#Heather Qin
abellinthecupboard · 10 months
We Left at Dusk
That was the first time I got a haircut, laid still against the porch as my mother slammed a knife down the middle the way she prepared meat. When crossing an ocean, she explained, leave anything too heavy. That included hair, family photos, the rugs my grandmother wove parts of her eyebrows into. In another memory, I was seven. I scooped fistfuls of afternoon, sparklers licking the cold crunch of November air. My sister and I posed before the faded film posters, modeled ourselves into good girls anyone would want to take home. Growing up, we both wanted to be actresses. Now, mother tells us to hide in the back of the van and help her count our inheritance in jewelry. Instead, I look outside at the black roads windmilling past, dissecting each pair of eyes that meet us and rehearse their scowl- smeared faces. Before we sold the TV, I remember an interview where a lady in a black dress said that actresses must be able to hide anything, even themselves. My mother weeps at how the next city over, we’ll be another headline splashed across the back page of the news. I asked her why being famous wasn’t a good thing. The car hobbled over a pothole, my stomach sloshing into my throat. I dreamed I wasn’t seasick. In my hands: an Emmy. My face lighter than her gold-coppered wings. At center stage, the camera beams so bright it lets me be anything, even loved. Everyone on TV is clapping, this admiration rare as a wound. The only girls on TV that looked like me were wrapped in a dark shade of dusk, their faces shawled with neglect. The orange filters from Mexican movies staining our cheekbones, only more dark, more dangerous. If I could paint my lips with honey, play the role of the main girl collecting prayers in the train station, maybe I would never find us here: my mother crying at the airport terminal as businessmen flock past, a knot of my hacked-off hair in the recycling bin ten-thousand miles behind us.
— Heather Qin, featured in Diode Poetry Volume 16 #1 (source)
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aldoodles · 8 months
Hiya, I was wondering if your alright with people (me (This is 100% for me)) using your art for studies/practice?
First of all, I am so incredibly flattered by this ask. Second of all, sure!
I highly recommend studying the work of other artists, life, and photos too. It'll help you make drawings more accurate than mine and will help you curate a mental library of poses and stylistic goodness across the board.
A good website for photo reference I gravitate towards is https://line-of-action.com/. I also like www.adorkastock.com because there's a really good variety of body types represented there!
Some artists I find particularly inspiring rn:
Kenna Harris
Heather Campbell
Haylee Morice
Claire Hummel
Qin Leng
Natalie Andrewson
Thank you for asking! I just request that if you directly reference a piece of mine and decide to post it, that you please credit me :o)
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November 16, 2023
NOV 17, 2023
The summit of the leaders of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies continued today in San Francisco, California. 
Formed in 1989, APEC is made up of the economies of 21 nations around the Pacific Rim: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Chile, Peru, Russia, Vietnam, and the United States. Together, these economies make up about 62% of global gross domestic product and almost half of global trade.
David Sanger of the New York Times today noted an apparent shift in the power dynamic between President Joe Biden and Chinese president Xi Jinping, who met yesterday for a four-hour conversation. Earlier in his presidency, Xi was riding on a strong economy that overshadowed that of the U.S. and looked as if it would continue to do so. Then, Xi favored what was known as “wolf warrior” diplomacy: the aggressive defense of China’s national interests against what Chinese envoys portrayed as foreign hostility, especially that of the U.S. 
Under that diplomatic regime, Xi emphasized that liberal democracy was too weak to face the twenty-first century. The speed and momentous questions of the new era called for strong leaders, he said. In early February 2022, Russia and China held a summit after which they pledged that the “[f]riendship between the two States has no limits.” 
Things have changed. 
The U.S. has emerged from the coronavirus pandemic with a historically strong economy, while China’s economy is reeling from a real estate bubble and deflation at the same time that government crackdowns have made foreign capital flee. This summer, Xi quietly sidelined Qin Gang, the foreign minister associated with wolf warrior diplomacy, and in October, he replaced Defense Minister General Li Shangfu, who is under U.S. sanctions for overseeing weapon purchases from Russia. 
Indeed, China has also been quietly pushing back from its close embrace of Russia. Just weeks after their February 2022 declaration, Russia invaded Ukraine in an operation that Russian president Vladimir Putin almost certainly expected would be quick and successful, permitting Russia to seize key Ukrainian ports and land. Such a victory would have strengthened both Russia and China at the same time it weakened Europe, the United States, and their allies and partners. 
