#He'll go through so much‚ you have no idea
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cookies-after-dark · 8 hours ago
okay but Shmilk would be such a back seat driver if he let black sapphire cookie fuck reader
“Move ur hand lower”
“They like being pinched there”
kiss em like u mean it cmooon”
and whoes to say he won’t get strings involved and fix their position himself if they keep messing up :3c
okay no wait 💡 you dropped this because that is one hell of a good idea.
(additional tags because I went loopy here: explicit content, unhealthy power dynamics, possessiveness, humiliation, exhibitionism, degradation)
See, my lame ass was just thinking of Shadow Milk Cookie using this as powerplay, you know? Like a, 'my pets are playing with each other!' scenario where Shadow Milk Cookie actually lets one of his minions knock you around a bit in his stead. Let's be honest, Black Sapphire Cookie's been eyeing you up and down since the moment Shadow Milk brought you here! He's such an eager, helpful, obedient little servant! You could learn to be more like him, Shadow Milk Cookie thinks.
And Black Sapphire Cookie is more than willing to show you just where you stand, riiiiight at the bottom of the hierarchy! No one can tell me that little purple ball of lint isn't secretly a dominant control freak who needs to have everything go his........- I mean, master Shadow Milk Cookie's way. You're adorable and endearing enough, but you need to be taught a lesson or two before you go strutting around the Spire, thinking you're all that just because your the master's newest pet.
Hence, this situation. Shadow Milk Cookie sees the most perfect opportunity to humble you and get his rocks off at the same time! Well, he has many ways to do that, but plan in partocular has him hardening in his tights already. Passing you off to an underling really paints the whole picture for you - you belong to the Spire now! You belong here, this is your new home, you won't be going anywhere, and the first thing we'll do to make sure of that is to fuck you on every piece of furniture in sight! Lovely, ain't it?
Shadow Milk Cookie also loves giving you yhe illusion that you can choose - would you rather have your legs be folded over your head whilst Black Sapphire Cookie mercilessly fucks you while recording your moans and squeals through his beloved microphone, spreading rumors all over Earthbread how you're just some hungry, poorly trained slut? Ooooor~ you could play with Shadow Milk Cookie instead! Those are the only two choices by the way, so choose carefully.
So that was my lame ass. But this ask is hysterical because this also makes Shadow Milk Cookie sharing you with anyone else an absolute godawful nightmare. Black Sapphire Cookie would never talk back to his beloved master, but even he must admit it's getting difficult continuing when Shadow Milk stops him every few seconds with some kind of criticism.
"Pfft! Well, of course, only one Cookie on all of Earthbread could handle this task correctly! Even still, you could at least *attempt* to have a bit more tact than that~!"
Because the Reader, his darling little popper, isn't just some common whore. No, they're just a speeeeecial whore, deserving of only the best treatment! Shadow Milk's words (he cannot help but through a dirty little nickname for you in there).
Honestly, the fact that Shadow Milk Cookie loves you just so, so, so, so much should be obvious! So what if his love is a little rough? Sooner or later, he'll have Black Sapphire Cookie show you the pleasure you deserve, as Shadow Milk Cookie's beautiful, lovely little pet!
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tinfoil-jones · 2 days ago
Jerk Ford AU: The Worst Timeline
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Out of all the scenarios and alternate timelines / other AU's this one could cross over into or adopt elements from (You can see a Reverse Portal Scenario Here and Here), the worst and most destructive alternate timeline for Jerk Ford would be Drifting Stars.
If you don't know, Drifting Stars is a popular AU where during the events of Not What He Seems, Mabel goes through the portal instead of Ford coming out. And now Mabel and Ford are together in the multiverse.
Stanley never stopped being involved with family because he was never kicked out, so Mabel and Dipper have actually known their Grunkle Stan their whole lives, they've even visited him a fair few times and stayed over, the summer that the events of the show takes place in is just the first time they stayed for an entire summer.
Imagine if, about five years before the show starts, little 7-8 year old Mabel falls into the bottomless pit and somehow gets ejected to the only other thing out in the multiverse with the same dimensional signature as her; Jerk Ford, her great uncle who has been missing for twenty five years.
Jerk Ford sees this crying little kid and he takes pause because, for one thing what is a kid doing in Mystery Flesh Pit National Park in the Body Horror Dimension, and another thing why does she have an eerie resemblance to his nephew, who was only ten years old the last time that he saw him?
Jerk Ford at first was considering leaving her to the lost and found at the tourist outpost of the national park, but then she called him "Grunkle Stan." (Because she is mistaking him for Stanley, and Grunkle why did you cut your hair?) And it's all over.
Jerk Ford, a multidimensional space hobo vagabond who has been trying to get home for the past twenty five years at this point and has had absolutely no contact with his family for obvious reasons, he just goes YOINK THIS IS MINE NOW.
And why is this the worst timeline for the Jerk Ford AU?
You know that scene in the Lion King when Rafiki is holding up Simba to the valley? Well, imagine Jerk Ford doing the same thing with Mabel. Except she's like this:
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Because Jerk Ford already has poor impulse control when it comes to pettiness without his brother to reign him in, and now he has Mabel who is a very similar brand of unhinged as he is, they're just subjecting the entire multiverse to a path of glittery destruction the likes have which have never been seen before and will hopefully never be repeated.
Jerk Ford was already wilding all on his own now he has Mabel who has so many ideas. And she has this pathetic, lonely man wrapped around her little finger.
Also, Jerk Ford is a known runner. He does not fight if he doesn't see himself winning, and he'll usually go out of his way to not kill people. He just lacks the trigger-happy 'shoot now journal about it later'-gene that most Fords have. (He has very specific exceptions)*
But in a scenario where he has Mabel? Where he isn't facing consequences all by himself? He isn't letting anything in the multiverse so much as breathe rudely in her direction. So now, he isn't just some jerk or mostly harmless nuisance, he is stacking bodies (not in Mabel's line of sight, obviously).
The (Jerk) Ford Hate Club is besides themselves. Now, stopping or killing Jerk Ford isn't their only prerogative, they also need to 'rescue' this small, innocent child from The Worst Ford and his influence. Unaware that the terrible-flavoured beanboozled jellybeans that keep making their way into their catering were all her idea.
When Jerk Ford and Mabel return in 2012, Dipper is besides himself because, sweet Moses his sister is alive! She's really alive!
But she's been with with The Author who he hates, and being raised by him for the past five years has had obvious effects on her development.
She's still happy go lucky and nice, she's not a jerk at all like her Grunkle Ford.
But she's basically a supervillain who is on the FBI's Most Wanted List in every dimension she's been to that has one, and some organizations both official and criminal consider her a bigger threat than Jerk Ford (relative to body size).
Her sunny disposition did not change at all; she's blowing up whole buildings with a damn smile on her face
It's terrifying. This is the worst Jerk Ford timeline.
*While he was in the multiverse, instead of celebrating Jewish holidays the traditional way there was no point without his family, he would travel to different parallel Earth dimensions to kill Nazi’s. He would try to be a little more traditional, and halt the killing spree while he had Mabel with him, she was too young for murder.
