#He's the most epicest
ensemblewives · 2 months
@ People that only like Keito for shipping purposes: you're............... (can't think of good insults)........ Big dumb dumbs!
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thesentdowngirl · 1 month
Because i cant shut up ever.
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Maybe most epicest sequence ive ever seen in any manga everrrreereeerrrrr like oh my goddddd im still not over it will i ever be... His SMILE in the helmet is AUGHHHGHHGHHH . Made me forget my dream. Its just impenetrable. Mental patient. He is a mental patient
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ihavenomoralsss · 9 months
red rising crack headcanons pt. 2
while i avoid studying for my exam tonight
roque's narc tendencies were so strong his siblings couldn't tell him ANYTHING (even what mom was getting for christmas) and this continued well into his adult years
cassius once got so drunk he flirted with a statue for a record 15 minutes and 33 seconds. darrow got it on camera.
victra has to schedule bath nights for sevro sometimes. it gets BAD.
quick's moneymaking adventures have included attempting to sell 'Eau de Reaper' and marketing it as darrow's sweat ('fresh from the battlefield!')
during the longest and epicest of howler parties, darrow was coerced into a striptease. virginia sold the tape for several million. valdir bought it.
in his most insufferable of days (age 14) lysander learned about cassius and darrow's.....fling many years past and refused to speak to him for several days
volga has cried after stepping on an anthill multiple times
sevro once lost a bet that resulted in him getting a tattoo of dancer's face doing kissy lips
mustang's biggest secret is regarding the Room of Doom - blackmail against each and every politico from luna to pluto. sometimes when she's bored she has theodora catfish random senators to see how genuinely loyal they are to their wives. this has resulted in multiple very public cheating scandals
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thewolfwarriors · 2 years
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tl;dr: Ive been in the fandom since the far off ancient year of 2007 so this is a brief reflection of all that
Posting this today on the Winter Solstice, an important day for the Vikings, seemed fitting. Expand for the full text (there's pictures too!)
In the Winter of 2007, my middle school English teacher took us to our weekly Thursday trip to the library. I'd check out any book with the word 'dragon' in the title. I came across How to Train your Dragon by Cressida Cowell and immediately checked it out. I became so obsessed with the book that I learned the hard way that you can only recheck out a book so many times. Thankfully, my parents had given me some money for Christmas and took me to Books-A-Million after the new year! I think the specific date was Jan 8th.
To my ecstatic delight, there was not one, but THREE BOOKS now! After buying them, we went to Cici's Pizza and I had to convince my parents to let me bring them inside. I promised them I would be careful not to get any pizza on them.
I carried those books around with me daily! They were always with me at school. They got scratches all over the covers but they were my friends so I always had them around. I made so many stories of my own through them.
I have this memory of my dad walking into my room while I was reading How to Speak Dragonese.
"You're reading that again?" he asked.
"We need to get you some new books." was all he said.
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It used to say Mew on the inside of the cover before I decided to put the date down instead. That was my first internet name from my ye olde Neopets days. I named myself and all my characters that because I was so bad with naming.
I came up with Mew (now Mewgull) as my first HTTYD OC! She was the an heir to a large kingdom and she turned into a wolf ( I was obsessed with Wolf's Rain and nu-metal AMVS ok? )Then came along her brothers, the Dreadful Drones and the Wolf Warriors as a whole, my first LGBT+ characters (that I can remember at least) and many many more. Mew became my first mascot for my art and eventually I made my own "fursona" (before I knew what that was) based off her.
Annnnnd of course, tons of fan art, animations and even a Doomfang fursuit head. Most of this stuff was lost to time but some I was able to keep! I'll be uploading what's left of my old artwork here soon! I plan to do some redraws as well! ^_^ Some are already on my ancient sarcophagus of a deviantART account
For memories and funnies: here's my Fishlegs cosplay for "Dress up as your favorite book character day" at school! I don't know if it's embarrassing or endearing but hey, man, it was 2012.