Instead, Ukraine stood firm, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and allies and partners have stood behind the embattled country. As the war has stretched on, sanctions have cut into the Russian economy and Putin has had to cede power to Xi, accepting the Chinese yuan in exchange for Russian commodities, for example. This week, Alberto Nardelli of Bloomberg reported that the European Union is considering another round of sanctions, including a ban on the export of machine tools and machinery parts that enable Russia to make ammunition. 
In a piece at the Center for European Policy Analysis today, Julia Davis, who monitors Russian media, noted that Russia lost an extraordinary 997,000 people between October 2020 and September 2021, even before the war began. Now it is so desperate to increase its population that its leadership claims to have stolen as many as 700,000 Ukrainian children and is urging women to have as many children as possible.  
Holly Ellyatt of CNBC noted that to the degree they even mentioned it, Russian media sniped at the Biden-Xi summit, but it was hard to miss that although Russian president Putin was not welcome to attend, Xi came and engaged in several high-level meetings, assuring potential investors that China wants to be friends with the U.S. Also hard to miss was Xi’s pointed comment that the China-U.S. relationship “is the most important bilateral relationship in the world.” 
Going into this summit, then, the U.S. had the leverage to get agreements from China to crack down on the precursor chemicals that Chinese producers have been shipping to Latin America to make illegal fentanyl, restore military communications between the two countries now that Li has been replaced, and make promises about addressing climate change. Other large issues of trade and the independence of Taiwan will not be resolved so easily. 
Still, it was a high point for President Biden, whose economic policies and careful investment in diplomatic alliances have helped to shift the power dynamic between the U.S. and two countries that were key geopolitical rivals when he took office. Now, both the U.S. and China appear to be making an effort to move forward on better terms. Indeed, Chinese media has shifted its tone about the U.S. and the APEC summit so quickly readers have expressed surprise. 
Today, Biden emphasized “the unlimited potential of our partnerships…to realize a future that will benefit people not only in the Asia-Pacific region but the whole world,… [a] future where our prosperity is shared and is inclusive, where workers are empowered and their rights are respected, where our economies are sustainable and resilient.” 
Biden and administration officials noted that companies from across the Asia-Pacific world have invested nearly $200 billion in the U.S. since Biden took office, creating tens of thousands of good jobs, while the U.S. has elevated its engagement with the region, holding bilateral talks, creating new initiatives and deepening economic partnerships. 
Today, Biden and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo announced that the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, an economic forum established last year as a nonbinding replacement for the Trans-Pacific Partnership former president Trump abruptly pulled out of, had agreed on terms to set up an early warning system for disruptions to supply chains, cooperation on clean energy, and fighting corruption and tax evasion.
In a very different event in San Francisco today, a federal jury convicted David DePape, 43, of attempted kidnapping and assault on account of a federal official’s performance of official duties for his attack on former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul with a hammer on October 28 of last year, fracturing his skull. 
DePape’s lawyers did not contest the extensive evidence against him but tried to convince the jury that DePape did not commit a federal crime because he did not attack Pelosi on account of Representative Pelosi’s official position. Instead, they said, DePape had embraced the language of right-wing lawmakers and pundits and believed in a conspiracy theory that pedophile elites had taken over the country and were spreading lies about former president Donald Trump. 
DePape told jurors he had come to conspiracy theories through Gamergate, a 2014–2015 misogynistic online campaign of harassment against women in the video game industry, which turned into attacks on feminism, diversity, and progressive ideas. Trump ally Steve Bannon talked of pulling together the Gamergate participants behind Trump and his politics. 
Also today, a subcommittee of the House Ethics Committee set up to investigate allegations against Representative George Santos (R-NY) issued its report. The Republican-dominated committee found that Santos had lied about his background during his campaign and, furthermore, that he appears to be a serial liar. Those lies also “include numerous misrepresentations to the government and the public about his and his campaign’s financial activities.” 
That is, the committee found, Santos defrauded his campaign donors, falsified his financial records, and used campaign money on beauty products, rent, luxury items from Hermes and Ferragamo, and purchases at the website Only Fans. The subcommittee recommended the Ethics Committee refer Santos to the Department of Justice, and “publicly condemn Representative Santos, whose conduct [is] beneath the dignity of the office” and who has “brought severe discredit upon the House.” 
Santos says he will not run for reelection.
