#He wear's a cat bell on his wrist right?
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azure-lily24 ¡ 1 month ago
(Please read this after finishing the main story!!!! This is my take on the episode “Captive Bird”)
A/n: Caleb is here and that means time to write for him!!!! Also bear with me because the start is kinda basically the story ;-;
After coming back to his place from being on the ship, Caleb sits you down and starts tending to your wound.
“Sit first. We need to tend to your wound”, you huff and bark back, “Is the Colonel ordering me around? Or is Caleb worried about me?”
He examines your knee but you try to move away from his touch. “Do you remember that injured cat you brought home? Back when we were kids.” He unzips your boot and takes it off your foot and puts it aside. “We kept it in the backyard. But the cat always kept trying to run away before it fully recovered.”
He takes out a cotton ball and pours a bit of alcohol on it and moves to clean your knee but you slap his hand away and move to stand up. “I don’t want to listen to this-“
As you try to stand, your body is frozen in place as Caleb uses his evol on you. He grabs your leg and pulls you close. “Do you want to know what I did in response?” He goes back to treating your knee, patting the cotton ball on your wound.
“I got a collar with a bell. I put it on the cat, that way, it couldn’t escape without being noisy. If I had that kind of bell right now… I should make you wear it, right?” Caleb looks up at you with a scary glint in his eyes.
You huff and look away, “Is this how you’ll protect me? I just need to be glued to your side?” Caleb reaches out and grabs your wrist and puts a small bracelet on you, the bracelet lights up as it checks your vitals.
“I know it’s unfair but.. because of that monster, your wound is infected. Is there truly a way for you to run around without getting injured?” He looks at you as he holds your hand near his face.
You nearly rip your hand away and retort in response, “Are you still the Caleb who confronted danger with me?” You look at him, waiting for his response but he says nothing. You roll your eyes and look away in annoyance. “I’ve had enough of your protection.”
You stand up and move to walk to your room but he quickly up and grabs your wrist again, holding you to his body. “Why must you always be so stubborn-“
Before he could finish his sentence, your palm glows bright as you forcefully resonate with him and push him away using his evol against him. “I’m not being stubborn! I’m not that little girl anymore so I don’t need your protection, okay?!”
Caleb looks shocked but quickly recovers and gets to his feet. “You-“
“No, you listen! You said you wanted me to stand BY your side, but it only feels like I’m standing behind you.. I’m old enough to care for myself, to fend for myself, to protect myself. I don’t need you treating me like I still that little girl..” You spoke with a glare in your eyes as Caleb stood there and listened. He scoffs and soon you feel a heavy weight on your body. Your legs soon collapse under the pressure while Caleb stands over you.
“You may realize that I’m not that sweet boy from our childhood anymore but remember..”, he leans down and tilts your chin up, making you look at him. “I will never stop protecting you..”
He then slips a necklace on around your neck, once it reacts to your body heat, it contracts and becomes a bit tighter around your neck, like a collar.
Like a collar…
Once the pressure if lifted from your body, you touch the thing around your neck and look up at Caleb. He adjusts his gloves and turns to walk out. “A tracker.. you can’t remove it so don’t even think about it”
And with that, he walks out of his home leaving you on the floor with a tracker collar around your neck…
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ask-elliot-doorman-fam ¡ 4 months ago
Haunters Eve-
“This is embarrassing Kia…” Tera mumbled, looking at herself in the mirror, she was dressed as a cat, a black cat, the ears poking out from her mane of black hair, most of it held back in a wolf's tail.
Black fur covered felt covered the cord of her tail, the only part uncovered was the head; which protested bring covered by anything. Her costume included gloves shaped like paws- the world's most unflattering black leather jacket, and black shorts.
“You look puuurfect!” Kiara giggled, wearing a witch costume, pointy hat and all.
“Ugh… I think I'd rather be one of the monsters for Mom's haunted house again…” Tera groaned, which got worse when Kiara rang the bell attached to her neck.
“You promised~” She teased, making Tera's face heat up in blush and a growl escape her core.
“I promised to go to the festival with you and Rad… not to wear a catsuit.”
“Daw but you look sooo cute!” Kiara replied, pushing lightly on Tera's chest, making the solver drone sigh.
“Fine. Whatever, what's Rad going as?”
“So why am I cat?! You're both actual monsters!” Tera protested, slumping in defeat.
“Hehe. Because you said you didn't care what you went as and let me pick it out for you.” Was the worker girls response, standing in the middle of Tera's room, ready to head out.
Kiara grabbed her wrist and out the door they went, tumbling down the walkway stairs and ending up on the ground in a minute flat.
The little town of Sanctuary was lit up in a festive hue, lights of purple, orange, and green, banners of every color depicting drone cores. There were booths full of games and prizes that ranged from food to plushies to electronic parts, and a stage with live music.
Of course… there was also a big, spooky temporary structure sat at the mouth of the front gate- the haunted house, run by the Chieftess Uzi Doorman herself.
“Hey dudes!” Said a voice from behind them, and there stood Rad, green eyes mixing well with the shaggy brown ears stuck on his hat and a limp tail attached to his shorts. He was wearing tattered rags with faux fur lining the arm and leg holes…
“Nice witch K! And uh…” He looked Tera up and down, snickering a little. “Cute kitty.” He teased.
Tera whipped forward and grabbed him by the front of his shirt, about to yell about how she absolutely was not cute- only for her big paw gloves to squeak loudly.
Rad began to laugh histericly, despite still being lifted into the air. “Oh my god! That's the best!”
Tera flustered, putting him down and crossing her arms. “I'm not cute.”
“Tell that to the squeaky paws.” Rad smirked, earning him a few more indignant grumbles.
“Soooo? Haunted House first? Lines not long and we have a whole night!” Rad suggested, pointing at the open maw of the gate that served as the entrance.
“Sure. Not like it's gonna be actually scary.” Tera shrugged. Looking a bit aloof, owning her costume accidentally.
“Awesome! -Ah wait, Kiara?”
“Um… shouldn't we do that last? It's like, the best thing to do right? Like a uh- grand finale!” There was sweat on the inside of her visor, and her voice shook.
“You're not scared are you princess?” Tera teased, lifting an eyebrow.
“N-No! Of course not!” Kiara protested. “I just think it's a better thing to do last.”
Tera and Rad looked at each other with equal shit eating grins.
“Yeah. Were going.” They said in unison, all but dragging the eldest member of the group into the maw of the unknown.
Once they pass the blackout curtains, they arrive in a recreation of the Outpost-3’s bunker doors, wide open, snow blistering from the beyond and the howling of angry winds blasting against the mouth of the underground shelter.
“Holy hell! Your mom has got the atmosphere down! It almost feels like I'm really there!” Rad exclaimed taking in the painstakingly recreated environment.
“Yeah well… Halloween is her favorite holiday.” Tera replied, heading up to where the guides were… which was just her Dad. N.
“Hey kids! I just got done with the last group. You want to go through?” His head tilted to the side and his tail wagged, he wasn't dressed up as anything. Just himself, which was perfectly on theme.
“Yes please Mr. Doorman!” Rad exclaimed in excitement, and N laughed in response. “For this tour, call me by my name…” He said eerily, visor flickering into an X and his head beginning to twitch.
“Ooooh. Spooky.” Came from Rad. Tera just chuckled and Kiara just smiled warily, scooting a bit closer to Tera.
“Follow Me.” N hummed, disappearing behind a black curtain painted to look like a ventilation shaft, and the trio went along with him, Rad leading the charge.
N lead them through a dark corridor, His voice becoming echoed.
“Before we settled here… we lived on a planet called Copper-9-' The sound of wind blew more harshly, hail pattering against the walls… “Somewhere frozen, Inhospitable, a broken, forsaken place.”
“The worker drones were safe in the bunker… but outside?”
Three giant claws erupted through the ceiling next to Tera's head. Kiara jumped a foot in the air, and Rad yelped, Tera just ducked slightly with a laugh. “Hey V.” She hummed deadpan.
“Outside there were monsters… Angels of Death that swooped down in the night, stealing away anyone caught outside the safety of the walls.”
“Aren't you a Dissasembly Drone too?” Tera called out. Knowing every keyword the attraction had by heart.
N stopped in the middle of the hall at her words before suddenly whipping around, smiling maniacally, swiping his claws just shy of actually making contact with any of the group.
He growled before pulling back. “I have more… self control…”
Rad looked impressed, whistling at the showmanship. And Tera smirked, Kiara laughed but it sounded nervous, her eyes flickering to the hall they'd just went through.
“Come on, it's just my dad.” Tera hummed, just quiet enough for Rad not to hear. Kiara laughed a little.
“I-I know! I'm not scared!”
“As I was saying… there are monsters outside.”
The audio of utter carnage began to soak through the wall; gunfire, screams, the sounds of drones being ripped apart and eaten.
“But… they don't compare to the horrors beneath the planets crust.”
The hallway opened up the room swarmed by black tentacles, erupting from the ground crawling on walls… the red overhead light made it seem like they were moving…
“Up from the depths, all drones are consumed- no matter their make or model.”
Tera shuffles uncomfortably. She never liked this section even when she was activly working in it, it always made her feel uneasy.
Kiara screams. Activating all the alarms in Tera's head, Kiara grips onto her- something pulling her down into the floor. Rad yelps as something grabs his leg too.
Tera grabs them both, acting on instinct and lifting them both off the floor with one hand, Rad in in left hand, and Kiara in her right.
She hears giggling underneath the floor and sighs.
It's the twins.
“We shouldn't linger here.” N hums ominously, inviting them to follow. And Tera drops her freinds back onto the ground.
“Come on scardy cats.” She groans before moving on, ignoring the comment from Rad about her costume.
The next room is one the Doorman family likes to lovingly call, “The Chase”
There are multiple ‘infected’ drones clawing at a fence behind them, before them is a long dark hallway, only at the end is there light.
“This is what happens to drones caught by the infection.’ N utters, his voice seeming to spur on the excitement of the infected, they growl and hiss, tentacles incasing their arms or legs- even entire face.
And then one fucking screams. Beginning to climb the gate at an unnatural speed.
“RUN!” N shouts. As the rest of the infected scale the fence to reach them, Rads the first one off, half-yelling, half-laughing as the first one leaps over the fence and sprints towards them.
Kiara is frozen though. Standing shock still as two more hit the ground running.
“Kia! Move!” Tera shouts before, taking her onto her shoulders and sprinting down the hall, but there's one drone that can somehow keep pace with her, hot on her heels as she has to actually TRY to get away.
It was probably Bishop. But that revelation only came later.
The infected drone swipes at them, just barely missing as they fall into the next room, quite literally plummeting a few feet onto a pile of pillows.
N does not follow… they are on their own.
Tera maneuvers herself so that she breaks Kiara's fall. She knew there were pillows, but old habits don't die with that knowledge. And so the worker lands on top of her with a grunt.
They both pant breathlessly, Tera staring up at the worker that has her pinned to the ground, her arms either side of her head.
Then she starts laughing. “Dammit! I knew that was coming and I still got surprised!”
Kiara joins her a moment later, both flying into a fit of giggles. “You goob! And you called me scared!”
After a moment, they climb out of the pile, pulling back a curtain to reveal a room that's pitch black…
“Rad? Raaaaad?” Kiara calls out, and gets no response. Tera squints into the darkness, it's oppressive and even the eyes on her tail struggle to make out anything.
Then- feedback noise so loud it makes Kiara wince and Tera nearly double over, yellow light rises from the floor, the entire room spinning and spinning…
The walls are flesh, the floor is flesh… there's something moving on the ceiling, it curls and coils in strange patterns, lurching unnaturally, it's humanoid then it's not, dozens of eyes in the shape of camera lenses stare at them.
Tera freezes, she knows what this room is, she's been in this room, worked here, been the one controlling the thing on the ceiling and yet being down here brought a whole new feeling.
It was the thing from her nightmares- the creature she'd been fighting every other night in her sleep, it was here, staring, looking into her soul to try and seize it from her.
She's pulled out of the room by the wrist, ending up back in the beginning room. The bunker. Her core pounding out of her chest, she doesn't realize it. But she's trembling.
“Tera? You alright?” Kiara's voice brings her out of it, and she snaps back to reality. Her Dad is back behind the desk, and Rad was chatting with some random worker in their own group.
“Wh- Yeah! Totally!” She quickly recovers, shaking off the feeling of dread and finding herself grounded by Kiara holding her hand- when had that happened?
“Alright! Let's head to the rest of the festival!” Rad runs back over to them, giddy beyond reason. Kiara's hand is quickly no longer there.
