#Hello Nice to Meet You Let's Divorce
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Thick friends (1)
Title: Thick friends
Summary: Is it love?
Pairing: Alpha!Bucky x Omega!Plus-sized Reader
Warnings: secrets, flirting, mentions of divorce, a/b/o
Rating: teen
Words: 821
Square filled for @avengers-assemble-bingo : a/b/o – alpha/beta/omega
Square filled for @avengers-assemble-bingo “Bucky Barnes birthday bingo”: a/b/o – alpha/beta/omega
Square filled for @buckybarnesbingo : U3: AU: Bakery
Card number: B004
Square filled for @buckyboybingo: Omegaverse
A/N: Inspired by an old episode of sATC
“Hello, Bucky! It’s good to see you!” You watch a stunning redhead step toward you and your boyfriend of three months.
“Nat, uh—what are you doing here?” Bucky nervously tugs at his tie, and you wonder why he’s suddenly nervous. He’s usually relaxed and laid back around you.
“Oh, I came here with my,” she clears her throat and points at a man in an expensive suit. He looks as stunning as the woman. Blonde and tall. “Steve.”
“Steve, I see,” Bucky hums while looking her up and down in her short black dress and matching heels. She’s breathtakingly beautiful; you give her that.
“Hi, I’m Natasha,” she suddenly says, giving Bucky a stern look. She knits her brows together as he still hasn’t introduced you to her. “An old acquaintance of Bucky.”
You shake her offered hand and give Natasha your name. She seems to be very nice too, and you wonder again why Bucky didn’t introduce you to her.
“I don’t want to keep you,” she speaks again, giving you a soft smile. “It was very nice to meet you, Y/N. I hope to see you again soon. Maybe for lunch.” Natasha looks at Bucky. “Steve would be happy to see you too.”
Bucky hesitates. “Yeah…maybe.”
“Have a nice dinner,” Natasha says. She turns toward her date, walking away, leaving you wondering.
Bucky watches them chat, following Natasha and Steve with his eyes as you try to push the intrusive thoughts away.
“Why didn’t you want to introduce me to your friend?” You question with a huff. “Why do we always eat outside of town and never meet up somewhere downtown?”
“They are not friends,” Bucky replies, pointing at the table. “Let’s sit down now before the table is taken.”
“So…a new girl?” Steve didn’t wait for Bucky to come to his senses and meet up with him finally. “Buck—” He sighs and shakes his head as Bucky angrily glares. “We never sided with your ex, you know that. The rumors she spread weren’t true.”
“Well, you didn’t come around to ask how I’m doing either, right?” Bucky bites back. He’s in a bad mood since he met Natasha at the restaurant. “What do you want here now?”
“Natasha thought it was a good idea to invite you and your new girlfriend for lunch.” Steve tries to convince his former best friend to let the past go. “Buck, we used to be so close. You let rumors and gossip drive a wedge between us.”
Steve is not wrong. Bucky let the nasty divorce ruin more than his trust in women. Friendships ended, just like business relationships, as he couldn’t stop thinking everyone wanted to betray him.
“I can join you for lunch, but…” He trails off, not wanting to explain his relationship with you. “Y/N, she’s… She’s not my girlfriend.”
“I looked damn much like you are in love.” Steve crosses his arms over his chest, searching his friend’s face. “If you don’t want to tell me, I understand. It’s been a while since we talked.”
“She’s…” Bucky sighs, shaking his head.
“How did you meet? Who is she to you?” Steve presses on.
“I—we met three months and two weeks ago…” Bucky replies. He moves toward the window to look outside as he begins to tell Steve how you met…
Three months and two weeks earlier, …
“Hello, welcome to the sweet corner. What can I do for you?” You repeat the same line you said so many times in your life you can’t even count it anymore. “Care to try one of our newest creations? It’s a strawberry mascarpone cupcake.”
Bucky steps closer to you, looking at the cupcake in your hand. You smile sweetly at the handsome man, offering a bite to him.
“Uh, sure,” he hesitantly takes the cupcake out of your hands. “Thanks, but how do you make money if you give these away for free?”
“Oh, only the first fifteen customers get one,” you say, giving him your sweetest smile. “We hope you’ll recommend us if you like it.”
Bucky takes a small bite, humming as this is the best cupcake he has ever eaten. “It’s very good,” he moans and takes another bite. “It tastes phenomenal.”
“You’re too nice,” you giggle and coyly bite your index finger, batting your eyelashes. He’s far out of your league, but flirting doesn’t hurt anyone.
While Bucky eats the cupcake, you tell him that you only use natural ingredients.
“It’s…delicious,” he purrs, licking his fingers clean as his eyes drop to your cleavage. You’re wearing a floral-patterned dress with a low neckline and puffed sleeves. The skirt has multiple layers of ruffles that flow around your legs.
You watch him drink your appearance in while you dip your finger into the cream of another cupcake. “If you want to,” you lick your finger clean, moaning at the taste, “you can have another taste.”
#bucky barnes#buckyboybingo2025#buckybarnesbingo2024#avengers-assemble-bingo#bucky barnes x reader#alpha!bucky barnes#x reader#bucky barnes x you#bucky barnes x y/n#x female reader
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Summary: Miguel will stop at nothing to have you at his side. And you know that but who says you can't make him struggle just a little.
word count:3.5k+
A/n: Thank you guys for loving Pt.1 to this story so much I hope this second part meets your expectations! Im thinking of making a pt.3 where the spider society meets the reader let me know what you guys think!xx
Parts: I II^ III
(Gif credits to the creator ofc!^)
Walking into your lawyers office made Miguel's blood boil.
He had already ripped up the divorce papers but he wanted to send a message before he returned them to their sender considering you ignored his thousands of calls.
“Mr.O’hara it's nice to finally meet you although clients usually communicate lawyer to law-” he was quickly cut off by the loud sound of the shredded paper being tossed onto his desk.
“ I thought this would be quicker for the both of us, Tell your client that her HUSBAND said no. And that I‘ll be seeing her very soon. Thanks.” Miguel said, having that last bit dripping with sarcasm.
“Should I be concerned for my clients' well-being Mr.O’hara?” your lawyer said standing up.
Turning to face him once more Miguel snickered, “On the contrary Mr.?” he said looking for a name tag.
“Murdock. It's on the building Nelson and Murdock.” he said, smiling back at him.
“Big man, Congratulations. My wife is safe with me, just let her know I'll be seeing her soon, have a nice day Murdock.” With a nod from your lawyer he took it as his time to leave but not without whispering some insults in spanish under his breath.
Who did he think he was questioning your safety around Miguel? You were the safest at his side and his side only.
And no one was taking that from him, not even you.
Quickly after he left your Lawyer wasted no time in contacting you.
Two rings passed before you picked up.
To tell the truth your heart was pounding. It felt so soon for him to have already turned in the papers.
“Hello?” you didn't mean to sound as quiet and defeated as you did but who were you trying to fool this had been and was going to be a very tough moment in your life.
“Mrs.O’Hara how are you?” he answered calmly.
Confused by the surname you stopped walking in the middle of the busy airport.
“I'm fine, did you receive the papers?” you asked eager to find out exactly what happened.
“Yes, I did but they're not signed or intact for that matter. It seems like he gave them to a cat to have as a toy."He said holding up the paper realizing what he thought were rips were actually done by claws, strange.
“Ay Miguel.” You said, you knew he never took any news well but you never thought he’d pull something like this.
“He also left a message for you.” he said, setting the paper aside.
“And that was?” you said curious as to what he could possibly have to say.
“Tell your client that her husband said no, and that he will be seeing you very soon, he put a big emphasis on the word husband.” he said pausing.
Waiting for a response from you he added on, “Ms. O’Hara if i'm being honest here this doesn't sound like a man who wanted a divorce.” he said reconsidering the course of the situation.
“At this point I'm not really sure what he wants anymore, I don't think I ever actually knew to begin with.” you said, beginning to question your judgment.
“Well if you’d like to continue with the one sided divorce process we can do that otherwise I think you should speak to Mr.O’Hara and sort things out.” He said.
Now you had a lot to think about, A shiver went up your spine as you realized exactly what was happening.
“Y/n? Is everything okay? Do you need help?” Your lawyer asked on the other side. He always knew a little more than he was led to believe which meant he had to be cautious with how much he involved himself.
“Oh yeah, yes I am fine just considering my options, can I get back to you on that?” You asked quickly beginning to exit the airport.
“Yes, of course whatever you need, give me a call.” he said, he could hear your breath picking up and your heart beat gaining speed.
“Thank you, Mr. Murdock.” and with that you hung up the phone and found your driver.
If there was one thing Miguel didn't like it was not having you by his side and to make matters worse not knowing where you were.
You didn't doubt for a second Miguel had already found you; it was just a matter of time before he got to you.
Angry would be the understatement of the year.
Taking a deep breath you tried to relax remembering why you were in this situation in the first place.
It was his fault you left, and if he wanted to bring you back then he’d have to travel across the world and do it face to face.
After all, you did book a flight to Barcelona thinking it would be far enough to not ever be able to go back to him no matter how strong the urge.
Your phone rang again, thinking it was your lawyer, you answered.
“Was there something you forgot to mention earlier?” you asked, trying to sound as calm as possible.
“Hiring a man as your lawyer, you always know where to hit me so it hurts mi amor.” chills ran down your spine at the sound of that raspy voice.
“Miguel, what do you want?” you said trying to put up a front.
“You. Back in our house, at my side.” he said with a demanding tone.
The audacity of this man, you'd been distraught and in tears practically the entire journey here but now? All you felt was anger.
“No.” was all you said, the front was gone, these were your genuine emotions now.
“No? Como que no? You're mine, don't you forget that.” he said, beginning to raise his voice.
“ I didn't forget that, you did Miguel so it's either you start remembering or I start forgetting too. Ya no voy a estar de gata a tus pies. I'm worth more than that.” you said trying to hold back the shakiness in your voice.
It was helpless because he already heard it.
“Mi amor, I never thought that of you please, come home and let's talk. I'm begging you don't do this to us. I need you.” He said hoping he could sway you in his direction.
“This is the longest you've spoken to me in over a month Miguel, you realize that right? And all for what, because I disobeyed you?” you asked, hoping he'd deny it but all you got was silence.
Chuckling you smiled, at least that part of him never changed.
“Baby, plea-” he tried.
“No, Sign the papers or I'm moving in a different direction Miguel. I let my love for you stand in the way for too long and you don't even have the decency to tell me you don't love me anymore. I'm done.” you said as he began to speak over you trying to stop you.
No one had ever tested Miguel's patience this much.
You not letting him get a sentence out was only bringing him closer to the edge.
“Y/n I swear if you make me-” dead tone. You hung up.
“HIJO DE PUTA!” he said as he punched the back of the passenger seat in front of him.
“Everything alright sir?” his driver asked mostly only concerned for his own safety.
No one liked seeing Miguel upset ten times out of nine everyone else ended up in whatever mood he was in.
“Yes, Just get me to the jet please.” he said, rubbing his temples gently.
Miguel fell in love with your sense of leadership when he had first met you, god was he paying for it now.
He tried to calm himself before boarding the plane. He needed to think of what he could say to get you back at his side.
He knew he needed to change, it's his best bet at making you remember just how much he loves you.
Just as the plane was taking off his gizmo showed a hologram of Jess.
“So, did you get your girl back?” She asked with a slight smirk on her face.
Miguel froze, he kept his business out of the spider society just in case anyone ever turned on them.
Keeping you safe was his number one priority.
“Lyla spilled Miguel, she's worried about you and says she's never seen you this bad before.” she said with a slight tone of concern. She knew better than to show Miguel she was worried, he would just push her away and tell her he was fine.
“Everything will be fine, I'll be gone two days tops think you can handle that?” he asked with a small smile on his face.
He knew Jess could do more than handle it; he just needed a distraction from the chaos he’d brought to his marriage.
“Yeah well when you bring her back, and you will, I ‘d like to meet the person who tolerates your broodiness, hell i ‘ll probably ask for some tips while i'm at it.” she said, making him chuckle.
No one could do what you did for him.
“Keep me updated on the canon events and keep Hobie out of my office.” he said remembering the last time he snuck in.
“You got it boss, don't forget we're all rooting for you.” she said before hanging up.
We? Who's we? He was gonna have a long talk with Lyla about confidentiality when he got back.
It has now been just about two days since you last spoke to Miguel and since then you’ve received one flower arrangement every hour with a message from Miguel and your bill at every place you visited covered by, you guessed it, Miguel.
And still you had to be graced by the presence of the man himself.
Barcelona was your chance to really find out if the grass was greener on the other side and that meant no giving in to Miguel's romantic gestures.
It was hard when every single flower warmed your heart just a little more every time.
It reminded you of when he’d cut flowers from random gardens on his way to your house.
They were never this fancy or even wrapped in paper for that matter, but you loved them more than anything else because he gave them to you out of love.
He gave these to you seeking forgiveness, something he wouldn't be doing if you hadn't been pushed over the edge.
Sighing, you set them aside with the rest of the arrangements and decided to go for a coffee.
Finding a little shop you sat on the patio after ordering your Latte with a croissant to accompany it.
Basking in the sun your mind couldn't help but wonder where he was, if he was already watching you from a distance waiting to catch you off guard.
You weren't too far off.
He was watching you, from a safe distance just to make sure you were safe, and that no other man was coming near you but mostly to make sure you were safe.
He thought that if he gave you space it’d make you miss him.
The flowers and paying for you were just in case you did miss him. Or at least that's what he made them out to be.
Miguel was trying his best to not let his possessive ways take over him and just carry you on the plane and take you home but he oh so wanted this to be over already.
But he too decided to turn a new leaf in Barcelona, one that would promise to never let you forget just how much he loved you, no matter how shitty of a day he had at work.
Miguel was brought out of his thoughts when he saw you leaving the cafe not because you were leaving but because some man was following you.
His body tensed as the man tapped on your shoulder and handed you something.
Before he knew it he was walking towards you and pulling you into him by the waist.
“¿Ya terminaste amor?( you finished here love?)” he said, smiling down at you before turning to look at the idiot who touched you.
Who did he think he was touching you when you belonged to Miguel?
Smiling a thank you to the stranger you met mere minutes ago you begin walking without answering Miguel's question.
“Who the hell was that guy?” he said following you down the street.
“ I have no idea Miguel, what I do know is that you've been watching me for the past two days.” you said trying to hide your smirk.
Miguel stopped, you had outsmarted him.
“Only because you won't speak to me.” he said trying to hide the smile on his face.
He was a proud husband but now was not the time.
“Sucks doesn't it? Being ignored by your spouse when you just wanted to give them all your love.” you said opening the door to your new home.
“Y/n mi amor I get it, I'm an asshole and I deserve whatever it is you throw my way but please come home and you can throw it at me there.” he said trying to get close to you but all it did was make you take a step back.
“Baby please, just come here.” he said as he took another step towards you.
He was quick but you were quicker getting out of the way.
“No Miguel, you treated me like some toy that you used when you were bored. And when you got tired of me you tossed me to the side and pretended that I wasn't there. Do you know how it feels to be treated like an item? A disposable item?” you asked your voice barely above a whisper but that didn't stop you.
“For the last ten years of our relationship there wasn't one day that you didn't tell me you loved me. Even when we were fighting. Tell me Miguel, when was the last time you told me you loved me? As a matter of fact, When was the last time we even slept in the same bed? You can't tell me can you?” you asked, waiting for a response from him but all you got was silence.
Your words finally began to actually sink in to Miguel and for once he didn't know what to do.
Balancing the literal multiverse on his shoulders distracted him so much he hadn't realized the damage he was doing to your marriage.
But you’d had more than enough time to realize what it did to you.
Shaking your head you looked away as tears brimmed your eyes.
You wanted so badly to be strong for yourself but seeing the end to what you thought was your forever was making it really difficult.
“Fuck.” was all Miguel could muster up at the moment, he needed to find a way to fix this.
Letting out a shaky breath, “Y/n, I know that I ‘ve changed but there's just been so much pressure on me to fix things and they really need me right now, this is the only way I can keep everyone safe, keep you safe.” he said hoping you’d understand.
Nodding you looked out the window and admired the view.
“ I understand, the multiverse is important to you. But I can't sit around waiting for the day you decide to consider me too. And I know that sounds selfish but I can't help it. I'm jealous of Miguel. Jealous of the people who see you more than I do. Jealous of the office you spend time in. Jealous of the Lyla.” you actually had to laugh after that.
“ I sound crazy, Jealous of a damn AI all because it gets your attention more than me.” you said tears finally falling.
“Well guess what Miguel, I won't do it anymore, I hate this feeling. I understand protecting the multiverse is important so go, go be a hero it's who you are and it's amazing. I could never stand in the way of that no matter how much it’d hurt me.” you said leaning back on the kitchen counter.
You’d hoped that’d be enough to get him to go.
In a second Miguel had his arms around you and his head buried in your shoulder.
Wrapping your arms around his neck you realized he was crying.
“Miguel?” you asked gently, slightly confused by the reaction.
“I'm so sorry baby please, I need you. Without you I'm just the shell of the man I should be. I can't live a life without you, it's pointless. Just please come home and we can fix this together. I ‘ll do whatever you want. I ‘ll get on my knees and beg if that's what it takes.” he said as he began to get down on his knees.
“Miguel no-” you whispered as you tried pulling him back up.
“Then what baby you tell me and I ‘ll do it please tell me how to fix this. ¡Estoy loco por ti y lo sabes!( I'm crazy for you and you know it!)” he yelled, he was mere seconds away from a panic attack his breathes were shortening quickly and you noticed it.
“Miguel? Baby slow down, you need to breathe.” you said lowering yourself to meet his face.
“ I can’t- I can-” he said as he tried regaining his breath.
He hadn't had one of these since he became spiderman so an inhaler was not an option. So you did the next best thing, you kissed him.
Deeply, passionate to make sure he slowed down his breathing completely.
Slowly it began to work so you pulled away to allow him to catch his breath.
Analyzing his face you’d only hoped it worked, “Better?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Not yet.” he said as he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you back in for another kiss this time much deeper.
Miguel began kissing you like a man who’d been starved as he pulled you closer wrapping your legs around his waist in the process.
And just like that you were lost in him all over again.
Whatever speech you gave yourself about the grass being greener was gone in the wind.
Quickly Miguel began undressing you while you pulled his clothes off in return.
“No sabes cuanto te e necesitado mi amor. (you don't know how much i've needed you my love.)” he said as left a trail of kisses down your neck.
“Callate y hazme el amor Miguel.(shut up and make love to me.”you said breathlessly as he flipped you over on the kitchen floor placing his tip at your entrance.
Slipping into you slowly he clenched his jaw at the feeling of your tightness around him. Oh how he missed this feeling.
Gasping you tried to adjust to his size again , no matter how many times you’d had sex in the past it's like this man got bigger and bigger every time.
Hearing your soft moans encouraged Miguel to keep going until he was fully buried in you, “dios mio.” was all he could manage to say as he rested his head in the crook of your neck.
“Miguel-” you moaned, signaling him to move.
“ I know baby I know.” he said as he pulled himself out completely before thrusting back in and finding his pace making you arch your back in the process.
Slowly he began building up his speed until all he could hear was the beautiful sound of your voice moaning his name endlessly.
This was his heaven.
Watching you as your face contorted in full euphoria at the pleasure he was giving you.
Taking your hand in his he gave it a squeeze that you returned as you used your other hand to pull him in for a breathless kiss.
“Miguel ya” you said, getting closer to your climax.
“Wait for me mami i'm almost there.” he said as he sped up making your eyes roll to the back of your head.
This man would be the end of you.
By this point you were a moaning mess holding on to the last strands of sanity you had left waiting for Miguel.
Once you felt Miguel twitch inside of you it was clear he was close, you pulled him close and began kissing your way up to his ear.
“Miguel baby, I need you hazme tuya mi amor.” you moaned, and with that you felt his fangs dig into your shoulder as he filled you with his seed allowing you to cum with him.
You could've passed out from the immense amount of pleasure you were feeling, or the reaction to his spider venom, but missing a moment of this was not an option.
After Miguel recovered he realized what he’d done, “Shit, I'm sorry I didn’t think-” he said, beginning to slightly panic.
He’d always been able to control himself in bed.
Smiling, you pulled him in for another kiss, “It’s okay, I liked it.” you said earning yourself a look of surprise from him.
Laying his head back down on your chest you sighed in content.
“Eres la luz de mi vida, el sol para mi luna. (you are the light of my life, the sun to my moon.)” he said smiling.
Laughing you massaged the back of his neck as you ran your hands through his hair.
“ The light of your life would like to get off this hard floor.” you said as you wiggled to ease the soreness of your back.
Miguel wasted no time in picking you up and taking you to the bedroom.
“ This looks like a much more suitable place to spend the week.” he said, laying you down gently.
“Week? Isn't there a canon event that needs your rescuing?” you asked, to tell the truth your heart was overjoyed at the thought of him staying here with you.
“You, you're my cannon event and it's gonna take all of me to rescue you.” he said as he kissed your forehead.
“My hero.” you said as you laid your head on his chest admiring his relaxed features.
“Te amo mi cielo.” he whispered.
“Y yo a ti cariño.” you said, closing your eyes as you fell asleep alongside the love of your life.
The road to forever looked a lot brighter now
tagslist: @cooch1ecruncher @hoseokslefteyebrow @marcswife21 @whatdudtheysay @foxglove-spidey @smyfmj @mushy-mushroom04 @flooftoof @aepinkoutsold @scoliobean @elliaze
#miguel x reader#miguel spiderverse#miguel o'hara#miguel o'hara x reader#miguel x you#spider-man 2099#across the spiderverse
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Sugar & Spicy Books Chapter 2
Summary: Y/N is an accomplished writer who is newly divorced, and out of fear of the unknown, moves back to her small hometown she swore she’d never come back to. She comes across her best friend that never left, who helps her out of a tough spot. Will old feelings arise? Or is she just too big for such a small place now?
Warnings: language, smut
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Later that day Bucky drove Y/N towards his family home. He opened the front door and led her inside. “Ma?” he called out. “Autumn?”
“We’re in the kitchen!” his mother called back.
Y/N felt nervous. She hadn’t seen Winnie in years. They had kept in contact at first, but eventually the letters stopped coming, which she now realized was probably around the time Autumn was born. She still had them buried in a shoebox in her small pile of things she kept. Y/N followed Bucky to the kitchen, looking around and seeing how little the house had changed since she last saw it.
“Hey Ma,” Bucky greeted her, kissing her cheek before turning to a girl standing at the sink. “Hey lovey dove,” he said, hugging her and kissing the top of her head.
“Hey Daddy!” Autumn greeted him, hugging him back. “We’re making cookies!”
“And eating them faster than they come out of the oven, I’m sure,” he joked.
Winnie smiled at him then turned to see Y/N, gasping and dropping the spatula in her hand. “Oh! Oh it can’t be!” she squealed, running around the kitchen island she was standing at. Y/N smiled widely at her as she approached.
“Hey Ma,” she greeted her quietly.
“Sweet girl,” Winnie said, cupping her face in her hands. “Y/N? Oh!” Winnie hugged her tight, rubbing her back and petting her hair as she held her. Y/N fought back a rush of emotions that almost made her cry. Winnie looked so much older than the last time she saw her, but her eyes were still vibrant, her smile still easy, just like Bucky’s. “You’ve been away too long!” she cried.
“I know,” Y/N agreed. “I’m sorry.”
“Daddy, who’s that?” Autumn whispered loudly to him.
Bucky chuckled and brought her closer to Y/N. Winnie let go of her so Autumn could see her better. “Autumn, this is my best friend, Y/N,” Bucky introduced them. “Y/N, my baby Autumn.”
Y/N smiled widely at her. She was beautiful, inheriting her father’s eyes and dimpled chin. Autumn smiled shyly at her. “Hello, Autumn. It’s so nice to meet you. I love your name,” Y/N greeted her.
“Thank you,” Autumn said. “Oh! You’re the lady on Daddy’s book!”
Bucky huffed a laugh. “Right, yeah, she wrote it,” he explained.
Autumn looked at Y/N excitedly. “That’s cool! Are you rich?”
“Autumn!” Winnie chastised her.
Y/N laughed. “It’s okay,” she said. “Uh, yeah, kinda rich,” Y/N shrugged.
“Cool,” Autumn sighed.
Winnie had them stay for dinner, talking to Y/N about everything that she had been up to, and giving her updates about everyone in town. “So what’s your plan now?” she asked.
“Well, honestly I don’t know,” Y/N said. “Bucky is being very gracious in helping fix my car in exchange for me taking care of Autumn for a while…if that’s okay with you, Autumn?”
“Yeah!” Autumn cheered. “You can come watch my softball game!”
“I’d love to,” Y/N said.
After dinner and goodbyes Bucky drove Y/N and Autumn back to his home. Y/N smiled at the small house. “You bought Mrs. Richards’ house?” she asked.
“Yeah, fixed it up real good, lots of renovations over the last few years,” he said, grabbing her bags he’d taken from the Beetle.
Y/N followed him and Autumn inside. The house was well decorated and well lived-in, with little messes strewn about. She looked around, taking in the house and smiling. “Alright, lovey dove, time for bed,” Bucky said, gesturing to the stairs while looking at Autumn.
“Aw, Daddy,” Autumn whined. “I wanna hang out with Y/N.”
“Well, you can hang out with her tomorrow after school,” Bucky said. “Now say goodnight and git.”
Autumn stuck her tongue out at him, and he did it back to her. Y/N chuckled as Autumn approached her and hugged her. “Goodnight, Y/N,” she said, then looked up at her. “Will you read me one of your stories?”
“Oh, well, uh,” Y/N bit back a smile, Bucky covering his mouth with his hand, stifling a laugh. “Mine are a little too grown up for you. But I can read you something else.”
“Okay!” Autumn nodded, then turned and hugged Bucky before running upstairs. “I’ll call you when I’m ready!” she shouted.
“Alright!” Y/N replied.
Bucky sidled up to her, nudging her arm. “Aw, you don’t wanna read her one of your great stories?” he teased.
Y/N glared at him. “Shut up,” she whispered.
Bucky snorted. “I’m glad she likes you. I mean, she’s pretty friendly anyways, but she seems to be excited about you watching her for a while.”
“She’s great, Buck,” Y/N smiled at him, nudging his arm back. “You’re a good dad.”
Bucky looked away. “Well, I don’t know about that,” he said quietly. “But thank you.” They stood silently for a moment before he stooped down and grabbed her bags again. “Let me show you to your room.”
She followed him up the stairs to the first door on the right. “This is the guest bedroom,” he said, holding the door open for her. “Next door is Autumn, and I’m across from her. Bathroom is at the end of the hall. It’s a full bath, so you can shower there, and if she’s in there you can always use mine,” he rattled off, setting her bags on the bed. “I usually take her to school on my way to the shop in the mornings, but school gets out at 3:00 and I’m not off until 5:00, so you can use my car to get her and either come back to the shop or take her around town, my mom’s house, or come back here, whatever you want, but then you’ll need to come pick me up. Sound good?”
“Yep,” Y/N nodded. “It’s the least I could do. You’re being very kind to me, Bucky, thank you.”
“Anything for you, honey,” Bucky smirked.
“Y/N! I’M READY!” Autumn screamed from her room.
Bucky rubbed his face harshly in embarrassment as Y/N laughed. “Coming!” she called back. “Duty calls,” she saluted Bucky and walked to Autumn’s room.
“Alright, what’s the bedtime routine?” Y/N asked once she was standing next to Autumn’s bed.
“A short story, a song, and a kiss goodnight,” Autumn said, counting on her fingers.
“Yes ma’am,” Y/N said, turning to the bookshelf. She read Autumn a short story then kneeled by the side of the bed. “What’s your favorite bedtime song?” she asked.
“I don’t know. Daddy sings all kinds of songs,” she shrugged.
“Okay, well let me think…do you like Princess songs?”
“Yeah!” Autumn smiled.
“Who’s your favorite?” Y/N smiled.
“Rapunzel,” she replied, snuggling into her comforter. “From Tangled.”
“Of course,” Y/N nodded. “How about, ‘I See the Light’?”
Autumn nodded fervently. Y/N started to sing the song softly, leaning on her elbows on the bed. She reached up and ran her fingers through Autumn’s hair as she sang. Autumn’s eyelids fluttered closed, and by the end of the song she was snoring. Y/N stood slowly so as not to jostle the bed, then leaned down and kissed the top of her head. She turned to see Bucky watching her from the doorway.
He smiled and walked in, passed Y/N and leaned down to kiss Autumn’s cheek before turning back and taking Y/N’s hand and leading her out of the room, closing the door quietly. He faced her in the hallway. “For somebody who doesn’t have kids, you’re good with mine,” Bucky smirked.
Y/N scoffed. “I never said I didn’t want kids. I just didn’t want them yet. Though I guess I’m running out of time, aren’t I?”
“Oh yes, ‘cause you’re so old,” Bucky teased.
“So old,” Y/N rolled her eyes.
He looked her over for a moment before opening his arms and hugging her. This hug was different from the first one earlier that day. He held her tenderly, squeezing a little as her head nestled into the crook of his neck and her arms wrapped around his waist, squeezing him back. She had missed her friend. And if she were being honest with herself, the childhood crush she had buried was broiling in the pit of her stomach. Bucky kissed the side of her head and pulled away to look at her. “I missed you,” he said quietly.
“I missed you, too,” Y/N replied.
Bucky smiled again then pulled away. “Well, let me know if you need anything. I’m just, right here,” he pointed at the door beside them.
“Got it,” Y/N said. “Goodnight, Buck.”
“Goodnight,” he said.
