there for you. I can let anyone down but you." His voice is so soft and quiet you can barely hear it but it doesn't lessen his sincerity in the slightest.
You turn your body in his arms so you can look at him properly and raise your hand to touch his cheek. "I know, Jin. That's why I agreed in the first place. I've always known I can count on you. I hope you can count on me too. I hope you know I care for you just as much." He nods silently and let's you settle into his broad chest where you fall asleep for the night.
A/n: according to my bestie who beta'd this for me I should make it clear that was not a proposal, and also that it is not the end of the series. More tomorrow! Thanks for reading and please let me know your thoughts!!!
Taglist [comment, ask or dm!] @black-rose-29 @halesandy @ephyraaaa @minclangyyy @cholychi @miriamxsworld @burningupp-replies @marpotterhead @lilacdreams-00 @dreamer95
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Vacation Part 2 ~ Prague [P.P]
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A/n: Chapter 2 is here! I'm still working on 3 and I'll hopefully have it done in time for next week. I'm so grateful for the response from this small series and I'm excited that you all like it! This chapter has more angst in it and yes I was slightly inspired by To all the boys I've loved before haha.
Thank you to @eeyore101247 for beta reading this chapter for me at the last minute! I love you Lolo!
WC: 5.8k
Warnings: Angst, mentions of slut-shaming and bullying, high school sucks, mentions of Tony and grief but also cute romantic fluff cause we love to see it.
The end of the class’ time in Italy arrived too soon in Peter’s opinion. He’d had so much fun with you, he’d almost forgotten entirely about his plan. Almost. There was still a part of him drawn to MJ and still felt jealous when she was with Brad which started to happen more often.
And yet he always felt himself drawn back to you.
Peter sighed as he finished packing his bags, his head reeling from everything until he heard a knock on the door. Mostly everyone had left the hotel in a hurry but Ned had stayed with Peter.
“You got a package.” He handed Peter the wrapped package and looked at him with a furrowed brow. “Do you think it’s a bomb or something?”
Peter looked at his best friend in bewilderment. “Well I do now!”
“I’m sure it’s not.” Ned shook his head, eying the package carefully. Peter cautiously looked at Ned and back at the parcel in his hands. He knew this vacation had been too good to be true. He carefully looked at the writing and noticed a shield logo in the corner.
“It’s from SHIELD.” Peter spoke carefully as he opened the wrapping, he was hoping maybe for a cool badge or something but instead there was only a glasses case. Ned and him exchanged a look before opening the case.
There inside of the wooden casing was a pair of glasses, they looked mostly ordinary with a blue shaded tint to the lenses like the kind Tony would wear. Peter felt a strange kind of feeling as he looked at them, it was a mix of grief and disappointment, are these old glasses really the only thing Tony had left for him?
“Awesome!” Ned looked over Peter’s shoulder at the glasses. “Try them on!”
Peter thought about it before quickly closing the case and putting it in his backpack, shaking his head. “We’ll be late for the flight.”
“Oh you didn’t hear?” Ned gave Peter a look who shrugged in return. “We’re going by coach now. Mr Harrington said we got an upgrade to Prague.”
“What about Paris?!” Peter exclaimed, looking at Ned with wide eyes.
“Well Mr Harrington and Mr Dell kind of got into an argument about whether it was Prague or Paris we were meant to be going to. Turns out Mr Harrington was supposed to book Paris but he booked Prague instead.” Ned explained, shaking his head.
Peter sighed and furrowed his brow, a coach didn’t sound much fun but at least Peter didn’t have to worry about flying. He wasn’t sure if there were any romantic spots in Prague but it was nothing a quick internet search couldn’t fix. It’s not like his plan was going according anyway.
He grabbed his bags and walked down to where the rest of the class were already boarding a large coach.
Everyone was already seated by the time Peter got on. MJ was with Brad, Ned was with Betty and you were with one of your friends. The only free seat was next to Flash and Peter preferred the option of sitting by himself at the back, he could do with the peace and quiet anyway.
You gave him a smile as he walked past and he returned it before taking his seat, almost falling into it as the driver started down the road. Peter rested his head against the window and took out his earphones, noticing the case next to them. He played his music as he took out the case and looked at the glasses again.
He picked them up and tried them on, waiting for something to happen but nothing did. He laughed dryly and shook his head, going to take them off before he noticed a Stark industries business card at the bottom of the case.
For the next Tony Stark, I trust you. Say EDITH.
Peter read the message aloud and jumped as the glasses flashed blue, a female voice talking to him much like the one he had in his suit. An interface loaded in front of him, showing a scan of his face.
“Retinal and biometric scan completed.”
“Hello Peter. I am EDITH, Tony Stark’s augmented reality security and defence system.”
Peter adjusted the glasses and smiled, Tony had given him an AI with access to all of his protocols. He almost couldn’t believe that he had trusted him with that kind of access.
“EDITH stands for even dead I’m the hero. Tony loved his acronyms.”
“Yeah he did.” Peter smiled fondly, remembering the time he had tried to make up some of his own but had never quite hit the mark.
“I have access to the entire Stark global security network including multiple defence satellites and backdoors to all major telecommunication networks.”
Peter looked around as screens loaded before him of what his classmates and teachers were up to on their phones including Mr Dell researching the history of witchcraft. Ned and Betty were texting each other even though they were sat together.
“Woah.” Peter couldn’t get over how cool this was to have all of this access at his fingertips. He looked over at MJ wondering if she was texting before changing his mind, knowing it would be wrong. His eyes landed on where you sat and your texts showed before him. Ned wasn’t the only one Betty was texting.
Y/n: I really like him.
Betty: I know but I’m pretty sure he likes MJ :/
Peter could feel his heart racing. He wanted so badly to tell you Betty was wrong but the truth was he didn’t know anymore.
You looked over at MJ and Brad, biting your lip before glancing at Peter. He quickly looked away from you, his eyes looking over towards MJ on accident. He didn’t see the way your face fell but he did see the last text you sent to Betty.
Y/n: Yeah, you’re right.
Peter sighed and put his head in his hands, wanting to scream into oblivion.
“Pete, everything okay?”
He quickly looked up at the sound of your voice and nodded, worrying that somehow you knew he had been spying. He tried to quickly think of something to say as you sat next to him, looking worried and saddened.
A moment’s silence passed between the both of you, neither sure of what to say. The only sound came from the chatters of the bus and the passing scenery outside.
“I like your glasses. Are they new?” You smiled, breaking the silence as you admired the new frames and the eyes underneath them. Peter slowly nodded and took them off.
“Y-yeah, they were a gift.” He gave you a small smile and put them back in the case. You noticed the Stark industries logo but didn’t say anything more on the topic. You knew how much Tony had meant to Peter.
After the blip when everyone returned to their old lives, you noticed Peter wasn’t the same person. He seemed sadder and lost, struggling to pay attention even in lessons he loved and sometimes he’d have to excuse himself quickly from the classroom. You had followed him once and found him on the floor, sobbing into his hands. He didn’t even register it was you that had hugged him until he looked up and mumbled an apology.
Seeing him that way broke your heart and the last thing you wanted to cause was more sadness for him when he was meant to be enjoying himself.
“I think they look good on you.”
Peter blushed and smiled, bowing his head shyly. “Thank you.”
You smiled back and nodded, deciding to listen to your music and handing Peter an earphone. He looked surprised at the gesture but took it anyway and listened to your music, a wide smile gracing his lips as you both shared the sweet moment together.
It stayed like that for the rest of the journey, both of you enjoying each other's company just as you had done in Venice. Peter couldn't get rid of the smile from his face until they stopped for a restroom break and he saw Brad and MJ holding hands as they got off the bus. His whole face fell which didn't go unnoticed by you.
Peter gave you a quick goodbye before going after Ned, in need of his best friend’s advice. You meekly said a goodbye before sighing and grabbing your things. Your eyes landed on a small journal on Peter’s seat that he must have left behind.
You know you shouldn’t have looked but the temptation was biting away at you. It was only just a peek, you told yourself. You smiled as you saw some doodles scribbled on the pages, chemical equations for something called web fluid (probably some cool science thing he was working on) and a section dedicated to The plan.
Intrigued of what the plan entailed you read ahead and with each written word the jealousy in your heart grew and the sadness broke your heart. Peter was planning to romance MJ with gifts and a whole speech he had written out in detail. Everything was planned and you were nothing more than a distraction. You even noticed that in one of Peter’s doodles he had written MJ or Y/n???
“I swear it was in here.” Peter sighed as he searched his bag for his journal, the one that held all his personal thoughts and feelings. Ned had tried to help him look but the mission was futile.
“It will turn up. Maybe you just left it on the bus.”
Peter nodded and sighed heavily, zipping his backpack up and throwing it back on his shoulders. He spotted a nice little souvenir for Morgan and paid for it before leaving the small store. He took a moment to look around where they had stopped since the rest of the group were taking their time and as he got closer to a small empty bathroom he could hear the sound of someone crying.
He gently knocked on the door to make sure that whoever it was was okay before being sharply told to go away. Peter felt even worse as he recognised your voice. He wondered what had happened since she’d been fine when he last saw her.
“Peter just leave me alone, please.” Your voice cracked as you spoke, small sniffles escaping you as you sat on the edge of the closed toilet seat.
“You know I can’t do that.” He rested his head against the door and sighed softly, willing to wait for you until you came out.
“I’m trying to make things easier for you!”
Peter hummed in confusion before something slid out from underneath the door, his journal.
“Go be with MJ.”
“Y/n no..” He sighed and resisted the urge to bang his head against the door. “I-” He didn’t even know how to explain but he did know one thing. “It doesn’t matter what it says in there. I’ve had so much fun with you on this trip and I know now that you can’t plan everything, you can’t plan falling in love because it just happens.”
As Peter spoke he realised that his words were truer than they had ever been, he was falling for you and he couldn’t stop himself. He didn’t want to stop. He didn’t care about his plan anymore and yes it still hurt when MJ was with Brad but it was nothing compared to the happiness he felt when he was with you.
