#Health science Journal of Open access
amol-pimpale · 1 year
Open Access vs. Subscription-Based Journals: Pros and Cons in the Pharmaceutical and Medical Fields
In the rapidly evolving world of pharmaceutical and medical research, the dissemination of knowledge through scholarly journals is essential for advancing scientific understanding and promoting innovation. However, the traditional subscription-based journal model has faced challenges in recent years, leading to the emergence of open access publishing as an alternative. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of both open access and subscription-based journals in the context of pharmaceutical and medical research.
1. Open Access Journals
1.1 Pros
1.1.1 Increased Visibility and Accessibility
One of the significant advantages of open access journals is the unrestricted availability of published articles to readers worldwide. This increased visibility can lead to higher citation rates and greater exposure for the authors' work.
1.1.2 Accelerated Discoveries
By removing access barriers, open access journals facilitate the rapid exchange of information among researchers. This can accelerate the pace of discoveries and innovations in the pharmaceutical and medical fields.
1.1.3 Public Engagement
Open access journals allow the general public, including patients and healthcare professionals, to access the latest research directly. This fosters better-informed decision-making and public engagement with scientific advancements.
1.2 Cons
1.2.1 Article Processing Charges (APCs)
Many open access journals require authors to pay article processing charges (APCs) to cover publication costs. These charges can be a burden, especially for researchers with limited funding.
1.2.2 Quality Concerns
The open access model has led to the proliferation of predatory journals that prioritize profit over rigorous peer review. Researchers must carefully vet journals to ensure their credibility and avoid submitting to disreputable outlets.
2. Subscription-Based Journals
2.1 Pros
2.1.1 Established Reputation
Subscription-based journals, especially those with high impact factors, often have a long-standing reputation for publishing quality research. Publishing in these journals can enhance the credibility and visibility of the authors' work.
2.1.2 Rigorous Peer Review
Traditional subscription-based journals typically adhere to a rigorous peer review process, ensuring that published articles undergo critical evaluation by experts in the field.
2.1.3 Stability and Sustainability
The subscription-based model has been the standard for academic publishing for decades, providing a stable and sustainable source of revenue for journal publishers.
2.2 Cons
2.2.1 Limited Accessibility
Subscription-based journals restrict access to articles, making it challenging for researchers and the public in low-income regions to obtain critical research findings.
2.2.2 High Costs
Access to subscription-based journals often comes with significant costs, both for individuals and institutions. This can hinder access to valuable research for researchers and students with limited resources.
2.2.3 Embargoes and Delayed Access
Some subscription-based journals impose embargoes on newly published articles, delaying their accessibility to readers until a certain period has elapsed.
In the dynamic landscape of pharmaceutical and medical research publishing, both open access and subscription-based journals have their merits and drawbacks. Open access journals promote unrestricted access and rapid dissemination of knowledge, while subscription-based journals offer established reputation and rigorous peer review. To make an informed decision, researchers must consider their funding constraints, publication goals, and the target audience they wish to reach.
As the scientific community continues to explore new models for scholarly publishing, the aim remains to strike a balance that ensures the widest possible dissemination of knowledge while maintaining the highest standards of quality and credibility.
Visit website: https://ijpsjournal.com
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lupinepublishers · 2 years
Lupine Publishers | Histochemical and Histomorphometrical Studies on the Digital Cushion of Heifers and Dairy Cows with Claw Horn Lesions
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Background: The ruminant claw horn lesions seriously diminish histological structure and functional efficiency of the digital cushion of the dairy cows.
Objective: To investigate histological and histochemical properties of the digital cushion in the dairy cow with claw horn lesions, such as white line disease, sole damage and hemorrhage.
Results: The results showed that digital cushion loses its normal histological structure in claw horn lesions.
Conclusion: Further biochemical, physiological and feeding studies on the experimentally induced claw horn lesions are necessary to understand the nature of the events playing roles involving animal feeding in the development of the lesions, to develop new animal feeding strategies aiming to protect and maintain the normal structure of the digital cushion.”
Keywords:Protein Degradability; Goats; Intensive Feeding; Nitrogen Balance; Digestibility
Lameness is one of the most important problems negatively affecting milk yield and animal welfare in modern dairy farming in high-performance animals. The cows with laminitis produce lower amount of milk [1-5]. Moreover, cyclic reproductive changes of these cows slow down [6] or cease because of anoestrus [7] or cystic ovarian disease [8]. Lameness is a major animal welfare problem because that it is a painful condition and causes to behavioral changes of the affected cow. A lame cow tends to display low mobility [9], to spend decreased daily feeding time and dry matter intake [10] and lying behaviour may be indicative [11]. In the dairy cow, claw horn lesions [CHL] constitute 65% of the total lesions causing to lameness [12,13]. Although possible roles of risk factors, such as claw conformation and trimming, animal welfare, management, feeding and housing have been evaluated in detail by previous researchers [14-17], pathophysiology of CHL is still unclear. Previous researchers [18,19] have suggested that CHL is arisen from traumatic lesions of the supportive tissues of the claw. Around the time of calving, increase of hoofase enzyme, oestrogen and relaxin secretions results in loosening and increased mobility of suspensor apparatus of third phalanx [19]. The bovine digital cushion locating under the third phalanx has a complex structure, which major part is constituted of fat tissue. The cushion comprises three cylindrical segments [axial, medial and abaxial segments] of adipose tissue surrounded by a thick connective tissue trabecules, those arranged in parallel to each other [20,21]. The pads of the bovine digital cushion play crucial roles in reducing the body load transferred to surface of sole via absorbing of substantial forces acting within the claw [22]. The biomechanical function of the digital cushion in distributing and attenuation of the load transferred to the base of flexor process of the distal phalanx have been well appreciated by previous researchers [21,23,24]. The aim of the present study was to determine histological and histochemical properties of the digital cushion in the heifers and primiparous, second and third parturitions, and multiparous dairy cows managed under similar feeding, housing and welfare conditions. The foot was chosen from the animals with CHL, such as white line disease, sole damage and haemorrhage, in order to define the histology and histochemical changes in the digital cushions of the animals.
Material and Methods
This experiment was approved by the Ethical Committee of Experimental Animal Production and Research Centre (2011/023) of Veterinary Faculty of Selçuk University. In the study, the 120-cadaver foot (totally 240 hooves) of Holstein heifers and cows were used as materials. The animals were culled because of moderate to severe CHL and lameness in one or more hooves. The claws of the animals with similar feeding, housing and welfare conditions were subjected to a detailed clinical examination prior to slaughter. Information on the age, number of parturitions, calving history and stage of lactation were and recorded, in addition to the clinical findings. Among the reasons given for culling were insufficient milk yield, lameness and infertility. The animals were divided into 5 groups, each consisted of 6 animals, as group I: heifers, group II: primiparous cows, group III: cows with second parturition, group IV: cows with third parturition, group V: multiparous cows with more than three calving. The first group animals were 20 months old averagely; other groups were between 2.6-6.2-year-old. After slaughtering, all the foot was cleaned, and lesions, such as discoloration, sole ulcer and hemorrhages were recorded, frozen at -20°C and kept until use for histological procedure.
Dissection of the Hooves and Obtaining Tissue Samples
Each foot was thawed. The soft tissues of the sole and heel of each hoof were separated following the horn had been removed, in order to fully expose the axial, middle and abaxial pads of the digital cushion (Figures 1A-B & Figures 2A-C) [18]. Axial pad of the cushion was totally removed, fixed in 10% phosphate buffered (0.1M pH 7.4) formal-saline and used for histological procedures.
Histology and Histomorphometry
The tissue samples were subjected to routine histological tissue processing. Briefly, the tissue samples were washed with tap water overnight, dehydrated in ethylene series, cleared in xylene and immersed in paraffin. The sections taken at 6μm were stained as follows; hematoxylin-eosin for investigating general histology and histological changes [25], safranin-O (SO) for histochemical properties of ground substance, alcian blue at pH 2.5 (AB 2.5) for staining acid mucins and mucosubstance, alcian blue at pH 4.0 (AB 4) for demonstrating carboxylated glucose aminoglycans in the ground substance, trichrome stain for Type I collagen fibres (Coll I) and other histological detail, Verhoef’s elastic fibre (EL) stain for EL fibers [26]. The specimens were investigated under light microscope equipped with digital imaging system and digital images were recorded. The images were analyzed with digital image analysis software (BS200 PRO-2005).
Statistical Analysis
The data obtained from the digital image analyses were analyzed statistically with one-way variance analysis (ANOVA) and Tukey’s pair wise comparison tests by using SPSS software 14.01 (Release 14.01 Licence No: 9869264).
