#Healer Build
random math moment but two-handing a weapon will multiply STR stat by 1.5, Marika hammer requires 20 STR, 12 DEX and 19 FTH.
Marika has to hold it in two hands in order to wield it which means girlie’s base stat is probably just 14 STR, 12 DEX and 70 FTH (Minor Erdtree incantation) 💀
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like… im wheezing cuz yeah i still draw her with muscles and all, but all that is just for show. This woman puts all her points into faith !!! [Faith build is viable joke here]
Also if it’s Radagon he can hold the hammer with one hand. (“Here i abandon my STR and DEX build”)
And the thing is, faith build is actually viable in Elden Ring! when it’s her kids! (Miquella, Malenia, Messmer, Godwyn’s faith-scaling spells are all offensive spells), and Radagon who is INT-FTH hybrid (i have a lore rant about how one of the reasons he married into Carian line is to integrate offensive spells into power of Gold)
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ominous-feychild · 2 months
i don't know how to word this, so i'm just gonna say
sammy. breaking the rules. <- that stuff. please elaborate if there is any coherence in this request
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I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ACTUALLY SENT AN ASK!!! (people actually do that for non-ask posts???)
Okay, to be completely honest, I think we had a misunderstanding! (I was exhausted when typing that up and was just about to sleep--) I meant that you could/should ask about Sammy, but I wouldn't answer about his magic... but I've done some thinking.
I'll tell you a bit about his magic. 👀
Fair warning: long post!!!
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The Way Magic Works™
So, magic. I'll definitely give a much more in-depth explanation one day--I know @honeybewrites REALLY wants one 😂--but I need to give a bit of an explanation here for you to be able to understand why Sammy is Special™.
In my writing, there's technically four different kinds of magic. I describe them as such:
Existential (all-encompassing and literal)
Axiomatic (abstract and "type-casted")
Faerie (abstract and encompassing)
Runic (wizards hurrr durrr)
Each "kind" of magic is named, appropriately, by its source--Existential magic comes from the Existential gods, Axiomatic magic comes from axiom, Faerie magic (or "pure" magic) comes from the Faewildes and is typically associated with faeries, and runic magic originated from the runes non-magical people used in an attempt to match the power of the others.
(I mean, technically runic magic itself is a combination of axiomatic and faerie magic, but--)
Essence Is Equivalent
The one thing all kinds of magic have in common is their shared resource--essence. No matter what kind of magic you use, you're always using up essence in order to do it. The same magical tasks always cost the same amount of essence, meaning the only way to "advance" in magic-casting is to grow your mana pool.
Except for runic magic, but we'll get into that later--
(I hop between using "essence" and "mana" for this explanation, but in-universe it's always called "essence". As a fan of DnD and fantasy games, sometimes using the word "mana" makes more sense to me, haha. Idk if that understanding applies to everyone, but. Essence is essentially just "magical energy".)
Long story short--let's say we have four different people, each with their magic coming from one of each of the different sources. Except, they all have Water magic.
Existential user lifts 1 gram of water. It takes x amount of essence
Axiomatic user lifts 1 gram of water. It takes x essence
Faerie/Pure user lifts 1 gram of water. It takes x essence
Runic user lifts 1 gram of water. It takes .5x essence
Wait, what? Okay, let's try that again--
A different Runic user lifts 1 gram of water. It takes 1.7x essence
A third Runic user lifts 1 gram of water. It takes x essence
What??? What's the deal with that???
Well, this isn't the time to explain Runic magic in-depth, but long story short? Let's just say it's because they're not doing magic "normally". The other kinds of magic users will always use the same amount of essence, so we'll just stop including the variety for now. Just know it'll be the same amount by default. Except... you won't often run into "default" with runic users. Regardless!
Existential user lifts 1 kg of water. It takes 1000x essence
Axiomatic user lifts 1 kg of water. It takes 1000x essence
Faerie/Pure user lifts 1 kg of water. It takes 1000x essence
The first Runic user lifts 1 kg of water. It takes 500x essence
As you can see, it's all equivalent. Both across "types" of magic and in effort-to-gain ratio. So none of them have any sort of advantage!... except literally all of them do.
Similarly, since they're all drawing from essence as their source, there's no "backup" magic system one can use if they run out. If they're out of essence, they're out--nothing they can do.
Actually, wait. I lied. (aka Essence Banks)
There's a way to store essence for later use--essence banks! Basically, they're just magical items infused with essence. They can be literally everything. Except, they aren't everything.