The world felt silent around the both of you as Peter’s words processed. You felt even more confused than before but you could also feel something else, hope. Peter listened to your breathing and the small sniffles that still came from behind the door.
“I’m gonna head back onto the bus. I got cookies if you wanna share.”
You held back a giggle and rolled your eyes fondly before opening the bathroom door and wiping your eyes free of tears.
“They better be chocolate chip.”
“Is there any other kind?”
You and Peter both laughed as you got back on the bus, already heading to the back together to find your seats. Peter put his journal away out of sight and smiled at you, taking out the cookies he had brought and offering one to you. It did nothing to ease the ache still in your heart but it did fill your stomach and no matter what you still liked being in Peter’s company.
The hotel for Prague turned out to be a lot better than the one they had stayed in during their time in Venice. Mr Harrington said that an anonymous someone had given them an upgrade which made Peter’s Spidey senses tingle. Maybe he was just being paranoid but he also knew that things like this were usually too good to be true.
Everyone was shown to their room, all except for Peter who got held back at reception by the lady at the desk.
“He said to leave this here for you when you arrived Mr Parker.”
Peter looked at her with confusion as he took the envelope, a familiar handwriting scrawled on top. His heart suddenly felt heavy but he pushed the resurfacing feelings of grief aside and nodded, making his way up to his room.
He could hear through the door that Ned and Betty were already inside making cutesy talk while soft music played. Whilst Peter loved his friends, he wanted to go somewhere quiet and open the letter. His mind had already decided where to go as he made his way towards the room number he needed and knocked.
The door opened to reveal your beautiful smile which already made Peter feel a sense of calm. He looked around for your suit buddy and sighed in relief as the room was empty.
“Can I come in?”
You nodded without hesitation, seeing the slight pain on Peter’s face and brought him to sit down on one of the comfy twin beds. He held the letter in slightly shaky hands and kept his eyes on it. You spotted the familiar logo on the envelope, the same that was on Peter’s glasses case and realised.
“Is that from-?”
“Mhm.” Peter nodded, keeping his lips in a tight thin line as he contemplated opening it. His mind was running a mile a minute with so many thoughts. He’d gotten the glasses from Tony and that was enough for him even if the card had been a bit of a riddle. He wasn’t sure if he could handle a letter too.
“Can you open it?” Peter looked at you pleadingly as he handed you the letter, his hands still visibly shaking. You hesitated before nodding and carefully opened the envelope, reading the letter aloud.
Dear Peter,
I’m writing this in case all goes well and we manage to restore normality, at least what once was. I know you’re going to do great things and maybe you’ll make mistakes along the way but that’s part of being human kid. God knows I made more than I can count.
I wanted to make your senior year as awesome as it should be so if you’re reading this then you made it kid. I don’t remember much of my last year of high school but I wanted to make sure you did so make the most of it and don’t worry about any extracurriculars on your trip.
I know you’ll make me proud Peter cause you already do. Now go have fun and don’t do anything I would do or anything I wouldn’t do. Remember the little grey area is where you operate.
Anonymous someone.
Peter laughed and sniffled as you finished, wiping his eyes as tears had started to fall. You quickly put the letter down and wrapped your arms around him, hugging him close.
“It’s okay.”
He nodded against your shoulder as a few more tears fell, his fingers clinging onto your sweater. Peter wasn’t sure whether to smile or cry more at the words from his mentor so he did both. He reread the letter again and again that night, feeling the weight on his heart ease. Tony had upgraded his class trip for him probably through Happy to make sure Peter had a nice time and he had also said he was proud of him. That hit Peter the most and it was what he needed to hear in that moment.
You both stayed like that for a few minutes as Peter’s breathing calmed, his tears reducing to sniffles. You rubbed his back comfortingly and played with his curls which seemed to relax Peter more as he stayed in your arms.
When you both pulled away neither was sure of what to say. Peter focused on clearing his face of tears and running a hand through his messy curls whilst you played with the sleeves of your sweater. You wished you could ask Peter to stay the night, after all your roommate for the trip had gone home with food poisoning.
Little did you know Peter was thinking the same thoughts, knowing Ned and Betty would probably still be in his room or go to hers. Sometimes they spooned and stayed up till late hours of the night talking, he wasn’t sure he could deal with that right now and he liked being in your company.
“Do you want to-?”
“Can I-?”
You both laughed as you spoke over each other, exchanging a back and forth argument of who should speak first. Peter insisted you speak and gave you a small smile.
You nodded and took a deep breath before looking into those familiar warm, honey coloured eyes. “Do you want to stay here tonight? There’s two beds and I heard there’s a Star Wars Marathon on tv.”
Peter’s smile widened, his eyes crinkling with happiness as he nodded. “I’d love to.”
The night passed by in a blur as you and Peter stayed up to watch his favourite movies, even having ordered some food from room service which had apparently also been covered by Stark industries. Just like in Venice, you laughed and joked and enjoyed each other’s company, smiling as you saw Peter enjoying himself.
There was still a hurt from earlier knowing how much he had wanted to be with MJ and you knew they would work together as a couple, you’d seen them in decathlon together but MJ seemed to be enjoying time with Brad and Peter was here with you. A warm flutter of butterflies exploded in your stomach as you met his gaze, he offered his warm smile and offered you some of his popcorn to which you nodded.
Maybe your chance wasn’t so dead after all.
Just as you were about to wind down for the night, it being way past midnight, Peter looked at you with a hesitant smile.
“Hey Y/n?”
You looked up at him in response, picking up some popcorn from your competition to see who could throw and catch the most in their mouths (Peter had won).
“I- um would you-” Peter stuttered over his words as they got caught on his tongue. He cleared his throat and you bit back a smile at how utterly cute he was. “There’s this big carnival tomorrow and I was hoping maybe w-we could go together?”
His cheeks flushed pink as he finally asked the question he’d been dying to ask all night, his eyes too scared to look at your reaction.
“Peter,” You walked over and cupped his cheeks, forcing him to look at you. He relaxed at seeing the wide smile on your face. “I would love to go with you.”
His smile widened to match yours and a wave of relief washed over him. “That’s great.” He gave a chuckle and blushed as you delicately kissed his cheek before getting into your bed for the night.
“Just to make sure I meant like a date.” Peter clarified, worried about getting put into the friendzone.
You giggled and smiled at him from your bed. “I know Pete. It’s a date.” You winked at him before turning off the light and laying back, ready to fall asleep with a wide smile on your face.
Peter smiled wide as he laid in bed, the sheets and mattress softer than the last one he had slept on. Everything finally seemed to be falling into place, it wasn’t as Peter had imagined but it was far better.
The next morning Peter woke up feeling more refreshed than he had felt in a long time. The sun was shining over Prague and even Peter felt brighter in himself. He looked over at your bed and smiled as he found you still asleep, snoring softly.
Peter’s whole heart leapt at the sight and he let out a happy sigh as he thought about last night. You had comforted him and held him and had even agreed to go on a date with him tonight. He felt like the luckiest human alive which made him want to do a little dance in his bed as he thought about it.
“What are you doing?”
Peter blushed and looked over to see that you were now awake and looking at him with an amused smile.
“Uh nothing.” He laughed and got out of bed, gathering the letter and his shoes. You giggled as you watched him accidentally grab your sneakers before switching them for his own. “I better get going. Don’t want Mr Harrington to call an emergency buddy meeting again.”
You laughed and agreed with a nod, remembering the last one at the airport when Mr Harrington had panicked the whole group when he thought Ned had gone missing only to see he was right behind him.
Peter smiled at you as he opened the door, “I’ll see you later?”
You nodded and smiled wide, “Don’t be late Parker.”
He shook his head and laughed as he left, an unwavering smile on his face as he headed back to his room. Peter didn’t notice Flash see him leave your room with a smile and his shoes in hand nor the phone recording him.
Peter took a deep breath as he stood in front of the mirror, brushing down his shirt as he bit his lip. “I’m not sure.”
Ned sighed and flopped back onto his bed. “Peter, this is the 7th shirt you’ve tried on! You look fine!” He knew as soon as he uttered the last word that Peter would rummage through his suitcase yet again for the perfect shirt.
10 minutes later, Peter was finally ready for his date, much to Ned’s relief. He watched as Peter gave himself a pep talk in the mirror, mumbling in the hopes Ned couldn’t hear him.
“Okay here’s the plan-”
Ned was just about to tell Peter enough with his plans before the door opened and MJ walked in.
“Hey losers.”
“Have you ever heard of knocking?” Ned looked at her and raised his brow. MJ shrugged in response and sat down on Peter’s vacant bed. She looked at him as he turned back to the mirror and tried to tame his messy curls.
“So you and Y/n huh?” MJ noted with a smirk, stealing some of the gummy worms that Peter had brought for the trip. He turned around so quickly, he almost got whiplash.
“What?! I-” Peter was at a loss for words, he knew news spread quickly at Midtown but how had anyone found out in one night. “We’re not really a thing yet.” He blushed and avoided his friends’ gazes.
“Oh really? Then why did Flash see you leave her room last night in the same clothes as yesterday.” MJ smirked again and threw a gummy worm at Peter who looked at her with wide eyes.
“I just- I stayed in her room last night.” He admitted, his cheeks burning red as Ned and MJ didn’t look convinced. “But nothing happened!”
Ned and MJ shared a sympathetic look as they saw Peter’s distress grow at the rumor. He picked up his phone and panicked as he saw the midtown gossip website showing a video of him leaving your room. Before he could panic anymore Peter quickly made his way to the other side of the hotel floor and banged on Flash’s door.
“Woah penis what-?”
“Take it down.” Peter didn’t disguise his anger as Flash opened the door.
“The video you took last night Flash. Please take it down.” Peter lowered his voice and pleaded. He knew this would affect you as soon as you saw it and the last thing he wanted was for you to get hurt because of him. Not again.
“Why? Don’t want everyone to know you’re not a virgin anymore?” Flash smirked and laughed before noticing the anger grow once more on Peter’s face. “The video’s out of my control. Sorry dude.”
Flash closed the door, not sounding sorry at all. Peter sighed and leaned against the wall, resting his head back. Everywhere around him classmates were getting ready for the carnival, whispering behind his back and giving him looks, he wasn’t sure if they were impressed looks or disgusted ones but either way he didn’t like them.