They stepped around each other and walked into the rooms. Y/N quickly got ready for bed, then sank into the bed with a heavy sigh. She was happy to be in a good place, with good people, and as small as Woodstock was, it was familiar and comfortable. She settled into the blankets as she let sleep overtake her. She was home.
#marvel#bucky barnes#smut#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes fanfic#series fanfic#chapter 2#spicy books
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Family Affair
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, cheating, violence, humiliation, biting, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your sister surprises you with good news but you find it difficult to be happy for her. (older, short reader)
Character: Curtis Everett
Note: Happy Curtmas.
For @the-slumberparty Naughty or Nice Challenge.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me 💞
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
Chatter buzzes from the front room as you brace the wall and lift your foot to unzip your wedge boot. You’re late and the guests are already in the throes of their celebration. You wiggle off both boots and set them amid the clutter of many. As you stand straight and gather up your gift bags and purse, you’re met with an unexpected sight.
You lift a brow, slightly confused by the unfamiliar man. He’s tall, his hair is cut short, and dark stubble adds definition to his well-formed jaw. His eyes are a bold shade of aquamarine but are glossed over with an almost indifferent gleam. He doesn’t say a word as your eyes meet and he just as quickly turns into the front room, hands tucked into the pockets of his black jeans.
It’s been a few years. You’re sure a lot has changed. You head down the hall, past the broad archway of the front room, and into the kitchen. As usual, your mother is there, readying another tray of finger foods.
She looks up from her intent work and gives a wide smile, “you’re here!” She chimes, “I was half-waiting for a call saying you wouldn’t make it.”
Her arrow hits the bullseye of your guilt. You haven’t been the most reliable. You can make excuses; the divorce, work, depression. None of that can assuage her.
“Sorry, mom,” you go to put the gift bags down and she stops you with a tut.
“Ah, ah, you go add those to the pile and say hello,” she demands, “you’re not hiding in here.”
You look at her, almost desperate. You love her but sometimes you wonder if that feeling is mutual. As much as she’s right, you hoped she might have some empathy. She’s been through a turbulent split, she’s had to start again, but she expects you to do it flawlessly. As she has anything else.
“Love you, mom,” you give a sheepish smile.
“Love you too, hon,” she goes back to arrange the spiral of cocktail weenies, “make sure you say hello to your sister. She’s so excited to see you.”
You nod and a real smile breaks through. That was the one light at the end of the tunnel. Your baby sister was always your favourite. Despite nearly two decades between you, she’s your best friend. In a way, you feel like a second mother, taking pride in her like you would a child of your own.
The front room is filled to the brim. Aunt Geri and Uncle Val sit on a sofa with their son, Miko. A cluster of similarly aged cousins stand at the edge of the couch chatting. Aunt Maureen argues with Aunt Kaya, and the latter’s husband stands by the window with a glass in hand and his mind a million miles away.
You always found yourself out of place at these things. When you were a child, you were the youngest one in the room. Too immature to understand the dialogue of your elders. As you got older, the other cousins came along and were too young for your angsty teenage self. Now, you’re caught in the desert between the eras; the retirees complain too much and the coeds talk too loud.
You peer around. A set of broad shoulders draws your eye in the corner of the room. It’s that same man you saw before. He has his back to you as he maintains a casual posture. As he leans on one leg, you see your sister, Adeline, gabbing to him. Oh, he must be with her…
As you drop your gifts under the tree, you mull the revelation. You suppose the assumption wasn’t obvious. At first glance, he’s older than her, or maybe he just looks it. She’s still a sophomore in college but you suppose that makes even more sense. These are the years she gets to figure it all out.
You face the room and stop as Aunt Maureen latches onto your arm, blindsiding you with Kaya as they close in like hyenas.
“There she is,” Maureen slurs.
“Not too good for us after all, huh?” Kaya challenges.
“What? No, uh, Merry Christmas–”
“Where’s Benny?” Maureen interrupts. You blanch, nearly choking on your tongue. The mention of your ex-husband has you breathless.
“Maur,” Kaya hisses, “remember…”
“Probably with his new girlfriend,” you say tersely.
“Oh my,” Maureen lets you go and slaps her forehead, “I’m so sorry. The wine…”
“It’s… okay,” you shrug. “Not talking about it won’t undo it.”
“He was such a charming man,” Maureen hums mournfully. You blink at her.
“His loss,” Kaya pats your arm gently, trying to clean up her sister’s mess. You know they all think the same. You had a good thing and you blew it. Even if you told them he fucked his co-worker, you’d be the one who threw it all away.
“Pity you never got a kid outta him,” Maureen sighs.
“Really, divorce has been final for a year, I’m good,” you insist and shuffle past them, “I’m going to make the rounds.”
“Don’t forget to have some wine,” Maureen calls after you, “takes the edge off disappointment, you know?”
You growl and shake your head as you stalk away. You wave hello to your other aunt and uncle, hoping to avoid a similarly humiliating encounter, and weave through the sea of guffawing cousins. You come out on the other side as Adeline beams up at her guest.
Her gaze is drawn by your movement and her face lights up. She bounces in place and throws her arms out. She rushes past the man and has you wrapped up in a hug. It’s kind of ridiculous how much taller she is. You’re supposed to be the bigger sister.
“You’re here!” She rocks you in her embrace, “eek! I’m so excited.”
You croak out a breath as she squeezes the air out of you. She releases you with a giggle, apologising as she steps back. She wears a long tulle skirt and a beaded sweater. She’s beautiful. You could never pull something like that off, even twenty years ago.
“Oh, oh, you have to meet Curtis,” she snatches your hand and tugs you over the tall man as he turns to face you. Those same vague eyes fall upon you, “Curtis, this is my sister!”
“Curtis,” you repeat, “it’s nice to meet you.”
You look between them with a brittle smile. He offers his hand as he returns the sentiment. You shake, his palm rough and calloused. Adeline vibrates with joy.
“I’ve heard a lot about you,” he says.
“And I’ve heard nothing about you,” you grin at Adeline, “Addy?”
“I’m sorry,” she cups her cheeks guiltily, a sparkle on her ring finger. Your heart drops. “I didn’t know how to– the divorce and–”
“Ad,” you wisp and nearly sway on your feet, “what is that?”
You point to her hand and she quickly swipes it away, hiding it behind her back. “Nothing,” she gulps, the same way she did when she was a child and you caught her playing with your makeup.
There’s a tense silence as you gape in shock. Your mouth hangs open as you search for the words. Your eyes tinge with hot tears but you swallow them back.
“Congratulations,” you draw her into a hug, “really, I’m happy for you.”
She hugs you back, gentler than before. As you part, she looks nervous. Curtis clears his throat.
“Both of you,” you offer him a fragile smile. “I’m sorry, I’m just a little… shocked. Does mom know?”
Adeline nods as she clasps her hands together. You take a breath, and calm yourself. It’s not anything that she fears, you’re not jealous. You’re nervous, you’re afraid for her. It’s a big thing and she’s so young.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been around to share the good news,” you say, “I’d love to help, if I can?”
“We got it,” Curtis insists.
“Oh,” you wince, “I didn’t mean– I could help with the planning or the engagement part–”
“We’re eloping,” he crosses his arms, “we’re not wedding people. Whole lot of money and fanfare for nothing.”
You nod, holding back your surprise as best you can. Nothing? It’s marriage. Even if they don’t want a big ceremony, it means something.
“I could help pay for the trip–”
“I got it,” he enunciates each word as he sidles over to sling his arm around your sister’s back. She looks away meekly.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to overstep. She’s my sister, I just want to–”
“If you wanted to help, you would’ve been around the last two years,” he interjects.
Adeline’s head snaps around as she gives him a look. She nudges him with her elbow and whispers his name. He glares at you as you wilt. You’re not sure what you’ve done or said.
“Well, I think maybe me and Addy can talk about that,” you look at your sister, “when you have a chance, of course. I don’t want to spoil the holiday.”
“Adeline,” he corrects you, “Addy is so juvenile.”
The benefit of the doubt splinters as his tone cuts through you. You bite your tongue. Perhaps a twenty-one year old is juvenile to someone his age. You’ll talk to Addy about that too.
“Adeline,” you force a smile, “I… I’m going to go check on mom.” You show a palm in deference as you excuse yourself, “we’ll catch up later.”
As you back away, your eyes meet Curtis’. He watches you with a scowl. You are taken completely off balance. How could she end up with someone like him? She’s so sweet and he’s so scary…
Maybe she’s afraid too.
Christmas Eve ends much the same as you remember. The elders sit around the dining table to play cards as the kids, now adults, disperse in the living room or outside to entertain themselves. There’s a vague stench near the front door that no one will comment on but everyone knows what it is as it wafts in from outside.
You find yourself in limbo, once more caught in the in-between. You hole up in the kitchen, staring at the kettle as you wait for it to tremble. You won’t be missed if you take a tea up to your assigned room without a good night.
You lean on the counter and sigh, your finger brushing over the brim of the white porcelain cup with the hen on it. Strange how your mother’s house never seems to change but your life is inextricably altered. Your melancholy dims the cheery decor around you as you wallow away from the voices of the merry.
“There you are,” Adeline startles you as she sweeps in, “oh, is there any of the hot choccy left?”
You smile at her question. Everything about her reminds you of the time passed, of her newfound adulthood, yet she’s just the same little girl you always knew. You turn and pull the tin forward, “one packet left, just for you.”
You pull it out and face her again. She pulls out a mug from the cupboard and sets it down. The kettle hums between you as it heats up.
She exhales as you linger in a tense silence. You both have so much to say but neither of you know where to start. She finds her words first. Despite being younger, she was always the more outspoken.
“Do you like him?” She asks.
You poke your tongue into your cheek, “well, I’ve barely spoken to him. He seems to like you though.”
Her cheeks bulb as she grins bashfully, “I love him.”
Your chest seizes as you recognize that glimmer in her eye. She’s genuine, she feels that love so deeply it consumes her. It’s a naive love but real nonetheless. The sort you can’t see for what it is until it turns sour.
“I can tell,” you reach forward to fix the bow on her headband, “I’m happy for you. And my offer still stands. Maybe if it’s not the wedding, a honeymoon, or help with a house…” you wet your lips and steady your voice, “I only want you to be happy, Addy– Adeline.”
“Oh, he’s just… he’s like that. I can’t even call him Curt. He balances me out,” she beams.
“Yeah,” you say noncommittally.
“What?” Her voice dampens.
“Nothing,” you distract yourself with the variety of tea bags in the wooden chest next to the breadbox, “it’s… a lot. I’m surprised, is all. I just hope it goes well.”
She sniffs and lets her breath out long and heavy, “I’m sorry, I knew– he kinda said you’d probably be upset. After Benny–”
“This has nothing to do with him,” you narrow your eyes at her, a bag of chai in your hand, “this is about you. I only want what’s best for you.”
“He’s so good to me, you don’t have to worry.”
“I can worry, you’re my baby sister,” you insist, “and…” You shake your head, refusing to let the thought escape.
“And what?” She challenges, her pitch squeaking.
“No, tell me. I can always tell when you’re dying to say something. What?”
You shrug, “it’s just… how old is he?”
She scoffs, “wow.”
“What? I’m just asking.”
“It’s not like he’s old enough to be dad,” she pouts and crosses her arms.
“I know, I didn’t mean– Ad–Adeline, I just— you have time to figure it out. So I hope you’re not rushing this.”
“I’m not,” she snips, an uncharacteristic edge in her voice.
“I believe you… but what about him?”
She’s quiet as the kettle clicks, signalling the boiling point. You turn and drop the tea bag into your cup and pour the water. She tears open the packet and empties it into her own mug.
“Sorry,” you utter, “forget it. I… I don’t know him so maybe I need to get to know him. I’m here, Ad, and I will always be here for you.”
She nods and reaches for the kettle, not looking at you.
“Really, I trust you. I just worry about you,” you clap your hand on her shoulder, “you’re my lil teddy bear.”
She chuckles and looks down at you, your statement made absurd by the difference in your heights.
“And you’re the big grizzly, scaring off the wolves,” she kids back.
“Adeline,” the deep rumble thunders in ahead of the man, making both of you jump. You pull back your hand as Curtis strides in, “hey, I’ve been waiting on you.”
“Oh, sorry, baby,” she preens at him, “I was just–”
“You said we’d call my family after dinner,” he interrupts.
“I forgot,” she squeals, “oh, I’m so sorry.” She glances over at you, “I did promise.”
“Go on,” you try to smile but you’re not sure it’s showing.
She spins and flits over to Curtis. His eyes meet yours over her shoulder. His brows arch as his jaw is set in stone. A chill runs up your spine at the ice in his dark pupils. He grabs Adeline’s hand and drags her out.
You’re left in silence. You look over at the unmixed powder floating in the steaming water. You chew your lip as you stare at it. It’s just hot chocolate but there’s something about her abandoning something she loves so much for him. You try not to let your own failed marriage echo over her relationship, but it just feels off.
Well, Benny always did say you never did handle change very well.
The night before Christmas is rarely a restful one. Even without the childish belief in Saint Nick, you find yourself awake, anxious but not for presents. You keep replaying the night through your head; not the awkward interactions with aunts and uncles, or the silent judgment from the younger crowd, but Adeline and Curtis. Let it go, it’s none of your business.
You huff and roll on your back. Sleep eludes you. You sit up and bend over the side of the bed. You hold your head. You’ll sneak out the bathroom and hopefully an empty bladder will help.
You drag your feet across the floor, the legs of your pajama pants too long and trailing down your feet. You open the door and yawn as you enter the hall, only to collide with another unexpected barrier. Before you can react, you’re being forced back into the guestroom, stumbling as your fingers claw at the door frame and slip off.
A hand smothers your mouth, rough against your lips, as a foot kicks the door shut with a sharp click. You murmur into the calloused flesh as an arm loops around your back, trapping you as you’re urged further into the dark. You grasp at the cotton clinging to muscular shoulder. You’re kept off balance by your attacker’s certainty.
“I fucking heard you,” Curtis’ silty grit seeps into your ears, “you think I’d hurt her?” He snarls as he stops you at the foot of the bed. His shadow looms over you, breath puffing from his nostrils as he growls like a beast, “I wouldn’t, but I’ll hurt you.”
He pushes you back so your legs meet the side of the bed. You teeter and clasp your hand around his wrist, squeaking as he easily takes you down onto the mattress. He pins you, your legs hanging off the end, kicking weakly as his other hand curves around your throat.
He bends over you, straddling your chest heavily. You can’t breathe. Your heart pounds until your ears throb. Your temples pulse violently and your throat dries to a sandy scrape.
“Stay out of my fucking business,” he snarls, sliding down your body.
You whimper into his hand as he drops his knees off the bed, holding himself over you. He squeezes your neck, choking out your voice as he drags his hand from your mouth. He feels along your chest and flicks open the top button of your shirt. Your eyes wet in horror.
“Fucking show you…” he sneers as his breath scours over your flesh.
Another button undone as his lips tick along your shoulder. You squeak once more as he sinks his teeth into your flesh, biting a mean pinch until you spasm. The pain is unbearable. You feel the skin break as the hot flow of blood mingles with his spit.
He detaches only to bite you again. You can’t make a noise as his grip grows tighter on your neck. Even if you could scream, you’re too terrified and confused to understand what he’s doing. He’s like an animal tearing you apart.
He lays a tortured path down your chest, lingering on the rise of flesh, gnawing into the tenderness there. His nails dig into your side, pushing up your shirt as he scratches hot lines into your skin. You push on his shoulders desperately but he’s too strong.
“Stop filling her head with your bitterness,” he growls before he bites into your nipple.
You shake and beat on his head, shoulders, and back. You writhe and wrestle, trying to free yourself from him. He continues on, down your stomach, lingering on the soft flesh as his fingers hook into the elastic of your pants.
Your panic overflows with your tears. This can’t be happening. Why would he do this? He could talk to you? You would listen. You didn’t say anything wrong, you just want Adeline to be careful.
The very thought of your sister throttles you. Does he do this to her? Is this why she’s so defensive? The idea makes you sick to your stomach.
He lifts himself, his weight centering on your neck. You think he’ll crush your windpipe as he looms over you, snarling in the blackness. He pushes you higher onto the bed, forcing your legs open with his knees.
“Don’t make a fucking noise or I’ll make sure you can’t,” he threatens, giving a last squeeze before slowly slackening his grip.
You hold your breath. You believe him. Your body goes limp and you close your eyes. The bed shifts as he sits back on his heels. He pulls your pants down your thighs and you whine. He hushes you, a harsh tap across your cheek to get his point across.
You let your head drift to one side as you clench the blanket beneath you in tight fists. He keeps your legs trapped in your pants, knees bent as the fabric strains across his stomach. He tilts and movies around, his fingernails scratching the back of your thighs.
“Bet the husband couldn’t stand your fucking mouth,” he snarls as he pushes roughly against your cunt. “Didn’t know how to train you.” He jams two fingers into you, jolting your entire body, “dry bitch like you, he was probably thirsty as fuck.”
You seal your eyes tight, tears trickling through as a sob bubbles in your throat. You want to tell him to stop. You want to ask why. You want to scream. You can’t do anything as your body locks up.
He fingers you meanly, pulling his fingers out only to ram them in again, each time his knuckles hit you painfully. He keeps it up, growling with each intrusion as your muscles knots and pathetic noises rise from your throat.
He forces your legs higher, tearing his hand away from your pelvis. He adjusts his knees and you feel something else against your cunt.
“No…” you whisper right as he ruts into you.
He splits you apart around him. You let out a holler and he quickly silences you with a crack of his knuckles. The back of his hand snaps off your cheek and turns your head to the other side. You gulp and sob, choking back any noise that threatens to bubble over.
He holds himself as deep as he can. He puts his large hands on your shoulders and pins you flat. He bucks, agony rippling up your spine. He snaps his hips, again and again, each time harder than the last.
“This is what you need. So fucking jealous, aren’t you? Dried up old bitch,” he pumps into you as his breath picks up, “why kind of sister are you, huh? Fucking your baby sister’s man. Fucking slut.”
You cover your face and heave. You’re drowned in pain and humiliation. You’re disgusted with him for doing this to you; and yourself for letting him.
“You don’t wanna hurt her, do you?” He growls, “that’s why this is happening… cause you wanna keep her safe, right?”
He puts his hand against your head and pushes it down into the bed, fucking you into the mattress. The frame pounds the wall, matching his furious rhythm. You reach to brace his thick arm, begging silently for it to end.
“Oh, it’ll be over soon,” he rasps as his hand once more frames your throat, “fuck, you got me ready to blow quicker than I thought.” He puffs, each thrust rattling your bones, “I love how weak you are.”
#curtis everett#dark curtis everett#dark!curtis everett#curtis everett x reader#fic#dark fic#dark!fic#one shot#snowpiercer#au#christmas#naught or nice
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Characters: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: Mention of divorce, Fluff, SMUT!, Protected sexual contact, Be smart, wrap it up people
A/N: Just a short story I came up with from another picture I was tagged in. I’ve never played guitar, so I’m just going with it. Please overlook any errors with the guitar lessons. 😂 Absolutely no disrespect to Jensen or his family. This is a work of fiction and does not depict real life. All work is my own, and I do not give permission for it to be taken without my permission. Feel free to like and reblog.
Minors DNI 18+
You’d been a teacher for over 10 years and loved working with children. It had been something you’d wanted to do since you were little. Before Summer Break you would always ask your teachers for extra worksheets so you could play teacher over the break. You’d make your brother and sister play with you. You of course were the teacher.
After breaking up with your husband you decided a move and change of scenery was in the cards. Your parents had moved to Texas a few years ago, so you decided to head home. They were letting you live with them until you got on your feet.
You adored your parents, but as a woman who was almost 40 you didn’t want to live there long. So, you got a local teaching job and offered private guitar lessons on the side. Stacy, a colleague of yours suggested you advertise in the local paper, and on Facebook marketplace. So you did.
Her husband offered you a space at his building so you had somewhere neutral to meet people at. You were so grateful, because he didn’t charge you rent. Any money you made from the lessons went right in your pocket.
You checked your email after dinner and saw an email from someone asking for lessons. You emailed the person back, who said his name was Jay, and gave him the details. The two of you agreed to meet Thursday at 6pm. You offered the first lesson for free, that way the both of you could get a feel for each other. You could make sure they weren’t crazy, and find out how much teaching they needed, and they could see if you could offer them what they needed in lessons.
The week went quickly and it was time to head to your first lesson. You were excited and hoped “Jay” was not psycho and you could actually have a client. You arrived at the space and started setting up the room. Stacy’s husband had put a couch, chairs and tables in the room to help make it comfortable. You were grateful to have such a nice space to hold lessons in.
About 10 minutes to 6, you heard a knock on the door. “Come in” you called from the other side of the room. “Hello, I’m looking for Ms. Y/L/N, I’m Jay.” You turned around to greet the man and stopped dead in your tracks. “Um, you can call me Y/N.” Standing before you was none other than Jensen Ackles. You’d been a fan for years and really couldn’t believe he was standing in your studio.
He stepped forward and extended his hand, “Hello, Y/N. I’m Jensen, but you can call me Jay.” You shook his hand, “Honestly, I know who you are. I’ve been a fan for years. I understand if you’d rather not go forward with the lessons.” “No, darlin’ I’m sorry I wasn’t honest with who I was. I hope you understand.” You nodded, “So, Mr. Ackles, if you’re ready to get started we can. I have my clients start playing so I can see what you know and what you need to practice. I’m ready whenever you are.”
Jensen took out his guitar, “Please, call me Jensen, and I’m ready.” Jensen started playing and you watched intently. The way he gripped the fretboard had you biting your lip. His pressure was perfect and his fingers held the pick like he was holding something delicate.
He flicked his green eyes up at you as he played, and you swallowed hard. Damn how am I going to teach him how to play guitar when all I can think about is his fingers playing my body like he’s playing the strings on that guitar. God is there nothing he can’t do?!
Jensen stopped playing and you looked at him confused. “Jensen, are you sure you need lessons? You sounded great, and your grip is perfect.” “Yeah, I like to practice and I figured I’d hire someone to give me pointers. I’ve been writing songs with a buddy of mine, and I want to contribute more to the band.”
“I understand that. I’ll be happy to help with whatever you need.” For some reason after you said that blush filled your cheeks. Jensen smirked at you, “I’ll keep that in mind, darlin’.” The rest of the session was filled with small talk, and he showed you the song he was working on. You gave him some pointers on it, and when he made the changes he thought it sounded better.
The lesson was supposed to last an hour and when you finally looked at the clock you realized it was almost 9pm. “Oh my goodness, I am so sorry, Jensen. I didn’t realize what time it was. I monopolized your whole evening.” Jensen took your hand and smiled. Electricity shot through your body and your breath hitched. “It’s okay. I really enjoyed my time with you tonight. When do you think we could continue the lessons?”
“Um, I’m available whenever. Honestly I don’t have much of a social life.” “Well, how about we meet back here tomorrow night at 6, I’ll bring dinner, and we can work some more.” “That sounds great, Jensen. I can’t wait.” Jensen stood, and put his guitar away, “Great, it’s a date.”
You smiled and nodded, “Yeah, it’s a date then. See you later Jensen.” Jensen stepped towards you, your heart pounding in your chest, he was inches from your face. “See you later, Y/N.” Then he placed a soft kiss on your cheek. The two of you exchanged phone numbers so you could text whenever you needed to.
He spun on his heels and left you standing in the middle of the room. You touched your cheek and let out the breath you were holding. You closed up for the night and walked to your car. As you got in your car your phone went off.
Unknown: Hey, it’s Jensen. I hope you don’t mind that I'm texting you. I really enjoyed my time tonight. Looking forward to tomorrow.
You: Hey, Jensen. Yeah, it’s fine you texted. I enjoyed tonight too. I’m looking forward to tomorrow too. I’ll bring dessert. 😀
Jensen: Sounds great. Would you mind texting me when you get home. I just want to make sure you get home safely.
You: Yeah, sure.
You put your phone down and started driving home. You smiled thinking Jensen wanted you to text him. Honestly you felt like you were dreaming. Jensen Ackles was your client, and was texting you. How is this real life?
You pulled in the driveway and walked in the house. Your mom was on the couch and your dad was asleep in the chair. “Hey honey, you’re home late. How did the lesson go?” “Oh, hey mom, yeah it went a little over. We are meeting again tomorrow.” “That’s great, dinner is in the fridge if you’re hungry.” You walked over to your mom and hugged her, “Thanks mom. I appreciate it.”
Walking to the kitchen you pulled out your phone and sent Jensen a text.
You: Hey, just wanted to let you know I’m safely at home. About to eat some dinner.
Jensen: Glad you got home safe. Thanks for letting me know. So, what’s for dinner?
You smiled at your phone. He’s really wanting to chat with me. Oh I hope I don’t embarrass myself.
You: Mom made supper and put it in the fridge. I’m not sure yet.
Jensen: That’s sweet. So, you live with your parents or did your mom just cook you something.
Shit, Jensen, now you’re going to scare her away. Why ask her if she lives at home. What does it matter?
Jensen: I’m sorry, that came across as intrusive. I didn’t mean it like that.
You: It wasn’t. Yeah I moved back in with them not that long ago. After my divorce I needed a change of scenery so I came home. Just trying to save up some money to move out on my own.
Jensen: I’m sorry to hear about your divorce. Speaking from experience they can be hard.
You: Yeah, they aren’t for the faint of heart. It looks like mom made roasted chicken, potatoes and veggies.
Jensen: Yum, sounds delicious. I can let you go so you can eat.
You: You don’t have to. I can chat and eat. If you want to.
Jensen: I do.
You: So, what’s Jensen Ackles doing taking guitar lessons?
Jensen: I’m just trying to hone my skills so I can get better at it. Figured I’d get pointers from a professional.
You: I can appreciate that. As a teacher I try to learn what I can and invest in my knowledge when I can. Practice makes progress. 😀
Jensen: So true. If you don’t mind me asking, how long were you married?
You: About 13 years. We just drifted apart and were more roommates than anything. We decided to split, so I moved back home.
Jensen: I’m sorry. That’s tough.
You: Thanks. So enough about my failed love life. What got you interested in music?
Jensen: I’ve always played and music helps me relax, so I wanted to explore music as an outlet to help with stress.
You: That sounds amazing. I’m glad I can be a part of it.
Jensen: Me too, I can’t wait for our session tomorrow.
You: Me either. Well, I hate to cut this short, but I need to get ready for bed. I have to be up early for work tomorrow.
Jensen: No problem, I understand. Thanks for chatting with me. I’ll see you tomorrow.
You: Yeah, thanks for chatting. I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night, Jensen.
Jensen: Good night, Y/N. Sleep well.
You put your phone down and smiled. You couldn’t believe this was happening. Putting your dishes in the sink, you went upstairs to take a shower and get ready for bed. When you finally crawled into bed, you were too excited to sleep. Thinking about Jensen and the kiss on your cheek, made your heart flutter. You finally fell asleep after laying awake for at least an hour, thinking about him and what tomorrow night would bring.
The next day at work you couldn’t help but wear a smile all day. Your colleagues and students noticed it. Stacy walked up to you after dismissal, “Hey, girl. What’s got you smiling so much?” “Nothing much. I just feel like things are starting to fall into place. I have lessons lined up, I love this job, and I just feel free.” She hugged you, “I’m happy for you. What are your plans for this weekend?” “Well, I have another lesson tonight, but I'm not sure about the rest of the weekend. I think I’m just going to relax.” “That’s great, well I’ll see you later, bye Y/N.” “Bye girl, have a great weekend.”
You gathered your stuff and headed towards your car. You noticed a text from Jensen, “Hey, how was your day?” You smiled and sent him a reply, “It was great, how was your day?” “It was good. I volunteered at the kids’ school today, so that was fun. I’m looking forward to tonight.” “Me too, I’ll text you more when I get home.”
You drove home and went inside, greeting your parents. “Hey, mom. I have another lesson tonight, so I won’t be home until later. I’m getting dinner out tonight.” “Okay, sounds good.”
You went to your room, grabbed a change of clothes and went to take a shower before you had to meet Jensen. Before jumping in the shower, you sent Jensen a text.
You: Just got home, jumping in the shower.
Jensen: I’m glad you made it home safely, and thanks for the image. 😉
You looked at his reply. Is he flirting with me?
You: You’re welcome. 😉 Getting in now. I’ll be right back.
Jensen: I’ll be waiting.
You took a quick shower, dried off and looked at the outfit you picked. Suddenly it didn’t seem good enough. You sighed and started looking through your clothes. You’re overthinking this. He’s there for lessons, nothing more. Get that out of your head. Oh but good lord did you see how his fingers pressed on those strings, and how his hand held the guitar. You bit your lip thinking about Jensen.
Grabbing your dark blue lace bra and matching panties, you slid them on. You decided on your favorite jeans, that fit you just right, and one of your band t-shirts. You decided to leave your hair down, but grabbed a hair tie for later.
Grabbing your phone you sent Jensen a text.
You: Okay, I’m done and getting ready to head out the door. I’ll be at the studio shortly if you decide to come early.
Jensen: Great, I’m almost ready so I’ll be heading that way soon too. What are you wearing? 😜
You: *sent picture* 😉
Jensen’s name kept popping up showing he was texting but nothing came through.
Shit! I shouldn’t have sent it. Great, now he’s thinking of a way to back out.
Jensen: Wow, you look beautiful. I can’t wait to see you in person.
You: Thank you. I can’t wait to see you either.
You blushed as you put your phone away. Heading down the stairs your mom looked at you. “Well don’t you look beautiful, must be some lesson.” She winked at you. “Mom, I’m just wearing jeans and a t-shirt.” “Okay, baby. Have fun tonight.” “Thanks mom, bye.”
