#He's a Redditor in the mined data like come on
tricksterlatte · 1 year
3rd Semester Mementos Dialogue
Ryuji: Hey, Crow! Did you hear Shido caught a bad case of ligma in prison?
Akechi: I've heard of the ligma epidemic. I'm not falling for your bullshit-
Makoto: Wait, what's ligma?
Akechi: Tell her, Skull. :)
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af1899 · 3 years
FEH - My free summons on 9/17/2021 + data mine thoughts
Hey, what's good?
So, the banner based on the [Cindered Shadows] DLC from Fire Emblem: Three Houses (with Múspell on it) + its respective data update is finally out.
First, my free summons in the banner mostly weren't anything of special, prioritized blue as planned but nothing. In the round with the fourth free summon though, was forced to pick the fallback category (colorless) and...
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Heh... nice, that's my second Leila, I won't complain at all, it's always nice to get a 5★ with valuable fodder or an unexpected merge on a project. I'll try to max her [HM] then fodder to Legendary Lilina for [Life and Death 4] as well as [Rally Atk/Spd+], fortunately these will be easy to get.
Nothing else but that's OK. I'll just move on and at least I know I'll eventually run on the other skill I want on Legendary Lilina, which is [A/R Far Trace 3], since it's going to be in the regular pool after this banner is over.
Now, onto data mine stuff, you can find the thread by redditor u/MrGengar123 right here, but feel free to read my thoughts onto what we've gotten (there'll be no talk about story spoilers and the like).
So... the thing that probably interests players the most when a data mine rolls out would be stats on the Heroes that come with the update.
Múspell doesn't really play so differently from what we've possibly experienced on [Ice & Flame 3] with him as an enemy, he's more of a dual-phase unit that focus his strength on a single blow, is durable both physically and magically (but slow as hecc) and prevents the foe from healing. Noteworthy is that he brings [Dragon Wall 3] to the regular pool, which you should definitely prioritize from his fodder if that's your plan and got him.
Also, more or less expected the statlines on the other three banner units, nothing too special to stand out in those but Yuri is probably going to give us new worries in nowadays metagame in PvP.
But Balthus has a similar statline to Mustafa (45/38/25+/36/28-) but Balthus's statline is superior, as you could have imagined, just being one point slower than Mustafa, but the rest, Balthus has the upper hand. About him there's also the skill choice, I didn't realize before that his weapon indeed looked like an {Instant} one, and it is, it's a good one and we're getting it for free, so, be sure you got your 5★ Balthus (check in-game inbox with Feh)! But I.S. just ruined it up with the passive skill choice, why do we have [Close Guard 3] still as a 5★ skill? It's just stupid specially since [Brazen Atk/Def 3] is already on Ares at 4★ and there's like nothing that should justify it staying locked to that rarity nowadays.
And Aelfric just got the worst treatment out of this batch, while his class seems to make sense due to how he's designed as a unit in his home game, his kit just feels completely lacking in creativity and also, he's just one of the several free red tome users we've been getting this year, his statline is basically a slightly beefed up Arete but without a horse, it's also our second month in a row with a red tome infantry user, their statlines are different (comparing to Pelleas) but this doesn't change he's the fourth unit in the year with that class, with not much to make him stand out compared to the other ones except for maybe the post-[CYL 2021] statline boost benefit, but chances are Pelleas will do better for you and his starting weapon is better too, {Rabbit} weapons in general are mostly terrible Imo, they're okay for short battles but generally, there are better options, including good ol' {Blade} tomes. At least his rarer skill is at 4★, it's [Threat. Def/Res 2], which you can use to get [Def/Res Menace] and another skill from Zeke's fodder ([Atk/Def Catch 3] if you plan to fodder a Legendary Sigurd with the Lv.4 version + [Fatal Smoke 3] or [Lull Atk/Def 3]).
Anyway, my plans on them would be:
Aelfric: fodder of [Threat. Def/Res 2] to users of physical weapons (thought of Legendary Lucina and Ephraim) after maxing out [HM], will keep one copy at 5★ for rerun quests.
Balthus: fodder of [Instant Axe+] and [Close Guard 3] for Groom Zealot, also after maxing out Balthus' [HM], working on that as of writing date of this post.
Now, next [Hall of Forms] lineup consists of these units from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance:
Bridal Sanaki: green tome flier.
Ashnard: sword flier. ([GHB] unit)
Halloween Ilyana: blue tome armored. (!!!)
Soiree Nephenee: colorless bow infantry user with ability to refresh an ally. (And she's currently summonable and obtainable for a limited time as a [Combat Manual])
Now this is a really well balanced team, no healers but you get a refresher and one unit of each color, two that use physical weapons and two that use magical ones, which should make things more workable in the event as it goes on and you fill everyone with skills that suit them. It's a nice line-up indeed and Halloween Ilyana is great for [A/R Far Save 3], if you'll go for her, [Atk/Res Unity], [Pact Blooms+] (go for another seasonal weapon if you already have (or can get) Valentine's Veronica!) and an enemy-phase oriented {Fighter} B-skill such as [Slick Fighter 3] are also excellent to take along (if you take these, remember [Atk/Res Unity] and [Slick Fighter 3] are counterproductive, you'd like [Crafty Fighter 3] instead!).