Peter usually lied low so he could avoid things like this and stay out of the rumor mill. He hated rumors and he hated being a part of them even more. Just as he was contemplating messaging Happy to see if he could do something, he heard a door open and looked up.
You walked out of your room, looking as beautiful as ever and Peter swear his heart almost dropped out of his stomach at the sight as the butterflies ran rampant in his stomach. You looked around before catching his gaze and smiling.
“Hey Pete.”
For a moment, Peter forgot how to form words, too focused on how beautiful you looked as you smiled. His throat felt dry and his hands felt clammy to the touch.
“H-hi.” He finally managed to say, his heart racing as you smiled wider and giggled.
“I was just coming to meet you. Are you ready to go?”
Peter thought back to the video circulating his classmates phones and he assumed you hadn’t seen it. He knew he should’ve told you there and then but he didn’t want to ruin your date or hurt you so he kept his lips sealed.
He nodded and gave you a small smile, heading out of the hotel with you. Your hands touched briefly as you walked and Peter almost took your hand in his before pulling away as he chickened out. You tried not to show your disappointment and offered Peter a smile.
The streets of Prague were full of life and celebration, everyone wearing bright colours and dancing along the streets as loud music played. Peter allowed himself to be distracted at the joy of the city before your hand slipped into his, catching him by surprise.
You gave his hand a squeeze and smiled, “So we don’t lose each other.” It was partially the truth but you mostly just wanted to hold his hand. Peter smiled and nodded but you could tell something was wrong.
It wasn’t just the rumour mill that was getting to Peter, the loud noises and brightness was causing his heightened senses to overload. He began to feel on edge and his palms grew even sweatier than before.
“Peter are you okay?”
He looked at you and bit his lip, shaking his head slowly. You squeezed his hand comfortingly and nodded, seemingly understanding what needed to be done as you led him over to the Ferris wheel.
Peter sighed in relief as you and him both got seated, your hands still interlinked as the door shut to the cart you were in.
“I hate crowds too.” You admitted with a soft blush and met his gaze. Peter smiled softly and squeezed your hand like you had done to his.
The wheel moved slowly allowing you both to enjoy the moment and the sights of the city. Peter knew that he didn’t need to fill the silence or try to talk, you were just there for each other as you had been last night and the whole trip.
Music from the streets filled the silence of the night as you and Peter looked out at the stars glittering in the night sky. It was right as you reached the peak of the wheel that Peter finally broke the silence.
“I really like you Y/n.”
You blushed and turned to Peter, noticing the redness of his cheeks and the staggered breaths escaping his lips. He looked straight ahead for a few moments before he felt your hand grip tighter onto his and saw your smile from the corner of his eye.
“I really like you too Peter.”
He smiled wide, mirroring yours before noticing your face fall just as fast.
“But I don’t want to be second best.”
Peter’s heart broke at her words, knowing she was thinking back to his journal. He shook his head and quickly cupped your cheeks in his hands, meeting your gaze lovingly.
“You’re not second best Y/n. You never were and you never will be. The truth is I’ve always liked you but I just- I never thought I would be lucky enough to have a chance with you.”
You smiled at the genuinity in Peter’s voice and his warm brown eyes that pulled you in ever closer until your lips were almost touching. “Always liked me huh?”
Peter nodded and smiled wide, the blush on his cheeks becoming brighter as he looked down at your lips.
“C-can I kiss you?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
You smiled as Peter’s lips finally met your own, after years of pining and wondering what if. Peter’s lips were soft and tasted like the cotton candy you had shared earlier. Your lips were sweeter than Peter had ever imagined, if that was possible.
Neither of you wanted the kiss to end but you could feel the need for air increasing in your lungs. You were the first one to pull back, catching your breath as you leaned your forehead against Peter’s. He chuckled softly and smiled so wide that his eyes crinkled.
You nodded and pecked his lips once more with a giggle. The blush on your cheeks was rivalling Peter’s now as you noticed the ride was soon coming to an end. Peter looked disappointed before quickly paying for another ride.
“I hope you did that so you can kiss me again.” You smiled coyly and looped your arms around Peter’s neck.
“Maybe.” He shrugged and laughed before leaning in to kiss you again but this time he hesitated as he saw the looks from some of his classmates. The reminder hitting him like a train.
“Pete? What’s wrong?” Your fingers played with the curls at the nape of his neck as the wheel started to move again. Peter visibly gulped and his mood fell as he looked back at you.
“There’s something I have to tell you.”
You bit your lip in worry and nodded, having a feeling you knew what Peter was going to say.
“Pete I know.”
“You do?”
You giggled and nodded again, kissing his cheek and leaning in close. Peter blushed and looked guilty, his eyes avoiding yours.
“You being Spider-Man doesn’t bother me.”
Peter’s blood ran cold and he quickly shifted away, laughing in pretend disbelief. “I-What?! No. I-I’m not Spider-Man!”
You looked knowingly at him and rubbed his arm, taking his hand back in yours. “Peter it’s okay, i think it’s cool.” You smiled but Peter still sat in denial, shaking his head.
“I-” He gulped and sighed, biting his lip. “Is it that obvious?”
“No but I’ve had a crush on your for a while now and I’m not dumb Peter. The glasses and the letter from Iron Man. And then there was Washington. I just know you Peter.” You blushed and fidgeted with your hands, feeling embarrassed to admit your crush even though you had only kissed him 5 seconds ago.
Peter smiled, finding it endearing that you knew him and had paid attention to him all this time. He leaned back in close to you and rested his hand on yours.
“Oh my god!” You gasped, laughing as Peter was taken aback at your exclamation. “I’m dating a freaking superhero!” You giggled with Peter before kissing him again. The kiss was even more perfect than the last as your lips began to learn and memorise each other.
The carnival livened up even more as the night went on. The music became louder and the people got more drunk, something that might have made Peter annoyed but nothing could ruin his mood right now. He could still taste the sweetness of your lips on his and he just couldn’t get enough.
You giggled as Peter kissed your lips again after winning you a gigantic teddy bear. He smiled wide and giggled with you, the sound like music to your ears. You hugged the bear tight to your chest after choosing to name it Spidey which made Peter blush.
“This is so amazing.” You remarked as you took a moment to enjoy the scenery surrounding you. Peter sat with you on a nearby bench and nodded, hesitantly wrapping his arm around you. He smiled as you leaned into his side with a happy sigh. The moment was perfect and Peter was sure nothing could ruin it.
You jumped a little as your phone buzzed before pulling it from your pocket. Peter smiled to himself as he saw Spider-Man was the wallpaper on your phone. You blushed and tried to quickly hide it as you opened the message from Betty.
Peter turned his eyes towards the street to give you some privacy, the last thing he wanted you to think was that he was reading your texts (again).
He only looked back at you as you slowly pulled away from his arms, clutching your phone in your hands and only then did Peter notice that Betty had sent you the video of him leaving your room last night. You were scrolling through the comments and Peter saw that amongst the nice or gossiping comments that were hurtful ones calling you names.
“Y/n I-”
You shook your head and bit your lip, quickly locking your phone. You noticed a group of girls from your class staring at you and giggling, whispering in each other's ears.
“I have to go.” You sniffled as you grabbed your bag and quickly walked back to the hotel, ignoring Peter’s calls of your name. He sighed and tried to chase after you but within seconds he had lost you in the crowd and maybe for good this time.
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152 notes · View notes
hazel-light · 3 years
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Chapter Word Count: ~7,500
Total Fic Word Count: ~30,000
Genre: (Wedding) Fake Dating, Friends to Lovers, lots of bed sharing and every self indulgent fluffy trope possible.
Warnings: None? Lots of fluff? Occasional cussing? Some suggestive themes, moments, and jokes I guess. No smut or anything!
Disclaimer: I am not Daniel Sharman, and I do not pretend to know how he would act, speak, etc. This is fiction okay, there’s a lot of creative license, and potential to be OOC. Ricky isn't mentioned because I started writing this before we knew he existed, so apologies for that. Also, if you’re DShar himself, please do us both a favor and don’t read this, okay???? Same if you know him 🙈
Title taken from the song Yellow Lights by Harry Hudson which suits this story quite a bit!
A/N: Okay okay here it is— the wedding fic I’ve been writing for literally six and a half months! I'm nervous and excited... this is the first fic I've written and posted in maybe 8? years. I asked you, and guys said you preferred chapters, so that's how I'll be posting. This first chapter is mostly exposition and fluff, the good stuff is coming I promise! I will be posting a part every day since the whole thing is already written. If you would like to be tagged, let me know. I would like to thank Rowena @heyrowena for being such a good friend and motivating me to be brave and get back into writing. Without you, this probably wouldn’t exist. Your motivation whenever I hit a roadblock or plot crisis was fundamental in helping the ending come together. I would also like to thank Tori @cavillsharman who spent countless hours talking out plots with me. Henry & Claire would not exist if it wasn’t for you! Thank you for bringing them to life with me. Thank you BOTH for helping me figure out how the heck to write kissing and ~romantic scenes. I think I hopefully found my way in the end. TLDR; Thank you Rowena and Tori, thanks for believing in me and helping this fic become a reality. ALSO! Thank you to my bestie Becka @kirklandhouse for giving all 100 pages of this a final proof/beta read with me to make it as smooth and shiny as possible. I love you! Okay. No more notes. I hope you enjoy it. Bye <3
I sit in Daniel’s apartment, watching some new indie movie on Netflix. When he’s in town, we dedicate Wednesday nights to watching Netflix and playing some kind of card game together. It started originally as a group thing with board games, but eventually our friends' schedules fell apart, leaving it to just us most of the time.
My phone lights up and starts playing the typical FaceTime music, and I look down to see my cousin Ryan calling me; I decline the call. Daniel looks at me over his cards, knowingly.
“Is that your cousin? We can pause it,” he nods towards the TV.
