#He’s no longer psycho but he’s still got his sense of humour and passion for pranks (not ones that kill you)
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confused-alien · 1 year ago
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hhhhhh but what if everything was fixed and Joker was fixed and he was no longer Joker but Jack Napier instead after Bruce talked with him an actual meaningful emotional conversation (after Alfred sat him down and lectured him about his complicated bottled up feelings towards him) and made sure he gets regularly doses of therapy afterwards (with him accompanying him) and he tried another go at being a stand-up comedian and he was extremely successful and everyone laughed at his jokes and he laughed with them because he was genuinely happy and sometimes he’d end up having to pause mid-stage to wipe his eyes from tears of joy and then when everyone claps Bruce would be in the crowd somewhere and claps the loudest and they got married and shared custody of Robin together and Alfred slayed as a father in law and and wasnwjkwo
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thatonelucky · 7 years ago
betty in a secret realtionship with serpent prince Jughead, they get caught one day by the gang / serpents while they are down at sweet water river 'canoodling' 😂❤❤❤ please & thank you for sharing your writing 😊
Here you go Nonnie! Hope you enjoy :))
The Serenity of Seclusion
               It hadbeen no secret that Betty and Jughead were the couple that everyone thoughtwould break up within a day or two. The fact they had been going strong for afew months baffled their peers. All anyone could see was a loner outsider fromthe wrong side of the tracks and a hot blonde cheerleader who’s the epitome ofperfection. Though, that was from the outside.
               Truthbe told, the pair had a lot more in common on a deep level. What you see is notalways what you get. Jughead had issues growing up, Betty had issues growing upand though they may not be the exact same situation, it affected them bothequally. Through Jughead’s personal vendetta against love and Betty’sself-hatred, the roots are even.
               Sometimesbeing in a relationship with the outsiders being so involved, it’s hard tocope. Everyone thinks that they know you and they treat you like they knowwhat’s best. They think they’re so sure of what goes on in your head that theytake it upon themselves to let the whole world know how horrible you are foreach other. All in all, high school sucks.
               Thatwasn’t the hardest challenge to face for the pair. There have been much worseobstacles. The biggest one so far being Jughead’s new ‘Serpent Prince’ title.It wasn’t a huge problem, Betty could deal with it. The only thing she caresabout is the amount of time he spends at the Whyte Worm. They barely have timefor each other anymore.
               Thatbeing said, the pair came up with a solution to meet in private at SweetwaterRiver whenever they can. Usually, that means every Wednesday and Sunday. Thisplan worked quite well, it was secluded. They weren’t being constantly examinedby prying eyes like they were some kind of caged circus act. The Freak and thePsycho. What a perfect duo.
               At thisvery moment, the pair were cuddling close on a midsummer’s afternoon. Jugheadhad arrived late, again. Allegedly the gang had kept him behind for a half hourtoo long, bugging him about where he was going. Betty didn’t mind, she liked tosit by the river and think by herself. The river had quickly become one of herfavourite spots.
               “I’venever felt this calm before.” Jughead spoke slowly into the nape of Betty’sneck. Though she sighed happily in response, a part of her felt sorrow. Shealways thought about how he deserved a better life. He deserved better thanher. In all honesty, Jughead deserved the world but he lets people give himonly buckets of dirt.
               “Youmake me calm.” Betty smiled out to the river. At the moment, her back wasresting on the front of his chest as they both lazily sprawled out in thegrass. The river’s currents were slow and steady, the water glistening abeautiful shade of blue under the light of the sun. There were no winds, nobirds and best of all, no one else. The peaceful serenity of seclusion.
               Jugheadtightened his grip on Betty, rocking her slightly. Betty’s eyes closed in asafe reassurance, Jughead’s arms acting a safety barrier. She always felt mostat peace when she was wrapped up in his arms; there was nothing that made herfeel more at peace with the world.
               Inthese moments the pair usually recapped their days but sometimes they would layin a comfortable silence. This was momentarily one of those times, but Bettyneeded to tell Jughead what happened today. She couldn’t hold it in any longer.
               “Cheryl’sdating Toni.” Betty blurted out. He probably knew already but it was worthtalking about. Betty knew nothing about Toni’s sexuality but she does know thatCheryl is pansexual. She wished she had spotted the pairing sooner. Jugheaddidn’t tense up or act shocked in any way so he must’ve known.
