#Hebrew Year 5781
angelthefirst1 · 6 months
More on the X eclipse and Beth's number-plates, it's all connected.
Crossroads ❎️ the A's and the X's - Are Alpha and Omega
Read to the end! 🤯🤯🤯
If you haven't looked at my post about the upcoming X eclipse on the 8th April, i suggest you go and read it, because i will be adding more info on that eclipse, later in this post.
All this time, we've been tracking Beth, who "died". The "walker" who walks (lives), and...she tracks herself back to the crossroad Daryl lost her at. ♾️
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Let's look at the signs to track just how close we are to her return. Believe me, It's close!
Every scene that Daryl and Beth shared, including dialogue, outfits, and circumstance, is being repeated with Rick and Michonne.
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Are Beth and Daryl close to being close again?
Are we almost done tracking this walker, Beth, back to the crossroad coda? ➕️❌️
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This article below describes some events from this Sunday's episode, which are very reminiscent of Beth and Daryl's time together.
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Firstly, it mentions how Rick was scared to let Michonne in because loving ❤️ her and losing her again would kill him.
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Same as Daryl.
The article then mentions that in episode 5, someone is tracking them.
While Rick and Michonne are at their version of the funeral home.
Is she tracking herself, aka Rick? And is on a collision course to crossover into Rick's story?
Michonne, in episode 4, just stepped in the "trap"...
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Everything gets a return, so it's fitting that Beth will come around again, in the same way she left. At both a Crossroads ❌️ and a coda ➕️ end.
If she tracks herself back to her own story and crosses over into it at Coda (episode 6), that would be incredible.
In the article i reference, which you can read here..
Gimple hints at Rick dying in the last (Coda) episode 106, just like Beth did in Coda.
Beth's death in Coda 508, was leaked prior to the episode airing, and if you remember the Beth lookalike from episode 103 TOWL, in the Millennial park (kingdom) she picks up both carrots (Easter) and leeks (leak)
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I consider this "hint" from Gimple a "Leek" to repeat the leak of Beth's death in coda.
But Rick won't die. He will instead be taken back to "Grady" CRM like Beth after Alone and the crossroad.
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Another similarity in the upcoming episode is Rick wearing this backpack...
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Like Daryl did after dealing with the Claimers, but prior to Terminus (coda 106). We also see Rick wear a flannel shirt, like Daryl did in Alone.
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The Claimer Len asked if Daryl had lost a piece of tail (coda/happy ending) hinting at Beth. He did this when hunting the bunny (Easter) at Dawn.
The end (tail) is the beginning (Easter) she will return like she left.
The article above talks about Rick and Michonne meeting new survivors next, so I expect the last two episodes of TOWL to include large amounts of Claimers (bunny/Easter) symbolism.
If you remember, the Claimers also tracked Rick before trying to kill him.
And when Beth eventually tracks back into the story and is no longer "just gone," she circles around to represent the claimers. And she is claimed - by Daryl.
And he gets her (the bunny) back, but in two parts (In TOWL and DD2)
Claimer Joe mentions New years Eve, just before Daryl and Rick (Beth) see each other again.
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Believe it or not, this yellow car represents New Years Eve...
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It's a Nissan with no number plate...
There is a new year coming up, and it just so happens to be on April 8 when the X eclipse happens. That is the Jewish New Year, which begins on Nissan 1.
It's the name for the Hebrew New year, hence the no number plate and black (eclipse) number plate.
It represents the beginning of the calendar. Which also means Alpha
Now Beth's numerous repeating number plates give us this number...
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It's the Hebrew new year 5781.
5(S)781 - The 5 is flipped to S so it goes both ways.
The 1 = Alpha (beginning)
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The X and + on the windscreen = The end or Tav - which is the last letter in the Hebrew alphabet. And it's coda in middle Hebrew.
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The H = Hebrew
6 = Man number and mans calendar
And the 5781 year = Beginning (Alpha)
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Beginning to end of Beth's story is represented by X & A.
