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Psychic Medium & Spiritual Teacher
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Human and Animal, The Seal. #waldorf #waldorfeducation #rudolfsteiner #steiner #naturalworld #consciousness #awake #awareness #psychic #clairvoyant
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I made a new friend! #frog #animaltotem #spiritanimal #spirit #spiritual #psychic #psychicmedium #awareness #awake #consciousness #naturalworld
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I made a new friend. #frog #spiritanimal #animaltotem #naturalworld #conciousness #awake #awareness #psychic #psychics #psychicmedium #spirit #spiritual
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Kennings for Loki, collaboratively created by the children. #steiner #asgard #norsemythology #waldorf #waldorfeducation #rudolfsteiner #awareness #consciousness #blackboardart
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What I do at my day job. The Norse Myth Universe! I copied this from d'Aulaire's Norse Gods and Giants #blackboardart #waldorf #waldorfeducation #rudolfsteiner #class4 #norsemythology #asgard #asgard #steiner
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Whilst walking up my driveway a Kereru flew right over my head and perched in the tree on the opposite side; gave me quite a fright because , as you may know, their flight is quite loud. As it passed over I watched this feather drop from its breast and land 2 inches from my toes 😉#blessing #psychic #psychicmedium #consciousness #awake #awareness #spiritmessenger #spirit #spirituality #soul #love (at Te Mata Peak)
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That which you place you attention on grows. Connect to your wants through focusing on feelings and values rather than narrowly defined ideals, allow for possibility. #awareness #consciousness #spirit #spirituality #spiritual #psychic #psychicmedium #psychicreading #lawofattraction #soul
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Well that was intense! I have found one of the outcomes of spiritual develop is an increased awareness of how celestial events effect our being. The benefit of this is that there is increased opportunity for transformation the challenge is that life can feel a little intense! #fullmoon #transformation #consciousness #awareness #spiritual #spirituality (at Te Mata Peak)
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Our souls long for authentic self expression. Asking "how may I serve?" Opens the door to the souls creative impulse. Following this impulse is fundamentally of benefit to you and humanity. #awareness #consciousness #soul #awareness #creativity #psychic #psychics #psychicreading #psychicmedium
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An Eye for an Eye Makes the Whole World Blind. (and then nobody sees the light)
The expression “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind” is widely used but lightly considered relative to its deeply important message.
This expression speaks to the potential entrapment of humanity, and is as significant to the world’s experience now as it has ever been. If humanity is not just to survive but reach a more loving consciousness, where we see an end to violence, abuse and hatred, then as individuals we must look more deeply within ourselves. As long as any behaviours of vengeance, retribution and condemnation exist we will not uncover a more enlightened expression of humanity.
It is sad to say at this time on the planet there are very few people who are holding energies of unconditional love and forgiveness, and if this doesn’t change we are in for a rough ride going forward. It is crunch time people, we are being asked to up our game, even those that would call themselves “good people”. We are being given a chance to stand for unconditional love and help ease the transition that is occurring with human consciousness.
People who commit heinous crimes in this world create immense suffering and pain, and society as a whole will naturally and legitimately make it clear that such actions are unacceptable, and this is important. However we often run in to trouble from this point, here’s why…
If we were to discuss darkness as a consciousness then that consciousness desires nothing more than spreading negativity and breeding more of what it is. Violence and abuse is the trade and investment of Darkness, and the subsequent outrage, vengeance and retribution from the “good people” of the world towards dark deeds is the great windfall of interest on its investment.
(It is important to remember here that violence exists on the emotional, intellectual and spiritual too, not just the physical.)
Comments like “He deserves a bullet” has Darkness rubbing its hands together with glee, statements such as “give the father two minutes with him” places the roof on Darkness’s palace which was constructed with the proceeds of pain. The words “I hope they rot in hell” helpfully puts the icing on Darkness’s birthday cake, because violence of any kind in response to violence makes everyday a birthday for Darkness. As I witness these kinds of reactions I feel sick because I see Darkness continuing to cut its grotesque figure across the purity of human love.