“Thank god… no more haunted house.” Kiara laughs, seeming to relax a lot more after the ordeal was over.
Tera found herself agreeing…
“Yeah. Let's just head to the rest of the festival…”
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popodoki ¡ 9 months ago
sfw Catwin drabble
Gold is the Cat King's color. He thinks Edwin would look nice in it too, in shiny things x
One of the Cat King’s love languages is gift giving.  
It concerned Edwin at first, little trinkets, left innocently on his desk, around the office, made him feel like he was supposed to give something back? Felt like he owed the Cat King, especially for the more expensive things, fingers tracing the intricate craftsmanship of paperweights, leafing through rare volumes, softest silks running through his hands. He's concluded, deduced, that it's just another of the ways that his lover shows his affection, the dedication to Edwin a familiar warmth, just expressed in new ways. 
But the jewellery still confuses him. 
They are always given directly, a hopeful gaze on his lover’s face, encouraging smile, silent conversation there that Edwin never quite catches. The first is a bracelet. A simple gold band looping around his wrist, closure resembling a Cat’s head biting down on its own tail. No flashy gemstones, no rough clasps to possibly catch on or irritate his skin. The Cat King holds it out, presses it into Edwin's palm when he curiously holds it out, accepts it. That smirk turning into a smile, a little nod, the hope in those slitted eyes, encourages Edwin to try it on. It fits perfectly, of course it does, a part of Edwin wonders if he’d even take it off if it didn’t, for his lover looks so, so pleased. 
Edwin grows comfortable with its weight, wears it for a while, even on cases. He ends up putting it away, in his pocket, after a case goes south with a spot of trouble, a chase. They manage to escape, they always do, but on the other side of the mirror they jumped through to get to safety, Edwin pats himself down, checks his coat, gloves, wrist. Finds the bracelet’s closure a bit twisted, a probable result of his wrist getting grabbed and pulled by the ghost that chased them, their mania and panic causing them to lash out instead of recognizing their presence for the help that was offered. 
Another mirror journey, they see each other again, Edwin notices the Cat King seems to deflate, brief sadness crosses his face, once he notices the bracelet’s gone. Oh. He cheers right up, his sigh sounding relieved, when Edwin presents him the bracelet from his pocket, asks him to fix it, please. 
It's a free for all, after that. Every time they see each other, often, near daily, as new lovers are wont to gravitate towards each other as if any absence tugs on them like a string pulled taut, the Cat King has a new piece of jewellery for him. Always gold, at times tastefully adorned with small expensive stones, shiny pearls. Thin chains of pearls, necklaces, linking bracelets, suspiciously perfect fitting rings, delicate anklets, even a pair of earrings, once. Edwin silently points to his non-pierced ears, and his lover gently removes, holds up a single dangling earring from the little box. The little ball gently rings much like a cat bell when the Cat King turns it in his palm, shows Edwin the small painless clip-closure that would hold them in place without piercing skin. 
"Why do you insist on giving me jewellery? I can't feasibly wear all of it, especially when conducting my work. Most of it ends up in the office, in a box.” Edwin waits for the Cat King to look up at him, lift his head from Edwin’s chest where it rested comfortably. “It just feels a bit like a waste?” His lover doesn’t reply right away, slitted eyes dropping down, to where his fingers still absently play with the most recent gift, a simple golden band around Edwin’s ring finger. 
"Does it bother you?” Edwin’s head is shaking in reply before he puts any thought to it, and he knows the Cat King felt his chin move through his soft curls, cause his voice sounds more certain, less meek, when he adds “Can you just indulge me, then?” There’s something silent there, again, Edwin feels it coming into reach, he can almost catch it. 
“I suppose, it is nice to have a variety,” Edwin starts, speaking softly to the top of his lover’s hair, “it doesn’t really matter that I can’t wear all of it...” He trails off, he’s organizing his thoughts like he would on a case, slips his hand from his lover’s gentle grip, holds it out for both of them to see the gold on his finger catch the afternoon light streaming through the windows, “As long as I can wear at least something of yours, then, hmm?”  
The Cat King merely grins, no, beams in response. 
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awkward-walking-potato ¡ 6 months ago
Hi, I saw you were taking requests for Deadpool and I thought it be super funny if he met a reader who could keep up with him (weird inappropriate comments/ humor/ pop culture references) minus the 4th wall breaks ofc.
If this isn't up your alley feel free to ignore this, ty 🖤
Killing Me Softly
I hope you enjoy ☺️
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The warehouse was dark, damp, and perfect for an old-school showdown. Deadpool swaggered in, humming the theme from Mission: Impossible, pistols twirling in his hands like a kid who found his mom's nunchucks and figured out that laundry day was a myth. He scanned the shadows for his target, the very high-profile CEO of a very high-profile company that no one cared about. His orders were clear: terminate with extreme prejudice. Or, at the very least, with a strong dislike.
But instead of the balding businessman cowering behind a crate, he found something else. Or rather, someone else.
“Hey there, Red,” a voice purred from behind a stack of crates. A woman stepped out, dressed in sleek black leather, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Her outfit screamed "I'm here to kick ass," but the smirk on her lips whispered "and maybe take names if I feel like it."
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t Catwoman’s cooler cousin,” Deadpool quipped, cocking his head to the side. “Let me guess: you’re here to pick up my leftovers? Sorry, but I don’t share my Happy Meals, even if they come with a toy.”
She laughed, a sound that danced between sultry and psychotic. “Sorry, Red, but I’ve got dibs on the target tonight. And if you don’t step aside, I might have to take you out instead.”
Deadpool’s mask crinkled as he grinned beneath it. “Oh, I’m shaking in my combat boots. Really. You sure you can handle this much Deadpool? I’m like Taco Bell at 2 a.m.—a lot to digest and with a real kick on the way out.”
She twirled a knife between her fingers, eyes narrowing. “I’ve handled worse. Besides, aren’t you a little old for the whole ‘merc with a mouth’ shtick? I thought the red was just to hide the gray hairs.”
“Ouch, right in the ego!” Deadpool clutched his chest dramatically, stumbling back a step. “But baby, this mouth is still as fresh as morning breath after a night of garlic bread and Netflix. And this face? Well, it’s why I wear the mask. Wouldn’t want you falling for me too hard before we even have our first death match.”
She raised an eyebrow. “First? Honey, I’m aiming to make it our last. Unless you’re into that whole ‘till death do us part’ thing. You strike me as the clingy type.”
Deadpool shrugged, the hint of a smile tugging at his lips. “Only when it comes to chimichangas and Hugh Jackman’s biceps. But let’s get one thing straight—I’m not the guy who buys flowers after the first fight. I’m the guy who leaves you a ‘sorry I tried to kill you’ card. Hallmark doesn’t make those, but they should.”
She rolled her eyes, finally lunging forward with the grace of a panther. Deadpool sidestepped her attack, spinning around to face her as she whipped a leg toward his head. He ducked, blocking her next punch with his forearm.
“Nice moves. Did you learn those in a ballet class, or are you just naturally graceful?” he teased, grabbing her wrist and twisting it just enough to throw her off balance.
She flipped over his arm, landing on her feet like a cat. “Funny, I was just about to ask if you got your fighting style from an old Jackie Chan movie, or if you’re just winging it.”
“Why choose?” Deadpool replied, spinning on his heel to deliver a roundhouse kick. She blocked it, the impact reverberating up his leg, but she didn’t flinch.
Their dance continued, the sound of their clashes filling the warehouse. Each strike was met with a quip, each dodge with a flirtatious grin. It was like foreplay with more bruises and less wine.
“Hey, how about we call a truce?” Deadpool suggested as he caught her wrist again, their faces inches apart. “You, me, a bottle of tequila, and some nachos? We can watch Die Hard and argue about whether it’s a Christmas movie. Spoiler: it totally is.”
She smirked, twisting out of his grip and pressing a knife to his throat. “Tempting, but I think I’ll take my chances finishing you off first. Though I do have to admit, you’ve got a way with words. Ever consider a career in romance novels?”
Deadpool froze, then slowly raised his hands in surrender. “Well, this took a turn. But, since I’m a gentleman and all, I should warn you—if you’re gonna slice my throat, be prepared for a lot of red. And not the romantic kind. More like ‘OMG, what did we do to the rug’ kind.”
She leaned in closer, her breath warm against his cheek. “Noted. But how about we skip the throat slitting and go straight to dessert? I’m more of a ‘death by chocolate’ kind of girl.”
Deadpool blinked. “Are you… are you flirting with me? Because I gotta say, it’s working. But I’m contractually obligated to kill your boss, so…”
“Contractually obligated to kick your ass,” she countered, though the knife hadn’t moved an inch.
“Touché.” He slowly lowered his hands, his fingers brushing against her wrist, almost gently. “Tell you what, you let me finish my job, I’ll give you a head start on your next gig. Maybe even throw in some pointers—how to out-Deadpool the Deadpool. Could be fun.”
She tilted her head, considering it. “And here I thought you weren’t the sharing type.”
“I’m a man of mystery. Keeps things spicy. Besides,” he added, winking under his mask, “I wouldn’t mind having a nemesis who can keep up with my banter. Makes the whole killing-each-other thing way more interesting.”
She chuckled, finally lowering the knife. “Deal. But don’t expect me to go easy on you next time, Red.”
Deadpool stepped back, giving her a mock bow. “Wouldn’t dream of it, darling. Until we meet again—same time, different corpse?”
She sheathed her knife and backed away, her gaze lingering on him for a moment longer than necessary. “Looking forward to it. Don’t miss me too much, Deadpool.”
As she disappeared into the shadows, Deadpool couldn’t help but grin to himself. “Oh, I definitely won’t. But I might just send a postcard.”
He turned toward his original target, whistling as he went. “Now, where were we? Ah, right. Extreme prejudice…”
The end. (Or is it?)
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pawfulofwaffles ¡ 7 months ago
My designs :] This took like a week I think
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Closeups in pairs
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(the yawning gap above the shorter characters is because eeeeeerrr ummmm I thought it was a good idea to maintain height differences at first but it doesn’t really look good but I’m lazy and didn’t feel like cropping it) had to go on the website instead of the app to post this since the website lets u post more than ten o_0
Me yapping about each characters design below ⬇️
- Split has a bunch of spots on her pelt, like a banana.(spots are random right now, I’m trying to come up with actual placement I can remember. The spots on her shell aren’t random tho)
- Bive has a long thin tail with a tuft at the end, and patches and stitched up rips in her coat.
- Lampert has a star at the end of his chain(I swear I saw an artist that added this that inspired me to add it) and a plush body(like, if you cut him open he has stuffing)
- Gnarpy’s tail bulbs are shaped like stars, with the stingers on the point of them. Also, technically gnarpians hind legs are designed to be digitigrade, but when in their armor and boots, they walk plantigrade. Also also Gnarpian blood is purple and called glarzle.
- Gnarpy made Spud fluffy and gave him paws when xe experimented on him?? Idk man I just saw someone give him fluff and paws and was like “hell yeah” also the bottom of Spud’s shirt is tied
- Gregoriah has a short spaded tail.
- Pest has two pairs of arms and red paw pads, a short abdomen-like tail with two antennae extending from the base of his tail(there is a reason I give bug characters that but I’m not explaining it now), beetle wings(not visible, they’re under his sweatshirt), and a silky furred head.
- Poob has an animal nose, curly fur, star shaped paw pads, a color block hoodie, red sneakers with stars drawn onto them and red paw pad markings on the bottom of their sneakers, and a puffy tail. There is confetti caught in the curls on their head and in their tail.
- Infected has scene wear on. He also has freckles(BECAUSE I SAY SO!!1!) and curly dark brown hair. His snot and blood are pink and black checkered. The pins I added on his pants aren’t actually part of his design, I just wanted to add them lol but the pin on his beanie is part of the design
- You can only see the outline of Unpleasant unless something is covering/absorbed in his fur and hair. Most important thing to mention ig is that he has a large bushy tail. Also SHORT UNPLEASANT SUPREMACY IDGAF IF THEY’RE CANONICALLY TALLER THAN MOST PEOPLE
- DrRETRO is HUGE. The only one who’s taller than her is MR. She’s close to height with Wallter, but he’s slightly shorter. She has one a those doctor mirrors on her head, big eyes and a big mouth(her expressions are always exaggerated). She has a white doctor’s coat with a light blue-cyan undershirt, and a stethoscope. Her paw pads are green(unless about to use her killing laser, then they’re pink) and the metacarpal paw pad is a medical cross.