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okavara · 3 days ago
Would Cryptid Kel bite someone if offered? Would he politely refuse or get carried away with monching?
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You just started a horrible internal war LOL I'm stuck on mouse today so you get mouse drawn kelryptid <3
He'd politely refuse and also get very nervous.
I'll touch more on the nature of his flesh cravings as we go through chapters 8 and 9 of CotV :} (I have 6 and 7 planned out now, 4 and 5 are written, 6 partially written!) BUT I will say...
His reaction depends on what kinda day you caught him on! If its a Bad day he'd have this reaction. Staring at the spot freely given to him... Blood fucks him up bad because he likes it. He's afraid of that. He wouldn't hurt a fly when it comes to humans. At least- Not without good reason.
Sure, he'll eat human flesh if it happens to literally fall from the sky, he's not hurting anyone for that. To be willingly offered a taste would be something he'd have to wrestle with. A bite would just feel wrong and too intimate of a thing to do with a stranger, or at least an acquaintance.
You'd have to get him comfortable with physical contact with you at all first before even bringing up the idea.
He'd probably give you a lecture about how he does NOT want to end up accidentally fucking killing you if he loses his mind and goes a bit feral. You're the first person he's seen in HOW long?? He's not going to risk your life. He's not going to risk harming you, or causing an infection you would likely die from (Did you know human bites have a high likelihood of getting infected?)
Human biteforce is surprisingly fucking Strong (not much less than some shark species) soo. It would be very hard to get him to let go if you somehow did convince him to bite you.
It would take a LOT to convince him to actually bite, just btw. Like. Weeks of pestering and probably annoying him until he snaps would be one of the potential ways I could see that you could use to get him to bite you. Or the comfort route but I won't get into that one - sniles and giggles.
Once he tastes blood and gets into pupils dilated mode, it's very nearly lights-out for a while. He'd just want to keep his teeth sunk into the flesh and drink the blood that flows from the wound for a few moments until he's satisfied, or at least just barely enough to get his mental faculties back. I don't think he'd allow himself to drink until he's fully satisfied before he tears himself away.
Also, that would Hurt. You'd be alright, though. Hope he doesn't accidentally break an artery or vein in your arm or bite through any important nerves.
He'd quickly then bandage you up and give you a lecture about it. It would be a very angry wholeass lecture about how this Could Have Fucking Killed You. He'd ask you "Why the FUCK would you do that!?!?!" He's definitely still a person in there he's not going to go "oo human meat fresh off the bone yipeeyipe" hed go. "Oh god. What the fuck is wrong with you" when offered initially LOL.
Honestly being goaded into biting would break his trust a little bit. Both in himself and in you. He wants to be able to trust being around another person again. If he can't trust you to not ask to be hurt, and he can't trust himself to not follow through with that, he'd realize it wasn't safe to spend time around you without putting both of you in danger. He'd start keeping his distance and start staring from the woods again.
But, if it was just a simple question? Yea! Just a polite decline and then he'd probably lose sleep over it for the next week LOL. He's an overthinker....
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reikafanfic · 4 hours ago
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Includes:- Fluff, Drunk!Anton, slice of life, mutual acts of service, kind of domestic bliss??, kind of sappy
My first sfw fic lol
minors dni, this blog is mainly nsfw.
Many typos, nary much grammar.
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You sigh when you finally enter the apartment, knocking off your heels and taking a deep breath as you finally let yourself relax. It's been a long day, a fun one but long nonetheless, with your friends insistence on bar hopping and the loud music you'd been exposed to all night you're ready to finally go to bed.
You went out of your way to make sure you didn't drink too much, not wanting to deal with a particularly bad hangover the next day but it seems Anton wasn't so careful. He's leaning against the door frame, his head is hanging to the side slightly and his hair is almost covering his eyes. Both his cheeks and ears are flushed pink making him look even more adorable, you can't help but laugh a little at him.
"Do you need me to help you take off your shoes?" Anton doesn't reply, for whatever reason he decided that the best shoes to get plastered in would be huge combat boots with more lances than he had fingers. He's surely regretting that now, begrudgingly sitting down on the floor and fumbling around with them, groaning when he can't take them off entirely.
You roll your eyes at him, sitting down Infront of him to help. He pouts, about to insist that he can do it himself but you shut him up with a peck on the lips. Even though you're only slightly tipsy taking off the boots is still a challenge, Anton's quite a bit stronger than you and for whatever reason he made the knots frustratingly tight.
"Why'd would you even wear these?" You say, probably sounding more critical then you meant to. Anton pouts again, looking down at the floor with a rather pathetic expression.
"I just wanted to try something new" He mumbles, looking away from you. You reach up and pinch his cheeks, which probably upsets him more but he doesn't say anything.
"They look very nice honey, but they're hard to take off" He softens at this, nodding along that it was probably a bad idea to wear them. You do eventually get them off though, sighing with relief when the second boot pops off his foot.
You stumble into your bathroom, sighing as you let down your hair. You consider using a cleanser that's more gentle on your skin than makeup wipes but you're too tired, your bed is practically calling your name. You're opening up the drawer next to the sink and rummage through it trying to find your wipes when Anton walks in.
"I'll wipe it off, cmon" He says motioning for you to come closer rather clumsily, he had long since got into the habit of taking off your makeup for you before bed. You however are doubtful he'll be able to considering his state so you insist on doing it yourself but he isn't having any of it. "You know you'll regret using the wipes tomorrow, you always do."
You let him have a go of it, if he does a shit job you can always just go over it with a wipe. He's surprisingly focused when he does it, you really shouldn't be surprised, he's always through. He honestly takes it a little too seriously, his eyebrows furrowed as he makes sure all the makeups off. You're staring at his rather silly looking expression when you get lost in throught.
You've been with Anton so long that all of this feels natural, you call this apartment yours, call this bathroom your bathroom and your shared bed your bed. You're so content with your life you often forget there was a time before all of this, before all of this stability. You honestly can't imagine a life without him anymore. Every morning he makes you breakfast and every night you make him dinner, it feels right, feels like home.
"There, done" He pulls back with a proud smile on his face, it makes you wanna kiss him again. You turn to look at yourself in the mirror and he did a pretty good job. You give him a kiss as thank you, leaning against him.
"Can we go to bed now?" You whine, sounding every bit as exhausted as you are. He kisses your forehead.
"yeah, let's go to bed"
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I actually like this one a lot. Any interaction is appreciated <3
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synergysilhouette · 22 hours ago
10 more BG3 headcanons I have (some thirst)
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Round 2! Hope you'll forgive me for one of these in particular; I know it was kinda wild. And I should warn you; some of these aren't really headcanons, but things I wish we got during the game. Didn't wanna make another "nitpick" post though since I didn't have enough. Make sure to check out my first 10 headcanons!