Clinical findings of the animals prior to slaughter and results of postmortem gross examination of the foot Welfare and management of the animals included into the study were far from than satisfactory. The animals were housed on the concrete floor, under poor hygiene conditions, and claw trimming was irregular. The animals were mainly fed with corn silage, alfalfa, vetch and hay. Findings of the postmortem examinations of the foot showed that the animals suffered from CHL, such as sole ulcers, hemorrhage and folding, white line disease and sole erosions in one or more hooves. The highest percentage of the claws with CHL was in the multiparous cows, in the group 5. The groups 2 and 1 the group followed it respectively. The lowest lower CHL frequencies were found in the groups 3 and 4, and the frequencies of these groups were quite similar (P>0.05, Figure 3).Gross Macroscopic Findings of the Cushion SegmentsIn most of the claws with CHL, segmental structure of the digital cushion was diminished. The digital cushion tissues of the heifers (Group 1) were pale and softer, whereas in the cows with the increasing the parturition number, the tissues gained yellowish colour and relatively more brittle and fragile. The cushion segments were also smaller in the animals of the groups 4 and 5, aged and multiparous cows (Figures 4A & 4B).
Histological Findings
In general, the digital cushion pads of the animals were mainly formed of a loose connective tissue and unilocular adipose tissue. Adipocytes appeared as large cells with unstained cytoplasm in all of the used staining procedures (Figures 5-9). Fibrous connective tissue septa surrounded the loose connective and adipose tissues. There were striking structural differences in the histology of the digital cushion of heifers and calved cows. Loose connective tissue in the heifers, was replaced with adipose tissue in the primiparous cows, and fibrous connective tissue rich in collagen fibres in the third lactation cows. In the heifers and primiparous cows, adipocytes were seen as groups, whereas in the cows of the groups 3, 4 and 5, the cells were observed as individual cells and the cell groups consisting of small numbers of the adipocytes. Adipose tissue percentages of the groups are given in the Table 1. The highest adipose tissue percentage (21.55%) was in the heifers, group 1, and the value was significantly (P<0.001) higher than those of the other groups (Figure 3). The groups 3 and 4 displayed similar (P>0.05) adipose tissue percentages. The multiparous animals (group 5) had the lowest adipose tissue percentage (Figure 3). Type I collagenous fibres were seen as thick undulating bundles of the fibres darkly stained with aniline blue in trichrome stained sections (Figures 5A- 5E).
The heifers had significantly (P<0.001) higher type I collagen fibre percentage (27.82%) than those of the other groups those had quite similar (P>0.05) percentages (Figure 3). In AB pH 2.5 stained specimens, the AB positivity was mainly located in the ground substance around the connective tissue fibres, embedded in-between the adipocyte groups (Figures 6A-6C). The positivity was also stronger around the individual adipocytes and the groups constituted of small numbers of these cells. Percentage of the AB pH 2.5 stained ground substance was highest (2.08%) in the group 3 and group 2 followed it (1.96%), whereas the groups 1, 4 and 5 had quite similar (P>0.05) and significantly (P<0.01) lower values than those of the groups 2 and 3 (Figure 3). AB pH 4.0 mainly stained the similar ground substance regions with AB pH 2.5, around the connective tissue fibres, located around the adipocyte groups (Figures 7A-7D). Results of the histometrical investigations of the AB pH 4.0 stained specimens showed that the group 1 and group 4 had similar (P>0.05), and significantly higher (P<0.01) positivity percentages than those of the groups 2, 3 and 5 (Figure 3). In SO stained specimens, the positivity was very weak (Figures 8A-8C) in all groups. The positivity percentages of the groups were quite similar and there were no significant differences (P>0.05) between the groups (Figure 3). Elastic fibres were mainly found in-between the connective tissue trabecules surrounding adipocyte groups and tunica adventitia of the blood vessels, and seen as brownishblack, branching coarse and gently undulating fine fibres, in the sections stained with Verhoeff’s elastic fibre stain (Figures 9A- 9E). The results of digital image analyses showed that the group 2 had the highest (1.89%) elastic fibre percentage and the value was significantly (P<0.05) higher than those of the other groups. The groups 1and 3, and 4 and 5 had quite similar elastic fibre percentages (P>0.05, Figure 3).
In the present study, statistically significant (P<0.01) differences were found between the CHL frequencies of the groups. Particularly, high incidences of CHL in the primiparous cows (45.80%, group 2) and multiparous (56.20%) cows (group 5) were striking. The differences possibly have arisen from higher incidence of CHL in more than one or all foot of the animals in these groups. Previous researchers [27,28] have reported that the histological development and functional maturation of the digital cushion are not completed before the age of three, and also incidence of sole lesions, such as sole ulcerations and white line disease are relatively higher in the first lactation because that the cushion tissues is less elastic and rich in saturated fatty acids. In accordance with the previous researchers [27,28] Incidence of CHL was higher in primiparous cows in the present study. The roles of the additional loads and forces exposed at late pregnancy, and structural and biochemical changes in the regional tissues, in addition to trauma of both corium of sole and the cushion tissues in the pathogenesis and occurrence of CHL have been discussed in detail by previous researchers [17-19,29,30]. Moreover, collaborative effects of improper, inadequate feeding and housing practices are mentioned among significant disposing factors. In coordination of anatomic structures of the hoof [bones, joints, ligaments and bursae] leads to CHL, mainly sole ulcers and white line disease. Thus, hoof problems occur more commonly among the cows kept in cubicles or concrete yards or straw yards than in the cows kept in cowsheds. Previous researchers [18,31,32] have reported that lameness incidence increases in multiparous cows with increase of ageing and calving, especially after third lactation, due to increasing the amount of the loose connective tissue while reducing adipose tissue, decreasing body condition score [BCS], thinning of the cushion segments. In the present study, a gradually decline was found in adipose tissue percentages of the groups, with ageing and increasing parturitions. Loosening of suspensor ligament system of the hoof results in increasing in mobility of bones, and this situation disposes the sole corium and sole horn to traumatic lesions, and consequently plays significant roles in the development of CHL, such as sole ulcers, white line disease [19,33]. Loosening of suspensor system of the hoof also increases the sensitivity of the claw to the CHL depending on increase of loads applied to the foot by increase in mammary gland and foetus weights, especially during first lactation [34]. Clinical findings and histometrical results of the hooves and higher CHL incidence of the groups 2 and 5 are consistent with previous findings [18,31,32]. Moreover, higher CHL incidence of the group 5, in which significant shrinkage of the cushion tissue was observed, supports the hypothesis suggesting the decline in load absorbing capacity of the cushion increases risk of injury of sole corium. Thus, environmental factors, such as long time standing on the concrete floor, unsuitable housing conditions and in proper claw trimming are effective in embodiment of the sole trauma and haemorrhages in addition to increase of coffin bone motility in late pregnancy and parturition. Unsuitable housing and hygiene conditions in the animals of the present study were in accordance with the high CHL incidence of the animals.
The digital cushion, which is a specified connective tissue, is constituted of connective tissue cells and intercellular substance [ICS]. The ICS contains collagenous, elastic and reticular fibres embedded in an amorphous ground substance. The amount of the amorphous ground substance in young animals is higher than fibrous elements. With ageing, the amount and rate of fibrous elements increase and the rate reverses in older animals. The digital cushion, a member of supporting system of the ruminant hoof locating in subcutis, is a complex structure, composed of white and yellow adipose tissues. There are significant differences in histological structure and organization of the digital cushion among the ungulate animal species. The digital cushion of the ruminant hoof is closely resembled with the cushion of the elephant’s cushion [18]. Equine digital cushion has relatively different structural features. In the horse, the cushion is composed of small number of elastic fibres and closely packaged interlacing collagenous fibres dispersed in acidic mucous matrix, rich in hyaluronic acid. Large spaces between the cells and fibres occupied with mixoid tissue and islets of fibro cartilage tissue [35,36]. Collagen fibres, especially type I fibres are the dominant fibre type of the connective tissues. Although the collagenous fibres have limited elasticity, their tensile strength is enough to meet the high tensile forces of the foot. In the present study, axial pad of the digital cushion constituted of white, unilocular adipose tissue lobuli surrounded by connective tissue trabecules. Fibro cartilage was not observed in the specimens. In some of the groups, trabecules surrounding adipose tissue lobuli constituted of loose connective tissue and contained less amount of type I collagen fibres, the others were rich in the collagenous fibres. Group 1 contained significantly (p<0.001) higher collagen (27.82%) when compared with the other groups. A gradual decline of type I collagenous fibre percentage was typical in the remaining, older and multiparous groups (groups 3, 4 and 5). Nevertheless, they contained quite similar (P>0.05) type I collagen fibre rates. Gradual reduction of type I collagenous fibre rate with the increase of age and calving might arisen from the structural and functional changes occurred in aged animals and during the late pregnancy and post parturition. It might be predicted that shock absorbing capacity of the digital cushion considerably reduced with declining of collagen fibre rate. In accordance with this prediction, the highest (56.20%) CHL incidence was found in the group 5, which had relatively low rate of type I collagen fibres. Moreover, in accordance with the prediction above, previous researchers [19,33,37], also suggested that loosening of the suspensor system of the hoof during pregnancy and post parturition increases sensitivity of sole corium located between coffin bone and sole to trauma, and consequently playing significant roles in the pathogenesis of the CHL, such as sole ulcers and white line disease.
