#Heidi the crazy vamp
plazyoctopugs · 1 year
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South Park Sims4 Save
A first look at my South Park Preteen Save!
First and foremost this is a LGBTQ+ friendly save! I have future plans for Butters being genderfluid, Kyle is already a transitioning FTM, and I play with Lumpinou's LGBTQAI+ mod so if that's not your cup of tea then please disregard 😅
Sims were taken from the Gallery, made preteens, and then remade by me. Therefore all characters' bases are not mine
Any houses/landmarks/buildings are taken from the Gallery
The kids are only preteens right now, so clothing and actions will be modest- however once they age up to teens it's going to be Euphoria High up in here
I play with mods (WW/RPO/ETC) so expect DRAMA
This includes Basemental Dru- I mean Tegridy abound
The only relationships are Creek and the parents for maximum spice; I will be adding past sentiments like Heidi/Eric and Wendy/Stan being exes for depth
All the 4th graders are starting off as preteens! The older siblings starting as teens and younger siblings as kids.
Notes on the Girls:
Yes, Heidi is a hippie, I thought it was poetic justice for our girl
She also instantly rolled the want to flirt with Red 😶
Bebe is Brazilian-American and Wendy is Asian-American because I wanted more diversity and I love those headcanons! I'm white so feel free to give me tips on how to better represent these groups and cultures
I forgot to make Heidi and Bebe thicc like I wanted to, so expect changes
It's winter in the picture, it just hasn't snowed yet
More in depth looks at each girl's traits/aspirations soon!
Characters also made so far:
☼ The Main 4 (Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Eric)
☼ The Main 4 Families (Including Shelley, Ike, and Kevin/Karen)
☼ Craig and Tweek (Including Family)
☼ Craig's Gang (Clyde, Tolkien, Jimmy, Timmy, Butters)
☼ Leslie M. and Scott M.
Those Next to be Made:
☼ The Goth/Vamp Kids
☼ Sophia Gray (I finally got to this ep.)
☼ The Other Girls/Boys (Annie, Lola, Kevin, Damon, etc)
☼ Towelie (Yes, I'm including the towel)
All families will all be added eventually
Right now I'm in the setting up stage of this save, but I plan on playing with little interference based on whims/mods and documenting what craziness happens.
I will probably post pics I took with pose-player of ships cuz I'm trash, so anything that didn't actually happen in the Save will be marked with a Just For Fun tag :)
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panlight · 2 years
I think something weird and harmless I find funny is that
in all of Volterra realized that the Volturi aren't vamps or at least somethings off. Like, the vamps come out to join the St. Marcus festivities and someone's like, hmmm there is a very old looking dude named Marcus and we are celebrating an old dude named Marcus, oh well what a crazy coincedince!
I personally hc that most of the adults know, they just treat it like an inside joke or send all the snobbish/rude/people who do't need to exist to the castle, usually saying things like " Yes that's Heidi, prettiest woman in town *sniff* "Nobody has been worth her attentions *hmph* all though- she does seem interested in yoou- *Cue jerk flirting and following Heidi* Good luck!"
Or spmetimes for Halloween, EVERYBODY- even the kids who don't know- dress up as all kinds of vampires or go as the Three Kings ( the kings panic a bit, but surely they don't know, how could they? and send some guards to keep an eye out )
What's your favorite weird thing?
Oh yeah the Volterra stuff has a lot of weirdness. The whole Heidi thing just seems so unnecessarily complicated. I mean I guess she wrote herself into a corner with the whole “they eat tourists” thing because obviously in the modern era it wouldn’t really work, but it still just seems like “oh there’s this vampire whose job it is to make up fake contests and job offers to lure people in to eat!” is pretty weird. 
And yeah it would make way more sense that people in Votlerra knew. Relatedly, so weird that people in La Push don’t know. Like, they all know the stories. And why on earth does Embry have to keep it from his mom? That’s such a weird detail to create drama that never goes anywhere. 
I think the tear is still my favorite weird thing because it’s SO weird and completely out of nowhere. But I also always found it weird that Edward describes Bella’s blood as smelling like freesia and lavender . . . and that he also wants to drink it super badly. To me there’s a huge difference between “this smells pretty” and “this smells delicious.” I LOVE the smell of lilacs but I have zero desire to eat them. SM even had to make the blood smell pretty and ‘nice.’ 
Oh another absolutely weird detail is like the focus on how good the vampires’ breath smells????
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likelovelikesuicide · 6 years
Shadowhunters 3.06 - Immediate Reaction
Warning: Spoilers 
Like a smart little firecracker, Clary goes to Magnus for help identifying the Demon she encountered last episode and he proceeds to figure everything out in .5 seconds with the help of a certain Silent Brother (I’m sorry that scene must have been so weird to film #teleawkward but Brother Zacharia is hot!!!! ) Anyway, Magnus then faces off with the Owl after Clary throws away her weapons. again… #comeongirl #epicwarlockslidetotherescue #duh and Luke, our hot cop in action, shoots the owl - thus revealing Owl!Jace to Clary, Magnus and Luke - but Ollie is possessed now and is headed off to kill her lady lover. #99problems
If both the Head of the Institute and the Head of Security are out getting drinks, who is in charge at the institute and more importantly, don’t you people have a demon to find? Never mind Magnus is taking care of it… (by the way, was Alec drinking Magnus’ heartache drink???) I wonder how Alec will react when he finds out that while he was out getting drunk and being salty, Magnus was actually busy doing his boyfriends damn job and finding the Owl’s identity? (they aren’t even fighting about the same thing, come on boys get back on track now, we’re tired)
Underhill is a nice dude who supports Alec as Head of the Institute, defends Alec’s mother from a jerk Shadowhunter guy with bad hair #stepoffjerkguy... Then he let his superior officer vent while drunk, offering him an escape from awkward drunk!Family time and solid relationship advice... I love that he mentioned that Shadowhunters fall in love once and maybe Alec’s awesome warlock boyfriend doesn’t understand their ways… (seriously the guy is a Malec fanboy #betterhalf #legiteveryoneshipsmalec  - Underhill, Maryse, Izzy, Clary.)
Maryse should let her hair down more often… #justsaying..
For real can Charlie not see the Runes all over Izzy and her brothers??? -- Smooth Sizzy moment and more badass Izzy, but for real why didn’t she pull out her whip against Heidi sooner? that bitch should have been dead on the first hit - or did Raphael’s experiments make her strong? #valentinemuch?? #aca-what????
Jace and Alec’s scene was so awkward like… brothers. O wait… and why is possessed Jace holding Clary’s hand??? #badtake #comeoneditorsdoyouworkhere????
Why did Clary call Luke from outside the hunters moon to ask if he was at the hunters moon?... #justsaying
Ollie still hasn't learned to shut up or at least whisper and now she’s possessed. Let’s be honest people, we all saw it coming 
Was Simon right to have the Praetor deal with Heidi? He has no way of knowing they aren’t worse than the Clave…
Most importantly, how long until the Malec and Luke/Maryse family dinner/double date????