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Astarion became more faithful if he romanced a cleric/devout Tav--Call me a sap for divine inspiration, but seeing how Astarion mentioned how no god ever answered his prayers throughout the years, I like the idea that a cleric Tav (or at least a Tav with reverence for a god/gods) inspired a bit of religiousness in Astarion; nothing elaborate, but something along the lines of "the god(s) you worship must care about me because they brought you to me, and you saved me"-type thing. I kinda have a similar headcanon for Wyll since he mentioned something similar about gods giving him the cold shoulder, but for some reason, I keep imagining him being more secular, though perhaps he does have a bit more respect for the gods.
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2. Wyll and Tav's first child (after Lily) is named after his father--I remember that if you tell him you want to start a family (kinda sucks he's the only guy I can have the dialogue option with, but I get it), that his father would like someone to carry his name. I'm pretty sure he meant the Ravengard name, but I do find it cute if they just said "screw it, we're gonna give our child your exact name." Ulder can be a unisex name...right?
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3. Omeluum helps us if we rescued him--This is directly contradictory with canon, but I wanted it so bad. It doesn't feel fair that Omeluum is the most helpful mind-flayer, but there's no option to have him be the mind flayer who assists Tav's team. It'd be a nice alternate option to having the Emperor or turning Orpheus or a member of your team into an MF.
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4. Wyll expresses interest in becoming a wizard if Mizora's pact is broken--Perhaps this is due to respecing ALL of my team into wizards based on my gaming style, but I don't put it past Wyll to miss his warlocks abilities, and since he'd wisely not sell his soul to a demon after being free of Mizora and not have the time to go through a whole wizard education, Gale tutors him in their free time, and he eventually becomes an accomplished Bladesinger.
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5. Astarion's fed on everybody and (mostly) no one's picked up on it--When Astarion mentions that he'll visit Tav and be careful not to wake them, it kinda makes me feel like he's made his rounds, but isn't gonna mention that since the team didn't trust him when he was outed as a vampire, and telling them that he's already crossed some boundaries would probably get him killed.
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6. Tav is on frequent baby duty if romancing Lae'zel (unless githyanki)--This is a very selective headcanon dependant on MY Tav, but I do imagine Lae'zel leaves Xan with Tav whenever she has important duties, though she grows concerned that Tav will coddle them too much (unless they're also githyanki and they're helping her in her war against Vlakith). Otherwise, I could imagine Shadowheart's parents or Lord Ravenguard trying to help babysit.
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7. The hyena from the beginning of Act II in the Shadowcursed lands returns and stands by us--I love "Speak with Animals," and I didn't appreciate it until a couple playthroughs in. I love the idea that upon being freed, he joins us in camp and befriends Scratch and the Owlbear cub.
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8. Gale and Lae'zel are especially attracted to those with a lot of junk in the trunk--Random, I know, but it is a headcanon. Of course, this means almost nothing when in my mind, all the characters (particularly the men) are built with Rule 34 proportions, but I do love the idea that Lae'zel has a specific lust for thicc people (perhaps it's just a gith thing due to their skinnier body types), and Gale is easily flustered/seduced by someone of that build. I kinda like the idea that everyone in the camp is drawn to that, but Gale is more obviously distracted and Lae'zel is more obviously attracted; Astarion and Shadowheart keep their desires close to the vest so you don't have power over them, while the others are merely polite not to blatantly devour someone cakked up.
(Side note: Man, I wish we had a glute slider like Veilguard had--but a GOOD one.)
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9. Gale is blissfully unaware of his (physical) allure--No idea why, but Gale always gave me "hot dad" vibes where youngsters are always drawn to him and attracted to him, and he doesn't understand the lust directed at him. He thinks himself handsome, but not really a magnet. As such, whenever people flock to him, he (sometimes) mistakenly assumes it's due to his magical acumin, being a hero of Baldur's Gate, being a chosen of Mystra, etc. When in reality, it may just be that he's the hot wizard. He always has a full classroom as a professor, in any case. (And this as hilariously ironic because I imagine he's very horny. I have a situation I imagine where he sends an astral projection to Tav in public that is accidentally very explicit.)
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10. The Spawn in the Underdark offer a haven from Minthara and the drow--Even if she sides with Tav's good nature, Minthara is evil-leaning, and can go about going to war with one of the biggest drow houses. Given drow ruthlessness and sexism, I do like the idea that if the spawn are sent to the Underdark, whether ruled by Astarion or not, and they offer a haven from the horrific nature, and are on the verge of creating a peaceful enclave within the Underdark (and maybe offering a transactional relationship of protection in exchange for blood?)
(Note: Ignore the black coverings; apparently this is a pic from a bug that happened a few years ago.)
Hope you enjoyed these headcanons! Do you have any we share?
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yume-writes · 2 days ago
The how Team prime meeting the mcb anon here, call me rein anon cuz tats too long
Wildy guardy, the ‘bots goes on missions expecting to battle cons to get energon, only to see the ‘cons defeated, wondering who did it, but at least they left energon untouched, Jun thinks if it’s Heavy iron or Wild guardy, during a mission, they found the bot in the act, It’s wild guardy! After a while, Wild guardy spars with Blue cop once in awhile due to hours of asking his idol (omg he has a celebrity crush) by this way The autobots ask what is a star guardian and learns about it
Heavy iron, during a battle, Arcee and/or bumblebee noticed a truck that is somewhat kin to Optimus’s color scheme charging in battle and transforms, the mcb crew notices him and tell the ‘bots to back off and the ‘bots are confused but does so, and they ask about heavy iron, and learns about him being a outlaw,and sees him slightly being more brutal than Megatron, bonus: Blackhook joins in
Dextor, he was found by the ‘cons first, got blinded and looks look! Sinkholes appearing in jaspers OH SO SUDDENLY, the Autobots are panicking on how to get dextor to stop the Sinkholes, the mcb crew already knows how to get him after the plan, then learns about him
The season two mcbs soon, and a bonus, the Autobots learns what the mcb crew did in their world
MCB x TFP crossover
Hello Rein Anon!! It's nice to see you again!!
And Wild Guardy going around defeating cons definitely sounds like something he'll do. It confuses both the bots and the cons because some new mech is going around defeating con after con, but they never take the energon. It's a mystery to them. But the MCB team has some idea on who it is, and their questions get answered when they finally see Wild Guardy in action. Also I feel like Smokescreen and Wild Guardy would get along a bit because they both have celebrity crushes (OP and Blue Cop)
I'm pretty sure I already covered Heavy Iron's arrival in a different post, so I won't go into too much detail about him. But I do find it a bit funny that Dexter is going through the same situation again. I just know he's mad about that, that is his second time getting blinded! Why him!? He most likely would try not to make sinkholes at first because he remembers the damage he caused, but when the cons come after him he panics and digs. Leading to the sinkholes in town. Once he realizes he's in a town, he stops and stays underground for a bit trying to find a way out of the town. That's when the bots find him
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saetiate · 2 days ago
Say, about your tiger hybrid reader post.....I can also resonate with this.