Essence Banks were a runic invention and have to be engraved with appropriate runes to be able to contain essence. Some have actually been commodified and turned into "temporary conduits" (aka, items that allow a non-magic user to wield magic like a mage) through people infusing them with their essence.
This is a case where "pure" magic technically separates from a faerie's magic. Pure magic can be used for literally anything, but faeries... well, it's complicated. Regardless, pure magic originates from the Faewildes, but is different from a faerie's magic.
Pure essence can be used for anything, but an individual's essence can only be used for their respective magic type. (Like, elemental / conceptual, not Existential / Axiomatic and such. That explanation's for another day, though.) Pure magic can only be gotten from the Faewildes through the use of runic magic.
People have turned essence banks into commodities by giving them to others who don't have their magic and allowing them to use it. However, as you can probably imagine, essence banks and conduits of both kinds (permanent and temporary) are expennnnnsive!!! Most who have them use them for themselves, to store their own essence to use later.
Just know--there is no way to just "create" essence! It all comes from SOMEWHERE! The most common places are from one's self or from the Faewildes.
Essence Banks Do Not Cross "Types" Of Magic
If someone with fire magic got their hands on an essence bank with essence from someone with water magic in it, they wouldn't be able to utilize it for fire magic--only water magic.
Except... not really.
The fire user could use the essence, it would just cost a lot more of the water essence to instead use fire magic.
Why does this sound familiar...?
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Hm. Anyway!
I bet you've been wondering--how does any of this relate to Sammy?
Sammy Breaks The Rules of Magic™
So, now that you have an understanding of how magic works in my stories, you can better appreciate Sammy.
Remember what I just said?
Y'know, about how magic all always costs the same amount of essence, how "types" of essence don't translate well to others, and how essence can't just be created?
Well, Sammy heard that, laughed, and said "I'm built different."
"Amplification" doesn't exist in the world of my stories. There's simply no concept of it because of how inherent the idea of "essence is always equivalent" is to magic.
Except... Sammy is an amplifier.
So what does that mean in the universe of my stories?
He's able to make others' magic use less essence. He's able to enhance their abilities, let them do things they couldn't otherwise do. And it doesn't matter what kind of magic either of them have.
Oh! And since he's the amplifier?
His other magic is also always amplified.
Yeah, long story short? He's OP af. Both as an individual, and as a support character.
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I actually can't say any more about amplifying because, omfg, it's actually such a spoiler! As I said to you (almost) yesterday, I plan out the series I write to build up to things I'm going to eventually write! Amplifiers are suuuuper important for a number of reasons and, as I said, they basically don't exist! There's only two others wandering about at the time of Rising From the Ashes (the story Sammy's in)! And one of them is a complete hermit who 99.99% of people have no idea exists!
The other... well. He's actually an avatar. An agent of one of the gods. Who knows if/when he'll ever show up? 👀
If you're curious, the (albeit vague) Overarching Goals™ of the series are as follows:
The Arcane Rifts: explores the Faewildes and some of how they've impacted the world. Specifically explores in-universe political relations of Jhandar and Glavnran; the Existential War; the Existence of Magic; and how the Existential gods mess with the world. Oh... and is Gene's origin story. 😉😘
Sun and Shadow: strongly explores the Faewildes' impact on "the Real World" through their patchworking Lynsmouth into the city it is today. Hints towards plots in RFtA and tCC. Explores faeries themselves through the Major Faerie Characters and the highlights the role of magic in society. Is intended to be an introduction into my weird worldbuilding tbh, haha. Hints at Existential War and is also where a HUGE worldwide-plot event occurs. Thanks, Quinn! 😈
Rising From the Ashes: explores in-universe political relations, more directly builds on the worldbuilding through the character of Kieran Caron and his school, does some more planting in info about the Existential War, and showcases people in-universe trying to experiment with magic and expand on its capabilities.
The Calamity Crew (name to change): lots of worldbuilding through the literal crew of a merchant ship sailing across the world; builds up in-universe local Axiomatic gods; showcases the literal birth of a lesser god and explores the powers and abilities of gods; showcases people in-universe trying to experiment with magic and expand on its capabilities.
I plan to somehow make stories on the Existential gods' avatars, but don't know how I'll go about that, haha. Also intend to probably make some stories REALLY early in the in-universe timeline completely taking place within the Faewildes. Might merge those ideas together, idk.