Although the information on the types and distribution of adipocytes in ruminant digital cushion is limited, the heifer cushion contains lesser amount of the fat cells. The digital cushion of the heifers is a whitish and gelatinous in nature containing high amounts of ground substance and lipid content gradually increases through 2-3 parturitions, and gradually decrease starting from 3 years of age [18,21,32]. Because that white fat tissue is an energy source, many metabolic and hormonal mechanisms, such as pancreatic hormones and glucocorticoids are efficient on this fat tissue. Thus, feeding and other metabolic factors are likely to efficient on both amount and composition of fat of the digital cushion. Moreover, it is well known that the fatty acid composition and amounts of the cow’s digital cushion are seriously affected by metabolic disorders, mainly by ketosis. Similarly, previous researchers [38] emphasized that the topic needs detailed evidences. In the presented study, the digital cushion of the dairy cattle comprised of islets of large unilocular adipocytes. In the digital cushion with low levels of fat tissue, individual adipocytes were frequently seen. The animals in the group 1 contained significantly (P<0.001) higher adipocyte rates (%21.55) and the group 2 it, with a significant decline. However, the group 2 contained significantly (P<0.05) higher fat tissue percentage than those of the groups 3, 4 and 5. Rastani [39] suggested that lipids are mobilized from fat tissues in order to be used in milk synthesis. Lipids in white fat depots in the digital cushion are also consumed. Considering the data obtained in this study, it is possible to assume that white adipose tissue in the ruminant digital cushion also can be used as an energy source in ketosis, which is a condition resulting in negative energy balance [NEB], and thus CHL increase post parturition period. It is well known that fat and elastic fibres of the digital cushion play significant roles in shock absorbing mechanism of the cushion via expanding sideways until their viscoelasticity is limited by stretched fibrous connective tissue septa rich in collagen fibres. Elastic fibres support expansion by flattening their undulations and support reversing to the situation before when the applied force is expired. Significant decreases in both elastic fibre and adipose tissue rates result in loss of elasticity of the digital cushion.
There is limited information on the histochemical properties of ground substance of the cow’s digital cushion, and also histometrical results evaluation of these parameters have not been documented previously. In the present study, the results of the AB pH 2.5, AB pH 4.0 and SO stains showed that ground substance of the cow’s digital cushion was rich in hyaluronic acid (hyaluronan) and other proteoglycans, although there were some differences between the groups. Because that hyaluronic acid is a macromolecule increasing the viscosity of the tissue fluid, it consequently augments resilience of the tissue by binding water molecules. Other proteoglycans stained with SO might support the digital cushion in resisting to pressure, since the proteoglycans also show high water binding affinity and tend to gelation [40]. Although the results of the present study indicated that the ground substance of cow’s digital cushion was rich in hyaluronic acid, the hoof material was obtained from the animals with varying degree of CHL lesions. The authors strongly stress that a detailed comparison should be carried out between the findings of healthy and CHL animals. The elastic fibres, which relatively thinner when compared to the collagen fibres, are able to compensate the forces applied between elasticity limits. Tissues gain elasticity and stress bearing features by their elastic fibre content. Elastic fibres are found in hoof soft tissues as in other elastic tissues. Information on distribution and localization of these fibres in the ruminant hoof soft tissues is insufficient. In a previous histological study [38], elastic fibres were found between the collagen fibre bundles in the digital cushion of African elephant. In this study, elastic fibres were more peculiarly observed in-between the collagenous fibre bundles and in blood vessel walls. Morphometrical analyses evidenced that the group 2 displayed significantly (P<0.05) higher elastic fibre percentage (1.89%) than the other groups. Although there was a declining tendency with increase of the parturition number, the other groups had relatively similar elastic fibre ratios. Besides, striking decline of the elastic fibre percentage was determined in the groups 4 and 5 in concomitant with higher CHL lesion incidence. Although further studies are needed, the results of the present study imply that elastic fibre content of the cow digital cushion is quite limited and might play only small role in the functions of the digital cushion and in the development CHL lesions.
Based on the results, it was concluded that CHL seriously affected both histology and functional efficiency of the digital cushion of dairy cows. Results of the present study, which show strong evidence between histological, histochemical and histometrical findings and CHL lesions are noteworthy. However, the results should be compared with those of the healthy animals in further experiments those are involving experimental models. Further studies necessary to understand the nature of the events playing roles involving animal feeding in the development of the lesions, to develop new animal feeding strategies aiming to protect and maintain the normal structure of the digital cushion, in order to maintain and augment its supportive and protective roles, to reduce incidence of laminitis.
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reasonsforhope · 3 months
"An international research team has found almost a million potential sources of antibiotics in the natural world.
Research published in the journal Cell by a team including Queensland University of Technology (QUT) computational biologist Associate Professor Luis Pedro Coelho has used machine learning to identify 863,498 promising antimicrobial peptides -- small molecules that can kill or inhibit the growth of infectious microbes.
The findings of the study come with a renewed global focus on combatting antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as humanity contends with the growing number of superbugs resistant to current drugs.
"There is an urgent need for new methods for antibiotic discovery," Professor Coelho, a researcher at the QUT Centre for Microbiome Research, said. The centre studies the structure and function of microbial communities from around the globe.
"It is one of the top public health threats, killing 1.27 million people each year." ...
"Using artificial intelligence to understand and harness the power of the global microbiome will hopefully drive innovative research for better public health outcomes," he said.
The team verified the machine predictions by testing 100 laboratory-made peptides against clinically significant pathogens. They found 79 disrupted bacterial membranes and 63 specifically targeted antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.
"Moreover, some peptides helped to eliminate infections in mice; two in particular reduced bacteria by up to four orders of magnitude," Professor Coelho said.
In a preclinical model, tested on infected mice, treatment with these peptides produced results similar to the effects of polymyxin B -- a commercially available antibiotic which is used to treat meningitis, pneumonia, sepsis and urinary tract infections.
More than 60,000 metagenomes (a collection of genomes within a specific environment), which together contained the genetic makeup of over one million organisms, were analysed to get these results. They came from sources across the globe including marine and soil environments, and human and animal guts.
The resulting AMPSphere -- a comprehensive database comprising these novel peptides -- has been published as a publicly available, open-access resource for new antibiotic discovery.
[Note: !!! Love it. Open access research databases my beloved.]"
-via Science Daily, June 5, 2024
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covid-safer-hotties · 22 days
UK researchers find Alzheimer’s-like brain changes in long COVID patients - Published Aug 30, 2024
LEXINGTON, Ky (Aug. 30, 2024) — New research from the University of Kentucky’s Sanders-Brown Center on Aging shows compelling evidence that the cognitive impairments observed in long COVID patients share striking similarities with those seen in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
The study, published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association, highlights a potential commonality in brain disorders across these conditions that could pave the way for new avenues in research and treatment.
The study was a global effort, funded by a multitude of grants from the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the Alzheimer’s Association and international organizations. The project also brought together experts from various fields of neuroscience.
Researchers at the UK College of Medicine led the study, including Yang Jiang, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Behavioral Science; Chris Norris, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences; and Bob Sompol, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences. Their work focuses on electrophysiology, neuroinflammation, astrocytes and synaptic functions.
“This project benefited greatly from interdisciplinary collaboration,” Jiang said. “We had input from experts, associated with the Alzheimer’s Association International Society to Advance Alzheimer's Research and Treatment (ISTAART), across six countries, including the U.S., Turkey, Ireland, Italy, Argentina and Chile.”
Jiang and the collaborative team focused their work on understanding the “brain fog” that many COVID-19 survivors experience, even months after recovering from the virus. This fog includes memory problems, confusion and difficulty concentrating. According to Jiang, “the slowing and abnormality of intrinsic brain activity in COVID-19 patients resemble those seen in Alzheimer’s and related dementias.”
This research sheds light on the connection between the two conditions, suggesting that they may share underlying biological mechanisms. Both long COVID and Alzheimer’s disease involve neuroinflammation, the activation of brain support cells known as astrocytes and abnormal brain activity. These factors can lead to significant cognitive impairments, making it difficult for patients to think clearly or remember information.
The idea that COVID-19 could lead to Alzheimer’s-like brain changes is a significant development.
“People don’t usually connect COVID-19 with Alzheimer’s disease,” Jiang said, “but our review of emerging evidence suggests otherwise.”
The publication in Alzheimer’s & Dementia reveals that the cognitive issues caused by COVID-19 reflect similar underlying brain changes as those in dementia.
The study’s insights emphasize the importance of regular brain function check-ups for these populations, particularly through the use of affordable and accessible tools like electroencephalography (EEG).
The study not only highlights the shared traits between long COVID and Alzheimer’s, but also points to the importance of further research.
“The new insight opens avenues for future research and clinical practice, particularly in studying brain oscillations related to neural biomarkers of mild cognitive impairment in people with long COVID,” said Jiang.
One of the key findings is the role of astrocytes — support cells in the brain that have not been as thoroughly studied as neurons. The research suggests that damage or activation of these cells by COVID-19 can cause synaptic dysfunctions, leading to the abnormal brain activity observed in both conditions. This discovery is significant because it may help explain why EEG patterns in COVID-19 patients resemble those seen in the early stages of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.
