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bucolicbook · 2 months ago
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Christmas with the Queen: A Novel by Hazel Gaynor, Heather Webb
US pub date - 10/22/24
The second I saw this, I requested it and I will admit that the first reason I wanted to reaI this was because of the late Queen. I’m the person who, the second I see a new royal or royal adjacent historical fiction book, I want to read it. Regardless of the secondary voice/story, if we’re talking the adjacent novels.  
I was fortunate enough to have the wonderful souls over at William Morrow Paperbacks approve my for this, and I literally squealed in delight when I got the approval email. But… I didn’t read it right away. Why, you may ask? Well, I’ve been reading a lot, and I’ve had a lot of stories that, though I enjoyed, I wasn’t feeling excited about. So, I didn’t want to start this when reading wasn’t as soul satisfying / life affirmingly amazing and awesome as it usually is (I hope you 
understand what I mean by that). 
After finishing a debut historical romance that was super enjoyable and really put me back into being able to really get into a new book, I started this. And can I tell you, that by the end of Queen Elizabeth’s pre-chapter 1 section, I was hooked. 
By the time I finished Jack’s first chapter, I was even more invested. 
Olive’s chapter, even more. 
And a second chance romance? Squee! It just keeps getting better!
I loved this one. Absolutely loved it. This is one I’ll get for my own audiobook collection. 
Thank you to William Morrow Paperbacks and NetGalley for the DRC 
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bargainsleuthbooks · 2 years ago
Strangers in the Night: A Novel of Frank Sinatra and Ava Gardner by Heather Webb #NetGalley #ARCReview #Hollywood
Nothing was hotter for a time than the love affair between #FrankSinatra and #AvaGardner. An upcoming book fictionalizes their affair and I found it pretty spot-on. #StrangersintheNight #Anoveloffranksinatraandavagardner #heatherwebb #netgalley #arcreview
In the golden age of Hollywood, two of the brightest stars would define–and defy–an era… She was the small-town southern beauty transformed into a Hollywood love goddess. He was the legendary crooner whose voice transfixed the world. They were Ava Gardner and Frank Sinatra. Separately they were irresistible; together they were an explosive combination. Ava’s star is rising just as Frank’s…
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e-antoinette-reading · 5 years ago
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This was such a sweet book 🎄📚 . . . Posted @withrepost • @booksandbowquets What’s your favorite place to read in your home? . . . Mine is right by the fire place or on the couch with a blanket! I love being cozy when I read and those two spots are the capital of cozy. . . . Starting Last Christmas in Paris tonight. “August 1914. England is at war. As Evie Elliott watches her brother, Will, and his best friend, Thomas Harding, depart for the front, she believes—as everyone does—that it will be over by Christmas, when the trio plan to celebrate the holiday among the romantic cafes of Paris. But as history tells us, it all happened so differently… Evie and Thomas experience a very different war. Frustrated by life as a privileged young lady, Evie longs to play a greater part in the conflict—but how?—and as Thomas struggles with the unimaginable realities of war he also faces personal battles back home where War Office regulations on press reporting cause trouble at his father’s newspaper business. Through their letters, Evie and Thomas share their greatest hopes and fears—and grow ever fonder from afar. Can love flourish amid the horror of the First World War, or will fate intervene? Christmas 1968. With failing health, Thomas returns to Paris—a cherished packet of letters in hand—determined to lay to rest the ghosts of his past. But one final letter is waiting for him…” . . . How was your weekend? . . . What are you reading? . . . #books #bookstagram #book #read #reader #reading #booklover #booknerd #bookclub #bibliophile #bookish #lastchristmasinparis #christmas #december #hazelgaynor #heatherwebb #fire #fireplace #cozy #decemberreads #bookworm #bookaddict #booksbooksbooks #bookphotography #photooftheday #christmasdecor #christmasdecorations #readersofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B51Zdc1gViE/?igshid=1ots7fl8c34iv
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artzyguylou · 5 years ago
