#Headless Acolyte : Goswin
who-is-muses · 3 months
[ stealing this not-RPC meme dw about it ]
Why is your OC named what they're named? Is there a different reason in-universe than out-of-universe?
Antonio da Vinci
In-universe: he was abandoned at the orphanage with his full name (Luca Antonio Nicolò Bellissima) written on a piece of parchment tucked into his swaddle. He (much) later added the "da Vinci" piece on himself, both to mock his father and fuel his own ego.
Out-of-universe: I wanted him to have a period appropriate name with matching syllables to Leonardo- but at the same time, this fictionalized version of Leonardo would absolutely give a kid two first names and two middle names regardless if it was even heard of at the time.
In-universe: after his father got to name their first three children, Edwin's mother insisted on naming their youngest. There is no family meaning behind his first name or two middle names (Langdon Cassius), she just liked them.
Out-of-universe: in the '66 Batman show, Bookworm was given the name I.N. Kingor- but I wanted to play even more to the similarities with the Riddler to make it all the funnier that they have zero influence on each other before Edwin returned to Gotham, thus needed an Ed- name and have always liked the name Edwin. I have him two new middle names with different initials because "E.L.C. Kingor" sounds better than "E.N. Kingor" to me.
In-universe: it's the name of xis not-quite-dead-but-definitely-not-alive mortal lover xe stole from him to try and save his life (it's a long story.) Though it isn't xis real name, most fae are reluctant if not outright adverse to giving that out, thus xe has taken to using it as a default in his memory.
Out-of-universe: I wanted an old Germanic name for xem to emphasize the fact it's not his actual name- being an English-Irishman reborn as a Celtic mythical creature- and the fact Goswin means "friend of the Goths" won me over. It's in reference to the North Germanic tribe of people not the global subculture, but still.
Habeas Corpus
In-universe: their birth-name Caziiz has debated meaning, but undeniably religious origins and connotations. Arriving on Earth and beginning to consume whatever literature they could find, they were particularly infatuated with the Latin language- and quite liked the idea of bastardizing the writ they took their new name from.
Out-of-universe: Habeas Corpus is just one of those words or phrases that scratches my brain, and I really wanted to think up a kidnapping, cult-leading, eldritch monster to use it as a name/title for. Additionally, there is no h or s in Habeas' mother-tongue- only ch- and z- noises where they would be- but that was decided after giving them the name.
The Ichor
In-universe: their birth-name Athanasios didn't really have any special meaning beyond the name's etymology- essentially "without death"- their parents prone to eclectic, slightly outdated names. Their Killer title was actually one of the few not devised by a Survivor but another Killer- specifically Talbot, using the name as a descriptor in a report to the Entity.
Out-of-universe: as mentioned, the name Athanasios means "without death" or, more simply, "immortal"- and it was a bid for immortality that they were transformed against their will. Their surname Tavoularis means "literary assistant," essentially "scribe" or "secretary." As for their Killer title, the substance ichor was originally used in Ancient Greece and Rome to describe what flowed through the veins of the gods and some demigods- but also took on the meaning of the serum excreting from wounds while healing as well as the plasma found in blood.
In-universe: initially- and for several centuries after- the deity eventually called Thoth didn't have a name, and coyly refused to provide one to be called by. Getting fed up with this, Ra fashioned the ibis birds with their beaks curving like a stylus and provided him a name derived from them- Djehuty, or "he who is like the ibis." Millennia later, Egypt was invaded and conquered by the Greeks, and many of the resident deities were forcefully given new Hellenized names- Djehuty becoming Thoth, this being the name that spread most and is most common (but least powerful.)
Out-of-universe: historically speaking, the deity has been given a handul of different names and countless different spellings of each- I really just picked which were most common. Additionally, to my knowledge, there is no myth surrounding the creation of ibises one way or another- so the idea they were crafted for him specifically is an idea I thought up for Echoes.
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once-was-muses · 1 year
Muse Theme Challenge
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Main Theme: The Dreaming Dead by Jesse Sykes & The Sweet Hereafter
Battle Theme: Cat People (Putting Out Fire) by David Bowie
Boss Theme: The Great Gig In The Sky by Pink Floyd
Emotional Theme: The Rider Song by Nick Cave and Warren Ellis
Tagged by: @envychosen 💙
Tagging: @tucker-vision and @twcheaded (Alex)
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kirby-plays-god · 3 years
anonymous sent:
Do you have any ships with ur ocs? If so, what?