So I assume next week we’re going to start with them tracking down Ollie before she kills her girl?? And an epic talk between Magnus and Alec about their relationship… #comeonguys #kissandmakeupsex
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volturialice · 4 years
If Alice were in the Volturi, who do you think she would be closest to?
ooh, good one!
aro kind of goes without saying. besides the fact that he would love to spoil alice and dote on her as a Favorite the way he does jane and alec, they both have similar “fun-loving eccentric hiding scheming manipulator” personalities and a deep appreciation for human culture and art
heidi for sure. alice would have a blast designing her lots of “luring human tourists to their deaths” Looks and I think heidi would appreciate the acknowledgement that this kinda murder is an ART FORM actually
felix also seems to be a laid-back, fun-loving guy of the sort she could get along with
based on her canonical fondness for dumbass human Vamp Simps™, maybe even gianna. alice would definitely be rooting for her not to end up dessert, anyway
this is a completely groundless hc but I want her to be best friends with afton because I love afton and I find him entertaining. maybe they could bond over what it’s like to be misfits or what it’s like to date someone capable of fuckin with your emotions/loyalty idk
then there are characters who are anyone’s guess, like renata, santiago, corin, chelsea, the wives, even caius and marcus. could all go either way, if you ask me. the only thing we know for sure is that jane and alec are alice antis and i’m proud of them for that. lmaooo live your truth you murderous little twerps
and one-sided demetri/alice is a FACT ok it’s MOVIE CANON fight me
a fun thing about the volturi is that most of them are so sketchily defined in canon that you can hc them into being pretty much whoever you want! I love the game of extrapolating personality traits based on powers/other basic biographical info. it’s crazy to me when people can’t understand the appeal of the volturi like they’re literally a bunch of oldass superpowered Fancy showboating caped dickheads who live in a wacky secret subterranean palace where they bond over fun group activities like murder how can you NOT love them
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britticole1 · 4 years
Grand Niece - Felix & Demetri Volturi Smut
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I am the grand niece of Heidi, and as one would assume I was a little surprised when I found out she was a vampire. I came around to the idea quicker than most would but it still took me a while.
I am dating a guy named Josh, I thought he was the sweetest guy ever, until I found out his secret.
I walk into our apartment anxious to tell Josh the fantastic news, but that’s not how it went.
He is with some girl in our bed, all I can hear and see if the skin slapping and the moans coming from them both.
I’m quick to do something irrational, as I grab the closest thing to me which is a clothing hanger and start beating them with it.
“YOU MOTHERFUCKER!” I scream at them as I beat them relentlessly. I get tired then leave the apartment, heading to the Volturi castle wanting my aunt.
I arrive with tears rolling down my eyes as aunt Heidi comes vamp speeding to me.
“What’s wrong Y/N?” She asks, checking me for injuries.
“I found Josh with some bitch in our bed.” I reply as my tears just stop completely out of no where.
She gets this murderous look in her eyes and pulls me with her to go to see the Masters. I follow along quietly as to not make her more upset.
The first one I see is Master Aro, he is sitting in his throne as the others are reading books in theirs.
“Ahhh young Y/N, what do we owe the pleasure?” He says with a grin,
“Master I need someone to watch over her for me, to keep her safe.” Heidi said as she hand Aro her hand, which makes him understand what’s going on in that moment.
“Of course, I will get Felix and Demetri to watch her for you while you are away. Also Y/N dear congratulations.” Aro tells me, to which I reply with,
“Thank you, Master Aro.”
Aunt Heidi leaves soon after while I wait for the two guards to come, and I’m nervous as I’ve never met them before. What if they don’t like me, or think I’m a weak annoying little human who is just wanting their pity.
When they get here on the other hand, my thoughts immediately went to how perfectly handsome they are.
They usher me to follow them to a room, and as we walk there is a tension in the air, I’m not sure what kind but it’s definitely there.
We get to the room and they ask me some questions,
“So what made you come here?” Felix asked as Demetri looks intrigued,
“I’m pregnant, and I found my boyfriend of 5 years cheating on me a little while ago.”
They looked shocked to say the least.
“Congratulations, do you know what you’re having yet?” Demetri is the one who asked this time,
“No, I’m too early on to tell.”
That makes any tension go away, to know I’m not here for something crazy like wanting to be turned for the hell of it, or wanting to take advantage of them.
I feel like this is gonna be a fun time.
Time Skip: One Week
Felix, Demetri, and I have become extremely close in the last couple of days, and with each passing day I feel more and more attracted to them.
Today I decided to act out the constant fantasies I have been having about them.
I walk into our room, yes our room, and see on Felix sitting there. I come up behind him as he’s in his thoughts and start kissing up his neck.
He doesn’t seem shocked, more so, happy.
He flips me over onto the bed with my hands above my head, as he smirks at me sexually.
As this happens Demetri comes walking in,
“Well, well, well what do we have here.”
The way he said that shows it’s not a question.
Felix is now naked in the time I was staring at Demetri but I’m not complaining, Demetri is the next one to be completely nude. I’m the only one with clothes on now.
They make a show of slowly taking my clothes off me, while they take turns holding me down.
It feels agonizing, how hot I feel while I’m not getting much contact.
Demetri finally ends my torment as he bends down and takes my wet pussy and starts to eat me so good, that I can’t process anything else.
That is until Felix puts his dick in my face and I automatically take it unto my mouth sucking and rubbing as much as I can trying to give as much as I’m getting right now.
All of a sudden I feel a tip at my entrance and my mind goes blank as Demetri pushes in me, all I can feel in pure ecstasy, as I get more into blowing Felix.
Not too long before I feel myself getting closer and closer to my first relief, and as I do so does Demetri. Felix is still going strong though, as he said he wants to feel my pussy for himself, and boy I can’t wait. I have two God like men worshipping me like I’m a Goddess, and I’m loving every second of it.
Felix is now balls deep inside me, making me moan so loud Demetri has to cover my mouth as to make me quiet. While Felix is fucking me Demetri is kissing down my neck to my tits sucking them so good.
I’m not gonna be able to hold on too much longer, and by the way Felix is acting he isn’t either.
His thrust get faster and faster until I can’t hold back my moans, and I cum for the second time today. He is not long after me, taking time to ride out his orgasm.
We all lay down together, Felix on one side Demetri on the other.
“You are our mate.” Felix said to me, as Demetri is holding me on his chest,
Both of them look at me as I said this, and I just can’t help to think, how good I now know I will have it. I have to amazing, kind, and beautiful men beside me and my baby forever. What more can a woman ask for.
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This roundup covers January 15-31. Shadowhunters news, updates, sneak peeks, and behind the scenes. All the stuff you need to stay up to date.
Official Promotion
Netflix reveals international reveal date for Shadowhunters 3B: New Idea Magazine, IGeeksBlog, TVWise.
It is confirmed that new episodes of 3B will be available on Hulu the day after they air on Freeform
Anna Hopkins (Lilith) and Dom Sherwood (Jace) behind the scenes Shadowhunters season 3A. [3]
YIKES. Izzy behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters Season 3B
.@arosende: a man of many talents. #BTS  #Shadowhunters
The mother of Demons. Repost by the talented @sleepyelena. keep showing us your art by using #ShadowhuntersLegacyArt, and we may repost you.
What are you getting into, Dom? #BTS #Shadowhunters
Dom and Alisha having fun on set. #Shadowhunters
Share the wonder of reading, just like @Kat_McNamara. From now through March 31st, post a shelfie with your favorite book using #MagicOfStorytelling and @Disney and @ABCBeInspired will donate a new book to @FirstBook (up to 1M books).
Well read warlock. Magnus behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters Season 3B.
We all know who’s the strongest. #WCW #Shadowhunters
Freeform releases its new lineup of offerings for February 2019
One Month until Jonathan returns...#ShadowhuntersLegacy
Watching the action. @ARosende behind the scenes #Shadowhunters season 3B [1]
A peek at Izzy in #Shadowhunters season 3B
Happy #MalecMonday from season 3B Malec. #Shadowhunters [2]
Uh oh...What’s going on here.... Behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters season 3B
We’re ready to see Luke Baines as Jonathan Morgenstern in #Shadowhunters season 3B. 📸 @LukeBaines
Shadowhunters In the News
Shadowhunters was nominated for a GLAAD Media Award and there were a slew of responses, including: Shadowhunters TV; Kat (Clary); Harry (Magnus); Brian Hui (Makeup artist); Anna Hopkins (Lilith); and Todd Slavkin (showrunner).
JustJaredJr (article): #AndiMack, @ShadowhuntersTV & more nominated for GLAAD Media Awards 2019
Entertainment Weekly (article): EW, Crazy Rich Asians, Love Simon nominated for GLAAD Award
Matt Carter Media (article): Shadowhunters season 3 scores GLAAD Awards nomination
Film Daily (article): GLAAD Awards 2018: ‘Shadowhunters’ and ‘Sense8′ noms encourage hopeful fans
TV Time (article): Top 20 Freeform shows we can’t get enough of
Film Daily (article): TCA Awards: Are critics even relevant in our new times?