Darkness trades in negativity; it uses negativity to breed more negativity and does a magnificent job of this, why? Because we let it do so. So don’t blame Darkness, we own it, it is of our own creation, collectively, and we are ones that generously feed it. And you see, here’s another pitfall, blaming another for Darkness and making it someone else’s problem. Darkness loves this because it doesn’t like you knowing you can send it packing at any moment, it wants to hang around. It likes us blaming, condemning, pointing the finger; this makes Darkness happy, very happy, as it gets to keep serving us by doing what it loves to do. Always remember Darkness is our collective responsibility, we are after all implicitly interconnected with and united by the loving force of spirit.
As Darkness continues to gather its energy it will conspire to create for humanity another reason to suffer and then react in pain. As we are busy condemning, judging, retaliating and avenging, darkness will be taking advantage of the absence of love, tolerance, kindness and forgiveness, and create another abuser or killer to fulfil our obvious, habitual requirement of seeking an eye for an eye. Sadly Darkness it is our loyal servant who will never fail to live up to our behaviours and expectations. As The Law of Attraction dictates��what you place your attention on will grow. Place your attention on Darkness and he will give you more.
None of this is about allowing bad things to happen either, it is all about creating a society where Darkness is completely staved of oxygen and can simply no longer survive.
Therefore the ONLY antidote to Darkness is actions based in love, compassion, empathy, tolerance and forgiveness. Humanity still experiences wars, famines, hate speech, human rights abuses etc because we still naively take an eye for an eye, we do this through violence, wishing ill on another, judging others for their actions, condemning them in outrage as wrong, bad, evil, no matter who they are or what they have done. This behaviour creates energy, and as long as this energy exists in the world in any way shape or form we will continue to experience conflict because that is what darkness feeds on.
Perpetrators of violence and abuses do not create the negative feelings we may experience, their actions are their karma not ours, they simply act as catalysts illuminating that which already lives within us, our own shadow. The reactions we have are 100% about what lies within our own soul life, this is our karma and you have a choice about how you deal with that. So what do your feelings and actions, in response to Darkness, mean for your soul experience? Having an inner awareness and consciousness of your reaction to Darkness gives you the chance to stop feeding it. From here you CAN change your world and say goodbye to Darkness interfering in your experience, thus lessoning its overall influence in the world.
It’s certainly the easy option to judge, condemn, and retaliate with fear, anger, hate. To choose another way is to have to take yourself on in a big way, to take a greater responsibility for your choices and behaviours. In committing to choosing unconditional love you will need to admit and face up to all the actions in your life which have not been of love, and then forgive yourself for those. No basic task.
You see, an inability to forgive others has its roots in an inability to forgive ourselves, any aggression, anger or hatred towards another has its roots in an inability to love ourselves unconditionally. To treat oneself with unconditional love and forgiveness is one of greatest, most challenging journeys to undertake, but if we each transform ourselves then we transform the world. If we can love ourselves unconditionally then we will simply become unable to judge and show violence towards another. What you will do though is strengthen the bonds of love between all people, and your contribution will be to the elimination of violence in their lives.
You think a person’s desire to see someone killed for a crime has anything to do with the offender? No, judgement lives entirely within the person judging, eating away at the space where love and forgiveness is longing to be. We are in command of our own vessel and we are choosing whether to nourish ourselves with love or cripple ourselves with hatred.
For people who are very closely personally affected by the violent deeds of others the task of love and forgiveness is their own Everest to climb. We live in a reality where we have freewill to choose how to feel about anything and it is valuable to respect this. Nobody should tell us how we should feel. Many people are confronted with situations where they feel that hatred and un-forgiveness is their only option. I appreciate the pain of this experience but I must maintain that there is always a choice, and if they can somehow find their way to forgiveness then they will find their way to freedom, freedom from pain and suffering.