- Folly got a thin tail with tuft on end woooo also hooves that you cant see with the boots on
- Prototype has joints and silver metacarpal paw pads.
- Scag is scag I just wanted 2 draw her
- Pilby has green swirls on their cheeks, their hood is fuzzy, they have a fluffy body, and there’s a pink tuft on the end of their tail. Their handpaws have ribbons with bells around their wrists, and their hind paws have frills around them. Also they have paw pads and each paw has a different color (upper right is blue, upper left is pink, lower right is turquoise, lower left is green)
- Mach is pretty much the same too lol
- Jermbo is shaped kinda bowling pinnish since Buck is his son or something. Also I actually went to the og image and looked at other pictures of Takeru(the name of the cat used in Jermbo’s image) to know what his patterning looks like
- Reddy has a collar with his red tie, overalls, and cuffs on his wrists. There’s a rip on his left overall pant to reveal the bad state his left leg is in
- Wallter is pretty much the same but has cracks in his left upper arm, right thigh, and also technically on on his left thigh but it’s covered by a bandage
Mark has woodchip hair, a construction vest, multiple scars on his arms(from construction. Mainly.) and a bandage above the joint in his stand.
Why did I choose these guys but leave out other characters, like MR, Sarah, Emerson, or Enphoso? Either because 1. I haven’t fully figured out my design for them yet, or 2. I just don’t care enough about them.
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neoarchipelago ¡ 2 years ago
Soul link 4 - Christmas time
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Winter time had rolled in. The cold wind and cloudy skies brought ironic joy to the recruits. For a lot of them, it was a moment to spend with their families, given leave for a few days. You were also given leave. Unfortunately, you had nowhere to go. You were going to spend the next two weeks on the base, indulging yourself in some rest. Little lies told to yourself, knowing damn well you'd help with work any time you could to avoid feeling lonely.
You walked through the yard, black jeans, military boots, long flowy sleeves of your white blouse, tucked in your pants, secured by a thin belt, pretty black bow as a tie, a tiny bell in the middle, clinging at every step. It might be one of your favorite things at Christmas time. The bells. You loved the sound of the bells, jingling on hats, wreaths or trees. You opened the door to the office building, the whiff of warm air making your hair slightly float for a split second. You shivered, rubbing your arms to warm up the skin underneath the too thin fabric. You were still happy to be able to wear these clothes, a refreshing change from the usual tactical gear and military uniforms.
You hopped up the stairs, the little jingle of your bow making you smile. You turned right, heading for Captain Price's office, hoping to be given some kind of task. You grabbed your phone, checking for notifications as you skipped your way through the hallway, jumping up and down once in a while to make the bell ring. The more it ringed, the more you smiled.
You were almost there when something caught you by the waist, roughly pulling you to the right. You yelped, your fight instincts kicking in as you tried to punch the person. Your wrist was caught immediately as you were pushed against a wall. You took in your surroundings, trying to create some kind of escape plan when you noticed the files on the shelves. The archive room. The door closed, the sound of the lock being turned making you shiver.
However, you relaxed immediately, the pretty ears twitching making your muscles loosen up.
"LT..?" You asked in a whisper.
His eyes were slitted, a little frown on his face as they scanned your body. You blushed under his scrutinizing gaze. You adjusted yourself against the wall, getting a bit more comfortable. The bell rang lowly, as if in a whisper. His eyes snapped to the sound, pupils dilating. It made you gasp, your fascination growing. His hand rose to your neck, your heartbeat picking up. Two fingers hitting the gray round thing, almost hidden by the silky fabric of your bow. The sound rang in the silence. It wasn't loud. But in the density of the noiseless room, it felt like an echo in the dark.
"Are you… toying with me?" He asked with a little scolding.
"Excuse me..?" You asked.
"The bell. Are you toying with me?" He asked more firmly.
You blinked. What? The realization hit you like a truck. Cat… bell. Cat. The bell! The sound of the bell! You closed your eyes, huffing a little chuckle.
"No sir. I didn't even think of it. I thought you were out on leave." You explained softly.
He eyed you for a second.
He wasn't attracted to bells. He had a lot more self control than that. Therefore it was more than just shock when his ears and tail popped out at the sound of a distant, small, high pitched bell. He was horrified with himself. He had taken a glance out the door, seeing you, watching your phone, jumping your way in the hallway. His tail had shaken way too excitedly and he had wanted to punch himself in the face.
"Where did you get that?" He asked.
Perhaps it was a special bell. Something electronic, a special frequency.
"Hum.. it's a simple bell… it came with the bow…" you answered, confused.
His mind was running full speed, all over the place. He simply had to find the meaning of his reaction. He was a fucking lieutenant in the military, part of a special task force, he was a killer, a monster, not a pet attracted to some squeaky toy! What if he heard another bell on the battlefield?! Absolutely not!
"Sir..?" You asked.
It was hard to think. You kept distracting him. Your voice, your heartbeat, your scent. Your scent. Your scent…?
"God fucking damn it." He hissed.
It wasn't the bell only. It was the bell mixed with your scent. His eyes were wide, shock and frustration mixing.
"What?" He snapped. You flinched, he saw it. And he instantly felt bad.
"Can… I have my hand back…" you asked, looking down.
He hadn't let go of your wrist. Shit. He took a deep breath. He straightened himself, taking in his position, way too incredibly close to you, as he let go.
"Who wears a bell around their neck?" He let out.
"I do." You pouted, crossing your arms. You looked offended much to his dismay. "I like it. They sound pretty."
"What are you doing here dressed like that anyway?" He crossed his arms as well.
"I'm on leave sir! I can dress however I want." You answered in the same annoyed tone.
"Doesn't explain what you are doing here." He snarled.
"I was looking for Captain Price." You answered, trying to keep up a facade under the sharpness of his tone.
"He's not here." He informed you.
"Oh…" you looked slightly disappointed.
"What do you need?"
"Hum… nothing. Was looking for something to do." You mumbled.
"Why aren't you going home?"
You felt yourself crumble. Home. Where was even that for you? This base. Here. Was the closest thing to 'home'. You took too long to answer, and he got it. He understood. No need for whispers. He understood. It hit too close to home. He was on leave too. Price had the whole squad on leave, ordering him to go out, enjoy his days off without hiding at the base. Price knew. He knew what happened at Christmas and why he hated it so much. So he, too, was looking for something to do.
"I have to find some files for a current suspect. Some old data on him. Can't fucking find it for the love of god." He asked, a hidden offer behind his words.
"Can.. I help?" You asked back.
He nodded as you happily jumped, the bell ringing.
"No. No jumping." He warned, his hand hiding his eyes, the last little vulnerability of him.
You cleared your throat.
"Sorry… would you like me to take it off?" You questioned, hands raising, ready to take action upon your words.
"No." He hurried, words faster than his brain.
He mentally insulted himself before turning back to the shelves. "Leave it on."
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atlyvryx ¡ 2 months ago
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Yuusona introduction to the tumblr since I plan on being here more, kinda.
The stray cat, who's absolutly not, reborn from blot homunculus and actually originated from Twisted wonderland- I mean, what ?
Mikolaj Twardowski
Mikolaj Twardowski is an unofficial first year student of Ramshackle and a supposed school’s prefect. Most of the student body don’t know anything about him, due to his closed off nature.
‘’At times, you’re really on your own, huh.’’
Technical information
Name: Mikolaj Twardowski
Japanese: ミコライ・トワルドフスキー
Romaji: Mikorai towarudofusukÄŤ
Twisted from: Chernabog (Fantasia)
Other name: Mi, Prefect, The janitor, Seigneur du destin ( Rook ), Vanta Fishie (Floyd), Mimi (Ramshackle ghosts), Carbonados (Malleus)
(Jp) Voiced by: Megumi Ogata (specific, Sailor Uranos/Haruka Tenou)
Biographical information
Gender: GNC woman
Age: 18
Birthday: May 20
Star Sign: Taurus
Height: 167
Eye color: Dark brown
Hair color: Dark blond, black streaks.
Homeland: Poland (earth)
Family: Three unnamed younger brothers, Unnamed parents.
Professional status
Dorm: Ramshackle
School year: First
Class: 1-A. No. 9
Occupation: Student. The Nrc’s janitor. Ramshackle’s prefect.
Club: None
Best subject: Enigmics
Fun facts
Dominant hand: Right
Favorite food: Caramelised popcorn
Least favorite food: Tomatoes
Dislikes: Self-righteous people
Hobbies: Doing anything alone
Talents: Commanding
(Book 1-5)
Mikolaj has dark blond, short with the dark streaks on the end of them. He has mostly cool expressions and lifeless-like dark brown eyes.
Mikolaj is mostly seen wearing a dark colored t-shirt with the black over it, with modified back which resembles wings with dark boots and full gloves. He wears yellow colored lenses glasses to see.
(Post book 5 and onward)
Mikolaj has dark blond, short in the end hair with the dark streaks on the end of them. He has mostly cool expressions and lifeless-like dark brown eyes but the facade keeps on breaking in recent days. On his right arm, from wrist upwards, he has multiple scratches from the attack he obtained from Grim.
Mikolaj is mostly seen wearing a dark colored t-shirt with the black over it, with modified back which resembles wings with dark boots and full gloves with bandages underneath right arm, to hide scratches sustained from Grim’s attack. He wears yellow colored lenses glasses to see.
Mikolaj's self-sufficient behavior made it so he finds it hard to open to most at all, with the belief that the only person he can rely on is himself. All of his true feelings are underneath a facade of eerily calmness at any given situation. While to most, he seems almost cold due to how he keeps everybody at arm's length, in fear of ruining everything again and being hurt, he does hold care for others, due to not wanting for anybody else to feel how he once felt. Even so, he has a hypocritical belief that everybody deserves kindness when he himself has to 'earn it'. While being a great leader, Mikolaj despises working in a team, in fear of making terrible choices that would affect everybody. In the end, he prefers to be told what to do and being given tasks, in hopes of gaining favor with others. He's cut off from everybody and everything.
Powers and abilities
Smooth talk: Due to his upbringing, Mikolaj has learned what to say, to get the best outcome for himself. Some may even call it manipulation and lies, but he simply calls it smooth talk.
Unique magic: ‘’Before the bells ring, before the dawn breaks, may all the monsters rise and dance along! Devil's Symphony!’’ ‘’Devil’s symphony’’, it should have been an advanced beast talk, where the nearby monsters and beasts would have been under [...] command’s, if he had a chance to learn it back then. Now, only those of blot will be under his command, mainly blot phantoms and possible other monsters. It also works on mages, but it depends on their blot level.
Unique magic got unlocked after he overblotted from blot that had gotten into his system.
Childhood vr.1
Mikolaj, or what was once Mikolaj, originated from Twisted Wonderland. In his first 'form', known under a different name, [...] grew up on Sage island.
A promising young mage, with the promise of greatness being soon taken away from him, as he fell and died too quickly. All of the events in his short life, paired with his prowess, ended up in overblot at a mere age of 11, which soon ended up in his death, as nobody was there to help, instead fleeing and leaving him behind to fend for themselves.
In a new form of blot phantom, with the slight consciousness of who he was, he wandered around hidden in the forest. Still holding onto the mentality of a child, the phantom cried to itself, in bitterness, until he was found by an odd, but who he could describe as kind, man, long before S.T.Y.X could have gotten there. The phantom was given a promise of new life, with the blot stone being the fuel for their new heart, in a world without magic, but in exchange, it meant that he would have to give up his magic. Mikolaj didn't even think twice before agreeing.
With the echo of glass shattering, the ink from it was used to write a life anew, unbeknownst that the re-written tale will be similar to the one of his demise, without a way out of it, even if it was through death the first time.
Childhood vr.2
Mikolaj was born and raised on Earth. His family wasn’t anybody significant, with two parents and three younger brothers, with Mikolaj being the oldest. Due to that, with the expectation of being eldest daughter, Mikolaj was expected to help with his siblings, often being seen as more mature thus he was often treated like an adult.
The situation was similar and yet different at school. Mikolaj was also seen as mature by its teacher, which caused him to be ignored when he needed help, especially when it needed help due to bullying and ostracization from his peers and classmates. Everybody around him was treated like children, when he never got to experience being one in the first place.
Learning young in life that he only had himself to rely on, he shut himself off from others, to avoid any kind of betrayal or hurt. He put on a facade of cool and stoic, playing onto this mature idea of who he was, but also to hide that in reality he was rather childish and overly emotional which was the cause of him becoming a target. While over the years, due to change of environment, it slightly calmed it, most of his learned behavior stayed. In the end, he put all the blame on his past self, believing himself to be unlovable and unsaveable forever, leaving him with a bitter feeling.