Meaww Entertainment (article): ‘Shadowhunters’ season 3B: The story of the real Johnathon Morganstern aka evil reincarnate
JustJaredJr (article): Katherine McNamara shares what the true magic of ‘Shadowhunters’ really was
Pure Fandom (article): #ShadowhuntersPosterChallenge Part 1: Amazing art by fans
Pure Fandom (article): #ShadowhuntersPosterChallenge Part 2: Fan art of Clary, Jace, and Clace
Pure Fandom (article): #ShadowhuntersPosterChallenge Part 3: Fan art of Lilith and the Morgensterns
Pure Fandom (article): #ShadowhuntersPosterChallenge Part 4: Magnus Bane
Hollywire (video): Katherine McNamara reveals her celebrity crush | Katherine McNamara Interview
TV Fanatic (article): Shadowhunters: 11 Book scenes we need to see in the show
Spoiler TV (article): YouSay-Top 10 Shows that should never have been cancelled
Meaww Entertainment (article): ‘Shadowhunters’ season 3B: Izzy is taking Clary’s loss harder than anyone else
Meaww Entertainment (article): ‘Shadowhunters’ season 3B: Magnus Bane coping without magic proves he’ll always be the High Warlock of Brooklyn
Pure Fandom (article): ‘Shadowhunters’ season 3B: 8 things we want to see
Pure Fandom (article): If your favorite TV couples were ‘Hamilton’ songs
Hypable (article): The ‘Shadowhunters’ pilot reminds us of the importance of this series
Serienfuchs (article): “Shadowhunters” Season 3B: Forgot your own station
Meaww Entertainment (article): ‘Shadowhunters’ Exclusive: Star Alberto Rosende on being shocked after hearing of the show’s cancellation
Matt Carter Media (article): Shadowhunters season 3 trailer release is ‘imminent,’ per exec
JustJaredJr (article): Alberto Rosende isn’t truly closing the door on ‘Shadowhunters’
Defective Geeks (article): Interview: Jade Hassoune on Fandom and the final season of Shadowhunters
Kat (Clary) was interviewed by TMRW magazine in January
Twitter & Social Media
Basic Shadowhunters Stuff releases the first #SHTVFlockToUnlock polaroid with Kat (Clary): Bloody. Transformative. Shattering.
Bane & Lewis releases the second #SHTVFlockToUnlock polariod with Alberto (Simon): Hell Breaks Loose!
Bane & Lewis releases the third #SHTVFlockToUnlock polariod with Tessa Mossey (Heidi): Power.
Basic Shadowhunters Stuff releases the fourth #SHTVFlockToUnlock polaroid with Dom (Jace):  Loss. 
Basic Shadowhunters Stuff releases the fifth #SHTVFlockToUnlock polaroid with Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern):  Romantic. Tragic. Deadly.
ShumDario News releases the sixth #SHTVFlockToUnlock polariod with Harry (Magnus): Unravel.
ShumDario News releases the seventh #SHTVFlockToUnlock polariod with Anna Hopkins (Lilith): Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime. 
Brian Hui (Makeup artist): shared a photo: As long as vamps and wolves get along…#Shadowhunters @ch8i @arosende
Todd Slavkin (Showrunner) responded to fan questions: regarding Shadowhunters music selection, regarding Alec’s possession in Shadowhunters season 2x04, regarding Alec & Clary in 2x02, regarding casting Arianna Williams (Madzie), regarding Malec’s fire escape talk, regarding a teaser photo of Magnus (Harry Shum Jr) in the institute, regarding Malec babysitting Madzie, regarding Malec in 3B, his favorite Malec scene, regarding Sizzy’s development, regarding Jonathan’s journey after rebirth, regarding Clace in 3B, regarding where he would like to see Malec in the future, and regarding the Malec-centric 3B episode.
Steve Byers (Underhill) responded to a fan question regarding his character finding a significant other: He finds lots of #Shadowhunters that are not Alec
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweeted his daily reflections for each episode: season 2x03; season 2x04, season 2x05, season 2x06, season 2x07, season 2x08
Taylor Mallory (writer) tweeted Matt & Em have some great scenes together in 3B. And I can think of at least one involving weapons.
Brian Q Miller (writer) tweeted about the most memorable scene that he wrote
Taylor Mallory (writer) responded to some fan questions on twitter: about the most memorable scene she wrote; whether she chose a song for a scene and who chooses the songs generally; how it feels seeing a scene come to life; and whether writers usually watch the shooting of an episode which they’ve written.
Amanda Michael Row (director) tweeted: One thing I miss about directing @ShadowhuntersTV is how HUGE the fight scenes were, and how #mattdirector really just let you embrace the EPIC of it all. When you re-watch 3A make sure to pay close attention to those sequences. Some of them are really quite remarkable.
Kat (Clary): tweeted a photo: Nothing is ever black and white in the Shadow World. Are you ready for 3B? Expect the unexpected Angels. #Shadowhunterslegacy #fbf #Clace @ShadowhuntersTV @DomSherwood1
Film Daily (tweeted): We’re looking to partner with #Shadowfam cosplayers on a fun #YouTube #Cosplay video makeup tutorial series. DM us if this is you
Stefanie Terzo (hair stylist) shared a behind the scenes video on Instagram:  Behind every great warlock, is a guy with a stick. #TMBM (The Magic Behind Magnus) .
Brian Hui (makeup artist) shared some bts photos of himself “helping” Jace get rid of the Owl demon in 3A.
John Rakich (locations manager) gave fans an insight into the location scouting for Valentine’s lair, in response to Todd’s 2x07 reflection
Kat (Clary) tweeted: Family vacation with the usual suspects... #WhoisKeyserSoze #Squad 📸: @isaiahmustafa​
Jade Hassoune (Meliorn) tweeted a video of himself in costume: How it felt to put it back on each time. 3B is going to be full of epic. I dedicate this post to our production team and crew. To those who made all of this happen. We think of you. #Shadowhunters #Meliorn #armor
Alan Van Sprang (Valentine Morgenstern) responded to a fan question Why is @alanvansprang the best tv/movie villain type....EVER?
Kat (Clary) posted a #FBF BTS video of her and Luke Baines (Jonathan Morganstern) to celebrate 30 days till Shadowhunters 3B.  
Sydney Meyer (Helen Blackthorn) shared a photo of a custom Helen Blackthorn Funko Pop that she received.
Steve Byers (Underhill) responded to a fan question regarding which cast member/character he wished he had more scenes with, and teased the fandom about Underhill in 3B
Isaiah (Luke) shared a behind the scenes photo on Instagram:  Happy Super Blood Wolf Moon! 💚🐺 #shadowhunters#lukegarroway #maiaroberts
Arianna Williams (Madzie) tweeted 30 days...OMG I can’t wait #Madzie #malec #clace #luke #izzy #maia #simon
McG (producer) shared a throwback photo on Instagram:  First read thru on SHADOWHUNTERS I remember like yesterday @kat.mcnamara @domsherwood@isaiahmustafa @matthewdaddario@harryshumjr @albertorosende@emeraude
Brian Hui (Makeup artist) responded to a fan question regarding Clary’s runes
Brian Hui (makeup artist) posted a photo of Jade Hassoune (Meliorn) from 3B
TVLine shared a photo of Anna Hopkins (Lilith) and her new “Owl”.
Alberto (Simon) posted an update about Rosende Reads
Javier Munoz (Lorenzo Rey) tweeted Friend or foe? Waiting on 3B like... @ShadowhuntersTV #LorenzoRey
Todd Slavkin (Showrunner) tweeted about the 3B trailer, in response to a fan inquiry.
Stefanie Terzo (hair stylist) shared a behind the scenes video on Instagram:  Behind every great warlock is an equally as brilliant stunt team ready to catch whomever is thrown at them (in this case, it's a Jace). #TMBM .
Brian Hui (Makeup artist) shared a photo of some cast members and friends on cast during the filming of 3B. [4]
Kat (Clary) tweeted a heartfelt goodbye after the death of a Shadowhunters trainer.