Researchers believe this work could have a direct impact on patient care. They are advocating for routine EEG exams to detect early brain changes in both COVID-19 survivors and those at risk for cognitive decline.
“EEG patterns in COVID-19 patients resemble those seen in early neurodegenerative diseases,” said Norris.
“These similarities may be due to shared issues such as brain inflammation, astrocyte activity, low oxygen levels and blood vessel damage,” said Sompol.
By detecting these changes early, health care providers could potentially identify at-risk individuals sooner and implement interventions to prevent or slow the progression of cognitive decline.
As research continues, the team is particularly interested in how EEG monitoring can predict long-term outcomes in COVID-19 patients and assess the effectiveness of treatments aimed at preventing cognitive decline.
Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute on Aging of the National Institutes of Health under Award Numbers P30AG072946, P01AG078116 and R56AG060608. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
Link to study: alz-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/alz.14089
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mvishnukumar · 1 month
What are Some Really Helpful Datasets for a Data Science Project?
When embarking on a data science project, the quality and relevance of your datasets are crucial. Several resources provide access to valuable datasets that can help you build and refine your projects:
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Kaggle Datasets: 
Kaggle is a popular platform for data science competitions and provides a vast repository of datasets across various domains. From finance and healthcare to sports and social media, Kaggle’s datasets come with community discussions and kernels (code notebooks) that can be helpful for learning and experimentation.
UCI Machine Learning Repository: 
The University of California, Irvine, hosts a comprehensive collection of datasets used for empirical studies of machine learning algorithms. The repository includes datasets for classification, regression, clustering, and more, making it a valuable resource for academic and practical applications.
Google Dataset Search: 
Google’s dataset search tool helps you find datasets across the web. It aggregates data from multiple sources and provides access to datasets on a wide range of topics, making it a versatile tool for discovering new and relevant data.
Government Databases: 
Many governments provide open data portals that offer datasets on various topics such as economics, health, education, and public services. For example, the U.S. government’s data.gov and the UK’s data.gov.uk are rich sources of public data that can be used for analysis and research.
Known for its data-driven journalism, FiveThirtyEight offers a range of datasets related to politics, sports, and other current events. These datasets are often used in conjunction with articles and analyses, providing context and insight.
AWS Public Datasets: 
Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides access to a wide array of public datasets through its cloud platform. These datasets cover various domains, including genomics, satellite imagery, and machine learning.
Utilizing these datasets can help you practice data cleaning, analysis, and visualization, and build a strong portfolio of projects. Each source offers unique advantages, so selecting the right dataset depends on the goals and scope of your project.
To learn more drop the message.
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Climate change is a mental health issue
And part of a solarpunk present…
Content warning: this article briefly talks about depression, suicide, and self-harm
In the course of researching for my thesis, I read a lot of things: scholarly books, articles, essays… but also lots of pulpy science fiction (of course), and also a lot of recent online articles (usually news or journalism) about climate change and its effects.
The recent essays and articles that I read had a fascinating overlap: they were talking about climate, but they were also talking about mental health. Mental health issues such as depression and anxiety are a natural corollary of experiencing the climate changing.
(I have my own thoughts about how that leads to the very concept of the climate, or the environment more broadly, being a mental untouchable or taboo topic, that many peoples’ thoughts automatically shy away from; a way that their minds are helping to insulate and protect them from a negative psychosomatic experience. Thus, why it can be so difficult for many to address climate change because our very minds are refusing to allow us to face the scary thing directly, because it kicks up such a strong instinctual fight/flight/freeze response. But, this is a tangent, and one I am extremely underqualified to take. Someone call in some psychologists…)
Back in 2005, philosopher Glenn Albrecht coined the term “solastalgia”, which is a neologism that, according to the author in a 2007 article for PubMed, operates
As opposed to nostalgia--the melancholia or homesickness experienced by individuals when separated from a loved home--solastalgia is the distress that is produced by environmental change impacting on people while they are directly connected to their home environment.
When I started researching (only 8 years ago!), this was one of the only publicly accessible and known terms (in English) outside of a specific niche of (western) academia to describe this phenomenon of the way that climate change can be pretty entwined with significant mental health issues.
Albrecht is Australian. He used the examples of open-pit coal mining, or deforestation. In the almost twenty years since that publication, I think the global community can add phenomena such as catastrophic wildfires, persistent and ruinous sea-level rise, tailing ponds spillage, industrial water poisoning, widespread drought, melting permafrost, century floods, and more to that list.
This is part of why I was so keen to do an interview about climate grief chaplaincy, which I had never heard of before. Even now, only two years later, therapists and psychologists are starting to advertise climate-focused services. On the one hand, I am so very glad that assistance is being offered to those who need it. On the other, I’m big mad about how, yet again, the issue of climate change is being framed as an individual problem.
At least chaplaincy is very conscious of community—as Gabrielle explains in the episode, there is a strong tradition of movement chaplaincy among activist groups in the so-called United States that is tuned into a more collective experience and casts climate change in that light (more appropriately, I feel).
Solarpunk’s dream of a just, sustainable future isn’t solely for bodies. There’s an aspect of being human - our mind, our mental health, our intangible selves, our spirit, what some would call our soul - that merits careful attention as well. I imagine that any community that is truly solarpunk pays just as much attention to what cannot be quantified about the human experience as what can be.
And if we are to have a hope of attaining that care-ful attention to the human being as a whole, it would behoove us to begin practicing thinking about, caring for, and paying attention to that aspect of our selves in the present day.
One way to do this would be for any climate journalism, going forward, to include links and references to local climate helplines, actions, and groups as relevant to the discussion in the article, in the same way that articles dealing with suicide, self-harm, depression, and other extremely difficult topics are already doing.
Realizing the mental toll that a swiftly-changing-for-the-worse climate has on readers, especially young people, is to my mind a journalistic duty of care. It has been shown many times that an important mitigating factor of climate anxiety and climate grief is the chance afforded to do something, to act on the knowledge that the reader has just learned. Another huge mitigating factor is not feeling alone in the face of overwhelming odds and at the mercy of negative feelings.
In the midst of my studying, I began to volunteer at my local food bank, for example. Being in the community and having a tangible way to help other humans (and knowing that I was helping to ease their burdens of anxiety and stress, as well as cope with the food shortages induced by climate change and lend a hand to an organization struggling to help its members) was extremely helpful in mitigating my own dark night of the soul of post-apocalyptic despair and grief in that moment.
Did it solve everything? Nope. Did it make my climate anxiety disappear? Not a chance. But it helped ease it generally, and for four hours a week it banished my anxieties around the climate almost completely; in my experience, it’s hard to feel shitty when I’m not afforded the luxury of dread, but instead am in the midst of facing (a corner of) the issue head-on.
I discovered solarpunk on Tumblr back in the twenty-teens, and I was hooked. Part of why I like solarpunk so much is the emphasis on doing what you can, when you can, to make things better now - even if it’s just the corner of the neighbourhood you live in. The effect on mental health of even just picking up litter can be tremendous. Another reason I’m such a fan of solarpunk is that it is a shared experience, one where terms like ‘climate grief’ and ‘climate anxiety’ aren’t up for debate but instead are nuanced and treated seriously, and it is a diverse community to be part of, one that continually evolves and changes and isn’t afraid to have difficult conversations, respectuflly. Access to feeling better in the face of the denial and despair of the Anthropocene should be available to everyone, no matter where they are or who they are.
What do you do to mitigate your own negative climate emotions? I’m no longer able to volunteer at that food bank (I moved, and now I can’t lift things for health reasons, it’s a whole thing…), but I’m part of my local community garden, which helps to mitigate food scarcity and improve neighbourhood resiliency and community. Tell me what you get up to, or hope to get up to in future!
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mineofilms · 1 year
Down is the new Up
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A bulk of this BLOG is more a summary of the former White House Press Secretary, current Fox News Contributor and host of their debate segment “Outnumbered,” Kayleigh McEnany’s comments on 6/9/2023 to a Wall Street Journal opinion piece saying gender-affirming treatments are an ‘experiment’ on kids. I will not be inserting my own opinions on top of the opinions that are already here in that summarization, but will make a statement at the end full of my opinions. This is more/less just a summary of what was discussed during that segment.
President Biden has recently reaffirmed his commitment to safeguarding gender-affirming surgeries for children, despite efforts by lawmakers to prevent such procedures. He has criticized those he perceives as, "hysterical and prejudiced people," who are promoting bills that target children, distress families, and criminalize doctors. The President firmly believes that denying children access to life-changing surgeries and puberty blockers is unjust, and he condemns extreme officials for their cruelty towards our youth and communities.
A newly published opinion piece by the Wall Street Journal that critiques the left's lack of understanding regarding gender-affirming care for children, labeling it as a human experiment that disregards the long-term risks associated with the off-label dispensing of potent hormone blockers. The author of this piece argues that the widespread diagnosis of minors with gender dysphoria borders on child abuse. The article also reveals that 68% of individuals oppose the use of puberty-blocking medications for teenagers, while 58% are against such treatments altogether.
