#He's a deadbeat but I don't want him (or any of the gods) to die for it and he loves/d (at least 1 of) them
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bugwolfsstuff · 1 month ago
Connor: Luke is Philip and we are the rest of the Hamilton children
Cecil: ...What other Hamilton children?
Connor: Exactly
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rachetmath · 8 months ago
Ruby: F*** you!
Raven: F*** you!
Yang: F*** you!!
Raven: F*** you!!
Qrow: F*** you!!!
Jaune: Why are they screaming at each other?
Nora: I don’t know. Probably, because Raven abandoned them and is the worst mother ever.
Jaune: Isn’t that your mom then?
Nora: F*** you.
Jaune: Yep. Anyways… Yo!
Jaune: Can’t you all talk about this? You know like a family.
RYBB: f-
Jaune: Try me. Try me and see what happens. Understand, you all can be or are on my shit list. I already have my issues with my family. I already talked to Winter about hers. I will humble all of you. 
Raven: Look kid this has-
Jaune: It’s crazy how you know about family but abandoned your kin for a bunch of strangers.
Raven: … 
Jaune: It’s crazy how you’re your daughter's biggest stalker but just like one you can barely have a conversation with her.  And attempt to take her life the moment your views differ from one another.
Raven: … 
Jaune: It’s crazy how you risked your tribe, only to give the relic to your daughter, probably the only present you’ll ever give her out the years of her life. And what’s insane is you did all that because you didn’t want to deal with Salem even though she held your tribe hostage. Speaking of your tribe where are they now?
Raven: *silent*
Jaune: Sit you no leadership, die-hard shogun ass down.
Raven: *sit down*
Qrow: Well damn kid-
Jaune: Bitch I’m older than you now but even before that I was more man than you.
Qrow: Now hold-
Jaune: I will admit you showed up when Tyrian came. However, you want to know why I was pissed and made those assumptions?
Qrow: I mean I saved Ruby and your lives.
Jaune: Yeah. You were watching us from a distance. Good. But you were late. Which means when you were late we encountered Grimm. Now what could cause that?
Qrow: Um…
Jaune: You were drunk.
Qrow: Well-
Jaune: Back to the journey to Mistral and after you could have been more useful in almost every event.
Qrow: Woah kid I was-
Jaune: Dude when you couldn’t find any hunters, you didn’t even bother trying to help any of us improve. When we were trapped in a room with Salem's allies and your sister, your first thought was to stand around, do nothing, and find out.
Qrow: Okay b-
Jaune: Raven kicked your ass. Hazel punched your back out. And the only one you were protecting was Oscar. What happened to Ruby and Yang being your nieces? Speaking of Oscar didn’t you punch him in the face and never apologize for it?
Qrow: That was for Ozpin.
Jaune: In Oscar’s body, don't try to defend this. Suppose a huntsman saw that, would you not be arrested?
Qrow: Okay now that I think about it-
Jaune: Oh, and when Oscar went missing what the f*** were you doing? Getting drunk, again.
Qrow: I was having a hard time.
Jaune: Screw you.
Qrow: Well at least I didn’t endanger my friends.
Jaune: At least I didn’t get one of my friends killed. Like with Clover. Which I will say, great job in letting Tyrian escape. It’s crazy how even sober you are still an idiot. Also, you’re a fraud. Qrow: Well I-
Jaune: Like now there is no comparing us, I’ve been through more shit than you will ever imagine. And I wasn’t given a choice. You were. And that’s misfortunate. Your nieces almost died a couple of times and you weren’t there to help them. I was. God I’m starting to realize why your team is a mess and why, Tai, hates you. You are both a downer and a deadbeat. Pick a struggle.
Qrow: *silent and sits with Raven*
Jaune: *stares at Ruby and Yang*
Yang and Ruby: *sat down immediately*
Jaune: So what are you all going to do?
RYBB: Talk like a family.
Jaune: Good. Now you excuse me I need to write a letter to my mother who I am not on the best of terms, right now. Bye.
Nora: Jaune? Jaune, is there something you want to talk about? I’m openly available.
Jaune: F*** you too, Nora.
Qrow: How long was he on that island?