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📚 BABBOOKCLUB READ: Last Christmas in Paris by Hazel Gaynor and Heather Webb . 💁🏼‍♀️ This month the BABBookClub is reading this wonderful book by two of my favourite authors. It will be an awesome read. . ✏️ Synopsis: August 1914. England is at war. As Evie Elliott watches her brother, Will, and his best friend, Thomas Harding, depart for the front, she believes—as everyone does—that it will be over by Christmas, when the trio plan to celebrate the holiday among the romantic cafes of Paris. . But as history tells us, it all happened so differently… . Evie and Thomas experience a very different war. Frustrated by life as a privileged young lady, Evie longs to play a greater part in the conflict—but how?—and as Thomas struggles with the unimaginable realities of war he also faces personal battles back home where War Office regulations on press reporting cause trouble at his father’s newspaper business. Through their letters, Evie and Thomas share their greatest hopes and fears—and grow ever fonder from afar. Can love flourish amid the horror of the First World War, or will fate intervene? . Christmas 1968. With failing health, Thomas returns to Paris—a cherished packet of letters in hand—determined to lay to rest the ghosts of his past. But one final letter is waiting for him… . ☕ QOTD: Tear gas makes people cry and laughing gas makes people giggle, what other kinds of gases do you wish existed? . . #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #book #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #bookphotography #lastchristmasinparis #hazelgaynor #heatherwebb #currentlyreading #babbookclub https://www.instagram.com/p/B5peYfjga9U/?igshid=21s62hamwk8p
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lharvey250 · 6 years ago
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Meet Me in Monaco
A delightfully sweet romance layered with historical fiction, life lessons, and difficult choices.
The beautiful actress Grace Kelly is visiting the Cannes Film Festival in May 1955 where she is relentlessly pursued by a British photographer. Kelly enters a perfume shop where she is tucked away in an office by the shop’s owner, Sophie Duval just as the pursuing photographer enters the shop. Because of this act of kindness the two women form a bond that lasts a lifetime.
Sophie, a struggling perfumer, confronts the photographer, James Henderson and sends him on his way, but before he leaves he snaps a quick photo of the shop owner. In the days and weeks that follow, James can’t seem to forget his encounter with Sophia. He sends her a copy of the photo. After dealing with the death of a good friend, James is given the coveted assignment to cover the wedding of the century, and sail with Grace Kelly’s wedding party to Monaco. Before sailing to Monaco he sends a letter to Sophia requesting a date. Perhaps a romance will bloom!
MEET ME IN MONACO smells as delightful as the Duval parfumerie in Cannes. You can just smell the scents of jasmine, violets, lavender and tuberose wafting from the shop’s beautiful glass bottles, on the streets of Cannes and from the fields of Grasse, where Sophie’s family has grown their flowers for generations. I couldn’t stop myself from inhaling the pages.
Sophie’s character is smart, confident and independent, while James is an enigma, surprisingly sensitive at times and aloof at others. Grace Kelly’s meeting and marriage to Prince Rainer, and her interactions with James and Sophie are expertly woven into this cleverly layered fairy tale/romance. The writing was enjoyable and the story was full of life lessons, difficult choices and enlightening information about the creation of fragrances, and head, heart and base notes of perfumes.
One of my favorite parts of the book is James’s evident love and dedication to his ten-year-old precocious daughter, Emily. This pleasurable book would pair well with a glass of wine, a cheese tray and a lavender scented candle. Readers of romance will enjoy this light and bright story.
Thanks to Edelweiss for an advance reading copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Publisher HarperCollins Publishing
Published July 23, 2019
Review www.bluestockingreviews.com
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navisseli · 6 years ago
Lucy Valentine, tome 4
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Auteurice : Heather Webber
Maison d’édition : J’ai lu
Date de publication : 2016
Nombre de pages : 281
Genre : Romance
Ce qu’en pense Seli : 
Avant, j’aimais bien Lucy Valentine. Mais ça c’était avant...
Romance légère, sans prise de tête, avec une héroïne médium qui résout des enquêtes et se sert de ses dons pour rassembler des amoureux égarés. C’était pas mal ! Pas la plus grande histoire d’amour du siècle, mais je passais un bon moment bien léger. Mais trop de léger tue le léger.