According to Pete Hegseth, a Fox News contributor of their news segment “Outnumbered” the concept of gender-affirming care is a fabricated term that falsely implies that 13-year-olds can autonomously opt for surgery and powerful blockers. He asserts in sarcasm that this belief is akin to suggesting that 13-year-olds should be permitted to smoke cigarettes, consume alcohol, and open gambling accounts due to societal pressure. Pete also criticizes President Biden for endorsing the words of radical individuals and groups without possessing a proper understanding of the subject matter.
It should be noted here that most people that argue against Biden on this topic agree that Biden lacks a proper understanding of the subject matter at hand conceptually.
Another contributor on the segment, Cheryl Casone emphasizes the risks associated with Lupron and Advian, two drugs administered to children as part of gender-affirming care. She reveals that there have been 10,000 reports of adverse effects from these drugs, including hair thinning, fibromyalgia, and degenerative spinal disc conditions. Furthermore, she notes that some states are permitting children to undergo these treatments without parental guidance, potentially leading to lawsuits against the pharmaceutical companies producing these drugs.
The last opinion came from another contributor, Dagen McDowell, where she points out that the push for children to undergo gender-affirming care is driven not by political motives but financial interests groups. Her opinion reveals that these children become multimillion-dollar patients, for life, due to the irreversible effects of surgery and medication, resulting in a lifetime of medical interventions. Dagen also highlights that countries such as Finland, Sweden, and Norway have banned the use of these drugs on minors due to their side effects and the phenomenon of social contagion.
Recently, Britain's National Health Service shut down the Tavistock clinic for diagnosing autistic and mentally ill children as transgender. Where my opinion starts… That to me is a major transgression of medicine, science, common sense, logic, breaking the promise to heal and care for the sick. As I said, the above portion of this BLOG is more a summary of this discussion during the FOX News segment “Outnumbered,” and is not of my own opinions. Now we can discuss what I think on the subject, unless where it is clearly stated otherwise. As I am labeled as, right wing, MAGA, crazy, unhinged or whatever term the Radical Extreme WOKE or EOA’s, Extreme Outrage Actors want to project onto me this day. I am sure tomorrow it will be some other label. What I actually am is an Independent/Independent thinker who will lean sometimes Right because at the moment Right is the lessor of the two evil party system we are currently in.
Extreme Outrage Actors are both a Subculture and Internet Subculture that attempts to hijack other cel groups or political ideologies to make minority issues displayed as majority issues and those issues be labeled as normal and/or everyday ‘FACTS…’ Try to take a bad idea, that is already widely accepted as a bad idea, change some of the attributes that define the idea as bad and make that seem good and chastise others who do not follow suit. Examples of these groups would be: WOKE, incel, femcel, MGTOW, Volcel, Blackpill, Kevin/Karen, Trolls, Tweakers (Twitter Users), Binary, Non-Binary, Ally's, Cisgender, Panexual, Intersex, Queer, Asexual, Hindi, Middle-Eastern, Twitch Gamers, Otakus, Anime Cosplayers, Otherkins, Antigun Groups, Neo Nazis, Environmental Activists, Scene Kids, Religion, Conspiracy Theorists, Flat Earthers, Hollow Earthers and Racists. You will notice I did not mention LGBT as these are real people, with real issues with for/against this law/that law/right/non-right. Where the others I mention are more actors, or internet subculture “cel” groups than real people with real problems.
You will find these subcultures on smaller, not well known platforms like SpaceHey.com, a MySpace clone with little to no administrative monitoring where these users will harass, bully and dox other users with opposing views. Breaking their TOS and Privacy Policy with no accountability from admins for the platform. With the self-destruction of Reddit as of late you will see just as many groups/users on Discord where they do much of the same but in private chat groups, to where, who knows what/who is monitoring them and their mostly extreme and blind progressive ideologies.
The Word Self-Projection Comes to Mind…
Self-projectionist, where a person or group project their own flaws, beliefs, and support onto the person they're trashing. In other words, a person that trashes other people and the details of that trashing are things the trasher actually is, supports, believes in and attempts to paint onto the person they are trashing. They just cannot help themselves. They want others to know these things but not necessarily do they want people to know it is them… It is a way for them to find out how the general public looks at people that practice such social activities to see if they themselves could be accepted by the lot. The lot would never accept people who do this to other people. Like I said, they cannot help themselves. They are addicted to outrage and the responses that come from that outrage.
A fact, by definition, is a theory which is (unproven datasets, an educated guess without verified testing by the scientific method), that is later tested to such a level of accuracy that it cannot be said to be NOT FALSE and cannot be debated as a non-fact till there is real data to suggest the fact is not a fact. It is all about data. The whole point is these actor-cel-groups do not care if they are right or not or their data is accurate or not, but you will believe what they believe or you are a canceled, a transphobe, racist, sexist, bigot and other unsavory labels. Media and social media can and will influence us indirectly. First, it whispers in the ears of trendsetters. Then they bust the moves, spreading the beat among their crew. It's all about who you follow and them use made up titles like, “Influencer,” in the hopes they gain your support. According to the two-step flow theory, a concept in the field of communication, the majority of these trendsetters lack original thinking abilities. In today's society, where it is expected to have an opinion on everything, people tend to adopt the viewpoints of their preferred thought leaders instead of engaging in original thought and conducting thorough research themselves.
  Descendit est novum Sursum (Latin for Down is the new Up) By David-Angelo Mineo 6/16/2023 1,314 Words
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hiisikoloart · 2 years
News are trying to name the only FDA approved Idiopathic Hypersomnia medication (Xywav) as a date rape drug again....this is the second time this has happened since the medication was approved.
Last time there was no apology, no acknowledgement that it'll literally save lives of those suffering from IH, no touch to reality that it is in fact NOT a date rape drug and people can't just ask for it from a doctor in a whim - and I doubt this time around they'll do any better.
But here are the facts anyway:
1. Getting IH diagnosis is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT and requires often months of testing after being dismissed for decades. It is especially hard to get diagnosis if you are POC, have disabilities, are AFAB, or suffer from any form of mental health issues (which unrecognized, untreated, and undiagnosed IH can and does cause).
2. PEOPLE CAN'T CHEAT IN THE TESTS. Overnight sleep test will measure if you slept enough so person can't pass MSLT (multiple sleep latency tests, ak.a NAP TEST) with right premiters by using sleep deprivation. You'll be drug tested in some point for sure if they believe you have substance issues (and if you do - you wont even get to sleep tests) so taking drugs not only shows in the data, it shows in the piss test. You'll likely need to also have a brain scan, crap ton of blood work, epilepsy tests, mental helth tests and MORE before even being cleared to the sleep tests that also check if you have apneas, restless legs, and you can't fake dreaming and falling asleep.
2.5 You also can't fake it because most people can't sleep while hooked up to thousand wires, their nose full of tube, chest tied tighter than a gift wrapping for HULK, head scratched to be full of extremely itchy and hurting tags, and while in a hospital room where you are FILMED SLEEPING. Passing 4-5 sleep tests like this, often needing to re-take the test due to stress these things causes, is hard for those who actually have IH so someone without has no hope passing.
3. Criminals don't generallt get medications - EXPENSIVE MEDICATIONS AT THAT - from doctors when they can get that shit cheaper from the streets. It would cost them thousands from pocket to be tested for all of this, just so they can theb fight doctors to get the medication, and then try to find a pharmacy that sells it foe you, just to literally pay a fluctuating sum that is in hundreds, even closer to 1grand per month without insurance.
4. Framing people with IH as rapists is inflammatory, evil, and sick - saying that people who seek IH diagnosis do it for medication is fucked up, and even more fucked up is claming people would do it to harm others!
5. That medication saves lives of those who have suffered often decades without any help; people who are hurting every day and are losing the fight against IH induced depression as IH is literally destroying their lives. It is not for date rapists, it is for us who need it - and framing it as "evil" makes it harder for us to get. In fact last time this kind of news broke, doctors refused to give the medication to people because they had read the yellow journalism surrounding it. They bought into the literal lies rather than treat people who were begging them to help. In result, people have offed themselves, feeling no hope in the system...RIP.
6. Only people who could access it through doctors are the uber rich. So tax them, put them to jail without bail and way out. Stop coddling the actors who are open about their use of substances. Focus on rape culture and dismantling it. Stop claming people who are disabled and sick are the issue when every problem and every solution is thousand steps up in the global hierachy.
7. It is not even the same compound. Anyone claming that street drug and pharmacy medication are the same are science illiterate morons. Those making this medication are trying to help us who have no help, no representation, no access - they are not trying to create an army of rapists on the streets.
And 8. Yellow Journalism is evil. It is lying. It is distorting the truth. It is creating waves of outrage for the sake of outrage. It is simoly trying to get rage reads out of people and cause them to simply draw conclusions based on their shitty conclusions.