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I made the helmet and the necklace myself! I kept the luck lobster claws for a long time but I guess I got rid of them. :( Maybe in the future I'll make another pair! And yes, that's my Horrowcow I'm holding! Thanks mom for takin the picture!
Anyway, if you stuck around this long, I sure do appreciate it. These were all some of the many core memories I had and I love talking about them. I'll probably have many more sentimental ramblings like this in the future (... Sure hope "the Dreadful Drone" doesn't take on a new meaning) and of course, my old art. I'm really happy with how well of a reception my art was got on here so far. Thank you all.
Until next time, Peace.
Mr.Hatman aka Mew -Dragonologist, Wolf Rain's AMV lover, System of a Down/KoRn fan, Poke'mon Master, Cosplayer, Irken Invader, the most Random Epicest Artist xDDDD :3
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t-h-i-n-g · 2 years
Day Sixteen: Grave Offereings
Character: Dustin Henderson
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b’s 31 Halloween day bash m.masterlist
a/n: aaaarrrrgggg I love DUSTIN AGAAARHEH-(don’t take any of the random info in here seriously. i just said it all for the sake of keeping the plot going.)
warning: this is on the sadder side as it talks about people passing and car accidents
“Who even is this person, Dustin?”
“I already told you like a million times.”
“‘The most epicest person ever’ does not answer my question,” you stated, exasperated. Dustin rolled his eyes in annoyance. Sharply he turned to stop you in your step. Almost running into the boy you lurched back.
“Have I ever told you who got me into all my nerdy shit?” Raising a brow you shook your head. Sucking in a breath, Dustin released it slowly. Moving out of your way he took your hand and continued moving around the headstones of the cemetery. “You know how my dad died when I was young.”
“Mhm,” you answered. Showing you were listening.
“After he passed, Mom didn’t really have anyone to depend. All of our family members lived so far away and she didn’t have enough money to go back to them. The only other person she could ask for help was her brother, my uncle. He’s was like a couple years younger than her so at the time he didn’t know what the hell he was doing with a two year old kid. But as time went on, he would baby sit me when he had the time and mom had to work. He always had these comics and figurines that were so cool and he would tell me all about them...” Slowly Dustin’s steps fell to a stop as you now stood in front of a grave.
On the cement stone it read the numbers ‘1940-1966′
“He was 26 when he passed?” You asked in a whisper. “What happened, Dustin?” He sniffed beside you and brought up a sleeve to wipe his nose.
“Some guy ran a stop sign on Main and hit the driver side. He wasn’t put though any pain or anything like that though. Once at the hospital the doctors said it was death on impact so we know he didn’t suffer.”
“Im so sorry,” you mumbled, wrapping an arm around the boys waist and pulling him into your embrace. He smiled lightly and patted your back before moving to place his backpack on the ground and pulling out a few things.
“I was like seven or eight when it happened. I don’t remember much, but I do remember he loved Marvel. Like heavily obsessed and it was kind of a concern,” he chuckled, placing the paper backs down in front of head stone. Squatting down besides Dustin you watched him place a single rose on top of the books.
Quietly you both sat together. With you being ready to stay as long as he needed and ready to do whatever he needed at the moment.
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avspol · 2 years
Thoughts on Magician's Red? He's my favorite stand of the SDC, i just really like his design n he has the epicest attack names, but nobody really talks about him :(
magicians red is my best friend in the entire world and maybe the most important thing ever. thumbs up
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breadbuggenius · 12 days
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(Drawn in 2020) This is Berry Bodacious, the world's most epicest gamer 😎 My good friend @benonscreen and I worked together to create this guy, he served as a mascot for Ben's streams!! He's since been retired, but I'm still fond of the weird little fruit man we made :] I like to think that after retirement, Berry Bodacious became mayor of the city down there, renaming it Epic Gamer City...
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smylealong · 3 years
I spotted a picture of Zhang Zhehan from Word of Honor sporting a side-flip. That made me think of some of the cutest/hottest/coolest/epicest (that's a word now) side flips.
