#He’ll even the ‘filler’ episode added so much
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shiversdownyourspleen · 1 year ago
Okay non-spoilers first
Each of the three episodes makes for an awesome start that really builds on its core cast with a really solid tone that pulls you in and Crosshair is a standout as always!
Okay so spoilers
Two words
Project. Necromancer.
That entire scene in the third episode with Palpatine’s visit to Tantiss was executed so well and seeing the labs open up to a straight up SITH CULT room absolutely FLOORED me
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The entire reveal was amazing and Ian McDiarmid still being able to play perfectly evil Palpatine after literal decades is amazing I love that man
And a STAND OUT so far is the Omega and Crosshair duo, all their interactions and the dynamic between them feels so real and both Dee Bradley Baker and Michelle Ang are great VA’s
Seriously what a great start to the season gang, we did it
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hazyla · 10 months ago
Woah woah, okay. So I just finished spirit of justic except for the special episode. Current thoughts from a foggy memory:
realizing this post is super long so it’s under the break, also soj spoilers
Implied that Phoenix and gumshoe correspond on their own when Phoenix mentions something to Edgeworth. When he’s questioned about it he just says something like “I have my sources…” and Edgeworth tells him to inform his source of a paycheck cut.
Even though Athena got a case of her own to do I feel like she didn’t have as strong of a presence and idk man balancing three lawyers kind of a crazy move
I found rayfa oddly charming because of her silly insults
Not utter dogshit but I see why people generally dont like dual Destinies and spirit of justice as much
My mom misses gumshoe
I did not call the queen being powerless like at all
if there’s another ace attorney game I want a dedicated scene about Apollo and Trucy getting told the truth
Hard to pick a favorite case but I think I liked case 2 and turnabout storyteller just bc it was pretty fun. Also can not believe Athena’s case was the super short filler one!
would’ve appreciated more Maya
cannot believe they just added on characters that were never previously mentioned. Oh yeah, there’s a secret fourth group gramarye member. Apollo? He actually has a brother and was left behind by his foster father at about fifteen or so.
Did the archaeologist guy just… steal a bunch of shit from Adrian’s exhibit? He had literally everything. Good god I wonder how he felt about that scroll having gravy on it
on the plane ride back why did Trucy sit (and fall asleep on) Edgeworth instead of idk her father. What did Athena really want to sit there or something. It’s very cute but also why
Actually Maya and Edgeworth should’ve sat next to eachother on the plane so they can debate about plumed punisher. “You gave away your one of a kind steal samurai themed watch FOR A RIPOFF KEYCHAIN” and then he throws her off the plane (personally, of the belief he would throttle ms inmee [not actually])
about that, it’s so funny to me that he ranted about the show to Datz, a guy he just met and is a revolutionary
Need to mention that Edgeworth’s cravat gets attacked by a dog, I don’t even have a comment I just need to iterate that fact
The breakdown scenes were fun and dynamic but idk I didn’t care for them that much
kind of thought they were gonna channel Apollo’s dad Jove fucking justice
It was funnier when I, for a split second, assumed that since nobody knew the name of his father that Apollo chose his last name to be Justice.
just now realizing that Apollo who shares a namesake with the god of music has two musician parents now
I am so happy that the 3d sprites look better than in dual destinies I don’t know if I could take it if they looked like that again
My mom’s favorite character design is Rayfa’s (but her favorite character is Susato who has nothing to do with soj)
Maya should get an “I survived TWO kidnapping” shirt because everyone wants leverage over Phoenix.
From what I saw online before playing the game I thought nahyuta would be super insanely awful, and then they introduce him as a level headed guy. Then I think oh he seems okay, and then he tells Apollo to go to the depths of hell and that he’ll be reincarnated as a piece of shit
When investigating phoenix tells Edgeworth that he think’s he’d like a gaudy house, to which Edgeworth is offended. And then Phoenix makes fun of him for his bright red sports car in his mind.
Would’ve loved a reference to some older characters, like Iris who is just like never brought up again. Anyways, what’s with spirit channeling families and being super fucked up
i am so sorry to say that Apollo looked like really good in that one cg with his hair antenna down (the one where he almost drowned) (not my best moment)
How in the world did Apollo survive as a teenager? If dhurke left him 10 or so years before this he’d be about fifteen? Did he just get dropped off at a boarding school, who the hell took care of him and how did he become a lawyer.
Why didn’t Amara just resume the throne herself? Idk if I totally missed something but isn’t she still a rightful heir
So funny to me that nahyuta drags Ema around everywhere like a little ragdoll back and forth country to country
The pun names in this one were wild 🤪 (suggested emoji)
oh god what if Edgeworth and rayfa were to talk about plumed punisher
Yeah we’re back to this, edgey’s sitting in a rebel hideout with lizards hanging from the ceiling and he watches the plumed punisher??? I kinda forgot the timeline but either Maya is currently kidnapped or dhurke’s in jail “oh okay I’ll stay behind” “let’s turn on the tv” “what the fucj is this”
One time phoenix’s phone went off and I jumped out of my seat because I also have the steal samurai theme as my damn ringtone
I get that it’s just fun sprite stuff but where does nahyuta get all his necklaces? How does his floating ribbon work?
In aa4 with my vague recollection, there’s a scene that kind of made me assume Ace attorney definitely took place in some weird fantasy land that coexisted with real world. (It was something that had to do with the founding fathers? And apollo “yes I know what America is” justice, like they currently don’t live there. It was some exchange during the case where klavier’s guitar blows up). Guess how surprised I was when oh golly now they’re full blown Americans!
since I mentioned aa4 and I already got off track everytime my mom hears that song (which Apollo made his ringtone) she complains about it and gets bad flashbacks. She told me everytime she hears a piano arrangement she thinks about the case. Maybe it wore off by now but it was her version of blue badger
Uendo was my favorite witness
Yeah I don’t think I have anything else to say, what a nice note to it on.
Nope I remembered something, queen ga’ran made me want to use the royal we.
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stars-trash-18 · 4 years ago
Home lll
Ngl this was kind of a filler chapter. but it’s what I got, if anything this will give you more background on reader and the planet’s history.
Again please message me about corrections about anything, especially if I use anything gendered or with racial descriptions. 
You did as promised, you delivered some crops and spare farming supplies. After that you turned your focus back home. You went about as normal, getting Attila to school, smoking meats, tanning hides, and prepping everything else for the monthly market. The town several miles from your ranch had a weekly market for smaller sales, but once a month they had a large fair to sell bulk items for better prices. It helped keep some income during the weeks coming in and when the fair happened it brought in tourists or larger buyers to bring in the bulk income for many of the families, including yours.
 Over the years you had gained the reputation of being one of the better ranchers to buy livestock off of. You cared for them like they were your own children and made sure that everyone walked away with a decent price, whether or not you gained a profit or broke even. 
Because of this the fair became one of the only markets you showed up to, you'd bring your products and had the city wives falling over themselves for the leather and furs, the galactic ranchers trying to outbid each other for whatever prized bull you brought with you, and the smaller families happy when you turned the wealthier business to them. Because, although you had a wider range of product than most other farmers, you made sure to make a sly comment about others like, "The Ferdorick's leather products are some of the finest, if you decide to buy from me i'm sure they'd make this hide into a wonderful jacket,". 
Something you valued so much more than the core worlds was the community that surrounded the outer rim planet, in planets like Coruscant people walked by the needy everyday. But here if someone needed shelter or something to eat the locals would give it to them, whether they were one meal away from the same fate or not, they still extended a hand and gave what they could. They did it for you when you ran, when you first landed with Attila balanced on your shoulders wondering what to do it was the Ganoris' who set you up in their spare bedroom, the Ferdoricks who taught you how to tan hides and gave you your first 5 head of cattle, and the Actorias who gathered the materials and taught you how to build and thatch. You were a stranger who was more dangerous than they knew, but they extended their hands to you and you work so that you can prosper and help them too. So when the Armorer landed on your doorstep you wondered if it would be wrong to turn her away, because you were tired of seeing people.
You enjoyed chatting with those you knew, but seeing so many strangers more than once a month made your social batteries drain. But you reluctantly invited her in and sat across from her at your table as you went about preparing the morning coffee. Already preparing yourself for the long day ahead. She sat regaly for someone who was so weary weeks prior, she reminded you of the tall bamboo stalks from your ex’s estate with how she could go from being bent with stress to tall and strong. She only watched you carefully as you moved around your small kitchen and rested a hand onto the table, only moving it to say no when you offered her a mug. 
“How can I help you today, is everything alright?” you inquired carefully, blowing the steam away to cool the sweet nectar of the gods. 
“Everything is alright in our new home, it’s been a long time since we’ve been able to call anything that,” she receded, her voice filled with warmth at her family’s good fortune before she continued.
“I’m here to ask if you would be willing to help us again, we’d like to gain some income but don’t know how we’d be received by the community and we’d prefer to stay as hidden as possible,” she breathed a heavy sigh when she finished. You blinked at her owlishly for a moment before giving her a calming smile and leaned back in your chair.
“I’d be glad to help, from what little I know of Mandalorian culture your people are famous for their care of those they consider family and it’s the same here,” You paused to sip your coffee before further explaining, “ There’s a story that the natives tell, the natives that have been here long before space exploration, that this planet was steeped in war but over time as the war dragged on the blood spilled by the fallen started to poison it, causing more to die from starvation than battle itself,”
“They came to the agreement that to preserve themselves they had to merge, it took many years but finally there was peace and balance, they shared their knowledge with each other and valued cooperation and helping others and that has remained the same since, they are wary of outsiders but would still help them at any cost, because with all the bad in this galaxy they hope to heal it one person at a time,” you finished before pausing again in thought, “But don’t mistake the peace for weakness mandalorian, the people of this planet will still fight if it’s the last thing to do, because though they prefer peace if you threaten their homes and family they fight like you wouldn’t believe, now onto the business at hand,” you chimed as you pulled your datapad in front of you.
“That was insightful, all the same. We'd like it if one of our own accompanies you to the market so you can show them how this planet works,” She replied thoughtfully, tapping her fingertips onto the table briefly in thought. “We understand that there are a few threats to you at the monthly fair but Paz has volunteered to accompany you to help carry your goods and some of ours with the added benefit of protection, from what i’m told you’re more than capable but at this moment it is the only labor we can provide,” she clarified. “ We'll give you a percentage of our sales since by extension we’re using your reputation to do so and to compensate for you teaching Paz the ropes, because what he learns with you he’ll bring to us,” she further revealed.
You huffed a laugh before waving your hand at her, “nonsense, here knowledge is free and openly shared, I’ll send you the coordinates for the public libraries and can have Attila look out for your children if you ever decide to put them into the school, besides you have more mouths to feed than I do and I could frankly use an extra set of hands at the market so this will go towards you’re payment for the land,” you receded. The armorer jolted for a moment at your news, her breathing seeming to stutter for a moment before she straightened further.
“Very well I accept the terms, I must ask however why you show us such hospitality,” she prodded, you understood what she really meant. She was trying to find any ulterior motive, and you could see why with how the mandalorians have been treated throughout their history. So you only thought for a moment before answering her, setting your mug down and looking to the floor to try and keep the memories at bay.
“I was running from someone who wanted me dead and to take my son, I was an intelligence officer for the resistance during the war so I knew that this planet would be the safest and furthest away, when I got here all I had was a small bag with necessities and little Attila slung over my shoulders,” You breathed in heavily to try and build a wall around the memories that flashed into your mind, trying not to get thrown into an episode, “I had nothing, but the people here took care of us, they helped me and as the saying goes taught  me to fish,” you smiled softly at the memory of the elderly patriarch of the Actorias lecturing you.
“So to repay them for their kindness is to pass it forward and no one is more deserving than the Mandalorians, you guys were really screwed over by history,” you finished with a slight chuckle and turning back to the mandalorian matriarch, who sat rigidly. She rose from her seat at the table and placed her arm over her chest and bowed slightly.