You stopped at the store and grabbed a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, you knew it was his favorite and headed to the studio. As you walked up to unlock the door you heard a sultry voice behind you, “Hello, darlin’.” A shiver went down your spine. You knew it was Jensen before you even turned around.
You turned and smiled, “Hey, Jensen.” You looked him up and down, damn did he look good. You bit your lip as a slight blush filled your cheeks and a yearning filled your core. Unlocking the door, the two of you stepped in. “Let’s sit everything down over here on the counter.” You motioned towards the counter on the right.
Jensen sat the food down and saw the cake in your hands. “Did you really get a cake?” He asked excitedly. You nodded, “Yep, chocolate with chocolate frosting. Your favorite.” Jensen smiled at you and stepped closer to you, putting his hands on your waist he pulled you close. Your breath hitched. You could smell his intoxicating cologne. He smelled woodsy and like mint.
Jensen brushed a stray hair back and hugged you, “Thank you.” Your heart was racing and you felt like you couldn’t breathe. You swallowed hard, “You’re welcome, Jensen.” You whispered.
The two of you stared at each other for a few minutes before pulling away. Jensen cleared his throat, “So I hope you don’t mind, but I picked up some BBQ from my favorite place downtown.” “BBQ is perfect, thank you.” Jensen pulled the containers out of the bag and you grabbed plates and silverware. The two of you grabbed some food and started eating.
The conversation over dinner was comfortable. Both of you talked about your family, you talked about your job, and the conversation drifted towards both of your failed marriages. You learned his marriage ended kinda like yours did. He and his ex just drifted apart. They both were gone all the time, and even though they tried to make it work, they just grew apart.
After the food was done, you were cleaning up and Jensen got out his guitar and music. While you cleaned, he played and sang. You could listen to him sing all day long. You stopped cleaning and leaned against the counter watching him.
The intensity in his eyes drove you wild. As he sang the vein in his neck popped out and you gasped. The shirt he was wearing showed off his toned body, and as he played his biceps flexed, causing you to clench your thighs and bite your lower lip.
Jensen looked up and noticed you were watching him, he also noticed the pink in your cheeks. He smiled at you. His green eyes seemed to sparkle. You finished cleaning and took a seat next to him. You were so flustered you could barely play your guitar, and he laughed. “Come here darlin’, let me show you the cord. He grabbed your hand and placed his fingers on yours, helping you play the notes. His hot breath rushed across your neck and his body pressed firmly behind yours.
Your breath hitched as you felt his firm fingers on yours. You turned your face to face him, “Jensen…” Before you could finish your sentence, his lips pressed against yours. You pulled back. “Oh god, I am so sorry, Y/N.” Jensen jumped up and started to pack his guitar away. You walked over to him, touched his arm, “Jensen, it’s okay.” He stood up and looked at you. You stepped closer to him, looking in his eyes. He closed the distance between you two, cupped your face in his hands and crashed his lips on yours.
You melted into his touch, and moaned in his mouth. His hands slid down your arms and pulled you by your waist closer to him. Your hands went behind his neck and your fingers danced in his hair.
Both of you deepen the kiss, Jensen’s tongue licked your lips, begging for entrance. You parted your mouth and soon your tongues were doing an intricate dance in each other’s mouth, fighting for dominance.
Jensen walked you back to the couch, not parting from your lips. Soon the need for air became too much. You both pulled away panting for air. Jensen sat down and pulled you down on his lap. You were straddling him and he pulled you back into his lips.
His hands traveled up your shirt and held onto your back. You could feel his growing erection and it excited you. Jensen’s fingers played with the hem of your shirt and you leaned up, giving him permission to remove it. His hands slid down and pulled your shirt up and over your head.
Jensen’s eyes turned dark with lust when he saw your lace bra. You could almost hear a low growl. You were self-conscious about your body and tried to hide a little. I mean, this is Jensen Ackles, he has dated and married movie stars and models. “Baby, don’t hide your body, you’re perfect.” He kissed down your collarbone, to your covered breasts.
You threw your head back at the contact. God his lips and fingers felt amazing on your body.
Jensen leaned forward a bit, and removed his shirt. Exposing his perfectly toned body. You groaned and danced your fingers down his chest. Jensen stood, lifting you up like you weighed nothing, spun you around and gently laid you on the couch. “Can I take these off?” He asked, motioning to your pants. You nodded yes, not trusting your voice. His fingers brushed against your skin as he unbuttoned the top button and unzipped your pants.
Your breathing grew faster as your heart pumped wildly in your chest. You lifted your hips and he pulled down your pants and panties in one pull. He groaned when he saw your exposed body, laying, waiting for him. You laid on the couch, in nothing but your bra. Jensen’s hands slipped behind you and you leaned forward letting him unhook your bra. As you laid back down, Jensen’s fingers danced over your shoulders and slid down your straps. Lightly raking your skin with his fingertips.
Goosebumps erupted on your skin as he touched you. Exposing your breasts, Jensen leaned back looking over your now naked form. You wanted to hide your body, but he wouldn’t let you. You were breathing faster as the anticipation in the room crackled with thickness. Jensen stood and removed his pants and boxers.
You let out a shuddered breath as you took in his perfect, toned body. His cock was hard and longer than you expected. You bit your lip to stifle the moan that threatened to escape your mouth.
“You okay, sweetheart? Are you sure you want this?” “Yes, Jensen. I’m sure.” Jensen nodded and kissed down your torso. He used his fingers to part your folds, feeling how wet you are. His fingers danced in and out of your folds, pressing your engorged clit, like he was playing an instrument. He knew how to work your body, like he had been doing it for years. His strong, calloused fingers found their way inside you. You moaned and gripped the couch as he hooked his fingers up. “Oh Jensen. Just like that. Oh god that feels so good.” Jensen’s fingers moved in and out of you, while his thumb rubbed circles on your clit. You felt yourself getting closer to your release. Flush filling your face, sweat beading on your forehead. Your ragged breath mixed with the instinctive moans filled the room. “Come on baby, I can feel you getting close, just let go for me. You can do it.” “Oh Jensen, I’m gonna cum!” “Cum for me, Y/N.” With that you were pushed over the edge. You came hard, so hard you saw stars.
Jensen rubbed until you were a squirming mess under him. As he helped you ride your high, he removed his fingers. You moaned at the loss of fullness. “You ready for me, sweetheart?” “Yes, Jensen, I need you. Please.”
Jensen retrieved a condom from his wallet and pumped himself a few times before putting it on. He slid it on and positioned himself between your legs. The tip of his cock pushed past your folds and into you. As Jensen pushed in, both of you let out a primal moan. He stopped, trying not to cum. “Sorry I need a minute.” He whispered. You giggled. He leaned up and started pumping in and out. His lips landed on yours as you wrapped your legs around his waist. Jensen was gentle with you, and with each thrust he stretched you like you’d never been stretched before.
His hands explored every inch of your body, your eyes kept finding each other’s and each time, Jensen softly kissed you. Every thrust, every touch felt like home. Your body was his and his was yours. Even if just in that moment. Jensen pulled you on top of him as he sat up, not pulling out of you. The change in position had you gripping his shoulders as you rode him. He was deeper than he was before. Each bounce sent you closer to your second release. You began bouncing as Jensen sucked on your breasts. “Jensen, I’m gonna cum again.” “Me too, cum for me baby.” You came hard around his cock, your walls squeezing his shaft and pulling his release out of him. With a thrust and a grunt, Jensen came too. Shooting his load into the condom.
As he finished, he leaned his forehead against yours and placed a soft kiss on your lips. Both of you had a light sheen on your bodies from the sweat. Your face was flush and so was his, and both of you were softly panting.
You slowly got off of him, making sure not to pull off the condom. Moving to the side, Jensen stood, placed another kiss on your lips and walked over to the trash can to remove the condom and clean himself up. You started to pull on your clothes, when he walked back over. He pulled you into his arms and kissed you again. “That was amazing, Y/N. Absolutely perfect.” You smiled, “Yes it was, thank you, Jensen.” He smiled and kissed you again.
You both got dressed and sat on the couch, holding each other. The room was filled with silence. Clearing your throat, you sat up and looked at him, “So, what does this mean? I’m fine if it was just to blow off steam. I just want to know.” “Well, I’d like to see where this goes, if you’re up for it.” Jensen looked at you as he said it. “Really, Jensen? I would love that.” “Good, because I’ve always wanted to say I was hot for teacher.” You laughed, and so did he.
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#hes gorgeous#so damn sexy#jensen ackles#jensen ackles x plus size reader#jackles#jensen ackles smut#jensen ackles x reader
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burn your life down | chef luca x fem!reader | part twelve
summary: luca meets the kimura family. you and joe grieve together.
warnings: angst, grief, death, fluff, conversations about divorce, second person pov, swearing, very little connection to the storyline of the bear.
word count: 4k
listen to: the official 'burn your life down' playlist
a/n: while this is in fact the second to last chapter, i will write more of them. teehee. but also, can we believe we only have one more chapter left?! let me know if you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist.
part eleven | masterlist | part thirteen
This is not how you pictured starting October, grieving the loss of the matriarch of the family you once called your own, while on the precipice of something new. Straddling the intersection of the old guard and the new feels more complicated than you imagined, because how does one manage to feel so full, so loved, yet consumed by so much despair all at once?
Not to mention the merging of your two worlds: your old life in London and your new one in Copenhagen.
Your new one in Copenhagen with Luca.
The ceremony, mostly just for ritualistic purposes, considering Aiko was cremated – something only the Kimura siblings had been a part of, was held in the backyard of the Kimura. childhood home. You watch as your worlds collide, like two cars crashing into one another – something that seems inevitable, yet still manages to be equally strange, jarring, and confusing. Luca reaches across to shake Astrid’s hand, initiating the action of the merging of your two words.
“I’m Luca. It’s nice to meet you. I’m so sorry for your loss,” he says, his voice compassionate and kind.
“Thank you,” Astrid replies, a small smile on her face as she looks Luca in the eyes. “I wish we were meeting under better circumstances but. Thank you for coming.” “‘Course.”
“It’s so good to see you,” you exhale, a sigh of relief leaving your lips as your best friend wraps you up in her arms.
You and Luca had shown up just before the ceremony started, and hadn’t even had a chance to say hello yet. Truthfully, you weren’t sure if it’d be right, if it’d be appropriate to show any earlier, wanting to give Joe, Astrid, and Lina the time they’d need beforehand.
“I’m so glad you were able to make it,” she says, squeezing you tighter than normal.
“Are you kidding? I wouldn’t have missed this for the world,” you assure her, as you pull back from your embrace. “It was a beautiful ceremony.”
“Thanks,” Astrid nods. “Think she would’ve rather liked it.”
You take a good look at your former sister-in-law. She looks tired, sad – the kind of tired and sad you get from running the entire show, from project managing your own mother’s posthumous arrangements.
“Thank you for coming,” Astrid repeats, her compliment genuine, before zeroing in on Luca. “The both of you.” Somehow, in the midst of her mother’s funeral, Astrid still has the energy to send you a look – that look – the kind of look that says ‘we WILL be talking about this hottie later.’
“Love?” Luca asks you, as you turn your head to look at him.
“Yeah?” you ask back.
“I’m going to head back inside,” he begins, placing a gentle touch against your low back. “Let you say hello to your friends. But please. Take your time.”
As you open your mouth to say something, it’s as if the timing couldn’t be better (or worse, but you’ll figure out how you feel about it later), as you spot both Joe and Lina approaching. They exchange a few words quietly between each other, walking over to you, Luca, and Astrid.
Joe walks with a sureness that comes from a lifetime spent being the golden son in a family full of daughters, while Lina keeps close to his side, protectively.
“Hey, thanks for coming, mate,” Joe says, immediately extending a hand in Luca’s direction. His voice is warm, friendly, yet distant, as if he’s putting on his bravest face to get through this afternoon.
“I’m Luca. Hi,” Luca introduces himself, meeting Joe’s assuredness with his own.
“Joe. Joe Kimura,” Joe replies, shaking the blonde’s hand.
“I’m sorry for your loss,” Luca says, courteously, your hand brushing against his at your sides. Joe only nods, his lips pressed together in a polite, yet tight smile, before shifting his attention over to you.
“Joe,” you address him, a small smile on your lips as you greet your ex-husband. “It’s-, it’s good to see you.”
It’s strange really, standing next to your new boyfriend, one that brings you comfort, that makes you feel safe and loved, in a moment of sheer vulnerability and heartbreak across from your ex-husband.
“Hey. Thanks for coming. She would’ve been so happy to see you here,” he says, something softer in his voice as he refers to his late mother. Joe pulls you into a friendly, yet strained hug before releasing you.
“Yeah, of course,” you reply, pulling away. “I really wanted to be here.”
He nods, watching as you take a few steps backwards, so that you’re standing side by side with Luca once more. Lina lets out a disappointed sigh before greeting you, her greeting much more tense with Luca as he introduces himself to the last member of the Kimura family he’s yet to meet. The exchange is thick with awkward tension, but there’s no animus in it, from anyone, really. You don’t talk for long – just a few exchanges back and forth as everyone meets everyone – till Luca reminds you that he’s got to go on his way to meet up with his mum.
“I’ll walk you out,” you offer, before excusing yourself from your conversation with the Kimura siblings.
You know this home well, pushing through the crowd of people gathered in the family home, and out the front door. You’re not surprised that so many people have shown up to celebrate the life of Aiko Kimura, the legacy she leaves behind, apparent.
“No need to rush, love. Feel free to stick around for as long as you need,” Luca says, with patience and grace in the words he says.
You nod, giving him a half smile as you reply, “Yeah, I will. Have fun with your mom too.”
There’s a pause between the two of you, both of you unsure of how to fill it. There are so many things you want to say, with no idea of where to start, or how to say them.
“This is weird, right?” you ask, chuckling as a means to break some of the tension.
He nods, cracking a half smile of his own, “Yeah, there are other ways I’d imagined meeting your ex-husband.”
You shake your head incredulously, as you sigh. The reality of the situation would be humorous if it were under any other circumstances, really.
“How ya holdin’ up’?” Luca asks you, checking in before he goes.
“I’ll uh… let you know when I know,” you answer, honestly.
He mutters something under his breath, something about understanding, as he pulls you in close, pressing a kiss to the top of your head, hugging you close.
“Thank you for coming. Thank you for being here with me,” you whisper, against his chest.
“No need to thank me, my love. I’m here for you,” he reassures you, something genuine in his voice that instills a confidence in his words.
“You could stay, y’know?” you hear the voice of the youngest Kimura sibling say, causing you to turn away from the photo board that hangs in the Kimura family living room.
“What do you mean?” you ask her.
“Come home,” Lina says this time, much more insistent, much more desperate. “You and Joe-.”
“Lina,” you warn her, as your face falls, because you’re not sure you can let her finish that sentence.
You feel for her, really, and you can only imagine that it’s easier for her to focus on resenting your new boyfriend than it is to feel the pain of this loss.
Lina sighs, shaking her head, her jaw clenched, “So it’s serious then? You and… the pastry chef?”
You wait a beat before answering,
“Yeah. It is.”
She shakes her head again, this time with an eye roll as she purses her lips disapprovingly. It’s as if she’s turning a decision over in her head, opening her mouth to say something, before closing it, going back to the drawing board.
“But he’s an Arsenal fan,” she finally scoffs, with a snort, trying her best to add a little humor to what feels like an impossible situation by nitpicking at his favorite football team.
You laugh, adding your own playful eye roll to the mix this time.
“I never said he had great taste in football teams,” you chuckle back, earning a groan from your former sister-in-law.
The two of you share a look, one that says, ‘I love you, you dummy,’ and you can see that she wants to say something else. You don’t know what it’ll be about this time, so you wait patiently, giving the youngest Kimura the space to get out whatever it is that’s eating her.
“I just-. I never understood… why you and Joe… why you couldn’t work it out,” she drags out, a disappointment in her voice as she finds the words she wants to say.
So she doesn’t want to talk about her mom.
You sigh, accepting that fact, while racking your brain for how to explain the question that consumed you for a year after.
“Because, Lina…” you trail off, choosing your words intentionally. “It just wasn’t-, because I don’t know if we were supposed to. I-.” You pause once more before continuing with, “Because we just… grew apart. Wanted different things. And we both deserve to go find them, even if it means it’s not with each other.”
You watch as she takes in your answer, only just beginning to process your explanation, as a man you recognize as Uncle Kevin approaches.
“Sorry to interrupt, ladies. Lina, will you come help me with something in the kitchen?” he asks.
“Sure. Yeah,” she nods her head, beginning to turn away from you.
But Lina pauses; she’s not ready to go just yet.
“It really is good…” she says with a sure nod of her head. “... to see you. I’m glad you came.”
Lina turns once more, following her uncle into the kitchen, without a look back. You take a deep breath, because it all just feels heavy. You’ve always been close with Astrid, but your relationship with Lina was different. She was much younger when you met Joe. While you and Astrid became close friends, much closer in age, you’d always suspected that Lina had put you and your relationship with her brother on a pedestal, the reality of your assumption becoming glaringly obvious now.
You can only imagine the divorce was something hard for her to stomach, to understand, especially with her limited life experience. You remind yourself not to take it too personally as you slip outside, making your way back into the backyard where the memorial service was held earlier that day.
There’s another photo board outside, propped up against an easel, with an entirely different collection of photos than the one inside. You smile to yourself as your eyes savor the familial images: younger versions of the Kimura children with their mother at the beach, baby Lina with a mess of noodles all over her high chair, covered in sauce, a photo of Joe’s graduation…. You reach out to touch one of the photos – a photo of you, Aiko, and Joe together, the day of your wedding.
You can feel the lump in your throat growing, your eyes welling with tears as you’re suddenly overcome with a deep feeling of sadness. A few tears run down your face, and you sniffle, wiping them away quickly, as soon as you hear the sound of footsteps behind you.
“I told Lina to be nice,” Astrid grumbles, as she approaches you and the photo board.
With a quick raise of your eyebrows, you turn to Astrid before telling her: “Lina thinks I should stay.”
“Lina is barely twenty five and I don’t quite think her brain has fully formed yet,” Astrid quips dryly, and you know she’s not entirely wrong.
“I can only imagine this is… all pretty confusing for her,” you say, suddenly feeling a little guilty for being here in the first place.
“She’s young. She’ll get over it,” Astrid shrugs, brushing off your concern.
To a stranger, her response would seem cold, callous, unemotional, but you know that Astrid has had to play the role of the eldest daughter her entire life.
She’s had to be strong for everyone her entire life.
“She always was a hopeless romantic,” you observe, turning your attention back to the family photos. “Lina.”
Astrid nods slowly, “I think she looked up to you and Joe. Looked to the two of you and saw what love could look like.”
“Just because it ended doesn’t mean we don’t still love each other,” you offer. “It’s just… different now. We’re not… in love, but we both still care for each other. Shouldn’t that be worth something too?”
“I think she’ll understand when she’s older,” Astrid replies in an attempt to offer you some kind of comfort.
“How’re you doing?” you ask her, the words feeling silly as soon as they leave your mouth.
“I’m… just going to be happy when this is all over,” Astrid admits, the fatigue in her voice more evident than ever. “Dunno if I’ve even had time to be sad. Been too busy doing… all of this. Think maybe I’ll crash the minute it’s over which… is bloody scary and also… guess, it’s something I’ve been waiting for too.”
You nod in concurrence, “Well, if you do, you know you have me. Right now I’m a phone call, a hop, skip, and a week away. You know, till we go home.”
She nods, stealing a glance your way, a small smirk on her lips in response to your usage of the word, ‘we.’
“And then of course,” you continue, slyly, hoping to plant the idea in her head now. “You can always eat, pray, love in Copenhagen… you know… if the mood strikes you. I feel like that would be, you know, healing.”
She snorts with laughter, “Yeah, I’ve got to get out there again anyways.”
There’s a short pause between the two of you, and Astrid’s still stuck on what you said earlier.
The ‘we’ of it all, really.
“So Luca’s really something. Showin’ up to your new girlfriend’s ex-husband’s mum’s funeral? That takes guts,” she says, prodding you for more information on Luca.
“Didn’t think the bloke could be even more handsome in person and yet….”
You chuckle in response.
“Yeah he’s… he’s pretty perfect,” you exhale, sitting into the feeling.
“It’s exhausting sometimes… trying to keep up,” you joke. “Only, then he tells me that I don’t have to be perfect and I can just be myself which… is even more annoying because it’s more proof that he is.”
“Well, I like him,” Astrid adds smugly, crossing her arms across her chest.
“Yeah?” you ask, a stark contrast between her and Lina’s reactions.
“Yeah,” she nods, enthusiastically. Her face softens as she says what comes next. “You look well-loved. That’s why I like him.”
“What do you mean?” you ask, hesitantly.
“You look like you’ve found your heart again,” Astrid answers.
And as you search her face for a reaction, for truth to her statement, you can see it in her eyes that she means it.
After spending a little more time with Astrid in the backyard, you decide it may be time to find Joe. You’re not sure what you’re expecting, but you think that you should prepare for almost anything. It doesn’t take long to find him inside, so you wait for the right moment, watching him accept condolences from a couple you recognize as neighbors, as they’re on their way. Your heart pounds in your chest, your nerves skyrocketing because it’s all just so… weird… as you approach.
“Joe,” you call out to him, your voice grabbing his attention.
He turns to you, a small smile on his face as he sees that it’s really you standing behind him.
“Is now a good time to say hello?” you ask, trying your best to be respectful.
“Yeah, ‘course. I-,” he begins, before pausing, looking around the room. “You want to get out of here?”
“Wh-?” you start.
“Fancy a pint? I just don’t know if I can do this whole perfect son act for much longer,” he scoffs, a playful and mischievous tone in his voice.
“Uh… yeah,” you agree, unable to hide the surprise in your voice. “Yeah, fuck. I could use a drink.”
You shouldn’t be surprised, really, as you follow Joe out of the house. Your brain is flooded with memories of sneaking out of the theater to go get french fries, of parties to head to another party, out of his childhood home when you were staying with Aiko during your first holiday with the Kimuras.
There’s a pub down the street that you walk to, feeling naughty for leaving without saying goodbye, and relieved that you’re getting to escape from the bleak, depressing awkwardness that is any funeral. You remember this pub – one you and Joe used to frequent because it was only a few blocks away – when you’d moved to London. It’s a short walk and the two of you can’t get there fast enough, eager to flee the scene of grieving relatives and humorously sad music.
You and Joe find two seats at the bar, sitting side by side as you clink the glasses of your ice cold pints.
“Cheers,” you say.
“Cheers,” he parrots, the both of you taking your first sips.
“Fucking hell, I had to get out of there,” Joe exhales a huge sigh of relief. “Been at it all day. Makin’ other people feel better about my own mum’s death. I don’t know how anyone does this.”
“Yeah, it’s kinda fucked, huh?” you reply with a sigh.
“Funerals are weird. I’ll tell you that, mate,” he agrees, lifting his glass to his lips once more.
“This is…” you start, nervous yet bold in speaking truth to the moment. “... also weird, don’t you think?”
You watch as he thinks it over, a small smirk on his face as he agrees, “Yeah. Yeah it is.”
A beat.
And then another.
And you’re lifting your glass once more to your lips to take another sip of the amber liquid that brings you comfort in the moment.
“Is it alright? That I came? That we… came?” you ask, a little more seriously now.
Joe turns his head to you, and you can see that your consideration means a lot to him. He nods slowly as he answers:
“Yeah. I meant what I said before – that she would’ve wanted you here.”
He pauses once more, taking another drink from his beer glass.
“As for Luca. Well, it was bound to happen at some point or another.” You nod, your eyes fixed to the resin-sealed wooden bar top as you listen to him. “I think we both knew that this day would come… Can’t say it’s a walk in the park but… dunno if most things are supposed to be anyways.”
“Yeah I uh… I certainly feel like bambi learning how to walk for the first time on the wobbliest of legs,” you offer up, reassuring Joe that you have no idea how to navigate this either.
“Yeah,” he sighs.
“But,” you begin again. “We outgrew each other, yeah. Doesn’t mean I stopped caring about you. About any of you.”
Joe nods slowly, because he knows you’re right. He admires you for how fearlessly you’re charging into this conversation, and wonders if it’s the new boyfriend – Luca – whose helped get you to this point.
He can’t tell whether he wants to thank the bloke or if he’s envious, deciding that it’s probably a little bit of both.
“Doesn’t mean we can’t have a different kind of relationship,” you add, avoiding the cringe factor of using the word friendship, even though it’s what you mean.
Joe waits a beat, because he really would like to be friends, because he really does still care about you too.
“So how’s life treatin’ you otherwise?” he asks, as an olive branch – a yes to letting your relationship transform into something else.
You spend the afternoon catching up, ordering baskets on baskets of chips, and sharing what he’s missed over the past few years: that you have a restaurant now, that you’ve come around to cold brew, even though you swore you’d always hate it, all about the Mikkelson twins and how much he’d probably hate their wild streaks. In return, Joe tells you all about his new teaching job at a uni, that he’s recreationally been playing with the symphony as of late, and that he’s just taken a little break from the dating scene. It feels strange and normal all at once. While Joe feels familiar, like getting to spend time with an old piece of yourself, this rhythm and new kind of relationship that seems to be unfolding before you feels foreign, the dichotomy stretching you to opposite ends of its spectrum. It’s not something you ever saw for yourself – becoming friends with your ex-husband – but in the moment, as the pathway presents itself to you, you’re not sure you mind.
“I miss her. So, so much,” Joe finally admits, as the conversation returns to the matriarch you both love with your whole hearts.
“I know. I do too,” you say, reaching for his hand this time.
He looks at you, a softness in your eyes in response to the gesture, and with a small smile, you pull your hand away.
“I want to make a dish… for her at the restaurant. To honor her. And everything she taught me,” you finally say, almost as if it’s a declaration.
You search Joe’s face for a reaction, his expression beginning to break as his eyes begin to water.
“I think ehm,” he begins, his voice breaking. “I think she’d really, really like that.”
He clears his throat, because he’s not sure he wants to cry right now.
“You better send pictures,” he demands jokingly. “And you’ve got to make it for us, the next time you’re in town.” Joe pauses once more, as if he wants to make it crystal clear what he really means when he adds:
“You and Luca.”
Your heart swells and breaks all at once, in response to Joe’s blessing, because it means so much and so many things.
“Yeah. I-. We will. I promise,” you agree, your voice caught in your throat.
Joe nods once more, a finite kind of motion as he straightens up in his chair.
“C’mon. Think we should head back.”
And as you walk with Joe, it’s as if you both take your time, no longer in a hurry to get back to the Kimura family home as quickly as possible. There’s a weight with each step that contributes to the slower pace, and it’s hard to ignore the deep sadness that’s taken root inside of you. On one hand, it’s been a long, heavy day of grieving the loss of the Kimura matriarch – a woman who taught you how to cook, who loved you as her own, who poured every fiber of her being into building a family that knew they were loved. On the other hand, as you stand across from Joe on the street he grew up on, giving each other one more goodbye hug that lasts longer than the previous, this moment feels monumental.
Somehow, you feel the shift, the changes between you and Joe, even deeper than the day you signed your divorce papers. You’ve moved on and so has he in his own way, and you know that as you turn to go, you’re only just beginning a new chapter with him.
And with Luca, because it feels even more real now, more than ever.
The magnitude of it all hits you, as you straddle this ending and your new beginning.
It all feels very grown-up – very adult – and you can feel the pieces of you that you’ll leave behind as you do ‘said growing up,’ fall by the wayside.
“Goodbye, Joe,” you say, one last time as you try your best not to let your voice shake.
“Take care, darling,” he says back, releasing you.
And when you turn to go, all you can do is cry, grieving these endings, new beginnings, and the parts of you that you must leave behind.
#chef luca#will poulter#luca the bear#the bear season 2#the bear headcanon#luca x reader#the bear hulu#the bear fx#the bear fanfiction#chef luca x reader#pastry chef luca#burn your life down
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Surrogate Love {Dave York x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 14.9k
Warnings: Surrogacy, mentions of impregnation, emotional distance, fighting, drowning feelings, mentions of masturbation, crossing boundaries, technical infidelity, vaginal sex, ovulation, sex to procreate, cock warming, cheating, oral sex (female receiving), pregnancy, divorce
Comments: When Carol cannot have anymore children, she and Dave turn to seeking for a surrogate. Finding you, Dave grows closer to you as Carol seemingly pulls farther away. Leading to a discovery that will alter the agreement between you and the Yorks and allow you and Dave to fall deeper into a complicated love.
Co-written with @pedropascalsx
**Follow @absurdthirst-writes and turn on notifications to stay up to date on all new fics.
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
Surrogate Wanted! -Family of four looking for a surrogate to help complete our loving family. -All medical and additional pregnancy related expenses covered. -Plus a fee for carrying the child! -Looking for a young, healthy woman to commit to carrying our child, temporarily moving into our space whilst pregnant and for a few months afterwards to breastfeed. -Must be willing to undergo routine medical testing. -Contact us below if you’re interested!
You read the advertisement over and over before sending an email. Attaching your latest medical and a few details about your family history. Money is tight. Unbelievably tight. And doing this would not only help your financial strain, but you would be doing something wonderful for a family.
What’s the harm in applying? You mumble to yourself after hitting send on the email. Unsure if you’ll even get a response.
“Honey, look at this one.” Dave looks up from his computer to find Carol leaning over his shoulder, reading the email already. “What do you think?” He asks. There have been a few other emails, but they were all unsuitable and this woman has already started providing medical information. And a picture of how lovely she is.
“She looks nice,” Carol says with a roll of her eyes, trying to seem interested as she pulls on her new dress, ready for a girls night out. “Invite her over for an informal interview.”
“Okay.” Dave frowns as he looks over at Carol. “Are you still going out?” He asks. “I thought -“
“My sister needs this,” she says with a pout, “I can’t let her down. It’s just a few hours with the girls. Drinks and karaoke.”