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The pic that started it all. Zhang Zhehan. I find it the cutest.
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I particularly like Wang Yibo's sideflip from Legend of Fei. He carries it of quite well and I think it is the coolest.
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Quite possibly the prettiest of the lot. But then, when it comes to Xiao Zhan, I am biased. He's gorgeous.
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Speaking of gorgeous, how can I not mention Hu Ge. If that man touches water, it evaporates. He's that hot. So yeah, his side-flip is the hottest.
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Cannot ignore Zhang Ruo Yun's stylish flip from Joy of Life. He rocks this hairstyle. I like him better with his hair open.
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Most adorable side flip goes to Song Jiyang. Surprising, because usually the adjectives I attribute to this man are ethereal, or elegant, or otherworldly. Didn't think adorable would be the one I'd go with for him.
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What adjective can I give the drama-queen that is Jiang Cheng? Wang Zhuocheng himself is adorable, but that's not a word I can use to describe the character. So I guess I will call his side flip the angriest? LOL.
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And then there's the Diva. The side-flip to end all sideflips. Liu Duan Duan's Li Chengze wins the most dramatic side-flip of all.
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While the award for the sexiest one goes to Wallace Huo. (Still recovering from this one)
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shittytokudetails · 3 years
Out of everyone in GUYS, who would you say is the most epic gamer of all?
let's see, mirai has some advantages like ultra reflexes, but lacks knowledge of human culture and video game tropes, biggest growing potential. Marina has incredible hearing, which makes her incredible for taking little cues on rhythm games. george has good vision and fast reflexes. ryu is just terrible, let's get this out of the way. Teppei is fairly good but he's not that interest in anything without giant monsters. Konomi acquired some skills by playing with the kids. So actually... the epicest of them all is none, they can only be epic together
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aptronyms · 4 years
my newest most epicest headcanon is that tommy likes fnaf. he knows all the lore. he spends two hours infodumping to gordon abt the difference between the bite of 87 and the bite of 83
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meepmorpperaltiago · 5 years
20 and 43 from the festive prompt ask!
Thanks so much for these anon! And thanks so much to @397bartonstreet for reading it over 
“It looks like Santa threw up in here” “Spam is not a suitable replacement for turkey”
“Hey, I got your text… woah, it looks like Santa threw up in here”, Jake says as he walks through Amy’s apartment door, looking around at the mess. A mysterious monster made of tinsel seems to have conquered the majority of her living room floor, having consumed a multitude of ornaments and carrying wrapping paper in several bright and festive colours on his back (or hers, Jake is a feminist after all and monsters can be women too).
“When I texted you and asked for your help, I didn’t ask for you to bring me sarcasm”, Amy responds as she attempts to pick up some of the mess from the floor.
“But seriously, thanks for coming”, she then adds, standing up and looking at him with a warmth that makes his heart flutter. Not that he’d ever admit that to her of course.
“After my disaster of a Thanksgiving, I just want this Christmas to be perfect…”, she then says, looking down at the floor with sad eyes and yep, he’s definitely melting now.  
“It will be”, he responds, making a conscious effort to sound comforting but not too affectionate before he continues to speak.
“And even if it is the most epicest of disasters…”
She gives him a look at his use of “epicest”, but lets him continue.
“It’s not like this is actual Christmas day, right? I mean this is just a squad thing we’re doing because a bunch of us are with our real families on actual Christma- woah, wait… is that spam on your kitchen counter?”, he says, recoiling in horror.
“Well, yeah it was all I had in my kitchen and I haven’t had time to go shopping and to be honest I didn’t feel like going out to make a big meal again…”
Unable to resist a chance to tease her, he sprints over and examines the rubbery… he can’t even bring himself to call it food.
“Spam is not a suitable replacement for Turkey Santiago”, he says as he prods at it with a fork.