“That was all I needed so I’ll take my leave, but know that you have a clan of mandalorians in your debt, those who threaten you threaten us,” she said like a vow before she swiftly turned and walked out of your home. Using the jetpack you didn’t even notice light up as she took off back towards the bunker. 
~~~~POV switch to earlier that week~~~~~~
“Paz you don’t have to be the one to accompany the rancher, we can send one of our more experienced merchants to better learn the trade,” The Armourer explained with a hand to the front of her helmet in exasperation.
“I know, but if you send me it’ll be better to gauge how the people would react to us, I can also provide security,” He stressed, adamant about being the one sent to learn.
“From what you told me they are their own security, you just find them attractive,” Din teased his brother playfully, earning an elbow to the side gap in his armor from Paz and a groan from the Armourer.
“Enough you two, Paz if you’re so enthralled with the rancher I’ll grant your request now both of you out,” she reprimanded before waving her tongs at them in dismissal so she wouldn’t have to deal with their childishness.
As they left Din passed his brother with one last jab, “try to learn a little Verde”.
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panncakes · 4 years ago
blih ep 11 thoughts; (im actually more positive than i thought lmao i was just cranky)
yu zhens logic being ‘you have been avoiding me for days so i must throw you on the bed so you’ll look at me.’ very on brand with his type of insanity and ineptitude
also him being a Full Child when shi lei says he’s not going to the picnic and demanding he must go or else he himself won’t. if this man ever learns how to speak his mind he’ll be unstoppable probably and never stop claiming leilei as his lmao
amazing that shi lei now throws back yu zhen’s ‘you’re the boss i must be polite to you’ in his dumbass face; pure clown to clown communication
yu zhen should’ve grown a fucking spine and still gone after shi lei like he wanted to but i appreciate that that was his immediate reaction before the ex used professionalism as an excuse to make him stay. i have my frustrations but it does make sense for his character to be manipulated by the demand for professionalism (he truly does care about his and the shop’s image and prospects after all). this also ties in him being dumbfounded when shi lei tells him the ex is good for their workshop; because now he’s put in a position where his needs don’t line up with everybody else and their jobs and he just can’t put himself above that (this man did full on research to make sure it was beneficial enough to make the workshop nickel free because he didn’t want to do that just in his self interest… even though he’s the boss with a severe allergy… fucking dumbass)
there is an alternate universe where the little prince ends up with both the rose and the fox and we get good soft poly rep; it’s not this universe because the ex is a villain and i hate him so i’m glad i don’t have to go through that; but there’s an universe out there where these three dudes get to use their great chemistry for the greater good and it still has the scene of shi lei dreaming about the other two having s*x but in a very different context 😌
i might not like him but it does make sense the ex is likeable and charming when he wants to be; there is a reason yu zhen was so madly in love with him and i’m glad the show takes the time to show us that part of him; even if it is frustrating because all i want is fluff, it is good character work
also the scene between the ex and shi lei is good; it’s important. we have a very big contrast of two men who love yu zhen in their own ways and where the ex is very selfish and focused on himself (yu zhen did everything he has done to get back to me) shi lei is much more focused on yu zhen. it’s also why he so easily dismisses himself because listening to what the ex is saying it could very well appear like he’s right and shi lei is not confident enough to dispute any of it and yet still the ex can’t help but notice how much shi lei cares for yu zhen and it’s again good character work!! it’s just frustrating because there’s only one episode left!! this should’ve happened last episode!!
i like how they both acknowledge and accept each other’s feelings for yu zhen and on rewatch looking at the ex’s face i will not be surprised if this is the moment that will eventually cause him to accept yu zhen has moved on; unless they go full villain route of course and he’s gonna use it as ammo; it’s just interesting to me that the conversation didn’t end with him pushing the idea that yu zhen has feelings with him but ended with him realising the depth of shi leis feelings idk idk what it all means
i like what they are doing; i do; they are a slow paced show focused very much on character over plot; but half of it will be wasted if the final episode needs to be rushed because of it and that’s my main frustration truly (especially because although the side couple is cute, we have had a lot of filler/ad time with them)
gang, my beloved, i hope you get to go apeshit one day ❤️
yu zhen using shi leis name as a mantra to fall asleep??? because he sleeps terribly without him???? pain
see the way shi lei and the ex are makes me wonder if there’s more to the conversation we haven’t seen? did they just decide fine it’s up to yu zhen now? is it fully because shi lei is backing down and the ex is taking advantage of this? if someone would just communicate!!
what if next episode just opens with yu zhen full on decking the ex in the face lmao?
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punz4lyfe · 4 years ago
Pokemon Journeys Character Partnerships
No guys, this is not about shipping. The word “partnerships” doesn’t always equate to shipping, ya crazies.
Putting the Pokemon and Team Rocket aside, let’s look at Pokemon Journeys’ primary human cast. We got six characters (with good intentions), with Ash, Goh, and Chloe being the main characters and Professor Cerise, Chrysa, and Ren being major side characters. I mean, it makes sense as per usual anime tradition; the first three are young trainers and the last three are apparently what keeps the Cerise Lab functional, which is pretty much the main hub for this series.
And yet, even with all these characters, many of their interactions are severely limited.
As of now when I’m writing, over half of the episodes have only featured Ash and Goh working together, with only about three episodes of all three main trainers traveling together and Chloe barely getting any alone time with any of the boys at all. You can easily see this issue by looking back at my review for Episode 67 where I criticized how almost every filler episode focuses on just Ash and Goh getting involved with the episode’s plot, and yeah, it’s also a problem for non-filler as well. Like remember when Goh released his White Flower Floette? As shoehorned the emotion of that scene was, wouldn’t it make things a bit more heartwarming if Chloe was there with Ash to support Goh on this decision? Ignoring Raboot who came to Goh, Floette was the first Pokemon Goh ever had to release, so wouldn’t having his childhood friend be there with him make more sense?
Speaking of the fact that Goh and Chloe are childhood friends, what really bugs me is that they barely have any alone time together. The only few moments I can think of them interacting alone would be the first few episodes before Goh got completely accustomed to Ash and Episode 49 where they went to school together, but even that was pretty limited since Goh was mostly used to distract the scientists away from Chloe so that she could keep Eevee safe. And then Episode 57 kind of implied that she doesn’t like to spend too much time with her own childhood friend because she’s afraid he’ll just condescend her for her lack of knowledge of Pokemon compared to his. That’s honestly pretty shallow. Goh and Chloe are both new to being trainers, at the very least compared to someone like Ash or Cerise, so it would make a lot more sense if they developed their experiences together.
And why can’t Ash and Chloe have an episode together? Something like that could finally make a friendship between the two seem passable and hopefully drop out Chloe’s own shallow view of him.
At the very least Chloe is helping Chrysa get some development with the two hanging out and talking about Pokemon on a few occasions, but that also makes Cerise and Ren even more dull and lifeless by comparison. Honestly, interactions with other characters could actually give those two characters some actual, distinguishable personality traits and, yeah, I think we all know Ren could use some of that.
Maybe since Chrysa is having so much “girl time” with Chloe, maybe that should motivate Ren to have some “guy time” with Goh, perhaps helping Goh find more electric types or help him with some homework. (seriously, even though Goh can apparently have all the excuse notes / makeup work in the world to skip school, I’m pretty sure he can be easily classified as ‘truant’ since we’ve only seen him at school for one episode and even then he pretty much skipped the entire day due to Eevee) Perhaps he should’ve been the one who got caught in the big Gulpin ball with Goh instead of Ash considering the two already spend too much time with each other as it is.
Yes, Ash and Goh are friends and friends spend time with each other, but not 100% all the time, people. By that note, Goh and Chloe are also friends, so what’s your argument for the two barely having any episodes together while Ash gets all the time in the world with him?
And going back to Cerise, maybe we could get more character out of him instead of him being just a bland direction-giver most of the time. I’ve said this before, but Cerise’s only real gimmick can be summed up as this: “Hey, u 3 idiots, go to dis place cuz im too lazy on my ass to go to it myself”. Yeah, real interesting character, people.
I mean it when I say that I often forget Cerise is even Chloe’s father. Since Chloe is now becoming a trainer, instead of having Ash, Goh, or Chrysa do all the work in helping her develop, shouldn’t Cerise have some say in this as well? Maybe, as a parallel to Kukui letting Ash catch Rockruff, he could permanently put Yamper under her care, knowing it would help the doggo grow more to the point of even evolving. Or perhaps we could get an episode solely focusing on Cerise and what he does at the lab, finally putting out an excuse on why he doesn’t just go to the places he sends Ash, Goh, and Chloe to himself. Maybe he’s working on expanding the lab and finding new additions to it in order to make it more beneficial to the ever-growing number of Pokemon Goh keeps adding to it.
And let’s be honest, since Professor Cerise already sucks enough as a character, so not giving him any focus could easily lead him to be one of the most bland, boring, and annoying character the anime could ever have to offer.
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eijiroukiriot · 4 years ago
here are my thoughts of all the filler/anime original content (filler) added to the bnha anime except i’m not looking up a list this is just everything i can remember 
iirc there wasn’t really any filler in season 1 (probably because they had the least episodes to work with and a brand new show doesn’t really want to waste viewer time on boring/unimportant content) BUT season 1 did come with the first OVA which, although it was pretty forgettable, had some genuinely fun moments i.e. iida and uraraka’s very cute interactions and that part where 13 praises bkg like “he’ll surely become a beautiful hero” and sero’s like “well, he’ll never be beautiful”. i don’t have bad feelings towards it but since all the rest of the OVAs and even though i’m complaining about training exercise plots the show had just started and it was still a good way to get new viewers acquainted with the class 
okay so this is gonna get wordy but bear with me: since anime moved away from the “popular series air year round” structure to the “popular series air in 1-2 cour chunks at a time” the definition of filler changed a lot - in like the early 2010s all you’d hear is “naruto is unwatchable because of how much time they waste on meaningless filler arcs” and i’ve never watched naruto myself but i’d imagine the fact that studios were expected to air 50 episodes a year was a huge part of why it turned out like that. but since things are different now the game is more about “how much of our original story can we fit into a short burst of episodes, and if we have extra time, what can we do to expand on it” and i think bnha proved in season 2 that they were really good at playing that game! s2 does not waste any filler time. like. that tsuyu episode is one of the most beloved episodes of the season and a GREAT example of how to use an extra episode to give a minor character some time to shine while also checking in on some other characters (i’m not gonna get into jean man thoughts right now but Bakugou Makes Kids Cry was a really good scene to expand on how horikoshi first wrote that internship and sorta. a part of why everything after it feels less credible) 
s2 also had the OVA with the zombies and tsuyu’s backstory which only took up the first few minutes BUT made it so that OVA checked off both the boxes of adding something to the story while also just being fun to watch. that scene at the end where all might offers a mummified deku cake in the hospital and he’s just like “i can’t eat this” is just so good 
obviously i’m biased about pool episode but also i think krbks are the only people who came out of that episode really happy. other than really firmly establishing their friendship (which is actually really good & important buildup to kamino) it’s a pretty clunky way to recap the characters and not even all of the flashback sequences were really handled in a way that made sense. i think the concept of a pool episode/race could’ve been done better if they had spent more time on it but what’s there is fine and it’s always nice to see the kids being kids. still don’t get why the girls didn’t get to race though 
i remember being so excited when miss saiko intelli was revealed because that was one of the first anime original GIRLS and i thought everything about the fight with her was fun! very fun watching her and her weird school friends, very fun watching momo and jirou work together while shouji held tsuyu like a baby. i enjoyed it  
i hate that mystery episode. like. not all filler really has to add anything to the story, if it was a really fun and exciting episode that would’ve been just fine but the whole episode was just deku walking around explaining a mystery that the audience had no chance of figuring out on their own. i liked the shot where all the kids poked their heads out from behind a corner in a little stack though 
i don’t remember if it was that episode or not but i do remember there also being a scene with melissa sort of promoing the movie in the anime which i didn’t mind because it was pretty quick and well integrated
i liked the first episode of season 4! camera guy’s quirk was cool, there were a lot of fun shots of the kids, and i thought the moment with him and deku at the end was really heartwarming. i don’t 100% remember what it was but it was heartwarming 
season 4 had a good amount of side arcs and the school festival arc was lighthearted and character-focused enough that i don’t think they had or needed any filler but also if i’m wrong please don’t correct me about it i like living with the mystery 
i just put this in the tags for that ask 1 second ago but season 4 ova was. boring. especially because they got 2 episodes to work with and decided to do another training episode. not much came out of it plot or character-wise other than 3 musketeers (is that what we’re calling them now .) working together and bkg accepting deku as a cane to lean on. those were good scenes but they could’ve shown them in a different scenario (like in team up mission!). idk what there really is to gain from making ovas anyway (unless they’re on a streaming service or something?) so i guess profit isn’t really the issue at hand but you gotta imagine that the people in charge know that another training exercise OVA isn’t gonna be the most exciting thing possible for fans. i’m not gonna demand that they make a fantasy au OVA or anything but if they had the resources to make 44 minutes of new animation and content it feels like a waste that they repeated what they already did without really fleshing anything new out 
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aspiestvmusings · 4 years ago
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a part of you will still remain here 
NCIS:LA 12x06
Why did it feel so much like a final goodbye to the ops/osp - all his favourite gadgets and tech in that final scene? Why did it feel like he wasn’t just feeling  “sad” about  the fact that others could keep things running smootly without him and like he wasn’t needed and hence he was feeling down? Why did it feel more like nostalgia and him saying goodbuy to all his “old friends” (the inanimate objects at osp)? 