It is beyond harmful for everyone to let it flourish as it makes people more media illiterate and creates sections of humanity who can't acces help because the illiterates will be on the way - they have the energy to do that, while we are suffering and unable to defend ourselves.
I know this was a long post, but if you can - take action against these news outlets spreading misinformation. Complain to them. Grow awareness. Help us with IH be heard. Write better, well-informed think pieces to drown out the bullshit.
I am so tired of this shit.
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The Malachite Wen-Myeloid Sarcoma- Crimson Publishers
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The Malachite Wen-Myeloid Sarcoma- Crimson Publishers
Contingent to World Health Organization (WHO) classification, myeloid sarcoma is denominated as a tumefaction comprised of myeloblasts amalgamated at an anatomical site divergent from the bone marrow which engenders distortion of normal tissue architecture. Generally, myeloid sarcoma is contemplated to be equivalent to and concurrent with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), although lesions may occur in isolation. Additionally designated as granulocytic sarcoma, chloroma or extramedullary myeloid tumour, myeloid sarcoma categorically represents as a distinct tumefaction associated with architectural effacement of circumscribing soft tissue. Myeloid sarcoma may emerge as a de novo lesion or manifest as therapy related myeloid neoplasm or as disease progression within myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN), myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) or myelodysplastic / myeloproliferative neoplasm (MDS / MPN). In contrast, leukaemia cutis (LC) is a nonspecific terminology adopted to describe cutaneous infiltration of neoplastic leukocytes which configure as mature or immature myeloid or lymphoid cellular components. Nevertheless, as per WHO classification criterion, leukaemia cutis remains nonequivalent to myeloid sarcoma [1,2]. Leukaemia cutis may emerge in subjects delineating non acute myeloid leukaemia (non-AML), Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (MPN), Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) or Myelodysplastic/ Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MDS / MPN) as Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML).
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editorbjpmr · 3 days
Publish With BJPMR: Submit Your Manuscript Today!
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The **British Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research (BJPMR)** is a premier academic publishing platform that stands at the forefront of advancing research in the pharmaceutical and medical sciences. This blog post outlines the benefits of submitting your manuscript to BJPMR, detailing how the journal supports researchers and contributes to the scientific community.
### BJPMR: Leading Academic Publishing Platform
BJPMR is renowned as a leading academic publishing platform dedicated to the pharmaceutical and medical research sectors. Its reputation for rigorous peer review and commitment to publishing high-impact research makes it an ideal venue for your manuscript. By submitting to BJPMR, you ensure your research is disseminated through a respected journal known for its academic excellence.
### Advance Pharmaceutical, Medical Sciences
Publishing with BJPMR contributes directly to the advancement of pharmaceutical and medical sciences. The journal prioritizes research that drives innovations in drug development, medical treatments, and healthcare practices. By sharing your work with BJPMR, you become part of a community focused on pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge and improving patient outcomes.
### Distinguished Conduit For Researchers
BJPMR serves as a distinguished conduit for researchers seeking to share their findings with a global audience. The journal provides a platform for scientists, practitioners, and academics to present their research to a wide and diverse audience. This exposure enhances the visibility of your work and establishes your reputation within the scientific community.
### High-Quality, Diverse Research Publications
The journal is known for its high-quality and diverse research publications. BJPMR covers a broad range of topics within pharmaceutical and medical sciences, including clinical research, drug efficacy studies, pharmacology, and healthcare management. This diversity ensures that a wide array of research is represented, providing comprehensive insights into various aspects of the field.
### Champion Of Open-Access Principle
BJPMR champions the open-access principle, making research freely available to the global academic community. This approach facilitates the widespread dissemination of knowledge, allowing researchers, healthcare professionals, and policymakers to access your findings without financial barriers. Open access enhances the impact and reach of your research, promoting greater engagement and citation.
### Encourages Collaboration, Accelerates Discovery
The journal fosters collaboration among researchers, accelerating scientific discovery and innovation. By publishing with BJPMR, you join a network of experts dedicated to advancing knowledge through collaborative efforts. The journal’s emphasis on teamwork and shared research helps drive progress and brings new discoveries to light more quickly.
### Covers Wide Spectrum Of Topics
BJPMR covers a wide spectrum of topics within the pharmaceutical and medical research fields. From novel drug formulations and clinical trial results to public health policies and medical education, the journal encompasses various subjects. This broad coverage ensures that research from diverse areas of the field is published and accessible to a global audience.
### Promotes Medical Education, Understanding
Publishing in BJPMR also promotes medical education and understanding. The journal’s content is valuable for educators, students, and professionals, contributing to the enhancement of medical curricula and ongoing education. By sharing your research, you support the development of knowledge and expertise in the medical and pharmaceutical sciences.
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### FAQs
**1. How can I submit my manuscript to BJPMR?**
To submit your manuscript to BJPMR, visit the journal’s website and navigate to the submission portal. Follow the provided guidelines for manuscript formatting and documentation. Upload your manuscript file and complete the required submission forms. After submission, you will receive a confirmation email, and the editorial team will initiate the review process.
**2. What types of research does BJPMR accept?**
BJPMR accepts a variety of research types, including original research articles, reviews, case studies, and short communications. The journal focuses on pharmaceutical and medical sciences, covering topics such as drug development, clinical research, pharmacology, and healthcare management. Ensure your research aligns with BJPMR’s scope for successful publication.
**3. What are the advantages of publishing with BJPMR?**
Publishing with BJPMR offers numerous advantages, including increased visibility, credibility, and academic recognition. The journal’s broad readership and high standards of publication ensure that your research reaches a global audience and makes a significant impact. Additionally, BJPMR’s open-access model enhances the dissemination and accessibility of your work.
**4. How does BJPMR’s open-access model benefit researchers?**
BJPMR’s open-access model benefits researchers by making published research freely available to everyone. This approach removes access barriers, allowing your work to be read and cited by a wider audience, including researchers, healthcare professionals, and policymakers. Open access enhances the visibility and impact of your research, promoting greater engagement and citation.
**5. How can I ensure my research is impactful through BJPMR?**
To ensure your research is impactful through BJPMR, focus on producing high-quality, original work that addresses significant questions within the pharmaceutical and medical sciences. Adhere to the journal’s submission guidelines, engage with its academic network, and actively promote your published research. This approach will maximize the reach and influence of your findings.
### Conclusion
**BJPMR** invites you to submit your manuscript and join a leading academic publishing platform dedicated to advancing pharmaceutical and medical research. By publishing with BJPMR, you contribute to scientific progress, enhance your visibility, and become part of a global network of researchers. **Submit your manuscript to BJPMR today and make a significant impact in the field of pharmaceutical and medical sciences.**
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Stay connected with the latest developments in pharmaceutical and medical research by subscribing to the BJPMR YouTube channel! Our channel provides a wealth of content, including expert interviews, research highlights, and tips for successful manuscript submissions. Whether you’re a researcher, academic, or industry professional, our videos will keep you informed and inspired. Don’t miss out on valuable insights and updates from leaders in the field. Click the subscribe button now and be part of a growing community dedicated to advancing scientific knowledge and innovation!
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sihsmph · 11 days
Master of Public Health (MPH) at Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences (SIHS)
The Master of Public Health (MPH) program at Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences (SIHS) is a comprehensive course designed for those who aspire to improve public health outcomes and contribute to global health initiatives. With the growing focus on public health due to emerging health challenges, an MPH degree from SIHS offers the expertise and skills needed to make a real difference.
The Master of Public Health program at SIHS spans two years and covers essential subjects such as epidemiology, biostatistics, environmental health, and health policy and management. The curriculum is designed to blend academic learning with practical fieldwork, ensuring that students gain hands-on experience in tackling real-world public health issues. The program also emphasizes research and data analysis, enabling students to make evidence-based decisions in their careers.
The importance of an MPH degree cannot be overstated. Public health professionals are at the forefront of addressing issues such as disease outbreaks, health education, and policy development. With the rise of global health concerns, the demand for skilled public health professionals has increased significantly. An MPH degree equips students with the knowledge to implement effective health programs, lead health campaigns, and influence health policy, contributing to healthier communities and nations.
Graduates with an MPH degree from SIHS are prepared to work in various sectors, including government health departments, international health organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), research institutions, and the private sector. The degree opens up career opportunities as public health consultants, health policy advisors, epidemiologists, and program managers.
Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences (SIHS) provides a conducive learning environment with state-of-the-art facilities. The institute boasts modern classrooms, advanced computer labs, and a well-stocked library with access to global health journals and research papers. Additionally, SIHS offers opportunities for internships and fieldwork in collaboration with renowned health organizations, giving students practical exposure to the challenges and opportunities in the field of public health.
The institute’s experienced faculty members are dedicated to providing quality education and mentorship, helping students develop the critical thinking and problem-solving skills required in public health roles.
A Master of Public Health from Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences (SIHS) is an excellent choice for anyone looking to make a significant impact in the field of public health. The program not only equips students with the necessary skills and knowledge but also opens doors to a wide range of rewarding career opportunities. For more information and admissions, visit the https://www.sihs.edu.in/master-of-public-health-course website.