“Okay, yeah sure.” Dave sighs but he nods his head. Carol says that she’s interested in this, she was the one to suggest it. Hiring a surrogate so that third dream baby could happen, but so far it’s been Dave doing all the leg work on this.
Carol lightly pecks Dave's cheek as she grabs her purse ready to go. “Don’t wait up, honey.”
Your phone pings with an email alert, asking if you’d be interested in an informal meeting to see if it could potentially be a good fit.
‘Hello, Mr. York.
Thanks for the prompt reply, I would love to arrange a meeting. There’s a cafe just outside the National Mall called ‘Cherry Blossoms’, If you’re free tomorrow we could meet there?
Kind regards.’
The polite response makes Dave interested in meeting the candidate and he quickly sends a reply, agreeing to the time and place. After he does that, he pulls out his work laptop to do some background checks on the person who might be carrying his next child.
‘See you and your wife tomorrow at 1pm.’ You send back, anxious about meeting them but excited about the same time.
Arriving at the cafe, Dave sighs and rolls his shoulders back. Aware that the meeting might go horribly sideways since his wife couldn’t drag her hungover ass out of bed to do more than puke in the shower. She was in no condition to come and he had to smother his irritation since he hadn’t told her about this meeting this morning. Instead of dwelling on that, he steps up to the counter and orders a coffee and a muffin, since she hadn’t arrived yet. A quick glance around had told him that.
You walk into the cafe and make your way up to the counter, ordering a hot chocolate before looking around to see if you can spot the couple. A very handsome man puts his hands up and waves to you and you assume that he must be Dave York.
Prettier than he had noticed in the pictures, Dave stands up as you walk over. “I’m sorry.” He starts out, introducing himself and offering his hand. “My wife couldn’t make our meeting this morning. She’s….under the weather.”
You reach out and shake his hand and offer him a warm smile, before taking a seat. “Poor thing, I’m so sorry to hear that! Is she okay? Would you like to reschedule?”
He is surprised that you don’t want to cancel. “Only if you would rather wait to meet my wife?” He flashes you a grin. “Make sure I’m legitimate?”
“I’m happy either way,” you say, before thanking the waitress who’s handing you your drink. “I mean we’re both here, so a chat couldn’t do any harm.”
“That’s what I was thinking.” The background checks on you have come up clean but he wants to know more about you. “What questions do you have for me?”
“If it’s not too personal… Why surrogacy?” You ask before taking a sip of your hot chocolate and humming in delight at the taste.
He had expected that question so he is pulling out his wallet, flipping it open to show you a picture of his family, taken last Christmas. “My youngest, Molly, when she was born, Carol had a lot of complications.” He explains. “She ended up needing a complete hysterectomy.” He had hated it, but it was that or lose his wife and he would rather have her. “That’s my oldest daughter, Alice.” He points to the older girl.
“They’re gorgeous,” you say, peering down at their smiling faces, “I’m sorry to hear about the complications your wife went through. I’m glad to see that both your wife and your daughter are okay though. Do you have any questions for me?”
“Are you okay with using your egg?” He asks seriously. “That would be required, or you would have to go through implantation.”
“Yes, I’m fine with that. Happy for the testing as well… uh… my periods are like clockwork. And I have an app that tracks ovulation.”
“Okay, good.” You don’t seem to think that it’s odd. “All your medical care will be taken care of.” He promises.
“Good to know,” you clear your throat before asking the next question, “If you were to select me, I’d have one hard rule.”
Dave arches a brow and nods. “What is that?”
“You said that you’d require me to move in, I would like at least 4-6 weeks notice before you’re ready to move away from breastfeeding. So I have sufficient time to find myself somewhere to live.”
“Of course.” That’s more than reasonable. “And if you find you would need more time because of the market at that time, I’m sure we can work something out.”
“That sounds good,” you say with a smile, “Just so you know, I am employed. 24 hours a week, I work from home. But I’d be more than happy to help around the house, babysit so you and your wife can have time alone and so on. I graduated college and I majored in computer sciences and I work for a social media company and stay on top of their coding.”
He nods and if he thinks that the hours are low, he doesn’t mention it. Your finances and work are not his concern. It might be good for you to work less while you are carrying the baby. “But so you know, you aren’t obligated.”
“It’s an entry position job,” you say after noticing his reaction to your low hours, “Money is tight and it’s an industry that you’ve got to climb. I took what was available. But i’m an honest hard worker. And I know, I also don’t want you to think I’d expect you to offer me anything until I've met your family and after the medical is done.”
“We pay for the medical, you live with us and breast feed the baby - if you can.” Dave knows that sometimes the baby doesn’t want to latch or milk isn’t plentiful. “And we would pay you eighty thousand dollars.” He holds up a finger. “But no dating or sex during your pregnancy. I don’t want to risk the baby’s health.”
“Yeah I don’t date,” you say with a giggle, “I uh, I’m not the most confident person and casual sex isn’t something I’ve ever had any interest in. $80,000? Perfect. That’s enough to start my life and find somewhere comfortable to rent once the baby is born.”
Now comes his own questions. "Why are you willing to do this?" He asks you, leaving forward and watching you carefully. "And will you be able to give up the baby once they are weaned?"
“Financial stability,” you say honestly, “And yes. I’ll sign anything that’s required.”
"Obviously I'd want you to meet my wife first." Dave leans back, confident that you are what he is looking for. "Once we agree, we could start insemination procedures the following cycle."
“That sounds great. Name the time and place, I’d love to meet your wife.” You say before eyeing up his muffin and trying to work out if you want one. “So what is it that you do Mr York?”
“I work for the DIA.” He sees you eyeing the muffin and takes the knife to cut it in half. He offers it to you and smiles. “Government bureaucrat.”
“Thank you,” you say with your brightest smile, “It’s a bit too early for me to be stealing your food, I don’t have the pregnancy excuse yet. I’m sorry. And whoa. That sounds intense.”
“These muffins are huge.” Dave chuckles and gives a small shrug. “It’s got its moments, but it pays well.”
“Nice,” you say before taking a bite and moaning at how delicious and moist it is. “This is heaven.”
"It's a good little treat." He agrees, finishing off his own half in two quick bites.
“When and where would you like me to meet your wife?”
"Can I call you to schedule a time?" He asks, pulling out his phone. "I don't know when she will be feeling better." It's better you believe that she's sick than just hungover.
“Oh, of course. I’m sorry I didn’t think,” you say with a flood of embarrassment. “And is there anything you’d like me to do in the meantime? I could schedule an appointment with my gynecologist?”
"Don't worry about that." He shakes his head and gives you a smile. You are a little awkward but it's endearing in a way. "I'll text you when I figure out how long it will be and we can arrange something? We can schedule doctor appointments after everyone's met and you can give your final decision on if you would like to do this for us."
“That sounds good,” you beam, “Yeah, you can text me anytime.” The next set of words slip out of you mouth before you’ve even realized you said them and it’s in that moment you’re convinced you’ve blown it. “God. I never thought i’d have the baby of a man who looks as good as you inside of me.”
He's shocked by your honesty and for a moment he freezes, but he grins at the mortification that is riding over your face. "You think I look good, huh?"
“Oh god, I’m so sorry, Mr York,” you groan, “Of course I do. Shit. You’re gorgeous. I didn’t mean to… Fuck. I’m so sorry.”
"That's okay." Dave chuckles and shakes his head. "Attraction is normal. The first thing I noticed was how attractive you were."
You can’t stop the smile that spreads across your entire face as he compliments you, “Thank you, Mr York.”
"Our DNA will produce a very attractive child." He hums, sending you a playful wink.
Almost a month since the initial meeting has passed and everything has been great. You met Carol a few days later and the girls a few days after that. Dave had arranged for you to be seen by the most fought after gynecologist in D.C. and all your tests came back great. He had loaded you up with ovulation tests and the decision for home insemination to reduce stress had been made. Dave and Carol would spend time alone together and once he was about to ejaculate he would finish in the pots provided and Carol would bring them down to you and help with the process.
Dave had just helped bring your last box into the basement they had converted that would be your home for the foreseeable future and you were excited.
"Do you need anything else?" Dave asks as he sets the box down and looks around. "I have changed the locks on the basement door, rekeyed them to the rest of the locks in the house." He fishes a set of keys out of his pocket for the walk out door to the side yard. "So you can go out that door if you want."
“No. This is perfect, Mr York,” you say as you look around your new home, “I insist on buying dinner tonight to say thank you.”
He chuckles and shrugs. "It's Friday, we normally order Chinese." He admits with a grin.
“Let me know what to order and where to collect,” you say before giving him a brief thank you hug. Clearly surprising him in the process.
"Oh- uh, you're welcome." He pats your back awkwardly and shoots you a grin. "The girls are easy. Sweet and sour chicken and fried rice for both of them." They had been introduced to you and had immediately found that you were the most fascinating person they had ever met and had a million questions for you.
“And for you and Mrs York?” You love the girls. They have already made you promise to watch a disney movie with them tonight and you’re honestly excited about it.
"Carol likes vegetable lo mein and spring rolls." He tells you with a small shrug. "Me- I like General Tso's shrimp."
“Got it,” you say with a grin. “Consider dinner sorted. And afterwards once the girls are in bed, we can start the process tonight? I mean I'm ovulating and there’s no point in missing a cycle right?”
Dave nods. "Yeah. We can do that before bed." He rolls his eyes and sighs. "I know it's stupid and superstitious, but would you tilt your hips up with a pillow for at least an hour after it's injected?"
“Of course!” You say excitedly, happy to make this happen for them. “Can you believe that part of you will be inside of me tonight!” You say without realizing just how filthy it sounds.
He bites his lip, trying not to say something dirty in return. He knows that you want to help give him and Carol another baby and it’s not going to work if he gets too close to you. “Hopefully, we’ll get lucky on the first try.”
“Fingers crossed, Mr York.”
"I have already told them that I'm going out." Carol huffs as she looks at Dave with a pout. "I can't back out now. I'm supposed to pick them up." She shrugs a shoulder. "I thought we would let the poor thing at least unpack before we start shooting her full of your sperm."
Dave huffs and rolls his eyes. "She's ovulating, Carol." He reminds her. "It's not like we can reschedule that."
“I can’t reschedule this. She’ll still be ovulating tomorrow, honey, we can do it then. And make sure you don’t order me food,” she says as she goes back into the bathroom, “We’re getting tapas.”
It's been fucking months. Months of every ovulation cycle he jerks off into a cup and Carol quickly rushes downstairs to inject it inside you. Months of disappointment when your period comes. You have apologized and apologized, cried about it and offered to go back to the doctor for the fifth time, but Dave can't blame you. He sighs and shoves his hand through his hair. "Do you even want to do this?" He demands, feeling like his wife is just brushing this off when it was her idea in the first place. "It doesn't seem like it."
“Of course I do, sweetheart,” she grits out, before rolling her eyes. “These things can take time. Look I know she’s ovulating now, but why don’t we skip this month. Let her destress and pick it up next month. Plus it’ll mean she can take the girls to their after school clubs for me this week, if you’re not obsessing over her cycle.
Dave sighs and shakes his head. "She's not the damn nanny, Carol." He reminds her, having noticed that there have been a lot of 'favors' his wife has been demanding of you despite Dave telling her that she shouldn't be. You weren't here to fucking pick up the girls. You were here to try to give the family the third child both of them said they wanted.
“She’s being paid $80,000,” Carol snaps, “She can do some work for it. I’m not arguing with you. It’s girls night. I refuse to leave the house stressed, or thinking about your goddamn cum, David.”
"You've been having a lot of goddamn ‘girls nights’, Carol." Dave snaps back, clenching his jaw. "Why don't you stay home for once and be a fucking wife and mother?" It's gone from a couple of times a month to two, sometimes three times a week and he's sick of it.
“I need to support my sister, she’s going through a rough time,” Carol repeats for the hundredth time this week, despite never elaborating and her sister always being in high spirits when she visits the house. “I probably won’t be home tonight. Tanya has suggested we go back to hers after food as her husband is away. I’ll be back mid-morning.”
That hazy suspicion niggles in the back of his mind but he doesn't voice it. Instead he sighs and shakes his head. "Just- you still want to do this, right?" He asks again, this time trying not to accuse her. "If you changed your mind, you just need to talk to me."
“Of course, I do,” she says again, “But you’ve gotta be more patient. It takes time. And sometimes it just doesn’t happen. We can give it a few more months… And if it doesn’t happen then… we can tell her to move on and we will have $80,000 to spend on a dream vacation.”
"We could always have her egg harvested and do IVF?" Dave suggests, still not ready to give up on the idea of having that third child that they had always talked about. He was trained to find solutions and this was something he wanted.
“Let’s just keep trying it like this,” she says before grabbing her phone and her purse and getting ready to leave. “She’s bathing the girls right now, tell them Mommy will see them in the morning.”
His jaw clenches as he watches his wife stroll out of their bedroom as if there wasn't a care in the world to be had. Irritated that she was using you to take care of the girls once again. By the time he leaves the bedroom, the front door is closing and he sighs again, moving towards the bathroom where there is a lot of splashing and giggling.
“Hey,” you say as Dave enters the room, and sees you’re just as soaked as the girls. “Made the mistake of letting them play with their water pistols in the tub.”
“Daddy, are we still watching Frozen tonight?” Alice squeals excitedly as he kneels down in front of the tub.
“Of course, sweet pea.” Dave nods as he looks over at you. “I’ll finish bathing the girls if you want to go dry off.”
With a raised eyebrow you keep looking over at Dave and lean down to whisper to the girls with a sneaky look on your face. “Daddy looks awfully dry doesn’t he, babies.”
The adorable giggles that start to fill the room again makes your heart soar as they turn to face a skeptical Dave. And without a second's hesitation they blasters are being pointed in Dave’s direction, their tiny fingers hovering over the trigger.
"Don't you do it." He warns softly, shooting them a faux stern look. "You don't want to start something you can't finish, little girls."
“3 against 1,” You say with a laugh, “He’s bluffing. We’ve got this… 3,2,1… shoot!”
Dave growls, ducking his head when three streams of water start to soak him and he reaches out to slap his arm through the bathtub to send a wall of water across the tub and the instigator of his attack.
You yelp before bursting into a fit of giggles, “I yield, I yield,” you choke out, as the girls continue to soak Dave.
Dave grabs your water gun and turns it on the girls with ruthless glee as they start to shriek and try to avoid his one barrage.
Watching Dave with his girls reaffirms how badly you want to do this for him, he’s the most loving father and it just warms your heart to see how great he is with them. You watch happily for a few minutes as the excitement dies down and the girls start to get restless and want out of the bath. You take Molly as he takes Alice, getting them dried and dressed into their pajamas before sending them downstairs to get comfortable on the sofa so you can set up the movie.
After you’re all dressed in your pajamas and the movie is playing you in the background you whisper to Dave, “Where’s Carol? I got some tips to help with insemination. I thought we’d try tonight.”
Dave sighs and turns to look at you, honestly hurt that his wife has pushed this off. He wants this so bad and he's starting to become frustrated. "She's out. Something about her sister again." He doesn't tell you that she suggested taking off this month, not willing to speak on it. "Do you think you could....do it yourself?"
“Oh,” you say quietly, “I mean I could try. I read somewhere that inserting it slowly rather than pushing it straight in is a better method. Also I read something else that’s supposed to help, so I can try that at the same time.”
"What else?" He frowns, wondering if there's something that he needs to get you or order you. He's been reading everything he can get his hands on but if you've found something, he's all ears.
“Uh,” you say quietly, before looking over at the girls and checking their still engrossed in the movie, “I read an article about um…” Shaking your head, you reach into your pocket and pull out your phone and bring up the article on clitoral stimulation helping the insemination process.
Dave takes your phone and purses his lips as he starts to read. His brows change, lifting and his expression shifting as he delves into the writing and hums. "I- I don't see why you shouldn't try it." He clears his throat and tries not to think about you playing with your clit or anything sexual. This is just supposed to be for making this baby. "But...." He sighs. "That syringe is really long." He frowns, unsure why Carol had decided to pick up a new type when the supplies had run out, but he can't blame her for not wanting to get too close to another woman's vagina. He personally thinks that she is harborning some resentments that she can't carry the baby and is just unwilling to admit it. "Are you sure you'll be able to handle it?'
“I’m not sure,” you say with a shrug, “Maybe I’ll just focus on the syringe. I just can’t really do the other thing with Carol around as it would be uncomfortable for us both. I just really want to do this for you. The worst thing that can happen is I need to change my sheets I guess.”
"If-" He starts and shakes his head. "No, that would be too much." He blows out a disappointed sigh, aware that another opportunity will most likely be lost.
“Tell me,” you say with a raised eyebrow.
"Only if you're comfortable with it...." he stresses, not wanting you to feel pressured in any kind of way. "I could help you." He offers quietly. "Not like I haven't made two kids before. Just not quite with a glorified turkey baster." He huffs, trying to make a joke of it.
“If you’re sure?” You say, “I mean it’s not like it takes long. I could make sure I’m ready and it’ll be over and done with in a few seconds.”
"Do you think -" He sighs and leans in closer to you. The girls are absorbed in the movie but it almost seems wrong to even think about what he's going to say next. It definitely crosses a line but he's tired of jerking off in a cup. "I could do it there and just....transfer it." He suggests. As it stands right now, he's jerking off upstairs and Carol is then taking the cum downstairs to the kitchen, filling the syringe and then carrying it down to you. Maybe something is happening in transit. "I mean, I could use your bathroom?"
“I mean it’s usually cold by the time Carol gets it in the syringe,” you say with a shrug, “So yeah, downstairs is fine.”
Dave frowns, wondering how long it takes for the sperm to cool down, but then again, it's always cool to the touch a couple of minutes after he cums on Carol's tits. "Only if you're comfortable with it." He reminds you. "I don't- don't want you to feel like I'm pushing boundaries."
“We’re making a baby, right? That’s the endgame here. I think sometimes different measures are necessary. When the girls are in bed, we can go downstairs and go from there.”
Dave nods, thankful that you are taking such a rational approach and he shoots you a smile. "Thank you." He whispers softly. "I know that it's not easy for you."
“I just hate that I’ve let you down so far,” you say, a lump forming in your throat, “I just want to make you happy.”
"You haven't let me down." He reaches over and covers your hand with his, squeezing it gently. "Without you, we wouldn't even have this hope. So don't ever think you are letting us down."
The past few months you’ve gotten closer and closer to Dave, spending most evenings eating together and watching a movie. It’s hard not to feel softened by him, despite his tough exterior he’s always so kind and your heart leaps at his touch. “Thank you, Dave.”
The rest of the movie flies by and before you know it the girls are giving you a kiss and hug goodnight. “I’ll see you in the morning, babies,” you promise.
Dave looks at you and you nod, signaling it’s okay for him to join you in the basement once the girls are asleep.
Dave waits until he knows they are asleep, checking on them and closing the bedroom doors as he walks down the hallway. He checks the doors and sets the alarm since Carol isn’t coming home and swallows slightly as he makes his way down to your basement apartment and knocks on the door.
“Come in,” you say with a shaky breath, you’re sitting cross legged on your bed. “How do you wanna do this? If you need porn while you… uh, yeah, I can wait in the hall and you can set it up on the TV.”
“No.” Dave shakes his head. “I don’t need porn.” He bites his lip. “I know you said you wanted to…masturbate before, so where do you want me to?”
“Wherever you’re most comfortable,” you say before biting your bottom lip, “I’m happy to follow your lead.”
He shifts, the idea that pops into his head makes his eyes widen and his cock twitches. He can’t suggest that. It would be completely wrong.
“We could watch each other,” you say, before looking down at your hands, not wanting to see rejection in his face.
Dave’s heart leaps and his head whips around to look at you. Wondering if he had actually heard that for a moment but you are so fluster it must have been. “It’s just to make the baby.” He reasons. “Right? You’ve seen a dick before.”
“Yeah,” you say with a nod of your head, “It’s not like we’re touching each other.”
“Yeah.” Dave frowns slightly, knowing Carol wouldn’t be happy but Carol’s not here and he doesn’t want to waste an ovulation day. “You can use your wand or hand or whatever and I can-“ he grins. “Old fashioned way for me is best.”
“I’ll use my hand… Do you want to see my tits?” You ask softly, not wanting to assume that he’ll want you to fully strip off.
His mouth goes dry and he tries to swallow. “It’s not like I won’t see them when you're breastfeeding.” He reasons again. “But it’s up to you. However you feel comfortable.”
“Will it help you get off? I don’t mind.”
“I like tits.” He admits, rolling his eyes at himself. “But I don’t have to see them.”
“Okay. I’ll stay up here and you can kneel at the bottom of the bed? Will that be comfortable for you.”
“That will work.” He agrees, raising his brow. “Do you want me naked?” He asks. “Or to just pull my cock out?”
Dave nods, pulling his shirt over his head and dropping it onto the floor. “Okay.”
The sight of his broad shoulders and chest makes your moan, and you follow suit. Pulling off your t-shirt, undoing your bra and pulling your sleep shorts and panties off in one clean sweep.
You’re attractive. He knows this. He’s attracted to you, and there’s nothing wrong with that. He’s not trying to sleep with you. He’s not trying to cheat on his wife, he’s trying to make a baby so he and Carol can complete their family. He unzips his pants and pulls them down to kick off.
You can’t keep your eyes off of him, he’s known from day one that you’re attracted to him. You open your legs and reveal your glistening pussy to him, already drenched at just the thought of watching him alone. And you gather some of your slick and drag it up to your clit before drawing slow circles around it.
His boxers come off next and he kneels on the bed, hard cock already bouncing as he does. Eyes fixed on your cunt as he spits in his hand and starts to coat himself in it.
“Fuck,” you mumble at his filthy action, only slightly increasing the pace in which you circle your clit. You don’t want to cum too quickly, you want to enjoy this moment.
“You rub your clit.” He groans, spitting again and wrapping his hand around his cock to start slowly stroking it. “Does it feel good?”
“Feels so good,” you say, as moans start to slip through your lips, “You look so good stroking your cock. It’s so big,” you start to murmur, “So thick. You’ve got a gorgeous cock, Dave.”
It’s been a long time since someone paid him compliments, making him feel like they mean them. His and Carol’s sex life has dropped off drastically and she claims it’s just because wanting to save it for when you’re ovulating.
You watch the way his wrist expertly flicks as he strokes himself, and reach up to soft palming your tit with your free hand. Needing so much more than you can get, you start to rub your clit faster and faster, feeling arousal dripping from you as you bite down the urge to moan his name.
“Shit.” Dave hisses, watching your hand tease your breast and he grunts as his hips rock forward into his hand. This isn’t about wanting to bite your tit and suck on it. It’s about cumming quickly and filling your womb up with his seed.
You watch the pre-cum leak from his top, groaning when he swipes it with his thumb and spreads it down his cock, “Dave,” you moan, “I’m gonna cum.”
“Good.” He grunts, shuffling closer to see, although the cup is right there for him to grab when he’s ready. “Open up your pretty little cervix to let my cum in.”
Your fingers speed up as you chase your high, his name falls effortlessly from your lips as you’re thrown over that edge. “Oh fuck.”
“Good girl.” He grunts, twisting his wrist and groaning as he feels the first blurry edge of his orgasm start to take hold. “Gonna cum.”
“Put it inside,” you beg, “Just the tip, baby. Fill me up.”
Dave groans and he knows it’s wrong, but he does it anyway. Pushing his cock down and pushing the fat tip into your cunt, he starts to cut almost immediately. Filling you with spurt after spurt of his cum as he tries desperately not to push deeper inside you. Knowing that would be so wrong and go against what you just asked him to do.
You clench down around the tip of him, loving the way he’s stretching you open. “Fuck, put a pillow under my hips.”
Tilting your hips up with his hands pushes him deeper inside you, making him groan as he reaches for the pillow. “I- fuck.” He closes his eyes and tries not to react to how good it feels.
You can’t help the moan that leaves you as he pushes deeper and presses against the spot inside of you. “Your wife might be the luckiest woman alive.”
Dave exhales roughly and breathes out. “This is just….it’s easier to do it this way, right?” He asks. “Faster than the turkey baster.”
“Yes, and more efficient.”
Dave agrees and looks back down at you. “That article said orgasms before and after male ejaculation helps conception.” He reminds you. “We could- I could stay like this and you can cum again.” He offers.
“I can play with my pussy whilst you’re still inside of me?” you ask, wanting to make sure that’s what he’s saying.
“And…” Dave bites his lip. “If I get hard again, maybe I can try again? Make sure you
ve got a good load inside you?” He knows he will get hard again, that’s no question for him.
“Yeah, that sounds good. Really good.” You say as you run a finger through your slit, before lightly teasing your clit.
He watches, telling himself again that this is only to make the baby. That way he knows if it doesn’t happen, every possible variable has been accounted for. It’s the back up plan. And if he happens to find it sexy that you are rubbing your clit while the first three inches of his cock are inside you, that’s an added benefit.
You circle your clit with a delicious intensity, biting down on your lip as you watch his face. His eyes focused on your pussy, watching your fingers play with your bundle of nerves and listening to the soft moans that fill the room. You can feel him start to harden inside of you, and you wonder how it would feel to have him filling your needy little cunt.
“Shit.” Dave breathes out, leaning over slightly as he tries not to surge deeper inside you. “Does it feel good? Playing with your clit with me inside you?” He reaches down and wraps two fingers around the base of his cock and starts to pump, trying not to touch you out of respect.
“Feels like heaven,” you say, “How does my pussy feel?”
“Like it’s going to make me cum,” Dave grunts. “Then you’re going to carry my baby for me. Our baby.”
“Fuck,” you say, rubbing your clit even faster, feeling your pussy start to flutter around his tip. “The things I want you to do to me.”
Dave hisses and closes his eyes. Knowing that it’s straying into dangerous territory. “Cum for me.”
Within seconds of his command you’re clamping down around him, your clit pulsing with pleasure as you flood his cock. His name is now a chant that you repeat over and over again.
“Shit, shit.” Dave groans, his own jerky pulls on his cock pushing him closer. “Fuck, gonna fill you up again.”
“Do it, fuck your baby into me.”
It pushes him over the edge and Dave can’t help but push completely into your cunt, filling you up as he starts to paint your walls again. “Fuck- I- I’m sorry.”
“Fuck,” you moan, “Feel so fucking good.” You pant as his cock twitches inside of you, filling you up with his warm seed.
He shouldn’t have ground into you. He shouldn’t have filled you up like that. It was cheating. Dave closes his eyes and pulls his hips back. “Are you okay?” He asks awkwardly.
“I’m okay, are you?” You say, seeing the guilt on his face and feeling your heartbreak over it.
“I’m good.” He promises you. “I just- I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry, I didn’t ask.”
“I was practically begging you.” Reaching over you gently press your hand to his cheek, “We were just making a baby. Nothing else.”
“Yeah.” Dave nods, reminding himself that it’s not like he was trying to fuck you. “Hopefully it takes.” He shoots you a grateful smile.
“I hope so. Best daddy ever.” You say with a smile.
He is grateful that you think that as he shuffles off the bed to put his clothes on. “I should let you rest.” He hums.
“You should rest as well, I’ll stay like this for a half hour and then I’ll go get some water before bed.”
“Okay.” Dave nods, biting back the urge to offer to get you the water. He hadn’t been doing things like that before he stuck his dick in you, doing it now would make it weird.
“You sure you’re okay?” You ask as he starts to make his way towards the door.
“I’m good.” He turns and shoots you a reassuring grin, “just worn out.” He lies. “Baby making is tiring and I’m an old man.”
“You’re not old,” you say with a small smile, sensing his discomfort. “Goodnight, Dave. Let’s hope we just made a baby.”
“Me too, sweetheart.” Dave turns back around, “get some rest, okay?” He doesn’t wait for you to answer, letting himself out of the door as he curses himself for being such an idiot. He should have known he was going to fuck this up.
Guilt floods you. You practically begged him to enter you, and the regret that he’s wearing so clearly on his face makes your heart hurt. You don’t think he’ll ever forgive you, and you’re not sure you deserve his forgiveness. All you can do is hope you just made a baby.
Upstairs, Dave showers and tries to reassure himself that he didn’t take things too far. You had asked him to put the tip in, and thought you asked for more but he was caught up in the moment. Still, he shouldn’t have done it without making sure it was okay.
Almost 45 minutes passes before you tiptoe upstairs and get yourself a much needed bottle of water and a snack. Deciding that you’ll get to early and make everyone breakfast, you make your way back downstairs and curl up in bed. Praying you haven’t completely fucked everything up.
Dave doesn’t sleep. Not because of the situation with you, but because he texted Carol and she didn’t respond. And she’s turned off her location. Not that he tracks his wife, but what if something happened to her? It makes him suspicious and he doesn’t like being suspicious. Not with the line of work he is in. So when he hears the stairs creak, he’s already nursing his second cup of coffee and the oven is warming up for cinnamon rolls.
Creeping into the kitchen, you’re greeted by the unexpected sight of Dave. Your heart once again breaks at the look on his face, clearly regretting ever hiring you and before you have time to process what you want to say, the words are slipping through your lips. “Oh god, Dave, I’m so sorry. I took advantage. You just wanted to make sure that it took, and I was so delirious with pleasure that I didn’t think. I’m so sorry. I let my attraction to you cloud my judgment. Please forgive me.”
"What?" Dave frowns, turning toward you and seeing how distraught you look. You look like you are about to cry and he stands, moving towards you to hug you but then he stops. Unsure of how to touch you right now without it turning into something else. "I took advantage." He reminds you. "I'm the one who shoved it in."
“I begged you to,” you say, tears now streaming down your cheeks. “I’m so so sorry.”