Obviously the yellow of the car is symbolic of her polo top.
We on our calendar, are about to enter into Hebrew year 5784 so on April 8th, we will have 3 missing years back to Beth's car calendar. Dun dun dun!
Now for anyone who doesn't know the biblical end times chronology, this is the basic layout.
-The church of Jesus Christ is removed from the world (taken out by God, which was represented by CRM taking Rick in the helicopter), while the song about space junk is playing.
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The world gets thrown into a tumultuous period called the tribulation, where a false messiah (Antichrist) rises to power, he is an imitator of the real messiah, and he makes the world take a mark X of the beast in order to buy and sell.
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But it will be a poison mark X or (Tav-END-immortal death)
Just as major Beale says, the "cure" is poison.
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The beginning is the end, and that's why patient zero in TWD is a drug 💉 (Pharmakon) addict who overdoses. Gloria (meaning immortal glory)
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The end is the beginning, and a Pharmakon drug (poison) that is labelled "the cure" will lead to the beginning of Gloria becoming an immortality dead cannibal.
At the CDC, Dr Jenner says the virus removes what it is to be a person (removes humanity).
We have seen this hinted at in France, with experiments and the fast zombies returning, just like at the beginning of the show. The zombies were faster then.
The end is the beginning, and the pharmaCON "cure" will be the poison that begins it all.
Gloria becomes immorally dead in an abandoned church. (The church has been removed)
That's why we are now hearing the term messiah thrown around, in DD1. They will eventually repeat this template.
The end times continue and...
-God pours out wrath and judgement on the unbelieving world, during this time, while his focus turns to the Jewish or Hebrew (calendar) people to help them recognise the real Messiah.
-The church returns to earth at the battle of Armageddon and the beginning of the Millennium - Hence Rick returning to the Millennium park.
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Now, i have talked about the A's and B's in the walking dead before.
"A" represents the goats (beasts) and "B" the Believers or sheep (followers) in the sheep and goats' judgment of the Millennial kingdom.
You can read more on that here X
We have seen A's many times in TWD but it has two meanings which i will clarify now.
If you choose to follow Christ and not take the Mark X in the Antichrist kingdom you will be labelled an A in that kingdom and put to death. But God will label you an X-TAV because you are a follower of Christ and put yourself last, and Christ first.
If you chose to follow the Antichrist and take the Mark X it will temporally save you. But In the Millennial kingdom you will be labeled an A, because you chose to put yourself first and Christ last.
At Terminus (train car A) was for the ones who wouldn't join the cannibals aka zombies who took the Mark X and they are to be killed.
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Father Gab's Church after Terminus also gets "A" placed on it - they refuse to take the mark, labeling those who chose Christ during the antichrist kingdom as A's and they get marked for death during that kingdom.
This is another biblical end times scenario, because anyone who refuses to take the mark of the beast 666 during the Antichrist kingdom will be put to death by beheading.
Rev 20.4
And I saw thrones and they that sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them. And I saw the souls of them that had been beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the Word of God, and who had not worshiped the beast, nor his image, nor had received his mark upon their foreheads or on their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Conversely, anyone who does take the Mark X of the Beast won't be allowed into the Millennial kingdom, they will be marked as Goats (beasts) and they will be put to death.
Ultimately, the war is between the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light. The symbolism for both is converse or mirrored. This means one imitates the other but is a fake or fraud.
2 Corinthians 11:14–15
14 And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 15 So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.
This brings me to the Logical negation symbol that i discovered on tree during both the story of Terminus and coda.
It means to reverse the truth of something. That is exactly what happens with the A's and X's the Sheep and goats, in these two kingdoms. The first and the last.
The bible describes this concept here in Matthew...
Matthew 20:16
16 “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”
We see the logical negation symbol in the light and in the dark at the time of Terminus and Coda.
With the church in the light, and with the cannibals in the dark.
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Jesus told His disciples, “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. 25 For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.
Not taking the Mark X in the Antichrist kingdom will mean you lose your life but ultimately save it.