If you can't tell, the Existential gods are super important to the overarching story I plan on writing, haha. Part of how I'm planning to build them out is through the very fact that they appear everywhere.
Yknow--because they are!
They're the puppeteers manipulating the entire world in their little game. Their Existential War.
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To anyone who read through this all--congrats and omfg, thank you so much???
I know this is a lot and not all of it is exactly easy to understand, haha. I wanted to create a magic system that felt magical, but also was planted in "real" stuff like conservation of matter, haha. I want there to be, like, a limit to it, but also for things to have those good 'ole fashioned "fairy tale"/"gods rule over us all" vibes. Hopefully I've done a good job!
Tysm again and feel free to reblog and share!
Tagging list: @the-golden-comet @illarian-rambling @ashirisu @urnumber1star @aalinaaaaaa
@paeliae-occasionally ; to anyone else, ask and ye shall be added!
Divider from @cafekitsune
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syn0vial · 10 months
everyone's acting shocked that shadowheart is the top romance option and not astarion, but as your impossibly stereotypical lesbian-with-mostly-straight-dude-friends, lemme tell you, there is nothing shocking to me about a shadowheart sweep OR the fact that astarion fans are so much louder comparatively
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Characters: Draco Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Harry Potter, Luna Lovegood Additional Tags: Healer Draco Malfoy, St. Mungo's, Medical School, Hospital, Medicine Series: Part 12 of Harry Potter works Summary:
"Are you going for the course?" Lovegood asked. "You have the NEWTs.”
“What course?” Draco said, then, “No, don’t be ridiculous,” when he realized she meant the notice pinned up on the board he’d been staring at: Applicants To The Introductory Mediwizard Course For The Coming Term Shall Present Themselves In The Chief Mediwizard’s Office By August 24th.
“Oh, I thought you might,” she said. “Well, goodbye.” And off she wandered again in her addled way.
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fishareglorious · 9 months
im trying to do the green lake stages in arduous difficulty and oh my god i have so many pollution debuff stacks.
the enemy does one turn. i get two hundred million quantillion pollution stacks. sonetto breathes for half a second and suddenly she's at dangerously low health. druvis does one attack and then she gets -255 -134 -165 damage to her. dikke doesn't generate enough healing cards.
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coconox · 3 months
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i wanna point out that lucifer (victory)'s sig finally makes healers (excluding lucifer) actually heal more than a tank w marbas' sig
for reference: a tank w max lvl blood pack can heal 6% of a char's max hp in a 3x3 area
for healers (excluding lucifer selfie/victory), their healing outputs w lucifer (victory)'s sig goes from
marbas: 0.4% → 12.9%
gamigin: 0.3% → 12.8%
morax: 1% → 13.5%
buer: 20% → 32.5%
^ this is considering the fact that the artifact is at lvl15, healing % will differ depending on what lvl you have the artifact at
personally i kinda find it disappointing how base healing w no artifacts for healers is so significantly low, especially w the fact that there aren't a lot of artifacts that could enable a high healing output. even now w the fact that healers now scale off of hp, marbas' sig won't work all that well when equipped to healers like marbas imho, considering his hp at lvl70 is a bit over 20k, whereas an A+ tank at lvl70 has around 48k (and this is taking into account that both are at max evolve). marbas, an S rank healer btw, has roughly the same hp as an A+ marksman, aka, the survivability isn't all that great tbh (again, this is also taking into consideration both the s rank and a+ rank are at max evolve)
i also worry for those who will miss this event as well. this game doesn't really make it all that clear on whether or not bp characters (or really any event-exclusive char in general) would get a rerun, bc a lot of f2ps would be missing out on what i deem to be an essential artifact if you want to hyperinvest in a healer that isnt lucifer
anyw thats my whb rant for the day lol
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electric-plants · 4 months
aventurine is great because he makes this game hella easy but also aventurine is bad because as soon as i have to play without him i am STRUGGLING
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mdhvnly · 1 year
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these two are SO MEAN TO MY LYNX
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myreia · 1 month
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✦ S A G E
Power surges. Her nouliths hum, the pendulums whirling about her in a cloud, thrumming with aether. Healing eluded her for so long, but the techniques of a sage made those muddy waters clear. She can stand in the epicenter of the battlefield and shield her companions, protecting them from their foes. She has no fear. —level 90 compendium
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shatouto · 4 months
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lysandre splash art
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haunted-xander · 1 year
Having a friendship farming team is great, it opens my eyes to so many comps and kits I never would've tried out/used properly otherwise. Like wow Heizou is really fun to play actually. Childe + Shinobu comp kicks ass (and she keeps his stupid ass alive god bless her)
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maplefield · 6 months
finally started honkai impact 3rd. can someone please explain to me how anything works. i'm confused
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runawaymun · 3 months
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Don’t talk to me or my daughter ever again.