Dom (Jace) shared a photo of him and a cast trainer: You will be missed coach. RIP. Love ya bud.
Matt Hastings (Executive Producer) answered some fan questions while on a scouting trip:
Malec/Magnus/Alec: Can we expect to see a malec forehead kiss or…?; Please tell me we get a malec cuddle scene, they deserve hugs from each other;  Can you say literally anything about Malec; Who wins the “fight” in the Malec training scene; Will there be more shirtless Magnus;  Will there be another Malec funny-interaction episode like 3x02;  Can we expect to see Alec deal with Clave’s politics a little (lot) more?; Any badass Alec scenes to look forward to?;  Favorite Magnus moment in 3B;  could you tease anything about the next time Lorenzo, Magnus, and Alec are in the same vicinity
Clace/Clary/Jace:  What is Jace’s reaction when he reunites with Clary;  Anything you can tease about Clary & Jace’s reunion?; Favorite Clary moment in 3B;  Will Clace be happy in general;  Best thing about working with @Kat_McNamara and @DomSherwood1;  From 1 to 10, how happy do you think Clace fans are going to be with 3x22 final;  Best thing about working with @Kat_McNamara and @DomSherwood1;  favorite Jace scene or episode that you’re most looking forward to;  tell us if we are going to get really soft Clace scenes this season;  will Jace ever mention about hating ducks in 3B
Parabatai:  Any intense parabatai scenes between Jace and Alec?
Clary & Jonathon:  Describe the relation between Johnathon and Clary with 3 words;  How is Clary’s bond with Johnathon affecting her;  One word to describe Prague; Johnathon:   Will we see a crying and emotional Johnathon.
General inquires:  When are we going to get a trailer?;  …if we get another network to save the show, would it be possible after the 2 episodes y’all filmed to ‘wrap it up’ to continue to the story….;  I’d like to know what’s on your checklist for a great fight sequence?; How are you planning to celebrate the release of the finale?; Are we gonna see some more bloopers soon?;  If we end up #SaveShadowhunters on another network will you still direct it?
Other characters: What’s a good Maia scene in 3B?; is there a chance we could see Izzy & Maia bonding?; Will Izzy’s prior addiction be addressed when she gets together with Simon?
Other News
Access Online (video): Harry Shum Jr says his pregnant wife is his “hero”: Find out why.
Jade Hassoune (Meliorn) tweeted regarding his newsletter: If we met at #pandemoniumcon in London & you signed up to my newsletter, I just sent u the first email titled: J4DE with and exclusive surprise for you in there! enjoy. Tell me what you think don’t see it in your inbox? might take a while for it to appear, or in your junkmail, it happens. #J4DE
Cosmopolitan (article): What you need to know about the ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ movie sequel
JustJaredJr (article): ‘Arrow’ will have a future-based episode that will reveal everything about Blackstar (Kat McNamara)
Pride (article): 18 Asian Actors helping make Hollywood more diverse
Kat McNamara (Clary) tweeted: Back in BLACKstar. #Arrow @cw_arrow
SAG Awards
SAG Awards (photos): Harry assisted in the creation of the SAG award as part of his role as SAG Ambassador
ET Canada (video): .@ElizabethMcL and @HarryShumJr, along with workers and artisans at the American Fine Arts Foundry, give a behind-the-scenes look at how the unique @SAGawards “actor” trophies are made.
Daily Mail UK (article): Crazy Rich Asians start Harry Shum Jr breaks the mold in ceremony ahead of the SAG awards
On The Red Carpet (Video): Harry on the SAG Awards red carpet discussing Crazy Rich Asians
SAG Awards (video): And we plan on ALWAYS having your back, @HarryShumJr! Thanks for being such an incredible #sagawards ambassador
TNT Drama (video): SAG Awards Amassador @HarryShumJr is no stranger to awards season, see how his nomination for @CrazyRichMovie is different for him #sagawards
People Magazine (article): 2,000 Degrees! Go Behind the Scenes of the Screen Actors Guild Awards Statuette Pouring
TV Insider (Podcast/article): TV Insider Podcast: Harry Shum Jr. on ‘Shadowhunters’ Ending, Being a SAG Ambassador & Fatherhood
Entertainment Tonight (video): Did our #SAGawards ambassador just confirm the Glee reunion we’ve been waiting for?! C’mon, @HarryShumJr-give us the (Gl)eets!
JustJaredJr (article): Harry Shum Jr gives behind-the-scenes ahead of SAG Awards 2019
Harry Shum Jr (Magnus) answered fan questions related to his role as 2019 SAG awards ambassador.
SAG-AFTRA Foundation (photo): Here’s @SAGawards ambassador @HarryShumJr doing his best impression of the #SAGAwards statute.
SAG Awards (Twitter moment): Harry Shum Jr and Sydney Sweeney gear up for the 25th SAG Awards
SAG-AFTRA Foundation tweeted: Thanks for the shoutout @HarryShumJr! You’re an awesome #SAGAwards ambassador. We hopt to have you in for a panel soon! K.I.T.
Backstage (article): SAG Awards ambassador Harry Shum Jr on the ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ sequel
Entertainment Weekly (photos): See all the stars at EW’s SAG Awards party
ET Canada (photos): InstaGallery: The 2019 SAG Awards
SAG Awards (video): Crazy, ridiculous silver carpet #sagawards @harryshumjr
Entertainment Tonight (video): #Shadowhunters star Harry Shum Jr knows we need more Crazy Rich Asians ASAP #SAGawards
ET Canada (video): #CrazyRichAsians star @HarryShumJr comments on how much more diverse the industry has become since his first #SAGawards ten years ago, when he was also nominated as part of an ensemble for @GLEEonFOX
E! News (photo): Harry Shum Jr and Shelby Rabara brings us nothing but glee #SAGAwards
Harry Shum Jr posted a photo with the caption This was a dope moment. CRA X BP X BR X ACS
Red Carpet Report TV (article): Behind the scenes: 25th annual Screen Actors Guild Awards Silver Carpet Rollout, Cocktails, Partners #SAGAwards #Interviews #Video
LA Times (article): SAG Awards: Harry Shum Jr brings a modern twist on 1950s style to the silver carpet
SAG Awards (GIF): When you and the squad are all on point #sagawards @CrazyRichMovie
Ashley Lee (photo): It’s #CrazyRichAsians time! Tan Kheng Hua is channeling Michelle Yeoh with some gorgeous bling and greeting @HarryShumJr and his wife @Shelby_Rabara. @ronnychieng​ is also here and says, yes, he’s down to host the Oscars. #SAGAwards
SAG-AFTRA Foundation (photo): Taking some selfies on the red carpet. Don’t you love this pic of @SAGAwards ambassador @HarryShumJr with his @CrazyRichMovie co star #ChrisPang?
Zulekha Nathoo (photo): “Chris Pang, Harry Shum Jr from #CrazyRichAsians credit audiences for supporting films with diverse casts, universal stories so more can be told. #RepresentationMatters #SAGAwards”
LA Times (article): Best and worst looks from the SAG Awards
InStyle (video): The cast of #CrazyRichAsians looked absolutely stellar tonight at the #SAGAwards
Entertainment Weekly (article): SAG Awards 2019 afterparties: See how the stars celebrated
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anthony-kate · 6 years
This newly turned crazy brat suddenly ordering people around??? Like wtf PEOPLE ARENT THAT DUMB? She's barely a week old vamp? HOW DOES SHE KNOW TO ENCANTO? I just.... nope. Nope.
I honestly gave up asking these questions. lmao
Like I said it before, I appreciate that they wanted to expand the world building and all but it all made no sense? We barely know shit about the praetors. Who is this new vampire clan leader? And what did Heidi do before appearing again? Why is Russell now the alpha?
You cannot just make these decisions behind the scenes kinda and expect the audience to care. Everything came completely out of the blue and the writing was all over the place. 
For real, what did you want to achieve with this episode because I am left ????????