When Daryl says the signs are all there to know when the tracking is almost done, he's referring to the biblical signs that point to the kingdom of the Antichrist and return of Christ just after.
I've mentioned before that Jesus said in Revelation 22.13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
TWD is covered in this symbolism.
Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters in the Greek alphabet. Which the new testament was written in.
Aleph A and Tav X are the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet which the old testament was written in.
So now i want to add one other detail to the upcoming X (TAV) eclipse that i didn't previously talk about.
The 8th of April solar eclipse will create an X or Tav (End) in conjunction with the 2017 eclipse.
But, there is one other solar eclipse that happened last year, in 2023. 2023 is where the current walking dead timeline is.
And in conjunction with the X eclipse, the 2023 eclipse makes an A (Beginning) A & X beginning and end.
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"A" 416 is the same episode that Beth puts the sherrifs hat on.
The beginning is the end. ♾️
Emily's song "When the midnight fireworks 🎆 start".
Should actually be called "When the Hebrew New Year fireworks start". 5781 ♾️
I'm a slow burn driving fast through a city
Full of matches and gasoline leaks
Full of people so shiny and pretty
I'm a slow burn
You gotta give me a few more years
But there is nothing that can stop this fire
Broken bridges, no amount of tears
I'm a slow burn about to take flame
And when the midnight fireworks start
Everybody will know my name
And it will never be the same
And it will never be the same
And it will never
Be the same
It's a short flight from the safe zone to danger
From the middle to the edges
From your family to a stranger
But there's a little light keeping me on the right track
I'm getting used to the temperature
I am never gonna go back
I'm a slow burn about to take flame
And when the midnight fireworks start
Everybody will know my name
And it will never be the same
It will never be the same
It will never
Be the same
I was crawling, now I'm about to walk
And when I stand up straight the whole world will talk
And when I snap my fingers they will clap along
Singing words by heart to every single song
I'm a slow burn about to take flame
And when the midnight fireworks start
Everybody will know my name
And it will never be the same
And it will never be the same
And it will never
Be the same
14 notes · View notes
destinyimage · 1 year
Hebrew New Year 5784: Kingdom Arise in the Year of Abundance & Creative Order
The Kingdom is Arising!
On Rosh Hashanah which begins September 15th at sundown – September 17th at sundown, we enter into a new Hebrew year, 5784. We declare the King is coming! These numbers stand for grace (5), perfection (7), new beginnings (8) and creation (4). I believe we are entering into a year in which the King is calling His kingdom to creative order and miracles in Christ. Watch as God takes you to next levels of order and creativity in the kingdom in the earth!

Get ready to see God do some amazing things this year! Remember, the year 5783 was about the resurrection, 5782 was about the double glory, and 5781 was about opening our mouths in the decade of Pey (the 80’s). 81, 82, 83, 84 all are in the 80’s “Pey” means to open your mouth and prophecy! You see, you prophesied the beginning, you prophesied double, you prophesied the resurrection, and now you now are stepping into the place of creative miracles and creative order in the power of kingdom. Yes! You are going to see some amazing, creative miracles happening this upcoming year.  If miracles are to arise then creative order is evident! The church is going to step into the abundance of the kingdom!
On Rosh Hashanah, we declare the Kingdom is Arising and God is coming to bring creation into its divine order! Whenever the enemy is attacking he always reveals a counterfeit of the real thing that God is doing. Have you noticed all the talk on gender issues. Why? Because the enemy is revealing that the true sons and daughters of the King are about to stand up and declare they are made in the image of God and He is their creator and sustainer. God wants this for the whole world and His heart is to see life transformation come to all. But He needs the kingdom kids to arise and be who they are called to be. We are the example of the kingdom in the earth! If we do not arise to reveal the King then who will?
Genesis 1:26- 28, (KJV) reads, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”
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We were called the sons and daughters and made in His likeness and then called to rule in the earth. The sons and daughters will begin to align this year and call forth those who are uncertain of who they are and what they have been called to do. The enemy has sounded the alarm that the sons and daughters and here and that is why there is so much alarming news and so much craziness. It is because we are here and now is the time to roll!