Two of them happen to be my Tellius favs (Ilyana and Nephenee) but sadly can't purchase them and only got 1 [Celestial Stone] out of 3. Still, I'll build them as best as RNG allows it to, I specially adore Ilyana and I'll do what I can to make her great.
Bonuses in [Arena]... hmm... not much of interesting, at least I got Scion Julia but I'll use Scion Nanna so that I can balance the team color distribution in the team I'll use and have a healer (Idoun, Sonya and Ninian are the rest of the members).
In [Aether Raids] I got better luck with Mila and Naga, both of which are projects and characters I actually appreciate, so I'm set for two weeks there.
The End
That's all! I do apologize if the post was too long for you, I often need more words to express properly what I mean while also palcing some extra things for convenience.
If you've made it this far, I appreciate you took the time to read my thoughts, I hope you found something helpful in this post and good luck in your summons!
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prorevenge · 6 years
Insult me for my efforts? I'll ruin your holiday.
story data: very very long story. 4084 votes. %94 upvoted. very popular.
I'm on mobile, so sorry in advance for formatting/typos. I never thought that I'd post here but I've finally gotten my share of justice boner (although maybe not as pro as y'all'd like -- as it's still ongoing, suggestions are solicited)!
My dad and I have been planning to hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu for about a year, to start on father's day (he'll soon be 60 so I wanted to help him cross this item off his bucket list before he gets older).
A coworker of my dad's decided that he wanted to join in on this trip with his daughter, and as it was my first trip to South America, I thought there would be some strength in numbers in case we run into trouble, and I accepted.
My dad's coworker (let's call him 58 because that's his age as well as his IQ) has never traveled much aside from Italy (through a package tour), and was completely inexperienced in traveling solo. As we began to plan this trip, his answer to everything became "I'll just do whatever you guys are doing (read in your best idiot's voice)."
Whatever, I was determined to make this trip the best one for my dad, and it wasn't a big deal for me to make the reservations for 4 people instead of 2, so despite the fact that 58 and his daughter (let's call her NP, for Nachu Picchu, obviously) were not pulling any weight on the trip planning, I was glad to do it, and happy to help 58 and NP experience the world (NP has never traveled outside of her home country as far as I know).
Unfortunately, trouble began almost immediately. 58 has packed way too much and literally could not handle all of his luggage, leaving me and my dad to carry one of his bags atop our suitcase (he never once said thank you, and my dad was already pissed on day 1). Here are some of their lesser offenses:
- if you've ever traveled Peru, you might know that most first-time travelers follow the same path (often called the Gringo trail), starting in Lima and following a few very small but touristy towns (Paracas, Huacachina, Nazca). Our plan was to stay in these towns for 4 days, where there is no ATM access. So I wrote to 58 many weeks before the trip to bring at least $500-600 usd + 400 soles in cash, to pay for hotel and transportation as well as food, and wrote clearly that he will not see an ATM for 4 days. As soon as we landed in Lima airport, 58 announced that he had precisely $305 and a very low ATM withdrawal limit (around $200 per day). I knew we were in trouble then (we ended up lending him some money to make him shut up whining about money, which he ended up doing daily)
- from that day onwards, 58 began harassing me about ATM every day despite the fact that I have told him that there won't be any ATMs (keep in mind that I'm his co-worker's daughter... Have some dignity maybe?)
- 58 also complained constantly that the Peruvians don't speak English, and that he had no trouble communicating in English on his package trip to Italy. Umm... Sorry for not having taught all the Peruvians English?
- Despite his massive luggage size, both 58 and NP didn't pack everything that they needed for the Inca Trail, and they wanted to spend an entire day shopping for trekking gears. To give you an idea of what these people are like, 58 needed a rubber end to his trekking pole, and wanted our help in finding a store that sells it. When my dad pointed out a store that had hiking sticks on display, he cried out in his whiny idiotic voice "I want the rubber end, not the hiking sticks!" *rolls eyes*
-At the Inca Trail, our hiking group was about 10 women and 5 men, and 58's comment in front of me and NP was "wow, this means all the dudes can have two girls each, eh?" Happy father's day, I guess!
At this point, since it'll become important later, I will honestly and seriously say that 58 seems to have some sort of cognitive problem. He can't usually follow conversations, and even though information was relayed to him, he had trouble either retaining it or processing it, and people usually have to repeat information several times to him before he gets it. So because I noticed this early on in the trip, I tried to be understanding for a long time.
I really tried my best to make this a great experience for them. With my limited Spanish, I was able to get some great deals and some hidden tours that aren't really known to many people yet; I have some fancy lounge access at all airports that lets me bring in unlimited number of guests, so 58 and NP were traveling in style with me, drinking free alcohol and munching on snacks on comfy sofas until boarding time; because I had a year to prepare, we all got great hotels at great prices, etc.