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linguistlist-blog · 1 year
TOC, Information Design Journal Vol. 27, No. 3 (2023)
ICYMI: 2022. i, 88 pp. Table of Contents Editorial Information design in the times of the COVID-19 pandemic Carla G. Spinillo pp. 233–234 Articles The power of information design in enhancing the organization of information and course material in an online Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Maria dos Santos Lonsdale, Xiaoxiao Qin, Yun Chen, Heather Green, Maha Algethami, and Jiawen Xu pp. 235–277 A quantitative framework for analyzing distinctive features of typography Christian Mosbæk Johannesse http://dlvr.it/Spq9yD
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squishidoodles · 3 years
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I'm here to curse you with my random Japanese doodles
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canary3d-obsessed · 3 years
Masterpost - Word of Honor
Here’s all of my Word of Honor original content
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Costume Appreciation
Search tag “woh costumes” on this blog to find all of these together (on the days when tumblr’s search is working). Core family is at the top of the list, everyone else is alphabetical.
Wen Kexing   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |15 
Zhou Zishu    1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |11| 12 13 |14 |15 |16| 17 |18 |19 | 20 (NEW)
Gu Xiang       1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 
Zhang Chenling        1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Du Pusa (Scorpion Hottie) 1 | 2 
Gao Xiaolian   1 | 2
Gao Chong 1
Gu Miaomiao 1 | 2
Jing An (Noble Lady/Sister-In-Law)   1
Jing Beiyuan and Wu Xi    1 | 2 
Liu Qianquio (Beauty Ghost) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 
Luo Fumeng (Aunty Ghost) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 
Qiao Luohan (Stabby Scorpion) 1 
Qin Song (Scorpion Pipa Player) 1  
Qin Huaizhang  1
Qin Jiuxiao 1 
Rong Xuan   1 | 2 
Tao Hongpo  (Granny Watermelon) and Lu Liuweng     1
Xie Wang (Scorpion King) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 
Ye Baiyi       1  | 2
Yue Feng’Er  1 | 2  
Zhao Jing     1 
Soldiers: Ghost Valley   1 
Soldiers: Window of Heaven   1  
Under the Sea
Pour Some Sugar
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Gifs and Memes and Other Stuff
Wen Kexing Waking Up 
Cao Weining explaining romantic love to Gu Xiang
Zhou Zishu asks the wrong question 
Mouth Skills 
Wei Wuxian & Wen Kexing 
Fic Prompt
Professional Dumbasses
Unaltered Screen Cap
Reincarnation theory (spoiler!)
A Friend of the Bosom (clip from Rebecca)
Heather Has Two Daddies
WOH as Psychology Today Articles Part 1 | Part 2
Picrew Hug Maker
Happy Camp Pink Powder Antics 1 | 2 | 3 
Happy Camp Tongue Skills
Child actor Li Zhen Zhen 
How Did You Express the Pain...? (spoilers for NIF, WOH, CQL)
Thirst (Gong Jun)
Crueller than my Master
Thirst (ZZS)
Zhou Zishu in Other Stuff
Crossover AU Writing Prompt
Warning: Self-Whump
Hands of a Killer
Yawning and stretching
Shoulder blades
How did you discover that you were soulmates?
In-Show Advertising
Memorable Scene, Episode 28
Wolong Daily Nuts
The Jingshi makes an appearance
Pain in pubic region
Shaving + Fake Stubble 
Peak Intimacy
The Afterlife
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In Ruins
Heather Fae Qin (Belongs to @the-singing-canary)
Cassiopeia (Cas) Daniel Vance
Mary Anne Bethany Vance
Schninner: *Laughs bitterly* I STAYED UP UNTIL 4 AM WORKING ON THIS. I AM NOT OKAY.  Cas and Mary Anne are Makayla and Sirius’ future children while Heather is Alice’s daughter. OOH! And All that italicized paragraphs below? They were a collaboration with me and @the-singing-canary, So this is a collaborative piece of sorts
Warnings: SADDNESS
Word Count: 1440
Tagging; @maruthor @the-singing-canary @cuddles-for-cassie @royslittleharper
Master list:    (My content)                 (Content made by others)              
Cas weakly lifted his heavy head up slightly feeling his wet platinum blond hair stick to his forehead. Eyes caught sight of the limp light blue arm lying not too far from him. and his older sister’s crumpled body lay soaked on the ground.
“Kuiper,” His voice called out, sputtering and choking on the boiling water in his lungs. He hacked, the salty water draining, and he called out again, louder this time
No response, he dragged his water-logged body over to his sister’s, “Mary Anne Please!” he held her close and felt for a pulse, and sighed in relief when he felt the faint beat of her heart under his fingers.
“Sorry it had to come to this Pulsar.” A voice came from the shadows that Cas knew too well, the voice of his best friend, the woman he loved, Heather.
Cas gently set his sister’s head down, whispering an apology to her before lightly kissing her clammy forehead. He felt the ruin that was seared into his arm burn every step he took to get closer to her.