Dave walks over to you and pulls you into his arms, hating that you are crying. "We just got caught up in the moment." He decides, rubbing your back gently. "You don't need to be sorry." It was a moment, a fluke where both of you were acting impulsively.
“I just want to give you a baby, Dave, I see how badly you need this.” You sob into his shoulders, “I promise I won’t overstep anymore boundaries.”
"It's okay." He shushes you, comforting you like he would if you were one of his girls. Although you aren't one of his girls, he shouldn't feel the things that he does about you. But you are so important to him, you are going to give him a baby.
You wrap your arms around him a little tighter and try to ignore the way your traitorous heart leaps at his touch. “I’m sorry, Dave.”
"No," Dave shakes his head and he kisses your hair. "Don't be sorry. It's my fault. You didn't do anything wrong." He sighs. "Carol wanted to skip this month, I'm the one who pushed. This is all me."
“Why would she want to skip?” You say, as your head tells you to loosen your grip but your heart just wants to hold on.
"I don't know." He frowns slightly. "She didn't come home last night." He reveals softly. "And she's turned off her location."
“Oh,” you say, stepping back but letting your hands linger on him. “Maybe something happened with her sister? Have you tried calling her?”
"Tried when I came downstairs to make coffee." Dave motions to his phone. "Goes to voicemail. Texts are delivered but not read. She's got her phone off."
“What about calling her sister?” You say as you rub his shoulders, trying to reassure him.
"No." If there's something else going on, he doesn't want to discover it today. Call it putting his head in the sand, but he has other priorities. "I'll deal with it later when she comes home."
“Is there anything I can do?”
“Nothing.” He promises with a small shrug. “Unless you want to help me make breakfast.”
“Bacon and eggs to go with those cinnamon rolls? Or sausage and biscuits?”
“Bacon and eggs.” The turkey bacon and eggs always go over well with the kids. Especially with cinnamon rolls.
“On it,” you say with a smile, “Do you want more coffee?”
“There should be half a pot left, but why don’t we fill up our cups and make another?” Dave suggests with a smile, walking back over to his cup to snag it off the table.
“No coffee for me,” you announce, “Caffeine intake is being sliced. Orange juice for me!”
“I’ll make sure to pick up some more when I go to the store.” He appreciates your dedication to this.
“Thank you, Dave. Should I wake the girls or wait until breakfast is ready? I was gonna cut up some strawberries.”
“I’ll go wake them.” Dave turns and then pauses. “Carol’s been having you do a lot around here and I just want to remind you that it’s not necessary.”
“I like it,” you admit, “I love the girls. Spending time with them is one of the best parts of my day.”
"Okay." He murmurs slowly. "I just don't want you to feel like you have to."
“I know, Dave.” You start to slice the strawberries and focus on that, ignoring the tension that’s floating in the air.
"Thank you again." He says before he turns back around. "For everything."
“You’re welcome,” you say softly, before finishing up breakfast and waiting for the girls to come down.
Dave wakes the girls up, chuckling when they grumble at him but they are quickly roused from their bed by the promise of an indulgent breakfast and a morning of cartoons in their pjs. Laughing to himself when they thunder down the stairs with their stuffed animals in tow.
“Hi babies,” you say as they make a beeline to the table, “Do you want milk or juice?”
"Milk!" Molly chirps while Alice simultaneously shouts "Juice!" Dave rolls his eyes at the way the girls are so very obstinate. Unlike each other in so many ways but then so alike in others.
“So milk for Alice, and juice for Molly,” you tease, before pouring the correct drink in each of their cups. “Your daddy was just telling me about how much he enjoyed the water fight from last night and how he thinks you should do it more often. Right, Daddy?”
"Oh sure." Dave nods, cutting his eyes at them. "Next time I will be fully armed." He promises with a grin that makes their little eyes widen in delight and possibly a little bit of fear.
“We can take him. Girl power. 3 against 1. He doesn’t stand a chance,” you say as they begin to giggle.
"Keep it up and I'll get the water hose out." He warns with a dark chuckle.
“Ooh, I’m so frightened,” you tease back, “What do you girls want to do today?”
"Where's mommy?" Molly frowns, looking exactly like Dave as she does.
Sensing the discomfort in Dave you answer for him, “She is out having some girl time with her friends. I bet she’s missing her babies though. So we better have a super fun day so you can tell her everything when she’s home.”
“Can we bake?” Alice says between mouthfuls of her food, “Daddy’s favorite. Chocolate cake.”
He's grateful that you answered for him and he grins. "Daddy's favorite, huh?" He asks, raising his brow. "I think it's Ms. Alice's favorite, more than mine."
You laugh as you watch their little back and forth, “Daddy, it’s your favorite because it’s my favorite. You’re so silly.”
“That’s right.” Dave snaps his fingers and looks so disappointed in himself. “I’m so sorry for forgetting, baby.”
The rest of breakfast is spent watching Dave and his girls joke around, and silently hoping that you’re going to give this man the baby he is yearning for. The girls accompany you on a trip to target for baking supplies while Dave stays home and clears up. With a cake baked and half eaten, endless episodes of Bluey streamed and a dance party that the girls had insisted you join in with over, it’s almost their bedtime and you’re just as exhausted as they are.
You take the girls up to bed as he dishes out the Indian takeout that he had ordered for you both. Carol clearly wasn’t coming home today, and seeing as she hates Indian food, he decided to indulge in his favorite as a treat.
Dave looks over at you as he eats his curry and catches your eye. “So what are your plans after the girls go to sleep?” He asks.
“Netflix I guess,” you say with a shrug, “What about you?”
“Hopefully the same as last night.” He admits, watching you carefully.
Your breath hitches, “Let’s hope they fall asleep soon then,” you reply softly.
He watches you for a moment and then nods. He's not sure if Carol will come home tonight but he doesn't care right now. "I'm sure they will."
“You want to just put the tip in again?” You ask, as the need between your legs grows.
Dave clears his throat and bites his lip. "What do you want?"
Huffing quietly, Dave understands what you mean but he pretends that he doesn't. "My seed you mean?"
“If that’s what you’ll give me,” you say as your heart sinks, clearly having misread the situation. “Let’s make you a baby.”
Dave murmurs your name quietly to have you look at him again. “We can- I- I don’t know what you want.”
“I want you to put the baby you want in me,” you say, before looking back down at your plate and pushing your fork around.
“No.” He shakes his head. “You said you wanted me.”
“I know what I said,” you say, before pushing your chair back and standing up, “Sounds like the movie has finished. I’m going upstairs to check on the girls.”
"Wait-" He sighs as you dart out of the room and he knows that he's blown everything. He doesn't understand what is going on and he pulls his phone out of his pocket. Opening his contacts and selecting his sister-in-law's number.
The girls are fast asleep, but snuggled up to each other and gripping onto their favorite stuffed animals. You lean over and gently kiss both of their foreheads before tucking them in, seeing no use in moving Alice to her own bed when she’s quite content with her sister. Switching the TV off and turning on the nightlight, you sneak out of the room, leaving the door open slightly and making your way downstairs.
Dave's jaw is tight, his phone nearly crushed in his hand, he's gripping it so hard. Closing his eyes as he resists the urge to put his fist through a wall, or destroy something in a rage. It wouldn't do any fucking good and it would scare the girls.
“Hey,” you say, as you enter the kitchen, seeing the expression on his face. He looks furious and heartbroken at the same time, and you’re not sure whether to immediately give him space or go over and console him.
He shakes with anger, vision going white and for a moment, it sounds as if you are muted. Underwater and sounding like you are miles away as the pressure from the blood pounding in veins rushes through his ears.
You look over to the door of the basement and look back at Dave trying to gauge what the best thing to do here is. The sadness seems to have drained from his face and been replaced with sheer anger.
It takes Dave another minute before he gets ahold of himself. Purposefully thinking about something else and recalling his breathing techniques as he closes his eyes and slows his rushing heart down.
“Dave,” you say softly, as you approach him, gently reaching out and gripping his wrist, “What happened?”
"I called Maria." He tells you quietly, his voice low, nearly inaudible. "Carol isn't with her. Hasn't been with her." He inhales roughly. "She's not been out to a girl's night with her sister in nine goddamn months."
“Oh shit,” you say, before pulling him in for a hug, “Dave, I’m so sorry. Hopefully she’ll tell you the truth when she gets back.”
"She's cheating on me." Dave growls. "Maria told me everything. Carol told her that I had 'opened our marriage'." He rolls his eyes. "Told her that you were my live-in girlfriend."
“Oh, honey,” you say, letting him go and taking a step back, “I’m so so sorry.”
"Fucking bitch." He hisses, shaking his head. "We talked about this. She must have decided that I would be so fucking busy trying for a baby that I wouldn't pay attention to her bullshit."
You don’t know what to say to console him, so you just stand there and be the listening ear he needs right now. You reach out and gently rub his shoulder.
Dave closes his eyes and sighs, shaking his head. "It's obvious that the idea to have a baby with her is done." He admits. "I'm going to be getting a divorce."
“Oh,” you say, “That makes sense. I’ll contact my Mom in the morning and see if I can crash at hers for a while. Get out of your hair.”
"No." His hand reaches out and he grabs your. "No, don't- don't do that." He asks, opening his eyes and staring at you.
“I don’t want to get in your way, Dave,” you sigh, “Do you think you still want this? Going through a divorce and juggling a newborn as a single father. It’s a lot to think about.”
"You don't have to be in my way." Dave can't possibly think rationally right now but he knows one thing, he still wants you. "I wanted to fuck you last night." He admits. "I wanted to fuck you and not fucking jerk off and cum inside you."
“Fuck,” you say, “You wanted me?” You shake your head, knowing he’s just had news that’s turned his entire life upside down right now, and no matter how you feel for him, you can’t act on it. It would be taking advantage.
"I want you." He corrects.
“Dave,” you mumble, unsure what to do. Your heart says kiss him, let him take out his pain on your body by demanding it gives him pleasure, but your head says let him go to bed. Sleep on it.
"If you don't want to, walk away." He warns you after a second, his eyes turning darker. "Go downstairs and I won't follow you. But the smallest part of you does want to, go up to my bedroom."
After staring him down for a few minutes, feeling your arousal begin to drip down your thighs, your feet make the decision for you. Turning towards the stairs and taking each step carefully. Walking to the end of the hall and pushing open the door to the master bedroom.
It's wrong on so many levels and yet, Dave doesn't feel guilty. He looks down at his hand and contemplates for a moment before he reaches for his ring to slide it off his finger. Setting it down on the kitchen table, he turns around and walks out of the room and rushes towards the stairs.
You watch him as he strolls in the room, closing the door behind him and turning to look at you. “If you want this, Dave, if you really want to fuck me... Prove it. Undress me. Lay me down and show me just how much you want me, and if I'm satisfied I’ll let you fill up this little cunt.”
Dave hums, smirking slightly at the bossiness of your sudden change of attitude. "Is that how this is going to go?" He asks, raising a brow. "I have to prove it to you?"
“I’m not the one who’s leaving a multi-year marriage,” you say before perching on the edge of the bed and watching him.
"How do you want me to prove it to you?" He asks, starting to strip all of his clothes off. "I'm thinking about what I used to imagine when I was jerking off into that cup." He admits. "You sitting on my face. Smothering me in your pretty little pussy."
“That’s what you were thinking about yesterday or before?” You ask, wanting to confirm that he’s been wanting you for a while.
"Since the first week." He admits. "It's something I wanted to know. How you tasted. It was all I thought about while fisting my cock and spilling into a cup. Giving you my cum to insert into that cunt."
“Fuck, you wanna taste my pussy?” You mewl before standing back up, “Undress me and I’ll take a seat on that gorgeous face.”
Dave reaches for you, already nude and hard, his hands eager as he pulls your clothes off. Not caring if he stretches or rips something in his haste to strip you down.
Once you’re fully naked in front of him, you grab his hand and slowly drag it up the inside of thighs, letting him feel just how much you want him. “Since you said you wanted a repeat of last night, my pussy has been dripping for you. Soaked my panties within seconds and since then it’s been spreading down my thighs.”
"Do you know how good you felt?" Dave groans. "I felt bad about it, because I wanted to do it again. I wanted to cheat on Carol." He twists his fingers and slides them through your folds. "But now, now I'm just going to fuck you and not feel bad about it, I'm not married anymore. The rest is just legal bullshit."
“Fuck me then, York,” you challenge, “You knew from the second I first saw you that I wanted you.”
Instead of saying anything, Dave grabs you and pulls you down on the bed. Laying down and pulling you on top of him.
“You want me to ride that face or your cock? I’ve never sat on someone’s face before…”
"Face first." Dave groans. "Then my cock."
You hesitate for a moment, a little uncertain of how to make sure you don’t hurt him before you move up. Lowering yourself so you’re hovering just above his mouth.
He can tell you are hesitant and he reaches up to grab you hips and yank you down onto his mouth greedily like he is man starving and you are his last meal.
“Dave,” you yelp as he pulls you down onto his face. You reach out to hold on to the headboard as you patiently wait for him to start tasting you.
He chuckles and doesn't hesitate to slide his tongue through your folds, groaning at the tangy taste of your cunt and arousal. Gripping your hips tighter and making sure that you don't move away from his greedy mouth.
“Oh, Dave,” you whimper, as he starts to lap at your clit before moving down and pushing his tongue into your cunt. “Oh, fuck.”
He groans, spearing his tongue up into you while his nose presses against your clit. Rocking you back and forth to provide some friction.
“Dave,” you pant, over and over, as you start to rock your hips. The sensation is new, you’ve never really been with anyone who makes your pleasure a priority and he’s eating your pussy like a man starved.
Your taste, your moans has him aching as he gets exactly what he wants. Letting go of one of your hips, he reaches down and starts to wrap his fist around his cock. Groaning into your cunt like he is pained.
You rock your hips faster as you near your high, his mouth working magic on you. You throw your head back in pleasure and as you do you catch a glimpse of something moving, turning your head slightly you see him fisting his cock as he groans into your pussy. “Fuck, my pussy taste that good, baby? That you’ve got to fuck your own fist?”
He can't answer you because it means that he would have to pull his lips away from your cunt. Not willing to pull his tongue out of your warmth for a single second while you are dripping into his mouth. He groans, doubling down on his efforts to make you cum.
The only word you’re able to speak is his name, it falls out of your mouth over and over as he works you towards your high. Your thighs tighten around his head, as you start to cum. Hands gripping onto the headboard as you flood his face.
Dave hisses, his fist tight around his cock and squeezing so that he doesn't cum. Nearly ready to from the sweetness of your release and your cries.
“Fuck,” you murmur as you lift yourself off of his face, “Hi, baby.” You giggle as you look down at his soaked face.
"Hi." He smirks, a little pussy drunk and he lets go of his cock so he can stroke your hip.
“Can I kiss you?” You ask, as you run your hands through his hair, loving how blissed out he looks.
"Yes." He nods as he looks up at you. He's wanted to kiss you, and now there is nothing to stop him.
Wasting no time, the second he gives you permission you smash your lips against his. Not caring that they’re still damp with your arousal, you lick across his bottom lip as a silent plea for entry.
It's been years since Dave has kissed someone besides Carol. The pecks on the lips with the girls don't count. Years since he has kissed someone like he was going to devour them. And that is exactly what the kiss between the two of you turns into.
You moan freely into his mouth, letting him take the lead as he kisses you with an intensity that makes your heart flutter. Reaching down you grip his cock, giving it slow languid strokes.
"Fuck." Dave groans, twitching in your fist but he thinks of something and pulls away. "Do you- do you want me to wear a condom?" He asks breathlessly.
“Fuck no,” you say before pulling him back for another kiss.
He moans into your mouth, needing to be inside you now that there is nothing stopping him. "Ride me." He begs.
“Yes, sir,” you giggle, lining yourself up with him and slowly sinking down. Moaning from the stretch of him. “Fast or slow, baby?”
"Fuck." He groans. "You could just stay right there." He promises, watching you as you adjust to him in this new position.
“You just want me to keep your fat cock warm?”
You could, he wouldn't have any problem with you just sitting on his cock all night but he thinks you want more. "Later." He groans, pushing your hip with his hand, urging you to move. "Remember that I can't keep going if you make me cum too quickly."
“You can use your mouth and fingers though,” you say before grinding down on him, loving his filthy groans. “How often did you play with cock and think of me?” You ask as you rock your hips back and forth, nice and slowly.
"Every fucking time." Dave grunts, bracing his feet on the bed and starts to roll his hips up to meet yours. "Every fucking time I jerked off."
“Fuck,” you groan, before increasing your speed. “I think about you too,” you admit, “Those fucking shoulders. Imagined you putting my legs over them so you could fuck me deeper.”
Dave hisses, rocking his hips up harder. "Yeah?" He asks. "You knew how big my cock was before last night?"
“It’s honestly bigger than I was imagining,” you say before gasping, “And I was imagining a big cock.”
He grunts proudly, grabbing your hips and pulling you down to make sure he grinds deep into you. Wanting to make you feel every inch of him.
“You gonna make me cum on it,” you challenge as you snap your hips forward.
"Fuck yes." He hisses, gritting his teeth and snapping his hips up hard enough to make you bounce.
“Dave,” you gasp, as he forces the air out of your lungs, you bounce up and down on his length, grabbing one of his hands and placing it on your tit.
Dave palms you tit and squeezes it, grunting at how perfect it fits in his hand. Watching as you ride his cock like you had imagined and yet, it is so much better.
He fucks into that delicious spot with ease, making you almost delirious with pleasure. With a few more rolls of your hips, you find your walls fluttering around him, before clamping down, choking his cock and cumming hard.
Dave groans, wrapping his arms around you and he takes over. Feeling that you can’t move anymore and he starts thrusting up into you like his life depends on it.
“Fill me up,” you plead, grateful for the change in power right now. “Please, baby.”
"I will, fuck, I will." Dave groans out your name. Starting to chant it with every thrust of his hips. Until he finally pushes deep and starts to cum, filling you up just like you begged him to.
You love the way he overwhelms you, everyone of your senses are on fire in the most delicious way and it’s because of him. “Fuck,” you groan as he finishes filling you up, “So many nights of imagining this, and it was a million times better than I ever could have imagined.”
He nods, panting as he closes his eyes. "I- I shouldn't' have wanted it, but I did." He admits, holding you close. "It's so much fucking better than I ever thought of."
You giggle, loving the way he reacts to it. Still buried deep in your pussy, and groaning as your flutter and clamp down around him. “You wanna wake me up with your cock?” You ask before pressing a kiss to his lips.
“I can do that.” He doesn’t motion for you to get off him, and sighs softly. “I need to ask you a question though.”
“Should I be worried?” You ask, as you shuffle off of him. Sitting on the edge of the bed, instead of climbing in next to him.
“No?” He frowns, shaking his head and looking down at his hands before he starts talking. “Now that- now that Carol and I aren’t going to be staying together….if you wanted to stop this…surrogacy, I understand.” He tells you. “I know it’s not what you signed up for.”
“What do you want?” You ask, before running your hands through your hair. “I know how good of a dad you are, and despite what I said earlier, if anyone could juggle a newborn and all of this… it would be you. And I'd be here to help and breastfeed for as long as you need me.”
He blows out a small sigh and he shakes his head. “You don’t want what I’ve discovered I want.”
“What do you want?” You say, confusion evident on your face.
“I want to do this with…..with a partner, but you don’t want to be a parent and I don’t want you to feel like you have to.” He’s not saying things right and he shakes his head. “Just forget I said something. It’s not a good idea.”
“If you’re asking me to have a baby with you, you’re going to have to at least take me out to dinner first.” You say, before giggling and moving your face up to his, “Kiss me, idiot.”
He closes his eyes and shakes his head but he leans in to kiss you. “I don’t know when I started imagining raising the baby with you.” He confesses. Maybe it was all the time you spent together, but he hadn’t imagined you leaving after the baby was weaned.
“Can’t pretend my heart didn’t stutter when you said ‘our baby’ last night,” you admit, “But we have to be smart here. The girls. Carol. The fact we haven’t even been on a date yet… And honestly I could be pregnant right now… We need to sit and have a conversation out of this post sex haze.” You climb into bed next to him and lightly press a kiss to his lips, “Right now I know two things… 1. How badly I want you. 2. We have a lot to figure out.”
“We’ll figure them out.” Dave promises, wrapping his arms around you, “I want to figure them out.”
“Me too. You wanna be the little or big spoon, baby?” You ask before you pepper a kiss on his shoulder.
It’s been a hard day and he chuckles to himself. “Would you think less of me if I wanted to be the little spoon?”
“Not at all, baby.” Letting go of him, so he can shift around in your arms.
Dave turns over and sighs when you wrap your arms around him. Finding comfort in the fact that you care about him. Carol cheating on him is going to change everything in his and his girls life, but it might be for the better. He might get to have you.
“Goodnight, my love,” you mumble against his warm skin, placing a few kisses between his shoulder blades and wrapping your arms just a little tighter.
When Dave wakes up, he smiles as he feels your arm still around him. Apparently neither one of you moved during the night. He hums, shifting slowly as he turns to face you.
You wake up to Dave shifting in your arms, and you can’t help the smile that spreads across your face. One of his hands slowly rubs the bottoms of your back as you move a little closer to him, “Good morning, you sleep ok?” Your mumble sleepily.
“Never woke up.” Which for him was a miracle. He smiles, admiring the way that you are struggling to keep your eyes open. “You look beautiful first thing.”
“Flatterer. And good, I’m glad, I didn’t either. Slept like a baby.” You say as you press yourself up against him. Grinning when you feel how hard he is already.
"Good." You had said you wanted him to wake you up on his cock, but you managed to open your eyes before he could get into position. So now he leans in and kisses you while rolling you onto your back.
You let him mould your body as he pleases, his mouth refusing to leave yours as he climbs on top of you, his fingers snaking between your bodies and slowly circling your clit.
Instead of rush through things to push inside you, Dave decides to take it slow. He's got all morning, the girls won't be up for at least another hour and on Sundays they liked to watch cartoons before the designated brunch time.
“Feels so good,” you moan as he plays with your clit, his lips lightly ghosting your neck as you moan his name. “You want me to stroke your cock, baby?”
"No." He kisses along your neck and nuzzles your pulse, inhaling the scent of you. Warm and soft with sleep, arousal now mixing with it. "Gonna slide inside you of you soon enough."
“Sounds perfect,” you say quietly, loving how perfectly you fit together, “Keep the pace nice and slow.”
"Lazy lovin' Sunday." He hums, smiling against your skin.
“Sign me up for more,” you say with a soft laugh, “All of them.”
"Yeah?" He huffs quietly, rocking his hard cock against your mound slowly. "You want to do this every Sunday?"
“Baby, I want to do it everyday,” you say as his fingers rub a little harder, your orgasm just teetering over the edge.
“Don’t know if I could do it everyday.” He chuckles. “Getting old.”
“Doesn’t seem that way to me,” you choke out, as pleasure explodes behind your little bundle of nerves, cumming with a soft moan of his name, as he whispers soft praises in your ear.
When you come back down, Dave pulls his hand away so he can slide between your thigh. Pressing against you and slowly rocking his hips forward as he starts to sheath his cock in the tight walls of your pussy.
One of your hands gently holds onto the back of his head, while the other one grips onto his hip. The heft of him a glorious stretch, as he pushes himself in, taking his time and giving you a moment to adjust once he’s filled you to the hilt. “Could stay like this forever.”
"Have to eventually eat." He teases, nudging his nose against yours and then kissing your lips.
“You’re gorgeous, did you know?” You say after he softly kisses your lips.
"Distracting me." He hums, kissing you again. "You are the gorgeous one." He murmurs quietly, starting to slowly move. "You were going to sacrifice your body, your womb to give me a baby."
“Oh, you feel so good,” you whine as he starts a slow but delicious rhythm, notching against paradise. “How could I say no to those big brown eyes?”
"Ask everyone who turned me down." He hums, flashing you a small smile and trying not to let Carol's betrayal affect him, affect this. He shouldn't have fallen in love with you, but he did and he's not going to apologize for it.
“Their loss is my gain,” you say, “But no one else but me and you exist right now.” You whisper into his ear.
"No one else." It might be ironic, promising fidelity when he is technically cheating on his wife, but he feels single. Or at least his emotional attachment to Carol severed the moment he learned about her affair.
“Make love to me,” you whisper softly into his ear, “Please.”
It's soft, sweet. Dave takes his time and doesn't try to push anything but the softest sounds out of you. Each slow thrust accompanies a kiss and some praise.
Your hands trail the expanse of his shoulders, dipping down his back and finding home on his hips, you can feel that delicious pressure building but you don’t want to let go just yet, needing desperately to fall off that ledge at the same time.
"Baby." Dave groans quietly in your ear. "Need you to cum for me."
“Call me baby, again,” you say, before clamping down around him, “Cum with me.”
"Baby." He grunts, pushing his hips a little harder. "Baby." He feels his body tensing. "Baby." He chokes out before he buries himself deep and pours himself into you.
You clamp down around him hard. Cumming with the softest, sweetest whimper of his name. Your arms wrap around him as he groans your name once more, before dropping down and capturing your lips in a bruising kiss.
He pulls away only when he finally needs to take a breath, humming softly as he reaches up and caresses your cheek.
“You know I’m going to expect you to exclusively call me baby now I know how good it sounds?” You laugh as you push his hair back out of his face.
He chuckles and nods. "Figured."
“Sorry to darken the mood, but she’s probably going to be home today,” you sigh, “With work tomorrow. You want to spend a few nights downstairs with me until it’s all figured out?”
Dave sighs and he hates to acknowledge that but he nods. "Yeah." He leans down and kisses you again. "Just until I can get her ass served with divorce papers."
“At least we can be loud down there,” you say as you nuzzle your nose against his, “That’s if you’re not ‘too old’ to go again later.”
He snorts and shakes his head. "Might be." He jokes, nudging his nose against yours. "But you need to shower." He smirks at you playfully. "You smell like sex."
“So do you.” Kissing his lips once more you gently push him off you and climb out of bed, “Wanna join me?”
"I shouldn't." He admits, sitting down on the bed. "Just in case she comes home or the girls wake up."
“Guess it’ll just be me and my imagination then,” you say with a fake huff, “I’ll see you after, we can make the girls breakfast again.”
"Hey." Dave calls out and smirks at you when you turn to look at him. "I love you."
“I love you too.” You say, before slipping downstairs to shower.
The morning goes by in a blurred frenzy, Molly tells you that she needs 36 cupcakes to take to school with her tomorrow, and with Carol not back it’s down to you to bake them.
It’s only once you’ve finished frosting the final cake that you hear her car pull up onto the drive and Dave flashes an annoyed glance in your direction.
"Girls, why don't you go upstairs and play?" Dave suggests, ignoring the way they whine and try to stall, but he breathes a sigh of relief when they disappear to go upstairs. He turns towards you and watches you carefully. "Do you want to go downstairs?"
“Do you want me to? I can go if you want or stay and support you. Either way is fine.”
"I'm not going to confront her about everything." He tells you. "But I don't want you to face her wrath if she gets pissy."
“I can take it, but if you want me to go, I’ll go, baby.” You say before reaching out and caressing his cheek, sighing at the sound of her key turning in the door. Peppering the quickest of kisses on his lips.
He should send you away, but he doesn't. Realizing how much you care about him because you are willing to face whatever mood Carol is in just to stand beside him. He looks at you softly before his eyes harden as the door opens and Carol calls out. "In the kitchen." He calls back, voice flat.
“You’ve got this,” you whisper before briefly squeezing his hand. You both say nothing as she waltzes back in the house, tossing her car keys down on the counter and immediately going to the refrigerator and getting herself a bottle of water.
"Where have you been?" Dave asks quietly, sitting at the table watching as she twists the cap off the bottle and guzzles down half of it.
She giggles before slamming the bottle down, “Oh, Dave, you won’t believe it,” she says with a roll of her eyes and a huge grin splashed across her face, “Me, Maria and Tanya had one too many and ended up in Atlantic City! Of course I didn’t have my charger so I couldn’t contact you, but it was so great! Exactly what Maria needed.”
"Is it?" At least Maria hadn't lied when she told Dave that she wouldn't breathe a word of their conversation to Carol. She had been horribly apologetic, nearly tearful when she realized her sister had lied to her. "Is she feeling better now, then?" He asks.
“So much better,” she says before finishing the rest of her water, “I can’t believe we ended up there… The AmTrak really shouldn’t run at that time of night. Anyway I should shower…” She turns to look at you, “Could you have lunch ready when I get back downstairs? I’m starved.”
"She is not the maid." Dave reminds his wife. "Fix your own damn food."
“Excuse me?” Carol says, raising her eyebrow, “She lives here rent free, she can fix me a damn sandwich. What is your problem, David?”
"My problem is that you were supposed to be home two days ago, Carol." Dave doesn't raise his voice, he doesn't shout or throw anything. "You didn't call, you didn't give a fucking shit if your husband or your children knew if you were okay. You waltz back in and ask our surrogate to fix you a fucking sandwich."
“I told you I couldn’t call. Maria needed me, Dave. This is my home, she’s living here for free in exchange for me pumping her full of your cum. A sandwich won’t kill her.”
"Don't say it like that." Dave huffs. "You agreed that that was what you wanted. Have you changed your mind?"
She rolls her eyes dramatically, and she shakes her head. “No honey, you could just be a little more accommodating when it comes to the needs of my family.”
"Go take your damn shower." Dave tells her. "I'll fix you a fucking sandwich."
“No, she will fix me a sandwich. I need you to pack me an overnight bag, Maria wants us to go to the spa tonight. Last minute deal on groupon.”
“Carol.” Dave frowns at his wife and shakes his head. “It’s Sunday. I have work tomorrow. I’m not going to a spa.”