If Qiqi has a 1000 fans, I am one of them. If she has 100 fans, I am one of them. If she has 10 fans, I am one of them. If she has 1 fan, it’s me. And if she has no fans, I am dead.
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✨ weekend wip exposure club ✨
rules: post 7 sentences/a snippet of an unfinished work
@hyperbolicgrinch and @theotherwhybietoldmeso (happy Sunday my loves!)
So, I'm back on my Killer and Healer bullshit (god how I've missed writing for them) so here is a snippet from Die Trying (I've finally picked her back up again and god I've really missed writing for this fandom)
         “Father, if I may…can I offer you some advice when dealing with subordinates who need to be kept in place?” he asked.  Bai Jinbo and the rest of the villagers looked at him warily.          “What sort of advice?” he inquired.  Zhao Jingming hummed.          “Well, I find people can lose sight of the stakes and sometimes need a gentle reminder of just how those with power deal with those without” he explained before he walked over to one of his men in the metal masks and grabbed the staff they were holding before he walked back over to Jin Dacheng and stood before him, making everyone extremely nervous.          “Admiral—” Bai Jinbo started when Zhao Jingming looked over at him.          “It’s fine” he assured before he looked back at Jin Dacheng, who looked at him in fear, and tightened his grip on his staff.          “Let me show you what I mean” he declared before he suddenly turned and smashed the head of the staff into the side of Bai Jinbo’s head, causing all of the villagers to gasp and scream in horror as he fell to the ground, dead.          “No” Jin Dacheng whispered, just as Zhao Jingming began to beat him repeatedly over and over with the staff, even though it really wasn’t necessary, as the single blow to the head had killed him instantly.  Once he had finished beating him, he took a step back, just as Bai Yanli let out a scream and ran towards Bai Jinbo’s body, only to be cut down by one of the soldier’s krypteian blades.  As she fell to the ground, blood pooling around both of them, all of the villagers stared at the massacre in horror as Jin Dacheng looked at Zhao Jingming in confusion.          “Why would you do that?!” he demanded.  Zhao Jingming, however, didn’t answer and instead just looked him straight in the eyes, his own eyes cold and unfeeling.          “When can I expect my harvest?” he inquired.  Jin Dacheng blinked in shock; how could he think about his harvest when he had just killed, no, murdered two people?!  He then quickly shook his head.          “I…I don’t…” he started when Zhao Jingming suddenly pressed the staff against his throat, making him look up at him with wide eyes.          “I said, tell me partner, when I can expect my harvest” he growled.  Jin Dacheng blinked rapidly, all of his neurons firing off at once, before he gulped.          “Nine…nine weeks” he stammered.  Zhao Jingming nodded and lowered the staff from his neck.          “Very well.  In ten weeks, I shall return and you will have my 10,000 bushels prepared for my ship” he declared, making Jin Dacheng look at him in shock.          “10…” he started before he shook his head.          “We…we barely produce 12,000 bushels.  We’ll starve to death!  I don’t understand what it is you want!” he exclaimed.  Zhao Jingming looked at him calmly.          “What I want…is everything” he declared before he walked over to one of his masked men and took his cap from him, placing it back on his head before he turned and headed out of the Longhouse, all of his men following behind.  As they left the building, all of the villagers remained behind and stared at Bai Jinbo and Bai Yanli’s bodies in shock before Jin Dacheng took a deep shuddering breath.          “Call…Call Chen Yuzhi” he instructed.  However, no one moved, causing him to growl as he looked at them.          “CALL CHEN YUZHI!” he roared. 
When I say this fic is rated M...I ain't fucking kidding
Tagging: anyone who wants to join, this is open for all!
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musubiki · 3 months
i think in rpg terms coco as a unit would be a buffer/support unit... i need to figure out ways to work it into the actual story, but i think it would be awesome if her role was like a speed/crit rate/crit damage boost role
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umiokami · 11 months
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My favorite asshole getting a new outfit~♡
.......idk how to fuckin build his outta date ass!
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