The trumpet blows in Zion on September 15 at sundown, let us be the ones declaring the coming King! (Joel 2:15) That is one thing that is most important about Rosh Hashanah we declare the King and our likeness to Him! Let the earth cry out because we the sons and daughters have arisen to the call of the King and are here to declare and prophesy “Pey” in 5784, that this is the year of getting creation in order! As we get in order with the King all of the earth will then align with Him! This means the lost will be saved and the confused living in lack will have their blinders removed so they can SEE and Recover their Sight!
God is shifting the church to live in the realms of Kingdom and abundance. Now, I know that the church was always supposed to have been there, but let me tell you, there are keys from heaven that are being deposited into the earth. These are rich keys that help us understand that we have ascended with Christ, we are seated with Him in heavenly places, and from that place we can walk in Kingdom authority. That’s not just Kingdom authority to cast out devils, cleanse lepers, and bring healing into the earth, although they are a part. It’s also revealing, expressing and walking in abundance as the Lord continues rebuilding and establishing a new foundation.

The foundation of the apostles and the prophets is what the church is being built on. He is activating the Kingdom! Ephesians 4:11-13 says, “And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:” 

You have re-entered the Garden of Eden and now live in the realms of abundancy. If you don’t live in abundancy, the enemy will trick you into returning to the soulish realm of lack. You cannot create in lack, only in abundance. There is no lack in your garden. 
As some men and women struggle with gender identity issues, a way to help others overcome is you need to speak life everywhere lack resides. Learn how lack manifests and then SEE above it.  If Yeshua had to recover His sight (the Greek work anablepo) before doing a miracle to feed the 5000,  then you and I as Christians, need to do the same thing (Luke 9 :16). 
Yeshua gave us access in spirit realms. You must hover in abundancy. Genesis 1:1-2 says, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”

Male and female were created in image of God and called to subdue and dominate. The bondages of sin, death and the grave are broken, and we have freedom. See, you were freely given access to the realms of heaven and abundance and you are called to co-create with God there. It is time for us to SEE, HEAR and SPEAK the kingdom but we must know the difference ourselves between kingdom living and earthly lack. Church arise on September 15 as the King is coming for a bride that knows how to live in abundance and can call forth His creative order in the earth!
When Yeshua died, was buried, resurrected and then ascended to heaven, sin, death and the grave were defeated, and you were launched into abundance and the dominion of the King. Our everyday position is one of fullness and prosperity – as in nothing missing or broken, shalom peace. You walk with the ABUNDANCY of CHRIST!

I declare and call into order right now every person who believes they were falsely created for lack. Come into alignment with who you are in Christ! I declare in 5784 you will live in fullness and co-create with the eyes and ears of heaven in abundancy first, in Jesus’ name! May the blinders be removed and you can SEE and walk in the heavenly places now.

Share with a friend and recover your sight daily. Be sure to position yourself in the place of abundance.
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4youri · 2 years
Ethanim 6, 5782 {Day 183 of 2561 Days}
Ethanim 6, 5782 {Day 183 of 2561 Days}
Sundown, October 2, 2022 to Sundown, October 3, 2022. Sundown, October 12, 2021 = Hebrew Day 183 of 353 {Tishri 6, 5781};The Seal of The Mother of God = Tishri 5 {Day 182};Spiritual Seal of YHWH: 56 * 3.25 = Tishri 5;Spiritual Seal of YHWH: 14 * 13 = Hebrew Day 182;October 11, 2021 = Hebrew Day 182 of 353;Spiritual Note: Day 153 + 30 Days = Tishri 6.Most Incredible Jewish Years Are When Day 2208…
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eretzyisrael · 4 years
Shabbat Zachor 2021 / שַׁבָּת זָכוֹר 5781
Shabbat Zachor (Shabbat before Purim) for Hebrew Year 5781 begins at sundown on Friday, 19 February 2021 and ends at nightfall on Saturday, 20 February 2021.