When 18, Mikolaj got hit by the black carriage by accident, as he pushed the human meant to get carried to Twisted Wonderland, as he saw the black carriage as a car approaching them.
At Night Raven College
LONG IN WORK MY GOODNESS. He eats the blot stones idk.
Note: Mikolaj’s lore might change depending on book 7 n 8
Mikolaj surname is a reference to Pan Twardowski or Mistrz Twardowski (to eng. Mr. Twardowski or Master Twardowski), a fantasy polish sorcerer who, according to folklore and stories, made a deal with the devil, exchanging his soul for power. It correlates with Mikolaj is how he did it in reverse, making a deal with ‘the devil’, exchanging his power for soul.
Mikolaj’s current glasses are a ‘gift’ from Dire Crowley, due to the fact that he lost his old ones when he got carried by the dark mirror carriage. Due to the fact he didn't know his prescription, Dire just gave him glasses that adapt to the wearer's eyesight.
Mikolaj knows how to ride magical wheels due to wanting to get around the sage island faster, especially with the amount of times he had to do stuff for others. He was taught by Deuce and Epel, but the two quickly regretted it, as Mikolaj started to rag on them for not wearing helmets for safety. Mikolaj had gotten a specialized helmet to wear for safe travels, also he got one for grim.
Mikolaj doesn’t attend any club activities due to the fact he was able to talk his way out of it. He claimed that if he’s going to leave soon, why should he join any club. Even so, he was made to attend them as a supervisor.
Mikolaj reacts badly to magical artifacts, but tries to explain it in the most mundane way. Examples being feeling sick after using the dark mirror to travel, explaining it by him easily getting motion sick or nearly fainting whenever the bell rang at Fleur city, saying it must have been because of it being too loud for him.
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wuahae ¡ 2 years ago
congrats on 1k!!!!!!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 i was wondering if I could propose: seungcheol + 12:17am + the swings at the park down the street? hope you have a great day!!!
[00:17] / swings at the park down the street
the night air sits a little chilly on seungcheol's skin, his t-shirt and jeans not doing much to keep the warmth on an september night. if he looked on the bright side, seungcheol supposes it's a good thing the alcohol comfortably buzzing in his system lets the cold turn into more of a cool breeze, but on the other hand...
"cheol, i think the world stopped spinning!"
seungcheol sighs, turning his head to you. you turn back to him, eyes shining bright as you lean your head on the swing chain. his jacket runs a little too big on you, the ends of the sleeves covering your palms as you hold onto the swing. "do you wanna go for round 2?"
"we have to go home," he chides, exasperated.
"oh relax," you wave off, pushing up the sleeve to take a good look at your empty wrist. "it's only um... 11:00! live a little!"
seungcheol whips his phone out, the time on the lockscreen glaring at full brightness. "it's midnight."
you pout, kicking the bark beneath your feet sullenly. your right heel comes flying off, landing somewhere between the park bench and the see-saw. "lame..."
seungcheol gives you a flat look, making a mental note to pick up your shoe before you leave the park. “you barely made it out of the karaoke bar in one piece, and you want to go for a round 2?”
“well i’m here, aren’t i? perfectly fine and normal!”
“really? what street are we on.”
"you know i'm bad with directions!"
he resists the urge to run a hand down his face. the only reason seungcheol even agreed to coming to the college mixer with you is because he knew you wouldn't fare well if left on your own. the last time you went out drinking, you threw up in the bushes a couple feet behind the street vendor, and the time before that, you'd drunk-dialed him at 3:00AM in tears, and when he managed to get out of the house wearing mismatching flip-flops ready to find you, your friends had managed to grab the phone from you and tell him that you were only crying over a stray cat that wouldn't bother to give you the time of day.
and of course, he was there for you both times, and all the times before that, which only meant that he needed to be there for you this time too. (seungcheol tries not to think about the implications of that statement for too long, otherwise he'll start feeling as stupid as jeonghan's judgemental looks tell him he is.)
you narrow your eyes, waggling your finger at him. "so are you gonna tell me about it?"
"about what?"
"the mixer!" you exclaim. "i saw nayoung making googly-eyes at you the whole time. did you get her number?"
seungcheol pauses. "who?"
you throw your hands in the air, exasperated. "um, lee nayoung? literally every guy in our year would pay to get her to even look at them for five seconds, and she was looking at you all night. for free!"
frowning, seungcheol tilts his head. “doesn’t ring a bell.”
you lean back on the swing, and seungcheol readies himself in case you lose balance and fall backwards. "you're so hopeless, cheol. i keep inviting you to these things cause everyone keeps calling you painfully single, but we end up having this conversation every time. isn't there anyone you like?"
yeah, he bites his tongue. you.
he could say it. he could say it right now. maybe if he said it, then it would be like ripping off a bandaid. quick—not quite painless, but it had to be better than existing in this weird limbo where he's the first one you call when you're drunk and you're the first person he thinks of telling when anything good in his life happens. if he said it, no matter the result, at least he wouldn't have to keep it a secret anymore. at least you would know.
but instead, seungcheol says:
"it's late. we need to go back."
there's a brief pause, one where you shift in your swingseat and the cold metal presses against the skin of his palms as he wrestles with the weight of everything he's squashed down inside him, yet again.
“…can we at least get fishcakes on our way home?" you ask, and you at least have the decency to sound a little sheepish about it.
your shoulder moves slightly, jacket slipping off your shoulder. seungcheol sighs, walking over to adjusting it, before zipping it up fully. it would only get colder through the night. he really was an idiot.
"yeah. the usual?"
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eilaafterhours ¡ 1 month ago
Captive Crossroads [Eila Alelid | Caleb]
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Content: Homecoming Wings: Night Unending Part 9: Captive Bird Spoilers, Homecoming Wings: Night Unending Part 10: Crossroads Spoilers, Angst, Hurt no Comfort, Swearing
Pairing: Eila Alelid/Caleb
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don't forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
This work's concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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“Honestly? I really wish that were the case.” Eila shook her head, wishing she could believe her own words. “I wish that chip was the fucking excuse for how you’re acting right now, but we both know the truth. That nasty side of you? Yeah, I remember it and it’s only gotten worse. So much worse that it’s turned you into a completely different person. When you died, the good parts of you died too, Caleb.”
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Eila did everything she could to get away from him, but with the wounds of the fight seeping her strength, she knew that her punches were nothing more than light taps to him. She didn’t even bother screaming because obviously something sinister had taken root in Skyhaven, and he was at the center of it. Who would go against him to save her? So, she begrudgingly let him take her back to his home—her prison. 
The moment he sat her on the couch, she attempted to flee, but he just roughly pushed her back down. “Sit first. We need to tend to your wound.” She struggled, but he easily subdued her. 
“Do you remember that injured cat you brought back home when we were kids? We kept it in the backyard, but that cat always kept trying to run away before it fully recovered.” The glance he made at her was dark, and unfamiliar. She hated that. 
“I can tend to my own wound.” She attempted to get up again, but this time he stopped her with his Evol. The pressure on her body was gentle, but the pressure on her soul was crushing. 
“Do you know what I did in response?” He handled her wound quickly and efficiently. “I got a collar with a bell and put it on the cat. That way it couldn’t escape without being noisy.” 
“If I had that kind of bell right now…” His hand ran from the top of her knee to her ankle. “I should make you wear it right?” It wasn’t a question. 
She glared at him as she gritted out, “Fuck you.”
He ignored her, instead taking her wrist into his hand, and putting a bracelet on her wrist. “I know it’s unfair. But…” The bracelet quickly analyzed her vitals, indicating that her wound was in fact infected. “Because of that monster, your wound is infected.” He looked up at her. “Is there truly a way for you to run around without getting injured?” 
She snatched her wrist out of his grasp. “Shut up! I’ve had enough of your protection.”
He took a shuddering breath as his now empty hand balled into a fist. He looked away from her, taking more breaths until he paused to take one deep one.
“If being with me only brings you pain, then just put up with it for three more days.” He stood, heading toward the door.
Her heart stopped. “What are you going to do?’ The words came out frantic.
It was happening again.
“Tie up loose ends.”
It was happening again. 
“And then…All of this will be over. I just need three days,” 
And then the door slammed shut as a chorus of thunder and lightning tore through the room. 
Eila stumbled off the couch, shoving herself into a corner of the room. Her hands were slapped over her ears while her eyes were screwed shut. 
Suddenly she was a little girl again, all alone trapped in that attic. She cried and cried and cried. Where was her grandmother? Where was he? Why was she all alone? Why wasn’t anyone coming to save her? Had she been a bad girl? Is that why she was left all alone here?
“Caleb…save me…” She paused, that didn’t sound like herself. The voice sounded older than her regular voice. “Caleb…?” She tried again, still sounding foreign. She kept trying until finally, she felt right with herself. 
“Caleb…you bastard. You won’t get another tear from me.” She scrubbed her face raw then staggered up to her feet, heading to the bedroom. “I cried enough last year. You don’t deserve my tears anymore.”
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Eila spent the next three days ignoring him, and organizing her thoughts. Caleb attempted to make contact with her, but she quickly shut him down every time. She attempted to call Zayne, to see if he had, by some miracle, gotten in contact with Kevi, but she learned that the network was down. Meaning that “tying up loose ends” probably meant that the lockdown that was already in effect was reaching its climax. So, with no contact with the outside world, and the only person around her being her captor, Eila instead focused her time on collecting and organizing her thoughts on the current situation regarding the Fleet, Ever and him. 
On the night of the third day, there were three knocks, a signal for her dinner being dropped off. However, Eila could still feel his presence on the other side of the door. She frowned, not too keen on listening to whatever he had to say.  
“Tomorrow, The Fleet will return to the Deepspace Tunnel. You’ll be safe. For now.” 
“Okay.” She responded, hoping that was the end of it. 
However, she heard his mirthless chuckle before he continued. “I’ll be gone. Aren’t you happy that you won’t have to see me then?” 
Anger flared through her at his words. This man was dead a year ago, reentered her life and tried to continue like it was nothing—like her tears were nothing. 
“I’m about to leave. It’d be nice if we had a meal together.”
“I don’t want to eat with you.”
Caleb sighed. “You can be mad, but don’t let it affect your health.” 
“Then just leave my food at the door like you have been.” 
Her words fell on deaf ears. “You know, growing up, we knew each other so well. Better than most, even, I could see through your lies when you’d blink. Bite your lip, and I could tell you were upset.”
She slammed her fist on the door. “Then what the fuck am I thinking now? If you’re really that Caleb, then tell me—” She ripped the door open, staring up into those eyes she could no longer recognize. “Who the fuck are you?”
“Oh I know.” His tone shifted, an in between of the nice and scary boy she knew—thought she knew. “You’re thinking some chip got put into my brain, right? And now, I’m no longer who I used to be.” He smiled, he fucking smiled. “What if I told you I was always like this?”
“Honestly? I really wish that were the case.” Eila shook her head, wishing she could believe her own words. “I wish that chip was the fucking excuse for how you’re acting right now, but we both know the truth. That nasty side of you? Yeah, I remember it and it’s only gotten worse. So much worse that it’s turned you into a completely different person. When you died, the good parts of you died too, Caleb.”
“Well maybe that was for the better.” He bullied her back into the bedroom. “Your life has threats around every corner.” He crowed into a corner, shoving his hands against the wall by her head. “The people who are after your power, who wanna hurt you—they should all just…disappear. You’re only safe when you're by my side—”
She shoved him, he didn’t budge, but that didn’t stop her. “And now you’re one of those people who are hurting me, Caleb! If you’re gonna be like this, then I don’t need you—”
His breath hitched, and he shook his head. “You don’t need me? Is that what you think?” He grabbed her hands that were still on his chest. “All right. What do you need? You can tell me.
“We can return to Linkon if that’s what you want. If you want to return to the past, we’ll rebuild our old house and move in. And if one house isn’t enough, I’ll build you a whole maze.
“I’ll decorate it with everything you could ever want, It will be the most beautiful, stunning garden you’ve ever seen.”
He cupped her face, and although his gaze was steady, his words were crazed yet genuine. “No one will be able to find you ever again. I’ll protect you forever.” 
Eila held that gaze with her own that was filled with vitriol. “I’d rather die than be held your captive a moment longer.”