I know this isn’t his only appearance in S12. And I am faily certain there is still more to the whole “he was undercover in a tech company..that presented him with the opportunity for his current work” storyline, where he was actually undercover last year? At least they could make a whole storyline out of all of that...still. But... I have no high expectations at this point... #istillwishtheywillgothere 
But while Nell has taken over Hetty’s role seemingly seamlessly (she’s even wearing broaches like Hetty did...only thing missing is a cup of tea in her hands at all times), it seems as if they have enough staff up in ops with the new team members, and there’s no actual role for him to take over (the opposite: his role has been taken over by the newcomers on the team, who keep things running). So it makes sense he’ll be more like a guest character instead being there weekly. 
And that is a shame. Because last few seasons have made me realize that I did watch & like mostly because of the geeks, the Wonder Twins, and their antics in ops (sneaking cookies and coffee to ops behind Hettys back; practicing dancing in the armory; flying drones in bullpen; and their tech skills and talk), so considering this, and the fact that I have not “connected” with the new generation (the new team members/cast), I don’t watch this show live anymore, and I don’t always even follow the episodes more than having it play in background while I do other tasks. 
In the past I have “connected” with the new team members who were introduced: Deeks, Nell, Granger, Hidoko... I even liked Anna (as Arkady’s daughter, not as constant team tag along that she’s become), but for me the new characters, their introduction, their part in the team and all that just don’t work. So I have been “disconnected” from the show and new characters, who to me feel like “fillers for the week, while others will return”. (The only exception might become Roundtree) 
I have no interest in any of the character storylines. I don’t much care for Densi anymore (the troube with long-running shows...where it becomes too repetitive, and delayed and not really “believable”... when they come up with silly plots again and again... even if the final result is him FINALLY becoming a “real” NCIS agent...after all these years), I don’t care about any of the romantic plots Callen/Anna, Sam/Katherine. Or the personal storylines and character stories of new AND old characters alike. And this isn’t only due to the restrictions they have this season due to the covid restrictions... I had this issue last season already. 
So I kinda enjoyed this little trip down the memory lane with Bulletproof Beale. But before I/we chear “Beale is back!” we might wait a bit to see how it all continues (we know that all the Hetty storyline weirdnesses are due to the actresses age, health + now also the covid restrictions added to the mix), but even if they have to make it work with all those “restrictions”, and there is a reason why it is so random and all, it still seems weird to actually watch as part of ongoing storyline. It’s just so... “random” and “weird” 
For me this show really isn’t the same/the show that catches my interest without Bulletproof Beale, and Neric (not just the romance plot, but as nerd buddies and tech wizards). But while I do not realy expect much Beale, or Neric content the show will eventualy have to go and finish that storyline, too. Just like with densi and “whats in the box”, there is an unfinished thing when it comes to Nell & Eric. And that’s the “what’s written on those post-it’s”. So I am just gonna wait for the episode where that will be revealed. Cause that’s one of the things that just has to happen before the show wraps up for good. (they have not addressed any of the Nells mom & sister stuff really, or the Eric/Nell taking a break thing, and that is one storyline that should be explored, cause it was kinda dropped without any explanation or closer look. And that’s a shame). 
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ficmylife4 · 4 years ago
First Reading BNHA 14-24
I’m very confused by the pacing of this manga so far. Was it meant to be an anime right away, so the manga was expected to just be bare bones and filler and more characterization would be added in episodes? 
After my complaints about how inconsistent Izuku’s characterization was, I guess that’s smoothed out now--by glossing over the extremes. Looks like this is going to be another one where a main character gets a difficult backstory with discrimination and horrible treatment only long enough to get sympathy points, and then completely forgets about it and acts mostly well-adjusted protagonist from then on. Izuku is vaguely curious that All Might wants him to announce himself at the Sports Festival at first--no desperation to get AM’s approval, none of the reckless and thoughtless need to be the best and prove he’s earned his place (fighting against internalized anti-quirkless bias), no tearful gratitude for what he’s overcome to get this far when he used to watch the festival on TV: no, it sounded like Izuku would have been comfortable and taking for granting participating in the middle of the pack b/c he’s a hero and that’s enough for him.
I’m a little disappointed that it seems like UA is just a backdrop, and actually learning isn’t going to be part of the story, which doesn’t imply good things about character development either. No build up about consider all the applications your quirk could have in unusual situations; it’s your first day, show Aizawa your creativity in using quirks you were never allowed to before. No build up to how to fight with quirks or strategize inside buildings or historical examples of teamwork to inspire you; first day of class, pair up and fight. You might have to think clearly in disasters despite the stress, we’re actually going to train for thi--no, real homicidal villains showed up, and obviously you don’t need any lessons or growth about how to handle attacks, everyone handles it pretty well. Two professional heroes are beaten bloody in front of students trying to protect them, no worries, the kids are almost on pro levels already. Mineta is the only one who actually reacts with fear and panic, and even he is fine afterward with no one reacting at all to the first time their lives were directly threatened or if they’re willing to be heroes now they know it’s about injury and overwhelming forces and ambushes, not celebrity and clean showy fights when expecting it on patrols. 
Bakugou’s smart and has been surprisingly calm and in control of himself. 
Shigaraki was a lot less childish than I was expecting from other things I’ve seen. He was observant, read Eraserhead and the battles well, could even keep up to notice what All Might did when he was moving too fast to see, wasn’t afraid to take a punch and get in close with EH, and he grasped his group’s limits well and expected to retreat soon after knowing Iida was bringing backup. He didn’t rave about his personal grudge or monologue about his own greatness or quirk, and admitted with a smile when All Might called him out on not really believing the party line he gave about wanting to send a greater message about the lack of difference in villains and heroes. He did react badly to the Nomu’s defeat, but it was brief, and he adapted well in his next attack to use Kurogiri’s mist. For someone I’d heard a lot about whining and throwing tantrums, he wasn’t nearly as self-centered as I expected about pain. After EH punched him away he just picked himself up off the ground, he stayed still to assess everything after Snipe shot his hand, and far from coddling him, I thought his discussion with Sensei while he was lying on the floor with bullets in every limb was chilling in the lack of concern for his pain showed by everyone in the room including him. Bleeding there, Shigaraki was still thinking about how the plan went and giving a report. He might not be an idealist devoted to a cause, but he was focused when it came to his own goal and unafraid to risk himself in it. 
I really don’t get why Izuku was able to not hurt himself for that one punch against Nomu? What was the audience supposed to take away from that? The first time he tried to punch a living thing, he didn’t injure himself, so he subconsciously was able to control it. Are we supposed to applaud Izuku’s inherent compassion that held him back from wanting to hurt the villain trying to kill Tsu even as he attacked to stop it? Are we supposed to think it sad he can automatically control it if it’s to protect his target but can’t to protect himself? He broke his legs jumping later so it wasn’t about the violence. Was the key he stopped thinking about his weak body, didn’t weigh the damage and decide it was worth it? Thoughtlessness is being rewarded now? I guess that matches AM’s brilliant strategy that he can’t hit hard enough against Nomu so he’ll just hit harder than he possibly can. 
What is this pacing? No room to think about the USJ attack or process any feelings from that or life-and-death situations, now showing off for the Sports Festival is so important! And again, no teaching or new stuff, they’re already expected to be hero material and this is just a showcase. But I guess Izuku isn’t worried about how far behind he is compared to the others, he’s ignoring reality and aiming for the top, without planning how to not use or safely use the quirk that breaks his bones to get there. Seriously, All Might, it’s his first month of school, the public isn’t anxiously awaiting the proof that a hero as mighty as AM is rising that Izuku has to send a message right now. No one outside the school even knows AM is planning to retire soon, and it’s not like there’s a shortage of powerhouses around. Why are the bragging rights of being able to be top of the class from your first month so much more important than learning to use OfA properly and rising up in the next year’s Festival? Unless this is a message about how the unreasonable celebrity demands to be perfect and capture the public’s fickle interest right away are taking time away from Izuku learning to be an effective hero, and the system shouldn’t be catering to the popularity contest so much?
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rogers-sweatbands · 6 years ago
Where I Want to Be: Chapter 3
A Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor/Joe Mazzello!John Deacon x Original Character multi-chap.
Previous Chapters: Chapter 1 (x), Chapter 2 (x)
A/N: Here’s a little filler chapter. Sorry she took so long to be posted, I was just trying to set up the next few chapters in the best way possible !! I promise that the next chap will have a lot more drama !! Anyways, keep sending me your feedback ! Love to you always xoxo
Word Count: 2751
Chapter 3-
It was only 8 P.M., but Lane had already fallen asleep on her couch with a half finished cup of tea on the table beside her. The weather outside had been horrid: thunderstorms shaking her building ever since she woke up that morning. She gave herself the day to finally finish unpacking the rest of her moving boxes, having been in her apartment for more than three weeks at that point, it was finally time to complete that task. She had fallen asleep to an episode of Top of the Pops, sleep overcoming her 5 minutes into The Carpenters’ set. She probably would’ve been asleep until morning if her phone hadn’t woken her up, the ringing causing her to shoot up, her eyes blinking in surprise. She yawned quietly before walking into her kitchen.
“Hello?” She mumbled, sleep still in her voice as she rubbed the heel of her free hand against her eyes.
“Lane, love! What’re you up to this evening?” Mary asked, her voice too chipper for the state Lane was in.
“I was asleep on my couch until you called,” she chuckled tiredly. “But nothing of note. What’s going on?” Lane fought back another yawn as she leaned herself against the kitchen counter.
“The boys are recording an album tonight! Thought you might like to tag along!”
“An album? How the hell did they get that kind of money?”
“They sold Roger’s van to make it happen.” Mary laughed. “Went to a lot this afternoon and had it handled.”
“Roger must be ticked then,” Lane chuckled as she carded a hand through her hair. “Not sure if my presence will be much of a help if he’s already in a bad mood.”