Ryan and I are a good decade apart in age but really close. When I had to move across the country for work, I was heartbroken. Ryan was like the little brother I never had, and I’d lived with him, his mom — my Auntie Kim — and his sister Rachel nearly my whole life. I was worried the distance would change things between the two of us. Thankfully, it hadn’t.
I shake my head, watching the “missed call” light up on my lockscreen.
“No, it’s fine… I can call him later. He’s calling about his sister’s wedding.”
“Oh right, Rachel’s getting married this summer.”
I smile that he remembers, granted it would be hard not to. I have a tendency to talk about my family a lot, some might say too much.
“That’s coming up this summer, isn’t it? When is it — July?”
“Yeah, only two—” I’m cut off by my phone lighting up again, Ryan’s face once again on the screen. “God, he needs to stop. Sorry — let me text him.” I decline the call and start texting him, but before I can hit send, FaceTime is ringing again.
Daniel laughs, “I really think you should answer. He’s rather persistent.”
I shake my head, “Sorry.” I apologize before reluctantly answering the call, “Ryan, why are you—”
“Yes, hello.”
“I have been trying to reach you.” I look up at Daniel who has an amused smile on his face.
“I realize that, yes. I am doing something though, so is this an emergency, or...?”
“I was talking with Rachel and my mom, I guess the final guest count was due today.”
“Okay? That’s... nice. Is that… it?”
“Don’t worry, I told her you made a mistake on your RSVP; I fixed it just in time.”
I frown. “What do you mean? How did I make a mistake?”
Ryan rolls his eyes, and looks like he’s trying — and failing — not to look smug.
“You forgot to put that you were bringing a plus one.”
I laugh at that, “Yeah, I didn’t forget that, I don’t have a plus one.”
“I know.”
“If you know that, why did you tell her I did? Your mom is going to be really mad if they pay for a plate of food for someone who doesn’t exist.”
Daniel’s fidgeting with his cards, but looking at me curiously.
“Because, Lauren. you need to find a plus one.”
“Uh —”
“No, no, no… listen. I’m bringing my girlfriend, and Rachel, who’s younger than you, by the way, is getting married. You’re, what? In your late twenties?” He takes a deep breath, “It’s time to find a mate.”
I visibly cringe at the messed up teenage boy logic. Daniel strategically places a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing, and I feel my cheeks start to heat up.
“A mate? Ryan, this is. Okay. That is, first of all, a really weird word choice. Second of all, thank you so much for your input. I really appreciate it, but —”
“No, Lauren. Listen. If you show up to this wedding without a date, you owe me fifty bucks.”
“That is NOT —”
“But, if you show up with a date, I will give you a hundred bucks, PLUS my mom won’t be mad at you.”
“Ryan. Seriously. This is not cool — do you even have a hundred bucks?” I feel the panic setting in, and the secondhand embarrassment of this occurring in front of, arguably, the most good-looking man on the planet. Daniel wouldn’t have any idea what it was like to be made fun of by your entire family for never having a boyfriend — or even a date to anything. I feel my face getting hot, and I know anxious tears are in my future. I take a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves, to try to calmly explain to my cousin, yet again, that I couldn’t just make someone enter my life by sheer will, nevermind someone who would be willing to fly across the country with me in less than two months. “Plus, Ryan, I don’t know how to tell you this, but —”
I feel a hand on my arm and look up to see Daniel looking at me so seriously, I stop midway through my sentence.
“Lauren? Tell me what?”
I’m still looking at Daniel who shakes his head ‘no.’ Confused, I make the mistake of asking out loud, “What?”
“Lauren? Who are you talking to?”
I look back at Daniel who is still trying to tell me something with his expression, something I didn’t understand. “Sorry, Ry, I was just —”
“Can I talk to him?” Daniel asks softly, but definitely loud enough for Ryan to hear.
I watch Ryan’s face go through shock, “You’re with a guy right now? Was that an accent? You’re with a guy with an accent?” He starts laughing, but I’m no longer paying attention, I’m still looking at Daniel who is looking at me expectantly, a half smile on his face.
“Sure? Ryan, hold on.” I say, handing the phone over to him with blind trust. I watch as Daniel smiles and waves at the screen.
“Hey Ryan, nice to meet you. I’m Daniel… Lauren talks about you all the time.”
“Uh, hi?”
“Hey. I know this is weird and sudden, but there hasn’t been a good time to really tell you this— Lauren and I are dating,” I feel my eyes widen in shock, but Daniel just glances at me and smiles. “I asked her not to tell anyone — I’m actually an actor, and — ”
“Wait a second, you were in that show! She’s mentioned you before, she said you guys were just friends…” Ryan interrupts skeptically.
“I know, I know, and to be honest, we were friends first. I just didn’t want her to say anything to anyone until...” He pauses, taking a deep breath, and I watch, bemused at this performance. “Until we knew things were really serious, and that they’d work out.”
“Uh huh. Well, I have a lot of questions about that —”
“I’m sure —”
“But the first one is, if you guys are really dating, are you going to be her plus one to the wedding? Or are things not ‘serious’ enough for you yet?”
I roll my eyes; even in his skepticism, Ryan is still as overprotective as ever.
“No, no, I — I had to check my filming schedule first, but I actually don’t fly out to film my next project until the end of August, so. This works out nicely, and I’m excited to meet you, and everyone, in person.”
It’s quiet a second, and I can almost hear the wheels in Ryan’s head turning.
“Are you covering for her so you get my 100 bucks? You really have to be dating, if you come as her friend it doesn’t count—”
“I know. Trust me. I’m not in this for the money.” He grins, finally looking at me to gauge my reaction which is still one of perplexed fascination. He picks up my hand and kisses the back of it, turning back to Ryan. “You’ll see.”
Daniel and Ryan have a bit of a relaxed chat before Daniel finally gives the phone back to me. Pleasantries firmly pushed aside, Ryan asks me why I didn’t tell him sooner and I double down on the story that Daniel had come up with. I’m a little worried that I look guilty — my face usually betrays me — but if I do, it seems like Ryan just assumes it was guilt from keeping a “secret” from him. When we go to hang up, he smiles at me and says he’s happy for me, and that he hopes I enjoy the rest of my night, winking playfully before hanging up. Once again my cheeks are flushed red.
I let the hand holding the phone fall into my lap, turning my head against the couch to look at Daniel. Not knowing what to say, I shake my head.
He smiles, “Are you mad at me?”
I laugh, “Why would I be mad… are you mad, in the head? Are you really going to fly back to Massachusetts with me?”
He shrugs, smirking, “I do have a lot of miles to use.”
I shake my head, “This isn’t just... this is a commitment, though. If you thought Ryan had questions, wait until you see the rest of my family.” I frown. “They’re going to ask to take pictures with you to post on Facebook.”
“Are they?” he muses, “You think they’ll recognize me?”
“Well, to be honest, they might not… but if you tell them what you do, it won’t even matter. It’s like….” I struggle to find the words. “Clout chasing.”
He shrugs, “Okay.”
“Okay? That doesn’t bother you?”
“I mean, we are friends, we’ve been seen together before, I think it will be fine. Plus, I’ll be on my best behavior.” He puts on a mock serious tone. “No PR scandals.”
I laugh, “Right, because that’s my real concern here.” I pause, thinking it over in silence.
“Why’d you do it?” I don’t need to explain what ‘it’ is. He looks at me for a second before fidgeting with his cards he had previously discarded to talk to Ryan.
“You, uh, get really upset — I know you joke about it, being ‘undateable’ but…” He trails off and after a moment he starts again. “You looked really upset. And if I could help, I wanted to, I guess.”
I scoff. “You didn’t have to volunteer to be my fake boyfriend because you felt bad for me.”
He gives me his signature cheek: “For the record, I’m an actor. I’m a fake boyfriend professionally.”
I laugh, fueled by nerves. “I never thought about it like that.”
“It’ll be fun to meet your family.”
I bite my lip. “Well, get ready, I guess, because this may be your hardest role yet!”
He pretends to weigh the idea in his head, tilting his head to the side. “Mmm, somehow I don’t think so, but don’t worry, we can hold extra rehearsals just in case.”
“Alright. You let me know what that entails.”
“I will, don’t worry.”
We smile at each other. All of a sudden, I realize that the movie’s still playing, and neither of us have paid any attention to it for the better part of an hour. I check the time on my phone.
“We’re going to have to start this movie over next Wednesday. We missed the whole first half, and it’s getting late. I should probably get going.”
“Oh, okay. You know you’re welcome to stay here as long as you like, but I know you have an early morning.”
I get up and start gathering my things, moving towards the door. “You’re sweet. Thanks.”
I move to hug him goodbye.
“What are fake boyfriends for?”
I feel myself blush again. “Well. You’re sweet for even agreeing to be my fake boyfriend. I forgot to say thank you.” I look him in the eyes, hoping he can sense the sincerity. “Thank you.”
He smiles softly, “You’re welcome. It’ll be fun. I’m looking forward to it.”
The following Wednesday, Daniel has some Skype meetings about the project he’s starting in August and our schedules don’t align for the rest of the week. We still text here and there, and I don’t know if or when we’re going to talk about the wedding. He seemed so nonchalant about the whole thing, but I’m still nervous, and I have a lot of questions swarming in my head. I’m sure I could have texted them to him, but I don’t know how to word things, and I figure it’s best just to discuss in person, where I can read him better.
I knock on his door, pizza box in my hand. A moment passes before Daniel opens the door, looking particularly cozy in an oversized sweater.
“Hey,” he smiles, pushing hair out of his face. “Come on in, sorry — I got a bit caught up in the script my agent just sent over.” He leads me over to the couch, where I see lots of printed pages scattered across the coffee table. He starts piling them together, making room for me to put the box down.
“That’s okay, no worries. Is it a good project? One you’re interested in, I mean?”
It’s no secret that Daniel is sent more projects than he bothers to audition for. At this stage of his career, he’s particular about the projects he signs on for. The character and the premise have to be something he believes in, something he cares about.
He glances up at me from where he’s organizing the pages.
“Yeah, I think so. There’s a lot of... sort of psychological conflict in this one, which I like.” He picks up the last of the pages before putting them in a folder and walking off in the direction of the kitchen. “Let me just put this away and then I’ll get plates and napkins — do you want anything to drink?”