I am really curious about how Blue lock characters will be able to deal with this or not. If so then how ?....( Really into characters like Sae, Rin, Kaiser, Isagi , Luna, Nagi etc)
you have no idea how surprised i am to see luna in this list ahaha this post will have sae, kaiser, isagi bc i need more time to think for the others
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sae is very much a handler. he figures out what you like and don't like without you saying a thing and helps add things to his home that you'll actually enjoy, he's not afraid to let a wild thing run free. (where else are you going to go? he'll come collect you if he has to.)
the thing about sae is he's so neutral all the time. he's strangely endeared seeing your bite and your anger, unaffected by it as he pats your head and moves on. he treats you like any other pet, any other hybrid. even though you know inherently that you are not, that you are a predator first.
he's not dismissive of it, he knows and acknowledges it through the things he buys for you and the food he gives you. but it doesn't make him react differently to you.
it's like this to the point where you want him to react. something, anything. so you switch gears, and that's how the obedience rolls in. you settle down next to him, put your hands on the edge of his thigh, and all he does is look at you with a curious look.
what it takes feels ultimately humiliating in its own right: asking directly for it. he gives into you once you do, collects you onto his lap and rewards you for it. it makes warmth bloom inside of you, like sunlight on skin.
he makes you crave him, his comfort, his touch, until you never want to leave.
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kaiser's veryyy interesting i think, on one hand he coos at you despite your claws, on the other he's not afraid to fight back. he'll pin you down to the sofa if you try to take a swipe at him and he'll do it with ease and a shit-eating grin. "awh, kitty, wanna try again?"
he's not afraid. you've heard him before, if it's in physicality, he'll win, because he's had a much worse upbringing than most people. he knows what fight feels like intimately. but he's taken you in, so you're his. his problem kitty, through and through. take it out on him if you want, he'll even smile at you for it, until all that fight is drained out of you. and once that's all done, he'll dote on you.
"got it all out then?" he'll say it as he tends to the wounds you have, whether it's nails bitten down to the quick or light scratches from when you tried to fight him.
there's something freeing about having someone stay with you even with all your harshness. feels like forgiveness, finally receiving acceptance, for being what you are. he sticks with you through it all, earns your loyalty until you're putty in his hands.
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isagi is good at heart and shows it. he has no hesitation trying to save an almost-dead thing on the streets. i think at first your ferociousness shocks him and you think oh that's it then. he's going to let you go. but he doesn't and after the first time it never shocks him again. you do it again and again to test him and he just cleans up the mess and pats you on the head. he takes your hands and sits you down with him on the couch asks you with gentleness what you need, what he can do for you.
if you tell him, he's grateful and he'll give you what you want. if you refuse to, he'll continue to hold space with you and work it out on his own. either way, he's learning you, adjusting to you.
he's ultimately so forgiving that you give in. kindness comes easily to isagi, so does understanding others, finding out what to say or do to ultimately relax you. he's never angry, he's worried about you. being extended a kindness like that over and over again… it deserves to be returned, doesn't it?
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other tiger hybrid reader things: this , a short sae x reader thing for it , tangentially related to this
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willowser · 14 hours ago
katsuki wakes up slow, adrift in calm waters.
everything's warm. not hot, but comfortable enough that tension and ache have melted from his muscles like butter. hard to say the last time he ever felt so relaxed, so softened and spread out—maybe aldera? before ua and the war, before there were phantom pains in his arm and torn tendons in his knees. before he could sleep without nightmares and a never-satiated guilt, when he only dreamt of a bright future.
this is like that. golden, ethereal. he shifts with a gentle tide, suspended in time, welcomed by the silence. water trickles across the contours of his stomach and leaves goosebumps in its wake; meets over the tops of his thighs, submerges his hips.
you splay your hands across the plane of his tattered chest slowly, feeling the flush he's sure has spread from his cheeks. he doesn't know when you got here or how and he doesn't question it, either, only peers up at you from heavy, lidded eyes, watches the way your tits squeeze together when you stretch forward.
it's exhilarating to look at your body, knocks the breath out of him in a way that churns his gut. he almost doesn't realize he's looking at you until he drags a wet hand over the curve of your waist and down the slope of your navel, up across your sternum, to thumb at the peak of your nipples.
some distant moral voice in the back of katsuki's mind wonders if he should be seeing you like this, naked and exposed, and—horribly—the idea that he shouldn't has his balls drawing in tight, his nerves going fuzzy under his skin. all the blood rushes to his lower half and he's harder than he's ever been in his life.
it's not uncomfortable, though, like it usually is; everything is still calm, trembling, new and tender. you spread your legs and settle further into his lap and it nudges him deeper into your body, envelops him to the root. his head falls back on a moan that rips through his chest before he can stop it, and he should be embarrassed for sounding so desperate beneath you, but the scorch of it through his lungs feels right, natural.
you haven't said anything and still don't, only let out a quiet, blissful sigh that he's thought about too often, before pulling yourself off of him to the tip, waiting until his cock twitches impatiently, and then sheathing him to the hilt. again and again and again.
you're fucking yourself on him. the idea makes him dizzy, has him grasping for something, anything under the water. if he doesn't anchor himself somehow, he'll dissolve, melt down until there's nothing left—and yet katsuki raises head, because he has to watch the way he disappears inside of you, the way your mouth drops open and your eyebrows furrow.
it draws another embarrassing sound out of his throat, an even worse one when you lean back, steady yourself with flat palms on his thighs. the change in angle has him rocking against things that make him shudder, that make you shudder, and his whole body jolts when you meet his heavy stare.
it hits him all at once, every untamed urge he's been suppressing: you want this. you want him, katsuki. there's a slick smear in the hair at the base of his cock because—you fucking want this. him. it makes you feel good—he does. the certainty of it is something he's wanted for so long, been desperate and scared to uncover.
god—and he's wanted this with you, too. longer than he's willing to admit, before he even knew it, maybe. it's debauched and greedy but he doesn't give a damn, and he wants to do this with you again and again, as many times as you'll let him.
every time you've smiled at him in the hallway and put a hand on his arm and laughed at something that wasn't funny—he's wanted this. you send a molten tidal wave of want crashing into him, and he's tried to hold it back, to prove he's not some brainless meathead, but—
you want this, too.
it all makes so much sense now, a fucking dream come true.
katsuki reaches up to grab you by the arms, too roughly, though you just laugh when he pulls you down to him. he's wanted to kiss you for so long and he finally does, open-mouthed and hot, against your teeth because of your smile, and he rolls you both over so he can press his face into your hair and rut his hips—
katsuki wakes up slowly, and doesn't open his eyes.
his heartbeat drums in his ears, deep and a little painful, enough to warn him of a future headache if he doesn't move. and that's wrong.
everything is wrong.
the a/c is cooling sweat on his back and his foot is hanging off the bad and he's on his stomach, cheek smushed into his sheets. he's distantly aware that he's crossed a threshold he can't return from, but he doesn't want to believe that. not yet.
if he squeezes his eyes tight enough, he can still feel the lingering warmth, your hungry touch. katsuki tries his best to hold onto it and—it's okay. not as good as it once was, but he forces every thought from his mind that isn't you. tries to burn the image of you on top of him into his eyelids.
it works him over the edge easily, insignificantly. his dick pulses as his climax fades as quickly as it came, but there's not a hint of relief. all his muscles are stiff, coiled, drawn taut at the rapidly dissolving images in his mind.
already, he can't remember what you sounded like. not that it was really you, because he's never heard you like that, but—there's nothing now.
when he opens his eyes, he's alone. in his bedroom at near 4 am, a gross patch of drool growing at his mouth. he doesn't have to be up for several hours, doesn't have to be at the agency for several more. he's on for a night patrol and he won't come into the office until after everyone's gone home and that usually bothers him. because it means he'll miss seeing you.
but it must be a blessing in disguise this time around, because katsuki has no idea how he'll ever look at you again after this.
hey gang. not gonna lie to you, i have been unable to think about anything other than bakugou having a wet dream about you for days.