Shabbat Zachor ("Sabbath [of] remembrance שבת זכור) is the Shabbat immediately preceding Purim. Deuteronomy 25:17-19, describing the attack by Amalek, is recounted. There is a tradition from the Talmud that Haman, the antagonist of the Purim story, was descended from Amalek. The portion that is read includes a commandment to remember the attack by Amalek, and therefore at this public reading both men and women make a special effort to hear the reading.
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catfishimages · 4 years
how could you possibly, in the year of our lord 5781, not believe that the moon landing happened
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kingdomassociate · 4 years
New revelations for a new day
New revelations for a new day
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A fairy-wren heralding a new day
For the Father declares a new beginning, with new light, gifting revelations to us from the Light of the world (the Christ), that will set us on a fresh path that brings sight to the blind, heaven to earth, light in the darkness, and fresh life to our souls. Behold, this is a new day, listen to the Father’s voice. Wait on Him, for the new thing begins with His…
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copperbadge · 4 years
Best wishes for a sweet and good new year to all my Jewish friends and readers; may you be safe and happy in 5781. I hope in a year or two to be numbered among you. Please keep a place for me at the Seder in the meantime, and I promise I’ll get there just as soon as I can. 
(Hebrew not so much but I will do my best.)
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girlactionfigure · 3 years
Leil Selichot 2021 / סליחות 5781
Leil Selichot (Prayers for forgiveness in preparation for the High Holidays) for Hebrew Year 5781 occurs after nightfall on Saturday, 28 August 2021.
Selichot or slichot (Hebrew: סליחות) are Jewish penitential poems and prayers, especially those said in the period leading up to the High Holidays, and on Fast Days. In the Ashkenazic tradition, it begins on the Saturday night before Rosh Hashanah. If, however, the first day of Rosh Hashanah falls on Monday or Tuesday, Selichot are said beginning the Saturday night prior to ensure that Selichot are recited at least four times.
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daysofawesome · 4 years
Days of Awesome is BACK!
Calling all Jewish fans, and and fans of Jewish characters!
Very excited to announce that Days of Awesome--a Jewish High Holiday ficathon originally launched in 2007, and which ran from 2007-2013, is back--just in time to kick-off the Hebrew year of 5781!
What is Days of Awesome?
Days of Awesome is a annual Jewish character ficathon in honor of the Jewish high holiday season.
Originally founded by Livejournal user jadelennox in 2007, the goal of this project is to create a venue for fans of all backgrounds to write fic about Jewish characters and their Jewish identities–which are all-too-often under-represented in canon and fanon, and, when they are represented, they’re often represented as Jewish in name only.
We’re also here because while we love other holiday fic challenges, they so frequently don’t correspond with holidays that are important on the Jewish calendar. We wanted to change that with a festive little celebration around the Jewish holiday season!
How It Works
This year, we’re keeping it really casual.
We’ll have a collection on Archive of Our Own that will open on Erev Rosh HaShana (September 17, this year), and stay open through the Hebrew month of Tishrei (until October 17)–a length which spans the entire Jewish high holiday season, and includes the holidays of Rosh HaShana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Sheminei Atzeret, and Simchat Torah!
You can feel free to upload any fic, ficlet, or podfic that you write that fits the requirements to the collection within that time frame. Please just tag it with the tag Community: daysofawesome!
And, if all goes according to plan, we’ll have a few optional prompts too, peppered and shared throughout the month.
What are the requirements for fic?
The only firm requirement is that your focal character be Jewish.
If they’re canonically Jewish–great! If they’re not canonically Jewish, that’s okay too. But we would ask that if it is a situation in which you headcanon a particular character as Jewish, or are writing an AU in which they are Jewish, you please make the fic about their Jewishness. If you have a Jewish OC that you want to write about–if, for instance, you want to explore what it would be like to be a Jewish character in the world of the Hunger Games, or His Dark Materials–go for it! Again, we would just ask that the fic be about that character’s (or those characters’) Jewish experiences. If you wanted to be extra festive and seasonal, you could write about some of the characters celebrating one of the seasonal holiday, or a fic on one of the themes that is explored throughout one of these days.