Ruby: Uncle Qrow, we had our first argument on that island.
Qrow: Oh… s***.
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alectoperdita · 1 year ago
25 for that situation prompt 👀👀
From Put That Guy in a Situation(TM) Ask Game
25. Showing up injured at their enemy’s house
content warnings: mild description of injury and blood, but not necessarily realistic
Read on AO3
Blood seeped through his shirt. It overflowed onto his pants, dying his entire left side crimson. Jounouchi winced, but he didn't dare to let up on the pressure. Each step—every breath he took was labored. His knees threatened to fold under him with each lurch forward.
The wound might be deeper than he originally thought.
A glow hovered in the distance, cutting through the fog. For a second, he wondered if that was the afterlife beckoning. A moth to the flame, he lumbered toward it.
If he was going to die, he wanted to be warm, at least.
The light came from a solitary bulb illuminating a heavy iron-wrought entrance gate. Up close, it shone blindingly bright. Damn LED bulb. Exhausted, he slumped against the wall under it. When his head rolled back, he caught sight of a sign beside him that hung at eye level. He squinted to make out the characters through the haze of pain.
It read "Kaiba."
A wet gurgle of a laugh bubbled out of Jounouchi.
Well, wasn't this perfect? Kaiba might toe his corpse in disgust, but it was better than expiring in the nearby woods like a wounded animal.
"Oi, Kaiba," he croaked. "You'll tell Yugi at least, won't you?"
"What the fuck are you rambling about, deadbeat?" Kaiba's angry voice rang in his ear. It was as if he was right there with him.
Great, he was hearing shit already. He clung to it shamelessly. God, he didn't want to die alone, even if it meant he was delusional. "Be a pal. When you find my corpse in the morning, give Yugi a call and let him know you found me?"
"It won't have to wait till morning if you don't get off my property this instant," Kaiba barked.
The voice came from around the corner, close to the gate itself. Peeling his heavy eyelids open, he gripped the wall and peered around, perhaps hoping to glimpse the other man even if he was a hallucination. Embedded within the white stucco wall was a dark electronic panel with a light that blazed an angry red over a speaker. There was also a video screen, but it was dark, staring back at him with a blank face.
"Kaiba?" he asked. Hope crowded into his throat, wet and fitful as tar. Or it was blood. "Is that really you?"
"You heard me, deadbeat." The tinny voice boomed out of the speakers. "Do you have any idea what time it is?"
"Late," laughed Jounouchi. His head spun. He caught himself against the wall again, this time huddling protectively around the panel. "You—" A rattling cough. "You should be in bed."
"I was. Until somebody set off the perimeter alarms."
Jounouchi was somebody! He was no longer just nobody in Kaiba's book.
"Me! It was me!"
"No shit."
He peered through the gaps in the gate, up the ridiculously long driveway to the mansion in the distance. He couldn't spot any pinpricks of light up ahead. They would've been clues as to where Kaiba was in that gigantic house of his. How strange it was Kaiba who spoke to him and not one of his many identical-looking suited goons. Was he all alone in that wretched place?
"Do I need to call the police?" asked Kaiba icily.
"Sure," he said. "You mind calling an ambulance while you're at it?"
Jounouchi spun around and searched for more red blinking lights. He found one on the other side of the gate. He retracted the hand clutching his body and waved it at the security camera.
Oh god, his side gushed. It felt like his guts were falling out. Dizziness washed over him and dragged him under into a smothering darkness.
The last thing he heard was Kaiba calling his name.
Jounouchi's ears rang.
Too much quiet could be a bad thing—under-stimulating the auditory nerves triggered tinnitus as effectively as loud noises. It was a funny thing a doctor told him once. God, the human body was so stupid. If there was one upside to dying, it was not having to deal with that nonsense again.
He felt weightless. He was sure there was pain, but it didn't pierce the heavy veil draped around his brain. Numb, that was the word. He was numb down to his fingertips.
He wiggled them. They responded after a brief delay.
So not paralyzed.
"Tch, knew you were too stubborn to die," grunted a familiar voice from his bedside.