“Hey, don’t poke my spam! Leave my spam alone!”, she says, running over and laughing, trying to push him out of the way.
“Don’t poke my spam, title of your sex tape”, he says as their increasingly giggly playfighting continues.
“Really, Peralta?”, she says, giving him a confused and more than slightly grossed out look.
“Yeah, that one was bad”, he says. They both look at each other for a second before they burst out into further laughter, bending over with tears in their eyes.
“Look”, he says, after about a minute, growing more sincere as they finally calm down. “I may not put the effort in normally, but I can put together a pretty decent meal… and I’m sure the stores are still open… do you want me to put everything together for you while you sort out… all of this?”.
“Yeah, I’d love that”, she responds. For just a millisecond, he thinks he sees the same sweet affection in her eyes that he feels whenever he so much as glances at her. Then they both snap back to reality and he runs to the store nearest to her apartment to buy…. Literally anything other than spam.
Half an hour later, he comes through the door with his arms full of food “Ok, I’ve got ham, cranberries, some stuff for gravy, potatoes, a bunch of veggies because I know you like to be healthy and something called… grateen? Oh no, wait it’s gratin, anyway it’s this creamy cheesy potato thingy that was at a discount, I got a pie for dessert, some gingerbread cookies for people to snack on and I got your favourite kind of wine”
“You’re a lifesaver” she says, standing up and looking at him with so much affection that he feels like he might burst. He feels himself mumble the word “beautiful” and has to quickly think of an excuse when she throws him a questioning look.
“Uh… the decorations are really beautiful….”, he says quickly. And in spite of his slip up, they really are, now that they’re on Amy’s tree and walls instead of strewn all over her floor.
She looks at him shyly, tucking her hair behind both her ears and he wonders if he’ll ever get over this ridiculously huge crush.
As the squad enjoys the dinner and admires the decorations, they share a look and in that moment, he knows the answer. They’re not even officially a thing and he’s in this forever.
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professor-glasses · 5 years
how about.....All the special interest asks!!
💖 Current special interest?
biggest current: DMC/PL without a question. but you could probably guess that (also does that technically count as two or one I’m not sure sfksjfk)
🔥 How many special interests do you have at the moment?
Counting DMC/PL as its own separate thing, 3: DMC, PL, and the above
😇 If your special interest is a video game/movie/tv show/etc, who’s your fav character from it?
Descole/Sycamore from PL and Vergil from DMC this was not surprising at aLL ASDFKLHASL (I do love a lot of the characters from both of them though I just have very personal reasons for these two in particular ofc)
💎 When and how did you discover your special interest?
PL was… some years back, I’m not sure when?  But it didn’t really become a real special interest until 2 or so years ago.  I’m not sure I lost track
DMC and DMC/PL literally started at the exact same time: 2019 end of March, beginning of April, I’ve been fixating on it practically nonstop since
✖️️ Is there something you don’t like about your special interest?
I can’t really think of anything I specifically dislike about PL, there are a few things I like less about DMC, it is by nature kinda violent but since the focus is mainly on Stylish Action and not gore I’m not normally bothered by it and it’s quite fine and alright.  But there is the odd cutscene I prefer to skip. it’s not even that bad visually it’s just. idk. mainly this 1 cutscene from DMC1
also in DMC4 there was quite a lot of stuff that I really liked but there was also noticeably more. sexual stuff than in any of the other games and it just felt really weird and out of place.  maybe it’s worse because I’m ace but that was the one main thing detracting from that game for me.  which is hmmeh :| because I really liked the setting and I liked seeing Nero’s arc and stuff
🐒 What’s your favorite line from your special interest if it’s a video game/movie/tv show/etc?
You’re feeling brave, but only because you haven’t lost anything yet.
From DMC5:
That day, if our positions were switched, would our fates be different?  Would I have your life, and you mine?
💫 Favorite fact about your special interest?