Nonetheless, the real trouble began about a week into our trip. My dad and I had gotten sick of the constant ATM hunting and trekking gear shopping, so we had told 58 and NP that we were going to split, see some sights, and since NP and I have roaming data plans, we'd figure out how to rendez-vous later.
I should have foreseen that 58 would not process this information at once. He somehow understood that we would come back in 15 minutes, and NP, although she understood what our plans were, didn't try to correct 58 (from what I've observed over the week, they don't have a great father-daughter chemistry, and have very little communication -- for example, when 58 was having a really rough time with altitude sickness on the Inca trail, NP was happily hiking at the front of the trip, a couple of hours ahead of her dad, and never once hiked alongside him during the 4 days). So apparently they waited for us in the freezing streets of Cusco for a long time. I'm told that 58 was already pissed at this point.
From here, things took a dramatic turn for the worse rather quickly.
We had just one key to the airbnb that we were staying in, which I had (frankly, didn't trust 58 to not lose it). But NP's phone died and she couldn't find her way back to our hotel for a long time (as they had no part in the trip planning, they had no idea which neighborhood the hotel was in; which landmarks were nearby, etc., although I had of course sent them all the info ages ago).
As a result, my dad and I were locked in our hotel for over an hour waiting for them, and NP and 58 were locked out for an hour. My dad and I eventually went out to take a walk and to hopefully run into them (maybe 20 minutes total) and during this time they came to the hotel, saw the door locked, and became even more pissed.
When they finally came back to the hotel, 58 (who is probably 6'4" to my 5'4") stormed directly in front of me, pointed a finger at my face, and screamed, I AM SO ANGRY, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, AND YOU CANNOT TREAT ME LIKE THIS, and proceed to have a temper tantrum for hours (I just locked myself in a room and my dad dealt with 58, during which 58 apparently asserted that the ATMs wouldn't give him enough money and it was my fault, the Peruvians don't speak English and it was my fault, I quoted all prices in USD and Peruvian soles and so I was not honest, NP's phone died and it was my fault, and they got lost and it was my fault). Essentially, he and NP told me that my plans were disorganized compared to 58's package Italy tour, and that I was a terrible person (for your reference, 58's Italy trip cost him $6k, his Peru trip cost him less than $2.5k). What a way to pour my year's efforts for this trip down the drain!
I had had enough, and I decided to take my revenge. With about 8 days to go in the trip, I announced to them that I would no longer travel with them, and that aside from the things that were already booked and paid for, they were on their own. 58 and NP both got very upset, understandably so, and NP made things worse by telling me that I should grow a thicker skin and that I should take this as a learning experience since surely someone else will get mad at me again, and that I cannot burn bridges so quickly like this.
Well, 58 and NP are having a learning experience of their lifetime, being thrown into a country that they have no knowledge of (since they didn't do any research or trip planning on Peru) and neither of them speak any Spanish. NP, an avid Instagrammer who was making 20+ updates while being with me and my dad, hasn't Instagrammed anything since we split. They also missed sights in Cusco such as the Salineras salt mines, Moray, the sun Temple, etc. They're also missing out big time in Lima, but since we still have about 20 hours left here, I won't list our plans here in case they see this (oh, I hope they do!)
Tomorrow our flight leaves at 2:40am from Lima, and 58 and NP will have to make a fun choice; either stay in Lima until around midnight (nights in Lima aren't exactly safe, especially for non-street-savvy travel n00bs) or wait at the uncomfortable and not-so-clean Lima airport for 6-7 hours. In the meantime, my dad and I will be chilling at a VIP lounge, have some free drinks, and try to catch a few winks before boarding. 58 and NP will definitely not be my guests. And maybe a couple of you good redditors would recognize 58 or NP and have a few laughs behind their backs.
Also, in case you're wondering, although 58 is my dad's coworker, my parents are also completely behind me on this; dad is incredibly pissed at 58 and will distance himself as far from 58 as office politics will allow, and has already told 58 that he crossed a line that should never have been crossed; 58 and his girlfriend have been wanting to get closer to my parents for ages and go camping together and whatnot, but my mom has firmly stated that she will never see 58's face ever again.