“Oh, he’ll be fine! Plus, when have you ever cared about putting Rog in his place? Please come, I don’t want to be the only girl there.” Lane could hear Mary’s pout from the other end of the line. “If you come along, I’ll buy you tons of drinks the next time we go out.”
“That’s not necessary,” Lane giggled. “I guess I’ll tag along. No promises on me being awake for very long.” “Great! I’ll come pick you up in 20.”
By the time Mary and Lane walked into the studio, the boys were already deep in discussion with a recording engineer. He didn’t look thrilled to be working with some student band who appeared out of nowhere because they saw an ad in the local newspaper, but they paid him upfront and in cash so he didn’t have much room to complain. The girls settled themselves quietly on the couch at the back of the room, Deaky sending Lane a quick smile and wave before turning back to the conversation. Roger wanted to gag, seeing the way John looked at Lane and seeing the smile she gave him in response. He honestly didn’t understand it. John was so awkward, especially when he was around Lane… why did she seem to be so into him?
Deaky had almost evolved into a new person when he was around Lane. While he’d still get blushy and bashful at times, he wasn’t stammering over his words as much. They honestly couldn’t get him to shut up if they wanted to. He’d talk to Lane for hours, their conversation never ceasing as he’d attempt to make her laugh for the tenth time in a row.  He loved her laugh, thought it was one of the cutest things about her. The way her nose would scrunch itself as her lips would pull into a large smile… it was probably his favorite look on her. He found himself falling deeper and deeper into a trance when he was with her. Hours became seconds and he couldn’t wipe the smile off of his lips when she was around. Lane had a presence about her that he couldn’t explain.
Their meeting had come to a close and Roger slipped into the recording booth, ready to record the drumline for “Doing All Right.” He felt his chest tighten when he looked through the glass at everyone else. Lane’s arms were wrapped tightly around John, large grins spread across both of their faces as John talked directly into her ear, telling her something that he’d rather keep from the rest of the group. He saw her laugh, her head being thrown backward as her cascade of blonde curls followed. She shook her head at John, removing her arms from where they were wrapped around his neck only to gently push against his chest as she scolded him. He merely only chuckled in response and nudged her back, pushing one of her shoulders back causing her to fumble backwards. Roger sat at the drum kit and huffed, twirling his sticks between his fingers frustratedly.
“You ready to go, Rog?” Brian asked, pressing down on the intercom button. Roger tore his eyes away from the two of them and shifted his gaze to his friend. In all honesty, he wasn’t ready to play. He’d love to go throw his fist against John’s jaw first and get him the hell away from Lane. However, he simply gritted his teeth and nodded. At least he could channel his anger into his playing.
“Well this is a lovely surprise,” John smiled as he walked towards Lane, glad that their meeting was over so he could greet her. “I didn’t know you were coming tonight.”
Lane stood up and embraced him warmly, standing on her toes so she could wrap her arms around his neck. “Mary invited me to come along!”
“She wasn’t going to come originally! Told me she was ‘too tired.’ I apparently woke her up when I called at 8,” Mary called from the couch, a laugh falling from her lips.
“You were already in bed when she called? You’re turning into an old maid,” John teased, his chin moving down so he could speak directly into her ear. “What’s next, shaking your fist at young people in the street?”
Lane gasped as she pulled herself away from him, shoving his chest. “Don’t you dare start with me! I am not that old! I just had a big day is all.”
John laughed at her horrified expression and pushed her shoulder, making her stumble on her feet a bit. “I was only asking.” He put his hands up in mock defense.
Lane rolled her eyes before going and returning to her spot on the couch next to Mary, crossing her arms with a huff. “I ought to give you the silent treatment if you’re going to be that big of a prick.” Her eyes narrowed in on John’s, her lips pulling into a small pout.
John paled, his mouth falling agape. “I was only teasing! I’m sorry, it won’t happen ag-”
“Love, I’m only kidding,” Lane laughed, sending him a reassuring smile. “Sarcasm suits you, ya’know. I didn’t know you were this witty.”
John turned away from her with a small smile, his cheeks flushing a deep red. He both hated and loved that she had this effect on him. “Just trying to return the favor, love.”
They had been there for hours, the clock on the wall reading half three in the morning. The boys were exhausted, trying to get everything perfect in the small amount of time they had in the studio. It wasn’t ideal, trying to cram everything into a twelve-hour period, but it wasn’t like they could afford another session. They needed to get everything done that night. They had to push through.
John had finally emerged from the booth, having just recorded the bass line for “Modern Times Rock ‘N’ Roll” for the fourth time, his eyes heavy and hooded as he attempted to blink back the sleep that was trying to overcome him. Only four and a half hours more… only four and a half hours until he could climb into bed and sleep for the entire day… only four and a half hours until he was out of that stuffy studio. He needed a cigarette, something to give him some sort of a pick-me-up that wasn’t a fifth cup of the burnt coffee from the dispenser in the corner. He slumped himself over to the coat rack, sifting through the jackets so he could go excuse himself for five minutes. However, as he searched through them, he couldn’t find his.
“Bri,” he yawned, rubbing his fists against his eyes. “Have you seen my jacket?” Brian wordlessly pointed over to the arm chair in the corner, the coat draped over Lane in a makeshift blanket as she slept. She was knocked out, her legs swung over the arm of the chair with her cheek pressed to the back of it. Her hair fell over her face in a curtain as she held the jacket over her tightly. John’s chest warmed for a moment, seeing her so at peace as she quietly slept in the corner.
“Told her it was yours when she grabbed it,” Brian explained, breaking John’s focus. “She insisted on grabbing it though… fell asleep right after you went into the booth.”
John smiled slightly as he walked towards her, sitting on the arm of the chair closest to her head. He gently pushed the hair from her face, his fingertips barely grazing her forehead as he smiled down at her. He was so used to seeing the other side of Lane, the spitfire whose mouth was always running, that seeing this side… the softer side, made his heart melt. She hummed quietly, leaning into his touch as her eyes blinked. She met his gaze with a small, sleepy smile, her eyes sparkling despite the exhaustion set in them.
“Sorry for stealing your jacket,” she apologized quietly, attempting to hold back a yawn (but failing). “I can give it back to you if yo-”
John stopped her as she shifted the coat off of her. “No, keep it. I don’t need it right now,” he reassured her, moving it so it was covering her shoulders again.
Lane sleepily nodded before shutting her eyes again, curling back up before falling back to sleep.
John stood back up and crossed to Freddie, his shoulder being used as Mary’s pillow for the last twenty minutes.
“Fred, mind if I steal a cigarette from you?” “Be my guest,” he smiled, shifting to get to his pack. “Sorry about yours being hijacked.”
John shrugged. “I don’t mind one bit.”
That statement was 100% true… even though John shivered his ass off while he smoked his cigarette outside, he was so happy knowing that Lane was curled up under it.
If you took one look at the boys when they all emerged from the studio that next morning, you would’ve thought they were all coming off a week-long bender, not getting off from pulling an all-nighter for work. They were nearly shaking with exhaustion, all of them fueled on black coffee and cigarettes alone. Everyone look disheveled as they stood on the sidewalk… well, everyone but Mary and Lane. The two girls had slept for at least a few hours, waking up when they were in their last two hours of recording for the night. However, they really didn’t look much better than everyone else.
“Well, I think we just recorded an album,” Brian chuckled before yawning. “Can’t believe we did it.”
“And you lot said it couldn’t be done!” Freddie teased, a wide smirk spread across his lips. “All thanks to my idea.”
“All thanks to my van,” Roger corrected Freddie with a large frown. “If we hadn’t sold my van we wouldn’t have had the money.” He placed a cigarette between his lips and lit it with a frustrated huff.
John rolled his eyes as he shoved his hands in his pockets. “Ah yes, the most extreme of sacrifices. Giving up the van that you’d fuck your groupies in.”
“You’re just jealous that I-” Roger started towards the younger boy before Brian’s hands gripped onto his shoulders.
“Let’s not do this right now. We’re all exhausted, let’s all just head home and go to bed. Yeah?”
Everyone nodded in response as they muttered their goodbyes, ready to head home.
“Lane, want to walk together?” John asked her quietly with a small smile.
She nodded tiredly before muttering a quiet “yes.” She rubbed the heels of her palms against her eyes before sending a sleepy wave to Mary as she and Freddie began to walk back to their shared flat.
A silence fell over the remainder of the group before Brian muttered a goodbye, leaving Roger, Lane, and John alone in front of the studio.
“John, I’m crashing with you.” Roger announced casually, sending a playful smirk to the other boy despite his visual exhaustion.
“Why’s that?” He asked flatly, too tired to deal with his bullshit in that moment.
“Your flat’s closer than mine. Won’t make it to my own before crashing.”
“It’s faster to get to yours if you take the tube,” John weakly protested.
“You want me to fall asleep on the tube then?”
John sighed as he tried to scrape his mind for another response to try and prevent Roger from coming over. However, he nodded in agreement with a large sigh. “Fine. C’mon then.”
The three of them walked along in an exhausted line, everyone too tired to say much of anything (except Roger who whined and complained every few minutes or so about having to walk so far). By the time they reached Lane’s apartment, the most she could give both boys was a small wave and a smile, muttering a sleepy “thanks for walking with me” before disappearing inside her building.
“You know, I’m pretty sure she could’ve found her building on her own at his time of day,” Roger commented as he and John began to walk the additional half block to his place. “Not sure why you insist on escorting her everywhere.”
John sighed and rolled his eyes. “I’ve told you this before, it’s because I’m a nice person. Maybe if you were nice to her, Lane wouldn’t have to yell at you every time she sees you. You’re a complete prick around her.”
“Nice person? More like you’re in love with her,” Roger chuckled dryly. “And I don’t need to be a nice person to get what I want from her.”
“I’m not in love with her!” Deaky snapped, whipping his head around to look at him. “And what do you want from her then? Not like she’s running to do you any favors right now.”
“Oh John,” Roger smiled. “This is a teaching moment for you then. When two people hate each other with so much passion, that passion has got to be let out at some point. She’s going to eventually crack and we’re going to end up in bed together. I give it a month tops.”
John honestly thought he was hallucinating when he heard what had come out of Roger’s mouth. There was no way that would actually happen, right? Sure, Lane hated him… but that wouldn’t mean that she would actually hate him that much.
“A good ol’ hate fuck, you know?” Roger added with a laugh.
“S-She wouldn’t,” John protested. “She’s not like that.” “Ah, I guess I’ll have to take your word for it then.” Roger smirked before winking.
And by God, John hoped he was right.
Tag List: @mimisfangirlfantasy @ceruleanrainblues @16wiishes@ayomercury @brianmaysnailpolish @bitchwilly @the-b-side @queenyezra @rogerinatrash @glasslark @harrysfetuscurls @magicwithaknife @tv-saved-the-teenage-girl
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kurogabae · 6 years ago
Tsubasa: Trainwreck Chronicles
And Why Bee Train Has Failed Me Not Only as a Company, but as a Concept in General; an Essay by Popular Demand
part 1 -- part 2
In part 1 (linked above) I spoke about the anime adaptations of the opening/introductions of our main cast through Jade and our first filler. These were episodes 1-16. Out of 26 for the season and 52 for the series. I don’t feel like my time has been wasted with pointless, endless, literally 30+ second long shots of characters staring at each other or into the distance for no reason. No. Not at all. Those moments added a lot of needed and organic tension and suspense.
But Sakura gazing longingly at a giant fish aside, we’re going to get into what is probably my most hated canon arc of the anime - Outo. Now, I loved Outo in the manga, it was an amazing world and it really kick started a lot of character and plot developments in TRC, not to mention that it was just generally a lot of fun. It was the longest world thus far and it had had the most characters in it as well. Outo was great. It’s one of my favorite worlds, right along side Piffle and fanon!Yama. 