[ A decent amount, yee :^) ]
Baizacles and Bophirus are a canon couple.
Harvey's my favorite character in Stardew Valley, not just out of the bachelor/ettes, so it goes without saying I pair Elvis with him.
Goswin is Very Single, but has a little godcrush on their patron Death.
I think the Sole Survivor should ultimately be the Minuteman General, and I think Preston is neat, so. Again, a given Billie's with him.
I've actually got two characters in mind for Normand, Dr. Orpheus and Copycat. I can't really decide, so I very well may say fuck it, alternate timelines, and
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Frank has a rocky history with Raul Tejada, but also those are The Grumpy Gay Grampas of the Mojave.
Mossman is practically the only monster Agape vibes with, and she thinks they're pretty cute, so 🙄👉👈💜 y'know.
Again, Shahvee is my favorite marriage candidate in Skyrim, and I'd already decided Kisini was a lesbian before I even met her. You'll never guess, but iT wAs A gIvEn-
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once-was-muses · 10 months
anonymous | Describe your muse on anon and my muse will say if they would date them or not.
immortal baby boomer, short-er, dark hair dark eyes, mission oriented, hedonistic, half-irish, half-eastern european, travels alot, expensive taste, hands often bloody but fit for holding.
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"Ah- Forgive me for my bluntness, but... What manner of immortality afflicts you?"
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once-was-muses · 1 year
@draggeddowntothedark | I Lost The Meme lmao
❛  do you mind if i join you for a bit ?  ❜ - To Goswin, from Jules
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He has always been able to twll when someone isn't what they appear to be. A prickle high in his nose, a slight scorching on the tips of his ears. A sort of fey sense, the old rider supposes; he himself isn't nearly as human as he looks. The artfully folded scarf around his neck hides perhaps the most damning evidence of this fact, a sliver of viscera around the circumference of his neck. As the moon grows dimmer, Goswin's body begins to fall apart until he's indistinguishable from the rotten dead- Then it gradually reverses until it starts all over again.
It would be rather nice to appear so convincingly human again.
Shifting his nerves from one foot to the other, the elderly looking thing tries to hide the apprehension in his voice- it's never good to run into someone in the middle of nowhere- as he answers, "I suppose not. If it's more than company you seek, however, I'm afraid I can't offer much."
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once-was-muses · 1 year
@swxpped | memories/the past starters
{Meme} {!!} – ❝I thank you not to bring that up again.❞
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Goswin holds his tongue- save for a small, disapproving tsk. If the other doesn't wish to be recognized by other fae, perhaps he ought to mask better. Goodness knows the dullahan has plenty of advice, should their newest acquaintance make a change in attitude; the subtle yet distinct perfumes they wear are for more than a liking for the scents.
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Despite the other's snappish tone, Goswin maintains his civility- ever the well mannered "man"- only responding, "of course."
To be fair, there are some of them that don't know what they are- but that is no excuse for impolite behavior.
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who-is-muses · 6 months
Due to being between life and undeath, Goswin and other dullahan do not need to blink, only adding to their eeriness. Despite this, Goswin has spent centuries training himself to blink an appropriate amount around things that do, both to further hone his disguise and for the comfort of others.
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who-is-muses · 6 months
Here's some basic facts about the dullahan and general fae in Goswin's lore
The Unseelie Court are not inherently evil or malicious fae, but they are much more standoffish than the "kinder" Seelie and have a significantly lower tolerance for non fae. They distrust anyone that wields magic, keep almost entirely to themselves unless summoned by their Court, are strongest in autumn and winter, and are especially wrathful and stubborn on grudges- where some faefolk can be placated by gifts or service or praise, Unseelie are more liable to curse someone that crosses them and leave them to suffer without a chance for amends.
The dullahan are defectees of the Unseelie Court, either by choice or by banishment. They now pledge allegiance and deep devotion to their patron lord Death, and collect souls for Them when their time is up. Their lord gives them the name of the expiring mortal which to call out upon hunting them down, holding their severed heads aloft for the call, waiting to gather them for delivery as they're guaranteed to pass within the hour. Dullahan are otherwise just as solitary as their previous allies, keeping to themselves until sent to a settlement to collect.