Tl;dr travel companions who completely relied on my trip planning (and couldn't even follow instructions) made the mistake of screaming at me for their own faults. So I ditched them in a random country that they know nothing about, and took away extra privileges that come with traveling with me (help with language barrier, VIP lounge access etc). If you have more ways to get revenge, let me know
(source) (story by binbinbin3)
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topicprinter · 7 years
A few days ago I made a post about Instagram secrets which got a lot of hype. Later I made a post about the Facebook Fraud which too got a lot of hype.These both posts had a lot of common questions. One of them being the blue print of Instagram that worked for me after 11 months of research.If you haven't already - PLEASE - have a look at the post The Facebook Fraud or else you'll just hate all the techniques I'm going to discuss in this post. Yes - THEY ARE dishonest (a lot of cheating) - but I guess if Facebook, Instagram and billion dollar social media agencies are OPENLY fucking everyone over for making an extra buck then why should we be the righteous men?If you choose the honest path then I guess you should better leave all social media platforms as they themselves are nothing short of blackhat thieves.The Blue Print(Once again this would make sense if you had read the other two posts I made) You can check them here - https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneur/comments/7ezgco/the_facebook_fraud/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneur/comments/7erlr3/hushhush_secrets_to_instagram_no_one_would_share/Step 1Make an Instagram account that has possibility of getting monetized. At the end of the day - if you're going to work hard to build an Instagram audience / fan base - it has to give you something in return right?There are some niches that are BOOMING and always will get a LOT of hype on Instagram.Don't get me wrong - almost everything can be monetized but some niches are easier and quicker to monetize.My personal experience is that niches related to beauty, fashion, travel, hotels (basically industries that are super visual) will always convert quick.Think of your potential sponsors and then build up a niche related page accordingly.If Fashion - your sponsors would be - fashion brands, fashion events, fashion retailers, malls, beauty products, beauty services (salons, parlors) and so much more - almost every big city has a MILLION fashion retailers. They wouldn't mind giving you $1000 for a post. (If that statement makes you feel a bit confused - wait a bit - I'll explain later)If Travel - hotels, restaurants, bars, travel boards - all these would be your potential sponsors. I can name 1000+ travelers who travel the world for free and do it on the back of their YouTube / Instagram. Its pretty doable. And they get invited to stay at 5 star resorts - they travel first class AND they still get money on TOP of it.Step 2Post regular content. This one is so obvious. Have a clean feed that has a unique look and feel. A lot of Instagrammers develop a set of colors (filters) that they use for all their photos to make their feed look 'unique'. Not much to talk about here. Post good content. Thats all. A few tutorials on Lightroom and Photoshop and you're good to go.Step 3 (Cheating)Social validation is the key. Its the classic example of a bar. A girl would be more attracted to a guy who has himself surrounded by a few girls (and guys). That is social validation right there. A girl that is in demand would want a guy who has some social proof. This is just so BASIC.I'll tell you a short story. This is like year and years ago. A far relative of mine opened up a small snacks canteen in his town. The place had a small area for seating on the inside and a bit of outdoor seating for customers. The place (street) where he opened up this snack bar was one that saw a lot of school kids pass by as there were a lot of schools located nearby.What he did next was epic. He literally paid $10 each to a bunch of kids to come at his canteen everyday after school hours and sit and eat for free. As much as they wanted.What happened next was the fun part. All the other kids noticed that these kids are sitting there having snacks and just hanging out. You can guess what happened then. Social proof. Automatically in a weeks time the place started getting flooded with these school kids. They all made this place THE place to hangout after school hours.Every retailer does this in some way or the other. When I go out to dinner on a weekend with my friends - we obviously JUDGE the places (options) we have by the crowd size. I'd rather go to a diner which has 5 customers already than go to one that looks deserted. You see how we think? Its just so obvious. Don't you think?This applies to social media too. If 5000 people have likes your photo and then I see it. I have a higher chance of liking it (obviously if the content is decent enough). If your photo has a handful of likes - I probably won't like it UNLESS your content is just mind blowing.If I see an Instagram page that has 1 mil followers I immediately assume that this person is a big deal. Its just so natural. Do I care if that 1 mil followers are real or fake? Man who the fuck got time to check and shit? Haha. Yes, for us people who are actively building a base on social media and are marketers - yes we may give a fuck - but the general population? I guess not.They'd see that 1m on your Instagram page and worship you.Step 3 is simple. Buy yourself some social proof bruh! Ain't no way around it. Wait until you have like 100 posts (upload 4 a day that would mean in 25 days you have like 100 posts) and start pumping them fake followers.Do it to point where you have 100,000+ followers in about 3 months since you started. That would mean 90 days of posting and pumping. Lets put it out at 1000 followers per day x 90 days = 90,000 followers 4 posts per day x 90 days = 360 postsStep 4 (This happens alongside step 3)During the time in which you build your posts and followers (fake) - you will have to get