L’un des soucis de ce tome, c’est l’absence totale d’enjeux. Pourtant, plus on avance, plus le danger que courent les protagonistes est sérieux. Cette fois, Sean et Lucy font face à rien de moins qu’un pyromane en série insaisissable qui semble leur en vouloir, à eux ou à un membre de leur entourage. Le problème est saisi à bras le corps par les personnages mais jamais on ne ressent la moindre once d’inquiétude pour eux : la tension est inexistante. Lucy mentionne même à un moment qu’elle haït à cet instant cet homme de leur faire ça. Bon déjà oui, mais il lui faut la moitié du bouquin pour ça, et ça ressemble dans la forme à ça : “bouhou, il est méchant, j’arrive pas à vivre ma vie à cause de lui”. Bah oui, c’est le principe, banane ! Il te menace ! C’est la réaction à des menaces la plus pourrie que je connaisse. Et après une victime dans ces incendies, le fait que les personnes menacées ne répondent plus au téléphone et se promènent toutes seules, ça n’inquiète pas vraiment qui que ce soit... Ah si, de temps en temps Lucy se dit “Tiens ça fait un moment que j’ai pas eu de nouvelles”. La seule intrigue qui a de l’intérêt concerne la disparition d’une petite fille sur laquelle enquête le groupe de médiums de Lucy. Mais c’est géré n’importe comment. Leur prof leur demande d’utiliser seulement leurs dons pour récolter des indices, comme un exercice pour médium, du coup je me suis naïvement dit : c’est une affaire classée, pour évaluer la précision de leurs visions c’est plutôt un bon exercice. Sauf que non, la gamine est toujours portée disparue et on leur interdit d’utiliser autre chose que leur don (somme toute limité) pour élucider le mystère. C’est... horrible, non ? C’est comme si un inspecteur sur une scène de crime interdisait à ses hommes les plus chevronnés d’enquêter pour laisser des bleus avec des compétences limitées gérer l’enquête... Au final, c’est résolu en un paragraphe. Quand au pyromane, ben, j’ai même pas compris pourquoi il s’en prend à Lucy au final. La dernière confrontation est tellement grotesque avec un pyromane en carton bon à rien alors qu’avant il a été capable de cramer des tas d’immeubles sécurisés sans se faire prendre et même à lever une armée de fauteurs de troubles pour brouiller les pistes... Il a également eu tant de chances de tuer Lucy auparavant qu’on se demande pourquoi tout ce cirque en fait...
Et puisqu’on parle d’incompétents... Sean et surtout Lucy sont des enquêteurs en carton. Je vous ai choisis les plus fines de leurs déductions, afin que les fans de Sherlock puissent bien sentir leur cerveau qui saigne et se décompose face à tant de génie...
“Hum, je viens de taper le nom d’un mec sur google, et j’ai eu aucun résultat... Hum... ça veut donc dire que son nom n’est pas un vrai et que c’est un pseudo...” Oui. Ce qui signifie sans doute que ma propre grand-mère, qui est dans le même cas, a changé de nom ou mène une double vie... Tout est clair maintenant ! Quelle déduction pleine de pertinence...
“Hum, je remarque que ce type porte une cicatrice. J’en ai une moi-même, due à ma rencontre avec un psychopathe. Cela signifie que lui-aussi a eu affaire à un psychopathe”. D’ailleurs je porte moi-même des tas de cicatrices sur le bras droit, traces de mes rencontres avec un pléthore de psychopathes et pas du tout dues à des accidents de vie quotidienne. 
Je sais que c’est une romance légère, mais y avait pas moyen de faire quelque chose d’un peu moins stupide ? Je précise que ces déductions s’avèrent par la suite exactes...