I have no idea my brain is getting tired ghsgk a favourite random fact about DMC is just something I find neat which is the relation of two of the games’ release dates and their relation to me and my sibling’s birthdays
oh yeah and in the dmc/pl timeline the year in which the bronev family and the sparda family got tragically split is the same year, apparently
💕 What’s your fav thing about your special interest?
(from dmc/pl, I love descole’s and vergil’s friendship, i just. waaa i miss it)
🍳 Do you have a stim related to your special interest?
does like staring at gifs for ever and ever and ages count? stimboards when I can find them?  I’m not really sure about this one sdkfsj
I have this one smelly. dried herb plant small bag thing that’s supposed to be insect repellent or smth which I got because the label/name was perfectly connected to something from my des canon (also it just smelled good).  Does that count?  does it?  I guess it kind of does?
🌠 What’s a past special interest?
Two of my big special interests that were main in the past but aren’t currently are Pokemon and the Guardians of Ga’Hoole book series by Kathryn Lasky (and just owls in general.  That’s what started it though.)  They’re like semi-active rn, I just got back into rereading GoG and I wish it had an existent fandom
also Lord of the Rings or most anything Tolkien
🏘️ What was your first special interest you can remember?
hm.  I don’t know.  Pokemon has been one since before I was 10, I probably had something before then but I don’t remember it
🍭 What’s a headcanon/theory you have about your special interest?
the entire dmc/pl au does this count ehehEHEHEH
ok how about the azran in the dmc/pl au.  Back in the beginning, the demon world and human worlds were one, coexistent.  But at some point they split, and that coexistence was lost; the demon world from then on sought to dominate the human world.  The Azran were descended from the original humans and using their knowledge from before the split, were able to protect themselves from the demons’ threat, and even harness and bend demonic power to their own devices to make their technology.  However, when their empire fell, the seals they put in place weakened over time, until demons were able to get into the human world again.  This is when the legend of Sparda took place 2000 years before the present and he reseparated and resealed the worlds
🌟 Did someone introduce you to your special interest?
😂 Something funny about your special interest?
wacky woohoo pizza
no I’m just kidding.  inspector grosky in eternal diva is the best.
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sleepycoric · 5 years
i got the epicest most coolest best friend ever waaah hes so nice and sweet and just :(u knowm. very good. love that rat bastard
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orlha · 6 years
Title: A Distant Cry from Spring Chapter: AU 9-  Where Sasuke had noticed it earlier and things go differently Fandom: Naruto Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort Characters: In this chp - Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Fugaku Word count: 794 Triggers(s): talks of child abuse Rating: T Additional Tags: implied/referenced child abuse Notes: This is pre-massacre.
Sasuke hesitated in front of KMP building. Konoha Military Police Headquarters was a place that he was instructed never to come unless in need of emergency. He was certain that his father would be still at his office. Suspecting abuse would be an emergency, right?
He clenches his fist and marches in, pausing near the map. ‘Protect the Village, Protect the Children.’ The words above the map with the markers of orphaned children living alone hardens his resolve.
“Father?” His feet stills at the doorway, his father hunched over the stack of paperwork.
“Sasuke. What are you doing here?” Father frowns at him and for a brief moment, Sasuke entertains the thought of running away.
Shinobis don’t run away. Sasuke steps forward, forcing himself to take a mission briefing stance that Iruka-Sensei had taught them a few days ago.
“I…” His mission stance quickly is broken by him bouncing on the balls of his feet anxiously. “Wishtoreportchildabuseandneglect!” He says.
Father pauses in his paperwork. “Child abuse?” He waits for Sasuke to nod before asking further. “Of who?”
“I… caught my classmate Naruto stealing onigiri from the dumpster?”
“Uzumaki.” Father sighs heavily and resumes his paperwork. “Was it at least a pink bag?
“...Father? I don’t understand. I thought-”
“Uzumaki’s a special case. As you know we check up on orphan children living alone, except for Uzumaki. The Council insists that they do a special check for him and even though we’ve been trying to get them to rescind their order so that we can properly oversee Uzumaki, our attempts-” He motions with a hand. “-Have not won us any favours as you can see. We’ve attempted to impose merchants to properly sell goods to Uzumaki. Which- The pink bag is their concession.”