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editorbjbmr · 15 days
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BJBMR Calls Manuscript Submissions — Submit Now!
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**BJBMR Calls for Manuscript Submissions — Submit Now!**
The British Journal of Biomedical Research (BJBMR) is excited to invite researchers to submit their manuscripts for publication. As a leading journal in the field, BJBMR is committed to linking global research efforts, promoting cross-border collaboration, and integrating international research to create significant impact. This blog post explores how BJBMR fosters global research connections, harmonizes initiatives, and manages cross-border integration. Discover how submitting your work to BJBMR can enhance its visibility and contribute to the advancement of biomedical science.
### BJBMR Links Global Research Efforts
BJBMR excels in linking global research efforts by providing a platform where scientists from various countries can share their findings. The journal’s extensive international reach ensures that research from diverse regions is accessible to a broad audience. By publishing with BJBMR, you contribute to a global network that connects research efforts across borders, promoting collaboration and advancing the understanding of biomedical challenges on a worldwide scale.
### Promotes Cross-Border Research Collaboration
Cross-border research collaboration is essential for addressing complex biomedical issues that span multiple countries. BJBMR actively promotes such collaborations by serving as a hub for researchers from different regions to connect and work together. The journal’s open-access model facilitates the sharing of research findings, fostering partnerships that enhance the quality and impact of scientific studies. Submitting your manuscript to BJBMR means participating in a collaborative effort that transcends geographical boundaries.
### Integrates International Research for Impact
BJBMR is dedicated to integrating international research to maximize its impact on global health. The journal publishes studies that address universal biomedical questions and encourages research that bridges gaps between various disciplines and regions. By integrating research from diverse sources, BJBMR helps create a comprehensive understanding of health issues and promotes effective solutions. Submitting your research to BJBMR ensures that your work contributes to a coordinated global effort with significant impact.
### Harmonizes Global Research Initiatives
Harmonizing global research initiatives is a key focus for BJBMR. The journal provides a platform for research that aligns with international scientific goals and priorities. By publishing studies that contribute to a unified understanding of biomedical topics, BJBMR helps synchronize efforts from different regions and disciplines. This harmonization enhances the relevance and effectiveness of research findings, leading to more cohesive advancements in the field. Submit your manuscript to BJBMR to be part of this global synchronization effort.
### BJBMR Consolidates Research Across Borders
One of BJBMR’s strengths is its ability to consolidate research across borders. The journal aggregates studies from various geographical locations, providing a comprehensive view of global biomedical issues. This consolidation helps overcome geographical and disciplinary barriers, fostering a more integrated approach to scientific research. By contributing your work to BJBMR, you help consolidate research efforts and enhance the overall quality and scope of biomedical knowledge.
### Strengthens Global Research Connections
BJBMR is committed to strengthening global research connections by linking researchers from different countries and disciplines. The journal’s platform facilitates interactions and collaborations that enhance the quality and impact of scientific research. By publishing with BJBMR, you join a network of researchers dedicated to advancing biomedical science through shared knowledge and collective expertise. Strengthening these connections is crucial for addressing complex health challenges and driving innovation in the field.
### Bridges International Research Gaps
Bridging international research gaps is a priority for BJBMR. The journal addresses gaps in knowledge by publishing studies that explore under-researched areas and by facilitating collaborations between scientists from different regions. This bridging of gaps helps to advance the field of biomedicine and improve global health outcomes. By submitting your research to BJBMR, you contribute to filling these gaps and enhancing the overall understanding of biomedical issues on an international scale.
### Manages Cross-Border Research Integration
BJBMR excels in managing cross-border research integration by providing a platform for seamless collaboration between scientists from various countries. The journal’s editorial and review processes support the integration of research findings from different regions, ensuring that studies are evaluated with a global perspective. By choosing to publish with BJBMR, you benefit from this effective management of cross-border integration, enhancing the quality and impact of your research.
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### Unique FAQs About Submitting to BJBMR
**1. What types of research can I submit to BJBMR?**
BJBMR accepts a wide range of research types, including original research articles, reviews, case studies, and methodological papers. The journal covers diverse biomedical topics, from clinical and molecular research to public health studies. Submissions should offer new insights, innovative approaches, or significant contributions to the field. Whether your research addresses fundamental science or practical applications, BJBMR provides a platform for sharing high-quality work with the global scientific community.
**2. How does BJBMR promote cross-border research collaboration?**
BJBMR promotes cross-border research collaboration by offering an open-access platform where researchers from different countries can share their findings and connect. The journal’s international readership and collaborative environment encourage scientists to engage in joint projects and partnerships. By publishing with BJBMR, you join a global network that values collaborative efforts and enhances the impact of research through shared knowledge and expertise.
**3. How does BJBMR integrate international research for greater impact?**
BJBMR integrates international research by publishing studies from various regions and disciplines, creating a comprehensive view of biomedical issues. The journal encourages research that addresses global health challenges and bridges gaps between different fields. Integration of diverse research findings enhances the overall impact by providing a unified understanding of complex topics. Submitting your work to BJBMR contributes to this coordinated effort and drives meaningful advancements in the field.
**4. What is the benefit of consolidating research across borders with BJBMR?**
Consolidating research across borders with BJBMR provides a more complete and integrated understanding of biomedical topics. The journal aggregates studies from different geographical locations, overcoming barriers and fostering a global perspective. This consolidation enhances the quality and relevance of research findings, leading to more effective solutions and innovations. By contributing your work to BJBMR, you help consolidate global research efforts and advance the field of biomedicine.
**5. How can I stay updated with BJBMR’s latest developments?**
To stay updated with BJBMR’s latest developments, subscribe to the journal’s YouTube channel. The channel features interviews with leading researchers, highlights of recent publications, and discussions on current trends in biomedical science. Subscribing provides valuable insights and keeps you informed about advancements and updates in the field. Engaging with the BJBMR YouTube community helps you stay connected with the global scientific community and stay current with the latest research.
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### Conclusion
Publishing with the British Journal of Biomedical Research (BJBMR) offers an excellent opportunity to contribute to a leading platform that links global research efforts, promotes cross-border collaboration, and integrates international research for significant impact. By submitting your manuscript to BJBMR, you become part of a global network that consolidates research across borders and bridges international gaps. Enhance the visibility and impact of your work by joining BJBMR today. Don’t forget to subscribe to BJBMR’s YouTube channel for the latest updates and insights into biomedical research.
### Please Subscribe to BJBMR’s YouTube Channel
Stay updated on the latest developments in biomedical research by subscribing to BJBMR’s YouTube channel. The channel features interviews with leading researchers, highlights of recent publications, and discussions on current trends in the field. Subscribing provides valuable insights and keeps you connected with the global scientific community. Join the BJBMR YouTube community today to stay informed and engaged with advancements in biomedicine.
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academicstrive · 26 days
Exploring Innovations in Biomedical Sciences
AcademicStrive #CSRBS #BiomedicalSceience #OpenAccess #ResearchArticle
Launched by Academic Strive, the Journal of Biomedical Science is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal with the mission to foster the successful development of knowledge in the biomedical discipline. This interdisciplinary journal is an indispensable instrument for those researchers who have been working in human and animal health, with the biological and clinical aspects of health and disease being particularly highlighted. Through an extensive discussion about the topics like biochemical functions, physiological processes, anatomical and histological structures, epidemiology, and pharmacology, the journal guarantees the readers as well as the scientists the overall understanding of biomedical science.
The study presented in the journal recently demonstrates how human and animal studies are combined to gain the most efficient understanding of health. One example is, comparative research of physiological and biochemical processes among different species, which reveal the mechanisms of disease and thus, the identification of energy sources and treatment alternatives. By establishing that the animal model is analogous in many aspects, scientists are now in a position to design new drugs that either disappear side effects or reduce them. This not only development of new therapies which are more efficacious and less side effective but also the acceleration of biomedical research is achieved by this approach.
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Academic Strive is an advocate for open-access research and is making the publication of science open for all talents. The Journal of Biomedical Science accepts a variety of submissions, such as research articles, case reports, review articles, short communication, mini-reviews, and editorials, which make it possible for the researchers from all around the world to express their thoughts on the field of science and technology. Through the open access option of this journal, the knowledge generated in biomedical science will be disseminated to a larger audience and the results from various collaborations will faster than ever before turn into a reality. For more information, visit Academic Strive.
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superbhandarihospital · 2 months
Pursue Excellence with Andrology Fellowship Training in India at BIMAST
In the dynamic and ever-evolving field of medical science, specialization is key to standing out and providing exceptional care. For medical professionals aiming to specialize in men's health and reproductive medicine, andrology fellowship training in india offers a pathway to expertise and distinction. BIMAST (Bhandari Institute of Minimal Access Surgery Training) in India provides a comprehensive Andrology fellowship program designed to equip physicians with the knowledge and skills required to excel in this vital medical domain. 