“Oh, honey,” she says with a laugh, “I meant me and Maria. Not ‘us’.”
Dave’s hands are on his hips and he contemplates just packing her a bag and letting her go. Taking the easy way out but he shakes his head. “Sure, Carol. Whatever you say.”
“Dave,” you say, as he lets her walk over him, “You deserve better than this.”
“Excuse me?” She scoffs at you, as you continue to focus on him. “Who the hell do you think you are?”
“I talked to Maria yesterday.” Dave announces, staring at Carol.
“What?” She splutters, “When?”
“Don’t worry about when.” He huffs and grits his teeth. “Where were you really?”
She sighs and walks over to Dave, wrapping her arms around his neck and pouting, “I just needed a few days to myself, baby, this whole surrogacy thing is so stressful. I’m sorry.”
He pulls away from her, knocking her arms from around his neck, “you owe me at least the fucking truth, Carol.” He hisses. “Be honest. For fucking once.”
“Leave,” she hisses at you, “You’re the reason I felt like I needed to escape my family for a few days.”
“Oh, that wasn’t Robert that made you feel the need to leave?” Dave sneers.
“What exactly did Maria tell you?” She says, clearly relenting and sitting on the stool behind her. “Make her leave and we can talk honey, we don’t need her meddling in our business.”
“She can stay.” Dave shakes his head and scoffs. “Maria told me enough, don’t worry.” He promises her. “My lawyer’s already been called.”
“Saline.” She says with a smirk, “You were right. I didn’t want another baby, but I knew you were adamant you wanted us to try surrogacy.” She turns to look at you and laughs, “Looks like he has no use for you anymore either, no chance you’re knocked up with salt water.”
He nods, furious but at least he knows why it didn't seem like the inseminations were working. "How long have you been fucking this guy Robert, Carol?" He asks, holding up his hand when you start to speak.
“Doesn’t matter,” she shrugs, “He ended it last night. The spa trip was a cover up to go and get some of my stuff I left at his.” She admits, no point in lying anymore.
"How fucking long?" Dave demands, his voice hardening slightly and his eyes dark.
“Just over a year,” she scoffs, “Does it matter? Do we really need to be having this conversation in front of her? She should have started packing her bags the second I told you both about the saline.”
"No, but you can pack your bags." Dave tells her, crossing his arms over his chest. "Get out of my house, Carol. We are done."
“No, we are not,” she shrugs, “We can find another surrogate and try again. We will have the baby and move on together.”
“No,” you say, courage coursing through your veins, “He will have a baby, but it will be with me. And I’ll spend the rest of my life doing the one thing you were too stupid to do, and I’ll show him how appreciated and loved he is.”
Dave lifts a brow at your impassioned speech and smirks at the way Carol's jaw drops in surprise. "I've already given my lawyer the evidence, Carol." He tells her. "Just like I'm going to forward this video of you confessing to adultery to him."
She ignores Dave and instead sneers at you, “You’ll get bored of him. Just like I did. I’d run if I was you, get out of here as quickly as you can.”
“I’m good,” you say before reaching out and grabbing his hand, “Fell in love with him that very first day in the cafe. Fell even harder watching how incredible a father he is, fell some more when he made love to me this morning. Will continue to fall harder and harder for the rest of my life.”
"Get out, Carol." Dave tells her quietly, squeezing your hand and looking over at you with soft love in his eyes. "I'll tell the girls you will be there to see them this weekend, but I want you to go. You made your choice, so I've made mine." His choice is you. You and his girls and whatever kids you might have together.
“I’ll be back tomorrow,” she scoffs before grabbing her keys, “And i’ll be ready for you to apologize, so we can move on from this. Make sure that little slut is out of our basement before I get back.”
He sighs and shakes his head, watching her walk away and doesn't flinch when the door slams behind her. "Gonna have to change the fucking locks." He sighs before he looks over at you and grins. "You heard her. You need to be out of the basement by tomorrow."
“I heard her loud and clear, baby,” you say before pulling him in for a heated kiss, “I’m just thinking about how you’re planning on fucking this little slut tonight.”
"Might be too tired from moving all your stuff into the master bedroom." He smirks, wrapping his arms around you. "Unless you're still ovulating."
“Oh I think moving can wait until the morning,” you smirk, “Save that energy ‘old man’, Daddy is going to be railing the fuck out of this little pussy tonight.”
“Sounds good to me baby.” Dave smirks and pulls you close. “Tonight we’re going to make our baby.” He promises.
“Keep calling me, baby, and we can make our baby right here and right now.” You tease, before kissing him hard and slow. “I was telling the truth by the way, fell in love with you the second I saw those big gorgeous brown eyes.”
He hums, knowing that you mean it. His hand slides down and he cups your ass. "I started falling in love with you while you've been living here." He admits, knowing you will understand that. "But I think that it's fair enough to say that I am completely in love with you, baby."
“Good,” you say before scrunching up your nose and nuzzling it against his, “Guess now I can tell you about the sex dream I keep having.”
"Tell me all about it." Dave pulls you close and closes his eyes. He's still hurt about Carol's betrayal, about her tearing their family apart. But he also has to thank her for it. If she hadn't been unfaithful, he wouldn't have met you, he wouldn't have fallen in love with you and he wouldn't be planning on creating a life with you.
“Keep dreaming about slowly riding your cock, your lips wrapped around one of my nipples, tasting the milk I make for our baby. Listening to you telling me how sweet it is. How sweet I am. Before tasting more.”
“That sounds more like a prediction than a dream.” Dave murmurs. He had already thought about watching you breastfeed and seeing your tits full of milk, and how he won’t have to deny those thoughts. “Let’s see if we can’t make dreams come true.”
“I would love to. I love you, Dave York.”
You groan at the clock next to you, reading 4:23AM. Your pregnancy cravings refuse to let up, but your aching and swollen feet makes it too difficult to get up and out of bed.
You don’t want to wake him, he’s been so supportive, so wonderful and spends a good forty minutes every evening luring you to sleep with his tongue. Knowing it’s the only thing that relaxes you enough to sleep. But you had made the decision to attempt to ignore your craving after dinner and it’s come back to bite you in the ass. You groan again as you think about the rocky road in the freezer, calling your name.
Wordlessly, he sits up and presses a kiss to your forehead and before you can apologize for waking him, he’s shushing you and getting out of bed.
A few minutes later he returns with a pint of ice cream, two spoons and two gatorades.
“What did I do to deserve you?” You say softly, feeling tears spring up in your eyes and immediately start to stream down your cheeks. Pregnancy hormones make you a lot weepier than usual.
"You answered an ad." He teases, setting down the gatorades and reaching up to wipe away your tears. "I knew you were going to want ice cream." He teases, leaning in and kisses your lips softly. He motions to the ice cream. "Go ahead and have your ice cream baby, I'm going to talk to him."
“God, I love you,” you say, ripping the cover of the ice cream and digging in. Watching as he gently rests his head on your tummy and starts to talk to your unborn son. The immediate kicking as soon as he hears his Daddy’s voice makes you both smile. Answering that ad had been the best decision you had ever made, you reach down and caress his face after finishing up the ice cream. “I love you so much. Love our girls. Love our boy. I love you, Dave.”
"Love you too, baby." He promises, kissing your ice cream flavored lips with a smile. "Thank you for our son, thank you for loving me and the girls." There's a ring on your finger, not quite yet a wedding ring since you want to wait until after the baby is born, but the divorce was finalized last month and he can't wait to make you Mrs. Dave York. "Love you so much."
“Me too, baby. I love you.”
#pedro pascal#dave york#dave york x reader#dave york x you#dave york x f!reader#dave york smut#dave york fanfiction#dave york equalizer 2#dave york imagine
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Happy (belated) Valentines Day @midnight-mourning !!
Surprise! I was your secret Valentine! Sorry for the lateness, I am terribly good at procrastination but here it is at last! Your writing is always a delight to read so I hope this one-shot gives a similar feeling! Enjoy!
Word Count: 2,744
Working in the Superstar Daycare definitely has its perks. Learning all types of gossip from the kiddos, from divorces to which little kid had a crush on who; this job was full of, mostly positive, emotional rollercoasters. Another perk is working with both Daycare Attendants, which definitely got you a few odd looks and a couple light-hearted, teasing words from co-workers. Both Sun and Moon were just.. so nice to be around. Sure, their appearance and inhuman mannerisms took a bit of getting used to but being there for six months can make you pretty damn used to these twos’, in your own words, “cute quirks.”
The day started out like normal, kids dragging you every which way to play their games if Sun was preoccupied, coloring, “eating” the pretend food the kids happily served you, and other things that make you almost feel like a kid again by proxy. It started soon after naptime, Moon and you had your usual conversation of him complaining about the new hires for daycare security and you complaining about a few irritating coworkers of your own. Sun had just gathered most of the kids, with you leaning casually on the front of the security desk at Sun’s insistence that he’s “more than capable of wrangling a few children.”
A tiny hand gently tugs at your pant leg, your eyes drifting down from Sun to see a kid with a bright purple Bonnie hoodie, you were 90% sure that her name is Casey. Casey speaks, her voice a bit shy, “Um.. Mx. Star? Could.. Could you play Save the Princess with us?”
You smile a bit at the nickname the kids had collectively decided to give you to match Sun and Moon, before nodding your head, “Sure, lemme guess; You’re in need of a princess to be in peril?”
Little Casey shakes her head, “No, we already have a princess; we just need a knight.”
You raise a brow slightly; normally the kids asked you to be the damsel in distress, now someone else is in fictional peril. You simply hum, quietly wondering who the princess is, “Oh, Alright. Who’s playing the princess this time?”
Casey grins like the cat who got the canary, “Mr. Sun.”
You let out a small snort, quickly stifling your small fit of giggles with the palm of your hand. It wasn’t the idea of Sun wearing the little plastic tiara that the princess had to wear, according to the kids, even if that is a hilarious visual. No, you’re giggling because you know damn well Sun’s going to turn the drama up to eleven. Being a former theatre bot, Sun loved to perform, so this was the perfect opportunity for him to stretch his acting legs and play the perfect damsel in the most distress.
Casey took two of your fingers in her little hand and guided you to where the scene was laid out. A former cardboard box turned faux tower set piece, fake leaves hot glued to its colored brick work. That little tower was a mini project for the kiddos a few weeks back and now they’re near constantly asking to play Save the Princess, which you and Sun happily oblige to.
You had to bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from giggling like a maniac when you finally spotted Sun. Sun wasn’t just wearing the little tiara, no, the kids went the whole nine yards; a frilly pink tutu, crayon lipstick, and from the looks of it, as many bracelets as the kids could find were decorating both of Sun’s wrists with his golden bells poking out from the miniature hoard of beads and colored plastic.
Sun’s eyes turn from the group of kids to you, blank optics meeting your eyes before he makes a sound like clearing his throat, “Friend! Hello! U- Uh.. I heard you’re going to be my knight in shining denim?”
You snort, glancing down to your baggy jeans for a moment before meeting Sun’s optics once again, tone light and ever so slightly teasing, “Indeed I am, and I must say, You make one pretty damsel here Sunny~” After you said that, you swore his cooling system kick up a notch, already going from embarrassment you’d assumed. You don’t get a response from Sun or the chance to dwell on Sun’s quickening cooling system when a small foam sword and an even smaller, round plastic shield are both shoved into your arms, kids giggling all around you.
A couple smaller pairs of hands give you an encouraging shove towards the tower as Sun settles behind it, only his crayon marked face being able to poke out from the little tower window which makes you swallow down another giggle. A kid wearing a Monty hoodie with the hood up, Gavin you were pretty sure was his name, mustering up the best roar he can. You mentally bust out your acting chops, letting out a dramatic gasp and taking a half step back out of sheer acted horror. You make your voice quiver as you ready your sword and shield, adding to the drama, “M- My! What a t- terrible beast! But I must be brave; For Princess Sunny!”
Little Gavin lets out another rawr, and speaks in the deepest voice he can manage, “You must go through me if you want to get to the princess! Rawr!”
Sun decides to jump in on our dialog, putting on the most dramatic falsetto you’ve heard in a while, “Oh brave knight!~ Slay this beast and save mee~”
A “fight” ensues, turning up the dramatics to eleven in your own way. Your swings are extremely light, but your exaggerated body movements give the impression that the swing takes a grand amount of effort. A few minutes later, once the grand battle between you and the dragon concluded, you come out victorious; your head held high as you carefully step around the “corpse” of the dragon to step behind the tower of cardboard to collect your sunny princess.
You hum softly, extending your hand to Sun, grin wide and borderline cheeky as you keep your tone overly formal, “M’lady~ May I help you up?”
Sun huffs, a touch of a laugh in his snark, “Oh, how gracious~ of you my knight.” Sun takes your hand and you help him back to his feet from the kneel.
All of a sudden several little voices whine in complaint.
“Noo! You gotta do the princess carry!”
“Yeah! Do the princes carry!”
“You gotta give Mr. Sun the full princess experience Mx. Star!”
“Yeah! Full princess experience! Pleasee!”
A small wash of warmth runs up your neck and over your cheeks. Normally, when you were the damsel and “rescued,” Sun would carry you in the bridal style that the kids have dubbed “the princess carry” and parade you around the daycare a bit; which never failed to make you blush. Now the kids were practically begging for you to do it to Sun.
You glance over to Sun, reaching a hand up to rub the back of your neck, voice clearly hesitant and low so the kids wouldn’t hear, “Well.. I mean.. I’m not opposed to the idea if you aren’t.” Sun meets your gaze and you're quite sure his internal cooling system is practically on full blast right now.
Sun huffs again, steam minorly puffing out of his joints as he rolls his near non-existent pupils and changes his stance to something cross armed and brimming with sass, “I mean, you sure you can?” Sun leans close, intending to fluster surely but with the crayon make-up, it makes it hard to take him too seriously before he continues, “I mean, you’re rather.. small, sunshine~”
You let out a huff of your own, incredulous for a moment before grinning mischievously and leaning closer to Sun, “Is that a challenge Sunny~?”
Sun’s milky white eyes widened, another small puff of steam left his joints, all sass quickly dropping as he sounded a touch panicked, “No No not a challen-!” His voice box grinds to a halt as you, with some effort, sweep him off his feet, literally. Moving all of those heavy-ass storage boxes from your old job meant you had put on some decent strength, so lifting up Sun only caused some minor strain that quickly faded as you held him. He was surprisingly light, being made of metal and having all of those wires and circuits, you’d thought he would be extra heavy. You guess him and Moon were made of a lighter metal alloy than the glamrocks so they could use the aerial wire without the potential risk of it snapping. Sun was warm against you, several puffs of steam leaving his joints as he froze, his blank optics gazing down at his feet.
You couldn’t help but be a bit smug, both lifting Sun and managing to fluster him back after all of the times he did it to you made your ego bump up a notch or two and a giddy feeling softly bubbled in your chest. Your voice carries this minorly smug energy as you tilt your head into Sun’s field of vision, trying to coax him to meet your eyes, “What was that about me being small~?”
Sun sputters, turning his gaze sharply away from yours as his internal cooling system continues to whirr loudly, some more steam puffing from his joints. You found it too cute that he sounds like an overheating computer right now, purely because you scooped him up into your arms. Sun grumbled something too garbled to make out in full but you were pretty sure he used the words “Dumb, hot security officer,” which only made your grin wider. You were half tempted to tease him, fluster him further, ask him to repeat himself, but there were children around so you skipped over that and went back to playful teasing.
You hummed, leaning forward slightly like you were going to set him down, “Well~ If you really don’t like the princess treatment, I can put you dow-” You choked a bit on your words as Sun threw his arms around your neck, keeping himself close to you.
Sun lets out a soft, minorly strangled noise of embarrassment, likely at his quick reaction to throw himself at you, before dramatically clearing his throat and putting the falsetto back on, “If you put me down, I will have you beheaded for mishandling your princess! Now, you must bring me back to my castle! Quickly now!”
You let out a soft snort at Sun’s continued dramatics, but quickly obliged; straightening your posture, securing your hold on him and starting to carefully walk in the general direction of the security desk. The security desk has been the main “castle” the last few times you had been the damsel, the place where Sun put you once he was done parading you around the daycare.
Since Sun was forbidden to go behind the security desk by his protocols, you wouldn't be able to walk around to sit him down in a chair behind the desk, instead, you walked to the small wall that concealed the security desk from most of the daycare. You shifted your hold on Sun for a moment as you set him on top of the wall, your hands ending up on either side of his legs. You grinned up at him, his faceplate doused in minor shadow, allowing you to see the thin, white circles of his optics; the glowing shapes flitting between your face and the wall, Sun’s face still turned to the side, and cooling system still going at top speed.
Sun makes a soft “tch” sound, his optics finally resting on you as he lifts his pointer finger to your forehead and lightly pushing you away, mumbling a soft “Meanie” which makes you chuckle a bit. You simply hum and step back, allowing Sun to hop down from the desk, him glancing at you before clapping his hands to gain the children’s attention for a different game, still glammed up. You take this as your cue to slip behind the desk once again, knowing that there are definitely some emails demanding your attention.
The rest of the day is relatively uneventful, a tantrum, an annoyed parent at pick up and the day is over, leaving you and Sun mostly alone, besides Moon of course. You were mid-email when the familiar jingle of bells pulled your attention up. Sun was looming over you a bit, casting his face in shadow and allowing you to see his optics for the second time today.
Sun’s silent for a moment before adjusting his lean to be more casual as he speaks, “Sunshine? Would you be a dear and uh.. Help me clean up the crayon on my face?”
You let out a soft huff and a small chuckle, the sounds melding into one before you spoke, already nodding your head at Sun’s ask, “Of course Sunny, go grab a chair or something and I’ll grab the wipes.”
You stand from the chair behind the security desk as you watch Sun bound over to the kiddie tables, grabbing a small chair to sit in as you reach over and pluck the disinfectant wipes you keep off your desk. You make your way over to an awaiting Sun, who was sitting in a small kiddie chair with his knees to his chest as he messed with the ribbons around one of his wrists. You reach Sun, getting in close as he pulls his hands close to his chassis to keep them out of the way before you pull out a couple wipes from the container. You slot the container between your legs to keep it close before you start carefully rubbing away at the waxy art supply on Sun’s face, carefully holding the bottom of his faceplate to keep it still.
A comfortable silence falls over you both, the only sounds being hard are the jaunty daycare theme and Sun’s cooling system softly whirring as you clean his face, carefully removing the crayon from the various crevices in his placid smile. All of a sudden, you felt a gentle weight on your hips. You glance down and see Sun’s hands carefully resting there so casually you’d think he was doing it daily. A small wave of warmth rolls up your neck to your cheeks but you try and play it off, looking back at Sun's face to keep gently scrubbing at the stubborn crayon, trying to keep your expression neutral while your stomach is full of butterflies.
Time seems to drag on as you are overly aware of every minute movement of Sun’s hands, a small twitch of his finger, his thumb softly rubbing circles into the flesh of your hip for a moment before stopping, gentle squeezes that feel all too purposeful. Every. Little. Movement. And it was driving you up the wall to say the least. You can barely focus on wiping down Sun’s face, your own cheeks burning hot with blush from Sun’s touches. After a squeeze that seems a little too purposeful, you decide that you cannot stay quiet for any longer.
You take a breath and make your voice as firm as you can manage, which isn’t much considering your current state of fluster, “Sun.”
Sun hums, giving your hips another soft squeeze, his voice dripping with teasing “Sunshine~”
Your voice is a flustered growl as your breathing hitches for a moment, “Sun.”
Sun tugs you ever so slightly closer by your hips, letting him rest the bottom of his faceplate pretty much on your collarbone, “Sunflower~!”
You groan again, face getting even hotter from the closeness as you grumble out a flustered complaint, “You’re insufferable..”
Sun hums once again, tone just a little smug, “Oh but you must suffer me all the same Sunflower~ That is part of your job description, no?”
You sighed, grumbling some more as you rested your forehead against Sun’s faceplate, the smallest hint of a smile quirking up the corners of your lips, “I hate you..”
Sun presses his smile to your chin, letting out a soft chuckle, “Sure you do~” You huff, pressing a small kiss to the curve of his nose, a small smile shaping your lips. Working in the Superstar Daycare has many benefits but a few are exclusive to you, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
#hdhdjd#its donee#sorry again that this took so long#my brain did NOT wanna cooperate some days#but its here and its done and yay#ough#i was in a sunny mood apparently while writing i guess lol#i love writing (i say as i hit my head on a table several times)/lh#hhhh#alright#go my tags#fnaf sun#sun fnaf#fnaf daycare attendant#daycare attendant#daycare attendant fnaf#moon fnaf#<hes mentioned like once lol#uhh#should i make a writing tag?#i guess i should..#uh#moth writes stuff#there#writing tag#uhhh#enjoy hopefully :3#dcfpusv25
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The Proposal - Rebecca Welton x fem!reader (Part 1)
The Proposal Part 1 - Rebecca Welton x fem!reader
note: you want it, you get it. rebecca welton x reader au based on the movie the Proposal with Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock. also, this is pre ted arriving at Richmond.
warnings: language
The sun was shining through the curtains of your Richmond flat, coaxing you awake gently. Instinctively, you turned around to shut off the alarm that usually woke you at five every morning. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” You groaned as you scrambled to get out of bed, the alarm reading 6:22 a.m.
After quickly getting dressed, you came rushing out into the streets with your tie loosely around your neck and toothbrush still in your mouth. You started running down King Street and Old Palace Place, discarding your toothbrush into the closest bin as the trees around you were blurry due to your fast pace.
It had barely been two months since Rebecca Welton took over AFC Richmond after her rather nasty divorce from Rupert. You had been Mr. Mannion’s assistant for three years and Ms. Welton seemed to like you at least to the point where she felt bad about firing you, so she let you keep your job. She also felt like she owed you for telling her about her, now, ex-husband’s affairs with other employees.
You reached Nelson Road just moments before Rebecca’s arrival, fixing your appearance in the first mirror you found. “Oh, Y/n. Great to see you!” Higgins greeted you as you rushed your way up the stairs to the office you were sharing with Rebecca until accommodations were made. “G’morin’ Leslie!” You greeted back with a smile. “Someone’s in a rush.” He stated matter-of-factly. “Consider waking up twenty-three minutes ago in a rush.” You agreed easily, trying to catch your breath.
Your conversation was then interrupted by the sound of heels echoing through the halls and then up the stairs. “Well, here she comes.” You said to yourself and Higgins shot you an understanding look.
“Good morning, Boss. You have a conference call in thirty minutes.” You informed her as she gracefully strode on into her office. “Yes, about the auctioning of the art Rupert, oh so graciously, left me. I know.” She replied and sat down at her desk as you rushed over to make her a cup of tea. “Staff meeting at nine.” You added.
“Did you call, uhm… what was her name again?” She asked you absent-mindedly, opening her laptop and typing away. “Janet?” You offered, placing the cup on her desk. “Yes, Janet.”
“Yes, I called her and I told her that if she doesn’t get her hands on the matter immediately, there will not be any matters for her to get her hands on in the future. Also, your lawyer called. The one you hired for the divorce. He said that it is imperative-” You informed her but she cut you off immediately.
“Cancel the call, push back the meeting to tomorrow, and keep the lawyer on the sheets. And also get a hold of PR and have them start drafting an interview with Coach Lasso as soon as he gets here.” Rebecca ordered. She had always been quite distanced, it was just what you thought she was like.
“Nicely done.” You replied in a monotone voice. “If I shall want your praise, I will ask for it.” She replied coldly, picking the cup up and taking a big sip out of the mug. Her phone rang. By now you knew that if she was occupied, it was your task to pick up for her. “Morning. Ms. Welton’s office.” You answered. “Hello, Bob.” You replied at the sound of a voice that you were, involuntarily, very familiar with and rolled your eyes.
At you mentioning the name, Rebecca just waved her hand, but you knew her well enough to know what she meant by the gesture. “Actually we’re headed to your office right now… Yeah.” You hung up the phone before turning to your boss with a confused expression. “Why are we headed to Bob’s office?” You asked as Rebecca came to stand again. It never failed to impress you how she always seemed to have her shit together, acting rational all the time. She gave you a look. The look. The look that meant someone was going to get fired.
As the two of you left her office, you once again noticed that you had a hard time keeping up with her pace. “Have you looked over the list of international players in interest I gave you?” You asked her, continuing your walk down the halls. “Uh, I read a few pages. I wasn’t that impressed.” Rebecca replied, keeping up her pace.
“Can I just say something?” You asked her. “No.” She replied instantly as you came closer to reach Bob’s office. “I’ve been looking over hundreds of lists of players and this is the only one I ever gave to you. There are some incredible players on there.” You explained.
“Remember, you’re just a prop in here.” Rebecca reminded you. Ah yes, there it was again. As if you didn’t hear that at least twice a day from her. You opened the door for her to step in without knocking.
“Ah, our fearless leader and her liege. Please, do come in.” Bob joked, his American accent coming through as he got up from his desk chair, glasses on his nose.
“Beautiful shelve you got here, Bob. Is it new?” Rebecca asked, turning around, her face in disgust at having to interact with the man. “It is English Regency Egyptian Revival, built in the 1800s but, yes, it is the newest addition to my office. Rupert gave it to me.” Rebecca’s face seemed to scrunch up in disgust even more but she shook it off before turning back around.
“Bob, I’m firing you.” She then stated, getting straight to the point. The tall, tanned man looked at her as if she was delusional. “Pardon?” He asked. Rebecca sighed.
“I asked you more than a million times to get Chelsea to transfer us Reece James and you didn’t do it. You’re fired.” She calmly explained and you closed the door. “I have told you that this is impossible. James is not transferring for the next years.” Bob tried.
“Now that’s interesting, you see because I just got off the phone with Chelsea and he’s in. You didn’t even call them, did you?” Rebecca asked, walking up closer to the mahogany desk. “But-b.” Bob tried to find his voice again. “I know, I know. They can be a little scary to deal with… For you. Now, I am willing to give you a month to find a new job. And then you can tell everyone you resigned. Fine?” Rebecca offered. Oh, how she always knew how to play her cards.
And with that, the two of you left his office just the way you had come in. Rebecca didn’t bother to look around. “What’s he doing now?” She asked you and you turned around for her. “He’s moving, He has crazy eyes.” You observed, continuing to walk. Rebecca came to a stop and sighed.
“You poisonous bitch!” Bob yelled and suddenly all eyes of the people around you are on the three of you. “You can’t fire me! You don’t think I see what you’re doing here? Sandbagging me into this Chelsea thing just so you can look good to the board? Because you feel threatened by me! And you are a monster!” Rebecca remained calm. “Bob. Stop.”
“Just because you have no life outside of this office, you think you can treat everybody here like your own personal slaves! You know what? I feel sorry for you. Because you know what you’re gonna have on your deathbed? Nothing and no one.” Rebecca took a deep breath in, she was acting like the words didn’t get to her before she formed a reply.
“Bob, I didn’t fire you because I feel threatened by you. And I don’t need to look good to ‘the board’ because I am ‘the board’. And I fired you because you’re lazy, entitled, incompetent and you spent more time cheating on your wife than my ex-husband did, cheating on me. And if you say another word, Y/n here is going to have you escorted out of this building, hands tied to your back, alright?” Rebecca spoke, still somewhat calm as Bob went to speak again. “Another word and you’re going out of here with an armed escort. Is that what you want? Didn’t think so. Y/n. Spit spot, we’ve got work to do.” Rebecca said, spinning on her heel and walking back toward her office.
“Have security take his breakfront out of his office and put it in the conference room. And I need you around for this weekend to review his files and other work.” Rebecca informed you, picking up her pace from before. “This weekend?” You asked her, a frown on your face. “Is there a problem, Y/n?” She asked you, stopping in her tracks. “No. I… just my grandmother’s 90th birthday so I was gonna go home and...” You started but she already went back to making her way to her office. “...it’s fine. I’ll cancel it.” You unwillingly agreed.
Once you were back in the office, you called your family to cancel your visit. You tried your best not to let it get to you but were pissed, to say the least. “I know, I know. Tell Babcia I’m sorry. Okay? Satan is not gonna let me outta here for the weekend… No- I – Listen. I’ve worked too hard for this job to throw it all away, okay?” You Explained to your mother, starting to lower your voice as you heard heels clicking over the floor. “Oh, I’m sure Tata is gonna be pissed… but we take all of our submissions around here very seriously.” You hung up the phone as the office door opened and Rebecca walked in.
“Was that your family?” She asked immediately, standing next to your desk. “Yes.” You replied. “They tell you to quit?” - “Every single day.” The phone rang again. “Ms. Welton’s office, Y/n speaking.” You answered. “Oh… Yeah. Okay. Alright.” You replied before hanging the phone up again.
“Your lawyer is here and wants to see you immediately.” You told Rebecca who groaned in response. “Okay. Come get me in ten minutes. We have a lot to do.” She ordered and left again.
As she left the room, your eyes were trained on her hips, swaying as she walked. She definitely knew how to dress. Everything she wore looked perfect on her and fitted her body in a way that never ceased to impress you. You had caught yourself checking her out on more than one occasion but never really thought anything of it.
Exactly ten minutes later, you knocked on the door to the main conference room, before letting yourself in. “Excuse me, we’re in a meeting.” Her lawyer, a tall, blonde man, in his thirties, addressed you with disgust in his voice as he saw you in your suit. “What is it?” Rebecca asked in a displeased tone, playing her part as perfectly as always.
“Marina Granovskaia from Chelsea’s office just called. She’s on the line.” You informed her. “She needs to speak with you right away, I told her you were otherwise engaged.” You rushed out, eager to get Rebecca out of whatever this was as fast as possible. Her eyes lit up at your words and she silently urged you to come in with all sorts of weird hand gestures.