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valleymyristica · 3 months ago
would peri accept one of these?
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Naww, that one's adorable!
Think the answer very much depends on at where we are in the story and who he got it from
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He'd be delighted to get any appreciation from Dev, even if it's a bootleg prize from a fair. He'd adore it, for it's a gift, and Peri deserves appreciation for all that he's done. Isn't that so? Then again, if he got it from his parents, he'd think they were just looking down on him. Like they still see him as the little boy they left behind. Even if it was costume made with the finest fabric, it wouldn't matter, he wouldn't care for it And if it was Hazel or some random fairy? He'd probably accept it, but not really care for it. Just indifference.
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In the past,
If it was a gift from his parents before they left (and possibly even just before he met Dev). Then he would gleefully accept it!
It's a gift from his parents after all, and he loves them so much! They're the best! He cares for them and he knows they care for him, that's what they always tell him after all. They would never lie. Not to him and especially not about that.
He can't imagine a world where they don't love each other. It would never happen. Not in a million years.
...yet, you never really know what the future holds, do you?
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In addition,
Any gift from Timmy would be one he'd bombard with love, or at the very least put in a very special spot.
His favourite may be the Timmy doll, but if it's something that reminds him of Timmy? Then he'll still care for it. Regardless of time and place, one thing holds true. He adores his big brother, so very much ᵔᵜᵔ
Oh, wouldn't it be nice to somehow see Timmy again? Even if it was just a glimpse? Lucky for Peri, he went into the family business, where you get to exist on earth. Not be stuck in fairy world, working dentistry. Urgh.
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As for the future,
A gift from a friend, is one he'll adore A gift from the kid, he should take, he should, but can't be sure how to feel. Is it truth? Is it real? Is it a joke? A prank? What does it mean? He'll put it away, but never throw. Heh, he's sure to forget where he put it though. And a gift from his parents? Is that truly what he deserves? After all that he's done, how can they still care? He'll cry in regret for all of his wrongs. Hoping one day, he'll find where he belongs.
He'll thank them for the gift, for all that they give, but if he's being honest, that's not really how he wants to live
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I do like that it's a cute little alien, fitting for a star, wouldn't you agree?
And, as said, there are part of his life, that such a gift would make him so very happy. Especially if it was a gift with a story to tell, even if it was a simple, "You played an alien as well!" or "Remember all the fun that we had? Well, I wanted to give you this to remember the joys, and feel less sad."
And who knows, maybe he'll even meet an alien one day? Or maybe, who knows, what if he's already met one?
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serpentface · 8 months ago
Do you conlang? I was wondering if you had naming languages (or possibly even more developed ones) for pulling the words you use. I tried to search your blog but didn't find anything, wouldn't be surprised if the feature is just busted tho. Your worldbuilding is wonderful and I particularly enjoy the anthropological and linguistic elements.
Ok the thing is I had kind of decided I was not going to do any conlanging because I don't feel like I'm equipped to do a good job of it, like was fully like "I'm just going to do JUST enough that it doesn't fail an immediate sniff test and is more thoughtful than just keysmashing and putting in vowels". And then have kinda been conlanging anyway (though not to a very deep and serious extent. I maybe have like....an above average comprehension of how language construction works via willingness to research, but that's not saying much, also I can never remember the meanings of most linguistic terms like 'frictives' or etc off the top of my head. I'm just kinda raw dogging it with a vague conceptualization of what these things mean)
I do at least have a naming language for Wardi (and more basic rules for other established languages) but the rudimentary forms of it were devised with methods much shakier and less linguistically viable than even the most basic naming language schemes, and I only went back over it LONG after I had already made a bunch of words so there's some inconsistencies with consonant presence and usage. (This can at least be justified because it IS a language that would have a lot of loanwords and would be heavily influenced by other language groups- Burri being by far the most significant, Highland-Finnic and Yuroma-Lowlands also being large contributors)
The 'method' I used was:
-Skip basic construction elements and fully move into devising necessary name words, with at least a Vibe of what consonants are going to be common and how pronunciation works -Identify some roots out of the established words and their meanings. Establish an ongoing glossary of known roots/words. -Construct new words based in root words, or as obvious extensions/variants of established words. -Get really involved in how the literal meanings of some words might not translate properly to english, mostly use this to produce a glossary of in-universe slang. -Realize that I probably should have at least some very basic internal consistency at this point. -Google search tutorials on writing a naming language. -Reverse engineer a naming language out of established words, and ascribe all remaining inconsistencies to being loanwords or just the mysteries of life or whatever.
I do at least have some strongly established pronunciation rules and a sense of broad regional dialect/accents.
-'ai' words are almost always pronounced with a long 'aye' sound.
-There is no 'Z' or 'X' sound, a Wardi speaker pronouncing 'zebra' would go for 'tsee-brah', and would attempt 'xylophone' as 'ssye-lohp-hon'
-'V' sounds are nearly absent and occur only in loanwords, and tend to be pronounced with a 'W' sound. 'Virsum' is a Highland word (pronounced 'veer-soom') denoting ancestry, a Wardi speaker would go 'weer-sum'.
-'Ch' spellings almost always imply a soft 'chuh' sound when appearing after an E, I, or O (pelatoche= pel-ah-toh-chey), but a hard 'kh' sound after an A or U (odomache= oh-doh-mah-khe). When at the start of a word, it's usually a soft 'ch' unless followed by an 'i' sound (chin (dog) is pronounced with a hard K 'khiin', cholem (salt) is pronounced with a soft Ch 'cho-lehm')
-Western Wardin has strong Burri cultural and linguistic influence, and a distinct accent- one of the most pronounced differences is use of the ñ sound in 'nn' words. The western city of Ephennos is pronounced 'ey-fey-nyos' by most residents, the southeastern city of Erubinnos is pronounced 'eh-roo-been-nos' by most residents. Palo's surname 'Apolynnon' is pronounced 'A-puh-lee-nyon' in the Burri and western Wardi dialects (which is the 'proper' pronunciation, given that it's a Kos name), but will generally be spoken as 'Ah-poh-leen-non' in the south and east.
-R's are rolled in Highland-Finnic words. Rolling R's is common in far northern rural Wardi dialects but no others. Most urban Wardi speakers consider rolling R's sort of a hick thing, and often think it sounds stupid or at least uneducated. (Brakul's name should be pronounced with a brief rolled 'r', short 'ah' and long 'uul', but is generally being pronounced by his south-southeastern compatriots with a long unrolled 'Brah' sound).