Introduction to BIMAST
BIMAST is renowned as one of the premier medical training institutes in India, dedicated to providing world-class education and hands-on training in various medical specialties. With state-of-the-art facilities, experienced faculty, and a commitment to excellence, BIMAST has established itself as a leader in medical education. The Andrology fellowship training at BIMAST is meticulously crafted to offer an in-depth understanding of male reproductive health, combining theoretical knowledge with practical experience.
Why Choose BIMAST for Andrology Fellowship Training?
Choosing the right institution for fellowship training is crucial for your career development. Here’s why BIMAST stands out:
Expert Faculty: BIMAST boasts a team of highly experienced and respected medical professionals who are experts in the field of Andrology. Their guidance and mentorship are invaluable for trainees.
Comprehensive Curriculum: The fellowship program covers all aspects of Andrology, including male infertility, erectile dysfunction, hormonal therapy, and advanced surgical techniques.
Hands-On Training: BIMAST emphasizes practical learning, offering extensive hands-on training in state-of-the-art laboratories and surgical suites to ensure you gain real-world experience.
Advanced Facilities: The institute is equipped with cutting-edge technology and facilities, providing an ideal environment for learning and research.
Accreditation and Recognition: BIMAST’s fellowship programs are well-recognized and accredited, ensuring that your training is respected and valued globally.
Program Highlights
The Andrology fellowship training program at BIMAST is designed to be both rigorous and rewarding. Key highlights include:
In-Depth Theoretical Knowledge: Comprehensive lectures and seminars cover the latest advancements and research in Andrology, ensuring that you are well-versed in contemporary practices.
Clinical Experience: Work alongside seasoned professionals in clinical settings to observe and participate in patient care, gaining practical insights and skills.
Advanced Surgical Training: Learn and master advanced surgical techniques under the supervision of expert surgeons, enhancing your proficiency and confidence.
Research Opportunities: Engage in meaningful research projects that contribute to the field of Andrology, with opportunities to publish your findings in reputable medical journals.
Interdisciplinary Approach: Collaborate with specialists from various fields, broadening your understanding and approach to male reproductive health.
Benefits of Andrology Fellowship at BIMAST
Embarking on an Andrology fellowship at BIMAST offers numerous benefits:
Career Advancement: Specializing in Andrology opens up diverse career opportunities in hospitals, clinics, and academic institutions.
Professional Growth: Gain expertise and recognition in a specialized field, enhancing your professional credibility and marketability.
Patient Impact: Provide advanced care and treatment to patients with male reproductive health issues, making a significant impact on their lives.
Global Opportunities: The fellowship’s accreditation and recognition ensure that your qualifications are respected worldwide, opening doors to international career opportunities.
How to Apply
Embark on a rewarding journey towards specialization in Andrology by applying to BIMAST’s fellowship program. Visit BIMAST for detailed information on the application process, eligibility criteria, and program details. Take the first step towards becoming a leader in men's health and reproductive medicine.
Andrology fellowship training at BIMAST offers a unique opportunity to specialize in a critical field of medicine, with access to top-tier education, hands-on training, and expert mentorship. Elevate your medical career and make a profound impact on men's health with the comprehensive fellowship program at BIMAST. Visit BIMAST today to learn more and start your journey towards excellence in Andrology.
For more info click here:- best medical training institute
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Plastic Waste and Carbon Footprint Generation Due to the Consumption of Bottled Waters in Saudi Arabia: Crimson Publishers
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Plastic Waste and Carbon Footprint Generation Due to the Consumption of Bottled Waters in Saudi Arabia by Mohammad S Islam* in Crimson Publishers: Peer Reviewed Material Science Journals
Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), a polyester based thermoplastic polymer, is used worldwide for packaging foods and beverages. The sharp rise of PET application has increased potential hazards on human health and environment. The main objective of the study was to determine the amount of plastic waste that was generated from bottled drinking water consumption in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and its impact on the carbon footprint (CO2 generation). An online random survey was conducted to estimate the daily consumption of bottled water in the province of KSA, Tabuk. The total generated plastic (PET) waste from drinking water bottles in Saudi Arabia was estimated at 8,27,114 tonnes each year, which produced 26,79,851 tonnes of CO2 per year. When considering the consumption of plastic in the food industries, the impact becomes more severe, and it exponentially increases for the developing countries as compared to the developed countries. These phenomena demand a compressive solution that ranges from governmental policies to engineering solution to lessen the use of plastic in minimizing global carbon emissions.
For more Open access journals in Crimson Publishers please click on below link https://crimsonpublishersresearch.com/
For more article in Peer Reviewed Material Science Journals please click on below link https://crimsonpublishers.com/rdms/
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brookewalkerblog · 5 months
Breaking Barriers: How Mental Health Apps Are Bridging Gaps in Care
In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, mental health has emerged as a crucial area of focus, with an increasing number of individuals seeking accessible and innovative solutions to support their well-being. The rise of mobile applications has opened up new avenues for addressing mental health challenges, offering personalized and convenient resources right at our fingertips.
As the demand for mental healthcare and life science solutions continues to grow, a plethora of mental health app ideas have surfaced, each aiming to cater to the diverse needs of individuals seeking support.
The Mental Health App Landscape
According to a report by Grand View Research, the global mental health app market is projected to reach $4.8 billion by 2028, driven by the increasing prevalence of mental health conditions and the growing acceptance of digital solutions. With the COVID-19 pandemic further highlighting the importance of accessible mental health resources, the demand for mental health apps has skyrocketed, prompting a surge of innovative ideas and solutions.
Meditation and Mindfulness Apps
One of the most popular categories within the mental health app landscape is meditation and mindfulness apps. These applications aim to provide users with guided meditations, breathing exercises, and mindfulness techniques to help reduce stress, anxiety, and promote overall well-being. Apps like Calm, Headspace, and Insight Timer have gained widespread popularity, offering a variety of features such as sleep stories, calming music, and personalized meditation programs.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Apps
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based psychotherapy approach that has proven effective in treating a range of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and trauma-related disorders. CBT apps like MindShift, Woebot, and Talkspace offer self-guided CBT exercises, interactive journaling, and access to licensed therapists, providing convenient and accessible cognitive-behavioral interventions.
Mood Tracking and Mental Health Monitoring Apps
Mood tracking and mental health monitoring apps enable users to track their emotional states, identify patterns, and gain valuable insights into their mental well-being. Apps like Daylio, Moodfit, and Sanvello offer features such as mood journaling, symptom tracking, and personalized recommendations based on the user's input. These apps can help individuals better understand their mental health and make informed decisions about seeking professional support when needed.
Peer Support and Community-Based Apps
Mental health challenges can often leave individuals feeling isolated and alone. Peer support and community-based apps aim to foster connections and provide a safe space for individuals to share their experiences, seek support, and engage with others facing similar struggles. Apps like Talklife, 7 Cups, and Togetherall offer moderated online communities, anonymous peer support groups, and access to licensed therapists.
Telemedicine and Mental Health Services Apps
With the rise of telemedicine and the increasing demand for accessible mental healthcare, a growing number of mental health app ideas revolve around connecting individuals with licensed mental health professionals remotely. White label telemedicine app and telemedicine apps for doctors offer features such as video consultations, secure messaging, and online therapy sessions, providing convenient and flexible access to mental health services.
Mental Wellness Apps for Specific Conditions
While many mental health apps cater to general well-being, there is also a growing trend of apps designed to address specific mental health conditions. For example, apps like PTSD Coach and Breathe2Relax focus on providing support and resources for individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety disorders, respectively. These condition-specific apps offer tailored interventions, educational resources, and personalized support to meet the unique needs of individuals dealing with particular mental health challenges.
Mental Health App Development Considerations
As the mental health app market continues to expand, developers and entrepreneurs must consider several factors to ensure the successful design and implementation of their mental health app ideas. These considerations include:
1. User Privacy and Data Security: Ensuring robust privacy and data security measures is paramount when dealing with sensitive mental health information.
2. Evidence-Based Approaches: Incorporating evidence-based therapeutic techniques and collaborating with mental health professionals can enhance the app's credibility and effectiveness.
3. User Experience and Engagement: Designing intuitive and engaging user interfaces can promote consistent app usage and support long-term mental wellness goals.
4. Customization and Personalization: Offering personalized experiences tailored to individual needs and preferences can increase the app's relevance and impact.
5. Integration with Existing Healthcare Systems: Exploring opportunities to integrate mental health apps with existing healthcare systems and electronic health records can facilitate more comprehensive and coordinated care.
The mental health app landscape is rapidly evolving, offering a diverse range of innovative solutions to address the growing demand for accessible and personalized mental healthcare. From meditation app development and mindfulness apps to cognitive behavioral therapy interventions, mood tracking tools, and telemedicine services, the mental health app market is brimming with ideas aimed at supporting individuals' mental well-being.
As technology continues to advance and societal awareness of mental health issues increases, the potential for mental health app ideas to positively impact lives grows exponentially. By prioritizing user privacy, evidence-based approaches, engaging user experiences, and collaboration with mental health professionals, developers and entrepreneurs can contribute to the development of impactful mental health apps that truly make a difference in people's lives.
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