“If you were truly sorry,” he started, tugging his sleeve to hide the glowing ruin, “you would stop this.” he took another cautious step forward, Heather giving him a look of warning and flicked her wrists up ever so slightly raising several turrets of water.
“Please Heather, “he raised his hands in surrender, “I don't want to fight you! We can work this out, nobody else has to get hurt!”
His gaze shifted to Mary Anne, who still laid unconscious in the floor, and Heather’s gaze followed his, her frown deepening at the sight of her best friend.
“I didn't want to hurt her…” she shook her head, the abundant black curls bounced from side to side, her voice almost… small…
“It’s never too late Heather,” he subtly took a step closer to her, the ruin released a fresh new wave of agony.
He had asked Zatanna, begged her to save her. But Zatanna had merely replied that “no magic could fix a broken mind” But he was persistent, and sought out the demon Etrigan. He had done the research, she had carved the ruin into the young star’s arm, and Cas was going to pay for it, whether it worked or not.
A mind for a mind.
He stepped forward.
She didn't stop him.
He took another step.
She was now in arm's length, her bright blue eyes staring deeply into his purple ones.
“I’m still your friend, right?” his voice cracked as he reached his hand out to hers, the turrets of water threatening to crash down on him, “please, talk to me!”
She ignored his hand going straight into his arms tightly embracing him.
He hugged her back without hesitation, the pain in his forearm was unbearable. The turrets of water spread out, encasing them in a hollow dome.
“I just want my mom's back Cas, I just want my family.”
“I know Heather, I know.” he watched as the dome’s size slowing began to decrease, the walls getting closer to him.
“Just like I know that you aren't hugging me out of the kindness in your heart.” his voice soft and he felt her body tense up underneath him.
“And that's okay Heather. “he gently pulled away from her, and could hear Mary Anne screaming from the outside of the dome, but he remained where he was. The water walls brushing against his skin.
“I forgive you, and I always will. And do you know why? “
Heather's eyebrows scrunched together in aggravation, and he looked deeply in her eyes, memorizing their color one last time.
“Because I love you. No matter what you do or say, I will always love you.” he moved his hands and cupped either side of her cheeks, the ruin visibly showing through his costume. “And I will always, may the gods forbid it, try to save you.”
He pressed his warm pale blue lips against her forehead as the waves came crashing down on them, followed by a blinding light that enveloped Heather in head to toe. The dome dropped around them, Cas dropping limply onto the wet pavement as Heather landed gracefully down to the pavement, the light dissipating and her mind feeling more clear than it had in days.
“Cas, what did you…” She turned, only to find Mary Anne cradling her little brother’s head in her lap as tears streamed down her face.
Heather’s mind went numb.
“He’s just unconscious,” She repeatedly told herself as she sprinted over to the stars, her heart dropping when Mary Anne weakly attempted to pull her brother away from her.
“I- I tried to kill him.” A sob rose into Heather’s throat as Cas’ limp head rolled to the side to reveal his dull empty eyes, once filled with so much joy and love.
“Oh gods,” Heather covered her mouth with both of her hands as new sobs racked through her body, “Oh gods, I killed him!”
He was five and proposing to her with a watermelon ring pop, she had agreed almost instantly for the candy while he squeaked in delight, running off to tell their parents the good news.
She reached out, Mary Anne had given up trying to move him, and her fingers brushed against his blackened forearm, and through the tears, she faintly recognized the ruins, the magic that had ended his life.
It was close to the super kid’s prom, Cas now 14 was pulling a wagon filled with the largest watermelon Heather had ever dared to dream and an abundant supply of watermelon candy. Cas handed her a plush puppy dressed as a watermelon. “Heather, will you do the honor of going to the dance with me?” Before she could answer, he let out a shrill whistle, and a small puppy came bounding out from behind him wearing a watermelon costume.
Heather gasped in surprised, and swiftly ducked down to catch the puppy that was charging straight for her.
“Oh, my gods Cas! This is the nicest thing anybody has ever done for me! What could I ever do to thank you?”
“Well… You could start by saying yes?”
Heather let out a jovial laugh before bending down and planting a kiss on Cas’ cheek, causing dark blue blush to rise to his face “Of course I’ll go with you Cas! Your like, my best friend!”
Cas’s smile faltered, only for a second before he corrected himself and continued beaming up at Heather.
“Cas, what did you do?” She whispered through the tears, “What did you do you dummy?” Her voice rose suddenly causing Mary Anne to flinch, “WHAT DID YOU DO?”
It was his high school graduation, Cas was now at the age of 19 and had managed to miraculously tower over her. Her heart sped up as his arms enveloped her in a welcoming embrace. This couldn’t be the same boy that had proposed to her with a ring pop, could it?