“Water is fine,” I call after him, finally placing the box down on the table, sitting down in my usual place on the couch and shrugging my bag off my shoulder.
He comes back into the room carrying two glasses and two plates, a piece of notebook paper tucked between his fingers.
“So, uh, I hope it’s okay, but I put together a list.”
My eyebrows furrow in confusion. “A list for what?”
“Things we’ll need answers for, for your family. Like character backstory… things like when we started dating — so our answers match.” He says it very matter-of-fact, like this was just everyday conversation and not something I’ve been silently obsessing over for the better part of a week.
“Oh! That’s really thoughtful,” I smile. “Good idea.”
He shrugs, handing me a plate and opening the pizza box, “I do it for every role.”
“Right,” I nod. We take a few minutes to eat and talk over our week, and then he wipes his hands on his napkin and picks up his list again.
“Alright, so, how we met, I figure we can keep the truth, that’s fine.”
“Yup, you came to see your friend in the community play, which I also happened to be in, you came to dinner with us after the show, and our friend group melded shortly after that.”
He gestures to the pizza box, “And now we’re having dinners of our own.”
I laugh, “We are.”
“So that’s when we met, but when did things change?”
I sit thinking, and Daniel does the same.
I’ve probably had a crush on Daniel since I saw him that first night; he’s the kind of person it’s hard not to feel drawn to right away. He has a way of making people feel seen, and his comments on the show were so thoughtful. I valued his compliments before I even knew he was an actor professionally. I wonder if I could say the truth out loud in a way that was nonchalant, make it seem like a concept that wasn’t based on real experience.
“Well,” I begin, clearing my throat. “I probably liked you from the word go, but I wouldn’t have done anything about it. So that would have had to come from you.”
“Huh,” he scratches his chin. “Leaving it all up to me. No pressure.” He chuckles. “I— hmm. I would need to know, or at least think you liked me before doing anything.”
“Oh, so you decide who to date based on who likes you, I see,” I tease.
“Fuck off, obviously I like you— would like you if I was going to date you, but I mean. I don’t want to be one of those guys creeping on his friends who aren’t interested.”
“Sure, Sharman, sure. So…?”
“Alright. Well, realistically, how long could you have been hiding this from your family? You talk to them all the time.” I roll my eyes but know he’s right. “So a month, maybe? That brings us back to April… . Got it— my birthday.”
“Happy birthday, I’m your girlfriend now!” I fake cheer.
He looks me dead in the eyes, replying with mock sincerity. “The best present I could have ever asked for.”
“Oh, shut up! So ridiculous. What happened on your birthday? What changed, as you say?”
I watch him think, curiously, thinking back to his birthday myself. It was a low key get together at his house with a bunch of his friends, some of whom were our mutual friends. He was grinning the whole night, and I loved to see him so carefree and happy.
“When you brought out the cake,” he starts, still staring off into space, “your face was all lit up by the candles, and everyone was singing, but all I could think about was how beautiful you looked. I realized I had to tell you how I felt, so I did. I pulled you aside at the end of the night and we talked, and then I kissed you.” He looks up at me. “What do you think?”
“That’s beautiful,” I compliment, trying not to think about how much I wish that really happened, that he really thought that when I brought out his birthday cake. “Who knew you were such a romantic deep down?”
He laughs bashfully. “I think you knew.”
“Maybe I had an inkling,” I smile. “What’s next on the list?”
He looks down at his list. “Have we said the big L word yet?”
“For sure. That same night.”
Daniel laughs and gives me a strange look. “You were ready for that one.”
“Well, I don’t know— you don’t confess to ‘kind of like someone’ when you’ve already been friends as long as we have.”
He smirks. “Right, well, when you say it like that, who could argue?”
It’s another Friday when I’m lying down on Daniel’s couch with my eyes closed, when I feel him come and sit next to me, perching on the edge of the cushion. He laughs quietly to himself before I feel him start twirling one of my rogue curls around his finger. I open my eyes to see him smiling down at me, newly topped off drink in his hand. We’ve been playing a drinking game to one of his old favorite movies, and we’re both sufficiently tipsy.
“Hi,” I say, looking up at him.
“Oh hello.” He stops playing with my hair, smoothing it back into place. “Fancy meeting you here.”
I roll my eyes. “You’re always so funny, have I told you that?”
“Mmm,” he pretends to think. “Probably, but I always love when you remind me.”
“I aim to please,” I say, pulling myself halfway up to lean back against the couch cushion. We look at each other for a minute before I feel self-conscious and look away, reaching for my glass of water on the table. “What’re you thinking about?”
He watches me take a sip and says nothing. I quirk an eyebrow up at him, and put my glass back on the table. “Hello?”
“Just trying to figure out if now’s a good time.”
I frown. “Good time for what?”
He says nothing again, still looking at me. I narrow my eyes at him. “Just a reminder, I have anxiety, so if you could hurry up, that would be so very excellent.”
He laughs at that, taking a sip of his drink. He pulls a face after he swallows and leans forward to put the glass on the table.“Bad mix, that.”
“Sharman, honestly. Focus, please.”
“Sorry, sorry. Alright.”
I look at him expectantly.
“There’s one thing we haven’t really talked about— for the wedding.”
My stomach turns, as I try to think of what we could have missed. “What is it?”
“The, uh. Like, the physicality of it.”
I don’t say anything for a moment, the words slowly processing in my head through the fog of liquor.
“That sounds… very technical. Please elaborate.”
He runs a hand through his hair and I can’t tell if he’s nervous or exasperated. “Like kissing, holding hands— that sort of thing. I just thought, maybe it would be less awkward? To talk about this, uh, slightly inebriated... for you, I mean.”
“Uh huh, for me. I see.”
“Well,” I see the playfulness in his eyes. “You are the self-proclaimed nervous one.”
I bump my shoulder against his. “And I don’t kiss people for a living.”
“Mmm, I don’t think that’s my entire job, but,” he smirks, “lucky for you, I have had lots of practice.”
“Well, that’s a relief.”
It’s quiet for a minute.
“Anyways, I was going to say — we should practice. Kissing, I mean. If the first time we kiss is in front of your family, that could be problematic. And extremely uncomfortable.”
I laugh, blushing, and blurt out the first thing I think of: “Oh, so you got me drunk not to talk about kissing me, but to actually kiss me.”
He shrugs, “I didn't want you to overthink it.”
“Mmmm,” I muse. “How thoughtful.”
He smiles at me. “Well,” he says, bringing up a hand as if he’s brushing hair behind my ear and keeping it there. “As your fake boyfriend, I have to be, don’t I?”
I smile, not saying anything. I feel him shift closer, and my heart starts pounding in my chest. “Can I kiss you now?” he whispers.
I nod, my heart still pounding.
He gently presses his soft lips to mine before pulling back for a second. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” I whisper, my hand gently moving up his bicep as he leans back in. This time I follow his lead as our lips slowly move together. He kisses me more purposefully and my breath catches in my throat, my hand wandering to his chest. I feel his hand move to my hip, his fingers mindlessly reaching just under the hem of my shirt. His hand is cold, but his touch burns my skin and sends a shiver up my spine.
“C’mere,” he murmurs against my mouth, maneuvering me into his lap effortlessly. I don’t even have time to feel self-conscious about it because his hands, his huge, warm hands, are holding my face tenderly as he kisses me like I’m his prized possession.
His tongue glides along my bottom lip, subtly asking to be let in. Almost too eagerly, I open my mouth, and he hums low in his throat, deepening the kiss. While I don’t want to think about it, I force myself to remember that while this is something I’ve dreamed about, Daniel’s an actor— and he’s acting.
I savor the moment before we pull apart, both breathing heavily. Daniel’s eyes are still closed, his face flushed, lips a warm pink. I admire the freckles sprinkled on his cheeks and feel myself begin to blush furiously. I tuck my head into his neck as I feel one of his hands stroke my hair.
His voice is soft and slightly hoarse as he asks, “You alright?”
I nod, breathing him in deeply before pulling back to look him in the eyes.
“Yeah, are you?”
“Yeah,” he bites his lip. “I think… I think we have that down.”
I can’t help but laugh from nerves, and then he laughs too. Flustered, I smooth my hands over his shirt where it wrinkled when he placed me in his lap. I carefully get off of him, his hands falling to his sides as I resume my spot next to him on the couch. I already miss his warmth and I have no clue what to do with my hands now.
I can feel Daniel’s eyes on me, so I look back at him. His face is unreadable; I shoot him a reassuring smile, and after a moment he seems to snap back to reality and he smiles back at me.
I wonder how I’m supposed to go back to just being his friend when this is all over when I now know how it feels to be desired by him, wanted by him, even if it’s all just for show.
“So!” Daniel says, clapping his hand on his knees. “What time am I meeting you tomorrow? Or are you coming here first? Do you need me to pick you up?”
I laugh again. “We never decided! Do you want to carpool? Because we definitely can.”
“Yeah, let’s do that so I can control the music—”
“Excuse you—”
“Besides, we’re going to my stylist, so I know how to get there.”
“For your suit. I told you I can just get a dress at the mall —”
“But that’s unnecessary since we’re going to match, and we’re going to my stylist already. I already had Alicia grab a bunch of dresses for you to try.”
“Which are probably going to be approximately eight million dollars —”
“No. They aren’t. And if they are —”
“—If they are, I am going to buy a dress at the mall.”
“—Then either I can pay for part of it, or I can have her pull some other options —”
“You’re not going to pay for it, I’m serious —”
“—It’s not a big deal, Laur, you need to relax.”
“That’s annoying, don’t tell me to relax.”
“Okay, sorry…”
I sigh dramatically as I swipe my phone open to get an Uber home, and he bumps his shoulder into mine to get my attention.
“But seriously, what time?”
“What time did you tell Alicia we would be there?”
“2:30, I think?”
“Okay, then if we aren’t going to the mall first —” Daniel grins triumphantly. “— then do you want to grab me at like 1:45?”
“For you, I can do that.” he smirks as my phone chimes, alerting me that my ride is approaching.