“Uh… Mr. Swan, I understand. I understand the predicament that we are in. And, uhm… And there is, well… I think there is something you should know.” Rebecca stuttered, getting up from her seat at her desk, walking over to you. The way she stumbled over her words seemed suspicious to you. What was going on? “We’re...getting married.”
“We’re getting married?! What the fuck is going on?! You’re my boss!” You whisper-yelled once her lawyer left and you closed the door behind him. “What?” She asked, sitting back down at the table all calm and collected. “I don’t understand what’s happening.”
“Relax, this is for you too.” She stated as if it would explain anything that had just happened. “Do elaborate.” You joked. “They were going to sell the club.” She started. “So naturally I would have to marry you.” You deadpanned.
“And what’s the problem? Like you were saving yourself for someone special?” She asked, looking down at some paperwork, green eyes skimming over it. “I’d like to think so. Besides, isn’t that illegal?” You asked. “The point?” She shot back, looking up at you again. “We’re no terrorists.” Her eyes went back to the paper in front of her.
“Rebecca.” You tried again. “Yes.” She sighed. “Rebecca, I’m not gonna marry you.” You told her sternly, standing straight. “Because of what? You don’t ‘fancy the ladies’? Because you obviously do. The amount of times that I catch you checking me out is higher than the amount of looks any man, including my ex-husband, ever gave me.” She smirked up at you, leaning back in her chair. “I- I do, in fact, ‘fancy the ladies’…” You agreed under your breath. “Sure you are going to marry me. Because if you don’t marry me, your dreams of becoming our transfer manager will be shattered into pieces.” She stated, pleased with herself.
“They’re gonna fire you the second I’m gone. Guaranteed. That means you’re out on the street, alone, looking for a job. Which means all the time that we spent together, all the tea cups, all the canceled dates, the midnight Tampon runs, and all the shit you did under Rupert, were all for nothing, because he won’t take you back after telling on him, your dreams are gone. But don’t worry after all this is settled, we’ll get a quickie divorce and you’ll be done with me.” Rebecca explained and it started to make at least some sense to you. “But until then, like it or not, our wagons are hitched to the other’s. Alright?”
#gxg#wlw#fem!reader#lesbian#rebecca welton#rebecca welton x reader#ted lasso#the proposal#hannah waddingham#junikicker
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Go-go Dancer (Miguel O’Hara x fem! reader) one shot

A/N: this is based off the unreleased Lana Del Ray song, I was listening to it while writing this lol. Anyways, OOC Miguel, this hasn’t been proofread so ignore typos and whatnot. Mdni
Age gap (legal), cursing, mentions of sex/sexual stuff, sex worker, reader is from a wealthy family like loaded, Miguel being lonely and needy lol. Miguel being a bit of a prev.
(Y/F/N)- your full name, (Y/N)- you’re name [first name only],
Word count: 1.4k
I drop it like it's hot on the pole, on the pole
Shining in the club, neon gold, neon gold
They call me "Firecracker" and alcohol's a factor
I drop it like it's hot, baby bold, baby bold
A little bit of fun for your soul, for your soul
They call me "Firecracker", 'cause ain't nobody faster
The beeping of a moving truck had gotten Miguel’s curiosity as he peeks out of the blinds from his living room window. The house next to him had been empty for sometime, so seeing that someone had moved in was a surprise. What was more of a surprise was him seeing you, a young, attractive woman that had made his mouth dry and his blood rush down to his dick, being handed the keys to the home next to his, a big smile of joy on your face. Now, Miguel wasn’t loaded but he was certainly well off, being one of the top scientist at Alchemax, he sure made a pretty penny, so seeing some young 20-something college student buying the two-story home next to his in one of the nicer neighborhoods in Nueva York was a bit of a sight. He quickly came to the conclusion that you probably came from money. He took a sip of his coffee as he started to walk away from the window, deciding it was time for him to get dressed and ready for work when he heard his doorbell ring. He stopped in his tracks, raised a brow, before turning back around and opened his front door and met face to face with you. He had to grip his coffee when you opened those beautiful lips to speak, so he didn’t drop it.
“Hello!” You smiled, putting a hand out for him to shake, “My name is (Y/F/N), I’m your new neighbor.” You smiled from ear to ear, you were more beautiful close up. Miguel cleared his throat, before bringing his hand to meet you, giving it a firm squeeze and shake.
“Hello (Y/N), My name is Miguel O’Hara, nice to meet you.” His tone was calm and collected, unlike his mind. His whole body felt like it was on fire from just touching your hand, until you finally pulled it away.
“It’s nice to meet you Mr.O’Hara.” You say with a smile, your eyelashes fluttering as you blinked
It took everything within Miguel’s power to not roll his eyes to the back of his head and let out a lewd groan, the way you said Mr.O’Hara-fuuuuck. It didn’t help that Miguel hasn’t been with a woman since his divorce a year ago.
“It’s nice to meet you too.” He said in a steady voice as best he could, bringing his hand down to his side, giving you a small smile that made you weak in your knees, “Let me know if you need anything, my door is always open.” And he meant anything.
“Thank you Mr. O’Hara, I’ll see you around.” You said with a small wave as you finally walked off his front door, it took Miguel a second to tear his eyes off your figure as you left.
I'm the girl next door, let me come in
I know I go-go dance but I do it for kicks
I never have to work 'cause my daddy is rich
“Sorry to bother you Mr. O’Hara, but I was on my way to class and I noticed that some of your mail was mixed in with mine.” You said before handing him a stack of mail, your freshly manicured hand just ever so slightly grazing against the side of his. Miguel ignored the spark he felt run though his body, instead focusing on the very expensive looking Cartier bracelet that wasn’t there last time he saw you.
“Is that a new bracelet?” He asked with a raised brow, using his free hand to point at the bracelet while his other one grabbed his mail, you just smiled, a small giggle escaping your lips as you brought up your hand to eye level so he could take a better look at it, your giggle made his blood pressure spike.
“Oh yeah, my father bought it for me, it’s nice isn’t it?” You giggled.
Ahhh. It all made sense now, your daddy was rich.
“Oh yeah, very nice.” Miguel said with a sly smile, tucking the pile of mail under his armpit as he let out a small chuckle, his chuckle made your heart flutter. “Did he also buy you your house and that bmw in your driveway?” He teased.
A blush creeped up on your face, your hand rubbing the back of your neck as you gave him a sheepish smile, “yeah, I told him that he didn’t need to, that’s I didn’t need his help with the money but he insisted.” You explained, causing his eyebrow to raise in curiousity.
“Oh so you’re a college student and you're working huh?” You just nodded to his question before he continued, “…if you don’t mind me asking, what do you do for work?” He asked, and he swears he saw a glimmer in your eyes after the question was asked.
“Oh, nothing interesting...”
I'm partyin' all night, shinin' in the lights
Is it a crime to wanna shine
In my white go-go boots and my silver design?
I know it makes you wild
I know it makes you wild
Today was the day, Miguel O’Hara was turning 37 today, and he knows he isn’t old old, but being in charge of the arachno-humanoid poly multiverse, plus the Spider-Man of Nueva York AND being a scientist at Alchemax, he felt like his body was aging a lot faster due to stress.
So he wasn’t looking forward to when his coworkers/friends, Jessica Drew and Peter B. Parker had dragged him out of his office later that night, finding himself standing outside of a random night club.
“I’m not going in there.” Miguel glared at Jess, who just smiled and nodded her head with a laugh.
“Oh yes, you are.” She said to Miguel, who just huffed and was about to reply, but was stopped when he left Peter’s hands on his shoulders, pushing him to the other side of the double doors.
Once he and his two spider-friends make it through the doors, Miguel was assaulted with loud explicit music, the place was dim, but somehow also bright from all the red and orange stage lights. The smell of sweat and alcohol filled the air, and not to mention all the cages, the poles, the stage and the tables, all filled with provocatively dressed women dancing to the beat of the music. It was almost otherworldly, extremely different from the calm and quiet atmosphere from the outside of the club.
It took Miguel a second to snap out of his thought, he didn’t even noticed when Peter had put a glass of Rum and Coke in his hands, he was about to turn around and leave the club, wanting to go home and pretend the night didn’t happen, but his body froze and his eyes widen in shock at the sight in front of him.
It was you, (Y/N), his neighbor dancing on top of a table. Wearing a red feathery short miniskirt that barely covers your ass, black fishnets, red platform boots that stop at your calf, and a red bedazzled bralette with tassels that would hit your exposed stomach lightly with your twisted your torso and hips. Miguel’s mouth went dry as he watched your body move effortlessly to the music, your hair swinging behind you as you danced, Miguel couldn’t help but stare at the sight in front of him.
You could have killed him from your beauty right there and then.
Jess and Peter noticed his staring too, giving each other a smirk and a look, before Jess walked off to find a worker, requesting a private room as a “birthday surprise” for Miguel.
I'm your go-go dancer, midnight answer
Jukebox sweetheart, queen of the night
“Hello Mr.O’Hara.” You smiled as you entered the private room, where Miguel was already sitting, locking the door behind you before you continued, “I heard it’s your birthday. Why don’t you let me give you a very special present to celebrate.”
Vegas baby, if you pay me
Anything you like
Go-go-g-go-go dancer tonight
#miguel o'hara x reader#miguel o hara fanfic#spiderman 2099 x reader#miguel o'hara#astv miguel#astv spiderman 2099#atsv miguel#miguel spiderverse#astv#spiderman 2099#spiderman 2099 fanfic#SoundCloud
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Through hell or high water Gareth Emerson x Reader
Being the new kid was never easy… ever since your parents divorced you’ve found yourself in this cycle of getting used to some place and then having to up and leave again. But not this time finally somewhere to plant some roots even if it wasn’t the fanciest place in the world a permanent home of any sort sounded like heaven to you. Your moms sister forever the family savior helping your mom put a lump some down on a trailer in forest hills trailer park in Hawkins Indiana. Moving in had been a hassle beings your mom had to start her new job right away leaving you unpacking the moving truck all by yourself. You got a majority of it inside except for the large furniture items causing you much frustration. You grab your long black hair with bleached out bangs forever loving to be the odd ball not giving a flying fuck what anyone thought of you and not being anywhere long enough to give a shit anyway. You grunt sitting on the back of the truck fiddling in your pockets for your cigarettes and failing to find your lighter before a ringed hand offers you one causing you to jump back surprised by their presence “holy shit I didn’t see you scared the shit out of me man” you clutched your chest catching your breath as he laughed “sorry neighbor.. wanted to see if you needed any help over here my uncle and friends just came out and saw you try and she hulk that dresser you’re gonna throw your back out” as he offers you a light “thanks you live around here too?” He lights his own shaking his head “yeah right over there my names Eddie come on over I’ll introduce you to everybody” you smirk “okay Eddie… it’s nice to meet you the name is y/n” you offer a hand to which he shakes “come on over I’ll introduce you to the guys and the old man” you follow him over seeing a small group of young guys one particularly catching your attention as you both stare at each other a moment before looking away “hey guys this is y/n… y/n this is uncle Wayne” “nice ta meet cha darlin” he offers a kind smile which you return “this is Dustin” you nod “cool hair you kind look like Rogue” you laugh “I’ll take that I love x men” they all look bewildered “you read comics?!” “Yeah I collect them too I have a ton” you smirk “this is Mike and Lucas” “hi” both shyly say in unison you waive “this Jeff and freak” “hi guys” and this is my best friend Gareth “hi” he says shyly cheeks bright red something not unseen by Eddie who wears a shit eating grin “hello” you duck your head from his gaze before Wayne breaks the awkward silence “Alright gentlemen let’s help the lady out everyone get over to the truck and we’ll finish helping her get everything inside” your eyes bulge “oh! You don’t have to do that really it’s oka-“ cutting you off “no no no now what kind of neighbor would I be watching you try and struggle with all that when we have a bunch of hands over here to help ya out it’s not a problem really” “thank you really I appreciate it” you turn directing them towards the truck as the boys all file in figuring out who should grab what and work together getting everything inside you hurry to your room pulling out your phone plugging it into the outlet happy your aunt called ahead just for you to make sure you felt at home in the new place you pull out the phone book looking up a local pizza place “uh hello yes delivery please.. uh 34 cherry tree terrace Forrest hills trailer park… yes 3 large cheese 3 large pepperoni and four 2 liters just mix them up but preferably Dr Pepper for one if you have it?… okay great no that’s all… 30 minutes? Okay have a good night” you hang up running back into the living room as the guys file in carrying the sofa in eddie and gareth working their way through the door with it. “Um i really appreciate the help so… for a thank you… I… kind of ordered a bunch of pizza I hope plain and pepperoni is fine?” They all turn to you smiling eddie smacks gareth to get him to talk “uh yeah that’s good and uh no problem really” he tries not staring too long working his way inside setting down the sofa as Mike and Lucas carry in the dining room table.
After everything’s inside a tap at the screen door you skid to the front door with your wallet “what’s the damage?” You ask “18.50” you hand him $25 “have a goodnight thank you!” As you carry it through the entryway gareth sees you and jumps up “here let me help with that” you blush again “thanks” “you’re welcome” you set everything on the coffee table and go to grab plates and cups in the living room the boys bicker all though you can’t understand them from where you are. “Dude Gareth totally likes her his face is so red right now” Mike cackles “shut it wheeler you been goo goo eyeing her too” Eddie says as he swats the back of mikes head “gareth go help the girl in the kitchen and quit being a chicken shit we can all see the hearts in your eyes… I’m not an idiot she’s a smoke show if you don’t go for it then I will” he tests his friend watching his eyes go wide as he stumbles his way into the kitchen causing Eddie to chuckles “hey.. need any help in here..” “yeah can you go in that box next to you and pull out enough cups for everyone while I dig out the plates?” He nods smiling bringing over small amounts of glasses eventually emptying the whole box without realizing it as he admires you. You look at him his eye his freckles feeling a warm fluttering sensation in your chest you smile and rub the back of your neck before looking at him again “you have really beautiful eyes” you blurt out before slapping your hand over your mouth he laughs “thanks but I think yours are way more beautiful” “huh” he takes a deep breath “look I know you just got here and all and I understand if you don’t want to or think we’re freaks or whatever but… would you wanna maybe catch a movie.. or something Saturday?” You smile “I don’t think youre a freak… at least not as much of a one as I am” you laugh “but I don’t see why not I’d really like that” he seems surprised by your answer stumbling a bit catching himself on the kitchen counter “you… really?.. okay cool��� digging his toe into the flooring like a shy schoolgirl “how’s 8 is that good?” You pretend to think for a moment “hmmm yeah that’s cool” you shrug he lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding onto while helping you carry everything to the living room Eddie looking at both of your beet red faces shaking his head laughing to himself “okay guys here ya go help yourselves and there’s cola, Dr Pepper, root beer and orange soda in the kitchen” everyone digs in Eddie has gareth go with him for a drink “so what happened? Spill!” Eddie whisper yells “I uh… I asked her to goto the movies this Saturday” Eddie grins “and?..” “she said yeah” he slaps Gareth’s back “that’s my boy there ya go now you could potentially have a prom date good for you” gareth shakes his head at his friends teasing both getting a drink and heading back to the sofa. Everyone eats while you all get to know each other talking music and comics not realizing how much you all have in common. You start unloading one of your boxes for your room when they see a tattered d&d book Eddie’s eyes light up “holy shit do you know how old this is?!” You blush “uh yeah I do actually because it was my dads he taught me how to play” they all turn slowly and doe eyed “you have to join hellfire we definitely could use another girl” dustin blurts out “what’s your class and level?” Gareth asks “Level 20 Half elf” they all look extremely surprised “LEVEL 20?!” Mike yells you nod giggling showing them your old campaign book from back in Chicago. The boys take turns skimming throughout the pages along with your sketches and character pages of old friends. “This is amazing” “yeah totally” Eddie and Gareth talk amongst themselves before looking up at you. “Have any interest in joining hellfire?” Eddie asks “hell yeah” you stick your hand out to shake his “and you’re name is?….” “Lady Luna level 20 half elf” you curtsy as he bows and both laugh. “Thanks for the help tonight guys I really appreciate it” “no problem neighbor we’ll get out of your hair but if you need a ride to school tomorrow I leave at 8 sharp just come on over” “thanks Eddie”
You spend the rest of the night unpacking boxes and putting things away so the house was set by the time your mom gets in from work. After all the unpacking you hop in the shower and plop on your mattress the bed can be put together tomorrow as you pass out for much needed sleep from the long day you had. Maybe Hawkins isn’t so bad after all.
#eddie munson fanfic#gareth emerson x reader#eddie munson#stranger things fanfic#joseph quinn#joseph quinn x reader#gareth emerson#gareth stranger things
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A Sense of Betrayel
Requested by @osgsidbk
Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader
Warnings : Angst. Drug use. Not a happy ending
Y/N Y/L/N was the doting father and husband of the Maximoff household. That was until he had saw something he wished he didn't. One night as he was just walking home from the bar where he would meet up with Bucky and just have a catch up. Of course he did used to have a problem but Wanda had pleaded with him to stop and he did. He had gotten the help he needed and got clean. For his wife and the twins.
"Come on." Y/N mumbled as he was looking through the closet for his secret stash. "Come on. Come on!" Wanda stood by the door as she watched him completely lose his mind over the substance he had craved.
"What are you looking for?" Wanda questioned although she already knew the answer.
"Nothing." He mumbled as he wiped his brow, the cold sweats already starting as he was experiancing withdrawal. "I thought I left it here."
"You did." Wanda stated as Y/N gave her a questioning look. "You left it in reach of the boys!" She threw the small bag at him. He flinch at the sound of her raised voice. "Our boys could have taken it and overdosed. You could have killed them!"
"I." Wanda shook her head as Y/N tried to talk.
"You promised me Y/N. You promised you wouldn't." She whispered as the tears fell down her face.
"I'm sorry Wanda." He mumbled as she shook her head.
"I'm filing for a divorce." Wanda told him. "And full custody."
"You can't take my boys away from me. They're all I have!" He yelled as he held her by the arms.
"Let go of me." She told him.
"They're all I have left." He whispered as she scoffed.
"You had me." She told him with a shaky voice. "I want you gone before Vision brings the boys home." Wanda told him as Y/N scoffed.
"Of course he would jump straight in." He chuckled as Wanda gave him a questioning look. "He's always had feelings for you you know. Ever since we were just starting out."
"Vis is my best friend, just like you and Nat." Wanda told him.
"Well he has always wanted more." Y/N told her with a sickening smirk.
"I don't even know who you are anymore." Wanda whispered as Y/N grasped the small bag and his wallet.
"I hope you and Vis have a nice life together." He spat before he left the house. Leaving a numb Wanda in his wake. She was fast to text Nat about what had just happened.c
"I'll find him." Was what she recieved from the Russian. Nat spent weeks trying to find him, searching all of his old stomping grounds. Giving small updates to Wanda who just thanked her for searching.
"Where's dad?" Billy questioned as Wanda was baking.
"You're dad is on a business trip." Wanda told him with a fake smile. Although she knew where he most like was, she wasn't going to tell her sons that.
"Will he be coming home soon?" He asked her as she just sighed.
"Of course Billy." She told him before she ushered him to do his homework. Sighing as she disappeared outside to call Nat. "Is there any sign?" She questioned as Nat sighed.
"No. I'm sorry Wanda." Nat told her sadly. "I've tried everywhere, even Bucky's and he hasn't seen him."
"Thank you Nat." Wanda whispered as she stared at the manilla envelope on the counter. The two bid their goodbyes as her fingers danced over the item. She knew in her heart that she loved Y/N no matter what but it seemed like he loved getting high more than his family.
As the day went on, she had recieved a phone call from an unknown number, so she answered it.
"Hello." She answered as she cleaned up.
"Is this Mrs Maximoff?" The other person questioned.
"Yes, may I ask what this is about?" She questioned as her heart pounded in her chest.
"You're husband has been rushed in with a suspected overdose." They told her as her heart dropped. Not once did she suspect that this would happen.
"Will he be ok?" Wanda asked them, her entire body going numb. As the conversation went on, her brother came barrelling through her front door.
"Y/N." He gasped as Wanda just nodded.
"I know." She told him as she carried on cleaning.
"Aren't you going?" He asked her as she shook her head. "Wanda, he needs you."
"No." Wanda chuckled. "If he needed me that much he would have kept his promise. He promised me." Pietro just stood there as she got everything out. "He promised me he wouldn't touch that stuff again. After all of the rehab, the help he had off of everyone. Mostly me, but I have the twins to think about too since he hasn't thought about them in all the time he had been taking that stuff. So fuck him."
"You don't mean that Wanda." Pietro stated as she chuckled dryly.
"It would be easier if he died." She told him. "We're getting divorced and I will be getting sole custody of the boys. I will not have him poison them with his lifestyle."
Nat sat beside Y/N as he woke up, squinting his eyes as he looked up at the flourescent lights.
"You're a sight for sore eyes." Nat remarked as Y/N groaned.
"I'm still alive." He groaned as Nat smiled.
"Yes you are thankfully." Nat told him as he shook his head.
"I wanted to end it!" He yelled as Nat watched him break. "I don't want to be here Natasha. I don't fucking want it." She watched as he removed all of the needles from him. "I don't deserve to be here. I don't deserve Wanda or the boys. You should have just left me to die."
"You're my best friend Y/N. You have been since we were kids and I'll be damned if I let you end your life." She told him, the two unaware of Wanda stood outside of the room.
"It's not worth living anymore." He whispered with the tears in his eyes. "I've lost Wanda. The one person who I have loved with all of me. She wants a divorce and." He shook his head as Nat just pulled him into her.
"I do want that." Wanda made herself known. "But it's not because I don't love you Y/N, because I do. I love you more than anything in this world, besides the twins." She took a deep breath as Y/N watched her with tired eyes as Nat helped him stand. "I trusted you Y/N. I trusted that you would confide in me if it got bad. If the urges came back ten fold. I was there for you but I am tired Y/N. I need you to be there for me."
"Please give me another chance." He pleaded as Wanda shook her head. The two had tears down their face. "I just need another chance. Please. I can prove myself. I will prove myself. I'll get help."
"I've heard all of that before." Wanda told him. "You made those promises before and you broke them."
"Please." He whispered as she shook her head no.
"Get the help for you and the boys because they need their father in their life but my decision is final." Wanda told him. "We are getting a divorce." With that she left with Y/N's heart in her hands. Not seeing as he collapsed to the floor, his whole life shattering, but this time he was going to keep his promises. He wasn't going to fail Wanda and the twins again. He wouldn't be able to live with himself.
#wanda maximoff x reader#wanda maximoff#marvel#wanda x you#elizabeth olsen#wanda x y/n#wanda x reader#elizabeth olsen x reader#wanda maximoff x you
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"He said they're getting a divorce." Emily's voice was quiet, barely above a whisper. "He said that the King has been having an affair." Mary stood very still, arms folded across her chest. Emily watched her closely. They were cousins, but they hadn't grown up together, hadn't spent more than a few hours together until their shared association with the St. Fleur siblings had drawn them into one another's orbit. Emily had been relieved to have a ready-made ally among the St. Fleurs, but Mary had remained inscrutable to her. Her jaw tightened; her shoulders inched upward. Surprise, Emily thought, but not shock. Her father bad been right, Mary had somehow already known about the affair. When she spoke, her tone was all business. "What else did he tell you?"
Previous | Chapter Start | Beginning | Next
Transcript under the cut.
EMILY | Wow...Mary, look at the view! EMILY | This has to be the best room in the house! why on earth is it just sitting empty? MARY | It belonged to the Crown Princess. MARY | The late Crown Princess. EMILY | ...oh. MARY | After she died in 1987, the King—the old King—had all her things sold or put into storage. Apparently, the memories were too painful. EMILY | ...that makes sense, I suppose. EMILY | It's normal to go a little crazy when you lose someone, isn't it? You end up doing all kinds of things that don't make much sense. MARY | Em. What was it you needed to tell me? EMILY | I don't know if it's true, alright? It's just something my dad told me. MARY | What is it? EMILY | It's about the King and Queen... [ clock ticking ] FREDERICK | So...Dad is upstairs? Resting? ELISE | [ tersely ] He had a long flight from Iona. FREDERICK | He got back Thursday, didn't he? [ car door slamming, muffled voices ] ELISE | That'll be your brother! ELISE | I'm going to go let them in— FREDERICK | Ma— JACQUES | Hey, hey party people! Look who's finally here! VIVI | Hello, everyone. JACQUES | ...wait, where's Dad? ELISE | He's resting, JJ. Freddy, go find the girls and have them meet us in the marble room. I want some nice pictures before we sit down for dinner. FREDERICK | Really? [ sighs ] Okay... MARY | ...play it cool, okay? Just...act like you don't know anything. EMILY | How? Mary, this is huge— FREDERICK | What's huge? EMILY | N-nothing! We weren't talking about anything! MARY | Aaaaactually, we were talking about tampons— EMILY | Mary! Please! MARY | —and unfortunately for Emily, I only stock ultra-wides. FREDERICK | Okay, okay! Sorry I asked... FREDERICK | Anyway....Brace yourselves, Jacques and Vivi just showed up with Hugo, and Mom has a fu— er, a regular photographer in the marble room. MARY | Uh, I don't think she wants me in the pictures... FREDERICK | No, she wants both of you. She said, "go find the girls," plural. EMILY | Really? That's great, Mare, she's warming up to you—I FREDERICK | I don't know what's up with her. She's been acting super weird since we got here. MARY | Oh? I uh, hadn't noticed. FREDERICK | Yeah, the vibes are rancid. She's acting like someone died or something...
#sims community#ts4#ts4 story#ts4 storytelling#ts4 royals#ts4 royal family#armorica story#chapter 4#behind the scenes#character: mary yokoyama#character: emily chandra#character: rosalind st. fleur#character: elise sutton#character: frederick st. fleur#character: jacques st. fleur#character: vivienne meijer#character: hugo st. fleur
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Hannibal? Meeting Mads at RDC6
Following on from meeting Hugh in Boston and gifting him a copy of Adapt. Evolve. Become: The Genderqueer Fandom of NBC's Hannibal, I wanted to gift a copy to Mads.
No disrespect to Mads, but I wasn't expecting (and didn't get) the same sort of interaction I had with Hugh. I've met Mads at many cons before, including one in 2018 right before I had top surgery where I had a lovely chat with him about queer and trans Fannibals.
But I've noticed over the years, including from accounts of other Fannibals too, that he's become much more guarded in his conversations. Which is fair, his star has been forever on the rise and he's been working for bigger studios and properties. But as a trans person, I am always very cautious when people become much less vocal about something they previously seemed to support - though I do acknowledge that some people just don't want to get dragged into what they see as a volatile issue. And I knew, given how much more stoic he's become, and the time limitations of signings at cons, that this would be the case regardless of his personal point of view.
Also (and I've mentioned this before in posts about his answers on con panels), Mads has a habit of just saying what he thinks people want to hear, and what will get the biggest reaction - he's a master at fanservice. Which even includes repeating the same stories (Fragile Little Teacup for example). Which again, is not a criticism, but an observation and another reason why I was pretty nervous about meeting him again. And that was BEFORE a couple of different Fannibals approached me with concerns that some of the things he'd said at RDC6 hinted that he might be making a movie that may include a trans character in an unflattering way. (I'm still on the fence about whether that was his meaning, but I'm glad I'm already pretty emotionally divorced from him since he did FB).
ANYWAY! I had talked with the fantastic wholeanddeadly before the event and we agreed on getting his brilliant "F**k transphobia Grindelwald" art print signed in order to auction it for trans charity (in fact we ended up getting two!). As we knew in advance we would be doing this, I wanted to let Mads know, because I don't feel right auctioning something without someone's knowledge if we had already made that plan.
So, this is what happened:
I was maybe third of forth in the queue (which was huge), so this was going to be a whistle stop and I'd thought carefully how to frame it and use my words wisely. So I walked up and he said "Hello, Sir!"
Which, thanks! (always love getting correctly gendered!)
I asked "May I give you a gift", and he said "Yes, of course!"
Whilst I was getting the book out of my back I told him that I met him in 2018 right before I had gender affirming surgery and he was very kind to me. His response was along the lines of "Oh yeah?"
I continued to tell him that since then, I have been involved a lot with of the trans and non-binary Fannibals and we made this book because of what the show means to us. He took it and flicked through and stopped at some of the art and admired it. He asked if it was just about Hannibal, and I said yes because I totally blanked in the moment, so the HEU stuff will be a nice surprise for him, lol.
Then the art print got passed over by his helper and I said I didn't want him to personalise the photo as I wanted to auction it to a charity that supports trans youth if he's OK with that. And he replied "you can do anything you like with it, man." I said thanks, and we were all done.
Whilst on the surface this was all good, I was definitely struck by the difference between this and times I'd met him before (especially in 2018). And perhaps it was just down to him being more guarded, but it felt very... standoffish. Which is fine, it is what it is.
The funniest thing is that Mads often signs the characters name on the things he signs, and the one we already had signed the day before via a friend, he didn't put the character name on it. On the one he signed for me, he did: Hannibal.
I saw him hesitate part way through signing the name but it just made me chuckle at the potential that this character meant so little to him he didn't recall his name and then the next day confused him for another character - Trans Rights Wizard Hannibal!
Anyway. I hope he reads the book. I hope he gets something out of it. I hope he's not making a transphobic movie.
And I hope you'll all check out @transhanniday on here (and on Twitter), where the two signed prints and some other bits will be going up for auction soon! The proceeds will be going to UK trans youth charity Mermaids, the same charity that Deadly supported with his original art prints.
