#Hearse song
bigoldeels · 2 years
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don’t you ever laugh as a hearse goes by, for YOU may be the next to die!
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noxspost · 1 year
hynpos being creepy
all the sisters nodded, and Alecto was grinning. well Hypnos wasn't doing to deal with this BS. he went to the third shade his skin became translucent they saw everything underneath his skin including his face they saw the eyes and the nerves that connected everything they saw the bones and they saw the blood hello goodnight." the shade was trying to escape Hypnos's touch it was screaming crying for help begging for mercy but Hypnos only had a sadistic smile and he said "good night sleep well!" and the shade against his will fell asleep his body fell on the floor his companions the two other shades were quivering in fear and Hypnos cackled slightly "your turn will come soon~" he said in the sing Song Voice.
then he turned to Electro and immediately they were inside shade dreams they saw him in a room strapped to a chair by a rope he looked panickily around and then they see the aqueducts starting to overflow with blood they hear him screaming but it's muffled by the cloth tied around his mouth.
he started to scream more and more but it was muffled more and more so it only sounded like it was distant and the blood was his own... they realized those awkward ducks were not awkward ducks but cuts on the guy's body it overflowed like rivers filling up the room all the way up it was slowly drowning him he was drowning in his own blood elective smile turning to Hypnos the sleep God and they see him more like his brother Charon.
then they were Thrown back into the living world outside the his dreamscape and the guy was now awake screaming, but he was paralyzed unable to move Hypnos outstretched his hand to Alecto well..." then she smirks and started to show the shade his real blood and then Hypnos put him under again now the shade was crying he tried relentlessly to shake off the sleep but Hypnos just added more and more and Alecto continued to whip him more and more they started to cause him to bleed over and over both in dreams and in the waking.
the shade was now screaming for help pleading but everyone else other shades in the fields of punishment only ignored him the two companion shades near him were cowering against the wall meg was glaring them down like lioness waiting for prey to come closer. Tisiphone was slowly started to get sick because all three furious sisters were slowly starting to see how Hypnos dropped his normal form his normal characteristics which made him look weak and soft and vulnerable into something more kin to a corpse or Charon.
then Alecto stops and hypnosis get me a goblet now electro does liking where this is going the shade finally released a relief sigh but then Hypnos placed a bony leg on their neck slightly crushing it you ain't getting nowhere then Alecto handed him the goblet the guy got his shoulder slit by a knife and the guy was now crying in fear as they see Hypnos make a goblet a drink out of the guy's own blood and then the bleeding stops they think ok maybe that was just it.
then the Hypnos forces in the shade to drink his own blood. the guy had his mouth clamped together but then Hypnos wretched the guy's jaws apart of course there's some difficulty because this is a human mouth. 
when he wrenches the bottom jaw from the top, he shoves the blood down the guy's throat the guy was gagging hacking trying to throw up the blood to expel it to not have it in his system, but Hypnos forced him to drink the goblet of blood.
the beverage was purely made of blood the guy was now choking on his own blood without his throat being slit he was now coughing and gagging trying to expel the blood it was not going well. when the Shades stopped resisting and just gave up letting the blood slow down slow down his throat finally Hypnos dropped him by his neck on his back as he passed out finally "have fun."
he finally spoke and his hands were stained with red blood.
Alecto was the stunned that of course she would never give up the chance of relentless beating someone up but I would be careful he's completely given up he giggles a little bit and he turns to the tension to both of the other shades.
he smiles were the deranged smile he said "now how are we going to do this hmm well in your nightmares you have a fear of bugs worms decomposed decomposing stuff death hmm I think I can work with both of you guys as fears." Meg and Tisiphone watched with Horror.
well his body had the pale dying skin which was unsettling He was still tall and lanky with grey blue skin. His hair was white and stained with blood from the roots and at the ends. The skin was shedding off showing the red and purple muscles.
the flesh that was rotting and dying had been stitched back on and then Hypnos turns, and the other two furies saw one of his golden eyes is barely in the hole where the eye would be and fleshy nerve was the only thing holding the eyeball in the head was still on the eye. He was smiling but half of the lower half of the face the left side was some muscles, skin and mostly bone and blood the color of red, gold, and blue.
Some of the flesh was barely holding on to the bones. There were poppy flowers growing in and on the skin. The stems buried deep into the muscle and flesh. there was poppy flowers on the exposed bones. his leg was just the bone, and the worms and bugs were eating away at the flesh still on the other legs and left arm. He was covered in blood, and he looked so bad. He did smell so bad like death.
then he started to sing 
"Don't you ever laugh as a Herse goes by For you may be the next one to die They wrap you up in big white sheets And cover you from head to feet."
his voice was haunting as he pointed to the bloody sheet wrapped around the last two shades.
well his body had the pale dying skin which was unsettling He was still tall and lanky with grey blue skin. His hair was white and stained with blood from the roots and at the ends. The skin was shedding off showing the red and purple muscles.