Sasuke plays with the hem of his shirt, trying to decipher the meaning of his father’s words. “So the pink bag... “
“Isn’t expired food.”
“Oooh.” He hops one on each foot. “Father…? Naruto… He isn’t stealing it for himself. My classmate Sakura- I caught him-”
“Uhm… Haruno Sakura. I think… I think her father beats her. Whenever Iruka-Sensei’s raised arm passes over her, she flinches and she never have lunch and Naruto is always passing her food at night and she’s super super quiet and-” He trails off, wondering if he’s wrong.
“And?” Sasuke looks up at his father’s prompting, surprised to see his father giving him his full attention. “Sasuke, and what?”
“I heard Naruto trying to tell Mizuki-Sensei once, that’s why I started to notice. But Mizuki-Sensei said Naruto was lying. So. But- I-observed-her-for-a-period-of-two-weeks-like-nii-san-said-a-good-shinobi-does-and-I-think-he’s-right.”
Father nods and stand, calling out to his secretary outside. “Akane, summon Hikaku and Tajima, and Izumi too. Tell them we’re going hunting.” He ties his batons onto his belt and holds his hand to Sasuke. “Come, if you’re right, your classmate might want a familiar face.”
Sasuke takes his father’s hand, relishing in the uncommon contact. “She’s part of my fangirl group, but I don’t think she actually likes me.”
Father hums non-committedly as they walk down the hallways and stop in the Map Room. Sasuke can see Hikaku doing a quick check of his KMP uniform at one of the cubicles. “Why do you say so?” Father asks after awhile.
“Why do I say so?” Sasuke blinks at him, having forgotten his original statement.
“Why do you say she’s doesn’t like you?” Father nods at Hikaku when he approaches along with nii-san’s girlfriend, Izumi.
“Oh! Her eyes are blank. The girls were bullying her before… she joined.” He shrugs. “Makes sense she might have joined just to stop- Tajima-jisan!”
“Sasuke!” Tajima grins and ruffles his hair. “Who are we hunting?”
“Preliminary check first of Haruno Sakura’s household. Izumi-san, your priority is to secure the child. Hikaku-san, Tajima, you know what to do.”
In the end, Father said that they hadn’t needed a preliminary check before dashing into the house. Tajima-jii had secured the house as well as Sakura’s mother who had tried to sneak away. Before tonight, Sasuke had never seen Father fight. Father and Sakura’s dad had fought briefly, almost demolishing the house. He has to correct himself. Nii-san’s is the most awesome shinobi, but Father is the most epicests.
“Sakura-san?” Sasuke says carefully.
The pink-haired girl stared at him with blood streaked over her, not even flinching when Izumi tried to clean her wounds. What pain tolerance! He always cried when nii-san cleaned his scrapes.
“Sakura… chan?” He tries again, holding her hand out like he’s seen Shisui-nii do sometimes to smaller kids “Would you like me to… fetch Naruto?”
This time he gets a nod and her fingers wrap around his hand. All he can wonder is why no one noticed how skinny she was.
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The Spoils of War aka the ship sails
You ever feel mildly annoyed when you happen to read an anti’s stupidly illogical comment on your ship? And by mildly of course I mean majorly bothered so that the only cure is repeatedly watching your favorite Jonerys scenes until you’re so immersed in the beauty of their love that nothing can get to you anymore? 😍💖
And then of course, you just have to write about it because how else will you be able to get a handle on the mishmash of emotions that just take over you like? 💖💖😍
And this episode man. Just. This. This episode I tell you!!! I’m a regular GoT fan, which basically means that I’ve learnt to have certain expectations from the show, especially regarding love. And I can honestly say that never in my life could I have imagined that GoT would give me a romance as sweet as this!