yourself some engagement to match the growing base of followers right?This is where engagement pods come into picture. For the millionth time - these are groups of Instagrammers who come together on a chat platform and exchange engagement.99% of the engagement pods are FREE. My advice? Its really not worth joining a paid engagement pod. You'd just be disappointed.Just Google for Instagram Engagement Pods - there are a hundred of those out there. Join them all and see what works best for you.So far You have some social proof. You have a clean feed. You have 100k+ followers. You have 300+ posts. Your posts get 800-1000 likes per post and 100-200 comments per post via engagement pod.Step 5 (Laundering the blackhat followers into whitehat followers)This is the step that all billion dollar social media agencies that manage celeb accounts do that most of you always ignore.There a TIME and place to convert it all into reality.We faked it until step 4 and by step 5 we need to make it.Gaming the Instagram algo to get a ton of real followers daily.Instagram algo is changing drastically. Every day they are trying out something new or the other. Just like Facebook - Instagram is trying its best to fuck you over so that it can make money. So - if honest way is you motto - be ready to spend a million dollars to attract Pakistani and Egyptian followers who are bots and never engage (see my posts about The Facebook Fraud if you don't know what I'm talking about).To my knowledge - as I'm writing this post - Instagram is playing around with its algo.Instagram wants to get more local and less global (user experience/interaction). It wants peoples reach to become more local (so that if they wish to go global - get their posts noticed beyond their base - they'd have to pay) - Thats what Facebook did.Instagram now will show you content (explore / top post feed) based on what you interact with and whom you interact with. If you're follower a user A and that user liked a photo X then the chances are that you will see that photo X. I hope that makes sense.If you interacted with a user (watched their live video / checkout their stories in the past) - Instagram will show you that too.This is both good news and bad news. Bad news as top post page is no longer global and more tailored to the user (you).What you see on top post page for X hashtag won't be the same as the other user (unless if they're your friend / follower).So the reach is getting more limited (Thanks Instagram for fucking us over - we came - you said we could have fun on your platform for free but sooner or later you had to get greedy!)Off topic - Its funny when redditors get horny when someone (a redditor) offers something for free to the public and redditors go like (sure - sooner or later you will make it a paid thing and you'll fuck us over) - Haha. Funny isn't it? Thats exactly what everyone does isn't it? Somehow or the other they make that cash back. Either they sell your data for pennies like you're nothing but a piece of shit or they make you into an advertiser so you pay them cash and still get fucked over. Lol.Moving on ... In this step - you will need to inject (cheat) fake likes to your posts. There are a billion companies that provide this service called auto like. Meaning - whenever you post on Instagram you get X amount of likes based on your package right when you post. So lets say you buy a package that gives you 5000 likes per post whenever you post within like 15 mins of you posting.Thats a ton of social proof man. This will push your post and make it appear 'trending' to Instagram and make your post appear on top post and explore page to a wide audience.Get this done - buy a small package for the start - maybe 1000 likes per most and gradually increase it to 5000 likes per post.But wait. What is point of all of this?HERE IS ANOTHER SECRET - Getting thousands of likes (fake ones) from these services + getting a thousand real likes FROM engagement pods (that are filled with authority accounts like 10k,50k,100k,500k and so on) will get your post to appear to millions of people.As in this way you start out local - but you go global as all those people on pods are from all around the world - so NOT ONLY they will like your posts - but with you having a ton of likes - their own followers will see your posts. Thats when it goes global.STEP 6 (Becoming Jesus)Here is when you wash away all your sins. Its funny how every teenage girl who is obsessed with Instagram knows this but most mediocre marketers don't.THE GIVEAWAYYou have no idea how many giveaways Instagrammers (the ones who are serious) do. Thats the same with YouTube isn't it? All the YouTubers I follow (most of them are really famous) - they all have these giveaways right? Be it iPhone or a trip with the YouTuber itself or a chance to meet the said YouTuber and so on.Instagrammers are doing the same.You NEED to take part in giveaway loops. If you don't know what this mean (giveaway loop) then you are NOT AT ALL a serious Intagrammer. Basically - you connect with 5-7 Instagrammers that are IN YOUR NICHE and are big. Lets say you connect with 7 of them who are travelers (you too are one) and each of them have like 100k-500k followers right? You start a giveaway. You each put in X amount of $ and one of buys a bunch of iPhones and other X/Y/Z things to giveaway and you start a giveaway loop. That way you gain followers from each others base.You must be thinking (but my base is of fake followers - what will I give?) - nothing. Haha. Not for the start at least.You should make 2-3 giveaways every month for 2-3 months and you'd SURELY reach 500K with JUST that.Don't believe me? Checkout this company called Sunny Co Clothing. Its a swimsuit company and they got 600k Instagram followers in 48 hours. You know what they did? Everything I described above AND they went all in with giveaway. Basically they told that everyone who reposts their (Sunny Co) photo will GET a free bathing suit.What happened in next 48 hours? They gained 600k real followers? You see? You gotta be serious and smart if you gotta go big man. Stop fooling around with them bots and