All fandoms are game, and there are no length requirements, and you can upload as many pieces as you’d like within the month.
We are here to help!
Check out our FAQ, or feel free to drop us an ask ,or send us an email at [email protected] And if you’re interested, please signal boost! We’d love to spread this far and wide!
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theeorchard · 3 years
Venus of Willendorf
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(Bing.com) Venus of Willendorf
Prehistoric art that of such of the above^, “Venus of Willendorf” is considered important for larger women would do best for childbearing and survival. Even today, childbirth can be enormously dangerous.
INSERT; BIBLICAL C-SECTION, ANCIENT ROME... if the child fails to pass through the vaginal canal, would this be considered a virgin birth such as what would be the case in a C-section. Ancient ROME & EGYPT are the times of JESUS CHRIST in CHRISTIANITY.
The FIRST Testament essentially describes the Judaic point of view leading up to the time of CHRIST, Then in the persecution & resurrection of Jesus Christ ensues in the 2nd TESTAMENT.
MOHAMMED of ISLAM came not far long after that of Jesus Christ, during these same time periods. HOWEVER, unlike Jesus Christ who had a non-violent approach, MOHAMMED went to discover a new settlement to escape persecution & sought to pray in order to justify means of defense for his colony.
ALL IN ALL, like pyramids in EGYPT & in the AMERICAS, we all can deduce similar sufferings & joys as a human being; that of a contagious smile or hug & a hand shake. The HUMAN PHYSCE tethers us as what is to believed a conscious existence experiencing similar emotional pulls. Some say this explains religion.
VAHALLA is the Norse mythology of HEAVEN. There are depictions however like in Christianity these depictions are to what is to be thought of heaven and hell would be.
Down below is an ancient map of heaven & hell. NOTICE: even during these times the earth is flat yet the map spherical
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Many histories were passed down through generations through oral tradition or oral stories before the time of written language. Explore a game of “Telephone”. The ancient city of UR in Mesopotamia, modern day Iraq, is to be considered the first civilization or city-state. KING HAMMURABI of Babylon (Babylon is greatly known for in advances in astronomy), two-thousand years (2,000 BCE) before Christ. KING HAMMURABI is accredited with the first set of rules or law to govern, HAMMURABI CODE. Rosetta Stone, is from ancient EGYPT with a timeline of 5,000 years before Christ. EGYPT is still a country today!
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(Down below v_ROSETTA STONE)
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(The Ten Commandments ARTIFACT in relation to today’s CHRISTIANITY - 1st Testament; 2,000 yrs before Christ)
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_the year is also 5781, 5782 according to the HEBREW calendar.
_beginning of history is basically everything before 5,000 years before time of CHRIST. do the math; approx 7,000 years ago. (Think beginnings of EGYPT!)
_ 202,021 years ago is considered to be us, the first humans; ancestors.
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(Bing.com NASA Milkyway galaxy)
_approx 500 MILLION years ago is the genesis of planet earth.
_the milky way galaxy travels somewhere in outer space @ 1.3 MILLION mph. That’s galaxy, not just our tour of the sun and ‘local’ planets.
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I WANNA SAY SPACE GEL! like cytoplasm in a animal cell. Some have said vacuum. The stuff of outer space.