Anyway not really a sturdy construction that will hold up to the scrutiny of someone well equipped for linguistics but not pure bullshit either.
#I actually did just make a post about this on my sideblog LOL I think in spite of my deciding not to conlang this is going to go full#full conlanging at some point#The main issue is that the narrative/dialogue is being written as an english 'translation' (IE the characters are speaking in their actual#tongues and it's being translated to english with accurate meaning but non-literal treatment)#Which you might say like 'Uh Yeah No Shit' but I think approaching it with that mindset at the forefront does have a different effect than#just fully writing in english. Like there's some mindfulness to what they actually might be saying and what literal meanings should be#retained to form a better understanding of the culture and what should be 'translated' non-literally but with accurate meaning#(And what should be not translated at all)#But yeah there's very little motivation for conlanging besides Pure Fun because VERY few Wardi words beyond animal/people/place names#will make it into the actual text. Like the only things I leave 'untranslated' are very key or untranslatable concepts that will be#better understood through implication than attempts to convey the meaning in english#Like the epithet 'ganmachen' is used to compliment positive traits associated with the ox zodiac sign or affectionately tease#negative ones. This idea can be established pretty naturally without exposition dumps because the zodiac signs are of cultural#importance and will come up frequently. The meaning can get across to the reader pretty well if properly set up.#So like leaving it as 'ganmachen' you can get 'oh this is an affectionate reference to an auspicious zodiac sign' but translating#it as the actual meaning of 'ox-faced' is inevitably going to come across as 'you look like a cow' regardless of any zodiac angle#^(pretty much retyped tags from other post)#Another aspect is there's a few characters that have Wardi as a second language and some of whom don't have a solid grasp on it#And I want to convey this in dialogue (which is being written in english) but I don't want it to just be like. Random '''broken''' english#like I want there to be an internal consistency to what parts of the language they have difficulties with (which then has implications for#how each language's grammar/conjugation/etc works). Like Brakul is fairly fluent in Wardi at the time of the story but still struggles#with some of the conjugation (which is inflectional in Wardi) especially future/preterite tense. So he'll sometimes just use the#verb unconjugated or inappropriately in present tense. Though this doesn't come across as starkly in text because it's#written in english. Like his future tense Wardi is depicted as like 'I am to talk with him later' instead of 'I'll talk with him later'#Which sounds unnatural but not like fully incorrect#But it would sound much more Off in Wardi. Spanish might be a better example like it would be like him approaching it with#'Voy a hablar con él más tarde' or maybe 'Hablo con él más tarde' instead of 'Hablaré con él más tarde'#(I THINK. I'm not a fluent spanish speaker sorry if the latter has anything wrong with it too)
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keeps-ache · 1 year ago
the worst thing that has come out of me losing every art file from this year is that i can't just eyedrop palettes now. the world is agony
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fragmentedblade · 8 months ago
Kalpas and Sakura are so hot together. Every interaction, every dialogue, even the absence, is so heavy and tense and juicy
#This Divine Keys dialogue... The way they're with each other is so... normal?#And you can see they really have a lot of intimacy compared to the rest. In their weird strange way but still#Couldn't be any other way with how and who they are and what they've been through. With what they've been through together#The way Kalpas reads her like a book? The way she lies? The way he catches her? And he never ever gets angry at her#His voice is solid but then it's even playful. He laughs a bit and proposes a partnership. For old times' sake#Yet she didn't ask because it may be uncomfortable for him. Because he is sort of scared of that place#Because it haunts him and weights on him. But he would. Of course he would#He seems even offended that she asked Pardofelix before him but she did it for him. How could she ask#And you see so clearly that he is like this because of the past. Because she didn't ask in the past and she died#You see how that weight son him still 50.000 years later. So here he is. Asking her to ask him. Asking himself as if it were his idea#Who do you want to go against she asks. Don't you have your views set yourself why ask? He replies. Because it's not about him#He is just making the asking so that this time she'd have him. So that this time perhaps he'll avoid what still he grieves#And you know what? Pardo is the same considering that one Pardo readable about how she wishes Sakura had asked her to get Rin out#They're both doing what they wish they had done back then. What they wish Sakura had asked of them back then#But Sakura doesn't ask Kalpas now and in that not asking to avoid him pain you can see the traces of why she didn't back then either#They care so much about each other and get each other so deeply but they dance around that intimacy and that silence#And yet they understand. Kalpas reads her and she lies. Kalpas points it out and she retorts with the truth about him#Kalpas asks and she accepts. You can see the weight of the past hovering over Kalpas. Kalpas sees it#Sakura doesn't but there's still an echo of the past reverberating in her words and acts as well. That only makes Kalpas more insistent#But not angry. I must admit I go mad for them#Kalpas#Sakura#hi3#I talk too much#Kalpas and Sakura#Actually they deserve a tag
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arminsumi · 4 months ago
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... hubby!Gojo with a huge breeding kink who just obsesses over you when you're ovulating and can't think about anything else but fucking a baby into your hips.
+ warnings; mdni, breeding kink, some dumbification
+ an; I literally had this idea in my drafts for a year... 😳
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Maybe he's got a freaky sixth sense, maybe it's just because he's got heightened senses, or maybe there's some scientific studies to back it up; but Gojo can smell when you're ovulating. And it turns him on — of course it does. He has a bigger breeding kink than you do.
"Oh, you're ovulating." he notes after sniffing your skin... and you do a double take like he's insane. Because he is insane — you married a madman.
He pays closer attention to your cycle than you do, reminding you to mark down when you get your period, and coddling you in the days leading up to ovulation.
"Satoru, it's just an estimation." you tell him, but he's got a glow in his eyes when he sees your period tracker app telling him that today's your most fertile day — if he cums in you today, it's basically guaranteed.
He researches positions that help conception, bends and pushes you into them, and fucks you deep with his thick cock, going harder on your poor hole than he normally does — grunting more than he normally does, throbbing more than he normally does... like it just awakens something primal in him, and now he's obsessively fucking you like he has no other purpose but to breed his sweet little wife.
"Nn! Satoruuu!" you whine and paw at his torso, your walls overwhelmed by the pressure of his cock splitting you open.
"Yes babyyy?" he coos, giving you a crooked, blissed-out smile as he tilts his head.
There's sweat dripping off his abs, his pink nipples are hard, his biceps are twitching, and he's running one hand through his dampened white hair as he stills inside you for a moment.
"'s too deep! T-too big!" you moan lewdly, a bit of drool escaping the corner of your mouth.
"...aw, I know I'm just too big for ya, huh?" he coos cockily; hearing you tell him that he's 'too big' never gets old.
He's so determined to give you his baby that he tries everything to increase the chances; staying inside you for 5 minutes after shooting his load in, having you rest with a pillow under your back so your hips are raised — "Gotta help my lil' guys swim." he acts like an idiot about it, but sweetly so. Nothing excites him more than the idea of being a dad, except the idea of fathering your children.