Vous l’aurez compris, pas grand chose à sauver, si ce n’est l’évolution des pouvoirs de Lucy qui ouvre son champ de possibilités et le fait qu’on s’intéresse enfin à Sam. Je passe rapidement sur la répétitivité de la romance Sean/Lucy, sur l’obsession de mettre TOUS les personnages en couple et l’aspect un peu con con de certaines scènes (genre la nana qui poursuit un type en talons aiguille, ça la gène, mais à aucun moment il ne lui vient à l’esprit de les enlever, du coup elle se casse la cheville...), c’est une romance donc c’est très secondaire par rapport au reste. Je termine sur le slut-shaming permanent dont Annie est la cible. Lucy fait une fixette sur le fait qu’elle s’habille court, drague lourdement un mec, et surtout elle passe son temps à répéter à quel point les seins d’Annie, assez opulents, débordent de son décolleté... Pour qu’au final, quand la pauvre Annie se retrouve tourmentée par une vision à propos d’elle, se retrouver à penser : “Je ne me sens pas désolée pour elle. Ça lui apprendra.” QUOI ?! La pauvre te raconte qu’elle n’arrive plus à vivre normalement et tout ce que tu penses, c’est “elle avait qu’à pas se comporter comme une traînée” ?! Que à cause de ça, elle le mérite ? Qu’est-ce qu’elle t’a fait ? Et ce n’est pas comme si Annie était désagréable avec Lucy, en plus. C’est juste gratuit et ça, je déteste.
Voilà, voilà. Il y a des sagas qui se bonifient avec le temps. Lucy Valentine a été constante en qualité pendant deux tomes. Si le troisième était un peu moyen et très loin d’être une catastrophe, celui là est une très sévère déception...
Ma note : 10/20
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mimireadsromance · 6 years ago
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Another beautiful book that arrived in my mailbox. Midnight at the Blackbird Café by Heather Webber. Look for this in July. @booksbyheather @forgereads @macmillanusa #bookmailisthebestmail #mimireadsromance2019 #summerreadinglist #bookstagrammers #reader #books #HeatherWebber #midnightattheblackbirdcafé https://www.instagram.com/p/ByB31xDgvlm/?igshid=19fgi7juvgqjj
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doonseries · 7 years ago
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Guys! Guys! GUYS!!! I did an interview on Entertainment Weekly.com today!!! 😱 My fellow historical fiction author @msheatherwebb and I chat about retelling classic stories, fav historical book to film adaptations, research rabbit holes...and I might have mentioned #strangerthings ...not sure how that happened! LOL! Anyway, if you want to read the article, the link is in my bio. Or go to the EW.com books page! 🎩🌂♥️ . #ew #entertainmentweekly #feelingkindafamous #heatherwebb #phantomoftheopera #booktofilm #filmadaptation #OliverTwist #retelling #OliviaTwist #doonseries #GiltHollow #authorsofinstagram #authorinterviews
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victoriabarajas26 · 7 years ago
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Day 7: #favoritesoappsycho #heatherwebber
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meezcarrie · 3 years ago
Book Review: The Next Ship Home by Heather Webb
#BookReview - "THE NEXT SHIP HOME by @msheatherwebb is an engrossing, heartwrenching & inspiring look 'behind the scenes' of Ellis Island & the immigrant experience." #TheNextShipHome #HeatherWebb #HFVBTBlogTours @HFVBT @Sourcebooks
THE NEXT SHIP HOME by Heather Webb GENRE: Historical Fiction PUBLISHER: Sourcebooks Landmark RELEASE DATE: February 8, 2022 PAGES: 436 “An unflinching look at the immigrant experience, an unlikely and unique friendship, and a resonant story of female empowerment.”—Pam Jenoff, New York Times bestselling author of The Woman with the Blue Star Ellis Island, 1902: Two women band together to hold…
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akindofsinglelady · 5 years ago
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Yesterday's "I'mjust going to look" book buys. I also got one free copy of Robin's Lover to review for author @heatherwebb #freebook #prepublication #advancedreaderscopy #robinslover I seriously have no room and I have books falling out of everywhere. But... These. Whites only. Poetry by activist and #author @chenoa.murray #poetry #readmorewomenofcolor #whitesonly #chenoanurray #southernwriter #southernwriters #hartherapy America and I. Short stories by American Jewish women writers. By #feminist author and activist Joyce Antler. #jouceantler #jewishwriters #jewishwomen #jewishwomenwriters #americaandi #shortstories Writing fiction. A guide to #narrative craft. By author @janetburroway For the #writer #nonfiction #readtowrite #fiction #writingfiction #aguide #writersguide #booksforwriters #janetburroway The Artist's Way. A spiritual path to higher creativity. By author @juliacameronlive with #markbryan https://www.instagram.com/p/B7_6BtNgRu4/?igshid=p0k92kqzo3yc
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dont-call--me-sugar · 6 years ago
Happy Release Day & Review!!