Oh what a soft bed it was, too. Fluffy pillows full of down and silky sheets. It was like he was lying on a cloud. He knew there was no way he was in heaven, though, not least because he didn't fucking believe in one. Neither he nor the surly bastard sitting in the chair were welcome there.
Unable to help him, a dopey grin spread across his lips as he turned his head toward the other person.
"Heya, Kaiba." Shit, he sounded high. His eyes traced the drip line from his wrist to the clear bag of fluids suspended on the IV stand. "Must be the good stuff," he remarked, mostly to himself.
Kaiba rolled his eyes, but he uncrossed his arms and legs. What a beanpole. If he wore anything besides black, he couldn't intimidate even a rabbit. And those little fuckers got heart attacks at the drop of a dime. Damn lanky bastard.
A lanky, flat-assed bastard.
Kaiba scrunched his nose. "Stop. I'll gut you myself if you say another word about my ass."
He had a stick up that ass to boot.
"Jounouchi," Kaiba growled in warning.
"What? Can't a guy die in peace?" he groused.
Suddenly, Kaiba was in his face, blue eyes blazing like hellfire. Up close, Jounouchi noticed the dark ring around his eyes and the heavy bags under them.
His words came out no less harsh, though. Sharper than the knife that sliced Jounouchi last night. "Next time, try dying somewhere far from my doorsteps."
Despite being stared down by the Devil himself, Jounouchi wasn't scared. Kaiba was the Devil he knew best, after all.
A wave of fatigue swept over him, weighing down his eyelids. "Yeah, I'll give that a try if I need it to take. Hasn't worked every other time you've been around."
He could count the number of times he'd been at Death's door in Kaiba's presence on one hand. Somehow, Jounouchi survived each time in spite of him. But in this case, it was probably because of him.
He chuckled. "Your glares scare off Death himself."
Kaiba's expression tightened, then blanked. He drew back and straightened. Swathed head to toe in inky darkness with pale skin that glowed in contrast, he'd pass for the Grim Reaper himself.
That explained it. Kaiba wasn't the Devil.
"Yeah, if you're Death, no wonder you don't wanna collect on me. I'm gonna live forever!" He laughed. His chest seized. He groaned. He wanted to curl into a ball, but his body refused to cooperate.
Kaiba squeezed the bridge of his nose, entirely ruining his Specter of Doom look. "Lovely. You're acting like an even bigger imbecile than usual."
Jounouchi peered up again, ready to sprout more "inanities" as Kaiba was sure to label them when he got his senses knocked out of him a second time. The sunlight imparted the illusion of color to Kaiba's cheeks, magnified the intensity of his azure eyes, and contoured his noble features. He fucking glowed, like the light bulb in the deepening night or a tempting flame. The whiplash stunned and nauseated Jounouchi.
What could he say to this angelic vision?
Kaiba's brows furrowed. He almost looked worried, and that was how Jounouchi knew he was hallucinating again.
Kaiba snapped his fingers centimeters away from Jounouchi's nose. It worked, snapping him out of his stupor.
"Your brain better not have melted. Whatever's left of it," drawled Kaiba.
There was nothing like that patented Kaiba humor(?) to sober him up. "I'm good. I'm good. Still in one piece."
Somehow. Against all odds.
Because Kaiba had helped him, instead of leaving him out in the cold, to bleed out.
Kaiba harrumphed. Without another word, he spun and marched toward the exit. The lack of a grandiose coat spoiled the effect. Jounouchi missed that coat. He'd probably miss Kaiba himself once he left the room.
Jounouchi would live, though, for now.
Kaiba paused by the door, his back was turned as he spoke, "I notified Yugi. He should be by to check on you later."
Jounouchi's face split into a grin. A pleasant warmth suffused his chest. It might be the drugs. Or it could be something else.
"Will you come back too?" he asked.
Kaiba nodded. Jounouchi sank into the plush mattress and allowed himself to drift off, safe and whole.
Read other prompt fill ficlets here
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alterrune · 24 days ago
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(We're currently located outside the estate of Mariana Meret. Our plan is to---)
(...wait, what the fuck?! We were spotted already?! How is that...?)
Oh shit. Didn't know there were pressure plates around these parts.
(Alter gives us a glance, as if to say "You know what to do", but is hit with the Greek Flames immediately. He looks like he got torched...)