shit. Stop hating the game. Sooner or later we all wash away our sins. Haha.Partnering with the right Instagrammers for loop giveaway can be tricky but then again if you're in Instagram pods filled with amazing Instagrammers and you get to know them then you just have to shoot out a message to them. Chances are they too know you as they'd be commenting and liking your photo on a daily basis right?So it becomes easy.Yes - it will cost you money. But you gotta have money to make money.YouTubers these days do a lot of drama. Wherein they act and make drama as if there is a fight between two big YouTubers ... they start making diss tracks and exchange insults (drama) and what not.Everyone falls for this ... but its all a hoax. In this way - they both (the both Youtubers) get to have more subscribers.Lets say I have 1mil subscribers on YouTube. I am Nate. And lets say you have 1mil subscribers on YouTube and your name is Joe.What happens when Nate makes a diss track about Joe? And then Joe makes a diss track about Nate?Haha. Obvious. The both get A TON OF VIEWS and all that drama? Its funny as most of these drama people on YouTube after a few exhange of disses they make an apology video and become friends.That base of followers? Its get exchanged and they BOTH go BIG.So funny that no one realizes this (the marketers on Reddit specially).Its all game bruh. Either you play it and get that Lambo or someone else will and then you'd sit and cry.STEP 7 (Making money)Well by this time - say you have 500+ posts, with all the fake and real and engagement pods combined you have 10K likes per post - you are somewhere near 500K followers - its all good man. Haha.This is when you FIRST start trading shoutouts with the BIG sharks. If you're a traveler and you're sharing your Travel experiences via Instagram then reach out to those who are the BIG sharks. Ones which have big big big fan base. I'm talking about those who have 1mil or more. You have so much going on - the people you approach would surely reply to you won't they?Meet up with them - its FUN - collaborate - exchange drama - and exchange base (NO COST INVOLVED here) You see? Its all going to become real now.You got a fashion page? Get in touch with the big fashion bloggers and meet with them - call them - make some drama like YouTubers do. Repost each others stuff. Get the word out. Go even more bigger.Do this for a while and the next step will happen naturally.FINAL STEPGotta get that green stuff right?Honestly speaking - by this time - based on your niche - brands would be on their knees asking you to advertise for them. Would it matter that 6 months ago you started out with fake followers? I guess not. Haha. By now you have 600K+++ and only 100/200K is fake. So no harm to anyone bruh.If you have an engaged community then you can safely charge $600 per 100k followers. At 600K that would mean ~$3K per post.But then again - you should have experience working with brands. If you're a traveler - during the first few months (once you've crossed 100K by fake followers) - you should mail hotels for free stays. I doubt anyone would say no.Once you grow to 200-300K then approach larger hotel chains (5 star hotels and resorts) and ask them for more longer stays. I can name a 1000 travelers who travel the world on the back of their Instagram.Just keep doing this.By the time you reach 500K+++ you'd have all hotels inviting you to stay with them. They'd pay for your round trip. Expenses. AND pay you cash too.Aren't most of the travelers who are famous on YouTube and Instagram doing just that? Why can't you?Phew - Thats all for this post guys! This is a LOT of stuff. You guys can complain all you want down below. Just remember - if you ain't driving that Lambo - someone else will - and if Facebook and Instagram themselves LOVE stealing views and money, faking stats - then why can't you? Its all fair if in the end you come out clean is all I'm saying.Good Luck to all.FYI - DO NOT ask for recommendations on where to buy fake shit. Google is your friend. If you want to join pods or buy fake shit. Just Google it. When joining a pod - be sure that you DO NOT pay to join one. More often than not, you'd regret it.
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-04-04 04 FUNNY now
Awkward Family Photos
The Back Up Plan
Godzilla vs Easter
Easter Egg
The Delivery Room Selfie
Mustache To Heaven
Babylon Bee
KJV-Only Church Requires Clear Bible Covers To Verify No One Concealing NIV
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cryptofeedzposts · 5 years
Debate Ensues After 68% of BCH Hashrate Mined by Stealth Miners
2019 was known for the growing trend of stealth miners mining on the BTC and BCH network. On Dec. 30, data shows that 68% of the Bitcoin Cash network’s hashrate is being mined by mystery miners. As the year comes to an end, the large number of unknown BCH hashrate has attracted scrutiny.
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68% of the BCH Hashrate Was Recently Processed by Unknown Miners
On Monday, a post on the Reddit forum r/btc explained that “untrusted hash is at nearly 70%.” The r/btc thread detailed that on Dec. 30, statistics indicate that roughly 68% of the overall BCH hashrate is being processed by miners not willing to disclose their identity. When a known mining pool finds a block, in the coinbase there’s usually a message which identifies who mined the block. However, in 2019 both SHA-256 networks BTC and BCH saw a significant increase in mystery miners processing the chains. In January, two research reports noticed the increasing trend of unknown miners as Coin Metrics and Diar both published findings on the subject. At the time, Diar’s report said that unknown miners could be “concerning” and just because the miner does not disclose its identity, it doesn’t mean the hash is not from a known pool. Coin Metrics wrote that the analytics firm also noticed a resurgence of mystery miners during the start of 2019.
On Dec. 30, 2019, unknown miners processing the Bitcoin Cash chain are around 68% and there is 2.18 exahash per second (EH/s). BCH stealth miners capture roughly 1 EH/s on Monday.