“I missed you star boy!” She told him as she stood on her tippy toes to plant a kiss on his cheek and laughed. “Congrats Cas! You actually ended up taller than me! I’m impressed!”
Cas smiled, revealing the two dimples on either side of his cheeks, “It was no easy feat, but I kept telling myself every day, ‘I have to be taller than Heather’ and sure enough…” He gestured to his height, “Tada!”
Heather returned his smile, “well, it obviously worked! Also, before I forget…” She reached into her pocket and began digging around for something, “I have your graduation gift - should last you through the ceremony… AHA!” She pulled out a watermelon ring pop and offered it to him. “There ya go!”
Cas eyes went wide in surprise, his violet eyes dancing in excitement as he grasped the ring. He tore open the package and slipped the plastic ring on. A sly smile played at his lips as he lightly nudged her jokingly, “Ya know, If I didn’t know better, I’d say that you were proposing to me.”
Heather chuckled, ruffling his hair, “Ha! You wish lover boy!”
Cas laughed with her as he attempted to smooth his hair down, “Ah, well, a tar can dream, right?”
He had saved her, her mind at least, but it was a save none the lest. But as Heather knelt their next to Mary Anne, gripping tightly to younger star’s hand, thinking about how much joy and love he had brought into this world; she couldn’t help but think “was it really worth it? Was I really worth this?”
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pakui-hardware-blog · 5 years
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Pakui Hardware in CCA – Center for Contemporary Art Tel Aviv, 2019
Stumbling Through the Uncanny Valley: Sculpture and Self in the Age of Computer Generated Imagery
July 13 – September 7, 2019
Participants: Cory Arcangel, Aleksandra Domanović, Carmi Dror, Adi Fluman, Santa France, Nimrod Gershuni, Nir Harel, Jakub Jansa and Karolína Juříková, Haviv Kaptzon, Ronnie Karfiol, Christopher Kulendran Thomas, Daniel Landau in collaboration with Maya Magnat, Oliver Laric, Alicia Mersy, nabbteeri, Katja Novitskova, Pakui Hardware, Eva Papamargariti, Ruth Patir, Andrea Pekárková, Heather Phillipson, Seth Price, Jon Rafman, Elinor Salomon, Jacolby Satterwhite, Miri Segal, Timur Si-Qin, Jasmin Vardi, Andrew Norman Wilson, and Lu Yang
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linguistlist-blog · 1 year
TOC, Information Design Journal Vol. 27, No. 3 (2023)
2022. i, 88 pp. Table of Contents Editorial Information design in the times of the COVID-19 pandemic Carla G. Spinillo pp. 233–234 Articles The power of information design in enhancing the organization of information and course material in an online Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Maria dos Santos Lonsdale, Xiaoxiao Qin, Yun Chen, Heather Green, Maha Algethami, and Jiawen Xu pp. 235–277 A quantitative framework for analyzing distinctive features of typography Christian Mosbæk Johannesse http://dlvr.it/SpmWHF
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ao3feed-janeausten · 3 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3d7ihYU
by orphan_account
Words: 107866, Chapters: 3/3, Language: Dansk
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016), InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale, ダイヤのA | Daiya no A | Ace of Diamond, Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator, The A-Team (TV), Magnum P.I. (TV 2018), Jeeves - P. G. Wodehouse, House of Night - P. C. Cast & Kristin Cast, LOVECRAFT H. P. - Works, K-pop, K (Anime), Kong: Skull Island (2017), Christian Bible, Fall Out Boy, Prinsessen paa Ærten | The Princess and the Pea - Hans Christian Andersen, The Siege of Thebes - John Lydgate, GIRLSブラボー | Girls Bravo - All Media Types, Gilmore Girls, Pocket Monsters: X & Y | Pokemon X & Y Versions, The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015), KISS (US Band), The Who (Band), Star Wars Legends: X-Wing Series - Aaron Allston & Michael Stackpole, Legally Blonde - Hach/O'Keefe/Benjamin, Legally Blonde - All Media Types, Legally Blonde (Movies), Newsies!: the Musical - Fierstein/Menken, Adam Lambert (Musician), Heathers: The Musical - Murphy & O'Keefe, Kris Allen (Musician), Taylor Swift (Musician), Music RPF, W.I.T.C.H., Raffles - E. W. Hornung, Hardy Boys - Franklin W. Dixon, 古剑奇谭 | Gujian Qitan (Video Games), 秦时明月 | Qín Shí Míngyuè | The Legend