Well, that wasn't very nice. Luckily, heat doesn't bother me all too much.
(...but it only seemed to power him up more. Not only does he show up in his beast form with a a puff of red smoke, but candy-red energy crackles around him as his beast form grows a pair of red demonic wings and he flies around the base, using the power of the Alter Rune itself to alter the surrounding area to our advantage.)
Yo, Vi! Wanna join me in causing as much chaos as possible? Yeah? You know what to do, then!
(Violet turns into her beast form in a puff of purple smoke. Alter then uses some of his power to envelop her in an aura of purple energy, causing her to sprout her own pair of angel-like plant wings, being covered in purple leaves by the end of it all. Since the manor is surrounded by shrubbery, she uses her Poison Ivy-like abilities to ensnare any enemies that are unfortunate enough to be near any of the hedges.)
(When all is said and done, the two completely obliterate all of the enemies' defenses. Thanks to Alter's abilities, Vi was able to use Leadhead to destroy them. After decimating the defenses, the two go back to normal.)
(It's Jerry! He has Mariana in a headlock with a gun up to her head.)
Hand over everything you fucking have or I swear to god I will SHOOT this woman!
(Suddenly, a sniper rifle shot rings out and a bullet lands right at Jerry's feet, causing him to drop Mariana in shock.)
That's enough, Jericho. Violet?
(Violet uses one last beast form power to ensnare Jerry in the shrubbery.)
Earl? What are you doing here?
Jerry, also known by his full name, Jericho Grey, is my brother, as you probably know, Kyle. And I may not be able to convince you to rejoin my cause, Jerry, but I can interrogate you.
(Jerry tries to struggle out of the mess of vines, leaves and branches he's trapped in, but to no avail. Earl leans into Jerry's face, intimidating him all the while.)
(Jerry seems to be reluctant to answer.)
I-I don't know!
(Earl suddenly stops cold.)
He...he didn't take you this time? And you SWEAR you are telling me the truth?
Yes. He is.
(Mariana suddenly speaks up, startling all of us.)
Terence left your lazy brother behind, saying that his plan to end all of you had finally come to fruition, and that he didn't need him anymore. At least, that's what I thought I heard. I could be wrong, the gunshots were pretty loud and there was a persistent ringing while they were talking.
That's not what he said to me, Mariana. He said he didn't want to lose me. I was an incredibly faithful aide, but keeping me around was a risk.
I assume that meant he had to ditch him because he knew Earl was on his way.
Fucking hell. Jericho, I always knew you liked to Tom Sawyer your way through things, but this is a new low, even for you.
Please, Earl! You have to help---
(Earl suddenly shoots Jerry square in the face.)
I'm done helping you, you deadbeat brother of mine.
(Alter, using the last bit of his beast powers, revives Jerry, which Earl initially tries to stop, but decides to let it happen after realizing Alter may actually be onto something.)
...OH GOD! Did I just...die?
Yes. Thank you for letting me finally shoot you right in your aggravatingly smug face, Jericho. Now, you're coming with us to the GEOGRAM base. You'll be in a holding cell until you genuinely learn your lessons and can pull your weight for once.
(Earl dives around his brother, cuffs him, and hauls him over his back, dropping him off in the back seat of his vehicle. After he drives off with Jerry in tow, Mariana quickly runs up to us.)
Thank you. You saved me. If you ever need me to help you guys out, just give me a call.
(She hands us each a card with her personal number, with "Call me if you need me." written above the number.)
I have so many questions.
One, what the hell was that with the beast forms?
Well, if I had to guess, our beast forms got "supercharged", for lack of a better term, meaning that, alongside powering up our abilites to the umpteenth degree, we also apparently gain wings that match our beast forms. I don't think that kind of thing will happen all the time, though. Most likely that was a once-per-operation event.
Okay. Question two, why did you rush onward like that, Alter? Our original plan was to sneak in and do things quietly. Did you just rush in because it's Terence?
No, actually, though I don't blame you for thinking that was my reasoning. It was actually because I felt a weird energy coming from those Greek Flames. It almost felt like I could use them to power my Beast Form up even further, and looks like I was right.