Bee Train did me dirty guys. Real dirty. 
So the animation swings wildly in this arc from “yeah that’s not so bad” to “Fai is that your hair or a giant yellow spider eating your head?” - pretty par for the course as far as the anime goes. Mostly. But then we have the changes to plot, both for the sake of the Children(tm) and... Just Because? It’s also in Outo that we start really noticing that whoever was in charge of directing the music usage was really just throwing music at the animation and hoping something stuck. 
I’ll try to keep this linear but I make no promises.
We start off pretty normal - arrive, greeted by The Ladies, whisked off to City Hall. Fai gives them all their delightful Outo names while Syaoran looks on in a mild panic. They buy the cafe and get attacked - and here I have my First Issue.
For some reason, probably to make me hate them more than I already do, they change the events of the Oni attack just enough that Kurogane doesn’t grab Sakura out of the way of the ambush, iirc Fai grabs her. This might seem like nothing, but the anime has kept Kurogane and Sakura’s interactions to basically zero and if someone were to only watch the anime they would miss out on a lot of very small but meaningful moments between those two. Also, it’s important to me okay!
Morning comes and plot is still basically on track - Syaoran and Kurogane become oni hunters and Fai and Sakura open the cafe. 
Now, when the family gets their costume changes, things get a little odd and the music is to blame. Sakura wakes up and goes to greet the family, who are all wearing what they’ll be sporting for the rest of Outo. As her view pans (ba-dum tss) over each of them a weird smooth jazz sort of music starts to play. I don’t know what to call it, but the tone makes it feel vaguely sexual/romantic, or at least like that’s what the intent is. Now if this had happened over Syaoran alone it probably wouldn’t have been weird, but funny. It doesn’t just happen to Syaoran though, Kurogane gets the music too (Fai is the first she sees and the music only starts playing as Sakura begins to look away). It’s a really strange music choice for this moment.
When Sakura changes into her cafe maid outfit and the boys see her it isn’t just a Sakura and Syaoran moment, which would be fine. If they weren’t playing that music again. And also Kurogane hyuus. At Sakura.   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It was all very weird. I didn’t like it. Could have been just me.
Night one of oni hunting is here and so is another change that I don’t understand? Before when they added characters to the scene it was Sakura and I assumed it was them trying to give her more screen time, but Sakura is very much left out of this whole bit while Fai, who should be back at the cafe with her preparing to open up a business, is with Kurogane and Syaoran. Why? “I like to watch you at work, Kuro-sama.” (Which would have been simply amazing foreshadowing if we were ever going to so much as glance at Fai’s backstory in the anime, which we aren’t. Hell, at this point we don’t even know what it is because Celes hasn’t been published yet, so Bee Train is pulling this out of their ass. What a waste.)
Syaoran and Kurogane kill some oni, there’s very vague talk about Syaoran’s blind eye (they never outright say he’s blind in it, just that he “has trouble with it”), and we get to meet Yuzuriha and Kusanagi. Syaoran does not fawn over Inuki and I am once again personally insulted. It’s here that Kurogane learns about the names.
Fai manages to make it all the way back to the Cafe alive before Kurogane corners him. Also, even though Fai was gone all night with the puppies he still has a chocolate cake made and ready to serve to Yuzuriha and Kusanagi after they follow his and Kurogane’s immature murder trail home. Which is frankly bullshit. I know Sakura didn’t make that cake.
Syaoran and Kurogane don’t have to fight to prove their worth to the information seller, which is whatever I guess. Probably just trying to save time and budget, but that didn’t really help you now did it Bee Train?
Now, surprisingly, I actually liked the change they made to the bar scene/the fight before the bar. Fai and Kurogane don’t have their Moment in the bar, since this time they’ve missed Oruha and will have to come back. And instead of fighting on the way to the bar, the oni attack them on their way home. The song “Kaze no Machi he” plays over not only the KuroFai vs oni fight, but also sweet moments between Syaoran and Sakura in the cafe, effectively setting a very nice parallel between the two couples while still contrasting them. It’s a wonderful scene and it’s part of what makes me so extra mad at Bee Train for how they treated the whole series, because they clearly know how to do their jobs, they were just too lazy to give TRC the effort and care it deserved. 
It was a really great scene and I would suggest watching just that couple of minutes, even if you don’t watch anything else from the Bee Train anime, simply because of how well it’s put together. Was it all just a happy editing accident? Maybe, but it’s one that I love.
Of course, like all things I love, Seishirou soon shows up to ruin them. This time with bad special effects.
This is of course after a pretty much canon-compliant intro to Ryuu-ou and Souma, complete with Kurogane dropping his freshly injured boyfriend on the ground in shock. Followed by pouting that I will take as a personal apology.
It’s not enough to make up for the lack of drunken shenanigans. Not even close.
Syaoran’s learned that not all of life’s problems can be solved by kicking. Sometimes you need to stab them. He asks Kurogane to teach him, but unlike in the manga where this is a sweet, if somber, moment between just the pair of them, Fai is, again, on the scene where he shouldn’t be. He’s also acting rather bitchy and tells Syaoran that if Kurogane teaches him to use a sword he needs to be ready to kill with it. Now this new dialogue is fucked up on a couple of levels.
Firstly, this is the same night Kurogane just lectured Fai about valuing his own life and admitted to killing more people than he could count in order to protect what he considered important to him. I’m sure we’re meant to read this as a type of semi-protective warning on Fai’s part towards Syaoran, but it comes off as petty at best and out right cruel at worst, to both Syaoran and Kurogane. Syaoran because he’s thirteen and he just wants to help save the love of his life who he is convinced he’ll never get back. Kurogane because he’s having this thing that’s pretty central to him at this point in his life thrown in his face with venom and treated like a danger towards his own adopted son. 
Second, and big spoilers, if you’re watching this after Tokyo and Celes have been published (which at the time of the airing they were not) Fai telling Syaoran to “be prepared to kill” is fucked up. It’s clear in Tokyo that Fai has known for a while (we don’t find out how long exactly until Celes) that Syaoran is a clone. He also has known that Syaoran is a very real threat, basically a ticking time bomb. Fai would not be egging him on like this. 
So, the whole exchange is very drastically changed in tone by giving Fai a small handful of lines, and in my humble onion it isn’t for the better. 
Do you wanna know what is better though? The quality of these weapons compared to the everything else that’s been seen in Outo so far, and we don’t get better. The animation takes a noticeable dip from here on out. It’s especially noticeable because Bee Train has gotten into the habit of padding episodes with flashbacks and recaps of things we saw only a few episodes ago like they’re fucking Naruto and when you cut from one of the decently animated flashbacks to the current shitshow it’s really jarring.
Quality aside (for the moment) the puppies finally get their swords but before they had left, Sakura asks Syaoran about what he and Kurogane are planning to do during the day. It’s a fair question since they’re heading out early, but no oni can be hunted until night. For some reason he doesn’t tell her they’re going to get weapons? Or that he’s going to train with Kurogane? He just says “It’s nothing to worry about” and like... why? 
On several levels why. First we have the whole why have Sakura ask if Syaoran’s not even going to tell her anything - maybe to add tension, as if they didn’t have enough, maybe to add angst, as if they didn’t have enough. He’s got no reason to hide this. She knows he hunts oni, telling her he’s going to better arm himself would only be a good thing, hell if he really wanted to avoid saying that he was going to get a sword he could have said that he was going with Kurogane to get one since Kurogane’s broke the night before. Second, Syaoran not answering only makes Sakura feel bad and worry more and I’ve never been so frustrated in my life. Yes, Syaoran tries to keep things from hurting Sakura but in the manga he doesn’t treat her like spun glass.
And then Mokona just tells her anyway so honestly the entire exchange was 95% meaningless and I demand to know who made these choices so I can meet them in the pit!!
Really the purpose is probably to waste time and pad the episode, but there’s enough in Outo that they really shouldn’t need to do this? But hey, what do I know? I’ve only read this series 10 times and done I can’t tell you how many analysis essays on the characters and plot. Surely some hacks who probably only glanced over the material know better.
So now Kurogane is throwing rocks at Syaoran. Not a whole lot is different for a while - we throw rocks at Syaoran, we blindfold Syaoran, we leave Syaoran all on his own to wander the city, Ryuu-ou stops Syaoran from getting his ass kicked by oni that he’s too focused on puzzling out to dodge, they flirt, they flirt so much. 
Ryuu-ou takes Syaoran to see the Biggest and Prettiest cherry blossom tree in Outo, because Ryuu-ou goes big or not at all and he’s got a boy to woo. 
Meanwhile, Fai has gotten a piano for the cafe that he can’t play and Sakura can speak to musical instruments, kinda. After another TouYuki cameo where they don’t recognize Sakura, Fai leaves Sakura to look after the cafe for reasons I can’t recall but that are probably dumb. Oruha shows up and she and Sakura have a Magical Musical Moment where Oruha plays the deus ex baby grand and learns all about how Sakura can’t remember Syaoran and somehow sees all the memories that Sakura can’t see/doesn’t have and folks I could not tell you what this adds to the story other than more confusion to people new to the series and frustration to people who have read the manga.
Let me break it down - Sakura doesn’t have these memories. Yuuko literally took them away as payment, they no longer exist. If they try to exist Sakura goes through a soft reset as seen earlier in this arc. Oruha should not be able to access them, super special VR powers be damned. The memories aren’t there to access. 404: Childhood Friendship not found.
This is all without touching on the creep factor of someone casually rooting around in Sakura’s head without her knowledge or permission. Hasn’t she’s lost enough autonomy?
Magic Music Memory time over, Oruha leaves and we’re spoiled and shown that Outo is VR and not actually the world we think it is, ruining both a really neat reveal and the weight of Syaoran and Fai’s “deaths” later in the arc. Do you want suspense and angst or not Bee Train?!?!
After reading some notes I had on the anime I think Fai left Sakura alone to go drinking with Kurogane because it’s now that they have their Moment in the Clover bar and finally meet Oruha (who stopped at the Cat’s Eye, sang with Sakura and read her mind, and then popped back to Clover because fuck you). 
So. The dads are drinking and gathering info, the boys are flirting, and Sakura is doing what she did in Hanshin - where she enters zombie mode and autopilots towards her feather. Yuzuriha appears in the nick of time to stop Sakura from meeting Seishirou and for this I think she should receive a medal of some sort in all honesty. 
As the girlfriends make their way back to Cat’s Eye Seishirou summons a Giant Deku Baba (seriously, Nintendo should look into copyright) and attacks the boyfriends. Ryuu-ou has to, once again, pull Syaoran out of harm’s way as he stands there aghast at the sudden turn of events. Things get a little too close to becoming a very uncomfortable tentacle based hentai and everyone escapes with their lives and virtue intact.  
Syaoran tries to defend Seishirou’s honor because he thinks Seishirou has honor to defend, but no one is buying it. We also get a brief look at our resident Lava Lamp Dweller (who I might remind you all we never get answers about in ANY form in the anime) before we are swiftly moving along to another moment between Syaoran and Sakura where he’s pretty much lying to her face about things he doesn’t need to lie about and Sakura ought to chew him out. 
Why? Why Bee Train? This is so OOC. Rewrite this fanfic. 
It’s Tower of Terror time and Kurogane is Delighted about the 3% chance of survival he’s been handed. So far we’re back on track. Except we’re not.
Manga readers will remember looking back on this as one of our first Big Hints about Kurogane’s past - his hang ups about the demons leaving behind no bones or bodies of their past victims, implying that they’ve been eaten whole, and how that seemed to bother him. There’s the vaguest of hints that Kurogane still has a personal grudge with demons here in the anime, but it’s a lot less impactful and I don’t know how much meaning it would have to someone who didn’t have prior manga knowledge to fall back on. I feel like it falls a bit flat (especially once we see how Kurogane’s past has been sterilized for a younger audience).