A few weeks before the Bitcoin Cash upgrade that took place on Nov. 15, BCH proponents discovered 44% of the BCH hashrate was processed by unknown miners. At the time, speculators assumed the stealth hash belonged to roughly 3-4 different pools. The reason for the theory is because there are unique messages in the block’s coinbase for each unknown mining entity. Today, there are a few coinbase messages that read: “d B ^//bf Oe?D 5F” and another pool uses this message: “^//KFy{Ʊ!+.” Besides clues like the different coinbase messages, no one truly knows who is behind the unknown BCH hashrate. During the discussion on r/btc, a few individuals took issue with calling the unknown miners “untrusted.” “‘Untrusted hash’… isn’t that how it’s supposed to be?” a person asked on the Reddit forum and also left a quote from Satoshi’s white paper that said:
We have proposed a system for electronic transactions without relying on trust.
Are Stealth Miners Untrustworthy?
The Reddit user dubbed ‘Lovelyday,’ the BCH supporter who wrote the original post, responded to the critique for using the term “untrusted.” “Sure, the ‘ideal’ situation in Bitcoin would be if every miner were unknown, and Bitcoins were so valuable that there’d be absolute incentive for the majority of the hash to protect the Bitcoin that observes the economic model laid out in the white paper,” Lovelyday said. “Comparing against where we are today… we are a little ways off, with historical precedent for hashpower actually trying to destroy Bitcoin Cash — That’s why I used the term ‘untrusted’ as a blanket term for the unidentified hashrate that is > 50% — We can’t trust them, neither should we,” the Redditor added. Lovelyday further stated:
Should we trust the identified hashrate? Probably not much more, but at least we can compare their actions to their stated intentions, and hold them to account by switching to pools that act in ways we prefer.
On Dec. 30, 2019, unknown miners processing the BTC chain are around 26% and there’s more than 30% on the BSV chain.
A few other BCH supporters disagreed and stressed that the Nov. 15, 2018 hash war that created BSV was the perfect example. “A 51% attack would be extraordinarily expensive to sustain on a network as large as BCH — And it wouldn’t work because of all the miners that support us,” another individual commented on the thread. In addition to the stealth miners processing hash on the BCH network, a growing number of unknown miners are mining BTC and BSV as well. At the time of writing, BTC hashrate distribution shows 26% of the hashpower is being processed by unknown pools and there’s 30% on the BSV network today.
What do you think about the resurgence of unknown miners taking away the dominance of known mining pools? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.
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Image credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Blockchain.com, Wiki Commons, and Coin Dance.
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BCH, bitcoin cash, Bitcoin Cash Hash, BSV, BTC, Coin Metrics, debate, diar, Hashrate, Hashrate Distribution, identified hashrate, Lovelyday, mining, November 15, Satoshi, trusted, unidentified hashrate, untrusted, White Paper
Jamie Redman
Jamie Redman is a financial tech journalist living in Florida. Redman has been an active member of the cryptocurrency community since 2011. He has a passion for Bitcoin, open source code, and decentralized applications. Redman has written thousands of articles for news.Bitcoin.com about the disruptive protocols emerging today.
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babyfacekillamusic · 5 years
Did you ever want to know exactly where to go to get Nukashine ingredients? Or how about where to find plants for disease cures?Well, with my project which I'm calling 'Mappalachia' I've got you covered!Mappalachia is a custom-built tool that can automatically build maps of ingredients or resources in the Fallout76 world. It is the product of hours of work, inspiration from other maps online and a little help from my fellow Redditors. If you don't care about how or why and just want to see the maps,All the current maps are herePlease feel free to share them around- although I would ask that you link people to this Reddit post and not the maps, so that I may include updates, new maps, refresh the mapping data following any significant game updates, and correct errors.So, how does it all work?The maps that come out of Mappalachia are a 3-step process.The entire list of objects in the game world is extracted via xEdit, through a custom script courtesy of /u/wully616. This takes approximately 14 hours and produces 4GB of data (down from the 61GB game)The smaller set of data exported into JSON from xEdit is then ran through a custom tool which I wrote, which extrapolates only the useful things and takes just their names and X and Y coordinates. This takes about 15 minutes, and our data set is now a skinny 2.7MBWe now have a nice ordered file which the main Mappalachia program can ingest. I enter a list (16 max, currently) of game-world objects, and it spits out a handy little map.What this means is that with the heavy computational work done and out the way, by repeating step 3 it takes mere minutes to custom-build any map of any assortment of ingredients or natural resources you may require.What's the point?I feel that in MMOs, knowledge is power. And put simply - I wanted to know where stuff was! So, naturally I began searching online for maps of resources. However I was actually quite disappointed. I found one map that had been kindly made that listed resource nodes (for your CAMP). This was a great start! However they had stopped there and not posted anything more, and I found the map was up to 50m inaccurate in places. I then found some web-based interactive maps. The issue with these is that they were clunky, complicated, not mobile-friendly and only one was actually based off real game data - all the rest just used observations from players - which never contained all the data and was wildly open to inaccuracies.So, I