Alright. Third and final question...
(I wave to Mariana Meret, who is currently trying to fix the manor's garden up.)
Yo, Mariana! You up for a round of ice cream at the GEOGRAM base?
Sure! I'd love to go for a round of ice cream with you guys!
(The 5 of us, alongside Mariana Meret, head back to the van. Violet then begins driving all of us back to the base, with Mariana completely safe and sound.)
Achievement Unlocked: A Cup Of Earl Grey
(Terence is in a secluded location, his ultimate plan almost ready. However, his cellphone suddenly rings. Begrudingly, and after making sure his head isn't above any low ceilings, he picks it up and answers.)
I swear, if this is you CSB blokes again---
Terence, it's me. Earl got me. I'm being transfered into a holding cell. Did you ever plan on betraying me? Just out of curiousity.
(sigh) Admitedly, yes. BUT! I actually changed my mind during this whole adventure. You've actually proven to be useful to me. You may not have pulled your weight when it came to working for GEOGRAM, but you sure as hell pulled your weight when it came to working for me. You're a good kid, Jerry, and I never should have thought to betray you in the first place. Sad it had to end this way, eh? We had a damn good run.
Glad to know I changed your mind on the betrayal plan, sir...actually, it's not "sir" anymore, is it? Regardless, thank you for everything, Terence. You've been a great boss.
And you've been a damn good assistant, Jericho. Thanks for everything.
Thank you for the same, Terence. Goodbye.
(click, beep beep beep)
(Terence suddenly throws his phone across the room. It doesn't break, but the screen gets a huge crack formed on it.)
(Terence slams his hand on his workbench where he is drafting up his ultimate plan so hard that he actually makes a large crack across the entire surface of the workbench.)
You just made me ten times ready to kick your feckin' arse. An angry Brit is a feral Brit, and now I'm not feckin' angry anymore. I'm LIVID.
You are going to die as slowly and as agonizingly as feckin' possible...
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purrincess-chat · 1 year ago
blue guitar boy + 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 13, 18, 19, 25
have fuuunnnn answering
Rae, you glutton for punishment, you XD
Fair warning for those who maybe don't know the history here, this answer will be salty~
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
His relationship with Marinette was short lived and stripped of any meaningful content
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character
That he got off essentially with no punishment for LYING TO MARINETTE'S FACE and keeping secret that HE KNEW HER FUCKING IDENTITY and she doesn't even get mad at him for lying about it, and the narrative doesn't punish him for it either in any meaningful way. I mean, I was happy he had to leave for a while, but then him learning Mirakungfu is just ehhhh I'd have preferred he just never found out and left anyway to go travel with Jagged. I also hate that Jagged is canonically his dad/a deadbeat dad. I liked Jagged significantly more before that was canon, but after that being canon it kind of ruined his character for me ngl...
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Not really a song-song per se, but I think of jacksepticeye's Night in the Woods playthrough when he's like "why is there always some douchebag with a guitar who's like 'I sing about my feelings cause I play guitar'" and that is always the first thing that comes to mind when I think about him. Also, since seeing the Barbie movie I think of that one scene with all the Kens playing guitar at the Barbies, and I love that movie so much for pointing out how cringy it is.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
They make him more attractive when they draw him than he actually is in canon
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Literally everything else XD People who have been here a long time know about birthdaygate. I hate that they pretend he is better than Adrien, I hate that they act like the love square is toxic and their ship should have been endgame, I hate that they take key traits from Adrien and give them to the blue boy in order to make him more interesting but then shit on Adrien and act like he's the worst character in the show and somehow a creep/abuser toward Marinette/LB while propping up the blue boy on a pedestal as if he's god's gift to the fandom, I hate that they excused away him lying to Marinette about knowing her identity and even praised him for it when literally a season prior to that they shit on Adrien for finding out in CB and not telling her when she just literally had no idea and never asked, but when blue boy gets asked point blank if he knows, he lied and somehow that was perfectly fine and acceptable and they were glad he finally did something selfish/for himself for once. Literally, every time I read a take by blue ship truthers, I feel like my braincells die.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
I don't have much of a reason for this, but I feel like he would sign off most of his messages with a peace sign ✌️
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
That one episode with Juleka wanting to model was kinda cute when he was encouraging her
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Listen, for those that are like why so negative about the blue boy, Cat? What did he ever do to you? I want it to be known, that my first impression of him was very neutral. I didn't love or hate him. He was just okay. I thought he was a little bland, but I was open to seeing where he would go. The fandom 100% ruined him for me entirely. Canon helped later in S4 as I've already talked about, but it was mostly the fandom. Birthday spamming bitches. But when he first debuted, I just thought he was kinda meh, which was a crime apparently. But since then I've been more open with my disdain, so idgaf about it anymore. He's still mid imo.