Now there may be some that would read this and call it bullshit, that’s fine you are free to continue behaving in which ever fashion you choose, I respect your freewill to do so. But I would encourage you to look at why you would have a reaction like this to what I have written, what is it that is so confronting for you about love and forgiveness?
Let us watch what we say because our words are powerful. Let us understand the feelings we are projecting because they paint our lives. Let us witness whether we are acting out of love or fear for this is our contribution to the world. Hold yourself accountable to humanity for your part in its evolution. Choose tolerance, choose forgiveness, choose love, choose a new Earth.
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Feeling severely challenged and wondering what you have done to deserve it?
(Please note: This article does not intend to address instances of clinical depression.)
I think we can all agree that from a certain perspective we could, in a very simple way, describe life as a series of ups and downs. Of course there is much more to say about life than this but we can look upon our own lives and the lives of others and see that life-long plateaus of absolute joy or absolute suffering generally don’t exist.
We can often find ourselves in situations which we don’t desire, situations that challenge us to the point that we just wish they would disappear or where we want to hide from the world, or worse. This is normal, this is natural, and this is life.
However within these circumstances we have a choice, a choice in how we will perceive and respond to the situations we find ourselves. In the broadest sense we have a choice to operate out of love or out of fear, out of empowerment or dis-empowerment, maintain hope with light or despair into darkness. We can show up to ourselves and our situation or bury our head in the sand.
With this idea I risk the perception of others seeing what I write as diminishing their experience. Yes people can face severe circumstances of abuse, depression, grief and each and every one of these experiences is valid and should not be judged. But ALL is never lost, and even in the darkest of circumstances there is always opportunity to uncover more light, experience more love and move towards an experience which is more in alignment with what you would choose to experience. There will always be a chance to show up to our life with a consciousness and awareness that is ready to transform that experience into something more desirable.
At the same time grief, anger and sadness etc. are natural processes. It is not wrong to have these experiences. These kinds of feelings are natural human emotions and serve a purpose. The idea is that we embrace these experiences and allow ourselves to move through them as best we can. They represent the process of healing and transformation; they are messages from the soul that invite us to shift towards a greater experience of being.
Our emotions are of service to us, they give us opportunity to reflect, understand, and know what is of value to us. They can also show us what we are not in alignment with, giving us a chance to develop a new perspective and take a different direction. We have the choice to honour and cherish our feelings, or resist, suppress or fight with them.
Our propensity for emotion it one of our greatest strengths, it lets us know we care, that we are empathetic; it shows us we are of love and that we are important. To focus on certain emotions as painful and unwanted is to deny our true selves, that at our purest vibration we are vulnerable beings of love. We come to know ourselves as unconditional love by experiencing that which is not love and finding our way back. Acknowledging our challenging feelings as a message from our higher self, telling us we are out of alignment with the truth of who we are, supports us in returning back to an expression of love sooner.
The challenging events that shape who we are and how we live are not supposed to be forgotten either, they do leave scars. However we can come to view these scars as badges of honour, beautiful imprints, symbols of events we overcame, became stronger out of and found more love from. There is no requirement to eternally look back on hardship or tragedy with pain and suffering, although you are free to do so. There is opportunity as you move forward to reflect on these events with solemnity, understanding, peace, forgiveness, enlightenment and love. There are many amazing stories of people who have done this in the most severe circumstances and who go on to inspire others with hope and love.
I say here again, whatever your experience is in any moment, it is sacred and legitimate; there is no need for it to be any different than what it is. I would only ask, “Where to from here?”
So why do “bad things” happen to us anyway? Well are they really “bad”? Or are they opportunities to grow, to learn, to evolve? Are they in fact facilitating the experience we need to change enough so that we are then able to access a new, enlightened and more authentic life path that we would have otherwise been invisible to us. As I teacher I know that one of the best ways to learn is through our mistakes, things going “wrong”, so should we call such things “mistakes” or divinely timed instances of opportunity for learning? After all these mistakes aren’t consciously intended but serve us perfectly. So therefore could we look upon “bad things” in the same kind of way, at a level of soul growth?
