#Heads up I dont ship Ziyal/Garak
that1overthere · 11 months
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UUGGGHHH I miss you Ziyal :(
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bijoumikhawal · 11 months
For the ask game: 1, 12, 13, 49 :)
1. Top 3 favorite female characters?
Mmmm. Keiko and Kira are up there, definitely. Also I find Nurse Jabara very conceptually fascinating just because she's the nurse who we know helps Julian handle Garak- I think it's probable they just use her name a lot, because shes usually the nurse named in scenes, but there's implications there! Is she the head nurse? Do the two of them just work well together? Etc. I liked how Everything is Fine by Arati_Mhevet looked into her and a lot of other characters
(Lwaxana is not here because I am not especially familiar with TNG)
12. Top 3 NOTPs?
I've mentioned I don't like j*les because I find the fans annoying and I think their relationship is not like. One I actually think most fans can write well as it is in Canon, much less in a romantic context (because to me, underlying everything is that Miles is a white guy and a space racist, and his fixation on Julian being better at racquetball than him in that one episode made me feel very uneasy, as well as the Jem'hadar episode), and I don't like how people treat Keiko there (like, they're really just pushing her out of the way even if they're going "yayyyy polyamory", and wishing Keiko was more like a man is kind of homoerotic, but in context it was. Definitely meant to be misogynistic.).
Another strong ick for me is Kira/Dukat. I don't think Kira would even hate fuck him, they dont have that kind of relationship or chemistry, and I think Dukat should be court ordered to stay 50 feet away from any Bajoran ever, especially women. It could be interesting if Kira had a different way of interacting with Dukat (I have, after all, read Sloan/Bashir fic) but she simply doesn't. Their relationship mostly consists of Dukat chasing around the daughter of a woman he kidnapped and raped, who has no consideration for him unless he's making problems for her.
Also like. Garak/Ziyal, which does not need. Explanation.
13. A ship you wish had been canon and why?
Funnily enough, I don't know if I wish garashir was Canon lmao- at least not during DS9's original run. I trust Andy and Siddig, but they would not be the ones writing scripts for that- it would be the actual writing team, and 1) I think Star Trek specifically isn't very good at writing Canon romances, and often writes stuff thats lackluster or creepy, 2) the TV problem of finally paying off years of tension and writing a relationship so bad you wanna punch the screen, and 3) the added fact that this would be Gay Shit in the 90s with a straight writing team and Berman on high... you know one or both of them would die or something
49. A favorite ST fic?
What, just one? There's so many though! Interpersonal studies by @johannestevans, @ofhouseadama's debut work, Stubborn Mouths: Humans in Translation by Hannah, a bunch of stuff from @wanderingwriter87, @irresistible-revolution's work... and that's only a few!
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