That broke him. The fake sweet boyish charm faded, and something else more muddy took the surface. It broke through the cracks of his mask, causing his face to twitch. “Really? Eila, I’ve always held myself back and endured. Day, after fay, after day. It was suffocating.” Thunder clapped and lightning flashed, illuminating one side of his face, while casting a shadow upon the other. “But now, I’m sick and tired of playing these games.” 
“You're tired? I’m tired!” She roughly removed his hands from her face. “All you do is talk about the past! I can’t keep living in the past, Caleb! I mourned you for a year—Hell! I still am! And you want to act like nothing happened?” She shoved him again, and this time he did stumble. She moved past him, getting some needed distant from him before continuing. “Maybe for you, seeing me again is what kept you going, but I had to force myself to keep moving on without you! And now you wanna intrude on that? When the fuck did I say you could, you bastard!” 
Then suddenly, she deflated. The emotional and mental fatigue finally catching up to her. “I just…I don’t want you to die in the Deepspace Tunnel—I can’t go through that again. But I also can’t be around you when all you want to do is cut my wings and put me in a glass cage, Caleb.” 
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A scattered dream that’s like a far off memory.
She was remembering less and less these days. Every day feels like a dream. She wakes up, she falls into a dream, she wakes up and forgets. 
“Why are you crying here by yourself? Who bullied you? It’s okay, I’ll avenge you.”
Her brows pull together, she doesn’t know this boy, but he talks as if they know each other. 
She tilts her head at him, and he smiles. 
“It’s okay. I’ll always be there for you, and I won’t hurt you,”
A far off memory that’s like a scattered dream. 
He holds his hand out to her. 
“Hold my hand. You won’t have to worry about losing your way when I’m here.” 
She takes it.
I wanna line the pieces up.
“Remember this. From now on, I’ll always be by your side.”
She really hopes so.
Yours and mine. 
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“All right. I’ll be going now.” He’s met with silence. “Make sure you eat on time. Look after yourself.”
Her eyes don’t reach the sky until the sound of the fleet’s ship engines disappear. Only then does her gaze meet the horizon. 
Finally, it was time to go home. 
Without him.
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“I was so bored without you. I almost became a shriveled-up peach.” Tara had phoned her a few times during the lockdown, and only now was she able to call her back. “By the way, Jenna mentioned you were at Skyhaven for a wedding. But what kind of wedding lasts that long?”
Eila shrugged. “It’s their culture.” 
“What culture—huh?” Tara paused, then hurried rushed off the phone. “Ack, my boss is calling. Let’s catch up in person, okay?” 
Eila started at her reflection in the black screen. It was gaunt, she looked like a shell of who she was. All that time in Skyhaven, no…all that time being around him had sucked the life out of her. She clutched her phone, but then stopped when she felt something off about it. Turning it around and removing the case, she was met with the reason. 
It was a yellowed piece of paper, decorated with crayon, and written in an unmistakable handwriting. 
“Forgiveness coupon for Caleb. Valid for 100 years.”
A chuckle bubbled to the surface, that popped and fizzled into loud sobs. She felt pathetic. She said she wouldn’t waste any more tears on him, and yet here she was. Because despite the harsh words that she said, he was still in there. 
Her Caleb. 
And she’d be damned if she let him die on her again.
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:) I've had many thoughts about this story update. And what better way to express them than in the form of fanfiction lmao
Eila is tired. And I'm not helping her lmao.
Anyway, see y'all in Endless Summer, which was supposed to be uploaded before this (and posted tomorrow), but I let the angst take over me for a bit.
Masterlist | Bluesky
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ask-sonicdragonfan ¡ 1 month ago
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Horror dimension (unknown)
Horror sun
Somehow got corrupted by a strange dark crystal no one else was infected
Has yet to break something somehow?
Struggling to find a new role as daytime daycare attendant due to his size and scary look but the kids don’t seem to mind they often play with him
It’s unclear what has happened but the gang found sun having a panic attack oil on his hands moon dead and Jamie’s animatronic body
Sun has been in deep grief over his brother that he no longer sings neither day nor night
Sun is in love with glamrock Bonnie
One day when sun’s parts started to give out Bonnie offered to give his parts to sun now Bonnie is in a wheelchair and retired from preforming now Bonnie spends time with sun or at the bowling alley.
Jamie no longer has a animatronic body but she’s ok with it she’s a little bit afraid of sun her adopted dad but it hasn’t stopped her from being with him even though sun has told her that eclipse is her new dad
Sun doesn’t trust himself so he struggles to try new things
He keeps a music box that has his brothers voice recording close to him at night to help him sleep and he watches videos of his brother when he’s feeling down.
Sun is very cat like in behavior one time Jack and Jamie put a husky dog harness on sun and he went limp
Despite his sharp teeth sun only likes to eat seafood of various kinds and vegetables he doesn’t like to eat meat
Everyone of his family has to wear bells on their wrist to tell him that it’s them due to his eye sight not being great everyone looks foggy to him
There creator died from a car crash
After the dark crystal was taken from him the infection left his body slowly
He only uses his teeth and claws for self defense
Good eclipse
Works in parts and services
Jack is his son
He’s nerdy about science
He’s Jamie’s new dad while he doesn’t like the idea that he is but he’s doing it for sun and moon
He promise moon to be a good brother to him
He doesn’t let his family see him cry
Good bloodmoon
He’s nighttime secretary guard
He tells scary stories at the daycare every Halloween
He and his brother? get along
He eats raw fish and meat with the blood still in it and he cleans his hands and mouth after eating
He can feel when someone is alive by putting his hand on their chest
You can’t tell which brother is in control the both have swirl eyes
They are afraid of being hunted but they like hunting people
Bloodmoon and jack are the best of friends often playing pranks on each other and they were the first to pull sun out of his panic attack
Bloodmoon is very nimble
Bloodmoon likes giving sun back scratches and in return he gets lots of purrs
Bloodmoon doesn’t like to see his family cry
Despite his flaws he’s the first person right next to earth to vent out their pain
Bloodmoon and Jamie are his best friends
He likes his little wingies
Jack has become more cautious around sun since his transformation and he pities him
Jack held sun’s hand through his surgery
Jack gave sun company during sun’s grief while they never spoke Jack let his presence know through touch and rubbing of sun’s arms
Jack will put anything in his mouth since he was able to taste
Took over moon’s nighttime attendance
Likes Nate La chocolate
Life of the party
Doesn’t have star power and there’s no astrals
Loves a good beanbag chair
Heath and fitness
Family therapist
Willing to try new foods
Don’t like horror games
When push comes to shove she will beat you down
She is the big sister of the family
Don’t like horror games
Pets sun’s rays
She has her blueprints
Killed by sun on July 16
She loved both sun and moon
She grieved with her family over moon’s death
Her animatronic body got destroyed by sun she doesn’t want a new body she doesn’t want to scare sun
Though she’s trap in a 7 year old ghost body her mind continues to grow
She sticks to sun when he’s down
She protects the children in the daycare only interfering when she needs to
She has a bubbly personality and she not afraid to speak her mind even if it’s hurtful
She doesn’t want to move on she prefers to stay with her family
Though she’s a ghost she can still interact the world around her but she doesn’t need to eat or drink
Got killed by sun it was immediate he never felt pain
Loved his brother dearly even when they separated
Moon was with sun through his struggles when he got infected by the dark crystal
Moon is a nurd on science, anime, and magic
Moon was given magic through golden Freddy he never used it on his brother when he saw him charging at him
Moon said to his brother even though he couldn’t hear was everything will be okay sun I love you brother when he took his last breath
Moon sent a message to any dimension to help get rid of dark crystal before he passed
Moon new he was going to die one day so he wasn’t afraid of his brother
Moon made a music box and recordings of himself just for sun and made backups for him and the family videos
When sun charged at him sun kept screaming no more sun no more light forever night and his eyes were purple
moon knew the crystal infected sun but he never knew how
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ivoryminitower ¡ 2 months ago
Echoes of Home: 69 - Steve ("bandits")
Echoes of Home: FFXIV AU OC – WoLs on Earth
We made our excuses at the diner and went to a run-down industrial-looking building in a place called Sperry, so that I could see my magnificent miqo'te beat people up for fun and prizes.  We went in separately, both so I could put down a cash bet on her without raising eyebrows, and so that those bandits she'd mentioned wouldn't see me coming.
I bet $50 on the first two fights, picking whichever guy looked smaller, which gave me better odds.  Lost both times, but that was okay…I knew I'd make it up betting on my wife.
The fighters had decidedly stupid names, which made "Cat's Meow" look reasonable.  They didn't have a visible gimmick like Tsu'na, so the name was just as outrageously inappropriate as could be.  And yet there were a lot of videogame references…maybe this is just the videogame generation.  "Bashter Chief" wasn't too bad.  "Alan's Wake" sounded more like a racehorse than a prize fighter.  "Stolid Snake" actually made me smile.
There was a break in the fighting after the second round.  I leaned against a wall, watching the people, taking in the atmosphere.  It was a moment before I noticed Shoulder was standing next to me.
Shoulder spoke first.  "Uh…hi."
"Hey there.  Here to see my lady fight?"
"Yeah.  Uh…that okay?"
"It's what she's here for.  Betting on her?"
"I'd be a fool not to."
I nodded thoughtfully.  There'll be fewer fools as time goes by.  "How's the shoulder?"
"It's good.  Real good.  Clinic lady said there'd be some stiffness, but it's working great."
"And the other guys' wrists?"
"Mark and Chester?  Yeah, they're good too."
So, Mustache and Choker.  Or perhaps Choker and Mustache.  "How 'bout the bartender?"
"Oh, Pete's real good.  You know, he thought he'd lost an eye when that shot hit him in the face, but after you did…whatever you did…he was fine.  Keeps the shirt with the holes in it."
I nodded.
"So…you an angel?"
"Super strong, wears white, heals people?"
"Hah.  No, not an angel."
"Then how'd you fix us up like that?"
"What, like government stuff?"
"Can't really talk about it."
"Didn't know people could do that."
"Well, we can't talk about it."
"Huh.  So how come you were lookin' for a fight club at Murray's?  Don'cha have secret government training facilities or whatever?"
"We're not with the government at this point."
"Okay, but what'd you want us for?"
At that point they announced Cat's Meow.  Tsu'na came out wearing her overcoat and beret.  I wondered if she needed a cape with a cat kissy face (kissy cat face?) or something.  We went around to place our bets; I didn't get too strong a reaction when I bet $500, but I suppose I might be remembered now.
Tsu'na took off her hat and coat and got cheers from the crowd…either she's now got a fanbase here or she's just that hot.  Because, after all, she is.  She handed her clothes off to the guy at the gate and stepped into the cage in her sports bra and shorts.
Her opponent for the evening went by Rap Mashup.  He looked fast and dangerous, working through some quick-jab warmup routines while Tsu'na luxuriously stretched on the other side of the cage.  The promoters must have told her to do that; it got more crowd reaction.
The bell rang and the two opponents turned to face each other.  Mr. Mashup danced in on the classic boxer float-like-a-butterfly stance.  I expected Tsu'na to fall into Opo-Opo, but she didn't; her stance was more like a Paladin, with her left arm up like a shield and her right fist ready to jab.  That would not have come from the promoters; I wondered when she'd taught herself that.
He floated, she prowled, they circled.  Mr. Mashup came in with exploratory jabs, which she blocked with her arm.  He moved in for a longer combo; she added her other arm to block with.  He tried to punch around her shielding arms; she hunched her shoulders and took it.
Finally he tried to get more serious.  He started a sequence of jabs with his left, trying to draw her arms off so he could throw a solid right.  She ducked under the right fist, darted forward, put a shoulder to his ribs, wrapped her right arm around his chest, and heaved.
Mr. Mashup went down hard onto his back on the floor mat with Tsu'na's arm on top of him.  While he was trying to get his wind back  she locked his right arm and right leg.  He kicked, he scrambled, he flailed at her with his left arm, but it was clear he wasn't going anywhere.  The guy at the gate called it, and Tsu'na got up for a modest victory pose for the yelling crowd.
My magnificent miqo'te was magnificent, but admittedly Rap Mashup contributed to that by not being worthy of her effort.  As we went to collect on our bets I leaned in to talk quietly to Shoulder.  "Now, you see what she did there?  You know how strong she is.  Did you think she was really trying that hard?"
"Uh…no?  I mean, yeah, she probably coulda got that guy down sooner."
"Right, but she might've hurt him if she did.  We try not to hurt people unless they have it coming, and these guys don't…they're just in it for the show and the money, like she is.  But it would be really easy to hurt them, you know?"
He nodded slowly.  "So…when you were at Murray's, you were looking for guys to fight and practice not hurting 'em?"