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where klaus and Adrienne do a GQ interview
"Nik, stop sulking," Adrienne laughed at her husband, knowing he wanted to be anywhere else. She motioned for him to smile, but he simply ran his hand through his curls that he decided to grow out, then threw up his hands and gestured for questions, "All alright, let's get this over and done with," he murmured, earning another giggle from his wife. "You heard the man, quiet on set guys," she mimicked him, drawing laughter from the crew and a small smile from the hybrid.
"Love, come here," Klaus whispered as the crew were finishing setting up their mics. "We have to sit in separate chairs," Adrienne replied with a pout and before he could reply, the main producer who stood between them said, "When it's time for Adrienne to ask questions, then she can sit on your lap or whatever you prefer." Klaus hummed in satisfaction, making his wife smile, "you happy now?" She asked, "I will be when you're next to me," his answer made most of the crew stare at them in adoration and awe.
Marcel told me to tell you not to piss off Mom with your answers, Klaus rolled his eyes at the message he received from Malachai, then showed it to his wife, who immediately laughed, "They're right." Adrienne stated, shrugging before adding, "but, we should tell them not to watch this when it comes out... right?" Klaus pondered as he put his phone back in his pocket, "...right."
Adrienne sat comfortably across from her husband who played with his ring-clad fingers and brushed his hair out of his eyes. His long-sleeved henley shirt tightened around his arms with every movement. He sat there staring at her with a slight daze with one leg over the other waiting for the make-up team to finish her touch-ups.
Adrienne wore a double denim co-ord; her short skirt revealed her silky legs, similar to the jacket that left a few buttons undone, showcasing that she was completely topless underneath until every few minutes her husband moved her goddess braids to conceal what only he got to see.
"Hey guys I'm Adrienne Mikaelson and-" she quickly got cut off, "and many people call me Klaus the mad," Klaus stated with a grin, staring at the camera as Adrienne chuckled, "No one calls you that," she paused and turned to the camera, "no one does."
"I don't appreciate the dishonesty Ria and neither do the fans," Klaus responded smugly before the producer nicely asked them to reintroduce themselves.
"Let's do this again," Adrienne said, shooting her husband a pointed look, that he raised an amused brow at. "I'm Adrienne Lumière."
"...And we're getting divorced."
"Cut the bloody cameras!"
"Take three," the producer slammed down the clapperboard, then nodded to the couple who were currently flipping each other off, "Guys behave please."
"I'm Adrienne Mikaelson and this dashing man is," Adrienne gestured to her husband, who smirked at the compliment, "Niklaus Mikaelson and I'm here to best my wife."
Adrienne threw her arms up in the air as Klaus covered his grin with his cards.
"Take four and guys-"
"Shannon, I dare you to slam that clapperboard down again," Klaus warned the producer who swiftly looked at his wife with pleading eyes.
"Nik, be nice or you won't get the prize," Adrienne said with an innocent shrug, "what prize?" he quickly leaned forward, waiting for her response, "You know those lingerie sets I got from the Fenty show I performed at?" she lowly spoke, making his eyes widen, "you will never see me in them if we don't get through this okay? now pick up your jaw from the floor and introduce yourself properly."
"Hello people I don't know or will never meet," Klaus gritted out, "I am Klaus Mikaelson and this is my darling wife-" Adrienne continued, "Adrienne Mikaelson and this is the GQ couples quiz."
1. How many tattoos do I have?
Adrienne didn't even need to think before she answered, "He has five, the birds on his shoulder which connect to a feather, Marcel and Malachai's birthdays and he has the word 'enigma' for me."
"Easy question love," he winked at her.
"Shut up."
2. When is my birthday?
"8th of April, he's an Aries with a Gemini moon," she answered, brushing her shoulder.
"I wish I could fathom what she said," Klaus spoke, looking directly at the camera."It's a very simple thing," Adrienne said, glancing around at the crew who nodded, then shrunk back after noting the glare on the hybrid's face.
"Simple my arse."
"And what a lovely ass it is," Adrienne blew him a kiss, causing a red tint to kiss his cheeks. "Moving on," he whispered with a bashful smile.
3. Who fell in love first?
"Nik, definitely Nik."
"How could I not," Klaus said, staring at her, "pan the camera to my wife." The cameraman did just that, zooming in on the woman who had been at the top of many lists for the most desirable woman for a few years now. Adrienne giggled and covered her face, "stop it and ask another question."
"Oh is the pretty girl shy?"
The crew couldn't help but stare at them in awe, well until Adrienne began to threaten him.
"The pretty girl with put you into an early grave if you don't do what I say."
He feigned shock, "Romantic isn't she?"
"Yeah yeah."
4. Favourite part about my personality?
"He's constantly trying his best, whether helping me with my work or being more patient with our family and always trying to be there for me. Always trying in his own ways. Which is very comforting."
"Thank you, my love," he couldn't stop smiling.
5. Where did we have our first date?
"In the Euphoria, we both shared a beignet and just talked for hours. It wasn't meant to happen, he tricked me into it."
Klaus chuckled, "You didn't say no."
"Because of his stupid smile," Adrienne pouted and he started to boast, "I do have a great smile," Klaus nodded to himself, earning a few chuckles from the crew. "Calm down, I slapped you on that date," Adrienne taunted, making him roll his eyes.
"Can't imagine why," they heard the main producer whisper to herself, which caused Adrienne to snort.
"What was that Shannon, could you speak up this time?" Klaus asked loudly, startling the poor woman.
Shannon nervously waved him off, "Oh nothing, next question."
6. Have you ever written a song about me?
"I've written many songs about you honey," Adrienne cooed as she blew him a kiss, causing him to jokingly catch it and place it on his chest. "Many albums were written with Klaus the Mad for inspiration," he was about to continue but she hastily cut him off, "not Klaus the Mad, about you making me mad, sad, happy or..." she trailed off, leaving him to finish "loved and horny?"
"And she has won many awards that she dedicates to me and our family each time. Usually, I come last in the speech, because she adds some words that one could only use to describe a man so great."
Adrienne playfully rolled her eyes at him, "so humble."
"Wait, how many paintings does Klaus have of you?" A member of the crew yelled from afar, catching their attraction. Klaus grinned and gestured for his wife to answer, "From what I've seen and what I've peaked on, possibly thousands. That's not an exaggeration is it Nik?" The hybrid bashfully shook his head then replied, "Give it take a thousand."
"But most of his most popular and most famous work is hung in the Louvre, the Victoria and Albert Museum, The National Gallery and the Rijksmuseum," she listed making him smile brightly, "you remembered." He was taken aback by her knowledge, sometimes he thought she wasn't listening whenever he ranted but she always was.
"Of course I did, I need to visit the new masterpiece in Amsterdam," she paused noting the blush kissing his cheeks, "is it of me?"
Disregarding her first question, he said, "I'll take you there for your birthday since you've been dying to go for a while."
"Awe, you remembered."
"Of course, we've been together for what feels like a century," he teased knowingly, which the crew laughed at, believing it to be a joke.
"Til flere århundrer nik."
"Til flere århundrer min kjærlighet."
"Y'all can speak old Norse? How isn't that a dead language?" Another crew member spoke up after he used Google Translate to decipher what had been said.
The couple laughed to themselves before Adrienne replied, "Like we said, it's felt like a century..."
7. What is my worst quality?
"Your paranoia, it even makes you not trust me sometimes and you end up acting like a dick."
"Apologies," Klaus murmured, averting his gaze, feeling his wife's eyes burning into the side of his head.
8. What turns me on?
"Other than me being me, he loves when I wear his clothes or when I'm angry. When I shout at him, that usually gets in the mood so quickly." Klaus stiffly nodded at her answer, earning a few questioning looks, "You're turned on now aren't you?"
9. My favourite relative?
"Other than me and our sons, definitely either Hadeon or Rebekah."
Klaus couldn't help but roll his eyes, knowing his siblings would start on him when they saw him.
10. Which one of my friends flirts with you too much?
"Kai and Lucien, Kai because he acts like I named our son after him and it pisses Nik off a lot. Lucien because he always flirts with me, especially when Nik is around," she informed the camera. "Don't forget Stefan," Klaus added, earning a hum from Adrienne, who said, "Definitely Stef."
"Stef?" Klaus asked with furrowed brows, "Since when did you call him Stef?"
"Oh god."
"Take a point away from her Shannon!" Klaus yelled, making Adrienne throw a water bottle sitting near her at his head, "Take five off for grievous bodily harm."
"Shut up."
11. Favourite sex position?
Adrienne snickered at the question, as did Klaus.
"He has three," she began to list as he stared at her heatedly, "but he loves cowgirl because he loves it when I take control even though he will never tell anyone about it." He tossed his head back with a groan, "Love-" she quickly cut him off, "What? It's true."
Klaus snapped his head towards the main producer, "Shannon, she doesn't get the point if she lies right?" Shannon vigorously shook her head, before answering, "No she doesn't Mr Mikaelson." Adrienne gasped, "I am not lying."
"What are the other two positions then?" Klaus retorted smugly.
"They are kids are watching," Adrienne said in a hushed tone, to which her husband shrugged, "They've definitely heard worse." Adrienne couldn't disagree, "Sorry babies," she apologised to the camera, then turned to her husband and continued her list, "missionary, and the speed bump."
"The what?" someone from the crew yelled out as many people chuckled.
"You've never heard of it before?" Adrienne asked through her laughter, whilst Klaus stared at the camera confidently, "It's basically when the girl or guy is on their stomach and they are getting hit from the back and their ass is like a little speed bump."
Klaus turned to her, ignoring the laughter from the crew, "You love that don't you?"
Later, she mouthed making him grin.
12. Do we have a sex tape?
Adrienne rolled her eyes whilst the rest of the crew waited for her answer. Klaus turned to her, lifting the cards to block his face and mouthed, 'Just say no'.
"Shannon, he's telling me to say no," Adrienne quickly snitched on her husband, whose mouth gaped open. It didn't help that the people around them were laughing alongside the witch. "Shannon, stop rolling or I guarantee someone will stop breathing," Klaus hissed, causing the life to drain from the producer's face and all laughter to stop.
"The answer to that question was no, aren't I right my love?" Klaus insisted, staring at her with a pleading expression.
Adrienne stifled a laugh, "Mmm."
"What was that?"
She quickly cleared her throat and stated, "Yes, we do not have a sex tape, nor would we ever make one because it is bad and could have consequences if anyone were to ever find it... like your children."
"Or siblings or friends," Klaus quickly added, with a nervous look.
"Next round!"
1. What's my favourite food? And don't say anything inappropriate.
Now sitting on her husband's lap, she waited for his answer. He was far less stingy and calmer as she combed her fingers through his hair. When he decided to answer, a cheeky smile kissed his lips, "Anything phallic." Adrienne immediately smacked his chest, ignoring the studio worker's laughter and hissed, "Shut up."
Still chuckling, the hybrid restated, "Fine my sweetheart likes pastries, can eat them all the time," he informed the camera, "Yes I ate them a lot when I was pregnant," Adrienne added, causing his grin to widen, "which reminds me, perhaps you should be agai-."
She cut him off, with a warning tone, "Don't."
2. Where's my favourite place I like to have sex?
"Other than the Bentley?" Klaus inquired and she nodded. "Any public place really."
"Shannon cut out the last part," Adrienne demanded, pinching the bridge of her nose, but her husband had other ideas, "Shannon, you will do no such thing!"
3. Who's my best friend?
"Rebekah will hate me for saying this, but Clementine or Valerie. I still don't like Valerie." he quickly added the last part, staring directly at the camera, whilst Adrienne just glanced at him, "She doesn't like you."
4. Your Favourite body part of mine? Keep it PG, please.
Klaus stared at her, with a highly amused expression, "If I keep it PG, then I would be lying," his statement gained a few chuckles from the crew, which grew when Adrienne flicked his forehead, "So vicious. But honestly, it's your face. Your beautiful face, that I continue to fall in love with more and more each day."
"Awe," the camera crew cooed as Adrienne hid her face in the crook of his neck until he decided to tease her more.
Klaus cleared his throat, "But as for my second favourite body part of yours, that has to be your v-"
"Next question!" Adrienne shouted over him.
"I was going to say your voice," he mumbled innocently.
"That's not a body part Nik!"
5. What do you do, that turns me on?
"When I look at you in your eyes," he answered immediately, not breaking eye contact, making his wife very flustered, "You're so annoying," she groaned and looked away. Lowering his head and trailing his fingers down her back, he whispered, "You're turned on right now aren't you sweetheart?"
6. What's a favourite moment of mine?
"You and Hadeon burning-" he quickly received a pinch to the neck, "that's not PG," she warned, shooting an innocent smile to the camera, then turning back to her husband, who begrudgingly spoke, "Fine giving birth to Malachai." his answer, earned a snort from Adrienne, "Fuck no, he nearly ripped me in half, you could've just said us being in Chicago."
7. What is a favourite moment of mine that we've shared?
"Renewing our vows in Paris," she grinned at his words, then said, "Loved that."
"I love you."
"I love you too... sometimes."
8. Do I have any tattoos?
Klaus chuckled to himself then turned to the camera, "She has one on the inside of her thigh and when the first time I saw it I-"
"Can he be censored, Shannon?" Adrienne pleaded.
"Don't bloody censor me, Shannon."
9. What do you love that I do? And kids are watching this.
Klaus picked up her available hand, "She's a supportive and powerful woman, whenever I'm shutting down and feel borderline homicidal..." Adrienne shook her head at the camera, "He's kidding." Klaus continued, 'I'm not, but when it happens she is the most patient and understanding person in my life, whenever she's not a pain in the ass."
"Love you too."
10. What am I like when I'm drunk?
"She's needy but I love it, she gets very sentimental," Klaus said, with a loving look in his eyes, to which he gained a chaste kiss from Adrienne
"I'm always like that."
"Yes, but it's adorable when you're drunk."
11. Do you want to have more kids?
"Personally, I want a daughter," Klaus answered, turning to his wife, "Fine, then you can push out a daughter." she countered, making the crew laugh around them. "I want a little girl to raise," he huffed out, not taking his eyes off Adrienne, who decided to entertain the idea.
"What would you name our daughter?" she asked, to which he replied, "Well Malachai is named after an Angel, not Kai Parker. Marcellus is named after the god of Mars," he watched as an idea lit up her eyes, "What about Evangeline. It sounds angelic and Godly?"
Klaus happily clapped and discarded the remaining card in her hands, "Evangeline. Greek for good news and what great news she'd be when she is born in less than 10 months to come. Great idea love, Evangeline Mikaelson. it's decided!"
She quickly shook her head, "Not it's not."
"Thank you, GQ, my wife and I are off to make another child," Adrienne didn't have time to object because he swiftly picked her up and she had no choice but to hold on.
"No, we're not!"
He tore off their microphones and shot a nod to Shannon, then the rest of the crew, "Goodbye!"
"No," Klaus stated, shaking his head at his wife's outfit for the interview, he had already tried to suggest something else before she walked out of her dressing room. "I'm wearing it, end of discussion and I see how you are looking at me, stop acting like you don't like this," Adrienne replied, waving him off as she came to stand In front of him, watching as he looked her up and down.
"Out," he demanded the workers who were trying to do their job. He needed to talk to his wife in private, so it wasn't long before they all rushed out of the green room and the door slammed shut.
"Adrienne," she didn't have time to react before he picked her up, drawing a yelp from her as she wrapped her legs around his torso and settled her arms around his shoulders. "What beloved?" She teased, catching the lust-filled glint in his eyes. "How long do we have until we have to do this God-awful interview?" He asked, trailing his hands over her behind and lowering his mouth to her jacket.
She gasped when he undid the two buttons with his teeth, revealing her breast to him. A growl emitted from his throat as he dragged his eyes up to hers. "We have thirty minutes..." she breathed out, making him run his tongue over his teeth.
"...we'll need an hour."
That is the end to my dark twisted fantasy’s story on wattpad I hope you all enjoyed it. I thought I addd a cute little one shot of them in the further.
it's been over a year and I'm so happy and grateful to all the people who have been here since the beginning and the most recent readers, who haven't stopped voting and commenting.
this was Adrienne's story and it's sad to say goodbye to one of my faves and all my other oc's. writing to her with everyone especially klaus was so special and so bittersweet to me and I loved every second of it.
- liv
#wattpad#fanfic#black reader#black girl#adriennelumiere#klaus mikaelson x black reader#witch#klaus mikaelson#klaus mikaelson x reader#klaus mikaleson imagine#a dark twisted fantasy#immortal witch#21 century#21st century
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Highschool AU pt.2
Summary: You and your Brother moved away from Austria because of your parents Divorce, making you attend Northbridge Academy in Exeter, England. On your first day you meet the bullied Simon Riley and the overly extroverted John MacTavish. As if dealing with puberty, sports and your grades wasn't hard enough you fell in love not only with your Bestfriend Simon but also with Johnny, that Johnny was in love with both of you didn't make the Dynamic better
November 1990
As the days passed, you fell into a comfortable routine. You made a point to sit next to Simon in every class, despite Johnny's attempts to claim the seat besides you. You got used to Johnny though; he was funny and surprisingly smart. He even beat you in physics once, which made you incredibly mad. You always wanted to excel in academics; sometimes it felt like it was the only thing you were good at—getting good grades. If you couldn't be good at that, what special thing would be left in you?
"Lizzie, it's just an A, who cares if it's not an A+? You won't die from it," Simon nagged. He never understood your drive to excel in school. He wasn’t bad himself, though; he mostly got Bs, especially in math, history, and chemistry. He had some Cs in English and Housekeeping —claiming it was unimportant for him that he did poorly in sewing. He was right, though; that's why you didn’t pick that incredibly dumb subject and chose advanced German instead, which was like a free pass for you. Unfortunately, you were in the same class as John, the annoying new friend of your brother. He was always so flirty, although he was cute.
"How do you know? Maybe I'll fall dead on the ground in the next second."
"Would be a blessing for some of us," Simon replied. After a few weeks of school, you were surprised to find out that Simon wasn’t like he looked. He wasn’t shy and uncomfortable; he pulled lots of jokes—bad ones—next to you. Worse, his humor was dry and mean, making you chuckle all the time, which he secretly loved.
"You're an idiot, Si."
"And still, I'm your favorite, Lizzie."
"Only because Johnny isn’t a real challenge to you."
"Don’t let Johnny hear that; he will be mad."
"Maybe he needs a bit of an ego shrink," You laughed.
Simon and you walked towards your table. It was like in all those American movies you watched when you were allowed to watch TV. Tiffany and her squad had their own table, and then there were tables full of footballers where Kyle sat most of the time, except when Johnny begged him to sit with you. Michael, like the perfect big brother he was, was always where you were. And where Michael was, John and sometimes Nik would be, if he didn’t spend 90% of his time in detention.
Every Thursday was mail delivery day, the best part of the week. You always looked forward to a letter from Dad. He told you about all the different places he visited for work, and there was always a postcard in the letter. You had over 120 postcards, all placed on the wall of your dorm. At least that made you feel at home. Northbridge Academy wasn’t as bad as you feared at the beginning. The teachers were great, the school was fun, and you had Simon and Johnny. The only downside was my dorm mates. While the boys were more than lucky despite Si complaining about Michael's snoring, they still had a nice group. Meanwhile, you were stuck with Tiffany, Laurie, and Anne in a room, and it was even worse than you imagined.
Simon opened his mail, and his expression changed. He tried to regain his composure quickly, but he couldn't fool me. You knew something was up, so you poked him under the table, trying to get his mail. Surprisingly, he gave it to you without any further resistance, and for once, You wished he hadn’t.
Hello Simon, Im on a camping trip with your Mom and Thomas. Don´t bother coming over the long weekend. We wont be there. Stay at your trust fund school. Dad
"No, Lizzie." He stood up and left the table, surprising everyone else who hadn’t noticed anything. Typical boys. You followed him into his dorm and sat next to him on the bed.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"It's not a big deal, Lizzie. They're just on vacation."
"Is it?"
"You know you could come with Mich and me. Mom wouldn’t mind at all; she loves hosting people and all that stuff. We can spend more time together, and you don’t need to stay in this musty room—like, really, do you boys even clean?" You laughed at the chaos of the room. Everywhere, there were paint stains, football shoes, and, on what you guessed was Nik’s and John’s bed, an E-guitar was placed.
"Lizzie, it’s okay. You know I can practice a bit before the start of ice hockey season."
"Pleaseeeeeeee." You looked at him with puppy eyes. I needed him to come with me.
"Okay, but only this once." He agreed, and you gave him a big bear hug.
"Whit dae ye mean ye gang hame wi' Ellie?"
"Was invited," I said shortly.
"Was invited too," John chimed in, while he tuned his guitar, making noises not safe for humanity.
"How come is a' body invited 'cept me?" Johnny started to whine. The answer would be easy for anyone with eyes: she doesn’t like his flirting, she is scared of things like this, and asking her to marry him after she gave him a cookie wasn’t the smartest choice.
"I wasn’t invited," Kyle replied shortly.
"You're not invited, Johnny, 'cause ye need to tone it down with my sister. She is only 13; she doesn’t care about boys right now. And asking her at any chance if she wants to marry you makes her scared. Ye don’t know anything about girls, do ye?" That was the most words I've heard from König since, well, ever, but he was right. Johnny needed to tone it down. I didn’t like how Lizzie felt insecure whenever he did it and clung to me. The truth is Lizzie wasn’t afraid of him or anything; she even liked Johnny as a friend. She just thought his advances were jokes. Johnny liked to joke a lot, giving him the reputation of a class clown. And so, his big gestures for her felt like a joke to her, especially since she was so insecure at heart. I just never understood why? She was smart, funny, much cooler than any other girl, and she was pretty, not that I would ever tell that to someone.
"Just trying to be good, König," Johnny muttered.
"If ye weren’t a lovesick little puppy, he’d probably punch you into oblivion," John mentioned.
"You can come too, Johnny," König replied, still giving him the big brother glance.
"Wait, how do we all fit in a car?" I asked, afraid that Johnny would take my place, and I needed to stay here. But everyone just looked at me weirdly, and I didn’t know why.
The next day, on our way to Lizzie's house, I finally knew why. There was a fucking limousine with black windows, probably bulletproof, like in James Bond movies. A small man in his 50s walked outside of the car wearing a black suit and smiling as he walked towards Lizzie, taking her baggage from her hands.
"He doesn’t look like Lizzie’s Dad," I said. It was true; they didn’t look similar, but still, she hugged him like you’d hug a family member, I guess?
John started to laugh. "You really don’t know a lot about Beth." Beth? Why did he call my Lizzie Beth? That was a shitty name.
"I know a lot about her."
"Not about her world, little one." I hated it when people reduced me for my small frame. I didn’t want to be the skinny short boy walking behind Lizzie all the time in need of her support. At least she didn’t see me that way.
"Si, John, Johnny, that’s Alfred, he is our family, Butler," Lizzie said, smiling at Alfred like he was a family member more than a Butler.
We sat down in the limo. Lizzie, of course, sat next to me, much to the dislike of Johnny. He kinda grew on me, though; he was funny and extroverted, and he wasn’t as posh as Kyle, who was a nice bloke but just didn’t get it. He was always complaining, as if he had problems, of course, he hadn’t. He was rich, good at football, and good-looking.
Lizzie fell asleep after a while, her head resting on my shoulder. I didn’t dare to move for the rest of the ride. She looked so peaceful when she didn’t move her lips and spoke.
"Mate, that's unfair. Why does Lizzie sleep on you instead of me?" Johnny whined, but I ignored him. "I liked her first, brocade and everything, Simon."
"You don’t call dips on my sister, or I'll cut your tongue out," König spoke calmly. He was confusing me; he was mostly silent but always threatened everyone who came too close to Lizzie. He never threatened me though, of course not; no one saw a threat in me.
We arrived at a big white mansion, almost looking like the Buckingham Palace. I knew Lizzie was rich, but this rich? I should probably search Kortac up, what they did, and how her dad must be so rich.
John only shrugged as if it was nothing, making me feel like I was the dumb one. This wasn’t normal; why are they acting like this?
As I stepped into Lizzie's villa, my jaw practically hit the floor. I mean, I've seen big houses before, but this was something else. The entrance was like walking into a palace or something. The marble floors were so shiny
; I could see my reflection in them. And those pillars! They were taller than any trees I've ever seen, reaching up to a ceiling painted with fancy designs that made me feel like I was in a museum.
I couldn't help but gawk as I made my way through the place. The living room was like a dream. Soft, velvet couches and chairs were everywhere, so plush you could practically sink into them. Paintings and tapestries covered the walls, like something out of a history book. And don't even get me started on the fireplace! It was huge, with flames dancing and crackling like something out of a movie. All around were paintings that probably cost more than Mom's salary as a nurse.
The dining room was even more posh. A long, mahogany table stretched out in front of me, set with fancy plates and silverware that looked like they belonged in a museum. A chandelier hung overhead, sparkling with crystals and casting a warm light over everything.
In the kitchen, everything was shiny and new. Stainless steel appliances lined the walls, and there were bowls of fruit and baskets of bread everywhere. It smelled amazing, like something out of a cooking show. Chefs walked around the house; they had fucking chefs? I thought the Butler was much, but they had more staff. Didn’t rich people know how to cook for themselves?
As I wandered around, I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. I mean, we have a house; it's nice and all, but it's nothing like this. Lizzie's family must be really rich to live in a place like this. But as much as I envied her, I couldn't help but feel grateful that she was my friend, never judging me because of my scholarship like Tiffany did, and by the looks of it, Tiffany wasn’t even half as wealthy as Lizzie and König are.
"Mutter, Vater, Ich dachte Papa ist in Salzburg gerade," König said. He sounded more confident when he spoke German.
Lizzie's parents looked like nice people; her Dad was the tallest man I've ever seen and looked a bit intimidating, while her mom looked a lot like Lizzie herself, just older.
"Dein Vater hat gehört, ihr kommt hier her und ist direkt gekommen," her dad replied.
"Also, seid ihr nicht wieder zusammen?" Lizzie’s voice sounded so different in German, but she still sounded nice and soft.
"Nein, und sprech Englisch, das ist unhöflich gegenüber deinen Gästen," her mom scolded, her voice too loud for the small room.
"So, who do we have here?" Lizzie’s father asked curiously.
"I'm John Price, sir."
"Oh, like William Price?"
"Yes, that's my old man."
"We worked together quite a bit for his campaign."
"Wait, my dad worked with Kortac?" John lost the color of his face, and I really needed to know what the fuck Kortac is.
"I'm Johnny MacTavish."
"Well, didn’t hear of your family," Lizzie’s dad mustered Johnny.
"Richard, be nice," Lizzie’s mom scolded, in a tone too loud for the room. "Okay, and you are?" She gestured to me.
"Simon Riley, nice to meet you both, sir," I replied politely, shaking his hand, only to get my hand crushed.
As I followed Lizzie's family into the dining room, I couldn't believe my eyes. The table was like something out of a fancy restaurant, but way bigger. There were so many dishes spread out that I had never seen or tried before. I mean, I knew what a salad was and some of the other stuff, but there were these little black things in jars that Lizzie's dad called "caviar." I had no idea what that was, but everyone seemed to be enjoying it, so I tried a tiny bit. It was salty and kinda strange, definitely not like anything I'd ever eaten. Johnny looked as confused as me; of course, the academy had fancy food, but this was weird. And so much different from what mom cooked for us, and I longed for her lasagna right now.
Then there were all these different forks and spoons and knives laid out next to the plates. I was used to just one fork and one spoon at home, but here, it was like a whole set of tools just for eating. I glanced over at Lizzie, who noticed my confusion and tried to discreetly explain which fork to use for which course. But I could tell I was still getting it wrong.
Lizzie's family seemed used to all this fancy stuff, chatting away as they effortlessly used their array of utensils. Meanwhile, I was struggling not to knock over a glass or use the wrong fork. Her mom smiled kindly at me and offered some advice on what to try next, but I couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place. John and König, of course, knew how to act. I noticed how Lizzie’s dad liked John, but Lizzie’s mom definitely liked me.
It was strange; they were so familiar with each other, chatting at dinner and laughing, listening to Lizzie ramble about the school teaching shitty German. It was so different than at home; no one screamed, no one cried, and, most importantly, no one punched each other.
Johnny and I slept in one of the various guest chambers, and it was so comfortable, the best sleep I've ever had until I heard Lizzie scream from next door. I ran towards her room; I didn’t know what was wrong, but I needed to find out.
She lay in her luxurious room, whining and shaking in her sleep. I always thought rich families like these never had any problems, but here she was having night terrors.
I sat next to her in bed, brushing my hand towards her silky hair. "I'm here, Lizzie, everything is good."
"Please don’t kill me; I don’t know anything," she cried, and then König walked in, pushing me to the side while grabbing her in his bulky arms, whispering to her something in German until she calmed down and slept peacefully again. Now, all of us stood in her room. I just wanted to comfort Lizzie, telling her everything would be fine again.
"What was this?" John asked.
"That’s more than nightmares, mate," Johnny said, earning a death glare from König. I didn’t know what I thought, but I stood up and walked towards her bed again, cuddling her like Mom and Dad always did. For the first time, I could protect someone, and I’d protect her like she protected me.
"No, she is my best friend; I won’t leave." Slowly, after minutes, John and Johnny climbed into Lizzie’s bed. All of us wanted to comfort the girl who gave us everything every day. And so all five of us played together in the bed, eager to protect her from whatever haunted her. It was nice; having her in my arms was the last thought before I slowly drifted into a peaceful sleep.
#cod#cod mw2#cod mwii#cod x reader#call of duty#tf 141#tf 141 x reader#john price#captain john price#simon riley x you#john soap mactavish#simon ghost x reader#simon riley x reader#simon ghost riley#simon riley#ghost fanfiction#john mactavish x reader#johnny#kyle garrick#kyle gaz x reader#kyle gaz garrick#alternate universe#high school#dark academia#call of duty modern warfare 3#call of duty modern warfare
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