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kristo-flowers · 1 year ago
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Marsh reflections, Bourgoyen, Ghent, Belgium
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ltwilliammowett · 1 year ago
If there is one word that is often used in seafaring then it is heave.
Waves heave up and down in rough seas, so a wave can heave a boat onto reef by lifting it.
to heave a line can mean either to throw a line or to take the strain and haul in on a line.
to heave the lead, heave the log is to throw or to cast something.
to heave a ship ahead (astern) it to warp her ahead when not under sail, by means of cables, or to cause her to move, forcing her from or to a particular position.
to heave a ship down is to throw or lay her on her side for careening.
to heave about is to suddenly put the ship about.
to heave in is to shorten lengths of ropes or cables.
the heave in stays is to put the ship on another tack.
to heave out a sail is to unfurl it.
to heave taut is to turn a rope.
to heave to is to turn into the wind and set sails to stop or gain control in heavy weather.
raise or haul up by means of a rope, line or cable, as in the order: Hove the anchor up and set sail.
to move a vessel in a certain direction or to a specified position the frigate hove alongside.
to pull at or haul a rope or cable the brig is heaving around on the anchor.
to push at a capstan bar or lever .
to heave into sight ( or view) is used for a ship that rises or seems to rise over the horizon into view.
a heaving line is a rope with a heavy knot on the end light enough for a sailor to throw to a dock or to another vessel. The bitter end of the heaving line is secured to the end of a heavier dockline or towing line, so that it can then be hauled over.
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elfdragon12 · 22 days ago
Shock the Grapevine
A short story featuring Barrage and Heave of the Astro Squad plus human OC, Ettie!
Inspired by the @cybertronia-obscura prompt "partner"!
They'd had many expeditions across the wide expanse of space. Barrage was open in that he enjoyed when things got hostile. The science and discovery was interesting, sure, but he tagged along for action. Deep space was out-of-processor boring most of the time and a good scrape was perfect to keep the fuel lines flowing.
Action was better, however, when his blaster shots actually hit something and not just ricochet back at him! The last shot singed his shoulder tire! The writhing mass of metal, vines, petals, and spines maybe flinched. Maybe. Glitch it all! It was impossible to tell!
All through Barrage's struggles to make these technoplants stop, Heave was flailing around and trying to keep himself from being eaten. His haphazard kicks were about as effective as Barrage's blasters. At least their little human wA safe behind Barrage, even if she was making too much noise.
"What even are those things?" Ettie yelped.
"Morphobots!" Heave's voice strained from his efforts. He never could pass an opportunity to share about aliens. "We're on Fluron-3! We--" He kicked at another vine and missed. "We aren't insecticons, so--" Another kick. "It wasn't supposed to be a problem!"
Barrage's jaw clenched. He shot at the base of a Morphobot. Just maybe, if he could find the right place to shoot--
"Wait!" Ettie's fleshy little hand smacked his hip. "Wait, wait, wait! Morphobots!"
"What about them?" Barrage snapped.
"I know what to do!" She stepped to the side and cupped her hands around her mouth."Heave! Heave! Play my Blaster mixtape!"
Heave struggled to look over his kibble at her. "What?!"
"Trust me! It'll work!"
Music blared to life from his internal speakers. Horns blared and a guitar played an odd rhythm. If Barrage remembered right, it was some sort of ska band from the 90s.
The effect was immediate. Formerly writhing vines stopped. They stuck straight up in the air, dropping Heave to the ground. The little groan he made was just audible over the music. As he stood, the Morphobots actually moved away from him!
"Now slowly back up towards us!" Only Heave's radar could have picked up her shout.
He followed her command, still blasting the music.
"Alright," Barrage snapped, "let's combine and split!"
"Sounds good to me." Heave scooped up Ettie before they transformed around her, kicking up dirt as they sped off.
Ettie sighed as she fell into one of Barrage's seats. "Whew! We're telling Missile to never come back here again, right?"
"I'll be glad to never come back," Heave agreed.
There was a minute of silence before Barrage spoke again. "How'd you know what to do? We're your first space mission, right?"
"Hm? Oh!" She clapped her hands together. "When Heave said they were Morphobots, I remembered a story Blaster shares on his radio show sometimes! Cosmos got some stuck on him when he was coming back to Earty back in the 80s. Blaster's music was the only way to stop them!"
Barrage hummed. "Well, good to know all that time with headphones in does you some good."
"And don't you forget it!"
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name-of-the-day · 5 months ago
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joanofarc · 1 year ago
heave, gauntlet hair (2010).
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1introvertedsage · 2 years ago
All you may know of heaven and hell is within your own self.
~Edgar Cayce~
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777durt777 · 2 months ago
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densewentz · 1 month ago
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alohapromisesforever · 5 months ago
First Principles: Resistance To Tyranny Becomes the Christian and Social Duty of Each Individual...Nobly Defend Those Rights Which Heaven Gave
“Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian and social duty of each individual… Continue steadfast and, with a proper sense of your dependence on God, nobly defend those rights which heaven gave, and no man ought to take from us.” – John Hancock, History of the United States of America, Vol. II, p. 229.
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elfdragon12 · 2 months ago
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Each of the Astro Squad giving human OC, Ettie, a little smooch! Because it's cute.
I debated as to whether or not the masked half of the team should have faces underneath. I think the faceplates being their full face was more interesting. Plus! It could be a thing for masked bots in particular to make little sparks for affection! It's cute!
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ballhole · 10 months ago
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Antipositive T-Shirt 👉 https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/49012887-antipositive
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suntails · 6 days ago
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simpingforcys · 7 months ago
oh to have a scary dangerous giant absolutely in love with you that will only be soft for you and pays attention to you so much it's intimidating
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indigonite · 11 months ago
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Lunch Break
(original under the cut)
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soyochii · 2 years ago
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Quick doodles before I evaporate.
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goldfinchism · 2 years ago
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