of Qin - All Media Types, Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien, Wings of Fire - Tui T. Sutherland, Green Creek Series - T.J. Klune, Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats - T. S. Eliot, Hoshi no Kaabii | Kirby: Right Back at Ya!, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, L'appart du 5e (TV), Despacito - Luis Fonsi feat. Daddy Yankee (Song), Only The Brave - Louis Tomlinson (Song), The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson, Danny Phantom, Deryni Chronicles - Katherine Kurtz, Nancy Drew - Carolyn Keene, Nancy Drew (Video Games), Overwatch (Video Game), Undertale (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF, Dragon Age (Video Games), Sackett Series - Louis L'Amour, Dracula: l'amour plus fort que la mort - Ouali, L'amica geniale | The Neapolitan Novels - Elena Ferrante, The Closet of the Eminently Learned Sir Kenelme Digbie Kt. Opened - Kenelm Digby, Black Closet (Video Game), American Dad!, Dungeons and Daddies (Podcast), Daddy-Long-Legs - Jean Webster, How I Met My Mommy Series - Calliope St. James, Panic! at the Disco, mommy long legs - Fandom, My Chemical Romance, Set It Off (Band), BLACKPINK (Band), annie leblanc - Fandom, Annie (1982), Annie - Strouse/Charnin/Meehan, Little Mix (Band), Only You - Cheat Codes & Little Mix (Song), Lv2からチートだった元勇者候補のまったり異世界ライフ | Lv2 kara Cheat datta Motoyuusha Kouho no Mattari Isekai Life (Manga), Ariana Grande (Musician), Camila Cabello (Musician), hollstein carmilla, Selena Gomez (Musician), Zendaya (Musician), Emma - Jane Austen, War for the Oaks - Emma Bull, Emma Chamberlain - Fandom, loren gray, loren grey, New Rules - Dua Lipa (Music Video), dialipa, Dua Lipa (Musician), Riverdale (TV 2017), Riverdale (TV 2017) RPF, Dove Cameron - Fandom, millie bobby brown - Fandom, Stranger Things (TV 2016), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, DOGS - Fandom, golden retriever - Fandom, tampax - Fandom, Pocket Monsters: Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon | Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Versions, ultra - Fandom, Blood - Fandom, period - Fandom, fat load, pad - Fandom, diva cup - Fandom, 反派白化光环 - 好大一卷卫生纸 | The Villain's White Lotus Halo - A Big Roll of Toilet Paper, 聲の形 | Koe no Katachi | A Silent Voice (Manga), Charlie and Lola, Lola (Song), Logan Paul - Fandom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Mad Hatter | Jefferson, Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Emma Swan
Additional Tags: SO, mah, jd - Freeform, d - Freeform, F, H - Freeform, T, e - Freeform, A - Freeform, s, c - Freeform, jfds, v - Freeform, HR, w - Freeform, z - Freeform, jdjc, sjx, SI, mamy, fhd, aiciskaokJzuxj, Gay, i hipster, Dress, rehearsal
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3d7ihYU
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digitalpoetry · 4 years
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Εδώ θα βρείτε το έργο : http://programmatology.shadoof.net/?wsqt
Ακόμα ένα έργο του John Cayley, για το οποίο κέρδισε το Electronic Literarute Award το 2001. Πρόκειται για ένα 23λεπτο βίντεο ψηφιακής ποίησης που απαιτεί την προσοχή του θεατή-αναγνώστη, καθώς δεν υπάρχει η δυνατότητα του να μεταβείς σε όποιο σημείο θέλεις, παρά μόνο να παρακολουθήσεις την ροή της ταινίας. Το έργο επικεντρώνεται στην μορφοποίηση του κειμένου μέσω της συνεχόμενης αντικατάστασης των γραμμάτων του. Το κείμενο που  είναι γραμμένο από τον ίδιο τον δημιουργό αλλά εμπεριέχει και  μια μετάφραση του ίδιου από ένα κλασσικό κινέζικο τραγούδι εποχής του Qin Guan, Candence; Like a Dream. Όπως είπε και ο κριτής του διαγωνισμού Heather McHugh για το έργο "it reveals the power of letters, even as it plays with the limits of literal intelligibility" and "explores the power of sequences, even as it plays with non-sequitur."
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sfpcschool · 7 years
Fall 2017: Week 7
post by ann (SFPC 2017)
Thoughts have begun to turn to the final showcase which is only two weekends away (Mark your calendars for Nov 11–12!). Students spent time this week brainstorming about the podcast they are creating for Morehshin Allahyari’s class, The Radical Outside, and talked about their project ideas over family dinner with alumni Andy Clymer, Michael Simpson, Yeseul Song, Anastasis Germanidis, and Todd Anderson, as well as SFPC co-founder Taeyoon Choi.