Challenges bring us opportunity, opportunity to understand what is important to us, to get clear on our values and how we would really prefer to lead life. Challenges are the opportunity to break down the old and rebuild with a greater consciousness, awareness and clarity.
There are a number of things to consider in positively overcoming challenge.
When we can be vulnerable and allow ourselves to breathe in to our challenge, we invite it into our lives and allow it to be, thus we let it take its course. As we do this we give ourselves the opportunity to shift through it with a relative amount of ease. I recently heard that when buffalo's see a storm coming that instead of running away from that storm that they run directly into it, they understand the most effective and fastest way to survive the storm is to run straight through it.
By running into our “storms” we are taking responsibility for our experiences, we own them, and from here we have the power to transform them. The alternative to facing up in this way is to resist “what is“, to run away from the “storm”. Running away may look like blaming others for our circumstances, pretending that there is nothing to address and hoping it goes away, dwelling in the past or looking towards a yet to be manifested future without addressing the present situation.
Often in challenging situations people can blame and judge themselves too. What is wrong with me? Why can’t I get things right? This is another way we resist the opportunity that challenge brings, through dis-empowered thinking. Let me tell you now, there is nothing “wrong” with you, you are a perfect expression of divinity and all that you are is absolutely enough. Self-judgement is simply resistance to the challenge of loving yourself unconditionally, being the love that you are. We understand the challenge of judgement if we view it as a tool to learn how to love ourselves and others more; you see judgement is giving us a choice to love or to fear, and through this choice we are gifted the opportunity to know ourselves as unconditional love.
There is no “right” way to honour your feelings and step into challenge, everyone is unique, but you can simply set the clear intention to do so. As you continue to show up to your experience know that you will be presented with the ways and means of shifting through challenge and arriving at a greater experience of love. Watch for these opportunities, say yes to them and embrace the transformation they represent. Be brave and bold, you will be asked to step out of your comfort zone. (Ironically there can be “comfort” in pain and suffering. It can be the familiar and known quantity where we subconsciously believe we are safe from the unknown of change and growth.)
There need be no time pressure for your shifting and healing, this would simply be another resistance to transformation. The important idea is that you simply honour and embrace your feelings as they are in each moment without requiring them to be anything different to what they are. As you allow your experience to be exactly as it is and honour your feelings without resistance you begin to move through the storm. Through this intention you will organically come to discover another feeling, one you prefer more, one more in alignment with the love that you are.
This can be quite a journey but there will be moments where you recognise that you have arrived at an enhanced experience of love. Celebrate these moments, honour them as well, it is these moments that will continue to propel you forward as you receive them with gratitude, reverence and wonder.
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Be you to the full (beautiful) and you'll be winning at life all day everyday. #nobodyputsbabyinthecorner corner #authenticity #consciousness #awareness #oneofakind #psychics #psychicmedium #psychicreading
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I absolutely loved the idea of fossicking for crystals when I was a kid. Today I finally did it for real! I found these little bad boys! Very exciting. #amethyst #fossicking #crystals #psychic #psychicmedium #psychics #psychicreading #consciousness #awareness (at Eden, New South Wales)
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Yuss! I saw dolphins! Off on a casual walk across the road and spotted them in the habour. They then came right over to me and swam around the rocks below. I took this footage later on as I stalked them along the shoreline! #Dolphins #sirius #psychicmedium #psychics #psychicreading #psychic #consciousness #awareness #amazing (at Twofold Bay, Eden)
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Worry and anxiety can dominate ones experience, but with consciousness and practice this can change and you may regain control of your experience. #presentmoment #presentmomentawareness #thepowerofnow #liveinthemoment #liveinthepresent #awareness #consciousness #conscious #psychicmedium #psychicreading #psychic #psychics
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