As disgraced and/or traitorous Unseelie, it should come as no surprise that the entire clan of dullahan are cursed. They were beheaded as punishment upon being caught, mouths forced to remain in twisted grins and eyes solid black with white pin prick pupils constantly darting around like carrion flies. Due to their servitude of Death, however, they're caught somewhere between alive and undead, incapable of dying unless killed by another being. They blessed their riders with the ability to live without their heads fully attached, and their features restored to nigh indistinguishable from human when their head is affixed.
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Another effect of their curse is their appearance and physicality shift with the phases of the moon, growing older and ultimately rotting as it wanes and younger again as it waxes, appearing as shambling corpses around the time of new moons.
A dullahan retains many of their fae gifts despite being an outcast, able to curse others and communicate with animals (though most now dislike them), but is also still weak to iron. In addition, their curse gives them an inexplicable phobia of gold, even the thinnest guilding of the metal enough to give them a vague sense of anxiety.
An exception to animal kind's hatred of dullahan are the steeds crafted for them by their lord, the souls of mighty stallions and mares reincarnated in a way to once again carry noble warriors. These phantom horses are pitch black with red eyes, their flint hooves creating sparks on impact and able to set their trails ablaze when galloping at high speeds. They're intangible except for their individual riders, or if said rider requests them to trample something or someone.
Death also fitted their knights with weapons and supplies created from the bodies of wicked mortals; whips made of human spines, lanterns crafted from skulls and body fat and fueled by blood, lances carved out of legs and arms, etc. At times, even a dullahan's riding attire may feature a cloak of human leather, clasps of fingers or teeth, ribs decorating their chest piece, so on and so forth. A common rumor amongst the "civilized" fae is these items are still some semblance of living, claiming to have glimpsed a lanterm gnash its jaw or a hand worn as a brooch wriggle its fingers, but no dullahan will confirm or deny this. They will, however, refute the claim that any component is animal.
As servants of the greatest equalizer in nature, dullahan are charged with the secondary (but just as proudly carried) duty of maintaining balance. They are permitted to drive away and- if it comes to it- kill any that over hunt or fish, needlessly fell trees, or otherwise take more than they need from the wild. This has lead to many a settlement encroaching on woods or swamps or mountains being harassed by a dullahan, popularizing many false ghost stories of vengeful souls searching for their lost heads and so on (all of which dullahan find obnoxious if not downright offensive.)
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who-is-muses · 6 months
Goswin has a distinctive burn scar around his neck, wrists, waist, and ankles from being captured by a necromancer in the 19th century. Bound in enchanted iron shackles and chains, there are many smaller, much more irregular and inconsistent scars across his body from where the metal repeatedly tapped against him as it swung when he moved.
He's very self conscious about these marks, and as such always wears the cuffs of his shirts tight, long socks, and an ascot or scarf or some such accessory to hide.
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once-was-muses · 1 year
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A frown crosses the fae's lips, but xe politely holds xis tongue, taking a sip of "tea" (we all know it's brandy) as xe waits for the other to finish.
Setting xer "tea" cup on the saucer rested on a knee, Goswin responds, "I understand where you're coming from, but I can assure you that you're ideas of Death are misguided. Through no fault of your own- mortals have spent their whole existence fearing Them, since the emotion of fear was first felt. Nevertheless, Death is not some vile fiend, nor the ultimate punishment so many make Them out to be. The phrase 'a fate worse than death' comes to mind."
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"Death is a force of nature, Life's cohort, the greatest equalizer of all mortal races. The malice with which one might force another to Their doorstep before their time should not be attributed to Them as well." Taking another sip, Goswin adds, "They’re much more organized than that."
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who-is-muses · 6 months
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"Where do the strange stay when every place turns them away?"
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once-was-muses · 2 years
Due to being between life and undeath, Goswin and other dullahan do not need to blink, only adding to their eeriness. Despite this, Goswin has spent centuries training himself to blink an appropriate amount around things that do, both to further hone his disguise and for the comfort of others.
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once-was-muses · 2 years
@the-arkham-librarian | Replies
Eliza is a wee bit nervous around the beast.
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"Come now, miss, she's but a noble horse. Nothing to fear."
The intent, the purpose with which the massive horse stares at Eliza strongly suggests otherwise. The suspiciously organ like "saddle bags" on her flanks do nothing to help.