Day 1: Averaging images and making Text Rain
Day 1 kicked off with a lecture by Zach Lieberman that built on the previous week’s lecture on image processing. This week, students learned how to create an image that averages the frames of a video, and also how to recreate the well-known interactive art piece Text Rain (1999) by Camille Utterback & Romy Achituv.
The class started with a lecture on image averaging, and students discussed Nancy Burson and Jason Salavon’s work.
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Burson was well known in the 1980s and 90s for her work on composite and morphed faces. The technology she created in collaboration with two MIT engineers (Richard Carling and David Kramlich) was used by the FBI to age the faces of missing children.
Her best-known public art project is probably the Human Race Machine, which was originally developed in 2000 but continues to be shown in museums today. The project is meant to spark a discussion about race as a social construct, rather than genetic determination.
After viewing Burson’s work, the class spent time discussing the controversial and problematic nature of her approach to race. In particular, Burson often presents as emblematic racial ‘types’ (Asian, Black, Hispanic, Indian) that are in fact an arbitrary fabrication reflective of her own biases as creator rather than any objective measure.
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The class also looked at Jason Salavon’s work with averages. Next, Zach live-coded a recreation of Salavon’s style of composite image (check out the code here if you’re curious!).
After the Salavon demonstration, Zach walked the class through a recreation of Text Rain. In short, he created a binary black/white image from his video feed, and instructed the falling particles to stop when they encountered a black pixel (code is here!).
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Lastly, Zach shared some of his favorite computer vision books for further reading and study.
Day 2: Digital Colonialism, Time, and Piracy
Morehshin started her class with a short lecture on digital colonialism and data ownership. Morehshin has spoken extensively on digital colonialism, and shared with the class her perspective on the proprietary ownership of 3D models of ancient artifacts as a new form of colonialism.
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Then, Heather Moore, Hyojin Yoo, and Matt Jacobson presented on digital colonialism, the history of time, and piracy respectively.
Heather talked about the difference between colonialism, imperialism, and globalism (settlements and control of technology, ideology, transnational economies), and how colonialism today is about controlling people without military force. She also discussed restricting what is possible to do with a given technology as a modern control mechanism.
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Next, Hyojin talked about the history of time. In the past, ‘time’ did not mean ‘clock time’ but could refer to many different representations of time such as a the movement of the sun in the sky or the changing seasons. She talked about how time affects our perception of the world and sets certain rituals. Today, we tend to think of time as linear and as a commodity.
“Time was an important way to measure labor output.” — Hyojin Yoo
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Lastly, Matt talked about piracy as a facet of colonialism. He posited the open source movement as a form of revolution, meant to make democratic technologies that are usually obscured. He also talked about glitch art, and how artists working in that medium push back against the very hardware that constrains us and separates via access— the size of our monitors and the resolution of our screens.
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Day 2 (afternoon): Student Colin Wang teaches a workshop on 3D modeling
As the final showcase approaches, many students have questions on creating custom parts for their projects. To help his classmates get started, Colin Wang, a current SFPC student, designer, and mechanical engineer, led an introductory workshop on 3D modeling.
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Day 3: DIY sensors and capacitive touch
On Day 3 students were back with Pam Liou and Arduinos. Pam started by giving a lecture on potentiometers and variable resistance. She showed how some materials have enough resistance that it’s possible to create a quick-and-dirty potentiometer simply by sliding your power along the length while fixing the ground (she demonstrated with brass and steel yarn, which are both much less conductive than copper).
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Then she challenged the class to develop their own sensors that used the concept of variable resistance. The students came up with everything from box shaped sensors, to ping pong balls wrapped in foil, to a crazy windchime sensor (sadly, not captured on film!).
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Next, Pam talked about capacitive sensors and showed the class how to turn a regular Arduino into a capacitive touch sensor without any added shields or hardware. Simply add the capacitiveTouch library, wire up some big resistors (500K+ recommended!) and then you can use pins 2, 4, and 6 as touch sensors. Easy!
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Day 4: Trading Zines on the last day with Nick Montfort
Day 4 marked the last code poetry class with Nick Montfort. In his three part lecture on small machines, Nick has taken the class through creating tweet-sized python programs that generated poems, to slightly longer (but still small!) programs to create zines. For their final class, students generated text for small zines which they read aloud, shared, and discussed.