"...Didn't do a good job."
"Well, we need practice."
"So, really…you want to learn how to not fight."
"I…guess that's true."
He looked thoughtful.  "Got a number?"
"Why?  You going to ask me about my car's extended warranty?"
"No, no, I just might know a guy."
"A guy?"
"Yeah.  Name and number?"
"...Sid.  My lady's Tabitha."  I gave him my google voice number.
"Alright.  I'll be in touch."
We parted ways after getting our payouts.  A couple guys eyed me over the size of mine.  I wondered if I'd get some practice hurting people.
In alignment with that thought, Tsu'na called my linkpearl.  "Nice work tonight, my love."
It was no more work than usual.  But the bandits are back.  Come and Stealth with me?
"On my way."
I found the changing area, spotted Tsu'na in the shadows, shifted to Ninja and joined her in Stealth.  I often hide my headgear, while Tsu'na tends to favor a brightlily corsage glamour, but for this occasion I went with full Ninja mask.  We slipped out of the changing area and she pointed out men, one inside the building, one outside the door, and one at the building's corner.
We went back inside.  Tsu'na re-entered the changing area and emerged in Earth normal.  I stood by the guy she'd indicated, watching him watch her going through the main room to an office where she'd get her pay.  He was holding a phone to his ear; I heard him tell someone, "She's finally out."  I snatched the phone, snapped it in half, dropped it in front of him and walked toward the changing area.  He was surprised enough that he didn't react before I got out of sight and re-Stealthed.
Back into the main room as Inside Guy ran into the changing area.  Tsu'na came out of the office and headed to the door, plainly visible while I followed unseen.  Outside Door guy saw her, said something on his phone and moved to follow; I came up behind him, stomped on his calf, grabbed his phone and snapped it, and left him on the ground cradling his knee.
Tsu'na headed toward the corner of the building.  She stopped a bit short of it, took out her phone and poked and peered at it as I went on past.  Corner Guy was there with a phone and also a gun.  The first he saw of me was my masked face, but that was after my knee connected hard with his crotch.  I grabbed both phone and gun from him as he doubled over.  The phone I snapped; the gun I flung away after swatting him across the face with it.  He was breathing when we left him.
My wife shifted to Ninja and joined me in Stealth.  She led the way through the parking lot, looking about until she spotted a man with a phone.  He was looking annoyed, talking heatedly at the phone in short bursts; when we were close enough to hear him, he was saying, "Answer me!  Dammit, someone answer me!"
I stepped behind him, drew a dagger and held it to his neck.  I whispered, "They're all a little busy at the moment."
He went still.  His head lifted when Tsu'na shifted to Paladin and appeared in front of him, shield up, sword drawn.  "What did I tell you about not fucking with me?" she asked quietly.
He didn't respond.  I wish I could have seen his face.  Tsu'na grimaced at whatever she saw and raised the sword to shoulder height, the point at eye level with the guy.  "What did I tell you about not fucking with me?"
Her head bobbed slightly.  I recognized Inside Guy's voice behind her.  "Drop the sword, bitch!"  I guessed he'd just poked her in the back of the head with a gun.  She had her black brightlily corsage glamour on; little did he know he was pointing a gun at a level 80 Augmented Cryptlurker Elmo of Fending, which would laugh off a bullet.  If it could, like, you know, whatchacall, laugh.
Tsu'na spun quickly to her left.  I heard a clang as her shield knocked the guy's gun aside.  He stepped back and pointed it at her again.
"Fire the gun, lose the hand," I hissed.
He fired.  She swung.  He screamed.
She turned back to my guy.  Her sword had blood on it as she laid it on his shoulder, so that his neck was between her blade and mine.  Her face radiated anger.  "This is your last chance to live.  Do you understand me?  You will not bother me a third time."
He didn't answer.  I could feel him shaking.  Whatever happened in their previous encounter with my wife, it apparently hadn't gotten as real as this one did.
Tsu'na withdrew her blade, stepped back, shifted to Ninja and Stealthed, effectively vanishing right in front of the guy.  I removed my dagger from his neck, shoved him hard toward Inside Guy, who was gripping a severed wrist and wailing, and Stealthed as well, leaving the two of them alone.  We headed away from them toward the far end of the lot.
"Will that man live?" asked Tsu'na.
"Probably, if they're not too stupid.  There's doctors that can re-attach severed parts.  It's not magic, but it's not bad.  They just have to explain what happened.  And why the severed hand was holding a gun."
"I thought I had made it clear to them the first time that I was dangerous.  Why did they not learn?"
"That's the difference between ignorance and stupidity.  Stupid people can't learn."
She pursed her lips as she looked back at the parking lot.  "Are there that many stupid people in this world?"
"Safe bet."
"Will I be cutting off more hands?"
"Wouldn't lose money on that.  Not sure I'd even lose sleep."
"Perhaps we should find a way to educate people."
"We can brainstorm over dinner.  What would you like?"
"Guiseppe's Pizza in Sperry."
"Where'd you hear about that?"
"Myra.  I asked her if she knew of pizza better than Pizza Hut, and she said, 'Oh honey!' and told me about Guiseppe's."
I had to admit it was pretty good pizza.  Almost but not quite good enough to distract from chopping off someone's hand.
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greenelectricsky ¡ 1 year ago
15.12 - bells! 🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔
Mirage loves bells in every shape, size and colour. He collects them and he decorates his den with them. When he is in, he walks and nudges them and creates a symphony of little, soft chimes.
Macavity, looking at his wrists and ankles, where he has tied rings with bells: And how long do I have to wear them?
Munkustrap, in a very, very, very calm voice: As long as I'm angry at you. I told you not to sneak behind me when I'm cooking. And beg Everlasting Cat so I don't change my mind and you'll be wearing them as long as my burns will heal.
Macavity, in a very small voice: ofcoursedarlingasyouwishdarling....
Mungojerrie to Rumpleteazer, amused: You see what I see?
Rumpleteazer, also amused: I see and I don't believe it...
Mungojerrie: Do they think it will stop us? Dishearten us?
Rumpleteazer: I don't know, I don't care. Let's go...
And they sneak without a sound between complicated construction of strings, bells and traps.
Alonzo: Did you hear that?
Cassandra: What?
Alonzo: I don't know... bells maybe?
Cassandra: No... No, I can't hear anything unusual.
Alonzo: And now?
Cassandra, shakes her head.
The situation repeats itself a few times.
Alonzo: I have enough! I don't know what this is but it's not funny anymore! I'm going home! Are you coming?
Cassandra: Yes...
Mungojerrie to Rumpleteazer, after Cassandra and Alonzo walk away: Perfect plan, Teaz.
Rumpleteazer: And perfect execution, Jerrie.
Rum Tum Tugger: Hi!... Oh, we have a new door bell?
Mistoffelees: Yes.
Rum Tum Tugger: Why?
Mistoffelees: Because we had guests and they... Well, long story short, they stole the last one.
Rum Tum Tugger: What?
Mistoffelees: Jerrie and Teazer.
Rum Tum Tugger: Right...
Mistoffelees: And are you sure you want to only watch?
Rum Tum Tugger: Yes.
Mistoffelees: No kissing, no touching, no joining, only watching?
Rum Tum Tugger: Yes! I'm sure! I want to watch as you two have fun together!
Mistoffelees, shrugging: OK... Anyway, here is a bell, if you change your mind...
Rum Tum Tugger: I don't need it, I'm sure.
Misto and Munku start kissing and caressing each other. After a few minutes they hear a bell and start laughing hard...
<prev next>
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catsoftheclowders ¡ 2 years ago
Groups Outside of Clowders
Deserts Cliffs Barn Cats 
Ducky - massive, fat black and white tom with a short, bent, thin tail. He has a scruffy face and beard, with grey marks on his muzzle. He has orange eyes. He wears a blue bandana. (15 years, 9 months)
Bugs - large, grey and white molly with large, pointed ears. She has a fluffy tail and fluffy cheeks. She wears a green bandana and has green eyes. (7 years, 4 months)
Patches - large, tortoiseshell molly with fluffy cheeks and a fluffy tail. She has a dark chin and cheeks, and wears a purple bandana. Her eyes are orange. (7 years, 4 months)
Cooper - chubby white tabby tom with a long, thin tail, and small pointed ears. He has a bandana around his neck, and is missing his left back foot from the ankle down. His eyes are yellow. (5 years, 2 months)
Haling Cove Dock Cats
Captain - large, imposing brown tabby molly. She has a fluffy, broad head, and a fluffy tail. Her fur along her back drapes over her like a cape. She wears a red collar and has blue eyes. She has a scar across her lower back. (17 years, 6 months)
Blackbeard - massive, grey tom with a black beard and underbelly. He has large, bushy eyebrows and a large fluffy tail. His eyes are dark blue. His left ear is torn, and he has scars on his right wrist and right flank. (11 years, 7 months)
Treasure - extremely tall, white molly with large, floppy ears. She has a long thin tail and a domed face. She wears a gold collar and has yellow eyes. She has a small scar across her muzzle. (10 years, 8 months)
Ahoy - small, fluffy white molly with a dark tabby tail. She has fluffy cheeks and large pointed ears. She has a large, fluffy mane and wears a pink collar. Her eyes are red. she has a scar across her belly and her right cheek. (10 years)
Voyage - lanky, slinky black molly with large, goofy ears, and a long thin tail. Her eyes are green. She has a scar across her left flank, her right shoulder, and the right side of her throat.  (9 years, 5 months)
Neptune - lanky, slinky blue swirled tabby tom with a fluffy tail and mane of fur on the back of his neck. His eyes are yellow. He has a scar across his right knee and up the right side of his jaw. (9 years, 5 months)
Brine - tall, black tom with scattered white spots across his pelt. He has a scruffy neck and a long thin tail. He wears an orange collar and has orange eyes. He has a scar over his left eyebrow and his left hip. (8 years, 7 months)
Cthulu - frazzled, grey swirled tabby jack. Their fur sticks out in all directions, and they have bushy eyebrows. Their eyes are bright green. Their left ear is nicked, and their right shoulder is scarred. (8 years, 3 months)
Nessie - small, grey spotted molly with curly fur. She has no tail and has bright green eyes. Her eyebrows are bushy. She wears a purple belled collar. She has a scar on her right hip. (7 years, 8 months)
Kayak - lean, brown bengal tom with rosettes across his pelt. He has blue eyes and a long, thin tail. He has a small nick on his muzzle. (6 years, 10 months)
Selkie - lean, grey bengal tom with rosettes across his pelt and seal spots down his legs. He has yellow eyes and a fluffy tail. He has a bite mark on his left hip. (6 years, 10 months)
Diver - scrawny blue point molly with wide orange eyes. She has a large, bushy tail and large, rounded ears. (5 years, 8 months)
Anchovy - tiny, skinny silvery grey tom with an extremely long, thin tail. He has large, yellow eyes with beady pupils. (4 years, 9 months)
Guppie - tiny, skinny, dark grey molly with a large, fluffy tail. She has fluffy ears and large, orange eyes with beady pupils. (4 years, 9 months)
Sailor - small, tan and black molly with a white underbelly. She has a dramatic mustache and her fur flows down her back like a cape. She wears a blue and white striped collar and has brown eyes. (3 years, 11 months)
Mahi Mahi - large, yellowish tom with a dark dorsal stripe. He has a large, fluffy tail and a muscular neck. His muzzle is small and domed and his ears are small and usually pinned back. He has a bright green collar around his neck. (3 years, 10 months)
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warmaidensrevenge ¡ 2 years ago
Persistent is key
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Eddie Munson x Plus size reader
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
Request by @salenorona23
Brief description: I just thought a request i wanna make its a eddie munson x plus!size reader. So i was thinking eddie is like deeply in love with the reader that he sto stocks her everywhere she gose and is like a little bit of a psychopath and he has pictures of her so at school he talks to the reader at admits he has a crush on her so they start dating and the reader falls in love with him so when eddie is getting them take out she snoops in his room and finds the pictures in his closet Or something she gets scared she was gonna leave but eddie came back so she pust everything back the way it was and just dose what she was doing before he left she tells and when eddie is back she tells him of what she found and he explains why he has some of her stuff and pictures of her and he begs her not to leave him so she doesn't because she loves him "sorry if its like really long i just had this idea you don't have to do it"
Cool I got you. Happy birthday!
Warning: stocker Eddie, bit of a creep, mentions of drug use, cursing. Not proof read and no word count.