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Larry Ezekiel Goodman Bio + Tags + Headcanons
Name: Larry Ezekiel Goodman Nicknames: Darkheart, Larebear Age: 21; Can Change Birthday: February 27th Sign: Pisces Gender: Cis Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Homosexual Homoromantic Polygamous; Nonsexual unless introduced to sex by outside source (then highly sexual) Hair: Naturally Brown, dyes tips blue Eyes: Dodger Blue Skin: Pale White Height: 5′0″ Weight: 110 lbs Faceclaim: Gerhard Freidl Piercings: Horizontal Brow Piercings (Left Side), Angel Bites, Labret, Both Ears Gauged (Size 0g) Tattoos: None Scars: Nothing real noticeable
Alignment: Lawful Good Religion: Raised Roman Catholic, Aetheist Allegiance: South Park Vampire Society, Mike Makowski, Ryan Ellis
Family: Zachary Fetter (Father, Alive, Out Of The Picture); Mariah Goodman (Mother, Alive); Martin “Big M” Goodman (Uncle, Alive); Mary Goodman (Grandmother, Deceased); Ezekiel Goodman (Grandfather, Alive)
Pets: Lestat (White German Shepherd)
Personality: Adaptable, anxious, artistic, attention-seeking, caring, compassionate, compliant, desires an escape of reality, emotionally intelligent, empathetic, extroverted, forgiving, friendly, generous, gentle, gullible, impulsive, intuitive, loyal, overly trusting, passive, patient, protective, prudish, responsible, self deprecating, selfless, sensitive, shy, submissive, sullen, tolerant, worrisome
Likes: Sleeping, music, romance, visual media, swimming, the spiritual side of vampirism, comaraderie, his friends, clamato juice, deviled egg potato salad, sweets, animals, helping others, rainy/snowy weather
Dislikes: Confrontation, cruelty of any kind, thinking too much, being criticized, know-it-alls, being taken advantage of, being left out, touching fish, Swedish meatballs, bitter things, plain water, hot weather
Can Do: Drive, make telephone calls, organize events, drop everything when a friend needs him, offer advice, play instruments (Cello, piano, clarinet, a little bit of violin, kazoo), write fiction
Can’t Do: Actually kill things, relax easily, cook, math, abandon his friends, most magic, handle confrontation, get too warm, resist singing to songs he likes/knows
Mental Health Diagnosis:
PTSD: Larry was treated rather poorly up until he started school, often locked out of his mother’s room at night and left with nobody to help him through things but his uncle. His uncle was and still is a drunk piggybacking off of his mother’s paychecks, and Larry suffered a lot of physical and sexual abuse from him. To this day he dislikes being alone with the man.
Dependant Personality Disorder: Larry will pour himself into other things in order to escape his actual reality. Because of this, he takes on the brunt of handling most Vampire Society affairs, including but not limited to booking events and venues, securing timetables and even setting up the occasional bake sale. The busier he can stay, the happier he is.
Physical Health Diagnosis:
Flat Feet: Larry has to wear special inserts in his shoes because his feet have no arches in them. It occasionally makes running hard.
Fears: Being forgotten, aliens, being eaten alive, earthquakes
Positive Traits: Loyal, trustworthy, tolerant
Negative Traits: Self-deprecating, anxious, worrisome
Quirks: Listens to such a wide variety of music it’s hard to pinpoint his tastes; Likes peanut butter and cheese sandwiches; Has an interest in all occult/supernatural things but vampires are his number 1
Tends To: Busy himself to the point of forgetting himself; Become nonverbal during conflict; Cling to his dog when scared
History: The timing couldn’t have been worse for Larry to have been a shine in his parents’ eyes. Zach Fetter was content to be the guy Mariah Goodman’s parents couldn’t stand, and she was content to know she was breaking rules, until Larry came into the picture. The minute it turned from rebellion into the possibility of a family, all parties tried to run. Mariah, sadly, was a little stuck. She couldn’t get an abortion, and had to temporarily move back in with her parents until Larry was born. He spent the beginning of his life mostly with his grandparents, while his mother got back on her feet with a job.
When he was three, his uncle was released from prison and his mother moved out of her parents’ house to move in with her brother. The initial idea was for him to get a job and help out, but something always got in the way. He spent a lot of time babysitting Larry, who began to behave differently. Quiet, more sullen, he flinched a lot in the presence of his uncle and refused to talk about it. By kindergarten, he was reluctant to do much on his own, and immediately clung to an older kid by the name of Mike Makowski.
They became fast friends, and Larry was ever loyal to any of Mike’s causes, even if he was a year younger than him. When they became the South Park Vampire Society in fourth grade (fifth for Mike), Larry was a dutiful second in command that spent as much time as he could with his friends. They were all a very close-knit group, and even as they grew and everyone else changed, Larry didn’t see a whole lot of it.
He let himself be so enveloped in his work for his friends, in spending time with them and helping them with problems, that he never thought of much else. Most things that regular teenage boys did escaped him, barring his schoolwork, and he was always probably the least sexual of the vampire kids. Not to say that he didn’t like people that way, or that he didn’t have the thoughts on occasion, but he was always so tired when he got home, and it took a lot to get him to open up about things like that.
Tags List - Personal
Not A Ghost Nor A Demon (Larry) This Is What I Do I Spit On You (Larry’s IC Posts) Stripes Are Always In (Larry’s Closet) A Vampire’s Lair (Larry’s Stuff) I’ve Got A Notion (Larry’s Desires) Fake Fangs And Clamato Juice (Larry’s Aesthetic) The Vampire Lestat (Lestat Tag) Like Fog Lights In The Rain (Larry’s Music) Things Are Different When You’re Dead (Larry Musings) Here It’s December Every Day (Larry Headcanons)
Tags List - With X - Canon
We Are But Shepherding Wolves (Larry And Allison Mertz)
The Different Need Us As Well (Larry And Amanda Harrison)
Please No Grieving (Larry And Annie Barlett)
Blondes Have More Fun (Larry And Bebe Stevens)
I Don’t Know Him (Larry And Billy Harris)
Sister In Darkness (Larry And Bloodrayne)
Where Oh Where Has He Gone? (Larry And Bradley Biggle)
It’s The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life (Larry And Butters Stotch)
I Don’t Like Dirt (Larry And Christophe “The Mole” DeLorne)
He’s Cool Enough To Hang Out With Us (Larry And Clyde Donovan)
If He Had Wheels He’d Be A Wagon (Larry And Craig Tucker)
Party Till It’s 666 In The Morning (Larry And Damien Thorn)
Nothing Is Ever Perfect (Larry And David Harrison)
He Rode Cthulhu Like A Pony! (Larry And Eric Cartman)
A Sweet Kid (Larry And Filmore Anderson)
Sharp And Scathing With Shipping Included (Larry And Firkle Smith)
The More The Merrier (Larry And Flora)
Brothers In Vampirism (Larry And Gangsta Vamp)
It’s Not Right To Tell Someone They’re Wrong (Larry And Gary Harrison)
What’s Up Drunkie? (Larry And Gregory)
She Wears A Dress Like A Body Bag Every Day (Larry And Heidi Turner)
Fire Bad! (Larry And Henriette Biggle)
Under Our Wings You Could Flourish (Larry And Ike Broflovski)
Don’t Let The Losers Win (Larry And Jennifer Harrison)Could She Be One Of Us? (Larry And Jenny)
Humor Is The Lifeblood Of Society (Larry And Jimmy Valmer)
One Of Us (Larry And Karen McCormick)
Why Does He Hate Us So Much? (Larry And Kenny McCormick)
Help Yourself To Guns And Ammo (Larry And Kevin McCormick)
Millennials Against Canada (Larry And Kyle Broflovski)
Everyone Is Welcome (Larry And Leslie Meyers)
I Believe (Larry And Mark Harrison)
Anywhere But Scottsdale (Larry And Michael)
They Worry You With All The Talk Of How You’re Not Their Kind (Larry And Mike Makowski
A Little Extra Help (Larry And Mimsy)
Always Scheming (Larry And Nathan)
The Sun It Withers In Comparison (Larry And Nichole Daniels)
Ugh You Spit On Me Larry (Larry And Pete)
He’s Not Like The Others (Larry And Quaid)
Leader Of The Pack (Larry And Red Tucker)
We’re Cool Huh? (Larry And Ryan Ellis)
Not Everyone Is On Our Level (Larry And Sally Bands)
You Poor Guy (Larry And Scott Tenorman)
Dogs Are Life (Larry And Stan Marsh)
Fanastic Wounds (Larry And Timmy Burch)
Is He On The List? (Larry And Token Black)
Tally Marks (Larry And Trent Boyett)
Too Young To Drink Caffeine (Larry And Tweek Tweak)
Class President (Larry And Wendy Testaburger)
Tags List - With X - OC
For What It’s Worth (With Hershy) - @brokenxdelinquentsx
It Was An Honest Mistake (With Nikolai Robins) - @sub-nikolai
Tags List - With X - Crossover
Daddy Daddy Get Me Out Of Here I’m Underground (With Jareth)
A Little Crazy Is OK As Long As Nobody Says Any Dirty Words (With Jerome Valeska)
Verses - In-World
Second Best Friend Ever (Larry’s Elementary Verse)
It didn’t take long for Larry to be swept up in Mike Makowski. Someone that was so confident and cool actually paying him attention was the biggest, nicest thing anyone had ever done for him. He would have followed Mike to the ends of the Earth and back, and usually helped retrieve him from Scottsdale, at least by tattling to his parents.