Aside from that, the tower is more or less the same, bad hentai jokes and all. 
Things also go very similarly at the cafe - Sakura works herself up into a tizzy and passes out, Fai feels the first emotion outside of Guilt and Horny he’s felt in upwards of a century, and Mokona tells him that he’s fine and that no, that’s not heartburn it’s affection. 
Enter King Trashface. He’s holding the feather in some sort of weird space disco ball? Not the worst thing, just an odd choice? He and Fai exchange words (starting with Fai telling Seishirou to fuck off in the most polite way ever) - during which Fai’s animation makes it seem that the closer Fai gets to “death” the more his face distorts, which is terrible and hilarious. 
Before Fai gets turned into demon chow though, Seishirou calls him out on being Mr. Deathwish, especially since Fai is fighting without using magic that could very possibly save him. At this point Fai flashes back to his and Kurogane’s “how about we don’t die” talk earlier and Fai says that he might want to live after all. Which is like. Bullshit at this point in the journey. He doesn’t want to live, he really really doesn’t and the very fact that he’s not using his magic is proof positive of that (see: Le Court). Though also, even with a bum ankle he thinks he can take Seishirou until he pulls out the feather. At which point Fai basically tells Mokona to pay attention to how he dies so she can tell the others about it. Which is so... against what he just said?
This is well before we ever see even a manga version of Fai with anything resembling self preservation or a proper will to live, but we have enough of his character for the anime writers to know that this is a very big leap for him to be taking so soon. I feel like if they wanted to give him a hopeful outlook (which is what I think they were trying to do after coming off the scene with Sakura and Mokona) they could have had him seem more wishy-washy about it, or phrased it as a curiosity. “Something I didn’t expect has happened and I wanna see where it goes” is a much better way for him to have made the same statement. At least in my opinion.
Anyway, he dies and I find his death scene really funny because you just see his legs dangling slowly and it’s so... idk it might just be me but I couldn’t stop laughing. 
Now I am pretty sure Seishirou causes this but Outo starts glitching. Everything starts going full Matrix rainbows on us and all the NPCs vanish. Souma is worried about the game falling apart and Ryuu-ou and Yuzuriha are both worried about their potential love lives new friends.
Here we come to a few things I very much HATE that were changed. Once Fai is dead Sakura goes zombie again and starts to follow after her feather/Seishirou before the puppies get home, so only Mokona is there waiting. This means I have lost yet ANOTHER FATHER-DAUGHTER MOMENT!! It also means that when Syaoran runs after Seishirou and gets murderized she not only sees it happen but... dies? with? him? Because she hugs him while the game is transporting him out? I dunno. It’s bad and dumb and I hate it. 
So Kurogane thinks they’re ALL DEAD, which is great. It’s not like he isn’t already having a bad enough day. Not that you could tell by looking because the animation doesn’t have him emote at all. He looks basically bored as Mokona tells them that Fai is dead while Syaoran is a step away from a full on meltdown. @beetrain you do know that Kurogane has emotions other than anger and Fight Me(tm) right?
And now Seishirou is idk posturing? Bragging? He talks about how there’s no one left to oppose him now that the 13 year olds are dead, completely ignoring the pissed off ninja murder machine that has nothing left to lose that’s coming for his sorry ass. I don’t remember him being that cocky in the manga? Am I misremembering or did the anime somehow make Seishirou even more unlikable? Either way, Kurogane finds the slimeball and, to my extreme annoyance, only asks if he killed Fai and Syaoran - not Sakura - even though he believes all of them to be dead. The anime keeps doing this and I have ranted about it so much I’ll spare you the retyping. For now.
A quick list of minor things that happen that I dislike:
Fai’s coat and Sakura’s cloak both pull random appearing and disappearing acts between episodes
No one is even a little surprised when Syaoran’s sword sets itself on fire
The pacing could kill a man. Unfortunately Seishirou lives.
My soap opera isn’t real and this is
Seishirou knows Syaoran is a clone and drops hints about something we are never getting resolution to
Oruha, after allowing Seishirou to fuck off, just, you know, tells Sakura that she has missing memories of Syaoran
Memories that she somehow was able to access even though they no longer exist within Sakura
If Yuuko says no memories she means NO MEMORIES!!!
FWR watches the demon rampage across Edonis. He’s probably reminiscing. Like an asshole. 
Outo wraps up and is it the worst of the arcs? No. But am I bitter about the things that were done to it because it changed a lot of fundamental things about the characters and the plot? Yes. 
See you next time, where I’ll probably talk about more than one arc. Until then, have this.
[part 1] [part 2]
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precuredaily · 7 years ago
Precure Day 066
Episode: Futari wa Precure Max Heart 16 - “Nagisa’s in high spirits! In top form with your lucky color!!” Date watched: 18 August 2018 Original air date: 22 May 2005 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/eIUG1zR
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Remember all my praise for the last episode’s animation? Yeah....
Hot off the heels of one of the best episodes in the show so far comes one of the most mediocre. The best thing it has going for it are the gags, but the animation is awful and the plot is at times contradictory to what’s been established.
The main plot centers around Nagisa having a string of good luck, which she overly relies on to get her through her midterm exams. I’ll give you one guess how well that goes. The other ways her good fortune manifests are by winning a melon while grocery shopping and then running into Fuji-P on her way home, where they talk and he thanks her for her show of support at his soccer game. Probably the most fortunate thing is that she manages to not make a fool of herself. On her way to school the next day she’s running late but manages to avoid the Vice Principal’s lecture to the other late students by sneaking past him. So lucky! Honoka briefs Nagisa and her other friends on the history of fortune-telling but warns her that she shouldn’t rely solely on luck to pass her exams. She should have listened.... that night she studies only the questions she believes will be on the exam and turns in for the night, while across town Honoka is still studying. She gets a visit from a new Heartiel, Intelligen, who admires her studiousness, but decides not to bother her. The next day at school, it’s time for the exams. Unfortunately Uraganos appears and turns the Statue of Tomorrow into a Zakenna! The girls realize something is awry when all their classmates fall asleep and a giant statue moves around outside. They transform and fight it off before defeating it, and then the girls all hurry back to their exams. At a later date, Hikari is at Akane’s place showing off her good scores, Honoka has also gotten good scores, and Nagisa is upset because she guessed completely wrong about the subjects she’d be tested on and failed. Everybody cracks that that’s pretty much normal for her, she realizes Mepple is (slightly) yellow (her lucky color) and begs him to change her scores, which he protests is impossible, and we close on this shot.
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As far as substance goes, there’s not much to work with here, it’s a filler. It does introduce a new Heartiel, Intelligen, who admires Honoka’s work ethic, but a few other things happen for no reason. Puran finally goes into the Chairect at the start of the episode with no fanfare. I guess she got her fill of purity? They do not say anything about it.
I mentioned that there’s some contradiction in the Dusk Zone’s activities, so let me elaborate. Circulas first encountered a Heartiel, Puran, in episode 13, and was taken aback by the strong power of light she emanated. In episode 14 he brought this up to Baldez and Baldez told him to investigate further, so he makes it a point to try to learn about the Heartiels in his subsequent attacks. However when they bring it up in this episode (before even going on the attack), Baldez recognizes their description as being part of the Queen’s resurrection. He knows about her life, heart, and twelve wills, so for him to wait until now to bring it up makes no sense, and if he knew all along, why did he repeatedly ask Circulas to get more information? Once to confirm his suspicious sure, but multiple times? It’s only been 3 episodes but it feels like a lot longer. (maybe that’s because of how I rewatch parts of episodes for screenshots and review purposes) It’s annoying.
How about some positivity? Well I already talked about the gags Nagisa gets into with her brief spot of good luck. The Vice Principal gets to shine for a bit in this episode, it’s been a long time since he showed up. For starters he’s lecturing a group of students who are late about their responsibility as students of the school in front of the Statue of Tomorrow, which comes back to haunt him later. Uraganos happens to decide to track the girls down at school on the day of their midterms and he hops the fence like it’s nothing. A completely unfazed VP demands to know who he is and what his business is. Uraganos answers mostly honestly, and the VP informs him that the students are taking an exam right now and he’ll have to come back later. Keep in mind that Uraganos is easily twice as tall as the VP, four times as wide, and is beet red. He does NOT look normal but the VP somehow doesn’t notice or care, and turns him away like it’s nothing.
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Come to think of it he did something similar with Gekidrago in FWPC... Anyway Uraganos is turned away by the VP and starts to accept it as he’s not particularly smart. Then he realizes he’s got the physical advantage and marches back in after the VP has gone on his way. He turns the Statue of Tomorrow into a Zakenna, which haunts the hallways for a few minutes, confusing the VP as he believes it’s a student at first. It takes him far too long to realize it’s a statue, and a walking one at that. Speaking of not so smart....
The actual fight between the team and the (now giant) Zakenna is fun. Uraganos tries to separate Luminous from the fighters but he doesn’t really do anything, there’s a great bit where the monster starts windmilling with its long hair to fend off the girls, but Luminous just freezes it with Heartiel Action and the duo perform Marble Screw Max to defeat it. Hikaru’s toy of the episode is a kite, by the way.
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 1 Arienai
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yondamoegi · 7 years ago
You know, even since Season 2, Wakfu went downhill. Don’t get me wrong, the quality of art and animation upgrades with every season. It’s beautiful! So colorful and dynamic, it’s pretty amazing!
But the story, oh the story, it’s kinda bullshit. A fastfood junk kind of story. The season 1, when the story just began, it was a good solid traditional journey. We didn’t know anything about the characters, so the show took its time to define heroes and villains, themes and motives. The story progressed naturally, the main conflict beats mixed with filler-ish breather episodes. And it didn’t have so many loose threads dangling around.
Season 2 had much more of that. Like, why the fuck is Remington there? He didn’t bring anything useful and didn’t change during the whole season. And he was there til the end, like a walking ad to his own series! What the fuck?! Also, the foggernaut fleet near the end! They weren’t related to the main story, they just appeared suddenly and stayed til the end, again. I think they were an ad to the new class added to the online game. Other than that the ending was lackluster with Gouldart as Deus Ex Machina. Still, pretty okay season.
The Season 3 depends on you already knowing the heroes and watching the specials. And maybe reading comics, I dunno. Depending on so much outside media, it’s weak on it own. Well, it does give you an exposition of the events that happened before, but for the new viewers it’s a lotsa of unrelated info they didn’t get to see themselves, and shallow characterization for the veteran fans of the show. Also, the pacing is off. The conflict is racked up from the beginning and doesn’t get down to allow the viewers breathe. The structure of the episodes is repetitive, since they have to beat/challenge a set of obstacles, and it doesn’t help the pacing. The pacing is off, it’s too fast to let the events to set in. So, everything is too much and repetitive and meaningless.
The whole season feels like a mess of good scenes, ideas, and conflicts that weren’t connected properly so they don’t fit well with each other.
I still don’t remember when and how did Grovy become a god, and the fact that he was a god is very important to the plot of the Season 3, and it’s driving me nuts. And he’s conflicted because as a reincarnation of a god, he had lotsa other wives and children in his past lives. Apparently. Only three episodes left til the end and I never saw that conflict again!
Yugo is having crisis with his immortality and is torn that he’ll never be with Amalia because of that. WHEN DID YOU START THINKING LIKE THAT, BOY?! That was sudden.
Ruel had a wife, but it was presented with flashbacks and foreshadowing, so it didn’t bother me that much.
Amalia’s Problem followed her from the earlier seasons. They should be resolved by now, no? And her dad is suddenly ill, maybe he got sick in the specials, but I honestly don’t remember. And it bothers me.
Eva’s fine, but she doesn’t has much screentime.
All that results in cheap drama. The cheap drama started in the specials, but here it’s pretty ridiculous.