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4youri · 2 years
Ethanim 4, 5782 {Day 181 of 2561 Days}
Ethanim 4, 5782 {Day 181 of 2561 Days}
Sundown, September 30, 2022 to Sundown, October 1, 2022.Spiritual Note: Day 156 + 25 Days = Ethanim 4 {5782 Years Old}. October 10, 2021 = Hebrew Day 181 of 353;Spiritual Note: Day 153 + 28 Days = Tishri 4.Most Incredible Jewish Years Are When Day 2208 = Deuteronomy 11:12;Because: 32 * 69 = VeAdar 29, 5780;And, 35 * 69 = Sundown, November 5, 2021 @ Tishri 30, 5781. 1 Kings 8:2 All the men of…
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eretzyisrael · 3 years
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This is the 3,333rd Passover - our 3,333rd year as a nation with national mitzvos, commandments. To me, this number suggests the array of the Tribes around the Tabernacle in the wilderness: 3 tribes to the north, 3 to the east, 3 south and 3 west, with the Levites and Priests in the center. This arrangement reflects the dual nature of the Children of Israel: we are a diverse, distinct nation who bring many different perspectives, talents, traditions and looks, but when we all focus on placing the Almighty centerstage, we become a unified, unstoppable force for elevating this world into a place of holiness. Am Yisroel Chai!
Note: secular archeologists may offer a different timeline based on scant evidence, but the same Hebrew Bible which defines Passover makes clear that the Exodus happened in the Hebrew year 2448. And we are now in the year 5781, for a difference of 3,333 years. 
More: Here
Accidental Talmudist
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Important Note to All Y’all Wonderful People ❤️
Hey, friends! This is a bit of a personal post, but please, if you have a moment, give this a quick read. ❤️I wouldn’t ask, but it’s really important to me! 
Tonight began Yom Kippur—the Day Atonement and the last of the Ten Days of Awe. For those that don’t know, YK is Judaism’s most important holiday, and it’s a solemn one; this is the time when we make reparations for all we’ve done wrong. With that in mind, I want to apologize to all of you. It’s best not to just make blanket apologies and consider yourself done until next year’s High Holy Days, but, well... between COVID and the international nature of my online community, this will have to do for now! But please... p l e a s e ! If I’ve hurt you this year, reach out to me. Tell me what I did wrong—otherwise I will never do better. I want to apologize directly, too. So text me! Tweet at me! Find me on insta or fb! Just let me know if I’ve wronged you, friends.
Anyway, here goes... I haven’t been a great friend this year, and I know it. I’ve been slow to text back (and sometimes I’ve forgotten to do it at all). I’ve been manipulative. I’ve lied. I’ve taken anger and frustration out on sweet friends who did nothing to deserve it. I’ve taken my loved ones for granted—including, I know, some of you. Sometimes, I’ve been jealous or rude or cold. Sometimes, I’ve been unsupportive, even to people who always support ME. I haven’t reached out enough to friends that I knew were struggling. Also, I know this is silly and fandomy and unimportant... but I’ve read without reviewing! I’ve liked without reblogging! I’ve been slow to update stories and I’ve lost track of deadlines even when I knew people were excited to read whatever came next for my characters. 
So, for everything I’ve said and more, I’m sorry! 
You all deserve to be treated like the incredible friends and humans that you are! In 5781—the Hebrew year that just started last weekend with Rosh Hashanah—I promise to try not to repeat the mistakes of last year. I will put in more effort this year—I’ll appreciate my friends the way they deserve to be appreciated. Most importantly, I’ll tell people how much they mean to me, and I’ll do it loudly and cheerfully and with no shame! No one should feel alone. I promise to do better at texting back. I promise to reach out a hand to friends when I see them having a hard time, to support them in the things they do and the things they love, and to step back from my own biases to remember that I’m not always the most important voice in the conversation. I’ll even try to remember to reply to comments on AO3! And I’ll do my best to stop breaking deadlines... and I’ll post things when I say I’m going to post them. (A broken fandom promise is still a broken promise!)
One more time... I’m sorry, and I promise to try to do better. All of my love to all of you—you have been such a wonderful community for me this year! You’ve been a support system that I may not have gotten through the last few months without. Thank you for that! Please, know that my inbox is always open (though tumblr doesn’t tell me about messages sometimes, so you can also mention me in a post, even if it’s just to say “girl, check your messages!”). Though I don’t want to straight up post my phone number in this public space, I’ll DM it to anyone who asks. Text me, WhatsApp me, whatever... any time. Again—please do this especially if I’ve hurt you in some way! I want to know! 