Meet Me In Monaco; Happy Release Day & Review!! @heatherwebb @hazelgaynor
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  Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
Publish Date: July 23, 2019—-> TODAY!!
“A fragrant French bonbon of a book: love, glamour, perfume, and paparazzi all circling around the wedding of the century…”–Kate Quinn, New York Times bestselling author of THE ALICE NETWORK and THE HUNTRESS.
Named one of InStyle‘s best books to put in your tote bag for the summer!
Named one of Pop…
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sassybrit · 6 years ago
Meet Me In Monaco by Hazel Gaynor and Heather Webb brings Grace Kelly back to life! #TalkTuesday #Interview with @HazelGaynor @msheatherwebb #TeaserTuesday #TuesdayBookBlog #TuesdayThoughts #BookBirthday!
Hello book lovers, welcome back!  As usual, today’s #TalkTuesday interview is also our #TeaserTuesday and First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros! Enjoy! 
Chat with Sassy on Pinterest! http://bit.ly/SassyPINS
Meet Me in Monaco: A Novel of Grace Kelly’s Royal Wedding by Hazel Gaynor  and Heather Webb
Meet Me In Monaco by Hazel Gaynor and Heather Webbbrings Grace Kelly back to life. Readers…
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artzyguylou · 5 years ago
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📚 BOOK REVIEW: Last Christmas in Paris by Hazel Gaynor and Heather Webb . 💌 My Rating: ❤️❤️❤️❤️/5 . ✏️ My Review: This dynamic duo writer team did it again. They delivered a wonderful love story that takes place during WWI. Thomas knows that his days are counted, and he wants to be in Paris to read the last letter from the love of his life. But before he does, he rereads all the correspondence written between 1914 and 1918 by him, Evie, Will, Alice, and many others. The letters offer the reader a beautiful picture of friendship, courage, despair, and love. . This novel is beautifully written, and the characters are superb. Each letter brought me closer to understand their feelings and struggles. I love the gallantry of these times, and how respectful people were to one and another. The story did not hide the ugliness of the war, but it shined a light on the men and women who courageously served their country even when it no longer made sense. If you are a history novel lover, this is a must-read. . 🙋🏼‍♀️ Thank you @BABBookClub for selecting this book for our December read. . ☕ QOTD: Where is the worst place you have been stuck for a long time? . . #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #book #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #bookphotography #lastchristmasinparis #heatherwebb #hazelgaynor #bookreview #historicalnovel https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ahjrCgmoF/?igshid=137fw9ochl43h
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doonseries · 7 years ago
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I can't wait to dig into this beauty! Thanks to my Ireland travel buddy @msheatherwebb for this advance copy! Historical setting with a love story...this is totally my jam! 🗼♥️🎄 #lastchristmasinparis #Heatherwebb #hazelgaynor #historicalfiction #amreading #Paris #christmasstory
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artzyguylou · 5 years ago
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📚 BOOK REVIEW: Ribbons of Scarlet by Kate Quinn, Stephanie Dray, Laura Kamoie, Sophie Perinot, Heather Webb and E. Knight . 💌 My Rating: ❤️❤️❤️❤️/5 . ✏️ My Review: I love rediscovering history through the eyes of new characters. Ribbons of Scarlet offers a female perspective of the French Revolution. This novel retells the story of these dark times in France in the voices of six heroines who faced violence, injustice, and death for their country. We witness their fight, their fears, and above all, their courage. This book was written by six phenomenal authors who beautifully captured the essence of these French women. It is must-read for all the historical novel lovers. . 🙋🏼‍♀️ A big thank you to Harper Collins Canada for sending me an ARC of this epic novel. Ribbons of Scarlet by Kate Quinn, Stephanie Dray, Laura Kamoie, Sophie Perinot, Heather Webb and E. Knight is now available at your favourite bookstore. . ☕ QOTD: Who has impressed you most with what they’ve accomplished? . . #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #book #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #bookphotography #ribbonsofscarlet #katequinn #sophieperinot #laurakamoie #stephaniedray #eknight #heatherwebb #bookreview https://www.instagram.com/p/B3T_-Tkg52I/?igshid=1abrwbi3ys29
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