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Day 4 (evening): Family dinner and feedback session with SFPC alum
On Thursday evening, current SFPC TA and former student Todd Andersonarranged a family dinner + feedback session with four SFPC alum: Andy Clymer, Michael Simpson, Yeseul Song, and Anastasis Germanidis. After a hearty pizza dinner, alum introduced themselves, the projects they made for their final showcase, and their current work. Afterwards, students split into groups according to their interests and the expertise of the alum to receive feedback on their final showcase ideas.
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It was great opportunity to sit down with the alum and get their insight, and a testament to the closeness of the SFPC family!
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Day 5: Visit to Dark Matter
On Friday, students visited the studios of Taeyoon Choi and Zach Liebermanat Dark Matter in Brooklyn for a meet-and-greet. Artists from Dark Matter, Alex Qin from Gakko, cs, Jonathan Dahan, Pete Krafft, Maddy Varner, scientists from Biotech without Borders, and other friends of SFPC met over pizza, beer, and cocktails.
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And a week 7 video from Yumi!
Finally, don’t forget to RSVP for the Student Showcase on November 11~12 at SFPC, 155 Bank Street, NYC!
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minnesotafollower · 7 years
Yet More News Regarding the Medically Affected U.S. Diplomats in Cuba 
There are more developments regarding the actions and reactions associated with the medically affected U.S. diplomats who had been stationed in Cuba.
The U.S. State Department Spokesperson, Heather Nauert, at an October 4 Press Briefing, responded to Cuba’s criticism of not obtaining sufficient U.S. information about the medical problems of some of its personnel in Cuba. She said the U.S. was…
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micaramel · 5 years
Artists: Cory Arcangel, Aleksandra Domanović, Carmi Dror, Adi Fluman, Santa France, Nimrod Gershuni, Nir Harel, Jakub Jansa and Karolína Juříková, Haviv Kaptzon, Ronnie Karfiol, Christopher Kulendran Thomas, Daniel Landau in collaboration with Maya Magnat Oliver Laric, Alicia Mersy, nabbteeri, Katja Novitskova, Pakui Hardware, Eva Papamargariti, Ruth Patir, Andrea Pekárková, Heather Phillipson, Seth Price, Jon Rafman, Elinor Salomon, Jacolby Satterwhite, Miri Segal, Timur Si-Qin, Jasmin Vardi, Andrew Norman Wilson, Lu Yang
Venue: Center for Contemporary Art Tel Aviv
Exhibition Title: Stumbling Through the Uncanny Valley: Sculpture and Self in the Age of Computer Generated Imagery
Curated By: Chen Tamir
Date: July 13 – September 7, 2019
Note: A booklet associated with the exhibition can be downloaded here. A video program brochure can be downloaded here.
Click here to view slideshow
Full gallery of images, press release, and link available after the jump.
Alicia Mersy, Wisdom Fertilizer, 2018
Andrew Norman Wilson, Ode to Seekers 2012, 2016
Images courtesy of Center for Contemporary Art Tel Aviv
Press Release:
Center for Contemporary Art Tel Aviv is please to present “Stumbling Through the Uncanny Valley: Sculpture and Self in the Age of Computer Generated Imagery”, a group exhibition spanning the entire building. We spend so much time looking at screens that show us images created by computers rather than cameras or humans. This new aesthetic filters through our daily lives and gives form to a new mode of visual representation. Following these premises, the exhibition examines the boundaries of this phenomenon through the work of 30 pioneering artists from around the globe. The exhibition title refers to the term “The uncanny valley,” that was coined in the 1970s to describe the unsettling feeling when androids (humanoid robots) or audio / visual representations of people closely resemble humans, but are not fully realistic or convincing. This dissonance is found today in computer-generated imagery (CGI) that now form our visual world and artists today are responding to and deconstructing the resultant visual landscape.
The exhibition is conceived as a major spotlight on this medium shift, drawing inspiration from the stream of “Post-Internet Art.” “Post-Internet” does not mean a world after the Internet, but rather work being made in a widely networked world and focusing on the visual culture that is its byproduct, a culture that has become more and more globalized and connected, bringing together artists from different regions of the world, from Asia to Central Europe, from the Middle East to Baltic Countries. These artists are not only producing art with new tools, they are looking deeply at a new world order in which synthetic images make up a large part of what we take in. In this world, mediated by technology, the physical and the virtual merge, and the Internet complicates how the self and the other meet.
“Stumbling Through the Uncanny Valley: Sculpture and Self in the Age of Computer Generated Imagery” is curated by Chen Tamir and is accompanied by a booklet in English, Hebrew and Arabic, and a public program including roundtables, performances, and curator’s tours in English and Hebrew.
Link: Group Show at Center for Contemporary Art Tel Aviv
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