I stand up to gather my things as Daniel follows me to the door.
“Lauren,” Daniel calls, lightly grabbing my wrist as I go to step out. I turn to face him only to be greeted by his lips on mine. As soon as they’re there, they’re gone.
Daniel keeps his face an inch from mine as he says, “You’re going to have to get used to that.” He smirks. “Text me when you get home safe.”
I shake my head. “See you tomorrow.” And this time, I catch him off guard, kissing him quickly before I turn around, walking out of his place to the sound of his laughter.
I climb into the passenger seat of Daniel’s car, finding him snapping his gum, one hand on the steering wheel and sunglasses on. He looks good.
“Good morning LaurLaur,” he grins.
“Good morning to you too,” I laugh. “You’re in a good mood.”
He shrugs, pulling away from the curb. “Am I? Just pleased you’ve given up on going to the mall. It’s bloody awful over there.”
“Are you sure Alicia is okay with styling me? She’s not my stylist.”
He laughs, “Are you kidding? She was over the moon. Says styling me is boring, and girls are much more fun.”
“Ironic, since she’s your stylist. This seems so fancy for one wedding.”
I can’t see it, but I know he’s rolling his eyes behind his sunglasses. “It’s really so much easier. Plus this way we’ll match, and be cute and shit.”
“Oh yeah, ‘cute and shit,’ that’s us.”
Daniel grins, reaching over to thread his fingers through mine. “Not yet, but it’s going to be, darling.”
My stomach dips at the nickname even though I know he’s just teasing me.
I roll my eyes and try not to blush, turning to look out the window, trying to ignore the way his thumb traces the back of my hand.
When we walk into Alicia’s studio, we’re surrounded by mirrors and good music.
Alicia lights up right away when she spots us.
“Well, well, well, look who it is. Daniel Sharman and his lovely mystery guest.”
I shoot Daniel a look and he rolls his eyes. Alicia must see the exchange because she laughs.
“I’m teasing, he told me you were coming. I just was starting to think I’d never see the day I got to style Sharman and a lady friend.”
“Alicia, I don’t pay you to embarrass me,” Daniel jokes, leaning in to give her a hug.
“Yeah, because I do that for free.” She winks at me.
“I’m Lauren, it’s nice to meet you,” I reach out to shake her hand, but she pulls me into a tight, warm hug.
“We’re huggers around here, especially since you’re letting me style you on this guy's dollar—”
“Oh no,” I interject, “I’ll be paying for all of my things—”
“No can do, chica, this guy’s already made me promise to send him the bill.”
I turn and glare at Daniel. “Daniel Sharman, you promised me—”
He waves me off. “It’s easier this way. Can we just worry about that later? Let’s see what Alicia put together for us, shall we?”
I cross my arms, vowing to get back to the subject once we’re back in the car, and turn back to Alicia, who’s walking us over to some racks and tables she has set up.
“Okay, well, Daniel didn’t really give me a lot of details as to what colors or styles you like, but he did show me your Instagram, so I got an idea of your coloring and made some guesses as to your sizes. You’re so pretty in person, by the way—”
“I, uh— thank you.” I stammer, unsure if it’s a compliment or a suggestion that I don’t photograph well.
“So I kind of compared your coloring with his, and I figured you guys could have either a blue moment, or we could have Daniel in grey and accent one of these other colors I pulled for you.”
I look over the table and see some green, some pink, and some purple.
“I have a bunch of styles too, not sure if you wanted sleeves, strapless… I figured you could try some on and we could go from there.”
“Okay,” I say, feeling slightly overwhelmed. “Thank you.”
“No problem, honey! Daniel, I obviously have suits for you to try, too. Let me go get those.”
She wanders away for a minute and I turn to Daniel. “This seems way more focused on me than you— also, still extremely annoyed about that paying-for-everything stunt you pulled.”
“I told you that guy fashion is boring, and really, you can just Venmo me after, it’s not a—”
We both hush as Alicia returns, wheeling out another rack with gray and navy blue suits on it.
“Alright, so Daniel, you know where the fitting room is if you want to look through these and take some options with you. Lauren, I’m just going to do some quick measurements on you if that’s okay, so I can narrow down your dress size.”
“Oh, um, sure.”
As Daniel leaves the room, Alicia leads me to a circular pedestal in front of a three tiered mirror. She takes out her measuring tape and takes a few different measurements, writing some things down on a notepad.
Once we finish, Alicia walks over to her table and the dress rack, reviewing her options. I stand there quietly watching her pick up dresses and fabric swatches, look at me, and either put them down or add them to an empty rack. Daniel comes waltzing back into the room in a light grey suit. It sits a little wide through his torso, and the sleeves are a little too long, but he still wears it well.
“Thoughts on this one, ladies?”
Alicia gives him a quick once over.
“I was hoping you’d like that one! The grey will be nice and cool for the summer, but I want to tailor it in some. Make it a bit more fitted.”
I smirk. “Make sure he has enough wiggle room to dance.”
Alicia laughs. “That I can absolutely do.”
Daniel looks at me expectantly.
I smile. “You look really good, D.”
He nods at me and smiles back.
“Have you tried any dresses on yet?”
“Not yet, Alicia was just pulling the ones she wants me to try.”
Daniel walks over to the table, looking at the pieces Alicia has hung up on the rack.
“These jewel tones are going to look lovely on you.”
“Oh, thank you.” I blush, not missing the slight elbow that Alicia gives Daniel. Alicia walks over to me, three dresses in hand.
“Why don’t you try these three on and we’ll go from there.”
She shows me over to a changing room and hangs up the dresses for me, telling me to come out and show them when I’m done.
I take a second to admire my options. The first dress I pick up is a deep ocean blue green in a soft, silky material. It dips down into a modest V in the front, with a flared skirt.
The second is a muted bubblegum pink, strapless and fitted in the bodice, with a thin tulle skirt that brushes the floor.
The last is a periwinkle with lavender undertones, and is a bit more flowy with ruched fabric coming over the shoulder and defining the bodice in a deeper V-neck — but still respectable for a family wedding. Alicia knows her stuff.
I decide to try the blue-green dress first, as I’m drawn to the color right away. It’s maybe the simplest of the options, but that’s what I like about it. I’m a bit surprised that it seems to fit so effortlessly. It seems like I’d be able to wear it all day, dance and not have to fidget too much. I smooth my hands over it and peek out of the dressing room, where Daniel and Alicia are waiting.
“Okay, option number one,” I announce.
“It might be one and done,” Alicia shakes her head. “That looks really gorgeous on you.”
“Beautiful,” Daniel chimes in from next to her.
I smile. “Thank you. I really like this one.”
“Try on the other two just for fun,” Alicia suggests, and I nod, heading back to try on the pink dress.
The chest on the pink dress is a little big on me for a strapless, but I hold it up as I head back out to show them.
Alicia narrows her eyes. “A little big in the bust… I could bring that in. I think it might look a little more prom-y on than I anticipated. We could take the skirt up, but I don’t know. I don’t like it as much as the first.”
Daniel hums from next to her, and I look at him expectantly.
“It’s up to you two, but I agree. That first dress is going to be tough to beat.”
We laugh and I head back in to try on the last dress. This one is extremely elegant, and I feel very glamorous. I like it much more than I thought that I would. I step out to show them, and Alicia whistles.
“Okay miss thing, where're you going? The red carpet?”
Daniel smirks and nods. “I really like that on you.”
“I like it more than I thought I would. It’s probably between this and the first one for me.”
Alicia nods. “I have more options, but since we have two we like, I don’t see the sense in complicating the decision more.”
“I’m going to need you guys to help me choose.”
Daniel looks at Alicia, who thinks for a moment before pulling her phone out of her pocket.
“Let me take a picture, and then can you put the first dress on again?”
“Sure.” I smile as she takes the picture, before quickly changing into the ocean-colored dress again. I twirl in front of them playfully while we deliberate.
Daniel speaks first. “I like this one. It’s just… you. You seem comfortable in it, and the color looks amazing on you.”
I blush and look at Alicia, who’s nodding in agreement. “I agree. The other one is very pretty— you look like a star, but I think for the wedding, this is the way to go.”
“I think so, too. This one is just… easy, but still pretty.” I turn to Daniel. “You didn’t try on the other suits— are you sold on the grey one?” He looks down, like he forgot he was wearing it. “Yeah, I think so, especially with your dress. I wouldn’t want to wear navy with it.”
“All very good points,” I nod.
Daniel turns to Alicia, who’s writing something down in her notebook. “Do you have ties or something that would match her dress?”
Alicia raises an eyebrow. “Going for the matching look, huh?”
Daniel looks at me, smirking. “Yeah, we have to be cute.”
I roll my eyes at him and Alicia snorts.
“I did pull some accessories for you, so let me look.”
Alicia wanders off in search of a tie and a pocket square and Daniel grins at me.
“This?” he gestures between us, still in our outfits. “Cute as shit.”
feedback welcome!
tagged; @rogershoe
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k1sstaegi · 3 years
Valentine's Day
Tumblr media
pairing: Taehyung x reader (Female)
word Count: 4.5k
genre: smut
prompt I used: here #3
a/n: After about a week of having Tumblr and doing some researching and studying how to write a fanfic/smut, I have finally decided to give in and write something. This is all very new to me since I've never really written like this before but hopefully, it's not that unpleasing to you readers and other authors.
Criticism is accepted, just don't be too harsh, I'm sensitive. Oh, and Happy Valentine’s Day!(If you see any errors, no you didn’t)
~Author nim
“Perfect” admiring your figure in the mirror that stands in your room. You tug at the mesh sleeves of your pearly white dobby bardot top and adjust your plaid light pink m-slit hem skirt
Your top revealing the skin of your midsection, showing nothing but your bare chest, shoulders and arms as the sleeves were sheer. Your skirt prevailing just above your knee, wrapping tightly around your thighs and ass, emphasizing your full figure.
Spritzing some of your favourite perfume on your wrist and collarbone. Now ready for the party that was being held at one of your boyfriend's mutual friend's house.