"They put you in a big black box And cover you with dirt and rocks All goes well for about a week Until your coffin begins to leak!" his voice was getting more demented as he got closer and closer to the shades as they coward against the wall.
the flesh that was rotting and dying had been stitched back on and then Hypnos turns, and the other two furies saw one of his golden eyes is barely in the hole where the eye would be and fleshy nerve was the only thing holding the eyeball in the head was still on the eye. He was smiling but half of the lower half of the face the left side was some muscles, skin and mostly bone and blood the color of red, gold, and blue.
Some of the flesh was barely holding on to the bones. There were poppy flowers growing in and on the skin. The stems buried deep into the muscle and flesh. there was poppy flowers on the exposed bones.
"And the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out The worms play pinochle on your snout They eat your eyes, they eat your nose As you begin to decompose!"
then with his torn up clothing worms started to climb up him and research dig into his sin digging deep eating inside his skin the worms get in and then they slowly start to eat the white out and even a word was trying deep at the eye being held by the fleshy string and you started to laugh magically his eye his one good eye flashed with golden colors the shade that was afraid of worms and bugs started to scream and whimper.
unable to do anything because of the chains that chained him to the wall. he was indeed becoming more and more decomposed more and more of a corpse that was trapped within the ground he smiled bits of his bone exposed underneath his face being shown the worms kept digging deeper and deep into his skin as they started to slowly eat away at his nose.
"A slimy beetle with demon's eyes Chews through your stomach and out your sides Your stomach turns to rancid grease. And pus pours out like melted cheese." 
he was smiling as he danced around as the slimily beetle with demon's eyes which chewed through his sides and Tisiphone and electro looked even more concerned Meg had a blank face but she was a totally screaming in the fear on the inside. 
"You spread it on a slice of bread, And that's what you'll eat when you're dead!" he used the pus from the hole which poured out like melted cheese and he put it on a slice of bread and he forced feed it to the shade it was afraid of decomposition.
the shade who was phobia of bugs and worms started to try to cling to the wall for dear life as the Beatles and Warp started to slowly inch towards him.
"And the worms crawl out, the worms crawl in The ones that crawl in are lean and thin, The ones that crawl out are fat and stout!" the worms that went inside Hypnos to feast On hypnosis skin flesh and muscle this terrified all the furious sisters and yes this did catch the attention of the other souls in the fields of punishment out of morbid curiosity.
"Your eyes fall in, and your hair falls out!" his eyes finally fell and it left two pools of cold Creepy hollow holes of the darkness it hold no emotion no Hypnos like wonder but just cold and dark holes into the soul that was never there.
his hair was falling in clumps and he was now dancing around and the worms were digging deeper into the flesh and Meg looked to Tisiphone who was shaking tears welling up.
well, he had a dagger and he started to cut out his brain there were a number of beetles and bugs digging into his brain matter and he's saying again this time it's a little bit hollower yet more terrifying now Alecto is even stopped to stand awkwardly out of fear which was saying something.
"Your brain turns into maggot pie, Your liver starts to liquify." he also pulls out his liver which was slowly Starting into liquid mush and in fact there were in fact maggots in his brain as there were slowly digging out of the brain matter and the bug slowly and beetle slowly flew off away from the brain.
"And for the living, all is well As you sink further into hell. " he said it like a war cry as he raised his head above and he screamed it. this cause both of the shades scream in fear and terror as both tried to break the chains to flee but that was for nothing as he laughs this manic, panicked, happy deranged laughter blood staining his face with his hands.
"And the flames rise up to drag you down Into the fire where you will drown Your skin melts off as you descend!" well then his uncle Tartarus answered the call by summoning a little bit of fire as two long snake like arms of massive claws grabbed him both the shades and both hands got the shades slowly inch them closer to the bugs beetles and death the fires burned blue and red.
"And Alecto tears you limb from limb Your suffering will never end!"
the Fury sisters looked at Hypnos the peaceful kind weak looking god asleep now this deranged psycho they were all in fear they felt all their blood run cold they felt as if there were suction cup to the ground unable to move as he looked at them his eyes slowly rechecking back to their normal spots but his eye on the left side was still being held by the fleshy string known as a nerve.
he was holding a a beat heart and lung in his two hands as he danced around the shades the fires testing his shadows all over the walls the other shades in the field of punishment who are now doing their work trying to ignore the fact that they were screaming terrified shades and they are once knew of the peaceful god of sleep acting like a deranged killer now.
he was singing with anger and glee and Tisiphone was now crying and, on the floor, she trying to make herself smaller from Hypnos being this way
"And the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out They'll eat your guts and then shit them out And when your bones begin to rot The worms remain, but you do not!" he had worms and bugs eating at the heart and lung and then his body one finally time but then his voice became normal with a slight edge to it the bugs were no longer more the worms were no longer more he looked a little bit decomposed but not that much was back to his normal characteristics of looking vulnerable week kind and soft but now they've knew what can really happen if you anger the god of sleep I keep saying one last thing
"So don't ever laugh as a hearse goes by For someday, you'll be the one to die."