After sex, when the two of you are cleaning up, Satoru feels over and massages your tummy with a small smile on his face. He's lost in thought, hair all messy and face tired like he's run a marathon, hopeful that this time he got you pregnant.
He'll pamper you like his queen, humming and going to the ends of the earth to get you anything you ask for. He really fawns over you when you're ovulating, and lays on the compliments thick while snuggling your neck and creeping his fingers up your thighs — pretty soon he'll sink them inside and stretch you out on them, preparing you for what he cutely calls "baby making" but is actually sweaty, nasty, kinky sex — there's a definite difference in the cute, snuggly sex and the literal breeding sessions no matter how much he plays it off.
"Satoru... my legs are still weak after this morning, give me a break, will you?"
"Aw come on, this is an innocent request... and if babymaking happens, it happens..." he mutters the last part under his breath.
"You're crazy."
But you know you're gonna fall for it after you take one look at his rock-hard, juicy pink, dummy big cock and those breeder balls.
He just beams victoriously when you hop over to him like a little bunny.
Satoru's pushes into you as deep as your pussy allows him, and then some more just to pressure your deepest spot, pinning your wrists down and whispering sultrily into your ear about how well you take him, how beautiful you look, how good it feels to fuck your fertile pussy knowing that he'll most definitely get you pregnant because his cum is perfect; thick and sticky and gooey and pungent, perfect just like he is — the cocky bastard.
When his creampies makes you cum, A-spot pressured with his pulsing tip, he grins so wide that you scold him about it.
"Stop grinning like a psychopath." you pant.
He just looks up at you, face hardly an inch away, and asks a dumb, smiley "D'you feel pregnant?" ... as if it happens so fast.
"Gee, I don't know, we should go again just to make sure — that was a joke, that was a joke! Nn! Satoru!" too late, he's flipping you over and slowly filling you up again.
And oh god Satoru loves sliding back in for round twos. The smell of sex and cum wafting up and hitting his nose just makes him plunge back into your cum-filled little hole with only one thing in mind and that is breeding you 'till you're stuffed to the max.
"Come on, y' gonna be a good wifey for me and get knocked up?" he rasps against your ear, thrusting his cock up into your sensitive spots until his creampies turn into whipped cream, frothed up and milky-white and smeared on your pussy lips.
Like the nasty boy he is (and always has been, even before marriage), Satoru forces your head down and makes you watch him fuck his dummy big cock into you.
"Yeah, watch that cock fill you up... look at all my cum leaking out..." he tuts, "... don't be so wasteful, baby... oh well, 'm gonna fuck it back into you anyways. Come on, let me in deeper — aw, what's wrong?" he coos when you claw at his meaty bicep.
"'toruuu, so deep! Y-you're so fucking deep, I can't think..."
His heart pangs when he hears you complain about being too stuffed, "Oh baby you don't need to think, just lay there and let me put a baby in your sweet pussy — gonna fuck you so dumb, the only name you'll remember is mine."
Of course, he has to get a creampie in every day. Sometimes even a few times a day. Sometimes even at 4 AM, and you swat him for being a horny idiot — but it takes five minutes to give in because you can hear the need in his voice when he whines "Please?" and starts humping against you, "I've got so much cum for you." he tells you and though it sounds so sweet in his soft, bedroom voice it's hard to take him as an innocent man, because his thick boner is grinding hard and hot between your plush lips.
You can bet you'll probably only get to sleep when the birds are chirping, 'cause your hubby's balls are too heavy and full of cum and he needs to drain himself inside you — oh, and you can also bet that afterwards he will be sleeping like a princess, clinging to you with his face snuggled into your tummy.
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shhhhimwatchingthis · 8 months ago
My favourite underrated thing about Louis de Point du Lac is that he truly is the least curious vampire to ever be made and he does not give fuck about vampires despite being one.
Its Claudia who goes to libraries, reads the folklore, tries to learn as much as she can and pushes Lestat for answers about who made him and where the others are. Claudia says Vampire Pride and Louis says hmmm Vampire Tolerance.
And Louis...truly does not care about vampire history,law, culture. He's never even thought to ask. There are vampire laws?...ok...Lestat never cared about them and he's not going to either, lol. He's broken a few and he will continue to do so. Oh you have a coven? he's not gonna join it, he's gonna do his own thing. but good for you good for you.
the 500+ year old Coven Leader, he's gonna call Louis, Maitre, actually.
He has fire powers? thats kinda cool. he'll learn that but only cause it lets him vent his feelings about Lestat.
Lestat and Armand say the name of the vampire queen in front of him and Lestat straight up says, "Louis has no idea who that is" and do you think Louis cares, outside of the fact that for some reason it means he can't kill Lestat? No! Do you think in the 77 years he's been with Armand he ever took 5 minutes to ask a follow up question? No!
Do you think he will care about Akasha in season 3? Doubt it! Outside of her obsession with Lestat, who is the only person left on the planet he seems to be able to filter Caring About This Shit through
He blatantly breaks the 3rd law and publishes a book about being a vampire and when the other vampires get pissed not only does he not apologise he literally sends them his location and says 'you wanna fight? lmao don't miss'
I love him. Daniel Molloy is gonna need to bring his A game because Louis will not be solving a single mystery next season, nor would it even occur to him to try.
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yanderedrabbles · 3 months ago
Cheat on me please
How to safely rid yourself of a yandere
There's no easy way to get rid of him. He's too obsessive. Too controlling. Too bloody single minded.
You tried talking through it and he just scoffed and said you were being silly. That you were just too hormonal and would calm down in a few days.
You tried going no contact and he showed up at your door. Hammered at it until the neighbours called the cops and they dragged him away.
You tried being nice about it and all he did was grab your wrist so hard it bruised. His eyes like chips of stone when he said he didn't want to hear it.
You weren't breaking up with him. You had no reason to.
And the worst part? He was right. You don't have a reason.
On paper, he's the perfect man. Attentive. Generous. Handsome. He buys you gifts, he lavishes you with attention, he's funny and charming around your friends.
And he scares you.
Not because of anything he's done. (Perfect guy, remember?) But some instinct deep inside you tells you to be careful around him.
This one's a predator, he's got claws and fangs, he'll fill you with venom and never let go, some ancient part of you insists.
But try explaining that to him. He's so mindlessly logical. He's not going to leave you because of a silly gut feeling. Come on baby, what sort of shitty boyfriend would do that?
And that's why you're down to half thought out, borderline silly plans to get rid of him. Get your hot friend to sleep with him. Catch them in the act. Throw a tantrum and finally get to break up with him.
You can't try and excuse cheating. It's abhorrent. And his logical side will surely see that, right?
One little hitch though. He's actually loyal to a fault.
Part of you finds it hard to believe. Is he really turning down your absolute bombshell of a friend? The girl all your exes were just a bit in love with?
Maybe he's just being cautious. Maybe he isn't lonely and needy enough to risk it.
So you up the stakes. Decide to avoid fucking him as much as possible. And oh boy, does it drive him crazy. He gets irritable and needy and somehow even more horny the longer your dry spell lasts.
And you know that you almost have him. He's just a man, no matter how logical he pretends to be.