You were more than delighted to spend Valentines' Day on an occasion such as this one, especially having the benefit to dress up not only for yourself but also for your boyfriend, Taehyung.
Taehyung loves seeing you all attired and happy. He would constantly tell you how gorgeous you look and how he can't take his eyes off you as his hands explored every inch of your body, but you weren't certain how he would react to your outfit, due to being in a public area.
Today, being the second Valentine's you have spent with him, you wanted it to be momentous but you began to doubt your expectations, the reason being Taehyung had been occupied all day, this party, being the first time you've seen him since this morning.
You couldn't wait to see his boxy smile that made your heart tremor, the feeling of his arms wrapped around your waist, hugging you, pulling away momentarily to plant a kiss on his favourite physical feature of you. Perhaps your forehead? cheek? Your lips, trailing kisses down your jaw to your neck.
Lightly nipping on the spots that made you fight to stay quiet, leaving a trail of wet dark hickies wherever his sweet lips made contact to your lush skin for everyone to know who you belong to, that you’re taken by him, and only him.
Reaching for your phone before dialling Taehyung’s number as he advised you to do before leaving to the party, sat at the edge of your bed, legs crossed as your skirt rises your thighs, waiting patiently for your boyfriend to answer the phone.
“Hello princess” hearing his hoarse voice clearly through the phone, although the noise in the background is overbearing, makes your lips unconsciously curve into a smile. The way the pet name rolls effortlessly off his tongue makes it harder for you to maintain your lewd thoughts.
“Hi baby, how’s the party so far?” you ask, standing from your bed, gathering your belongings before walking outside to your boyfriend’s car that stayed parked in front of your house from the night before. “are you enjoying it?”
His voice now coming from the speakers of his car as you began driving to the location to where he is, “Yeah, but it would be better if you were here. Are you on your way?”
“Yes, I'm driving there right now” with a smile, you respond, ever-so-slightly applying pressure to the gas aiming to see Taehyung. Imagining his smile when he sees you, his hands gripping around your waist to pull you in closer into his embrace, his eyes looking down on you with complete admiration in them. Your thoughts filling your head before Taehyung speaks, pulling you out of your mind-made fantasy only to put you in a new one.
“I can't wait to see what my sweet princess is wearing,” He says, his voice sounding more seductive, resulting in your breath catching in your throat. Your eyebrows furrow together as you bite your bottom lip, but it's what Taehyung said next that rendered your body to shiver and your walls clench on nothing but the thought of him, “I can't wait to rip it off either”
Struggling to focus on the road, squeezing your thighs together to the thought of Taehyung being between them, eating you out or his fingers thrusting deep into you.
You squirm slightly in the seat as your pussy grows wetter to the replaying sound of Taehyungs’ deep voice as he praises you for taking his fingers so well as if they were meant to be pumping in and out of your swollen soaked pussy. His lips, placing kisses on your inner thighs making you crave his touch more as he trails his lips closer to your center, teasing you.
Gently placing a kiss on your clit before wrapping his lips around it, sucking on it, making you grab onto whatever was around you. You try holding back moans as Taehyungs hand finds his way to your breast, cupping it in his warm hands, placing your hand over his and moving it as he adjusts his two fingers around your sensitive nipple, lightly pinching it.
Feeling Tae’s moans against your clit, sending vibrations that rush pleasure through you comes to though making you bite your lip harder, almost hard enough to draw blood.
Hearing his low voice as he says all the stimulating things he wants to do to you which soon turns to the sound of his laugh, bringing you back, once again, from your lewd fantasies “Are you even listening?”
“What?” you say, realizing Taehyung had been talking to you this whole time while you were fantasizing about his tongue doing wonders on your clit. Feeling the need to apologize, “Sorry baby”
Letting out a soft laugh, using that sweet yet intense voice that always made your body weak “It's okay, just get over here so I can see you. I'm getting impatient over here.”
With that, you end the call and continued your way to the party.
Stepping inside, you got the sudden whiff of alcohol. It wasn’t bothersome, the alcohol smell was fruity and sweet. You walk around, your eyes searching everywhere to find Taehyung only to meet eyes with people you had no notice to, but soon meeting eyes with the person you've been meaning to find.
Smiling at the sight of your boyfriend leaning against a counter with a glass in one hand. You walk over and tap him on his shoulder.
He turns in your direction, eyes widened at the sight of you, mainly what you are wearing. Smiling innocently, you lift yourself onto your toes leaving a chaste kiss on his lips resulting in him kissing back. Placing his hands around your waist to pull you closer as you felt his toned body complex press against your smaller less toned body. “Baby, what are you wearing?”
His questioning makes you pout, guessing that he didn't like the way you outfitted yourself tonight. “You don't like my outfit?” You ask worryingly, looking down at your skirt, wondering if it didn't suit Taehyung’s liking, or maybe it was the mesh top that didn't seem appealing to him. He places his warm hands on your cheeks, cupping your face and looking deeply into his eyes.
“Trust me, I love it” his once sweet eyes, now filled with darkness and lust as he hazily smirks down at you, “But did you have to wear something so...tight and revealing?” He asks.
You could tell, Taehyung did enjoy your outfit but the thought that lingered in the back of his mind he knew others would too. Every guy that you’d walk past would try and catch a glimpse of your body, and that enrages Taehyung, thinking someone would ever look at you in the way that he did. Lustfully.
He hated the thought of someone thinking of you, staring at you, even daring to touch you when you are at your weakest. He wanted you all to himself, by his side, in his arms, and on top of him.
“What do you mean?”
“Let’s go somewhere where there are fewer people.” Pulling you by the hand and taking you into the emptied kitchen, Taehyung stands closely in front of you as you look up into his eyes, confusion written all on your face. “Listen, princess, I love your outfit it's so beautiful on you that I can't help but stare, but I also don't want other guys to do the same. You don't mind covering up, do you?”
You watch as Taehyung waits for you to say something along the lines of ‘yes baby, I'll cover up’ and those words were in your head waiting to communicate through your lips, but what came out was not what either of you expected. “Yes,” you say firmly.
Taehyung was always, and still is, the dominant one in your relationship, he always made the calls. You have some calls but it was primarily Taehyung who controlled you, punished you if you wouldn't listen, make sure that you knew who you belong to, fuck you till your crying out his name for everyone to hear how good he makes you feel and how well you take him.
He wants everyone to know and understand that you are his good little slut.
Taehyungs cocks an eyebrow up before letting out a soft laugh, “I won't ask again, cover-up” Taehyung says showing signs of irritation in his voice as his grip on your wrist tightens causing you to glance down at your hands for a brief moment before looking back up into Taehyungs eyes.
“Why? Because all you really want is to bend me over the counter and-”
Not even a moment to finish your sentence, Taehyung turns you, bending you over the counter with his body pushing against yours, taking you by surprise. His previous hand holding your arm behind your back and his free hand gripping tightly onto your ass making you whine.
Leaning more onto your body to where you could feel his warm intoxicated breath on your neck made your skin shiver. You just thought of him pulling down your skirt, moving your already soaked panties to the side and running his finger down your needy core as too begged him for more only to get punished even more.
, god you were a mess right now.
“Don't temp me y/n. I might just fuck you right here, right now, for everyone to see if that's what you came here for.” his voice serious and demanding, which only makes you want to fuck him more.
He runs his hands from your thigh, sliding up your back, reaching your scalp, running his finger through your hair and pulling on it resulting in a delicate moan to slip through your lips.
The slight stinging pain makes you wetter than you already are if that was even possible. Taehyung turns you to face him, having you pushed against the counter with his thigh between your legs making you sip in air which caught Taehyung’s attention.
He shoots a confused look before looking down at your thighs wrapped around his leg before pushing his thigh into you making yet another moan escape from your mouth. You place your hands on his chest, gripping onto the fabric of his black dress coated and leaning your head into his chest as he continues to rub his thigh against you, sending pleasure throughout your whole body and it aroused Tae as well.
Seeing you struggle to stay quiet, denying the obvious pleasure you were receiving, seeing you squirm under him desperately needing him to touch you, kiss you, punish you. anything.
“Looks like my little princess missed me,” Taehyung says cockily before removing his thigh from between your legs and adjusting your skirt. You glance up at him with a pout, crossing your arms, wishing he wouldn’t have stopped.
He lets out a soft laugh before briefly placing his lips on yours and taking hold of your hand and leading you into the room full of smiling drunk dancing people. Sitting down on the long black leather sofa that was positioned in the middle of the room, Taehyung sits down jerking you onto his lap.
Although the room was unbearably loud, his voice was still heard over anything. It made you weak. The one word driving you crazy enough to just take off all his clothes right now and go down on him, but you managed to contain yourself.
Taking in a deep breath and letting it go before feeling his arm tighten around your waist, pulling you closer to him to where you could feel his lips graze again your ear and his warm breath roll down your neck as he says the one word that you try to obey.
Spending most of your time at the party sitting on Taehyung’s lap, you try to keep yourself from the lewd thoughts that filled your head.
“Baby, I'm going to go get a drink,” You tell Taehyung, his grip around your waist loosens and he nods, allowing you to get up from his lap, walking over to the bar.
You pour champagne into a glass and pour it down your throat, hoping it would help with your nerves. You look over to Taehyung’s direction to see him sweetly watching over you, flashing you a cute smile.
Although, all you could think about was Tae’s hands gently wrapped around your throat, pinning you down, teasing you with his tip, skimming it between your folds and barely pushing into your slit. Telling you how beautiful you look miserable for his cock to be deep inside you, your mind going fuzzy just at the thought of him. You couldn't help but feel the warmth from his smile.
You continued taking sips of your drink, unexpectedly feeling hands snake around your waist making you jump. You turn your head to see Taehyung, which calms you down. “Sorry Princess, I didn’t mean to scare you. Enjoying that drink, aren’t you?” Taehyung says into your ear, his deep voice sending chills down your spine.
You nod in response before feeling Taehyung gently press himself against you causing you to silently gasp. “You looked so beautiful from where I was sitting; I couldn’t help but come up here and see you from up close” He admits, his lips gently touching your skin, placing wet kisses on your shoulder as he grinds himself against you, letting a soft moan slip from your lips.