Growing Into Oneself (Larry’s Middle School Verse)
In middle school, being the vice president and treasurer of the Vampire Society became his life. He would make sure that everyone had their tickets for dances and things, that everyone was going to parties or zoo excursions. Mike’s birthdays became a big-ticket item and he did a lot of work with Mike’s stepdad to get the parties to be just right for his best friend.
Workaholic (Larry’s High School Verse)
In high school, Larry got a job as a clerk at the Photo Dojo. If he wasn’t doing that or school work, he was almost always with his friends doing something. If they weren’t together, he was planning things, or taking dictation from Mike. He spent as little time at home as he could leading up to his 18th birthday, and after it he tried to spend even less time there.
We Are The Fortunate All The Time (Larry’s College Verse)
The second Larry graduated high school, he was already out the door. The soonest he could get to his college life and away from his family, the better. Sure, he missed his friends, but they all talked on group chats and Discord, so things were still close. Living outside of Colorado was odd for him, however, hard to really put into place. Outside of his friend group, which apparently sheltered him a lot, he didn’t know how to function.
AU Verses
I Can’t Wait To Show You My Love (Larry’s ABO AU)
Born a male Omega, Larry was always looked down upon by his mother, and his uncle saw him as a target. His grandparents took him in when he started to smell too much like his uncle, and have full custody of him. He lives with them in Middle Park, but still goes to school and hangs out with his friends in South Park.
His Only Fault Was His Trust (Demon!Larry AU)
Larry had never been much of a bad person. In fact, his only real flaw was that he trusted others so thoroughly that whatever they said or told him to do made him dangerous. A loyal friend, he became a majordomo to the royal family of hell when he died.
Creatures Of The Deep (Mer!Larry AU)
Larry is a Demasoni Cichlid, one of the least aggressive of his species. He tries to be a kind of vegetarian, but his species cannot survive without meat for long. He eats fish more than anything, though he goes into a frenzy on occasion. When he’s on land, he loses his ability to speak.
Apprenticed (Larry’s Repo! The Genetic Opera AU)
It started off innocently enough; Larry had been hoping to get some good, interesting work for his stories. Vampires were still a hit, even if it was more organ-themed now-a-days. But working as an apprentice to a Graverobber wasn’t always the easier thing to deal with, especially when squeamish.
Warn Your Warmth To Turn Away (Vampire!Larry AU)
It made sense, at some point, for Larry to obsess over vampires to the point of following ‘real’ ones. When he’d left South Park for college, he never once thought he’d find anyone that fit his aesthetic. Here he was, though, in a club called The Den, a bartender that didn’t realize just what he was getting himself into. Three days into his employment, he found out the dirty underbelly of the city operated there, and that most of them were not human. To keep him from running, he was slowly being poisoned, turned into a vampire that could still provide blood to others until the night of his full shift. Which just so happened to be his twenty-second birthday.
I Don’t Want To Be Team Jacob (Werewolf!Larry AU)
Larry had always loved dogs. He had enjoyed seeing wolves in the forest, thinking of them as vampiric familiars. The one time he stepped over his boundaries and pet an unfamiliar dog, though, turned out to be the worst night of his life. Trying to hide his new side from his friends and relatives was proving to be too hard, to boot.
None At This Time
Open Starters
None At This Time
Headcanon Posts
* ( positive personality   traits!
Physical Traits Of Your Muse
Detailed Profile Tag
Bold Your Muse’s Aesthetic (Spooky Edition)
Faceclaim - Gerhard Freidl
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Art By Me
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Lestat is Larry’s loyal White German Shepherd. The pair are mostly inseparable, and he will take Lestat with him to occasional Vampire Society meetings. Lestat protects Larry from his uncle, who is the only person that Lestat doesn’t like.
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monicalozzano · 7 years
Sentimental education
Disney Classics 
Alice’s Wonderland (1923), Snow White and the seven dwarfs, Pinocchio, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Make Mine Music, The Jungle book 1, Peter Pan, Dumbo, 101 Dalmatians, Alice in Wonderland, Anastasia, The Sword in the Stone,  The Ugly Duckling, The Jungle book 2, The Practical Pig, The Aristocats, Silly Simphonies, Lilo & Stitch 1 and 2, Plane Crazy, Robin Hood, Little Marmaid 1, 2 and 3, Pocahontas 1 and 2, The King Lion 1, 2 and 3, Mulan 1 and 2, Hercules, Bambi, The Rescuers, The Hunchback of Notre Dame 1 and 2,  The Three Caballeros, Aladdin 1, 2 and 3, Tangled, Meet the Robbinsons, Tarzan 1 and 2, The Princess and the Frog, Frozen, Moana, The Beauty and The Beast, Saludos Amigos, The Many adventures on Winnie The Pooh, Lady and The Tramp, Oliver & Company, The Emperor's New Groove, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Home, on the Range, Wreck-It Ralph, The Leyend of Sleepy Hollow, Animation from Disney/Pixar
Toy Story 1, 2 and 3, Monsters Inc, Monsters University, Cars, Cars 2 and 3, Finding Nemo, Finding Dory, Inside out, The good Dinosaur, Brave, The Incredibles, Ratatouille, A Bug’s Life, Up, WALLL-E, Bolt, Chicken Little, Zootopy, Gnomeo and Julieth, Big Hero Six, Coco
Disney live-action 
Mary Poppins, The cheetah girls, Alice in Wonderland, Alice Trough the looking glass, High School Musical 1, 2 and 3, Camp Rock, Camp Rock: The Final Camp, Wizards of Waverly Place, Wendy Wu: homecoming warrior, Princess Program Protection, The Beauty and The Beast, Stuck in the suburbs, Maleficent, Cinderella, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Enchanted, Princess Diaries 1 and 2, Pixel perfect, 
AnimationRaise of the Guardians, The Boss Baby, Trolls, The Croods, The Prince of Egypt, Turbo, Shark Tale, The Road to El Dorado, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, Home, The Guardian Brothers, A Monster in Paris, 
Paramount Pictures
How To Train Your Dragon 1 and 2, Shrek 1,2 & 3, Shrek the Third,  Shrek Forever After, Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted,  Monsters vs. Aliens
Universal Studios
Lorax, Despicable Me 1, 2 and 3, Sing, Pitch Perfect 1, 2 and 3, Mamma Mia, 50 Shades, 50 Shades Darker, Bruce Almighty, How The Grinch Stole Christmas, Psicosis, Les MIsérables, The Land Before Time
Blue Sky Studios
Robbots, Ice Age 1, 2, 3 and 4, Río,  Horton
Studio Ghibli
Tonari no Totoro, Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi, 
Sony Pictures
Hotel Transilvania 1 and 2, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, The Smurfs 1 and 2, Goosebumps, 