The first Jonerys scene in this episode:
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Had me laughing so hard! 
The look on Dany’s face, it’s just so suggestive! And Jon’s interruption itself is so timely just.. We aren’t ever going to forget Jon’s first cave episode ever are we? And the particular expertise he surprised us all by? 😂👏🏻 I mean how much more of a throwback could this be to to the Jon/Ygritte cave sequence? And as if that by itself wasn’t enough, he takes her to a cave! My boy Jon is unbeatable at cuteness, fight me!
By this time, it’s obvious that a considerable amount of time has already passed since Jon arrived on Dragonstone, and also that their relationship has definitely improved since the whole initial ‘bend the knee’ scene, and the cave scene totally shows this! Now I know that people have been complaining that their love is so rushed, and doesn’t make sense but I strongly disagree. With fewer (Stannis and Davos simultaneously approve) episodes and the decision to only show the focal interactions between Jonerys, what’s illogical is to assume that they have had no interaction offscreen which got them to the point that Dany doesn’t need her whole entourage to tag along when Jon wants to show her something. 
Which gets me to the ‘hoooolyyy shiiiiiiit, I ship them and I ship them hard dammit!!’ moment of the entire show!!! Look at this!!
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Remember my favorite romantic trope of ‘looking when the other person is not’?? The only thing that ups that is ‘looking while the other person is completely fascinated by something else! There is legit nothing else which can make me melt as fast as this! Because it’s so simply pure! Like, you’re watching the other person be mesmerized by something you’re showing them! You’re watching them lost in wonder, so taken by what they’re seeing. And they’re so absorbed in their own world at that moment, they don’t even notice you doing that while I’m here completely losing it!!!
Plus, it also totally reminded me of one of my favoritest Disney movies ever!
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And this look!!! You know, I think this is probably one of the first times when Jon Snow was giving off the ‘you know nothing, but you’re so cute when you’re clueless and I get to show off’ vibes! 😂💖 
And this scene, oh my heart!!
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This has to be the most non sexual and romantic physical contact on GoT ever! I can’t imagine any other moment when a simple arm touch like that (totally unnecessary, by the way, Jon. my boy’s got the moves though!) has got me shipping people so hard!!
Another thing which got me was how it was Jon who held her arm, our Jon (I’m never going to get over this!), reaching out to her in such a familiar comfortable gesture, when he could simply have walked ahead and shown her that. Basically, our Jon having the confidence to just take her arm like that, and the closeness (which lasts 0.00001 seconds, but it’s enough for a lifetime for me!💖), and the delicateness and the intense feels! 
And the softness? Apart from the way Jon kept looking at Dany and the arm touch, what I loved was how soft and mellow they both were around each other. Even though Dany still wanted him to ‘bend the knee’, not only was she softer, but she was so much more reasonable than in her throne room, where the attitude was ‘bend the knee you rebel, or i’ll destroy you after i’m finished with Cersei’; here, she is nudging him so much more gently than she had earlier. Jon, on his part, gives her an actual reason as to why he can’t submit to her, as opposed to his own stance earlier - ‘why would i give the north to you, stranger?’ Jon knows his people, and he knows they are not going to accept a Southern ruler, especially not a Targaryen. (which is realistic, those Northern lords are a task), he’s basically telling her that he’s not refusing because he wants to keep his title or anything so shallow as all that, it’s his people. And the puppy eyes in this scene only make it sooooo much better! 
And then there’s this!
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The symbolism of ‘ice and fire’ being reinforced aside, they are shown so beautifully to be equals here, in sync, working towards the same goals! If that isn’t enough to start wanting them together…
This whole cave scene basically set up that Jon is definitely starting to develop feelings for her, which is only to be expected because she’s beautiful enough to warrant that attraction, and plus, Jon is starting to know her and realize that she’s not her father, or Cerse,i or bad or evil or batshit crazy or any of those things Targaryens are reputed to be. Dany’s trust in Jon is shown right in the following scene, when she disregards all her other advisors and turns to Jon, because she has come to know, that this is a man who will always put the realm first, a man whom she can trust to give her the truth keeping the people in mind, a man with no other motive than to save his people against all odds. 