"And when Death brings his cold despair..." he got close to the ears of the two shades " Ask yourself, "Will anyone care?" both of the shades now passed out from fear and from his touch he was and then finally he was back to normal he turned to see the sisters and nonchalantly summoned his quilt and wrapped around his shoulders he looked back at the Fury Sisters and saw the absolute mess that was Tisiphone she was crying she was huddled up against the wall trying to make herself seem small.
here is where the scene is from
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roguecs17 · 2 years
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Hearse Song- Rusty Cage
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eiramew · 2 months
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harriet you're so dramatic
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endomentendo · 2 months
Since you like slugs, what are your opinion on worms?
We’re all gonna end up in the ground to be eaten by them in order to feed the earth that feeds us. Like the worms, it spirals, and yet it ends at some point, and starts again.
For the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out.
The worms remain, but we do not.
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bleaksqueak · 7 months
This song has lived in my head for decades at this point and it shows no sign of ever leaving.
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art--harridan · 11 months
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[Image description: A digital painting based on the film The Deadly Spawn. It depicts a large spawn creature - which is a mix between a slug and an earthworm, with a mouth like a leech - looming over a three storey blue house. The house is sat in a field next to a rocky hill, which the spawn rises out of, more than double its size. Its bottom teeth blend into the hillside. There's an empty road near the hill, which is visually blocked by shadow. Near its end, there's a telephone pole, which is linked by many wires to a more prominent one by the house. All of the house's windows are lit up in warm light. The night sky is light, though stars can be seen. A few clouds litter the sky. The leaves of large trees frame both sides of the pieces. The piece is mostly yellow and green tones, with a few reds for the spawn. The other main colour is blue, which is used mainly for the sky and house.]
Inktober - Day 29 (Massive)
Film - The Deadly Spawn (Douglas McKeown, 1983)
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thescarecrowfrombatman · 11 months
Do you like to play any instruments
But I like to think I'm a decent singer.
Okay well not decent, but I had some fun.
instrumental rip by Obskure Karaoke
Happy Halloween, friends!
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draculiza · 5 months
did you ever think as a hearse goes by that you may be the next to die?
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cia-mia-00 · 3 months
Timothy Casket headcannon story dump based on the Real Guy in a Real World vid. This thing's like 6 paragraphs so it's under the bar lmao
TW: Murder, Suicide
Imagine: Timothy Casket is a groundskeeper and sole employee at a small family owned cemetery which he inherits from his eccentric parents. One night, Jimmy jumps from Princeton Quagmire's* corpse to Tim. Eventually with Jimmy's help Tim loses it and murders Stacey: his wife and Gregory's birth mother. In a daze, he buries her in the backyard in the rain, unknowingly being watched by a 4 year old Gregory. (this is where I like to think the umbrella image comes in)
After, Timothy's mind is shattered and it becomes near impossible to tell whenever it is Tim, who wants to protect his son, or Jimmy, who wants to drag Gregory down with him. Gregory is scared and confused and although visions of his mother's corpse try to warn and care for him, he cannot help but trust "Timothy", who ensures Jimmy's influence rubs off onto him, too.
By the time the police come sniffing around the house, Tim is a paranoid wreck and sends Gregory away to his grandparents, strange reclusive people in their own right, so that the law doesn't find Gregory and ask him any questions. Tim, insane, remorseful, and knowing there's no way to get away with the crime, and Jimmy, secure that he has a new host in Gregory, commits suicide before Tim can be arrested and interrogated. The case is never solved.
By the time Gregory finds his way to his grandparents isolated mansion, he finds that they were already dead, and must've been for a long time. So, he has no choice but to try and care for and feed himself, stuck in that secluded house without any food, electricity, or running water for two years. But, luckily he wasn't completely alone...!
When Gregory escapes the house, he is found by Maloney. Gregory tells maloney his name is Johnny. Johnny is adopted by Peewee Ghost and meets Toast, who lives in the same neighborhood. And with the help of extensive therapy, the rest is history.
*I have a hard time choosing between Jimmy possessing Tim through Quagmire's body or the Grandparents being cultists and the cemetery being a ploy to summon Jimmy through Tim. If the grandparents were cultists it could give some excuse as to why CBF is in their house and CBF's weird relationship with Jimmy.