decided to build my own and here we are!I have a suggestion for a custom mapPlease suggest away in the comments! The beauty of Mappalachia is that it can generate map reports in minutes. If you can think of a map of certain ingredients or items which you think would be really handy, let me know and I'll see if I can't put it on here for everyone.NotesLegend colours? - I am aware that some of the more complicated maps may be a bit shitty for colourblind players. I can only apologise currently - if I see enough demand for it I may be able to modify Mappalachia to use shapes as well as colour. Alternatively, you can request a map with less items meaning less colors to differentiate.Open source? - Currently Mappalachia is not in any state to be shared around unfortunately. To be used properly I would have to share the 4GB data set, or you'd have to extract the whole game data out yourself. Not to mention steps 2 and 3 of the process above are nothing but two seperate C# .net command line applications with absolutely no error handling, documentation or guides. Maybe one day I can get it in a usable state to share - for now though I'm completely happy to have the program spit out maps for you, if you would like a custom map.More Junk? - Mapping items for their junk contents is a fair bit trickier than just simple items. Especially because there can be overlap. There is significant work required to map all junk items. For now, I've just mapped Screws and Ballistic Fiber, since I reckoned they were the most desirable and couldn't really be found elsewhere. However if there is strong demand for more junk items, it's something I can certainly look into.Interiors cells (inside buildings) are not mapped - we have no maps of them anyway so there's no reference points. Additionally height is not a factor - for example it may look like there's lots of loot at the Garrahan Estates - this is because the data points are top down and represent all floors at once.Image quality: I have been made aware that on some mobile devices the maps are coming out absolute puke quality. I can assure you they should not be doing that and that's not what I uploaded to imgur. It may be several reasons such as low system memory, downloading over mobile network or just your reddit/imgur/browser client putting caps on image resolutions. It's also possible that your mobile may be taking years to download the image, and you're getting that while it waits. I can suggest primarily using these on desktop. Failing that, try to load only one image and not the entire album. Some users have noted that "requesting desktop site" will resolve this. I can attest that 'Reddit Is Fun' for Android doesn't seem to have this issue.Credits & Thanks/u/wully616 and his original web-based map which mine are heavily inspired from. Furthermore, his Xedit scripts which he so kindly shared - to extract the raw data from the game. This guy has been key to helping me get Mappalachia off the ground and it wouldn't have happened without sharing his scripts and xEdit knowledge. Thanks again dude!/u/Zapwizard for providing an HD copy of the game's map without IGN's watermark plastered all over. This forms the background images for my maps (Which I downscaled to 4k for Imgur)/u/FloorBelow and the first map which I saw built from actual game data, which showed me that building these maps is even possible and provided the original inspiration./u/Vissannavess and their awesome manually built map of flora in the forest. Which showed me that there is desire in the community for maps of all sorts. I thought if someone would go to such lengths to make maps by hand, then it would be great if I could automate that.FO76Edit (aka xEdit) and all the guys and girls who contributed to its development over the years. You can support xEdit here.Font is Futura Condensed BoldThe Complete List of Mappalachia MapsPlease come back here for updates, new maps and error correction.FloraAbundant FloraCommon FloraUncommon FloraRare FloraWater FloraResource nodesAll resource nodesMost desirable onlyRecipes & plansRecipes & PlansOreAll ore veinsMost desirable onlyJust Iron & LeadChemsCommon ChemsRare ChemsCookingCooking SeasoningsPre-War foods Small sample - if you want any specific, let me knowRoyal JellySugar BombsMisc. Crafting / ConsumablesMiscAlcoholJunkScrews & Ballistic FiberWood (logs)Crafting - Specific Ingredient ListsNukashineDisease Cure / Healing Salve ForestDisease Cure / Healing Salve Toxic ValleyDisease Cure / Healing Salve Savage DivideDisease Cure / Healing Salve Ash HeapDisease Cure / Healing Salve MireDisease Cure / Healing Salve Cranberry BogS'Mores (Concrete unfortunately not mappable, yet)Phantom DeviceContainersHigh ValueChemsAmmoExplosivesTrapsAll trapsWorkbenchesAll workbenchesLootCaps Stashes, Bobbleheads and MagazinesAmmoFusion CoresJust for fun - A map of all the Teddy Bears!Also, here are some points of interest that I never would have known until the data were mappedThanks so much for reading and I hope these maps are of great help! - /u/AHeroicLlamaI have been generously awarded for this post. Thank you kindly to everyone who did so. If you want to help in another way, all I can ask is that you share this post around and keep coming back to it for updates or if you ever think of a handy map you'd like making - let me know!ChangelogAdded WorkbenchesAdded prewar foods & dog food (upon request)Removed an accidental double entry on the legend for Workbenches mapAdded a map for flora which are exclusive to water. To help find bodies of water.Added a map of logs (You know, just in case you couldn't find some)Added map of Fusion cores (under Ammo)Updated alcohol map to include missing moonshines (yeehaw)Added Royal Jelly mapAdded map for S'Mores ingredientsAdded map for trapsAdded map for Phantom Device ingredientsAdded disease cure / Healing Salve ingredient maps for all other regions. They are now all mapped!Added Sugar Bombs mapTODO: I'm currently working on enabling the tool to map several more cooking ingredients. Stay tuned! via /r/fo76
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