One shot
Eddie could tell you the exact moment he fell for you. He just arrived at school late as always. He was at his locker when he saw you coming out of the main office looking at your schedule. A teacher was walking you toward one of your classes. You didn't notice him standing there gawking at you as you passed by. He remembered everything about you in the few seconds he was blessed with your presence. You had on some black high top Chuck Taylors with black leggings that hugged the curve of your plump bottom. You were wearing a slightly loose Van Halen black tshirt that was cut just a bit on the neck line showing just a hint of cleavage. You had on a lace black choker with a small pendent of a cat hanging from it. You didn't wear much makeup. Just a little mascara and some chapstick. You hair was held back with a studded headband. You looked absolutely beautiful.
Eddie headed to class after, just to see you sitting right by the door. His face felt drained of blood. He felt like he couldn't breath. You didn't look up from your text book. Which was kinda weird. Because normally when someone enters a room everyone would look to see who it was.
"Are you gonna sit down Mr Munson?"
The teacher brought Eddie out of your trance. The whole class laughed. That's when you finally looked up to see what everyone was laughing about. Your eyes met for a brief moment. You gave him a small side smile before returning back to your text book.
Eddie went to sit in his spot in the back next to Gareth.
" You ok Eddie? Looks like you've seen a ghost."
Eddie flicked his wrist at Gareth not answering his question. He stared at the side of your face the entire class. When the bell rang he watched you leave, your bountiful curves swaying. Eddie had stayed there for a minute and adjusted his junk because he was getting a chubby from looking at your ass.
During lunch he looked for you. He was gonna introduce himself and ask if you wanted to join him and the others at his table. You came in wearing headphones. He wonder what you were listening to. The way you were dressed made him think it was definitely something good. He stood up when you came close by. But you were heading to a table with all the book worms. He sat back down losing his courge. You were smart he thought. Which was intimidating to him. He watched you pull out one of your books and started doing some work.
"Eddie man is rude to stare." Dustin broke Eddie's concentration.
He just glared at the curly head boy and returned to look at you.
" You're starting to look like a creep." Mike said causing Eddie to throw a pretzel at him.
Eddie had purposefully failed his second year of highschool so that he could spend your senior year with you. He had more classes with you that year. And during memorial day weekend he went to the towns parade. He normally didn't go to things like that. Due to everyone thinking he was in some sort of cult. But you were in the schools marching band and he wanted to see you. He snapped photo after photo on the camera he saved up enough to buy just to take pictures of you. Roll after roll of film was filled with you. Going about your day at school or when you walked home after. Eddie would follow you to make sure you got home safe every day.
One day he was behind you walking to class when someone bumped into you and knocked the books out of your arms. Eddie pushed the person that bumped you. And went to you to help you.
" Uh thanks. It's um Eddie right?" You said
You knew his name. Damn you've must of heard about the freak.
" y-yeah. Eddie Munson." He said nervously.
" I'm y/n l/n."
Yeah I know. Eddie thought.
"It's nice to finally meet you." You said holding out her hand.
He hesitated for just a second before shifting the books to one side, wiping his hand on the front of his shirt. So that you couldn't feel how sweaty his hand got.
After that, anytime you saw him you would wave. You started buy weed from him. He would always try to give it to you for free but you wouldn't have it.
Eddie had invited you once to see him perform at the Hideout. And when you showed Eddie was completely enamored. You looked so beautiful that night. Afterwards Eddie asked if he could take you home. And to his surprise you accepted. Which was probably a mistake. Eddie now knew where you live and which room was yours. So coming to watch you for an hour or two through your bedroom window became a habit every other day. He watched as you danced making him smile. He saw you arguing with your father. Which hurt him that you were upset. He even saw you change a few times. Seeing your bare chest once. Eddie's body went into shock. He saw your perfect breast that looked like they would spill out of his hands. Your pretty nipples hard from the sudden cold they felt. Your not so flat tummy looks so soft and warm that Eddie wanted to use it as a pillow. When you turned around he could make out a small tattoo on your shoulder. He couldn't tell what it was since he was a bit far away from you. That's when he decided he need more.
The weekend you and your family went out of town, Eddie commit his first misdemeanor. Breaking and entering. He snuck into your room and laid on your bed sniffing you're pillow that smelled like apple shampoo. After a while he got up and looked around your room. You were definitely his type. Thick, nice, beautiful, smart, and had great taste in music. He stole a pair of panties along with a jacket. It smelled like you and he wanted it.
It took him a while to get you to like him or so he thought. At lunch one time he came over to the table you where sitting. Eddie was getting ugly looks from the others. He said that he really liked you and if you would do him the honor of going out on a date. Which ended with a kiss. Eddie was infatuated with you.
But after the time he helped you with your books you had started to like him too. After a few months of dating Eddie invited you to spend the night at his trailer when his uncle was at work. Knowing what might happen you went excitingly. You were falling in love with his crazy self. He was a weirdo but so where you. He was so theatrical all the time. He did it just to hear you laugh.
That night you went you were already wearing you pajamas you had your teddy in one arm and movies in the other. Eddie let you in and took the movies out of your hand and pulled you into his room. You laid on his bed back against the wall when he asked if you were hungry. You nodded and Eddie kissed you and left.
You were bored waiting around for him so you started looking around the room. You got up and opened his small jewelery box's trying on one of his rings. It was too big so you put it back or you would have swiped it. You kept looking through his things. You looked at his baby and ran your fingers over the chords. You finally got to the closet. It seemed like a normal closet until you pushed his clothes aside. You saw what looked like a type of alter. With a picture of you half naked and loads of others.
"What the hell Eddie!" you said while pulling out more and more. 2 pairs of panties, your favorite jacket that you thought you misplaced. Even a used Kleenex. You heard Eddie's van pull up and you shoved everything back in not having enough time to fix it. You jumped on the bed and pretend to be asleep. Eddie came in with containers of food. He nudged you and you sat up. You didn't really eat much and Eddie noticed.
" What's the matter sweetheart?"
" Nothing Eddie. I'm uhh just feel sick. Maybe I should go home.,"
"No princess don't go. I have medicine here. What ever you need I'll go get it for you."
You couldn't lie to him. He need to know what you knew. You stood up and made your way to his closet pulling it open and grabbing the half naked picture . " Why do you have this?"
Eddie scramble up to pull the picture out of your hand. But you pulled back so he couldn't reach it.
" Eddie stop it! Why do you have all this stuff?"
Eddie stopped and dropped his eyes to the ground slouching stepping back and sitting back on the bed.
" I-i I'm sorry. I never meant for you to see that. Please please don't leave. Just let me explain."
"Well Eddie I saw it. Now tell me what's going on. Do you plan on making me a human sacrifice?"
He looked up at you to see if you were serious. But the smile you had on your face had taken him back.
You bent down and picked up a pair of panties and went to stand in front of Eddie. Placing yourself between his legs.
" you know if you wanted a pair of these you didn't have to steal it."
Eddie looked at you in disbelief. You weren't furious with him. It seemed like you actually liked it.
" you know. I do like to be worshipped. And from the looks of it. You would want nothing more other than to do that."
Eddie nodded still not able to find the words to explain how he got all that stuff or to ask why you weren't running out the door.
You lowered yourself to Eddie's line of sight. "Hey you're really weird." You said. You moved up to whisper in his ear moving his hair behind his shoulder. " But I like that."
Eddie smiled and got up to kiss you. After a few seconds he pulled away. "Man you are so fucking Ozzy. I love you."
" You love me?" You were a bit shocked. You just thought he had a crazy ass crush on you.
" Yes. Since your first day of school."
" Why didn't you say something sooner?"
Eddie shrugged. " I didn't think I was your type."
" Eddie you are sweet, cute, you're funny, you listen when I have something to say, you're in a band and you actually know how to play the guitar, you are into D&D. And you have the most amazing hair I have ever seen.. You are literally my type to a T."
Eddie hugged you tighter and kissed you again until you pulled away.
Eddie let go of you and watched you go back into his closet. He squeezed his eyes shut and pinched the bridge of his nose. He heard you come back out but didn't look at you.
" Is this my retainer Eddie?"
He winced and peaked out of one eye to see if you were pissed. You had one hand out with your retainer and the other on your hip.
"uhhh no...."
"Edward Joseph Munson!"
"umm I mean I really really love you."
" Damnit Eddie you are so fucking weird......I love it!.....I love you."
Eddie looked at you. His smile had all his laugh lines showing. This big fawn eyes were just little brown slits.
" Ha you love me too. You're the weirdo now y/n."
" as long as you like that. I'm cool with it."
" Oh yes sweetheart. I love it!"
You moved towards him and wrapped your arms around his neck.
" So... Eddie... Care to show me why people call you a freak?"
Eddie raised a brow. " With fuckin' pleasure princess."
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astaroth1357 ¡ 4 years ago
Demigod MC Series: Hestia
This is another eternally virgin goddess, so we're doing another pseudo-demigod by adoption (like we did with Athena).
Demigod MC: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus, Demeter, Athena, Hades Pt. 2, Poseidon, Ares, Hestia
Hestia is the goddess of the Hearth, Home, Architecture, Domesticity, Family, and the State. She's high up there (firstborn of Rhea and Cronus), but several factors have led to her falling into the background when compared to the other (flashier) Olympians. She swore to never marry, rejecting proposals from both Poseidon and Apollo, and is something of an antithesis to Aphrodite.
Honestly? He thought they were exactly what they were after. A weak human with no experience in the magical world what-so-ever.
Well… He was half-right.
On the surface, this is a pretty weak human. They don't have super flashy powers or a divine birth from the gods… but they do have a very protective adoptive mother.
The brothers had just settled in for their first dinner with the new human when the goddess herself strolled into their dining room, asked who was in charge, then dragged Lucifer away by the ear!
She's not even his mother, yet he felt the intense urge to apologize and put himself in his own room… Oh, the humiliation… at least she did the same to Diavolo…
The Prince was only able to calm her down by promising absolutely NO harm would come to her child… on their heads...
By the time the goddess finally let him go, Lucifer was about ready to shackle the MC to his wrist so nothing could touch them but he settled on keeping them with him like an assistant of sorts. They were in charge of helping him with the paperwork so he could keep an eye on them. 
What he didn’t expect was for them to be so… good at it? They could keep his offices clean, they managed his daily schedule, fixed up the House, and still have time to bring him tea and sweets every night!
They could even reign in his brothers somehow… They weren't strong or intimidating, but one or two mildly unhappy words out of them and everybody would be on their best behavior.
Was everyone positive they're only human...?
As much as he hated to admit, he may have a slight deep case of falling for the housekeeper… He would make a move, but well…
He has Beel to contend with first.
Okay so, watching Lucifer get dragged out by the ear just like Raphael used to do to him was hilarious!!! The whole room got a good laugh! 🤣
Until Hestia glared at them and suddenly they all felt like they'd disappointed someone important….
And all that fuss over some dumb human??
So what if they made amazing food?
So what if they could clean the entire mansion in a day?
So what if they were the walking equivalent to a warm cup of cocoa on a winter's day??
So what if they were just the kindest, sweetest thing in this godforsaken hellscape and he would throw himself in front of a bus to keep them safe-
-Wait, when did that happen?!?
Seriously, Mammon's attachment to the MC came out of NOWHERE to him. One day, he was threatening to eat their soul and the next he's freaking out when they stub their toe!
He swears they have to have some kind of magic about them! A charm, or a spell, or… their lovable smile and warm, loving hugs...! 😊
Damnit!! They're too cute!! He needs them to go away but also never leave, thanks. 😒
In all seriousness, though their kind nature puts Mammon's tsundere self at a bit of a disadvantage, his protective instincts shoot through the roof whenever they're involved.
Naturally, that means his day is spent running them away from hungry lesser demons or shielding them from Beel and Lucifer's tug-of-war matches… He's a busy guy these days. 😖
They're so… so… MOE!!!
That was his immediate thought when Mammon brought them home. He was expecting a defenseless human, but not one that could have stepped out of one of his slice-of-life manga!
To be honest, his instant thought was try and find a place to sit them on his shelves with the rest of the adorable characters he loves… 😅
And that was before they even opened their mouth! Five words into their introduction and he was ready to get their face on a t-shirt!!
Honestly, combine their natural cuteness with their household skills and they made for perfect waifu/husbando material… 
Not helped by the fact they found one of his maid/butler outfits while doing the laundry one day. Not only did they ask if they could wear it, they actually non-ironically liked it and started wearing it around the House!!
Oh he got cornered by Beel, Lucifer, and Mammon separately that day because they thought he was using them for fetish fuel… But it was their idea, he swears!!