A lot like love, Basquiat (1996) Fight Club, Spring Breakers, El ciempiés Humano, Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, 12 monkies, Psyco, Casablanca, 50 First Dates, Get Smart, Love Rosie, Romeo and Julieth (2013) La vita e bella, Batman Trilogy (by Nolan) Ramona and Beezus, The Neon Demon, Under the Skin, the perks of being a wallflower, The proposal, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, Pollock (2000) Charlie St. Cloud, The Danish Girl, The Notebook, 10 things I hate about you, Titanic, Pretty Woman, P.S: I love you, (500) Days of Summer, A Walk to Remember, Letters to Julieth, Nothing Hill, About Time, Dear John, The Crush, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, No String attached, A Cinderella Story, Grease, The Breakfast Club, My Best Friend's Wedding, 27 Dresses, The Vow, Shakespeare in Love, The Last Song, Another Cinderella Story, One Day, Ever After, Remember Me, The Longest Ride, The Lucky One, If I Stay, Paper Towns, Tres metros Sobre el Cielo, Tengo Ganas de Ti, The First Time, Cinderella (2015) Pitch perfect 1 and 2, Mean Girls, Clueless, Wild Child, Not Another Teen Movie, Easy A, Cruel Intentions, La Vie d'Adèle, Bring it on, John Tucker must die, Monte Carlo, Just like heaven, What Happens in Vegas, Runaway Bride, Definitely maybe, Friends with Benefits, Black Swan, The sweetest thing, La la land, Moonlight, Crazy stupid love, Grease, Bad moms, Love and other drugs, The Social network,  Just go with it, Grown ups 1 and 2, Bedtime stories, Click,  We’re the Millers, Big Daddy, The devil wears Prada, The Intern, Bride wars, Coco avant Chanel, The Theory of Everything, Sabrina, The Pursuit of Happiness, Marie Antoinette, Last days, Blue valentine, Singing In The Rain, Cecil B. Demented, eXincenZ, Back to the Future, The day of the Jackal, Roman Holiday, I, Tonya, Phantom Threat, Ginger and Rosa, Lady Bird, Dunkirk, Fifty Shades of Grey (Trilogy), The Orange Workclock, 2001: Space Odyssey, Roman Holiday, Matrix, Dead Poets Society, The Edge of Seventeen, V for Vendetta, Lion, The Glass Castle, Hacksaw Ridge, Arrival, Independence Day Resurgence, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Oz the Great and Powerful (2013), Suicide Squat, Wonder Woman (2017), Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Justice League​, Batman: Lego Movie, Spider-Man: Homecoming​, Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War, The Amazing Spider-Man, The Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultron and Avengers: Infinity War, Thor, Thor: The Dark World and Thor: Ragnarok, Iron Man, The Square, Wonder, Murder On The Orient Express, Before Midnight, The DUFF, Peter Pan, Snowman, Anabelle 1 and 2, Insidious: Chapter 2, The Greatest Showman, A Dog’s Purpose, IT, Baby Driver, The Mask of Zorro, The Legend of Zorro, Me Before You, Wish Upon, Happy Family, Atomic Blonde, Water for Elephants, Agora, Ted, LOL (2008), LOL (2012), Hairspray, The Healer, A Question Of Faith,The Danish Girl, Mr & Mrs Smith, Spice World, Bed Time Stories, Pixels, Spy Kids, Sharkboy and Lavagirl, Valentines day, Intern, Little Prince, The Theory of Everything, We Are Your Friends, To Kill a Mockingbird​, Me and Earl and The Dying Girl, Heaven is For Real, Saving Mr. Banks, Life as We Know It, Dorian Gray, Twenty, Nerve, Batman: The Lego Movie, Baywatch, The Emoji Movie, Captain Fantastic, To The Bone, The Lovely Bones, Flipped, Homeless to Harvard, Ghost World, Divergent, The Hunger Games Trilogy, El Club de los Incomprendidos, Final Destination Franchise, Neon, The Longest Ride, Before I Fall, Matilda, My Babysitter's a Vampire, Endless Love, No Se Aceptan Devoluciones, Latin Lover, Now is Good, How I Live Now, Que Pena Tu Boda, Que Pena Tu Familia, Cásese Quien Pueda, Que Culpa Tiene El Niño, Nosotros Los Nobles, Cantinflas, Memorias del Subdesarrollo, Child of Rage, El Amor En Los Tiempos del Cólera, La Vendedora de Rosas, Rosario Tijeras, Soñar No Cuesta Nada, Los Colores de la Montaña, El Acorazado Potemkin, F for Fake, Agarrando Pueblo, Ojo y Vista: Peligra la Vida del Artista, El Tigre de Papel, Sex in The City, Mirror, Mirror, Stepmom, Adore, Think Like a Man, The Three Stooges, Vamps, Zambezia, The Beatles: Eight days a week, Storks, Ghost in the Shell, Bad Moms, Liar Liar, Clueless, Shape of Water, Woody Woodpecker, Everything Everything, The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, Fallen, Dude, The Space Between Us, The Kissing Booth, Barefoot in the Park, Mamma Mia, American Beauty, Guardians of the Galaxy, Fathers and Daughters, Mr & Mrs Smith, world War Z, When We First Met, 
Friends, How I Met Your Mother, 13 Reasons Why, Sense8, The Vampire Diaries, Glee, The End Of The Fuking World, Las Chicas del Cable, Stranger Things, Riverdale, Jane The Virgin, Gossip Girl, Luis Miguel, Grace and Frankie, Abstract (the art of design), Velvet, 
The Simpsons, The Powerpuff Girls, Dexter´s laboratory, Ruglats, All Grown Up!, Courage The Cowardly Dog, Star vs the Forces of Evil, Steven Universe, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir, We Bare Bears, Caillou, Hey, Arnold!, Ed, Edd y Eddy, CatDog, SpongeBob SquarePants, South Park, Johnny Bravo, Recess, The Angry Beavers, Futurama, The Wild Thornberrys, Happy Tree Friends, Super Friends, Mike, Lu & Og, Pepper Ann, Bob the Builder, Oggy and the cockroaches, The Animated Series, The Pink Panther, Cow and Chicken, I Am Weasel, The Fairly OddParents, Codename: Kids Next Door, Lazy Town, The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius, The Flintstones, Regular Show, Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, Las Tres Mellizas, Woody Woodpecker, Looney Tunes, Merrie Melodies, The Tom and Jerry Show, Tom and jerry Kids, Scooby-Doo ¿Where are You?, Scooby-Doo Creepy Cities, Pokemon, DragonBall, Pucca, Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi, Kim Possible, American Dragon: Jake Long, Lilo & Stitch: The Series, Popeye the Sailor, The Proud Family, Phineas and Ferb, The Replacements, Dave The Barbarian, Doug, Danny Phantom, Brandy & Mr. Whiskers, The Buzz on Maggie, The Emperor's New School, Phil of the Future, Dragon Tales, Clifford the Big Red Dog, Clifford Puppy days, Care Bears, My Little Pony, Bear In The Big Blue House, Zaboomafoo, Curious George, Jay Jay The Jet Plane, Sesame Street, The Book of Pooh, Blue’s Clues, Rolie Polie Olie, Jojo’s Circus, Little Einsteins, Barney and Friends, Go Diego Go!, Pocoyo, The Backyardigans, Higglytown Heroes, Dora the Explorer, Silly Simphonies, Heidi, Animaniacs, The Jetsons, DuckTales, The Ren & Stimpy Show, Tiny Toons Adventures, Inspector Gadget, Pinky and the Brain, Top Cat, The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show,  The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show, The Huckleberry Hound Show, The Yogi Bear Show, Yogi's Treasure Hunt, Captain Tsubasa, Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks, Stanley, Pinky Dinky Doo, The Koala Brothers, Cubeez, Troll Hunters Tales of Arcadia, The Boss Baby, Gravity Falls, The Little Lulu Show,
Goong, Uncontrollably Fond, My Love from Another Star, The Heirs, Love Cells 2, 
                                    still in process...