Then again, there are the neverending parallels between them:
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It is emphasized again and again how, despite their seeming differences, they share certain values and experiences with each other, which again serves to bring them closer together.
Now what I found really important was this:
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I live for Ser Davos’ dialogues! But what’s important to note is Jon’s reply:
‘There’s no time for that.’
Now, if he had really been trying to seduce Dany according to the antis (which I am definitely not going to believe in), it would have been far more natural for him to just be quiet about this.
If Mister Honor Incarnate is actually setting aside his honor for the greater good, it is definitely not going to come without an internal struggle. This guy has lived all his life by a strict moral code, and to set it aside will not be easy, especially considering manipulation is not his forte. 
So, if he had been trying to seduce her, he would be ashamed of it, he would hate himself for doing that, and when Ser Davos would have teased him about it, he definitely wouldn’t have replied with “there’s no time for that,” since according to some antis, that is his exact plan and there’s all the time for it!
But Jon doesn’t look pensive or even slightly uncomfortable. He doesn’t deny it, or even stare blankly at Davos like ‘what are you talking about?’. 
He simply says there is no time for it, and you know why he does that? Because right now, his sole mission in life is taking down the Night King, ensure the survival of the living, he doesn’t have time to fall in love and allow himself to be sidetracked. 
Jon basically is treating his second life as some sort of ‘serving the greater cause’, he doesn’t seem to think he can focus on anything other than the Night King, especially not something personal as fall for Daenerys. Also, he knows that falling for her will only lead to complications, since the North is staunchly against the Targaryens. He doesn’t want to analyse his feelings for her because it will lead him down a rabbit hole he doesn’t think he should be ‘wasting’ his time on. God, he has such a heroic aura around him, turning away from any possible personal desire for the greater good. Jon, why do you have to be so good! Of course, he’ll eventually end up changing his mind in the most glorious way possible and I just! 💖😍
Also, they have the epicest couple line! 
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*jonerys feels intensify*
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khelinski · 7 years
'Black Panther' is a rich film that dives into black history/Africa culture, bouncing from a 'The Lion King' structure and themes (a prince, that is destined to be a king, is overthrown by a relative, and must take the kingdom back with unlikely allies), and the cliches of a superhero comic book movie (a hero must rise, overcome odds, multiple fight sequences, and an over-the-top climax (including a few CGI creatures - it's not a superhero movie without CGI creatures!))  Luckily, there is a villain with some depth, rather than being a villain of the week that wants to end the world, or needs a thing to do a thing so he can achieve a thing.  Also refreshing to NOT see a beam coming out of the sky (or into the sky).
Though it does drag mid-half, and is flawed of being confined in the Marvel 'verse to rise beyond the superhero mumbo-jumbo and become something greater (it is no 'The Dark Knight,' or 'Superman: The Motion Picture,' or 'Logan'), it is still a wonderful experience in the theater (and in 3D).  Much like 'Wonder Woman' and some of the better 'X-Men' films - 'Black Panther' balances popcorn entertainment with allegorical messages and leaning toward current events without being preachy.  The first (of two) stingers at the end of the movie featured the 'black panther' giving a monologue that was a clear middle finger to our current President (and his 'shit hole' mindset).  
Unlike most Marvel films with their generic scores (with the exception of 'Guardians of the Galaxy,' that is something special!), this film has a damn good soundtrack that takes you right into the culture/world of this film, mixing hip hop with the traditional Africa music.  I mostly hate hip hop, but it works for this film.   Even the cinematography was an improvement compared to most Marvel films and their bland tone.   Maybe there is hope for the future of Marvel Studios, getting away from blah color saturation.
The gist - ‘The Black Panther' is somewhere between Marvel-ous and the epicest epic of epic epicness.
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