To everyone here, from the bottom of my heart... L’shanah tovah umtukah; g’mar chatimah tovah. (May you have a good and sweet new year; may you be inscribed for good into the Book of Life.) 
I love you all. ❤️
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I didn't know it was any sort of holiday, but then I saw someone sent you an ask saying 'L'shana Tova', so, uh, yeah. L'shana Tova to you? (Sorry if this seems rude or if it's wrong in any way, I don't know anything about Jewish customs)
Thank you!! You used the phrase perfectly, it basically means “a good year [to you]”, and is basically the Hebrew version of “Happy New Year!”
So the holiday in question is Rosh Hashanah (ראש השנה in Hebrew), and it took place from sundown on Friday, September 18 to sundown on Saturday, September 19 of this year, 2020 (now 5781 by the Jewish calendar). Rosh Hashanah is essentially the Jewish New Year, when we celebrate the the birthday of the world. It also begins the Jewish High Holy Days, the Ten Days of Awe, where we reflect on the year that has passed and seek out those we may have wronged to ask their forgiveness before Yom Kippur (יום קפור), the Day of Atonement. This period of time is considered one of the holiest of the entire year in Jewish tradition, and while it is typically celebrated with joy, it’s not really a “party” holiday the way the secular New Year is.
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kingdomassociate · 4 years
The Decade of the Mouth and the Open Hand
2020-2030 and (Hebrew years) 5780 - 5790: The Decade of the Mouth and the Open Hand
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“Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; And you who have no money, come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in abundance. Incline your ear, and come to Me. Hear, and your soul shall…
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unvoic-edthoughts · 3 years
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,      and do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge him,    and he will make straight your paths. - Proverbs 3:5-6
Growing up in a Christian household you’ve prolly known this verse since you were a kid. You might be like me who memorized these verses through kids church or Sunday school and thru my PACEs back in elementary. Also, one of the most quoted and familiar verse in the Bible that almost everyone has used.
But, familiarity can sometimes be bad. Do you agree? Because there are instances that we get so familiar with things that we just say and do things out of well, yeah, familiarity, like declaring Proverbs 3:5-6 in our lives, but not out of faith and believing in the Lord, but just you know, out of familiarity. I struggled and am struggling about familiarity still, but thank God and His grace that He can and He’ll make a way for us get out of it.
#WaybackWednesday September 3, 2020 | 14 Elul 5780 I was reading a book last year, while writing the learnings and revelations that is to be revealed to me, and Proverbs 3:5-6 was one of it. How I read and declare this verse will never be the same again because of this learning and/or revelation that I learned/was revealed to me.
Today, I’ll share them with you as well.
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,    and do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge him,   and he will make straight your paths. - Proverbs 3:5-6
TRUST IN THE LORD: rest your whole weight upon Him. The word TRUST also means to lean with the full body, to lay upon, put your full weight on something.
WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND DO NOT LEAN ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING: The word LEAN in Hebrew is used for leaning against a tree or a stone cliff. You lean to Him because you can’t stand alone, you are not strong enough. The word UNDERSTANDING refers to mental process. Lean not on your own understanding: Use all your mental powers but do not lean on it for total support.
IN ALL YOUR WAYS ACKNOWLEDGE HIM The word ACKNOWLEDGE means to know deeply and intimately. The kind of knowing that comes from personal experience!
If we know who He is in our lives. It will now be easy for us to trust and lean on to Him. Remember who Jesus is in your life today, remember how He has shown himself faithful to you during those times that you think you just can’t, but He showed up for you. Begin to trust in Him, again. Read His Word. No matter what your situation is, TRUST HIM. How do we learn to trust the Lord? By spending time with Him and His Word. It’s not yet too late. :) His grace is available for you and me. April 7 | 25 Nisan 5781, 22:57
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