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Shadowhunters 3x15 Review
Okay, time for another one of these, even though I doubt anyone reads them.
Ugh, this Heidi is soooooo annoying, it's cringy. How is anyone even taking her seriously? She's been a Vampire for like 5 days, why are the other Vamps even listening to her crazy talk???
Poor Luke, he's always the one getting the short end of the stick. Though I am glad he's getting something like a storyline of his own. I totally understand where he's coming from. Mundanes learning about the Shadow world is never a good idea, though I do wish he wasn't going to jail in order to protect the others.
Did Magnus SERIOUSLY have no other place to live except the Institute? What about Catarina's place? Surely, Lorenzo can't tell her who she can invite there and who she can't.
I'll give it to Heidi, she's definitely cunning and she knows how to manipulate people. But why did she have to drag poor Raphael into this???
Speaking of Raphael, Rizzy ruined me this episode. They have so much chemistry, their dialog was so passionate and sincere how am I supposed to believe Simon is the one for her?
I really like this Aline. She's sexy and smart and not stiff like the other one was.
She's also telling it like it is. Clary is not worth sacrificing so many lives for, she's just not. I understand Jace ~loves~ her, but he's not making a strong case for himself or for her.
I'm really, really trying to like Clary and root for her, but the way they're writing her as well as the other people around her, is just making me want to yell "SHUT UP" every time she talks.
Also, I can't be the only one who thinks there was chemistry between Jace and Aline 👀👀👀👀
I'm glad we got to see Alec in action as HOI, but why the hell didn't we get to see the Shadowhunters arresting the Vamps. It looked like it would be interesting. This is an action show, yet half the screen time is take up by relationship drama. Sooo annoying.
I like Underhill. I like that he seemed decent towards Magnus, despite his feelings for Alec. I would honestly prefer Underhill/Alec over malec.
JONATHAN HAS AN EARRING!!! That definitely emphasises the elf/leprechaun aesthetic he has going on LOL
I really wish we had seen more of him. After all, this is supposed to be Team Evil's season and we barely got to see any interactions between them and there's only 5 episodes left, not counting the finale.
I stand by what I said about Maia, however I have to admit I like what a complex character she is. The way she handled Heidi was very, very smart and Alisha's acting was phenomenal as always.
Simon is right, though. It is important to follow the rules. The Law is harsh, but it is the Law.
Magnus and Alec were....B A D. It's not even just the lack of chemistry between the actors, the writing just sucks. First, like I said, why would Magnus agree to stay in the Institute when he and Alec both know it's going to be awkward? Second, the argument they had about Underhill. They both had valid points from their own perspective, but like...They can't even agree on this one thing (yes, I know they ended up on the same page before Magnus passed out) but it's not just this. They are constantly arguing, they can't agree on even the smallest things and they are always hiding important things from one other (Magnus went to Lorenzo without Alec's knowledge) Is this the healthy representation y'all are raving about? How can Alec say 'Magnus is my world' when he's constantly putting Magnus second?
Overall, not a bad episode on it's own, but waaaay too much unnecessary stuff. The relationship drama needs to end. This is a supernatural show, for God's sake, not a soap opera!
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celiamrscatway · 7 years
Wow this my first text I'm so nervous please help
Here are some things that I wondered about very often:
When a werewolf gets bitten by a vamp, is he going to turn into a vamp or a hybrid or die or goes on with being a wolf?
Theory 1: He's a hybrid then (but I don't think so)
Theory 2 : He turns into a vampire and can never be a werewolf again (sounds logical)
Theory 3 : His werewolf side fights against the vampire side and he dies because of that or he just takes on the "winner side" (the side that is the strongest)
Bella does not care about what her (boy-)friends are. Vampire, wolf, zombie.... nevermind
But once in the book she said something strange like "...and if Angela was a witch, it still wouldn't matter!" I think.
So, wouldn't it be cool if it turns out that Angela was a witch? And if she would meet Demetri to make him obsessed with her
I don't know if vampires can get orgas- (this word is to weird for such a young girl like me), errectio- (still akward).... yeah, lets just say that I don't know if they can have "that" and it's making me crazy.
They don't have blood in their bodies, but their heart does also not beat and they can still breathe and live and shine bright like a diamond
Edward looks like sex isn't something for him that drives him crazy or so, but some other vamps like Demetri and Heidi are seeming like the biggest fuckboys and bitches of the universe XD
So does anyone know the answer of my question?
Obviously the volturi love human sectretarys. They are cute and sexy and tasty and they bring letters. But I think that there are some other humans in their "palace".
Maybe some vampires of the guard tempt some young, beautiful girls, make them fall in love with them and take them behind the castle walls. Then they have fun with them like playing hide and seek and watching movies and after some time (a few days, weeks, months) the vampires kill them.
Like a hobby or something against boredom...
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likelovelikesuicide · 6 years
Shadowhunters 3.09 - Immediate Reaction
Fair Warning: Full S3A Finale spoilers
The Clave is still riddled with Circle members hypocrites and we’re all doomed because frankly these people are all fucking insane… So  Clary is screwed and Iris is screwed and Jia is terrible in every way but lets do this…
Alec is being shut out by the Counsel (no surprise there, you did steal a thing and lie about a thing and not kiss the very ground the Clave burns people on, how dare you!) - but don’t worry, your boyfriend Magnus is up all night searching for a way to save Jace from dark magic because of course this is his responsibility because #magic #foreshadowhowhuntering --- With limited screen time this naturally leads to Alec deciding he has no choice but to kill Jace and Magnus insisting they seek out the help of his PRINCE OF HELL father before resorting to killing someone who already totally died….But I digress…  
I spent most of this episode yelling at everyone to RE-kill Valentine - side note: the only way we as a fandom will ever accept the existence of this necromancy rune that Clary randomly came up with for this episode (not like she needed it before or anything) is if it somehow ends up being an immortality rune for Alec once Magnus gets his shit back together - but for real, I get that we all love and miss Alan Van Sprang. He’s the only thing that made Valentine bearable to watch but for real? They couldn’t get this information any other way?.... #Zombie!Valentine… #yeahtheywentthere 
Anyway, How does Jordan know Izzy???? Did I miss something (Dude met Jace… right? For real how do they know each other?)--- Maia would have been a better fit for the overall Simon arc with his family…. and Maia is needed for the werewolf arc too… why was she written out of this again? - o right to stahl this plot for 3b... Moving on…
Simon really isn’t benefiting from this whole Paeter situation right now… Mama Lewis and sister Rebecca deserved better.... 
Heidi taking advice from Lilith is probably a bad a idea but also fitting for her situation so go off girl… no wait stop going off!!!! - Will someone PLEASE stake this bitch? FFS! Cast me as a wayward low-level Shadowhunter with hot designer boots and a warlock girlfriend and I’ll do it for you. Damn. (Also, those silver shoes are ugly as hell so someone should really mercy kill her and close the damn casket. For real what the fuck are those. Why is that a thing I had to see with my eyes!?)  
Luke walks away from his pack… again… wasn’t he leaving at the end of last episode??? Are we repeating story-lines?   I can’t take the werewolf dude seriously because he always looks like he’s going to cry like a little bitch and it makes me laugh…. Yes. I’m horrible… However, Luke is also in trouble with the good old NYPD. Can we get a Brooklyn 99/Shadowhunters crossover? Jake Peralta and Luke Garroway working together while Alec and Izzy judge them? #Glamor 
Cat is going to feel so terrible for suggesting this… #2parter #spoilers #splitmyheartdownthemiddleandgetthehammer 
To Recap: Valentine is alive - most of the guard is dead - the prisoners are free? Or dead? And valentine is dead again. okay …. That was some walking dead shit but for real - we’ve got bodies piling up here. Seelies. Nephilim. Mundanes…. Also, Clary should really learn to recognize Jace’s fighting style because he is obvious as hell. 
So there’s another episode now… THANK THE ANGELS
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