               “Yeah,Toni told me this morning. I’m happy for her, she’s never had the courage todate a girl before but she’s always wanted to.” Jughead spoke out, the prideheavy and evident in his words. “She struggled for so long, y’know. Toni, shefound it so difficult finding herself. She amazes me.” Jughead was fond ofToni. She’d quickly climbed her way up in Jughead’s list of people he canstand. Betty was obviously at the top, but Toni was a close 3rd.
               “Is shegay?” Betty asked, not in a harsh way. She was generally interested. Jugheadhad said something last week about Toni’s uncle kicking her out of her trailerso she had to crash with him. Betty was fine with it; she knew Jughead wouldn’tdo anything to put their relationship in jeopardy. Jughead was quick torespond.
               “Nah,she’s bi. Her uncle found out last week and kicked her out. That’s why she’sstaying with me. I only found out about Cheryl when I found a diamond earringunder my couch.” He chuckled lightly. Betty felt the vibrations through herback, making her giggle slightly at the way Jughead must’ve looked. “I almosthad an aneurism. I thought my trailer was a diamond mine.” Jughead joked,snuggling further in to Betty. Both of them laughing out loud at the image. “No,Betts I’m serious. I called up the contractors and everything!”
               “Oh no,I’m sure they were devastated.” Betty quipped back, craning her neck to face thebeanie clad boy. Their stare was an intense lock of passion and humour whichdescribed their relationship perfectly. Jughead leaned in first, catching Betty’ssoft lips with his own. The kiss lasted no longer than a few seconds but led toa harder lock of passion.
               Thingswere starting to get heated, hands roaming over bodies. Jughead had his handsunder Betty’s shirt, running his hand over the exposed skin, reacting towardsher bralette. He would’ve gone further if not for a gasp coming from thebushes. The two sprang apart immediately. Jughead ran into action, charging atthe bushes only to have 6 bodies jump out at him at the same time.
               “Whatthe hell, Sweet Pea!” Jughead shouted in exasperation, incredibly frustratedthat he had been interrupted so rudely. The other 5 men were also Serpents.Specifically, the 6 he was with before he left for the river. Did they followhim here? He was feeling violated but at the same time he found the situation mildlyfunny.
               “Sothis is where you’ve been sneaking off to?” Sweet Pea pranced over to Betty,swinging an arm casually around her shoulders. At this point, her face was beetred and her hair was still a ruffled mess. During the commotion she had managedto smooth down her clothing, though they doubt it would’ve made the situationlook any less innocent.
               “Yeah, Princey.Sneaking off for a little rendezvous ey?”  Joaquin spoke from the group behind Jughead.He walked over and patted his back, sending him a teasing smirk. “Atta boy.” Hecongratulated, sending the Serpents and even Betty into fits of laughter.
               “Hey,hey calm it down. I’m a grown boy.” Jughead winked over to Betty, confidencesuddenly coursing through his veins. He didn’t even know if Betty could turnany redder but again, she did the impossible. Her head hung low inembarrassment. She knew he was only joking but she was very prude.  
               “Okay,well we’ve got all we came for. See you later, Princey.” Sweet Pea walked overfrom Betty and patted Jughead’s shoulder. “Remember, use a condom. We don’tneed any serpent ba-“He was abruptly cut off with Jughead’s hand clasping overhis mouth. Jughead could literally feel him grinning.
               “Gotit, see you guys later.” Jughead gritted, starting to feel even more awkwardthan before. The serpents left swiftly, going back from where they came.Jughead walked over and wrapped Betty up in his arms. She hid her face in thelining of Jughead’s serpent jacket, wanting to just melt away. He placed asmall kiss on her head and smiled into her hair.
               “I loveyou, Betts.” He spoke, feeling a sense of urgency to let her know that. Bettylifted her head to meet the gaze of her boyfriend’s. She didn’t think she couldever be happier than she already was but yet again, her theory has been provenwrong. Some of the happiest moments in her life would be hearing Jughead saythose 4 words. Nothing could ever mean more.
Remember I do take prompts and any feedback you’d like to give me! Just send me an ask :)
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