The only good character is Elely, her in-season story started in the season, and she acts in her character and tries her best to solve the conflict. She’s capable, she’s smart, she has some spunk, she’s a good egg.
This all wasn’t that surprising, since it started in season 2. I still love the series, it deserves praise for the animation alone. And so I watch it more like a spectacle it is.
P.S. Adamai is a creep.
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thong-in-the-twist · 7 years ago
Thimble 19화
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Morning air is crispy and harsh, invading your nostrils with every inhale, burning your insides on its way to your lungs. It’s hard to keep your eyes open, frost biting at your face, and you exhale shakily, blinking away tears gathering in corners of your eyes.
You rub your hands together, knuckles red and swollen, and with a sigh you hide them under your jacket.
Pond in front of you is frozen solid, and bushes around it covered with heavy snow. Everything around you is white and sleepy, reminding you of mournful days. In the end – white is color of loss and mourning.
Your breaths are visible, and you should be uncomfortable in this weather, but you had to go out, feeling restless.
Childbirth Office was set up some three weeks ago, like it was customary. Your birthing bed was already put together, and they changed its position with every moon. You’ve been already instructed as to how you should behave while going into labor, to ensure safeness and longevity of your child. You know that as soon as you’ll go into labor, they will burn talisman ensuring quick labor, and they will mix it with warm water and feed it to you. You know that you’ll have horse reigns handing from the ceiling for you to grab on, and small figurines that supposedly will protect you from evil and illness.
You should be inside even now, waiting for it to happen, laying on your childbirth bed, lined with silk, straws, linen, horsehide and oiled paper. You should be inside, having only pure thoughts, and await the time divine powers decide it’s time for you to go into labor.
But being idle is such a nuisance.
You can recognize this state. Palace is sleepy, calm, but you can recognize the signs of its busy life underneath the snow. Just like year before everyone is waiting for King’s heir. Everyone is waiting for you to give birth, like they waited for, then Crown Princess, to do so. You know that as soon as the news of the gender of your child will be out the wheels in the palace will start whirling. All the preparations will be pushed into motion – that’s why everything is idle, they are waiting and praying.
“It’s been almost a year.” You say, to nobody in particular, and you can hear Woo Palace Lady murmur something behind you, and you ignore her. Almost one year ago Queen went into labor – how ironic it would be if you went into labor exactly the same day, one year later?
Part of you wants that – but you know that it’s not something you have control of. Nowadays you can’t even control your bladder.
Your belly is huge and swollen, and you have forgotten how your feet look, and you have already resigned to a fact that when you sit down you are going to stay in that position until someone helps you up. There is no comfortable position, and no food seems to be tasty. Your body is heavy, and truth be told you are tired of this whole ordeal.
You want it to end.
But you can’t think about that, such impure thoughts could be fatal to your child.
Once again you focus on the white world, sun not yet rising, grey skies only adding to your melancholy, and you think of your first child. There is a pang in your heart, and you caress your belly with your right hand, reassuring yourself. You never touch your belly with your left hand, not with the mark burned in it.
This child will be your shield, this child will be your sword, this child will be avenger sent to avenge its older sibling.
The sound of snow creaking under someone’s boots is unmistakable and perfectly audible in the quietness that surrounds you. You don’t react to the sound, though. Had it been someone that needed the introduction, your maid would have already alerted you. And since she didn’t do that, it’s either your doctor or your lover.
“My Lady.” Words are those of a doctor, but voice is not. King comes to stop next to you, also looking at the frozen pond.
“Your Highness.” You answer his greeting, with a slight bow of your head. It’s not that you are feeling brave enough to bow only like that – you just can’t risk anything deeper.
“Aren’t you cold?” He asks, and he keeps his voice steady. You don’t hear worry nor scolding – and you are grateful. In the earlier moths of your pregnancy you snapped at him, not even realizing what you were doing, child growing under your heart making you moody and irritate. King was surprised and taken aback, with eunuch Hong frozen in place, and you were fuming, unable to see your own wrong doing.
It was a reaction to very similar question, that was worded only in your best interest. And yet King bowed his head and apologized, and asked eunuch Hong to bring you rice cakes.
Later, through usual gossip channels, you’ve learned that King was so delighted with receiving scolding from you, because he used to hear stories about his mother fiery temper during pregnancy from his own late father, and if only it made him feel more like expecting father, and not like King awaiting an heir.
He indulged you every step in the process. He run to you as soon as his official duties were fulfilled, he stayed with you, he ate with you, he studied in your room, and never once it occurred to him to take your place as the most important person in your chamber – even if it was rightfully his.
“I am.” You answer truthfully, and you allow your left hand to fall down from under your jacket, where it was resting on top of your right – which in turn rested on your stomach.
King immediately reacted grabbing your hand, and holding it between his arm hands. At this point your marked hand is good enough for King, but not for his child.
“It’s stuffy inside, isn’t it?’ He asks, and you inwardly praise his choice not to urge you inside, and you turn your head to him and smile. He is looking at you, eyes warm. He looks at peace, and suddenly you feel at home as well. Your bladder is not yet calling you, so you decide to relish this moment for as long as you can, and you use his hand holding yours to guide him closer, and King obliges, and carefully embraces you from behind. This way, you can be close without worrying about the child. His warm hand splays on your belly, and you have to smile, your eyes rising to look at the grey skies.
“I can’t stand the nurses monitoring my every move, and showering me with their good advices.” You say finally, and you can swear he has to stifle a laugh.
“And you’ve yet to give them a lecture? It doesn’t sound like you, my dear.” My dear. He started calling you that, but he was still shy with it. You loved the sound of that. “The woman that doesn’t fear the King, shouldn’t be stopping herself from scolding mere nurses.”
“Yes, but those nurses are going to be at my side when I’ll go into labor, and I need them liking me then.” You say, not happy about it. It was Woo Palace Lady that reminded you about this small detail the first time you were about to lose your temper.
“Sounds about right.” Both of you fall silent, and you have nearly forgotten about Woo Palace Lady, eunuch Hong and King’s whole entourage behind you. It’s never only the two of you. “But soon it will be over.”
“Did you hear that, child? Your father is running out of patience.” You say jokingly, and King caresses your belly.
“I do think that it’s your mother whose on the edge here. Maybe it’s better for you to let her calm down, before you come – so the first words you hear won’t be scolding.” King laughs, and minutely holds you closer. Then he whispers, making sure that only you can hear him. “As soon as it’s over, you’ll be Bin. I will make you my Bin.”
There is a thrill running through your body. A Bin. First rank concubine. It’s only a step lower than queen. It’s so much closer than your goal than Sukwon is. But you can’t yourself be thrilled, as it may lead you astray.
“And if it’s not a son?” You ask, sounding more vulnerable then you’d like to. You hate feeling vulnerable, since you are vulnerable.
You have to give it to King – he stumbles for only a second.
“Well, then it will be Sukeui.” Sukeui. Second lower rank. It’s still higher than Sukwon, exactly 4 positions up, but it’s still not enough. And King must feel your defiance, because he continues. “And we will try again.”
He doesn’t say: as long as we need to, but you can hear it, and it warms you up to have such a ferocious and powerful ally – but you know that you can’t be sure that he’ll be at your side for the rest of your life. Love can turn into hatred, and if it ever does, you need to have a shield by then. A son.
All you need is a son.
It feels like a filler episode, all sleepy and calm, but people asked me for interaction with King, and I still haven’t decided how to proceed with her child, so here you go - a proof that I remember about Thimble.
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inuyashaographer · 7 years ago
Manga vs. Anime - Kagome Edition #48 - Kyokotsu
A elderly white wolf is seen rushing through the forest attempting to run away from a group of small demons, who manage to swoop down on him and bite into him. However there attempts to kill and eat him, are interrupted by Koga who appears and dispatches of them easily enough. The wolf however already knows that it's too late for himself and reveals that he'd abandoned his own territory, after an attack by a being that has neither the scent of a demon nor a human, but a scent of a body long dead and grave soil, began devouring demons around the area. The anime adds in a bit more before the white wolf appears, showing Kohaku's involvement in their revival as he visits and shatters their grave with a bunch of jewel shards. Kagome, Inuyasha and the group come to a stop as they ponder if Naraku is laying out a trap for them, while we get a recap of the remarks from the monkey god, this isn't a canon scene, but it's treated like one that would appear later on in this section. Ayame's appearance after this would lead to the white wolves appearance, with Ayame being a member of the tribe that was attacked and the grand-daughter of the white wolf. This generally sets up a good section of the episode, with Ayame and members of the tribe trying to run away from the demons as well as Kyokotsu, and protecting the white wolf. With it comes a change in the wolf that Koga meets, a brown wolf who is also a member and elder of the wolf tribe, whose attacked by demons in an attempt to distract the demons away from Ayame and the white wolf. The wolf dies with Koga and his companions giving the wolf a proper burial before he decides to check into the situation himself, assuming the situation has Naraku's involvement, especially when he realizes that Inuyasha is nearby. Meanwhile Inuyasha realizes the very same thing when he notices Koga's scent around the area, Kagome, Miroku and Sango he must be moving on a clue of his own. This scene in the anime had Ayame added into the end of it, with her passing along some information about the situation. Elsewhere a young monk and his pupil attempt to go and find this every large being, assuming that it's a demon and that they can exercise it, however upon the appearance of the "demon" in question, they run away in fear when they see him devouring a demon. The anime continues with the meeting between Ayame and the group, with Kagome healing up the white wolf as he passes along information. Going there seperate ways, Kagome promises Ayame if they find Koga they'll let him know that Ayame is alright. Before she leaves Ayame warns about the smell of Kyokotsu. Kohaku appears moments later, telling the being, Kyokotsu, that soon he'll be meeting people with jewel shards. Kyokotsu is pleased by this news and promises to get the jewel shards, unlike the failed attempts of past Naraku followers. He tells Kohaku to leave, only to attempt to attack him the moment he sees the jewel shard in Kohaku's back. Kohaku swiftly retaliates, slicing Kyokotsu's hand clean off, before Naraku's insects appear next to Kohaku. Realizing that he's being watched Kyokotsu's stands down, reaching down for his severed hand and puts it back into place. Koga and his wolves in the meantime are rushing towards the area, however Koga's wolves soon find themselves attacked by Kyokotsu himself. Kyokotsu assumes that Koga is one of the people that Kohaku was talking about, as Koga realizes that Kyokotsu is the person that the elder wolf was speaking of. Kyokotsu is suprised to find that the scent of his grave is still on him, considering he'd been removed from his grave sometime ago, but puts that aside for the moment as he tries to make a grab for Koga in an attempt to eat him. Koga instead outspeeds him, managing to bound up into the air, and land a hard kick right up against Kyokotsu's face, knocking him down to the ground. Kyokotsu realizes that he was right about his assumption earlier, that Koga does have shards and their in his legs. A confused Koga questions what exactly Kyokotsu is, finding no hint of scent from him of Naraku, he writes off the possibility of him being apart of Naraku. Kyokotsu claims that he's just a simple human, which Koga scoffs off. Kyokotsu reveals that the reason for his revival is due to the jewel shard in his had, before Kyokotsu again attempts to rush at Koga. Koga's speed again gets the better of of Kyokotsu, whose attempt to grab Koga, only ends in him slapping himself in his own face, Koga follows this up by literally twisting his around, seemingly snapping his neck and sending Kyokotsu crashing to the ground. Koga is apprehensive about his win, finding it too easy, before Kyokotsu reaches out and grabs him, once more attempting to eat him. Koga once more stops him, this time punching him right in the head, which Kyokotsu laughs off, before Koga rips the shard out from his head, leading Kyokotsu to crash down to the ground in a heap of bones, pinning Koga down in place before Naraku's insects appear. Koga watches as the insects reach down and grab the jewel that Koga managed to pull out away, now knowing Naraku's involvement in the situation. With the anime it's only natural that they expanded this fighting section, giving him a ball and chain to fight with, but the fight ends up about the same, only Koga finds himself in more trouble than before, actually turns his back on the seemingly dead Kyokotsu and Ayame appears. The anime actually adds in a pretty odd scene with Koga kicking Kyokotsu in the head shard-to-shard, which sends off a light that basically everyone sees. Oh, and the ball in chain was actually Naraku's insects. This scene ends with Ayame thanking him for what he's done, before she says goodbye to him. He tells her to be careful, which Ayame states that Kagome told her the same thing, hearing this Koga smiles to himself a bit. Elsewhere Kohaku reports to another, Jakotsu who comments on Kyokotsu's death, but isn't surprised, considering he was the weakest of the group. Jaokotsu however seems much more interested in his opponent, Inuyasha and how cute he is, pondering what the color of his blood looks like.