“fuck~” He groans digging his fingers digging into your sides, his now hard erection poking you from behind. His hands sliding down to your skirt, suddenly squeezing your ass making you squeeze your eyes shut, leaning down to your ear and saying the words that lured you.
“Bathroom. 5 minutes,” He says before walking away in the direction of the bathroom.
As told, you wait 5 minutes before exploring your way upstairs where there were no people. You look around finding a closed-door, assuming it was the bathroom, slowly turn the knob, the door swings open and you are pulled by strong arms wrapping around your waist into the dimmed lit room. The door shuts and you withstand the cool exterior of the door get pushed against your back.
“Finally” Taehyung growls. Connecting his lips to yours, gliding his tongue across your bottom lip before taking it between his teeth, gently biting it.
His hands travel from your waist to your ass, pulling you closer against him, feeling his erection rub against your inner thigh making you moan into the kiss. You craved for this moment all night long, and Taehyung craved it just as much as you did.
He couldn't wait to hear the pretty little moans escape from your lips only caused by him. You place your hands on his shoulder, sliding them onto his chest before pulling him in closer. Your hands find their way down Taehyung’s body, reaching his erection, palming him through his black dress pants causing him to grunt and thrust towards you.
Proceeding to palm him, you feel a grip on your wrist pulling your hand away from him and placing it on his chest. “Nu’uh,” He says, his lips curving into a smirk before gently leaving a trail of kisses down your neck and to your collarbone.
He kisses down your chest, leaving a line of faint hickies. He slowly moves his hand under your top, placing his palm over your breast, massaging it gently making you whining mess.
He pulls away, pressing your forehead together, both panting for air as he moves his hand to life your skirt, revealing the cute pink lace panties that you wore, Taehyung chuckles. “These are so adorable princess. What a shame that they're ruined” He teases, running his hand over your mound with a smirk. You look up into his lust-filled eyes as he continues rubbing you through your lace panties letting a line of curse words leaves your lips “ah~ fuck”
Tae slides your panties to the slide, allowing his finger to glide through your soaking core, “I barely touched you and your already this wet for me? Hm?” He taunts, teasing your clit as you wrap your arms around him and bury your face into the crook of your neck. “fuck- you’re so good” He praises you.
Slowly slipping one of his fingers in you, causing you to let out a moan. He gently grabs your chin making direct eye contact before kissing you to muffle your moans. “Stay quiet for me” You bite your lip trying to contain your moans like Taehyung asked for as he resumes to push his fingers in and out of you “Good girl” He praises, adding another finger making it harder for you to stay silent.
Speeding his actions makes you dig your fingers into him, making the tips of them white from how hard they were digging into Taehyung. You nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck as his fingers do wonders inside of you. “You’re going so good, baby” still pushing his fingers deep in you as you trying to keep quiet, he curls his fingers hitting a sweet spot in you making you whimper. Almost reaching your high, your walls clench around Taehyung’s finger making him groan as he speeds up his actions to help you reach your high.
“T-Taehyung oh- fuck” You stutter on your words, slight tears building up in your eyes and your walls clench around him again before releasing onto his fingers, drenching them in your juices.
Taehyung removes his fingers, placing them over your lips. “Suck”
You open your mouth and wrap your lips around Tae’s two fingers, sucking them clean as he watches you admiringly with soft eyes, but behind them, you can see dark desire shining through.
He slowly pumps his fingers in and out of your mouth, wiping your tears with his free hand before smiling sweetly down at you. “You shouldn’t look this cute as you do right now, sucking your juices clean from my fingers,” Taehyung whispers, still moving his fingers in and out of your mouth. You hum, sending vibrations to his fingers as he removes them to fix you. “How about we go home?”
You smile at him before he takes you hand in hand, leaving the upstairs bathroom as if he didn't just finger fuck your swollen pussy and made his way to his parked car outside.
Now in Taehyung’s bathroom, changing out of your current clothes to throw on your hoodie, well, Taehyung’s hoodie that you snatched it from his clothes and took it for yourself. Your clothes in your hand, you walk out the bathroom to see your relaxed boyfriend laid across his bed watching the T.V.
You place your clothes on his draw before walking over to pull the covers off of him to straddle in his lap, resting your head in the crook of his neck. Taehyung wraps his arm around your waist using his free arm to pull the blankets over the both of you. He places his hands under your hoodie placing his warm hand on your back, running his hands up and down. “Did you enjoy tonight princess?” Softly, he asks
You nod your head, not removing your face from his neck. “Yes”
Taehyung’s chest surges up and down as he lets out a sigh, cuddling you tighter. “I know I've already said this, but you looked so beautiful tonight.” He says, placing a kiss behind your ear followed by another on your cheek.
He places his hands on your waist, pulling you to sit up on his lap and make eye contact. “I couldn't stop thinking how after the party, I’d bring you right here and strip every little piece of clothing that covered you. Kiss every inch of your body before pinning you down on this bed and-” He cuts his words short, cupping your warm face before pulling you closer to his, feeling his warm breath hit your lips. “How about I show you what I’d do,” He says, kissing you gently.
He lifts your hoodie, revealing you in nothing but your already ruined new pair of panties. His lips making contact with your skin leaving a wet trail of kisses followed by soft bites down the middle of your chest, soon wrapping his lips around your nipple, caressing your breast.
“Mh~” you whimper placing your hands on Tae’s shoulder slightly pushing him back on him. He removes his lips from you, letting the hoodie fall over you and gently places your face in his hands and asks if you were okay.
You nod, nipping your bottom lip “I want to skip this part” you say softly, not being patient enough for foreplay. You just wanted to feel his touch, his hands gripping onto your waist as he thrusts into you making you a mess under him.
Taehyung lets out a soft chuckle “You want to skip this part?” He asks sweetly. Soon changing the tone of his voice from sweet to demanding. “Then suck me off first,”
Your eyes grew at his duality. His voice provoking you. You smile before maneuvering between his legs seeing the tent in his black boxers.
You lick the droll from your lips before palming Taehyung’s erection making him hiss at your action. You began to kiss him through the material of his boxer, squirming from around underneath you. You smile to yourself at the thought of Taehyung not being able to control himself when it comes to you. Your slightest touch made him go crazy and you both loved it.
You proceed by pulling Tae’s boxers down, just enough for his erection to spring up. You stroke your hand along Tae, taking him in your hand and seeing his sensitive tip glistening from his precum. You trail your tongue from his base to his tip, wrapping your lips around him and licking clean his dripping precum, swirling your tongue around him.
“fuck y/n~ don’t tease” He growls, tossing his head back. You listen to him and push your head down, taking in as much of him as you can. “Oh~ good girl”
You pump him in and out of your mouth. He runs his fingers through your hair, grabbing it making you moan, sending vibrations through his cock making him thrust into your mouth, his tip hitting the back of your throat. “Mhm~ you’re so good for me baby” He manages, his eyes shut tight from pleasure. You feel a slight twitch in your mouth as Taehyung lets out a breathy growl before pulling you away from him. You look at him, out of breath and confused, drool dripping down from the corners of your mouth onto your chin.
Grabbing your chin and slowly pulling you towards him, your faces just centimetres away. “If I’m going to cum, it’s going to be inside you,” He says deeply before turning you, laying on your back has his body hovers over you.
Attaching his lips to yours, licking your bottom lip before sliding his tongue between your lips, biting your lip letting a moan slip between them. Removing his lips from yours, a line of saliva connecting you. Taehyung leaves a few kisses on your neck before lifting your hoodie, tugging at your panties. You slightly lift yourself, making it manageable for Tae to jerk your panties down along your leg and toss them somewhere across the room.
He strokes his hand up and down his silken cock before tormenting you with his tip, sliding it between your soaked folds as your tightness clenches around nothing. “T-Taehyung~” you let out in a moan.
“Does my baby want my cock inside her?” Taehyung taunts, barely pushing his tip inside you, leaving a line of moan and curses leaving your lips.
You bite your lip, nodding in response. “words baby, use them” Taehyung speaks.
A grimace showed on Taehyung’s face before he thrusts in you without warning, you scream more than a moan from the unbelievable pleasure.
Taehyung begins to slowly fuck you, sliding his thick cock in and out of your tight walls. He looks down at you, your face full of pleasure and to the side. He loves being able to fuck you and seeing your body tremble under his touch. He stares at you admirably as he shoves himself inside your soaking tightness. He smiles to himself seeing how ruined you looked in his hoodie, droll slipping from your lips and mouth dropped open to let your moans escape and fill the room.
“Look at me,” He grunts, grabbing your face to make eye contact. You look at him teary-eyed. “I want to see how good I make you feel when I fuck you”
You feel yourself reaching closer to your high, doing as Taehyung and keep your eyes on him and him only. Taehyung thursts himself harder into you hitting the spot that made your body shake and your hands gripping on tightly to the bedsheets. “Ah~ fuck Tae!” you moan, earning a smirk from Taehyung.
Your fingers dig into the sheet of the mattress, pulling them closer to you. “T-Tae I'm gonna~ oh f-fuck~,” you say, not being able to finish a sentence properly without it being interrupted by moans and curse words.
“Hold it in for me baby. Can you do that? Can you hold it in for me, please” Tae pleads, his thrusts getting harder and sloppier as he tries to reach his high.
You whimper trying to hold yourself for Tae as his thrusts get sloppy by the second. “Shit~” Taehyung growls, digging his face into the crook of your neck. You could hear his faint growls and feel his warm breath hit your flush skin.
Moans, whimpers, whines, and grunts leave both your lips and Taehyung as you get overstimulated waiting for his high.
“Cum baby” He growls lowly into your ear. Your tightness clenches around his cock as you cum all over him followed by a loud cry. He thursts aggressively in you, holding his cock in position before filling you with a string of cum.
Both of you catch your breaths as Taehyung leaves sweet slow kisses, different from the ones before, on your neck and finding his way to your lips, gently kissing them. He slowly pulls out of you and lies down next to you, pulling you closer into his chest.
“I never got the chance to say this,” He says softly against your ear
“What is it?”
“Happy Valentines Day”
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