Send me a character and some numbers
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paraemu · 2 years ago
which of the main riders should NOT be a parent
godai: canonically kids love him and we know he's good at household chores and he's just a great guy all around so he'd make a wonderful father. however its unlikely that he would have kids cause he's always traveling around, but if he ever settles down i can see foster kids coming in and out of his and ichijou's house all the time
shouichi: i havent seen agito but all i know about him is that he's basically a housewife so i assume he could take care of a kid. he seems to have some baggage that would stop him from becoming a parent tho
shinji: i dont think the thought of having kids has even crossed shinji's mind. can't really imagine him as a parent
takumi: he'd probably have to think long and hard about it first but i can see him warming up to the idea of having kids in the future (i will NEVER forgive inoue for robbing him and kiba of a future together i hope he goes to hell)
kenzaki: for obvious reasons kenzaki can't have children and actually its making me sad just typing this im skipping this one
hibiki: him being a dad is like the whole premise of the show
tendou: tendou is the perfect mary sue which means he's immortal and will never die and as such reproduction is meaningless to him
ryoutaro: he canonically has a grandson so congratulations on reproducing. i hope it was with yuuto. the idea of all the imagin pitching in and helping ryoutaro raise his child along with his sister is rly cute i love den-o
wataru: ok listen i KNOW inoue just threw in wataru's child from the future as a joke but i think wataru having a child 2-3 years after the show completely unprepared to be a parent and having a rly hard time with parenting all around is unfortunately very in-character for him. i believe in him tho i know with some therapy and a couple of parenting classes he can power thru
tsukasa: tsukasa would be a shit ass fucking dad and i dont think we should allow him near children. however it would be insanely funny if he and daiki were sougo's awful deadbeat parents who left him in a wet cardboard box all alone as a baby so now i am married to this au
philip and shoutaro: can't imagine either of them having kids
eiji: after the ooo summer movie i am convinced that eiji REALLY wants to have kids but his trauma prevented him from ever giving any serious thought to it. and then the whole ankh situation happened, so it'll probably remain an unfulfilled desire. he'd make a great dad if he ever had the chance tho (the ooo vcin doesnt exist to me)
gentarou: he has the vibes of someone who will have 5 kids by the time he's 30. in his case they're all most likely adopted but still. also probably houses and rehabilitates troubled teens
haruto: he wouldn't be half bad at parenting but i don't think it's something he wants. even after he's let go of most of his emotional baggage he's just the sort who likes to keep to himself and live independently
kouta: if he wasn't a god he would probably marry mai and have 2.5 kids with her
takeru: i heard he has a child in the novel? ok i read the novel summary and nvm thats not canon to me. he should marry akari instead. the 3/3 on normie het marriages is concerning gaim-drive-ghost truly was the dark ages
emu: fast forward 4 years from the end of ex-aid and you'll find emu entering his milf era. he's going to have 3 kids separated by 2 years each. he's had like MAD baby fever since college so he's got it all planned out already
sento: realistically? banjou and sento are definitely not having children. s/o to ppl who write kid fic of them where their baby is also a science genius tho i think thats cute
sougo: no. just no.
aruto: i.... honestly dont know. hes too busy looking after the company and fighting for humagears and stuff i guess
touma: i havent finished saber yet but i think kento and touma should have two kids one boy and one girl I DONT CARE WHAT TRIO OF DEEP SIN SAYS
ikki: probably also getting normie het married and having 2.5 kids idk hes not important
ace: complete wild card we're still on episode 3. will update this when geats is over
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