This covers Episode #102: "Assault on the Wolf-Demon Tribe” and Chapter #234: "The Ghost”, Chapter #235: “Kyokotsu” of the manga.
A Koga centric section that showed that Koga was a lot more capable than he'd been shown to be up to this point. The Band of 7 arc was really where he began to shine, he didn't really lose his shine going forward in the series, but he was probably at his very best during this arc.
I really don't know what they were going for with the shard flash in this episode, everyone around the area actually saw it but only Ayame actually went over to see it. Kagome and Inuyasha don't even go to check it out, which is odd and the anime never actually acknowledges it again. In the manga, it could be a little jarring considering that Koga and Inuyasha were rushing in to check things out, and Inuyasha and Kagome never make it to where Kyokotsu is, but the manga never states they were going the same specific location, just that they were going into the same area, with that flash of light I would have expected the anime to do some kind of meet-up between the two groups and Ayame, but oddly that doesn't happen.
There isn't really a whole lot to be said about Kyokotsu. Kohaku proved to be more than capable of stopping him in his tracks, and Koga wasn't even trying. He was mostly brought in to set the stage for what was to follow, showing that removing the jewel was the way to defeat them, revealing Naraku's involvement, showing they were just revived humans and preparing for the arrival of both Jakotsu and Mukotsu, who, are very similar to one another, and proved to be a lot more interesting.
I believe this is the only time when Naraku's insects actually form into an object, and it's an anime only thing all other times they merged together they usually merged to form body parts. Even more interesting is that there were only 4 of them that made up that rather large ball and chain.
Last appearance of Ayame in the anime until the very end of the anime series. Because of that I want to give a brief talk about her character, since I probably won't ever be able to, and if I am, it won't come until the end of the series. We see a dramatic change in her character from this point to her last appearance in the series. Att hat time she shows to be insanely jealous over Koga's one-sided feelings for Kagome, even at the end of the episode saying that she will train herself to sense the jewel shards like Kagome. She leaves on not-so-friendly terms, however in this episode, while they do acknowledge that, Kagome and Ayame seem to be on great terms, and seem to have a ton of respect for one another, for Ayame that's a big change, for Kagome not so much since she was just kind of stuck in the middle of the situation and didn't return those feelings anyway. That being said, I kind of like the change, I just felt it came to quick and I thought the goodbye between her and Koga was a nice touch, though Koga's remarks were a bit out of place for it... however he has to say that, for the canon content and we still had to get through a scene later in this arc with Koga. Props at the very least for Sunrise trying to work a filler character in and actually sort of making it work, and even more-so for them actually remembering her enough to include her at the end of the series. Again odd shift in character, but that being said, I didn't mind it, but it's a reminder of not only how drastic things can change in filler, but how characters personalities can be altered around in filler to fit a certain approach to get a specific result, even for the main characters, regardless of how OOC it might be.
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lulabo · 8 years ago
I just want the fans to stop treating Rory like she was a porcelain doll or a puppet in Logan’s hands. Everyone makes mistakes, it’s normal, it’s how life goes even for someone incredibly talented and smart like Rory Gilmore.
*i was cleaning out my drafts and found this post from back when AYitL first aired, and that post above was something I wanted to reference but not reblob with my entire screed, so here is my entire screed:
I feel like people don’t really look at Rory’s entire character arc previous to season six and always see the things that have added up over time to make the decisions she does leading up to the end of season five. She can be a character who seems like she doesn’t have a lot going on under the most surface emotional levels, but it’s partly because she processes everything in an extremely interior way and doesn’t seem to reflect on things until the moment she’s about to have a major rising moment of crisis. (It’s also because Amy Sherman-Palladino wrote her seasons with the end-point in mind when she started, which meant the lead-up to those moments was so protracted and spread out it often seemed like she was wasting time in the early to middle days because she was working up to things leisurely-like. And part of it is also that they give Alexis Bledel a lot of scenes where she’s contemplatively looking off into the middle distance to indicate she’s upset, and as Rory, she really shines when she’s working off someone else, so these moments don’t always do enough heavy lifting. Also someday I’m gonna do a blow-by-blow S4 recap showing why all the inane and seemingly filler episodes of Rory drifting around Yale are actually incredibly important even if they’re not always very interesting, because I am nothing if not a Rory Gilmore apologist and S4 enthusiast. (eta I will probably never do this but I wrote like a million words of fic about it))
Things I think lay the groundwork that lead up to this point that I think are easy to miss because they happen far apart under the cut: 
Her first boyfriend is, on the surface, very nice and attentive; he is actually emotionally demanding and clingy, and because he is someone everyone says is very nice and attentive, she feels bad when she prioritizes her own emotional needs above hers. She, above all else, is raised to be Considerate, Nice, and Conflict-Averse.
When she likes someone else, she doesn’t know how to handle it because she is supposed to be considerate, nice, and conflict-averse, which means she thinks liking someone else makes her a bad person. When she comes back from DC and thinks Jess has rejected her, she recommits to Dean for the wrong reasons, many of which have to do with being a nice and conflict-averse person who is still dealing with the fact that her dad left her mom after explicitly promising her he would not bail on either of them again as well as her mother’s own vulnerability over that break-up and the fact that there was a third party involved.
She becomes a shitty girlfriend because she likes Dean as a person but she has no interest in his bathing suit area or being physical with him at all anymore but she is incredibly interested in all of Jess’s areas, but as she has become accustomed to not confronting her own emotional processes other than to shut them off, she doesn’t understand she’s in lust for someone else and has fallen out of love with the first boy who made her feel seen.
She is dumped horrifically for being a shitty girlfriend, and when she attempts to apologize (however misguidedly) is told to deal with the fact that there are people in the world who don’t like her and in fact, some people might hate her, which is something she’s only ever confronted in academic scenarios where the competition makes more sense to her.
She starts thinking about having sex. Her boyfriend breaks up with her because he doesn’t like himself very much. She doesn’t understand that his going off the rails doesn’t have a lot to do with her. She feels rejected, and she’s heartbroken.
She graduates high school and is celebrated as the best person in the universe by her school and her town, then goes to school in a place where no one is very interested in her at all. She’s rejected by boys, her writing and her school work don’t get the praise she’s accustomed to, and whenever she jumps through hoops to try to do better, she’s told she’s either gone too far or still can’t do enough.
The boy who left her comes back and says he loves her and then runs away again.
Her first sexual experience is with a married ex and leads to the biggest fight with her mother she’s ever had.
She tries to make it work with Dean because she is trying to recapture a moment in her life when she was successful, loved, and content. She is dumped again.
She pursues a boy who excites her and makes her feel adventurous until it makes her unhappy. When she tries to end it, he tells her he’ll be her boyfriend despite the fact that’s not who he is, and because she’s in love with him, she decides this makes her happy.
The boy she loves has a family that rejects her and tells her she’s not good enough. As compensation, she gets a dream job at a paper, at the end of which she’s told she’s not cut out do the work she’s always wanted to do by someone she thinks knows what he’s talking about.
She makes a rash decision to commit a crime. Her mother handles it the way her mother handles things, and when she says very seriously that she has considered all the options and that leaving school is the best thing for her, her mother who is also her best friend says, this is not who you are or who I raised you to be and you are not leaving school.
She tells her grandfather who loves her that she doesn’t know what to do. Instead of trying to broach the subject again to her mother, she lets her grandparents do it, and her mother, who has an irrational streak a mile long, sees this ultimately as a rejection of everything she has ever instilled her daughter, and instead of agreeing to see how things go, walks away from her without a word. They are estranged, during which time her mom gets engaged and doesn’t tell her; she’s treated like a child of privilege and a criminal while trying to get out of the crime she committed; she turns 21 without her mother while living in her grandparents’ poolhouse; she works for an organization that takes her in as one of their own and thus heartily disappoints her grandfather (who in turn hurts her grandmother because he thinks she’s wasting her potential); when her grandparents find out she’s sleeping with her boyfriend they infantalize her and sequester her in their home; she breaks her way out and fractures her relationship with her grandparents. 
And that doesn’t get into all the stuff that may have happened between S7, which Amy didn’t watch and probably should have, and when we see her again a decade later. She handles things badly. She has always handled things badly. She was raised to believe in the myth people told her about herself, and it didn’t equip her to face the real world in any way. That was always her Waterloo--trying to be Rory Gilmore successfully in a world that fundamentally doesn’t care who Rory Gilmore is has been a failing enterprise for her until she rises to the occasion and makes good on what that means. And she’s done it, she’s caught up, she’s done better, but she always needs a kick to do it.
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glee-chan-z · 7 years ago
Do you think the live-action Teen Titans will be any good?
Nope.  Here’s why.Look at all the Superhero TV shows that are on now.  Most of the time, they get C-listers with powers that are easy to do on a weekly budget.  If they have incredible powers (like Supergirl for instance), they have to ration out the effects for something bigger later on, and cheat their way until then.  So you have a lot of boring filler shows BUT with the Titans, you can’t really do that.  Most have incredible abilities that you simply can’t shy around.  With the cast they revealed so far, it’ll be manageable, but look at the team so-far announced and where it’d bound to go.  Nightwing, Raven, Starfire, and Hawk.  They clearly are going for Perez/Wolfman era, which means Changeling, Cyborg, Kid Flash, and Donna Troy are bound to show up... and now we have problems.  Now we know that Starfire is doable because they’ve got Firestorm on Legends of Tomorrow and it’s pretty much the same effects.  Just don’t expect her to be using powers all that much.  Raven is Magic, and depending on who’s writing her, her power level can be adjusted... again, she’s not going to be flying around or using telekinesis all that much.  So the powerhouses they already have, are going to be grounded for the most part.So what about the guest stars they are have to be addressed, simply to satisfy fans? Can you imagine trying to do Changeling/BeastBoy on a weekly TV budget?  You can’t.  He’ll be in one or two episodes tops.   Cyborg is probably tied with the DC movie universe, so good luck trying to get the rights to him.  Kid Flash and Red Arrow/Arsenal MIGHT cameo from the Arrowverse, but getting networks to agree is iffy (we saw how that worked out with Supergirl).  Donna will probably NEVER be on the show, since the Wonder Woman owners have always been dicks with licensing out their characters.  So unless the show runners decide to use other characters than the popular ones (which they probably won’t) you got a sucky lineupSo it’ll be a hallow Wolfman/Perez team at best... with lackluster effects.  It will have to rely on drama as it’s bread and butter because it can’t afford action.  Also, given that it’s on a “cable networK” means it’ll be made on the cheap, so an already hindered budget will be hindered even more.  Teen Titan fans will be pissed that it’s not the Cartoon team, and casual viewers won’t know who any of these people are, especially if they start adding in D-listers to fill out the team.  So I don’t think it’ll be any good.But hey, what do I know.  People watch and enjoy Iron Fist, Agents of SHIELD,  and the Defenders, and those shows have to be the worst thing ever... so fuck me.  I live in a world where Seth MacFarlane is making a better Star Trek then goddamn CBS.
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