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once-was-muses · 2 years
Goswin has a distinctive burn scar around his neck, wrists, waist, and ankles from being captured by a necromancer in the 19th century. Bound in enchanted iron shackles and chains, there are many smaller, much more irregular and inconsistent scars across his body from where the metal repeatedly tapped against him as it swung when he moved.
He's very self conscious about these marks, and as such always wears the cuffs of his shirts tight, long socks, and an ascot or scarf or some such accessory to hide.
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once-was-muses · 2 years
Dullahan are extremely secretive by nature, arguably even more so than other fae. Goswin is only slightly more open, an example being he does inform a name when asked for one, but it isn't xers. It belonged to the first human xe'd had a proper conversation with, that introduced him to poetry and music and art, and ultimately felled xer heart. Dullahan are forbidden from steadfast relationships as they would interfere with their duties, a law xe obeyed by only making short and intermittent visits to the human Goswin; while xe never expressly said or consciously implied such, the human easily read xer unsubtle feelings. He never used the forbidden words either, respecting xer urging as such, but didn't refrain from tender touches and less exact words when xe didn't object to the first. He also deduced his lover was of the fairer folk, always appearing from the woods and never the clearer route from the other direction, but had the sense not to pry further.
This accidental, secret relationship remained as such until the fae Goswin happened to encounter another dullahan riding the dirt road xe always took to the human's town. The fact the other rider didn't veer off to find another path was cause for concern enough, trying to balance racing to get ahead and not tipping the other off to something being amiss. Xe didn't succeed in beating the other to the hill overlooking the original Goswin's town, arriving just in time to watch the rider remove their head to hold aloft. Xe made the split second decision to ride forward and hit the head from its body's grasp with xer club, stopping it just as it formed the "Go-" sound, chasing after it as it rolled down the hill to trample it with xer steed.
Keeping the head away from the swiftly pursuing body, xe rode through the brick streets until they found the human walking home from the alehouse. With no explanation, xe hoisted him midstride onto the back of xer horse, abandoning the head and urging xer steed to gallop faster away. They rode for a good 40 miles into the woods, fae Goswin trying to call xer Lord to them to beg Their forgiveness and aid- but the other dullahan, having retrieved their head, managed to chase them into a corner. Seeing no other option, xe tricked the human into giving xem his name by pointing to the embroidery spelling it out when asking for the handkerchief in his breast pocket. Trusting xem enough to hand xem the item without thought, the human didn't recall the warnings he'd been given about words and faeries, only realizing once an unshakable cold descended upon him. He swore and yelled at who he thought was friend, but xe stayed silent despite the pain of his words. The name Goswin now belonging to the incorrect being, it was rendered powerless, effectively saving the precious human but stripping him of his self.
Not to mention xe had interfered with another's duties, betraying them as well as their patron, the thwarted dullahan retaliating by invoking Death Themself to handle the issue. Appearing, Death silenced them all and read out xer crime and subsequent punishment; outcast from Their riders, and set to burn in the sun of the longest day of the year. They then dismissed the rider, keeping the rogue and xer passenger to speak with further. They explained that They didn't condemn xem, Love had gotten the better of even Them, but They couldn't pardon xem for this. Xe pleaded for Their forgiveness, begging not to be discharged from Their servitude, but They again silenced xem. They instead spoke to the human, informing him They couldn't take the living Themself unless they came to Them voluntarily. Having heard stories of what happened to people who had their names stolen by fae, he took the subtextual advice, taking Death's hand off the back of the horse, evaporating into dust and thin air.
Death then informed the rider left behind that the human wouldn't be able to move on without his name, now stuck in a ghostly cycle of new bodies and names until its given back. However, xe will not be able to speak to him no matter the shape he takes, but xe will always be able to know it's him. Xe understood xe were being given an impossible task, but made no complaint, forcing xemself to accept this condition unspecified so xe wasn't completely forsaken. Additionally, xe decided to use the name xe'd taken in place of xer real title, adding Goswin on to xer own identity to keep the first close- and remind them to never get attached to a single individual again.
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once-was-muses · 2 years
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"I am quite capable of passing over water, you know- still or running. ...The trouble arises from my dear Sceimhle not caring for bridges. I cannae blame her; she's more ankles to twist than us two legged things, and rarely are such structures adequately maintained for larger beasts."
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