Also I'm going nuts thinking about Timothy singing the Hearse Song to Gregory as a lullaby
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permafrown · 2 months
"essays" in question btw in regards to Irene + Irene/Jonathan 👇 they're very informal bc I just copied and pasted my own messages LMAO
Their whole thing is that they moved to Gotham, right.. initially being from the Midwest and so they're there as an Embalmer for the GCPD. They end up picking up a side gig as a body disposal service for Gotham's criminal underbelly just like. Completely by accident. They did it once for Penguin but after that it's what they became Known For and like they'd get shady mfs at their door like. 🕴️ we got a job for ya and they're like. 😔 I guess this is what I do now ⚰
They don't kill anybody they just take care of a deed that's already been done, in exchange for money and favors they can cash in. They consider themselves a "Modern-Day Charon" bc of the morbid but neutral role they play.
EVENTUALLY they decide they want to do a little more with themselves and one thing leads to another and . . . they get into experimenting w/ reanimating corpses specifically after modifying a sample of Jonathan's fear toxin into what they call Vie (short for Vie a la Mort bc they're fake french). It bites them in the ass and they die and then are brought back with their own creation and now they're The Cooler Irene
if I were to like generalize instead of basing it around pre-existing comics .. I'd say Irene and Jonathan probably met at something like a gala/charity event that Gotham University was hosting and members of the GCPD were invited to including Irene bc Jim Gordon was like. We have got to get you out of that morgue and socializing spending all that time around dead bodies isn't good for you. And they're just like. Ok 😗👍
SO THEY MEET JON AT THIS PARTY that they're both like half-heartedly attending for one reason or another. and they're like wowww.. this guy's weird (twirling hair). Theyre talking to eachother getting along well. And well since Irene doesn't know abt Scarecrow and (at this point) Jon doesn't know about Undertaker they're both just kinda thinking to themselves - this guy's definitely hiding something.
SO IT'S THIS STUPID LIKE. ROMCOM ASS DEVELOPMENT of them gradually spending more and more time around eachother falling in-love in the process being in denial about it ETC
and then one Halloween. Irene's first Halloween in Gotham there's a fall festival that Jonathan had invited Irene to and they're like oh hell yeah. They dress as a plague doctor with a small twist that ends up saving their ass (the mask actually functions as a mask) so they go and they're waiting for Jonathan just chillin and then BOOM there's a scarecrow attack and everything's in shambles around 'em there's people screaming and what not. Except for Irene who like in the midst of it all sees Scarecrow and their ass FALLS IN-LOVE thinking he's just a scare actor
They just kinda go home after like wow what a wild night lol. and then they hear police sirens outside at where the festival was and they're like . I'm starting to think that whole ordeal wasn't part of the festivities.
SO they see a news segment talking about a scarecrow attack and they're like scarecrow.... AND they rmbr how they hadn't seen Jonathan that night and it's not like him to no-show esp not when he made the plans so they're connecting the dots like . . . Uh oh 😨 ( <- experiencing heart palpitations but brother it's not fear)
SO THEY JUST. HAVE TO GO ON PRETENDING THEY DONT KNOW SHIT LIKE ahh damn jonathan shame I didnt see you last night. Yeah no I wasn't even there I had to feed my fish.
AND THENNNNN as Undertaker they have scarecrow as a client once and they're normal about it. like maybe he doesn't know. and then it happens again shortly after but this time they're like 🤨 this body you want gone isn't even fresh man the rove beetles are getting to it it's been out for atleast a week and Scarecrow's like. How would you know that if you weren't involved in the forensics or perhaps even mortuary field. Irene. and they're like FUUUUCK 😭
SO THAT'S HOW HE FINDS OUT BC HE SET THEM UP and then they take off eachother's masks/veil and it's all tense and they kiss sloppy style THE END
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s1lly-gh02tz · 4 months
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gengarghast · 5 months
The worms play pinochle on your snout
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endomentendo · 1 month
Related to worm post: What's your fav version of The Hearse Song? I'm personally partial to Rusty Cage and the version that pops up in The Midnight Gospel!
It may not be as traditional as the many covers, but please listen to how FRIGGIN EPIC THIS IS. I wanna jam to a song of rot and decomposition, not a repeating sense that kinda eventually gets old. Give me something to feel like I’m crawling from the earth as flies, locusts, slugs, worms and fungus spew out like hands from the grave. Let me sing of what disturbed me as a kid and embrace what I missed when I was a little lassie.
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saisons-en-enfer · 11 months
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annaberunoyume · 7 months
Another headcanon about Monster!Edward: as @steam-beasts showed in the comments of the post below (which I had the pleasure to find out by asking Edward himself what he was reading) Monster!Edward loves horror stories. Although he would never hurt a fly (unless said fly was trying to hurt Y/N or his family), he is very good at going creepy when telling horror stories. Y/N does not mind as they love horror stories as well. But Percy (and, to a degree, Thomas) do not like it when Edward sings creepy songs. Boy, was it a bad idea when one stormy night, Thomas asked Edward what a hearse is...:
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