I mean… He didn't discourage them or anything either but still…
If Beel hadn't claimed them on Day One, Levi might have eventually thrown his hat in the ring too... Oh well… he can pine from a distance… What else is new? 😔
He has a video of Hestia dragging Lucifer out of the dining room on his phone and it's one of his most treasured possessions now. 😌
He is perhaps the only person in the House who was not at all impressed with their little human.
So they could cook? So could he. So they can clean? That's not impressive. They could manage a household? Big deal, he's more or less been in charge of the same thing for centuries!
As far as he saw it, there was nothing the MC could do that he couldn't do as proficiently or even better. There was nothing remarkable about this human at all!
… except for one thing.
That maid/butler outfit of Levi's? The one they like to wear around?
It has cat accessories…
Either they don't notice or they don't mind it but they essentially walk around the House cleaning things with little kitty ears attached to their head and a bell on their collar…
Dammit… Why did Levi even buy that?!?
Satan ended up getting in trouble for enchanting their outfit to give them REAL ears and a tail "accidentally..." Lucifer strung him up by his toes, Beel gave him a black-eye, and Mammon still calls him a "perverted cat freak" but it was worth it, he says, worth it!!
Oh Beel…
Asmo saw Beel's feelings for the MC coming from a mile away. He didn't even need to confirm it with a sniff check, he had them scented by the end of their first night!
Lucifer, on the other hand, now that was a surprise... 😏
Ask him a century ago if Lucifer would ever consider a human lover, godly mother or no, and he'd have laughed! Yet here he is, giving gifts and sneaking whiffs of their adorable new housemate!
Of course, that's causing some commotion because they're pitted against each other, but Asmo finds it kind of cute honestly. 
Beel and Lucifer aren't fighting, not for real. The whole house knows Lucifer would win in a real brawl, but neither of them actually want to hurt the other… They're far too close for that.
So Beel tosses Lucifer around with kid gloves and Lucifer holds back considerably against Beel. It's pretty much just two brothers who love each other squabbling over the same toy… 🤭
Honestly, Lucifer might have bowed out by now and just let Beel have them but now his pride's on the line… thus an endless tussle between family and the sweet MC is in the middle, clueless to it all!
Tragic, is it not? But it certainly makes things more entertaining around here! (Good thing too since Beel beat him to the punch… If it's a fight against those two, he'll have to keep any of his own affairs with the MC under the radar... 😏)
He has claimed this one. Full stop.
For a bit of perspective: when Barbatos needs cooking tips, he calls Hestia. Hestia, the Divine Master of All Things Cooking. Hestia, the goddess who raised this MC… 
Needless to say if they have any magic at all, it's in the kitchen.
If food is the way to Beel's heart, this MC has claimed his heart, soul, and probably all of his vital organs. Their food is astounding!! Always perfect every time and so good it brings him to tears!
It started the night of that first dinner, prepared by MC. He was too busy scarfing down the table to even notice a goddess showed up and then he proposed to the MC with their own pig roast by meal's end!
They said no to marriage, but an instant pact agreement suited him just fine.
Beel didn't waste a single moment before he started treating them like a potential mate, territorial aggression and all, but there was a bit of a catch… He kept the MC totally oblivious to it.
Surprisingly, Beel's can turn the "They're MINE" part of his brain on and off pretty well. He's nothing but sweet and cuddly to the MC when they're around and even with his brothers!... as long as they don't try anything.
The moment he caught whiff that Lucifer might be pursuing them too, it was on. Suddenly the two brothers who almost never fight were in competition against each other! But of course, both have an unspoken rule to never do so in front of MC.
And now poor MC believes it's common for demons to "play wrestle" like puppies and hugs are traditionally supposed to be so hard they could snap spines… 
And it doesn’t look like they'll be backing down any time soon… Oh dear...
You know what? For once, everything goes exactly to plan for Belphie!
No really, this MC has no hidden powers, no magic horses, not even Demon Nip. They are a helpless, trusting little human who just wants to help their big teddy bear get his twin back!
So, you know how it goes. The charm, the lies, the treachery and all of that. He even gets to kill them!! Oh, happy days!! 😁
Come to think of it, they did smell an awful lot like Beel… But who cares, as long as Lucifer suffers right?? And this whole "living together in harmony" crap fails, right?!
Beel went ballistic. Lucifer did too, but Beel was what really hurt…
Belphie can safely say that in all of his life, Beel has never physically attacked him. Not once, or at least, not with intent to kill… 
But when the sixthborn's fist went crashing through the wall right by his ear that day, he knew his brother's first instinct was to aim for his head… and his second was to miss, as he still loved him, but only by just a little.
What the hell did he just do??
Thank their father for Barbatos and all the funky time stuff he can do because bringing the MC "back" snapped his angry brothers right out of it. 
Things should have been smoothed over at that point but as everyone was finally settling down for tea, Hestia made another appearance in the House… this time carrying a butcher's knife!
Time fix or no, Diavolo had promised her no harm would come to MC and at least one continuity of them DIED… so punishment was now on Lucifer and the Demon Prince himself!
Belphie, in a rare case of guilt and an expression of brotherly love, offered to take their place since it WAS kind of all his fault. His gesture softened the Goddess of Family juuust enough to lighten his sentence from execution to hard labor.
And thus, the MC had their own housekeeping assistant for a whole year, complete with bitter reluctance and a matching maid outfit! Cat-theme and all!!
He's sending nightmares to anybody who laughs… guaranteed. 😒
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cantalouupe ¡ 4 years ago
nsfw!!! xiao x f!reader
sub top xiao, very mild petplay, pet names, semi public sex
You know Xiao loves you. He’s a sweetheart despite being a bit aloof or closed off to others and you know he would do anything for you - almost.
When you came to him with a peppy bounce in your step, big grin and hands holding something resembling a animal collar, though, he closes you down immediately.
“Absolutely not.”
“You don’t even know what I was going to do,” you faux pout. “Maybe I was showing you the new accessory I got for my cat.”
Xiao deadpans at you. “You don’t own a cat.”
“Sure I do.”
Your grin grows big again and you show him the collar more closely. An encrusted golden plate that sits at the front of the dark piece of leather reads “xiao” in all capital letters.
He blinks at it, once, and then twice before looking back up at you. “....I’m not wearing that.”
You open the latch that holds each side together and reach out to put it on him anyway. “I got it specially made for you, so you have to wear it.”
Leaning away while pushing your hands down, he murmurs “that’s humiliating. I don’t want to wear it.”
The way his eyes follow the item tells a different story, with a light flush running across his cheeks confirming your suspicions. From past experience you’ve found that he likes the feeling of something - usually your hand - around his neck and thought this would be perfect to have while your hands are busy touching him elsewhere.
“You’ll look so pretty though,” you tell him, keeping the collar in hand while you reach to slide your spare onto the smooth skin of his throat. “Don’t you want to be a good kitty for me?”
He freezes momentarily at that, eyes staring unblinking at you before a shudder rolls down his body. For other people, he may be like a stone statue, emotions never showing through. But for you, he was easy to read like a book.
“Ah, was that a yes?” He doesn’t answer you but his head falls back, neck on display for you. An act of submission.
You squeeze once with the hand that sat on his neck, making his eyes flutter shut momentarily. In that time his eyes were closed, you swapped out your hand with the collar, clicking the clasps closed so it stayed in place.
The collar suits him, you think, a dark leather band that fits snuggly around his neck. Connected to the golden plaque with his name engraved was a similarly golden bell that hung just an inch down.
You poke the bell with your finger and it swishes, jingling. Xiao glares - unthreatening - at you when he hears the sound.
“I wish you could see yourself,” you murmur to him, ghosting your fingers over the metallic name plate.
He’s so quiet like this, already breathless even though you hadn’t really touched him yet. “Do you like it?”
You pull him along to sit at a chair near a round decorative table, sliding onto his lap once he is seated before responding with an affirmative hum. “You look like you need to be taken care of.”
If you grind down you can feel him under you, already hard from getting collared. He’s so easy to rile up, your subtle hip roll making his own stutter back up into yours.
With the constant cool pressure of the leather around his neck you doubt he’ll last long. He already looks gone, his pupils blown out so only a small ring of his iris is visible and his chest rising and falling in little hot pants.
You pull his shirt, all the way up so his chest is exposed. He lets you do it, falling back against the seat when you brush your thumbs on either of his nipples.
They’re so sensitive, too. If you didn’t already have a plan for him you’d probably try to make him come just by playing with them alone.
Once their hard against your fingertips you move on, shuffling back to sit more on the ends of his thighs, where they meet his knees. With space made you’re able to slip your hand below his baggy pants and pull his hardened cock out.
Making your hand into loose circle shape, you let it slide down the length, friction of skin against skin making him twitch in your grasp.
It’s a little dry, so you hold your hand up to his mouth. “Can you spit for me, kitten?”
His mouth is already opened a bit and you’re surprised he isn’t drooling. He lets out a little noise but listens to you, spitting in your hand so you can use it as lubricant.
The slide is wet now, making it easy to do a continuous up, down, up, down movement. It must feel a lot more, because he gets a little louder, a little more into it. He’d be fucking up into your fist if you weren’t sitting on him and you momentarily wish you had sat beside him so you could see him do that.
Despite how good your slicked hand feels around him, he seems nervous about someone catching to two of you in the act, now gripping onto your wrist that moved up down the length of his cock.
It’s night time so you personally aren’t worried about it, as the inn is much less busy - pretty much dead - at night. The only time anyone is up here is to get a glimpse of the view, but even then they chose to go lower down because they know Xiao likes to stay up here, preferably alone.
He’s a little out of it though so it makes it easy to continue without him protesting much, the slick grip around him making it hard for him to say no to you.
When your wet palm circles the head, he releases a shaky sigh and the hand that was tightly wound around your wrist loosens.
He seems to forget about the possibility of onlookers after that, especially when you finally sink down on top of him.
Tight wet hear engulfs his cock, squeezing around it and he has to hold back from coming right then and there. “Oh, god, wait wait wait-“ he struggles, grappling onto your hips to try to stop you.
“You better not, Xiao.” You reply lowly, slipping the rest of the way down so you were seated right in his lap, whole length inside you.
He lets out a sob, cock kicking against your constricting walls. It’s so good, so tight and he wants to come so bad, hanging right over the edge.
“Please, please please please,” you don’t know if he’s begging you to let him come or begging himself to hold it. Either way, you don’t respond, giving him a moment to struggle against the onslaught of pleasure on his own.
You wait for the feeling of being filled but it never comes. With a gleeful pinch to his nipple you start moving, a slow gyration of your hips that makes Xiao’s thoughts turn syrupy.
The both of you stay like that for a while, with you leading a smooth roll of your hips while Xiao stifles sobs of pleasure into little desperate whimpers.
“Will kitty hold back for me?” You request once you feel as though you’ve given him some time to adjust to the feel of your cunt around him and he nods tearfully.
He’s so good, you think as you raise yourself a little, so the head of his cock is just pushing inside your entrance. “Go ahead then,” and you don’t have to tell him twice for his hips to start thrusting up into you, chasing the soaking heat.
Your thighs burn a little from holding yourself up at an angle but it’s worth it to see him so needy. The bell on his collar jingles with the effort to fuck upwards and it seems to spur him to keep going. You realize quite quickly that he won’t last much longer.
You let him do his thing, but lean in, resting your hands on his shoulders for balance while you lean in towards his ear. “You know, you’re so good for me like this, kitty.”
The rhythm he has stutters and he moans an “oh fuck, oh fuck” while trying to regain it. You latch your lips on a spot right above the edge of the collar, sucking a mark - a claim - into his skin.
It must be too much for him, the poor thing moaning loud and bucking his hips harder into yours.
“Next time,” you murmur against his neck, “I should get you a leash. Then you’ll really be like my little pet.”
He comes and god it’s a sight to behold. His eyes squeeze shut and his mouth parts and his back arches, so hard it looks a little painful. You seat yourself down so his come fills inside of you instead of spilling out onto himself.
Hair falls in his face when he slumps forward as he’s coming down and you push it back, petting him in a comforting manner.
“Good kitty.” His hips jump and he whines, overstimulated by your words and your cunt still wrapped around him.
You go to unclip the material around his neck but he immediately stops you, mumbling that he wants to keep it on for now.
The next time you see him he’s wearing the collar, along with the time after that. He doesn’t seem to want to take it off and you’re not sure if it’s because he likes the pressure around his throat or if he likes feeling owned but either way it makes you hot inside and almost always results in his moans and the jingle of a bell filling the quiet night.
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