You pick a fight over nothing. Blow it all out of proportion and storm out to stay with your parents for a while.
Piss him off just enough that a revenge fuck seems like a great idea.
He ends up drinking at a shitty dive bar and oh what a coincidence, your gorgeous seductress friend just happens to turn up. The last text she sends you makes it seem like she's finally hooked him and you hurry over to her apartment, feeling just a little giddy. Your plan actually worked! You feel like a goddamn genius.
And sure enough, his car is parked at her front door.
For a second, you feel a little hurt. Yes, this is the outcome you wanted. Yes, you deliberately manipulated him to get to this point. But it still feels like betrayal.
When you make it to her door, it's oddly silent for a supposed drunken hookup. But you're too geared up to notice it.
She left her door unlocked like you agreed and you tiptoe inside, your heart going a mile a minute. Her bedroom door is cracked just a little and a shaft of light cuts through the dark of the hallway.
You swing the door open with a crash, getting to ready to cuss him out.
And you freeze.
There's no guilty couple leaping away from each other, no smell of sweat and cum, no illicit rendezvous.
Instead your friend is tied to a chair, her mouth taped shut with silvery duct tape and her mascara running in black streaks down her cheeks. Her eyes lock onto yours and she tries to scream something through the tape.
The door clicks shut behind you.
You turn slowly. Like putting it off will make the situation less horrible, less like a dissociative dream.
Your boyfriend looks ragged. His eyes are blood shot and his hair is an unruly mess.
But the worst part is the way he smiles at you. Paternal, almost. Like he's caught you doing something naughty but he's willing to overlook it.
"Come on baby, you didn't think I'd actually cheat on you, did ya?"
His voice is condescending, but under the surface you can hear a cold, terrifying anger.
You swallow. Those same instincts that warned you about him are screaming now.
"What the hell is going on?" You demand, trying to sound angry instead of just afraid.
He steps toward you and it takes everything in you to not step away. He picks up a piece of your hair and rubs it between his fingers. Proprietary, possessive.
"What's going on? You should know babe. You're the one who tried to set me up... As though that skank over there ever stood a chance."
He tsks. "I knew something was wrong the second you stopped sleeping with me."
He leans forward and whispers in your ear, his breath ghosting across your neck.
"I fuck you too good for you to give it up so easy."
You jerk away from him, your eyes burning like you're about to cry. How did this go so wrong?
"Are you insane? Untie her right now! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
He backhands you right across the face.
He's never hit you before and the shock is almost worse than the pain. You stumble, clutching your cheek. Your face feels numb at first and then a sharp, fiery pain blooms across your cheek.
He grabs your collar and shoves you toward the bed.
"Oh baby, you're lucky I love you." His bared teeth catch the light and he looks more wolf than man.
The edge of the mattress digs into your thighs and you fall backward. You're still reeling and he has you pinned under him before you can find the strength to scramble away.
"Thought about killing her, y'know. What kind of whore goes after her best friend's man? You deserve better than that."
His grip is unyielding. A part of you always knew he was strong, but until now you didn't realise how big the gap between you actually was. His knee is between your legs and he brings it up to press against your crotch.
"But then a light bulb must have went off. And I decided to see how things played out."
He laughs and there's nothing warm or welcoming in it at all.
"All I had to do was squeeze her throat a little and..." He grabs your throat and thightens his grip until you see stars. "And she was just fallin' all over herself to tell me about your little plan."
He let's go and pats your cheek with rough little smacks. "It was cute, baby. Really was. But fucking stupid."
He leans down and kisses you. His lips are rough and he bites your bottom lip hard enough to draw blood. The metallic tang of it makes you gag.
Your instincts were right. He's dangerous and you never should have tempted this monstrous part of him.
He tastes like cheap whiskey and you struggle to pull away. Your chest heaves and no matter how you buck and twist under him, he still keeps you pinned.
When he pulls away, something in your expression must please him because he hums and tilts your chin up. "But it's okay baby. We'll work through this."
He reaches down and tugs at your belt. "And I know exactly where to start."
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notquitecanon · 4 months ago
Dense // Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
Summary: A pretty little thing like you isn't flirting with Ghost? Are you?
Based off a prompt that's been a worm in my brain since 8th grade (I'm 25 now) and I'm probably going to write the same exact thing from the other POV.
TW: none, just a little fluffy hopefully funny insight into Simon's thought process.
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God, Lieutenant Riley was dense.
That's what most people thought after watching him interact with you for longer than three minutes at a time. You'd been working in communications for two years now, mostly dealing with Captain Price but Ghost was always lurking around somewhere nearby. You'd been warned to avoid him.
He's mean, He's surly, he'll bite your head right off. He's dangerous blah blah blah...
What they didn't consider was that he was a tree of a man- tall, dark, and mysterious with pretty eyes. And you had little to no survival instincts when it came to a man who knew how to shut the fuck up.
It was obvious to anyone who watched you interact with him for any amount of time. How you stood closer to him than need be, how you watched him through your lashes when he spoke his few words to you, the way your voice changed when you spoke to him. Then it was the little touches and little gifts, sitting with him at empty tables when others would turn and walk the other way. You were so sweet on him, maybe even smitten with him.
Ghost never seemed to notice, and if he did he didn't pay it much mind. Just assumed you were just one of those chatty and nice people he seemed to attract every now and then- like Price or Soap. It didn't hurt either that you were sweet & pretty & and smelled good... no, didn't hurt at all and certainly didn't mean anything.
He brushed off Johnny and Gaz's teasings, met Price's knowing looks with icy glares. You definitely weren't flirting with him. There was no way someone like you was pursuing someone like him romantically. That was... ridiculous. Right?
Still. Something about that idea scratched his brain just right. Planted a seed that you unknowingly watered with sweet smiles and bright eyes. So, he started paying more attention.
You never got Price's attention by lingering a small, warm hand on the Captain's bicep- but you did with Ghost. You were chatty with Gaz, but never so much so that you made yourself late to other engagements- Ghost was losing track of the times you'd been chatting at with him only to look at your watch and scurry off with hot cheeks. And Soap could make you laugh, but he never got your cheeks to turn that pretty pink color- Ghost rarely saw you without rosy cheeks. Hmmm... Interesting.
So, he watched and observed (pined and yearned, more accurately). Until one day when he noticed how you flipped your hair over your shoulder as you spoke to him, direct eye contact through fluttering lashes, the dilation of your eyes.
"You have such pretty eyes-" You barely finished your statement before he interjected. He cut you off before you could even giggle, voice stern and hard and quick as those pretty dangerous eyes narrowed in a way that would have chased anyone else off. Not you though.
"Are you flirting with me?"
He asked, taking a looming step closer to you where you were standing by the breakroom coffee machine. He expected you to stutter out an excuse or apologize, or even frantically excuse yourself. He did not expect you to sigh, almost in relief(?) with that bright smile of yours.
"I have been for the last two years." You breathe in admittance, "But thanks for noticing now."
Bloody hell, you were trying to kill him.
I wrote this instead of paying attention in lecture
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